GCSE P.E. – YEAR 11 (Edexcel exam board) PRACTICAL – 60% OF TOTAL MARK
Students who picked GCSE PE in Year 10 will continue with this practical dominant (60% including a 12.5% coursework element) course with their practical assessment occurring in the Spring 2 term. They will be assessed from 1 – 10 in their 4 strongest sports. The majority of students will be assessed in the following sports and therefore the practical work in Year 11 will centre on these activities: • • • • • • • • •
Fitness – Circuit and Continuous Netball Football Handball Table Tennis (officiating) Badminton (officiating) Rounders Basketball Climbing
Students will also complete the last part of their controlled assessment in the early part of the 2016-17 year. THEORY – 40%
40% of student’s grade will come from a theoretical exam at the end of Year 11. They are examined on content from 2 main units: • •
Healthy, active lifestyles (Exercise & Fitness, Personal wellbeing, Physical activity, Influences on Lifestyles) Healthy, active body (Mind & Body, Cardiovascular system, Respiratory System, Muscular System, Skeletal system)
Year 11 will cover Unit 2: Healthy, active body. Unit 1 was covered in Year 10.