Grammar and structures present simple, present continuous there is / are have got (for possession) can for requests like + ing pronouns adjectives to show feelings expressions: Naughty monkey! What now? Oh dear! Be careful! Come here! Sorry! What an adventure
In this funny adventure in a biopark a monkey takes Granny Fixit’s small yellow bag! What does the monkey take out of the bag? And what can Granny Fixit, Lucy and Bill do to get it back? In this reader you will find:
- Games and language activities - An audio recording of the story and the song - A picture dictionary
t i x i F y n n a r y G e k n o M e h t d n a
To download the multimedia files
• Download the ELILINK app from
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With PC or Mac Download MP3 audio files from www.eligradedreaders.com
Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 15,5 / 22 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook
Extra activities online
To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title on our website www.eligradedreaders.com
© New edition 2021 First edition 2009 P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC - Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com - www.elionline.com
Look on the inside front cover to find out how to download the free multimedia files.
100 headwords 200 headwords 300 headwords 400 headwords
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Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati ERY120.10 ISBN 978-88-536-3116-9
Starters Starters/Movers Movers Flyers
Young Readers
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Eli Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classic and original stories for learners of English.
The pleasure of Reading
• Extra activities for students • Extra resources for teachers
Granny Fixit and the Monkey by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali
Eli Design Department Airone Comunicazione - Sergio Elisei
• Use the ELILINK app
ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director)
Adventure | Magic | Humour
With smartphone or tablet
My name is Gustavo. I live in a very big city, Buenos Aires. I have been drawing all my life, ever since I was a child as I didn’t have a TV. I enjoy most of all drawing comic strips and picturing myself and my kids in the illustrations that I create.
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The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers, Young ELI Readers, Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers. The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots.
ted by a r t s Illu azali M o tav G us The FSC® certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide.
For this series of ELI graded readers, we have planted 5000 new trees.
Stage 1 below A1
My name is Jane and I live in a beautiful Spanish city, Madrid. I’m an English author of children’s books. I’ve always loved creating stories and songs for children. The best ideas come to me while… I’m jogging!
Jane Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Monkey
J. Cadwallader Granny Fixit and the Monkey
Vocabulary areas Animals, Family, Clothes
Stage 1 below A1