16 November Primary Newsletter

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16 November 2018

Primary Newsletter

Safeguarding Children As part of their curriculum, the children learn how to keep themselves safe. The following website has been set up by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) to offer parents and schools advice on how to raise safeguarding awareness with children. There is a notable section called ‘The Underwear Rule’ which is of particular support and guidance to parents. The website also offers advice regarding ‘online safety’ and how to obtain support or advice regarding the safeguarding of children. www.nspcc.org.uk

Uniform Information & School Uniform Purchases The Primary uniform can be purchased through the Khalsa Schoolwear website or can be bought at Khalsa Schoolwear shop in Bethnal Green. To save on the cost of delivery charges, Khalsa Schoolwear does a school delivery once every month. You can find further details of the delivery dates on their website or you can ask the reception office staff. • • • • • • • •

We expect every child to be in full uniform every day with their top button done up All coats must be plain black Shoes must be plain black – no trainers! If you are not sure about the types of shoes that are part of our uniform policy, please ask. Please label every item of clothing One pair of plain stud earrings can be worn Nail polish is not allowed Jewellery is not permitted Long hair for both boys and girls must be tied back. Hair decorations must be small and plain and match the school uniform

Important reminders •

Schools starts at 8.45am (8.35am for Year 3 & Year 4). It is important that your child arrives on time every day so that the teachers can start the lesson promptly. The school gate will be open from 8.25am and will close at 8.45am.

School finishes at 3.45pm (3.35pm for Year 3 & Year 4) every day other than Tuesday when we finish at 3.00pm (2.50pm for Year 3 & Year 4).

If any of your details have changed e.g. your address or phone number – please ensure you contact the office to inform us, so that we can update our records and contact you in case of an emergency.

Please ensure your child attends school every day and on time. If your child is sick then you must call the office to let us know by 8.15am. If your child has a medical appointment you must let us know in advance.

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Ahmed Al Khafaji Day Wednesday 21st November 2018 On Wednesday 21st November, there will be no school for the children as all staff and pupils have a dedicated day to exploring learning of their own choice. This is an annual event held by the school in memory of Ahmed Al-Khafaji, a pupil who in the past attended INA but sadly passed away. Therefore, this is a great opportunity to explore a cultural passport activity. If your child chooses to carry out a cultural passport experience at home, then they will need to record their learning. This can be done in words, diagrams, drawings, photos, PowerPoint presentation, in fact however you wish – the more creative, the better! Help your child to rehearse how they will present their evidence to their class teacher and class, and I look forward to hearing about the wonderful learning that has been taking place outside of school. Your child will also be awarded a special sticker for the learning activity they experience. At Isaac Newton Academy, we believe that cultural activities are a vital part of life and play a very important role in young people's social development. In our continued mission to create an enriching curriculum for all our pupils at Isaac Newton Academy, all children have a Primary Cultural Passport. Our children participate in a range of cultural activities within school time and they record their reflections of their experience in their passport. They also receive special stickers to acknowledge their achievements. Children can also carry out these experiences outside of school time with their family and friends. Within each passport there are a range of cultural activities to complete and they are split into the following four categories:

• Outdoor and nature • Community • Creative • Global

(continued on next page)

16 November 2018 Primary Newsletter


Please see the following list of cultural experience we have planned for our children in each year group to help inspire your child’s choice.


Year Reception

Year 1

Autumn 1

• Go on a bear hunt • Eat an exotic fruit or vegetable •

Autumn 2

• Take part in a traditional celebration

• Go for a boat ride

Spring 1

• Make a mud pie

• Design and make • Donate to a a game or toy charity

Spring 2

• Grow and release a butterfly

Summer 1

Summer 2

When appropriate over the year

• Have a picnic

• Visit a farm

Grow and care for a plant from a seed Create some wild art

Year 2

Meet and put questions to an author

• Promote healthy eating

• Visit a pantomime

Learn to play a musical instrument Take part in a charity event

• Create a minibeast house

• Visit a library

• Visit a museum

• Build a sandcastle • Collect shells on a beach

Perform in a class assembly

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Term Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Year Reception • Hunt for fossils and bones • Hold a scary beast

Summer 1

• Go pond dipping • Communicate in a language other than English

• Play a song on a musical instrument

• Build a float a model boat

• Have a pen pal in a different country

Fly a kite Identify flags in different countries

• Climb a tree

• Build a den

• Visit an art gallery

• Join a library • Learn to ride a bike

When appropriate over the year

• •

• Volunteer

• Read a classic novel Summer 2

• Create big art

• Help to prepare for a traditional family celebration

• Invent something Spring 2

Year 1

• Learn to swim

• Make a meal for someone • Promote healthy living • Cook food you have grown yourself •

16 November 2018 Primary Newsletter

Perform in an event across the academy


Absences immediately before or after a school holiday If your child is absent before or after a school holiday we must see evidence for the absence. This may be medical evidence if your child is unwell, or evidence of flight delays or circumstances beyond your control. We cannot authorise any absences before or after a holiday without this evidence and you risk being issued with a penalty notice.

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Home Reading Books Since the start of the academic year, we have been formulating a new assessment of reading ages for all pupils in Years 1 to 4. For Year 1, pupils’ phonics data has been used in order to ascertain their reading age and related Oxford Reading Tree book banding. For Year 2 pupils, data from previous Reading assessments has been used to identify their correct reading age category. We have now finalised this data and will begin to send reading books home with your child. Reading age assessments and book bandings will be reviewed on a termly basis. The next review will take place at the end of December.

This week, the pupils have been provided with their first banded reading book to read over the weekend. It is important that children have the opportunity to read with an adult or older sibling daily in order to practise their fluency and expression. Ms Jeremy has also sent out a letter to accompany the home reading book with suggested activities you can do to support at home.

16 November 2018 Primary Newsletter


Wonderful Writing Week Week beginning 19th November In the aim of raising the profile of writing across the school we hold a ‘Wonderful Writing Week’ once each half term. This of course does not mean that we would not expect wonderful writing every week, but thought it would be great way to encourage the pupils to really show us what they can do. We ask that you encourage and support your child at home during these weeks and get them to do as much writing as possible, this could be in the form of a shopping list, a letter, story writing or instructions for a recipe or game – anything at all. For the Reception children we would like them to practise writing their name and some familiar words if possible, using any sounds they have learned. Year 1, we are looking for neat writing and sentences with capital letters and full stops. Year 2 now need to ensure their writing makes full sense and that they are beginning to use a range of punctuation, trying hard to spell more accurately familiar and unfamiliar words. Year 3 upwards need to ensure they are beginning to use a wide range of punctuation, spelling with increased accurately both familiar and unfamiliar words and ensuring their handwriting is clearly and neatly formed. At the end of the week two children from each class will be awarded a certificate in recognition of their hard work and effort. Thank you for your support!

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A Huge Well Done! We received a lovely email this week from Heart of Oak Judo Club regarding Khadijah Bukhari in Year 4 who represented INA Primary at the London School Judo Championships and came away proudly with a well-deserved silver medal. This was her first ever judo competition involving both Years 4 and 5, a huge well done from us all! We also enjoyed some further sporting success this week when a team of ten Year 4 pupils represented INA at the Redbridge Primary Autumn Running Meet at Fairlop Waters. Mr Marecar was extremely proud of the pupils’ impeccable behaviour and how well they represented the school. Each member of the INA team managed to complete the run with Hari Virdee finishing 3rd out of all year 4s! Great job everyone – and thank you to Mr Marecar for organising and taking the pupils to event!

16 November 2018 Primary Newsletter


It is national Anti-bullying Week and we have recognised this, through a range of learning activities in every year group. The theme for this year’s Anti-Bullying Week is to choose respect over bullying. Following a consultation with over 800 children, teachers and members of the Anti-Bullying Alliance, it emerged that a top priority was showing that bullying is a behaviour choice, and that children and young people can set a positive example by opting to respect each other at school, in their homes and communities, and online. The aims of this week are to support schools and other settings to help children and young people, school staff, parents and other professionals who work with children to understand: The definition of respect

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That bullying is a behaviour choice That we can respectfully disagree with each other i.e. we don’t have to be best friends or always agree with each other but we do have to respect each other That we all need to choose to respect each other both face to face and online So what have we been doing at INA Primary? In Reception we have been talking about what makes a good friend and what makes our friends special. We then produced a handprint heart of kindness, which helps the children to remember the importance of kind hands and kindness. In Year 1 we have explored what bullying is, then spent time thinking about different ways that we can respect each other. As a class we made an acrostic poem using the word ‘respect’. In Year 2 we looked at lots of different scenarios and what the children can do to help identify and prevent bullying. We then produced posters, which display what we can do to help prevent bullying. In Year 3 we read a story and identified how the characters were being respectful. We then considered ways in how we can be respectful towards others. Next we created a giant paper change symbolising standing together and designed our own badge to promote anti-bullying. In Year 4 we discussed the topic of bullying, the impact it has and how we can defend against it. We also asked pupils to bring in a t-shirt which we then customised with an anti-bullying logo using fabric pens.

16 November 2018 Primary Newsletter


Mathematics Mastery Workshop Thank you to those parents and carers who were able to attend our Maths Mastery workshop this week. It was an impressive turn out and great to see so many of you participating and asking great questions about your child’s learning, we fully appreciate your support. I know that many of you now feel better equipped and informed about how to support your child with their maths learning at home. For those of you that were unable to attend or for those of you that would like to read through the power point presentations again, it is now available to view from the ‘Community’ tab on the website and then in ‘Resources for Parents’.

Reception Nativity Clothing Donations Wanted Do you have any clothes that were used for previous nativity plays and are no longer needed, if so can you drop them off to Maxwell class so that they can be put to good use. Thank you in advance from the Reception team. The Reception pupils will be performing the Nativity play on Wednesday 12th December at 9.15am. Reception parents are invited to attend. Two tickets will be issued per child in due course.

Message from Ms Young - Tapestry We have a new email address for you to contact me with any issues or questions regarding Tapestry. It has been difficult to give you the time needed at the end of the day for questions so please contact me using the email address below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Please ensure you have included your child’s name and class in each email. Thank you in advance Ms Young i.tapestry@isaacnewtonacademy.org

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Primary Disco Tuesday 20th November 2018 Tickets are now on sale for our annual INA Disco, which will take place on Tuesday 20th November. The tickets are £2.50, which includes entrance to the disco and a popcorn snack and drink. There will be choice of two disco times, which will be sold on a first come, first served basis. So if you have a preferred time, we suggest you purchase your tickets as soon as possible to save disappointment.

Disco 1 – 3.15-4.15pm Disco 2 – 4.30-5.30pm If you purchase a ticket for Disco 1, the children will be taken straight to the disco after school and will need to be picked up promptly from the playground at 4.15pm. If you purchase a ticket for Disco 2 the children will need to be collected from school promptly at 2.50pm/3.00pm and then arrive back on time to start their disco at 4.30pm.

16 November 2018 Primary Newsletter


Mathemagical Week

Thank you to all the students who submitted their maths games, puzzles etc. as part of the home learning challenge, there was an overwhelming number of entrants all to a very high standard! The chosen winners will informed during the assemblies on Monday. Pupils in Year 3 enjoyed making the links between maths, science, engineering and cooking by creating towers and Stonehenge structures.

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Celebration and Awards Assembly At the end of every term the children enjoy the opportunity to share and celebrate some of their learning and achievements with you. Each teacher chooses two children from their class to receive a certificate in the Celebration and Awards Assembly, one in recognition of a child who has demonstrated the habits of all the seven BRIDGES throughout the term, and the other in recognition of a pupil’s outstanding academic effort and achievement.

The assemblies start at the following times in the Primary dining hall:

Wednesday 19th December 8.45-9.15am – Year 4 (All Year 4 parents are invited to attend) 9.30-10.00am – Year 1 (All Year 1 parents are invited to attend)

Thursday 20th December 8.45 – 9.15am – Year 3 (All Year 3 parents are invited to attend) 9.30-10.00am – Reception (All Reception parents are invited to attend) 10.15-10.45am – Year 2 (All Year 2 parents are invited to attend)

Primary Winter Concerts Year 3 and 4 Primary Winter Concert will be held on Monday 10th December at 2:40pm in the Primary Hall. All pupils will be performing and all families will be issued with a two tickets per child.

Year 1 and 2 Primary Winter Concert will be held on Wednesday 12th December at 3:00pm in the Primary Hall. All pupils will be performing and all families will be issued with two tickets per child. 16 November 2018 Primary Newsletter


Festive Cards fo by Primary Cards design by:

Reception Moazan Elsa

Year 1 Trinethra Aagia Alizah Alisha A

Year 2 Parmveer Emaan Devyani Maiya S Amanah Shresta

Every child designed a festive card i ning designs which have been put i you to purchase and share with yo cards can be bought for ÂŁ10, payme and your cards collected f

16 Primary Newsletter

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or sale designed y Students Cards design by:

Year 3 Zayn Innaya I Meliah Prajin

Year 4 Gurkirpa Malaika Nadia Bushra

in class. Ms West selected the wininto a pack of 20 and are on sale for our friends and family. A pack of 20 ents can be made through WisePay from the reception office.

16 November 2018 Primary Newsletter


Lovely learning this week During Art lessons this week the Year 1 children examined the types of houses people would have lived in around the year 1666, when the Great Fire of London started. They designed their own Tudor houses and then enjoyed creating their own sculptures using recycled materials and Papier Mache.

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Wednesday Wednesday 5th 5th December December 2018 2018 at at 7pm 7pm Isaac IsaacNewton Newton Academy Academy Primary Primary Hall Hall Tickets Ticketsare are£7.00 £7.00 per per person person (adults (adults only), which include includeentry entryinto into the the quiz, quiz, buffet, buffet, soft drinks and prizes. prizes. Too Tooavoid avoiddisappointment, disappointment, please please buy your tickets by byFriday Friday 23rd 23rd November November 2018 Raffle Raffleand and‘Heads ‘Headsand andTails’ Tails’game gameto tobe beincluded. included.Tickets Ticketsfor for this this will will be be sold sold during during the the evening evening

16 November 2018 Primary Newsletter


Praise and Recognition Every week each teacher chooses two children from their class to receive a certificate in assembly; one is in recognition of a child demonstrating our BRIDGES habit of the week, and the other in recognition of a pupil’s academic effort throughout the week. Well done to the following children, who have been recognised this week:

Curie Class: • •

Malak Raggai – BRIDGES Habits Award (for outstanding participation in phonics and being resilient when blending words). Gurnoor Kang - Scholar of the Week (for showing good maths learning when writing her numbers from 1-10).

Maxwell Class: • •

Aqsa Islam – BRIDGES Habits Award (for remembering the right order for numbers 1-10). Isra Shahid - Scholar of the Week (for trying her best in all her lessons).

Newton Class: • •

Ayah Singh – BRIDGES Habits (for using different resources in the class to make her letters and say her sounds). Inayah Kashif – Scholar of the Week (for being motivated to complete learning independently during English lessons).

Britten Class: • •

Halima Chand – BRIDGES Habits Award (for being resourceful by remembering to put recycling in the recycling bin). Wasif Mohammed – Scholar of the Week (for trying incredibly hard to use his letter rhymes when forming his letters).

Fitzgerald Class: • •

Giorgio Nicosia – BRIDGES Habits Award (for reasoning carefully and recycling scraps effectively to build a great roof for his Tudor house model). Liyana Mubarak Ali – Scholar of the Week (for some very imaginative ideas when writing her own ending to our Paddington story).

Glennie Class: • •

Yuraj Chaggar – BRIDGES Habits Award (for consistently applying his phonics and reading more fluently). Amrit Kaur – Scholar of the Week (for a fantastic alternative ending to a story).

Al-Kashi Class: • •

Muhaimin Islam – BRIDGES Habits Award (for being resourceful during reading lessons by using his skimming and scanning to order events). Shahina Haleem - Scholar of the Week (for being more independent when reading).

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Fibonacci Class: • •

Avni Kamothi – BRIDGES Habits Award (for using her remembering skills to apply what she already knows to her new learning). Anmeek Sood – Scholar of the Week (for excellent learning using bar models to check her addition and subtraction equations).

Pythagoras Class: • •

Alisha Ali – BRIDGES Habits Award (for remembering to use all her star words when writing sentences to compare data in maths this week). Ibraheem Nawaz – Scholar of the Week (for trying really hard in his maths learning this week to interpret pictograms and block diagrams and answering questions about them).

Ellington Class: • •

Maya Kimborowicz – BRIDGES Habits Award (for looking after our playground by picking up fruit and keeping it clean). Musa Ali – Scholar of the Week (for being able to add two 3 digit numbers together that required regrouping).

Nicks Class: • •

Aysha Islam – BRIDGES Habits Award (for recycling items from home to create a Stone Age environment). Katrina Kaur – Scholar of the Week (for developing her ability to add 3 digit numbers using the column method).

Shankar Class: • •

Aliyah Khan – BRIDGES Habits Award (for showing fantastic adaptability skills in reading by thinking outside of the box when finding answers). Safwan Khan - Scholar of the Week (for producing some excellent written work in English and for trying hard with his focus and concentration).

Lovelace Class: • •

Rayaan Vakas – BRIDGES Habits Award (for making connections in maths when interpreting data). Raisha Islam - Scholar of the Week (for using embedded sentences in her writing).

Mirzakhani Class: • •

Swara Kinhikar – BRIDGES Habits Award (for demonstrating excellent ‘questioning’ skills during Design & Technology lessons). Tara Rani Kaur – Scholar of the Week (for using interesting embedded relative clauses in English lessons).

Ramanujan Class: • •

Bushra Rahman – BRIDGES Habits Award (for using her resourcefulness to identify variables within a scientific investigation). Faheem Ahmedabadi – Scholar of the Week (for using scientific terminology to accurately explain the vibration of particles during sound generation).

16 November 2018 Primary Newsletter


Breakfast & After School Club Every parent has Wisepay details and a password, which will enable you to book a place for ‘Breakfast Club’ or ‘After School Club’. Payments must be made in advance. If you experience any problems, please contact Ms Chaggar who will be happy to help. Breakfast is available each day from 7.45am and costs just £2.50 per day. The children enjoy a range of cereals, toast and different topping, juice or milk and fruit. Any child attending must be brought to the main reception area by 8.20am at the latest. After School Club runs from 3.45pm – 6.00pm (3.00pm – 6.00pm on Tuesdays) and costs just £5.50 per hour. The children enjoy a range of snacks each evening and a variety of games and activities.

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Headteacher’s Lunch Well done to the following pupils who have been nominated for the Headteacher’s Lunch for next Friday 23rd November. An invitation will be given to the children during our Celebration and Awards Assembly: Siddiqa Islam - Curie Gurnoor Kaur Kang - Curie Nafiz Hossain Jamal - Maxwell Inayah Hussain - Maxwell Muhammed Ali Butt - Newton Tahsin Chakma - Newton

Raihan Mohammed Alom Britten Zara Asim Ijaz - Fitzgerald Joshua Adjarho-Ethridge Glennie Amanah Ali - Pythagoras Yasin Alom - Fibonacci Kiana Benjamin - Al-Kashi

Khadijah Ali - Shankar Marwa Benaziza - Ellington Muhammad Ahmer - Nicks Arjun Bihal - Lovelace Zaynul Abideen Bagwan Mirzakhani Hashim Kamil Ali -Ramanujan

Merits The following pupils have received 25 merits since September for making good choices and moving up to gold on the class ‘good choice chart’ – this is fantastic achievement. A special ‘bronze’ certificate will be presented during the Celebration and Awards Assembly. Nidhi Jogia Xavier Ambia Ali Haroon

16 November 2018 Primary Newsletter


BRIDGES in the Primary Phase “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.� Isaac Newton BRIDGES are habits of mind or learning characteristics that develop a pupil's character and learning power and enable him/her to grow into a well-rounded individual and resilient learner. There are seven BRIDGES habits that we will be working on, which will rotate on a weekly cycle throughout the year. The BRIDGES habit of the week will always be introduced at the beginning of the week during the Monday assembly and reinforced throughout the week across the curriculum. Each class teacher will award a certificate to a pupil that they feel has demonstrated the BRIDGES focus for the week. Each week we will update you on the BRIDGES habit that will be introduced in the coming week and offer some top tips on how to reinforce the habit at home too. Please also refer to the Primary BRIDGES wheel below.

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Week commencing 19th November 2018


Integrity comprises six dispositions:

Citizenship Honesty

Justice Fairness

Humility Humanity

At School •

At school we encourage the pupils to make sure they play in a kind and thoughtful way and ensure that they include others in their games. Games where ‘turn-taking’ is needed are great at helping the children to understand that everyone has fair turn.

It is also important that the children learn how to win and lose a game graciously and show humility when they win or congratulate the winner and say well done if they lose.

The children need to learn and understand the importance of telling the truth even when it feels uncomfortable when we have to admit that we have done something wrong. They also need to learn to take responsibility for their actions and not get into a habit of blaming others. It is important that the children have a moral sense of right and wrong.

Each half term the class teacher chooses two ambassadors to help the pupils develop their citizenship skills and by helping with jobs in their class or at lunchtimes.

We encourage every child to help keep the school environment clean by clearing away plates or cups after lunch or tidying up their own table place after activities in class.

At Home Talk to your child about how they can be a good citizen within their community, by not dropping litter etc. Talk about what is fair and encourage your child to help out at home with tidying their room or books away so that they develop a sense of responsibility and respect towards theirs and others’ property. Reinforce the message about always telling the truth and why this is important. When you are reading stories together with your child, discuss characters, their behaviour and moral decision and whether they are good or bad characters and why. What should the character have done instead etc.

16 November 2018 Primary Newsletter


Composer of the Fortnight

Lolita Ritmanis

For the next few weeks we will be listening to and learning about Lolita Ritmanis as our Composer of the Fortnight. As a suggested activity to support at home, you could gather some facts about Ritmanis in preparation for the coming weeks. You can find out some facts and hear some of her music on the following links. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolita_Ritmanis http://www.lolitaritmanis.com/

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Attendance Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and ability to achieve their full potential. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is set the target of 100% attendance. The class with the highest attendance for the phase by the end of every week is awarded the attendance trophy during Friday’s Award & Recognition assembly.

Early Years and Key Stage 1 Curie


















Well done and congratulations to Al-Kashi class who are the winners this week with 98.7%.

Key Stage 2 Ellington












Well done and congratulations to Nicks class who are the winners this week with 100%.

Overall Attendance: 96.3% National average attendance for primary schools is 97.1%. It is important that the children attend school every day and do not miss any learning. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child is at school every day. We always strive for 100%.

16 November 2018 Primary Newsletter


Key Dates Autumn Term Dates: 3rd September 2018 - 20th December 2018 Monday 19th November

Wonderful Handwriting Week

Tuesday 20th November

School Disco

Wednesday 21st November

INSET Day: no school for students

Monday 26th November

INSET Day: no school for students

Wednesday 28th November

Reception Information Session 2.00pm (For September 2019 Intake)

Wednesday 5th December

Parent Quiz Night – 7.00pm

Monday 10th December

Primary Winter Concert 2.40pm

Wednesday 12th December

Reception Nativity Play - 9.00am

Wednesday 12th December

Primary Winter Concert 3.00pm

Friday 14th December

Christmas Lunch & Christmas Jumper Day

Thursday 20th December

Awards Assemblies (TBC) & Term Ends at 12.15pm

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