Seasons magazine- winter 2023

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Seasons is brought to you by Elders /EldersLimited @EldersLimited @Elders_Limited @EldersRuralServices /EldersLimited page 04 Growers brace for disease with extra fungicide options 4 Tailoring the tank-mix for hard to control target weeds 6 Trials show versatile new broadleaf herbicide a strong rotation option 9 Crop yields increase with new fungicide option 11 New Eyre Peninsula trial site set to be sown in May 13 From pre-emergent to pre-harvest, year-round weed control is crucial 14 SIMODIS® insecticide launch welcomed for management of problem pests 17 A new line of defence for cucurbits and fruiting veg 20 Early look at new fungicide options at VicVID 22 Elders and Harvest Eye™ bringing greater efficiency and yields to Australian root crop growers 25 Enhance, at the forefront of spray adjuvant technology 27 Label updates add further value to Transform® WG insecticide. 28 The Responsible Choice For Rodent Control 31 The Target Repro Program is making waves around the country for improvements in ewe and lamb health 33 Where do flies go at this time of year? 34 Albury store sale set to support mental health organisation 37 Animal Performance Accelerates 38 Want to get a ‘reel’ advantage with your fence operations? 41 2 elders
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With most of the winter crop now in the ground and temperatures dipping around the country, we are at the watchand-see part of the annual cropping cycle. Which is not to say there is nothing to do; mice are emerging, and warmer temperatures throughout Autumn have provided ideal conditions for pests to hatch. Staying vigilant will reduce impact to what is expected to be a record crop this year.

The three-month outlook from May to July indicates the chance of exceeding median rainfall is between 20 to 30 per cent (pc) across almost all regions of Australia, after favourable rainfall in April. Above average rainfall in April was experienced in key cropping regions such as the Wimmera-Mallee, Riverina, Eyre Peninsula and the central and south regions of Western Australia.

Grain prices have softened on the back of favourable northern hemisphere weather conditions and the market will require some significant news to push values the other way. Despite this there remains good appetite to purchase grain that buyers can make work. Right grade, in the right location and growers are a good chance of getting their grain sold. With the right inputs and management, growers are on-track to harvest an exceptional winter crop this year. Elders are here to support every step of the way. Regards,

WINTER 2023 CEO Foreword
Waratah Flex Rail Electric: a better way to fence! 42 Ecotain® environmental plantain helps boost lambing percentages 45 The benefits of forage brassicas 46 Malt segregations planned for Alestar barley in South Australia 49 Money in mineral boost for cattle 51 Cyclone Troughs – The better performing trough 52 Engineered Here: How Australian farming shaped the Plasson Range 55 3
page 35


High crop disease pressure in various agriculture regions last year has many growers on high alert this cropping season.

Fortunately though, when it comes to cereal and canola crops, they can now rely on some extra fungicide options in their arsenal against disease and, importantly, these come with added flexibility and improved crop safety.

Maxentis® EC and Proviso® fungicides from ADAMA Australia, which can be used in canola, wheat, barley and oat crops, now offer more options for controlling disease and managing disease resistance, flexible application timing and better crop safety when mixed with other protection and input products.

Maxentis is a unique co-formulation of prothioconazole and azoxystrobin, providing improved disease control spectrum, efficacy and resistance management in cereals and canola, as well as an important rotation option following commonly used in-furrow and seed treatment fungicides.

Rapidly absorbed by leaves, Maxentis controls key diseases including seedling and upper canopy blackleg and sclerotinia in canola, as well as rusts, powdery mildew, septoria, yellow leaf spot, net blotches, scald and ramularia in cereals, while it also features Australia’s first registered claim for control of physiological leaf spot (PLS) in barley.

Proviso is a novel prothioconazole fungicide featuring ADAMA’s unique Asorbital™ technology, which enables enhanced uptake and systemic activity for improved efficacy, compatibility and crop safety.

It can be used in tank mixes with a range of other crop protection and nutrition products to improve control of a broader range of diseases in canola and cereals, including fusarium head blight in wheat, and to assist disease management. Proviso is cost-effective and can be ideally applied as the first foliar application following the use of Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitor (SDHI) or strobilurin-based fungicides on seed or in-furrow.

In Victoria last year, a green bridge supporting crop disease over summer, the emergence of another two, virulent stripe rust pathotypes and the prevailing wet conditions presented big challenges for numerous growers. However, a move to multiple crop disease sprays including these recently released fungicides helped to keep crops clean.

At Maroona in Victoria’s south west region, the Conboy family has typically encountered rust and septoria in their wheat crops and this was enhanced with the wet conditions and additional rust strains last season.

Archie Conboy said they had also noticed a decline in effectiveness of some existing fungicides in recent years and this led to the decision to apply Maxentis in their Bennett wheat last year.

“In this south west district, we are always looking to rotate chemistry so diseases don’t develop immunity and Maxentis allowed us to introduce another chemical into the mix and extend our disease protection,’’ Archie said.

“Due to the wet conditions, we had to apply it by plane and it was really effective and showed no effects on the crop.

“After the application, we didn’t see much rust or septoria, so we were really happy. In comparison to other fungicides we have used in previous years, Maxentis provided really good length of control of the diseases, which is something we are looking for here.

“We are definitely looking forward to including it in our cropping program –it just adds another string to the bow,’’ he said.

This article was written by Elders supplier ADAMA for Seasons magazine.

For more information visit your local Elders branch.

4 elders Crop Protection
Archie Conboy, who farms with his family at Maroona in South West Victoria, says compared with other existing fungicides, the application of Maxentis in their Bennett wheat crop last season provided excellent length of disease control, which is something they are looking for in the region.


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Two of the keys to slowing the development of herbicide resistance are reducing escapes and avoiding unnecessary chemical use.

Ideally, everyone should aim to target specific weeds with the most effective modes of action efficiently applied – in rotation, of course – at the lowest label rate that will achieve excellent control.

Group 27 chemistry is commonly included in many post-emergence spray programs in cereal crops, but usually as part of a co-formulation that includes either MCPA (e.g. Precept*) or bromoxynil (e.g. Velocity* and Talinor*). Obviously those co-formulations lock in a fixed ratio between the Group 27 active and its partner chemical – one that may not be the most effective blend to control particular weeds in specific scenarios.

Frequency® from BASF offers growers a more flexible alternative that can be tailored for optimum control of whichever weeds emerge. Frequency has a unique Group 27 HPPD inhibitor active – topramezone – that can be tank-mixed with either LVE MCPA or bromoxynil at appropriate rates.

As a next-generation HPPD inhibitor, topramezone has the same mode of action as the older products but works far more efficiently. Whereas Frequency’s single approved application rate –200mL per hectare (ha) – delivers just 12g per ha of topramezone, Velocity’s highest label rate – 1 L per ha – delivers over three times as much pyrasulfotole (37.5 g per ha). The added advantage is that Frequency’s tank-mix partners can be used at their lowest effective label rates for the applicable weed stages

and species to make sure there is no superfluous chemical use.

“This is a relatively low-key innovation compared to some of the more groundbreaking products like Luximax® and Voraxor® that we’ve introduced in the last few seasons,” says Roger States, BASF’s Cereal Portfolio Manager.

“But Frequency will help growers manage both weed control and the threat of herbicide resistance very efficiently and cost-effectively.

“Trial work has shown that Frequency, with the right tank-mix partner, provides excellent control of hard to manage broadleaf weeds like fleabane, sowthistle, buckwheat, wireweed, wild radish, bifora and capeweed. The same work has also shown the value of that ability to tailor the tank-mix to the target

6 elders Crop Protection

weed species. If bifora is a major issue, you’d definitely want to add bromoxynil rather than MCPA. But if fumitory is the main problem weed, you’d have to go the other way and use MCPA. Capeweed and wild radish are also more susceptible to the Frequency and bromoxynil tank-mix.”

As well as the opportunity to switch mix partners, Roger says growers will appreciate being able to adjust the rates to suit the weed control challenge.

“Frequency is registered for most weeds up to the 6-leaf stage. If you’re spraying weeds that are up around that 4 to 6-leaf mark or from the really hard to manage species, you can ‘dial up’ the bromoxynil or MCPA rate to get the best result. We can provide growers and advisers with detailed advice about the preferred mixes and rates for a whole range of weed infestations. Within those general parameters of course they’ll soon find out exactly what works best for each weed challenge in their particular paddocks.”

The primary benefit of Frequency’s flexibility when it comes to managing resistance is that all the tank-mixes growers apply can be tailored to work with maximum efficiency. There should be less active ingredient applied to smaller weeds and the more potent mixes applied to larger weeds will limit the possibility of escapes.

A further benefit is that a full dose of both Frequency and the mix partner can be applied to weeds with a high resistance risk, applying WeedSmart principles to maximum effect.

Like the other Group 27 herbicides, Frequency will mainly be used against broadleaf weeds. However it has a surprising ‘bonus’ registration for suppression of Avena sterilis seedset in northern New South Wales and Queensland.

“Many growers in the south and west may not realise that there’s a second species of wild oats in Australia,” Roger says.

“Avena fatua is the dominant species in most areas, but Avena sterilis is much more common in northern cropping regions. Frequency’s activity on it is one of those quirks – like Voraxor’s additive impact on annual ryegrass – which remind us that even within the same chemical group every herbicide can have some surprising characteristics that set it apart.”

To purchase Frequency herbicide, get in touch with your local Elders branch.

Crop Protection

Powerful, broad-spectrum disease control.

Group 3

Group 7 Fungicide

Two active ingredients control a wide range of diseases in wheat and barley including:

• Wheat: Septoria tritici, septoria nodorum, powdery mildew and stripe rust

• Barley: Net form and spot form net blotch

Convenient adjuvanted formulation provides:

• Excellent spreading and leaf/plant coverage

• Rapid uptake into the plant

Also registered for use in canola and selected pulse crops.


Bixafen Adjuvant Package Rainfast in under an hour in most conditions Now available in 1,000 L, 110 L, and 10 L packs. Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd ABN 87 000 226 022 Level 1, 8 Redfern Road, Hawthorn East, Vic 3123. Technical Enquiries: 1800 804 479 Aviator ® and Xpro® are Registered Trademarks of the Bayer Group. © 2023 Bayer Group. BAY0670
your local Bayer representative for more


‘Mix and rotate’ has become a grain industry mantra to help achieve maximum efficacy as well as maintain effective use of crop protection products.

Growers are set to welcome another important tool for their broadleaf weed control programs this season that will do just that.

Infinity® Ultra, from Bayer, comprises a complementary co-formulation of Groups 27 and 12 (formerly Groups H and F) herbicides, pyrasulfotole and diflufenican, and is expected to be registered in time for post-emergent applications in cereal crops to help control a range of key broadleaf weeds.

Extensive trials have shown Infinity Ultra is highly competitive compared with some existing standards and its versatile use as a tank-mix partner, together with low application rates, will allow growers to target hard-to-control weeds in wheat, barley, oats and triticale, as well as on fallows.

Large-scale grower trials complemented an ongoing program of replicated smallplot trials with the new herbicide across all grain growing regions last year and reinforced its excellent capacity to perform a versatile, valuable role in cropping areas around the country.

East of Ballidu in the central wheatbelt of Western Australia, mixed farmer Ross Lane hosted an Infinity Ultra trial over 28 hectares (ha) of a 130 ha wheat crop on the family’s ‘Mallee Vale’ property, mainly targeting wild radish.

Wheat comprises 50 per cent of the Lane’s cropping program and Ross said wild radish has been an ongoing issue for the family.

“We fight it with every tool that we can, including chemical rotation and mechanically. We have to throw everything at it to contain it,’’ Ross said. He said the tightness of their cropping rotation had been a challenge, although they were able to expand this with livestock and adding pasture seeds to the program.

“All these things help, but every new chemical we can lay our hands on, we also want to put into the system to get more mileage out of older chemistry.

“If we can bring another chemical or combination of chemicals into the mix, then we are going to do it because it will help prolong the effectiveness of those chemicals we already have in the system.’’

This triggered the interest in Infinity Ultra and coordinating a trial on the property.

Ross said the new herbicide offered the advantage of a dual mode of action including Group 27 (H) chemistry, which generally was not used widely as a stand-alone herbicide, plus the benefit of some residual control.

In the large-scale trial in their wheat, Infinity Ultra was applied with Hasten® at 1 per cent v/v and 80 L/ha of water.

“It went on under ideal conditions. The crop was actively growing and so were the weeds – they were doing real well,’’ Ross said.

A tarp was used in the trial to create an untreated area for comparison and the Lanes were impressed with the weed control provided by Infinity Ultra.

“There were plenty of broadleaf weeds where the tarp was and we couldn’t find one in the rest of the paddock, so we were pretty happy with the result,’’ Ross said.

Infinity Ultra also did not pose any handling issues or adverse effects for the crop.

“The crop was soft when it went on and it was soft on the crop, so we will use it with confidence,’’ Ross said.

“If we can spread our chemical groups further, it’s a big plus for our weed control longevity. It gets the thumbs up.’’

This article was written by Elders supplier Bayer Crop Science for Seasons magazine.

Disclaimer: an application for the registration of Infinity Ultra has been made. At the time of publication, Infinity Ultra is not a registered product.

Ross Lane and Bayer Market Development Agronomist – WA North, Matt Willis, pictured in a large-scale trial on the Lane’s ‘Mallee Vale’ property east of Ballidu in WA last year inspecting the strong broadleaf weed control in wheat provided by the new post-emergent herbicide, Infinity Ultra, which is expected to be available this season. Only grass weeds remained in the crop inter-rows.
9 Crop Protection
A small untreated area (above) in the large-scale trial of the new post-emergent broadleaf herbicide, Infinity Ultra, on the Lane family’s ‘Mallee Vale’ property east of Ballidu in WA last year highlighted the excellent control (below) provided by the herbicide, which is expected to be available this season. A number of broadleaf weeds were present in the untreated area, including flowering wild radish.

MIRAVIS ® Star. The stellar broad-spectrum fungicide solution for canola and pulses.

• Best in class, extended residual activity, ideal for late season disease control, powered by MIRAVIS ®

• Delivering a new mode of action fungicide to support resistance management strategies

• Excellent crop safety, rate fl exibility and compatibility for convenient tank mixing and one pass ground or aerial application. Protect your crop and choose the most robust protection available against foliar diseases, MIRAVIS ® Star.

For further information talk to your local Syngenta representative or visit

® ® Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. © 2023 Syngenta. AD21-243


A recommendation to utilise Miravis® Star fungicide on faba beans, instead of older fungicides, has seen a reduction in disease severity and helped achieve higher yields at Rand in southern New South Wales.

In what was a wetter-than-average season, Elders Agronomist Chris Toohey said the grower had planted faba beans for a host of reasons, and to get away from a wheat and canola rotation. Namely, to improve his integrated weed and disease management strategies, while increasing yields through the use of grain legumes.

Large rainfall events meant the 2022 growing season resulted in conditions conducive to disease in all crops, including faba beans which were certainly hit hard in surrounding areas.

“The rainfall meant the disease environment and pressure was extremely high, so we looked at a product that provided longer season protection,” Mr Toohey said.

“The older chemistry doesn’t come close to the new SDHI chemistry in terms of the protection period.”

To look at the differences, the grower put two different programs side-by-side in the same paddock.

One program received four fungicide applications with a combination of industry standards including Mancozeb and Carbendazim mix strategies, while the other program comprised just two applications of Miravis® Star fungicide from Syngenta.

Harvest revealed some big differences between these treatments, in between parts of the paddock which were impacted by heavy rainfall and flooding.

Mr Toohey said the MIRAVIS® Star fungicide sprayed area averaged 4.5

to 5 tonne per hectare (ha) (outside of the waterlogged areas) while the better areas of the standard fungicide program yielded only 3 tonne per ha. Based on a conservative $350 per t for faba beans in 2022, the extra 1.5 to 2 t per ha was worth an extra $525 to $700 per hectare.

“Miravis® Star is a premium product but gives premium results, the gross margin in the Miravis® Star treated area was significantly better.”

During the season Mr Toohey said there was a distinct line between the two treatments, with the Miravis® Star fungicide treated area showing up as taller and greener.

The initial Miravis® Star fungicide application was made at canopy closure and the second application at midflowering.

“It kept disease at bay from flowering through pod-fill and to harvest,” Mr Toohey said.

“Due to the season the grower was unable to apply the chemistry with their ground rig, so all fungicides were put on by air.”

MIRAVIS® Star fungicide remains an excellent option for application by ground rig, however Mr Toohey said the ability to apply the fungicide aerially should be weighed up by growers outside of wet periods when trafficability or compaction are front of mind. When ground rig applications in his district generally cost $12 per ha, versus $18 per ha for aerial application, Mr Toohey said he could see a strong case for making two applications of MIRAVIS® Star fungicide aerially, versus four applications or lesser fungicides, while achieving superior results.

*Indicative cost of ground rig application (less chemical prices) in the Riverina, NSW. **Indicative cost of aerial

application (less chemical prices) in the Riverina, NSW. Figures are a guide only, please consult contractors in your region for prices relevant to your geography and needs.

Table 1: By using Miravis® Star fungicide, Mr Toohey said a grower could save about $36 per ha in application costs (less the price of fungicide) if choosing aerial application over grower-standard, ground-applied program.

“Two applications with a plane versus four applications with a ground rig is certainly a cheaper option,” he said.

“That’s without considering the differences in disease control between a standard program and MIRAVIS® Star.”

In the Riverina, Mr Toohey said Botrytis (chocolate spot) and Ascochyta blight are common diseases of concern for many pulse crop growers. He said the residual activity of Miravis® Star provided peace of mind in various pulse crops as well as canola when it came to key diseases.

“We were after that longevity with the product, and it worked really well. The grower was keen to look at the new chemistry as a side-by-side.”

“I really enjoy the aspect of showing new product benefits with growers’ side-by-side to older ones, it’s great to show growers in large scale on their own property.”

MIRAVIS® Star is a Group 7 and 12 fungicide for the control of diseases in canola, chickpeas, lentils, faba beans and other pulse crops. In faba beans it is registered for Cercospora Leaf Spot (Cercospora zonata).

The broad-spectrum disease control and extended residual activity made MIRAVIS® Star the ideal option on the Rand property.

“When you get this sort of value and extra yield, the results speak for themselves,” Mr Toohey said. This article was written by Elders supplier ®Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.

Contract application costs – aerial versus ground rig Grower standard four-spray Three-spray SDHI rotation Two-spray SDHI Ground-rig $12/ha* $48/ha $36/ha $24/ha Aerial application $18/ha** $72/ha $54/ha $36/ha 11 Crop Protection


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A new broadacre trial site is set to be established by Elders, focussing on agronomic issues faced by growers on the Eyre Peninsula and beyond.

The site will be situated within the district of Lock, located in the heart of the Eyre Peninsula. The region receives an average annual rainfall of 380 mm and boasts a sandy loam soil type.

The Lock site will investigate medic and tare control in herbicide tolerant lentils, pre and post emergent ryegrass control measures in wheat, controlling herbicide tolerant canola within the rotation, and will also consider Nitrogen and trace element strategies.

Elders SA Technical Services Manager Lyndon May explained that the Lock site will also have a focus on the emerging ag tech sector.

“This is an exciting opportunity to showcase ag tech to our clients at this site,” he said.

“We plan to install a weather station, and there are plans to bring in drones and other ag tech for different imaging to give more insight.

“For example, a weather station will help gather analytics which can correlate with any disease that may arise such as rust.”

Elders Cummins Agronomist Jonno Forrest has been heavily involved alongside Lyndon in the planning phases of the site, and will be one of the site’s leading agronomists. Jonno explained that it is a great benefit that farmers will be able to access local research.

“We will be looking at providing novel solutions for serious issues that grain growers in the region are faced with,” he said.

“There will be multiple days throughout the season where growers and advisors within the Elders network will be invited to come along and see the trials at the different crop growth stages.

“By attending, you are likely to learn valuable information that can be used within your business to help combat agronomic issues that threaten yield potential.”

Elders Eyre Peninsula Area Manager David Fleming reiterated the benefits of the site for the local farming community.

“We are pleased that we can help contribute to ongoing improvement in farming systems and give our customers exposure to opportunities.

“Our clients will be able to see firsthand how plants react to applications of different herbicides and potentially new seed varieties. The trial site is based in a dryland cropping area which can be related to many different areas across the Eyre Peninsula.”

Dates for the trial site open days have not yet been set, but interested growers are encouraged to get in touch with their local branch for more information.

13 Crop Protection


Nufarm’s Crucial has quickly established itself as a leader in the pre-emergent knockdown market. With excellent compatibility and a triple-salt formulation, it delivers simple, effective control for growers without the need for additional surfactants or complex tank mixes.

The results speak for themselves, according to Chris Toohey, Senior Agronomist at Elders Albury.

“The difference in Crucial’s formulation really shows in its knockdown performance,” Chris said.

“Its combination of glyphosate salts and a quality surfactant package gives you a really quick result on weeds.”

Crucial also offers greater flexibility and a shorter spray-to-sow period than other high-load glyphosate products on the market.

“We use a superior formulation for pre-sowing and it’s fantastic with the short time-to-sow period. It makes a big difference being able to apply it with a number of pre-emergent herbicides and have the air-seeder following shortly after the spray application,” said Chris.

“It’s a valuable product based on its short rain-fast period as well. It lets us finish tank applications and prepare paddocks even when we have continuous rain fronts occurring.”


Beyond its exceptional knockdown performance, Crucial is setting itself apart with an added advantage –versatility. As the most widely registered glyphosate on the market, it can be used year-round, from summer to preemergent knockdown, to post-emergent and pre-harvest.

Canola growers in particular can expect to simplify and streamline their glyphosate programs with Crucial. Crucial is registered for key glyphosatetolerant canola varieties – Roundup Ready, Optimum GLY and TruFlex – so it delivers fast, effective control all the way from pre-emergent to pre-harvest, with no need to switch.

“We use it pre-harvest for canola, barley and wheat and it does exactly what we need it to. Crucial has proved to be an excellent all-rounder – that’s one thing that stands out about it,” said Chris.

“On top of that, we use it before a hay or silage cut, and on a range of pulse crops pre-harvest as well. It’s a very handy product to have.”


The benefits for growers are clear. Crucial is a big step forward from complex programs and the need to switch between different formulations and glyphosates throughout the year. With fast control and greater flexibility than typical high-load glyphosates, it offers the best of both worlds.

“When it comes down to it, Crucial just makes life easier for growers,” said Chris.

“Being a higher-loaded glyphosate, it’s a great product logistically. Transporting less product around means less packaging, less volume to handle and less application of product, and we don’t have as many drums sitting in the shed. The fact that it’s registered for multiple uses means we have less wastage to worry about as well – if there’s any left over, we know we’re going to use it later in the year. There’s a lot of value in that.”

“Crucial is definitely a product I’ll be recommending to growers in future “The wide registration package is especially important to me as an agronomist. It shows the work that’s been invested in thorough research and development for the product, and that’s essential for everything I recommend.

“It’s important that we’re supporting companies like Nufarm who are making that investment.”

This article was written by Elders supplier Nufarm for Seasons magazine.

14 elders Crop Protection


Versatility meets unrivalled performance. With the widest range of registrations of any herbicide, make Nufarm CRUCIAL your only choice for over-the-top post-emergent use periods in canola.

Help protect your canola crop with the most efficient gram for gram formulation. Registered for over-the-top (OTT) use on Glyphosate tolerant canola with pre-harvest registrations, Nufarm CRUCIAL is tailor-made for Australian conditions. Plus, with registrations for Optimum Gly®, Truflex® and Roundup Ready® canola varieties, CRUCIAL weed control, is just a spray away.

For more information, contact your local Nufarm Business Development Manager


SIMODIS. ® So much more.

Growers are excited because it’s a novel mode of action (Group 30), but SIMODIS ® insecticide is so much more than that. It is a breakthrough that will let you plan ahead with confidence.

It is a powerful formulation specifically crafted to target key pests that hit your bottom line. It is a potent, novel insecticide with a wide label for hard-to-control pests across a range of horticultural crops, helping prevent insect damage quickly. It is strong, residual protection for growers seeking sustained solutions and robust efficacy.

It is SIMODIS ®. And it is so much more. For further information talk to your local Syngenta representative or visit

elders ® Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. © 2022 Syngenta. AD22-208.


Diamondback moth and cabbage white butterfly are just two hard-to-control insect pests for vegetable growers, with the recent arrival of SIMODIS® insecticide having been muchanticipated.

SIMODIS® insecticide, with PLINAZOLIN® technology, marks the next evolution in insecticide technology for protecting plant health. Some have described it as the most significant launch since Group 28s arrived a decade ago, with this novel mode of action being the first Group 30 registered in key vegetable crops.

Syngenta demonstrated SIMODIS® insecticide on brassica crops at the Elders sponsored Victorian Vegetable Innovation Days (VicVID) in April. This was in effect the southern launch of SIMODS® insecticide, following the grand unveiling at Syngenta GrowMore in November? 2022. The Lockyer Valley event included treatments on fruiting vegetables (tomatoes) and cucurbits (rockmelon), as well as brassicas (cauliflower) and spring onions.

Elders Pakenham Agronomist Connor Steel worked closely with Butler Market Gardens , this year’s hosts for VicVID, liaising with industry and the various seed and crop protection companies in establishing the Catani site.

Elders Pakenham Horticulture Agronomist Connor Steel
17 Crop Protection
Image top: Syngenta Territory Sales Manager Lisa Dillon was part of the Syngenta team at VicVID23, for the Southern launch of SIMODIS®.

Mr Steel said SIMODIS® insecticide had proven to be an impressive product from an efficacy and a residual perspective. He felt comfortable that growers understood that scouting for insect pests and beneficial species was vital to make the most of the product and its numerous strengths.

“My growers who have used it have been really impressed with it and the length of control, [while] understanding it’s not systemic,” he said. “Not only does it have the residual activity, the range of pests it has been able to control has been really good too... it’s found a massive fit already, and I can see it having a large summer ahead.”

Mr Steel said the benefit of an event of this breadth was giving growers access to all things new in horticulture, relevant to their patch, from seed varieties to insecticides, fungicides and more.

“Visitors to the site were able to see what a Syngenta spray program looks like, and the level of control, not only with pests, but diseases too, from white blister control to downy mildew control. It's also the products from other suppliers, as well with bio stimulants and different seed varieties, which was really good because it doesn't happen very often,” Mr Steel said

Also in attendance was Syngenta Technical Services Lead Len Ibbotson. Mr Ibbotson said SIMODIS® insecticide offers reliable, robust and extended residual efficacy in key horticultural crops, helping growers tackle resistant and traditionally hard-to-control pests with the novel Group 30 insecticide.

“As Platinum sponsors of VicVID23 we were pleased to see so many people make the most of this opportunity to connect with the industry and see the benefits of SIMODIS® insecticide on brassicas here and MIRAVIS® Prime fungicide on leafy vegetables,” he said.

“For the 2023 event, we chose to demonstrate MIRAVIS® Prime on leafy vegetables and SIMODIS® on brassicas, as part of commercial spray programs, adjusting timings and product choices in response to seasonal growing conditions and included untreated control plots for comparison.

“The MIRAVIS® Prime program, applied to lettuce and leafy vegetable crops, displayed excellent control of Sclerotinia, even under conditions of considerable disease pressure in a high-density planting of baby-leaf lettuce.

“Similarly, SIMODIS® performed well protecting three different brassica varieties from the Lepidoptera chewing damage observed in the neighbouring untreated control plots”.


Resistance has been reducing the efficacy of some well-known chemistries in a growing number of horticultural areas.

In Gatton, Queensland in 2018, SIMODIS® insecticide (plus AGRAL® spray adjuvant) was compared to industry standards for the control of diamondback moth (DBM) in a cauliflower crop.

Seven days after the application (7 DAA), all insecticides effectively controlled the DBM population (Figure 1). At 14 DAA, SIMODIS® insecticide recorded significantly better DBM control than Success* Neo (Group 5), Coragen* (Group 28) and PROCLAIM® Opti (Group 6). The residual activity of SIMODIS® insecticide was evident at this application timing when the vegetative growth had slowed. By 20 DAA, larvae and pupae numbers increased nearly threefold in the untreated control suggesting a recent egg lay had occurred. SIMODIS® insecticide was the only treatment that continued to control the DBM population at 20 DAA.

Key registrations include diamondback moth, two-spotted mite and western flower thrips.

Figure 1. Mean number of diamondback moth larvae and pupae per cauliflower plant following a single insecticide application when the harvestable cauliflower was at 60% head diameter (BBCH 46), numbers were assessed 7 days after application (DAA). Gatton, Queensland (2018). Means followed by the same letter at the same assessment time are not significantly different.
18 elders Crop Protection


In Bowen, Queensland in 2019 SIMODIS® insecticide (plus AGRAL® spray adjuvant) was applied on a cucumber crops and compared to industry standards for control of two-spotted mites (TSM).

In the untreated control, the TSM continued to increase throughout the trial, with more than 60 motiles per 20 mm leaf disk recorded 22 days after application (Figure 2). SIMODIS® insecticide effectively reduced the density of eggs, nymphs and adult mites to very low levels. SIMODIS® insecticide continued to record strong residual activity out to 22 DAA. As a contact insecticide, residual activity of SIMODIS® insecticide will be influenced by crop growth stage and spray coverage.

Figure 2. Mean number of motile two-spotted mites (TSM) per 20 mm cucumber leaf disk plant following a single insecticide application, with treatments applied 5 weeks after transplanting. Numbers were assessed 7, 14 and 22 days after application (DAA). Bowen, Queensland (2019). Means followed by the same letter at the same assessment time are not significantly different


Chris Manning, Syngenta ANZ Leafy Veg Portfolio Manager said the Catani trial site was also a fantastic opportunity for growers to discover what’s new in our industry, with vegetable seed varieties being demonstrated.

“Fairbanks Seeds, Syngenta’s distribution partner for all leafy veg and brassica seed, did a fantastic job showcasing our latest innovations,” he said.

“The field day was a huge success. We had quite a few people come through from New Zealand, Australia and our invited guests Yohan Barrier & Leszek Klimczak, Regional EAME and APAC portfolio managers on site as well

“Having our regional portfolio managers at the field days with their experience was invaluable! They could readily share the breeding history and talk to our pipeline with so much experience and offer solutions within our existing portfolio to suit our growers.”

To discuss your vegetable crop needs, speak to your local Elders store.

®Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.

19 Crop Protection


After proving its value in almond, apple and macadamia orchards and vineyards, Belanty® Fungicide from BASF is now also registered for use in cucurbits and fruiting vegetables.

New chemistry is always good news because extending the rotation helps so much with resistance management, and Belanty sets to help growers tackle some even more pressing needs too.

In particular, trials show that Belanty helps melon growers reduce the damage being done in many areas by gummy stem blight.

“Gummy stem blight has become a big issue in cucurbits all over the country,” says BASF Horticulture Technical Specialist Mark Dicks.

“Especially in rock melons and watermelons. Belanty has looked very promising in trials. We think growers who use it strategically are going to be impressed.”

Belanty is also newly registered to control powdery mildew in cucurbits and both target spot and powdery mildew in fruiting vegetables. All the registrations apply to both field and protected crops.

Mark says BASF are simply encouraging growers of all its registered crops to give Belanty a try and see for themselves what it can do. He cites its rapid acceptance in apple orchards as a good example of growers relying on first-hand experience in their own crops.

“Belanty’s registered for both black spot and powdery mildew in apples. Once growers saw Belanty in action on the crop it really took off and it’s been a big success ever since.”

Using Belanty doesn’t require much adjustment even though it's a significant step forward. The new fungicide belongs to a very well established class of chemistry: the Group 3 demethylation inhibitors or DMIs. Belanty can be used instead of any other Group 3 product at any stage from establishment to harvest as long as it is not applied more than twice consecutively and three times in total on any one crop.

Fruit and vegetable growers have been relying on DMIs for years, but some of the older compounds are no longer working as well as they used to. They have been used so extensively that disease pathogens have mutated and become less susceptible to them.

Belanty is a next-generation DMI that can restore the previous very high levels of control.

While Belanty shares the same basic mode of action as other DMIs, it is not just another triazole. It has a unique hybrid ‘isopropanol-azole’ molecule with a triazole ‘head’ sitting at the end of a slim, flexible isopropanol ‘neck’. The isopranol component folds to fit into the binding pocket of different strains of the black spot pathogen. That gamechanging flexibility allows the molecule to bind much more strongly to target enzymes than other DMIs.

Trials have shown that Belanty remains very effective against mutated pathogens which conventional triazoles cannot control.

“The whole Belanty package is very user-friendly and advantageous,” Mark says. “The plant uptake is fast and it also provides lasting residual control. As well as its superiority over other DMIs for resistance management, it has a better residue profile and very short withholding periods.”

20 elders Crop Protection
This article was written by Elders supplier BASF for Seasons magazine.


Whether you are looking for innovation, aim to develop and extend your business, need to understand the latest market forecasts, or want to improve your productivity, the Elders Smart Farmer program can help increase the potential of your farming operation.

To learn more visit or contact your local branch.

smart farmer


Growers attending the Victorian Vegetable Field Days (VicVID) at Catani, south-west of Melbourne were able to inspect new fungicide options prior to commercial release.

Corteva Agriscience showcased three new fungicides, Verpixo® Adavelt® Active fungicide, Zorvec® Enibel® and Zorvec® Encantia® fungicides which are shortly due for release.

Corteva Horticulture Marketing Manager, Nick Koch, said there was much interest in the new Verpixo® Adavelt® Active fungicide at the field days.

“Verpixo® is a new Mode of Action (MoA) fungicide to control multiple ascomycete pathogens that are particularly challenging for growers in Australia and throughout the world,” he said.

“It will be useful across a wide range of crops and diseases.”

The diseases controlled by Verpixo include Grey mould (Botrytis) and Powdery mildew in berries, Grey mould (Botrytis) and Powdery mildew in grapes, Powdery mildew and Target spot in fruiting vegetables, Yellow Sigatoka in banana, Gummy stem blight and Powdery mildew in cucurbits and Powdery mildew, anthracnose and sclerotinia rot in leafy vegetables.

“There is no cross resistance from Verpixo® Adavelt® Active with other fungicides used for ascomycete pathogens so this will suit many horticultural programs and allow growers to think strategically about resistance management,” Mr Koch said.

“In many cases existing chemistries are under threat of resistance so the opportunity of having a robust alternative is very positive.”

Verpixo’s mode of action, along with its short harvest withholding periods and low toxicity, gives growers the flexibility to successfully manage diseases in crop strategically throughout the year.

Its outstanding performance in early trials led Corteva to consider it on a wide range of crop types and diseases. In Australia it will be available on many horticultural options.

Growers at the VicVID field days were also able to inspect the next incarnations of Zorvec fungicide.

Mr Koch said the two new Zorvec products were the next evolution from the highly successful Zorvec® Enicade® fungicide which had been on the Australian market for several seasons.

“Zorvec® is a Group 49 unique single site mode of action product with strong activity on Downy mildew. It is, however, a chemistry that could easily develop resistance without careful resistance management stewardship.

“To assist with resistance management, Zorvec® Enibel® will contain the current active ingredient oxathiapiprolin in a mix with mancozeb.”

“As well as the advantage for resistance management, this new product has an improved spectrum of diseases (oomycete plus ascomycetes and basidiomycetes) and will be available in an easy-to-use WG formulation.

Mr. Koch said Zorvec® Enibel® is easy to mix and measure, is low dust, disperses and suspends well in solution and has rain-shield technology for improved rain fastness.

It will be available on onions, cucurbits, brassicas and poppies.

Zorvec® Encantia® fungicide was the other new formulation showcased and will be available for leafy vegetables and brassica leafy vegetable growers.

It will be a mix of the current Zorvec® active (oxathiapiprolin) and famoxadone in a single product designed to have

multiple effects on the life cycles of downy mildew.

“The combination will provide good resistance management options but also have increased disease spectrum in a single product,” Mr Koch said.

“It will also have excellent rain fastness, easy-to-use formulation and outstanding field efficacy.”

He said the VicVID field days were an ideal opportunity for growers, consultants and agronomists to look at the new products coming through the Corteva R&D pipeline and understand how to adapt new technology in their individual enterprises.

“These new products have been well researched in Australia and overseas and we are keen for growers to see their effectiveness first-hand prior to them being made available commercially.


for Verpixo Adavelt

Active fungicide and Zorvec Enibel and Encantia fungicides are currently pending approval from the APVMA.

Nick Koch, Ben Whykes, and Tom Loveless from Corteva Agriscience with Stuart Grigg, from Ag-Hort Consulting inspecting disease control from Verpixo® Adavelt® Active fungicide at the recent VicVID field days.
22 elders Crop Protection
Growers were able to see the excellent disease control of Verpixo® Adavelt® Active fungicide at the recent VicVID field days.

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Patented Technology to Drive your Returns.

HarvestEye is a patented technology that uses a 3D camera and machine learning to count and size your crop at the point of harvest. When mounted on your harvester, you will have full visibility of how crop performance varies throughout any given field.

Data Driven Decision Making Enables you to ...

24 elders Contact us:


A new generation of ag tech has landed in Australia thanks to Elders and UK technology business HarvestEye™, offering potato growers access to the unique and innovative HarvestEye™ system.

Elders is the only reseller of HarvestEye™ in Australia, and this exciting addition to the already extensive list of ag tech available from Elders provides a level of data that has not been possible to achieve before.

Growers can now collect precise and detailed information about their produce in real time. Using a camera and machine learning algorithms, the system measures and counts a crop as it is being harvested. This produces a breakdown of size, count and relative yield through a field - a huge advantage in modern farming.

Unlike conventional sampling, HarvestEye™ has the capability to show the performance of the whole field, providing a much more accurate representation of a crop.

The data is captured and collated by a computer, which can even provide historic GPS tracking of a field over the years, allowing growers to make more informed decisions moving forward to improve efficiency, crop yield and uniformity.

With a more comprehensive understanding of the size and count for each field, the technology supports complex decision making for sustainable business growth.

Crop variability can also be mapped across specific field locations, providing targeted agronomic performance data. It assists growers to work towards specific customer requirements for each variety and, ultimately, increase profits.

Elders’ Seed Potato Sales Manager Abe Montano said “HarvestEye™ has demonstrated exceptional promise through extensive trials both in Australia and overseas.”

“Using upcoming and latest agricultural technology to improve crop outcomes is commonplace in broadacre cropping, but it is not yet something that has been widely done in horticultural sectors,” he said.

“The technology is a game changer for growers who want to maximise efficiency and quality and reduce waste.”

HarvestEye™ can be fitted to any existing harvesting equipment, is simple to use and doesn’t interfere with the harvester. The data is then gathered and displayed on a tablet, making it easy to view, analyse and cross-reference detailed data sets.

With applications designed for packers, processors and seed growers, this technology is set to change the way growers manage their entire operation. Not just for potatoes, HarvestEye™ can also be used for other root vegetable crops, including onions.

Elders recognises the integral role technology plays in the agricultural industry and is pleased to be the only Australian reseller of HarvestEye™.

Distribution of HarvestEye™ will complement Elders’ existing potato seed business, which currently holds IP for and produces over 21 varieties of potato seed and is supported by an extensive network of horticultural agronomists across Australia’s key growing regions.

This article was written by Elders supplier HarvestEye for Seasons magazine.

Get in touch with Elders Ballarat to learn more about HarvestEye.

HarvestEye™ is available from Elders nationally and will also be showcased at this year’s Hort Connections, held at the Adelaide Convention Centre from 5-7 June. For more details, contact Elders Ballarat on (03) 5336 9500.

25 Agritech
Caption: L-R- Abe Montano, Elders National Potato Sales Manager and Sharon Elphinstone, Product Manager Elders Potatoes

Your Preferred Distribution Partner for Innovative and Sustainable Specialty Chemicals and Ingredients

DKSH ENHANCE™ is a premium crop oil concentrate developed through extensive research to improve the activity of a wide range of herbicides and defoliants at half the application rate of traditional spray oils.

With a formulation consisting of highly refined paraffinic oil, DKSH ENHANCE™ is placed at the forefront of spray adjuvant technology. It is an emulsifiable spray oil designed specifically to improve penetration, wetting, and spreading properties of applied active ingredients.

DKSH ENHANCE™ Spray Adjuvant has been developed through extensive research for use with certain foliar applied herbicides and insecticides. Its superior chemical formulation places DKSH ENHANCE™ at the forefront of spray adjuvant technology in Australasia. This enhanced effectiveness is supported by research showing that certain herbicides achieve far superior control of hard to kill weeds when applied in combination with specially formulated spray adjuvants.

Key Benefits:

• No impact on spray mix pH – important for some newer herbicide actives

• Over twenty years of proven results under local Australian conditions

• Ongoing product support including up to date information on new weeds and actives

DKSH Agrisolutions

Formerly SACOA and SST Australia

Scan QR Code to Discover More:

26 elders Growth – in Asia and Beyond.


Enhance is a registered premium crop oil concentrate, developed and manufactured in Australia to improve the activity of a wide range of herbicides and defoliants, by specifically improving penetration, wetting, and spreading properties of the applied active ingredients.


Enhance improves the performance and cost-effectiveness of the applied active ingredient by:

> Improving penetration of the active ingredient.

> Improving spreading of active ingredient to the target plant by reducing surface tension of spray droplets.

> Reducing the loss of active ingredient due to drift or evaporation.

> Improving solution stability under low application rates.

> Reducing cold or hard water compatibility issues.

> Reducing the potential for clogging of blockage of spray nozzles.


In broadacre crops, Enhance helps get the best performance from the active ingredients, as the product is formulated specifically to reduce adverse issues that may impact efficacy. Developed by SACOA, Enhance – when mixed with new or existing active ingredients – has proven to provide comparatively higher levels of crop safety than most other registered crop oils; including in difficult conditions such as cold, moisture stress, or when tank mixing multiple actives.


Enhance is registered for use with an extensive range of active ingredients in a wide range of crop types including cereals, cotton, legumes, and canola.

It is recommended for multi-component tank mixes and is suitable for use with hard to disperse wettable granules and dry flowables when correct mixing procedure is followed.


Enhance is generally used at a rate between 0.5 to 1L per 100L as directed on the active ingredient labels. Rates may vary according to the specific active ingredient, or the prevailing weather or crop conditions, or weed size and load at the time of spraying. For further information, read the Enhance label and always follow directions for use on the active ingredient label.


Enhance Spray Adjuvant contains 598g per L paraffinic oil and 210g per L non-ionic surfactant and is an emulsifiable spraying oil to improve the wetting and spreading properties of herbicides and desiccation products.

This article was written by Elders supplier SACOA for Seasons magazine.

27 Crop Protection


A range of label updates has provided further value to the innovative Transform® WG insecticide, from Corteva Agriscience.

Transform® WG was already one of the most versatile insecticides on the Australian market with activity on sapfeeding pests in canola, cereals, cotton, pulses, as well as grapes and some tree crops.

New updates to the label include registration in lucerne and forage brassicas and some positive changes for use in canola and cereals.

Corteva Agriscience Customer Technology Specialist, Chris Brown, said the company was continually conducting research to expand the product’s reach to assist growers in different crops to maximise their yields and profitability.

“Lucerne is an excellent example where we saw an opportunity to trial Transform® WG on mirids and aphids and determine its suitability. Transform WG was already registered for use on aphids and mirids in other broadacre crops so we knew it was effective on these pests.

“It is now registered and will provide lucerne growers with an excellent option to control both pests in their production system. This is particularly relevant as some pests, including Blue-green aphid, have developed resistance to traditional insecticides used.”

Mirids controlled by Transform® WG include Brown mirid, Green mirid and Yellow mirid (Apple dimpling bug) and the aphids controlled include Bluegreen aphid, Pea aphid and Spotted alfalfa aphid.

Mr Brown said Transform® WG is a unique Mode of Action (MOA) Group 4C (sulfoximine) mode of action making it ideal for the control of pests such as Blue-green aphid which has documented resistance to organophosphates and synthetic pyrethroids. Transform also has excellent user, crop and environmental safety features.

“Importantly it is soft on beneficial insects so is an ideal option to utilise as part of an IPM program with minimal impact on predatory mites, spiders and other insects.”

There is a 21 day grazing or cutting withholding period after application so it will generally not affect planned hay cutting operations through the summer period.

Forage brassicas have also been added to the Transform® WG label for the control of aphids.

Mr Brown said Transform® WG could now be used as a standalone or in conjunction with Success® Neo.

“Success® Neo controls a wide range of chewing pests in forage brassicas including Diamondback moth,” he said.

“By utilising Transform® WG and Success® Neo in the one application, growers can control key sucking and chewing pests with aphids and Diamondback moth which are both prone to developing resistance from traditional chemistries.

“This combination, when used according to the label, is also IPM friendly so will leave beneficial insects in the crop to continue to work for the grower.”

He said the other updates to the Transform® WG label involved a widening of application timings in a variety of winter crops.

“In canola, the withholding period (WHP) has changed from full flowering to 14 days prior to harvest. The later application window gives growers an effective residual option to control cabbage and turnip aphids during pod fill to help maximise yields and quality.

“The majority of cereal crops have also seen an increased application window.” Mr Brown said these changes allowed growers to utilise Transform® WG later in the season and the variable rates also meant higher infestations could be successfully controlled.

“It is an excellent opportunity to control the pests and have residual activity to keep them at bay towards the end of the season.”

Transform® WG is registered on a wide range of aphids including Russian wheat aphid.

“Russian wheat aphid is another pest showing resistance to traditional chemistries, Transform® WG provides growers with an excellent resistance management option.”

“Corteva Agriscience continues to develop and release new chemistries and evaluate existing products to assist Australian farmers meet their yield and profitability goals.”

This article was written by Elders supplier Corteva for Seasons magazine.

28 elders Crop Protection
Lucerne is one of the crops added to the Transform WG label providing growers with an excellent option to control mirids and aphids.

Thomas Elder Consulting

Your made-to-measure, farm management experts

Built by Elders - Australia’s leading agribusiness - Thomas Elder Consulting (TEC) is an independent, specialist agricultural consulting business offering customised, whole farm management advice.

Strategically located across Australia, our team of highly specialised TEC consultants provide a premium, all-encompassing consultancy model comprising expertise across all sectors of agriculture including:

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29 Selontra® Soft Bait Rodenticide offers quick infestation control and works as an integral tool within biosecurity protocols for macadamia orchardists. A single product for your entire orchard Controls rodents up to three times faster High palatability & stop-feeding effect Limited adverse exposure to non-target animals ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS. © Copyright BASF 2022 ® Registered trademark of BASF. For more information visit or contact your local BASF representative on 1800 558 399 Looking for superior rodent control in your orchard?


Selontra® Soft Bait Rodenticide is a highly effective, innovative rodent bait. It rapidly controls rodent infestations and offers several unique advantages including shorter baiting regimes and higher palatability. Selontra is powered by a non-anticoagulant (non-AVK) active ingredient, and formulated into a stable, highly palatable soft block formulation.

It provides a non-anticoagulant active which is neither persistent nor bioaccumulative and offers a superior performance, being four times more appealing and working three times faster than standard baits. It also has a stop-feeding technology which results in reduced bait wastage and significant cost savings, making it the most costeffective solution for large council areas.


Selontra has shown no sign of toxicosis in cats, dogs, and birds. It is the best solution to use around birds as they are 50 times less sensitive than rodents to the cholecalciferol active. This makes it the responsible choice for rodent control.


Selontra also contains safeguards to help prevent accidental human consumption: a warning dye and the bittering agent Bitrex®, which is used in a concentration that is undetectable to rodents but acts as a human taste deterrent. These factors ensure pest operators can feel confident that they are achieving the best level of control.


Selontra can be used in and around domestic homes, industrial, commercial, and agricultural buildings, animal houses, farms, wharves, public service buildings, hospitals, food processing facilities, abattoirs, transport vehicles (including ships), around grain terminals, storage areas and fence lines (including perimeter fence lines).

To purchase Selontra rodenticide, get in touch with your local Elders branch.

For more information on Selontra® Soft Bait, visit or contact your local BASF representative on 1800 558 399

31 Crop Protection




32 elders
*Multimin Plus Copper Injection for Sheep was used in this trial (APVMA n 83674). ♦Calculation based on 100 ewes producing 9 extra lambs sold at $175 each and producing 128 lambs with 2.3 extra kg at weaning. 1. Gonzalez-Rivas PA, Lean GR, Chambers M, Liu J. (2023) A Trace Mineral Injection before Joining and Lambing Increases Marking Percentages and Lamb Weights on Diverse Farms in Victoria, Australia. Animals.13(1):178. 9% BOOSTED THE NUMBER OF LAMBS MARKED BY AN AVERAGE OF INCREASED THE WEANING WEIGHT BY AN AVERAGE OF


The national sheep flock is forecast to grow to its highest level since 2007, and is predicted to reach 78.75 million in 2023, according to the latest Sheep Industry Projections update from the MLA1. This growth is driven by environmental and animal factors such as optimal breeding conditions across Australia, a genetically superior flock and improved lambing percentages, highlighting the importance of ewe fertility, fecundity and lamb survival.

The Target Sheep Repro Program developed by Virbac can deliver unparalleled results to help improve productivity, fertility and fecundity through a dual mode of action.

1. Ovastim - a reproductive vaccine that increases the number of eggs released per cycle and available for fertilisation, resulting in increased lambing rates by an average of 23 per cent (pc).2

2. Multimin for Sheep - a trace mineral injection containing copper, selenium, zinc and manganese that improves embryo survival and ewe and lamb health. A recent Victorian study showed Multimin Plus Copper Injection for Sheep increased marking percentages by an average of 9 pc and increased weaning weights by an average of 2.3 kilograms. Across the properties measured, this represented an additional $23 in value per ewe which equates to a 6:1 return on investment.3

A recent study conducted in Tasmania in high producing composite ewes, showed that ewes treated with the complete Target Sheep Program scanned 17 pc more foetuses than not treated ewes.4

The Target Sheep Repro Program continues to gain traction in 2023 with many producers adopting the program over the recent years. Experts in the field agree that the Target Sheep Repro Program can yield impressive benefits for progressive producers.

Principal Consultant for Agrivet Business Consulting Dr Graham Lean said “it was no surprise that the use of Ovastim was likely to be massively profitable.”

“Using Ovastim in a typical prime lamb flock may result in a profit of about $18 per ewe in today’s market. Using Multimin and Ovastim represents a sensational profit-booster for Merino and prime lamb enterprises”.

Director and Veterinarian at Genstock Dr Michylla Seal said that Multimin was able to increase the survival of embryos by 29 pc in recipient ewes.

“I have found that the Multimin has been helpful for decreasing early embryonic loss and subsequently increasing conception rates in embryo transfer programs,” she said.”

The benefits of Multimin for Sheep as part of the Target Sheep Repro Program are becoming clearer with farmers experiencing the benefits in their production systems. Some testimonials from those who have implemented Multimin:

> Chris Bruty, Beaufort Victoria: “We treated our ewes with Multimin Plus Copper Injection for Sheep before joining and before lambing and our marking percentages improved by 16 pc and lambs averaged 5.3 kgs heavier.”

> Will Osmond, Dunkeld Victoria: “At lamb marking, our merino ewes treated with Multimin Plus Copper Injection for Sheep had wonderful results with a 16 pc increase in marking rate.”

> Tim Lawrence, New South Wales: “I can confidently say Multimin has a positive impact on conception rates. I enjoy going to jobs where the farmer has used Multimin in their ewes prejoining, it really is a no brainer in my experience.”

Technical Services Veterinarian Dr George Cox advised farmers to “make hay while the sun shines”.

“Producers that manage multiple bearing ewes well can achieve optimal reproductive performance with their current ewes by adopting the Target Sheep Repro program.”

To improve lamb and ewe survival rates it is important to manage multiple bearing ewes separately and apply the Lifetime Ewe Management principles.

Nutritionist and Technical Services Veterinarian Dr Paula Gonzalez-Rivas said the two products are a fantastic combination and complement each other well.

“While Ovastim increases the number of eggs per ovulation cycle increasing the chance of twins, Multimin can improve the antioxidant status and the immune system, helping to protect those embryos, ensuring they make it to term and result in the birth of healthy lambs,” she said. This article was written by Elders supplier Virbac for Seasons magazine.

Meat and Livestock Australia (2023). February 2023 Sheep Industry Projections Trends-analysis/sheep-projections Geldard, H. et al. (1984). Immunisation of ewes with polyandroalbumin to improve fecundity. Aust. Vet. J. 61(4):130-2.

Gonzalez-Rivas, P.A.; Lean, G.R.; Chambers, M.; Liu, J. A (2023) Trace Mineral Injection before Joining and Lambing Increases Marking Percentages and Lamb Weights on Diverse Farms in Victoria, Australia. Animals, 13, 178.

Cox, G et al (2023), The effect of polyandroalbumin vaccination and an injectable trace mineral top-up pre-mating and pre-lambing on scanning rates in high performing composite ewes. ISVC 2023, Animal - Science Proceedings 14. 208–281.

Benefits outlined in scientific trials and testimonials are not necessarily registered label claims. Multimin® and Ovastim® are registered trademarks of Virbac.

Multimin can be administered concurrently with other animal health products. If in doubt, consult your veterinarian.

DO NOT MIX products with Multimin in the same syringe prior to administration. Always inject high on the neck, multiple injections should preferably be given on different sides of the neck, according to product label instructions.

33 Animal Health


The Australian sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina is the primary fly species responsible for flystrike.

In cooler conditions, at the end of the fly season, any further development of Lucilia cuprina from its larval or ‘maggot’ stage is inhibited or “arrested” at the prepupae stage. This lifecycle stage is away from the sheep – usually in the top 3 to 4 centimetres of soil. This allows survival of Lucilia cuprina through winter, with development not resumed until conditions are again suitable.

It is then the increase in soil temperature in spring in south-eastern Australia that has been shown to trigger synchronous emergence of the first generation of flies for the new season1, regardless of exactly when the larvae were deposited.

Given that this species of blowfly is largely dependent on sheep as a breeding resource2, fly numbers can build up very rapidly under suitable environmental conditions, assuming susceptible sheep are available.

The seasonal nature of fly activity actually provides a unique opportunity to plan ahead.

Strategically treating sheep early in the season with an effective and longlasting chemical prevents fly numbers

from building up by removing the host environment required for flies to reproduce. This can significantly reduce subsequent fly pressure and the risk of flystrike in the season ahead.

If chemical treatment is applied to sheep before flies emerge at the start of the fly season, sheep are essentially removed as a resource for the propagation of the fly population when the first generation appear. As emergence is relatively synchronous and the first generation is typically small, this can have a significant effect in reducing fly numbers and the risk of flystrike for the rest of the fly season.

Optimum fly control will also depend on farm management practices. Integrating early season treatment with strategicallytimed shearing or crutching will further reduce susceptibility to flystrike and contribute to reducing fly numbers3 –remembering to be conscious of wool withholding periods.

Elanco Brand Manager Kathryn Humphries recommends the use of CLiK™ Extra for early season treatment. CLiK™ Extra contains dicyclanil, a potent insect growth regulator (IGR). Dicyclanil products provide long lasting protection from flystrike and break the lifecycle –ideal for strategic control.

On-farm research into early season treatment identified that chemicals used for this purpose must be relatively long acting to suitably cover the full period of spring emergence1. The availability and ease of application of insect growth regulators to protect sheep for extended periods makes them ideal for this purpose3,4.

CLiK™ Extra contains 30 per cent more dicyclanil than CLiK™ and sets the benchmark in flystrike prevention. CLiK™ Extra has a registered protection period of up to 29 weeks, ideal for early season treatment – even in years with a late or delayed start to the fly season.

CLiK Extra is indicated for use on sheep either off-shears or with any length wool, with a meat withholding period of 21 days, wool withholding period of 3 months and ESI of 63 days.

Always read and follow the label directions. Good agricultural practice is essential for optimal blowfly strike prevention.

This article was written by Elders supplier Elanco for Seasons magazine.

1. DeCat, S. et al. (2012). Survival over winter and spring emergence of Lucilia cuprina (Diptera Calliphoridae) in south-eastern Australia. Aus J of Entomology 51:1–11. 2. McKenzie, J.A. & Anderson, N. (1990). Insecticidal control of Lucilia cuprina: strategic timing of treatment. Aus Vet J 67(10):385–386. 3. Larsen, J.W.A. et al. (2012). Prevalence of breech-strike in mulesed, clipped and unmulesed Merino hoggets in south-eastern Australia. Aus Vet J 90(5):158–166.
34 elders Animal Health
4. Bowen, F.L. et al. (1999). H.R.: Long-lasting prevention against blowfly strike using the insect growth regulator dicyclanil. Aus Vet J 77:454–460.

^Compared to CLiK. Meat WHP 21 days. Wool WHP 3 months. Always read and follow the label directions. Good agricultural practice is essential for optimal blowfly strike prevention.

References: 1. CLiK Extra Spray-On contains 65 g/L dicyclanil and provides up to 29 weeks protection from blowfly strike. CLiK Spray-On contains 50 g/L dicyclanil and provides 18–24 weeks protection from blowfly strike. 2. When used for prevention against breech strike, or body and breech strike. 3. Insecticide resistance in sheep blowfly larvae, Sheep CRC, FlyBoss 2021.

*Conditions apply, see Offer not valid in conjunction with any other offer. Only available while 20 L drums are in-stock. Open to AU residents. Purchase between 01/06/23 and 11:59 pm AEST 15/09/23. Claims commence 01/06/23 and close at 11:59 pm AEST 15/10/23 or once allocated gift card stock runs out, whichever is first – see terms and conditions. Purchase must be in a single transaction. Retain receipt. Only one claim permitted per claimant.

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A series of suicides among farming clients and families of two Albury-based stock and station agents have triggered a dedicated store cattle sale to raise awareness and funds for the cause.

Earlier this month Elders joined together with Paull and Scollard Nutrien to hold a dedicated store sale in support of a mental health organisation. Agents from both sides were in support of This Is A Conversation Starter (TIACS), an organisation dedicated to removing the barriers to free mental health support for the blue collar community.

Brett Shea, Livestock Manager for Elders Albury said the pressure on stock and station agents dealing with mental health and suicide is very significant, considering how closely they work with farming clients or colleagues.

"We have many talented young men and women in both of our businesses that deal with the extremes that agriculture throws at us,” said Brett.

“This is our commitment to them, and to our communities in which we work, that we are completely in support of TIACS cause," Mr Shea said.

On the day agents shed their pink and green shirts for loud and colourful TradeMutt shirts, to encourage people to start conversations about mental health.

The store cattle sale was held on Thursday 4 May which featured the donation of a charity beast going directly to TIACS.

Alongside the store sale, the team conducted a charity auction on AuctionsPlus, with many items being donated to the cause.

TIACS is a free text and call service direct to mental health counsellors, available from Monday to Friday, 8.00 am to 10.00 pm AEST. Since launching in 2020, the TIACS team have supported over 16,000 tradies, truckies, rural and

blue collar workers and those that care about them. TIACS’ ambition is to be ‘the mental health counselling service you tell your mates about’. It has been created to help remove the physical and financial barriers that a lot of rural people face when trying to access professional mental health support.

If you or anyone you know would like to speak to a mental health counsellor free and ongoing, please text or call TIACS now on 0488 846 988.

37 News


The national sheep flock is forecast to Easier access to animal performance data and the ability to easily monitor and edit this data is becoming increasingly important as producers face ever increasing demands on their time. Better data and easier ways to use it also allow for better management decisions.

Gallagher have recently released a significant software update for their TW/ TWR range of weigh scales and Animal Performance cloud-based software that improve the already great offering.

Mike Hemsley, Business Development Manager for Animal Performance and Traceability at Gallagher said, “The range of updates to our software will provide a variety of new measures, allowing users to more easily, and more comprehensively, manage their Animal Performance and Traceability”.

Mr Hemsley is particularly excited about the benefits for producers from new features such as having a full animal history available on your mobile phone. This brings a level of flexibility not previously available.

Some of the new features in the TW/TWR weigh scales range include the ability to:

> Edit locked Weights

> Record Treatments including batch number and expiry (TW-3 and TWR5 models)

> Draft by Rules and apply that across the Session

> Utilise Animal Hold whilst drafting

> Add and edit Sessions

In the full subscription Animal Performance APP/Software some of the new features include:

> Access to Groups including viewing, editing and deleting

> Perform NLIS actions within Groups

> Ability to rename Sessions (also available in the free version)

> View animal history in a similar fashion to online software

The combination of these features makes the cloud application and TW/ TWR range more powerful than ever, providing enhanced tools for producers to manage traceability and animal performance. The continuing evolution of tools within the suite of products and software is indicative of the new name for this category, “Animal Performance and Traceability” that replaces the former name of “Weighing and Electronic Identification”.

Mr Hemsley explained that as this segment has evolved over the years, it has moved beyond just weighing and

tracking EID’s, to providing the ability to record and monitor many variable animal performance traits. It provides a rich history of the performance of animals and tools to make better animal management decisions.

The new name of “Animal Performance and Traceability” better reflects both what the hardware and software suite can do and the development of future features. This category is aimed at helping producers make easier and better-informed decisions in their livestock operations.

“Gallagher is committed to supporting our customers with smarter, simpler solutions that make farm life easier and more profitable. We’re working with our reseller partners to solve problems in smarter ways, integrating data, and making an impact for end users.” Mr Hemsley said.

To access the new features within the weigh scales and full version of the Animal Performance App, current users need only perform a software update on their weigh scale and software.

For users of the free version of the Animal Performance App, upgrading to the full paid version will unlock the features.

To view the range of Animal Performance and Traceability options and help your producers make better informed decisions, visit Gallagher at the major field days happening across the country this year or talk to your local Territory Manager.

Existing users looking for assistance with updating software can also call the Gallagher Customer Support Team on 1800 425 524. This is a dedicated team fore providing product and technical support.

38 elders Agritech
“The range of updates to our software will provide a variety of new measures, allowing users to more easily, and more comprehensively, manage their Animal Performance and Traceability”.
39 Discover more at Take control of animal production with an all-in-one hardware and software solution that allows you to track livestock performance, make better decisions and grow your profit.
Performance Web & mobile app LEARN MORE More management tools for your farmer such as; • Draft by rules • Edit your data on the go • View draft groups on your phone • Add and view treatments Subscribe Now/ Upgrade for Newly Added Features

The new Extreme Geared Reel has been reimagined and redesigned with you in mind. Rugged. Reliable. Built to exceed your expectations. Find it in-store now!

40 elders WE MADE A GOOD


When it comes to fence reels, do you find yourself struggling with weak connection, constant- tangles, unhooking and slow return?

With a quick-locking bar hook that will not let go, seamless electrical connection at the flick of a switch, 3:1 gearing, and smooth tangle-free operation, the Speedrite Extreme Geared Reel reimagines everything you thought you knew about electric fence reels.

Speedrite’s geared reel has been overhauled with input from farmers; every function from connection, winding out and winding in, to wire electrification has been reimagined, creating a safer, faster, more comfortable piece of equipment. The Extreme Geared Reel with a 3:1 gear ratio and large tape and wire capacity is designed for high speed and smooth running.

It winds wire three times faster than a standard reel.

Even spooling and managed tension are extremely important. When winding in or rolling out wire tape at pace, it’s not

uncommon to create a bird’s nest or have the uneven distribution of weight in the reel causing it to become unhinged. The Extreme Geared Reel overcomes both issues. A line spreader mechanism guides the wire and tape back and forth across the spindle for even spooling, while a two-mode tension adjustment drag feature prevents overrun and tangling. Without birdnesting and dragged line damaging tape and wire, farmers achieve greater longevity of their politape and wire – requiring fewer accessory replacements.

Easy handling is another key feature. The compact, moulded frame and improved handle placement realign the reel’s centre of gravity for a much more comfortable hold. Attaching the reel to a fence, quad or side by side is easy with the use of a trigger. The multi-fit hook connects the reel to varying sizes of roll bars, railings and fence wire. The hook snaps in place with a spring-loaded trigger-operated auto-locking jaw and the reel holds securely even under the most challenging conditions.

Looping wire or politape across a hot wire to create an electrical connection is also a thing of the past. An in-built power channel, safely housed within the reel frame, allows you to create a circuit or isolate power flow simply by flicking an on-off rocker switch, reducing risk of electric shock. The Extreme Geared Reel comprises a solid steel crank with a moulded plastic frame UV stabilised for long life, ultimate strength and durability.

The Extreme Geared Reel can be purchased on its own or with pre-wound extreme wire, politape, poliwire or extreme braid.

This article was written by Elders supplier Datamars for Seasons magazine.

To purchase from Datamars’ range, contact your local Elders branch.

41 Fencing


Waratah has just launched a new electric horse fence system called Flex Rail™ Electric. Closely resembling that of traditional timber fencing, the Waratah Flex Rail Electric system offers a simple and safe solution for containing horses without losing the timber rail look. Although this is similar to Waratah’s standard flex rail. This is a new system with new components that allow the rail to be electrified top and bottom.

Flex Rail Electric looks like a timber rail but has the bonus of greater flexibility, no splintering or need for painting. It is highly visible and offers superior impact absorption, reducing the risk of serious injuries.

The black or white Flex Rail Electric is now complemented with a range of accessories designed to create more paddock and arena configurations, while not interfering with the electrifying of the rail. These accessories also ensure faster installation and tensioning, making maintenance a breeze. Unlike other polymer rail products on the market, the Waratah Flex Rail is manufactured in Australia and supported by the largest fencing sales and support team.

Flex Rail Electric rolls: Waratah Flex Rail Electric is made using UV-stabilized polymer, bonded with a highly conductive carbon compound, delivering superior electrical conductivity along the length of the fence line. It features two 2.5mm high tensile Longlife Blue® wires that reinforce the strength and breaking strain of the rail while also providing corrosion resistance. The rolls are 120 mm wide and 150 m in length, available in black or white.

> In-line top and side bracket: Designed to hold Flex Rail Electric flush with the post, this bracket is made from heavy-duty plastic and can insulate the rail. Available in black or white.

> Corner top and side bracket: Allows the rail to run continuously around corners and curves. The brackets are made of heavy-duty powdercoated steel corner brackets and are insulated for use with Flex Rail Electric. They are ideal for round, square, steel, or timber posts. Available in black or white.

> End flat and angle bracket: Used for terminating electric Flex Rail at a strainer post. It is a heavy-duty powder-coated steel end bracket, insulated for use with Flex Rail Electric. Angle brackets are 45 degrees for use on larger diameter steel and timber strainer posts. Ideal for round and square posts. Available in black or white.

> Joiner bracket: Suitable for joining two rolls of Flex Rail Electric together, this heavy-duty steel bracket is powder-coated for corrosion resistance. Available in black or white.

> Tension spool: Suitable for easy tensioning of flex rail, this heavyduty powder-coated tension spool is used in the middle of the rail and allows tensioning and retensioning of Flex Rail. Available in black and white.

For more information about the Waratah Flex Rail Electric system or any other Waratah products, visit or contact 13 10 80 to get in touch with your local Waratah representative.

42 elders Fencing


Waratah Flex RailTM Electric offers a safe and effective alternative to traditional timber fencing. Made using UV stabilised polymer, bonded with a highly conductive carbon compound, delivering superior electrical conductivity along the length of the fence line. With heavy duty insulated components to match, you can be sure Waratah’s equine systems are made for Australian conditions.




The performance crop for next level lamb finishing

Pallaton Raphno®: Experienced brassica growers can achieve up to 5+ grazings, high return on investment (ROI) and increased live weight production per hectare under ideal conditions and reccomended management.

• Good ROI and high live weight gains after 3 grazings

• Outstanding ROI and high live weight gains after 5+ grazings

• 32% increase in Aphid tolerance relative to forage rape

• Grazing persistence under high stocking rates

• 38% increase in water use efficiency (WUE) relative to Goliath® forage rape

• High yielding, palatable and graze as early as 56 days after sowing (DAS)

44 elders Available through accredited Elders reps/agronomists under agency agreement. Sown at 8kg/ha.


Just weeks into its first winter, Ecotain® environmental plantain has demonstrated its potential for improving lambing percentages, productivity and ewe and lamb health for farmers Rebecca and Dan Gardiner.

To better match feed supply with demand at lambing, Rebecca and Dan sowed 38 hectares of Ecotain at ‘Ambleside Pastoral’ in Foxhow Victoria (sown late spring 2021).

“In our lamb business, we are trying to achieve a higher stocking rate with a higher lambing percentage and get more kilograms per hectare, and so far, Ecotain has been brilliant,” Ms Gardiner said.

Ecotain established well through a relatively mild summer and was planted at a sowing rate of 10 kg per ha with 100 kg per ha of MAP. Ecotain environmental plantain is a broadleaved perennial grazing herb that performs well in a range of pastures across Australia. Ecotain has a coarse root system and can adapt to a range of soils, rainfalls and other environmental conditions while offering excellent nutrition for stock.

In late February 2022, Rebecca and Dan scanned 567 ewes and moved them from crop stubbles to one of two new Ecotain paddocks at a stocking rate of 11.5 DSE per ha or onto a phalaris and clover paddock at stocking rate of 6.5 DSE per ha.

Ms Gardiner said lambing started in April, and after lamb marking (end of May 2022), they had 871 lambs, so the

Ecotain was already showing its worth.

“Our lamb marking rate was 153 per cent overall, but the really outstanding point when we looked at the data was that our marked percentages increased by ten percent on the two Ecotain paddocks compared with the rates in those paddocks in 2021,” she said.

On the two Ecotain paddocks, they achieved 185 per cent and 179 per cent. She also noticed improvements in ewe health and mothering ability where they were grazing the new feed.

“We didn’t see any mismothering on the plantain, the ewes were all clean and they had big bags of milk, so you could see they were doing well,” Ms Gardiner said.

She estimated that the condition score of the ewes grazing Ecotain was about four through winter and the lambs also seemed more vibrant and energetic.

“I haven’t had to pull a single lamb this year, even from the maidens and we had about 120 maiden ewes,” she said.

The Ecotain will also be given the job of fattening the lambs after weaning.

“All of the lambs will go on to the Ecotain. It will be more beneficial for them, nutrition-wise, and they will probably get some hay or silage too,” Ms Gardiner said.

The Gardiners aimed to finish lambs as early as September 2022 before harvesting starts.

DLF Seeds Product Development Manager said “at marking on Rebecca

and Dan’s farm, the ewes grazing Ecotain were in better condition; and they visibly looked like they were lactating more, with bigger udders.”

“Using Ecotain Plantain in a straight sward or to create diversity in ryegrass and clover-based pastures is one of the simplest options sheep and beef farmers have today. It is an ideal source of minerals for animal health and performance and is an environmental feed option to help mitigate nitrogen leaching. Ecotain has been bred for an upright growth habit, extending its relevance and use on farm considerably.

“With multi bearing ewes, we are often finding that the ewe cannot harvest and process grass quickly enough to fulfil her energy requirements. As a result of this, we often see the ewes body condition declining over time or a lower dressing out percentage in lambs.

“Because plantain is such a highquality feed and has a faster rate of passage, rumen throughput is faster when compared with pasture fed animals as feed is more digestible. This, partnered with Ecotains upright growth habit, is allowing the ewe to physically consume and process more dry matter, more often,” he explained.

This article was written by Elders supplier DLF Seeds for Seasons magazine.
45 Seed
To purchase Ecotain Plantain, visit your local Elders branch.


Forage brassicas are becoming increasingly popular among farmers as they provide an economical and high-quality feed option for livestock, while also filling seasonal feed gaps. This article explores the benefits of incorporating forage brassicas into a pasture system and how they can add value to a farming business.

Feed your livestock with S&W Forage Brassica

Forage brassicas have numerous advantages in grazing systems. They are a cost-effective way to accumulate a large amount of feed with a sowing rate of 3 to 5 kg per hectare (ha), and their growth rates are comparable to those of most forage cereals, allowing for rapid biomass accumulation. However, the main strength of brassicas lies in their superior feed quality, which they maintain throughout the season. They have quality parameters of 11 to 12.5 megajoules of metabolisable energy (ME) and 15 to 22 per cent (pc) crude protein, with a low fibre content, making them ideal for lactating dairy cows, finishing lambs, growing steers, or improving the condition of breeding stock.

Forage brassicas are becoming increasingly popular among farmers as they provide an economical and high-quality feed option for livestock, while also filling seasonal feed gaps. This article explores the benefits of incorporating forage brassicas into a pasture system and how they can add value to a farming business.

Forage brassicas have numerous advantages in grazing systems. They are a cost-effective way to accumulate a large amount of feed with a sowing rate of 3-5 kg/ha, and their growth rates are comparable to those of most forage cereals, allowing for rapid biomass accumulation. However, the main strength of brassicas lies in their superior feed quality, which they maintain throughout the season. They have quality parameters of 11-12.5 megajoules of metabolisable energy (ME) and 15-22% crude protein, with a low fibre content, making them ideal for lactating dairy cows, finishing lambs, growing steers, or improving the condition of breeding stock.

Brassicas are also highly adaptable to different environments and soil types, from sands to heavy clays. However, they require good levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and boron and rely on accurate seeding depth (5 to 10 mm) for optimal establishment. With a flexible sowing window from late winter to autumn, they are an excellent option for most systems. There are different types of forage brassicas on the market, including bulbed and leafy turnips, forage rape and hybrids, kale, and radish, each with a unique fit depending on specific requirements.

Brassicas are also highly adaptable to different environments and soil types, from sands to heavy clays. However, they require good levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and boron and rely on accurate seeding depth (5-10mm) for optimal establishment. With a flexible sowing window from late winter to autumn, they are an excellent option for most systems. There are different types of forage brassicas on the market, including bulbed and leafy turnips, forage rape and hybrids, kale, and radish, each with a unique fit depending on specific requirements.

For farmers looking for quick feed, S&W’s Bouncer Forage Brassica is

a leafy turnip ready to graze in as little as 5-6 weeks, suitable for dairy systems or more intensive beef and sheep enterprises with high soil fertility and rainfall. For bulk feed later in the season, S&W Subzero Forage Brassica is an ideal option, a quick maturity forage rape and kale hybrid, ready to graze early with good regrowth potential, while maintaining quality for a bulkier graze later in the season. Subzero is suitable for large, extensive grazing systems or more intensively managed beef, sheep, and dairy enterprises.

In terms of calculating crop requirements and making it pay, let’s take an example. Suppose a farmer has 100 young steers that they want to feed from December to February on a

crop of Subzero Forage Brassica and Rebound Millet. In that case, they will need to sow 11.75 hectares to fully feed all steers. The total cost of cultivation, seed, herbicide, and insecticide is estimated at $750/ha. Assuming that the steers will gain 1kg/head/day for 100 days, the farmer will make $3,400/ ha, with a stocking rate of 8.5 steers/ ha. However, these numbers are only a guide, and farmers should base their calculations on individual costs, target crop yields, and weight gains.

Interested in incorporating forage brassicas into your farming system? Consult your local agronomist or S&W Territory Manager to help plan your crop this spring.

Calculating crop requirements and making it pay


For farmers looking for quick feed, S&W’s Bouncer Forage Brassica is a leafy turnip ready to graze in as little as 5 to 6 weeks, suitable for dairy systems or more intensive beef and sheep enterprises with high soil fertility and rainfall. For bulk feed later in the season, S&W Subzero Forage Brassica is an ideal option, a quick maturity forage rape and kale hybrid, ready to graze early with good regrowth potential, while maintaining quality for a bulkier graze later in the season. Subzero is suitable for large, extensive grazing systems or more intensively managed beef, sheep, and dairy enterprises.

I have 100 young steers that I want to feed from December to February on a crop of Subzero Hybrid Forage Brassica and Rebound Millet. What area do I need to sow, and will I make a return?


from December to February on a crop of Subzero Forage Brassica and Rebound Millet. In that case, they will need to sow 11.75 hectares to fully feed all steers. The total cost of cultivation, seed, herbicide, and insecticide is estimated at $750 per ha. Assuming that the steers will gain 1 kg per head per day for 100 days, the farmer will make $3,400 per ha, with a stocking rate of 8.5 steers per ha. However, these numbers are only a guide, and farmers should base their calculations on individual costs, target crop yields, and weight gains.

Step 1: How much crop?

Intake = 0.8 x 9 = 7.2 kg DM/head/day

In terms of calculating crop requirements and making it pay, let’s take an example. Suppose a farmer has 100 young steers that they want to feed


A 250kg steer, gaining 1 kg/day has a DSE rating of 9.

Maximum daily feed intake = 0.8 x DSE (or use 1.2 X liveweight ÷ NDF%)

The crop provides the energy, protein, and fibre requirements for this class of stock and has grown 8 t/ha of Dry Matter (DM).

Allow 30% wastage in a set stocked grazing system.

7.2 kg + 30% wastage = 9.4 kg DM/head/day

This article was written by Elders supplier S&W Seeds for Seasons magazine.

9.4 kg x 100 head = 940 kg DM/day

940 kg x 100 days = 94 tonne to fully feed all steers

94 t ÷ 8t/ha supplied = 11.75 ha required

Step 2: What’s the cost?

Knockdown herbicide/insecticide $16

Lime & fertiliser $350

Cultivation/contractor $300

Seed $84

Total cost = $750/ha

Step 3: What have I made?

Stocking rate = 100 steers ÷ 11.75 ha = 8.5 steers/ha

Gaining 1 kg/head/day for 100 days = 850 kg/ha

850 kg x $4.00/kg = $3,400.00/ha

Total potential income = $3,400/ha

46 elders Seed
Please note the above numbers are
a guide only and should be based on your individual costs, target crop yields and weight gains.

Forage Brassica

 Quick to establish

 Excellent regrowth after grazing

 Cold tolerance

 Spring or autumn sowing option

47 Your partner in the paddock. SW0340
Photo: Watered twice, a blend of Subzero Hybrid Forage Brassica and Compass Chicory sown sown 1st March – 6 weeks later. The Farmer from Merrigum is loving the establishments vigour that he gets out of both Subzero and Compass. This seed was purchased from Elders Bendigo.

EPG Seeds has been developing new varieties to help Australian farmers increase productivity for more than 15 years. We’re proud to offer some of the best seed genetics available today, with the promise of more to come.

Every variety has been developed with grower feedback and designed to thrive in our unique conditions, delivering high quality and high yield crops across the country.

Available nationally, our portfolio of productive wheat, barley, oats and forage sorghum is now on sale.

To learn more about EPG Seeds and our full range of seed varieties visit

It’s the smallest thing that makes the biggest difference. It’s where success starts.


South Australia’s major grain handler, Viterra, is planning to offer segregations for Alestar malt barley at its Ardrossan and Apamurra sites for the 2023/24 season.

Released across Australia by EPG Seeds, Alestar has gained malt accreditation from Barley Australia and is in growing demand by maltsters and brewers because of its high-quality malt profile. Due to the increasing demand and strong growing performance of Alestar on the Yorke Peninsula and Murray Bridge areas in recent years, Viterra plans to offer the segregations at the two sites to support the malting barley, brewing industry and local growers.

Colin Smith from EPG Seeds has played a key role in the R&D program for Alestar and helping growers and their advisers to grow their first crops of the newer variety in southern and Western Australia.

“Alestar has performed well in the National Variety Trials over the past three years and in independent trials run by YP Ag in 2022,” Col said.

YP AG compared the performance of 14 different barley varieties at its Maitland trial site in 2022, ranking Alestar in the top three.

“Alestar is a domestic malt barley with medium maturity, like Commander. It is high yielding, has strong straw strength, excellent head retention, and is resistant to powdery mildew, containing the mlo11 gene,” Col said.

“It has produced consistently low screenings and shown good disease resistance.”

Meanwhile, Col has been receiving interest and support from Australia's main malting companies, such as Coopers Brewery who have been doing their own malting trials with Alestar.

Australia’s largest independent familyowned brewer, Coopers plans to buy Alestar barley from growers this season after the success of their trial.

Dr Doug Stewart, Maltings Manager at Coopers, said the company was delighted to host a group of growers from the Monarto Ag Bureau to its Regency Park facility in Adelaide recently.

“Several of these growers have been growing Alestar for some time and they are looking forward to delivering into the maltings this season,” Doug said.

Alestar is available nationally. To find your nearest stockist, visit or call 1300 018 392.

49 Seed


Only Marks-Min® combines B12 + Trace Minerals in a single dose to save you time and money.

Optimise herd health, production and fertility. Save substantial time and money. Marks-Min® is the win-win cattle producers have been looking for. It combines copper, selenium, zinc, manganese and B12 in one convenient, easily absorbed injection. At critical times like calving, mating and weaning, it can provide a vital health and production boost in half the time with the benefits of both B12 and trace minerals in a single injection. Visit

50 elders
*See product label for full claim details and directions for use. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Australia Pty. Ltd., Level 1, 78 Waterloo Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia. ABN 53 071 187 285. MARKS-MIN ® is a registered trademark of the Boehringer Ingelheim Group. ©2022 All rights reserved. AU-BOV-0118-2022


Cattle producers are reaping the benefits of improved herd fertility, increased weight gain and fewer stock losses thanks to the strategic use of a trace mineral injection.

Marks-Min optimises trace mineral and vitamin B12 levels in a single dose, delivering vital time and labour savings on farms.

Ballarat, Victoria cattle producer David Wells now sells heavier steers and heifers after optimising trace minerals and B12 with Marks-Min.

A total of 280 animals benefited from receiving four trace minerals and B12 in one dose.

“We weighed them at marking and recorded their weights over nine months,” David said.

“The heifers increased by 11.6 kilos over that time period and the steers increased 8.6 kilos.”

David sells all his steers and excess heifers as weaners, so maximising weight gain improves his bottom line.

“Getting the growth rates up quicker and finishing them quicker reduces our costs and increases our production income,” he said.

Woonallee Simmentals and Baker Group Director Tom Baker at Furner, uses Marks-Min to save time without compromising animal health outcomes.

“Combining trace minerals with B12 in a single dose allowed us to reduce an injection while getting the same benefit,” he said.

“We were giving multiple needles for other treatments, so reducing an injection means we can save on labour and time, making it user friendly and cost effective.”

Marks-Min is Australia’s only injectable for cattle that includes vitamin B12 plus four trace minerals – copper, manganese, zinc and selenium – in a single dose.

Tom said supplementing his cattle’s copper and zinc was crucial because the region’s soil is deficient in these trace minerals.

And he’s noted the improvement in cattle health.

“We have noticed the cleaning-up of the coat and the orange tip in the coat of our black and red cattle darkening,” he said.

“With this overall improved calf health, we are seeing less respiratory issues and less scours.”

Getting the most out of feeder cattle in the cold Mount Gambier winter has been a priority for Benara Pastoral Company Farm Manager, Brad Creek.

He uses Marks-Min to boost minerals important for the immune system of these animals to maximise per hectare production – even when there’s limited pasture available.

It’s the same situation for the company’s breeders.

Treating cows once a year, pre-joining, has improved pregnancy rates and enabled the females to thrive –regardless of seasonal conditions.

“We are finding our preg-test numbers have been up since doing a pre-joining treatment,” he said.

“At joining time – early autumn – the feed is short, and the cows are doing it tough, I feel they really get a benefit from the trace minerals.”

Steer calves at Benara Pastoral receive a Marks-Min injection and vitamin A, D and E at their second vaccination and another Marks-Min at weaning. Heifers receive the same treatment and an additional Marks-Min pre-joining. Bulls are treated with Marks-Min 60 days before the beginning of joining.

Boehringer Ingelheim Livestock Technical Services Manager, Dr Gareth Kelly, said an animal’s need for trace minerals and vitamin B12 can be intensified at times of rapid growth, reproduction, or stress – such as feed restriction, transport, or entry into a feedlot.

And in some cases, the trace minerals in soil consumed via direct grazing aren’t enough to optimise productivity, and supplementing through feed or orally isn’t always efficient or accurate.

“There’s variation in individual intake, low absorption from the digestive system and competition with other dietary components, limiting the success of a supplementation program,” Gareth said.

“Using injectable mineral supplementation can avoid these variables by being rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and made readily available to support optimal health and production. Minerals not immediately required are stored in the liver and mobilised as required.”

For more information, please contact Dr Gareth Kelly on 0417291803 or Customer Services on 1800 808 691 (option 3) or customerservices.australia@

*See product label for full claim details and directions for use. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Australia Pty. Ltd., Level 1, 78 Waterloo Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia.

ABN 53 071 187 285. MARKS-MIN® is a registered trademark of the Boehringer Ingelheim Group. ©2023 All rights reserved. AU-BOV-0003-2023

51 Animal Health


When it comes to selecting a water and feed trough for livestock, there are a variety of materials to choose from. Plastic and concrete are two of the most common options, but for those looking for a durable and reliable solution, Cyclone steel troughs are the superior choice. One of the main advantages of Cyclone steel troughs is their durability. Unlike plastic and concrete, steel can withstand the elements and resist damage from animals. Preventing the trough from becoming cracked or punctured. Steel is also more resistant to UV damage and can hold up better over time, making it a more cost-effective choice in the long run.

Cyclone steel troughs are also easier to clean and maintain than plastic and concrete. Concrete can develop cracks and crevices over time, which can harbor bacteria and lead to water and borne illnesses in livestock. Plastic troughs

can be more difficult to clean, as they can develop scratches and grooves that can also harbor bacteria. These cracks and crevices are much harder to form in a steel trough giving your customers better peace of mind.

In addition to their durability and ease of maintenance, Cyclone steel troughs also offer better temperature regulation. Concrete can become very hot during summer months, leading to overheated water, and potentially causing harm to animals. Similarly, plastic troughs can become brittle and crack during extreme cold, leading to leaks and water and feed loss. Whereas steel is a superior thermal conductor meaning that at the end of the day your water and feed will become cooler faster.

Cyclone have a range of steel troughs in both Supa and standard sizing. Supa troughs range from 390L to 1140L and

have a larger depth, ideally suited for larger animals such as Cattle. While Cyclone’s standard troughs range from 210L to 535L and are shallower, ideally suited for small to medium animals such as sheep.

Overall, Cyclone steel troughs offer a great solution for your livestock water and feed needs. Their durability, ease of maintenance, and temperature regulation options make them a smart investment for any livestock owner looking for a reliable and long-lasting water and feed trough.

This article was written by Elders supplier Cyclone for Seasons magazine.

52 elders General Merchandise 1800 199 450 Contact Cyclone today Supplying Australian farms since 1898.


While farmers from Cairns to Campbell Town will know a reliable water supply is key to farming success, how Plasson Australia has developed products to help feed that success may not be so obvious.

Plasson changed the way metric compression fittings were engineered backinthe1960s.

It all started with a group of farmers who found they could not rely on the products already in the market to deliver reliable leak-free joins. They set about working up an innovative new design withcaptiveOrings.

Ontheothersideoftheworld,oneman wasfrustratedatthewaterandresource he could see going to waste as he travelled from Campbell Town to Cairns sellingpipesandfittings.Thatmanwas David Kirton, now Chairman of Plasson Australia, who tookthat original design andengineeredAustraliaintoit.

The Plasson metric compression concepthasthecriticalsealingelement engineered into a groove inside the fitting.The result is a simpleyet smart polypipejoiner.PlassonO-ringsremain safe, secure and ready to seal at all times, in all conditions, whether being installed for the firsttimeorreinstalled orreconfiguredyearsdownthetrack.

It was a few years down the line that David Kirton saw the potential for Plasson to develop a range of rural compression fittings right here in Australia,alongsidelocalfarmers.

In the 1980s, David was working for Hardie Iplex travelling the length and breadth of Australia selling pipes and fittings. He felt Plasson’s metric compression fittingdesignand captive O-rings would deliver longlasting leak-free connections for Rural Class B poly pipe, coiled pipe and pipe that wasn’t dimensionallyaccurate.

“I was travelling around Australia as Marketing Manager for Hardie Iplex,” Davidsaid.

“Icouldseesomeoftheexistingdesigns didn’tstayput, othersleakedandthere were quite a few blow outs happening too.IhadahunchthatPlasson’smetric compression design, which was unique due to captive O-rings and a longer body design, could be put to work to create a game-changing fitting for the ruralmarket.”

“So, we started working up prototypes. We would test and refine in thefield and within about 12 months we had the basis of a range that was purposebuilt for the Australian market,” David explained.

“That’s how PLASSON Rural was born. It is a fitting that can be done up handtight, no wrench needed, it stays put and can be easily removed, reconfigured and reused to connect both rural or metric pipe – job done.”

The other upside of developing a rural fitting with captive O-rings is that they seal the instant they go on the pipe. With Plasson Rural you get a water-tight seal before you tighten the nuts and without needing to pick up a wrench! Plasson’s ingenious rural fitting design delivers huge flow on benefits. After all, the quicker it is to join pipe or fix a broken connection, the better for your stock and crops.

Plasson’s rural fittings were engineered to handle Aussie conditions, so they feature a longer body design and strong grip rings to guard against blow outs. Fittings are UV stabilized for a long service-life and perform in hot and cold climates. Plasson’s longer red barbs also deliver reliable leak-free joins to both metric and imperial sized poly pipe from ¾ inch up to 2 inches.

55 General Merchandise
This article was written by Elders supplier Plasson Australia for Seasons magazine.
RURAL PRODUCTS PREPAYMENT Prepare for next season and End of Financial Year. • Prepay for future rural products purchases • Receive a tax invoice for funds lodged • Earn a 5% p.a. reward on the unused amount of the Prepayment calculated daily, paid monthly • No fees or charges Contact your local Elders branch to find out more. Exclusions apply. For full terms and conditions, contact your local Elders branch or Elders has obtained a ruling from the ATO that the prepayment is tax deductible in the year that it was paid under certain conditions. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and you should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisers before engaging in any transaction. You should obtain tax advice before claiming a tax deduction.

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