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1B - New Step Ahead International - Students Book 1 - 1 BIANCA




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New Step Ahead - Split Edition based on the work of Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Richard Carter, Peter Lewis-Jones Revised Edition by Claire Moore and Elizabeth Lee © 2009, ELI s.r.l. P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati Italy Tel. +39 071 750701 Fax. +39 071 977851 e-mail: info@elionline.com www.elionline.com No unauthorised photocopying All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ELI. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Authors’ acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at ELI who have contributed their skills to producing this book. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. We are particularly grateful to Sally Cooke and Paola Tite for their invaluable editorial work and guidance on Step Ahead. For the international version we are particularly grateful to Alison Smith and Ester Canaletti for their invaluable contribution. Acknowledgements Editorial Project: Sarah Mercedes Howell Art Director: Marco Mercatali Editorial Dept: Lisa Suett, Sabina Cedraro, Gigliola Capodaglio Production Manager: Francesco Capitano Illustrated by: Acrobat, Laura Bresciani, Pietro di Chiara, Letizia Gemignani, Sergio Giantomassi and Andrea Goroni Photographs by: Franca Speranza, Marka, Olympia Music Compositions and Arrangements by: MM’s studio Split edition Graphics: Airone Comunicazione Commissioned photography Photographer: Paolo Monina Photoshoot Production in London: Joe Aquili Photoshoot Production Assistant: Mark “Lorenz” Palmer London Model Agency: Allsorts child model agency (South Woodford) Locations in South Woodford: Jun-qi (Clothes shop) The Yellow Book Restaurant (Ice Cream Parlour) Cover Graphic Design: XL studio Photo: Photononstop While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa – New Step Ahead - Split Edition - Student’s Book 1B ISBN 9788853603753




Pagina 3

Welcome to New Step Ahead 1 B You started a fantastic journey to learn English and find out interesting facts about English speaking countries and cultures.The kids of New Step Ahead are with you every step of the way, so let’s see what’s in store. In the first two page s of each module, yo u’ll find a list of thing and you’ll try to unde s to learn rstand what the kids in the story are doing . Then there are two work units with:

The adventures of the kids to help you discover new worlds and come into contact with English.

Grammar, with fun illustrations and easy exercises to help you learn and test your English.

Communication pages where you practise everything you learn.

At the end of each module there are culture pages about English speaking countries, where you can see the differences with your country.

Skills pages where you practise reading, listening, writing and speaking. You can even sing a song!

stop Then there’s a chance to . and check what you know And then…

… there’s a page of specific exercises to help you prepare for exams and certificates.

Finally, you can relax with the games and puzzles on the last page of each module.

Remember: you can work on your own, using your Workbook, the Audio CD and CD-ROM, where there are lots of fun activities. And don’t forget to work on your Portfolio, which is a diary of your journey in English.

So, ready to start?





Pagina 4

Contents 1A Starter Unit Back to school

Review of topics, vocabulary and basic structures for: classroom language and objects, colours, numbers from 1 to 20, alphabet, animals, food and drink, days of the week, months, seasons, weather, celebrations, How are you?, have you got…? Grammar: nouns, verbs, adjectives.




Module A Friends Unit 1 Meeting Kiara and Luca

Greetings: Good morning, Hi, Hello, Goodbye

Personal subject pronouns (singular): I, you, he, she, it

Personal Names

Introducing yourself and others: Hi, I’m … This is … Nice to meet you.

Present simple of be: affirmative form singular



Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her

Talking about the colour of objects Spelling

Unit 2 New friends

Asking and saying your age: How old are you? I’m …

Personal subject pronouns (plural): we, you, they

Numbers 1 – 20

Asking and saying where you are from: Where are you from? Where are they from?

Present simple of be: affirmative form plural


Talking about other people


The use of ’s in the possessive case Adjectives: nice, good, famous Plurals

Module B Family Unit 3 At Sally’s place

Present simple of be: negative and interrogative forms, short answers

Asking and giving telephone numbers: What’s your telephone number? It’s …


Objects used in class

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns: this, that, these, those

Members of the family

Asking and telling the time: What’s the time? It’s …

There is / there are

Numbers 21 – 100

How many

Rooms and garden

Talking about quantity

Questions with What, Who, Where

Asking and saying where someone or something is: Where’s my T-shirt? It’s under / in / on …

Articles: a, an, the

Prepositions in, on, under

Saying goodbye

Unit 4 Sorry about my dad

Days of the week

Asking how to say something in English: What’s this in English?

Describing objects, people and places




Pagina 5


Reading – understanding an email with holiday greetings Listening – understanding personal names, someone offering something

Song Pronunciation

Ice cream blues The sounds /i/ and /i:/

Student’s Book pp. 34-5

Writing – simple sentences of presentation Reading – understanding a profile of a famous person Listening – identifying age, nationality and preferences of three people Speaking – asking and saying your name, age, nationality, preferences Writing – describing your favourite famous person

One world

Reading – understanding a homepage, with details about a boy, his family and preferences

My travelling family

Exam practice and Study skills

Exam practice Writing Open dialogue Student’s Book p. 38 Guided dialogue Workbook p. 15 Listening Multiple choice listening and comprehension questions Workbook p. 16

The weak sound /ə/


Create a short presentation of yourself with a photo. Student’s Book p. 25 Produce a poster of a famous person Student’s Book p. 33

Study skills How to use the CD Workbook p. 14

The sounds /θ/ and /ð/

A web page about English homes Information about pets Student’s Book pp. 58-9

Speaking – asking and giving personal information: age, telephone number, preferences Writing – simple sentences about a classmate Reading – understanding a simple personal letter describing a house Listening – understanding essential information given by Sandra about her family Speaking – asking and answering questions about your home and family Writing – simple sentences about your favourite room

Countries of the UK, their capitals and main cities. Text messages

Speaking – asking and saying your name, spelling

Listening – understanding essential information given by Simon about his family

Culture site

Please let me know The sound /h/

Exam practice Listening Listening to identify the correct picture Student’s Book p. 62 Workbook p. 33 Writing Filling in a form Workbook p. 32 Study skills Keeping a grammar and vocabulary notebook Workbook p. 31

Writing a brief presentation of a classmate Student’s Book p. 49 Writing a brief description of a favourite room Student’s Book p. 57




Pagina 6

Contents 1B Communication



Module C Birthdays Unit 5 Simon’s Ferrari

Talking about birthdays: When’s his birthday?

The verb have got: affirmative, negative, interrogative forms and short answers

Ordinal numbers 1st–31st

Talking about possessions

Let’s + base form of the verb

Months and dates

Making suggestions: Let’s watch TV.


Giving personal information: Have you got a big family? How many brothers …?

Unit 6 A surprise party

Offering, accepting and refusing something: Would you like …? Yes, please! / No, thanks. Giving and carrying out commands: Close your eyes. Don’t look!

Would you like…? / I’d like…

Food and drink

Countable and uncountable nouns

Parts of the body

How much and how many Some and any Imperatives Prepositions of movement

Module D Teenage lives Unit 7 Word games

Unit 8 Kiara helps Sally

Talking about ability: Can you juggle? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

Present simple: affirmative form and spelling rules for the third person

Verbs for unusual actions

Talking about daily routine: I get up at …

Adverbs of frequency and their position: always, usually, often, sometimes, never

Free-time activities

Asking, giving or refusing permission to do something: Can I sit here? Of course, you can. Sorry, you can’t.

Can / can’t

What to say if you don’t understand

Why / because

Simple requests: Can you close the door?

Present simple: negative, interrogative forms and short answers

Talking about free time: Do you like watching TV? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Like / hate / love and -ing form

Adjectives for describing emotions and feelings Sport

Module E Looking good Unit 9 Vanessa’s T-shirt

Talking about hobbies and interests: Reading is fun.

Present continuous: affirmative, negative, interrogative forms and short answers

Hobbies and interests

Talking about actions happening now

Verbs used as nouns (-ing form)


Asking and saying prices of clothes: How much is this shirt? It’s twenty-five pounds.

Comparison of Present simple and Present continuous

Prices and foreign currency

Question tags


Buying something, indicating what you like and asking the price: I’d like a pair of jeans. How much are they?

Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their

Telephone conversations: Can I talk to Mike? Describing what someone is wearing

Unit 10 Trying on a T-shirt




Pagina 7

Song Pronunciation

Culture site

Reading – understanding the homepage of a girl talking about her life and love for animals

He’s got the whole world in his hands

Listening – understanding a question and invitation to do something


Celebrations Student’s Book pp. 26-7


Speaking – asking and talking about possessions

Exam practice and Study skills

Exam practice Speaking Giving personal information Student’s Book p. 30 Writing

Writing – describing your favourite possessions

Writing a text giving personal information Workbook p. 15

Reading – understanding descriptions of strange animals Listening – understanding someone offering food and drink Speaking – describing a picture so that a classmate can recognise it Writing – simple sentences about a real or imaginary animal

Hungry kid


The sounds / / and /ɑ:/

Listening to identify the sequence of pictures Workbook p. 16

Reading – understanding the daily routine of a young reporter by reading an article

I’m so busy

Listening – identifying a kid’s routine

Workbook p. 14

The sounds /e/ and / :/

A web page about the British Royal family The role of the Queen and her family Student’s Book pp. 50-1

Exam practice Reading Understanding signs and notices Student’s Book p. 54 Writing Reading and writing messages Workbook p. 32

Reading – understanding a newspaper article

Sports-hater blues


Listening – understanding essential information in a conversation about sports

Joining sounds

Listening to identify the correct picture Workbook p. 33

Speaking – asking and talking about favourite sports

Writing a brief text about your and your family’s favourite sports Student’s Book p. 49

Identifying your learning style Workbook p. 31

A dream come true Pronunciation of the suffix -ing

Speaking – describing what someone is wearing Writing – a diary of an evening with your family Reading – understanding an article about shopping

I’m a window shopper

Listening – understanding essential information from an interview about shopping

The stress in a word

Writing – a short text about shopping

Describing your typical day Student’s Book p. 41

Study skills

Writing – simple sentences about your family’s favourite sports

Speaking – asking and answering questions about shopping

Writing a short description of a real or imaginary animal Student’s Book p. 25

Study skills

Writing – simple sentences about your typical day

Listening – identifying someone by their clothes

Describing your favourite possessions Student’s Book p. 17

How to prepare the Portfolio

Speaking – describing your weekly routine

Reading – understanding the diary of a school day on a homepage


A page on London Information about London and interviews with people from London and tourists Student’s Book pp. 74-5

Exam practice Speaking Describing a picture Student’s Book p. 78 Writing Writing a postcard Workbook p. 49 Listening Listening to identify correct prices Workbook p. 50 Study skills How to organise your ideas with a mind map Workbook p. 48

Describing an evening with your family Student’s Book p. 65 Writing a short text about shopping Student’s Book p. 73




Pagina 8

Mo d u l e B i r t h d a y s Review 1

Find out when their birthdays are.




Jamie 2

Write sentences. ________________________________________________ Rick: His birthday’s on Monday, 17th June. ________________________________________________ Julia: Her …


C Prerequisites • days of the week • verb be • personal pronouns • possessive adjectives




Pagina 9

Module C

Objectives Grammar -

the verb have got Let’s + base form of the verb Would you like…? / I’d like… countable and uncountable nouns how much and how many some and any imperatives prepositions of movement

Communication -

talking about birthdays talking about possessions making suggestions giving personal information (family) offering, accepting and refusing something - giving and carrying out commands


Vocabulary ordinal numbers months and dates animals food and drink parts of the body

Warm-up Let’s buy a present.

It’s Vanessa’s birthday.


Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 1 What’s their friend’s name? 2 When’s her birthday? 3 What do you think they buy?

u know? o y d i D

Now start the module

There are a lot of special days in Britain. Two special days are: 5th November * 14th February * What do they celebrate?

> 9 - New Step Ahead Students Book 1 - 3 BIANCA




Pagina 10

Module C

U n i t 5 Simon’s Ferrari

Lead in 1

Look at the photos and answer the questions. 1 Where are they? 2 Who are they? 3 What can you see in picture B?



Sally, Simon, Kiara and Luca are in a park

Listen and read.


It’s Vanessa’s birthday on Saturday. Let’s buy a present for her. I’ve got an idea. Let’s buy a DVD. A DVD? Has she got a DVD player? Yes, she has. But let’s buy her a new one. What??? A new DVD player? Just kidding! What about earrings? They’ve got nice ones in the shop in King’s Street. Earrings? Sorry, they’re very expensive. Let me see. She’s got a DVD player… she’s got a laptop… …and she’s got Fluency Box a horse. So what? Yeah, it’s really nice. You liar! It’s got a white nose. Just kidding!

So what? She hasn’t got a Ferrari!! What? Well, we’ve got a Ferrari! No you haven’t!! You liar! It’s true! Let’s go to my Dad’s house and see.



10 - New Step Ahead Students Book 1 - 3 VOLTA

At Simon’s house See? Oh, Simon! Come on, Kiara, let’s buy her the new Alanis Morissette CD! She hasn’t got that.




Pagina 11

Module C

Comprehension 3


What will they buy for Vanessa? a a DVD player

c a horse

b a CD

d earrings

Vocabulary Months 6

Listen and repeat. Then write the missing months.


Tick (✓) the right answer. 1 Vanessa’s birthday is on Friday. A Yes, it is. B No, it isn’t. ✓ 2 Vanessa’s got a DVD player. A Yes, she has. B No, she hasn’t. 3 Vanessa’s got a horse. A Yes, she has. B No, she hasn’t. 4 Vanessa’s got the new Alanis Morissette CD. A Yes, she has. B No, she hasn’t. 5 The earrings in the shop in King’s Street are nice. A Yes, they are. B No, they aren’t.



January, February, ____________ , April, May, ____________ , July, August, September, October, November, ____________ . WB p. 7, ex. 2

Practice Talking about birthdays 7

Listen and repeat. A Who’s this? B It’s Mel Gibson.

6 Earrings are too expensive. A Yes, they are. B No, they aren’t.

A When’s his birthday?

Mel Gibson January 3rd

B On January 3rd.

Vocabulary Ordinals 5

Help Box We can say “on January the third” or “on the third of January”.

Listen and repeat.


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th

17th the second 18th the third 19th the fourth 20th the fifth 21st the sixth 22nd the seventh 23rd the eighth 24th the ninth 25th the tenth 26th the eleventh 27th the twelfth 28th the thirteenth 29th the fourteenth 30th the fifteenth 31st the first

Work in pairs. Cover the information under the pictures and take turns to ask and answer questions using the prompts below.

the seventeenth the eighteenth the nineteenth

A Who’s this?

A When’s her …?

B It’s Jennifer Lopez.

B On … .

the twentieth the twenty-first



the twenty-second the twenty-third the twenty-fourth the twenty-fifth the twenty-sixth the twenty-seventh the twenty-eighth

Tom Cruise July 3rd

Jennifer Lopez July 24th



the twenty-ninth the thirtieth the thirty-first

the sixteenth

WB p. 7, ex. 1

Matt Damon October 8th

Britney Spears February 2nd

WB p. 6, ex. 1





Pagina 12

Module C Unit 5 c




G r a mm a r Have got (affirmative) A

Look at the examples, the rule and the box. I’ve got an idea! She’s got a laptop. We’ve got a Ferrari.


When we speak about possession, we use the verb have got.


In American English, they use have without got.


Affirmative form

Complete with ’s o ’ve. 1 My dad____________ got a Mercedes Benz! ’s


’ve (have)


2 I ____________ got 50 CDs.


’ve (have)


3 We ____________ got a new house.

He / She / It

’s (has)



’ve (have)



’ve (have)


5 The school ____________ got 25 classrooms.


’ve (have)


6 You ____________ got a great DVD player.

4 She ____________ got a red bicycle.

a horse.

CD-ROM Grammar, Step 1


Look at the box and answer these questions. 1 What is the difference between the third person singular form and the other forms? 2 What is the contracted form of the third person singular?


Have got (negative) C

Complete the sentences. Then match them with the pictures.

’s got 1 He____________ a new bicycle.

3 They ____________ new bicycles. 4 She ____________ a small house. 5 We ____________ a great house! 6 You ____________ nice earrings! b

No, you haven’t.

Negative form I

haven’t (have not)



haven’t (have not)


He / She / It

hasn’t (has not)



haven’t (have not)



haven’t (have not)



haven’t (have not)


* 12

Look at the examples and the box below. Then complete the rule. She hasn’t got that CD.


2 I ____________ a new computer.


WB p. 3, ex. 1, 2, 3

a horse.

To make the negative form, we add ________________ between have/has and got.




Pagina 13

Module C 3


Make these sentences negative.

Put the words in order and write the questions. 1 they / new / got / have / a / computer? ______________________________________ Have they got a new computer? 2 got / has / Sarah / a / horse? ______________________________________ 3 got / you / idea / an / have? ______________________________________ 4 he / problem / got / a / has? ______________________________________ 5 Cathy and John / a / got / new house / have?

1 He’s got a horse. ______________________________ He hasn’t got a horse.


2 I’ve got a big family.

6 a / got / have / homepage / they?



3 We’ve got a laptop.

WB p. 4, ex. 7 / p. 5, ex. 8

______________________________ 4 She’s got a DVD player.

Have got (short answers)



5 They’ve got a big house. ______________________________

Look at the examples and the rule. Have you got a horse?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Has she got a DVD player?

Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

6 I’ve got a walkman. ______________________________

CD-ROM Dictation, Step 1, 2 WB p. 4, ex. 4 / p. 4, ex. 5, 6

Have got (questions) D


Look at the example, the rule and the box. Has she got a DVD player?



In the short answers, we don’t use the word got! We usually add another comment after the short answer.

Write the short answers. Look at the adjectives in italics to decide if the answer is Yes or No. 1 Has he got a video?

To make a question with have got, we invert the subject and have/has.

Yes, he has . It’s new. _________________ 2 Have you got a small family, John? _________________ . It’s very small.

Interrogative form

3 Has she got a new computer?








she / he / it








5 Have Steve and Sue got an expensive DVD player?




_______________ – it’s very expensive!

_________________ . It’s old. 4 Have they got a big house? a horse?

_________________ . It’s very big.

CD-ROM Grammar, Step 2, 3 WB p. 5, ex. 9, 10, 11, 12





Pagina 14

Module C Unit 5

S t e p s t o C o mm u n i c a t i o n Pronunciation Intonation 1

Go. Let’s go. Let’s go to the beach. Let’s go to the beach on Sunday.

Listen and repeat.

Play. Let’s play. Let’s play football. Let’s play football on Saturday.

Vocabulary 2


Listen, look at the photos and repeat. Find each animal and write the number in the correct circle.


1 elephant


2 lion 3 hippo


4 snake 5 giraffe 6 tiger 7 deer 8 kangaroo 9 wolf 10 tortoise 11 eagle 12 spider 13 beetle


14 bee


Write the name of each animal in at least one column.

2 legs

4 legs

6 legs

8 legs


elephant 4





Write five sentences. Which is your favourite animal? ____________________________________________ A tiger has got fur, four legs and a tail.

CD-ROM Vocabulary 1, Step 1, 2, 3 WB p. 7, ex. 3, 4





Pagina 15

Module C

Help Box Making suggestions 5

To make a suggestion, we can use Let’s + base form of the verb: Let’s go (to the beach). If you like the idea, you can say: Great or Good idea. If you don’t like the idea, you can say: I’m not sure.

Listen and repeat. What do you like doing in your free time?

1 play football

2 play volleyball

3 play computer games

4 go shopping

5 go to the beach

6 go to the cinema

7 watch TV

8 watch videos

CD-ROM Vocabulary 2, Step 1, 2, 3 / Memory, Step 1, 2


Listen and repeat.


A Let’s go to the beach on Saturday.

Complete the conversation and then practice in pairs.

B Go to the beach? I’m not sure.

A Let’s watch TV on Sunday.

A OK. What then?

B _______________ TV? I’m _______________ .

B Let’s go to the cinema.

A OK. _______________ ?

A Good idea.

B _______________ cinema. A _______________ .


Have more conversations with your partner.

WB p. 6, ex. 2, 3, 4, 5

Talking about your family 9

Trinity Listen and repeat. Then practise in pairs. 1 A Have you got a big family?

2 A Have you got a big family?

B Yes, it’s quite big.

B No, it’s not very big.

A How many brothers and sisters have you got?

A How many brothers and sisters have you got?

B I’ve got three brothers and one sister.

B I’ve only got one sister, and I haven’t got a brother.

10 Trinity In pairs, have a conversation about your families. 15




Pagina 16

Module C Unit 5

S k i l l s

Hi! I’m Samantha Carrie and I’m from Sydney in Australia. We’ve got a sailing boat! I often go sailing with my dad. My dad’s boat is called Sammy. Guess why! I’m 13. I like animals and I love books. I’ve got some great books about animals. My favourite is Wildlife in Australia. It’s got fantastic photos of crocodiles, snakes and kangaroos in it. I’ve also got a video about koalas. They’re my favourite animals. I’ve got two best friends, Tammy and Nick. On Sundays, Tammy, Nick and I often go to the zoo in Sydney.

Reading 1

KET Read Samantha’s homepage. Then write T (= true), F (= false), or N (= not in the text). 1 Samantha Carrie’s from Africa.


5 Samantha’s favourite animals are kangaroos.

2 Samantha’s 15.

6 She’s got a video. It’s called Tarzan is back.

3 Samantha’s got about 13 books.

7 She’s got two friends, Tammy and Nick.

4 Samantha’s favourite book is American Wildlife.

8 She often goes swimming with them.

Listening 2


Listen and tick (✓) the correct answer. 1 When is Steve’s maths test?

A On Monday. ✓

B On Saturday.

2 What day is ‘today’?

A Wednesday

B Friday

3 Who’s got an idea?

A Steve

B Steve’s mum

4 Mum says, ‘Let’s go to the zoo on …’

A Thursday.

B Saturday.

5 Mum can help Steve on …

A Saturday

B Sunday

6 Is Steve happy?

A Yes, he is.

B No, he isn’t.

CD-ROM Dialogues, Step 1, 2




Pagina 17

Module C

Speaking 3

CD player

Write the words under the correct picture. Then ask and answer questions in pairs, using the prompts.

horse computer

mountain bike skateboard


video recorder


1 __________________

2 __________________

3 __________________

4 __________________

5 __________________

6 __________________

7 __________________

8 __________________

A Have you got a CD player?

A Have you got a horse?

B Yes, I have. It’s (new/nice.) No, I haven’t.

B No, we haven’t.

Writing 4

Portfolio Read the two texts. Write a similar text for your Portfolio.

In my room I`ve got a secret box. There are wonderful things in it: my favourite book, my diary, a photo of my horse and two CDs by my favourite band.

In my bedroom, I`ve got three posters of my favourite band: Oasis. They are fantastic! I`ve got a stereo with lots of CDs, and a walkman, but I haven`t got a DVD. CD-ROM Writing, Step 1, 2, 3

Song 5

He’s got the whole world in his hands

Listen to the song and write the missing words, using the pictures to help you. Now sing the song. _________ in _________ in _________ in _________ in

He’s He’s He’s He’s

got got got got

the the the the

whole whole whole whole

He’s He’s He’s He’s

got got got got

the the the the

_________ and the _________ in his hands, _________ and the _________ in his hands, _________ and the _________ in his hands, whole _________ in his hands.

his his his his

hands, hands, hands, hands.

He’s got the ___________ and the _________ in his hands, He’s got the ___________ and the _________ in his hands, He’s got the ___________ and the _________ in his hands, He’s got the whole _________ in his hands. CD-ROM Song, Step 1, 2


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