Newsletter 67

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INA Secondary Newsletter

6 May 2016

Notice of Fundraising Events The Events Team are co-ordinating the following events to help raise money for the school production. Please help support the production!

Penalty Shoot Out Competition! Challenge the PE Teachers to a Penalty Shoot Out! 50p for 3 shots. Prizes for a hat trick! Date: Friday 6th May When: 4.30-5.30pm Where: MUGA Tickets on sale soon….

Cake Sale All cakes 50p Date: Tuesday 10th May When: Break time Where: Dining Hall

Non Uniform Day Theme to be decided – watch this space! £1 per student Date: Friday 1st July

2  INA Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers

We’re had a really rich and varied week at the secondary. On Thursday half of Year 7 were on a trip to various colleges at Oxford University. On Friday another 90 Year 7s went to Rochester on a cross curricular trip that incorporated English creative writing and historical exploration of the castle and the cathedral. We’re been blessed with the weather for these events! The Head Boy and Head Girl in the sixth form of King Solomon Academy (an Ark school in Westminster) kindly visited INA on Tuesday to give a presentation to the Year 10s on revision and study skills and life in the sixth form of an Ark school. It was a really helpful talk, followed by more than 30 minutes of questions and answers. The Year 7s also had a revision focus this week, with Tim Foot leading workshops about study skills ahead of the end of year exams. On Wednesday INA was visited by 40 teachers and school leaders from a secondary and two primary schools in Norway. They had heard about some of our interesting initiatives such as BRIDGES and Harkness and were keen to see our establishment with their own eyes! They were hosted by our Year 10 prefects who coped admirably with the various degrees of English fluency and made a lasting impression. Next week we have an evening for Year 10s and their parents (Wednesday 11th May 6pm) to share information and answer questions regarding the upcoming Work Experience Week. We hope to see lots of you there! With all best wishes, Rachel Macfarlane


achel Macfarlane, rincipal

INA Newsletter 3

Year 10 Controlled Assessments Message for Parents Throughout the two year French GCSE course our students undertake three Writing and three Speaking Controlled Assessments. Our students have so far done one Speaking and one Writing Controlled Assessment however they still have to prepare for one more Speaking and one more Writing Controlled Assessment before the end of this year. It is crucial that our students take advantage of all the support and help they are being offered and attend all lessons and preparation sessions. These exams are not a practice run. They are their actual GCSE exams and must be taken with the seriousness they deserve. Their Speaking exams will take place on Friday 20th May, Monday 23rd May or Tuesday 24th May depending on their group (please check their organiser later on this week for the exact date and time) . Attendance is compulsory so we expect 100% attendance. We appreciate your support in making sure that you child turns up on time to their exam.

Monday 6th June is an Independent Learning Day On this day the students will arrive to school at the usual time but will be dismissed early. In the first part of the morning each year group will be escorted into the exam hall to be talked through our exam expectations and rules. With their tutor and cotutor they will complete their end of year reports. Once these tasks have been achieved, students will be dismissed. The earliest this could happen is following the exam venue training as outlined below. The purpose of the shorter school day on 6th June is to support the students in independently preparing to be ready for the exam fortnight. Once dismissed, students should go straight home to revise and prepare. Their teachers will have supported students with this process in the preceding lessons. If the early dismissal will present you with any problems, please contact us to discuss arrangements to supervise your child’s study at school. You should contact Mr Crowther-Green by Friday 6th May. Exam Venue Training Schedule and earliest possible dismissal time Y10 Y9 Y8 Y7

9:30-9:50am 9:50- 10:10am 10:10-10:30am 10:30-10:50am

Mr Crowther-Green Mark Crowther-Green 4  INA Newsletter

Year 7 Girls Can Football tournament – THE RESULTS! As part of the Girls Can initiative the year 7 student council have helped organise a year 7 mixed football tournament which has been taking place over the last two terms. Yesterday after school an eagerly contested Semi Final and Final was played between students from 7A, 7C and 7N. The semifinal saw 7C dominate the game from start to finish and they went through to the final with a 7-0 victory over 7A. Despite some high levels of skill from both teams, 7C quickly took control of the final game and control of 7N, scoring 6 goals in the first half. 7N battled on to make a good game of things and managed to pull 2 goals back in quick succession very early on at the start of the 2nd half. However 7C regrouped to secure a great victory to go on to be crowned Year 7 Champions. A huge well done and thank you to all of the teams that entered the tournament, making it a huge success. The final placings are as follows:

3rd Place: 7W1 and 7A2 Runners up: 7N1 Champions: 7C1 Champions 7C1 celebrating their victory. Well done to Lily Southall, Miguel Paisley, Ramzi Osman, Tanisha Rahaman and Daveena Williams Morrison. Thank you to Rayyan Mehmood of 7C for his video and photography work.

Y7 students were treated to a revision master class by expert Tim Foot All year 7 students completed a revision master class with Tim Foot where they learnt successful ways to revise and remember new learning. The fun sessions explores the do’s and do not’s of revision which will support them with their progress. This timely intervention is to support students with their end of year exams from 7th-21st June. They all received a Study skills booklet which once read I would I advise they keep safely in their Purple revision folder provided in the first term. Mr Crowther-Green.

INA Newsletter 5

End of Year Exams 2016 The End of year exams are from 7th June till 21st June (Note: due to Work Experience Y10 exams are from 7th June till 17th June). Exams will occur in the main exam hall. Students will practise entry and exit to this venue on the morning of Mon 6th June. Students will follow their normal timetable if not scheduled for an exam. Students are required to bring their learning equipment in a see - through case. Water is permitted in the Exam hall Y10 Art Exams occur outside of the main exam timetable as detailed below: Monday 27th June from 08:25-16:00: 10 Bacon Tuesday 28th June from 08:25-16:00: 10 O’Keeffe Students should prepare for the exam by designing and following a revision timetable, addressing any areas of weakness and by completing past paper questions. Mr Crowther-Green

EOY Exam Timetable June 2016 Times unless stated Mon 6th June AM Year P1 Exam practice 8:35 for 8:40 start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 start Finish 12:10

Tue 7th June 8, 9 Y8 Spanish (1h) (120 students) Y8 French (1h) (60 students) Y9 Science (90) 11:10 start

Wed 8th June 10, 8 Y10 Maths 1 (90) 1:50 start

P4 12:05 start (varied finish time) PM Year P5 1:45 for 1:50 start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 start Released 4:00

6  INA Newsletter

Fri 10th June 10, 7 8:50 start Y10 English Lit (1:45h)

Y8 History (50)

Thu 9th June 10, 9 8:35 start Y10 Science Double Bio (60) Y10 Science Triple Bio (60) (97 Students) Y9 Music (45)

Y9 Science (90)

Y8 Geography (50)

Y9 RE (50)

7 History (50)

10 Y10 French (45) (60 students)

10 Y10 English lang (2h) 4:05 finish

10 Y10 Spanish 1 (50) 60 students

Y10 French (45) (60 students)

Y10 English lang (2h)

10 Y10 PE (69 students) (100mins) 1:50 start Y10 PE (69 students) (100mins)

Y10 Maths 1 (90)

Y10 English Lit (1:45h)

7 Geography (50)

Y10 Spanish 2 (50) 60 students

Times unless stated AM Year P1 8:35 for 8:40 start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 start Finish 12:10 P4 12:05 start (varied finish time) PM Year P5 1:45 for 1:50 start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 start Released 4:00

Mon 13th June

Tue 14th June

Wed 15th June

Thu 16th June

Fri 17th June

10, 7 Y10 Science Double Chem (60) Y10 Science Triple Chem (60) (97 Students) Y7 DT (50)

10, 8 Y10 History (1h 45)

10, 9 Y10 RE (2h)

7, 9 Y7 French (1h)

Y10 History (1h 45)

Y10 RE (2h)

Y8 Music (45)

Y9 DT (50 mins)

10, 9 Y10 Science Double Phy (60) Y10 Science Triple Phy (60) (97 Students) 11:10 start Y9 Maths (90)

Y7 RE (50)

Y8 English tempest (1h)

Normal lesson

10 Y10 Geography (1h 45)

10 Y10 Maths 2 (90)

Y10 Geography (1h 45)

Y10 Maths 2 (90)

10 10 Y10 Maths 3 (90) Y10 Music (50) 39 students Y10 Maths 3 (90) Y10 Drama (50) 46 students

Times unless stated AM Year P1 8:35 for 8:40 start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 start Finish 12:10 P4 12:05 start (varied finish time) PM Year P5 1:45 for 1:50 start Finish 2:50

Mon 20th June 9, 8 Y9 French (1 Hr) (90 students) Y9 Spanish (1Hr) (90 students) Y8 Maths (90) 11:10 start Y8 Maths (90)

Tue 21st June 7, 9 Y7 Science (65)

8 Y8 DT (50) 1:50 start

7 Y7 English (1h 15) Framed

P6 2:55 start Released 4:00

Y8 RE (50)

Y7 English (1h 15) Framed 3:10 finish

Y9 Maths (90)

Y7 Spanish) (1h) 11:10 start Y9 English Of Mice and Men (1.15) Y9 English Of Mice and Men (1.15) Y9 Early lunch 10 Y10 DT (90) 1:50 start Y10 DT (90)

Y7 Music (50) Y9 Geography (50)

Y9 History (50)

Exams in classrooms – Y7 Maths, Y8 Science INA Newsletter 7

From the Guardian Newspaper: The science of revision: nine ways pupils can revise for exams more effectively Ditch the highlighter and teach a friend. Psychology shows us a lot about how to improve our memory and avoid distractions – here are some dos and don’ts Highlighting might not be as helpful as you think. It isolates information whereas pupils recall more if they can link what they learn with other pieces of information. Photograph: Alamy

The weeks and months leading up to exams can be challenging for students (and parents and teachers alike). Now more than ever, young people seem to be feeling the pressure. So how can students revise better? Which techniques really work, and which don’t? What can students do to improve their memory, mood and concentration?

Before you do any revision 1. Eat breakfast It is estimated that around 27% of boys and 39% of girls skip breakfast some or all of the time. It’s not called the most important meal of the day for nothing: research has found that skipping this meal significantly reduces students’ attention and their ability to recall information. Simply having a bowl of cereal will give students the concentration and memory boost they need. Evidence suggests students who study in a quiet environment recall more than those who revise while listening to music 2. Put your phone away This should be an obvious one, but for many it isn’t. Phones can be distracting; they are linked to fomo (fear of missing out), and evidence shows that undergraduate students who spend more time texting and using social media get lower grades. In another fascinating study, researchers found that the mere sight of a phone was enough to reduce a person’s ability to focus. The implication couldn’t be clearer: out of sight really is out of mind. During revision sessions 3. Start early and spread it out Actors don’t leave their rehearsals until the day before opening night. Athletes don’t only train the day before a match. To commit something to memory takes time. Spreading out your revision sessions on a particular topic (eg one-hour sessions over 10 days) is more effective than spending the same amount of time in one go (ie 10 hours in one day). This effect, known as “spacing”, helps because it allows time in between revision sessions to forget and re-learn the material. This strategy has been labelled as “one of the most robust across the entire history of experimental research on learning and memory” (pdf). 8  INA Newsletter

4. Test yourself Leading researchers in the field of memory consider testing yourself as one of the most effective ways to improve your ability to recall information (pdf). Testing yourself also helps you check for any gaps in your knowledge. Practice papers provide a good starting point, as well as quizzing yourself at the end of your revision session. 5. Teach someone After you have tested yourself, teach the material to someone else. This has been found to help aid memory and recall: it is known as “the Protégé Effect”. Teaching someone else requires you to learn and organise your knowledge in a clear and structured manner. 6. Think twice about using highlighters Despite being the favourite weapon of many students tackling revision, research suggests they don’t work very well. People learn and recall information better if they connect it to other pieces of information. Highlighters don’t do this, they isolate single pieces of information. Quite often, students end up highlighting whole chunks and passages of text, which can give the appearance of having worked hard, but is of little value. 7. Don’t listen to music Parents around the world rejoice: you now have a legitimate reason to insist that your child stops listening to Justin Bieber on repeat. Students who study in a quiet environment can recall more than those who revise while listening to music. Extroverts, and those with an exceptional ability to control their attention, are not negatively affected as much: but it doesn’t help. At best, for these students, it just doesn’t hinder them as much as everyone else. 8. Get some fresh air and exercise You cannot work all day, every day. Nor should you. Revision has to be about quality, as well as quantity. Going outside and getting some fresh air helps people feel refreshed and better able to focus afterwards. Furthermore, doing a little bit of exercise helps people deal better with stressful situations: it reduces anxiety and increases self-esteem. Practice makes perfect: why mock exams are great for students’ brains

9. Sleep Students are encouraged to work hard and revise a lot before their exams: however, there comes a time when they need to stop and go to sleep. Knowing when can be tricky. There is a link between being a perfectionist and struggling to sleep. If a child is falling asleep within five minutes of their head hitting the pillow, they should probably be going to bed earlier. Other sleep tips include having regular bedtimes, not being on your mobile phone in bed, but if you are, turning down the backlight on it. As research into psychology continues to develop, we learn more and more about how best to help students learn. Revision time can be challenging as it often requires students to monitor their own behaviour when working independently at home. Hopefully, by teaching them about what helps improve their memory, mood and concentration, we can better equip them to meet the challenges head on. INA Newsletter 9

PE AT ISAAC NEWTON ACAD News & Results Year 10 Girls Vs Mayfield Friendly Last Thursday INA’s Year 10 Handball team, which had a mixture of 8, 9 and 10 girls within it, faced a very strong Mayfield team. INA hadn’t played together for a while and this was evident in the first 5 minutes of the game as they conceded a few early goals. INA grew into the game throughout the first half, looking defensively solid through periods of the half and scoring a few goals themselves to get back into the game. The second half began and a slip of concentration again allowed Mayfield to punish us on the counter attack. The game was highly competitive throughout and all the girls showed incredible perseverance and determination to keep competing. Stand out performance goes to Bedi 10E for her excellent work rate both defensively and attacking, topped off by scoring 3 goals also. Another year had passed and it was INA’s time to retain all the gold, silver and bronze medals they had won last year at the Redbridge Athletic Championships. We took a mixture of students ranging from year 7-10 all competing in the under 15 competition. The INA athletes got off to a great start with Rahul Pattni and Keshan Beckett-Edwards winning medals in the 60 metre sprint. This was followed by Jay Gohil retaining his gold in Shot putt and also winning a bronze medal in Discus. Tuhfah Begum collected gold in the 60 metres female sprint and Usman collected Bronze for his incredible performance in the high jump. This was a massive achievement for INA was mostly made up of 11-12 years olds competing against 14-15 year olds. We are very much look forward to competing again next year. Excellent effort from all the team.

Fixtures coming up… Monday 9th May- Year 7 2nd team Vs. Woodbridge (Home) Wednesday 11th May- Year 8 Cricket team Vs. Wanstead (Away) Thursday 12th May - Year 9 Football 2nd team vs Loxford (Away) Year 9 Boys Handball Vs Mayfield (Home)

10  INA Newsletter

DEMY After school DAY CLUB





Sports Hall

Girls Can




Activity Studio Sports Hall

Lunch time Day

1st Lunch 2nd Lunch (Year 10) (year 7,8 &9)


Badminton Badminton Boys and (Year 7, 8 & Girls 9) Boys and Girls Girls Can! (Year 7,8 & 9 Girls) Basketball Basketball club Boys (Year 8 & and Girls 9) Boys & Girls Handball (Year 7, 8 & 9) Boys and Girls Basketball (Year 7) Girls and Boys


Judo Club

External provider External


Yr 8 S+C


Sports Hall

Yr 10 Football Table Tennis





Resistance Sliding Table Tennis

External provider CD

Activity Studio Ks3 Hall




Activity Studio Astro


External KS3 Hall provider External Sports Hall provider EC, DH, BB MUGA



Badminton club Bike Club

Girls running RM club


South Park


Improve your skills! Try something new! Keep fit! Make new friends! Unleash your energy! Increase your chances of getting into a team! INA Newsletter 11

Well done to the following students who are this week’s Mathematicians of the Moment. Please collect a merit from Mr Dukes

Here are the scores so far







































7T 12  INA Newsletter

9I 1150

The Mathematics department would like to encourage all students to enter next week’s Mathematician of the Moment competition. Look out for the new problem next term.

INA Newsletter 13

Motivation and Laura Dekker is the youngest sailor ever who sailed solo around the globe. At the age of 14, the Dutch teenager (who was born in New Zealand) set off on her solo voyage around the world, completing her trip after one year and one day. Laura had originally hoped to begin her journey when she was just 13 years old, but the Dutch authorities raised legal objections to someone so young taking such a dangerous voyage by themselves. Laura was so motivated to achieve her dream that she went through various legal battles to ensure she would be allowed to pursue her goal, eventually setting off in January 2011. Whilst sailing around the world, Laura had to be incredibly independent, only getting outside help when really necessary and, for the most part, managing herself and her boat, Guppy, completely alone. Laura had to be determined, self-regulating and incredibly motivated in order to keep going for a whole year by herself to achieve her life’s ambition.

TOP TIPS STUDENTS Adhere to your revision timetable without the need for reminders. Give yourself plenty of time to work and think independently to increase your chances of deep learning. Set some long-term goals for yourself. What would you like to have achieved by the time you go to university? Use these goals to help motivate you to become who you would like to be. Prepare your own meals, make your own bed, clean your own clothes – show that you can care for yourself independently.Plan an outing on your own (with your parent’s permission) and demonstrate your independence. Decide who motivates you and think about/listen to them when you need to raise your levels of motivation.

PARENTS Encourage your son/daughter to set goals that will motivate them to succeed. Talk to your son/daughter about the things that motivate and inspire you. Allow your son/daughter the independence to make decisions for themselves when appropriate. 14  INA Newsletter


d Independence

O HAS SHOWN MOTIVATION AND INDEPENDENCE AT INA? Maryam Mohammed in Year 10 has shown the independence and motivation to pursue a range of challenging activities outside of school. Maryam is a member of her local scouts group, through which she is participating in the Young Leaders’ programme and has completed, among other things, training in First Aid. She is also working for a Duke of Edinburgh award. As part of the DoE award at Bronze level, she underwent the greatest challenge of her life when she went hiking with other boys and girls from two separate scouts groups in Waltham Abbey. She had to stay outdoors overnight and walk 25km with a massive 10kg rucksack on her back.

Motivation and Independence Inspiring yourself to make progress and achieve your goals. Having the drive and enthusiasm to pursue something. Being able to live your life without being helped or influenced by other people. Making your own decisions about the actions you need to take to achieve your goals. Having confidence in your own views and actions.

BEHAVIOURS Making your own choices and taking responsibility for your actions, being enthusiastic, determined and pushing yourself further, being able to stimulate your own interests, planning your own revision timetable, reflecting on your BRIDGES progress in preparation for your BRIDGES mentoring session. Not being swayed by ‘the crowd’. INA Newsletter 15

BRIDGES we build learning power and developcharacter characteratatIsaac Isaac Newton Newton Academy HowHow we build learning power and develop Academy “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Isaac Newton

“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Isaac Newton The secondary BRIDGES programme commences on Monday 14th September. BRIDGES are

The secondary BRIDGES programme commences on Monday 14th September. BRIDGES are habits of mind or learning characteristics that develop a student's character and learning power habits ofenable mind them or learning thatindividuals develop a student's character and to growcharacteristics into well rounded and resilient learners.and learning power and enable them to grow into well rounded individuals and resilient learners.

On a two weekly cycle throughout the year, Year 7 and 8 students are introduced to one or two of cycle mind throughout or learning characteristics will8permeate the curriculum. On anew twohabits weekly the year, Yearthat 7 and students throughout are introduced to one or two This will take place through a range of interactive activities. In addition, the students will new habits of mind or learning characteristics that will permeate throughout the curriculum. This experience BRIDGES learning objectives in each and every lesson throughout Isaac Newton will take place Year through a range lessons of interactive activities. In addition, theBRIDGES students will experience Academy. 9 BRIDGES will focus on strengthening certain learning BRIDGES learningthrough objectives in each of and every lesson characteristics exploration PHSE topics andthroughout themes. Isaac Newton Academy.

Year 9 BRIDGES lessons will focus on strengthening certain BRIDGES learning characteristics Eachexploration fortnight you findtopics top tips in themes. the newsletter of ways of supporting your child to through ofwill PHSE and develop the BRIDGES habits of mind and learning characteristics within the home.

Each fortnight you will find top tips in the newsletter of ways of supporting your child to develop the BRIDGES habits of mind and learning characteristics within the home.

ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is a 7I crucial factor in students’ educational development 7T and ability to achieve their 7A full potential.






























































At Isaac Newton Academy every student is set the target of 100% attendance. We know that attendance has a direct link to progress, and would urge you to really consider if a day off school is necessary.

Well done to 8C, 8I and 10C for 100% last week!

Ms. Abbott-Jones Lead Pastoral Leader

16  INA Newsletter

Year 10 97.7% Year 8 96.7%

Year 9 96.2%

BRIDGES Mentoring Wednesday 18th May The first BRIDGES mentoring session takes place on Wednesday 18th May from 1:45-4:15pm. All students will be given a fifteen minute 1:1 coaching session with their BRIDGES mentor. This is an important opportunity for KS3 students to reflect on how they have developed or strengthened their BRIDGES dispositions, to discuss the dispositions they consider to be their strengths and the ones they need to work on further. Year 10 students will be engaging in a mock interview focusing on their preparedness for the Year 10 exams and work experience, and how they are further strengthening their BRIDGES dispositions to achieve success at GCSE and beyond. Arrangements All students will complete lessons p1 – 4 (Y10 students will complete lesson 4 as per KS3 timings). Students will leave school at 1.10pm. Students who are eligible for Free School Meals who request lunch in advance (via form tutors) can collect a lunch bag from the student reception as they leave. Students are expected to go directly home and return between 1.45-4.15pm for a fifteen minute 1:1 coaching session with their BRIDGES mentor. Appointment times will be issued to students at the start of next week. Students must attend their session on time. KS3 students must wear full school uniform. KS4 students may wear either school uniform or professional work wear (no jeans, hoodies, trainers, jewellery). We are unable to supervise other students as all staff are BRIDGES mentors and will be engaged in mentoring session throughout the afternoon. Parents are not required at the sessions but will be given feedback on how their son or daughter’s BRIDGES skills are progressing later in the year. Please note that enrichment will be cancelled on this day. Jo Spencer Vice Principal

Y10 Work Experience Information Evening Wednesday 11th May 6-7pm On Wednesday 11th May 6-7pm the process for Work Experience will be explained to parents. Students have received this information but are welcome to attend. Thanks. Mr Crowther-Green. INA Newsletter 17

Praise & Recognition



Year 7 T C S N W E I A

1377 1255 1085 1029 905 809 740 648

Year 8 W C S E N I A T

1222 1138 1067 1011 1101 925 943 832

Year 9 T E N W S C A I

1177 779 567 528 481 438 352 294

Year 10 W E N S I T C A

489 357

315 297 283 279

231 207

Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award (Peer Commendation Award) Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone who has encapsulated one of these qualities last week.

Year 7: Jaheim Chambers 7W Year 8: Sanaan Hafeez 8I Year 9: T.B.C. Year 10: John Mansoori 10W

18  INA Newsletter

Gabriel Ayerh Year 9 Pastoral Leader, i/c Praise and Recognition

Good Deed Feed Miss McEvoy: Laiba Imran 9E stepped in at short notice on Friday to take the lead on primary enrichment, coming up with activities and leading the students enthusiastically. She and Aleena Riaz 9N were very generous with their time after enrichment in storing the primary students’ work safely and restoring the room. Gabriel Ayerh Year 9 Pastoral Leader, i/c Praise and Recognition

INA Newsletter 19

Key Dates for the Summer Term 2015: Secondary Summer Term Monday 11th April - Wednesday 20th July Half Term 30th May - 3rd June INSET days: Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th June, Friday 8th July Wednesday 11th May Wednesday 18th May Thursday 19th May Friday 20th May Monday 23rd May Wednesday 25th May Wednesday 25th May Friday 27th May Friday 27th May

Year 11s & Parents Work Experience Evening BRIDGES mentoring. No lessons in the afternoon Year 10 Geography fieldwork at Stratford Year 10 Geography fieldwork at Stratford Year 7s to Rochester Year 10 Science controlled assessments New Year 6 Parents’ Information Evening Music Recital Year 10 Geography Field Trip to Wales

Monday 6th June Tuesday 7th - Friday 17th June Monday 20th –Friday 24th June Wednesday 22nd June Thurs 23rd & Friday 24th June Mon 27th & Tuesday 28th June Thursday 30th June Friday 1st July Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th July Wednesday 6th July Friday 8th July Wed 13th & Thursday 14th July Monday 18th July Tuesday 19th July 20th July

Early close for Year 7-10 Independent Study/Revision Year 7-10 EXAMS Year 10 Work Experience Bug Man visit to year 7 INSET Days: no school for students Year 10 Art exams Year 6 Transition Day Non Uniform Day Year 7 English Trip Sports Awards INSET Days: no school for students School Production Secondary Sports Day KS3 Graduation Awards Assemblies. End of Term. Early close.

20  INA Newsletter

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