Visualization & Measurement
Elicia Chong
Design Issue Design Brief Concept Development APP Features
The Issue The process of selecting wedding gowns and fitting can be extremely tedious. About 80% of engaged or married brides surveyed agreed that the need for going to the wedding boutique studios for their fittings mutiple times too troublesome.
The Brief Design a product / system that can improve the efficiency of gown process, including selection as well as alterations that will benefit both brides and the studio's employees.
Visualization & Measurement To reduce the time needed for gown selection and fittings.
Measurement Suit
Phone App
M.Suit Measurement Suit
Tight bodyfitting top and pants made from spandex Equipped with - Base fabric: spandex Stretchable fabric: elastane Sensors: capacitive stretch sensors
Silicone Logo Button
Circuit Casing Lid
BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Microcontroller Unit
Lithium-ion Polymer Battery
Circuit Casing
Stretch Sensor with Sewing Zones with micro usb charging
MCU & Battery, incoporated together with Capacity Stretch Sensor
1 MCU each for both top and bottom. Each band will converge and be wired into the MCU center at the back.
How does it work? Works the same as a flexible capacitor. Using the idea of StretchSense - changing of capacitance based on deformation when the fabric is stretched. The fabric has 2 zones - active sensing and a dead zone which is a sewable area. Active sensing: 2 parallel flexible electrodes. When sensor is stretched, the area increases and the separation between the electrodes decreases.
App Not only controls M-Suit, it also provides another alternative for efficient process Helps to reduce decision making time while allowing the ease of viewing the gowns or store's updates at their own convenicene. Also made available for both brides and business owners to access.
For the brides
Superimpose catalog images onto scanned body
For the bridal shop - M.Suit
4 After an appointment is made and final gown is selected
After browsing and selecting gowns to try on virtually
Calibrate and scan for 2D front body photo
User can try on any gowns from the catalog with their newly scanned body photo.
6 The wedding studio will give her M.Suit to get measured accurately during the fitting. Data will be transmitted via Bluetooth immediately to the app of the employee. Any other measurements can be input manually into the app.
The bride's measurements will be based against the desired gown measurements. The app will also show how much to deduct or to add depending on the areas of the gown.
System Network