05 May 2017
Primary Newsletter
Safeguarding Children As part of their curriculum, the children learn how to keep themselves safe. The following website has been set up by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) to offer parents and schools advice on how to raise safeguarding awareness with children. There is a notable section called ‘The Underwear Rule’ which is of particular support and guidance to parents. The website also offers advice regarding ‘online safety’ and how to obtain support or advice regarding the safeguarding of children. www.nspcc.org.uk
Uniform Deliveries to School The Primary uniform can be purchased through the Khalsa Schoolwear website or can be bought at Khalsa Schoolwear shop in Bethnal Green. To save on the cost of delivery charges, Khalsa Schoolwear does a school delivery once every month. You can find further details of the delivery dates on their website or you can ask the reception office staff. Year 1 and 2 pupils are expected to be wearing a blazer; this is still an optional item for the Reception children. Please speak to the staff in the primary reception if you have any queries. • We expect every child to be in full uniform every day with their top button done up • All coats must be plain black • Shoes must be plain black – no trainers or boots! If you are not sure about the types of shoes that are part of our uniform policy, please ask! • Please label every item of clothing
Primary Newsletter
05 May 2017
From Tam Broadway – Primary Headteacher It was a great turnout for the Parent Progress Meetings on Tuesday. As always, we enjoy the opportunity to work in partnership with you, to discuss your child’s progress and attainment for the term and also share the next steps and ways in which you can help your child at home. I hope you took the opportunity to ask lots of questions about your child’s report and learning and had a good look through your child’s books. We also had a fantastic turn out on Wednesday evening of parents with their eager 4 year olds who will be joining us in September. It was lovely to see so many of our existing families with younger sibling who will become part of our INA fast-growing family. The staff are really looking forward to starting the home visits over the coming months; please make sure you have filled in all your details in the pack in advance of your meeting and let the office staff know as soon as possible should you need to make any changes to you agreed home visit time.
Lost & Found Great news - Tanisha has her blazer back! Thank you everyone for checking and a huge thank you to the person who found and returned it. It is a reminder to all to ensure you label your child’s clothing and check this after a number of washes; having the child’s name inside their clothes helps enormously in getting items back to the owners. It is also worth checking that your child has not picked up somebody else’s uniform items by mistake. If this is the case, please drop off or return any items that you may find.
05 May 2017
Primary Newsletter
Breakfast and After School Club Every parent has Wisepay details and a password, which will enable you to book a place for ‘Breakfast Club’ or ‘After School Club’. Payments must be made in advance. If you experience any problems, please contact Ms Chaggar who will be happy to help. Breakfast is available each day from 7.45am and costs just £2.50 per day. The children enjoy a range of cereals, toast and different topping, juice or milk and fruit. Any child attending must be brought to the main reception area by 8.20am at the latest. After School Club runs from 3.45pm – 6.00pm (3.00pm – 6.00pm on Tuesdays) and costs just £5.50 per hour. The children enjoy a range of snacks each evening and a variety of games and activities.
Primary Newsletter
05 May 2017
Exciting Learning this Week Birds of Prey As part of the Year 2 topic ‘Fruits, Shoots, Animals and Fruits’ the children were treated to an awe -inspiring experience about birds of prey. They learned about a number of different birds, in particular different breeds of owl. They had the opportunity to find out lots of facts and one pupil described the session as, ‘Fascinating and exciting, especially when the owl flew across the hall and almost touched my head!’
05 May 2017
Primary Newsletter
Exciting Learning this Week Super Splash Heroes Year 1 enjoyed a fun and interactive talk by the ‘Super Splash Heroes’ this week which focused on water in the environment, water efficiency and water for health. This is an initiative run by Essex and Suffolk Water (EWS). If you would like to find out more about their educational program or continue with some home learning, further information can be found on the following website: www.eswater.co.uk/your-home/resources-for-you.aspx
Primary Newsletter
05 May 2017
Exciting Learning this Week Making Fruit Salads Year 1 made an African fruit salad this week as part of their English lesson. They spotted the imperative ‘bossy’ verbs when following a recipe, and then wrote their own.
05 May 2017
Primary Newsletter
Praise and Recognition Every week each teacher chooses two children from their class to receive a certificate in assembly; one is in recognition of a child demonstrating our BRIDGES habit of the week and the other in recognition of a pupil’s academic effort throughout the week. Well done to the following children, who have been recognised this week:
Curie Class: Hibah Sajed – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for ignoring distractions around her while completing her work.) Aden Malik – Scholar of the Week (for great work in his English lessons.)
Maxwell Class: Aydin Landi – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for demonstrating self-discipline and concentration during handwriting practice.) Hanfil Mohammed Jameel – Scholar of the Week (for sharing his ideas during the whole class learning time.)
Newton Class: Yasin Alom – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for working hard to independently write sentences including ‘red words’.) Alia Malik – Scholar of the Week (for the effort she put into sharing objects into three equal groups.)
Britten Class: Ayoola Yekini – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for self-regulating and listening carefully to instructions when making an African fruit salad.) Deepshika Ravi – Scholar of the Week (for demonstrating a secure understanding of counting in twos and tens.)
Primary Newsletter
05 May 2017
Fitzgerald Class: Srisakthi Velmurugan – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for demonstrating excellent self-regulation whilst handling ingredients and equipment when making and African fruit salad.) Asher Shah – Scholar of the Week (for great focus and stickability whilst practising his handwriting.)
Glennie Class: Safwan Khan – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for working more independently and producing some great work this week.) Adam Ismail – Scholar of the Week (for trying really hard with his handwriting at home and school.)
Al-Kashi Class: Musa Malik – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for focussing on his work and managing distractions.) Tara Rani Kaur – Scholar of the Week (for consistently putting all of her effort into doing her best.)
Fibonacci Class: Aizah Nawaz – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for showing wonderful selfdiscipline and excellent engagement in class.) Zahraa Aamanee – Scholar of the Week (for creating a beautiful piece of writing with excellent expanded noun phrases.)
Pythagoras Class: Nassim Rebhi – Headteacher’s Habits Award (for concentrating hard and trying to improve his handwriting throughout the week.) Zairah Malik – Scholar of the Week (for always making great choices and trying very hard with her learning in all subjects.)
05 May 2017
Primary Newsletter
The following pupils have received 25 merits since September for making good choices and moving up to gold on the class ‘good choice chart’ – this is fantastic achievement. A special ‘bronze’ certificate will be presented during the Celebration and Awards Assembly. Aizah Nawaz Aariz Khan Nobin Chowdhury Zoya Butt Arthi Sivananthan Eesa Hussain Rohan Taheem Raisha Islam Nuhitu Hasan Hammad Siddique Sanam Shah Maya Ahmed Sana Abbas Aadhav Arun Amanah Ali Nyla Moses-Philips Imaan Javed Smaran Nakerekanti Tariq Hamed
Primary Newsletter
05 May 2017
The following pupils have received 50 merits since September for making good choices and moving up to gold on the class ‘good choice chart’ – this is fantastic achievement. A special ‘silver’ certificate will be presented during the Celebration and Awards Assembly. Ayaan Hussain Riaz Kallum Bihal Sasha Lard Aariz Chaudhry Tanush Handa
Headteacher’s Lunch Well done to the following pupils who have been nominated for the Headteacher’s Lunch next week on Friday 12th May; an invitation will be given to the children during our Celebration and Awards Assembly: Ibrahim Ahmad - Curie Maria Tanase - Curie Muhaimin Islam - Maxwell Arfah Noor - Newton Dua Maisam - Britten Zakariyah Master - Pythagoras Zahra Abbas - Al-Kashi
05 May 2017
Primary Newsletter
BRIDGES in the Primary Phase “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.� Isaac Newton
BRIDGES are habits of mind or learning characteristics that develop a pupil's character and learning power and enable him/her to grow into a wellrounded individual and resilient learner. There are seven BRIDGES habits that we will be working on, which will rotate on a weekly cycle throughout the year. The BRIDGES habit of the week will always be introduced at the beginning of the week during the Monday assembly and reinforced throughout the week across the curriculum. Each class teacher will award a certificate to a pupil that they feel has demonstrated the BRIDGES focus for the week. Each week we will update you on the BRIDGES habit that will be introduced in the coming week and offer some top tips on how to reinforce the habit at home too. Please also refer to the Primary BRIDGES wheel below.
Primary Newsletter
05 May 2017
Week commencing 8th May 2017
Bravery Bravery comprises five dispositions: Leadership Optimism
Risk-taking Courage
At School
• We encourage the children to try new things and experiment every day, whether it is with a food that they have not tried before or new activities that they may not normally choose during the afternoon sessions. For Year 1 and 2 we would encourage the children to try different reading books or authors/ topics they might not normally consider reading or to experiment with the paint during art – trying to create different effects etc. • We always encourage the children to have courage when they fall over and hurt themselves and to remain as calm as possible while we help them. • We aim for all pupils to demonstrate their leadership skills by helping others, being smart in their appearance, being kind, having good manners and generally demonstrating all their BRIDGES characteristics. • We encourage some of the quieter pupils to have the courage to share their ideas in class, to work with optimism and develop a real ‘can do’ attitude.
At Home
Encourage your child to try as many different things as possible – whether it is food, different enrichment clubs, books etc. Support your child to develop their own mind and not just follow what everyone else is doing. It is important that the pupils are able to try things without worrying about getting them wrong or worrying about what other people think. Celebrate the fact that by making mistakes we are always learning. Give examples of times when you have had to be brave and try something for the first time, or when something did not go so well the first time but you learned from the mistakes you made and got better. Help remind your child at home about being smart in their appearance and role-modelling good behaviour through their leadership skills. Allow your child to help with jobs and roles at home, taking on the responsibility for cleaning their room, keeping their books or toys organised etc. 05 May 2017
Primary Newsletter
Composer of the Fortnight Antonin Dvorak
For the next week we will be listening to and learning about Antonin Dvorak as our Composer of the Fortnight. As a suggested activity to support at home, you could gather some facts about Dvorak in preparation for the coming weeks. You can find out some facts and hear some of his music on the following links. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton%C3%ADn_Dvo%C5%99%C3%A1k http://www.britannica.com/biography/Antonin-Dvorak
Primary Newsletter
05 May 2017
Attendance Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and ability to achieve their full potential. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is set the target of 100% attendance. The class with the highest attendance at the end of every week is awarded the attendance trophy during Friday’s Award & Recognition assembly. Curie Maxwell Newton
98.6% 98.6% 90%
Britten Fitzgerald Glennie
95.7% 97.1% 99%
Al-Kashi Fibonacci Pythagoras
95.7% 94.3% 99%
Overall Attendance: 96.1% Well done and congratulations to Glennie class and Pythagoras class who are the joint winners this week with 99%. We are still waiting to see which class will be first to get to 100% this half term. National average attendance for primary schools is 97.1%. It is important that the children attend school every day and do not miss any learning. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child is at school every day. We always strive for 100%.
05 May 2017
Primary Newsletter
Key Dates Summer 2017 Thursday 11th May Monday 15th May Friday 19th May
Colchester Zoo Trip – Year 1 Handwriting Week Maxwell Class Assembly (Maxwell Parents Invited) 3pm
Wednesday 24th May Coffee Evening 6.00pm Friday 26th May Half Term Monday 29th – Friday 2nd June HALF TERM Monday 5th June Pupils return to school Thursday 15th June Barley Land Farm – Reception Trip Friday 16th June Curie Class Assembly (Curie Parents Invited) 3.00pm Monday 26th June Handwriting Week Monday 26th June Ragged School Museum – Year 1 Trip Friday 30th June INSET DAY: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS Monday 3rd July Primary Sports Day Friday 7th July INSET DAY: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS Tuesday 11th July Coffee Morning 9.00am Friday 14th July Tuesday 18th July Wednesday 19th July Friday 21st July Tuesday 25th July
Pupil Progress Reports Sent Home Parent Progress Meetings Summer Fayre 4.00pm End of Term Awards Assemblies - Term Ends at 12.15pm Primary Uniform Sales
Primary Newsletter
05 May 2017