Grammapreliminary web

Page 1

Gabrielle Hodson-Hirst

Richard Chapman



Presentazione Grammar & Preliminary è una grammatica di riferimento e di esercitazione. Di facile consultazione e particolarmente pensata per gli studenti del primo biennio della Scuola secondaria di secondo grado, è uno strumento utile alla revisione, alla sistematizzazione e all’approfondimento delle strutture grammaticali previste dai livelli A1-B1+ del Common European Framework, e alla preparazione alla certificazione Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) for Schools.

Il testo, bilingue (la lingua italiana viene utilizzata per la spiegazione delle regole e le consegne degli esercizi), presenta in modo chiaro e schematico le strutture base della lingua inglese, con numerosissimi esempi che ne facilitano l’apprendimento. Il present perfect continuous Le unità sono presentate in ordine logico; La forma di durata La forma di durata la difficoltà degli argomenti è stata Il present perfect continuous attentamente valutata e graduata. Il lessico e le espressioni idiomatiche usati sono stati volutamente ripetuti negli esempi e negli esercizi proprio per facilitarne la memorizzazione.


Il present perfect continuous si costruisce con il present simple del verbo passato di BE (BEEN) + la forma in -ING del verbo che indica l’azione. FORMA AFFERMATIVA




(ausiliare) seguito dal participio





I/You/We/They have/’ve been running. He/She/It has/’s been running.

Haven’t I/you/we/they Yes, I/you/we/they have. been running? No, I/you/we/they Has he/she/it been haven’t. running? Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn’t.

I/You/We/They have Have I/you/we/they not/haven’t been been running? running. Has he/she/it been He/She/It has not/ running? hasn’t been running.

I had been sleeping for three hours when the alarm went off. = Quando è suonata la sveglia dormivo da tre ore. I have been studying Chinese since 1999. = Studio il cinese dal 1999.

Non è di alcun interesse sapere se l’azione proseguirà oppure no, ciò che importa è che – nel momento in cui la si esprime – l’azione sia in atto da un certo periodo di tempo.

Come si usa

La forma di durata si usa quindi per esplicitare e sottolineare la durata di:

t azioni in atto da un certo periodo di tempo. You’ve been talking on the phone for half an hour. = Parli al telefono da mezz’ora!

t azioni interrotte o appena terminate (senza per questo intendere la cessazione dell’attività interrotta). In tal caso, il tempo relativo alla durata dell’azione non è generalmente indicato.

Nota bene

Ricorda che l’ausiliare


si usa con tutti i verbi, compreso


My hands are dirty because I’ve been repairing the car. = Ho le mani sporche perché ho riparato l’auto. (ho interrotto momentaneamente l’azione di riparare l’auto o l’ho appena terminata)

e i verbi intransitivi.

Come si forma

Il present perfect continuous si usa per:

t descrivere un’azione iniziata nel passato che si è appena conclusa e i cui effetti sono evidenti nel presente. The kitchen is in a terrible mess! Marco has been cooking. = La cucina è un caos! Marco ha cucinato.

t Per chiedere da quanto tempo un’azione dura si usa: HOW LONG...? = da quanto tempo?

t parlare di un’azione che è iniziata nel passato ed è ancora in corso nel presente; spesso è accompagnato da espressioni di tempo come all morning/day, for ages, ecc. che sottolineano la continuità dell’azione. He has been typing all day. I can’t stand that noise any longer! = È tutto il giorno che scrive al computer. Non sopporto più quel rumore!

Nella risposta a HOW LONG...? si userà FOR per esprimere la quantità di tempo oppure momento a partire dal quale l’azione ha avuto inizio.

Nota bene

t Quando la durata dell’azione è espressa da verbi ausiliari (TO progressiva; forma verbale negativa, lo schema da seguire è: soggetto +

Il present perfect continuous non indica di per sé se un’azione è conclusa o se è in corso: lo chiarisce il contesto.

(per il passato) HAVE / HAS (per il presente) HAD




per esprimere il

verbi che non ammettono la forma

+ participio passato

Sue has loved Brad since she was fifteen. = Sue ama Brad da quando aveva 15 anni. I haven’t seen Jessica for two weeks. = Non vedo Jessica da due settimane.

I’ve been ironing all morning and I’m really tired now. = Ho stirato tutta la mattina e ora sono proprio stanca. (azione conclusa) I’ve been ironing all morning and I still haven’t finished! = È tutta la mattina che stiro e non ho ancora finito! (azione in corso) t parlare della durata di un’azione con How long...?, since/for. How long have they been arguing over the inheritance? = Da quanto tempo litigano per l’eredità? We have been waiting for two hours. = Stiamo aspettando da due ore.

Le rubriche contrassegnate dalle bandiere Italia-UK spiegano lee principali differenze con la lingua italiana.


Quando un’azione ha avuto luogo in un periodo antecedente a un momento dato ed è ancora in atto in quel momento, che può essere nel presente ma anche nel passato o nel futuro, la lingua inglese, al contrario di quella italiana, esprime in modo assai preciso la durata dell’azione usando particolari strutture verbali.

t Negli altri casi, quando il verbo esprime azione, lo schema da seguire è: HAD (per il passato) + BEEN + -ING soggetto + HAVE/ HAS (per il presente)


When the alarm clock rang, I had been sleeping for three hours. = Quando è suonata la sveglia, dormivo da tre ore. I have been learning Chinese since 1999. = Studio il cinese dal 1999.

Nota bene A volte la durata è solo apparente, poiché l’azione ha avuto luogo ed è terminata nel passato. Ciò a accade con verbi quali arrivare, andare, partire, morire ecc., che esprimono azioni che terminano nel m momento stesso in cui hanno luogo poiché non possono durare nel tempo.

Ricorda che in italiano per esprimere la durata di un’azione si usa un tempo presente.

F Fiona arrived 10 minutes ago. = Fiona è arrivata da 10 minuti. (Fiona è arrivata 10 minuti fa) JJoe died 2 years ago. = Joe è morto da 2 anni. (Joe è morto 2 anni fa) Osse Osserva le seguenti particolarità.

In questo caso si usa il past simple, poiché l’azione è avvenuta e si è conclusa nel passato.

p perfect continuous si usa solo con i verbi d’azione e di lunga durata. Con i verbi di stato e con i verbi t Il present ch indicano un’azione di breve durata (arrive, leave, ecc.) si usa il present perfect simple. che W What’s the problem with you? You’ve been crying all day. – Thomas has left me = Cosa c’è che non va? È tut il giorno che piangi. – Thomas mi ha lasciato. tutto t All forma negativa si preferisce usare il present perfect simple. t Alla They haven’t eaten meat for six months. = Non mangiano carne da sei mesi. Th

Quando si vuole esprimere il numero di volte che un’azione è stata compiuta o il numero di cose fatte, si usa: t Qua HAVE/HAS + participio passato (del tutto assente il concetto di durata, sottolineando invece quanto è stato fatto). Con Confronta: ha been peeling potatoes since this morning. = Pelo patate da stamattina. I have ha peeled 4 kg of potatoes since this morning. = Da stamattina ho pelato 4 kg di patate. I have



Il box Nota bene richiama l’attenzione su particolarità della struttura grammaticale e sulle eccezioni.

14 2


Scrivi le espressioni di significato opposto, utilizzando i verbi dati; ognuno può essere usato una sola volta.


Setup t Follow t Select t click t Click t Be Insert t take t Go t Cross t get t turn

Go t Open t Pull t Come t Switch Go t Stand t Get 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Sit down. Stand up. Come in. ____________ out. Get in the car. ____________ out of the car. Wake up! ____________ to sleep! Go away! ____________ here! Close your books ____________ your books. Switch on the TV. ____________ off the TV. Push the door. ____________ the door.


Abbina a ogni situazione l’imperativo corretto.

Open the window, please. t Turn on the light. Turn off your mobile, please.t Listen to me! Turn down the stereo, please. t Look out! There’s a car coming. t Don’t buy that. It’s horrible. t Close the window, please. t Go straight ahead and turn left at the traffic lights. t Pass the salt, please. 1. Your friend is reading and the room is dark. You say: Turn on the light. 2. Somebody in the street asks you where the post office is. You say: __________________________ __________________________________________ 3. You are trying to concentrate on your homework. Your friend is listening to loud music on the stereo and it disturbs you. You say: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 4. It is hot in the room. You say to your friend: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 5. Your friend wants to cross the road. You see a car coming. You say: _______________________ __________________________________________ 6. It’s cold in the room and the window is open. You say to your friend: ______________________ __________________________________________ 7. Your friend wants to buy a jacket. You don’t like it. You say: _______________________________ __________________________________________ 8. You’re sitting at the table and you want the salt. You say: __________________________________ __________________________________________ 9. You’ve got something important to tell your friend but he isn’t listening to you. You say: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 10. Your mobile phone rings in class. Your teacher says: _____________________________________ __________________________________________ 54


Completa le istruzioni utilizzando (una sola volta) le parole elencate.

PROBLEM: The computer cannot find the autorun.exe programme on the CD-ROM. SOLUTION: 1. Insert the printer software CD into the computer’s CD-ROM drive. 2. _____________ careful to position the CD correctly. 3. _____________ ‘Start > Run’, then 4. _____________ ‘Open’. Select 5. _____________, then click ‘Open’. The setup.exe file appears in the ‘Run’ dialogue box. 6. _____________ ‘OK’. 7. _____________ the onscreen instructions to install the printer software. A: Excuse me, how do I 8. _____________ to the bus station, please? B: 9. ___________ straight down this road. When you get to the traffic lights, 10. ________ right. 11. _________ the bridge, then 12. _________ the second road on the left. The station is in front of you. A: Thank you very much.


Usa let’s o let’s not e un’espressione fra le seguenti per formulare delle proposte. have a look at Netflix t watch it t have a snack go camping t go to a restaurant t stay at home have a birthday party t go out in the rain go for a walk in the country t phone her

1. I don’t want to go out. Let’s stay at home. 2. I want to watch a film. __________________________________________ 3. It’s raining again! __________________________________________ 4. I don’t want to cook tonight. __________________________________________ 5. It’s my birthday on Friday. __________________________________________ 6. I don’t like sleeping in a tent. __________________________________________ 7. I’m hungry. __________________________________________ 8. It’s a beautiful day. __________________________________________ 9. This film is terrible! __________________________________________ 10. I have to talk to Christina. __________________________________________


Tom ha accettato di trasferirsi da Dave in sua assenza per non lasciare la casa disabitata. Dave gli scrive un’email con le ultime istruzioni, spiegandogli come arrivare a casa sua e cosa fare. Completa il testo con le parole seguenti. Let t ahead t right t Remember t Use don’t go t doesn’t t Put t be t turn t See drink t far t surf t garden t go t forget with t has got t give t Eat

Dear Tom, It’s not 1. far to my house from the station, only about a hundred and fifty metres. When you come out of the train station, 2. ________________ left and go straight 3. ________________ At the traffic lights, turn 4. ________________ My house is on the right, it’s the only house in the street 5. ________________ a red door. My next-door neighbour, Mrs Jones, 6. ________________ the key to the house. 7. ________________ to ring her bell for a long time – she never goes out but she can’t hear very well. If she 8. ________________ answer the bell, 9. ________________ round to the back of the house. She often works in the 10. ________________ when it’s fine. Your bedroom is ready so make yourself at home. 11. ________________ all the food you find in the fridge but don’t 12. ________________ my malt whisky! If you want to do some shopping, 13. ________________ to the supermarket in High Street – it’s very expensive and the vegetables aren’t very good – go to the one in Baker’s Street. Only 14. ________________ Brandy, my cat, one tin of food a day, please. He’s very fat. His tins are in the small cupboard on the left of the fridge. 15. ________________ him go out when he wants. He returns when he’s hungry. 16. ________________ my stereo and DVD player when you want but 17. ________________ careful of my CDs. They are in the glass cupboard near the television. 18. ________________ them back in order, please. If you want to check your emails, use my computer in the evening. But please don’t 19. ________________ on the Internet for hours. Water the garden every two days if the weather is dry and don’t 20. ________________ to close all the windows and doors when you go out. 21. ______________ you in two weeks. Bye! Dave


Rileggi l’email che hai completato e sottolinea le risposte corrette.

1. Dave lives near the train station. TRUE FALSE DOESN’T SAY 2. Dave’s house is the only house in the road. TRUE FALSE DOESN’T SAY 3. Mrs Jones lives in the house next to Dave’s. TRUE FALSE DOESN’T SAY 4. Mrs Jones is old. TRUE FALSE DOESN’T SAY 5. Dave tells Tom to drink his whisky. TRUE FALSE DOESN’T SAY 6. Brandy is the name of Tom’s cat. TRUE FALSE DOESN’T SAY 7. Brandy comes home when he’s hungry. TRUE FALSE DOESN’T SAY 8. Dave doesn’t want Tom to use his CDs. TRUE FALSE DOESN’T SAY 9. Dave tells Tom to use his stereo, DVD player and computer only in the evening. TRUE FALSE DOESN’T SAY 10. Tom has to water the flowers in the pot every day. TRUE FALSE DOESN’T SAY


Un tuo amico straniero viene a trovarti in Italia. Scrivi 6 cose che deve fare e 6 cose che non deve fare, utilizzando l’imperativo (e la tua immaginazione).

1. Don’t make rude gestures at policemen. 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________ 5. _______________________________________ 6. _______________________________________ 7. _______________________________________ 8. _______________________________________ 9. _______________________________________ 10. _______________________________________ 11. _______________________________________ 12. _______________________________________


Gli esercizi progrediscono dalle strutture elementari a quelle più articolate e richiedono, quindi, abilità via via più complesse, che implicano capacità di analisi, di scelta e di sintesi. Essi favoriscono inoltre la memorizzazione e sollecitano l’uso di adeguate funzioni comunicative. Particolare cura è stata prestata nella loro concezione, in modo tale che essi siano diversificati e contengano unicamente strutture già acquisite nelle unità precedenti.



Leggi il dialogo tra i due amici e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

MARK: Did you see that TV documentary yesterday evening about Freddie Mercury? It was a really interested / interesting programme. PAUL: No, I didn’t. I’m surprised / surprising you like him. I thought you hated rock music. MARK: I don’t usually like it, that’s true; but he was a very entertained / entertaining showman. PAUL: We watched Crime Watch. Mum loves that programme. I’m not very keen on it. There was a shocked / shocking story about a kidnapped teenager. MARK: That’s quite frightened / frightening! After the documentary I watched the tennis match. It was an excited / exciting game, I was a bit disappointed when Murray lost. PAUL: I don’t watch tennis. I was very tiring / tired last night so I went to bed at 10 o’clock.


Completa le frasi in modo che abbiano lo stesso signiďŹ cato. Usa gli aggettivi in -ed o in -ing dei verbi tra parentesi, come nell’esempio.

1. I don’t understand these instructions. (confuse) I am confused by these instructions. These instructions are confusing. 2. Kim is getting anxious about her exam tomorrow. (worry) Kim is getting ______________ about her exam tomorrow. Kim’s exam is difficult. It’s a _____________ test. 3. I didn’t expect the film to end in that way. (surprise) The end of the film was ______________. I was ______________ by how the film ended. 4. I didn’t enjoyed Stephen King’s new book. (disappoint) Stephen King’s new book was ______________. I was ______________ by Stephen King’s new book. 5. All the students listened to the old man tell them about his experience in Auschwitz. (fascinate) The students were ______________ by the old man’s experience in Auschwitz. The old man experience in Auschwitz was ______________. 6. Sandra’s mum showed her boyfriend some pictures of Sandra as a baby. (embarrass) Sandra was very ______________ when her mother showed her boyfriend some pictures of her as a child. It was very ______________ when Sandra’s mum showed her boyfriend some pictures of Sandra as a baby.


Completa le frasi inserendo as, the o than.

1. They’re richer than us. 2. She has the same colour eyes _____________ her father. 3. He’s taller _____________ his brother. 4. Alexandra is _____________ worst account manager I know. 5. He studies more _____________ his sister. 6. Can I borrow some books? – Yes, take _____________ many ____________ you like. 7. He’s much fitter now _____________ he was training at the college. 8. He isn’t _____________ clever ____________ he thinks. 9. What’s _____________ most boring film you’ve ever seen? 10. You won’t find a cheaper place to stay _____________ this. 11. Sue is the same age _____________ her friend, Jane. 12. I think I’ve just attended _____________ exciting music festival ever. 13. You know you can win the race: you run faster _____________ anyone else! 14. The result of the tests aren’t _____________ good _____________ I expected.


Completa le frasi con as‌ as e le parole contenute nel box. nice t near t expensive t tired t hard t boring crowded t old t hot t well t easy t soon

1. He didn’t work very hard today, so he isn’t as tired as he was yesterday. 2. What a lot of people! Is it always ______ _______________ this? 3. It took me over half an hour to get to the station. It wasn’t _____________________ I expected. 4. Today it is 20 °C, yesterday it was 25°C. It isn’t _______________ today _______________ it was yesterday. 5. Since his heart attack he has tried not to work _______________ he did in the past. 6. Can you come quickly? – Yes, I’ll come _______________ I can. 7. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. It wasn’t _______________ I thought it would be. 8. Are you ______________ Bill? – No, I’m younger. 9. She’s quite a good tennis player but she doesn’t play _______________ her brother. 10. It took him a long time to do his homework. It wasn’t _______________ he expected. 11. Our new neighbours aren’t _______________ as the Joneses. 12. I went to the Amateur Theatre Company’s play: it was _______________ you told me.


Volgi gli aggettivi e gli avverbi fra parentesi al comparativo o al superlativo, a seconda dei casi.

1. This problem is not _________________ (difficult) as the previous one. 2. For __________________ (far) information ask for Freephone 2571. 3. Joanne is ___________________ (old) of the two sisters. 4. Anne is always dressed in the _____________ (late) fashion. 5. You should work ______________________ (seriously) than you do. 6. This is ___________________ (good) cake you have ever made! 7. You should drive ____________________ (carefully); you are ____________________ (careless) driver I know. 8. Charles is one of ______________________ ___________________ (interesting) people I have ever met. 9. Going by plane is __________________ (fast) but not _________________________ (cheap) way of travelling. 10. Sara is much _______________________ (good) at English than I am. 11. Attention please! This is __________________ (late) call for flight AZ243 to Rome. 12. Today I feel _______________________ (bad) than yesterday. 13. Peking is ________________________ (far) place I have been to. 14. This year I am studying much ______________ (hard) than I did last year. 15. _______________________ (near) chemist’s is ten minutes on foot from here.


Sottolinea la parola corretta.


Riordina le seguenti frasi secondo l’esempio, facendo attenzione al grado dell’aggettivo richiesto.

1. pretty / this jumper / the blue one This jumper is prettier than the blue one. 2. Greece / Australia / small __________________________________________ 3. Indian food / spicy / Italian food __________________________________________ 4. history teacher / my English teacher / nice __________________________________________ 5. big / mice / elephants __________________________________________ 6. my mother’s cooking / good / mine __________________________________________


Revision Terminato un blocco significativo di unità , nelle pagine di Revision si potranno verificare, consolidare e mettere a confronto tutte le strutture studiate fino a quel momento tramite esercizi di completamento, inserimento, trasformazione e produzione guidata. In molte è poi presente un esercizio di listening che va a integrare le skills di produzione scritta.

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso signiďŹ cato della prima. Utilizza la forma comparativa degli avverbi nel box.

dangerously t slowly t casually t early t fast t well 1 Kate plays the guitar more quickly than Joni. Joni plays the guitar more slowly than Kate. 2 Monica drives more safely than Richard. Richard _________________________ Monica. 3 I dress more smartly than Ania. Ania _________________________ me. 4 Boris works more worse than George. George _________________________ Boris. 5 Mrs Anderson plays tennis worse than her husband. Mr Anderson _______________________ his wife. 6 I got up later than you this morning. You _________________________ me.


1. She’s very interesting / interested in photography. 2. I found the long train journey very tiring / tired. 3. Pete was extremely embarrassing / embarrassed when he realised he didn’t have his wallet. 4. She was disappointing / disappointed in the film. 5. Being alone in that old haunted house was a frightening / frightened experience. 6. He’s a very annoying / annoyed person. He never remembers anything. 7. I was astonishing / astonished to be given a pay rise. 8. She was exhausting / exhausted after walking so far. 9. I found the opening scenes of that war film quite shocking / shocked. 10. It was a boring / bored film. I fell asleep.

5 Leggi il brano seguente e sottolinea l’opzione corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla le risposte.

Patricia heard a thump. Then she heard a thump that was 1. louder / the loudest than the first. The next thump was 2. louder / the loudest of all. She got out of bed and walked down the corridor, taking 3. quieter / the quietest steps she could. There were scary shadows everywhere, but the one behind her was 4. scarier / the scariest. ‘This is 5. spookier / the spookiest than a haunted house’, she thought. A spooky shadow followed her. It was 6. taller / the tallest than she was. When it followed her downstairs, Patricia screamed: ‘You don’t scare me!’. Suddenly Patricia began to laugh. There wasn’t a ghost in the house. The shadow was her own!



Preliminary Practice Test 2

Preliminary Practice Test 2

Part 2 Questions 6-10 The people below want to work during the summer. On the opposite page there are eight job descriptions. Decide which job would be the most suitable for the following people. For question 6–10, mark the correct letter (A–H) on your answer sheet. 6


Mark is studying Russian and Arabic. He likes meeting people and playing sports. He is also keen on music and acting, but can’t stand computers.




Kelvin studies mathematics at Cambridge University. He wants to do something completely different in the holidays but he doesn’t know what. He’s a vegetarian and has a nut allergy. He’s an experienced traveller, and will go anywhere in the world.


Kirsten works in a supermarket at the moment and is looking for a change. She doesn’t have many qualifications, but she is a quick learner and is happy to work overtime. She will try anything new, but can’t leave home for long periods because her mother is ill.



Sally is interested in people and the way they live in other cultures. She doesn’t like fashion and finds modern pop music annoying. She wants to spend time with her best friend and her cousins during the summer.



TRANSLATORS! We need help in the language department during the summer. We provide instant web services in most tongues. Our company offers great sports and social facilities, and good pay! Call Linda on 01-445505200.

CITY WEEKLY Needs a junior to assist the editor over the summer. You have enthusiasm and are not afraid of hard work. We will give you the skills and even the chance to turn this temporary job into a permanent one.

VOLUNTEERS The local council needs help this summer looking after dogs and cats. Hundreds are abandoned when we all go on holiday. You must be happy to work outdoors and have no medical problems. Visit our office for a chat.

BEACHES Spend 4 or 5 hours a day cleaning our golden sands, and stay in a new culture for free! No loud music, just peace. Why not come in a group? Meet people and see the sun. See you soon!





NEW LANDS Experience new places and cultures. Practise your languages. Try unfamiliar games and sports. Meet people! And all while you work 3 hours a day, caring for young children at camp in Eastern Europe. Phone us at 034-6611236!

Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) for Schools

WORLDWIDE Accompany our first-time travellers and earn some extra cash! You need to be confident, and good on long journeys. We look after everything you need; even special dietary requirements are no problem. Call Intrepid Travel now!

Il Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) for Schools è una certificazione internazionale della lingua inglese di livello intermedio, corrispondente al livello B1 del Common European Framework.

GO FOR IT! You’re keen on pop music, young people and the great outdoors. We need helpers on our summer programme for troubled teenagers. They have a difficult life, you could make it better! The dedication is yours, we provide all the rest, from equipment to health care.

TEEN TIMES You want a change and we want you. If you learn fast, and like demanding work, join our residential course for 5 weeks. You will learn how to write, and maybe have a new job! What are you waiting for?

Serena has just finished university and would like to start doing some charity work. She likes to be out in any weather, but she can’t take too many risks as she suffers from asthma. She enjoys new places and experiences and loves pop music and youth culture.

Questa certificazione dimostra l’abilitĂ degli studenti di comprendere e comunicare usando l’inglese scritto e parlato quotidianamente; aiuta a sviluppare le abilitĂ di comunicazione nell’ambito scolastico e nel quotidiano. Al raggiungimento del livello Preliminary lo studente è in grado di comprendere le informazioni principali contenute in istruzioni semplici o annunci pubblicitari, gestire situazioni di tutti i giorni in pubblico, porre semplici domande e partecipare a conversazioni pratiche con amici, familiari e a scuola, scrivere lettere o prendere appunti su argomenti a lui familiari. 253

All’interno del testo troverai tre Practice Tests completi (Reading and Writing Paper, Listening Paper, Speaking Paper) per esercitarti in ogni parte della prova. Puoi scaricare gratuitamente l’audio del Listening Paper dal sito

VIDEO Video disponibile sul sito alla pagina dedicata al volume


Contents Unit 1



I pronomi personali soggetto



Il verbo have e have got


Il verbo be



Il genitivo sassone


Short answers


Il doppio genitivo




Le Wh- questions


There is, there are




It is


Revision 9-14


I sostantivi


Il present simple


Il plurale dei sostantivi


Variazioni ortografiche


Sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili


Usi del present simple


L’articolo indeterminativo a, an


Le preposizioni di tempo at/on/in


Usi dell’articolo indeterminativo


Gli avverbi di frequenza



L’articolo determinativo the



I pronomi personali soggetto e complemento 28

Come formulare domande usando il present simple



Gli aggettivi possessivi



Espressioni idiomatiche con have


I pronomi possessivi



Some, any, no


Gli aggettivi e i pronomi dimostrativi




Revision 1-8


Aggettivi e pronomi indefiniti composti


I numeri cardinali


I composti di some, any, no, every


I numeri ordinali



Very, a lot, much, many



La data e l’ora



Little, few, a little, a few



Gli aggettivi qualificativi


Too, too much, too many


Colore, Misura




Forma, Descrizione persone


Come tradurre “poco, poca, pochi, poche”




Come tradurre “troppo, troppa, troppi, troppe” 72

Ordine degli aggettivi


Come tradurre “abbastanza”













Contents Unit





Revision 15-21



Il comparativo di uguaglianza


La forma in -ing


Il comparativo di minoranza


Il superlativo relativo e assoluto


Aggettivi e avverbi brevi


Aggettivi e avverbi lunghi


Comparativi e superlativi irregolari


Il participio passato


Gli aggettivi che terminano in -ing e -ed


Revision 30-33


I verbi modali: can, could


Verbi che non ammettono la forma progressiva


Il present continuous Esempi di frasi interrogative


32 79 82 82

Le preposizioni di luogo


Preposizioni di stato in luogo


Preposizioni di moto a luogo


Altre preposizioni di luogo


Revision 22-25


Che cosa sono i verbi modali


Il verbo be: il past simple


Il verbo can


Past time expressions


Il verbo may


To be born


Will e would


Ordine degli elementi nelle frasi


Il condizionale


Il past simple


Il futuro con will


La forma negativa e la forma interrogativa


Forma interrogativo-negativa


Alcuni esempi di frasi interrogative


Il futuro con il present continuous



Le preposizioni di tempo


Il futuro con be going to



Le Wh- questions


Revision 34-37


Espressioni idiomatiche di uso comune


Il past continuous


Revision 26-29


Il past simple e il past continuous a confronto


Il comparativo di maggioranza


Il present perfect


Aggettivi e avverbi brevi


L’uso di been e gone


Aggettivi e avverbi lunghi terminanti in -ly


Il present perfect con for e since















Contents Unit






Il present perfect e il past simple a confronto


Le subject questions


Le question tags


L’uso di so e nor/neither do I


Revision 38-41


Le proposizioni relative


Defining relative clauses


Non-defining relative clauses


Uso speciale di where, when e why


Gli avverbi: forme regolari e irregolari


Formazione degli avverbi: forme regolari


Forme irregolari


I comparativi e i superlativi degli avverbi


Comparativo di uguaglianza





Il verbo shall…?


Revision 42-45


Il present perfect continuous


La forma di durata


Come si usa


Come si forma


Il past perfect


Come si forma


Come si usa


I pronomi riflessivi


Come si formano i pronomi riflessivi


Come si usano


I pronomi reciproci


Revision 46-48


Il periodo ipotetico (1)


Zero conditional (sempre vero)


First conditional (possibilità)


Second conditional (improbabilità)


Il periodo ipotetico (2)








Comparativo di maggioranza e superlativo relativo


Comparativo di minoranza e superlativo relativo


Forme irregolari


50 Must, have to/have got to, need, should, shall...?


Third conditional (impossibilità nel passato) 177

Il verbo must


Il verbo wish


Il verbo have to, have got to


Quando si usa


Differenze d’uso tra mustn’t e don’t have to 153

Come si usa


Il verbo need


Revision 49-50


Il verbo should


Il passivo



Contents Unit




Come si forma



Come si usa


to be used to


used to


Il discorso indiretto


60 52







Reported questions


Verbi introduttivi nelle domande indirette



Le congiunzioni subordinative: temporali, avversative, causali


I phrasal verbs


Verbi intransitivi


Verbi transitivi


Revision 56-60


Appendice Grammar A-Z


Fonetica Aggettivi di nazionalitĂ


Numeri ordinali, cardinali, frazioni Il sistema imperiale britannico


Irregular verbs


Ordine delle parole nelle domande indirette 194


Verbi introduttivi per riportare una risposta


Have/get something done


Come si usa


need + forma in -ing


Revision 51-55



Il gerundio



L’infinito con o senza to dopo verbi e aggettivi




Infinto con to


Practice Test 1


Infinto senza to


Practice Test 2


Altre preposizioni


Practice Test 3


Sostantivi seguiti da preposizione


Recording Scripts


Aggettivi seguiti da preposizione


Verbi seguiti da preposizione


Le congiunzioni


Le congiunzioni coordinative




Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) for Schools


I pronomi personali soggetto Il verbo be Wh- questions


I pronomi personali soggetto I pronomi personali soggetto sono quei pronomi che si trovano immediatamente prima del verbo e sono necessari per poterlo coniugare alla prima, seconda e terza persona singolare e plurale, in quanto indicano chi compie l’azione espressa dal verbo. La lingua inglese presenta qualche differenza rispetto a quella italiana; per esempio, il pronome soggetto non può mai essere sottinteso, e la terza persona singolare ha tre forme: il maschile, il femminile e il neutro. • Il pronome maschile si riferisce a uomini e animali di sesso maschile; il pronome femminile si riferisce a donne, animali di sesso femminile e, a volte, a nomi di nazione; il pronome neutro si riferisce ad animali di cui non si conosce il sesso e alle cose (che sono di genere neutro). • Il pronome della terza persona plurale invece è uno solo ed è utilizzato sia per il maschile che per il femminile e per il neutro.

I pronomi personali soggetto singolare


I = io you = tu/Lei he = egli / she = lei / it (neutro) = esso/a (cosa)

we = noi you = voi they = essi/e

In inglese, la forma italiana di cortesia espressa dall’uso del pronome femminile di terza persona singolare Lei non ha un corrispettivo: si usa you insieme a un linguaggio più formale. May I help you, madam? = Posso aiutarla, signora? How are you, Mr Brown? = Come sta, signor Brown?

Il verbo be Il verbo BE, che traduce l’italiano ‘essere’, è un verbo irregolare, perché coniuga le diverse persone in modo del tutto unico e particolare. Ecco la sua declinazione al present simple, nella forma affermativa e negativa, e le rispettive forme contratte. FORMA AFFERMATIVA

I you he she it we you they

am are is is is are are are


I’m you’re he’s she’s it’s we’re you’re they’re

I you he she it we you they

am are is is is are are are

not not not not not not not not

I’m not you he she it we you they

aren’t isn’t isn’t isn’t aren’t aren’t aren’t

(unica forma = you’re = he’s = she’s = it’s = we’re = you’re = they’re

possibile) not not not not not not not

• Le forme contratte del verbo essere, le cosidette short forms, si usano nella lingua parlata e in testi a carattere informale. He’s from Milan. = (Egli) Viene da Milano. They aren’t English. = Non sono inglesi. • Al presente negativo si possono avere due tipi di contrazione: sia tra soggetto e verbo (she’s not) che tra verbo e negazione (she isn’t); sia l’una che l’altra forma possono essere usate indifferentemente, anche se si tende a usare la prima forma (she’s not) quando si vuole sottolineare il concetto di negazione. She isn’t at home. = Lei non è a casa. She’s not a liar! = Non è una bugiarda!




Am Are Is Is Is Are Are Are

Am Are Is Is Is Are Are Are

I? you? he? she? it? we? you? they?

(non esiste contrazione)


not? not? not? not? not? not? not? not?

I you he she it we you they

Aren’t I? Aren’t you? Isn’t he? Isn’t she? Isn’t it? Aren’t we? Aren’t you? Aren’t they?

La forma contratta della prima persona interrogativo-negativa del presente utilizza logico. Si tratta di un’eccezione.




come sarebbe

Risposte brevi (short answers) Si usano le risposte brevi per non ripetere l’intera frase. Usa le contrazioni nelle risposte brevi negative ma NON in quelle affermative. Nel dare le risposte brevi, usa i pronomi. Are you German? – No, I’m not. = Sei tedesco? / Lei è tedesco? – No, non lo sono. Are Mr and Mrs Jackson American? – Yes, they are. = I signori Jackson sono americani? – Sì, lo sono. Are you tired? – Yes, I am. = Sei stanco? / Lei è stanco? – Sì, lo sono. Is Tom Australian? – No, he isn’t. = Tom è australiano? – No, non lo è. FORMA INTERROGATIVA



am are is is is are are are

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No,

I…? you…? he…? she…? it…? we…? you…? they…?

you are I am. he is. she is. it is. we are. / Yes, you are. we are. they are.

you aren’t. I’m not. he isn’t. she isn’t. it isn’t. we’re not. / No, you aren’t. we aren’t. they’re not.

• In inglese si usa il verbo ‘essere’, e non il verbo ‘avere’, nelle seguenti espressioni: to to to to to

be be be be be

afraid cold hot hungry in a hurry

= = = = =

aver paura aver freddo aver caldo avere fame avere fretta

to to to to to

be be be be be

right thirsty sleepy wrong … years old

= = = = =

aver ragione aver sete aver sonno aver torto avere … anni

late in time on time out sick tired up warm

= = = = = = = =

essere in ritardo essere in tempo essere puntuale essere fuori casa essere malato essere stanco essere alzato, sveglio stare al caldo

Mary is cold and hungry. = Mary ha freddo e fame. Are you thirsty? = Hai sete? / Ha sete? I am not in a hurry. = Non ho fretta. • Altre espressioni comuni in cui si usa il verbo ‘essere’ sono: to to to to to to to to

be be be be be be be be

angry ashamed asleep away busy (at) home in well

= = = = = = = =

essere adirato vergognarsi essere addormentato essere via essere indaffarato essere a casa essere in casa star bene

to to to to to to to to

be be be be be be be be

Janet is late. = Janet è in ritardo. Are you tired? = Sei stanco? Tom is not at home. / Tom is not in. = Tom non è in casa. 9

1 Esercizi



Scrivi il pronome soggetto corretto.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Tom the cat Jill David Mary and Sue the table


Copia ogni frase sotto la figura corrispondente.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I’m an athlete. We are farmers. He is an astronaut. They are girls. I am Italian. We are students.

he _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

you and I the flowers your sister your brother fruit and vegetables Mr and Mrs Simons

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

It is a CD. He is a driver. You are Japanese. They are books. It is American. She’s a nanny.

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

a I am an athlete.

b ____________________

c _____________________

d _____________________

e _____________________

f _____________________

g ______________________

h _____________________

i _____________________

j _____________________

k _____________________

l _____________________

1 3

Riordina le parole in modo tale da formare una domanda corretta, e poi rispondi.

1. long / hair / is / your / ? Is you hair long? No, it isn’t. 2. from / you / Canada / are / ? __________________________________________ 3. dark / is / it / now / ? __________________________________________ 4. are / you / school / now / at / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 5. p.m. / it / 11 / is / ? __________________________________________ 6. difficult / exercise / this / is / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 7. English / is / James Bond / ? __________________________________________ 8. shops / are / Sundays / closed / on / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 9. holiday / on / your teacher / is / ? __________________________________________ 10. are / late / for / we / dinner / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 11. famous / she / rockstar / is / ? __________________________________________


Riformula le frasi sostituendo i soggetti sottolineati con dei pronomi e usando le forme contratte dei verbi.

1. Pete and Joe are in the garden. They’re in the garden. 2. Mrs Peterson is not a teacher. __________________________________________ 3. The chairs are not brown. __________________________________________ 4. The dog is in the kitchen. __________________________________________ 5. Rebecca and Tom are not married. __________________________________________ 6. Pierre is not French. __________________________________________ 7. My books and pens are not on the table. __________________________________________ 8. That man is Scottish. __________________________________________ 9. This woman is not my wife. __________________________________________ 10. My sister and I are not on holiday. __________________________________________ 11. The shops are closed today. __________________________________________


Completa le frasi con ’m, ’s o ’re, poi volgi le frasi alla forma negativa. Usa le contrazioni, come nell’esempio.

1. We’re tired. We aren’t tired. 2. I __________ a teacher. __________________________________________ 3. They _______ secretaries. __________________________________________ 4. She ___________ an artist. __________________________________________ 5. You __________ late. __________________________________________ 6. We __________ British. __________________________________________ 7. It __________ cold today. __________________________________________ 8. He _________ from New Zealand. __________________________________________ 9. Her name ________ Tessa. __________________________________________ 10. You _______ students. __________________________________________ 11. We ________ hungry. __________________________________________


Scrivi il contrario delle seguenti affermazioni.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

I’m hot. I’m cold. You’re right. _______________________________ Mr Brown is in. ____________________________ Sarah is sick. ______________________________ It’s cloudy. ________________________________ We are in time. ____________________________ Bob is up. _________________________________ Mr Robinson is away. _______________________ They are busy. _____________________________ Andrew is on time. _________________________ The cats are asleep. ________________________


Completa le risposte brevi.

1. Are Tom and Sally married? – No, they aren’t. 2. Is John here today? – Yes, __________________ 3. Are Mr and Mrs Blade from New York? – No, ___________________________________________ 4. Are you Italian? – Yes, ______________________ 5. Are we early? – Yes, ________________________ 6. Are there children in the park? – No, _________ ___________________________________________ 7. Is Mary a director? – No, ____________________ 8. Is there milk in the fridge? – Yes, _____________ ___________________________________________ 9. Are Diane and Vicky at home? – Yes, _________ ___________________________________________ 10. Is it six o’clock? – No, ______________________ 11. Are you ready? – No, _______________________ 11

1 8

Riordina le parole in modo tale da formare una proposizione corretta e logica.

1. liar / not / is / William / a /. William is not a liar. 2. you / home / at / are /? __________________________________________ 3. clouds / are / there / not /. __________________________________________ 4. is / the / asleep / cat /. __________________________________________

5. at / not / the / is / cinema / Walter /. __________________________________________ 6. and / hungry / Jack / are / Betty /. __________________________________________ 7. ashamed / the / are / students /. __________________________________________ 8. actor / is / Mel Gibson / an /. __________________________________________

Le Wh- questions Le Wh- questions, di cui tratteremo approfonditamente nella Unit 29, sono domande che richiedono una risposta articolata, cui non si può quindi rispondere con un semplice sì o no. DOMANDE


What’s your name? What are they? Where are you from? Who’s she? Why is he angry? How are you? How old is she?

David They’re my books. I’m from London. She’s Liz. Because his girlfriend is late. Fine, thanks. And you? She’s twenty.

Esercizi 9

Abbina le frasi 1-10 alle risposte corrette a-j.

1. Where’s he from? 2. What’s your first name? 3. What’s your surname? 4. How are you? 5. What nationality is she? 6. Where are you? 7. What’s your phone number? 8. How old are you? 9. What’s his job? 10. Where’s my bag?

a) It is on the kitchen table. b) I’m in the sitting room. c) Angela d) He’s a sound engineer. e) 9878777 f) 35 g) She’s Spanish. h) Smith. i) He’s from France. j) Fine, thanks.

10 Inserisci i pronomi interrogativi: what, who, why, where o how. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12

Where’s Tom? – In the garden. ___________’s your surname? – Williams. ___________’s your school? – In the town centre. ___________ are your parents? – They’re fine, thanks. ___________ old is your father? – 62 ___________’s her job? – She’s a nurse. ___________’s your email address? – ___________’s that man? – He’s Joe.


Formula delle domande per le risposte date.

1. Where’s your house? In Mill Street. 2. ________________________________________? No, I’m not American. 3. ________________________________________? The milk’s in the fridge. 4. ________________________________________? I’m very well, thank you. 5. ________________________________________? Her name’s Pamela. 6. ________________________________________? He’s 24. 7. ________________________________________? In my bedroom. 8. ________________________________________? In the country.


Riempi gli spazi usando le parole seguenti. are • am • are • you • is • I’m • She’s


Hi, Tom. How 1. __are__ you? Fine, thanks. And 2. _________________? Oh, 3. ________________ very well. This 4. ______________ my friend, Marie. Her home and her parents 5. ______________ in France but now she’s in London. 6. _______________ a student at university there. TOM: Hello, Marie. Pleased to meet you. MARIE: I 7. _______________ glad to meet you too.

1 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta (affermativa, negativa, interrogativa) del verbo to be. My friend Jonathan is a cabin attendant for Australian Airways. How much _____ the apples? – This type ____ £1.50 a kilo, and these ____ £2 a kilo. Where _____ Carla from? – I think she and her husband _____ form Sardinia. Thomas _____ tall and thin. His hair _____ blond and his eyes _____ blue. The car keys _____ in the cupboard. Where _____ they? Alessandro and Giulia _____ from Spain. They _____ Italian, they _____ from Rome. My dad _____ a doctor, but my grandparents _____ architects. Today _____ Sunday: it _____ Monday, and you _____ late for school! Wait! We _____ ready to go out yet! _____ you invited to the Spring party at the swimming pool? – No, I_____ . Why _____ he so angry? – Because the children _____ late, and his wife _____ in. I_____ hungry, I_____ thirsty. Can I have some water, please? They_____ hot, but here it _____very cold. _____ your new friend English? No, she _____: she _____ American.

Completa la frase usando il pronome complemento che si riferisce al sostantivo fra parentesi.

1. I am writing (a letter) to him. I am writing it to him. 2. John often sees (Paul) at the club. __________________________________________ 3. Why are you selling (your favourite paintings) to him? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 4. They’re building (a house) for us. __________________________________________ 5. Mary’s boyfriend meets (Mary) in the afternoon. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 6. Why don’t you tell (Tim and me) a story? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 7. Hugh let (the cat) in. __________________________________________ 8. Can you put (the plates) on the table? __________________________________________ 9. Bud sent (my sister and me) a letter. __________________________________________


Riordina le parole e poi rispondi alle domande.

1. your / name / first / What’s / ? What’s your first name? My first name name’ss Gabrielle.

2. surname / your / Wh 2 What’s t’ / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 3. is / job / your / What / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 4. house / flat / or / your / Where’s / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 5. married / you / Are / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 6. your / What’s / name / partner’s / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 7. it / today / sunny / Is / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 8. are / from / you / Where / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 9. old / you / are / How / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 10. holiday / you / on / Are / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 11. you / now / are / Where / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 12. best / your / Italian / friend / Is / ? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 13


There is, there are It is

There is, there are (there + be) Queste due espressioni indicano l’esistenza di qualcosa o di qualcuno: ‘c’è’. THERE ARE + sostantivo plurale significa ‘ci sono’.


+ sostantivo singolare significa

There is a cat on the sofa. = C’è un gatto sul divano. There are two apples on the table. = Ci sono due mele sul tavolo. • La forma interrogativa sarà dopo il verbo ausiliare.




assume la funzione di soggetto e si sposta quindi

Is there a man at the door? = C’è un uomo alla porta? Are there any books on the desk? = Ci sono dei libri sulla scrivania? • Per lo stesso motivo quindi la forma negativa sarà concordato con il sostantivo che segue!


Ricorda che il verbo



There isn’t a teacher in the classroom. = Non c’è un insegnante in classe. There aren’t any clouds in the sky. = Non ci sono nuvole in cielo.

Risposte brevi Is there a letter for me? – Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. = C’è una lettera per me? – Sì, c’è. / No, non c’è. Are there any people in the waiting room? – Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. = Ci sono delle persone in sala d’aspetto? – Sì, ci sono. / No, non ci sono.

It is (it + be) Si deve sempre usare IT: • quando ci si riferisce per la prima volta all’identità di una persona. Solo dopo che l’identità della persona sarà nota potrai usare un pronome maschile o femminile. Who is on the phone? – It is Jack. = Chi è al telefono? – È Jack. There is someone at the door: it is your sister. She is carrying a big bag. = C’è qualcuno alla porta: è tua sorella. Ha con sé una grossa borsa. • quando IT funge da soggetto in espressioni che si riferiscono a data, distanza, tempo cronologico e tempo atmosferico. What day is it today? – It is Monday. = Che giorno è oggi? – È lunedì. How far is it to the station? = Quanto dista la stazione? What time is it? – It’s midday. = Che ora è? – È mezzogiorno. It’s sunny today. = Oggi c’è il sole. • quando IT IS/IT IS NOT + aggettivo è seguito da un infinito (perché così dire da soggetto).


si riferisce all’infinito che segue e gli fa per

It is dangerous to lean out of the window. = È pericoloso sporgersi dal finestrino. (it = to lean out of the window) It is not easy to learn Chinese. = Non è facile imparare il cinese. (it = to learn Chinese) • È bene ricordare le seguenti espressioni che si riferiscono alle condizioni meteorologiche: it it it it

is is is is

cloudy overcast stormy sunny

= è nuvoloso = è coperto = c’è il temporale = c’è il sole

it it it it

is is is is

foggy rainy sultry windy

Nota bene There are a lot of clouds in the sky. = Ci sono molte nuvole in cielo. It’s very cloudy today. = È molto nuvoloso oggi.


= c’è nebbia = piove = è afoso = c’è vento

2 Esercizi 1

Riscrivi le seguenti frasi alla forma indicata in parentesi.


Completa con there is, there are, o it is nella forma affermativa, negativa o interrogativa.

1. Is there a girl in the shop? (negativa) There isn’t a girl in the shop. 2. There are pens in this bag. (interrogativa) __________________________________________ 3. There are shirts on the bed. (neg.) __________________________________________ 4. Are there dogs in the garden? (afferm.) __________________________________________ 5. There isn’t a policeman in the car. (afferm.) __________________________________________ 6. Is there an apple on the tree? (neg.) __________________________________________ 7. There isn’t water in the bottle. (afferm.) __________________________________________ 8. There are four students on the bus. (interr.) __________________________________________ 9. There aren’t plates on the table. (afferm.) __________________________________________ 10. Is there a computer in the classroom? (neg.) __________________________________________ 11. There’s a car in the street. (interr.) __________________________________________ 12. Are there oranges in the basket? (neg.) __________________________________________ 13. There’s no sugar at all in this cake. (afferm.) __________________________________________ 14. There aren’t books on the shelf. (interr.) __________________________________________

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

There is a painting on the wall. _____________ Monday today. _____________ many problems to solve. _____________ time to stop talking! _____________ four o’clock in the afternoon. _____________ any sugar in my coffee? What’s the date today?_____________ . _____________ raining outside? _____________ many clouds in the sky this morning. _____________ many flowers in your garden? _____________ nice to see you. _____________ a man waiting to see you. _____________ easy to understand?


Completa le seguenti frasi con it oppure there, secondo il caso.

1. There is a bottle of milk in the fridge. 2. Are ____________ oranges on the tree? 3. What time is ____________? ____________ is one o’clock. 4. ____________ isn’t a horse in the stable. 5. Is ____________ a customer in the shop? 6. ____________ aren’t any mountains in Holland. 7. What day is ____________ today? ____________ is Friday. 8. ____________ is dangerous to open the door. 9. ____________ are three girls in the team. 10. The sky is dark. ____________ is cloudy. 11. Who is on the phone? ____________ is James. 12. ____________ is tea in the teapot. 13. I’m painting my house all alone; ____________ is not easy at all! 14. Hurry up! ____________ are your friends waiting for you at the local pub!

10. 11. 12. 13.


Sottolinea l’opzione corretta.

1. 2. 3. 4.

In my bedroom there are / there is a TV. There are / There is four sandwiches in the fridge. Hello, is there / are there Thomas? A Is there a supermarket in your neighbourhood? B No, there is. / there isn’t. A Are there many girls in your classroom? B Yes, there are. / there aren’t. In my family there are / there is five people. There isn’t / There aren’t many cars in the street. There is / There are seven days in a week. Is there / Are there your little sister? There isn’t / There aren’t a Queen in Italy.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Formula domande adatte alle risposte date.

1. (what your name?) What is your name? Karen. 2. (how old?) ________________________________ _______________________________? I’m sixteen. 3. (American?) _______________________________ ______________________________ ? No, I’m not. 4. (where from?) _____________________________ ____________________________ ? From England. 5. (a student?) _______________________________ ________________________________? Yes, I am. 6. (who this?) _______________________________ _________________________ ? This is my friend. 7. (what her name?) __________________________ ____________________________________? Nora. 8. (English too?) _____________________________ ____________________________ ? No, she’s not. 9. (where from?) _____________________________ __________________________ ? She’s from Italy. 10. (how old?) ________________________________ _________________________ ? She’s twenty-one.


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