Video & Life Skills (Elementary and Pre-Intermediate)
• The Darsha & Harry sitcom videos help learners understand key communicative functions, along with stand-alone videos showcasing different lifestyles.
Video & Global Skills (Intermediate and Upper Intemediate levels)
• Socio-cultural topics are explored through authentic videos designed to stimulate class discussions
• Life & Global Skills are presented through a structured and guided pathway
• American spelling and grammar are taught with exposure to different types of English language, using authentic video material
For the class
• Digital versions of both the Student’s Book and Workbook, featuring interactive activities;
• Audio and video materials embedded;
• Extra Grammar and Culture worksheets;
• 2030 Agenda worksheets;
• The Goalkeepers Podcast: 15 podcasts with activities related to 2030 Agenda’s SDGs;
• Additional reading comprehension and ‘Use of English’ tasks suitable for international certifications;
Elementary Pre-Intermediate
Intermediate Upper Intermediate
• Student’s Book + Workbook
+ Digital Book + ELi LINK App
• Teacher’s Book + Digital Book
• An interactive table featuring English phonetic symbols with audio pronunciation;
• ELi LINK App provides instant access to multimedia files directly from the printed version.
For teachers
A unique ELI Digital HUB with:
• Digital Book with extra resources;
• ELi TestRoom;
• ELi Virtual Classroom.
Ready for Planet English is also available in a Split Edition, with the Student’s Book and Workbook divided into Volumes A & B
Ready for Planet English is a course specifically designed to motivate and engage students, while introducing them to the global dimension of the English language. Engaging texts and videos help develop critical thinking, communication, collaboration and awareness of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The series covers levels from Pre-A1 to B2.
Ready for Planet English prepares students to communicate in English in the real, global world with a range of cross-cultural topics, texts and tasks.
• A global approach to learning English and exploring the cultures of English-speaking countries.
• Exercises to activate and review vocabulary and structures, featuring examples from different varieties of the English language
• A supplementary vocabulary page with activities to enhance learning and comprehension
• Links to the illustrated Words Plus pages
• Links to the Pronunciation Bank in the Digital Book, which includes audio files and interactive exercises
• Oral comprehension tasks through vocabulary in context
• Focus on spoken interaction with dialogues, role-plays and scaffolded activities that provide support to the class
To enhance the students’ writing (Intermediate) and speaking (Upper Intermediate) skills, there is a ten-page practice section covering different types of tasks for international certifications
• Lexical approach
• Reading comprehension activities that activate vocabulary and grammar structures in real-life contexts
• Grammar boxes with links to related grammar topics Reference & Practice
• Speaking tasks designed to activate key competencies
Language Skills
• A double-page spread of skills practice: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing
• The tag ‘CERT’ indicates that it is an exam practice activity for external certification
Learn to Learn
• Strategies to improve presentation and production skills, and to increase fluency and selfconfidence in English
• Second text in the form of an interview or newspaper article
• Activation of the second grammar point
• Oral production which aims at developing Critical Thinking skills
• A page dedicated to grammar practice
• Grammar Reference & Practice pages with concise and labelled grammar tables
• Watch out! boxes highlighting exceptions and common grammar errors
• Links to specific practice exercises for target structures
A series of topics that carefully introduce the class to sensitive areas, included in the 2030 Agenda, such as Inclusion, Zero Hunger, Gender Equality, Climate Action etc.
• Upper levels include a dedicated section on exam practice Use of English, designed to help students prepare for the B1 Preliminary and B2 First for Schools exams