The Resident - July-August 2012

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No.70 2 AUG - 28 AUG 2012 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006




Costa del Sol en Feria

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The Resident -

EDITORIAL Bien, otra vez es hora de sacar papel y lápiz, o mejor dicho dedos sobre teclado e introducir la edición de este mes de nuestro periódico The Resident. A la salida de esta edición comienza el mes de Agosto, es un mes que básicamente la mayoría de España emigra hacia la playa más próxima a pesar de que la mayoría de las playas están plagada de medusas que impide el total disfrute de nuestra bellísima costa. Asegúrese que presta atención a las banderas de precaución, para aquellas personas que no lo sepan todavía, diré que la bandera roja indica su prohibición al baño. Otro consejo es llevar junto con la crema solar y las toallas una botellita de vinagre, para cuando nos piquen las medusas. Fuentes médicas aconsejan que si has sido picado por una medusa, no se debería restregar la zona afectada ni tampoco lavar la zona con agua fresca. Una pequeña mezcla de agua con vinagre contrarresta el veneno alcalino de la medusa y proporciona un alivio instantáneo. Hablando de remedios instantáneos, un viejo mito es el de orinar sobre la picadura, ésto es sólo un “viejo mito”, nada más, sin ninguna eficacia.

Otro aspecto de los veranos en la costa es el aumento de robos y tirones a bolsos. La mejor manera de no convertirse en víctima es tener siempre a la vista sus pertenencias como bolsos y demás, y no dejar bolsos debajo de sillas en bares y restaurantes. Tened precaución de personas sospechosas preguntando por direcciones, etc. porque son técnicas de distracción frecuentemente utilizadas. Algunos aparcamientos de supermercados son puntos estratégicos para estos malhechores, así pues, preste especial atención. Bien, dejemos a parte la nota seria. Este mes tenemos un gran número de Ferias anuales, incluido Manilva, San Roque y Casares, al igual que la ya mundialmente famosa Feria de Málaga, que tiene lugar del 11 al 19 de Agosto. Para más información de estas ferias visite nuestra página web y nuestra página en Facebook /TheResident.Spain. ¡Eso es todo amigos! Me voy a la playa.

Well it’s that time again, time to put pen to paper, or should I say fingers to keyboard and introduce this month’s issue of The Resident. As the paper comes out we are entering the month of August, a month when basically most of Spain decamps to the nearest beach. This year though conditions have conspired to create occasional swarms of jellyfish which have disrupted people’s enjoyment of the coastal waters. Make sure you take note of the warning flags, a red flag indicating that you shouldn’t enter the water, another tip is to pack a bottle of vinegar in with the sun cream and towels. Medical sources advise that if you are stung by a jellyfish you should avoid rubbing the area, nor should you wash the sting with fresh water. A liberal dousing with vinegar counteracts the alkaline-based poison and provides almost instant relief. Talking of instant relief, the old wives tale that you should urinate on the sting is just that, an old wives tale. Apart from maybe satisfying some strange fantasy that you may have it will not counter the effects of jellyfish sting at all. Another aspect of summers on the

coast are the rise in petty criminals that descend on the area in search of easy pickings. The best way to avoid becoming a victim is to just keep an eye on your valuables and don’t leave handbags on the back of or underneath bar and restaurant chairs. Watch out for people apparently asking for directions, etc., distraction techniques are a favourite of these lowlifes. Some supermarket car parks are a favourite hunting ground, so just pay attention to what’s going on around you. On a positive note violent crime is fairly uncommon, but it can still be distressing to be the victim of crime of any kind. OK, that’s the serious stuff out of the way. This month sees a number of annual fairs, including Manilva, San Roque, and Casares, as well as Málaga’s world famous Feria which runs from 11 to 19 August. For more information on these ferias visit our website and our Facebook page /TheResident. Spain. That’s all for this month folks, I’m off to the beach.

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Hasta la próxima edición. Un saludo, El Editor.


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San Roque

The Resident -


El Ayuntamiento entregará más de 3600 kilos de alimentos

La ayuda viene canalizada a través del banco de Alimentos de Excedentes y la Cruz Roja provincial y el reparto de alimentos a las personas necesitadas en el municipio se realizará a través de Protección Civil, previo informe de departamento de Bienestar Social. En este primer envío se van a repartir unos 3625 kilos de alimentos o no perecederos o de relativa caducidad, en concreto, galletas, pasta y leche. Los vecinos que quieran acceder a estos alimentos deben acudir al departamento de bienestar social, donde el personal municipal realizará una valoración de sus necesidades, y con ese documento se le haría entrega de los alimentos en Protección Civil.

La partida municipal para emergencia social se ha incrementado este año un 50%, y en 2013 las partidas de servicios sociales no van a sufrir ningún recorte”. Los voluntarios de Protección Civil se desplazan a las distintas barriadas para llevar los alimentos, y evitar así que los más necesitados tengan que desplazarse hasta el casco de San Roque para recoger estos alimentos. El pasado mes de abril, la delegación de Bienestar Social solicitó acogerse al Plan de Ayuda alimentaria a las personas más necesitadas de la Unión Europea, recibiéndose hace unos días la comunicación de que San Roque formaba parte de este Plan.

The Town Hall will deliver more than 3600 kilos of food The aid is channeled through the Surplus Food Bank and the provincial Red Cross, with the food being distributed to needy people in the municipality through Protección Civil, according to the Social Welfare Department. The first shipment will contain 3625 kilos of non-perishable food or food with a distant expiry date, namely, biscuits, pasta and milk. Residents who want access to these foods should go to the department of social welfare, where city staff will conduct a needs assessment, with the document

allowing them to receive food in Civil Protection. At the request of the municipalities in the neighborhood, the Civil Defence volunteers move to different neighborhoods to deliver food, preventing the need to travel to the town of San Roque to pick up these foods. Last April, the department of social welfare requested a part in the food aid plan for the neediest people of the European Union, receiving news a few days ago that San Roque is now part of this Plan.

La Cañada exhibition of photographs by Antonio Cañete This is a set of 28 photographs, 14 printed on fabric and as many framed in glass, with a wide range of topics, mainly landscapes. Highlights include shots taken at the Rock of Gibraltar, nature or London as well as pictures of animals. Antonio Cañete Gil was born in La Linea de la Concepcion in 1960. His journey through the world of photography began in 1998, although from childhood he showed a great interest in art and culture, including music and painting.

Antonio studied and perfected his technique as a self-taught artist, without any professional help and learning from his own mistakes. He worked so hard to perfect his pieces that he now dominates large publishing and imaging programmes. That is why he has been teaching the residents of La Linea for two years, demonstrating his interest in expanding all the knowledge he has acquired over the years.

Inaugurada en La Cañada una exposición de fotografías de Antonio Cañete Se trata de un conjunto de 28 fotografías, 14 impresas en un formato en tela y otras tantas enmarcadas en cristal, con una amplia temática, fundamentalmente paisajes. Destacan las tomas realizadas al Peñón de Gibraltar, de naturaleza o de Londres, así como imágenes de animales. Antonio Cañete Gil nació en La Línea de la Concepción en 1960. Su andadura por el mundo de la fotografía comienza en 1998, aunque ya desde pequeño demostró un gran interés por el arte y la cultura, en concreto la música y la

pintura. Antonio estudia y perfecciona su técnica de una forma autodidacta, sin ayuda profesional alguna y aprendiendo de sus propios errores. Fue tanto su empeño por perfeccionarse, que en la actualidad domina grandes programas de edición y realización de imágenes. Es por ello que lleva dos años impartiendo clases a los vecinos de La Línea, demostrando su interés por expandir todos los conocimientos que ha ido adquiriendo a través de los años.



The Resident -

Raúl Alcover - Homenaje a Carlos Cano Viernes 24 agosto a las 21:00 h Jardines del Rosario, Casares Costa

Vecinos y Amigos de Marina de Casares

Destacado por críticos y profesionales como uno de los autores andaluces más importantes, representó una de las primeras aportaciones a la conjunción de estilos con sonidos de Andalucía y música de autor. Los que lo conocen notan su personalidad, su compromiso y solidaridad.

Raul Alcover - Tribute to Carlos Cano Friday August 24 from 9 pm Jardines del Rosario, Casares Costa

Highlighted by critics and professionals as one of the most important Andalusian authors who represented one of the first contributions to the combination of styles and sounds with Andalucian sounds and his own music. Those who know him are

impressed with his personality, commitment and solidarity.

Fue un Honor y placer para nuestro club contribuir al Festival Cultural de Casares con una exposición de arte y artesanía que se mostró en el salón de reunión de Marina de Casares. Todas las obras expuestas fueron creadas por nuestros miembros a lo largo de los 2-3 últimos años. Nuestra nueva Concejal de Costa Doña Antonia Pineda y Juan Jesús Rodríguez asistieron a la inauguración; el Ayuntamiento muy amablemente colaboró con la bebida y merienda. La exposición se mantuvo durante toda la semana cultural para aquellos interesados en el arte local y los artistas locales. También durante la semana participamos en algunas de las actividades deportivas del Ayuntamiento, Tenis de mesa, Dardos, Billar, y distintos tipos de juegos de cartas; nuestro club resultó vencedor en varios trofeos que se entregaron el

último día por Doña Antonia Pineda y el Teniente Alcalde de Secadero Don Juan Luis Villalón. Los miembros del Club están actuando de bibliotecarios en la Biblioteca de la Playa del Ayuntamiento durante los meses de Julio y Agosto. La biblioteca está muy bien provista de libros para niños y adultos, tanto en español como en otras lenguas, así como folletos informativos de todo lo que el turista puede encontrar descubriendo Casares. El periódico bilingüe “Residente” también parabién se puede encontrar de forma gratuita. Estamos planeando un rastrillo en el paseo marítimo de Marina de Casares desde las 8.30 horas hasta bastante tarde en el día 15 de Agosto. Los más intrépidos de nosotros por el momento practican Petanca para el Torneo de Septiembre.

Friends and Neighbours of Marina de Casares The club was very happy and honoured to contribute to the Casares “Cultural week”, commencing with an art and craft exhibition held at the assembly rooms in Marina de Casares. All the crafts and paintings were produced by club members over the last two or three years. The inauguration was hosted by the new Concejal de Costa Antonia Pineda and Juan Jesus Rodriguez. Refreshments were served, kindly supplied by the Ayuntamiento. The exhibition remained during the whole cultural week for those interested in local art by local artists. Also during the week the club participated in some of the Ayuntamiento sporting activities, Table Tennis, Darts, Billiards, and differing card games, the club was quite successful in winning many prizes that were presented on the final day by señorita Antonia Pineda

and el Teniente Alcalde de Secadero Juan Luis Villalon. The club members are acting as Librarians on behalf of the Ayuntamiento to the “Beach Library” during the months of July and August. The library is well stocked with adult and children’s books in Spanish and foreign languages, together with leaflets full of information that tourist would need when discovering Casares. The free bilingual “Resident “newspaper is also available. Members are planning to have a “Table Top” sale along the promenade in Marina de Casares from 8.30 pm until late on the 15th of August. The hardy amongst us at this time are practicing for our September Petanca Tournament. g the Club contact mariaphammond@ or tel. No 952 892 030.

El Ayuntamiento habilita un paso peatonal a Playa Chica desde la fase 25 de Marina de Casares

Casares Bridge Club The club meets every Tuesday at 6.15pm for 6.30pm start. We play Duplicate Bridge at the Community hall located on the Casares road MA8300, 1km. from the A7, and can be found to the right of the first roundabout. We operate a Host system ... players without partners (including visitors) can be accommodated and are most welcome.

El Ayuntamiento de Casares ha habilitado un paso peatonal desde la zona de aparcamientos de la urbanización el Diamante y la fase 25 de Marina de Casares hasta Playa Chica. Se trata de un sendero que discurre por

una zona verde y que tiene como objeto que aquellas personas que aparquen en esa zona cercana al antiguo Hotel Playa Chica no tengan que dar un rodeo para acceder a la playa.

The Town Hall creates a walkway to Playa Chica from phase 25 of Marina de Casares The Casares Town Hall has created a walkway from the parking area of the Diamond development and phase 25 of Marina de Casares to Playa Chica. The path runs through a green area and

is intended for those who park at the area near the former Hotel Playa Chica to avoid having to make a detour to access the beach.


The Resident -

Espectáculo Argentino ‘La Porteña’ La delegación municipal de Cultura ha informado de la próxima actuación de la Compañía Arcos de Buenos Aires en la

localidad, en un espectáculo de música y danza denominado ‘La Porteña’, en el parque Del Duque de Manilva, para poner en escena su obra que contará con 16 artistas en escena. La representación tendrá lugar el viernes 17 de agosto a las diez de la noche. La Compañía Arcos de Buenos Aires está dirigida por el prestigioso violinista y director Walter O Tejeda Carranza. El espectáculo realiza un recorrido geográfico musical de la cultura argentina desde el tango mas porteño hasta el Folklore mas tradicional. Un viaje al corazón de Argentina. Las entradas se han puesto a la venta al precio de 10 euros y los interesados podrán adquirirlas llamando al teléfono 654 57 63 63. También estarán disponibles en taquilla dos horas antes del inicio de la representación.


Único curso de apnea y pesca submarina este año con Pipin Ferreras para Europa

Argentinian Show: ‘La Porteña’ The Municipal Department of Culture has announced the upcoming performance of the Arcos de Buenos Aires Company, a music and dance show called “La Porteña ‘, in the El Duque park in Manilva, 16 artists will perform on stage. The performance will take place on Friday August 17th at ten pm. The Arcos de Buenos Aires Company is directed by renowned violinist and

conductor Walter O Tejeda Carranza. The show is a musical tour through the culture of Argentina from tango to more traditional folklore. A journey into the heart of Argentina. Tickets are on sale for 10 euros and can be purchased by calling 654 57 63 63. They will also be available at the box office two hours before the start of the performance.

‘Acércate’ Arte en el Castillo El sábado 18 de agosto, la próxima edición del mercado de artistas ‘Acércate’ del Departamento de Residentes Extranjeros se llevará a cabo en el monumento del Castillo de la Duquesa. El objetivo del evento es ofrecer a

los artistas locales la oportunidad de exhibir y promocionar su obras y dar a su público la oportunidad de ver la interesante variedad de temas, estilos y medios que utilizan. Visitantes serán bienvenidos desde las 20:30 horas.

‘Acercate’ Art in the Castle On Saturday, 18 August the next edition of Manilva Foreign Residents Department’s ‘Acercate’ artists’ market will be held in the Castle at Castillo de la Duquesa. The aim of the event is to provide local artists with

an opportunity to exhibit and promote their and giving the public a chance to view the interesting variety of subjects, styles and mediums on display. Visitors are welcome from 8.30 pm.

Noches de Flamenco La delegación municipal de Fiestas ha organizado las Noches Flamencas. Sábado 4 a partir de las diez de la noche en el paseo marítimo de Sabinillas actuará la Escuela Municipal de Baile Flamenco de Inmaculada Chacón.

Domingo 5 continúan las Noches Flamencas organizadas por la delegación de Fiestas. A partir de las diez de la noche actuarán en el paseo marítimo las alumnas de las academias de Cristina Seguín y Eva Cabrera.

Flamenco Nights Manilva’s Fiestas Department has organised a weekend of flamenco dance to be held on the promenade in Sabinillas.

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On Saturday August 4 from 10 pm you can enjoy a performance by members of the Municipal Flamenco Dance School, directed by Inmaculada Chacón. This will be followed on Sunday August 5, also from 10 pm by students of the Christina Seguín and the Eva Cabrera Dance Academies.

Ya está confirmado. El próximo día 20 de septiembre 2012 comienza el único curso de apnea con y por Pipin Ferreras en Europa, que se celebrará y llevará a cabo en la sede de Pipin Ferreras y Persistent Team España, en Manilva, provincia de Málaga, a través del Deep Quest Institute, escuela creada por Pipin y con oficinas en Miami USA. Buceador Cubano Francisco “Pipin” Ferreras es uno de los pioneros del buceo libre y junto con su famoso rival italiano Umberto Pelizzari ha empujado los límites de esta exigente disciplina, con inmersiones de más de 160 metros

sin ningún tipo de ayuda para respirar. El famoso director de cine James Cameron está trabajando actualmente en una película sobre Pipin Ferreras, titulado “The Dive” (El Buceo). El curso está dirigido a un máximo de 12 alumnos que podrán observar y aprender del maestro y mito de la apnea, y el único en el que se celebrarán inmersiones con trineo “Sin Límite” en tándem con Pipin a una profundidad máxima de 70 metros, según alumno. Para más información contacto 52 79 30 95, 628 59 13 57 o email: info@

Pipin Ferreras presents his only European freediving course this year in Manilva Next September 20, 2012, the only course of freediving presented by Pipin Ferreras in Europe will take place at the Pipin Ferreras and Persistent Team Spain headquarters, Manilva, through the Deep Quest Institute, a school established by Pipin, with offices in Miami USA. Cuban freediver Francisco “Pipin” Ferreras is one of the pioneers of freediving and along with his famous rival Italian Umberto Pelizzari has pushed the envelope of this demanding discipline with dives in excess of 160 metres without any form of breathing aid. Renowned filmmaker James

Cameron is currently working on a film of Pipin Ferreras entitled “The Dive”. The course is designed for a maximum of 12 students who will watch and learn from the legendary master of freediving, and is the only one with “No limits” sled dives in tandem with Pipin to a maximum depth of 70 meters, depending on the student’s abilities. The programme is spread over 4 days. For more information contact Active Scuba Divers 952 79 30 95, 628 59 13 57 or email:

Oficina de los Extranjeros Residentes

Manilva Foreign Residents office

La Oficina de los Extranjeros Residentes está ubicada en el Castillo de la Duquesa y está abierta de las 08:00h hasta las 15.00h, de lunes a viernes, con horario de atención al público, entre 10:00h y 15:00h. Ayudan y aconsejan con respeto a los problemas de los extranjeros residentes registrados en el municipio de Manilva. Pueden contactar por

The Foreign Residents office can be found in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa and is open to the public from 8 am to 3 pm, Mondays to Fridays, to help and advise with any problems incurred by foreign residents registered in the municipality of Manilva. Telephone 952 893 548 or email You can also find Chris Olsen at the Tourist

teléfono al 952 893 548 o por e mail También podéis contactar con Chris Olsen en la Oficina de Turismo en el Edificio Mikonos, del Puerto de la Duquesa desde las 3 hasta las 7 pm, de lunes a Viernes, y de 10 a 2 pm los Sábados.

Office in the Mikonos Building, Puerto de la Duquesa from 3.00 to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. Dean Shelton is available for all community and urbanisation matters - Tues & Wed 11 am to 2 pm; Thurs 4 - 7 pm in the Tourist Office in the Port. Visit or www.manilvalife. com for more information.



The Resident -

Manilva Solicitors


MANILVA SOLICITORS is part of MARBELLA SOLICITORS, SLP who have made a name for themselves by offering legal, fiscal and accountancy services to foreign residents and non-residents in Spain at very competitive rates whilst still maintaining a personal and professional service. Having opened their first office in Marbella 11 years ago, thanks to word of mouth recommendations, they have been able to expand, and have opened their own new offices in Malaga, Madrid, Nerja and Manilva, and will soon be opening a new office in, Calahonda, Mijas Costa. Thus they are able to provide a local service in each area, with easy access for their existing and future clients avoiding the necessity to travel great distances. Their faithful 1,200 plus clients are proof of their reasonable prices and excellent results. For example the price for doing a Spanish Will is only 150 euro all inclusive, (i.e. including Notary fees, 18% V.A.T., and our fees). So if you own a property or have assets in Spain, (e.g. bank accounts), then, it would be advisable to arrange an appointment to discuss your wishes and make your Spanish Will. A Will can give you peace of mind, knowing that your wishes will be carried out for your heirs. To have a Will translated and then to get the apostle required by Spanish law, can be expensive and time consuming when done in the country of origin, so making a Will here in Spain avoids unnecessary expenses and time for your heirs too. The Will is in Spanish and English, so there’s no problem understanding it. Marbella Solicitors Group’s aim is to encourage people to use the services of a lawyer, whatever their problem, and to prove that this doesn’t have to be expensive.

In fact, they offer free internet and phone consultations, and the first meeting with their professional, English-speaking lawyer is always free of charge with no obligation. They will give you a quote for the work required and, apart from any expenses that may need to be paid. They have five senior lawyers, one in each of their offices, who can be contacted at any time via e-mail and will guarantee an answer within 24 hours. Their clients can talk to senior partners directly by phone, and not to secretaries. They are duly registered with the Bar Association, and have a Civil Liability Policy of up to 500,000 euro in unlikely event of professional error. Marbella Solicitors Group provides services to individual clients as well as companies, and no problem is too small. They are now able to offer extended services to give their clients a complete one-stop global service with a professional Accountant, Labour Advisor, and an Architect available to cover any financial, labour or planning requirements. They also have a litigation department and although they work mainly in Malaga province and Andalucia, they have clients throughout Spain. Clients are free to choose which office they would like to visit and merely have to ask for an appointment at least 24 hours in advance. To arrange an appointment at the office nearest you, contact Marbella Solicitors Group on 952 901 225, via e-mail on mail@ or visit their website, Jose M. Lopez-Avalos Tel. (00 34) 952 901 225 Fax.(00 34) 952 901 226

II Fiesta de la Luna Llena

La segunda edición de la Fiesta de la Luna Llena, que tendrá lugar el viernes 3 de agosto en la playa de Sabinillas, Manilva, prevé congregar a más de 6.000 personas con el fin de dar la bienvenida a la luna llena del mes de agosto. Además, se celebrará una serie de actividades que contará con la playa como escenario. Se trata de una de las noches con mayor afluencia de turistas en Manilva, en su primera edición reunió a más de 3.000 personas, que tiene su origen en la Full Moon Party de Koh Pha Ngan, en Tailandia. A partir de las 20.30 horas, comenzará la II Fiesta de la Luna Llena de Manilva, en

la que se invita a los participantes a vestir de blanco. Así, a partir del anochecer se apagará el alumbrado público para dar la bienvenida a la luna y dar comienzo a las actividades, entre las que destacan los malabares de fuego, las acrobacias y la música chill out. Se lanzarán globos de luz tailandeses, unos pequeños globos aerostáticos de papel que al encender una llama en su interior y llenarse de aire caliente comienzan a volar. Junto a esta iniciativa ecológica, centenares de velas y antorchas ubicadas en la arena iluminarán la playa de Sabinillas.

II Festival of the Full Moon This Friday, August 3, Manilva stages the second edition of its Festival of the Full Moon, which celebrates the August full moon which will be welcomed with a variety of events and activities. Inspired by Thailand’s Koh Pha Ngan Full Moon Party, this event was first held last year when some 3,000 visitors enjoyed an evening of music and relaxation on the beach in Sabinillas, and this year that figure is expected to double.

From 8.30 pm the festival begins, with participants invited to dress in white. The lights on the paseo de maritimo will be dimmed to allow the full splendour of the moonrise to be appreciated with the beach then lit by hundreds of candles and torches. Visitors will be entertained with chill out music, jugglers and acrobats as well as the release of hundreds of chinese sky lanterns which will light up sky.

For more information contact Manilva Media Workshop SLL C/. Mijas 6, 29692, Sabinillas, Manilva, Malaga

Telephone: 952 936 198 Mob: 607 043 943

imprenta - rotulación - publicidad | printing - signwriting - publicity


The Resident -

El ayuntamiento habilita 90 plazas de aparcamiento en El Puerto Hace unos meses se firmó en el notario de Manilva la escritura mediante la que se adquiría por interés público un total de 90 plazas de aparcamiento en el edificio Mikonos, ubicado en el puerto de La Duquesa, tasadas en 765.000 €. Toda la tramitación, según explica la alcaldesa, se ha efectuado siguiendo lo establecido en el artículo 32 c) de la Ley de Contratos del Sector Público y ha contado con todos los informes y peritaciones que establece la ley. Para la forma de pago de esta adquisición por parte del Ayuntamiento se ha decidido el abono mediante la compensación de deudas existentes por parte del promotor propietario de esos aparcamientos vencidas, líquidas y exigibles, correspondiente a impuestos y tasas municipales no abonadas.

Las plazas de aparcamiento podrán tener varios destinos aunque de momento se van a usar para la explotación pública, lo cual revitalizará el comercio y las empresas del puerto de La Duquesa.

The Town Hall make 90 parking spaces available in Duquesa Port A few months ago a deal was signed in which a total of 90 parking spaces in the Mykonos building, Duquesa Port, were acquired for a sum of € 765,000. The entire process was carried out in accordance with article 32 c) of the Act on public sector contracts and all reports and surveys necessary by law have been

provided. The Town Hall has offset existing debts in municipal taxes and fees owed by the developer to pay for the parking spaces. The parking spaces have several possible uses, but for now they will be made into public parking, boosting business in the port.

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The Resident -

Presentación del Vino Moscatel de Manilva

Se pretende desde el Ayuntamiento de Manilva y la Fundación de Manilva para el Desarrollo (FUNMADES) generar empleo y actividad económica entorno a la uva, con la elaboración del vino ‘MOMA’, Moscatel de Manilva, un vino blanco, joven y elaborado 100% con uva moscatel de Alejandría que fue presentado oficialmente en la Villa Matilde en Sabinillas. Asistieron la diputada delegada de Desarrollo Económico y Rural, Leonor García Agua, y el secretario del Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Málaga, Sierras de Málaga y

Pasas de Málaga, José Manuel Moreno, entre otros. También se informó de la idea de poner en marcha un proyecto con todos los Consejos Reguladores de Vino de Andalucía para crear iniciativas que vinculen esta oferta al turismo tanto nacional como internacional. El Ayuntamiento y FUNMADES proporcionan formación profesional vinculada con este sector: el Ciclo Superior de Vitivinicultura y la Escuela Taller Las Viñas para jóvenes de entre 18 y 24 años de edad siendo dos ejemplos de ello.

Manilva present its new moscatel wine The Manilva Town Hall and the Manilva Foundation for Development (FUNMADES) plan to create jobs and economic activity around the municipality’s vineyards, by the launching of the new ‘MOMA’ Moscatel wine of Manilva, a white wine made ​​from 100% young Alexandrian moscatel grapes which was officially unveiled at the Villa Matilde in Sabinillas this month. The Malaga Councillor for Economic and Rural Development, Leonor Garcia, and the Secretary of the Board of the Designation of Origin of Málaga, Sierras de Malaga and

raisins of Malaga, Jose Manuel Moreno, were among those who attended. They also reported plans to launch a project with all the Regulatory Boards of Andalucia to create initiatives that linked to national and international tourism. The Town Hall and FUNMADES provide professional training in this sector: The High School Wine Workshop and the Higher Degree in Wine at Las Viñas for young people between 18 and 24 years of age being two examples.


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• Exciting new restaurant La Bella Vista open to the public 9.00am - Midnight • Breakfast, lunch, daily menu, tapas and dinner • Homemade international fusion menu • Large terrace with sea views • Catering for functions and parties for up to 250 flexible space, personal menu design, wi-fi • Fascinante nuevo Restaurante La Bella Vista abierto al público de 9.00am - hasta media noche • Desayunos, almuerzos, menú del da, tapas y cenas • Menú fusión casero internacional • Enorme terraza con vistas al mar • Catering para eventos y fiestas capacidad para 250 personas, menú diseño, wi-fi

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 INVITACIÓN DE 1 BOTELLA DE VINO DE LA CASA

 CRUZCAMPO O 1 COPA DE VINO DE LA CASA

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El alcalde recibe al intendente de Ezeiza (Argentina) y anuncia la intención de hermanarse con esta ciudad para realizar acciones conjuntas de promoción El alcalde de Estepona, José María García Urbano, ha recibido hoy al intendente de Ezeiza (Argentina), Alejandro Granados, y ha anunciado la voluntad de ambos para iniciar los trámites de hermanamiento de ambos municipios y realizar así acciones conjuntas relacionadas con el ámbito del turismo, la cultura o el deporte. El regidor ha indicado que las medidas que se adopten buscarán aumentar el flujo de turismo entre los dos municipios y se

establecerán estrategias de cooperación para conseguir inversiones y proyectos relacionados con otros ámbitos. Ezeiza es una ciudad de la provincia de Buenos Aires con más de 200.000 habitantes y una región de especial interés por sus instalaciones aeroportuarias. La presencia en Estepona del intendente de Ezeiza, que lleva dos décadas en el cargo, ha servido para que empresarios argentinos se hayan interesado por adquirir propiedades en el municipio.

Estepona to begin twinning process with the Argentinean city of Ezeiza The Mayor of Estepona, José María García Urbano, has met with the mayor of Ezeiza (Argentina), Alejandro Granados, and announced their intention to begin the process of twinning municipalities and joining efforts to promote tourism, culture and sport.

The mayor has indicated that they seek to increase the flow of tourism between the two municipalities and establish strategies to achieve investment and cooperation with other projects. Ezeiza is a city of the province of Buenos Aires with over 200,000 inhabitants and is an area of

Triatlón de Estepona El próximo 26 de agosto se celebrará en la localidad el XV Triatlón “Villa de Estepona” 2012, que organiza el Club Triatlón Tiburones de Estepona, la Federación Andaluza de Triatlón y la Diputación Provincial de Málaga, con la colaboración del Ayuntamiento de Estepona y forma parte y es puntuable para el Circuito Provincial de este deporte que organiza la Excma. Diputación Provincial de Málaga. El plazo para formalizar las inscripciones comienza el día 20 de julio y finalizará cuando se completen las 400 plazas ofertadas. En la página web de la Federación Andaluza de Triatlón (

se pueden formalizar las inscripciones “online”, así como consultar la ficha técnica de la prueba. Además en la web de la Concejalía de Deportes (www. se puede encontrar más información sobre la prueba. La competición comenzará a partir de las 09:00 horas y se desarrollará en la playa de “La Rada” (750 metros de natación), luego realizarán un circuito urbano de 20 Km en bicicleta con salida desde la Avda. San Lorenzo y recorrido la Avda. Juan Carlos I y Avda. Martín Méndez (subida al polígono industrial), finalizando con 5 Km de carrera a pie por el paseo marítimo Pedro Manrique.

Estepona Triathlon On 26 August, the XV “Villa de Estepona” Triathlon 2012, organized by the Sharks Triathlon Club of Estepona, the Andalucian Triathlon Federation and the Provincial Government of Malaga, will be held in Estepona with the Town Hall’s assistance and is part of and counts towards the overall score in the Provincial Circuit organized by the Provincial Government of Málaga. The deadline for registration, which began on July 20, will end when the 400 places available are full. Registration can be carried out online on the website of the Andalucian Triathlon Federation , www. ,where you can also find further details about the race. The department of sport also has more information about the race on their website, The competition will begin at 9 am on the beach of “La Rada” (750 meter swim), followed by a 20 km street circuit on a bicycle leaving San Lorenzo Avenue and travelling up the Juan Carlos I and Martín Méndez Avenues (up to the industrial

special interest due to its airport facilities. The presence of the mayor of Ezeiza, with two decades in office behind him, has

sparked the interest of several Argentinian businessmen who are interested in buying property in the municipality.

Exposición de Escultura - Siente!!!! de Toby Govan

La Casa de la Juventud, sita en la Plaza de las Flores, acogerá del 3 al 31 de agosto, una exposición de esculturas titulada “Siente!!!!”, una colección de trabajos del artista esteponero, de origen escocés, Toby Govan, organizada por la Asociación Caminar, en colaboración con la Delegación de Cultura. El sentido del tacto será el nexo de unión de una actividad singular que nos invitará cada viernes, a las 21:00 horas,

a la apertura de un nuevo sentido para apreciar el arte en sí mismo. Tocar, palpar, sentir cada escultura… mientras vemos un espectáculo de tango, nos dejamos embriagar por los perfumes, la música nos deleita o disfrutamos del placer de una delicatessen. Ese es el objetivo de Toby Govan, que el público interactúe con sus obras, y compruebe la fuerza y energía que atesoran en su interior.

Sculpture Exhibition: Feel!!! By Toby Govan he Casa de la Juventud, located in the Plaza de las Flores, will host a sculpture exhibition from 3 to 31 August, entitled “Feel!!!”. A collection of local Scottish artist Toby Govan’s works, organized by the Caminar Association, in collaboration with the Department of Culture. Every Friday at 9 pm you are invited to the estate), ending with a 5 km race on foot along the Pedro Manrique promenade.

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opening of a new way to appreciate art in itself. Touch, feel every sculpture ... as we watch a tango show, let us be intoxicated by the scents, musical delights, or enjoy the pleasure of a delicatessen. That is Toby Govan’s goal, for his audience to interact with his work, and witness the strength and energy that lies inside.

Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English each Saturday from 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what's on; where to go; club and association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a 'round table' discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.



The Resident -

El Ayuntamiento debe devolver otros 240.000 euros a la Junta de Andalucía El concejal del área Económica, Manuel Aguilar, ha anunciado que el Ayuntamiento de Estepona tendrá que devolver 239.887 euros a la Junta de Andalucía por el uso indebido que el anterior equipo de gobierno hizo de otras tres subvenciones. En concreto, se trata de una subvención de 158.374 euros que la Consejería de Turismo y Comercio concedió en septiembre de 2009 para la adquisición de equipamiento de playas, otra de 49.513 euros concedida por la Consejería de Igualdad y Bienestar Social en diciembre de 2010 para el programa de atención al inmigrante y una tercera de 32.000 euros otorgada también por la Consejería de Igualdad y Bienestar Social en octubre de 2010 para el programa ‘Ciudades ante las Drogas’. Las reiteradas injustificaciones de subvenciones durante el gobierno de

Brisas de Verano 2012 - Concurso de Fotografía

Valadez han supuesto ya reclamaciones por más de 2,5 millones de euros durante este último año. A esto hay que sumarle los intereses de demora con los que la Junta de Andalucía penaliza el “uso indebido” de las subvenciones concedidas, y que en el caso de Estepona, han supuesto más de 200.000 euros al Ayuntamiento. Por otra parte, el representante municipal ha vuelto a solicitar a la administración autonómica que abone los más de 1,5 millones de euros que le adeuda al Ayuntamiento de Estepona por subvenciones que fueron concedidas pero no ingresadas a las arcas municipales. Entre esas cantidades se encuentran los 433.000 euros que le correspondían a la ciudad por el Plan Proteja 2010, según ha recordado Aguilar.

Los aficionados a la Fotografía tenéis de nuevo una oportunidad de presentar vuestros trabajos fotográfico sobre Estepona. Bajo la temática “Brisas de Verano 2012”, la Delegación de Turismo organiza una nueva edición del Concurso de Fotografía, con el fin de captar las mejores instantáneas de nuestro municipio durante la época estival. El plazo de presentación es del 24 de Repeated misuse of government subsidies Julio al 21 de Septiembre. during Valadez’ time in office have cost the Se concederán tres premios en la

The Town Hall must return another 240,000 euros to the Junta de Andalucía Councillor, Manuel Aguilar, announced that the Estepona Town Hall must return 239,887 euros to the Junta de Andalucía because of the previous government team’s misuse of ​​three other grants. Specifically, an amount of 158,374 euros from the Ministry of Tourism and Commerce was granted in September 2009 for the purchase of equipment for beaches, another 49,513 euros granted by the Department of Equality and Social Welfare in December 2010 for the immigrant care program and a third also awarded by the same department, 32,000 euros in October 2010 for the ‘Cities against Drugs’ programme.

government over 2.5 million in claims over the past year. Added to this is the default interest with which the Junta de Andalucía penalizes the misuse of grants, which has cost the city of Estepona more than 200,000 euros. The mayor has again asked the regional administration to pay more than 1.5 million owed ​​to the Town Hall of Estepona in grants that were awarded but never arrived in the municipal coffers. These amounts include the 433,000 euros awarded to the city by Plan Proteja in 2010.

II Combinado de Enganches ‘Villa de Estepona’

Photographers are invited to present their photographs of Estepona in a new competition organised by the town’s tourism department. Under the title “Summer Breeze 2012”, the Estepona’s Tourism Department has organised a new edition of the photographic competition, with the aim of capturing the best images of the town during the summer season. Entries can be submitted between 24th July and 21st September 2012.

Three prizes will be awarded in the general Category: First Prize: Weekend for two in La Casa de La Borrega Apartments. Second Prize: Thermal circuit at Acquaplaya Playabella Spa Gran Hotel. Third Prize: Dinner for two in Restaurant la Menorah. For further information: fotografia concursofotografia@estepona. es

El Ayuntamiento contrata un barco que limpiará de medusas el litoral de Estepona hasta finales de verano para pescar a este tipo de invertebrados y trasladarlos a un contenedor que estará depositado en el Puerto Deportivo. La plaga que tuvo lugar el pasado fin de semana se debe a la alta concentración de salinidad de las aguas debido a la falta de lluvias durante todo el año que ha reducido el caudal de los ríos que dulcifican la costa. A eso hay que sumarle las altas temperaturas de las últimas semanas y la ausencia en el mediterráneo de tortugas, que son el depredador natural de las medusas.

The Town Hall contracts boat to rid the coast of Estepona of jellyfish until late summer

Detrás de la Gasolinera BP, P.Ind. Estepona día 4 de Agosto desde 19:30h Councillor Susana Aragon, has announced Al finalizar el campeonato ... Cante y that Estepona has hired a boat specializing Baile. in the removal of jellyfish to counter the

II Estepona Horse and Coach Trials Part of the Andalucia Cup Indoor Championships 2012 the event will be held in the fields between the Estepona Poligono and the BP garage on Saturday

Para más información: www.estepona. es/fotografia concursofotografia@

Photography competition – Summer Breeze

La concejala adscrita al área de Playas, Susana Aragón, ha anunciado hoy que el Ayuntamiento de Estepona ha contratado una embarcación especializada en la eliminación de medusas para evitar así que nuevas plagas se aproximen a la costa durante este verano. El barco, que comenzará a prestar sus servicios el viernes, recorrerá durante ocho horas al día los 21,5 kilómetros de litoral para recoger con sus redes estos organismos marinos que impiden el baño a los usuarios de las playas. La empresa utilizará unas redes ciegas

Punctuable para el Campeonato Copa de Andalucia de Indoor 2012. Organiza la Iltre Hdad de Ntra Sra del Rocío de Estepona con la colaboración del Ilmo. Ayto de Estepona.

categoría general: 1er Premio: Dos noches para dos personas en Apartamentos Casa de La Borrega. 2º Premio: Circuito termal para dos personas en el Acquaplaya del Playabella Spa Gran Hotel. 3er Premio: Cena para dos personas en Restaurante La Menorah.

August 4 from 7.30 pm. Entry is free and refreshments and entertainment are available during and after the competition.

arrival of more this summer. The vessel, which will begin to provide its services on Friday, will travel for eight hours a day, along 21.5 miles of shoreline with nets to collect the creatures, which have prevented users from bathing on the beaches on a number of occasions already this summer.

They will remove the jellyfish to a container in the Marina. The swarm that took place recently was due to the high concentration of salinity from lack of rain throughout the year which has reduced the flow of the rivers on the coast. The high temperatures of recent weeks and the absence of turtles in the Mediterranean, the natural predators of jellyfish, add to the problem.


The Resident -

La quiropráctica una medicina sin fármacos ni cirugía

¿Qué es la quiropráctica? La quiropráctica es la rama de las ciencias de la salud que estudia los problemas biomecánicos , estructurales, especialmente los de la columna, sus efectos sobre el sistema nervioso, y su repercusión en la salud. Fue descubierta por el Doctor David Palmer en 1995 en Davenport, Iowa, EEUU, al ajustar una vértebra desplazada que producía una interferencia nerviosa resultando en sordera. Actualmente la quiropráctica ocupa el segundo lugar entre las tres ramas sanitarias más importantes en el citado país con más de cincuenta mil doctores en quiropráctica. ¿Qué trata la quiropráctica? La quiropráctica actúa sobre la persona entendiendo a ésta como un todo global. De forma concreta tiene una alta eficacia sobre la hernia de disco, dolor cervical, dolor de cabeza, mareos, dolor lumbar, escoliosis, etc.

¿Qué hace un quiropráctico? El quiropráctico realiza un examen ortopédico-neurológico y palpatorio y otras pruebas específicas quiroprácticas. Esto se complementa con radiografías específicas o resonancias magnéticas cuando sean necesarias, para decidir el tratamiento a seguir. El tratamiento principal consiste en ajustes específicos de las vértebras y las articulaciones. El término ajuste en quiropráctica significa la manipulación de aquellas vértebras o articulaciones del cuerpo que están bloqueadas o sub-luxadas. El ajuste generalmente se hace con las manos en una camilla de diseño especial usando técnicas muy precisas. Para más información puedes llamar al 952 791 996 José Mª Puig de Sobrino

Chiropractic medicine without pharmaceuticals or surgery What is Chiropractic? Chiropractic is the branch of medical science that studies biomechanical problems, structural reforms, particularly those of the spine, its effects on the nervous system and its repercussions on health. It was discovered by Dr. David Palmer in 1995 in Davenport, Iowa, USA, on adjusting a displaced vertebra producing nerve interference resulting in deafness. Chiropractic currently ranks second among the three most important health branches in the US with more than fifty thousand chiropractic doctors. What does a Chiropractic Doctor treat? Chiropractic doctors act on the understanding of the body as whole. In concrete they have a high rate of efficiency on the herniated disc, neck pain,

headaches, dizziness, back pain, scoliosis, etc. What does a Chiropractor do? The chiropractor performs an orthopedic examination, palpation and other neurological and specific chiropractic tests. This is complemented by specific x-rays or MRI scans when necessary, to decide the right course of treatment. The main treatment consists of specific adjustments of the vertebrae and joints. The term chiropractic adjustment means the manipulation of those vertebrae or joints of the body that are blocked or dislocated. The adjustment is usually done by hand on a specially designed bed using very precise techniques. For more information call 952 791 996 José M ª Puig de Sobrino


Costa Advice Bureau SPAIN, IS EVERYDAY LIVING BECOMING MORE EXPENSIVE? Reduce the Cost of Your Electricity Consumption For some time now, with the freeing up of the market, options have become available for substituting your electricity provider with one of the competitors. Now that we have had some time to examine results, you may consider making the changeover. News is now filtering through with some encouraging reports from consumers, who have decided to take advantage of these services. One company in particular, has taken into account the difficulties and communication problems that the expatriate communities have experienced with the main supplier. Therefore this company is offering to communicate and send your bills to you in English. In addition to this they are offering a discount on prices.

many residents have not completed their annual tax declarations. If, you have only just carried out this obligation submitting your tax for 2011, then you will more than likely be charged for your prescriptions. It appears that the government is assessing you on the results of the 2010 declarations. We are hoping for a change when the taxes completed before the third of July of this year is accepted into the system. Retired residents will now have to become fiscal residents to avail of the prescription reductions. This should not alarm anyone on average pensions. Most pensioners who receive their pensions from one source and earn under twenty two thousand euro a year will most probably not even have to go to the expense of submitting an annual tax form but must become a bona fide tax resident.

Are you Paying too Much in Taxes? If you have bought a property, paid your taxes, and then received a complimentary tax bill, you might be able to reclaim the amount of the surcharge. You may well have been paying your various taxes such as your IBI (rates) transmission taxes, annual taxes on your property or your earnings, wealth tax, capital gains tax on the sale of your property or inheritance taxes. You may wish to have a revision of these and see if you are paying in excess of your dues.

Resident Status and Changes All members from the European community who wish to become residents in Spain will find that just over two weeks ago the law relating to application for your resident card has changed. You will now need the usual documentation plus, proof of an appropriate income to support you and your family, or a work contract and proof of medical cover. There will be a lot of expatriates who are living here more here and have not done so should with anyone who is either autonomy or employed should consider taking out residency immediately. This is imperative if your family are not as yet covered by the social security system for health care.

Prescription Charges. There have been numerous expatriates pensioners who have contacted me to state that even though they have their tarjeta sanitaria (health card) and full rights to healthcare in Spain. They are finding that though previously, they had received all medication at either a minimal price or were entitled to free medicines, they are discovering that they are now being charged for essential medication. The reason for this may be due to the fact that

For more information on any of the topics above, please contact: Myra Azzopardi Costa Advice Bureau Calle Real 58, Estepona Tel: 952 797 821

Conciertos acústicos todos los miércoles de agosto en la plazoleta Ortiz El concejal adscrito a la delegación de Juventud, Adrián Trujillo, ha presentado el proyecto ‘Agosto en Vivo’, que consistirá en la celebración de conciertos acústicos en la plazoleta Ortiz todos los miércoles del mes de agosto. Trujillo ha señalado que la organización de estas actuaciones son fruto de un acuerdo de colaboración entre el Ayuntamiento, la asociación cultural Explorarte y negocios del entorno como el bar ‘Tolone’, el restaurante ‘Sur’ o el ‘Plaza Café’, para ofrecer así otra alternativa de ocio a los

usuarios de la zona. El edil ha explicado que este tipo de iniciativas contribuyen a “dinamizar y dar una mayor vida” a la plazoleta Ortiz, que tras su remodelación, se ha convertido en uno de los enclaves del casco urbano “más interesantes para vecinos y turistas”. En cuanto a los conciertos, el responsable de Juventud ha señalado que serán acústicos y que tendrán lugar los miércoles 1, 8, 15, 22 y 29 de agosto a partir de las 21.30 horas.

Acoustic concerts every Wednesday during August in Plazoleta Ortiz As part of the Town Hall’s ‘August Live’ programme there will be a serious of acoustic concerts held in the Plazoleta Ortiz. The programme is the result of a collaboration between the Youth Department and the

Explorarte cultural association and the Tolone Bar, Restaurante Sur, and Plaza Cafe. The concerts will take place on Wednesday 8, 15, 22 and 29 August, starting at 9.30 pm.


Información Information

The Resident -

Active Scuba Divers - El Mejor Centro de Buceo de Andalucía puede encontrarse aquí en Manilva Recientemente entrevisté a Ronny Roskosch, el propietario de Active Scuba Divers con sede en el Centro de Buceo de Manilva, en Sabinillas. Después de unos minutos de escuchar al entusiasmo, profesionalismo y experiencia de Ronnie, en ese momento casi quise ponerme un traje de neopreno y aparato de respiración y saltar a la piscina de entrenamiento del centro. Es esta combinación de cualidades que han llevado al legendario buzo Cubano Pipin Ferrer a nombrar a Ronnie como su representante en España. El amor de Ronnie hacia el buceo se remonta a su juventud, cuando como muchos de nosotros vio las aventuras submarinas del pionero del buceo Jacques Cousteau. Ronnie buceó por primera vez a la edad de catorce años y a los diecisiete ya estaba trabajando en las plataformas del Mar del Norte como un buzo de saturación, también obteniendo a la vez un título en negocios. Pasado poco tiempo decidió iniciar su propio negocio de buceo comercial en Alemania, pero al igual que muchos de nosotros los climas más soleados le atrajeron y pronto se encontró en el sur de España, donde en 1989 fundó su primera empresa de buceo. Fue en ese momento cuando se dio cuenta de que

el buceo de saturación era un juego de hombres jóvenes y es una carga pesada para el cuerpo. En 1992 tomó un ligero cambio de dirección y estableció un centro de buceo adicional en Tarifa, que mantuvo junto a su operación comercial durante varios años. En el ‘94 se registró como instructor de buceo deportivo y durante los años ha acumulado tanta reputación que PADI han nombrado a Active Scuba Divers como el mejor centro de buceo de Andalucía. Active Scuba Divers también se especializan en la formación de instructores para los buzos con discapacidad, algo de lo que Ronnie se siente especialmente orgulloso. También ofrecen el curso de National Geographic sobre el buceo responsable, diseñado para reducir el impacto de los estimados 29 millones de buceadores sobre la ecología y el medio ambiente del océano. Ronnie explicó que durante el verano reciben una gran cantidad de turismo de buceo a menudo con familias enteras participando en cursos, así como inmersiones recreativas, etc Durante el invierno se centra más en la formación profesional, con cursos de instructores, cursos técnicos, etc. Hay un curso

particularmente interesante de buceo libre de cuatro días que se ofrece en septiembre (ver página 5), ​​que será realizado por el propio Pipin Ferrer. Y si eso no fuera suficiente, en octubre se espera la visita a Sabinillas de PierreYves Cousteau, hijo de Jacques, la inspiración detrás de la carrera de Ronnie, para personalmente nombrar a Active Scuba Divers como centro de buceo Cousteau. Además de la formación de buceo el equipo de Active Scuba Divers también están involucrados con una serie de proyectos de películas incluyendo “The

Dive ‘, una película de James Cameron sobre Pipin Ferrer y su difunta esposa, así como una serie de documentales por encargo del canal Discovery. Si estás interesado en el buceo o simplemente te gustaría probarlo, Active Scuba Divers ofrecen regularmente buceos para darte una idea del mundo bajo el agua. Para obtener más información sobre estos y la amplia gama de otras actividades que se ofrecen, visita la página web www.activescubadivers. com o contacta con ellos llamando al 952 793 095 o 628 591 357.

Andalucia’s top dive centre can be found here in Manilva I recently interviewed Ronny Roskosch, the proprietor of Active Scuba Divers based at the Manilva Dive Centre in Sabinillas. After just a few minutes listening to Ronnie’s enthusiasm, professionalism and experience I almost wanted to don a wetsuit and breathing apparatus and jump in the centre’s training pool right there and then. It is this combination of qualities that led the legendary Cuban freediver Pipin Ferrer to appoint Ronnie as his representative in Spain. Ronnie’s love affair with diving goes back to his youth, when like many of us he watched the undersea adventures of diving pioneer Jacques Cousteau. Ronnie’s first dive was at the age of fourteen and by seventeen he was working on the North Sea platforms as a saturation diver whilst also taking a degree in business. It wasn’t long before he looked at starting

his own commercial diving business in Germany, but like many of us sunnier climes beckoned and he soon found himself in the South of Spain, where in 1989 he set up his first diving company. At was at this time that he realised that saturation diving was a young man’s game and took a heavy toll on the body. In 1992 he took a slight change of direction and also set up a scuba diving centre in Tarifa which he ran in tandem with his commercial operation for a number of years. In ‘94 he registered as a sports dive instructor and over those years has built up the business and his reputation to the point where PADI have declared Active Scuba Divers the top dive centre in Andalucia. Active Scuba Divers also specialise in training instructors for disabled divers, something of which Ronnie is particularly

proud. They also offer the National Geographic course for responsible diving, designed to reduce the impact of the estimated 29 million divers on the ocean ecology and environment. Ronnie explained that during the summer they get a lot of dive tourism often with whole families taking courses, as well as fun dives, etc. During the winter the accent is more on professional training, with instructors courses, technical courses, and so on. Particularly exciting is the four-day freediving course on offer in September (see page 5) which will be given by Pipin Ferrer himself. And if that was not enough then in October Pierre-Yves Cousteau, son of Jacques who was the inspiration behind Ronnie’s career is expected to visit Sabinillas to appoint Active Scuba Divers as a Cousteau Dive Centre. Apart from the dive training the team at Active Scuba Divers are also involved with a number of film projects including ‘The Dive’ a film by James Cameron about

Ronnie with Pierre-Yves Cousteau last year

Pipin Ferrer and his late wife, as well as a number of documentaries commissioned by Discovery Channel. If you are interested in diving or would just like to see what it’s like Active Scuba Divers regularly offer try-dives to give you a taste of this underwater world. For more information on these and the wide range of other activities on offer then visit their website at or telephone 952 793 095 or 628 591 357.

Puerto de la Duquesa

The Resident -


El secreto mejor guardado de Costa

Every Day from 5.30 pm Live Music Every Friday (see page 18) Front Line First Level, Duquesa Port A menudo se refiere al Puerto de la Duquesa como “El secreto mejor guardado de la Costa”. Bueno, en los próximos meses esperamos rectificar esto. En colaboración con las empresas locales y el Ayuntamiento de Manilva, The Resident pondrá la atención sobre esta joya de la corona del turismo de Manilva, que muestra la hospitalidad

gastronómica, y la infraestructura comercial que hacen de este el lugar ideal para visitar ya sea por una hora, un día, semanas, meses, o como hogar permanente. Durante todo el verano te traemos noticias e información de entretenimiento, eventos y actividades que tienen lugar en este hermoso lugar.

The Costa’s best kept secret Puerto de la Duquesa is often referred to as the Coast’s ‘Best kept secret’. Well over the coming months we hope to put that right. In collaboration with Manilva’s Town Hall, and local businesses, The Resident will be putting the spotlight on this jewel in Manilva’s tourism crown, showcasing the gastronomic, entertainment and

commercial infrastructure that make this the ideal place to visit either for an hour, a day, week, month, or like many people to make it your permanent home. Throughout the summer we’ll bring you news and information of entertainment, events and activities taking place in this beautiful location.

La Bodega @ Déjà Vu INTERNATIONAL TAPAS BAR Telephone: 672 398 895 Try our new menu! Summer Hours Open 4 pm ‘til late Tuesday to Sunday


tel: 952 936 344 Serving you top quality meat since 1999 HOME MADE SAUSAGES • ENGLISH CUTS • NEW ZEALAND LAMB • BEEF • PORK • POULTRY

DUQUESA PORT N340 143.5km, Manilva


N340 167km, Estepona



thebistro steakhouse

Monday to Friday: 9am-5.30pm & Saturdays: 9am-1.30pm

Don’t forget, for placing orders please email us on, or call us on tel: 952 891 313 Like our page on Facebook for details of all our offers – The English Butcher

love food, dine out for less... Open Tuesday to Sunday from 6pm | Top Level, Puerto de la Duquesa, Manilva


Puerto de la Duquesa

Puerto de la Duquesa

- La joya de la corona del turismo de Manilva Situado a medio camino entre las localidades de Castillo de la Duquesa y San Luis de Sabinillas se encuentra la marina deportiva de Puerto de la Duquesa. El pintoresco puerto de la Duquesa ha sido galardonada con la Bandera Azul por la calidad de sus instalaciones y entorno, algo fácil de entender cuando se acerca a visitarlo. Puerto de la Duquesa es un puerto deportivo de trabajo y es usado tanto por las embarcaciones de recreo como por los pescadores locales, que pueden verse desembarcando sus capturas casi todos los días. Para aquellos que quieran meterse en el agua hay una serie de opciones disponibles como paseos en barco, viajes para observar delfines, viajes de diversión, buceo, etc. El puerto de la Duquesa está lleno de bares y restaurantes que representan la cocina de un gran número de países, incluyendo India, italiana, mexicana, italiana, china, Inglesa e Irlandesa y, por supuesto, Española. Ya sea un café tranquilo donde puedas sentarte y ver pasar el mundo, o de un bar deportivo animado que muestra el último partido o torneo de golf, hay algo para todos en Puerto de la Duquesa. Aparte de los bares, cafeterías y restaurantes hay varias tiendas, boutiques, joyerías, etc, así como un gimnasio, peluquería, banco, agentes inmobiliarios y proveedores de actividades de ocio, convirtiendo a Puerto de la Duquesa en un pueblo en sí.

The Resident -

The Resident -

Puerto de la Duquesa

Puerto de la Duquesa - The Jewel in Manilva’s tourism crown Situated midway between the villages of Castillo de la Duquesa and San Luis de Sabinillas is the marina complex of Puerto de la Duquesa. The picturesque port of Duquesa has been awarded the FEE Blue Flag for the quality of its facilities and surroundings, a fact easily understood when you pay it a visit. Duquesa Port is a working marina and is used by both pleasure craft and the local fishermen, who can be seen landing their catch most days. For those of you who want to take to the water there are a number of options available in the way of boat rides, dolphin spotting, fun trips, diving, etc. Duquesa’s harbourside is lined with numerous bars and restaurants representing cuisine from a host of countries, including Indian, Italian, Mexican, Italian, Chinese, UK and Ireland, and of course Spain. Whether a quiet cafe where you can sit and watch the world go by, or a lively sports bar showing the latest match or golf tournament, there is something for everyone in Puerto de la Duquesa. Apart from the bars, cafes and restaurants there are number of shops, boutiques, jewellers, etc. as well as a gym, hairdressers, bank, estate agents and leisure activity providers, making Puerto de la Duquesa a village in its own right.



Puerto de la Duquesa

The Resident -

Huge front line terrace serving delicious food daily. Don’t forget our famous Sunday roast, we only use Argentinean Rib Eye.

The Meeting Place

opnow en

Events and parties catered for Trading successfully for 9 years

Tel 952 891 179

Música en vivo y eventos en Duquesa

SPECIAL SUMMER OFFER Get a Bucket of 6 Beers or Bottle of Wine, plus Scampi & Chips for 2 19€

Get a Bucket of 6 Beers or Bottle of Wine, plus Battered Sausage & 17€ Chips for 2

Rambla del Mediterraneo, Top level, Puerto de la Duquesa

Agosto 3 Frankie ‘B’ en Bar Duquesa Agosto 3 Sam Oliver en Ryders Agosto 10 Mr Maph en Bar Duquesa Agosto 10 Sam Oliver en Ryders Agosto 17 Frankie ‘B’ en Bar Duquesa

Agosto 17 Sam Oliver en Ryders Agosto 24 Michelle en Bar Duquesa Agosto 24 Sam Oliver en Ryders Agosto 31 Frankie ‘B’ en Bar Duquesa Agosto 31 Sam Oliver en Ryders

Live Music and Events in Duquesa Aug 3rd Frankie ‘B’ at Bar Duquesa Aug 3rd Sam Oliver at Ryders Aug 10th Mr Maph at Bar Duquesa Aug 10th Sam Oliver at Ryders Aug 17th Frankie ‘B’ at Bar Duquesa Aug 17th Sam Oliver at Ryders

Aug 24th Michelle at Bar Duquesa Aug 24th Sam Oliver at Ryders Aug 31st Frankie ‘B’ at Bar Duquesa Aug 31st Sam Oliver at Ryders Regular live music, karaoke, quizzes, etc., at many of Duquesa’s venues.

Giving you a warm welcome at





Plaza la Cigala, Puerto de la Duquesa

Tel: 679 792 594

All Day Breakfast - 2 for €9 (drink included) Tea/Coffee + Cake deal €3.50 Tapas - Smoothies - Milk Shakes Free WiFi - All Sports Shown Open from 10 am Tuesday to Sunday Happy Hour 6pm to 9pm FRONT LINE DUQUESA PORT

The Resident -

Ocio What’s On



Ocio What’s On

The Resident -

The Shiver + Fibonacci vs God

The Shiver + Fibonacci vs God

Viernes 3 de Agosto a las 22.00 h Louie Louie R’n’R Bar, Calle Real, Estepona

Friday August 3 at 10 pm

Louie Louie Rock’n’Roll Bar

Advertise in The Resident Get off to a flying start in the New Year with an advert in The Resident. Unbeatable rates and packages tailored to your specific needs. Don’t forget advertising is an investment, not an expense. So invest in your business today.

952 936 198 or

The Shiver + Fibonacci vs God Viernes 3 De Agosto Rock

Sala and the Strange Sounds Jueves 9 De Agosto Alternative

Los Aslanticos Send your band reviews, gig reports, album critiques

Broadcasting in English to the Campo de Gibraltar and beyond

or any information on thelocal


Spain to

a breath of fresh air for more information visit

music scene in the South of Your local music resource

Sábado 11 De Agost Rock

See For lthe atest gig news



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We can also tailor make packages to suit your individual needs. Call now for a consultation.

The Resident -

ADANA rompe los records!

Información Information Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva Shop Closure

As usual the charity shop in Calle Zaragoza, Estepona will be closed for August to allow volunteers to recharge their batteries. The last day of trading will be Saturday 28th July and the shop will reopen on Monday 3rd September when some autumn wear will be on display. Until closure the sizzling summer special on clothes will continue – and what a success that has been so far! A dedicated rail is offering buy one item for 1€ and get one free! All you have to do is look for the cross on the reverse of the price ticket. Every day there will be fresh items for sale, so come along and get your summer bargains at giveaway prices!


The Centre will be closed from Saturday Helen Ellis ADANA Adoptions Officer at her desk

El personal y los miembros de la Junta Directiva de ADANA estaban en el séptimo cielo cuando la encargada de las adopciones, Hellen Ellis, informó que en los primeros seis meses del año el número de perros que había sido adoptados había igualado las cifras de todo el 2011. “Estos números son muy alentadores”, dijo Helen. “Incluyen los perros que se enviaron a otros países europeos, asi como los que encontraron un hogar aquí, lo cual si consideramos el estado de la economía local es un resultado muy satisfactorio”. “Estas noticias son maravillosas”, dijo

la Presidenta María Cawsey. “Sólo podemos agradecer a Helen, Fernando y Bernd y a nuestro estupendo equipo de voluntarios, quienes trabajando juntos hacen esto posible. Ciento cuarenta perros ya tienen hogares buenos y cariñosos. Aunque todavía hay un continuo flujo de perros abandonados que llega a nuestras perreras en el Parque de los Pedregales, es bueno saber que no sólo estamos luchando sino además haciendo excelentes progresos. Esperamos seguir viendo cómo aumentan los números de adopciones a este ritmo tan prometedor.

ADANA beats the record! ADANA staff and Board members were over the moon when they were told by Adoptions Officer Helen Ellis that in the first six months of this year the number of dogs adopted had equalled the adoption figure for the whole of 2011. ‘These figures are very encouraging’, said Helen. ‘They include dogs sent to other European countries as well as those rehomed locally but considering the state of the local economy, it’s a very pleasing result’. ‘This is wonderful news’, said President

Maria Cawsey. ‘We can only thank Helen, Fernando and Bernd and our wonderful team of volunteers who together make this possible. One hundred and forty dogs now have good, loving homes’. Although there is still a steady stream of abandoned dogs arriving at the kennels in the Parque de los Pedregales, it’s good to know that we are not only coping but making excellent progress. Let’s hope that we will continue to see adoption numbers increasing at this very encouraging rate.


28th July to Monday 3rd September but the telephone will be regularly checked for messages. The Bridge Club will reconvene on Wednesday 5th September. Spanish classes will restart on Monday 3rd September.

Lifeline For older people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650 163 928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is acesteponaymanilva@ .

International Club of Estepona The ICE Club is a social club for all English-speaking people, and holds many events during the week. We have our own refurbished clubhouse holding the following regular events: Music, Dancing, Themed Supper Evenings, Film Nights, Social Evenings, Bridge, Whist, Day and Holiday Coach Trips, Golf, Rambling, Spanish Lessons, Drama/Theatre Group, Needle Crafts, Gardening, Art, Quiz Night, Songs of Praise, Computer Instruction, Free 8Mb WiFi & Computers Available, Large Screen TV for major events, Monthly Magazine.

Free Book and Jigsaw Libraries, DVD’s and much more. Every Sunday from 12.30 to 2.30pm and every Tuesday from 12.00am to 2pm the bar is open for drinks and tapas. Every Thursday from 10.30am to 2.30pm the bar is open for drinks, weekly meeting 11.30am, 1.00pm lunch. New web site

Special Events July Friday 17th August - Quiz Night Saturday 25th August Neil’s Live Music Folk & Country For further regular events & information visit our website

ICE Club, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada, Entrada 4 or 5 at km 149, A7, Estepona Tel 952 802 549 Visit their website -

Estepona & District Jewish Social Group Activities since the start of Spring/Summer have included, Afternoon Teas and an evening Poolside Party with top line entertainment. The next event will be a Dinner accompanied with Live Music and will be held early September at a local venue.

October will feature our very popular Penthouse Tea Party and after this we will announce our Winter programme. We also hold monthly Friday Night get togethers. For further information please contact

Charity Golf Event On Sunday the 2nd September 2012 Estepona Golf Club will play host to a charity golf competition organized by local ex-pat and keen golfer Stuart Harvey. The aim of the event is to raise funds for two charities with which Stuart feels a close affinity. The competition will be over 18 holes and is a two person, stableford, team event with a team’s best stableford score on each hole counting towards a their ultimate score. Entry is just €100 per team which includes the after golf buffet. There are some fantastic prizes on offer

including free golf and meal vouchers with the top team winning a day’s luxury sailing in the Bay of Gibraltar for the themselves and up to six guests, a prize that’s worth a whopping €950! The day is rounded off nicely with a BBQ for players and their guests followed by a special fund raising auction of sporting memorabilia including items donated by sporting greats such as Ian Poulter, Paul Lawrie and Sir Chris Hoy. So check out the advert on this page for how to become involved in this exciting event.

Send us details of your club, charity or association’s events and activities and even if we don’t have room in The Resident we will publish it on our website at Send copy and images to by the 18th of the month for inclusion in the paper or anytime for publication on the website.



Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz

Fácil Easy

This month’s picture quiz inevitably has an Olympic theme. Name the host city at which these memorable Olympic moments occurred. Give yourself and extra point if you also get the year. Answers on page 27. El Quiz de este mes de imagen, inevitablemente, tiene un tema olímpico. Nombra la ciudad anfitriona en la que estos memorables momentos olímpicos ocurrieron. Date un punto extra si también consigues el año. Respuestas en la página 27.



Soluciones página 27 All solutions on page 27

Nivel Medio Medium



Difícil Hard 5





The Resident -


The Resident Property Selection A shop window on some of the best property deals on the coast Manilva

Call +34 630 318 730 179,950€

ty th er on op M Pr he t of Large 4 bed, 2 bath townhouse situated 5 mins walk from Manilva, overlooking Sabinillas and Manilva coast. Built 2004 173+ square metres, benefits form large 50 square metre integral garage. Property is ready to be moved in and is sold with or without furniture. The property enjoys a very private situation and shares pool and garden with just 17 other properties. MUST BE SEEN!

Marlows Fish & Chip Restaurant

Advertise in The Resident

Book your advert in The Resident NOW. Unbeatable rates and packages. Don’t forget advertising is an investment, not an expense. So invest in your business today.

952 936 198 or

Marlows is a modern, and spacious comfortable restaurant with an outside terrace to accommodate smokers. At Marlows you will find expertly fried fish & chips, north sea haddock, cod, plaice, together with starters. Ribs, chicken, pies, sausages, salads, desserts and a kids menu at only €4. Marlows have 50 years plus in the fish & chip trade and in fact opened the very first fish & chip shop in Gibraltar, way back in 1966 (Irish Town Fisheries, for those of you old enough to remember it). Quality, Value and Service excel at Marlows. So why not try for yourself! Marlows can also cater for any party, Big or Small up to 100 people.

During the winter months there is a fantastic Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding lunch on Sunday served from 1pm - 4.30pm. Tel. 951 276 728

EARLY BIRD NOW €7.50 1 Fish & Chips (Cod or Haddock) 1 Bread & Butter or 1 Peas 1 Drink

Tea, coffee, beer, water or soft drink

6pm - 7.30pm Monday to Thursday Served in the Restaurant


Información Information

The Resident -

Éxito en la lucha contra la morosidad en las AMMEX success in combating community comunidades, a nivel local y en el extranjero debt, locally and abroad AMMEX success in combating community debt, locally and abroad AMMEX, is the largest company in the area dedicated to Property Administration, with extensive experience in problem solving for community owners, characterized by its professionalism and the use of new technologies as a fundamental basis for better services to their clients, AMMEX ADMINISTRACIONES SLP was created in 1999. One of the main problems facing communities of owners today is DEBT. After analyzing the data of the communities we work with, we have found that measures implemented to combat this problem are now beginning to yield results, the percentage of payments of community

AMMEX, es la mayor empresa en la zona que se dedica a la Administración de Fincas, con un dilatada experiencia en la resolución de problemas a las comunidades de propietarios, se caracteriza por su profesionalidad y por el uso de las nuevas tecnologías, como base fundamental para una mejor prestación de servicios a sus administrados, AMMEX Administraciones SLP, fue creada en 1999. Unos de los principales problemas de las comunidades de propietarios en la actualidad es la morosidad. Tras analizar los datos de las comunidades con las que trabajamos, hemos verificado que las medidas puestas en marcha contra este problema están empezando a dar resultados, así el porcentaje de cobros sobre cuotas comunitarias ha mejorado

en un 5,12% entre junio del año 2012 respecto al 2011. Las medidas puesta en marcha han consistido en la contratación de un abogado por la empresa para la reclamación de cuotas y hacer un mayor y mejor seguimiento de los procedimientos judiciales, facilitando a los presidentes información detallada de la gestión y de los mismos. Otra de las medidas han sido la reclamación de cuotas comunitarias en Inglaterra, que está dando bastante buen resultado y por último la creación de un departamento de cobros con la contratación de una nueva persona que está permanentemente en contacto con los deudores, intentando que estos paguen o alcanzando acuerdos de pagos con los mismos.

quotas has improved by 5.12% in June 2012 compared to the same period in 2011. Implemented measures have included the hiring of a lawyer by the company for reclaiming fees and to enable better monitoring of court proceedings, providing detailed reports to the presidents and keeping them up to date. Another measure has been the ability to reclaim outstanding community fees in England, which is giving excellent results and finally the creation of a billing department and the hiring of a new member of staff who is permanently in contact with debtors, trying to recuperate these outstanding payments or reaching agreements for their payment.

The Resident -

Hotel y restaurante que resiste la tendencia En medio de todas las malas noticias de los últimos meses es bueno escuchar de los negocios que están prosperando en el clima económico actual y uno de ellos es un hotel rural cerca de Ronda. Molino del Santo, una de las primeras empresas rurales de Andalucía, ha estado operativo desde 1987 y siempre ha tenido una buena clientela. Sin embargo, 2012 está demostrando ser un gran año para la empresa británica por el aumento de las ventas, tanto en el hotel y el restaurante por más del 15% en comparación con el año pasado. El propietario Andy Chapell está encantado con la forma en que la temporada se está desarrollando, lo que significa que puede ofrecer puestos de trabajo seguros a más de 20 empleados. Las razones para el éxito en 2012 de acuerdo con Andy son muchas, aunque difíciles de cuantificar. El

volumen de comercio español de este año ha decrecido ya que los locales se están apretando el cinturón, pero ha sido más que compensada por los británicos, holandeses, estadounidenses y, notablemente, australianos. La calidad también parece ser clave en la creación de una fiel clientela - y más del 75% de los visitantes, tanto en el hotel y el restaurante Molino del Santo han estado antes - algunos de ellos muchas, muchas veces en el transcurso de tan solo esta temporada. “Creo que tenemos una gran combinación de una magnífica ubicación, un personal increíblemente amable, excelente comida y una zona que ofrece muchas actividades para todas las edades e intereses, todos ellos con un compromiso de calidad”, dice el orgulloso dueño.

Hotel and restaurant bucking the trend Amidst all the gloomy news of recent months it is good to hear of businesses that are thriving in the present economic climate and one such is a rural hotel near Ronda. Molino del Santo, one of the first rural enterprises in Andalucia, has been operating since 1987 and has always had a good following. However 2012 is proving to be a great year for the British-owned concern with sales in both the hotel and restaurant up by over 15% compared with last year. Owner Andy Chapell is delighted with the way this season is developing and is pleased that this means he can offer secure jobs to over 20 staff. The reasons for the success in 2012 according to Andy are many, although

difficult to quantify. There has been a slowdown in the amount of Spanish trade this year as locals tighten their belts but this has been more than compensated for by Brits, Dutch, Americans and notably Australians. Quality also seems to be the key to creating a loyal following – and over 75% of the visitors both to the hotel and restaurant at Molino del Santo have been before – some of them many, many times over the course of just this season. “I think we have a great combination of a wonderful location, amazingly friendly staff, excellent food and an area which offers many activities for all ages and interests, all with a commitment to quality, ” says the proud proprietor.


MONTAJES ELÉCTRICOS - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Tfno/Fax: 952 89 37 29 - Móvil: 657 96 03 47 - Mobile: 662 276 767 (in English)

Avenida Velazquez 29692 SABINILLAS - MANILVA (Málaga)



The Resident -

En la Residencia de las Palabras

Al atardecer la vida se hace esperanza


Francisco Rodríguez Herrera

El amor en el agua El amor en el mar, una cita en la playa para un niño de agua. En la llama, cómplice del astro, la noche arde, la ola es fuego que me espera, amiga de mi pensamiento, de mi oración, de mi cabello ; surge la vida de ese mar tuyo, es el rostro que baña la sábana y el salón; la oscuridad es agua, para ser luego luz que nos penetra, mientras, pasea el pez del cielo por la casa; y yo, silencioso, sigo esperando la aventura del sueño: abro la ventana, mujer y noche son más que luna alada, toca la brisa blanda el corazón que flota y te sonríe al fin al alba. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Heraldo de la noche” Junio de 2.009

Todas los que esperan se confunden Tendida en las hamacas las muchachas recibieron al heraldo. Aunque es más eficaz ¿cómo decirte? levantarse, ninguna lo hizo. Todas creían que traería noticias de sus amantes, pero curiosamente, era él quien venía a ofrecerse como compañero de alguna de las mujeres, él no era el heraldo. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Heraldo de la noche” Junio de 2.009

Asociación de discapacitados Luisana C/ Aurora de Albornoz nº1 29692 Sabinillas - Málaga Actividades diversas de formación, animación e integración. Colaboración e información


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(Coopere con nosotros)

Soluciones A Francisca Puzzle Page Solutions

oy a la mar en esta primavera para cantarle a la llanura del agua, allí dejaré los restos de mi madre; porque el polvo humano, no un despojo, no una ruina, no una roca deshecha, me acompaña, viene conmigo la ceniza humana, la flor habitada para el aire y el agua, viene junto a mi mi madre; porque la muerte, quizás oculta sus razones para ser más espíritu.   Ahora el silencio del mar es posada para mi madre, aurora en la roca, madeja de algas, templanza de azules, barco de alabanzas en alta mar que vendrá hasta la orilla a confiarle aventuras en su lecho. Y se queda mi madre, su nombre, su canto, su risa, su dolor y su vida, su carácter esmerado y brioso, no en el mar, no en la orilla, no en el barco, y no se difumina su historia, ella está en los adentros de nosotros mismos, en el corazón de los hijos, porque la muerte es rama caída, pero el árbol sigue brotando, esa continuidad del sentimiento incapaz de arder, de volar, de navegar o hundirse en las aguas, de ser nada en la nada. (Lo que flota es la vida de la luz.)   Mi madre ya es agua, sí, y el agua es espejo para la medusa, lo incoloro de la verdadera sangre, Moisés en una ola, el testamento del sueño vivido, del quehacer

computado en un instante sobre una gota salada.   La vida, nuestro tiempo se acaba, pero ese vivir, creen algunos, es siempre insuficiente para hacernos madurar; por eso, quizás, las flores familiares siguen impulsando los candelabros, quién no enciende su alma con recuerdos de la infancia, quién no llena su crepúsculo de historias de juventud, quién no contempla su propia vida desde otras vidas que estuvieron cercana a la nuestra: la escuela, la casa, los miedos, la regañina, el caramelo, un almuerzo y sus asuntos, la costura de una falda, la moral y la ideología diversa, las opiniones, el novio, la boda, la mística del mar donde acudimos a pasear por playas rocosas, limpias y sinuosas... Pero recordar no es solo un recurso para accionar la vida más allá de nuestras fronteras, nos adentramos en los demás, no para salir de nosotros mismos, ni para ser la madre, el padre, el hijo, el amigo, el hermano, sino para abrir la escotilla del amor e identificarnos con la naturaleza del alma, y entrar en un océano que lleva en sus aguas cenizas corpulentas, azules delantales, de madre y marineros, y allí ser más que polvo, donde la niebla al alba se disipa por una lágrima del cielo.

Adolescente en volandas



Esa soy yo antes del alba, oscuridad sin lágrima. Soy la luna, fragmento del llanto para el estanque de tu pecho; y sucede que la noche es un grito sin destino previo donde igual duermen soledad y embrión de arco iris, la esperanza, el amor del viento y de la estrella, pero ahora, todavía no derramo mis ríos porque esté solo, porque no sepa de tus planetas, porque soy yo antes del alba, y no sé despertar o no me atrevo, ¡qué gracia de mirarte y amarte siempre!


Un secreto se hunde en la nostalgia. Despierta, cuando descanses, sentirás el universo que te invita a salir a la luz, a revolcarte en la aurora. La vida se derrama y se entrega y te entregas: en la piel se recupera el astro, calla el alma. ¿Sentencia? ¿Absuelto el beso pardo y puro? El cuerpo vence en su deseo al sueño: Deseo, deseo, deseo. Si nuestra alma fuera dueña de la noche y cayera de los labios de la luna ese beso infinito de Cupido como olas y aves para saber de todos los amores anhelados.

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Heraldo de la noche” 1.988

Abril 2012

Fácil Easy

Nivel Medio Medium

Difícil Hard

Esta pronta primavera Que a todos nos ha sorprendido, nos ha traído un regalo escogido. ¡Cómo han florecido los naranjos, qué aroma a azahar nos han dejado! Es respirar la vida y el corazón se ha agrandado. Otros árboles y arbustos olorosos han dejado también su aroma, el romero de sierra brava, el humilde tomillo perfumado, el eucalipto, el laurel, el brezo, la acacia con su blanca flor. ¿Cómo no cuidamos nuestros árboles? ¿Por qué razón los olvidamos? Son nuestra vida y la de nuestro entorno. Cuando los mueve la suave brisa, en un verde mar que el campo nos brinda. La hermosura de la Madre Naturaleza, desde la más humilde adelfa, a la señorial orquídea, todo es belleza. Vamos a mentalizarnos, que tenemos que cuidarlos, que es alimento del cuerpo y del alma, que es el futuro de nuestros nietos, y que si no los mimamos, van a sobrevivir en precario, con un futuro incierto, y todo porno molestarnos. Vamos a repoblar lo abandonado, nuestros pueblos y jardines y adoptemos cada uno un árbol, sería igual que un hijo nuestro, que necesita nuestro cariño y cuidados. ARA – 31-03-2012

Respuestas correspondientesa la página 22 Picture Quiz answers from page 22 1 Barcelona 1992 2 Seoul 1988 3 Montreal 1976 4 Beijing 2008 5 Atlanta 1996 6 Los Angeles 1984 7 Berlin 1936 8 Mexico 1968




The Resident -

JoJo’s Burpee Challenge On September 14th at the Courtyard, Mar y Sol in Sotogrande a group of local people will attempt to set a Guinness world record for the highest number of burpees done collectively, to raise money for a local cancer charity. The challenge is led by fitness instructor JoJo France, who has been torturing her clients with burpees for many years. “When I begin training people one of the most frequent complaints is how hard burpees are,” she said. “So I decided to make burpees a complete training programme, so by doing 100s of them, 50 in a workout would be a doddle.” She added: “Then I thought let’s do a sponsored burpee challenge to raise money for a local charity, and the idea

About JoJo JoJo has worked in the fitness industry for 24 years. She began her career as a dancer with a keen interest in health and fitness, and studied ‘fitness’ at Sandwell College in the UK, and then became a group fitness instructor. She added to her qualifications by doing vocational courses, including group instructing for weights, yoga, pre and post pregnancy, fitness for kids and personal training. In 2006 she decided to further her knowledge and is now midway through a degree in physiology and sports science. JoJo has worked with many sports clubs and professional bodies, including premiership rugby clubs (Worcester and Moseley), and football players (David James). She also works with a wide range of individuals and groups with different fitness issues, for example obese clients with debilitating weight issues, group projects to increase physical output, and over 50’s with blood pressure issues. JoJo has spent the last six years transferring her UK based clinic to Spain, She is now well established in Pueblo Nuevo (Sotogrande), where she holds clinics, classes and one to one training for people looking for guidance on changing their body shape and physical issues

just took off.” The group she is currently training have a range of fitness categories, including the “I’ve done nothing for 10 years”, super fit eight year olds, middle-aged housewives, and deskbound 60 something’s. “Every one of them will be able to do it,” said JoJo. “And they are already surprising themselves with their results in training, and by September they will have no trouble in reaching their target of 600 burpees in one hour.” JoJo is offering the training sessions for free on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings, in the hope that it will persuade more people to raise money for the local cancer charity, and to set the Guinness World record. For more information please contact: JoJo France on +34 687 030 047

Recordbreakers required Sotogrande based fitness instructor JoJo France is looking for people to help with a world record attempt which will also raise money for a local cancer charity. The world record attempt will take place on September 14th at The Courtyard, Mar y Sol in Sotogrande, and needs a team of people of all ages, shapes, and sizes, and with different fitness levels. They will attempt, as a group to set a Guinness World Record for the most burpees done by collectively in one hour. Each person in the team will aim to do 600 burpees in one hour, and be sponsored for each burpee they do. JoJo explained what made her think of the challenge: “When I begin training people one of the most frequent complaints is how hard burpees are,” she said. “So I decided to make burpees a complete training programme, so by doing 100s of them, 50 in a workout would be a doddle. “Then I thought let’s do a sponsored burpee challenge to raise money for a local charity, and the idea just took off.” She now needs some more volunteers - for the burpees themselves, but also sponsors, judges, time keepers and general supporters. How to do a Burpee 1. Begin in a standing position. 2. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. 3. Extend your feet back in one quick motion to assume the plank position. 4. Return to the squat position in one quick motion. 5. Jump straight into the air as high as possible.

Learn Spanish with

Home Tutors

in your home, office or a group Support lessons in most subjects for children attending Spanish/International schools. Also French, German and English Spelling, language and literature Tel: 952 892 163 Mob: 607 963 254

learn Spanish with Nuria Experienced teacher from Madrid Based Duquesa-Manilva-SabinillasEstepona. 1 to 1 dedicated tuition at your place. Group lessons also available. Friendly, gain confidence, learn properly. Tel. 620753865 email:


Se Alquila en el Puerto de la Duquesa - For Rent in Duquesa Port Apartamento en el Puerto de la Duquesa, 2 dorm, 2 baños, cocina amueblada, terraza con vistas al mar. 2 bed apartment in Duquesa Port, 2 bath, fitted kitchen. Terrace with sea view. Abril-Mayo-Junio o Sept. / April-May-June or Sept. 200€ semana/week Julio/July - 1500€ mes/month 400€ semana/week Agosto/August - 1800€ mes/month 500€ semana/week Tel. 952 80 83 21 (English mornings only) 952 80 83 21 - 629 481 088 (Español)

For more information please contact: JoJo France on +34 687 030 047

Alcoholics Anonymous PROBLEM WITH YOUR DRINKING? There is a cost free solution Call the Helpline 600 379 110

Padre Patera

Un Corazón sin Fronteras Necesita - Pañales, Toallitas Húmedas y Leche Entera Acoge a todos los niños inmigrantes y mujeres embarazadas. Entrega de donativos: Contacten con 626 702 721 Araceli

Plaza Vicente Espinel, Sabinillas Manilva, Málaga

687 327 521 This advert 80mm x 46mm Black and White for just 10 euros per month Este Anuncio 80mm x 46mm Blanco y Negro Para sólo 10 euros al mes 952 936 198

Business Directory Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L.

Dep Leg: MA -158-2006 Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Sub Editors Gary Walters Contributors Ronald Rosenfeld Frances Beaumont Francisco Rodríguez Myra Azzopardi JoJo France Claudia Norris Advertising Enquiries Tel. 952 936 198 General Enquiries Printed by Iniciativas de Publicaciones e Impresión, S.L. Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores. This Publication accepts no responsibility for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.

Building & Maintenance •  Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment, Design Service Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:manderley59@ •  Emasur - Installation, repair and maintenance of all types of electical installations, air-con solar energy, and other clean energy systems both electricity and hot water. Tel: 952 892 515

ATR SPAIN Reforms - Maintenance Project Management Tel. 678 962 588

Holiday Accommodation •  Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain Tel. 952 936 216 www.


•  English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066 •  Simple Leasing. Car rentals and leasing. Document transfers. 0034 697 820 253 or visit www.

Professional •  Manilva Solicitors provide a broad range of legal and fiscal services to both private individuals and companies. Tel 952 901 225 or e-mail: •  Mateo Lawyers is a firm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123 www. • All types of translation & interpreting work. Qualified Translators & Interpreters, legal contracts, books, websites & certified translations. 951 977 320 Info@VTranslationSpain. com •  Leyva - wide range of fireplaces, marble and granite, supplied and fitted. Polígono Industrial Manilva. Tel: 951 97 20 08, 609 713 619.

Hair and Beauty Monte Duquesa Hair Ladies’ Stylist Men’s Barber The Courtyard Monte Duquesa 617 595 605 See

Inmobiliaria Estate Agents •  Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www. •  Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas. Small, independent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517 www. •  Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444

Have a day out with The Resident Property management

•  Manilva Casa Care Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207 www.

The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months. As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month

NEW TRIP - Tarifa between two seas

Sun Breaks Spain Short Term Holiday Lets Long Term Rentals Apartments, villas or townhouses

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Mortgage & Financial Services •  Fiduciary Wealth Management - Financial advisory and consulting practice offering tax led wealth management. 956 796 911 •  Hamilton Insurance for expatriate insurance be it health, car, travel or home and contents 952 897 347

Bares y Restaurantes La Bodega del Genals

International tapas Paseo Maritimo, Sabinillas Call 672 398 895

For reservations See •  Armstrongs Restaurant Rio Manilva Road. Extensive menu and weekly entertainment. Tel. 952 892 690 or 664 442 629

Marlows Fish & Chips

Takeaway or eat in Extensive menu Call 951 276 728

For reservations See

Educación Education •  Home Tutors English and Spanish lessons 952892163

This advert 80mm x 46mm Black and White for just 10 euros per month Este Anuncio 80mm x 46mm Blanco y Negro Para sólo 10 euros al mes 952 936 198

built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. - Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal 45€ Resident price 42€



we will also select a featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only. You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email viajes@transandalucia. com. Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!

Every Friday. Visit the historic town of Tarifa with its winding narrow streets and its glorious Atlantic beaches. There are three options including whale watching! 1 Walk through town then free time for the beach. Adults: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€ Children: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€. 2 As ‘1’ but with 2 hour whale and dolphin trip (see sperm whales, dolphins, etc). Adults: Normal price 65€ The Resident price 63€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€. 3 As ‘1’ but with visit to Baelo Claudia Roman ruins. Adults: Normal price 50€ The Resident price 48€ Children: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€.

Ronda by Train

Mijas Water Park

Every Tuesday (May to October only) Enjoy a full day of sun and exciting water adventures. Families and friends, get set to get wet! Adults: Normal price 40€ Resident price 37€. Children: Normal price 32€ Resident price 28€

Gibraltar - a choice of trips: Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays

(return by coach)

Every Thursday - By coach to Algeciras, then mountain train to Ronda, on a single-tack line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful stations en route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach. Adults: Normal price 43€ The Resident price 41€ Children: Normal price 33€ Resident price 31€.


Every Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€. Entrance to Mesquita included.


Every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED! By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.) After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain. Adults: Normal price: 79€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 75€ Children: Normal price 61€ The Resident price 58€. A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this trip PASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING


Every Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city. Adults: Normal price 74€ The Resident price 70€ Children: Normal price 55€ The Resident price 53€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)

Every Friday (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the capital of Andalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”,

Gibraltar - Shopping only:

Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar. Adults: Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: Normal price 15€ The Resident price 13€

Gibraltar Rock tour and shopping

Your mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shopping Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 32€

Dolphin boat trip & shopping

Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc. Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€

Gibraltar - Rock the boat

Combined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time. Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 52€ The Resident price 50€ Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!

Fuengirola Market & Mijas

Every Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€

Fuengirola Zoo

Every Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.

Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658 or email

Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the resident to receive these special prices.


Informacón Information

Are you paying your ‘autonomo’ each month?


One of the obligations you acquire as self-employed is paying the ‘autonomo’ fee each month. There are a few things you need to know to ensure that you don’t miss any payments, as late payment carries charges and interest If you fail to make provisions and it is not paid, beware, it will not be sent again to your bank account by the Social Security. From the moment you register as self-employed a monthly direct debit should be set up at your bank account for approximately 250€ in concept of national insurance that will come out on the first of the following month. In the situation mentioned in the introduction you have to obtain a pay-slip from the Social Security Office in order to pay it in cash at the bank. This pay-slip is valid only during the month in which it is issued. When the fee is not paid during the corresponding month the debt increases with interests and charges: 3%,5%,10% and 20% in the consecutive months. It is important to note that stopping the payments, whether it be without notice or even cancelling the direct debit at the bank is not considered as deregistration and therefore the debt will continue to grow.

We know of some expats that left Spain without notifying the Social Security only to return later, even after many years, only to find they had a large debt to pay before being allowed to re register with the Social Security. In some cases there are things that can be done, but not always. There are basically three different responds to the Social Security’s request of payment at your bank. You pay it, you let it return, or, and this can create the problem, you let it go and cancel the direct debit. In some cases this has been done by the bank without the specific order of the client. Then, months later you uncover the debt. Just a positive note: During all this time that you are registered, weather you pay or not, you have medical care rights and this time counts as working time for your pension calculations. In conclusion, in order to avoid problems, our recommendation is: monitor your payments each month and make sure that you provide an address where you get the post.


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No financial outlay Ongoing training and support All nationalities wanted Be your own boss Start Earning Now! Call Michaela on 622 849 113

To read the full article go to:

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Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken

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2 Subcampeonas de España de Esgrima Del Club Internacional “Andaluzía” En los días pasados en el Polideportivo Príncipe de Asturias en Pinto (Madrid) ha tenido lugar el Criterium Nacional de esgrima para menores de 10 y 12 años, equivalente al Campeonato de España. Un absoluto espectáculo ver en acción a más de 600 niños, con sus más de 600

familias animando y dando un ejemplo de deportividad y compañerismo. Todos los niños disfrutaron de una jornada de deporte y de conocer nuevos amigos de toda España con una afición común: la ESGRIMA. Cinco tiradores del Club “AndaluZía”

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tomaron parte en esta competición demostrando un gran nivel deportivo, nobleza, respeto y juego limpio. En la categoría femenina de menores de 10 años Emily Wellington y Mabel Lozano obtuvieron el subcampeonato en una gran actuación. En categoría masculina Eduardo Lozano no pudo resultar campeón por un solo tocado, ganando todo el resto de sus encuentros con apenas tocados en contra. Nassim el Jammali actual campeón nacional de la categoría realizó una gran competición así como Idriss Benjilali clasificándose entre los mejores del torneo. En definitiva una gran actuación de los representantes del Club de Esgrima “AndaluZía” de Estepona que junto con el bronce en la Copa Nacional de Olatz Bilbao en Valladolid y sus tres medallas en los Campeonatos de Andalucía y el bronce de Claudia Kamstra, sin olvidar las 9 medallas de los más pequeños en el Criterium Andaluz demuestran la buena forma de sus componentes y hacen honor a su lema “todos para uno y uno para todos...” Enhorabuena a todos los componentes del Club Internacional y sus maestros y monitores Rosibel Vindel, Paul Holder, Yasmina Zidane, Hermi Chacón, Phil Adams y Alberto Zerrada. Si deseas formar arte de la familia de la esgrima y practicar este noble arte puedes llamar al 649-947930.


Estepona’s fencers gain 2 runners-up trophies at Spanish Championships In recent days the National Fencing Criterium, Spain’s fencing championship, has taken place at the Príncipe de Asturias Sports Pavillion in Pinto (Madrid) for children under 10 and 12 years of age. Over 600 children participated, with their more than 600 families cheering them on in a display of sportsmanship and camaraderie. All the children enjoyed a day of sport and meeting new friends from all over Spain with a common hobby: fencing. Five athletes from the “AndaluZia” club took part in the competition.. In the women under 10 category Emily Wellington and Mabel Lozano won the runners up medals with great performances. In the men’s category Eduardo Lozano was denied the title of champion over a single touch, winning the rest of his matches with barely any points against him. Nassim el Jammali the current national champion in the category and Idriss Benjilali both performed brilliantly ranking among the best in the tournament. All in all a great performance by the representatives of the Fencing Club “andaluzia” of Estepona. If you are interested in taking up fencing or joining the club then call this number to enroll: 649 947 930.

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