Year 9 Overview for Computer Science
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Introduction to computer science. CAS Unit: Hardware and Processing. • Describe a modern day computer system based on Von Neumann architecture. • Distinguish between low and high level languages. • Describe the generations of programming languages from machine-4G.
Systems modelling CAS Unit: Algorithms. • Understand and apply the notation of flow-charts and pseudocode. • Use logical reasoning to explain how an algorithm works. • Implement simple computational abstract models
Systems life cycle CAS Unit: Programming and development • How to analyse of a problem • How to design documentation to solve a problem. • How to implement the design, recording the build. • How to test the solution and record test data. • How to evaluate the solution using criteria from analysis. • Practical: Become familiar with use of block coding environment.
Programming project CAS Unit: Programming and development
Week 4
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Programming project CAS Unit: Programming and development • Implement and document a modular program with an appropriate interface
Programming project • Test program and provide evidence of testing. • Using test criteria evaluate the solution.
Assessment week: • Programming problem X1 lesson • Theory examination X1 lesson
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Perform analysis of a given problem. Develop design documentation using standard notation to fit the functional requirements of the problem.
Assessment review X1 lesson Harkness X1 lesson
Week 5 Programming project CAS Unit: Programming and development • Implement and document a modular program with an appropriate interface.