Newsletter 71

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INA Secondary Newsletter

10 June 2016

Ramadan and Summer Exams We are aware that the INA internal summer exam season falls during Ramadan this year. The public GCSE exams in 2017 will also fall during Ramadan. Subsequent year groups’ GCSE exams will also be affected. We appreciate the benefits that observing Ramadan brings to individuals and communities and the obligation to fast under Islamic tradition when a child becomes an adult. We understand that the decision to fast is very personal. We are also aware that observing the fast and late-night prayers may lead to tiredness, low energy, dehydration, reduced focus, memory or concentration. Islamic law does offer the flexibility for a person to delay or exempt themselves from fasting and late-night prayers if they believe their performance in exams could be affected. We would advise students that it is important not to spend all night praying during the exam period to avoid tiredness. If your son/daughter will be fasting during this period, you will need to write a letter to confirm it. Letter should have been sent for the attention of Mrs Chamberlain by Monday 6th June so that we have an accurate picture of numbers and are able to prepare food in appropriate quantities. Your son/daughter will be excused from lunch and will not be expected to go to the dining hall during Ramadan. Your Wisepay account will not be charged for school lunches if we receive written confirmation that your child is fasting. Our Prayer and Contemplation rooms are available during lunchtime for students who wish to pray. Please note that, during Ramadan, students are expected to participate fully in all lessons and enrichment activities as normal, including PE. Ms Spencer Vice Principal

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Dear Parents and Carers

Dear Parents and Carers, I hope that you enjoyed a restful half term. I appreciate that for the students it was dominated by preparation for the exams which are now well underway. All year groups are coping well with the pressures of the exams. The results of these assessments, along with performance levels across the year, will inform the end of year levels that will be reported on your child’s summer 2 report. Now that we are into the month of Ramadan, families will be considering how they mark Eid. If you would like to request part of or a whole day of religious observance for your child, it is important that you complete a Leave of Absence Request form in advance of Eid. Thank you. With best wishes


achel Macfarlane, rincipal

INA Newsletter 3

Year 9 End of Key Stage 3 Awards Ceremony Tuesday 19th July 6pm * 7pm We are holding a special awards ceremony for Year 9s to mark the end of Key Stage 3. Students will go home at the end of the school day and return to school at 5.45pm, dressed formally in their finest outfits, to meet with their tutors, co tutors and tutor groups in preparation for the ceremony. The awards ceremony will commence at 6pm. We would like every student to be represented by a parent/carer at the ceremony. Due to seating restrictions, we are only able to accommodate 2 adults per family and no guests under the age of 16 years. Tickets will be distributed on 4th July. Parents must bring their ticket to gain entry – one ticket per person. Parents/carers and students are invited to stay for refreshments at the end of the ceremony. Year 9 students will work from home on 20th July, the last day of term. Please note that awards assemblies for Year 7, 8 and 10 students will take place on Tuesday 20th July and all Year 7, 8 and 10 students are expected to attend school on this day. Ms Spencer Vice Principal

Wisepay A few parents indicated that they are experiencing some difficulties accessing Wisepay. If you are experiencing difficulties, or would like any help or advice, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 020 8911 6666. Helen Chamberlain Finance and Resources Director

4  INA Newsletter

Lost Property At the end of last term there were a large number of articles in Lost Property. Parents: please encourage your child to come and check the lost property box at Student Reception by Friday 17th June. After this date all lost property left over will be disposed of. We currently have the following items in lost property: Whole PE Bags – with full PE kits Blazers/Coats Shoes/Trainers Pencil Cases Books And lots more…… Kind Regards Tahira Akram

Dear parents/carers of Y9 students, As you know, the big band project has come to a close for your child. Thank you to the vast majority of students who took great care of their big band instruments and have returned them in a perfect condition ready for the next cohort of Year 7s to use. I know many of you would love to keep hold of your instruments and already a good number of students have elected to buy their instrument from the school. It is not too late to do this if you wish! Please contact Mr. Coughlin for further details. Letters have been sent outlining what costs, if any, have been incurred through damage or loss and how these will need to be paid for. Please look out for these letters and pay as promptly as you can before the deadline of 24th June. Yours sincerely, Greg Coughlin Head of Music INA Newsletter 5

SAVE THE DATE! INA’s End of Term Awards Assemblies for Years 7, 8 and 10 Wednesday 20th July 2016 On Wednesday 20th July we will be holding our end of year awards assemblies for years 7, 8 and 10. This is an opportunity for the staff, students, governors and parents/carers to formally celebrate students’ achievements at the end of the academic year. Look out for next week’s newsletter when we will publish the times of each awards assembly. Jo Spencer Vice Principal.

End of Year Exams 2016 EOY Exam Timetable June 2016 Times unless stated Mon 6th June AM Year P1 Exam practice 8:35 for 8:40 start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 start Finish 12:10

Tue 7th June 8, 9 Y8 Spanish (1h) (120 students) Y8 French (1h) (60 students) Y9 Science (90) 11:10 start

Wed 8th June 10, 8 Y10 Maths 1 (90) 1:50 start

P4 12:05 start (varied finish time) PM Year P5 1:45 for 1:50 start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 start Released 4:00

6  INA Newsletter

Fri 10th June 10, 7 8:50 start Y10 English Lit (1:45h)

Y8 History (50)

Thu 9th June 10, 9 8:35 start Y10 Science Double Bio (60) Y10 Science Triple Bio (60) (97 Students) Y9 Music (45)

Y9 Science (90)

Y8 Geography (50)

Y9 RE (50)

7 History (50)

10 Y10 French (45) (60 students)

10 Y10 English lang (2h) 4:05 finish

10 Y10 Spanish 1 (50) 60 students

Y10 French (45) (60 students)

Y10 English lang (2h)

10 Y10 PE (69 students) (100mins) 1:50 start Y10 PE (69 students) (100mins)

Y10 Maths 1 (90)

Y10 English Lit (1:45h)

7 Geography (50)

Y10 Spanish 2 (50) 60 students

Times unless stated AM Year P1 8:35 for 8:40 start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 start Finish 12:10 P4 12:05 start (varied finish time) PM Year P5 1:45 for 1:50 start Finish 2:50 P6 2:55 start Released 4:00

Mon 13th June

Tue 14th June

Wed 15th June

Thu 16th June

Fri 17th June

10, 7 Y10 Science Double Chem (60) Y10 Science Triple Chem (60) (97 Students) Y7 DT (50)

10, 8 Y10 History (1h 45)

10, 9 Y10 RE (2h)

7, 9 Y7 French (1h)

Y10 History (1h 45)

Y10 RE (2h)

Y8 Music (45)

Y9 DT (50 mins)

10, 9 Y10 Science Double Phy (60) Y10 Science Triple Phy (60) (97 Students) 11:10 start Y9 Maths (90)

Y7 RE (50)

Y8 English tempest (1h)

Normal lesson

10 Y10 Geography (1h 45)

10 Y10 Maths 2 (90)

Y10 Geography (1h 45)

Y10 Maths 2 (90)

10 10 Y10 Maths 3 (90) Y10 Music (50) 39 students Y10 Maths 3 (90) Y10 Drama (50) 46 students

Times unless stated AM Year P1 8:35 for 8:40 start Finish 9:40 P2 9:45 start Released at 10:50 P3 11:05 for 11:10 start Finish 12:10 P4 12:05 start (varied finish time) PM Year P5 1:45 for 1:50 start Finish 2:50

Mon 20th June 9, 8 Y9 French (1 Hr) (90 students) Y9 Spanish (1Hr) (90 students) Y8 Maths (90) 11:10 start Y8 Maths (90)

Tue 21st June 7, 9 Y7 Science (65)

8 Y8 DT (50) 1:50 start

7 Y7 English (1h 15) Framed

P6 2:55 start Released 4:00

Y8 RE (50)

Y7 English (1h 15) Framed 3:10 finish

Y9 Maths (90)

Y7 Spanish) (1h) 11:10 start Y9 English Of Mice and Men (1.15) Y9 English Of Mice and Men (1.15) Y9 Early lunch 10 Y10 DT (90) 1:50 start Y10 DT (90)

Y7 Music (50) Y9 Geography (50)

Y9 History (50)

Exams in classrooms – Y7 Maths, Y8 Science INA Newsletter 7

Saturday Strech - Drama 21st May 2016

On the 21st May Isaac Newton Academy was visited by Elizabeth Guterbock, an actress and voiceover artist. Elizabeth studied a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Scripps College in Claremont, California and then went for a study for a Master’s Degree in Acting for Screen from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. Students from years 7, 8, 9 and 10 came together to find out more about the opportunities available to those who study Drama and Acting. The session began as the students entered and took a seat. Instructions projected onto the board prompted them to close their eyes and, whilst listening to the atmospheric music, ‘check in with themselves’. It was apparent that some students felt a little uncomfortable and perhaps weren’t well-versed in becoming more conscious of how they are feeling. The energy in the room was transformed as the group participated in some warm-up activities to wake the students up. We played an energetic game of rubber chicken (don’t ask!) and an activity that enabled the group to learn some new things about each other. After this, students were seemingly much more comfortable and were able to voice, articulately and confidently, how they were feeling. They were able to ‘check in with themselves’. Next, Elizabeth talked us through the value of Drama and Acting and how it can contribute to any career or profession we may choose. Elizabeth highlighted that every job role will require you to speak publically and communicate with others, and that Drama is a valuable way to establish and foster those skills. It was very heart-warming to see that every student in the room agreed that their learning in Drama has made them feel more comfortable and better prepared for situations where they have had to speak in front of others. She shared with us some of the career paths within the field, but articulated that careers after a Drama degree are not limited to jobs in the field and that many professions value the subject: • • • • • • • •

Actor/Performer – in film, theatre, television, voice-over, video games Teacher/Professor Broadcasting/Production careers Drama Administration Theatre in Education Dramaturgy (research of historical and political contexts for productions) Director - in film, theatre, television, voice-over, video games Producer - in film, theatre, television, voice-over, video games

Elizabeth then detailed some of the transferable skills that she has established throughout her career in Drama and acting: • • • • • • • • •

Improvisation skills – on stage and in life! Ability to focus for long periods of time Independent work skills Group work skills Maths/accounting skills Study skills Memorisation skills Time management and organisational skills Body awareness/heath awareness

8  INA Newsletter

The group then participated in an exploration of Jaques Le Coq’s seven levels of tension; an activity that experiments with the different states of mind and body. Although this was a very abstract concept, the students threw themselves into the activity and through their participation learnt a lot about how our physical projection and body language can communicate so much to others. We talked about interview situations and how important it is to be aware of and in control of our physical presentation. As the session drew to a close we talked about auditioning, but not limited to the conventional or literal meaning of the word. Of course, Elizabeth talked to us a lot about what it felt like to present a scene or monologue in front of others, but also talked about the different ways we ‘audition’ in life. For example, we suggested that the looming end of year exams are a great example of an audition in that we are judged and evaluated in light of our ‘performance’ in the exams. This was really helpful for the students and they began to realise how ‘checking in with themselves’ could benefit them in lots of different scenarios and contexts, the end of year exams being one of them! The session concluded with an activity in relaxation and mindfulness and the students were asked to focus their energy to different parts of their body. They were taught that if we can engage and focus our feet, our breath, our head and our hearts then we will be ready for any audition, no matter how big or small.

When asked the question ‘do you think the session was helpful?’ some students said: “Yes, I found checking in with myself a really useful idea” “Yes, it opened by eyes to the paths available to somebody studying Drama” When whether the session had made them consider studying this subject at university some students said: “Yes, it’s really important to study something you love” “Yes, it has seriously made me considering pursuing Drama as a career”

INA Newsletter 9

Jack Petchey Speakout Challenge

The end of last half term saw Isaac Newton Academy hosting the Redbridge final of the Jack Petchey Speakout Challenge. This prestigious public speaking competition was judged by a variety of local businesspeople and public figures and was attended by approximately 200 students, family and teachers from Redbridge schools, all of whom were impressed by the facilities and buildings at INA. The Academy was represented by Halema Anjum with her speech entitled ‘The Point’ and Simran Larr, who gave a speech about social media entitled ‘Likes or Liked?’ Both girls spoke eloquently and passionately about their subjects in a competition that was of an exceptionally high standard. The Redbridge final is the culmination of a series of workshops and competitions that Year 10 students have been participating in to develop their public speaking skills. We are incredibly proud of all of our students who have taken part in public speaking and offer them our congratulations.

Ms Atkinson and Ms Rudd 10  INA Newsletter

‘Pennies for People’ Ramadan Appeal The holy month of Ramadan has begun and many of our students, staff and parents have started their fasts. The religious month acts as both a test of restraint and also a period of reflec;on for Muslims. Many of our students will be using this period to focus on improving their BRIDGES skills of self-­‐ discipline and empathy towards others. Many people will use this month to carry out acts of kindness or donate to others that are in need. For the month of Ramadan, INA will be collec;ng money for those that are less fortunate than us. •  There will be a collec/on box at main recep/on. •  All students can contribute by bringing in any loose change…. anything from a penny to a few pounds. •  Money raised will go to the Save the Children: Syria appeal

The Save the Children: Syria appeal They provide food, help keep schools to open, repair water systems and also distribute hygiene kits. They set up safe spaces for children and provide psychological support for children affected by bombing.

INA Newsletter 11

PE AT ISAAC NEWTON ACAD News & Results INA Friends and Family A league just for the INA Community has been set up for everyone to enjoy the upcoming European Championships. Teams have to be made before 8pm Friday. All you need to do is click on the link below, make your team, and then use the pin below to be entered into the Isaac Newton Academy league, all for fun, with no fee. League table updates will be in the newsletter weekly and the winning manager will receive a prize Link to the website is: The PIN: 8559118188559118

YEAR 7 CRICKET V MAYFIELD The year 7 team had their first game on Wednesday. Due to the weather conditions on the day the game was played in Mayfield’s sports hall. Considering this was the boys' first game, and that it was played with modified rules, they put in a good performance. Hammad Khan (captain) won the toss and elected to bowl first. The team bowled and fielded well, with some consistent overs from bowlers such as Zain Islam. The team had a total of 64 to chase, and, with some good batting from the likes of Sudais Khan, it looked like the team could exceed the target. However, the Mayfield team stepped up their bowling to stop the run rate of the team and ended up winning by thirty runs. It was a great first effort by the boys!

Girls Can... This is a brand new initiative for Isaac Newton Academy looking to raise participation levels of females in sport. This will run every Tuesday at the start of lunch and we will have special guest teachers from around the school each week to help raise awareness and act as positive role models. With a different sport each week and aiming at having fun and increasing numbers of girls in sport, come and try something different with your friends. 12  INA Newsletter

DEMY After school

Lunch time






Girls Can!


Boxing Tues

Judo Club

External provider External


Yr 8 S+C


Yr 10 Football Table Tennis


Resistance Sliding Table Tennis

External provider CD




External provider External provider EC, DH, BB



Badminton club Bike Club


Girls Running RM Club


1st Lunch (Year 10)

2nd Lunch (year 7,8 &9)


Badminton Boys and Girls

Badminton (Year 7, 8 & 9) Boys and Girls


Girls Can! (Year 7,8 & 9 Girls) Basketball Basketball (Year club Boys and 8 & 9) Boys & Girls Girls Handball (Year 7, 8 & 9) Boys and Girls

Sports Hall Astro Activity Studio Sports Hall Sports Hall Astro Activity Studio KS3 Hall

Wed Thur

Activity Studio Astro KS3 Hall Sports Hall P/Ground


Basketball (Year 7) Boys and Girls

South Park

Fixtures coming up..... Tuesday 14th June – Year 10 Rounders Rally @ Loxford Thursday 16th JuneYear 8 Cricket V Wanstead (Away)

Improve your skills! Try something new! Keep fit! Make new friends! Unleash your energy! Increase your chances of getting into a team! INA Newsletter 13

Well done to the following students who are this week’s Mathematicians of the Moment. Please collect a merit from Mr Dukes

Here are the scores so far

Answers to be written on a Maths postcard to be handed to Mr Dukes (G42) no later than 4.10pm on Thursday.

Each Form will get 10 points for a correct solu7on with clear explana7ons. Write your solu,on here. You must include your workings out with a clear explana,on showing how you got your answer.

14  INA Newsletter

The ‘Mathematician of the Moment’ will be awarded a certificate in assembly and will appear in the INA newsletter.

The Mathematics department would like to encourage all students to enter next week’s Mathematician of the Moment competition. Look out for the new problem next term.

YEAR 7 - PROBLEM OF THE WEEK Monday 16th June to Thursday 26th May

Answers on a postcard to be handed to Mr Dukes (G42) by Thursday 4.10pm latest!

YEAR 8 - PROBLEM OF THE WEEK Monday 16th June to Thursday 26th May

Answers on a postcard to be handed to Mr Dukes (G42) by Thursday 4.10pm latest!

YEAR 9 - PROBLEM OF THE WEEK Monday 16th June to Thursday 26th May

This is a famous puzzle based on the show "Let's make a deal". The host, Monty Hall, offers you a choice of three doors. Behind one is a sports car, but behind the other two are goats. After you have chosen one door, he reveals one of the other two doors behind which is a goat (he wouldn't reveal a car). Now he gives you the chance to switch to the other unrevealed door or stay at your initial choice. You will then get what is behind that door. You cannot hear the goats from behind the doors, or in any way know which door has the prize. Should you stay, or switch, or doesn't it matter? Answers on a postcard to be handed to Mr Dukes (G42) by Thursday 4.10pm latest!

INA Newsletter 15

Concen Roberto Casula is a pioneer in robotic-enhanced and minimal access heart surgery at Imperial College. Casula is the only practicing robotic cardiac surgeon in the UK. He graduated at Padova University Medical School, Italy, and then trained in the UK in Cardiothoracic Surgery and Thoracic Organs Transplantation. Casula has operated on several thousand heart patients and peformed the first corony heart bypass without opening the chest. Robotic-enhanced surgery requires total and sustained concentration. During surgery, the surgeon sits at a robotic console and is able to see inside the chest through a tiny 3D camera. The camera images are magnified 15 times. The surgeon operates 2 joy-sticks and his/her movements are then reproduced with the highest level of accuracy by the instruments previously inserted into the chest. ‘Robotic-enhanced and minimal access cardiac surgery provides a huge number of benefits for the patient including just a small amount of scaring, less pain and use of pain killers, a reduced chance of post-operative infection and blood transfusion, and importantly, quicker mobilisation speeding along a good physical and emotional recovery.’ Roberto Casula


Try to clear you mind before you start a task that requires a high level of concentration. Practise this technique so you can use it when required to overcome a difficult problem. Try to avoid distractions by sitting away from people you find it difficult to

PARENTS Encourage your child to participate in an activity that requires them to empty their mind and concentrate really hard on something for an extended period of time. Play strategic card or board games as a family. 16  INA Newsletter

tration Students who have shown Concentration at INA .

Daveena Williams Morrison & Haider Rafiq have concentrated really hard on memorising the slide positions for the whole of the Pitch Range Challenge on trombone. They have made really strong progress and moved all the way through to stage 7 as a result of this concentration and practice.

Revising and Practising Being able to direct one’s thinking and attention on the matter at hand.

BEHAVIOURS Being able to concentrate, despite distraction, boredom or fatigue and completely focus on a task to make progress in your learning, to master knowledge or skills that at first were difficult, to perform well throughout an assessment, to complete I/L that sufficiently challenges you, to learn to play an instrument, to play strategic games i.e. chess, sports. INA Newsletter 17

BRIDGES we build learning power and developcharacter characteratatIsaac Isaac Newton Newton Academy HowHow we build learning power and develop Academy “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Isaac Newton

“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Isaac Newton The secondary BRIDGES programme commences on Monday 14th September. BRIDGES are

The secondary BRIDGES programme commences on Monday 14th September. BRIDGES are habits of mind or learning characteristics that develop a student's character and learning power habits ofenable mind them or learning thatindividuals develop a student's character and to growcharacteristics into well rounded and resilient learners.and learning power and enable them to grow into well rounded individuals and resilient learners.

On a two weekly cycle throughout the year, Year 7 and 8 students are introduced to one or two of cycle mind throughout or learning characteristics will8permeate the curriculum. On anew twohabits weekly the year, Yearthat 7 and students throughout are introduced to one or two This will take place through a range of interactive activities. In addition, the students will new habits of mind or learning characteristics that will permeate throughout the curriculum. This experience BRIDGES learning objectives in each and every lesson throughout Isaac Newton will take place Year through a range lessons of interactive activities. In addition, theBRIDGES students will experience Academy. 9 BRIDGES will focus on strengthening certain learning BRIDGES learningthrough objectives in each of and every lesson characteristics exploration PHSE topics andthroughout themes. Isaac Newton Academy.

Year 9 BRIDGES lessons will focus on strengthening certain BRIDGES learning characteristics Eachexploration fortnight you findtopics top tips in themes. the newsletter of ways of supporting your child to through ofwill PHSE and develop the BRIDGES habits of mind and learning characteristics within the home.

Each fortnight you will find top tips in the newsletter of ways of supporting your child to develop the BRIDGES habits of mind and learning characteristics within the home.

ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is a 7N crucial factor in students’ educational development 7W and ability to achieve their 7S full potential. At Isaac Newton Academy every student is set the target of 100% attendance. We know that attendance has a direct link to progress, and would urge you to really consider if a day off school is necessary.






























































Well done to 7N and 10S for 100% attendance last week! Year 7 96.5% Again, for the second week running, a huge well done to Year 10, 97.9% for the week as a year group, which I am sure is putting you all in the best possible position for the exams that you are sitting this week.

Ms. Abbott-Jones Lead Pastoral Leader 18  INA Newsletter

Year 10 97.9% Year 9 95.6%

Praise & Recognition



Year 7 T C N S W E I A N S

1563 1379 1201 1163 1045 923 801 768 1158 1105

Year 8 W N C S E A I T C S

1310 1293 1235 1134 1088 1057 1051 902 1211

Year 9 T E W N S C A I W

1308 805 627 594 558 498 402 315 601

Year 10 W E N S I T C A N

507 383

315 297 283 279 231 207 315

Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award (Peer Commendation Award) Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone that encapsulated one of these qualities in that week. Year 7: Ajwad Hadi Mathoor 7T Year 8: T.B.C. Year 9: Natasha Mahmood 9W Year 10: Rajveer Kaur 10S Gabriel Ayerh Year 9 Pastoral Leader, i/c Praise and Recognition

INA Newsletter 19

YEAR 9 SPORTS LEADERS EVENT A group of 30 year 9 sports leaders helped run an inter-school primary school Sports Day on Wednesday. The sports leaders ran events such as Long Jump, Vortex Howler throwing and various track events as part of the day, helping and organising Year 6 students to carry out the events. They were an absolute credit to INA and should be very proud of what they achieved. They gained compliments from a number of primary school staff as well as from the organiser of the event. The sports leaders were as follows (photos to follow in next weeks edition): Gurinder Singh Djevia Eliell Rajveer Aytan Mustafa Mahmood Aniqa Ahmed Ishani Punj Natasha Mehmood Samiya Ahmed Jasmine Johnson Amandeep Teja Ayesha Manyar Nisha Mistry Yewande Oyebola Isra Jabeen Aaliyah Adams-Huseyin Simran Sohal

20  INA Newsletter

Jonah Robinson Esher Bahara Akhil Pillai Ekonkar Deerhe Zayn Munshi Yameen Aslam Nikita Spiridonovas Alfie Southall Ahnaf Ibne-Anis Neel Banarsee Manraj Gill Saleem Kidiya Anil Rattu Haile Richards

Key Dates for the Summer Term 2015: Secondary Summer Term Monday 11th April - Wednesday 20th July Half Term 30th May - 3rd June INSET days: Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th June, Friday 8th July Monday 6th June Tuesday 7th - Friday 17th June Thursday 16th June Monday 20th –Friday 24th June Wednesday 22nd June Thurs 23rd & Friday 24th June Mon 27th & Tuesday 28th June Thursday 30th June Friday 1st July

Early close for Year 7-10 Independent Study/Revision Year 7-10 EXAMS Super Science Challenge Year 10 Work Experience Bug Man visit to year 7 INSET Days: no school for students Year 10 Art exams Year 6 Transition Day Non Uniform Day

Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th July Wednesday 6th July Friday 8th July Wed 13th & Thursday 14th July Monday 18th July Tuesday 19th July 20th July

Year 7 English Trip Sports Awards INSET Day: no school for students School Production Secondary Sports Day KS3 Graduation Awards Assemblies. End of Term. Early close.

Good Deed Feed Mr Beattie: Rajveer Aytan 9W was absolutely brilliant with the primary children yesterday, whilst acting as a Sports Leader. Mr Butler-Zanetti: Keeshan 7W has been tremendously helpful in his new role as student librarian. He is always eager to help and makes the library a happier place. Ms Field: Amirah Zamal and Aaliyah Adams-Huseyin 9C – for being really helpful to the Drama department by assisting with some administrative tasks. Hammad Khan 7S, Ammarah Ahmed 8E, Daveena Williams Morrison 7C – for helping to put notices in registers to support the school production

Gabriel Ayerh Year 9 Pastoral Leader, i/c Praise and Recognition

INA Newsletter 21

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