Elicia Chong
JOURNAL Jewellry Containers
Jewelry Box "a box used for keeping jewelery in"
Screengrab of current market scenarios under jewelry box searches.
Types of Shapes & Compartments Appears in a variety of shapes, with the most common being rectangles and containing slot in compartments for rings.
DESIGN & MATERIALS - Wood - Pleather - Glass / Acrylic Though a plain box design is the most common, certain designs has embossing, quilted or even studded surfacings.
Design & Quality
Depending on the brand, the amount of partitions and material quality directly affect the cost of the product.
- Simple and affordable. - Much easier to see what it contains without the need to open.
- A clean opaque design, - Compact with different compartments
- Contains multiple dedicated compartments for jewelries - Can be sleek and sophisticated due to its high quality of materials and design.
- Looks cheap and limited number of compartments.
- Numbers of compartments are usually the same and might go unutilized. - Slightly pricey due to materials used.
- At an extreme price point. - Big and bulky due to the number of compartment tiers which might go unutilized.
4 A typical jewelry box may consist of
5 3
1. full storage tray 2. full storage tray with dividers 3. full ring tray 4. half ring & storage tray 5. squares compartments tray
JEWELRY CONTAINER To design an affordable and modern container that can hold accessories of different shapes and sizes at an affordable price point. The end design should allows users to see what they have easily without the need of opening and fumbling with hidden accessories.
Affordable, Visible, Unique Design, Ability to Hold Different Jewelries
MALES / FEMALES PROFILE - Young adults who prefer modernity - Possesses multiple jewelries / accessories - Dislikes mess and prefers organization PROBLEM - Cannot see what jewelries they have due to the opacity and size of the box - Jewelries became messy and tangled with one another - Dislikes vintage / old patterned designs WANTS An affordable, portable container/box that has unique but modern designs with compartments that are suitable for their amount and type of jewelries.
120mm 150mm A standard estimation of external dimension of a full storage tray.
A standard estimation of internal dimensions
Based on a rough estimation of standard jewelry sizes
BRACELETS DIMENSIONS Diameter: 57.2 mm - 60 mm
RINGS DIMENSIONS Diameter: 15.7mm - 22.2mm
EARRINGS LENGTHS Length of drop: 30mm - 100mm
NECKLACES LENGTHS Length: 420mm - 1000mm
Rectangular & cuboid forms With lid
Without lid on
Without lid ELICIA CHONG
Chosen design - small, dainty & compact Material: Polypropylene
Circular, freeform
Possible layouts for scripting Pattern surfacing: Waves, ripples references
With lid on
GRASSHOPPER SCRIPT General view of the script Holder Size
Waves Control Holder / Body ->
Lid / Cap ->
Size & Specification Defines the diameter, height and thickness of the material and holder.
EXPLANATION Script is presented from top to bottom for better understanding.
Linked to all parts of the script. enabling automation of size
Compartments 2. Using the points indicated, the middle half of the holder is identified and created for a middle compartment. 2 vertical compartments can also be created by adjusting the Index under List Items.
<- 1 vertical compartment 2 vertical compartments
Compartments 3. Function similarly to the vertical compartment, however the points are allocated via Points on Curve function from the vertical curve. The horizontal point is also identified via Shatter function of the circle curve. Applies the same to other horizontal compartments.
Body of Container 4. To make the groove snap of the holder, Solid Difference is used between a piped circle and the body of the container Green is original piped circle, surrounding the opening of the container.
The top edge of the container is filleted before combining with the extruded compartments to make a closed solid.
Holder Lid 5. A simple lid is offset from the container's curve and Boolean Union with the grooves, making a snap for closure with the container's body. Wave Sweep Creation
The surface of the lid is then used for wave surfacing creation. Non-uniform ( tight in the center, spreading further on the outer edges.)
Wave Creation 6. Repeating waves are created, with the distance controlled via the Graph Mapper. This allows both uniform and non-uniform waves to be created.
Can be adjusted from inner circle to outer circle and vice versa.
Wave Sweep Creation
Uniform distance.
Wave Loft
Wave Sweep Creation
6. A intersecting line is created throughout the wave curves and divided to create multiple points. Curved height (curved waves) are created through the average of the points -> direct method from division. To prepare for Sweep2, a curve has to be generated from the points.
Edge Fillet 7. The top edge of the lid is identified and fillet, similarly to the container's body filleted edge.
Jewelry CAD models taken from GrabCad. Only for context purposes
TRI-SPIRAL RING BY DIPAK BHOI https://grabcad.com/library/tri-spiral-ring-1
WEDDING RINGS BY ALEX PETUHOV https://grabcad.com/library/wedding-rings-3