Year 11 Drama in Year 11 is focused on completing the examined content of the WJEC Drama course. Assessed performances, controlled assessments and performance exams take place throughout the year, culminating in a written exam during the main summer exam period. Autumn Term: Unit 1a and Unit 1b After reflecting on a range of stimulus materials over the summer break, students will return to school and immediately begin their Unit 1a devised project task. In groups of approximately 4-‐6, students will spend time working independently of their teacher to create an original piece of theatre based on their chosen stimulus in the style of a specified theatre practitioner or genre. At various points during the process of devising and performing their piece, students will complete a series of controlled assessments during which they analyse the create process, and evaluate the drama they have created (Unit 1b). Assessments take place over a maximum time period of five hours and will take place during normal lesson time. Spring Term: Unit 2 exam During the Spring Term, students will work in groups of 2-‐4 to prepare a scripted extract for performance. The script being studied and rehearsed will be taken from a published play script which will be chosen in collaboration with the teachers. An examiner from WJEC will visit the school during the Spring term to watch and assess the final performances, marking students according to how well they have realised the playwright’s intention through their use of performance skills. The Unit 2 performance will be subject to a formal self-‐evaluation which is included as part of the final written exam. Summer Term: Unit 3 revision and written exam For the remainder of the year students will revise and prepare for a 90 minute written exam which will take place during the main GCSE exam period. Section A of the exam is based on the play text Burning Monkey by Sera Moore Williams which has been studied in Year 10, and Section B will contain a question about the student’s Unit 2 performance, asking them to evaluate a particular aspect of their practical work.