Hello, my name is José Manuel Fernández and being the Partido Popular candidate for Mayor of Manilva is both a great honour and a great challenge as well as an enormous responsibility that fortunately I don't face alone, but with the best team of colleagues.
A team of honest and committed people, ready with an exciting programme that we will launch from May 28. I consider myself a part of this wonderful town, and I have decided to stand in the municipal elections because I firmly believe that another form of municipal management is possible. More transparent, more participatory, that works for the interests of all and not just for those of a few.
I am heading a fresh team of candidates, who are committed to the many needs, that as you know, we have.
There are no excuses for having a municipality as grey and neglected as the one we live in, and to change it, the Town Council with its mayor and councillors at the helm must be the key part of the engine that drives Manilva. This is an essential part of our electoral programme. A programme that, in addition to being realistic, contains important proposals to kick start our municipality economically and socially, with priority objectives such as employment, and in order to do this, it is necessary to improve our business opportunities by investing in the improvement of our infrastructure. Another major concern is the state of disrepair of our streets. Our objective is clear, which is to improve our image.
Promote and foster tourism, the streets for the people, a living culture, to preserve the environment, the future of our young people, take care of our elderly, there are just so many things to do, and with your support and trust we will achieve it, because that is our commitment to you.
It is the intention of the Partido Popular to work to eliminate the differences between residents of our municipality, and it is our objective that the Manilva Council assumes the responsibility to maintain and preserve all the public residential areas outside of urban centres if we are elected to govern the local council following the elections on 28th May, 2023.
In the Partido Popular we do not want there to be first and second class citizens in the same municipality, those who pay their taxes have the right to have their streets cleaned and problems that arise in their environment resolved. For this reason, the PP Manilva is committed to a programme of the council assuming the responsibility for the management of these streets, pay for electricity and water in public green areas, pave its roads and repair its pavements, when the PP governs the municipality .
Collaboration Plan between the Town Council, residents and developers.
PP Manilva will allocate a special fund only for urbanisations. We will require developers to execute and complete the promised common areas.
We will propose to the developments the establishment of the most appropriate legal status allowed by the Law.
During this period the Town Council will begin to assume the expenses of utilities in common areas.
The Town Council will assume all the costs of utilities, maintenance of roads and pavements, the maintenance of gardens and infrastructure.
be more visible and we will incentives for new activities
Inthe Partido Popular we know that pets make our world better, so we want to contribute to make a better world for them too. Many homeless cats and dogs find themselves in shelters, which house them and attend to their needs while they wait for responsible adoption.
The PP accepts its political responsibility, and we will launch projects aimed at achieving Animal Welfare by promoting an "Animal Health Regulation", which, after discussions with the various associations, develops the necessary basic veterinary clinical assistance for sick and injured stray pets, as well as preventive vaccinations in reception centres.
The Manilva PP candidate for mayor, José Manuel Fernández, has made it clear that "the new Animal Health Regulations, which we will implement, will bring together
the social demands that other parties have never wanted to listen to and will improve, among other things, the organisation of the feline colonies and dogs in the streets”.
José Manuel Fernández has also stated that "the regulatory framework on which we are working with the various organisations and specialists incorporates new sensitivities towards the animal world and will regulate such important aspects as dog parks, shelters and service dogs, in addition to other things".
According to Fernández, the document prepared by the Partido Popular of Manilva includes "the rights and obligations required by a society aware of respect and the objective of zero sacrifice, giving associations the necessary motivation to develop activities that result in the protection, defence and carrying out awareness campaigns and adoption programmes”.
Weare working hard to move forward the a "Day Centre" that provides a healthy our elderly, with a pleasant and familiar environment people which encourages good mental health.
The idea is taking shape so that, once we're can be put in front of various higher administrations assessment. Here in the Partido Popular we a social resource for the elderly, which at the supports their families.
The type of specialised service that our project deliver is that of a day centre under the overview social services, and that will have:
the creation of healthy lifestyle for environment for health. elected it administrations for will provide the same time project will overview of
• Medical care service.
• Nursing service and medication control.
• Psychological care service.
• Occupational therapy service.
• Sociocultural service.
• Personal hygiene.
• Adapted transportation.
• Maintenance service.
• Catering service.
• Transport service.
A quality resource for all of our elderly.
Theproposed Social Kitchen for Manilva will be a "food service centre available for people without resources and for those who are in a situation of social exclusion". The facility will be able to cater for some 120 people in the municipality as well as creating employment.
Brief summary: in this social kitchen, cooked meals will be provided daily from Monday to Friday, corresponding to 3 daily meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). A two-course hot lunch will be served in the kitchen.
We will create a Business Guide to be distributed municipal offices, shops or on the web
Alongwith lunch, each person or family will receive a takeaway bag with their evening meal for that day and breakfast for the following day. Special celebrations will also be catered to, for which more complete menus would be prepared. With this delivery system, people only need to show up once a day to receive all three meals. Being daily from Monday to Friday and closing on weekends, holidays and one day in March to celebrate the general assembly, but on Fridays and the days before a special closure, extra food would be delivered. The main objective is to cover the food requirements of those members of the local population without resources, as well as provide them with an area for attention, listening to and understanding individual needs. We don't peddle fantasies! Help us to make it a reality for so many! PP Manilva working for the whole community.
ThePartido Popular will transform the entrance to Sabinillas with a boulevard from the roundabout on the A7 connecting to an avenue that will run down to the Plaza del Cali, restoring the town to its people. The scheme will incorporate the Plaza de Vicente Espinel, just behind the taxi rank, which will also house an underground car park with 450 spaces and a new square with a pedestrianised link to the new church square and the pedestrian zone that will be created around the Day Centre for the Elderly and the new square and the underground parking at the Plaza de los Escritores, with space for 100 vehicles.
we will improve mobility within the commercial areas supported by the creation of new parking spaces.
Itis our intention to increase the number of sporting activities, especially those related to the sea, offering a variety of possibilities throughout the year, not only in the summer months. The Nautical Club, which would house a Municipal School of Aquatic Activities and Sailing will be a meeting point for those who are interested in getting involved in such activities, for which we are going to study all the requirements, in collaboration with the current nautical club members, so that it can a become a reality very soon, and all this designed to also accommodate future summer camps with the participation of the indoor pool, and in collaboration with other sporting activities.
The Partido Popular will carry out all the necessary steps to provide Castillo de la Duquesa with a modern entrance, an entrance that is more visible and capable of generating the necessary flow of visitors that this important cultural and gastronomic area of the municipality needs as a boost to the local economy. The new accesses will be complemented by parking areas, as well as making life easier and more enjoyable for the pedestrians who pass through the area daily.
The long overdue construction of a semisubmerged jetty will be a priority objective to achieve the
regeneration of the beaches of Castilo, as an added attraction to its important gastronomic and cultural value.
commerce within the municipality and actively promote local programmed by the Town Hall.
PPManilvais ready to initiate a number of actions that aim to implement more sustainable forms of transit in our urban areas, whether walking, cycling or public transport. The Partido Popular will roll out a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan focussing on:
• Mobility management.
• Pedestrian mobility.
• Cycling mobility.
• Public transport.
• Freight distribution.
• Roads and vehicle circulation.
• New car parks.
• Support for decarbonization in transport.
ThePartido Popular will introduce a Renewable Energy Plan, and we will be more respectful of the environment.
PP Manilva will promote the creation of solar arrays on the roofs of public buildings and municipal land, to obtain clean and selfsufficient energy.
We will supply power to the street lights on the A7 main road where it passes through the municipality, to improve road safety and provide more visibility for people.
The excess energy produced by this scheme will be destined for the homes of the most needy families in our community, thus complementing the Energy Bonus.
Theproposed Gastronomic School will offer comprehensive training to students not only in technical matters, but also including the values, procedures and attitudes necessary for full professional development.
From there, we will promote the development and creation of avant-garde gastronomic trends, taking as a reference the local influence and contribution of cuisines and cultures both national and international and in this way promote gastronomy in all its areas, fostering the international projection of Spanish cuisine from the respect for our traditions, products and history.
The school will also cover the needs of the local hotel and restaurant sector, providing it with highly qualified and professional staff.
Thisnew unit will see an increase in the number of Local Police officers, and will provide a number of capabilities that will substantially complement and enhance the functions of the local police service, offering a better image and greater guarantee of security to the public.
The new canine unit will also have a Formation and Training School that can be used
free of charge by the public, supporting our aim of making our municipality an Animal Friendly Town. The implementation, with a minimum cost due to the collaboration of other municipalities in this project, will help to reinforce the security in our streets with the Police handler and dog pairings.
The municipal nursery would provide seasonal and perennial plants for use in the municipality parks, gardens and other public areas as well as provide employment possibilities to people who have difficulty accessing the work place for whatever reason. The Special Employment Centre system, established by the Junta de Andalucía has seen over 20 million euros invested in one year in the province of Malaga to maintain jobs for these people. This Special Employment Centre will give the opportunity to people with physical or mental disabilities to gain access to work, a right that all citizens should have and that it is essential to be able to live life to the full with dignity, autonomy, responsibility and self-esteem that all people need, as well as being economically independent.
We will begin the construction of the new building that will house all the council departments under one roof, improving the collaboration between the various administrations to provide them with facilities in keeping with their needs, modernising the workspace and thus improving services and attention to the public.
To initiate this we will carry out works to adapt the existing facilities as well as relocating other agencies such as the Local Police or the Fire Station.
It will be a substantial undertaking that will modernise the service to the public. We are clear that this is a major priority and therefore are committed to its construction.
Our youth are the future of our municipality and with this in mind, in addition to offering them the best education and training, we have an obligation to make available leisure spaces that help them relax and develop socially whilst not disturbing others.
We will put at your disposal a space where you can study and enjoy your leisure time in the company of your friends and colleagues. The current Tenencia de Alcaldía in Sabinillas will become the new youth centre under the name of La Casa de los Jóvenes, we will transfer the current council workers to the new Town Hall and we will refurbish these facilities for use and enjoyment of those who will undoubtedly be the future of Manilva.
“a space where you can study and enjoy your leisure time “
We all know about the need for parking areas, not just in the summer season, but all year round.
These are essential to take cars off of the streets, whilst still providing easy access to all our shops, bars, restaurants and other facilities
• Plaza de la Vendimia car park 145 spaces
• New car park Sabinillas Boulevard 450 spaces
• Plaza de los Escritores car park 100 spaces