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Step-by-step teaching notes, tips and background notes on cultural issues Wide offer of photocopiable testing materials Editable tests in the Multi-ROM Test Maker FLIP BOOK An interactive, IWB-compatible version of the Coursebook containing all recordings, links, reference materials and extras


For the Teacher

FL ASH on English

Clearly-structured units Double linguistic input in each unit Focus on authentic real-world language Clearly structured grammar presentations Extensive recycling and review of language Exploitation of different learning styles and mixed-ability features Culture, CLIL and Literature lessons in every unit Graded and practical study-skills guide Grammar reinforcement with extensive explanations and practice in the Workbook

L. Prodromou with S. Minardi, P. Prodromou, J. Bowie

FLASH on English is a motivating, easy-to-use, four-level course which takes teenage learners from Elementary through to Upper Intermediate level. The comprehensive syllabus provides thorough grammar, vocabulary and skills work, builds students’ language awareness and encourages fluency and self-confidence. The combination of printed, digital and online material enhances the learning experience and helps teachers respond to students’ needs.

Course components Student’s Book Workbook with Audio CD Teacher’s Resource Pack Class Audio CDs Multi-ROM Test Maker Teacher’s FLIP BOOK Flash on English Online Resources Common European Framework


A2 B1 B2 C1 C2



1 Bright Lights, Big City Focus on Grammar Grammar and Vocabulary Practice English in Context Vocabulary Builder Skills

p. p. p. p. p.

4 10 12 14 15

p. p. p. p. p.

16 18 20 22 23

p. p. p. p. p.

24 26 28 30 31

p. p. p. p. p.

32 34 36 38 39

p. p. p. p. p.

40 42 44 46 47

p. p. p. p. p.

48 50 52 54 55

2 Home Life Focus on Grammar Grammar and Vocabulary Practice English in Context Vocabulary Builder Skills

3 My Ideal Holiday Focus on Grammar Grammar and Vocabulary Practice English in Context Vocabulary Builder Skills

4 What’s in Fashion? Focus on Grammar Grammar and Vocabulary Practice English in Context Vocabulary Builder Skills

5 You Are What You Eat… Focus on Grammar Grammar and Vocabulary Practice English in Context Vocabulary Builder Skills

6 They’ve Got Talent! Focus on Grammar Grammar and Vocabulary Practice English in Context Vocabulary Builder Skills


7 Love, Love, Love‌ Focus on Grammar Grammar and Vocabulary Practice English in Context Vocabulary Builder Skills

p. p. p. p. p.

56 58 60 62 63

p. p. p. p. p.

64 66 68 70 71

p. p. p. p. p.

72 74 76 78 79

ocus on Grammar F Grammar and Vocabulary Practice English in Context Vocabulary Builder Skills

p. p. p. p. p.

80 82 84 86 87

Irregular verbs

p. 88

Phonetic alphabet and English punctuation

p. 89

Self-assessment grids – A1

p. 90


p. 92

8 Out and About Focus on Grammar Grammar and Vocabulary Practice English in Context Vocabulary Builder Skills

9 Is It Chance?

Focus on Grammar Grammar and Vocabulary Practice English in Context Vocabulary Builder Skills

10 Money



Bright Lights, Big City Focus on Grammar

Present simple: be

Affirmative form full


Negative form full


Short answers affirmative


I am


I am not

I’m not

Am I?

Yes, I am.

No, I’m not.

You are


You are not

You aren’t

Are you?

Yes, you are.

No, you aren’t.

He is


He is not

He isn’t

Is he?

Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t.

She is


She is not

She isn’t

Is she?

Yes, she is.

No, she isn’t.

It is


It is not

It isn’t

Is it?

Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.

We are


We are not

We aren’t

Are we?

Yes, we are.

No, we aren’t.

You are


You are not

You aren’t

Are you?

Yes, you are.

No, you aren’t.

They are


They are not

They aren’t

Are they?

Yes, they are.

No, they aren’t.

• The verb to be is an auxiliary verb. • We use contracted forms in informal situations. The contractions you aren’t, he isn’t, etc. are used more often than you’re not, he’s not, etc. but there is no change in meaning. • In English we normally do not respond to questions with only a yes or a no. The personal subject pronoun and the auxiliary verb are repeated. These answer are called ‘short answers’. A  Are they British? B  Yes, they are. A  Is she your French teacher? B  No, she isn’t. • The short answer is not abbreviated in the affirmative. A  Are you Canadian? B  Yes, I am. (Not: Yes, I’m.) A  Are we late? B  Yes, you are. (Not: Yes, you’re.) • The short answer is abbreviated only in the negative. A  Are they from Newcastle? B  No, they aren’t. A  Is he the new student? B  No, he isn’t.


Interrogative form

be: special uses • In English, to talk about age we use the verb to be with the following structure: subject + be + age + years old I’m 14 years old. / I’m 14. (years old can be omitted) • In questions we use How old…? with the following structure: How old + be + subject How old are you? • The verb to be followed by an adjective or a phrase is used to describe a physical state or feeling.

to to to to to to to to

be be be be be be be be

hungry / thirsty cold / hot right / wrong ashamed of busy afraid of in a hurry sleepy

• We use the verb to be to talk about jobs. My sister is an architect.

there is/there are


Affirmative form full


There is


There are

Interrogative form


Negative form full

• We use this (singular) and these (plural) to indicate objects or persons that are close to the speaker.


There is not

There isn’t

There are not

There aren’t

Short answers affirmative


Is there…?

Yes, there is.

No, there is not. No, there isn’t.

Are there…?

Yes, there are.

No, there are not. No, there aren’t.

• We use there is with singular nouns and we use there are with plural nouns. There is a pen on my desk. There are 25 students in this class.

I like this blue hat and I love these purple gloves.

• We use that (singular) and those (plural) to indicate objects or persons that are far from the speaker.

• The short answer is not abbreviated in the affirmative. A  Are there many people? B  Yes, there are. • When we list several things or people, the verb to be agrees with the first item. In my backpack, there is a torch, some books and a laptop. In my family, there are four girls and one boy.

How much is that red sweater? How much are those black shoes?

• Demonstrative adjectives: – have the same form to indicate both masculine and feminine nouns. This man is American. This woman is Canadian. – have the same form to indicate both people and things. This window is always closed. That lady is Ms Smith. • We use this and that on the telephone: A  Who’s that / this? Is that / this Sam? B  No, this is John. Hello, this is Mark.



Present simple: have got Affirmative form full


Negative form full


Interrogative form

Short answers affirmative


I have (got)

I’ve got

I have not

I haven’t got

Have I?

Yes, I have.

No, I haven’t.

You have (got)

You’ve got

You have not

You haven’t got

Have you?

Yes, you have.

No, you haven’t.

He has (got)

He’s got

He has not

He hasn’t got

Has he?

Yes, he has.

No, he hasn’t.

She has (got)

She’s got

She has not

She hasn’t got

Has she?

Yes, she has.

No, she hasn’t.

It has (got)

It’s got

It has not

It hasn’t got

Has it?

Yes, it has.

No, it hasn’t.

We have (got)

We’ve got

We have not

We haven’t got

Have we?

Yes, we have.

No, we haven’t.

You have (got)

You’ve (got)

You have not

You haven’t got

Have you?

Yes, you have.

No, you haven’t.

They have (got)

They’ve got

They have not

They haven’t got

Have they?

Yes, they have.

No, they haven’t.

• We use have got in English to indicate possession. We’ve got a big house in the country.

• For nouns that end in -f or -fe, we change the -f to -v and add -s or -es. leaf – leaves wife – wives

• In the short answer, got is always omitted. A  Has she got a big car? B  Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.

Irregular plurals

• H ave got is generally used more in British English, whereas in American English they tend to use have alone, especially in the interrogative form, which takes the auxiliary do / does (but there is not change in meaning). BE  Have you got any children? AE  Do you have any children? ! Do not confuse the contracted 3rd person singular (’s) of the verb to be and of the verb have got. My sister’s (is) a vet and she’s (has) got six dogs.

Plurals • As a general rule, we add -s to singular nouns to make them plural. book – books boy – boys • To nouns that end in -s, -ss, -ch, -sh, -z, -x, we add -es. glass – glasses match – matches wish – wishes box – boxes • To nouns that end in -o, we add -es, except for those words that are foreign. tomato – tomatoes potato – potatoes photo – photos kilo – kilos • For nouns that end in -y the plural is formed in two ways: – if the -y is preceded by a vowel, we add -s. toy – toys – if the -y is preceded by a consonant, we change the -y to -i and add -es. lady – ladies


• Some nouns have an irregular plural form which conserves traces of conjugations from older languages. The most common irregular plurals are: child – children person – people man – men woman – women foot – feet mouse – mice tooth – teeth fish – fish

Imperatives • The imperative in the 2nd person singular and plural is identical to the base form of the verb. • We form the negative imperative with don’t (do not) + the base form of the verb. Don’t touch that! Don’t forget to call! • We form the imperative in the 1st person plural with let’s (let us) + the base form of the verb. Let’s have pizza for dinner tonight. • We use the imperative to: – give an order. Stand up! – give instructions. Turn left and take the first street on the right. – make requests. Pass the wine, please. – make suggestions. Let’s go to the disco tonight. – offer something. Have a piece of this cake, it’s delicious! – warn someone. Be careful! – wish someone well. Have a nice trip!

Articles The definite article • The is the only definite article and is always invariable, in gender and number. the boy / the girls • We use the in front of a noun that is specific and definite when it refers to something: – that is clear from the context. C an you hand me the book, please? (Which book? The one on the table, for example.) – that has already been mentioned in a general sense. A boy and a girl are sitting in front of me; I know the girl, but not the boy. (Which boy and which girl? The ones I have just mentioned.) – that is made clear by what follows in the sentence. The story of his life is very interesting. (Which story? His story.)

• We don’t use the: – to speak of categories of things or people in a general sense. I like animals. – to speak of abstract concepts. Time is money. – in front of names of continents, nations, regions, islands or lakes that are singular. France and Great Britain are in Europe. – in front of nouns that indicate a language. We study Spanish. – in front of the days of the week. She always goes to the gym on Tuesday.

The indefinite article • The indefinite article a / an is invariable in gender and only refers to a singular noun. a girl / a boy

– that is a unique entity. T here are a lot of clouds in the sky today. (Which sky? The only one that exists.)

• We use a / an with countable singular nouns to indicate one among many. a camera / a girl / an elephant

• We use the in front of: – names of seas, oceans, mountain ranges, rivers, deserts. the Caribbean Sea the Atlantic Ocean the Alps the Thames the Sahara

• We use a / an with jobs. A What’s your job? B I’m a lawyer / an architect.

– names of nations that are plural or that include words like republic or kingdom. the USA the Netherlands the Seychelles the People’s Republic of China the UK – surnames when you are indicating all of the family members. The Simpsons are her new neighbours.


• We use a in front of: – a consonant. a room – an aspirated h-. a hotel – the consonant sounds /j/ /w/ or /y/. a university a European nation a young man • We use an in front of: – a vowel. an apple – a silent h-. an hour an heir an honest man an honour



Possessive adjectives Subject pronoun

Possessive adjective

















• We use possessive adjectives to indicate possession. • Possessive adjectives: – are never preceded by a definite article and are always used in front of the noun they refer to. My pen is over there. / Your mother is Irish. – always refer to the possessor. Ann has her iPod in her purse. Lin and Wang are Chinese, their friend Okura is in China. That’s a beautiful cat: its fur is so soft! – are invariable in number. your pen / your pens – are invariable in gender, except the 3rd person singular that agrees with the possessor. This is John: his sister is a student, his brother is a student, too. This is Kate: her father is an engineer, her mother is a teacher.

, Possessive s • We use the possessive ’s to indicate a relationship between people or to indicate possession between people and things. • We use the possessive ’s with the following structure: name of possessor + ’s + thing possessed (relation or family) Your neighbour My father Jennifer


’s house. ’s car. ’s brother.

• When we use the possessive ’s, remember: – we only add an apostrophe to plural nouns that end in -s. The students’ books are new. – we add ’s to irregular plural nouns. The children’s books are on their desks. – when two or more people possess the same thing, we add ’s only to the last one. Mark and Helen’s parents have a big car. (Mark and Helen are brother and sister.) – when two or more people do not possess the same thing we add ’s to all the names. Jane’s and Robert’s parents work together. (Jane and Robert are not brother and sister.) • We do not use the possessive ’s to indicate a possessive relationship between things. We can express this relationship in two ways: – by using the preposition of. Look at the roof of that house! – by using two nouns together. The kitchen table is very large.

Asking and telling the time • Here are some ways to ask the time in English: What’s the time? What time is it? Have you got the time? What time do you make it? • To answer these questions we always use the pronoun it followed by the verb to be: A  What’s the time, please? B  It’s two o’clock. • In telling time, when the minute hand is in the right half of the clock face, we say how many minutes have gone past the hour: minutes + past + the hour It’s twenty past eight.

• When the minute hand is in the left half of the clock face, we say how many minutes are lacking to reach the hour: minutes + to + the hour It’s ten to six. • For fifteen minutes before or after the hour, we use a quarter to and a quarter past: It’s a quarter to five. It’s a quarter past eleven. • For thirty minutes after the hour, we use half past: It’s half past three. • We can also tell time by reading the hour and the minutes exactly as they appear on the clock: the hour + the minutes It’s nine forty-five. It’s ten fifteen.

• Here are some useful expressions in the table below.


It’s seven o’clock.


It’s twelve o’clock / noon / midday.


It’s ten (minutes) past three. It’s three ten.


It’s a quarter past nine. It’s nine fifteen.


It’s five (minutes) past eleven. It’s eleven five.


It’s half past six. It’s six thirty.


It’s ten (minutes) to five. It’s four fifty.


It’s a quarter to eleven. It’s ten forty-five.


It’s midnight.

MY GLOSSARY Personal belongings cashcard comb diary digital camera key laptop map mobile phone MP3 player notebook passport pen pencil pound coin ticket wallet

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

In town airport art gallery carriage department store double-decker bus first/second class inspector library museum park public places restaurant shop supermarket theatre transport university

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Family members aunt brother children cousin daughter father (dad) grandfather grandmother husband mother (mum) nephew niece parents son stepbrother stepsister twin uncle wife Nationalities African Asian British Chinese English Greek Irish Italian Japanese Polish Scottish Spanish

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Jobs actor actress assistant director designer director producer script writer teacher technician writer

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Other... nouns animation ________________ course ________________ (recording) studios ________________ tap ________________ adjectives cold different excellent experienced hot huge informal professional proud small trendy

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

adverbs by the way especially

________________ ________________




Grammar and Vocabulary Practice Grammar be 1

Complete the sentences with the correct form of

1 Frank speaks German because he__ ’s from Austria. 2 ______ you Jenny’s sister? 3 Where ______ your students? In the bar? 4 My parents ________ (not) from here, they are from Yorkshire. 5 My name ________ (not) Miguel, it’s Michael. 6 What ______ your favourite courses? 7 Where ______ the restaurant?


F ollow the prompts and answer the questions with short answers.

the verb to be.

1 Are you from near here? 3 Yes, I am. 2 Is Daniel a good actor? 7 No, he isn’t. 3 Are your friends happy with their course? 3 _____________ 4 Are we in the same class? 3 _____________ 5 Is your new CD good? 3 _____________ 6 Are London buses cheap? 7 _____________ 7 Am I in your film? 7 _____________ 8 Are we in the photograph? 7 _____________

have got 3

Match the sentence halves.

1 I haven’t got any other hobbies... 2 We’ve got lessons tomorrow afternoon... 3 My teacher is great because... 4 I walk to school because ... 5 My sister gets lost in London because ... 6 I’ve got an MP3 player and ... 7 We’re not interested in that school because ... 8 My school is interesting because ...

a b c 1 d e f g h


she has got lots of good ideas. she hasn’t got a map. it’s got students from all over the world. because I haven’t got the time! I listen to it all the time. it hasn’t got courses for directors. but we’re free in the morning. I haven’t got money for a bus ticket.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of

have got. have got a big family and a dog too. 1 We __________ 2 I am at film school. I _____________ lessons every day. 3 My sister _____________ a job in London. 4 My dad _____________ a fantastic digital camera. 5 You _____________ good shops near your house. 6 My school _____________ very good teachers. 7 London is a great city, it _____________ a lot of interesting things to do. 8 Oh no, I _____________ lessons early tomorrow morning.


U se the prompts to write complete sentences with the correct form of have got.

1 We / not / a good camera. We haven’t got a good camera. 2 your friends / a car? _________________________________________ 3 Sorry, I / not / a pen. _________________________________________ 4 My street / lots of shops and a cinema. _________________________________________ 5 you / courses for actors in your school? _________________________________________ 6 your school / a bar? _________________________________________ 7 My teacher / a laptop. _________________________________________ 8 All the students / mobile phones. _________________________________________

Possessive adjectives 6

Choose the correct option a or b to complete

the sentences.

1 She’s got a laptop in ____ her bag. a her b our 2 Sarah is David’s mother and Paul is ___ father. a your b his 3 Here are Andy and Stuart with ___ grandmother. a my b their 4 Where is my wallet? It’s not in ___ pocket. a my b his 5 Julia’s got a new cat. ___ name’s Fluffy. a Their b Its 6 Hi, we are Sam and Chris and we live with ___ parents. a our b your


Vocabulary Personal possessions

The family



Complete the sentence with words from Unit 1.

1 My aunt Debbie lives with her daughter, my ________ cousin Julie. 2 Thomas is married, his ____________ is from Wales. 3 Peter is identical to his ____________ brother Mike. 4 Martin has got a new ____________ and she’s very nice. He’s happy his father is married again. 5 My mum’s dad, that is my ____________ , has got a laptop and mobile phone! And he’s 85! 6 My uncle Julian is great, he’s always got presents for his nieces and ____________ . 7 My cousin studies at film school and lives with his parents, my uncle Brian and my ____________ Lorna. 8 I haven’t got brothers or ____________ .

U nderline the correct word in each sentence.

1 Have you got a digital camera / cashcard for your bank? 2 Check you’ve got your passport / diary for the airport! 3 I’ve always got an MP3 player / the keys to my house in my bag. 4 Where is Curzon Street? Have you got a mobile phone / map? 5 This is a photograph / ticket I’ve got of the class for the school magazine, it’s great! 6 I’ve got Word, Excel and Google on my laptop / CD. 7 I’m not good with technology, I’ve got a pen / wallet and paper, not a laptop. 8 Have you got a pencil / watch? Write the name of this director on a piece of paper.


N ow use the words you did NOT use in exercise 7 to complete these sentences.

1 I’ve got all my favourite music on my ___________ MP3 player . 2 My sister has got a ____________ for the concert this evening. 3 I’ve got a new memory card for my ____________ . 4 Have you got a ____________ please? What time is it? 5 I’ve got all my photos on a ____________ . It’s great! 6 I write my ideas for my film course in my ____________ every day. 7 He’s got all his money in his ____________ . 8 I’ve got a text message on my ____________ .

10 Complete the text with the words below. grandmother uncle stepmother stepsister cousins daughter twin

My family is great but a bit complicated. I live with my mum, and her mother, my (1) _____________ grandmother . I’ve got (2) _____________ brothers, and a (3) _____________ , Wendy. She lives with my dad and his second wife, my (4) _____________ . Her name is Marta, she’s very nice, and Wendy is her (5) _____________ . Nearby are my (6) _____________ and aunt, and their four children, my (7) _____________ Grant, Jackie, Dan and Teresa. We often see them at weekends.



English in Context 1 Complete Josie’s email with the words below.


Amy wants to join the gym. Complete the

dialogue with the sentences below.

’s got are (x2) our aren’t haven’t got ’ve got (x2) they’re ’m their has

Yes, I have. It’s Cooper — C-o-o-p-e-r. Is that in South Africa? What’s your address in Brighton? Have you got a phone number in Brighton?

Hi Neil, are you? How (1) ____ Thanks for your message. Well, I’m English and I (2) _____________ 15. I (3) _____________ brothers and sisters, but I (4) _____________ lots of friends – 255 friends on this site! My two best friends (5) _____________ Olivia and Harry. (6) _____________ twins. (7) _____________ dad is a film director and they (8) _____________ a huge house with a swimming pool! (9) _____________ school is in Cambridge. It’s fantastic! It (10) _____________ two gyms and a cinema! (11) _____________ your school got a cinema? My parents are teachers at my school, but they (12) _____________ my teachers. Write soon, Josie


se Josie’s email as a model and write U sentences that are true for you, using the correct form of the verbs to be and have got.

fourteen and I ________________ ’ve got one sister . 1 I ’m ___________ 2 My best friends _________________ and they _______________________________________ . 3 My school _________________ and it _______________________________________ . 4 My town/city _________________ and it _______________________________________ . 5 My mum ______________________________ _______________________________________ . 6 My dad ________________________________ _______________________________________ .


I’m from Johannesburg.

Receptionist Amy Receptionist Amy Receptionist Amy Receptionist Amy Receptionist Amy Receptionist Amy Receptionist Amy Receptionist Amy Receptionist Amy

What’s your first name? My name’s Amy. What’s your surname? It’s Cooper – C-o-o-p-e-r. (1) __________________________ Where are you from Amy? (2) __________________________ (3) __________________________ Yes, that’s right. What’s your home address? Cnr Katherine Str 8 Grayston DR, Sandton, 2146 Johannesburg. (4) _________________________ It’s 32 Drew Lane. (5) _________________________ No, I haven’t but I’ve got a mobile. That’s OK. What’s your mobile number? It’s 3475623895. Have you got an email address? (6) _________________________ It’s asas@hotmail.com


Now answer the following questions.

1 What’s your name? _________________________________________ 2 Where are you from? _________________________________________ 3 What’s your address? _________________________________________ 4 Have you got a mobile phone? _________________________________________ 5 What’s your phone number? _________________________________________ 6 Have you got an email address? _________________________________________

Sum Up! 5

F ind and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1 Henri is France. Henri is French. 2 Your brother is happy at his new school? _________________________________________ 3 Have Tim got a red car? _________________________________________ 4 Britney Spears is a singer. Your songs are famous. _________________________________________ 5 We’ve got a new dog. Their name’s Goldie. _________________________________________ 6 Thats a nice phone. _________________________________________ 7 Open the your books. _________________________________________ 8 Our teacher are great. _________________________________________


Underline the correct option to complete the

dialogue. Joey

Blanca Joey Blanca Joey Blanca Joey Blanca Joey Blanca

Are you in (1) Mr Thompson class / the class of Mr Thompson / Mr Thompson’s class? Yes, (2) I am / I’m / am I. Have you got the homework? Yes, I have, but it’s on (3) the my laptop / my laptop / mine laptop. (4) Have you got / You’ve got / Got you it with you? Yes, it’s in my bag, just a second. That bag’s (5) large / grand / huge! What have you got in there? Three books, two pens, a notebook and (6) his / my / your laptop of course. That’s a small computer. Has it got a DVD player? (7) The course / On course / Of course.


7 C omplete the dialogues with the expressions below.

by the way that’s right and you you know sorry no problem

1 A I come from Manchester. ________ And you ? B Me? I’m from Argentina.

2 A My dad’s got a B&B, _______________ , a small hotel. B Yeah, I know, Bed and Breakfast.

3 A London’s great, really nice. _______________ , where are you from? B Me? I’m from Spain.

4 A Please, be careful, my coffee! My dress! B _______________ , are you OK?

5 A I am so sorry, please forgive me. B It’s OK, _______________ .

6 A You’re from Scotland, aren’t you? B Yes, _______________ . I’m from Glasgow.


8 T ranslate these sentences into your own language.

1 My school has got a cafeteria. _________________________________________ 2 Our teacher’s French. _________________________________________ 3 This isn’t my notebook. _________________________________________ 4 I haven’t got a passport. _________________________________________ 5 Is he English? _________________________________________ 6 Lena’s 16. _________________________________________



Vocabulary Builder Compound nouns (1) 1

Look at the following words taken from Unit 1

of your Student’s Book. recording studio   passport cashcard   scriptwriter

They are compound nouns, that is, words that are put together to form new ones. The first one acts like an adjective and it describes the second one. They can be written as one word, as two separate words or as a hyphenated word.


ake compound nouns with the words below. M Use a dictionary to help you. book number card shelf man security birthday point

1 phone ________ book 2 phone ________ 3 ________ pass 4 book ________

5 camera ________ 6 cash ________ 7 ________ card 8 ________ board

Compound nouns (2) 3

ook at these words taken from Unit 1 to L describe family relationships: stepsister   stepbrother

They are compound nouns that use the word step. We also use the words half- and -in-law to describe other types of relationships. Half- precedes the noun as in half-sister; -in-law goes after the noun as in brother-in-law. Half-sister means that you and your sister have only one parent in common, for example the same father but different mothers. Your brother-in-law is your sister’s husband or your wife’s or husband’s brother.


Look at the family tree and write T (true) or

F (false). Correct the false statements. Jonathan Susannah

Sally William




Catherine Mark

Valerie Linda Pete

1 Mark is Susannah’s son-in-law. T 2 Robert is Frank’s stepbrother. F – half-brother 3 Becky is Ben’s half-sister. 4 Maria is Ben’s stepsister. 5 Ben is Becky’s half-brother. 6 Julie is Maria’s stepmother. 7 Jonathan is Sally’s father. 8 Linda and Valerie are sisters-in-law. 9 William and Mark are half-brothers. 10 James is Catherine’s brother-in-law.


L ook at the family tree again and complete Valerie’s email with the words below. sister-in-law stepsister son half-brother stepfather husband cousins brother-in-law

Hi Fiona, I’m really happy I’ve got a friend in Australia. Thanks for writing to me about your family. This is my family in the photograph! I’m in the middle, Valerie. I’ve got two great parents, my mum and dad, Catherine and Mark. I’ve also got a big sister, Linda. She’s married. My (1) _______________ brother-in-law ’s name is Pete. Pete and Linda haven’t got children. I’ve got an uncle William, and an aunt, his wife Sally. Sally is my mum’s (2) _______________ and he’s great! My uncle has got two sons, Robert and Frank. They’re my favourite (3) _______________ . Then I’ve got my aunt Julie. She’s my mum’s sister and she has a complicated family! Julie is married to uncle James and she’s got a daughter Maria, with his first wife. Julie’s got her daughter Becky with her first (4) _______________ , Andrew. Becky has got a (5) _______________ , Ben and a (6) _______________ , Maria. James is Becky’s (7) _______________ . My grandparents live in my town, they are Jonathan and Susannah. They are fantastic. They help Sally and their (8) _______________ William a lot with their little boy Frank. Do you understand all this?!! Write soon! Valerie

Andrew Julie

James Janet

Becky Ben Maria

Skills Reading 1

Alice writes for her school’s online newspaper. She is

interviewing one of her classmates about her favourite film. Read her answers. Where is Robert Pattinson from? 1 What’s your favourite film? My favourite film’s Twilight; it’s the film of the book Twilight by Stephanie Meyers. 2 ______________________________________ It’s an excellent film! 3 ______________________________________ Yes, I have! Twilight is a saga – I’ve got all four books: Twilight of course, New moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. 4 ______________________________________ Yes, it is. It’s a Romeo and Juliet story with a difference, but it’s not the usual love story. Bella (Kristen Stewart) is 17 and is a normal teenager. Her boyfriend, Edward (Robert Pattinson) is different. He’s young and he’s got a teenager’s life, but he’s also got supernatural powers. Oh yes, he’s a vegetarian vampire! But it’s not a vampire story. Bella’s best friend Jacob is also interesting. He’s half human and half wolf! 5 ______________________________________ The director’s name’s Catherine Hardwicke, she’s from Texas.


R ead the answers again and put Alice’s questions in the right place in the interview. Is it a good film? What’s your favourite film? What’s the director’s name? Have you got the book? Is it a film just for girls? Are the actors good? Has it got a good soundtrack? Is it a good story?

Writing 3

Write a paragraph about your favourite film. Use

Alice’s article as a model.

6 ______________________________________ Well, yes, I suppose a lot of Twilight fans are girls. Robert Pattinson is special of course. There’s also a lot of action in the film so it’s not just a film for girls. 7 ______________________________________ Kristen Stewart is interesting and Robert Pattinson is great, but he’s a bit too serious at times. His American accent is very good. He’s not American. His parents are both British and he’s from London. 8 ______________________________________ It’s got a great soundtrack. I’ve got the CD. The photography is fantastic too. There are a lot of beautiful forest scenes and the special effects are very good.

Listening 4

2 Listen to the interview and decide which film they are talking about. Write Speaker 1 or Speaker 2 next to the titles A and B. A Harry Potter _______________ B High School Musical _______________

5 L isten again and complete the table with information on the characters. name




My favourite film is... age nationality parents




Home Life Focus on Grammar

Present simple

Affirmative form

Negative form full


Interrogative form

Short answers affirmative


I work

I do not work

I don’t work

Do I work?

Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.

You work

You do not work

You don’t work

Do you work?

Yes, you do.

No, you don’t.

He / She / It works

He / She / It does not work

He / She / It doesn’t work

Does he / she / it work?

Yes, he / she / it does.

No, he / she / it doesn’t.

We work

We do not work

We don’t work

Do we work?

Yes, we do.

No, we don’t.

You work

You do not work

You don’t work

Do you work?

Yes, you do.

No, you don’t.

They work

They do not work

They don’t work

Do they work?

Yes, they do.

No, they don’t.

• We use the Present simple to describe habits and facts that are always true. I go to school every day. Mice eat cheese.

– with names of meals. I often meet her at lunch.

• In affirmative sentences, we form the Present simple with the base form of the verb (infinitive without to).

• We use the preposition in: – with parts of the day. I get up early in the morning.

• The affirmative form is the same for all persons except the 3rd person singular which takes an -s. Tom works in a factory.

– with months, seasons, years and centuries: i n December; in winter; in 1989; in the 15th century.

• There are spelling exceptions in the 3rd person singular: – if the verb ends in -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, -zz, -o, we add -es. Sarah watches TV in the afternoon.

• We use the preposition on: – with days of the week, dates and for some recurring festivities if used with the word day: on Saturday; on 10th December, 1948; on Valentine’s Day.

– if the verb ends in a consonant + -y, we change the -y to -i and add -es. If it ends in a vowel + -y, we simply add -s. My brother studies French. Tim plays tennis at the weekend.

! Note: at Christmas refers to the whole holiday period around Christmas. on Christmas Day refers to 25th December.

Prepositions of time The prepositions at, in and on refer to a precise moment in time. • We use the preposition at: – with the time of day. Ms Smith goes to the dentist’s at three o’clock. – with names of holidays and festivities. We usually have turkey at Christmas.


– with the expressions: at night, at dawn, at sunset, at noon.

• We use the prepositions from… to: – to indicate the beginning and the end of a period of time. I always have a lunch break from 12:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Prepositions of place Prepositions of place indicate a position in space or they express the idea of movement. • We use the preposition at: – to indicate a specific point or place. We are at the bus stop.

• We use the preposition on: – when one object is on top of another and there is contact between the two. There’s a bottle of wine on the table. – to indicate a floor in a building. Sarah lives on the ground floor. – in the expressions on the left / right, on TV, on the phone, on the radio. The bank is on the left. I love to watch movies on TV.

– with street numbers in an address. ‘The Club’ is at 40, High Street. – with the expression at home. When I’m tired I stay at home. • We use the preposition in: – to indicate a position inside a place or in a confined space. There is a bottle of milk in the fridge. – in addresses with just the street name and no number. ‘The Club’ is in High Street.

• We use the preposition under: – to indicate that something is lower, on the same vertical line. There is a magazine under your bedside table. • We use the preposition near: – to indicate that something is close to what you are referring to. The supermarket is near the cinema.

– with names of cities, countries, continents and cardinal points. New Orleans is in the South of the USA.

MY GLOSSARY Jobs artist busker dancer musician

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Daily activities to do one’s homework to get dressed to get up to get on to go home to go out to go to bed to go to work to have breakfast to have dinner to have lunch to have a shower to make breakfast to start school to study to watch TV to work

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Houses and accommodation armchair ________________ attic ________________ B&B ________________ bathroom ________________ bed ________________ bedroom ________________ bedsit ________________

bookcase carpet chair chimney cupboard desk door fence fireplace fridge garden gate hall hob kitchen lamp landlady to live living room oven roof sofa bed utility room wardrobe washing machine window

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Time afternoon evening midday morning summer winter

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

(all) year


Other... nouns costume heat light statue

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

adjectives brave cosy dangerous easy interesting living ordinary strange traditional typical unusual

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

verbs to dance to laugh to move to paint to play to see to sing to tease to tell stories

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________




Grammar and Vocabulary Practice Grammar Present simple 1

Complete the sentences with the verbs below,

4 Put the words in the correct order to write sentences.

using the affirmative form.

get up take have go work (x2) live (x2)

1 In the morning I ______ get up at half past seven. 2 My brother ______ an unusual job. He plays the violin. 3 We ______ in a small flat in the city centre. 4 I ______ a bus to work. 5 My brother ______ to work by bike. 6 I ______ all day from half past eight to half past five. 7 My brother ______ in the evenings and at weekends. 8 Our parents ______ in a different city.


F ollow the example and write similar sentences, using the negative form.

1 I like my job. My sister _________________ doesn’t like her job . 2 I play the piano. My brother ______________________________ . 3 We live in a house. They ___________________________________ . 4 My sister sees her friends on Saturday. I ______________________________________ . 5 My mum makes my breakfast for me. My dad ________________________________ . 6 They eat typical Japanese food. We ____________________________________ . 7 My mother works in town. My aunt ________________________________ . 8 I sing in the bathroom! My brother ______________________________ .

3 U se the prompts to write questions. Then, write short answers in both the affirmative and negative forms.

1 you / get up / early? Do you get up early? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 2 your sister / live / in a bedsit? _________________________________________ 3 you / come / from here? _________________________________________ 4 your mother / have / an interesting job? _________________________________________ 5 your brother / listen / to his MP3? _________________________________________

6 teenagers / sleep / a lot? _________________________________________


1 early / on / I / up / Saturdays / get I get up early on Saturdays. 2 live / in / do / attic / you / an / ? _________________________________________ 3 she / to / school / walk / doesn’t _________________________________________ 4 jobs / love / parents / their / my _________________________________________ 5 lot / friend / a / smile / doesn’t / my _________________________________________ 6 dad / listen / pop / does / your / to / music / ? _________________________________________ 7 clothes / don’t / her / I / like _________________________________________ 8 work / the / we / afternoon / in _________________________________________

Prepositions of time 5

Complete the sentences with in, on or at.

in the evening. 1 He does his homework ______ 2 I get up ______ 7 o’clock. 3 My parents don’t work ______ Sundays. 4 He goes to bed ______ midnight. 5 We don’t go to school ______ summer. 6 They’ve got lessons ______ Saturday. 7 She goes home ______ half past five. 8 My birthday is ______ winter.


Prepositions of place

Homes, rooms and furniture

6 Look at the picture and complete the


Match the definitions to the words.

1 Usually two people sleep in this. 2 It is at the top of the house. 3 You park your car or bicycle in here. 4 You study at this. 5 Two or three people sit here. 6 When it is cold, you use this. 7 You open this to go into the house. 8 You put your washing machine in this room.

a b 1 c d e f g h


omplete the dialogue with words from Unit 2. C The first letter of each word is already given.

sentences with in, on, under or near.

1 There’s a desk ______ near the window. 2 There’s a laptop _____________ the desk. 3 There’s a bag _____________ the desk. 4 There is a notebook and a comb _____________ the bag. 5 There are pens _____________ the laptop. 6 There’s a book _____________ the pens. 7 There’s a wallet _____________ the chair. 8 There’s money _____________ the wallet.


Daily activities 7

Complete the sentences with the words below.

go to bed have a shower get up watch TV start school go home have lunch do homework

1 I ______ get up early, at 6.10 a.m. 2 I _____________ at 8.30 a.m. The first lesson is English. 3 I _____________ from eight to eleven in the evenings. I love films! 4 I _____________ from school at half past three. 5 I _____________ at 1 p.m., usually a sandwich or pasta. 6 I _____________ from four to six. I study before dinner. 7 I _____________ very late, at 2 a.m. 8 I _____________ at 7.15 a.m. then I get dressed.

Katie Jill Katie Jill

Katie Jill Katie Jill Katie Jill Katie Jill

door chimney double bed sofa desk fireplace utility room garage

Hello Jill, do you like your new house? Yes, I love it! I have a fantastic edroom in the attic! (1) b_______ That’s interesting! Is it big? Yes! I’ve got a big (2) a_____________ , you know I love reading. I sit there to read. It’s very cosy. I have a beautiful (3) l_____________ near it for when it’s dark. And sometimes I sit on the floor, I’ve got a fantastic (4) c_____________ . And your books? You’ve got a lot of books. Yes, I’ve got four (5) b_____________ for them! Four? Wow! And your clothes? I’ve got a huge (6) w_____________ . What other things have you got? Well I’ve got a (7) b_____________ to sleep in of course, but I haven’t got a (8) t_____________ . I don’t watch it. I prefer my books. That’s nice. Yes, it’s my ideal bedroom.



English in Context 1 Rachel and Jacob are best friends. Read how they describe each other and complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. work get up live not sing

laugh listen sing not like

3 Simon is on holiday at the home of Stuart’s

family. Complete the dialogue with the words below.

Rachel lives in the house next door. We’re really She (1) _______ different. She’s a very happy person: she smiles and (2) _____________ a lot. She’s a great singer, she (3) _____________ in a band. I (4) _____________ , but I (5)_____________ to music on my MP3 all the time. She (6) _____________ sports, she likes watching films and reading. She’s crazy, she (7) _____________ early every Saturday because she (8) _____________ in the theatre café.

Simon It’s a nice room. cosy but it Andy Yes, it’s OK. It’s very (1) _____ hasn’t got a TV. Simon That’s OK. I (2) _____________ watch TV! I hate it. It’s really stupid. Andy So what do you do after school? Simon Well I’m in a band, I play the guitar. Andy That’s wicked! Simon (3) _____________ ? What do you do after school? Andy Oh, I study, we have exams this year. But I play an instrument too. The violin. At the weekends I (4) _____________ in the city centre. You get lots of money. Simon (5) _____________ ! Andy Yeah, but my dad really (6) _____________ like the idea!

do like listen not get up study not do walk play

Jacob does a lot of sport. He is in the school rugby He (1) ______ team and he (2) _____________ every Friday evening. I (3) _____________ sports, but I (4) _____________ a lot. He hasn’t got a job, so he (5) _____________ early at the weekend. We are very different. He (6) _____________ to his MP3 a lot. I haven’t got an MP3, or a laptop! He (7) _____________ school, and he (8) _____________ a lot and he helps me with my maths homework.

2 C omplete Lucy’s email with the words and expressions below.

really huge on there’s (x2) cosy it’s got (x2) I’ve got my ideal home near in my there are

Hi Kate, How are you? We are finally in our new house. It’s It’s got 10 rooms. It’s (2) _____________ . great! (1) ______ My mum loves the kitchen. (3) _____________ a state-of-the-art oven and hob where mum makes dinner. (4) _____________ a utility room (5) _____________ the kitchen. (6) _____________ bedroom there’s a sofa bed for guests and (7) _____________ my own bathroom! My favourite room is the living room. (8) _____________ a fire place, a sofa and (9) _____________ two armchairs. I do my homework (10) _____________ the sofa. It’s really (11) _____________ ! I love this house, it’s (12) _____________ ! Write soon Love Lucy


cool cosy does not don’t play what about you


Simon is talking to his American friend.

Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Josh Simon Josh Simon Josh Simon Josh Simon Josh

Do you like How are you? (1) __________ (you / like) Edinburgh? Yes, I (2) _____________ (like) it. It’s great. And what about the Stuart family, are they nice? Yes, and Andy’s cool, but I (3) _____________ (not see) him much. Why’s that? I (4) _____________ (get up) early, and he’s in bed. He (5) _____________ (study) late in the evening and I’m in bed. Lessons (6) _____________ (start) at eight. When (7) _____________ (you / go out)? I (8) _____________ (go out) at the weekend. That’s OK then!

Sum Up! 5

P ut the letters in brackets into the correct order to complete the text. Dan Robbins has an unusual life. He doesn’t make any money and he lives in a camper in a field in fence (efnce) Devon. It’s very cosy. There’s a (1) _______ and a (2) _____________ (gtea) so it’s very private. His camper’s got a huge (3) _____________ (gradne) with vegetables in it but there isn’t a (4) _____________ (aegrga) because he hasn’t got a car. There’s a (5) _____________ (chminye) on the roof! In the camper there’s a (6) _____________ (hecitkn) where Dan makes dinner and a very small (7) _____________ (btharmoo) with a shower. There’s a (8) _____________ (liomorving) with an armchair and a bed. This is where Dan reads and sleeps.

6 Dan has got a blog. Use the words below to complete his readers’ questions.

are (x2) give have up your parents go out your

Recent posts

This is a chair for Mrs Brown at number 34 Acacia Drive. She’s 72 years old and she makes fantastic cakes and is a great friend! Dan 24th May 18.45

Comments Simona, Milan, Italy 1 you from Devon? Are you from Devon? Molly, Ontario, Canada 2 do like your way of life? _____________ Toby from Texas, USA 3 do you a job? _____________


7 N ow read Dan’s answers and underline the correct word.

1 Yes, I am, but my mum and dad live / lives in London. 2 My mum loves / she loves it, but my dad tease / teases me. 3 No, I doesn’t / don’t, but I work every day. I make furniture. 4 No, they doesn’t / don’t. They give / gives me clothes, food, things like that. 5 Yes, I do. I get up at seven and then I do / make breakfast. 6 Yes, it is. There are / is a living room with an armchair. 7 No, I don’t. I don’t goes / go to pubs or restaurants, my friends visit me. We listens / listen to music and sing / sings! 8 Yes, I am. My life isn’t easy / brave but it’s really fresh / cool.


8 T ranslate these sentences into your own language.

1 Tom lives in the city centre. _________________________________________ 2 Does your dad make a lot of money? _________________________________________ 3 Jasmine’s job is really unusual. _________________________________________ 4 We have dinner at half past seven. _________________________________________ 5 Do you do your homework after school? _________________________________________ 6 Has your house got a fireplace? _________________________________________ 7 Tom doesn’t have breakfast. _________________________________________ 8 I don’t get up early. _________________________________________

Tania, Dublin, Ireland 4 do people you money for your furniture? _____________ Sonia, Warsaw, Poland 5 do you get early? _____________ Georgia, Brisbane, Australia 6 is camper cosy? _____________ Alex, Lisbon, Portugal 7 do you with your friends? _____________ Ben, London, UK 8 you happy ? _____________



Vocabulary Builder Compound nouns (3) 1


Choose words from box A and box B to make

compound nouns referred to the home. Some words have been used in your Student’s Book, but some are new. Use a dictionary to help you. A

bed (x2) house (x2) home arm book city


work (x2) wife centre room chair sit case

bedroom 5 _____________ 1 _____________ 2 _____________ 6 _____________ 3 _____________ 7 _____________ 4 _____________ 8 _____________


C omplete the sentences with the words from exercise 1.

1 I have a _____________ and I sleep there with bedroom my brother. 2 I like to do my _____________ for school in my bedroom. 3 My sister has a very small flat, just one room. It’s really a _____________ . 4 We live in the _____________ , there is a lot of traffic. 5 I’ve got an enormous _____________ for all my books and CDs. 6 I love to sit in a big _____________ to watch TV. 7 My mum doesn’t go to work, she’s a _____________ . 8 She cleans and cooks, she does all the _____________ .

to complete the text.


Complete the expressions with do or make.

1 ______ do housework 2 ______ breakfast 3 ______ money 4 ______ homework


5 ______ a job 6 _______ a course 7 ______ clothes 8 ______ furniture

I am so tired! I work and work and work. make breakfast early and then I go to school. I (1) ______________ I work all day at school, and then I come home and (2) _____________ for the next day. And there’s more! I (3) _____________ to help my mum too because she works. My dad has got a great job, he (4) _____________ for people’s houses. I want to work in the afternoon after school and (5) _____________ . Then I can use it to pay for lessons and (6) _____________ , I want to learn to play the guitar and have a band. But I finish my homework late and I haven’t got any money. No chance for the moment!

have + noun phrases 5

L ook at the following expressions with have, taken from Unit 2, and answer the questions. have a break   have a shower have a car   have breakfast

a) In which phrase does have mean ‘possess’?

) Translate the other three phrases into your own b language.

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


In English there are many expressions with have in which the verb does not mean ‘possess’, but has other meanings like ‘eat’, ‘drink’, ‘take’, ‘try’, etc. In American English they tend to use take instead of have. For example, take a break, take a shower, take a nap.

Collocations: make and do Some nouns take the verb to make and some take the verb to do. In general, we use make when we are creating or producing something, whereas we use do when we are carrying out an activity. In some cases, there are fixed expressions, called ‘collocations’, that must be learned.

Use some of the collocations from exercise 3


Replace the words in bold with the

expressions below.

have a break have a go

have a word with have time have lunch have a coffee

1 From 7.30 to 10.30 in the evening I’m free to have time watch television. _____________ 2 We always eat at 1 o’clock. _____________ 3 I play the guitar. It’s really easy. Why don’t you try? _____________ 4 They have lessons from 8.30 to 10.30 but then they stop for 10 minutes. _____________ 5 She isn’t very happy. Why don’t you talk to her? _____________ 6 I drink coffee in the morning and after lunch. _____________

Skills Reading 1

Read the article about Jasmine Stevens. What does she intend to do when she finishes this job?

Jasmine Stevens is 25, and she’s from Bristol in England. She’s got a very exciting job. What does she do? Well, she’s the Global Tourism Ambassador for Hamilton Island, a tropical island on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Her job is to encourage tourists to visit the island. She lives in a beautiful villa with a view of the sea. It’s got three bedrooms, two living rooms, and a swimming pool. ‘The furniture is really nice. It’s Italian!’, says her boyfriend, Mario. He’s from Italy! Jasmine’s bedroom’s got a big bed and a TV and there’s a huge TV in the living room. But Jasmine doesn’t watch TV very much, she doesn’t have time. Why? What does Jasmine do every day? ‘Well, it depends. Every day is different. I get up at around seven; I swim in the pool, have a shower and have a big breakfast. I start work at about half past eight. I explore the island, and write about it; I’ve got an incredible computer. I write a blog and a photo diary, and answer my letters.’ That’s not all she does. Jasmine also talks to the people that live and work in Hamilton. And she works with local marine biologists – there are over 30,000 different kinds of fish on the island. There are a lot of animals to see on Hamilton, and Jasmine visits the parks and takes photos for her photo diary. Her favourites are the koala bears and the kangaroos. She loves animals and wants to work in a safari park in Australia when this job finishes. She doesn’t only talk to people on the island; she also travels to other countries to talk about her experiences. Jasmine laughs ‘I don’t work long hours – just two or three hours a day, so my job isn’t tiring! I’m happy. It’s the perfect job and they give me a lot of money to do it!’ Jasmine makes 70,000 pounds a year. ‘There are lots of things to do and see here. It’s a fantastic place. Come and visit me on paradise island!’


Correct the information in these sentences.

1 Jasmine lives in a small house in the country. Jasmine lives in a villa by the sea. 2 The house hasn’t got a TV. _________________________________________ 3 Her boyfriend doesn’t like the furniture. _________________________________________ 4 Jasmine watches a lot of TV. _________________________________________ 5 Jasmine writes for a magazine. _________________________________________ 6 Jasmine doesn’t like animals. _________________________________________ 7 Jasmine doesn’t visit other countries. _________________________________________ 8 Jasmine doesn’t make much money. _________________________________________


3 Write an article about a famous person’s daily life.

He/She is _____________ old. He/She lives _____________ . The flat/house is _____________ . It’s got/It hasn’t got _____________ . He/She gets up _____________ . He/She works _____________ hours a day. He/She wants to _____________ .

Listening 4

3 Listen to the interview and complete the sentences with the correct information.

1 Mario _________ wakes up at half past six. 2 He _____________ breakfast. 3 He opens the shop at _____________ . 4 The shop assistant arrives at _____________ . 5 He _____________ at half past one. 6 He _____________ at quarter past two. 7 He _____________ at seven. 8 He _____________ on Mondays and Fridays at _____________ .




My Ideal Holiday Focus on Grammar

Adverbs of frequency


10% never (not)... ever

hardly ever seldom rarely


sometimes s

• We use adverbs of frequency to indicate how often something happens or how often we do something. We usually watch TV in the evening. • I n general, adverbs of frequency go after the subject and before the verb. They always do their homework.

• never and hardly ever are used as negatives and therefore, the verb must be in the affirmative form because we cannot have a ‘double negative’ in English. He’s never angry. (Not: He’s not never angry.) • ever is used in interrogative sentences and it has an affirmative sense. Do you ever go on holiday abroad?

Expressions of frequency • We can also express frequency with the following expressions: every +

day / week / month / year

! Note: every is always followed by a singular noun. She goes to work by train every day. • These expressions can go at the beginning of a sentence but are more commonly used at the end.


usually generally normally


Verbs of preference • Verbs that express a feeling or a preference (like, love, hate, prefer, etc.) are generally followed by a verb in the -ing form or by a noun.

• The adverbs of frequency go after the auxiliary verb to be and after modal verbs (e.g. can, must). She is always late. You can never believe him. • sometimes, usually, occasionally, normally, generally can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the sentence. She sometimes goes on holiday alone. Sometimes, she goes on holiday alone. She goes on holiday alone sometimes.

often o frequently


love, like, prefer, enjoy, be fond of, be keen on, be into


hate, dislike, can’t stand, detest


don’t mind

I love parties. I prefer rap music to hip hop. I enjoy going to the mountains. I’m very fond of painting. He’s keen on drawing. She’s very into music. They hate fish. She can’t stand travelling by car.

• We use the verb don’t mind to show indifference and neutrality of preference or opinion. I don’t mind waiting. I don’t mind which DVD we watch tonight. I love cycling, I like playing tennis and I don’t mind swimming, but I hate running.

Object pronouns • Personal pronouns can be either a subject or an object. Subject pronouns I you he she it we you they

Object pronouns


• We use object pronouns: − after the verb (direct object). I give her a present every year. − after a preposition (indirect object). Bob is on a school trip with us. − in sentences with both direct and indirect objects. I give a present to my sister – I give it to her.

me you him her it us you them

I n this case, the direct object pronoun (it) must come before the indirect object pronoun (her) which is preceded by the preposition to.

That’s Stuart. I meet him at the bus stop every day.

MY GLOSSARY Holiday / Leisure time activities outdoor activities ________________ to chat to friends ________________ to eat ice cream ________________ to go camping ________________ to go canoeing ________________ to go on holiday ________________ to go on a picnic ________________ to go on a trip ________________ to go rafting ________________ to go sightseeing ________________ to go windsurfing ________________ to listen to music ________________ to make friends ________________ to play computer games ________________ to play sports ________________ to read ________________ to sunbathe ________________ to swim ________________ to visit monuments ________________ water sports ________________ Holiday accommodation apartment (AE) ________________ hotel ________________ self-catering apartment ________________ tent ________________ youth hostel ________________

Types of holiday a study camp holiday


School subjects art drama music

________________ ________________ ________________

Moving around aeroplane (plane) bicycle bus car helicopter hovercraft journey line lorry map motorbike scooter ship stop taxi train underground van wheel to change to cycle

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

to stop to take to travel

________________ ________________ ________________

Other... nouns author character cook event island pirate writer

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

adjectives to be afraid of boring crowded educational favourite fun lazy relaxed

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

verbs to ask to clean up to cook to learn to look to wait for

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________



Grammar and Vocabulary Practice Grammar Adverbs of frequency 1 Read the sentences and tick (3) the ones with the correct word order. Then correct the mistakes.

1 Teenagers play golf hardly ever. Teenagers hardly ever play golf. 2 My parents never stay in a tent on holiday. 3 Travellers need always to take their passport. 4 I always remember to text my parents when I arrive at a destination. 5 Teenagers sleep usually for most of the weekend. 6 At weekends I get up early rarely. 7 The people at the bed and breakfast are always friendly.


R ewrite the sentences and insert an adverb of frequency. Use the percentages to help you choose.

1 I miss the bus. 100%. I always miss the bus. 2 Do you work in the summer? 50% _________________________________________ 3 I watch adventure films. 80% _________________________________________ 4 My parents give me money. 10% _________________________________________ 5 People listen to music on the radio. 70% _________________________________________ 6 I sunbathe on holiday, It’s boring! 0% _________________________________________

Verbs of preference 3 C omplete the sentences with the verbs below so that they are true for you.


like love enjoy don’t mind hate can’t stand

1 I _____________ swimming in the sea. 2 I _____________ travelling by train. 3 My family _____________ watching DVDs together. 4 I _____________ science fiction films and books. 5 I _____________ visiting monuments on holiday. 6 I _____________ texting my friends in my free time. 7 I _____________ getting up early. 8 I _____________ eating ice cream.

4 Write complete sentences using the prompts given. Put the verbs in the correct form.

1 I / can’t stand / stay up / late I can’t stand staying up late. 2 my sister / enjoy / buy clothes / with her friends _________________________________________ 3 between tennis and football / my dad / prefer / play / tennis _________________________________________ 4 I / not / enjoy / do / homework on Sundays _________________________________________ 5 my family / love / take / a holiday at the sea / in the summer _________________________________________ 6 I / not / mind / play / computer games, but I prefer other things _________________________________________ 7 my best friend / love / go / to parties _________________________________________ 8 my brother / not / like / ride / his bike in the rain _________________________________________

Subject and object pronouns 5 Underline the correct subject or object pronouns. 1 My sister’s boyfriend is a real pain, I can’t stand her / him / he. 2 Please take these books and give it / they / them to the teacher. 3 I want to go to Leicester square. Do I / we / you know the way? 4 Look at her – isn’t she / her / them a TV actress? 5 My parents are very boring, it / them / they love going on educational trips. 6 You and I always go shopping at the weekend, us / we / I never have money for other stuff. 7 Do you like horror films? No, I hate it / you / them. 8 Where’s my ticket? I can’t find it / them / they!

6 Complete the dialogues with the correct subject or object pronouns.

In a bookshop Assistant: Good morning. Customer: Hello Can you help (1) _____ me ? I want a book called Alien Invasion. Have you got (2) _____________ ? Assistant: I’m not sure. There are science fiction books over there. Why don’t you have a look at (3) _____________ ? At school Student 1: Hi. Is this Jane’s classroom? Student 2: Yes, it is. Student 1: Is (4) _____________ here? I’ve got her mobile phone. I want to give it to (5) ____________ . Student 2: No, she isn’t. But that’s her friend Mark. Give it to (6) _____________ . On holiday in England Sam: There’s William Shakespeare’s house. (7) ____________’s very old. Sarah: Yes, but some parts are not original. The windows, for example, most of (8) _____________ are copies. Sam: Oh! And the rooms? Are (9) _____________ original? Sarah: I think so. Let’s go and see (10) _____________ .


Holiday accommodation 7

Complete the sentences with the words below. camper self-catering apartment hotel bed and breakfast tent

1 My sister works at reception in a 5-star ______ hotel . 2 I like staying in _____________ . There is a kitchen and I like cooking. 3 A holiday in a _____________ is great. It’s possible to drive to cities and go to the sea in one holiday. 4 I can’t stand staying in a _____________ . It usually rains, its cold and I hate being outdoors. 5 We are in a _____________ so we go out for lunch and dinner.


Transport 8 Put the letters in brackets into the correct order to complete the sentences.

1 I never take a _____ taxi (xtai). It’s very expensive. 2 Casey Stoner has got a great _____________ (eomitbkro). 3 My sister hates cars so she takes her _____________ (iybclec) to work. 4 We always take an _____________ (neparleoa) to go on holiday. We love air travel. 5 Look! There’s a ___________ (frrye) on the lake. 6 A Vespa is a type of _____________ (eotcsor). 7 My dad drives a ___________ (rlroy) for work. 8 He’s got a lot of money. He’s got his own _____________ (etolchpier).

Everyday and holiday activities 9 Complete the sentences with the correct option a, b or c.

1 On Mondays I love _____________ sports after playing school. a playing b having c making 2 At my study camp we don’t _____________ any homework. a make b write c do 3 He always _____________ online at the weekend. a speaks b chats c talks 4 When you go to a new school you _____________ new friends. a make b have c see 5 In the summer she _____________ on a picnic with her family every weekend. a stays b has c goes 6 What do you do on holiday? I love __________ in the sea. a swimming b swim c swims 7 They never _____________ their friends on their mobiles at school. a texting b text c texts 8 She hardly ever _____________ up late on Sunday morning. a goes b gets c stays



English in Context 1 Read Henry’s and Kylie’s profiles from a blog

for cultural exchanges in Europe. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Henry8 4 essential facts about me I hardly ever (1) _____________ (travel) by public transport. I prefer (2) _____________ (cycle). I’ve got a mountain bike, so I (3) _____________ (cycle) to school every day. We play football at school, but I don’t like it! I prefer (4) _____________ (play) rugby. I like (5) _____________ (cook) and I sometimes (6) _____________ (make) pizza for my family. I like history, so on holiday I love (7) _____________ (sightsee) and (8) _____________ (go) to museums.

Kylie the social queen 4 essential facts about me I (1) _____________ (like) walking but I never (2) _____________ (do) sports! I think they’re unnatural! I love (3) _____________ (listen) to my MP3, and (4) _____________ (read) love stories. I (5) _____________ (chat) online with my friends in the evening. I hardly ever (6) _____________ (eat) vegetables. They’re horrible, but I (7)_____________ (love) pizza! I love (8) _____________ (make) new friends on holiday.


2 Put the dialogue into the correct order.

B 1 A A B A


Underline the correct option in the dialogues.

1 A I s / Does this bus stop / go at Regent Street? B Yes, it is / does. A Thank you.

Yes, it’s great. I love lying in the sun. And I swim in the sea with my friends every day. Do you like going on holiday with your parents? Do you like sunbathing ? Yes, I do. We go to an apartment by the sea every year. Really? I can’t stand it and I don’t like the sea!

2 A Does this train stop / go to Manchester? B No, it doesn’t / isn’t. 3 A Does / Is this the stop to / for the station? B No, it doesn’t / isn’t.

4 Put the words in brackets in the correct order to complete the dialogue.

Sum Up! 5

Tanya Sarah


Sarah Tanya

Sarah Tanya

Sarah Tanya Sarah




Sarah Tanya


I’ve got problems with my boyfriend. We are so different! Oh why? (1) Doesn’t he like your friends (like / your / he / doesn’t / friends)? Yes, he does, but (2) ____________________ (hardly / I / them / ever / see). Oh, why’s that then? He says (3) ____________________ (he / me / prefers / going / just / out / with). That’s romantic! Does he take you to nice restaurants? No, he doesn’t! (4) ____________________ (at / home / eats / Tom / with / always / his / family). That’s a pain! Yes, it is. (5) ____________________ (he / like / going / does / shopping)? Well, (6) ____________________ (doesn’t / he / it / mind) but he prefers staying at home. I see. (7) ____________________ (what / doing / he / does / like)? (8) ____________________ (loves / football / TV / on / watching / he). You hate football! I know! (9) ____________________ (stand / can’t / I / it)! It’s boring! Well, I think you’re right. You are very different!

Complete the dialogues with the words below.

take working it really scooters him by never her them hates prefers like


working in the motor bike 1 A Do you like (1) ________ shop in the summer? B No, I don’t. I hate (2) _____________ ! A (3) _____________ ? But you love (4) _____________ and bikes and stuff! B I know, but I (5) _____________ riding bikes, not selling (6) _____________ ! 2 A Does your mum (1) _____________ the Underground to work? B No, she doesn’t. She (2) _____________ going by bus, but my dad always goes (3) _____________ car. He (4) _____________ uses public transport. He (5) _____________ it. B So do you go to school with (6) _____________ in the car? A No, my mum works near the school so I go with (7) _____________ .

Translate! 6

Translate these sentences into your own


1 We prefer going on holiday with our friends. _________________________________________ 2 Does this bus stop in Leicester Street? _________________________________________ 3 We usually watch TV after school. _________________________________________ 4 On Sunday, Mark sometimes helps his mum make the dinner. _________________________________________ 5 Martha never likes doing homework on holiday. _________________________________________ 6 Does Tom walk to school? _________________________________________ 7 I don’t like sightseeing. I prefer going shopping. _________________________________________ 8 We are hardly ever in the hotel on holiday. _________________________________________



Vocabulary Builder Collocations: verbs and nouns 1

ride a bike   drive a train   pilot a plane

A fly/pilot ride drive sail

B a plane a boat a bike a train a ship a scooter a car a helicopter

1 Verbs: 2 Nouns:

Note: the final -e is dropped; the final -y becomes final -i.

orrect the sentences using the right C collocations from exercise 1.

1 I want to learn to drive a boat. _____ sail 2 Is it difficult to ride a plane? _____________ 3 I want to learn to pilot a car next year. _____________ 4 My brother pilots a scooter to work because he hates public transport. _____________ 5 My dad rides a train for a job. _____________ 6 I want to drive a helicopter. I want to do one exciting thing in my life! _____________ 7 I hate the idea of riding a ship across the ocean, no rest for weeks! _____________ 8 I love sailing my bike to school when the sun shines. _____________

From verb/noun to adjective: the suffixes -ing, -al and -ly Look at the following adjectives and complete

1 Verb + _____

2 Noun + _____ 3 Noun + _____

interesting exciting



Mike Justin Mike Justin Mike Justin Mike Justin Mike Justin Mike

tire norm

bore day

Hi Justin, do you hear me? Mike, is that you? Yes! I want to know about your holiday! How are you? Great thanks! Tunisia is really (1) boring / interesting, you’re never bored! And the journey? It’s very (2) tiring / personal, you sleep a lot when you arrive. And the people? Are they nice? Oh yeah, they’re so (3) tiring / friendly. They talk to you. But they don’t ask (4) daily / personal questions, they’re very polite. Oh yes? And what do you do all day? There are (5) daily / normal visits to interesting places. But I don’t go every day. In the evenings I eat Tunisian food. It’s (6) exciting / traditional to eat late here, everyone does that. That’s difficult for me. For me it’s (7) tiring / normal to eat at seven o’clock. What (8) a personal / an exciting holiday! Have a great time!


the column headings.

Two words which have the same or similar meaning are called ‘synonyms’.



excite person

5 Underline the correct option to complete the dialogue.



se the suffixes to create adjectives from the U verbs and nouns below, then write them in the correct column in the table in exercise 3. Look at Unit 3 of your Student’s Book to help you.

Read the collocations in the box. Then

combine the verbs (A) with the nouns (B) to form more travel-related collocations. Some verbs can be used more than once.


Replace the underlined words in the sentences

with the synonyms below. kids




tripleave on a long journey to India next week. 1 We _____ 2 In Paris there are a lot of holiday makers all year. _____________ 3 Tell the children to be quiet and stop shouting! _____________ 4 I’d love to take a vacation in the sun. _________

Skills Reading 1

Scott Bradley is on holiday on the western coast of Wales. Read his testimonial for the campsite

brochure. What does he usually do at midnight? Hi! I’m Scott Bradley, I’m 16 and I’m from Liverpool. Here I am at the Cardigan Bay campsite in Wales. We come here every year in our camper and we love it. This is the end of our first week. There are lots of activities, so it’s never boring here. I wake up at 8 every morning, get dressed and go jogging with my dad. I love it! My sister Sarah hates getting up early on holiday; she prefers lying in bed with a book or a magazine. When we get back I take her a cup of tea and dad makes breakfast. After breakfast, I meet my friends. We usually go to the seaside at New Quay. The beaches are beautiful and we sometimes see dolphins! We go there by bus. It often rains and the sea’s usually cold but we don’t mind. We always swim! It’s exciting. We play football or tennis on the beach. The village is small but it’s interesting. It’s only three miles away so we rent bikes or go on foot. There’s a supermarket, a post office and a pub. OK, so it’s not Las Vegas, but we love going there. We usually buy chocolate and bottles of water and come back again. I always have lunch with my family. Sarah makes it. After lunch we go exploring. There are some fantastic coastal paths. We stay out for hours, so we take our back packs with clothes and sandwiches and drinks. In the evening we make a campfire on the beach and have a barbecue. My friend Josh has got a guitar and he sometimes plays it for us and sings. We never go to bed early here. There’s a small disco on the campsite and we usually go there at midnight. It’s a great place to make new friends! Cardigan Bay is cool, and the people are friendly. I love coming here.


Read the text again and complete the sentences.

1 Scott always _____ goes to Wales with his family in the summer. 2 Scott _____________ at 8 every morning. 3 Scott’s sister, Sarah, can’t stand _____________ early on holiday. 4 Scott’s dad _____________ breakfast in the morning. 5 Scott usually _____________ football or tennis on the beach. 6 Scott and his friends _____________ the bus to the beach. 7 They sometimes _____________ bikes when they go to the village. 8 Josh plays his guitar for his _____________ .

Writing 3

Describe what is a typical day for you on holiday. Use Scott’s description as a model. Hi! I’m _____________ . Here I am at _______________________________________________________________ In the morning I _________________________________________________________________________________ After lunch _____________________________________________________________________________________ In the evening ___________________________________________________________________________________ I love coming here because ________________________________________________________________________

Listening 4

4 Matthew, Chloe and Kate are talking about their holidays with a researcher. Listen to the conversation and complete the table.





doesn’t like


Chloe Kate



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