Index Touchdown game, 565–567 TPK (See Total product of capital) TPL (See Total product of labor) TR (See Total revenue) Transaction cost theory, 21 Transfer pricing, 462–470, 476, 478 Trigger strategy, 570–572, 575–576, 578, 611 Tucker, A. W., 417 TVC (See Total variable cost) Two-part pricing, 430–431, 478 Tying contract, 692, 724
-UUncertainty, 621–623, 632, 648–650, 656, 659, 664–665, 677–679, 681 United Shoe Machinery, 382 United States Steel, 382
-VValuation ratio, 22 VanHorne, J. C., 511 Varian, H., 685 Variance, 623–627, 677–678, 681 Verrecchia, R. E., 22, 41 Vertical merger, 694, 724 Volume discounting, 424, 474, 479 Von Neumann, J., 417, 554, 620
-WWACC (See Weighted average cost of capital)
Waiting list, 132, 140 Walters, A. A., 233, 264, 309 Weakly dominant strategy, 560–561, 586, 612 Weighted average cost of capital, 539–540, 542, 544 Weston, F. J., 483 Wheeler-Lea Act, 691, 694 Whinston, A., 619, 648, 685 Williamson, O., 21, 41, 483 Willis-Graham Act, 691, 693 Wirl, F., 483 Wood, A., 22, 41
-YYandle, B., Jr., 483 Yellen, J. I., 482 Yield to maturity, 518–520, 544 Young, P. K. Y., 483 Young, W. H., 83n Young’s theorem, 83n Youse, B. K., 97 YTM (See Yield to maturity)
-ZZero economic profit (See Normal profit) Zero-sum game, 554–555, 612