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In This Issue
Investment Incentives For Energy Efficiency From Ministry To Industrialists YEAR: 2014 - ISSUE: 25
Kenya To Generate Over Half Of Its Electricity Through Solar Power By 2016 Üretecek
Alpke Wire Continues Investments In His New Factory Ediyor….
38 40
The United Nations Proclaims An International Year Of Light In 2015
stating Electricity Turkey as the source.
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In This Issue
Innovation From GEMTA Piyasaya Sundu…
Innovation From Esitas Elektrik... Yenilikler...
64 Alstom Grid Will Manufacture Two Shunt
70 Boost Clean Energy
86 Installation And Energy Savings
118 Connection Technology For Conductors Up To 95 mm²
124 Power Plant In Turkey
electricity turkey
Investment Incentives For Energy Efficiency From Ministry To Industrialists in 10 years it is planning to energy saving
and 6 nuclear power plant units. facilitating the industrials energy efficiency the participation of the industrialists. the most electricity and natural gas demand
and demand is increasing rapidly and in the world from 2002 our country has the most electricity and natural gas demand growth CENT dustrialists without looking the investments
the projection this trend will show to con tinue in the medium and long term. the power supply is not infinite and unlimit
tions and the private sector in cooperation national economy from energy savings and
Ministry and the Energy Efficiency Associa with a meeting on th 25th of January in 2014 on Saturday with the participation of
The motto of the project is «Strong Industry
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meet growing energy needs are also increas
make investments to the energy sector 42.2 ments made in energy sector in our country
sector cooperation in every field and in every increasing the energy efficiency.
are continued for decades and speed up in increasing production with improved indus try despite the increase in energy consump agriculture and many other areas without reducing the quality of the efficient use of energy and aims to provide significant gains
started our goal is to reduce our manufactur
cated in a region which has limited energy sources with this awareness. Incentives from ministry to industrialists
launch of Energy Efficient Industrial Projects of a new application to all the industrialists
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will take the advantage of investment with incentives for investments in 5th region. with the principles and procedures speci Energy Efficiency Association President
and OSBs studies evaluating the Energy Effi
Energy Efficiency Association President
dollars of national income to produce the of Energy Efficiency efficient and effective use of energy at every point and increase and services with the need to show activi
ficiency passed on to the housewives with Energy Lady Project and to younger gen gan last week.
Energy Efficiency Association President Energy Efficiency Association President fied for providing to increase productivity within Energy Efficient Industrial Project and also gave concrete examples for reduc
ciency projects are examine in Konya Orga
using energy efficiently and with this works
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some projects are applied in significant.
portant is the Energy Efficiency and when implement of all proper projects from Pro
to our country. When you consider that -
deficit will fall and as well as the financing
ing the most effective productivity for in focus on energy savings in terms of energy efficiency and to implement appropriate
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By working in partnership with these cen
. enhancing project implementation train the changes in the structure. These En ergy Management Centers will follow the
regular reports and transfer with regional meetings. The project started in Konya on the 25th of January 2014 and will contin
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PF launches construction works for a Com shareholding
company jointly with
its -
ship Fund welcomed the guests. of the diplomatic corps accredited in the country and international financial institu
and energy security is very vital which is directly connected with the security of the vili said.
local market with the additional electricity.
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will have a reserve capacity to supply energy
the country has everything to strengthen its
tal cost of the investment project is $ 220m. and Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation
edge technologies including General Electric
tor of the Partnership Fund said. According
country on launching such a giant project and said that for him to involve in this proj
Cycle Thermal Power Plant will strengthen
was placed in the special capsule and was
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our shares in April 2012 in order to follow
to previous owners.
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Essentra plc announced that it has acquired for an undisclosed cash consideration. Mesan existing facilities. Mesan is the leading Turk sories for use in a wide variety of attractive
compound annual revenue growth rate in
ponent & Protection Solutions division. -
transactions. With leading market positions and a proven track record of strong profit our offering in the growing hardware seg ment.
vides entry into the attractive Turkish market also acts as a platform for the geographic ex
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Kenya To Generate Over Half Of Its Electricity
costs related with hydro electricity are very
across the country
the low water levels in major supply dams.
power plants that could provide more than initial design stages are almost complete.
plan could have a dramatic impact on en The country is also planning the construc
tion will consist of solar. Already we are wit nessing solar investments in Kenya such as a factory that was opened here in 2011 that
Kenya ranks 22nd in Africa for the amount of in the generation of solar energy. But it could
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Alpke moved to his new factory where he continues producing insulated copper and aluminum wires tions to his clients with his strong engineering crew and managed to catch the quality level of Euro pean competitors in a short time.
Technical University Engineering department in 1999. I worked 6 years in Siemens Ger a Belgium Joint Venture company and stayed in Belgium one year. Our company activities were high voltage engines and generator sets
We saw in the market that wire producers do not have enough capacity of export and to export wires. We first had a shareholder. production.
producers are all our customers.
electricity turkey
We are producing aluminium and copper wires. We are using pure and high conductivity mate rial. We are then isolating the wires according to these test reports to our customers.
informing all the test processes to our custom
lower cost and stronger products. Meanwhile we
material producers. Their development affects our quality positively. What is the reason of preferring this material?
products although it is more expensive. Our honest to them. -
For us the quality competition is the most impor we are making quality competition.
Our country is a very important market for us. kara. We are exporting to Europe and plan to de
Our production and logistics are now in the same facility. That has many advantages for us.
a centre of transformer station production. Con Middle East so demands to our products are in creasing.
electricity turkey
chines and production facilities.
staff. We wish that our engineers get experi know the material very well and send the cus tomers exactly what they need. Our QC man ager is a very experienced person. He is leading us to offer right solutions for customers. We made corporative organisation in the company. Everything goes well now and we spend our
As quality and delivery terms we are very good in the domestic market as well. We are known to produce high quality at the top speed. We have relations of many years with our custom and uninterrupted supply service.
most important organisation for our sector. We
the interview.
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electricity turkey
electricity turkey
electricity turkey
electricity turkey
electricity turkey
The most precious asset of mankind is his ages and loss of life and property where no a reality of our life and it is a significant risk factor.
Especially in environments where people ac
properties of people in our country and in
ments of contractor companies take into account many conditions when selecting
technical specifications in this sense and are of very high quality.
national standards using state of the art of a fire which may start with a spark in the electric contact.
frastructure. It is committed to continuous quality improvement in order to develop its
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company complies with international stan
phase of its production and sets its quality
meet the needs of its customers and solu tion partners from the ordering stage until
many hotel projects in Turkey and through out the world. Some hotels which are among our refer
Bodrum Kempinski Hotel The hotel which is center of Europe inside it.
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ace that marked an era since the Ottoman
It is one of the palaces that has lived over centuries to reach today and has witnessed every moment of the period with its match
residence was reconstructed and is serving
Les Ottomans Hotel consists of 12 suits the hotel has features much superior than a five star hotel and its technological features
Mardin Hilton Mardin which is named spread to the world is one of the three cities well preserved. The Hilton Garden Inn Mardin hotel is situ ated on a hill overseeing the Mesopotamia settlements of the city where traditional architectural texture is kept alive in the historical town. The hotel offers the latest technology and ergonomic comfort in its HGI guest rooms with a mod ern design. The interior decoration of this hotel which has a minimalist sense of aesthetics reminds of a coastal settlement on the one hand and is reflecting the Bosporus settlements which were the summer location of the Ot toman elite in history with decorative Turk ish touches and traditional art elements.
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electricity turkey
tial of light technology. Photonics provides Plenary Meeting proclaimed 2015 as the International Year focusing on the topic of
innovative lighting solutions reduce energy
in a dark sky. IYL2015 is a unique opportu
as part of a more general Agenda item on Science and technology for development.
the United Nations Second Committee on
er many different stakeholders including
María Cetto from the National Autonomous and private sector partners to promote and
matters to all of us. It is thanks to light that
plications during 2015.
there is life on Earth. The IYL will create a -
Light plays a vital role in our daily lives and science in the 21st century. It has revolu
ciety. For centuries light has transcended all ject to motivate education. It is critical that attracted to optics and photonics in order to ensure the next generation of engineers and innovators in this field. political understanding of the central role of light in the modern world while also cel the first studies of optics 1000 years ago dur ing the Islamic Golden Age to discoveries in
United States of America. This impressive list and inclusive nature of the theme of an In ternational Year of Light. international Scientific Unions and the Inter
As the Chairman of the IYL 2015 Steering
the UNESCO International Basic Sciences
national Year of Light is a tremendous op portunity to ensure that policymakers are
Salam International Centre for Theoretical 1 Institute. The Founding Scientific Sponsors
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sources.org international network. National and regional committees and contact points tions of the world can participate.
Further Information consists of a wide range of stakeholders in
include professionals and volunteers in ar eas ranging from technology and engineer Australasia. Young people are represented prominently through the many internation al student chapters of international learned societies. Support during the construction phase of the project came from many part
the International Union for Pure and Applied
preparatory actions are already planned dur
events to raise awareness and to plan excit ing activities throughout 2015.
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electricity turkey
Unc Researchers Harness Sun’s Energy During Day For Use At Night Solar energy has long been used as a clean alternative to fossil fuels such as coal and oil, but it could only be harnessed during the day when the sun’s rays were strongest. Now researchers led by Tom Meyer at the Energy Frontier Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have built a system that converts the sun’s energy not into electricity but hydrogen fuel and stores it for later use, allowing us to power our devices long after the sun goes down. “So called ‘solar fuels’ like hydrogen offer a solution to how to store energy for nighttime use by taking a cue from natural photosynthesis,” said Meyer, Arey Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences. “Our new findings may provide a last major piece of a puzzle for a new way to store the sun’s energy – it could be a tipping point for a solar energy future.” In one hour, the sun puts out enough energy to power every vehicle, factory and device on the planet for an entire year. Solar panels can harness that energy to generate electricity during the day. But the problem with the sun is that it goes down at night—and with it the ability to power our homes and cars. If solar energy is going to have a shot at being a clean source for powering the planet, scientists had to figure out how to store it for night-time use. The new system designed by Meyer and colleagues at UNC and with Greg Parsons’ group at North Carolina State University does exactly that. It is known as a dye-sensitized photoelectrosynthesis cell, or DSPEC, and it generates hydrogen fuel by using the sun’s energy to split water into its component parts. After the split, hydrogen is sequestered and stored, while the byproduct, oxygen, is released into the air. “But splitting water is extremely difficult to do,” said Meyer. “You need to take four electrons away from two water molecules, transfer them somewhere else, and make hydrogen, and, once you have done that, keep the hydrogen and oxygen separated. How to design molecules capable of doing that is a really big challenge that we’ve begun to overcome.”
Meyer had been investigating DSPECs for years at the Energy Frontier Research Center at UNC and before. His design has two basic components: a molecule and a nanoparticle. The molecule, called a chromophore-catalyst assembly, absorbs sunlight and then kick starts the catalyst to rip electrons away from water. The nanoparticle, to which thousands of chromophore-catalyst assemblies are tethered, is part of a film of nanoparticles that shuttles the electrons away to make the hydrogen fuel. However, even with the best of attempts, the system always crashed because either the chromophore-catalyst assembly kept breaking away from the nanoparticles or because the electrons couldn’t be shuttled away quickly enough to make hydrogen. To solve both of these problems, Meyer turned to the Parsons group to use a technique that coated the nanoparticle, atom by atom, with a thin layer of a material called titanium dioxide. By using ultra-thin layers, the researchers found that the nanoparticle could carry away electrons far more rapidly than before, with the freed electrons available to make hydrogen. They also figured out how to build a protective coating that keeps the chromophore-catalyst assembly tethered firmly to the nanoparticle, ensuring that the assembly stayed on the surface. With electrons flowing freely through the nanoparticle and the tether stabilized, Meyer’s new system can turn the sun’s energy into fuel while needing almost no external power to operate and releasing no greenhouse gases. What’s more, the infrastructure to install these sunlight-to-fuel converters is in sight based on existing technology. A next target is to use the same approach to reduce carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, to a carbon-based fuel such as formate or methanol. “When you talk about powering a planet with energy stored in batteries, it’s just not practical,” said Meyer. “It turns out that the most energy dense way to store energy is in the chemical bonds of molecules. And that’s what we did – we found an answer through chemistry.”
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Aküsüz Gündüz Üretim Gece Tüketim
ABD’deki North Carolina Üniversitesi’nde görev alan Tom Meyer ve ekibindeki bil-
Tom Meyer ve ekibinin North Carolina
Bu sorunu gidermek isteyen Tom Meyer ve
electricity turkey
Delta, Will Meet With Its Visitors At Dubai Middle East Electricity Fair In parallel with the improving technology, all of the devices and equipment which we use today require stabile and precise energy. DELTA UPS & Voltage Regulator company offers solutions to meet this requirement.Producing Power Electronics solutions since 1991, the company is one of the few companies in its sector, which gathered all of its product components in an integrated factory. With indoor production facility of 10.000 m2, the company targets to improve its quality and have a voice in global power electronics sector with its more than 150 employees. Products of the company are constantly developed by interpreting them with current technologies in the advanced Research & Development center. Consequently, the company has an updated product array in terms of technology.
Who is Mr Faruk EMREACIK, could you tell us about you shortly? My name is Faruk EMREACIK and working in Delta Group as Int’l Business Development Manager since 2013. Before joining Delta, I have worked in different Foreing Trade positions in the field of Electrics and Construction as Vatan Cable Inc Export Manager etc. Please tell us about DELTA’s recent achievements in the sector? DELTA firstly,has been World monopol leader in AVR industry for last decade especially,having a tremendous market growth in Africa, Middle East and Eastern Europe; thanks to it’s price politics, wide product range, serious technical improvements and innovations for different sector, in it’s production lines. Therefore DELTA has become Turkey’s one of the most famous UPS brands worldwide, having distributor network over 60 countries around the globe. DELTA has been pointed by finger; in giant projects such as Telecom, Petrol&Gas, Military projects, Government sites, Medical sector, Textile factories, PCB factories, Plastic production plants etc. DELTA supply over 200-300 mega size
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AVRs and UPS units inside outside Turkey every year with success. Does DELTA have any new investments throughout 2014? Within 2014, as DELTA, we will establish a company in Dubai to evaluate opportunities within this region. DELTA will start co-production with a strategic partner in Algeria, like they did in the past. Delta is the most experienced know-how transferring manufacturer in the field,with several factories of CKD/SKD assembly plants in Azerbaijan, Omman, Kenya, Algeria. What makes DELTA different from others? The main thing is the smart and fair price politics along with product quality. When these combine, any manufacturer would have success in any sector of business in my opininon. Of course we shall not forget agressive sales and marketing ways. That is why DELTA is the sole Turkish exhibitor in Dubai MEE 2014, from our sector. Today DELTA’s biggest competitor is again DELTA’s itself. Please tell us about your production?
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Since 1991, situated in state of art production plants in Turkey on a total covered area of 10.000m2 with more than 150 employees, DELTA Inc. producing diverse power electronic solutions,and is one of the few companies in the world which could manage to combine quiet different product ranges,in it’s manufacturing portofolio. Our manufactured products are getting incessantly developed and upgraded,thanks to our highly advanced R&D team skills,studies and works,held in firm cooperation with the Scientific and Technologic Research Council of Turkey. This enables Delta Inc. to clinch it’s domestic and worldwide leader title in AVRs and get a highly respected position in World UPS market. Also it ensures highest flexibility in our production,to answer different customers requirements from the World,according to different mains and electrical conditions across the globe. What is your product range and do you have new product lines or R&D innovations? DELTA is widely known with it’s Triphase UPS DLT/DS 300 series for big capacity whether transformer/or less based technology between 10-300 KVA; and for AVRs; DELTA produce mega size AVRs >500 kva with widest voltage band at Input side, which ensures a very safe protection of connected loads,hence enhancing the lifespan of the devices installed after a DELTA UPS/ AVR; and permitting to the end-user to save Money. It also creates power back up solutions for various systems critical power applications from Airports to Hospitals,IT centers to Telecom stations throughout the World. In triphase range, DELTA has become a pioneer in the field and the most wanted brand by the users. No need to mention that, thanks to this confidence and trust in our brand; in small range UPS, AVR ;DELTA offers many good solutions as well, with Crystal 1-10 Kva singlephase UPS and MCU-8 mini smart stabs, especially used in small home/office appliances. What makes DELTA products different from others? Quality,price and efficient sales after service Support 7/24 by highly skilled engineering team, R&D chief of art innovations and of course DELTA warranty terms extending from 3 to 5 years,according to the projects.
Which testing processes and procotols you have in DELTA production plants? This is one of our weakest and meantime strongest points. Factory test, quality controls not only lasy very long but sometimes have direct impact on our deliveries. DELTA has in it’s integrity one of the most meticulous quality Control departmens in Turkey. When standard testing process last 2-3 days for any standard triphase UPS/AVR; for Frequency converters for example, this dura-
tries such as Brasil,Mexico; you shall almost double the cost of our manufactured products due to deviations in our standard production. For 2015, we are planning to participate to the biggest electricty expo in Central America which will be held in Mexico in summer 2015. For this year, we will content of contacting and visiting some important partner channels, eligible to deal with DELTA products in their influence territories.
tion can be prolonged up to 3-4 weeks. We are very precised in quality controls,which makes DELTA so great.
What do you think about competition and cost subjects? As Delta, we are aware of tough competition as globalization world of business, especially Far East companies growing giants in the sector. We are taking necessary steps to overcome any issues which give us weaknesses in the UPS&Stabilizer business with our technically experienced production/ R&D team and customer oriented, high skilled International Sales team. Daily basis, we are analyzing our costs and developing our production abilities to reduce our costs to maintain our brand in the world. Thank you for having great time with us.
What are your new target countries or regions? What sort of marketing strategy you will develop? We know DELTA products are even reaching Latin american territories today, through the sales we make to other regions; Electrictity conditions are almost the same as it is in MENA region,and market is huge undoubtedly.This is our main primary target for 2014. Especially countries where 220,230 V is required. For 110V coun-
electricity turkey
Innovation From GEMTA GEMTA General Electronics Industry and Trade Inc. manufacturing Protection and Control Relays, Digital Measuring Instruments and Battery Chargers, to meet the requirements of the Turkish Electric Industry, was founded in 1984.Since then, GEMTA has widened its production range, improved its quality by following the latest advanced technology developments in Turkey and worldwide and has become a trustworthy company in the energy and telecom sector. GEMTA produces in accor¬dance with the SGS-ISO 9001:2000 standards and performs Research.
BACKUP-PARALLEL 3-PHASE BATTERY CHARGERS GEMTA GRR3000-BP Series battery char¬gers are most important components of all electrical generation, transmission and dis¬tributions systems. The electrical networks equipped with the best protection relays and the circuit breakers are under the potential risks unless they have equally well equipped with power supplies and battery chargers. The most important part of a DC supply system is no doubt the battery charger. Chargers should be able to supply the DC load while charging and also keeping the batteries fully charged. A non-stabilized charger will cause either gas exhaust in the batteries and shorten their lives and also harm the DC system be¬cause of the high output voltage or cause the batteries not to be fully charged, shorten the support time in case of a block out dis¬charged easily and by the way, will leave the network unprotected because of its low out-put voltage. Another facility expected from the battery chargers is their performance of operation without the batteries. In fact, the chargers should never be disconnected from the battery banks. But in some cases, for example, during commissioning tests, the need of DC voltage is supplied by the chargers solely. Another example is the annual maintenance of a substation where there is a pair of charger battery bank.Even in such cases or alike, the output voltage of
the charger should never differ from the rated voltage and the ripple factor should not be higher than 5%. The last facility mentioned is very important to protect devices which are supplied by DC power. In the places where use devices that does not include this facility, although when the batteries disconnected from charger, out¬put voltage of the charger does not change, ripple on the output voltage can reach up to 40%. In this case electronic devices which are supplied by DC power can be damaged. This is very important matter for equipment health. Peak Value of the charger output voltage should be under 105% when the batteries disconnected from charger. As all GEMTA battery chargers, GRR3000-BP series battery chargers are designed to meet all these specifications. OPERATING PRINCIPLES: GEMTA stabilized battery chargers, series GRR3000-BP are supplied with three phase
supply voltage. Power transformer is delta/wye connected and manufactured proper to the output volt¬age and current rating. The inductors, L1, L2 and L3 smooth the impulsive currents con¬sumed by the batteries and protect both the thyristor-diode Bridge and the transformer by limiting the current through them. The thyristor-diode Bridge converts the AC voltage to DC and the average value of this
electricity turkey
GEMTA, GRR3000-BP Serisi Redresörü Piyasaya Sundu… tim
GRR3000-BP Serisi tesisler¬inde DC beslenme sisteminin en
DC voltage is held constant at the desired level by changing the triggering angle of the thyristor by the monitoring circuit. The rectified output voltage of the bridge is smoothened by the filter, which consists of the inductor L4 and the capacitor. Therefore results a fine stabilized DC output voltage, even if the battery bank is not connected. Control circuit watches line voltage and load current changes thyristor triggering angles to keep output voltage steady. Also control cir¬cuit keeps the output current in the limitations. There is two meter on the battery charger. The voltmeter shows output voltage of bat¬tery charger and ammeter shows load current GRR3000-BP Has a voltage adjustment unit to adjust output voltage. One of the control switches on this unit is Manual / Automatic switch. On manual mode output voltage can be adjusted between 80% and 110% of nominal output voltage. On automatic mode charger tries to adjust output voltage due to charging mode (float / Quick). Charging mode can be set to ‘’quick charge’’ or ‘’float charge’’ by means of second switch.
ile nominal gerilim %80’i ile %110’u -
OPERATING MODES: System’s Operating features are controlled by the switches ‘Battery Charger Selection (Back¬up mode)’ and ‘Parallel’. Battery Charger Selection: By the start-up of the device it provides selection of active and back-up Charger. Parallel Selection: It provides both Battery Chargers operating at the same time. The pres¬ent load must be equally shared between the two Battery Chargers. To achieve this, the rate of output voltage of both Battery Chargers must be equally adjusted. GRR3000-BP Series TECHNICAL SPECIFICA¬TIONS: 1- Input Voltage: 3x380V AC / 50Hz 2- Output Voltage: 12 - 24 - 48 - 110 - 220V DC 3- Output Current: 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 80 - 90 - 100 - 110 - 120A 4- Voltage Stability: +1% For Variations of 20% in the input voltage 5- Voltage Setting; a- Float Charge: 94-106% of the nominal volt¬age b- Quick Charge: 102-115 %of the nominal voltage c- Manual Charge: 80 - 110 %of the nominal voltage 6- Ripple Factor: With Battery <%1 * Without Battery 5% 7- Temperature Range: -5 C * 40 C 8- Number of Cell; a- 12V DC: 6 Elements b- 24V DC: 12 Elements c- 48V DC: 24 Elements d- 110V DC: 54 Elements e- 220V DC: 108 Elements 9- Operation Mode; Backup Mode: Automatic - Manual Parallel Mode: Manual
redresörl¬eri gibi GRR300-BP serisi re-
MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 10- Case: Sheet Metal (ST-37) 11- Case Paint: Ral-7032 Electrostatic Polyester
electricity turkey
Innovation From Esitas Elektrik... Esitas Elektrik Company who have the understanding of following innovations is preferred and reliable partner in the international arena. With this approach Esitas’s new production of Combined transformers are suitable for use in internal and external environments. Esitas also developed Combi sensors which is in the same housing allows the creation of both current and voltage information is transferred to the relay. Instead of 3 Current and 3 Voltage transformers (6 units in total), only 3 units of combined transformers or 3 units of combi sensors can be used and by this up to 40-50% savings achieved in design of MV Swicthgears. Esitas’s combi sensors, the current and voltage transformer circuits to the relay terminals are at very low voltage level. The sensor is generally suitable to be used in indoor panels. Besides, Esitas’s newly developed Voltage sensor is intended for measuring voltage in indoor MV Switchgears. The busbar voltage to be measured is connected using flexible conductor to the primary terminal of the voltage sensor. The voltage is measured between phase and earth. The secondary output signal is taken from the secondary cable which is readily connected and delivered with the sensor.
Combined Current And Voltage Transformers
are used to transform high currents or voltages to values that can be unified or measured safely with low internal losses. Therefore, the huge savings in terms of size and materials are provided. Esitas’s new production of Combined transformers are produced suitable for usage in indoor and outdoor environment . Instead of 3 Current and 3 Voltage transformers (6 units in total), only 3 units of combined transformers can be used and by this up to 40-50% savings achieved in design of indoor and outdoor panels.
%40 – 50’ lere Varan Tasarruf Elde Edebilirsiniz.
The combined instrument transformers connection is the same as standard Current and Voltage transformers. Same secondary ends are also available in combined transformers. Current outputs: 1A , 5 A....etc. or required current value. Voltage outputs: 57.7 V .....etc. or required voltage value
Kombi sensörleri sayesinde 3’er adet Kombi
devresi ile gerilim trafosu devresinden
Combi Sensor
Combi Sensor
Esitas’s newly developed combi sensors, in the same housing allows the creation of both current and voltage information which are transferred to the relay. Instead of 3 Current and 3 Voltage transformers (6 units in total), only 3 units of combi sensors can be used in indoor panels. With this solution up to 40-50% savings can be achieved in design of indoor panels. In Esitas’s combi sensors, the current and voltage transformer circuits to the relay terminals are at very low voltage level. The sensor is generally suitable to be used in indoor panels.
Combined Current And Voltage Transformer
Current outputs : 22,5 mV , 150 mV , 225 mV..... etc. or required current value Voltage outputs : 3.25 V ,2 V....etc. or required voltage value
electricity turkey
COMBI SENSOR Type: 4MA72 PL Insulation Level:17,5/38/95kV Frequency:50/60 Hz Operation :-25….70 °C Ratio :600A/225mV (%210) Short time thermal current: 40 kA (3s) Idyn:2,5xIth Acc. Class:5P 20 &0,5 Burden 20 kOhm Kn:4000/1 Ratio:13000 / 3,25 V Acc. Class:0,5/3P Burden 20 kOhm Kn/Ku:4000/1 – 1,9/8h
Voltage Sensor
Kombi Sensör -
kullanmak yerine 3 adet Kombi sensör
Esitas’s newly developed Voltage sensor is intended for measuring voltage in indoor MV Switchgears. The busbar voltage to be measured is connected using flexible conductor to the primary terminal of the voltage sensor. The voltage is measured between phase and earth. The secondary output signal is taken from the secondary cable which is readily connected and delivered with the sensor. VOLTAGE SENSOR Type : VT17 Ratio :13000 / 3,25 V Insulation Level:17,5/38/95 kV Acc. Class:0,5/3P Burden: 20 kOhm Frequency:50/60 Hz Kn/Ku: 4000/1 – 1,9/8h Operation :-25….70 °C Esitas Elektrik as the parent company of the group with 30 years experience in the industry, produces and sells indoor and outdoor type, dry (epoxy resin) type Medium Voltage Current Transformers (Support, BusBar, Capacitive Layer and Toroidal types), Medium Voltage Voltage Transformers (Double or Single Pole and Fused types), Low Voltage Current Transformers (Busbar, Toroidal/Ring and Cable types), Medium Voltage Insulators (Post, Bushing and Capacitive Layer types) and other customer designed products upon request.Esitas Group Companies have been producing in Turkey Istanbul and Jakarta Indonesia factories and are supplier of the Turkish and Indonesian Electrical Authorities as well as many foreign Electricity Authorities and to various branches of multinational and local market leaders in the industry . With its mission of continuously improving the existent quality and introducing innovations in order to increase the efficiency for customers, Esitas is your partner in the world energy market.
fosu devresi ile gerilim trafosu devresin-
electricity turkey
Voltage Sensor
Leading With Experience And Quality; Pioneering With Technology... shelves at your disposal with low-smoke and fire retardant versions.
Since our foundation in 1979, we have made a strong effort to make better products with our high quality and technology. As well as our planning, production, sales-marketing and aftersales services, we are enlightening the future of the industry with our R&D department that follows technology closely; our expert and experienced staff; our flexibility to produce according to the demand; and our user satisfaction-oriented service mentality in coaxial cable market. Today, we are proud of being a company that is a leader in its industry with our brand philosophy that consider the job an art, and the importance that we give to creativity and human potential. Production is one of the most important differences that separate humans from other creatures. What makes us different from other companies is that we see the production as a value for life’s comfort and an opportunity to create advantages rather than just putting forward a product. Therefore, our objective is to maintain the sustainability of quality through competent workforce and maximum attention. At Ören Kablo, we combine our wide range of products including cable TV, digital satellite, data cables, interactive CATV cables, signal and control cables, internal telephone cables, fiber optic cables and fire call cables with technology and art in our modern production facilities. Besides these product groups, we have placed halogen free cables, defined as the “cables that don’t produce toxic gas” on the
As a company with a production capacity of 65,000,000 meters coaxial cable, we believe in the importance of making difference through products of high added value. We started producing PE insulated cable with physical foaming through our investment of polyethylene extruder line with gas injection, skin/foam/skin triple blasting in 2004. Thanks to this investment, we are able to meet 70% of total digital cable need in Turkey by ourselves now. Beside our achievements in Turkey, we carry the comfort of Ören Cable all over the world through our power of exporting to the countries such as Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Greece, Bulgaria, The Netherlands, Israel, Egypt, Iraq, Iran and Ukraine. For us, quality is a dynamic concept that should be constantly developed in these times of high expectations. We see quality control as a process that should be present at every stage of production in our production facilities in line with ISO 9001-2000 Quality Management System. The company that dominates technology in the sector. . . Cable production is undoubtedly one of the leading sectors enabling technology to be used efficiently. For this reason, it is for
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Deneyim Ve Kalitesiyle Lider, Teknolojisiyle Öncü...
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us the most important factor in the foundations of our corporate success, and the focal point of our R&D studies. We not only follow the technological developments around the world closely, but also make it our mission to be a company that creates innovation in the sector though R&D studies and dominates technology. We push the limits of imagination for the products of high added value made with the latest technology by identifying the demands of current and potential users of coaxial cable. Exclusive solutions for your need. . . At Ören Cable, we do not limit our quality standard to just our current product range but present exclusive solutions for each user through our flexible production mentality. Professional service mentality. . . We are a company that includes a user satisfaction-oriented service mentality, which is the basis of its foundation principles, at every stage, being aware of the fact that the concept of quality is not just a standard of production and product. Therefore, we consider it as our most important duty to meet your needs in the most correct and fastest way; to produce solutions exclusive for you; to carry the means we provide before sale into the aftersales through our professional sales department and expert team that master in different foreign languages wherever you are in the world. The advantage of location. . . Located at Silivri Ortaköy Industrial Zone, Istanbul, 50 km from Atatürk Airport and just
Sektörde teknolojiye yön veren firma...
base enables our services to reach beyond the national borders.
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Alstom Grid Will Manufacture Two Shunt Reactors For Tennet In Germany Alstom, Gebze Tesislerinde Bu Kez Alstom Grid in Turkey will supply two shunt reactors for TenneT, the transmission system operator for Germany and the Netherlands, to improve grid stability across its transmission lines. These shunt reactors will be the first manufactured by Alstom’s Gebze site for the German market and are due for commissioning in 2015. The 120 MVAr, 420 kV shunt reactors will be delivered on a turnkey basis to the Redwitz and Eltman Power Plants in the German state of Bavaria. The contract, worth around 2.5 million, covers manufacturing, shipment, assembly and commissioning. Shunt reactors are used to protect from voltage surges on long transmission lines between power plants and consumption areas, especially if the lines are low loaded or buried. Hakan Karadogan, Alstom Grid Turkey Power Transformers Unit Managing Director, said: “This project will be a major reference for future projects in the Netherlands and Germany. We are very pleased to be selected by TenneT for this turnkey contract and we look forward to further developing our relationship together.” This contract follows several milestones for Alstom Turkey in the field of power transmission equipment. Last year, the Gebze factory manufactured the largest 3-phase adjustable shunt reactor in the world for the Turkish Electricity Transmission Company, TEIAS. These shunt reactors are now installed at 380 kV substations in Istanbul Yeni Bosna, Ikitelli, Maltepe and Davutpasa. The company is also export champion in Turkey for electricity generation and distribution equipment and its factories export more than 80% of its production to countries worldwide. Last year, the Gebze factory supplied some of the world’s highest rated generator step-up transformers to projects in Slovenia and Serbia.
lerine anahtar teslimi olarak teslim edil-
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Denmark and Arab Emirates Sign Agreement to Boost Clean Energy The United Arab Emirates and Denmark -two of the world’s largest players in clean energy -have signed an agreement to collaborate on renewable energy and global sustainability. Image Credits: Colin Brough (Stock.xchng) The agreement was signed this week at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi by Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, chief executive of Masdar (Abu Dhabi’s pioneering renewable energy initiative), and Rasmus Helveg Petersen, the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation. The agreement identifies nine areas of collaboration that focus on clean energy and sustainability. Among these are policy exchange to support sustainable development and commercial renewable energy development, clean energy usage and storage technologies, and advancing carbon capture. One of the first initiatives of the collaboration is the establishment of a “Danish incubator” at Masdar City. The development will serve as a hub for technology companies and will allow Abu Dhabi to benefit from educational training and job exchange programs. “The world must diversify its energy sources and accelerate cutting-edge technologies that enable societies to be more resource efficient”, says Dr. Sultan Al Jaber. “Increased collaboration is critical in meeting rising global energy demands and mitigating the effects of climate change. Solving these two challenges, however, must be viewed as an economic opportunity in order to attract private sector investment and to push the boundaries of technology.”
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Currently, Denmark ranks as one of the world’s leaders in energy sustainability. The country produces almost 100% of its energy from renewable-energy sources. In addition, green technologies now contribute to 11% of the country’s exports. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), meanwhile, is at the forefront of developing renewable energy in the Middle East/North Africa region, including the construction of the world’s first carbon-neutral zero waste city.
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Electricity Turkey Dergisi Sektörü Temsil Etmeye Devam Ediyor -
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Schneider Electric’s Se8000 Series Room Controllers Offer Unparalleled Design, Simple Installation And Energy Savings equipped with advanced application-specific control technology, alarm monitoring, optional humidity and occupancy controls, multi-language support, a touch screen interface, and an optional discreet occupancy sensor.
New solution integrates thermostat and programmable room controllers using a customizable, intelligent design Schneider Electric, a global specialist in energy management, today announced the SE8000 Series room controllers, a solution that provides the distinctive advantage of integrating a thermostat/temperature sensor and programmable room controller in a single unit. The SE8000 Series room controllers are elegantly designed with a highly customizable surface that works in a multitude of environments and decors, including offices, retail stores, schools, hotels and more. The room controllers deliver all the comfort and control functionality found in multicomponent (DDC) systems, but in a small, easy-to-install package. The controllers can scale across a facility to optimize the energy use of HVAC systems and help reduce operational costs. Engineered to meet the needs of building owners and facility managers across industries, the SE8000 Series room controllers help reduce installation labor, which enables faster commissioning time, lowers total installed cost of ownership, and delivers a quick return on investment (ROI) for retrofit projects. The new room controllers also allow commercial building owners and occupants to reinforce their brand by displaying any logo, image, or dynamic scheduled message on their screen. Full customization is achievable by selecting from five screen colors, two casings, and 10 textured fascias to find the perfect combination to complement any décor. The room controllers are
“With the new SE8000 Series room controllers, we are offering customers the most cutting-edge design and advanced room control technology in intelligent, easy to install units,” says Frederick Morency, vice president, Small Building Systems at Schneider Electric. “These room controllers integrate seamlessly into existing HVAC and building management systems to provide fast ROI through energy savings and operational efficiency.” The room controllers are simple to install and commission, allowing quick deployment with minimal disruption to building occupants, end users, and business operations. They are configured to integrate easily with most building management systems, such as Schneider Electric’s SmartStruxureTM and SmartStruxure Lite solutions. The controllers offer wired and wireless communication options to network and scale with building management systems, making them a perfect fit for both new construction and retrofit projects. In addition, application-specific models will be released in the coming months for fan coils, heat pumps, roof top and air handling units that are pre-programmed to maximize efficiency, with the option to easily modify configurations to meet unique environmental needs. Third-party integration is available through open protocols, including BACnet® MS/TP, and wireless ZigBee Pro®, enabling organizations to “future-proof” their investment.
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Schneider Se8000 Serisiyle Tasarruf Elinizde... -
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Onka’ dan Yeni Bir Ürün -
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Pelsan, Geleneksel Ekonomi Seminerinde -
ilgili bilgilendirmekten mutluluk duyuyor-
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2M KABLO produces cables for Security, Construction and Oil & Gas projects for world markets since 1993. Main products are Fire Resistant (3 cables LPCB certified), Control, Instrumentation, Power, Marine & Shipboard, Audio-Video, Coaxial, Data, BUS, Telephone and Special cables. 2M KABLO has a modern production facility and laboratory.
Our company is working according to ISO Standart since 1997 and our products are fit to DIN Norm. We have four different products and they are steel transformer radiators, corrugated walls,corrugated tanks, flat wall tanks and covers,conservators.
Aksa Power Generation which the biggest energy company of Turkey, has been selling gensets more than 160 countries all araund the world for 30 years. Aksa Power Generation which has production facilities in 3 continents and 5 factories, is striving for unlimited customer satisfaction with 7/24 after sales support.Turkey’s first gen-sets brand in the world markets and one of the biggest gen-sets producer in the globe. Aksa Power Generation has 16 own office and more than 100 dealers all araound the world. As a Generator Set supplier in Dubai,UAE,AKSA Middle East & in the heart of the region,to serve the promising economies from Qatar to Kenya,South Africa and beyond. Aksa Power Generation enlights the globe!
Aktif Elektroteknik was established in 1981 in Ankara, Turkey. It became international after significant participation of Italian Friem S.p.A in 2009. Aktif operates with over 30 years of manufacturing experience, ever increasing knowhow, experienced Turkish and Italian R&D teams and the vision of meeting future expectations. Its products are type tested by the leading accredited European laboratories and are being used successfully all over the world. Aktif’s products range: * Air Insulated Switchgears both Metal Enclosed & Metal Clad * Compact Oil & Gas Substations * Compact Transformer Substations * Mobile Substations for Transmission & Distribution * Resistor Banks, Neutral Grounding Resistors, Load Banks and Filter Resistors Banks * Insulated Medical Distribution Panels * Automatic Meter Reading & Management solutions * Energy Management Systems Founded in 1950 to design and verters, FRIEM continued to develop its know-how in energy conversion for: -
Thanks to partnerships and investments with expert Electrotechnical Companies, FRIEM has achieved a stronger local presence, with offices, workshops and representatives in more than 20 countries, delivering all over the world Power Rectifiters, Inverters and Converters.
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Akustifoam, having a young and dynamic structure was founded in 2007. The company is producing non flammable acoustic foam and also converting all kinds of foam according to customer needs and application area.Especially for AUTOMOTIVE, GEN SET, TION industry.
ALCE is a leading manufacturer of precision-engineered electrical products like CT’s, VT’s and insulators for indoor/outdoor appliances. We export to four continents, to more than 45 countries around the world. Our product range: MV Current/Voltage Transformers, Cable Type Current Transformers, Bushing Current Transformers, LV Current/Voltage Transformers, Epoxy Insulators and more.
With the production of interior and exterior lighting products R & D department and nearly 200 employees, we have been serving in Istanbul.
Alkor Aluminium Solar Energy System is serving solar energy system sector sub-constructions needs by producing aluminium profiles and connection materials. All assembly and application works of all products manufactured and performed by Alkor Aluminium Energy. We finalize the domestic and international projects by construcion , manufacture and assemble.
I have pleasure to introduce ourselves as ALMERA ELECTRIC - one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of electric appliances in Istanbul – Turkey. Let me remind you our product range: 1) Extension Sockets 2) Accessories: different kind of Plugs 3) Fuse Boxes 4) Night Lights 5) Power Cords
Cables & Cable Accessories > Cables Cables & Cable Management Systems > Cables Cables & Cable Management perature Energy Management System > Energy efficient lighting. Lighting - Lamps, Luminaires, Accessories > Outdoor Lighting / Floodlighting Power Transmission > Conductors Power Transmission > Copper Rods & Wires.
Arçelik is one of the largest European household appliance manufacturers and besides, leading hermetic compressor and electric motor manufacturer in Turkey with total turnover of 4 billion EUR.Our main component products are three-phase and single-phase induction motors which are produced in Turkey.
Ardic is a specialised manufacturer of steel cable management systems since 1992. Our products are cable trays, cable ladders, trunkings, wire mesh basket trays, channels, con-
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duits, accessories & supporting parts. We have 2500tons/ month production capacity based on (en) european prodgost-r, and iso 9001:2008.
ARES TRAFO produce accessories for Distribution and power transformer manufacturers mainly; Transformer Porcelain and Epoxy Bushigs, DIN42530DIN2531-DIN42532DIN42533-DIN42539EN50180-EN50386, BS bushings, Gate and Ball Valves, Butterfly valve DIN42560, Oil Level indicators, Monoblocks, Wheels DIN42561, Thermometers, DIN43675 Flags, Oil drain 42551, PSV R1”, Terminal box, Pocket,Gas Sampling,Coil Supports, Gaskets
MEDIUM VOLTAGE SYSTEMS Our company is a manufacturer of medium secondary distribution voltages switcha manufacturer partner, retailer or solution partner of many international and Turkish brands at the same site. The following services are included within our services in addition to our long term solutions with high-tech services and working with our partners at global standards. - 24 kV / 36 kV Metal Enclosed Switchgears - Metal Clad Switchgears - Switch Disconnector - Circuit Breaker - MV Compensation Systems - Secondary Over Current or Feeder Relays - Concrete Transformer and Distribution Centers - Steel
owned more than 20 years of
manufacturing knowledge and experience since its foundation have countinued to produce as the biggest partner of Schneider Electric in Turkey. The production range are starting from 6kV till 36kV Metal Enclosed Modular Switchgear, Monoblock Concrete-Metallic Package Substation and LV Panel.
Basoglu Kablo is manufacturing Silicone products in Turkey. Being an expert of manufacturing the products of Silicon Cables, Profile and Building Seals, puts our company in the market for White Goods, Lighting, Iron & Steel and Glass Industry, Automotive and Rail TransporShip Building, Mechanical and Electrical industries.
BETA TRANSFORMER produces medium&high voltage distribution&power transformers from 10 kVA to 100.000 kVA (100 MVA) up to 154 kV with relevant IEC standards. BETA SAS18001, ISO50001, SONCAP, CE and KEMA&ICMET TYPE TEST certificates. BETA supplies energy to more than 33 countries. BETA produces solutions for customers...
Borsan is one of the largest cables manufacture in TURKEY, Borsan produced its products under universal stanmanagement system and its porducts L.V. power cableslighting fixtures-multiple
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socket-distribution boxes and installation materials. Borsan do exporting to more then 50 country around world.
Bozalioglu Forestry Products Ltd. Co. is a Wooden Cable Reel manufacturer in Turkiye. Bozalioglu is your source for all sizes of wooden cable reels.We offer design and production flexibility using the very best of Turkish tree and manufacture cost reels in size ranging from 55 to 3000 mm.
Canlar Conduit and Fitting Systems is one of the most respected manufacturer of electrical installation systems in Turkey for 20 years, Metallic EMT tubes and fittings, conduit and fittings systems , all kind of boxes are the majör categories of products.
In 1979 CETINKAYA was formed at the field of electrics and electronics .Çetinkaya grew and developed during these passing 300 years in production,design,marketing and export by increasing its market day by day .We have 25.000 production layout and more than 250 employees in our facility.
We are LED Lightining producer in Ankara/Turkey. Our company COMM Lighting is situated in Ankara, Sincan Industrial Area. COMM is established as an integrated manufactory of Led lighting, solar energy sys-
ty led lighting solutions with its control and finished product.
CukurovaGenerator is a part of of the three biggest groups of Turkey. Cukurova manufactures diesel generator sets more than 30 years and have dealer network over 40countries worldwide.Product range is between cusing on the high horse power gensets and specialised on customised solutions.
Datakom are in the market since 1994. Datakom is internationally present in more than 80 countries.Multi-genset paralleling, mains synchronization, units with J1939 interface and multi-communication ports (GPRS, ethernet, etc) are from Datakom product range. Datakom recently launched “metering & control” range,includes network analysers, power factor controllers and other digital meters.
DELTA produces power electronic solutions which provides stable and clean energy ments used in daily life and different industries. Delta is in Turkish and worldwide leader title in AVRs and get a highly respected position in World UPS market as exporting the products over 50 countries.
As DEMIR MAKINE; we have been one of the leadbushings and accessories for power,distribution and lo-
comotive transformers since 1975. Our policy is to provide products and services of the highest possible standarts, to satisfy our customer needs, reliability and service.
PLC Busbar Punching, Cutting, Bending Machine 12x125mm Busbar Punching, Cutting, Bending Machine 12x125mm Busbar Punching Machine 16x200mm Punch Press for Sheet Metal Manual Busbar Punching, Cutting, Bending Tool 12x125mm Round Punch Tools Rectangular Punch Tools Multi-step Drills Din Rail Cutter and Punch Wire Duct Cutters.
EAE Group was established in 1973 to manufacture electrical products at 5factories in Istanbul/Turkey asper IECstandards and certified byKEMA. Those products are exported to 90countries. EAE Elektrik:Lighting&Power Busbar Distribution Systems (25A upto 6300A)/Cable Tray&Ladder&Trunking Systems/Underfloor Ducting Systems, EAE Aydinlatma:REVO fluorescent light fittings&LED EAE Elektrteknik:LV Panel enclosures, Our product range is mainly based on Low Voltage Electrical lated and sheathed apart from Neoprene Rubber, indoor and outdoor cables, underground cables, armoured or non-armoured cables). Fire Resistance
(E30/E90) cables are also in our product range.
Eksen is the leading manufacturer of flexible, open-celled, impregnated PU foam with the brand of Procell. The product range addresses various usage areas like automotive, marine, construction, furnishing industries, heating & ventilation, air-ducts, sound proofing canopies and cabins of generators. Eksen prefers to customize the production according to its customer needs to find out the best solution for sound insulation and absorption. Eksen specialized in acoustical foams, composite products, any kind of impregnated foam, shaped or faced products with different characteristics. The company has also a great experience using and developing flame and dry-adhesive lamination tary investments, the company reinforced its technical capacity to develop different products to different segments. Our dedicated team is comprised of knowledgeable, experienced people who are experts in their field. With the technical capacity and team work focused on customer satisfaction results as the materials that are highly efficient solutions with advantages beyond even the positive characteristics of based materials. With the production capacity, Eksen offers best product & services to its customers characteristics of our products are also certificated by various international centers and laboratories not to cause any misunderstanding.
with Turkish and English content to help to be informed and to progress and to promote Electricity industry in the world. With this magazine, we aimed to show the way to be able to choose for people and organizations operating in, this sector towards the system, devices, Additionally, to introduce for its readers recent technological developments and new products. In Our magazine, Energy, Electrical, Mechanical, Automation, Transformers, Cables, Motors, Uninterruptible Power Supply, Grounding, Lighting, Test-Measurement, AG-OG, electrical project-contracting, electronics such sections can be found. Our magazine gives more information about electricity generation, transmission disturbition, applied new technologies and has more news ment, comments and articles and offers for readers about countries of the World exhibition of new products and developments. Electricity Turkey Magazine, in addition to its traditional printed form, it is a publication which is providing constructive solutions by using all of the communication skills of digital age in accordance to general objectives. Our web site with its English/ Turkish contents has been designed as our companies can reach tens of thousands firms by their company and industry news & articles as well as their advertisement banners.
ELEKTRA Elektronik is the manufacturer of dry type transformers and reactors. Product Range: Single/Three Phase Transformers 25VA-1000kVA. Motor Drive Input / Output
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formers and Chokes for Railway Application. IRIS Certification Medical Transformers. Production with CE approval & EN61558 standard. Exporting more than 55 countries.
ELKIMA manufactures oil and dry type MV, LV power and distribution transformers and special purpose transformers. The features of ELKIMA transformers are compactness, low loss, high efficiency, long life, strength to short circuits and ELKIMA transformers is proven by working perfectly all over the world.
Elmek Elektromekanik San. ve Tic.A.S.has been establish in 1985,manufacturing all types accessories for Small Power and Distribution Transformers. Porcelain and Epoxy Buhsings Off Load Tap Changers Buchholz Relays Thermometers Oil Level Indicators Pressure Wheels CT Terminal Block and Box Oil Draining Devices Butterfly Valves.
ELSAN is proud to be the leader Winding Wire manufacturer in TURKEY and one of the leaders in Europe&Middle East supplying products.We provide hightechnology machines in accordance with IEC standards and the highest flexible end-to-end solutions that assist companies to meet their own specifications.
ELTE PANO is the leading -
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facturing low voltage electrical enclosures as free stading and Wall mounted. we make also special aluminium and stainless steel enclosures, medium voltage swichgears metalclad and metal enclosed , transformer kiosks as turnkey with all connections including cables,low voltage, mv and transformer.
Emas manufactures since 1969 as the marketleader in Turkey electrical & electrotechnical parts. Push Buttons Limit Switches Industrial Connectors Contactors and accessories Cam Switches Crane Boxes Pendant Controls Foot Switches Sencors MPCB’s Digital / Industrial & Time - Relays and Sockets Mini Switches Level Control Switches Signal Armatures.
and produces (ISO 9001, CE Brand) Measurement and Control Instruments & Sensors, Protection and Controls for Power Generating Systems Since 1986. Our product range: Auto Start, Automatic Transfer Units, Key Starts, Battery Chargers, AVR, Remote (GSM, GPRS, LAN )Monitoring and Maintainence Management Softwares for Distributed GENSET’s.
Emtel Company established in 1974 is a notable foundation manufacturer of winding wires for th electric industry , with and competitiveness .Excessive five hundred customer demoncomprehension in domestic market . And also exporting our products more then thirty five countries.
Endoks, well known with innovative solutions in power partner in all processes from electrical energy generation to end suppliers by providing environment-friendly products and system solutions that will ficiency.
ENKO Electronics, with over 30 years of experience in designing and producing solutions for the Energy Industry, has a extensive range of products electronics in a Generator from Automatic Mains Failure Units, Manual Start Units, Automatic Transfer Switches to Engine Starters and Battery Chargers. Moreover, with over 2 years of development, ENKO designed a complete solution for Variable Speed DC Diesel Generators able to provide true 30% reduction in fuel consumption. Also with the ability to implement renewable energy sources into the system, over 50% reduction can be achieved with a minimum CAPEX and OPEX!
Ergun Elektrik was established in1980 in Izmir Turkey . With its vast knowledge , experience range ; Ergun Elektrik is one of Turkey’s leading L.V.–M.V. reactor , choke , detuned capacitor bank and resistor manufacturer which is supplying its customers high-tech solutions to en-
Leading enamelled copper wire manufacturer-exporter to Europe,Middle East,Africa
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and Asia since 1989, diameters 0,05-4,00 mm with International Quality Certificates such as UL, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, value, we implemented SAP
Esispower was founded in Istanbul -Turkey in 2000. We are one of the leading manufacturers of UPS, Power Inverters , Charging Rectifiers, Voltage Stabilizers, All kind of customized DC Power Supplies as well as Solar-Wind Inverters and Chargers.
Esitas Electric, is a Turkis Co. have been producing and selling for 30 years, LV/MV epoxy resin Current and Voltage Transformers, epoxy resin Insulators with two factories in the World :Turkey and Indonesia. Esitas Electric is preferred supplier by local and International Electricity Authorities as well as multinational companies.
Withdrawable and standard type metal enclosed modular cubicles with Schneider inside MV products at 7,236kV voltage levels;12-36kV upto 2500A up to 31,5kA withdrawable metal clad cubicles with SF6 or vacuum circuit breakers; 12-36kV 630A 20kA SF6 modular compact switchboards(RMU);LV distribution/automation/control panels upto 6400A, MV concrete/metal kiosks,Power factor correction systems, panels/
“Far Electrical Technologies” is one of the most reliable, biggest exporter and manufacturer in Turkey. We have produced Electrical Materials since 1999 in Istanbul. Group sockets, plugs, fuse boxes are just some of our products. . We are exporting FAR products all over the world such as Greece, Ukraine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan…
As in 1996, we have embarked on the road over the years in a distance from the main Few Simple Model Kate Our first production date, product range and increase the diversity of the area within which the last time it has a pretty good location. Both the domestic markets of the products we sell goods exported to foreign markets need to Demand Demand is increasing every day and the ultimate consumer by the desired brand in particular has become. Through our investments in technology that we use in production of raw materials and production being updated showing the sensitivity of Our Customer Memnunuyeti Principle Policy and Quality Policy carefully Tracking Products and Brands Between Demand has put us. promptly left on the clock reached zero to Our ability to from different countries in line with the Demands of Work and ability to meet us the opportunity to produce a top firms on the same Sekmentte Manufacturing high level.
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Insightful Approach to Valuing our employees with the offer and its importance to them of the opportunity of showing the family atmosphere and the warm relations will have established the current quality of production is reflected in every moment of the Rising error rate drops to a minimum level. We produce Wired And Wireless Group sockets, Multi-plug Distributors, Accessories, moment by moment with NonStop Night Lights Sekmentinde Manufacturing Company Responded to meet the demands of every need and desire of the field and renewing itself rapidly growing company.
Gemta Electronics Ind. Stand no : 4E39
GEMTA General Electronics Industry and Trade Inc., manufacturing Protection and Control Relays, Digital Measuring Instruments and Battery Chargers, to meet the requirements of the Turkish Electric Industry, since 1984. Over time, GEMTA has widened its production range, improved its quality by following the latest advanced technology and has become a trustworthy company in the energy and telecom sector. Since 1997, GEMTA has always produced in accordance with the SGS-ISO 9001:2000 standards and performed Research and Development activities. GEMTA’s quality has been approved and certified by the Turkish Standards Institution (TSE) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Most of GEMTA’s products comply with the CE requirements. Conducting its activities in the 1.500 m2 large indoor areas and employing 55 highly qualified people, the capacity of GEMTA today is 750.000 units per year. Approximately 2.5 million GEMTA products are working
without any problem in Turkey and in many countries around the world. Thanks to the high quality production and service, focused on customers, GEMTA is increasing its market and export share day by day. Today, GEMTA has official distributors in Spain, Italy, Jordan, Nigeria and United Arab Emirates representing 26 different countries worldwide.
Gersan Eletrik Tic San A.S. Stand no : 4E20
Gersan consider clients to be important assets, thus we strive to satisfy them with quality products & timely deliveies. Gersan’s vision is to set standards to power management; and our mission is to maximize customer satisfaction by consistently improving the quality of our products, services & provide timely deliveries.Continuous improvement in regard to organizational structure and performance has resulted in Gersan opening up its second factory with a state-of-art facility which is around 50,000 sq mts at Zongalduk,Turkey. Our manufacturing capacity has increased a maximum from 1000 tons to 2500 tons. Gersan products include Metallic Cable Trays, Ladders, Trunking, Accessories & Conduits, Low Voltage Bus Bar Trunking System, Earthing & Lightning Materials,Aluminium Cleats,Feeder Pillars,Cabinets and Enclosures. Our products comply with IEC, BS & EN standards and are certified with ASTA, KEMA, TSE, IPH, VEKIVNL & CE certificates.
Grup Imaj Ayd.San Ltd Sti Stand no : 8F05
We are producer of Traditional and LED Street Lighting fixtures, floodlights, Polyester boxes, Magnetic flourescent and HID ballast, ignitors And Supplier of HID lamps. We are exporting our products to Iraq,
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Libya, Egypt, West Africa, Iran, Sudan, Russia, Ukraine, and Algeria. Our Target market is UAE, Arabic countries,and East Afriaca.
GVD Elektrik A.S.
Stand no : 5B29
GVD Elektrik A.S. is a leading low voltage switchboard manufacturer located in Istanbul, Turkey. GVD is a certified brand and has wide range of type tested low voltage solutions including withdrawable MCC systems. GVD moduler enclosure systems has many advantages and offers customers highest quality with best service .
Gemciler Metal San. A.S. Stand no : 6F31
We’r Turkey’s leading manufacturer&exporter of copper strips and sheets all around world. Our products are used in electric cable screening, power-distribution transformers, radiators-radiators tanks, heat exchangers, flexible connectors, metal roofing and solar energy. Our ratesquantity are most competitive and pass anytest in anycountry. Our quality certificates are ISO1:2000 and TSE. Stand no : 7A11
HASCELIK which engaged with production since 1989, is realizing the production in Turkey with 130,000m2 open, 52.000m2 closed area. HASCELIK is the largest producer of aluminum conductor and aluminum and copper medium voltage cable in Turkey and leads his investments with the principle of being pioneer in the sector.
HES Hacilar Elektrik A.S. Stand no : 3F20
HES KABLO established in 1974 is a leading cable manufacturer in Turkey and the Globe.
Having 40 years of experience, HES has become an international leading company in wire and cable industry producing Copper Telecommunication Cable, Fiber Optic Cable, Power Cable, High Voltage Power Cables, Overhead Line Conductor, Enamelled Wire. The production is performed at fully integrated plant with the total floor space of 110,000 m2 and site area of 280,000 m2 with the latest technologies under the supervision of skilled and experienced staff assuring the most updated & quality products. All the production and QC procedures are achieved by the procedures and regulations of obtained ISO_9001, ISO_10002, ISO_14001, OHSAS_18001, ISO_50001 and relevant international standards. Being a leading international cable manufacturer, HES products are supplied to all over the world for 40 years, in conformity with the international standards and also special customer requirements. Quality control of the products is fastidiously performed by the most updated equipments and methods. HES is ranked at 65 th place among the top 500 industrial companies in Turkey by Istanbul Chamber of Industry, Turkey in 2012. HES is proud to be a leading international company that supplies “reliable technology” products 125 countries worldwide.
HPR Endustri A.S
Stand no : 8E19
Heper Moonlight is A Leading Outdoor Lighting Manufacturer Providing Innovative Energy Efficient Solutions for LED Street Lighting, Road Lighting, Tunnel Lighting, Architectural Outdoor Lighting, Landscape Lighting, Bollards, Architectural Floodlights, Wallwashers, Wall Lights, Stainless Steel Recessed
Uplighters, Catenary Lights, Indirect Lighting, Aluminum Conical Poles, Performance Poles, Custom Design Poles and Fixtures.
Hundur Kablo Elektrik Sti. Stand no : 7A14
One of the leading cable companies in Turkey, HĂźnka Kablo has become a globally recognized company with quality principles, service, on time delivery, fair prices and success and superior performance in the industry. Our main products are Coaxial, Signal, Power, Phone, Fire alarm, CCTV, Halogen Free Cables.
Isin Imalat Ayd. Ltd. Sti. Stand no : 8D20
in 2003 and has been recognized as one of the leading manufacturers of outdoor lighting equipment in Turkey in less time. Daylight is experienced to design and manufacture Hot Dipped Galvanized Polygonal&Round Conical&Highmast and Special Purpose Poles with various type and dimensions,
Istanbul Electrical Electrical Electronics And Services Exporters Association Stand no : 6F29/6G30
Istanbul ElectricalElectronics,Machinery and ICT Exportersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Association is a professional estabilishment which deals with all of the export activities of its members. The Association was founded in 1991 and has around 7500 members. The main goal of the Association is to increase the export volume of Turkish Elect rical,Electronics,Machinery and ICT industries.
Klemsan Elektrik A.S. Stand no : 5D29
KLEMSAN ELECTRIC ELECTRONICS INC. was established in 1974. KLEMSAN is the first and the only manufacturer of DIN Rail Terminal Blocks in Turkey. KLEMSAN, as a 40 years old ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certified manufacturer, offers a comprehensive product portfolio that complies with IEC directives and carries the VDE, ATEX, CE, UL, cUL, CSA, DNV and GOST-R approvals. KLEMSAN has the wide product portfolio for all kind of electric panels. Main product groups are; terminal blocks, signal conditioners, electronic and automation modules, digital meters, protection relays, marking systems, Pvc cable trunking. Stand no : 6F10
KOKSALOGLU ELECTRIC is manufacturing all of Low Voltage Panels and Sheet Steel Metal Kiosks. Stand no : 6F39
Our product range includes all kinds of low voltage energy cables including XLPE cables and halogen free cables.KYM Cable is proud of achieving noticeable progress by using the most advanced modern technology and the equipment. With its extensive product and system certificates (TSE and ISO 9001:2000 CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY.
Lms Enerji Elk. A.S.
Stand no : S1F39
Energy for Uninterrupted Life Our Mission; To reinforce its position in the sector by providing its customers with highquality products at the most reasonable prices possible with its wide range of products. In terms of design and manufacture of low voltage panels, to follow and produce appli-
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cable and new Technologies in light of our global and institutional strategy. To sustain and improve our leader position in panel sector in Turkey; to achive the same level of success also in different countries and become a strong company which sets an example in the sector. Our Products; LV Indoor Type Distribution Panels, LV Outdoor Type Distribution Panels, LV Compensation Panels, LV NetworkGenerator Transfer Panels, LV Generator Synchronization Panels, PLC Panels Engine Control Panels Sheet Metal Kiosks Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polyester Panels MV Secondary Protection Panel Flush-Mounted and Surface-Mounted Boxes Cable Distribution Cabinets Our Processes; Management Process Sales Process R&D Process Mechanical Process Painting Process Electrical Installation Process Quality Process Here for a bright future
Makelsan Ups
Stand no : 3F37
UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY 3 level UPS 3 level Inverter Batteries High Efficiency Moduler UPS Boxer Challenger Power Supply Inverter Automatic Voltage Regulators Static Voltage Regulator Servo Voltage Regulator Power Back Up.
Mega Radar Elk. Elekt. Sti. Stand no : 7B30
With Professional and welleducated staff and 100% local capital, Mega Radar Co. is the only company that manufactures printed circuit terminal blocks in Turkey.
Mesan Locks Inc.
Stand no : 4A20
MESAN LOCKS Inc. as a market leader company in Turkey, has been serving the economy since 1979 and has become a well-known brand in global markets for the last ten years. We are located in one of the biggest industrial zone in Istanbul covering 13.500 m2 closed area.Our company is exporting products to countries more than 75 with its 195 employees,and over 35 distributors. We have been serving the industries like Electric-Electronic, automotive, white goods, machinery and furniture for more than 35 years. Mesan is developing, high performance, ergonomic, innovative, customer oriented products which is sensitive to environment and human health while complying with the international regulations. We have ISO 9001-2008 certitification for our quality system , Our Products are manufactured comply with the RoHs standards.
Mitas Poles Industries Stand no : 8B29
The highlight of Mitas Poles is polygonal steel poles for Energy, Lighting, Telecommunication, Traffic Signalization, Flag and Advertisement, Railway Catenaries. Mitas Poles has ISO 9001 International Quality Management System since 1997, EN ISO 14001 Environnemental Management System, CE certification, EN 3834-2Welding Quality Certification, Galvanizers Association and American Galvanizers Association membership.
MKS Transformer Equipm. Stand no : 4C31
MKS Transformer Equipments is a well-known Turkish producer/exporter of laminated and fully-assembled CRGO cores for power and distribution transformers. The com-
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pany is working under ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001 AND OHSAS 18001 standards. The monthly processing capacity is cca. 5000 tons (cutting, slitting and stacking).
Mt Enerji Galv. End. A.S Stand no : 6G18
MT ENERJI is a leading manufacturer and supplier of hardwares and fittings for overhead transmission lines and substations in Turkey and MT ENERJI is already in the international market in Pakistan, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, Libya and other African, Middle Eastern, Central Asian and former East European markets.
Mutlusan Elektrik Tic. A.S. Stand no : 6G20
‘’With brand awareness before the consumers raising every day, our firm moves towards new objectives through rapid growth by vitue of this long-established and brilland history.’’We are experiencing the gratification of the confidence as provided by completion of technological infrastructure investments and new production plant with 20.000sqm space. Since 1983.
Onder Kablo San. Ltd. Sti. Stand no : 7B20
ÖNDER KABLO San ve Tic.Ltd.
our essential principles on the base of our experience and knowledge.We have reached our current product range by non-stop new product additions into our portofolio. THINK BIG! USE ONKA!
Cables Halogen Free Cables Control Cables.
Oren Kablo Elek.ltd.Sti.
Pelsan is the manufacturer of lighting fixtures and components located in Istanbul. Having a wide range of products and flexible production capability, Pelsan supplies complete lighting solutions to its clients in Middle East, Africa, Europe and the U.K. The Company also produces a wide range of LED lighting fixtures.
Stand no : 7B21
Carrying out its production activities in its modern manufacturing facilities located in Silivri Ortakoy Industrial Zone. Products:Coaxial cables for HTDV studios. Coaxial cables for CATV and SMATV applications. Coaxial cables for CCTV applications. Lan Cables Indoor Telephone cables. Control cables. Fire and alarm cables. Low Voltage Power Cables.
Oskar Locks
Stand no : 6F28
Our company Oskar Locks, based in Istanbul, is specialized in manufacturing locks for electrical switchboards, swing handles, quarter-turn locks, hinges, handles, sealing tapes, insulators, gaskets and all other related industrial accessories. Our company applies ISO:9001:2008 in its production process and all our products meet the international quality standards. Stand no : 7B28
we produce Silicone Cable (temperature resistance – 60 + 300 C) Profiles, Cable Harnesses, Tubes and Gaskets. We have quality certificates: ISO 90012000,ISO 14001:2004,OHSAS 18001,VDE,CE,ROHS, REACH and TÜV, We export our goods to all over the world to 30 countries.
Oznur Kablo is one of the biggest cable manufacturers in Turkey; 200th biggest company of Turkey with 250 million USD sales in 2012. We produce: low and medium voltage cables compatible with international certificate standards.
Onka Electrical Co
Copper Wires, Low, Medium And High Voltage Cables: (Copper And Aluminium Conductors, Up To 72 Kv.),Armoured Cables Rubber
Stand no : 6A20
ONKA established in 1986. We deem quality in manufacturing, economy and service as
Vatan Kablo Tic. A.S. Stand no : 6G11
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Stand no : 7B19
Pelsan Aydinlatma
Stand no : 8F39
Recber Kablo San. Ltd. Sti. Stand no : 6G21
RECBER KABLO is the leading cable producer of coaxial , data ,fire alarm, fire resistant and signal control cables.
Renksan Ayd. Tic. Ltd. Sti. Stand no : S1N41
One of the leading commercial lighting manufacturer in Turkey, we develop our products and manufacturing capabilities in response to the economic growth and the needs of the market.With a comprehensive range of products interior and exterior lighting, and units we serve application requirements and residential, commercial, industrial and other.
Sahra Kablo Sanayi A.S. Stand no : 6G38
Aluminium XLPE/HDPE Insulated Aerial Bundled Cables (ABC), tors, Cables with Solid/Sector Shaped Conductors
Aluminium Building Cables
Salman Plastik San.Ltd.Sti. Stand no : 6F21
Founded in 1974, Salman Plastik manufactures products for cable protection systems under the brands of SALFLEX and SALBLEND. SALFLEX: PA6 corrugated conduits and connectors, PP corrugated conduits, Metal and PVC coated metal flexible conduits. SALBLEND: Rigid conduits and fittings, PP and PVC flexible conduits.
Sanka Sanayi Kablolari A.S Stand no : 5A30
Sanka Cable experience has obtained an important place in the sector with its 30 years background since 1970. After 1980, we have been continuing our activity with title name, ture: -Control and command cables -Flexible flat cables -Special cables -Data communication cables.
Sarkuysan Elektrolitik A.S. Stand no : 7A21
Founded by the gold dealers and jewellers of the Covered Bazaar, an important centre of commerce in Istanbul in 1972 to produce electrolytic copper products, Sarkuysan derives its name from the first syllables of the founders’ professions (SARraf: Gold dealer; KUYumcu: Jeweller; SANatkar: Artist).
SEM Transformator A.S. Stand no : 3G18
Sem Transformator, who becomes a brand by his longlived and reliable products, continues his production in his 18000m² plant in Baskent Industrial Estate. Sem is improving...
Sena Kablo San. Ltd. Sti. Stand no : 7B21
SENA KABLO is a Low Voltage Electrical Copper Cable manu-
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facturer in Turkey certificied by ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and HAR. Our production line includes H07V-U , H07V-R , H07V-K , H05VV-F , NYY , Halogen Free Cables , Armoured Underground Cables, XLPE insulated cables and more.
Sener End.Urt. San. A.S. Stand no : 7A39
Sener Endustri A.S has founded in 1981,one of the leader company to manufacture high quality Electrical Panel Boards, Steel Doors,Fire Doors, Generator Canopies, Modular Shelf Systems,Rack Cabins in Turkey. Our products are manufactured in accordance to TS 3367 EN 60439-1,ISO 9001-2000 Quality Management Standard and 73/23/European Community with CE standards.
Seval Kablo A.S.
Stand no : 7B10
Seval Cable is one of the leading firms of the cable sector, started production at its facilities in Denizli / TURKEY in 1980.Seval Kablo produces PVC Cables,Copper/ Steel armored & non-armored energy cables, installation, control, polyethylene,grease durable,aluminum,halogenfree, armoredFE-180andAER cables..The cables are manufactured strictly in accordance with BASEC,HAR,IEC,
Sigma Elektrik San.Tic.A.S. Stand no : 4D38
DO NOT RISK YOUR SAFETY! Sigma Elektrik located in its one of the leading company focused on designing, manufacturing and marketing of low voltage switchgear components such as MCCB, MCB, RCCB, ACB, LV Contactors, LV Instruments Transformers, Motor Protection switches etc… in Turkey A substantial element in the company’s growth strategies are its subsidiaries in Turkey and abroad and close
cooperation with selected strategic partners. Its products are sold in more than 40 countries all over the World. The company was invested in 2009 by a Nietherland company and now %50 of its shares belongs to Dutch company.In Sigma Elektrik considering quality is an indispensible principle at each step of manufacturing, all work processes are completed according to ISO 9001 quality management system in comply with customers’ expectations. All the products are manufactured according to applicable EN,IEC and other international standards and they have CE conformance certificates.
Tek Grup Kablo Ltd.Sti. Stand no : 7A20
TekGroup Cables Inc. is a manufacturer and supplier of low voltage electric cables in Izmir /Turkey.-Installation cables,flexible wires and Cords -0,6/1 kV Low Voltage PVC Insulated Power Cables -0,6/1 kV Low Voltage XLPE Insulated Power -Hologen free,Fire resistant Cables -0,6/1 kV aluminium conductors PVC insulated multi-core cables Bare copper.
Tekpan Pano San. Ltd. Sti. Stand no : 6B30
TEKPAN INDUSTRIAL ENCLOSURES & CABINEST has been established in 1976 in izmir/ TURKEY in the field of empty enclosure manufacturing for automation systems,power distribution systems with the latest technology using in mass production for % 100 customer efficiency with the latest technology available.
Teksan Jenerator Tic. A.S. Stand no : S2B30
Teksan Generator has been one of the leading generator set manufacturers by an ambitious and industry-focused management team and devoted employees. Core management philosophy of being “a
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progressive company, trusted throughout the world” and mission is to serve product and service to help society for improving life standards to 21st century’s customer satisfaction principles. Teksan Generator is specialized in; tor sets tion systems
Systems We create indispensable value for our customers, by using our diverse and innovative technologies, and also adapting to changing customer needs through our world-wide sales and service network. As Teksan Generator, we work hard to continuously add new value to our customers, with highly skilled employees.Our company also holds certificates of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, and OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety System.
Tempa Pano San. Tic. A.S. Stand no : 6F20
Tempa Pano was established in Turkey in 1989 to manufacture and export enclosures&cabinets for low voltage applications. In fact the company now also has companies based in the UK, France, Romania&Bulgaria, and distributors in Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Morocco enabling it to better serve customers throughout the world.
Tense Elektrik & Elektronik Stand no : S1L53
Our company has been established for managing power in best efficiency and provide ser-
vice with our speciliazed and experienced staff for industrial automation field which has a very important role in life and being updated almost everyday. Stand no : 2E39
As an ISO 9001 manufacturer, T.PLAST is specialized in industrial electrical connectors and enclosures as a leading manufacturer in electrical field in Izmir / Turkey. Main product groups which we are mainly active can be summarized as follows: Rubber/ CEE Plugs&Sockets,High Current Connectors,Combination B o x e s , A l u m i n i u m Enclosures,Thermoplastic Enclosures.
Trafomaks Transf. Ltd. Sti. Stand no : 6D30
TRANSFOMAX TRANSFORMER INDUSTRY & TRADE LTD. CO.Electrical, engineering, consultancy and contracting to operate in the area, was established in 2006 in the organize industrial zone in Sanliurfa. The distribution transformers with power of 40-2500 KVA, which are present in our production portfolio, have intended nominal voltage and (ONAN) cooling system. Stand no : 7B11
Turkuaz Elektroteknik San. Tic. Co. Ltd. provides Cable Management and distribution pipes and conduits with all connection parts.We produce quality and certified goods according to European and US standarts. Our productions are Plastic and Metallic Electrical Conduits and Connectors,Flexible Conduits and Connectors,Enclosures,Plastic and Metallic Cable Glands,Trunkings,E x-proof products.Our Certifications; TSE, CE, ATEX, UL, CE, GOST ISO9001.
Ulusoy Elektrik A.S. Stand no : 4D20
Ulusoy Elektrik A.S. has been found in 1985 as an engineering company. Since its establishment, Ulusoy has been one of the leading and innovative companies of the global electromechanical industry guiding its sector and as of the year 2013, Ulusoy Elektrik is in the position of the highestproducing factory of the world at 36kV level with its 600 employees and a turnover of around 150 million USD and an annual production capacity of 75.000 units of M.V switchgears per year. From 3,3kV up to 40,5kV Ulusoy Elektrik offers ; Metal Enclosed Modular Switchgears, Metal-Clad Switchgears, Complete SF6 Insulated Switchgears, Monoblock Concrete and Metallic Package Substations; Medium Voltage Cable Accessories, Overhead Line Load Break Switches and Railway Cantilever Sets for the Electricity Transmission and Distribution Systems, all around the world. Having been maintaining its leading position in Turkish Electricity Market for long years; Ulusoy Elektrik exports more than 40 countries in 4 continents through its wide product range and distributor network.Ulusoy Elektrik has made its first steps towards being a global brand and it is already among the top 500 largest companies in Turkey.
Uyan Elektrik Mak Ltd. Sti. Stand no : 6F30
Design and Production : -12-24 & 36kV -630A -1250A & 16kA - 25 kA Metal Covered Modular Cubicles -Low Voltage Distribution and Compensation Panels.
Alimar Makina San. A.S. Stand no : S1K29
Alimar Generator is one of the leading Producer in Turkey starting from 5 kVA upto 2500 kVA. .The best performance – matched engine system configured with Mitsubishi, Deutz, Man, Scania, Navistar, Iveco,Volvo Cummins diesel engines for our gensets
in the high productivity and improved fuel economy. Stand no : 7A19
BMS Wire located at Dilovasi Machinery Industrial Zone, and produces according to International Standards such as TS – EN and ASTM. The company’s production portfolio includes low and medium carbon hot dip galvanized wires, armouring wire for energy sector , annealed wires, Zinc coated and straightened cut lengths wire
MST Elektroteknik Ltd. Sti Stand no : S1J40
For more than 60 years, Microelettrica Scientifica has been designing, developing and producing in full autonomy, contactors, protection relays and resistors, dedicated to the most advanced Industrial applications LV, MV, HV Protection Relays Resistors Heavy Duty Contactors Axial Fans AMR &AMM Systems Renewable Energy Solution Energy Quality Services Special Treatment
Eurotray Cable Sup. Sys. Stand no : S2F50
Cable Support Systems , Cable Trays , Cable Trays Accessories, Cable Ladders, Wire Mesh Trays, Underfloor Cable Trays, Embossed Cable Trays, Earthing Systems, Underfloor Junction Boxes ( Hot Dip Galvanized , Pre-Galvanized, Stainless, Painted Steel and Aluminum), Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Connection parts.
Sts Elektrik Tic. Ltd. Sti. Stand no : S1K41
Established in 2001 to manufacture cable trunking systems in Istanbul .Became one of the leading producers of cable tray systems ever since. Today,we continue to supply a wide range of products with the significant projects to Middle East, CIS, Africa & Europe as well as supplying to our distributors abroad.
STD Transformatör, Üretim Proseslerinde -
formatör üretebilmektir.
electricity turkey
electricity turkey
High-current Terminals With Push-in Connection Technology For Conductors Up To 95 mm²
The new PT Power 95 high-current terminals from Phoenix Contact make it possible to easily connect and wire rigid or flexible ferruled conductors up to 95 mm² directly and without the need for tools. As soon as the conductor is inserted, the contact springs open automatically. With lower insertion forces, it has never been easier to plug in a conductor and establish a contact. The high contact forces exceed those stipulated by the relevant standards and ensure that high-quality, reliable conductor contacts are established. All it takes to remove a conductor is to press the newly designed release button that can be actuated with a standard screwdriver. This transfers the force to the inner contact springs and opens them to their maximum extent. The orange colour of the button clearly identifies it as an actuating element, thus preventing mistakes from being made. The new range of high-current terminals rated at 232 A and 1500 V includes several terminal types. These include: universal terminals with and without test sockets, a protective earth terminal that automatically contacts the mounting rail when mounting, preassembled terminal blocks, and flange terminal blocks for direct mounting without mounting rails. The fully insulated AGK pick-off terminals with optional snap-on technology facilitate voltage tapping for two 16-mm² conductors. Multi-pin insertion bridges are available for simple potential distribution. Large labelling materials and testing accessories from the Clipline complete terminal block system line round out the product range.
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electricity electricity turkey turkey
www.electricityturkey.com www.electricityturkey.com
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electricity turkey
electricity turkey
Siemens To Erect Turnkey Combined-Cycle Power Plant In Turkey
cy H-class technology
for Enerjisa sold worldwide Siemens has received an order for the turnkey construction of the Bandirma II combined-cycle (gas and steam) power plant (CCPP) in Turkey. The purchaser is Enerjisa, a joint venture of Sabanci Holding and E.ON. Following the Samsun project, which is currently under construction, Bandirma II will be the second power plant in Turkey to be powered by an SGT5-8000H gas turbine, marking the sale of 28 of this model of gas turbine by Siemens worldwide. These gas turbines, which have proven themselves in commercial operation since 2011, have now clocked up approximately 50,000 equivalent operating hours at an availability of more than 97 percent. Upon completion in the spring of 2016, this plant will have an installed capacity of around 600 megawatts (MW) and an efficiency of over 60 percent. The natural-gas-fired CCPP Bandirma II will be built on the southern coast of the Sea of Marmara, near the city of Bandirma in the Balikesir province. Siemens’ scope comprises not only the turnkey construction of the plant, but also the supply of the following main components: an SGT5-8000H gas turbine, a model SST5-5000 steam turbine and an SGen5-3000W water-cooled generator, along with the entire electrical system, a 400 kV high-voltage switchgear installation and the SPPA-T3000 instrumentation and control system. The scope also includes
a Benson-type heat recovery steam generator manufactured by NEM and the auxiliary and ancillary systems. A long-term service contract was also concluded for the major components, the gas turbine and generator. “We are very excited about working together with Enerjisa. As a manufacturer of turnkey installations, our customers profit from our expertise in ideally integrating mechanical, electrical and chemical processes optimally with our products in fossil-fired power plants. Therefore we can fulfill the needs of our customers at best,” declared Rainer Hauenschild, head of Gas Turbine Power Plant Solutions at Siemens Energy. “In this project, too, we will live up to our very high claim concerning quality and safety in project engineering and execution and during the construction and installation phase”, Hauenschild added. The dynamic power plant market in Turkey calls for flexible and eco-friendly power generation facilities that are cost-efficient at the same time, so that they are right at the top in the merit order. The Bandirma II combined-cycle power plant is of single-shaft design. Such plants are highly flexible and can be run up to full power in only 30 minutes. With load ramping of gradients of up to 50 MW per minute, they also respond very quickly to fluctuations in power demand and so can help to stabilize the grid. Highly efficient combined-cycle power plants and the associated service are part of Siemens’ Environmental Portfolio. Around 43 percent of its total revenue stems from green products and solutions. That makes Siemens one of the world’s leading providers of eco-friendly technology.
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Santrali Siemens
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electricity turkey
electricity turkey
electricity turkey