Team Up in English page 12
Contents Pre-school Courses ............................... 2 Primary Courses .................................... 6 CLIL ........................................................ 11 Secondary Courses ............................... 12 Exams .................................................... 20
Culture .................................................... 25 Picture Dictionaries ................................ 26
Digital Books pages 7-12
Graded Readers ......................................28 Activity Books ......................................... 37 Games .................................................... 41 TeacherÕ s Resources .............................. 46 Songs ..................................................... 50 DVD/Videos ............................................ 51 Posters ................................................... 52
ELI Readers page 28
ELI Magazines ........................................ 54
Photocopiable Resources page 46 NEW LEVEL
Key to symbols IWB Software on CD/DVD studied to be used with any model of a Multimedia Interactive Whiteboard.
Games page 41
Website and online resources A dedicated website that contains extra product information and downloadable resources. Multimedia material on AUDIO CD, CD-ROM and/or DVD. AE Ñ
American English > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 1
Pandy The Panda A 3-level English course for 3-5 year old Pre-School children by Nina Lauder, Magaly Villarroel
Beginner to Elementary Common European Framework
Level A1
Come and learn English with Pandy the Panda! Young learners will be captivated by the adventures of Pandy, his friends and their playhouse. It also motivates children through entertaining chants, songs, pen-to-paper activities, games, puzzles, stickers, stories, etc.
> Flexible course with a wide range of attractive,
age-appropriate components which will ensure enjoyable English lessons for very young learners.
> Puppet, flashcards, posters, photo pages, chants, songs and
personalisation tasks present and recycle vocabulary to make learning a joy.
> Focuses on key areas of child development while helping improve fine and gross motor-skills as well as personal awareness themes
Components PupilÕ s Book • Full colour Pupil’s Book with a variety of motivating, ageappropriate tasks for very young learners. • Photos to bring the real world into the classroom. • Before-story and After-story pages. • Personalisation tasks at the end of each unit. • Allows for development of fine and gross motor skills. • Fantastic chants and songs with guidance in the TeacherÕ s Book. on how to enhance student involvement. Activity Book • The Activity Book reinforces and consolidates the target language of the unit. • A variety of ‘pen-to-paper’ activities develop fine motor skills and observation skills, review songs as well as pre-reading and pre-writing skills. • Four pages per unit. • School-to-home connection: take-home page every two units. • Progress checks at the end of each unit. > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 2
TeacherÕ s Book • Colour, interleaved Teacher’s Book. • Step-by-step instructions on how to use the material and carry out lessons. • Includes sections on routines, how to use the posters and puppets as well as extra ideas and material. • Help and support provided for teachers who lack experience or confidence in the pre-primary classroom. Resources • Double sided, full colour plasticised poster with suggestions on interactive activities to be carried out in class • Full-colour flashcards with the key vocabulary from each unit • Story Cards (3 stories per level) with images and text from the story on the back of each card Stories Stories are important classroom tools to use with very young learners. In PandyÕ s Playhouse the stories help children revise and consolidate language in a natural and meaningful context. The stories provide teachers with rich opportunities to explore values and social skills while, at the same time, providing children with easy expressions they can repeat.
Pandy the Panda 1 PupilÕ s Book + song Audio CD ISBN 9788853605798 Activity Book ISBN 9788853605825 TeacherÕ s guide + class Audio CD ISBN 9788853605856 Flashcards ISBN 9788853605887 Story Cards ISBN 9788853605948 Poster pack ISBN 9788853605917 Pandy the Panda 2 PupilÕ s Book + song Audio CD ISBN 9788853605801 Activity Book ISBN 9788853605832 TeacherÕ s guide + class Audio CD ISBN 9788853605863 Flashcards ISBN 9788853605894 Story Cards ISBN 9788853605955 Pandy the Panda 3 PupilÕ s Book + song Audio CD ISBN 9788853605818 Activity Book ISBN 9788853605849 TeacherÕ s guide + class Audio CD ISBN 9788853605870 Flashcards ISBN 9788853605900 Story Cards ISBN 9788853605962 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 3
Zippy Deedoo A 3-level English course for 3-5 year old Pre-School children by Laura Irons and Laura Rossetti
Beginner to Elementary Common European Framework
Level A1
Based on the adventures of Zippy, a clever dog, Deedoo, a fun little girl and Kabir, a sweet and thoughtful little boy. Zippy Deedoo introduces communication in English and develops long-term memory and linguistic skills appropriate to the age range.Children learn to understand the global meaning of a story, repeat short expressions, follow simple instructions, introduce themselves, say hello and goodbye, pronounce the names of several items of food, clothes and colours, as well as basic language structures related to everyday life. FOR THE STUDENT StudentÕ s Book Topics are introduced via short stories based on childrenÕ s daily lives, thus allowing youngsters to learn the English language in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. A highlight of the course is Story Time Ñ motivating stories involving the characters, which are ideal for presenting topics, lexis and simple structures. Memorization and communication is achieved through Game Time in which young learners interact with their fellow pupils and overcome emotional barriers such as shyness or the fear of making mistakes. Sing & Dance Time allows the child to involve both mind and body in language learning and creates a fun and playful atmosphere. FOR THE TEACHER TeacherÕ s book Contains a clear explanation of each lesson with teaching sequences specifying timing for each activity. It also includes transcripts of the audio CD, ideas for drama and games, craft activities, cross-curricular and extra-curricular links as well as worksheets to be included in the Portfolio, and an end-of-year certificate. Audio CD The three CDs (one for each level) contain dialogues, chants and simple songs followed by their karaoke versions. Storycards (A and B) These storycards illustrate the scenes from the stories and make storytelling fun and immediate. An excellent tool for communication and memory games. Flashcards (A and B) Present vocabulary in a fun and efficient way. > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 4
Zippy Deedoo Starter StudentÕ s Book 23x28 cm, 48 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853610164 TeacherÕ s Book + Audio CD 21x29,7 cm, 48 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853610195 Zippy Deedoo A StudentÕ s Book A 23x28 cm, 64 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853610171 TeacherÕ s Book A + Audio CD 21x29,7 cm, full-colour pages ISBN 9788853610201 Flashcards A 15x21 cm, 40 Flashcards full colour ISBN 9788853610232 Story Cards A 21x29,7 cm, 52 Story Cards full colour ISBN 9788853610256 Zippy Deedoo B StudentÕ s Book B 23x28 cm, 96 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853610188 TeacherÕ s Book B + Audio CD 21x29,7 cm, full-colour pages ISBN 9788853610218 Flashcards B 15x21 cm, 56 Flashcards full colour ISBN 9788853610249 Story Cards B 21x29,7 cm, 72 Story Cards full colour ISBN 9788853610263 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 5
Merry Team A 6-level English course for Primary School children by Mady Musiol and Magaly Villarroel
Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
Merry Team is a 6-level English course for children in Primary School. It covers the curriculum requirements for the English language. DURATION Each level of the course offers sufficient material for between 80 and 90 lessons, including evaluation. Each lesson takes approximately 45 to 60 minutes, but the teacherÕ s guide provides suggestions for extending or reducing lessons. AIMS The general aim of the course is to teach English as a means of communication and to develop young learnersÕ knowledge of a different culture. For this reason, language is presented within a context and the children are given the opportunity to use it in a pleasant, motivating and supportive atmosphere. In this way children feel that they can understand and do things in English, thus developing not only their ability to communicate but also their self-esteem and general education. TOPICS Each unit of the book is developed around a specific topic chosen to reflect the age and developing interests of the children. The topics cover aspects of the real world as well as imaginative themes. In levels 1 and 2, topics focus on the children, their immediate world and daily experiences. In levels 3 and 4, they start branching out into the wider world and include cross-curricular activities. Levels 5 and 6 are a continuation of the previous levels and provide a bridge to secondary education. PROGRESSION AND SKILLS The aims of levels 1 and 2 are to provide children with non-verbal strategies for communication, a core vocabulary that they will recognize along with sufficient self-confidence to attempt to produce it whenever they can. In level 1, children concentrate on pre-reading and pre-writing activities, which are expanded in level 2 to include a small amount of writing. In levels 3 and 4, core vocabulary is expanded and all four skills are covered, although priority is given to the receptive skills of listening and reading. Oral teacher-pupil and pupil-pupil interaction is encouraged. In levels 5 and 6, verbal communication is expanded and the number of reading and writing tasks increases. By the end of level 6, children have acquired the strong grounding that will prepare them for English at Secondary School. > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 6
Digital Book The complete course is available in a digital version (one for each level), to be used in the classroom with an Interactive Whiteboard (IWB), or for self-study at home on the studentÕ s own computer. The teacher can turn the pages on the screen, play the dialogues to the students, show the videos and do the exercises in class. Extremely simple to use, the Digital Book groups all the resources and teaching tools in one multimedia location.
Merry Team 1 PupilÕ s Book 21,5x28,5 cm, 64 fullcolour pages ISBN 9788853610942 Activity Book + PupilÕ s Audio CD 21,5x28,5 cm, 48 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853611000 Digital Book ISBN 9788853606457 TeacherÕ s Guide + Class Audio CD 21,5x28,5 cm ISBN 9788853611062 Flashcards 1 15x21 cm, 64 Flashcards full colour ISBN 9788853611093 Merry Team 2 PupilÕ s Book 21,5x28,5 cm, 64 fullcolour pages ISBN 9788853610959 Activity Book + PupilÕ s Audio CD 21,5x28,5 cm, 48 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853611017 Digital Book ISBN 9788853607393 TeacherÕ s Guide + Class Audio CD 21,5x28,5 ISBN 9788853611079 Flashcards 2 15x21 cm, 64 Flashcards full colour ISBN 9788853611109 Rocky Puppet DVD 1 (level 1-2) ISBN 9788853612205 Merry Team 3 PupilÕ s Book 21,5x28,5 cm, 96 fullcolour pages ISBN 9788853610966 Activity Book + PupilÕ s Audio CD 21,5x28,5 cm, 80 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853611024 Digital Book ISBN 9788853607409 TeacherÕ s Guide + 2 Class Audio CD 21,5x28,5 cm ISBN 9788853611086 Flashcards 3 15x21 cm, 72 Flashcards full colour ISBN 9788853611116
Merry Team 4 PupilÕ s Book 21,5x28,5 cm, 96 fullcolour pages ISBN 9788853610973 Activity Book + PupilÕ s Audio CD 21,5x28,5 cm, 48 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853611031 Digital Book ISBN 9788853607416 TeacherÕ s Book + 2 Audio CDs 21,5x28,5 cm ISBN 9788853611802 Flashcards 4 ISBN 9788853611123 DVD 2 (levels 3-4) ISBN 9788853612212 Merry Team 5 PupilÕ s Book 21,5x28,5 cm, 96 fullcolour pages ISBN 9788853610980 Activity Book + PupilÕ s Audio CD 21,5x28,5 cm, 48 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853611048 Digital Book ISBN 9788853607423 TeacherÕ s Guide + 2 Class Audio CDs 21,5x28,5 cm ISBN 9788853611819 Merry Team 6 PupilÕ s Book 21,5x28,5 cm, 96 fullcolour pages ISBN 9788853610997 Activity Book + PupilÕ s Audio CD 21,5x28,5 cm, 48 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853611055 Digital Book ISBN 9788853607430 TeacherÕ s Guide + 2 Class Audio CDs 21,5x28,5 cm ISBN 9788853611826 DVD 3 (levels 5-6) ISBN 9788853612229 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 7
The Magic Book A 6-level American English course for Elementary School children by Mariagrazia Bertarini, Martha Huber, Paolo Iotti
Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
The Magic Book is a 6-level American English course for Elementary School children. Children will be caught up in an atmosphere full of imagination where they will learn English in the company of four fun-loving friends and the unforgettable magical bear, Benjy. STRUCTURE OF THE TEACHING PROGRAM The Magic Book refers to a book that four children Ñ Nick, Molly, Eddy and Jenny — find by chance. Magically, Benjy the Bear comes to life from out of the book and stays with the children to guide them through the next six years of learning. Each level of the course offers between 80 and 90 lessons, including evaluation; each lesson will be expected to take approx. 45 to 60 min. PROGRESSION AND SKILLS The structure of The Magic Book 1 and 2 is similar: each unit begins with a story to introduce new words and language structures. It offers an animated song, and ends with games to practise the linguistic material presented. In The Magic Book 2, Benjy presents the English alphabet. The Magic Book 3 and 4 maintain the original structure and playful approach of the course, but present some new elements (photographic images, grammar strips, creativity and sound corners) in line with the growth and development of the children. The Magic Book 5 and 6 give the children the opportunity to reflect on what they have already learned and to elicit grammar rules. The Magic Book 6 is also enriched by a number of pages on culture and civilization from English-speaking countries. The sixth volume guides the children towards the achievements of Level A2 in the Common European Framework of Reference (pre-intermediate level). In addition, it can be a useful tool to prepare children for English certification exams (Trinity, Cambridge, Toefl) for elementary school levels. > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 8
Digital Book The complete course is available in a digital version (one for each level), to be used in the classroom with an Interactive Whiteboard (IWB), or for self-study at home on the studentÕ s own computer. The teacher can turn the pages on the screen, play the dialogues to the students, show the videos and do the exercises in class. Extremely simple to use, the Digital Book groups all the resources and teaching tools in one multimedia location.
The Magic Book 1 StudentÕ s Book ISBN 9788853612243 Special Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788853612304 Digital Book ISBN 9788853606396 The Magic Book 2 StudentÕ s Book ISBN 9788853612250 Special Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788853612311 Digital Book ISBN 9788853607348 The Magic Book 3 StudentÕ s Book ISBN 9788853612267 Special Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788853612328 Digital Book ISBN 9788853607355 The Magic Book 4 StudentÕ s Book ISBN 9788853612274 Special Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788853612335 Digital Book ISBN 9788853607362 The Magic Book 5 StudentÕ s Book ISBN 9788853612281 Special Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788853612342 Digital Book ISBN 9788853607379 The Magic Book 6 StudentÕ s Book ISBN 9788853612298 Digital Book ISBN 9788853607386 TeacherÕ s resources TeacherÕ s Book 1+2 ISBN 9788853612359 TeacherÕ s Book 3+4 ISBN 9788853612373 TeacherÕ s Book 5+6 ISBN 9788853612397 DVD DVD 1+2 ISBN 9788853612366 DVD 3+4 ISBN 9788853612380 DVD 5+6 ISBN 9788853612403 Cards Flashcards 1 ISBN 9788853611369 Flashcards 2 ISBN 9788853611376 Story Cards 1 ISBN 9788853611383 Story Cards 2 ISBN 9788853611390 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 9
English Party An exciting 4-level course for Primary School children
Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
English Party is easy to use in class as well as highly motivating and enjoyable for both children and teachers.
> Based on the Ô Multiple IntelligencesÕ Theory, English Party
focuses on the whole child at the centre of the learning process.
> The activities are based on a multisensory approach and respect childrenÕ s individual learning styles and pace, so that each child is rewarded with a sense of achievement.
> New language is presented through fun and motivating songs
and rhymes, ideal for improving pronunciation and developing natural intonation.
Cartoon-style characters including Alex the crocodile present new language and encourage children to take part in TPR activities. Cartoons featuring The Camerons and Reading for Fun are ideal for stimulating reading for pleasure.
ENGLISH PARTY 1 StudentÕ s Book 19,5x28,5 cm, 96 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853600974 Activity Book 19,5x28,5 cm, 32 pages ISBN 9788853601018 TeacherÕ s Book 19,5x28,5 cm, 80 pages, b/w ISBN 9788853601056 Class Audio CD length 60 mins ISBN 9788853609250 Flashcards 15x21 cm, 64 flashcards full-colour ISBN 9788853601094 Culture Posters set (2) 70x100 cm, full-colour ISBN 9788853601131 ENGLISH PARTY 2 StudentÕ s Book 19,5x28,5 cm, 96 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853600981 Activity Book 19,5x28,5 cm, 32 pages ISBN 9788853601025 TeacherÕ s Book 19,5x28,5 cm, 96 pages, b/w ISBN 9788853601063 Class Audio CD length 60 mins ISBN 9788853609267 Flashcards 15x21 cm, 80 flashcards full-colour ISBN 9788853601100 Culture Posters set (2) 70x100 cm, full-colour ISBN 9788853601148
ENGLISH PARTY 3 StudentÕ s Book 19,5x28,5 cm, 96 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853600998 Activity Book 19,5x28,5 cm, 32 pages ISBN 9788853601032 TeacherÕ s Book 19,5x28,5 cm, 96 pages, b/w ISBN 9788853601070 Class Audio CD length 60 mins ISBN 9788853609274 Flashcards 15x21 cm, 40 flashcards full-colour ISBN 9788853601117 Culture Posters set (2) 70x100 cm, full-colour ISBN 9788853601155 ENGLISH PARTY 4 StudentÕ s Book 19,5x28,5 cm, 96 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853601001 Activity Book 19,5x28,5 cm, 32 pages ISBN 9788853601049 TeacherÕ s Book 19,5x28,5 cm, 96 pages, b/w ISBN 9788853601087 Class Audio CD length 60 mins ISBN 9788853609380 Cartoon Posters set (5) 50x70 cm ISBN 9788853601124 Culture Posters set (2) 70x100 cm, full-colour ISBN 9788853601162 PORTFOLIO 21x29,7 cm, 24 pages free for class adoption ISBN 9788853600790 > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 10
Hands on Language A series of 3 projects for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) by Damiana Covre and Melanie Segal Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
Watch Out! Safety Education in English Students are encouraged to think about specific dangerous situations on the roads, at home and at school, as well as situations including earthquakes, floods and other accidents. Each worksheet deals with a situation and offers a variety of activities such as analysing specific situations and acting out dangerous situations. Watch Out! Worksheets A set 21x29,7 cm, 64 pages full-colour ISBN 9788853610348 Worksheets B set 21x29,7 cm, 64 pages full-colour ISBN 9788853610355 TeacherÕ s Guide + Audio CD 21x29,7 cm, 128 pages ISBN 9788853610362
Cook for Fun - Nutrition Education in English Students discover the basic principles underlying good nutrition. Through recipes, songs, sensory and manual activities, students develop an understanding of the historical, geographical, scientific and socio-cultural contexts of certain foods and culinary customs.
Cook for Fun Worksheets A set 21x29,7 cm, 64 pages full-colour ISBN 9788853610317 Worksheets B set 21x29,7 cm, 64 pages full-colour ISBN 9788853610324 TeacherÕ s Guide + Audio CD 21x29,7 cm, 128 pages ISBN 9788853610331
Green English - Environmental Education in English Green English looks at environmental topics such as recycling, pollution and energy saving. The worksheets offer practical activities to carry out indoors or outdoors and include songs, experiments and surveys.
Green English Worksheets A set 21x29,7 cm, 96 pages full-colour ISBN 9788853610287 Worksheets B set 21x29,7 cm, 96 pages full-colour ISBN 9788853610294 TeacherÕ s Guide + Audio CD 21x29,7 cm, 136 pages ISBN 9788853610300 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 11
Team Up in English 4-level English course for Lower Secondary School students by Kavanagh, Morris, Moore, Cattunar, Smith, Canaletti, Tite
Beginner to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-B1
The course is made up of four levels, and is available in two different versions: Levels 1-4 and Starter + Levels 1-3. FOR THE STUDENT StudentÕ s Book The StudentÕ s Book is divided into 4 folders. Each folder contains 3 units.
Main features > Two language presentation sections per unit offering manageable learning chunks. > Consolidation and expansion vocabulary exercises. > Problem solving tasks to discover grammar structures inductively. > A wide variety of approaches for developing skills which include CLIL. > Cultural insights into the English-speaking world. Workbook In every unit there are skills activities in order to progressively develop the autonomy of the student. The StudentÕ s CD offers lots of listening exercises and also the audio version of the reading section. The Study Tips give the students strategies to develop their learning ability outside of the classic classroom situation. The Personal Toolkit This ring binder is a flexible tool which can be adapted to various uses: it helps the teacher manage the class with different levels of ability. The Personal Toolkit is divided into two sections: Grammar,144 colour worksheets that present and expand all grammar topics presented in the course. Pictionary,15 themed tables containing around 600 words and expressions, linked in to photocopiable worksheets included in the Tests and Resources book for expanding vocabulary. Readers with Audio CD Levels 2, 3 and 4 include a Reader with audio CD to develop reading and listening skills.
Digital Book The complete course is available in a digital version (one for each level), to be used in the classroom with an Interactive Whiteboard (IWB), or for self-study at home on the student’s own computer. The teacher can turn the pages on the screen, play the dialogues to the students, show the videos and do the exercises in class. Extremely simple to use, the Digital Book groups all the resources and teaching tools in one multimedia location. > Visit the Team Up in English website to be kept up to date with resources and news. 12
FOR THE TEACHER The TeacherÕ s Book The Teacher’s Book contains: tables of contents, introduction to the methodology and guide to programme planning, information relative to the Common European Framework of Reference as well as Certifications such as Trinity and Cambridge ESOL, teacher’s notes for each unit, answer keys and the audio scripts for the Workbook, reference markers for CEFR indicators; for CLIL; for Civic Education activities, for Trinity and Cambridge examinations, cross references to the Workbook, Personal Toolkit, Tests and Resources. Each TeacherÕ s Book comes with 2 class CDs. Tests and Resources Each volume contains the following photocopiable material which can be used in class: • Evaluation grids to mark each student’s progress • Formative and summative evaluation tests • Reinforcement Worksheets • Folder Grammar Extension Worksheets • Culture Spot Tests • CLIL Worksheets • PT Pictionary Worksheets • Audio scripts and answer keys for the Tests and the Worksheets CD-ROM Test Maker The CD-ROM Test Maker allows the teacher to intervene and change the tests to adapt the syllabus to the specific needs of the class. Test the answer key and audio scripts are available at the end of each. The CD-ROM Test Maker contains the Evaluation tables and the following tests in doc format Microsoft ® Word ®: • Entry Test • Unit Tests • Folder Skills Tests • Culture Spot Tests Starter + Levels 1-3 version Team Up in English Starter + Levels 1-3 version covers the same syllabus of Levels 1-4 version (entry level A1, exit level B1.2) but it is suitable for faster classes, or classes which need to cover level A1 at a faster pace. The Starter volume revises and consolidates grammar, lexis and functions at A1 level, but does not include intensive work on the four skills, CLIL topics or extra readings.
Team Up In English 1 StudentÕ s Book ISBN 9788853603593 Workbook + Audio CD ISBN 9788853603630 Digital Book ISBN 9788853606013 Personal Toolkit (for the 4 levels) ISBN 9788853603678 TeacherÕ s Book + 2 Audio CDs ISBN 9788853603685 Tests and Resources (Levels 1-2) 1 Audio CD + 1 CD-ROM Test Maker ISBN 9788853603722 Team Up In English 2 StudentÕ s Book ISBN 9788853603609 Workbook + Audio CD ISBN 9788853603647 Digital Book ISBN 9788853607287 TeacherÕ s Book + 2 Audio CDs ISBN 9788853603692 Team Up In English 3 StudentÕ s Book ISBN 99788853603616 Workbook + Audio CD ISBN 9788853603654 Digital Book ISBN 9788853607294 Personal Toolkit (for the 4 levels) ISBN 9788853603678 TeacherÕ s Book + 2 Audio CDs ISBN 9788853603708 Tests and Resources (Levels 3-4) 1 Audio CD + 1 CD-ROM Test Maker ISBN 9788853603739 Team Up In English 4 StudentÕ s Book ISBN 9788853603623 Workbook + Audio CD ISBN 9788853603661 Digital Book ISBN 9788853607300 TeacherÕ s Book + 2 Audio CDs ISBN 9788853603715
For starter + Levels 1-3 version, go to page 56 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 13
New Step Ahead 3-level English course for Lower Secondary School students Revised Edition by Claire Moore and Elizabeth Lee
Beginner to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-B1
Imaginative and appealing topics engage teenagersÕ interests as they learn and use the English language. FOR THE STUDENT StudentÕ s Book StudentÕ s Book 1 begins with a Starter Unit containing revision activities and topics from the Primary School curriculum. Each volume contains 10 Units divided into Modules: Grammar, Steps to Communication and Skills. Each Module ends with a Culture Site, a Spot Check to assess progress, an Exam Practice to help prepare students for KET and Trinity exams, and a Final Check containing fun, revision style tasks. Workbook The majority of the exercises cover reading, writing and listening, but there are also special Study Skills pages where students find tips for learning. Each Unit is divided into Grammar Exercises, Steps to Communication and Vocabulary, The Reading Room, Step Ahead to Exams, Revision and a mind map for lexical revision. The Grammar Reference section at the back of the volume summarizes all of the grammar topics dealt with, and a Minidictionary presents, all of the lexis from the StudentÕ s Book in alphabetical order. Audio CD The Audio CD contains the introductory dialogues for each unit, plus the Workbook listening activities. CD-ROM The CD-ROM contains short films, games and activities to develop an alternative, autonomous and interactive means of studying English. Portfolio The Portfolio is divided into Passport, Linguistic Biography and Dossier. It encourages self-evaluation and helps organize study during the three years of education. > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 14
FOR THE TEACHER TeacherÕ s Book 2 class Audio CDs accompany each volume. As well as an introduction to the methodology of the course, the TeacherÕ s Book includes check lists for self-evaluation of levels A1-B1 of the CEFR. There are also sections for the Portfolio, examinations, 2 pages of syllabus planning for each Module with answer keys, teaching ideas and a complete transcript of the Audio CD. Furthermore, teachers will find Cultural Information, Extra Games and activities, Pairwork tasks for role-play and the Workbook answer key. Test Book Contains an entry test, an end of Unit revision test, an end of Module revision test and 5 final tests covering the skills required in external examinations.
New Step Ahead 1 StudentÕ s Book + CD-ROM ISBN 9788853610614 Workbook + Audio CD ISBN 9788853610645 Portfolio ISBN 9788853610683 TeacherÕ s Book 1 + 2 Class CDs ISBN 9788853610676 Test Book 1 ISBN 9788853612007 New Step Ahead 2 StudentÕ s Book + CD-ROM ISBN 9788853610621 Workbook + Audio CD ISBN 9788853610652 Portfolio ISBN 9788853611536 TeacherÕ s Book 2 + 2 Class CDs ISBN 9788853611512 Test Book 2 ISBN 9788853611499 New Step Ahead 3 StudentÕ s Book + CD-ROM ISBN 9788853610638 Workbook + Audio CD ISBN 9788853610669 Portfolio ISBN 9788853611543 TeacherÕ s Book 3 + 2 Class CDs ISBN 9788853611529 Test Book 3 ISBN 9788853611505 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 15
New Step Ahead - Split Edition 3-level English course for Lower Secondary School Revised Edition by Claire Moore and Elizabeth Lee
Beginner to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-B1
New Step Ahead - Split Edition is divided into 6 volumes offering teachers maximum flexibility in their various teaching situations. Exciting and up-to-date topics such as the latest technology help motivate students while the cultural and reading pages based on the English speaking world allow students to learn in an international context. FOR THE STUDENT Student’s Book The StudentÕ s Book 1A begins with a Starter Unit which provides students with the chance to revise structures in a format similar to what they may have been accustomed to during primary school years. Each level of the StudentÕ s book (1A-1B, 2A-2B, 3A-3B) contains 10 units with each unit divided into modules. Each unit contains the following sections: > Listening and Comprehension > Grammar > Steps to Communication They are specifically designed to improve oral skills and a Skills section with further emphasis on the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Each module ends with a culture section called Culture Site together with a Spot Check which acts as a unit check, an Exam Practice section for KET and Trinity preparation and to finish, a Final Check section which provides a comprehensive unit revision. Workbook The Workbook offers a consistent amount of exercises, both written and oral, to be used at either home or in class. There is also a Grammar Reference included and a Mini Dictionary which covers the vocabulary and structures found in the StudentÕ s Book. The Audio CD contains the opening dialogues from each individual unit and the listening exercises in the Workbook. The CD-ROM The CD-ROM contents include video clips, games, songs and other activities, particularly useful for self study. The CD-ROM activities are cross referenced to the StudentÕ s Book making for easier use and are specifically designed for those students who want to follow a self study programme. The Portfolio The Portfolio is divided into Passport, Linguistic Biography and Dossier sections. Allows students to carry out self evaluation activities, highlighting the programme students will follow through the three years of the course. > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 16
FOR THE TEACHER TeacherÕ s Books The three TeacherÕ s Books come with 2 Audio CDs attached for class listening. Together with a description of the methodology behind the course, the TeacherÕ s Book includes check lists for the self evaluation sections at A1-B1 levels with a section for the portfolio and external exams. The TeacherÕ s Book also includes two input pages for lesson preparation for every module together with teacherÕ s notes, cultural information, audio tapescripts, the solutions to all exercises and activities, with suggestions for extra activities and photocopiable worksheets. The Test Book The Test Book is made up of written and listening tests, allowing for the progressive testing of students and leading to KET and Trinity preparation.
New Step Ahead Split 1 StudentÕ s Book 1A + CD-ROM + Portfolio 1 ISBN 9788853603746 StudentÕ s Book 1B ISBN 9788853603753 Workbook 1A + Audio CD ISBN 9788853603807 Workbook 1B + Audio CD ISBN 9788853603814 TeacherÕ s Book 1 A-B + 2 class CDs ISBN 9788853603869 Test Book 1 A-B + Audio CD ISBN 9788853603890 New Step Ahead Split 2 StudentÕ s Book 2A + CD-ROM + Portfolio 2 ISBN 9788853603760 StudentÕ s Book 2B ISBN 9788853603777 Workbook 2A + Audio CD ISBN 9788853603821 Workbook 2B + Audio CD ISBN 9788853603838 TeacherÕ s Book 2 A-B + 2 class CDs ISBN 9788853603876 Test Book 2 A-B + Audio CD ISBN 9788853603906 New Step Ahead Split 3 StudentÕ s Book 3A + CD-ROM + Portfolio 3 ISBN 9788853603784 StudentÕ s Book 3B ISBN 9788853603791 Workbook 3A + Audio CD ISBN 9788853603845 Workbook 3B + Audio CD ISBN 9788853603852 TeacherÕ s Book 3 A-B + 2 class CDs ISBN 9788853603883 Test Book 3 A-B + Audio CD ISBN 9788853603913 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 17
Change Up! 2-level English Course for Upper Secondary School students and young adults Shirley Ann Hill, Michael Lacey Freeman
Lower Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2.2-B2.2
Change Up! is a new topic-based 2-level course specially created to accompany learners in the transition from basic users of English into independent users. The innovative methodology of Change Up! begins from authentic materials and guides the student in the discovery of the language. It is characterised by three central moments: > Experience: an immersion in authentic language through the reading of written texts or listening to spoken documents; > Discover: a guide to reasoned discovery of the structure of the language used in real contexts; > Communicate: a guide to the use of the structures in order to communicate naturally. Pre-intermediate Workout: a 15-unit volume which serves as a revision or consolidation of the lexis, communicative functions and grammar structures of levels A2-B1.1. StudentÕ s Book The StudentÕ s Book is divided into three Topics. Each Topic is made up of three Units and ends with a Towards Certification section, providing activities and advice for the preparation of the FCE exam, and pages dedicated to Self-Evaluation. > Grammar Reference: a 22 pages grammar reference section with tables and descriptions of the grammar structures presented in each unit. > The Inward Eye: an approach to literary texts to bring students, from whichever type of school or study, closer to English Literature and to offer a brief panorama of the various expressions of the English language. Workbook The Workbook is available with and without answers and audio transcripts. It aims to consolidate the grammatical and lexical input from each unit, to suggest learning strategies, to prepare for the FCE exam, to consent self evaluation. Included in the appendix of the Intermediate level Workbook is a Writing File containing models of written texts conforming to FCE specifications, and in the Upper Intermediate level is a section entitled FCE Practice Plus, containing a complete model of a FCE exam. TeacherÕ s Book The TeacherÕ s Book presents suggestions and didactic tools useful to create exercises at a varied level of difficulty. It also presents the answers to the StudentÕ s Book, Workbook and Pre-Intermediate Workout exercises and the audio transcriptions. Teachers Resources contains extra material for the teacher in the form of pre-punched photocopiable worksheets inserted into a ring-binder in order to allow a continual update of the material. > Visit the Change Up! website to be kept up to date with resources and news. 18
TeacherÕ s Resources The TeacherÕ s Resources ring-binder volume, which includes materials for both levels, contains:
> Exit Tests for the Pre-Intermediate Workout book > Intermediate Diagnostic Test > Tests for each unit of the Intermediate and Upper Intermediate levels
> Introduction to CLIL: a general introduction to working
with CLIL and 8 different routes to follow with didactic notes relative to Biology, Physics, Economics, Geography and Art.
The dedicated website contains a studentÕ s area where they can access and download authentic listening material in MP3 format.
Change Up! Intermediate Student’s Book & Workbook (1 volume) + Pre-intermediate Workout + 2 Audio CDs ISBN 9788853604064 Student’s Book & Workbook (1 volume ) + 2 Audio CDs ISBN 9788853604101 StudentÕ s Book + Pre-Intermediate Workout ISBN 9788853603555 StudentÕ s Book ISBN 9788853604071 Workbook (with key) + 2 Audio CDs ISBN 9788853604095 Workbook (no key) + 2 Audio CDs ISBN 9788853604088 TeacherÕ s Book + 2 Audio CDs ISBN 9788853604170 TeacherÕ s Resources 1 Audio CD + CD-ROM Test Maker ISBN 9788853604156 Change Up! Upper-Intermediate Student’s Book & Workbook (1 volume) + 3 Audio CDs ISBN 9788853604149 StudentÕ s Book ISBN 9788853604118 Workbook (with key) + 3 Audio CDs ISBN 9788853604132 Workbook (no key) + 3 Audio CDs ISBN 9788853604125 TeacherÕ s Book + 2 Audio CDs ISBN 9788853604187 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 19
PET Buster - Coursebook Intensive exam preparation course for the Preliminary English Test examination by Kester Dodgson, Alston, Galimberti, Graham
Intermediate Common European Framework
Level B1
PET buster prepares for the PET examination through a series of exercises introduced by stimulating topics and eye-catching graphics. The book is divided into 16 units of six pages each. It build up the four linguistic skills, the grammatical structures and vocabulary dealing with a topic conforming to the indications given in the PET syllabus. The section Exam Buster offers a series of hints and suggestions to succeed in the specific mock exams. TeacherÕ s Book The TeacherÕ s Book contains the language and communicative aims of every unit, information on culture and lexis, answers to the exercises, scripts for the listenings, hints and suggestions for further activities of extension and revision. PET Buster Cousebook with Answer Key + 2 Audio CDs 21x29,7 cm, 176 pages ISBN 9788853612694 Cousebook without Answer Key + 2 Audio CDs 21x29,7 cm, 144 pages ISBN 9788853612687 TeacherÕ s Book 21x29,7 cm, 176 pages ISBN 9788853612717
PET buster Practice Tests The volume consists of 4 complete sets of practice tests designed by a team of experts and examiners. The material in PET buster Practice Tests strictly adheres to the format and design of the Cambridge ESOL examination. An initial section called ‘Tricks of the Trade’ with suggestions and thorough explanations helps students tackle each paper. PET Buster Practice Tests 4 complete tests + 2 Audio CDs 21x29,7 cm, 112 pages b/w ISBN 9788853612700 > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 20
FCE Buster - Coursebook Intensive exam preparation course for the First Certificate in English Test examination by Kester Dodgson, Alston, Galimberti, Graham
Upper-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level B2
FCE buster prepares for the FCE examination. The book is divided into 20 units of eight pages. Each unit focuses on one topic that conforms to those indicated in the FCE syllabus. The Exam Buster section offers advice on how to succeed in the exam. Main features > 20 Units with engaging topics for students to develop the necessary skills required to pass the FCE examination > 20 Exam Busters offering advice and practical tips > 4 Reviews checking and revising the studentsÕ progress > 1 Practice Test simulating the examination > A Grammar Reference at the back of the book > A Phrasal Verb List The TeacherÕ s Book offers advice to teachers on how to make the best use of the coursebook. It presents the linguistic and communicative objectives of each lesson, keys to the exercises, audioscripts, suggestions for further revision activities tests.
FCE Buster Cousebook with Answer Key + 2 Audio CDs 21x29,7 cm, 256 pages ISBN 9788853612731 Cousebook without Answer Key + 2 Audio CDs 21x29,7 cm, 240 pages ISBN 9788853612724 TeacherÕ s Book + Audio CD 21x29,7 cm, 176 pages ISBN 9788853612748 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 21
FCE Buster - Practice Book Intensive exam preparation course for the First Certificate in English Test examination by Laura Clyde, Lisa Kester Dodgson, Dave Harwood
Upper-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level B2
The book serves as a consolidation for, and follows the structure and content of the course FCE Buster. It may also be used as a stand alone volume in private language schools universities, or in any situation in which the students have already reached a B2 level of English and intend taking the exam by themselves. The book is divided into 20 units of six pages that present part of the Reading, Use of English, Listening and Speaking papers. This is accompanied by presentation activities or lexical and/ or structural exercises. Each unit follows the argument taken from the equivalent unit of the FCE Buster. At the end of the 20 units are 16 pages of Writing Reference to reinforce and better the studentÕ s writing ability. Finally there is a complete Practice Test and a list of phrasal verbs.
FCE buster Practice Book Volume with Answer Key + 2 Audio CDs 21x29,7 cm, 208 pages ISBN 9788853604545 Volume without Answer Key + 2 Audio CDs 21x29,7 cm, 176 pages ISBN 9788853603517 > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 22
FCE Practice Tests Cambridge ESOL First Certificate in English preparation material by Karen Dyer and Dave Harwood Upper-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level B2
With 8 complete paper-and-pen tests and 2 complete tests on CD-ROM, FCE Practice Tests is the completion of ELI’s B2 level, First Certificate preparation material. The offer consists of 8 Practice Tests on paper, the first of which guides the student through each individual section. FCE Practice Tests faithfully recreates the format of the FCE exam, and includes a section of full colour photographs necessary for the Speaking Paper. The CD-ROM contains 2 complete computer-based tests and the audio material for the Listening Paper. The book comes complete with two Audio CDs containing the listening exercises for the tests. For the without-key version, the answer key and the recording scripts are available from
FCE Practice Tests Volume + 1 Audio CD/CD-ROM + 2 Audio CDs (without Answer Key) ISBN 9788853612595 Volume + 1 Audio CD/CD-ROM + 2 Audio CDs (with Answer Key) ISBN 9788853612601 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 23
New KET- Practice Tests Mock tests to help prepare Key English Test examination by Richard Chapman
Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2
The ‘with answer key’ edition is ideal for self-study, whilst the ‘without answer key’ edition is available for classroom use. In this case, a separate booklet contains the answer key. Complete with visual material and 2 Audio CDs for speaking and listening preparation.
new KET Practice Tests Volume with Key + Audio CD 21x29,7 cm ISBN 9788853602978 Volume with Key 21x29,7 cm ISBN9788853602084 Volume without Key 21x29,7 cm ISBN 9788853601308
New PET - Practice Tests Mock tests to help prepare for Preliminary English Test examination by Richard Chapman Intermediate Common European Framework
Level B1
The volume is accompanied by an audio CD for listening practice, and a separate answer key booklet with solutions and transcripts of audio materials.
new PET Practice Tests Volume with Key + 2 Audio CDs 21x29,7 cm, 120 pages ISBN 9788853601216 Volume without Key 21x29,7 cm, 104 pages ISBN 9788853601629 > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 24
Crossing Cultures Lessons about the English-Speaking World by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan
Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B1
Crossing Cultures explores aspects and traditions of the English-Speaking World. It contains 50 lessons divided into 5 macro areas: School Life and Education, People and Lifestyles, Sport and Leisure, History and Traditions, The World We Live in. Main features > Profiles: facts about countries from the English-Speaking World > Flexible learning paths and cross-curricular activities > A range of approaches: from traditional to innovative CLIL activities > Activities for exam preparation > Graded progression of both contents and skills > 2 Audio CD-ROMs for consolidation and extension, with Internet links
Crossing Cultures Volume + 2 Audio CD-ROMs 21x29,7 cm, 168 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853610010 TeacherÕ s guide 21x29,7 cm, 96 pages ISBN 9788853610867
TeacherÕ s Book The TeacherÕ s Book contains the linguistic and communicative aims of every lesson, indications for the lesson plan with cultural and vocabulary extensions; the answers to the exercises; audio scripts; further extension and revision activity suggestions; alternative shorter or longer lesson plans as well as cross-curricula ideas; tests; detailed information on how to use the recommended websites. The activities in the Audio CD-ROMs have been created to maximise the sections called Working With Texts and ESW FILES. The student will find extra texts relevant to the macro-topic dealt with in the book, complete with comprehension activities. Furthermore, the student can practise the skill of writing answering questionnaires and writing summaries on a computer. A series of interactive activities involving maps and images allows the student to consolidate geographic and cultural knowledge about countries where English is spoken. > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 25
My First English Picture Dictionary A series of 4 theme picture dictionaries for Primary School children by Joy Olivier
Beginner to Elementary Common European Framework
Level A1
A fun way to learn and play with first words in English. Each volume presents a theme which is illustrated in 8 picture dictionary spreads. Two friendly children guide the reader as they complete the sticker activities. In addition, observation games and colouring activities. Titles: At School, In Town, At Home, On Holiday. My First English Picture Dictionary At Home 21x29,7 cm, 16 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881488261 At School 21x29,7 cm, 16 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881488315 The Town 21x29,7 cm, 16 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881488360 On Holiday 21x29,7 cm, 16 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881488414
English from A to Z Illustrated situational and structural dictionary for Primary School children by Susan Jewell
Beginner to Elementary Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
Learn basic English vocabulary and structures via fun cartoon illustrations. The Bang family and their friends involve students in their adventures through guessing activities, puzzles, rhymes, fun facts, drawings to be completed and mazes. The vocabulary introduced is presented several times in the text so as to facilitate memorization. The volume introduces more than 1000 English words. The vocabulary and topics relate to the various aspects of children’s daily lives (school, clothes, family, free time etc.). Each letter of the alphabet ends with short revision and reflection exercises. Some theme pages present topics of general interest. A wordlist and answer key is included in the index.The CD adds a valuable listening dimension, providing not only the pronunciation and natural rhythms of the focus language but also dynamic sound effects for selected words. English from A to Z Volume + Audio CD 21x29,7 cm, 144 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853611185 > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 26
ELI Picture Dictionary English Junior Illustrated situational and structural dictionary for early teens by Susan Jewell
Beginner to Elementary Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
A dictionary for elementary level, early teen students 36 illustrated theme pages present language related to various aspects of teenage daily life. For each theme a language structure is introduced. A wordlist in alphabetical order is found at the back of the dictionary. An activity book is also available.
ELI Picture Dictionary Junior ISBN 9788881484331 ELI Picture Dictionary Activity ISBN 9788881485956
ELI Picture Dictionary English A dictionary for Secondary School students Beginner to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-B1
Enrich studentsÕ English vocabulary with more than a thousand words.
> 43 illustrated theme pages introduce well known topics such
as at home, family, school and work, as well as up-to-date and specific topics such as the environment and astronomy.
> More than 1000 words are listed alphabetically in the Wordlist, indicating on which theme page you can find them.
> A CD-ROM contains all of the illustrated words and a recording to allow listening comprehension and pronunciation practice.
ELI Picture Dictionary Ă? Updated Version Volume + CD-ROM 21x29,7 cm, 96 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853611178 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 27
New ELI Readers A new series of illustrated readers from primary to young adult students
Beginner to Proficiency Common European Framework
Level A1-C2
New ELI Readers are divided into the series of Young ELI Readers, Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers according to the age of the reader and their linguistic level in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. They are stories of great literary quality and of a strong identity, whether they are classics either adapted or unabridged, or if they are original stories. Different sections accompany each text (notes on the author, extension exercises and activities, ... ) which have the aim of enriching the story, facilitating understanding and language learning.
> The illustrations in the books are created by the most interesting
illustrators of today, with great care and attention paid to every detail.The clear and eye-catching graphics have been studied to guide the reader in understanding the text and in completing the activities effortlessly.
> The four language skills are all extended, practised and
developed when reading the text and the exercises selected appropriately for each skill. The CD contains a reading of the text, naturally by a mother-tongue speaker.
> The paper is certified FSC: an important detail in caring for the
environment in that it guarantees the paper used in printing each book derives exclusively from forests that are controlled.
Young ELI Readers - Five pages of revision activities at the back of the book - An illustrated dictionary in the fold-out cover is always ready for consultation. - A delightful bookmark to cut-out personalises each book. Teen ELI Readers Ă? Young Adult ELI Readers - Pre-reading activities - Text is divided into chapters with a glossary on the last page. - Comprehension exercises at the end of each chapter and pre-reading activities to pre-teach the lexis and grammar structures of the following chapter. - Useful dossiers on culture study and on the authors in the classics. - Summary activities on the entire story. - Syllabus WWW.ELIREADERS.COM > Visit the ELI Readers website to be kept up to date with resources and news. 28
Young Eli Readers Stage 1 Dominique Guillemant Dominque Guillemant Jane Cadwallader Jane Cadwallader Jane Cadwallader Stage 2 Jane Cadwallader Jane Cadwallader Jane Cadwallader Stage 3 J. M. Barrie Jane Cadwallader Jane Cadwallader Jane Cadwallader Stage 4 Rudyard Kipling Lewis Carroll Jane Cadwallader Jane Cadwallader Jane Cadwallader Paloma Bellini
ISBN SophieÕ s Dream Hooray for the holidays! Granny Fixit and the Ball Granny Fixit and the Pirate Granny Fixit and the Yellow String
9788853604194 9788853606181 9788853604217 9788853604224 9788853606211
PB3 and the Vegetables PB3 and the Jacket PB3 and Coco the Clown
9788853604231 9788853604248 9788853606242
Peter Pan Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree Uncle Jack and the Emperor Penguins Uncle Jack and the Meerkats
9788853604279 9788853604255 9788853604262 9788853606273
The Jungle Book Alice in Wonderland Harry and an Electrical Problem Harry and the Crown Henry and the sports competition The Secret Passage
9788853605122 9788853604309 9788853604293 9788853604286 9788853606303 9788853605115
Teen Eli Readers
Stage 1
Maureen Simpson Charles Dickens Stage 2 Maria Luisa Banfi Mary Flagan Frances Hodgson Burnett Stage 3 Mary Flagan Maureen Simpson
In Search of a Missing Friend Oliver Twist
9788853604316 9788853605139
A Faraway World The Egyptian Souvenir The Secret Garden
9788853604323 9788853605146 9788853606341
ValÕ s Diary Destination Karminia Robin Hood
9788853605023 9788853605153 9788853606549
Young Adult Eli Readers
Stage 1
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Stage 2 William Shakespeare Stage 3 Jane Austen Oscar Wilde William Shakespeare Stage 4 Mary Shelley Henry James Emily Brontë Stage 5 Francis Scott Fitzgerald
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Romeo and Juliet
Pride and Prejudice The Picture of Dorian Gray Macbeth
9788853605047 9788853605177 9788853606624
Frankenstein The Turn of the Screw Wuthering Heights
9788853605054 9788853605184 9788853606655
The Great Gatsby
Young ELI Readers Stage 1 (100 headwords) below A1 É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É Stage 2 (200 headwords) A1 É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É Stage 3 (300 headwords) A1.1 É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É Stage 4 (400 headwords) A2
Teen ELI Readers Stage 1 É É É É É Stage 2 É É É É É Stage 3
(600 headwords) É É É É É É É É É (800 headwords) É É É É É É É É É É (1000 headwords) É
A1 É É A2 É É É B1 É
Young Adult ELI Readers
Stage 1 É É É É Stage 2 É É É É Stage 3 É É É É Stage 4 É É É É Stage 5 É É É É Stage 6 É
(600 headwords) É É É É É É É É (800 headwords) É É É É É É É É (1000 headwords) É É É É É É É É (1800 headwords) É É É É É É É É (2500 headwords) É É É É É É É É Unabridged Texts É
A1 É É A2 É É B1 É É B2 É É C1 É É C2 É
. > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 29
Ready to Read - Green Series A series of 16 interactive readers for children at Primary School
Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
A simple approach which captures the young readerÕ s attention. Children learn basic English vocabulary and structures. 16 traditional fairy tales rewritten in easy-to-understand English with colourful illustrated words and activity pages.
Each book: 12x20 cm,24 full-colour pages Ready to Read - Green Series Cinderella Book ISBN 9788853608352 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881486977 The EmperorÕ s New Clothes Book ISBN 9788853608369 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881486984 Jungle Book Book ISBN 9788853608376 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881486960 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Book ISBN 9788853608390 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881486953 Hansel and Gretel Book ISBN 9788853608420 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881485437 The Town Mouse and the... Book ISBN 9788853608338 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881482375 The Ugly Duckling Book ISBN 9788853608321 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881482368 The Tin Soldier Book ISBN 9788853608413 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881482900 Thumbelina Book ISBN 9788853608406 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881486991 The Fox and the Stork Book ISBN 9788853608383 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881487004 Sleeping Beauty Book ISBN 9788853608444 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881485383 Snow White Book ISBN 9788853608437 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881485482 Little Red Riding Hood Book ISBN 9788853608307 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881482344 The Three Little Pigs Book ISBN 9788853608314 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881482351 The Little Mermaid Book ISBN 9788853608451 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881483600 Pinocchio Book ISBN 9788853608345 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881482382
Titles (and illustrated vocabulary pages): Cinderella (actions, the time, in the house) The EmperorÕ s New Clothes (clothes, sewing, in the living room, the town) Jungle Book (animals, actions, nature, picnic) Goldilocks and the Three Bears (wood animals, What’s on the table?, in the living room, adjectives) Hansel and Gretel (the woods by day, the woods by night, sweets, housework) The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (opposites, transport, setting the table, prepositions of place) The Ugly Duckling (farm animals, the farm, seasons and weather) The Tin Soldier (toys, in town, at the market, prepositions of place) Thumbelina (flowers, the pond, rooms in the house, nature) The Fox and the Stork (farm animals, setting the table, the house, food) Sleeping Beauty (toys, days of the week, months and seasons, jobs, clothes) Snow White (physical descriptions, the woods, fruit) Little Red Riding Hood (clothes, food, the woods, the human body) The Three Little Pigs (the family, inside and outside the house, action verbs) The Little Mermaid (the family, the weather, underwater life, the garden) Pinocchio (the human body, fun and games, sea creatures, the bedroom) > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 30
Ready to Read - Green Series - American English A series of 8 traditional fairy tales for young learners at Primary School
Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
A simple approach which captures the young readerÕ s attention. Children learn basic American English vocabulary and structures. 8 traditional fairy tales rewritten in easy-to-understand American English with colourful illustrated words and activity pages. Titles (and illustrated vocabulary pages): Cinderella (actions, tellling the time, the house) The EmperorÕ s New Clothes (clothes, sewing, in the living room, the town) Sleeping Beauty (toys, days of the week, months and seasons, jobs, clothes) Hansel and Gretel (the woods by day, the woods by night, sweets, housework) The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (opposites, transport, setting the table, prepositions of place) The Three Little Pigs (the family, inside and outside the house, action verbs) The Little Mermaid (the family, the weather, underwater life, the garden) Pinocchio (the human body, toys and games, sea creatures, the bedroom)
Each book: 12x20 cm, 24 full-colour pages Cinderella ISBN 9788853602480 The EmperorÕ s New Clothes ISBN 9788853602527 Sleeping Beauty ISBN 9788853602497 Hansel and Gretel ISBN 9788853602510 The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse ISBN 9788853602534 The Three Little Pigs ISBN 9788853602466 The Little Mermaid ISBN 9788853602503 Pinocchio ISBN 9788853602473 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 31
Ready to Read - The Fab Fables A series of 6 fables for young learners at Primary School
Beginner to Elementary Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
Learn basic English vocabulary and structures, thanks to this series of simplified, fun tales based on classic childrenÕ s literature. A series of 6 modern adaptations based on the fables by Aesop, Phaedrus and La Fontaine. Inside each volume children find fold-out pages and colourful illustrations introducing everyday vocabulary. Learning is then encouraged in a series of fun games and activities. Titles (and illustrated vocabulary pages): The Grasshopper and the Ant (musical instruments, verbs of free time, the weather and seasons) The Hare and the Tortoise (sports clothing, animals, adverbs of time and place) The Wind and the Sun (nature, camping, days of the week, clothes) The Dog and his Shadow (parts of the body, colours, the town and shops, food) The Boy and the Frogs (free time actions, the park, the pond, parts of the body) The Ant and the Dove (the farm, the woods, fruit and vegetables) Each book: 12x20 cm, 24 full-colour pages The Grasshopper and the Ant ISBN 9788853608000 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881487738 The Hare and the Tortoise ISBN 9788853608017 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881487783 The Wind and the Sun ISBN 9788853608024 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881487837 The Dog and his Shadow ISBN 9788853608031 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881487882 The Boy and the Frogs ISBN 9788853608048 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881487936 The Ant and the Dove ISBN 9788853608055 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881487981 > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 32
ELI Readers A series of readers in 4 levels for Secondary School
Beginner to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-B1
Appealing stories relating to teenage life engage and motivate young students to read for pleasure in English. This series presents 10 carefully graded stories, from elementary to intermediate levels and offers a range of different story types: puzzle solving, teen fiction and role-play. Each volume contains games and activities. A full answer key is found in a separate booklet. The Audio CD contains dramatized versions of the stories plus extra listening comprehension activities. The role-play stories are not available on audio CD, since the stories offer various outcomes according to the readerÕ s choice. Beginner (500 words) • FrancescaÕ s Love (Teen fiction) 11-13 years of age Francesca is 16 years old. SheÕ s clever but she doesnÕ t feel very pretty. Her best friend helps her to become more confident. A story about friendship and feelings. • The Darnley FamilyÕ s Long-Lost Necklace (Teen fiction) 11-13 years of age Adventure on a school outing to a mysterious castle. Elementary (1000 words) • Mystery at the Water Olympics (Puzzle solving) 11-13 years of age Someone wants to ruin the water Olympics. A new mystery for Harry and Camilla to solve. Lower intermediate (1500 words) • Underwater Mystery (Role-play) 12-14 years of age Discover the secret of the lost city of Atlantis. Intermediate (2000 words) • The Symbol on the Stone (Role-play) 13-15 years of age A hike in the mountains turns into a trip through time.
FrancescaÕ s Love 15x21 cm, 48 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881489053 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881488032 The Darnley FamilyÕ s Long... 15x21 cm, 48 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881486007 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881485833 Mystery at the Water Olympics 15x21 cm, 72 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881484584 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881484539 Underwater Mystery 15x21 cm, 64 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881483303 The Symbol on the Stone 15x21 cm, 72 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881484638 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 33
Teen Beat Series
A series of readers in 3 levels for Secondary School students by Ken Singleton
Beginner to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-B1
Encourage reading for pleasure in English, thanks to a series of original, entertaining stories. This series aims to broaden studentsÕ k nowledge of vocabulary and structures, whilst the comprehension and revision style activities help to consolidate the language learnt. The stories feature teenagers in challenging real-life situations and deal with issues such as friendship, sport, music and social topics. The stories take place mainly in England and America, but there are short trips to other countries and cultures. A strong visual impact and up-to-date graphic design make this a very attractive series. Each story is richly illustrated and includes games and activities. They begin with Before Reading Activities and at the end of each chapter there are revision exercises. The stories end with After Reading Activities to recycle and revise contents. Two volumes per level are available: elementary, lower intermediate and intermediate.
The Expresso Project 15x21 cm, 80 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853600233 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788853600240 Home Run 15x21 cm, 80 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853600295 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788853600301 South Coast Blues 15x21 cm, 80 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853600257 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788853600264 Crash Course 15x21 cm, 80 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853600318 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788853600325 Midnight Rollers 15x21 cm, 80 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853600271 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788853600288 Spies 15x21 cm, 80 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853600332 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788853600349 > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 34
New English Fiction Series A series of 6 readers in 3 levels for Secondary School by Antoinette Moses and Alan Pulverness
Intermediate to Advanced Common European Framework
Level B2-C2
Give students the pleasure and satisfaction of reading original stories in the English language. This series contains original stories which take place in todayÕ s England and America. Each volume is based on central themes and includes three stories of approximately 5000 words each. Up-to-date topics are covered including cultural identity, globalization, ecology, sport and the power of the media. Interviews with the authors and a range of pre and post reading activities allow the reader to appreciate these stories to the full. Upper-intermediate level • New Worlds • A Twist in the Tale Advanced level 1 • Playing the Game • Dangerous Times Advanced level 2 • London Tales • The Outsider
Each book: 15x21 cm, 80-112 pages, one colour New Worlds ISBN 9788853600394 A Twist in the Tale ISBN 9788853600424 Playing the Game ISBN 9788853600400 Dangerous Times ISBN 9788853600431 London Tales ISBN 9788853600417 The Outsider ISBN 9788853600448 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 35
ELI Classics
A series of 6 readers in 3 levels for Secondary School
Pre-Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B2
Eli Classics introduce students to classic literature from the English-speaking world. This graded series allows teachers to choose the most appropriate story for the level of their class. Each volume contains: biographical information about the author, Pre and Post Reading activities, textual analysis, story text on the left page with exercises set parallel to the text on the right and on-page glossaries. TEACHERÕ S GUIDE The teacherÕ s guide features a brief presentation, answers to all exercises and a worksheet to help students analyse what they have read. Lower-intermediate • The Spooky Bunch Gothic horror stories in The Oval Portrait by E.A. Poe, The Upper Berth by M.F. Crawford, The Ghosts by Lord Dunsany.
ELI Classics The Spooky Bunch 15x21 cm, 98 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881483846 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881483402 A Family Affair 15x21 cm, 96 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881483853 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881483419 Rights and Wrongs 15x21 cm. 112 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881484713 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881484706 Naughty Kids 15x21 cm, 112 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881484690 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881484683 Shades of Emotions 15x21 cm, 125 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881483860 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881483426 Wit and Wisdom 15x21 cm, 80 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881485949 Book + Audio CD ISBN 9788881485932
Intermediate • A Family Affair Relationship problems between men and women in Extracts from Adam’s Diary and Eve’s Diary by Mark Twain. • Rights and Wrongs Prejudice and discrimination in The Test by Angelica Gibbs, Happy Christmas by Daphne du Maurier, Junius Maltby by John Steinbeck. • Naughty Kids The drama and power of a childÕ s imagination in Sredni Vastar by Saki, Charles by Shirley Jackson, Maria by Elizabeth Bowen, Zero Hour by Ray Bradbury. Upper Intermediate • Shades of Emotions The turmoil of deep emotion in The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry, Beyond the Bayou by Kate Chopin, The Fly by Katherine Mansfield, The Rocking-Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence. • Wit and Wisdom Humour and irony point the way to wisdom in The Night the Bed Fell by James Thurber, Mr Lovejoy’s Little Outing by Evelyn Waugh, Madame Zilensky and the King of Finland by Carson McCullers. > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 36
Play with Benjy DVD Activity books for Primary School by Maria Grazia Bertarini and Paolo Iotti
Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
These two fun exercise books are thought to present, revise and consolidate the language taught in the first five years of learning english as a foreign language. Based on stories about Benjy the Bear and his bunch of jolly friends, the books contain various fun, interactive activities to do before, during and after watching the short films on the attached DVD. The DVD, which is compatible with Interactive Whiteboards, contains animated stories, cartoons and songs. The simple and clear structure makes these volumes suitable for individual use at home or as exercise books for the holidays, as well as in class. Play with Benjy Volume 1 + DVD ISBN 9788853604347 Volume 2 + DVD ISBN 9788853604354
Merry English on DVD DVD Activity books for Primary School by Maria Grazia Bertarini and Paolo Iotti Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
These two fun exercise books present revision and consolidation activities for vocabulary and linguistic structures studied at primary school. Based on stories about Rocky the Raccoon, the magical Freddy and their friends, the books contain various fun, interactive activities to do before, during and after watching the short films on the attached DVD. The DVD, which is compatible with Interactive Whiteboards, contains animated stories, cartoons and songs. These simple and clear books are suitable for individual use at home or as exercise books for the holidays, as well as in class. MERRY ENGLISH ON DVD Volume 1 + DVD ISBN 9788853604361 Volume 2 + DVD ISBN 9788853604378 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 37
Easy English
Activity books for Primary School by Lorenza Balzaretti and Fosca Montagna
Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
This series of 5 activity books was created to enable students to review and consolidate the grammar and vocabulary learnt over the school year. Students can practise English independently through involving exercises, whether in class or through use at home as an exercise book or holiday book. Each book contains the topics found in the syllabus of typical Primary School English course books. There are lots of fun, practical activities involving listening, doing and creating. Progression is carefully developed, introducing students to the written language gradually; the first book contains mostly listening and practical activities, and each successive level contains vocabulary and language activities matched to the exercise types and skills of students of that level. Self-assessment is possible thanks to systematic revision activities for individual use. Each volume has a removable insert with the audio scripts for the listening activities and answers to the activities.
EASY ENGLISH WITH GAMES AND ACTIVITIES Volume 1 + Audio CD ISBN 9788853604385 Volume 2 + Audio CD ISBN 9788853604392 Volume 3 + Audio CD ISBN 9788853604408 Volume 4 + Audio CD ISBN 9788853604415 Volume 5 + Audio CD ISBN 9788853604422
Listen and repeat.
Colour and trace.
Colour and match.
red blue
brown 5
Listen and repeat.
grey 9
Colour and trace.
11 white
6 > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 38
English with... Games and Activities 3-level activity books for Secondary School
Beginner to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-B1
A wide variety of games to entertain and motivate students to broaden and consolidate their lexical and grammatical knowledge of the English language. Each volume contains 14 theme units featuring 20 or more illustrated words. These are then used in various games and activities such as crosswords, wordsearches, anagramsÉ Answers are included making the books the ideal companion for self-study. English with... games and activities Elementary Level 17x24 cm, 96 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881488216 Lower Intermediate 17x24 cm, 96 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853600004 Intermediate 17x24 cm, 96 full-colour pages ISBN 9788853600011
The family Parts of the body Colours Food and drink Clothes Animals Nature At school Jobs The town Transport The weather and the seasons Actions
Jobs II Shopping Furniture In the kitchen In the bathroom Clothes II Accessories Snacks Fruit Vegetables At the beach In the mountains Sport Hobbies
Parts of the body II First aid How much? In the garden Cars Trains Flying Hotels Music Films and plays Television Technology Sport II Daily actions > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 39
Easy Games in English 2-level activity books for Primary School Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B1
Encourage children to learn and remember basic vocabulary. Ideal for classroom work, self-study or as a holiday activity book. 16 illustrated theme units introduce 10 new words which are then put into use in a series of three fun games: Matching, Crossword and Wordsearch. A Wordlist is included at the back. Easy Games in English Book 1 17x24 cm, 72 full-colour pages ISBN 9788885148406 Book 2 17x24 cm, 72 full-colour pages ISBN 9788885148949
English on HolidayÂ
3-level activity books for the school holidays for Primary School by Joy Olivier and Helen Cooper Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B1
Children follow Muffin, the friendly puffin, in everyday situations. They can put what they have learnt during the year into practice, thanks to simple vocabulary and grammar activities (Answer the questions, Match, Look and answer ‌). English on Holiday Book 1 19,5x26 cm, 48 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881481002 Book 2 19,5x26 cm, 48 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881481019 Book 3 19,5x26 cm, 48 full-colour pages ISBN 9788881481026
English with Crosswords 3-level activity books for Secondary School Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B1
Allow students to memorize new words and widen their English vocabulary related to common everyday topics. Each volume has 14 themes with 20 illustrated words. These words are then practised in 5 graded crossword puzzles. There are 280 new words and 70 crosswords per book. The Wordlist at the back is divided into themes. English with Crosswords Book 1 17x24 cm, 92 colour pages ISBN 9788885148130 Book 2 17x24 cm, 92 colour pages ISBN 9788885148185 Book 3 17x24 cm, 92 colour pages ISBN 9788885148239
Roundtrip of Britain and Ireland Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B1
A game that is a Ô tripÕ to the country where the language is spoken through questions of History, Geography, culture studies, grammar, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. The board is a background of the country and the path of photographs of different cities, presenting peculiarities of geography, monuments, festivities and traditions. The guide contains facts about every city presented on the board and a list of relevant websites to use for further information. Roundtrip of Britain and Ireland Box contents: 1 poster, 1 dice, 66 cards, Instructions ISBN 9788853604637
Question Chain Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B1
A game where one must create a chain of questions and answers correctly. The players must find, in the shortest possible time, the answer that corresponds to the question that is read out and then to ask the next question, creating a stimulating game based on a chain. The questions and answers refer to daily life, respecting the language level in terms of vocabulary and communicative functions. Question Chain Box contents: 2 pack of 33 cards, Instructions ISBN 9788853604682
Let’s Party! Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B1
A game of dominos to facilitate, reinforce and to encourage the correct use of the verb forms learnt by the students based on a leisure time activity: a party on a garden. It consists of 48 cards divided in half: on one half there is an illustration and on the other there is a different action written in words, with the verb in the infinitive. The verb might be expressed in a present, past or future time. The aim of the game is to combine the written action with that of the illustrated one and to reconstruct the exact sequence of the actions of the four friends to organise the party. The guide contains further notes on the theme of Ô partyÕ , typical recipes and websites of interest. LetÕ s Party! Box contents: 48 cards, Instructions ISBN 9788853604736 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 41
Questions and Answers Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B1
A board game to learn how to use pronouns and interrogative adverbs. A poster displays a colourful funfair. The playing cards contain pictures of things and people from the funfair, whilst the dice displays the interrogative adverbs. A player chooses a card and the opponent has to guess the subject by forming questions with the interrogative adverb shown on the dice. The game instructions include ideas and tips for a vast range of games and activities to carry out in class or at home with friends. Questions and Answers Box contents (21,5x14,5): 1 poster, 1 dice, 66 cards, Instructions ISBN 9788853611659
Verb Bingo A bingo game to learn basic verbs in the English language.
Beginner to Elementary Common European Framework
Level A1
One player draws and reads out the cards with pictures or verbs in the written form and the other players cover the corresponding box on their playing board. Various types of matching are possible. The teacherÕ s guide suggests numerous other simple and original versions. Verb Bingo Box contents (21,5x14,5): 66 cards, 36 playing boards, Instructions ISBN 9788853611758
Who’s Who? Elementary to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2
A card game to learn or revise vocabulary and structures relating to physical description. Players take turns to pick a card and formulate questions about the physical appearance of a mystery person. The questions require a Yes or No answer. The winner is the player who guesses the most mystery people and obtains the most cards. The instructions contain ideas for using the game in a variety of fun alternatives. WhoÕ s Who? Box contents (21,5x14,5): 2 packs of 33 cards, Instructions ISBN 9788853611703 > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 42
Bis Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
A card game for Primary School children to learn basic English vocabulary and to practise memorization skills. The game consists of two packs of cards, one with pictures and the other with words. Bis helps players to learn a total of 60 words by associating pictures with words. Bis Each kit (21,5x14,5 cm) contains: 2 packs of 60 cards each; Instructions ISBN 9788885148284
SuperBis Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
A card game to learn how to ask and answer questions in the positive and negative forms. Suitable for Secondary School. Players learn and remember 60 questions and answers related to everyday life, thanks to matching question cards to the correct answer cards. SuperBis Each kit (21,5x14,5 cm) contains: 2 packs of 60 cards each; Instructions ISBN 9788885148314
Picture Bingo Beginner Common European Framework
Level A1
A bingo-type game to learn 100 basic English words at an absolute beginner level. The game contains a TeacherÕ s Guide with original activities for learning vocabulary and structures. Picture Bingo The kit (21,5x14,5 cm) contains: 100 cards; 32 bingo boards; Teacher’s Guide ISBN 9788881483051 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 43
The Number Game Beginner to Elementary Common European Framework
Level A1
A bingo-type game for Secondary School students to learn numbers in English from 1 to 100. Each playing board has a number in digit form on one side and in the written form on the other. As in a game of bingo, players need to fill their board by matching the digits with the written forms or vice versa. The Number Game Box (21,5x14,5 cm) contents: 100 cards, 32 playing boards, Teacher’s guide ISBN 9788881480746
Time for Dominoes Elementary to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
A domino game for Secondary School students to learn how to read and tell the time in English. Each domino has on one half, a picture of a clock showing the time, and on the other half, a time in written form. Players have to match the times on the dominoes. There are two playing possibilities: using on the hour and on the half hour times or alternatively players can use quarter past and quarter to forms. Time for Dominoes Box (21,5x14,5 cm) contents: 48 dominoes, TeacherÕ s guide ISBN 9788881480791
Just the Job Elementary to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
A card game for Secondary School students to learn the names and descriptions of 40 jobs. Players match cards from pack 1, with the names of jobs, to those in pack 2, with the illustration, or to those in pack 3, with the job description. The game can be played in different ways and in varying levels of difficulty. Just the Job Box (21,5x14,5 cm) contents: 3 packs of 40 cards, Teacher’s guide ISBN 9788881480845 > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 44
The Well Game Elementary to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
A card game for Secondary School students to learn prepositions. The Well Game is an exciting jurney on the playing board, to be accomplished without falling into a deep well. Players must correctly use the simple prepositions to, at, from, on and in to complete sentences. The Well Game Box (35,5x23,5 cm) contents: 1 playing board,100 cards, 6 counters, TeacherÕ s guide ISBN 9788881487462
The Busy Day Dominoes Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B1
A domino game for Secondary School students to learn vocabulary and grammar structures related to everyday actions. The game teaches regular and irregular verbs in the present, past and future tenses. Each domino has an illustrated action and a written phrase. Following the rules of dominoes, players match the pieces together. The teacher can decide which grammar tense to use and can thus change the level of difficulty. The Busy Day Dominoes Box (21,5x14,5 cm) contents: 48 dominoes, TeacherÕ s guide ISBN 9788881483006
The Great Verb Game Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B1
A card game for Secondary School students to learn regular and irregular verbs. Players pick a card illustrating a verb in the infinitive and throw one or more of the three dice: a pronoun dice, a tense dice and a dice with the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms. Players then conjugate the verb according to what is shown on the dice. The Great Verb Game Box (21,5x14,5 cm) contents: 100 cards, 3 dice, TeacherÕ s guide ISBN 9788881483105 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 45
Grammar Trainer Photocopiable Resource Books by Lisa Kester-Dodgson
Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-B1
This series of photocopiable resources has been designed to consolidate students vocabulary and grammar skills. Complete and easy to use, the series covers all grammar and linguistic structures for each of the levels in the series and ensure full language preparation. The series works around flexibility therefore offering the chance for teachers to use the resources in class, as revision material and extra material, or indeed for self study. All activities come with a key. GRAMMAR TRAINER The Grammar Trainer series comprises 3 volumes of activities dedicated to vocabulary and grammar development across A1 levels and through to B1 level. The series comes with answer key and is complete with grammar tables. Grammar Trainer 1 Beginner to Elementary A1-A2, 64 pages, spiral-bound ISBN 9788853605061 Grammar Trainer 2 Elementary A2, 80 pages, spiral-bound ISBN 9788853605078 Grammar Trainer 3 Elementary to Pre-intermediate A2-B1, 80 pages, spiral-bound ISBN 9788853605085
Language Trainer Photocopiable Resource Book Elementary to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-B1
Language Trainer helps students develop their skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking production and speaking interaction. The text is gradually organised starting from level A1 – Elementary Ð up to level B1 Ð Intermediate. It includes an Audio CD with the recordings of the Listening section. Language Trainer 96 pages, spiral-bound ISBN 9788853605108 > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 46
From Games to Plays A photocopiable resource book of drama and games for Primary School by Jane Elisabeth Read
Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
Help young learners overcome pronunciation problems and encourage them to speak fluently. Appealing activities and the educational value of drama and group cooperation all contribute to making this an excellent teaching tool. The 8 units are centred on the dramatization of a simple story. Each unit opens with clear instructions containing the grammar topics and materials necessary for the activity. This is then followed by three pages of games and activities such as craftwork, manual tasks and language exercises, plus the story text. The volume includes both original and abridged versions of classic stories. Songs and rhymes allow for further pronunciation practice, whilst numerous links to geography, art, music and history reinforce crosscurricular aspects. From Games to Plays 21x29,7 cm, 64 pages b/w, spiral-bound ISBN 9788853610270
Let’s Act! A collection of photocopiable mini-plays for EFL classes in upper Primary School and lower Secondary School by Patti Lozano and Patricia Karen Lynn Elementary to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
Encourage speaking skills and engage students emotionally through group work. An ideal tool for promoting self-evaluation. This volume contains 12 entertaining stories for students to act out while focusing on a specific language structure and lexical theme. Each story comes complete with a synopsis, language objectives, production notes, cultural information and suggestions for extending or reducing the length of each play. LetÕ s Act! 21x29,7 cm, 80 pages b/w, spiral-bound ISBN 9788853600196 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 47
English with Crosswords Photocopiable activity resource books in 2 levels for Secondary School
Elementary to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
Resources to encourage students to broaden their vocabulary. Each book contains 12 themes, each presenting 20 illustrated words, including verbs and adjectives. The new words are then reinforced in 5 crossword puzzles: 240 new words and 60 crosswords per book. English with Crosswords - Photocopiable Edition Book 1 21x29,7 cm, 80 pages b/w, spiral-bound ISBN 9788881485581 Book 2 21x29,7 cm, 80 pages b/w, spiral-bound ISBN 9788881485635
Green Series Photocopiable Resource Book Beginner to Elementary Common European Framework
Level A1
A resource book featuring a lively collection of over 60 photocopiable activities for young learners. Green Series Photocopiable Resource Book 21x29,7, 80 pages b/w, spiral-bound ISBN 9788853601438 > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 48
Vocabulary Builder Photocopiable activity resource books in 2 levels for Secondary School by Mark Farrell
Elementary to Upper-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B2
Resources to consolidate and widen studentsÕ knowledge of vocabulary and structures relating to everyday life. An excellent teaching support for any course and for class activities. Each volume contains 60 worksheets presenting approximately 40 topics and language areas. Students put more than 1000 new words to use in activities such as matching, fill the gaps, crosswords etc. Brief dialogues are included in some units. The activities areideal for use as quiz or testing material. A full answer key makes this volume ideal for self-study. Vocabulary Builder Book 1 21x29,7 cm, 80 pages b/w, spiral-bound ISBN 9788881485550 Book 2 21x29,7 cm, 80 pages b/w, spiral-bound ISBN 9788881487431
Listening Activities Photocopiable activity resource books in 2 levels for Secondary School by Olivia Johnston Elementary to Upper-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B2
Resources to develop listening and speaking skills. Each volume presents 30 worksheets with realistic and stimulating situations to be used in a wide variety of activities including comprehension, chart filling, and note-taking. Furthermore, each worksheet suggests extension ideas for conversation and roleplay tasks. An answer key and full transcript of listening activities are included. Listening Activities Book 1 + Audio CD 21x29,7 cm, 56 pages b/w, spiral-bound ISBN 9788881486762 Book 2 + Audio CD 21x29,7 cm, 56 pages b/w, spiral-bound ISBN 9788881487370 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 49
Tell and Sing a Story A series of 6 short stories in song for absolute beginners at Primary School Beginner to Elementary Common European Framework
Level A1
Colourful large-format illustrations and catchy song-stories encourage young learners to sing along to the story and act it out stimulating them to learn and remember new words and phrases. Each book includes: Class Book: the large format allows students to follow the narrative. Teaching suggestions are included for each story. Audio cd: the story in song and spoken format. Titles in ascending order of difficulty: • At the Seaside • Happy Farm • A Birthday on the Farm • It’s Raining • A Picnic • Mr. Tree and the Little Girl For the ISBN codes go to page 55.
Sing a Song AUDIO CD
Elementary to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
- Yankee Doodle - There Were Ten in the Bed - Jingle Bells - Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star - On My Farm - Brother Peter - This is the Way - Head and Shoulders Sing a Song Each package contains: Audio CD: 15 mins Booklet with sheet music and story text, 24x17 cm, 28 full-colour pages 9788885148390
Sing More Songs AUDIO CD
Elementary to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
- 10 Little Indians - Good Morning - Santa Claus - I Hear Thunder - One, Two, Three, Four, Five - I Like to Jump - The Muffin Man - If You’re Happy - What Time Is It?
- Pop Goes the Weasel - We Wish You a Merry Christmas - The Wheels of the Bus - Tipperary - Baa, Baa, Black Sheep - Sing, Sing, Sing - Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Sing more Songs Each package contains: Audio cd: 30 mins Booklet with sheet music and story text, 24x17 cm, 44 full-colour pages ISBN 9788885148994 > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 50
ELI Videos DVD
Beginner to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
Karaoke, cartoons and documentaries capture studentsÕ attention and help pronunciation, phonetic problems and listening comprehension. Ready for Karaoke? Pink DVD For Primary School - The Music Man - My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean - RockinÕ Around the Christmas Tree - Hot Cross Buns - One Finger, one Thumb - Incy Wincy Spider - The Grand Old Duke of York - SheÕ ll be Coming Round the Mountain Ready for Karaoke? Blue DVD For Primary School - Ten Little Indians - I Hear Thunder - We Wish You a Merry Christmas - Yankee Doodle - Sing a Song of Sixpence - The Wheels of the Bus - A Bear Went Over the Mountain - This is the Way Christmas Karaoke DVD For Primary School - Silent Night - O Christmas Tree - Jingle Bells - Angels We Have Heard on High - Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
ELI Videos Ready for Karaoke? Pink length: 20 mins ISBN 9788881481187 Ready for Karaoke? Blue length: 20 mins ISBN 9788881481194 Christmas Karaoke length: 20 mins ISBN 9788881481262 > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 51
Flip-Posters 20 illustrated situational posters for Primary School children Beginner to Elementary Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
The immediate visual impact of these posters is ideal for an interactive approach to learning basic English grammar structures and vocabulary. The class look at the series of spiral bound posters and complete various speaking and writing activities. A special erasable pen allows for students or the teacher to write directly on the posters. The guide suggests activities to maximize and complement the use of the posters and to provide ideas for adapting the language to the level of the class. Downloadable in PDF from
Flip-Posters Plus 20 illustrated situational posters for Secondary School students Elementary to Pre-Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
Learn and practise a wide range of vocabulary relating to teenage life, plus more complex language structures. After looking at one or more posters, students do a series of language activities, observational tasks and speaking and writing exercises. They can write directly on the posters with the special erasable pen provided. The teacherÕ s guide is available in a complete or abridged version. It offers detailed descriptions of each poster and lists all useful words and structures. There are also various exercises and activities. Downloadable in PDF from For ISBN codes go to page 55. > Sign up to the ELI newsletter to be kept up to date on all ELI news. 52
Active English A series of 8 themed worksheets for Secondary School students Elementary to Intermediate Common European Framework
Level A2-B1
Practical and complete worksheets containing information about traditional holidays and festivals in the English-speaking world, as well as information regarding general topics. Each worksheet presents a useful summary of cultural information about various festivals, plus a series of interactive classroom activities and craftwork tasks. For ISBN codes go to page 55.
ELI Flashcards by Paolo Iotti
A set of 240 themed flashcards for Primary School
Beginner to Elementary Common European Framework
Level A1-A2
The flashcards are divided into 14 lexical themes, including food, clothing, household objects and actions. Each flashcard has the written word on one side and a corresponding illustration on the other. For ISBN codes go to page 55. > Catalogues, resources, news and events. 53
This magazine was created to get children closer to a basic English, and to open them up to their first contact with the Anglo-Saxon culture, through an illustrated dictionary that allows easy and immediate memorisation and lots of games, large photos, rhymes and do-it-yourself activities. Comic strips and stickers are included for fun learning.
Created to get students closer to contemporary English, Kid presents a wide range of current event articles and Anglophone culture ideal for class discussion. Every month the Kid Travelog wordlist presents an Englishspeaking country whereas the revision games and comics favour comprehension and memorisation. Booklets of famous quotes included.
Absolute beginners
16 colour pages, 21x29.7 cm | 6 issues (September-May) | Audio CD | TeacherÕ s notes
Intermediate (B1-B2)
16 colour pages, 21x29.7 cm | 6 issues (September-May) | Audio CD | TeacherÕ s notes
Let’s Start!
A clear choice of vocabulary, including nouns, verbs and adjectives, makes up the basis for learning the words from the themes dealt with in the articles, in the games and in the comic strips. Lots of articles about the Anglophone culture, a photographic poster, doityourself items and stickers are included. In November there will be a class play; in June a booklet of games.
A truly youthful magazine that offers articles on the most up-to-date global events and on Englishspeaking countries. An indispensable tool which makes adolescents read and comprehend topics that reflect their own reality. Comics and games offer moments of relaxation and reinforce the structures presented.
Elementary (A1-A2)
16 colour pages, 21x29.7 cm | 6 issues (September-May) | Audio CD | TeacherÕ s notes
Tot of English
Focus of the magazine is an illustrated comic strip dictionary plus an article of discussion. Both present the theme and the grammar contained in each issue. Poster photographs and extensive articles stimulate knowledge of the most interesting cultural elements. The fun psychological tests, comics and current events complete the learning experience. 16 colour pages, 21x29.7 cm | 6 issues (September-May) | Audio CD | TeacherÕ s notes
Upper intermediate (B2-C1)
16 colour pages, 21x29.7 cm | 6 issues (September-May) | Audio CD | TeacherÕ s notes
Pre-Intermediate (A2-B1)
Sure! Advanced
The magazine offers a selection of topics presented in the most prestigious British and American newspapers to offer a wide panorama of the most interesting aspects of the Anglophone reality. Original articles are included and columns of traditions, itineraries and curiosities.
24 colour pages, 21x29.7 cm | 6 issues (September-May) | Audio CD | TeacherÕ s notes
ISBN/CODES Pandy the Panda Pupil’s Book + song Audio CD 1 9788853605798 Activity Book 1 9788853605825 Teacher’s guide + class Audio CD 1 9788853605856 Flashcards 1 9788853605887 Storycards 1 9788853605948 Poster pack 9788853605917 Puppet Pupil’s Book + song Audio CD 2 9788853605801 Activity Book 2 9788853605832 Teacher’s guide + class Audio CD 2 9788853605863 Flashcards 2 9788853605894 Storycards 2 9788853605955 Pupil’s Book + song Audio CD 3 9788853605818 Activity Book 3 9788853605849 Teacher’s guide + class Audio CD 3 9788853605870 Flashcards 3 9788853605900 Storycards 3 9788853605962
Digital Book 2 9788853607423 Teacher’s Guide 5 + 2 Class Audio CD 9788853611819 Pupil’s Book 6 9788853610997 Activity Book 6 + Audio CD 9788853611055 Digital Book 6 9788853607430 Teacher’s Guide 6 + 2 Class Audio CD 9788853611826 DVD 3 (levels 5-6) 9788853612229
Flashcards 3 Culture Posters 3 Student’s Book 4 Activity Book 4 Teacher’s Book 4 Class Audio CD 4 Cartoon Posters set 4 Culture Posters set 4 PORTFOLIO
The Magic Book Student’s Book 1 Special Book 1 + Audio CD Digital Book 1 Student’s Book 2 Special Book 2 + Audio CD Digital Book 2 Student’s Book 3 Special Book 3 + Audio CD
9788853612243 9788853612304 9788853606396 9788853612250 9788853612311 9788853607348 9788853612267 9788853612328
Hands on Language Green English - TB + Audio CD Green English - SET A Green English - SET B Cook for Fun - TB+Audio CD Cook for Fun - SET A Cook for Fun -SET B
Zippy Dee Doo Pupil’s Book Starter 9788853610164 Teacher’s Book Starter + Audio CD 9788853610195 Pupil’s Book A 9788853610171 Teacher’s Book A + Audio CD 9788853610201 Flashcards A 9788853610232 Story Cards A 9788853610256 Pupil’s Book B 9788853610188 Teacher’s Book B + Audio CD 9788853610218 Flashcards B 9788853610249 Story Cards B 9788853610263
Digital Book 3 Student’s Book 4 Special Book 4 + Audio CD Digital Book 4 Student’s Book 5 Special Book 5 + Audio CD Digital Book 5 Student’s Book 6 Digital Book 6 Teacher’s Book 1+2 Teacher’s Book 3+4 Teacher’s Book 5+6 DVD 1+2 DVD 3+4 DVD 5+6 Flashcards 1 Flashcards 2 Story Cards 1 Story Cards 2
9788853607355 9788853612274 9788853612335 9788853607362 9788853612281 9788853612342 9788853607379 9788853612398 9788853607386 9788853612359 9788853612373 9788853612397 9788853612366 9788853612380 9788853612403 9788853611369 9788853611376 9788853611383 9788853611390
English party Student’s Book 1 Activity Book 1 Teacher’s Book 1 Class Audio CD 1 Flashcards 1 Culture Posters 1 Student’s Book 2 Activity Book 2 Teacher’s Book 2 Class Audio CD 2 Flashcards 2 Culture Posters 2 Student’s Book 3 Activity Book 3 Teacher’s Book 3 Class Audio CD 3
9788853600974 9788853601018 9788853601056 9788853609250 9788853601094 9788853601131 9788853600981 9788853601025 9788853601063 9788853609267 9788853601100 9788853601148 9788853600998 9788853601032 9788853601070 9788853609274
Merry Team Pupil’s Book 1 Activity Book 1 + CD Digital Book 1 Teacher’s Book 1 + Audio CD Flashcards 1 Pupil’s Book 2 Activity Book 2 + Audio CD Digital Book 2 Teacher’s Book 2 + Audio CD Flashcards 2 DVD 1 (level 1-2) Pupil’s Book 3 Activity Book 3 + CD Digital Book 3 Teacher’s Book 3 + 2 Audio CD Flashcards 3 Pupil’s Book 4 Activity Book 4 + Audio CD Digital Book 4 Teacher’s Book4 + 2 Audio CD Flashcards 4 DVD 2 (levels 3-4) Pupil’s Book 5 Activity Book 5 + Audio CD
9788853610942 9788853611000 9788853606457 9788853611062 9788853611093 9788853610959 9788853611017 9788853607393 9788853611079 9788853611109 9788853612205 9788853610966 9788853611024 9788853607409 9788853611086 9788853611116 9788853610973 9788853611031 9788853607416 9788853611802 9788853611123 9788853612212 9788853610980 9788853611048
9788853601117 9788853601155 9788853601001 9788853601049 9788853601087 9788853609380 9788853601124 9788853601162 9788853600790
9788853602268 9788853602589 9788853602596 9788853602633 9788853602619 9788853602626
Watch Out - TB + Audio CD Watch Out - SET A Watch Out - SET B
9788853602664 9788853602640 9788853602657
Team Up in English 1-4 Student’s Book 1 Workbook 1 + Audio CD Personal Toolkit (for the 4 levels) Digital Book 1 Teacher’s Book 1 Tests and Resources (Levels 1-2) Student’s Book 2 Workbook 2 + Audio CD Digital Book 2 Teacher’s Book 2 Student’s Book 3 Workbook 3 + Audio CD Digital Book 4 Teacher’s Book 3 Tests and Resources (Levels 3-4) Student’s Book 4 Workbook 4 + Audio CD Digital Book 5 Teacher’s Book 4
9788853603593 9788853603630 9788853603678 9788853606013 9788853603685 9788853603722 9788853603609 9788853603647 9788853607287 9788853603692 9788853603616 9788853603654 9788853607294 9788853603708 9788853603739 9788853603623 9788853603661 9788853607300 9788853603715
Team Up in English Starter + 3 Student’s Book Starter 9788853603920 Workbook Starter + Audio CD 9788853603968 Personal Toolkit (for the 4 levels) 9788853603678 Digital Book Starter 9788853606358 Teacher’s Book Starter 9788853604002 Tests and Resources (Level Starter -1) 9788853604040 Student’s Book 1 9788853603937 Workbook 1 + Audio CD 9788853603975 Digital Book 1 9788853607317 Teacher’s Book 1 9788853604019
ISBN/CODES Student’s Book 2 Workbook 2 + Audio CD Digital Book 2 Teacher’s Book 2 Tests and Resources (Level 2-3) Student’s Book 3 Workbook 3 + Audio CD Digital Book 3 Teacher’s Book 3 New Step Ahead Student’s Book 1 + CD-ROM Workbook 1 + Audio CD Portfolio 1 Student’s Book 2 + CD-ROM Workbook 2 + Audio CD Portfolio 2 Student’s Book 3 + CD-ROM Workbook 3 + Audio CD
9788853603944 9788853603982 9788853607324 9788853604026 9788853604057 9788853603951 9788853603999 9788853607331 9788853604033
9788853610614 9788853610645 9788853610683 9788853610621 9788853610652 9788853611536 9788853610638 9788853610669
Portfolio 3 9788853611543 Teacher’s Book 1 + Class Audio CD 9788853610676 Teacher’s Book 2 + Class Audio CD 9788853611512 Teacher’s Book 3 + Class Audio CD 9788853611529 Test Book 1 9788853612007 Test Book 2 9788853611499 Test Book 3 9788853611505 New Step Ahead SPLIT EDITION Student’s Book 1A + CD-ROM + Portfolio 1 9788853603746 Student’s Book 1B 9788853603753 WorkBook 1A + Audio CD 9788853603807 WorkBook 1B + Audio CD 9788853603814 Student’s Book 2A + CD-ROM + Portfolio 2 9788853603760 Student’s Book 2B 9788853603777 WorkBook 2A + Audio CD 9788853603821 WorkBook 2B + Audio CD 9788853603838 Student’s Book 3A + CD-ROM + Portfolio 3 9788853603784 Student’s Book 3B 9788853603791 WorkBook 3A + Audio CD 9788853603845 WorkBook 3B + Audio CD 9788853603852 Teacher’s Book 1 A-B + Class Audio CD 1A + Class Audio CD 1B 9788853603869 Test Book 1 A-B + Audio CD Test 1 A-B 9788853603890 Teacher’s Book 2 A-B + Class Audio CD 2A + Class Audio CD 2B 9788853603876 Test Book 2 A-B + Audio CD Test 2 A-B 9788853603906 Teacher’s Book 3 A-B + Class Audio CD 3A + Class Audio CD 3B 9788853603883 Test Book 3 A-B + Audio CD Test 3 A-B 9788853603913
Change Up! Change Up! - INTERMEDIATE SB/WB+WORKOUT+ Audio CD 9788853604064 Change Up! - INTERMEDIATE SB + WORKOUT 9788853603555 Change Up! - INTERMEDIATE SB/WB+Audio CD 9788853604101 Change Up! - INTERMEDIATE SB 9788853604071 Change Up! - INTERMEDIATE WB/KEY+Audio CD 9788853604095 Change Up! - INTERMEDIATE WB+Audio CD 9788853604088 Change Up! - INTERMEDIATE TB+Audio CD 9788853604170 Change Up! - UPPER SB/WB+Audio CDs 9788853604149 Change Up! - UPPER SB 9788853604118 Change Up! - UPPER WB/KEY+Audio CDs 9788853604132
new KET / new PET Practice Tests new KET Practice Tests SB + Audio CD with key 9788853602978 SB without key 9788853601308 SB with key 9788853602084
Change Up! - UPPER WB+Audio CD 9788853604125 Change Up! - UPPER TB + Audio CDs 9788853604187 Change Up! - Teacher’s Resources + Audio CDs + CD-ROM Test Maker 9788853604156
My first English picture - HOLIDAY 9788881488414 My first English picture - IN TOWN 9788881488360 ENGLISH FROM A TO Z + Audio CD 9788853611185 ELI PICTURE DICTIONARY JUNIOR 9788881484331 ELI PICTURE DICTIONARY JUNIOR + Workbook 9788881485956 ELI PICTURE DICTIONARY + CD-ROM 9788853611178
PET buster PET buster - SB With key + Audio CD 9788853612694 PET buster - SB Without key + Audio CD 9788853612687 PET buster TB 9788853612717 PET buster Practice Tests + Audio CD 9788853612700 FCE buster Coursebook FCE buster Coursebook With key + 2 Audio CDs 9788853612731 FCE buster Coursebook Without key + 2 Audio CDs 9788853612724 FCE buster - Teacher’s Book + Audio CD 9788853612748 FCE buster Practice Book FCE buster Practice Book With key + 2 Audio CDs FCE buster Practice Book Without key + 2 Audio CDs
9788853604545 9788853603517
FCE Practice tests With key + 2 Audio CDs + 1 Audio CD/CD-ROM 9788853612601 Without key + 2 Audio CDs + 1 Audio CD/CD-ROM 9788853612595
new PET Practice Tests SB + 2 Audio CDs with key SB + without key
9788853601216 9788853601629
Crossing Cultures Crossing Cultures + 2 Audio CD-ROM s 9788853610010 Teacher’s Book 9788853610867 Picture Dictionaries My first English picture - SCHOOL 9788881488315 My first English picture - AT HOME 9788881488261
New ELI Readers Young ELI Readers Stage 1 (100 headwords) below A1 Sophie’s Dream 9788853604200 Granny Fixit and the Ball 9788853604217 Granny Fixit and the Pirate 9788853604224 Hooray for the holidays 9788853606181 Granny Fixit and yellow string 9788853606211 Stage 2 (200 headwords) A1 Starters PB3 and the Vegetables 9788853604231 PB3 and the Jacket 9788853604248 PB3 and Coco the Clown 9788853606242 Stage 3 (300 headwords) A1.1 Movers Peter Pan 9788853604279 Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree 9788853604255 Uncle Jack and the Emperor Penguins 9788853604262 Uncle Jack and the Meerkats 9788853606273 Stage 4 (400 headwords) A2 Flyers The Secret Passage 9788853605115 The Jungle Book 9788853605122 Alice in Wonderland 9788853604309 Harry and an Electrical Problem 9788853604293 Harry and the Crown 9788853604286
ISBN/CODES Henry and the Sports Competition 9788853606303 Teen ELI Readers Stage 1 Elementary (600 headwords) A1 Movers In Search of a Missing Friend 9788853604316 Oliver Twist 9788853605139 Stage 2 Pre-Intermediate (800 headwords) A2 Flyers/KET A Faraway World 9788853604323 The Egyptian Souvenir 9788853605146 The Secret Garden 9788853606341 Stage 3 Intermediate (1000 headwords) B1 PET Val’s Diary 9788853605023 Destination Karminia 9788853605153 Robin Hood 9788853606549 Young Adult ELI Readers Stage 1 Elementary (600 headwords) A1 The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Town Mouse and the... Book Book + Audio CD The Ugly Duckling Book Book + Audio CD The Tin Soldier Book Book + Audio CD Thumbelina Book Book + Audio CD The Fox and the Stork Book Book + Audio CD
9788853608338 9788881482375
9788853608321 9788881482368
9788853608413 9788881482900
9788853608406 9788881486991
9788853608383 9788881487004
Sleeping Beauty Book 9788853608444 Stage 2 Pre-Intermediate (800 headwords) A2 KET Book + Audio CD 9788881485383 Romeo and Juliet 9788853605030 Snow White Stage 3 Intermediate (1000 headwords) B1 PET Book 9788853608437 The Picture of Dorian Gray 9788853605177 Book + Audio CD 9788881485482 Pride and Prejudice 9788853605047 Macbeth 9788853606624 Little Red Riding Hood Book 9788853608307 Stage 4 Upper intermediate (1800 headwords) B2 FCE Book + Audio CD 9788881482344 Frankenstein 9788853605054 The Turn of the Screw 9788853605184 The Three Little Pigs Wuthering Heights 9788853606655 Book 9788853608314 Book + Audio CD 9788881482351 Stage 5 Advanced (2500 headwords) C1 CAE The Great Gatsby 9788853606662 The Little Mermaid Book 9788853608451 Book + Audio CD 9788881483600 Ready to Read - Green Series Cinderella Pinocchio Book 9788853608352 Book 9788853608345 Book + Audio CD 9788881486977 Book + Audio CD 9788881482382 The Emperor’s New Clothes Photocopiable Resource Book 9788853601438 Book 9788853608369 Book + Audio CD 9788881486984 Ready to read - Green Series - AMERICAN Jungle Book ENGLISH Book 9788853608376 Cinderella 9788853602480 Book + Audio CD 9788881486960 The Emperor’s New Clothes 9788853602527 Sleeping Beauty 9788853602497 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Hansel and Gretel 9788853602510 Book 9788853608390 The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse Book + Audio CD 9788881486953 9788853602534 The Three Little Pigs 9788853602466 Hansel and Gretel The Little Mermaid 9788853602503 Book 9788853608420 Pinocchio 9788853602473 Book + Audio CD 9788881485437
Ready to Read - The Fab Fables The Grasshopper and the Ant Book 9788853608000 Book + Audio CD 9788881487738 The Hare and the Tortoise Book 9788853608017 Book + Audio CD 9788881487783 The Wind and the Sun Book 9788853608024 Book + Audio CD 9788881487837 The Dog and his Shadow Book 9788853608031 Book + Audio CD 9788881487882 The Boy and the Frogs Book 9788853608048 Book + Audio CD 9788881487936 The Ant and the Dove Book Book + Audio CD ELI READERS Francesca’s Love Book Book + Audio CD The Darnley Family’s Long... Book Book + Audio CD Mystery at the Water Olympics Book Book + Audio CD Underwater Mystery Book The Symbol on the Stone Book Teen Beat Series The Expresso project + Audio CD Home Run + Audio CD South Coast Blues + Audio CD Crash Course + Audio CD Midnight Rollers + Audio CD Spies + Audio CD
9788853608055 9788881487981
9788881489053 9788881488032
9788881486007 9788881485833
9788881484584 9788881484539
9788853600240 9788853600301 9788853600264 9788853600325 9788853600288 9788853600349
ISBN/CODES New English Fiction Series New Worlds A Twist in the Tale Playing the Game Dangerous Times London Tales The Outsider
9788853600394 9788853600424 9788853600400 9788853600431 9788853600417 9788853600448
ELI Classics The Spooky Bunch + Audio CD A Family Affair + Audio CD Rights and Wrongs + Audio CD Naughty Kids + Audio CD Shades of Emotions + Audio CD Wit and Wisdom + Audio CD
9788881483402 9788881483419 9788881484706 9788881484683 9788881483426 9788881485932
Activity Books Play with Benjy + DVD 1
Play with Benjy + DVD 2
Merry English + DVD 1 Merry English + DVD 2
9788853604361 9788853604378
Easy English with games... 1 + Audio CD 9788853604385 Easy English with games... 2 + Audio CD 9788853604392 Easy English with games... 3 + Audio CD 9788853604408 Easy English with games... 4 + Audio CD 9788853604415 Easy English with games... 5 + Audio CD 9788853604422 Easy games in English 1 Easy games in English 2
9788885148406 9788885148949
English with... VOL.1 English with... VOL.2 English with... VOL.3
9788881488216 9788853600004 9788853600011
English with crosswords 1 English with crosswords 2 English with crosswords 3
9788885148130 9788885148185 9788885148239
English on Holiday 1 English on Holiday 2 English on Holiday 3
9788881481002 9788881481019 9788881481026
Games Roundtrip of Britain and Ireland Question Chain Let’s Party! Questions and Answers Verb Bingo Who’s Who? Bis SuperBis Picture Bingo The Number Game Time for Dominoes Just the Job The Well Game The Busy Day Dominoes The Great Verb Game
9788853604637 9788853604682 9788853604736 9788853611659 9788853611758 9788853611703 9788885148284 9788885148314 9788881483051 9788881480746 9788881480791 9788881480845 9788881487462 9788881483006 9788881483105
Teacher’s Resources Grammar Trainer 1
Grammar Trainer 2 Grammar Trainer 3
9788853605078 9788853605085
Language Trainer
From Games to Plays Let’s Act!
9788853610270 9788853600196
Vocabulary Builder 1 Vocabulary Builder 2
9788881485550 9788881487431
Listening Activities 1 + Audio CD 9788881486762 Listening Activities 2 + Audio CD 9788881487370 English with crosswords 1 English with crosswords 2
9788881485581 9788881485635
Green Series Photocopiable Resource Book 9788853601438
Tell and Sing a Story At the Seaside TB + Audio CD 9788885148574 Happy Farm TB + Audio CD 9788885148581 A Birthday on the Farm TB + Audio CD 9788885148598 It’s Raining TB+ Audio CD 9788885148604 A Picnic TB + Audio CD 9788885148611 Mr. Tree and the Little Girl TB + Audio CD 9788885148628
Songs Sing a Song - SET/Audio CD 9788885148390 Sing More Songs - SET/Audio CD 9788885148994
ELI Videos Ready for Karaoke? Pink - DVD Ready for Karaoke? Blue - DVD Christmas Karaoke - DVD
9788881481187 9788881481194 9788881481262
Posters Flip-Posters 9788853609281 Flip-Posters TG downloadable from Flip-Posters plus 9788881480050 Flip-Posters plus TG downloadable from
Active English Active English CHRISTMAS Active English EASTER Active English FOOD Active English HALLOWEEN
9788881481903 9788881481910 9788881481934 9788881481927
Active English HUMAN BODY Active English NATIVE AMERICAN Active English SEASONS Active English ST.VALENTINE Active English complete set
9788881481941 9788881483594 9788881481958 9788881482955 9788881481897
Flashcards ELI Flashcards
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