
Page 1

Magaly Villarroel ˜ Nina Lauder

Teacher’s Guide


Magaly Villarroel ˜ Nina Lauder


Flashcards 1

Class CD 1 Teacher’s Guide 1

Song CD 1

Teacher’s Guide

Poster Pack

English for very Young Learners

Story Cards 1

Student’s Book 1

Activity Book 1



Teacher’s Guide

Magaly Villarroel ˜ Nina Lauder

Teacher’s Guide


Contents Introduction


Hello Pandy!


Unit 1

Me and My Family


Unit 2

My bedroom


Unit 3



Story 1

The lost boy


Unit 4

My Toys


Unit 5

My Pet


Unit 6

My Breakfast


Story 2

Pandy’s Picnic


Unit 7

Hot and cold!


Unit 8

Day and Night


Story 3

Pandy’s Birthday


Starter Unit

Teaching Tips


Playhouse Door


Playhouse Window


Pandy the Panda - Teacher’s Guide 1 By Magaly Villarroel and Nina Lauder Illustrated by Letizia Geminiani Eli Editorial Staff: Maria Letizia Maggini Eli Design Dept: Diletta Brutti, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director) Production Manager: Francesco Capitano Picture Researcher: Giorgia D’Angelo Photo Credits: Shutterstock, Maceratesi © 2010 - ELI s.r.l. P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati Italy Tel. +39 071750701 Fax +39 071977851

No unauthorised photocopying. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ELI. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati - ISBN 978-88-536-0585-6 First edition: April 2010

Pandy the panda INTRODUCTION What is it?

Pandy the Panda is a three level English course written especially for young pre-school learners (3 – 6 year olds). Each level has a Pupil’s Book, Activity Book and Teacher’s book plus relevant CDs, and the entire course rotates around topics normally dealt with at pre-school level in L1. The series uses classroom strategies and material proven effective with children in their early years of learning. Young learners will be captivated by the adventures of Pandy, his friends and their playhouse. It also motivates children through entertaining chants, songs, pen to paper activities, games, puzzles, stickers and stories.


The methodology of the course is based on active learning and whole learning, with a child-centred perspective on education, and fully meets the needs of very young learners. Pandy the Panda is based on a spiral syllabus with continual opportunities to revisit language and structures. One of the keys to teaching very young learners is to go over material in a variety of different ways and allow for continual review and recycling.


General Objectives of the series: Stimulate the physical, intellectual, affective and social development of children. Foster learning in a friendly, non-threatening environment in which English becomes a stimulating and enjoyable experience for very young learners. Provide a global and significant learning experience in which the acquisition of the new language becomes an integral part of the whole process. Use a variety of methods and other innovative resources to encourage learning (provide activities for all learning styles/teaching styles) Stimulate the development of the children’s social skills. This will contribute to their individual development and help them integrate into the group. Stimulate the use of non-linguistic resources to show understanding. Provide teachers and pupils with sufficient resources to introduce material, review items which are learned, and understand progress. Conduct ongoing assessment (teacher assessing pupils and pupils assessing their own progress and participation) Address the needs of non-native speaking English teachers, and the day to day problems which arise with this age group of children.

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Non-Linguistic Objectives

A variety of non-linguistic objectives are included in the course. These non-linguistic objectives can be divided into values, and learning skills and strategies. Values: sharing, self esteem, civic sense, ability to work in a group, ability to work alone, taking on responsibilities, good manners, respecting nature, helping at home, cleanliness, hygiene etc. Learning Skills and Strategies: general study and learning skills, logic (ability to solve logic puzzles etc.), gross and fine motor skills, social skills, interpersonal skills.

Who is it for?

It is designed primarily for high-level schools with 3 - 5 hours of English a week at pre-school level. The course is extremely flexible and can also be adapted to fit in to programmes with more or fewer contact hours. This is done by providing core course material alongside a series of extras which can be elaborated on by teachers with more contact hours, or with higher language level pupils.


How is the course structured?

Pandy the Panda Pupil’s book consists of one Starter unit, eight core units, each based on a centre of interest that corresponds to the children’s age, and three consolidation storycard units. Flatplan of units The eight units follow the same pattern and each page is a lesson. The complexity of the illustrations and tasks is age/level appropriate and shows clear progression from level to level. Page 1 (Lesson 1): Language Presentation A colourful page for the presentation of the new language in context, through Pandy and his friends (Gina, Ben and Sue). This language will also be presented on the CD through a chant. The aim of the first page is mainly presentation and developing oral comprehension skills. In level 2 and 3 (for four and five year olds) this page also serves to develop observation skills, by asking the children to look for hidden objects in the artwork. Whenever possible, this page will also include Moral and Civic Education. Page 2 (Lesson 2): Language Practice and Pen to Paper activity A full-page pen to paper activity to practise the lexis of the previous page and recycle the vocabulary of past units. This page focuses on the development of observation and fine motor skills. It also provides an opportunity for the pupils to work independently.


Page 3 (Lesson 3): Song A full-page TPR song to consolidate, broaden and strengthen the unit vocabulary in an enjoyable way. Pandy and his friends will lead the songs. The songs include action vocabulary and common expressions (as receptive language). They give children the opportunity to develop gross motor skills and coordination, while practising the rhythm and intonation of English. Page 4 (Lesson 4): Sticker page A full activity page to practise vocabulary and structures using stickers. At this stage, the children will be required to classify items according to the instructions. This lesson will develop both observation and fine motor skills. When possible, this page also includes Moral and Civic Education. In levels 2 and 3 the activities are more complex than those in level 1. Page 5 (Lesson 5): My world page Scene close to the child’s world, represented by photos. The aim of this lesson is to develop oral comprehension skills, through listening to the new language in context, through dialogues spoken by native children. Moral and Civic Education is included here when possible. Page 6 (Lesson 6): Reading, writing and Pen to Paper activity A full-page pen to paper activity to practise the lexis of the unit and recycle the vocabulary of past units. This page focuses on the development of reading and writing skills and fine motor skill, starting with pre-reading and pre-writing activities. It also provides an opportunity for the pupils to work independently. Page 7 (Lesson 7): Listening task The aim of this lesson is to assess the unit vocabulary through a listening task. Children can focus on demonstrating their understanding of vocabulary using their listening skills. This page will include activities such as: listen and circle, listen and point, listen and join the dots, listen and match, listen and say... Page 8 (Lesson 8): My page This lesson will allow children to relate the new vocabulary to their own familiar world and experience. This is also an opportunity for the children to express their preferences.

Child Development and How the Series Responds Three to Five Year Olds: Physical (P)

- Needs activities to develop motor skills

How the course responds

- Needs physical movement and coordination activities.

- Reward systems (E)(S) - I can... certificates (E) - Topics which reflect material in their mother tongue (I)(E) - Chants and Fingerplays (I)(P)

Social (S)

- Needs to develop non-linguistic skills (behaviour, socialisation)

- Stories (I)

- Needs praise and recognition

- Movement games (P)(S)

- Needs rules and routines

- Moral and civic education (sharing, cooperation etc) (S)

- Depends heavily on the teacher’s directions. Emotional (E)

- Suggestions in TB for rules and routines (S)

- Moody - Feelings of insecurity and omnipotence

- Clear and simple instructions. Teachers demonstrate the activities before pupils do them. (S)(I)

- Easily frustrated

5 - Surprise activities for variety in class (I)(E)(P)

What are the components of the course? Pupil’s book The pupil’s book consists of one Starter unit for introducing the course characters, and in level 2 and 3 for reviewing key vocabulary of the previous course; eight core units with a central theme which corresponds to the children’s age; stickers, gommets and sticker awards at the end of the book, together with a Playhouse and a Pundy puppet cut out. Stickers. There is a sticker section in the Pupil’s book. In Lesson 4 of each unit, the children are asked to use the stickers as part of a picture recognition task, to promote pre-reading skills. This lesson will develop the children’s comprehension, observation and fine motor skills. In addition, there are some reward stickers to be used throughout the course and whenever the teacher feels that the children should be praised. This will help the learners to experience a sense of achievement and satisfaction. Gommets. They are small round stickers of different colours, used to identify and classify key vocabulary in different scenes. They are used to practise and learn colours too. There are instructions of when and how to use them in the development of the lessons in the Teacher’s notes. Sticker awards. These are stickers of achievement, children need to be rewarded. Praise and encouragement are an integral part of teaching very young learners. They can be given during any lesson, or during the last lesson of the school year.

Playhouse cut out. Children cut out this playhouse with the help of the teacher or their parents. Then they can use it in class in some games, for example playing hide and seek with small toys or flashcards. Pandy cut out. Children cut out this Pandy with the help of the teacher or their parents. It can be used as the children’s puppet, they can interact with it, sing songs, say chants or dialogues. Activity book The Activity Book reinforces and consolidates the target language of the unit. Most of them are ‘Pen to paper activities’ where the children develop fine motor skills, observation skills pre-reading and pre-writing skills and review songs and chants. There are four pages per Unit and one Take home page every two units. At the end of the Activity Book there is a Picture dictionary to colour. Take home English pages. They are pull-out pages, so each one has two pages (front and back). There are four Take home pages in each level. Children may bring these pages home for a home-school connection. The aim of these pages is to reinforce content of previous units, and do something different. Normally children will play with these pages, enjoy the learning experience and develop their visual-spatial skills. It is important that children use these pages in the class with their teachers first of all, and then take them home. It is necessary that the children’s parents or guardians receive information about these pages, so as to help children with them. Children at this age cannot use scissors well yet. But teachers can help them, or they can cut the page out at home and do the page with their family. Teacher’s book Full colour, teacher’s book gives step-by step teaching instructions for each lesson of the core units and the starter unit in the Pupil’s book, instructions for the Activity book, and Take home pages. It also feature the following elements:


Reinforcement and extension activities at the end of the lessons. Children learn at their own pace and these activities allow teachers to meet the needs of different types of learners. Panda Pointers. The Teacher’s Book includes ‘pointers’ and tips for teachers who are insecure or have little experience in the pre-school classroom. The pointers will be clearly presented and will help teachers with classroom management. Lyrics for the chants and songs as well as the audioscripts for the dialogues and listening activities. Pre-story and post-story pages. These pages prepare the children for the story and review the story and the key vocabulary in the follow-up activities. Establish routines. Young children benefit from establishing routines. It gives them a sense of security when they know what to expect. For example lessons always begin with the Hello routine and end with the Goodbye routine. There are some routine chants and transitions especially in levels 2 and 3. They help to structure the lesson. Audio material The audio CD includes all the chants, songs, dialogues, listening tasks and the storycards. There are two types of CD. One for the teacher with all the audio (Class CD) and a Child’s CD with the chants, songs and stories. Flashcards The 24 full colour flashcards represent the key vocabulary of the whole course. In the Teacher’s book, there are clear guidelines for using them in the presentation, practice and consolidation stages, as well as their use in many games too. The Pandy puppet Children love puppets, and Pandy puppet can be used in a variety of ways. Pandy puppet plays an important role in the lessons. It helps the teacher present and practise the language, It will be a powerful means of communication tool. Pandy can interact with the children and the teacher in their real and fantasy worlds.

Storycards Stories are part of the real children’s world; they will respond positively to the story, and develop a positive attitude towards the target language. The main reasons for using stories with young learners is to develop comprehension and concentration skills. They encourage active participation while teaching values and social skills. Stories help transmit authentic rhythm and intonation: they train the ear and help the children to recognise and imitate the music of the language. There are three stories at each level, the main characters are Pandy and his friends, they are presented in a vivid and clear context, the illustrations help to convey meaning. Both the context and the situation anchor the vocabulary. The audioscripts are printed on the back of each storycard. Interactive posters The interactive posters provide important visual support for practising key vocabulary, there are instructions of when and how to use them in the Teacher’s notes. Coloured Shapes Poster Level 1: It can be used to identify colours and shapes, to match colour flashcards to coloured shapes, to put Pandy puppet on a particular colour or shape (Put Pandy on the red square...) Level 2: It can be used to identify colours and shape, to match vocabulary flashcards to coloured shapes, to put vocabulary flashcards face down on a shape and play a memory game (Where is the pencil? On the red square...) Level 3: It can be used to identify colours and shapes, to match vocabulary flashcards to coloured shapes, to put vocabulary flashcards face down on a shape and play a memory game, to play a TPR game (Run and touch the red square, jump to the blue shape...) Playhouse poster There is photocopiable door for the Playhouse for the teachers on page 95. Photocopy it, cut it out and colour it, then stick it onto the poster with glue or tape. The door will open and close. Teachers can place a flashcard behind the door with blue tack and encourage the children to guess what’s hidden. This can be done: At the start of the Unit: Guess what’s behind door, then explain that this is what they are going to be working on. For games: knock, knock, knock, 1, 2, 3. What’s behind the door? Let’s look and see. To review key vocabulary: Put a flashcard behind the door and ask the children to find and name it. At the beginning and end of the lesson: Open the door to show the lesson is starting and close the door when it’s time to go.

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Alphabet Poster The teacher can use the Alphabet Poster like a picture dictionary as the children are learning the words. Evaluation Evaluation is an integral part of the learning process. At this level assessment should be global, continuous and formative. The main technique in the evaluation process is the direct and systematic observation of pupils during the course. The whole process should be evaluated in order to obtain significant, valid and reliable data. So, apart from the content of the course, we need to evaluate: The children: their participation in activities, their interest in carrying out the activities, their attitude towards their classmates, their work, such as drawings, take home pages... The teacher: Their pedagogical practices, classroom techniques, materials used in the classroom, their attitude towards the children.


Starter Unit

Hello Pandy! Lesson 1 Language Playhouse, Wow!

Objectives Recognise key vocabulary Learn a simple greeting Take part in a chant Develop fine motor skills Show enthusiasm towards English

• • • • •

Materials Playhouse poster Class Book and Activity Book (page 2) CD Audio

• • •

Warm up


• Greet the children by saying Hello. Encourage them to wave and say Hello to you. • Get the children to sit in a circle, by saying: Follow

• (CD Track 02) Play the initial sound effects of the

storm. Pretend to be scared (without scaring the children, of course). Pretend to look up at the sky. Continue playing the rest of the CD track. Look surprised when the magic bells chime. Listen to the chant and do the actions (see Audioscript below). Listen again and encourage the children to do the actions.

me. Let’s make a circle. When the children are seated, slowly and mysteriously open up the playhouse poster and show it to the class. Say: Look! It’s a playhouse. Point to the playhouse and ask: What’s this? to different children. Encourage them to try to repeat the word: Playhouse.

Track 02 Speaker: Listen and say the chant. Wow! A playhouse! (look happy, excited) A playhouse! (point to the playhouse) A playhouse! (point to the playhouse) Wow! A playhouse! (look happy, excited) A playhouse for you and me! (point to the children, then to yourself)


• Background to the story and setting: Ben and Gina,

• •

two friends, dream of having their own playhouse. One night, right before a storm hits, their parents set up a lovely playhouse in the garden for the children as a surprise. There’s a terrible storm. The children wake up in the middle of the night, and when they look out at the garden, they realise that their dream has come true! In the morning, they run out to the garden to investigate the ‘magic’ playhouse and meet Pandy. Transition. Say: Table time, table time - 1, 2, 3. Tap three children on the head lightly and tell them to take their seats at their table. Continue until all of the children are seated. Open the Class Book at page 2. Point to the picture of the playhouse, look surprised and say: Look! Wow! A playhouse. Distribute the class books to the children. Say: Open the book. Help them find the page 2. Say: Point to the playhouse.

• Play the chant again (CD Track 02). This time • •

encourage the children to do the actions. After they have looked at the picture of the playhouse and done the chant say: Close your books. Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books and crayons. Show the children the page with the playhouse (page 2) and encourage them to colour it.

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that the first days of school are crucial with pre-schoolers. Make sure the children feel comfortable and safe.


• Place the playhouse poster on the wall. Encourage different children to come up in small groups and touch the poster.

• Congratulate the children on their good work. • Collect the Activity Books. • Say Bye to the children as you leave (or as they leave).

Lesson 2 Language Characters’ names: Pandy, Ben, Gina I’m (Ben)

Objectives Recognise key vocabulary Introduce the characters of the course Take part in a song Develop fine motor skills Show enthusiasm towards English

• • • • •

Materials Playhouse poster Character flashcards Class Book and Activity Book (page 3) CD Audio

• • • •

Warm up

Track 03

• Play the chant from the opening page of the

Speaker: Listen and sing. Welcome to our playhouse! (open arms welcoming) Hello, hello, hello! (wave) Hello! I’m Pandy. I’m Pandy. (point to Pandy) Hello, Hello! (wave)

Starter Unit (CD Track 02). Encourage the children to do the actions as they listen to the chant. Show the playhouse poster. Say: Look! Wow! A playhouse.

Welcome to our playhouse! Hello, hello, hello! Hello! I’m Ben. I’m Ben. (point to Ben) Hello, Hello!


• Place the playhouse poster on the wall. • Secretly place one of the character flashcards

• • •

behind the door of the playhouse. Encourage the children to knock on the door (by knocking on their desks). Look intrigued and open the door. Say: Look! It’s (Ben!). Repeat with Pandy and Gina. Show the flashcards for Pandy, Ben and Gina. Say their names and repeat the names with the children. Hold up a card and say: Who’s this? Elicit the name of the character from the children. Distribute the Class Books. Say: Open your books. (Page 3) and help them find the correct page. Point to the playhouse and elicit the word Playhouse from different children or groups of children. Explain to the children (in L1 if necessary) that Ben and Gina have met a new friend in the playhouse. Explain that this is Pandy the panda and that this is his playhouse. Point to Pandy and say: Look! This is Pandy. Point to Ben and say: This is Ben. Repeat with Gina. (CD Track 03) Listen to the song and show the children the actions.

Welcome to our playhouse! Hello, hello, hello! Hello! I’m Gina. I’m Gina. (point to Gina) Hello, Hello!

• When they have finished singing, point to different • • •

characters and ask: Who’s this? Collect the books, distribute the Activity Books and show the children page 3. Point to the characters, then tell the children to listen and point while you say their names. Draw the children’s attention to the silhouettes on the right hand side of the page. Point to the silhouettes one by one asking: Who’s this? Pandy or Gina? Distribute the crayons and help the children join the character to the correct silhouette. Play a game: Who are you? Give the character flashcards to 3 different children. Ask: Who are you? They show their card and say, for example: I’m Ben.


• Collect the Activity Books.


Unit 1

Me and My Family Lesson 1 Language Hello, mummy, daddy, Pandy

Objectives Take part in a song and a chant Learn how to greet others Recognise vocabulary for family members Show a positive attitude towards English

• • • •

Materials Puppet Playhouse poster Crayons CD Audio Flashcards (mummy, daddy, Pandy) Activity Book (page 4)

• • • • • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the

• Open the Class Book at page 4. Point to the

children using Pandy.


Track 04 Speaker: Let’s sing the hello song! Hello children, hello! Hello children, hello! Hello children, hello!! Clap-clap-clap Hello children, hello! Hello children, hello! Hello children, hello!! Time for class!

Panda Pointer The children will listen to the Hello song throughout the course. There’s no need for them to learn it by heart right now.

picture and say Look! Ben’s family. Distribute the Class Books to the children. Say Open the book. Help them find the correct page. Talk about the picture. Say: Point to (daddy). Show me (Pandy). Point to Ben and say: Who’s this? Ben? Gina? (CD Track 05) Play the chant Hello Mummy and do the actions.

Track 05 Speaker:Listen and say the chant. Ben: Mummy! Mummy! This is my mummy! (show mummy flashcard) Pandy: Hello mummy, hello! (wave to mummy) Ben: Daddy! Daddy! This is my daddy! (show daddy flashcard) Pandy: Hello daddy, hello! (wave to daddy) Ben: Daddy, mummy this is Pandy (show panda puppet or flashcard) Mummy and daddy: Hello,Pandy, hello, hello! (wave to Pandy)

• Show the panda puppet to the class and have a

• Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books • Turn to page 4. Talk about the picture, explaining


Lesson conversation with the panda. Ask: What’s your name? The puppet answers: I’m Pandy. The puppet can then ask the children their names. Use the flashcards for Pandy, Ben, mummy, daddy. Show the cards and say the words to the class. Hide different cards behind the door of the playhouse. Knock on the table and say: Who’s in the playhouse? Mummy? Pandy? Open the door and check. Repeat with the other characters.

the joining task and encouraging the children to say, for example, mummy-mummy.

• After joining the pairs, ask the children to colour them, then collect the Activity Books.

Lesson 2 Language

• Bye bye, mummy, daddy, Pandy, Ben Objectives

• Take part in a song • Learn how to say goodbye to others • Recognise characters and key vocabulary • Develop fine motor skills Material

• Puppet • Crayons • CD Audio • Flashcards (mummy, daddy) • Playhouse poster

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy.


• Revise the vocabulary of the unit using the • •

flashcards and the playhouse poster. Then place the cards on different sides of the classroom. Say mummy or daddy and encourage the children to point to the corresponding card. Distribute the Class Books. Show the children page 5. Look at the picture and name the characters (mummy, daddy, Ben, Pandy). Point out that Pandy is helping daddy who has forgotten his briefcase. (CD Track 06) Explain that when someone leaves or when we leave we say ‘bye bye’ in English. Listen to the Bye Bye song using the puppet.

Track 06 Speaker: Let’s sing the Bye bye song! Pandy: Bye bye children, bye bye! Bye bye children bye bye! Bye bye children bye bye! Time to go!

• Listen again, encouraging the children to wave. • Hand out the crayons. Get the children to join the dots from the house to daddy and the car.

• Pretend to come into the room through an

imaginary door and say: Hello. Get the children to repeat Hello. Then pretend to leave the room and say: Bye bye, and have the children repeat Bye bye. Place Pandy behind the playhouse poster, pop his head up over the top and elicit Hello from the children. Repeat several times. Then make Pandy

wave and turn his head and body away from the children as if leaving and elicit Bye Bye. Repeat several times. Then elicit Hello and Bye Bye with Pandy arriving and leaving the playhouse first slowly and then gradually faster and faster.


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.


Unit 1

Me and My Family

Lesson 3 Language Pandy, mummy, daddy, family, happy

Objectives Take part in a song Recognise family members Develop gross motor skills through actions

• • •

Material Puppet Playhouse poster CD Audio Flashcards (characters of the book, mummy, daddy) Activity Book (page 5) Photocopy cutouts of characters (optional)

• • • • • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Review mummy, daddy, Ben, Gina and Pandy

using the flashcards and the playhouse poster. Using blue tack, stick the cards on different parts of the house. Invite the children or groups of children to touch the cards.


• Listen again encouraging the children to point to the pictures. • Repeat the song and ask the children to smile when they hear the word happy. • Collect the Class Books, distribute the Activity

Books and show the children page 5. Explain the task: as the children trace along the dotted line and join Ben and Pandy to their parents encourage them to say, for example, Ben - daddy, Ben mummy.


• Draw a circle on the board and add two eyes and • • • •

a nose. Then draw a smiling mouth and say: Look this is a HAPPY face. Mime happy and encourage the children to do the same. Distribute the Class Books and show the children page 6. Look at the picture and elicit Pandy, mummy and daddy. (CD Track 07) Listen to the song. Point to the characters in your book while they are being named. Be sure that everybody understands the word family.

Track 07 Speaker: Listen and sing. Pandy: Look! My mummy! Look! My daddy! Mummy, daddy and ME! Chorus: Happy family! Happy family! We’re a happy family! (repeat twice)


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Play the Hunt the Family game. Photocopy and cut out the characters in the picture on page 6 of the Class Book. Ask for three volunteers, and invite them to stand in the corner of the room with their backs to the class. Together with the rest of the children, hide Pandy, mummy and daddy in different places in the classroom for the three volunteers to find. Explain the task to the three volunteers, and one at a time, invite them to search the classroom for the characters. Tell the rest of the class to say Yes or No if they are getting nearer or further away from the hidden character. Once the three characters have been found ask: Who’s that? and elicit Pandy, mummy and daddy from the three volunteers and say: They’re a happy family! Repeat this activity with three more volunteers.

Lesson 4


• mummy, daddy, baby, family Objectives

• Identify members of a family • Develop visual discrimination • Learn how to use / place stickers • Talk about families Material

• Puppet • CD Audio • Unit 1 stickers • Flashcards • Pictures of adult and baby animalstaken from magazines (optional) • Family photos, poster paper, glue, blue tack (optional) Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use Pandy to ask different children What’s your name? • Use the flashcards to review key unit vocabulary

(mummy, daddy, Ben, Pandy)


• Distribute the Class Books. Show the children page 7. • Point to mummy (dog) and say Look, this is •

mummy. Then point to daddy (dog) and do the same, then point to the grey circle and elicit what is missing (the puppy). Follow the same procedure with the birds. Explain the task, and help the children find the sticker page at the back of their Class Books and show them where the puppy and the baby bird are. Tell them to peel the puppy off first, and place it in the basket with its mother on page 7. Monitor and help any children who have difficulty peeling off the stickers and sticking them in the correct place. Repeat with the baby bird. Point to the dogs and explain that they are a family (mummy, daddy, baby). Do the same with the birds. In L1 ask the children about their family.

Extension - Science Show the children pictures of adult animals and baby animals. Encourage them to match the pictures. Use the pictures to make mother and baby animal posters. Divide the class up into four or five small groups and give each group a large sheet of poster paper and several of the pictures to stick onto each sheet. Tell the children to match the adult animals

• •

to the babies and glue them onto the poster paper. Then stick the posters on the wall for the whole class to see. Play the Memory game. Stick some magazine cut outs of adult and baby animals at random on the blackboard, for the whole class to see. Invite the children to match the pairs once more, and then memorise their position on the board. When the children are ready, slowly turn all the cut outs over and then explain that they have to try and remember where they are, and match them into pairs again. Demonstrate by choosing one of the cut outs, turning it over and then trying to remember where its matching pair is on the board. Invite a volunteer up to the board to turn one of the cut outs over and find its match. Elicit Mummy or Daddy and baby once a match has been found. Make sure all the children have a go. Ask the children to bring in a photograph of themselves with their family for the next lesson.


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.


Unit 1

Me and My Family

Lesson 5

Language mummy, daddy, me, brother, family

Objectives Identify members of a family Develop visual discrimination Develop listening comprehension Talk about families

• • • •

Material Puppet CD Audio Flashcards Playhouse poster Pictures of different families taken from magazines (optional) Activity Book (page 6) Family photos, poster paper, glue, blue tack (optional)

• • • • • • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello (CD Track 04) song and greet the children using Pandy. • Use the flashcards and the Playhouse poster to review key unit vocabulary (mummy, daddy, family)


• Repeat the listening and tell the children to circle • •


• Distribute the Class Books. Show the children page

8. Look at the photo of the family. Point to mummy and ask: Who’s this? Mummy or daddy? Do the same with daddy. Explain that they are a family (mummy, daddy, children). In L1 discuss the situation with the children. Ask them if they like reading stories with their parents and when they read them. Listen to the recording and (CD Track 08) Point to the different people in the photo.

Track 08 Speaker: Listen and circle. Girl: This is my mummy. This is my daddy And this is me and my brother. I love reading. (repeat twice)

the different people when they are named in their books. Use pictures from magazines of different families to reinforce the vocabulary of the unit. Collect the Class Books and distribute pictures of families, Activity Books and crayons. Help the children by explaining the task on page 6: the children have to help the baby reach its parents by tracing along the dotted line.


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Make a Happy Families collage. Ask the children if they remembered to bring in their photos and explain that you are going to make a Happy Families collage to put up on the wall in the classroom. Divide the children up into two or three groups depending on the size of the class, and give each group a large colourful sheet of poster paper for them to stick their photos on, and a tube of glue. Make sure the photos overlap so that they form a collage. Stick the posters up on the wall for the whole class to see. Point to the family members in each photograph and ask Who’s that? and invite the children to reply It’s me, It’s daddy! It’s mummy!

Lesson 6 Language Open, Close, Ben, Gina

Objectives Identify characters Develop fine motor skills (hand strength) Learn how to use / place stickers Talk about families

• • • •

Material Puppet CD Audio

• •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Play the song of the unit and encourage the

children to sing along Happy family (CD Track 07).


• Distribute the Class Books. Play the Open and close • • • •

game. Tell the children to open and close their books according to your instructions. Give instructions very slowly at first and gradually get faster and faster. Show the children page 9 and ask them to identify the characters (Ben and Gina). Explain the two actions in L1 if necessary. Gina is making a fist (closed fingers) and Ben is stretching his fingers (open fingers). Say Close! or Open! and invite the children to point to the appropriate picture. Have the children stand in a circle and do the actions following your instructions. Open! (The children stretch their fingers) Close (The children make a fist).


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Explain to the children that they are going to play another Open and Close game, but this time with their eyes and mouths! Demonstrate by saying Open! and open your eyes and mouth at the same time. Then say Close! and close your eyes and mouth at the same time.

Tell the children to listen and watch very carefully and play the game. Then tell the children that you are going to make the game a little harder by only saying the action, and that you want the children to listen and do the action you say. Start slowly at first and gradually get faster and faster. 15

Unit 1

Me and My Family

Lesson 7 Language mummy, daddy, Pandy, family, Gina

Objectives Identify members of a family Develop visual discrimination Develop listening comprehension Talk about families

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster Activity Book (page 7) CD Audio Crayons Blue tack

• • • • • • •

Warm Up

• • 16

Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. Play a game with the flashcards of the unit and the playhouse poster.

• Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books and the crayons. • Focus the children’s attention on the characters on page 7, and elicit their names (Mummy, daddy, Ben, Gina). Explain the task to the children and demonstrate by saying: Circle mummy, while picking up a crayon and circling the picture of Pandy’s mummy. Say Circle daddy, circle Gina. Pause after each character to check the children are circling the correct one in each row. When the children have finished circling, elicit the characters’ names once again.


• Distribute the Class Books, show the children •

where page 10 is and explain the scene in L1 if necessary. Have the children identify the characters and Pandy’s daddy and mummy. Explain the task and play the recording (CD Track 09). Pause after each part so the children can circle the corresponding picture. Then elicit the characters’ names (Pandy, mummy and daddy).

Track 09 Speaker:

Listen and circle.

Narrator: Pandy: Narrator:

What’s your name? I’m Pandy! Circle Pandy.

Narrator: Pandy: Narrator:

Who’s this? This is my mummy! Circle mummy.

Narrator: Pandy: Narrator:

Who’s this? This is my daddy! Circle daddy.


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Play Guess Who? Stick the flashcards of mummy, daddy, Pandy, Gina and Ben face down on the whiteboard with some blue tack. Invite a volunteer up to the board. Point to one of the flashcards and ask the volunteer to guess who it is. Once they have made their guess turn the card over to show the whole class which character it is. Leave the card on the board face up and invite other volunteers to the board to guess who the remaining characters are. Repeat the game until every one in the class has had a chance to play.

Lesson 8 Language mummy, daddy, baby, me, family

Objectives Identify members of a family Develop visual discrimination Talk about families

• • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster CD Audio Poster paper, scissors, glue, A4 paper, blue tack (optional)

• • • • •

Warm Up

Panda Pointer

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Play a game with the flashcards of the unit and

Keep in mind that not all children in the class will have ‘traditional’ families. Make sure that children who have problematic situations at home do not feel excluded or upset. Explain, in L1 if necessary, that they can draw their own family, an imaginary family or themselves with special friends or family.

the playhouse poster.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children •

page 11. Explain the task in L1 if necessary: the children have to draw their own family. Encourage the children to show each other their pictures and say for example: Mummy, daddy and me. My family


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Make a Happy Families collage. Hand out sheets of A4 paper for the children to draw pictures of their families again. Once the children have completed their drawings, ask: Who’s daddy? and invite the children to point to their daddy in their drawing. Repeat with mummy. Divide the children up into four or five groups depending on the size of the class, and give each group a large colourful sheet of poster paper. Give out round ended scissors and tubes of glue to each group, and tell the children to cut out their families and stick them all together on the poster paper with the glue. When all the collages have been created, collect the posters and stick them on the wall in a corner of the classroom for the whole class to see.


Unit 2

My bedroom Lesson 1 Language bedroom, bed, table, chair, door, window

Objectives Take part in a chant Learn how to name items of furniture Review vocabulary for family members Show a positive attitude towards English

• • • •

Material Puppet Playhouse poster CD Audio Flashcards (bed, table, chair) Activity Book (page 8)

• • • • •

Warm Up

Track 10

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the

Speaker: Listen and say the chant. Pandy: Gina, Gina, can I see? (use Pandy puppet; Point to your eye with the word ‘see’) What’s in your bedroom? Please, please, please. (begging) Gina: Yes, yes, come and see. (nod head) (point to your eye) A bed, a table, a chair… (show the flashcards and encourage the children to point) A bed, a table, a chair and ME! (get the children to point to themselves)

children using Pandy. The teacher shows the panda puppet to the class and has a conversation with him. Ask: What’s your name? The puppet answers: I’m Pandy. The puppet can then ask various children in the class their names.



• Use the flashcards for bed, table and chair. Show

the cards and say the words to the class. Hide different cards behind the door of the playhouse. Knock on the table and say: What is it? Table? Chair? Bed? Open the door and check. Repeat with the other flashcards. Hold up the flashcards one by one and ask What’s this? Distribute the Class Books and show the children where page 12 is. Talk about the picture with them. Point to characters and ask: Who’s this? (Mummy, Gina, Pandy). Is this daddy? (No, it’s mummy). Draw the children’s attention to the door and say the word ‘door’. Have the children pretend to knock at the door (like Pandy) by knocking on their tables. Draw the children’s attention to the window and say: Look! A window! Encourage the children to point to the window in their classroom (if there is one). (CD Track 10) Play the chant My Bedroom and do the actions.

• •

• Play the chant again (CD Track 10) and encourage the children to do the actions. • Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books • Show the children page 8. Point to different items

and say the names (chair, table, bed). Encourage the children to join the silhouette to the correct image. When they join the objects, encourage them to say the words, for example: chair-chair; tabletable. If there’s time, the children can colour one (or all) of the objects on the right hand side.


• Collect the Activity Books. • Play the Bye bye song (CD Track 06) and wave good-bye to the children using Pandy.

Lesson 2 Language chair, table, book, pencil, door, window

Objectives Take part in a song Learn how to say the names of different objects Recognise characters and key vocabulary Develop fine motor skills

• • • •

Materials Puppet Crayons CD Audio Playhouse poster Flashcards (chair, table, book, pencil, door, window) Blue tack

• • • • • •

Warm Up


• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Using the playhouse poster, hide a flashcard

• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy

behind the door, knock on the door (and encourage the children to ‘knock’) and show the card. Say the name of the word on the card and encourage the children to listen and repeat it.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children where page 13 is. Look at the picture and name the characters (Ben, Pandy).

Moral and Civic education

• Point out that Ben is being silly and not sitting on • • •

his chair properly, and that Pandy is going to help him. Ask the children what they think is going to happen to him if Pandy isn’t there to help. Show different flashcards (for example, table) and ask the children to find the (table) in the picture. Repeat with door, window, pencil, chair and book. Explain to the children that they need to trace the outline of the chair and colour it.

Panda Pointer: Keep in mind that children at this age have not yet established the ability to imitate horizontal and vertical strokes with ease. Be sure to reward them for their effort and not ‘over correct’. Most children at this stage will not colour within the lines but that is fine. Positive reinforcement is very important.

at the end of the lesson.

Extension Point to a chair in the classroom, tap your head as if you can’t remember and say Table? Chair? Elicit the correct word from the children and do the same with table, book, pencil, door and window. Do this several times and then point to the objects again, and encourage the children to name them. Divide the class into two teams: Red and Blue. Stick the six flashcards face down on the board, and draw a table with two columns containing the words Red and Blue on the board, to write the teams’ scores in. Invite a member from each team to come up to the board one at a time, and try and guess the name of the object featured on the front of the flashcard. If they guess correctly they get a point, otherwise it’s the other team’s turn to try and guess. Whoever succeeds in guessing the object featured on the card scores a point, and the team with the most points, once all the flashcards have been turned face up, wins.


Unit 2

My bedroom

Lesson 3

Language (make the) bed, (push the) chair, (clean the) table, happy

Objectives Take part in a song Develop gross motor skills through actions Learn about the importance of keeping things clean and tidy Learn about helping others around the house/school

• • • •

Material Puppet Playhouse poster Blue tack Crayons

• • • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Using blue tack, stick the flashcards on to different parts of the playhouse poster. • Invite the children or groups of children to touch the cards.



• Distribute the Class Books. Show the children where • •

page 14 is and point to the picture. Name the characters and point to the bed, chair and table. Listen to the song. (CD Track 11) Show the children the actions. Listen again encouraging the children to do the actions.

Moral and Civic education Talk to the children (in L1 if necessary) about the importance of helping out around the house, or helping the teacher at school. Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books. Show the children page 9. Point to Gina and say: Who’s this? Repeat with Ben and Pandy. Ask the children to match the puzzle pieces. As they are working, walk around the class checking their work and helping those who are struggling.

• • • •


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Track 11 Speaker: Sing and do. Gina: This is the way I make the bed, make the bed, make the bed This is the way I make the bed. Happy, happy helper! Ben:

This is the way I push the chair, push the chair, push the chair This is the way I push the chair. Happy, happy helper!


This is the way I clean the table, clean the table, clean the table This is the way I clean the table. Happy, happy helper!

• CD Audio • Flashcards (bed, chair, table) • Activity Book (page 9)

Extension Play the Happy Helper game! Show the children the actions in the song again and say: Make the bed! Push the chair! Clean the table! Encourage the children to copy the actions. Explain to the children that you are going to say one of the actions, and that you want them to do it as quickly as they can. Tell the children to stand in a circle at the front/back of the class, and start by saying the actions slowly, and then gradually say them faster and faster. Invite several volunteers to take your place and say the actions.

Lesson 4 Language window, door, book, pencil

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop visual discrimination Learn how to use / place stickers Talk about things found in shops

• • • •

Material Puppet Unit 2 stickers Flashcards (window, door, pencil, book) CD Audio

• • • •

Warm Up


• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use Pandy to ask different children What’s your name? • Use the flashcards to review key unit vocabulary

• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy

(window, door, pencil, book).


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children • •

where page 15 is. Look at the picture of Gina and her mum in a shop. Ask the children to point to mummy, Pandy and Gina, and explain that they are in a shop. Ask the children (in L1) what things they think they might find in this shop. Explain to the children that they need to put the stickers (the pencils and the book) in the correct place. Turn to page 73 and show the children where the stickers are. Ask the children to peel them off one at a time, and stick them on the page. As they are working, walk round the class and help anyone who may be struggling. Point to the book in Gina’s hands and ask: What’s this? Do the same with the pencils that Pandy is trying to reach.

Moral and Civic education Explain to the children that sometimes we are too little to reach things on high shelves. Ask the children (in L1 if need be) what Pandy can do to get the pencils he’d like to see. For example, ask mummy to help him.

at the end of the lesson.

Extension Play the Guessing game! Invite two volunteers to come to the front of the class, and ask one of them to close their eyes. Whisper the word book to the other child, and give them a book to place in their classmate’s hands. Then say: What is it? Once the child has said the word book, allow him or her to open his or her eyes, and look at the book. Choose two other volunteers and repeat the whole procedure with a pencil. Continue the activity until everyone in the class has had a go.


Unit 2

My bedroom

Lesson 5 Language bedroom, messy, tidy, book, pencil, bed, desk, chair

Objectives Identify things in a bedroom Develop visual discrimination Develop listening comprehension Develop fine motor skills and pre-writing abilities

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster Activity Book (page 10) CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use the flashcards and the playhouse poster to review key unit vocabulary (pencil, book, bed, chair, table)



• Repeat the listening, and invite the children to •

• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

• •

• • •

where page 16 is. Look at the photos of the bedrooms. Point to the mummy, and ask: Who’s this? Mummy or daddy? In L1 talk about the differences between the two bedrooms with the children. Play the listening (CD Track 12) and point to the two different bedrooms in your book.

Track 12 Speaker: Listen and point. Mum: Oh no! What a messy bedroom! Look at the bed, the desk! Oh no! What a messy bedroom! What a messy bedroom! Mum:

Oh good! What a tidy bedroom! Look at the bed, the desk! Oh good! What a tidy bedroom! What a tidy bedroom!

point to the bedrooms when mummy talks about them. When they have finished, smile and say: Tidy bedroom, and ask the children to point to the tidy bedroom. Frown and say: ‘Messy bedroom’ and encourage the children to point to the messy bedroom. Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books and crayons. Turn to page 10 and focus the children’s attention on the four unfinished pictures. Then name each one and encourage them to repeat the words. Explain the task: the children have to finish the pictures. When they have finished, they can colour some of the objects if they like.


• Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson. • Invite a volunteer to the blackboard and ask him to draw an object (window, door, book, pencil) on the board for the rest of the class to guess. When the volunteer has completed his/her drawing, elicit the name of the object from the rest of the class by asking: What’s this? Repeat the procedure and make sure everyone has a go.

Lesson 6 Language Pandy, bed, sleepy, window

Objectives Identify characters Develop fine motor skills Solve a simple maze Identify emotions (sleepy)

• • • •

Material Puppet Crayons CD Audio Magazine cutouts, poster paper, glue, blue tack (optional)

• • • •

Warm Up


• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Play the song of the unit (CD Track 11) and invite

• Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson. • Collect the Class Books.

the children to sing along and do the actions.


• Take out the Pandy puppet and show the children • • •

that Pandy is sleepy. Say: Look! Poor Pandy! He’s sleepy! Explain to the children that they are going to help Pandy find his bed. Distribute the Class Books and show the children page 17. Look at the page and ask the children to point to Pandy and to his bed. Point to the playhouse and have the children identify the window. Distribute the crayons, and allow time for the children to connect Pandy to his bed. As the children are working, walk around the room checking progress and helping children who are struggling.

• When the children have finished tracing the route

through the maze, focus their attention on Pandy and say: He’s sleepy, and encourage the children to repeat the word sleepy. Then turn their attention to the bed, and elicit the word bed. Say: I’m sleepy, and pretend to be sleepy, then say: bed, and mime getting into bed. Tell the children to do the same. Say: sleepy, and get the children to pretend they’re feeling sleepy, then say: bed, and get the children to mime getting into bed. Start slowly and gradually get faster and faster.

Extension Make a Time for bed, sleepy head! poster. Show the children different magazine cut outs of people (adults, teenagers, children and babies) feeling sleepy, and different types of beds. Divide the children up into four or five groups depending on the size of the class, and give each group a large colourful sheet of poster paper and eight magazine cut outs: four of sleepy people and four of different beds. Explain to the children that they have to help the sleepy people in the pictures find their way to their beds, just as they helped Pandy find his way to his bed in the playhouse. Give out some tubes of glue to each group, and tell the children to stick the pictures of the sleepy people in the middle of the poster paper, and the beds in the four corners. Then with the crayons, tell the children to join each person to a different bed. When all the posters are finished, stick them on the wall in a corner of the classroom for the whole class to see.


Unit 2

My bedroom

Lesson 7 Language pencil, door, window, book, door, table, bed, point

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop visual discrimination Develop listening comprehension Develop gross motor skills through actions

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster Activity Book (page 11) CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm Up


• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use the flashcards and the playhouse to practise 24

the vocabulary. Hide different cards behind the door of the playhouse. Peek behind the door and ask: What is it? A pencil? A door? A bed? etc. Open the door and check. Repeat with the rest of the cards.

Gina’s mum: Point to the pencil! The pencil! The pencil! Point to the pencil! CLAP, CLAP, CLAP

• Collect the Class Books and distribute the


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

Point to the book! The book! The book! Point to the book! CLAP, CLAP, CLAP

Activity Books. Turn to page 11 and focus the children’s attention on the four objects. Ask the children to identify them. Explain the task to the children: they have to circle one object in each row, according to your instructions. Demonstrate by saying: Listen and circle. Say: book, and picking up a crayon, circle the image of the book. Repeat the procedure with the other objects. When the children have finished circling, elicit the names of the objects once again.

where page 18 is. Have the children identify the characters. Point to the different objects (window, door, pencil, book) and have the children identify them in their books. (CD Track 13) Play the listening and explain the task: the children have to follow the characters’ instructions, by pointing to the window, door, book and pencil. Pause after each character, so the children can do the corresponding action.


Track 13

• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Speaker: Pandy:

Listen and point. Point to the window! The window! The window! Point to the window! CLAP, CLAP, CLAP


Point to the door! The door! The door! Point to the door! CLAP, CLAP, CLAP

Lesson 8 Language bed, bedroom, chair, table, window, pencil, book

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop visual discrimination Learn how to use / place stickers Talk about furniture

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster CD Audio Magazine cutouts, poster paper, glue, blue tack (optional)

• • • • •

Warm Up


• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use the flashcards and the playhouse poster to

• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy

review key unit vocabulary, and play the following game. Hide one of the flashcards behind the door of the playhouse. Encourage the children to knock on the door (knocking on their desks). Ask: What is it? A book? A pencil? A window? etc. Encourage the children to predict the items. Then look intrigued and open the door. Say: Look! It’s (a pencil!). Congratulate the children who guessed right, then repeat the activity with the rest of the flashcards.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 19 is. Explain the task in L1 if necessary: the children have to draw their bedroom. Draw their attention to the pictures in the frame, name the key vocabulary items, and then invite the children to repeat the words. Encourage the children to show their pictures to each other, point to the object they have drawn and say, for example: a bed, a chair, a table.

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that it will be challenging for some children at this age to figure out the ‘perspective’ of a bedroom. Congratulate them on their efforts and provide ample positive reinforcement.

at the end of the lesson.

Extension Explain to the children that they are going to make their own playhouses. Show them magazine cut outs of beds, chairs, tables, windows, doors, pencils and books. Divide the children up into four or five groups depending on the size of the class, and give each group a large colourful sheet of poster paper and a tube of glue. Then invite one child from each group to choose a cut out, until all the groups have seven cut outs each (a bed, chair, table, window, door, pencil and book). Tell the children they can now make their own playhouses, by sticking the pictures of the different objects anywhere they want to on the paper. If they like, they can draw pictures of themselves inside the playhouse, too. While the children are working, walk around the room, and elicit the names of the objects they are sticking onto the sheets of paper. When all the playhouses have been made, stick them on the wall in a corner of the classroom for the whole class to see.

• Now go to the Take home English pull out page 1,

on pages 37 and 38 of the Activity Book. Colour the pictures, then cut along the dotted lines to make the pieces for the puzzle.


Unit 3

Colours! Lesson 1 Language red, green, yellow, (traffic lights)

Objectives Take part in a chant Learn how to name some colours Develop gross motor skills through actions Develop fine motor skills Develop awareness of Road Safety

• • • • •

Material Puppet CD Audio Flashcards (red, green, yellow) Activity Book (page 12)

• • • •

Warm Up

Track 14

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the

Speaker: Listen and say the chant. (use the colour flashcards and encourage the children to point)

children using Pandy.



Red, red, red: Stop, stop, stop! (mime standing still) Red, red, red: Stop, stop, stop! (mime standing still) Yellow, yellow, yellow: Wait, wait, wait! (mime waiting) Yellow, yellow, yellow: Wait, wait, wait! (mime waiting) Green, green, green: Go, go, go! (mime, walking on the spot) Green, green, green: Go, go, go! (mime, walking on the spot)

• Introduce the colours red, green and yellow using • • • • • •

the flashcards. When the children have heard the words a couple of times, place the cards on different sides of the class. Say the colour and encourage the children to point to it. Introduce the word crayon, and show a red, yellow and a green crayon. Hand out the crayons (red, yellow and green) to the children and play a game. Say: Show me (red!). Distribute the Class Books and show the children where page 20 is. Talk about the pictures with the children. Point to the first scene, and discuss the situation in L1 if necessary: Ben and Gina are with Ben’s father trying to cross the road. Pandy is helping them. Point to the red traffic light and say: Red. Stop, stop, stop! and stand still. Follow the same procedure with the other two traffic lights. Say: Yellow. Wait, wait, wait! and mime waiting. Then say: Green. Go, go, go! and mime walking. Play the chant Traffic light (CD Track 14) and do the actions.

• Play the chant again (CD Track 14) and encourage • •

the children to do the actions. Explain how important it is to learn about road safety. Point to the lights and say: Stop! Wait! Go! Encourage the children to do the action according to the colour. Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books. Show the children where page 12 is. Explain the task: the children will colour the traffic lights and say the chant while pointing to the colours.


• Collect the Activity Books. • (CD Track 06) Play the Bye Bye song and wave good-bye to the children using Pandy.

WAIT says the yellow light in between! (Mime waiting and point to the yellow light)

Extension TPR activity: Draw a large traffic light on the board, or bring one. Say the following poem, and point to the traffic lights and mime, while you are saying it. Invite the children to do the actions.

Panda pointer Instead of colouring, children can also ‘spread’ coloured plastecine on the spaces or use a glue stick and bits of coloured paper to fill in the colours.

STOP says the red light! (Mime stopping and point to the red light) GO says green! (Mime going and point to the green light)

Lesson 2 Language green, red, yellow, table, chair, bed

Objectives Find items of furniture in a grid Developing visual skills Identify colours Develop fine motor skills

• • • •

Materials Puppet Crayons (red, green, and yellow) CD Audio Flashcards (green, red, yellow, table, chair, bed) Playhouse poster

• • • • •

Warm Up


• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Review some colours and items of furniture with

• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

the flashcards and the playhouse poster.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children • • •

where page 21 is. Point to the items of furniture on the right of the page and elicit their names. Point and ask: What’s this? Elicit: a table. Then ask: What colour is it? Green or red? Repeat the procedure for the chair and the bed. Make sure each child has three crayons: red, green and yellow. Say: Show me (red)! Do this like a game, very slowly at first, then faster and faster. Explain the task in L1 if necessary. The children have to find and colour the items of furniture in the grid. While the children are working, go around the room and ask individual children: What’s this? and What colour is it?

Extension Stick the flashcards of the red table, green chair and yellow bed face up on the board. Point to the first card, rub your head as if you can’t remember and say Table? Chair? Bed? Then ask Red? Yellow? Green? Elicit the correct words from the children and repeat with the other two flashcards. Divide the class into two teams: Red and Blue. Turn the flashcards face down on the board, and draw a table with two columns containing the words Red and Blue on the board, to write the teams’ scores in. Invite a member from each team to come up to the board one at a time, and try and remember the object featured on the front of the flashcard. If they remember correctly, they get a point, otherwise it’s the other team’s turn. Once all the flashcards have been turned face up, the team with the most points wins.


Unit 3


Lesson 3

Language blue, pink, orange, red, yellow, green, dice (roll)

Objectives Take part in a song Recognise colours Learn how to play a game Develop gross motor skills through actions

• • • •

Material Puppet Pieces of coloured paper (optional) Playhouse poster Crayons CD Audio Flashcards (colours) Activity Book (page 13) A dice with the 6 colours (optional)

• • • • • • •

Warm Up

What colour can you see? (point to your eye) Pandy: Pink or orange? Pink or orange? (show colour flashcards and look confused) Oh no! Oh no! Roll the dice again!

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Review the colours with the flashcards and the playhouse poster. • Play a TPR game using colours. Touch (red)! The children have to touch something red without moving from their seat.


• Hand out pieces of coloured paper (blue, pink,


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children •

where page 22 is. Look at the picture and explain the situation. Introduce the word dice with a real dice, or point to the dice in the picture. Listen to the song. (CD Track 15) Show the children the actions. Listen again, encouraging the children to do the actions.

Track 15 Speaker: Sing and do. Chorus: Roll the dice with me, Roll the dice with me! (roll your arms) What colour can you see? (point to your eye) Ben: Blue or red? Blue or red? (show colour flashcards) Blue, blue, blue It’s blue!! Chorus: Roll the dice with me! Roll the dice with me! (roll your arms) What colour can you see? (point to your eye) Gina: Yellow or green? Yellow or green? (show colour flashcards) Green, green, green! It’s green! Chorus: Roll the dice with me! Roll the dice with me! (roll your arms)

• • •

orange, red, yellow, or green) to different children in the class. Play the song again, and when they hear their colour, they have to wave their piece of paper. Divide the class in three groups. Assign a character to each group: Ben, Gina and Pandy, play the song again, and each group mimes their parts. Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books. Show the children where page 13 is. Point to Pandy and say: Who’s this? Ask the children in L1 what Pandy is doing. Confirm that he is playing with a dice. Hand out the crayons. Tell the children to choose two colours and colour the dice. When they have finished, point to the dice and ask: What colour is it? Each child answers according to the colours chosen. For example: Red and green!


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Make a large dice with the six colours to use in class. The children can play the game in the following way: First they roll the dice and then they say: Roll the dice with me! What colour can you see? When the dice stops everybody identifies the colour and says for example Red!

Lesson 4 Language blue, pink, orange, red, yellow, green

Objectives Identify colours Develop visual discrimination Learn how to use / place stickers Develop fine motor skills

• • • •

Materials Puppet Unit 3 stickers Flashcards (colours) CD Audio

• • • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use the flashcards and the playhouse poster to review colours from the unit. • Secretly place one of the colour flashcards behind •

the door of the playhouse. Encourage the children to knock on the door (knocking on their desks). Look intrigued and open the door. Say: Look! It’s (red!). Repeat with the rest of the colours. Use Pandy to point to the colours and ask different children What colour is this?


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children • • • •

where page 23 is. Point to Pandy. Say: Oh! Look! Pandy. In L1 ask the children about the scene: Pandy is painting a picture. Draw the children’s attention to Pandy’s palette and ask them to identify the colours. Point and ask: What colour is this? Elicit for example: Red! Show the colour flashcards one by one (blue, yellow, pink, orange, red, and green) and ask the children to point to the corresponding colour in Pandy’s palette. Help them to identify the missing colours in the palette. (green and pink) Explain to the children that they must put the green and pink stickers in the grey circles to complete the palette. Help them find the stickers on page 73, and monitor while the children carry out the task.


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Play the Hunt the colour! game. Explain the game to the children: You call out a colour and the children in their groups have to find as many objects of that colour in the classroom as they can, within a certain amount of time (an egg timer could be used to measure time). Divide the children into four or five groups, depending on the size of the class, set the timer and say the word blue. When the timer buzzes, ask the groups to show each other the blue objects they have found. Follow the same procedure for pink, orange, red, yellow and green. The coloured objects the children have found could then be put on display on a table in one of the corners of the classroom.


Unit 3


Lesson 5 Language book, pencil, crayon, green, orange, blue

Objectives Identify colours and classroom objects Develop visual discrimination Develop listening comprehension Talk about favourite colours

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards (colours) Playhouse poster Realia (a blue pencil, an orange pencil, a green book) Activity Book (page 14) CD Audio

• • • • • •

Warm Up

Green’s my favourite colour. I love green.

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use the flashcards and the Playhouse poster to review the colours from the unit. • Play the following game: Secretly place one of the 30

colour flashcards behind the door of the playhouse. Encourage the children to knock on the door (knocking on their desks). Ask: What colour is it? Red? Yellow? etc. Encourage the children to predict the colour. Then look intrigued and open the door. Say: Look! It’s (yellow!). Congratulate the children who guessed right. Repeat with the rest of the colours. Show a blue pencil and ask: What’s this? Elicit A pencil. Ask: What colour is it? (Blue). Repeat the procedure using a green book and an orange crayon.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children •

where page 24 is. Look at the photos. In L1 explain that they are going to listen to three children talking about their favourite colour. Play the recording (CD Track 16) pointing to the different children in your book.

Track 16 Speaker: Listen and circle. Girl: Look, this is my pencil. My pencil is orange. Orange’s my favourite colour. I love orange. Boy:

Look, this is my book. My book is green.

Girl: Look, this is my pencil. My pencil is blue. Blue’s my favourite colour. I love blue.

• Repeat the recording, and invite the children to •

circle the different classroom objects when they are named in their books. (Pause after each colour so the children have enough time to do the task). Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books and crayons. Show the children where page 14 is. Explain the task: the children have to join the two parts of the puzzles. Then they colour one of the classroom objects.


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Stick the colour flashcards around the classroom. Explain to the children in L1 that they have to say their favourite colour, stand up and touch the corresponding colour on the wall. Tell the children to stay near the colour until the end of the game so they can see who likes the same colours.

Panda pointer If children are unsure with writing implements, they can join the objects using their gommets.

Lesson 6 Language red, blue, orange

Objectives Identify colours Develop fine motor skills Develop pre-reading skills Identify series of colours

• • • •

Materials Puppet Crayons (orange, blue, red) CD Audio Blue tack

• • • •

Warm Up


• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Place the colour flashcards on different sides of the

• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy

classroom. Play the song of the unit, and invite the children to sing and point to the colour cards as they sing the colours.


• Distribuite the Class Books and show the children where page 25 is. • Look at the page and discuss the situation with

• •

the children. Pandy, Ben and Gina are painting a big mural. Point to the first three flowers in your book and elicit the colours red, blue, orange. Point to the next two flowers, and invite the children to identify the following colours: red, blue. Explain to the children that they are going to help our friends finish the mural by colouring the last flower. Invite them to say the colours of the series again, and elicit the last colour: red, blue, orange, red, blue, orange. Hand out the orange crayons and tell the children to colour the last flower. When the children have completed the task, help them to read the series again.

Panda pointer This is a good activity for developing mathematical and logical thinking

at the end of the lesson.

Extension Explain to the children that they are going to make a flower mural just like Ben, Gina and Pandy did for their classroom. Divide the children into groups of three. Hand out blank sheets of paper and give each child in the different groups a coloured crayon: red, blue, orange. Focus the children’s attention on the blank sheets of paper, and ask them to draw a flower and colour it with the crayon they have been given. Once all the children have finished colouring their flowers, invite the children with the red flowers to form a queue, and then repeat with the children holding the blue and orange flowers. Explain that they are now going to make the mural like the one in their books, by sticking their flowers onto the wall with some blue tack. Encourage the children to come forward one at a time, stick their flower on the wall, say its colour and then go back to their seats. Make sure the children follow the same colour sequence throughout the mural. When the mural has been completed and all the children have gone back to their seats, elicit the sequence of colours starting from the beginning to the end and, then going backwards from the end of the mural to the beginning.


Unit 3


Lesson 7 Language table, chair, window, door, bed, book, crayon, daddy, colours of the unit

Objectives Identify colours and classroom objects Identify items of furniture and members of a family Develop visual discrimination Develop listening comprehension Talk about favourite colours

• • • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards of items of furniture and classroom objects Activity Book (page15) Crayons (blue, green) CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm Up

• • 32

Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. Play the following game with flashcards (table, chair, window, door, bed, book and crayon). Shuffle the cards. Then place them face-down on your table. Choose one picture, and show it to the class without looking at it. Ask: Table? Book? etc. Invite the children to say: No, until you guess the correct word. When you guess the word, say it again, and ask the children to repeat the word with you. Shuffle the cards and play again.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children •

where page 26 is. Have the children identify the characters and Pandy’s daddy according to your instructions. Say for example: Point to (Pandy). Explain the task and play the recording (CD Track 17), pausing after each part, so the children have time to point to the corresponding picture.

Track 17 Speaker: Listen and point. Pandy’s dad: Look at my bed. My bed is green. Green is my favourite colour. Gina: Look at my window. My window is red. Red is my favourite colour. Pandy: Look at my table. My table is blue. Blue is my favourite colour. Ben: Look at my chair. My chair is orange. Orange is my favourite colour.

• Play the recording again (CD Track 17), then point •

to the pictures and say for example: Look at the bed. What colour is it? Red or green? Do the same with the rest of the objects. Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books. Turn to page 15 and focus the children’s attention on the four pictures. Get the children to identify the objects by pointing to the window/door/book/crayon. Then invite the children to repeat the names of the objects. Explain the task to the children: they have to colour one object in each row according to your instructions. Say: Colour the door green; then say: Colour the crayon blue, and pause after the first picture to check the children are colouring the correct one in each row. When they have finished the activity, elicit the names of the objects in the pictures again.


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Panda Pointer When you do a listen and colour activity or a colour dictation, ask the children to mark the colour in the picture with a dot, then when you finish your dictation, they finish colouring the whole picture. Children can work at their own pace, but remember, a time limit is important too.

Lesson 8 Language Colours of the unit, Ben, Gina and Pandy, rainbow

Objectives Identify colours Develop visual discrimination Develop fine motor skills Talk about a rainbow (Cross-curricular activity)

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards of the colours CD Audio Crayons (red, orange, yellow, green) Strips of blank paper, tissue paper, glue (optional)

• • • • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Play a game with the flashcards of the unit. Place

the cards on different sides of the classroom. Invite a child or groups of children to touch the cards according to your instructions Say: Touch (green). The rest of the class repeats the colour aloud.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

• • •

where page 27 is; explain the scene in L1. Our friends are surprised because there is a big rainbow in the sky. Focus the children’s attention on the sun and the drops of rain, and explain that a rainbow appears when it is raining and the sun is shining. Encourage the children to identify the colours of the rainbow. Point and ask: What colour is this? Explain the task in L1 if necessary: the children have to finish colouring the green, yellow, orange and red parts of the rainbow. Make sure the children have the crayons for this activity. While the children are working, go round the class and ask individual children to identify the colours in the rainbow.


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Explain to the children that they are going to make their own rainbow for the classroom. Divide the children up into six groups and give each group a long half-moon shaped strip of blank paper, a glue stick and some coloured crepe/tissue paper of one colour (red, orange, yellow, green, blue or purple). Tell the children to screw the crepe/tissue paper up into little balls and glue it onto the strips of blank paper. When they have finished, ask each group to come to the back of the class and stick their rainbow strip on the wall. Make sure they stick the strips of paper on the wall in the same order as the rainbow in their books. Once the rainbow has been made, encourage the children to repeat this little rhyme: Red and orange, Yellow and green, Blue and purple, It’s a rainbow!

Panda Pointer If the children are unsure about using their crayons, they can colour the rainbow with their gommets.


Story 1

The lost boy Lesson 1

Language Pandy, Gina, Ben, daddy, mummy, baby, family, boy, window, sad, happy, colours Is this your family? No, it isn’t. This isn’t my family What’s your name? I’m (Tommy)

• • •

Objectives Recycle family vocabulary Make predictions about a story Review colours Show positive attitude towards learning Develop literacy skills Take part in a story

• • • • • •

Material Puppet, storycards (story 1), CD Audio, flashcards (mummy, daddy, family), playhouse poster and crayons.

Warm up


thought bubble in the middle (The boy has broken a window with his ball), finally the one on the right (The boy is lost, and he can’t find his parents). Encourage the children to guess and circle the one they think is correct.

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Explain to the class that they are going to hear a

story. Tell them the story is about something that happened to Pandy, Ben and Gina while they were in the park. Ask the children (in L1) if they go to the park. When they go? Who they go with? What they do?

Note There are no ‘right or wrong’ answers here. This is just a prediction activity to get the children interested in the story.


• Review the words mummy, daddy, baby, family • • • •

using the flashcards and the playhouse poster. Using blue tack, stick the cards on different parts of the house. Invite the children or groups of children to touch the cards and say the words. Draw a circle on the board and draw two eyes and a nose, then draw a smiling mouth and say: Look! This is a HAPPY face. Mime happy and encourage the children to do the same. Then follow the same procedure, but draw a sad mouth and say: Look! This is a SAD face. Mime sad and encourage the children to do the same. Finally, say happy or sad many times, and ask the children to mime and say the words. Distribute the Class Books and show the children page 28. Tell the children to point to the characters, then the little boy. Ask: Is the boy happy or sad? Elicit the word sad. Explain to the children that they have to guess why the little boy is sad. Point to the thought bubbles and explain each one. First point to the one on the left, and elicit the situation in L1. (The boy has lost his dog). Then do the same with the

Moral and Civic education

• Talk to the children about the importance of

helping someone in need and point out that this is what Pandy, Ben and Gina are doing.

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that some children will struggle with the idea of guessing/predicting answers. The more children practise this, the easier it will be for them. Encourage them to make calculated guesses and to take risks.

Story class

• Collect the Class Books, and sit the children in a •

circle. Show them the first storycard. Ask the children who the different characters are and explain that they are walking in the park. Play the recording (CD Track 18) and show the storycards one by one as the children listen to the story. Pause the story at card 5 after the question, elicit Tommy’s answer: No, this is not my family. Follow the same procedure with storycard 6.

• Finally discuss the last two storycards with the

children and explain that Tommy is happy because he is with his family.

Track 18 Speaker: Storycard 1: Narrator:

Story 1: The lost boy Ben, Gina and Pandy are in the park. They are very happy.

Storycard 2: Pandy and Ben: Oh! Look at that boy! Gina: What’s the matter? Little boy: Mum! Dad! Where’s my family?

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that the children will need to hear the story a few times before they become familiar with the set up and the vocabulary.

• Play the story again (CD Track 18). Stick the

storycards up on the blackboard in the wrong order and encourage the children to point to the correct storycard as they listen. Then play the story once more, and get the children to put the storycards back in the correct order, by moving them around on the blackboard.


• Play the Bye Bye (CD Track 06) song and wave goodbye to the children using Pandy.

Storycard 3: Pandy: Little boy: Gina: Ben:

What’s your name? Tommy… I’m Tommy. OK! Tommy, come on! Let’s look for your family!

Storycard 4: Pandy: Tommy:

Is this your family? No, this is not my family.

Storycard 5: Gina: Tommy:

Is this your family? No, this is not my family.


• Encourage the children to draw a picture of themselves in the park with their family. • Help them act out the story.


Storycard 6: Gina: Tommy:

Is this your family? No, this is not my family.

Storycard 7: Woman: Man: Tommy:

Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! MUM! DAD!

Storycard 8: Pandy: Tommy:

Is this your family? Yes! This is my mum and this is my dad Ben and Gina: Hurray! This is your family! Tommy and his parents: Thank you very much!

Story 1

The lost boy

Lesson 2

(CB page 29 and story cards) Language mummy, daddy, family, colours

Objectives Develop fine motor skills Talk about good behaviour Listen to and participate in a story Develop literacy skills

• • • •

Material Puppet, flashcards, crayons, storycards; Optional: cutouts of happy and sad faces taken from magazines, glue

Warm up

• Say Hello to the class using Pandy. Encourage the children to say Hello Pandy! • Draw two very simple faces on the board, one sad 36

and the other happy, and say: sad and happy. Encourage the children to mime happy and sad and say the words. Optional: Show different magazine cutouts of happy and sad faces. Invite the children to say happy or sad, according to the pictures.

• Distribute the Class Books to the children. Help


• Ask the children (In L1) what they remember from •

the story they heard in class. Did they like the story? What happened? Did they find Tommy’s family? Have they ever been lost? Play the story (CD Track 18) and pause it so the children can join in with Tommy’s answers: No, this is not my family. For children who are not confident speaking English, they can simply shake their heads and make a sad face when Tommy’s lines are said. When the story is finished, encourage the children to clap. Show storycards 4, 5 and 6 one by one. Ask the children to point to the different members of each family. Say, for example: Point to (mummy), point and say the word. Repeat with the other storycards.

them find page 29. Explain in L1 that there are three scenes that show different children behaving in different ways, and that they have to decide which one represents bad behaviour and cross it out. Allow plenty of time for the children to observe and decide. When they have finished, check the children’s answers. They have to cross out the picture with the girl running away from her parents in the park. Discuss how dangerous it is to do this and that they could get lost. Explain that they should always stay near their parents in public places. Collect the Class Books and congratulate the children on their good work.


• Use Pandy to say Bye Bye to the class. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06). Extension Tell the story again and make some mistakes. For example, storycard 1: Pandy, Ben and Gina are in the playhouse. Encourage the children to say No! Correct yourself and say: Pandy, Ben and Gina are in the park.

Unit 4

My Toys Lesson 1

Language robot, ball, kite, red, blue, pink, happy, I’ve got...

• •

Objectives Take part in a chant Learn how to name toys Review colours Show a positive attitude towards English

• • • •

Material Puppet Playhouse poster CD Audio Flashcards (robot, ball, puzzle and colours) Activity Book (page 16) Balls of different shapes and sizes (optional)

• • • • • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Show Pandy to the class and have a conversation •

with him. Ask: What’s your name? Make the puppet answer: I’m Pandy. Then the puppet asks various children in the class their names. Show the colour flashcards for red, blue, pink and ask the children to name the colours. Hide one of the cards behind the door of the playhouse poster and knock on the door. Invite the children to guess the hidden colour.


• Use the flashcards for ball, robot, and puzzle.

Show the cards and say the words to the class. Hide a card behind the door of the playhouse. Peek behind the door and ask: What is it? Puzzle? Robot? Ball? Open the door and check. Repeat with the other objects. Hold up the flashcards one by one and ask What’s this? Distribute the Class Books and show the children where page 30 is. Talk about the picture with the children. Point to the characters and ask: Who’s this? (Ben, Gina, Pandy). Is this Pandy? (No, it’s Gina). Talk about how the characters feel. Point to Gina and ask: Is she happy? Repeat with Pandy and Ben. Point out that Pandy is sad because his toy is broken. Draw the children’s attention to the window and say: Look! A window! Ask them what colour the flower is (orange and yellow) and point to the leaves and ask what colour they are (green).

Moral and Civic education Talk to the children about the importance of taking care of their possessions and playing gently with their toys. Play the chant I’ve got a blue ball (CD Track 19) and do the actions.

• •

Track 19 Speaker: Listen and say the chant. Ben: I’ve got a blue ball, a blue ball, a blue ball. (pretend to bounce a ball or make the big, round shape of a ball using your arms) I’ve got a blue ball. Gina: I’ve got a pink puzzle, pink puzzle, pink puzzle. (pretend to be placing the pieces of a puzzle together) I’ve got a pink puzzle. Pandy: I’ve got a red robot, red robot, red robot. (pretend to move arms and legs like a robot with stiff, mechanical movements) Oh no! Poor robot!

• Play the chant again (CD Track 19) and encourage the children to do the actions. • Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books • Show the children where page 16 is. Point to the different items in the column on the left-hand side and say the names (kite, robot, ball). Encourage children to look at the packages on the right and to figure out what each package contains.


Unit 4

My Toys

Once the children have figured out the shape of each package, have them point to them one by one saying the name (ball, robot, kite). Congratulate them on doing the task well. Extension If there’s time, the children can colour one (or all) of the packages. This can also be done as a colouring dictation which ties in with the song. (Colour the robot red, Colour the ball blue etc.)

Lesson 2

Physical Education Take the children to the playground with beach balls or soft balls. Show the children how to catch, throw and kick balls of different colours and sizes.


• Collect the Activity Books. • Play the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) and wave good-bye to the children using Pandy.

Language robot, kite, teddy bear, doll, red, orange, yellow

Objectives Learn how to say the names of different objects Recognise characters and key vocabulary Develop fine motor skills Understand the results of things that happen Become aware of different emotions

• • • • •

Material Puppet Crayons CD Audio Playhouse poster Flashcards (teddy bear, kite, robot, doll, puzzle) Envelopes with puzzles (optional)

• • • • • •


Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Stick the following flashcards on different sides of

the classroom (ball, puzzle, robot) Encourage the children to say the words aloud. Play the chant I’ve got a blue ball of the previous lesson and do the actions (CD Track 19). Encourage the children to point to the cards and do the actions too. Using the playhouse poster, hide a flashcard behind the door, knock on the door (and encourage the children to ‘knock’) and show the card. Say the name of the word on the card and encourage the children to listen and repeat it.

• Explain to the children that they need to trace the line from Pandy to his kite and the line from Ben to his teddy bear.

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that children at this age have not yet established the ability to trace lines with ease. Be sure to reward them for their effort. Positive reinforcement is very important.


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 31 is. Look at the picture and name the characters (Ben, Pandy, Gina). Talk about how the different characters feel and mime their emotions (Gina is happy, Ben is surprised, Pandy is sad). Show different flashcards: (for example, kite) and ask the children to find the kite in the picture. Repeat with doll, robot and teddy bear.

Extension Divide the children into groups of four. Give each group an envelope containing eight puzzle pieces that you have made by drawing larger versions of the kite, teddy, doll and robot, which have then been cut in half. Explain to the children that their envelopes contain four toys, and that they have to put the pieces together to make the toys. Once the children have put the puzzle pieces together, elicit the names of the toys.

Lesson 3 Language turn around, touch the ground, bounce a ball, fly a kite, hug a doll, say goodnight

Objectives Take part in a song Develop gross motor skills through actions Use mime to represent different activities Distinguish between objects

• • • •

Material Puppet Playhouse poster Blue tack Crayons CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm Up

robot-like movements) Robot, robot, hug a doll. (pretend to hug a doll using mechanical, robot like movements) Robot, robot, fly a kite. (pretend to fly a coat using mechanical, robotlike movements) Robot, robot... say goodnight! (pretend to fall asleep)

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Ask a few children: What’s your name? and ask others: Are you happy? • Using blue tack, stick the flashcards (kite, ball,

doll) on different parts of the Playhouse poster. Invite the children or groups of children to touch or point to the cards.


Distribute the Class Books and show the children where page 32 is. Look at the picture and identify the different colours (red, orange, yellow, blue, green, pink). Then ask the children to point to the kite, the doll and the ball. Ask them what colour the different objects are. Point to the ball and say: What colour is the ball? Blue or red? Draw the children’s attention to Pandy. Explain that Pandy and the children are giving instructions to the robot. Tell them that they will also do the actions. Listen to the song (CD Track 20). Show the children the actions. Listen again and encourage the children to do the actions.

Track 20 Speaker: Sing and do. Robot, robot, turn around. (turn around using mechanical, robot-like movements) Robot, robot, touch the ground. (touch the ground using mechanical, robot-like movements) Robot, robot, bounce a ball. (pretend to bounce a ball using mechanical,

• Flashcards (kite, doll, ball) • Activity Book (page 17) • Realia: ball, doll, kite (optional)

• Collect the Class Books and distribute the

Activity Books. Show the children where page 17 is. Point to the robot and ask: What’s this? Point to the kite and ask: What’s this? Point to the dotted lines around the picture of the kite. Explain to children that they need to trace over the lines. As they are working, walk around the class checking work and helping any children who are struggling.

Extension Have the children colour the kite. Collect the books and encourage the children to mime that they are flying kites. Using realia (a ball, doll, a kite) hand out the toys to different children and ask them to follow your instructions. For example: (Maria) bounce the ball, (Pedro) fly the kite etc.

• • •


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.


Unit 4

My Toys

Lesson 4

Language ball, puzzle, teddy bear, doll, kite, red, blue

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop visual discrimination Learn how to use / place stickers Use logic and thinking skills to solve pattern Material Puppet Playhouse poster Flashcards (ball, puzzle, doll, teddy bear, colour cards) Real toys (optional) CD Audio Magazine cutouts of toys (optional) Poster paper (optional) Glue (optional)

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use Pandy to ask different children What’s your name? • Review the Action Robot song (CD Track 20) with 40

• •

the class. Do the actions and encourage the children to copy them. Use the Playhouse poster to review colours. Hide a coloured card behind the door of the playhouse, knock on the door, then encourage the children to guess the colour. Use the flashcards to review key unit vocabulary (ball, doll, teddy bear, puzzle, kite)


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 33 is. Look at the pictures and ask the children about the colours of the toys (What colour is the teddy bear?). Say the series of images with the children (teddy bear, doll, teddy bear, doll) and encourage them to say what comes next in the series. Follow the same procedure for the kite – puzzle series. Explain the task. Then help the children find the sticker page at the back of their Class Books on page 73, and show them where the teddy bear and the puzzle stickers are. Tell them to peel the teddy bear off first, and place it over the grey teddy bear at the end of the first row on page 33. Monitor and help any children who have difficulty peeling off the stickers and sticking them in the correct place. Repeat with the puzzle.

Extension Sit the children in a circle. Put the following toys and classroom objects in the centre: a ball, a doll,

a teddy bear, a puzzle, a book, a pencil, a crayon. Ask different children to follow your instructions: (Rosa), give me the (ball), please! When the child does the action, say: Thank you! In order to practise colours, put objects of different colours and ask for example. (Juana) give me the (pink crayon), please! Make a Toys poster. Show the children magazine cutouts of toys (4 teddy bears, 4 dolls, 4 kites, 4 puzzles, 4 balls). Divide the children up into two groups and give each group a large colourful sheet of poster paper and half of the magazine cut outs. Explain to the children that they have to put the toys in a series like the teddy bear and doll one in their books. Give out some tubes of glue to each group, and tell the children to stick the pictures of the toys alternately on the poster paper, in order to make the series. When all the posters are finished, stick them on the wall of the classroom for the whole class to see.


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Lesson 5

Language teddy bear, puzzle, doll, robot, kite, big, small, good, bad, share

Objectives Identify toys Develop visual discrimination Develop listening comprehension Develop fine motor skills and pre-writing abilities Learn to show respect for others and share

• • • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster Activity Book (page 18). CD Audio Real toys (optional) Pillowcase or cardboard box (optional)

• • • • • • •

Warm Up

• •

Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. Use flashcards and the Playhouse poster to review key unit vocabulary from (puzzle, teddy bear, doll, robot, kite)


• Repeat the recording and invite the children to

• Distribute the Class Books and show the children • •

where page 34 is. Look at the photos of the children and their parents. Point to daddy, and ask: Who’s this? Mummy or daddy? In L1 talk about the differences between the photos with the children. Play the listening (CD Track 21) and point to the different photos in your book.

Track 21 Speaker: Listen and point. Dad: Oh no, stop! Don’t be bad! Share the toy! Share the toy! Mum:

Play with the puzzle! Be good! Share the puzzle! Share the puzzle!

Moral and Civic education Talk to the children about the importance of sharing their toys with their brothers, sisters and friends.


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that children needn’t understand everything the parents are saying as they should be able to figure out the ‘message’ through the tone and by looking at the pictures.

point to the correct photo as they listen. When they have finished, smile and say ‘Good’ (encourage the children to point to the children sharing). Then frown and say ‘Bad’ (have the children point to the children fighting over the toy). Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books and crayons. Show the children where page 18 is. Elicit the words from the children by pointing to the different images and asking: What’s this? Is it a teddy bear or a kite? Is it big (mime with arms) or small? (indicate small using hands/fingers). Explain the task: the children have to join the small image on the left with the image on the right. When they are joining the pictures they should be encouraged to say the words, teddy bear – teddy bear, robot – robot, doll – doll. Optional activity: When the children have finished, they can colour some or all of the toys as they like.

Extension Play the Guess the toy game! where a child, with eyes shut, must guess which real toy it is, just by touching it.


Unit 4

My Toys

Lesson 6 Language ball, on, under, chair, table

Objectives Identify the position of objects Develop fine motor skills Identify and name key characters Acquire English vocabulary

• • • •

Material Puppet Crayons CD Audio a teddy puppet or teddy bear ball (optional)

• • • • •

Warm Up

Panda Pointer

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the

Children this age will also have trouble colouring within the lines but this should not be seen as a problem. Encourage them through positive reinforcement and don’t expect ‘perfection’.

children using Pandy.

Lesson 42

• Play the song of the unit (CD Track 20) and invite the children to sing and do the actions. • Bring a ball to class and ask the children: What’s this? • Encourage them to pass the ball to one another, • • •

saying the word ‘ball’ as they do so. Put the ball ON a chair and say: Look! Where’s the ball? It’s on the chair. Put the ball on the table and repeat. Ask a child who feels confident in class to take the ball. Say: Put the ball ON the chair. Repeat with table. Follow the same procedure with the word UNDER. Distribute the Class Books and show the children where page 35 is. Look at the page and ask the children to point to Pandy, Ben and Gina. Ask them to point to the window, the chair, the door and the table. Then, have them point to the ball on the chair. Take out the teddy puppet or bear and have it raise its arms as if asking a question (like the panda in the book). Ask the question: Where’s the ball? ON the chair or UNDER the chair? Repeat with the table. Distribute the crayons and allow the children time to colour the balls in as best they can. As the children are working, walk around the room checking progress and helping any who may be struggling.


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Play the On/Under game using Pandy. Place the puppet on and under different objects in the classroom, say Where’s Pandy? and elicit the corresponding preposition from the children. Then invite a volunteer to the front of the class, and ask them to do the same thing with Pandy. Encourage the child to ask: Where’s Pandy? and the rest of the class to answer accordingly. Follow the same procedure by placing a crayon on, and then under your table and chair. Elicit the corresponding preposition On or Under, with the question: Where’s the crayon? and Yes or No with the question: Is the crayon on/under the table/chair?

Lesson 7 Language red, blue, yellow, pink, kite, doll, robot, puzzle, big, small

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop visual discrimination Develop listening comprehension Distinguish between objects in different places Review colours

• • • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster Activity Book (page 19) CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm Up

• •

Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. Play a game with the flashcards of the unit and the Playhouse poster to revise unit vocabulary.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 36 is. Have the children identify the characters. Hold up flashcards of the different objects (doll, robot, puzzle, kite) and have the children identify them in their books by pointing to the correct picture. Ask questions about the objects, for example, point to the kite and ask: What colour is it? Red or yellow? Is it big (mime big) or small (mime small)? (CD Track 22) Explain the task and play the listening. Pause after each part so the children can point to the correct object.

Track 22 Speaker: Gina:

Listen and point. I’ve got a doll. A small, pink doll. I’ve got a doll. Point to my doll. Ben: I’ve got a robot. A small, yellow robot. I’ve got a robot. Point to my robot. Gina’s dad: I’ve got a puzzle. A big, blue puzzle. I’ve got a puzzle. Point to my puzzle. Pandy: I’ve got a kite. A big, red, kite. I’ve got a kite. Point to my kite.

• Collect the Class Books and distribute the

Activity Books. Turn to page 19 and focus the children’s attention on the four pictures. First of all get the children to identify the objects by pointing and saying chair/ball/table/kite. Then point to the picture in the top right hand corner and say: Where’s the ball? It’s under the table. and repeat with the other three pictures. Explain the task to the children: they have to circle the correct picture in each row according to your instructions. Say: Where’s the ball? It’s under the table. Circle the ball UNDER the table. Then say: Where’s the kite? It’s ON the chair. Circle the kite ON the chair. Pause after the first picture to check the children are circling the correct one in each row. When the children have finished the activity, elicit the position of the objects in the pictures again by pointing to each one and asking Where’s the ball/kite in this picture? On or under?


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.


Unit 4

My Toys

Lesson 8

Language ball, robot, kite, puzzle, doll, teddy bear

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop fine motor skills Work on creativity Talk about toys and possessions

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster Crayons CD Audio Small toy (optional) Wrapping paper and boxes (optional) Music CD (optional)

• • • • • • • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Play a game with the unit flashcards and the Playhouse poster, to revise key unit vocabulary..



• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

• •

where page 37 is. Explain the task in L1: the children have to draw their favourite toy in the space provided. Draw their attention to the pictures on the lid of the toy box, and name the key vocabulary items. Encourage the children to show their pictures and say for example: My favourite toy is a (ball). While the children are working on their drawings, go round the class and ask individual children to identify the toys they are drawing, and the toys on the lid of the toy box.


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Play Pass the Parcel. Get a fairly small sized toy and wrap it up with lots of layers of wrapping paper, and place it in several different sized boxes. Sit the children in a circle, and explain that you are going to play some music, and give them a parcel to pass round the circle to each other. Tell them that when the music stops, whoever’s holding the parcel has to take a sheet of wrapping off. The child who takes the last sheet of wrapping paper

off the toy is the winner, and they get to keep the toy for the rest of the day, or until the next lesson. Now go to the Take home English pull out page 2 on pages 39 and 40 of the Activity Book. Here you will find a mask for the children to colour and cut out.

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that it will be challenging for some children at this age to control the use of a writing device to draw their pictures. Congratulate them on their efforts and provide ample positive reinforcement.

Unit 5

My Pet Lesson 1

Language rabbit, cat, bird, rabbit, mouse, fish, dog, colours (yellow, orange, blue, red), Stop!

Objectives Take part in a chant Learn how to name pets Recognise animals in different positions Review colours Show a positive attitude towards animals Develop fine and gross motor skills

• • • • • •

Material Puppet Activity Book (page 20) Playhouse poster Plastic pets (optional) CD Audio Flashcards (cat, rabbit, bird, mouse, fish, dog)

• • • •

Warm Up

Track 23

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Introduce the pets with the flashcards (cat, bird, •

• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

• •

Speaker: Gina:

rabbit, mouse, fish and dog). First show the cards and say the words to the class. Then ask the children to repeat the words. Next place the cards on different sides of the classroom and ask the children to point to them according, to your instructions. Say for example: Point to the (cat) Repeat this with all the animals very slowly at first, and then more quickly to turn the activity into a game. Use the flashcards and the playhouse to practise the vocabulary. Hide different cards behind the door of the playhouse. Peek behind the door and ask: What is it? Rabbit? Cat? Bird? etc. Open the door and check. Repeat with the rest of the cards.

Lesson where page 38 is. First ask the children to look at the page and look for a ball. Ask: What colour is the ball? Elicit: Red and blue. Then point to the characters and ask: Who’s this? (Ben, Gina, Pandy). Then point to the rabbit and say: This is Ben’s rabbit. Then point to the cat and say: This is Gina’s pet. Discuss the situation in L1. The cat is running after the rabbit and a bird has escaped from its cage. Our friends are trying to catch them. Play the chant Stop! (CD Track 23) and with the help of your book, draw the children’s attention to the pictures while you point and mime the actions.

• •



Listen and say the chant. My cat! My cat! (mime being a cat) Stop cat! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! (mime) My rabbit! My rabbit! (mime being a rabbit) Stop rabbit! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! (mime) Oh, no! Bird, bird, bird! (mime being a bird) Stop bird! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! (mime)

• Play the chant again (CD Track 23) and do the • • •

actions, then invite the children to do the actions with you. Play the chant again, and ask the children to point to the animals in their books when they are named Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books Focus the children’s attention on page 20. Point to the different animals in the column on the lefthand side and ask: What’s this? Elicit: a dog, a rabbit, a mouse. Do the same with the column on the right-hand side. Once the children have identified the animals, have them join the pairs, encourage the children to say for example dog-dog. Congratulate them on doing the task well.


Unit 5

My Pet

Panda pointer This activity is excellent for developing children’s perception.


• Sit the children in a circle. Show them the plastic

animals one by one, and invite them to identify them. Then place the animals in a circle in the centre. Call different children and say: (Maria) Give me the (cat) please!. Follow the same procedure with all the children.


• Play the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) and wave good-bye to the children using Pandy.

Lesson 2

Language fish, dog, cat, bird, rabbit, mouse, one, two, three, red and yellow

Objectives Learn how to count to three Develop fine motor skills by colouring to a model Developing gross motor skills Develop observation skills

• • • •

Material Puppet Crayons (red, yellow) Flashcards (fish, dog, cat, bird, rabbit, mouse) CD Audio Playhouse poster

• • • • •


Warm Up


• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Stick the following flashcards on different sides of

• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

the classroom (cat, dog, bird) and encourage the children to say the words aloud. Play the chant Stop! (CD Track 23) from the previous lesson and do the actions. Invite the children to point to the animals when they are named, and do the actions too. Play ‘Look and guess’ with the unit flashcards. Show the cards and ask the children to identify them. Then put the cards on your table, choose one card and cover it with a piece of paper so the children can’t see it. Move the paper around slowly and ask: What is it? A dog? A mouse? The children say the word when they recognise the animal. Repeat with different cards. (It is more challenging to put the flashcard upside down.) Place three pencils, three books and three crayons on your table. Present the numbers to the children by counting on your fingers. Say: One, two, three. Repeat and invite the children to do the same. Count other things, such as windows, chairs, toys etc, and invite the children to count with you.

• • • •

where page 39 is. Point to the first fish bowl and say: Look! One fish! Ask: What colour is it? Elicit: Red and yellow. Point to the second fish bowl and invite the children to count the fish with you. Point and say: One, two fish. Finally point to the third fish bowl and say: One, two, three fish. Focus the children’s attention on the third fish, and explain they have to colour it to match the others. Be sure that everybody has red and yellow crayons. While the children are working, walk around the class and ask individuals to point and count the fish in the different fish bowls. Collect the Class Books.


• Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that children colour at their own pace, however give a time limit to the activity. Be sure to reward them for their effort, even if they weren’t able to finish colouring the whole fish.

Lesson 3 Language rabbit, bird, mouse, green, grass

Objectives Take part in a song Develop gross motor skills through actions Use mime to represent different animals Recognise animals through their sounds Reinforce knowledge of the environment

• • • • •

Material Puppet Playhouse poster CD Audio Flashcards (fish, dog, cat, bird, rabbit, mouse) Green grass made with green paper to stick on the board Activity Book (page 21)

• • • • • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use the unit flashcards and do the ‘Pass game’ to

practise the unit vocabulary. Sit the children in a circle, hold up a flashcard of a bird and say: I see a bird. Pass it to the child beside you and encourage the child to repeat: I see a bird. Get this child to pass the card to the next child who also says: I see a bird. Continue until all the children have had a turn, then repeat with the other animals.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children •

where page 40 is. Look at the picture, identify the characters and ask the children which animals they are looking at (Ben/a rabbit; Gina/a bird; Pandy/a mouse). Explain they are happily singing a song. Present the song with the CD and the flashcards (CD Track 24). Stick some ‘green grass’ made with green paper on the board and while you sing, stick the animal flashcards on the grass as they are named. Mime the actions as well.

I see a bird. Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Chorus: Playing in the green grass (mime the grass by wiggling your fingers) Playing in the green grass La-la-la, La-la-la Pandy: I see a mouse. (pretend to be a mouse) I see a mouse. Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! (squeak) Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Chorus: Playing in the green grass. (mime the grass by wiggling your fingers) Playing in the green grass. La-la-la, La-la-la.

• Listen to the song again (CD Track 24) and encourage the children to do the actions. • Repeat the song using Dog/ Woof! Cat/ Miaow! • Collect the Class Books and distribute the

Activity Books. Focus the children’s attention on page 21 and explain the task. They have to circle the animals that are pets: the dog, cat, rabbit. Get the children to point to the pets and name them.

Track 24


Speaker: Sing and do. Ben: I see a rabbit (pretend to be a rabbit) I see a rabbit. Hop! Hop! Hop! (hop like a rabbit) Hop! Hop! Hop! Chorus: Playing in the green grass (mime the grass by wiggling your fingers) Playing in the green grass. La-la-la, La-la-la. Gina: I see a bird (flap your arms like wings)

• Collet the Activity Books and sing the Bye Bye song using Pandy (CD Track 06) .

Panda Pointer It is not necessary that children identify all the animals in English, They can say their names in L1. With this activity we help children to recognise the world around them. We reinforce knowledge of the environment.


Unit 5

My Pet

Lesson 4

Language animals, counting to three, colours

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop visual discrimination Learn how to use/place stickers Develop fine motor skills Use logic and mathematic skills to recognize sets.

• • • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards of the animals Green grass made with green paper Toys: ball, teddy bear robot, puzzle, kite Playhouse poster CD Audio

• • • • • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Review the Animals song (CD Track 24) with the 48

• •

CD and the flashcards. Stick some ‘green grass’ made with green paper on the board, and add the animal flashcards when they are named, mime the actions as well. Then invite the children to do the actions with you. Review counting to three by clapping your hands. Invite the children to do it with you. Say: One. and then clap once, One, two. and then clap twice, One, two, three. and then clap three times. Repeat this a couple of times. Then invite the children to count to three with their fingers and different objects in the classroom crayons, pencils, books, chairs, tables, etc.


• • • • •

Distribute the Class Books and show the children where page 41 is. Look at the pictures and ask the children to find a ball in the scene. Ask: What colour is it? Elicit: Red and green. Then ask the children to find a doll and a teddy bear. Focus the children’s attention on the characters. Ask them what they think Pandy, Ben and Gina are doing. (They are counting the cats). Point to the blue basket and say: I see one cat. Focus the children’s attention on Pandy holding up one finger. Invite the children to do the same and repeat: I see one cat. Point to the orange basket and say: I see one, two cats. Focus the children’s attention on Ben holding up two fingers. Invite the children to do the same and repeat: I see one, two cats. Finally point to the pink basket and say: I see one, two… Point to the grey circle and say: Oh! No!

• • •

One cat is missing. Invite the children to help Gina find the third cat. Show the children the sticker page; point to the cat and say: Look the cat. Invite the children to remove the sticker and stick it on the grey circle, to make a group of three cats. Finally focus the children’s attention on Gina holding up three fingers. Invite the children to do the same and say: I see one, two, three cats. Encourage the children to point and count the cats again in the three baskets.


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Sit the children in a circle, put some plastic animals and toys in the centre. Ask different children to follow your instructions: (Pilar), give me two rabbits, please! When the child follows your instructions correctly, say: Thank you! In order to practise counting, invite the class to count aloud. Say: One, two rabbits. Repeat the procedure with the rest of the objects asking for one, two or three items.

• •

Lesson 5

Language cat, bird, rabbit, mouse, fish, dog, mum, dad, big, small, happy, water, colours

Objectives Identify pets Develop visual discrimination Develop listening comprehension Develop fine motor skills and pre-writing abilities Promote responsible pet ownership

• • • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards of the unit Playhouse poster Activity Book (page 22). CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm Up

• •

Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. Use the flashcards and the Playhouse poster to review pets. Play the following game: Secretly place one of the pet flashcards behind the door of the playhouse. Encourage the children to knock on the door (knocking on their desks). Ask: What is it? A rabbit? A cat? A mouse? etc. Encourage the children to guess the animals. Then look intrigued and open the door. Say: Look! It’s (a bird!). Congratulate the children who got it right. Then repeat with the other animals.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 42 is. Look at the photos of the children feeding their pets. Point to the first photo and ask What’s this? A dog, a cat or a rabbit? Talk about the scene in the photo in L1: The girl is feeding her rabbit with a carrot. Then repeat with the other two photos. Play the recording (CD Track 25) and while listening, point to the different photos in the book.

Track 25 Speaker: Listen and point. Girl: This is my rabbit. And this is a carrot for my rabbit. Yummy! She loves carrots! And I love my rabbit! Boy: This is my dog. And this is a biscuit for my dog.Yummy! He loves biscuits! And I love my dog! Boy: This is my cat. And this is some fish for my cat.Yummy! My cat loves fish! And I love my cat.

• Repeat the listening and invite the children to point to the correct photo as they listen. When they have finished, smile and say Good.

Moral and Civic education The purpose of this lesson is to promote responsible pet ownership. Explain in L1 that it is very important to take care of your pets properly. Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books and crayons. Focus the children’s attention on page 22 and explain the task: the children have to compare the different situations and cross out the one which reflects bad behaviour with animals. Point to the rabbit in the first photo and ask: What’s this? Elicit: A rabbit. Ask Is the rabbit happy? Elicit: Yes. In L1 have children say why the rabbit is happy. (Because the child is feeding it.) Point to the cat in the second picture and ask: Is the cat happy? Elicit: No. In L1 children say why the cat is not happy. (Because the girl is pulling its tail). Explain that this is not good and you mustn’t be cruel to animals. Do the same with the other two pictures and encourage the children to identify bad behaviour with pets. (The boy who is throwing a stone at a cat). Optional Activity: When they have finished they can colour the picture they like most.

• • • • • •


• Collect the Activity Books, and using Pandy sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06).

Panda Pointer Children under the age of 4 have a tendency to be rough with animals. Pulling tails and ears just comes naturally with their curiosity. We want to encourage children to be kind to animals.


Unit 5

My Pet

Lesson 6 Language rabbit, chair, book, ball, teddy bear, kite, robot, puzzle, (on/under) counting to three, colours

Objectives Identify position of objects Develop observation skills Count to three Develop fine motor skills Identify and name key vocabulary

• • • • •

Material Puppet Crayons CD Audio

• • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Play the song of the unit (CD Track 24) and invite the children to sing and do the actions. • Review counting. Have the children count different 50

• •

things to three: fingers, crayons, pencils, books, chairs, tables etc.. Take out Pandy and say: Hello Pandy! Invite the children to say hello to Pandy. Then pretend that Pandy whispers something in your ear. Look at the children and say in L1 that Pandy wants to play Hide and Seek. Explain to the children that you want them to close their eyes, count to three, open their eyes and look for Pandy. Say Close your eyes! Put Pandy under your table and count One… two… three! Ask Where is Pandy? Tell the children to open their eyes and look for Pandy. Encourage them to point and say. Under the table. Repeat the game with Pandy in different places such as: on the table, on the chair, under the chair, under a book and so on.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 43 is. Look at the page and ask the children to look for a ball in the picture. When the children find it, ask: What colour is the ball? Elicit Red and green. Do the same with the yellow teddy bear, the green and pink kite and the blue, yellow and red robot. Focus the children’s attention on the main scene and explain in L1 that our friends are looking for three rabbits. Ben and Gina are laughing because Pandy’s got one rabbit on his head and he doesn’t realise. Tell the children that they are going to help

our friends by circling the rabbits. Distribute the crayons and help the children do the task. One rabbit is under the book, another is under the chair and the last one is on Pandy’s head. Walk around the class and ask different children to point and count the rabbits in their books.


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

• Play the One, Two, Three Jump! game. Ask the

children to stand in a circle and explain that they are going to play a jumping game. Tell them that when you say One, they have to jump once, Two, they have to jump twice, and Three, they have to jump three times. Invite a volunteer to demonstrate with you to the rest of the class. Start slowly at first and gradually get faster. Say the numbers in the right order to start with, then backwards and then at random. Invite some of the more confident children to take your place.

Lesson 7 Language bird, cat, dog, rabbit, fish, chair, table, bed, kite, teddy bear, ball, on/under, big/small, counting to three

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Count to three Develop visual discrimination Develop listening comprehension Review colours

• • • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster Activity Book (page 23) CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm Up

Look at the cats. Circle three cats! Circle three cats!

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use the flashcards of the unit and do the ‘Pass

game’ to practise the key vocabulary. Sit the children in a circle, hold up a flashcard of a fish and say: I see a fish. Pass it to the child beside you and encourage him to say: I see a fish, and then to pass it on to the next child. Continue until all the children have had a turn. Then repeat with the other animals. You can also use flashcards from previous units to revise more vocabulary.


Look at the dogs. Circle two dogs! Circle two dogs!

• Collect the Class Books and distribute the •

• Distribute the Class Books and show the children • •

Activity Books and crayons. Turn to page 23 and explain the task: the children have to circle the correct picture according to your instructions on the CD. Before the task ask the children to read each row. Point to your book and encourage the children to identify the animals. First row: a rabbit- a fish, a bird. Second row: a bird (under a table), - a bird (on a chair), a bird (under the bed). Third row: a cat (with a ball), a cat (sleeping next to a teddy), a cat (sitting on a kite). Say: first row. Circle the fish. Second row. Circle the bird on a chair. Third row. Circle the cat with the ball. Pause after the first row to check the children are circling the correct picture. Repeat each instruction twice. On completion of the task, get the children to name the objects and say where they are, once more.

where page 44 is. Have the children identify the animals. Hold up flashcards of the following pets: bird, dog, cat, and have the children identify them in their books by pointing to the correct picture. Ask questions about the animals. For example, point to a bird and ask: What colour is it? Blue or yellow? Is it big or small (mime)? Explain the task and play the listening (CD Track 26). Pause after the first part, and demonstrate the activity by circling one of the birds in the cage. Continue the recording and tell the children to complete the task. Pause after each part so the children can count and circle the correct number of animals.

Extension Do a colour dictation with the circled pictures.

Track 26


Speaker: Listen and circle. Look at the birds. Circle one bird! Circle one bird!

• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy

at the end of the lesson.


Unit 5

My Pet

Lesson 8

Language cat, bird, mouse, rabbit, fish, dog

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop fine motor skills Work on creativity Talk about favourite pets

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Crayons CD Audio Magazine cutouts of pets (optional) Poster paper (optional) Glue (optional)

• • • • • • •

Warm Up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Play Look and guess with the flashcards of the

unit. Show the cards and ask the children to identify them. Then put the cards on your table, choose one card and cover it with a piece of paper so the children can’t see it. Move the paper around slowly and ask: What is it? A fish? A bird? Invite the children to say the word when they recognise the animal. Play the game again with different cards. In order to make the game more challenging place the flashcard upside down.



• Distribute the Class Books and show the children •

where page 45 is. Explain the task in L1 if necessary: the children have to draw one of the pets pictured in the frame. Draw their attention to the frame and elicit the names of the animals. Encourage the children to show their pictures and say for example: (This is) my fish.


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Make a Pet Shop poster. Show the children different magazine cutouts of pets (dogs, cats,

mice, goldfish, birds, rabbits). Divide the children up into four groups and give each group a large colourful sheet of poster paper. Lay the magazine cutouts face down on your desk and invite each group to come to the front of the class and take a pet each. Give out some glue sticks to each group, and tell the children to stick the pictures of the pets in the middle of the poster paper, and then draw a picture of themselves near their pet. When all the posters are finished, stick them on the wall in a corner of the classroom for the whole class to see.

Panda Pointer Children at this age are very sensitive, so it is better not to talk about the pets children have at home, just in case some don’t have any pets.

Unit 6

My Breakfast Lesson 1

Language milk, biscuits, apple, breakfast, yummy

Objectives Take part in a chant Learn how to name items of food Review family members and numbers 1-3 Show a positive attitude towards learning Develop visual discrimination

• • • • •

Material Puppet Playhouse poster CD Audio Flashcards (milk, biscuits, apple) Crayons Gommets Activity Book (page 24) Optional realia (empty biscuit box, empty milk container, apple)

• • • • •

Warm up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Say Hello to the class using the Panda puppet. Encourage the children to say Hello Pandy! • Listen and sing the song “Happy Helper” from Unit 2 (CD Track 11). • Show Pandy to the class and have a conversation with him. Ask What’s your name? Make the puppet answers: I’m Pandy. The puppet can then ask various children in the class their names.


• Use the flashcards for biscuits, milk and apple.

Show the cards and say the words to the class. Hide different cards behind the door of the playhouse. Peek behind the door and ask What is it? Apple? Open the door and check. Repeat with the other objects. Hold up the flashcards one by one and ask: What is this? What are these? Distribute the Class Books and show the children where page 46 is. To demonstrate what happened to Pandy, pick up more books all at once than you should and pretend to almost drop them. Explain that, just like Pandy, you were trying to carry too much. Talk about the picture with the children. Point to the characters and ask: Who’s this? (Ben, Pandy, mummy, daddy). Is this Pandy? (No, it’s Ben) etc. Talk about how the characters feel. Point to Ben and ask: Is he happy? Repeat with Pandy and with

• • •

daddy. Point out that Pandy is trying to carry too many things. Draw the children’s attention to the window and say: Look! A window! Ask them what animals they can see in the garden (cat, bird). 53

Moral and Civic education Talk to the children about the importance of setting reasonable goals. Ask the children if they have ever tried to carry too many things all at once. Ask them what they think is going to happen to Pandy. Explain that sometimes it’s better to make ‘two trips’ than to try and carry more than we are able to. Talk to the children (in L1 if need be) about who they have breakfast with and who helps them in the morning.

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that not all children have ‘traditional’ or stable home situations. Take this into account, and don’t place emphasis on ‘right or wrong’ domestic settings.

• Place the food flashcards (milk, biscuits, apple) on

the board. Say the words as you point to the cards. Play the chant Breakfast Time and do the actions (CD Track 27). Point to the new vocabulary items and at the end of the chant say: Look! Milk! Look! A biscuit! Look! An apple as each item is said.

Unit 6

My Breakfast

Track 27 Speaker: Listen and say the chant. Ben: Milk, biscuit, apple (point to flashcards) Milk, biscuit, apple (point to flashcards) Yummy, yummy breakfast (rub tummy) All for me! (point to oneself) Pandy: Milk, biscuit, apple, Milk, biscuit, apple, Yummy, yummy breakfast, All for me! Ohhhh!! (pretend to be off balance, about to fall)

• Play the chant again (CD Track 27) and encourage the children to do the actions.

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that for some of the children in the class it will be difficult to do all the actions as they listen to the chant. Do not expect the children to participate fully or repeat the words until they have heard the chant a few times.


• Option: Act out the chant with different children or • •

groups of children using realia (empty milk carton, empty biscuit box, apple). The children can then pass the items from one to another saying the words. Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books Look at page 24 and elicit vocabulary from previous units (book, kite, etc.) Point to the different characters and ask Who’s this? Ben or Pandy? What has Pandy got? Milk or biscuits? Repeat for Ben. Ask the children to count the biscuits (1, 2, 3) then to count the glasses (3). Explain to the children that there are some apples hidden in the picture. Tell them that they have to find the apples and colour them. When they have finished ask How many apples are there?


• Collect the Activity Books. • Play the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) and wave good-bye to the children using Pandy.

Extension Encourage the children to draw a picture of themselves having breakfast with their family. Label the drawing and write the date on it. Keep the picture in a file folder with the child’s name. This material can be used at a later date as part of a Portfolio assessment plan. Tell the children to take out their ‘gommets’ from the end of the book. Say: Mummy (the children place a sticker on mummy) Say: Daddy (the children place a sticker on daddy)

Lesson 2 Language apple, juice, cereal, orange, green, yummy, yuck

Objectives Learn how to say the names of different food and drink items Express opinions about likes/dislikes Develop fine motor skills Develop visual discrimination

• • • •

Material Puppet Crayons Playhouse poster Flashcards (cereal, juice, milk, apple, biscuits) CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm up

• Take out Pandy and have him greet the class by • • •

saying Hello to different children. Have Pandy ask different children or groups of children if they are happy today (Are you happy?) Play the Breakfast Time chant (CD Track 27) and encourage the children to participate by doing the actions. Review the words milk, apple and biscuit using the flashcards. Place each flashcard on a different wall or different area on the board and say, for example Point to milk. Show the flashcard for orange juice and mime drinking a glass of juice. Say: Mmmm. Yummy. Juice. Encourage the children to do the same. Ask them what colour the juice is (orange). Mime eating a bowl of cereal and encourage the children to do the same. Hide the food and drink cards one by one behind the door on the playhouse poster. Have the children pretend to knock on the door, open the door, say the word, then have the children say ‘Yummy’ and rub their tummies, or ‘Yuck’ and shake their heads to indicate if they like this item or not. In order to review the numbers, have the children knock three times and count aloud: 1-2-3 or say: 12-3, What’s behind the door? Look with me.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 47 is. Point to Pandy and ask: Who’s this? (Pandy). What colour is his crayon? Pink or green? (Green) Name the items in the left hand column (apple, cereal, juice) and explain to the children what they have to do (join the pictures). As they join the images, they should be encouraged to say, for example, apple-apple.

• When the children have finished joining the items they can colour the orange juice, bowl and apple on the right hand side. Congratulate the children on their good work.

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that children at this age have not yet established the ability to colour within the lines. Be sure to reward them for their effort. Positive reinforcement is very important. Moral and Civic education Point out to the children (in L1 if need be) that apples are very good for you and talk to them about the importance of having breakfast every morning. Play the flashcard Game Breakfast Time. Tell the children to sit in a circle. Show the cards for the unit (cereal, apple, juice, biscuit, milk). Tell the children to pretend they are at a restaurant having breakfast and explain that you are the waiter (do this in L1 if need be). Tell them that if they like something they say: Yes, please! when it’s offered to them. If not, they say: No, thank you. Go around the circle showing the cards and saying, for example: Hello Emilio. Do you want milk?

• •

Extension Collect the Class Books. Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

• •


Unit 6

My Breakfast

Lesson 3

Language green apples, wall, fall, numbers 1–5

Objectives Take part in a song Develop gross motor skills through actions Use mime to represent different activities Learn to count to five

• • • •

Material Puppet Realia: five green apples (optional) Playhouse poster Blue tack Green chalk (optional) Crayons CD Audio Flashcards (apple, biscuits, cereal) Activity Book (page 25)

• • • • • • •

Warm up

Track 28

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the

Speaker: Sing and do. Five green apples sitting on a wall, (hold up 5 fingers) Five green apples sitting on a wall (hold up 5 fingers) If one of these apples accidently falls, (pretend to catch a falling apple – like Pandy) There are four green apples sitting on the wall. (hold up 4 fingers)

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children using Pandy. Ask a few children What’s your name? and ask others Are you happy? Using blue tack, stick the flashcards (apple, biscuit, cereal) on different parts of the Playhouse poster. Invite the children or groups of children to touch or point to the cards. Introduce the numbers 4 and 5. Draw an apple on the board and say: Look. One apple. Draw another apple and say: Look. One, two apples. Continue like this until there are five apples drawn on the blackboard. Option: Use green chalk for the apples or, instead of drawing them bring in 5 pictures of apples. Alternatively: bring 5 green apples to class and pull them out of a bag one by one, counting them each time.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

• •

where page 48 is. Look at the picture and identify the characters (Ben, Gina, Pandy). Point to a green apple and ask What’s this? What colour is it? Draw the children’s attention to Pandy. Explain that Pandy is about to catch an apple that is falling off the wall. Count the apples with the children (1-2-3-4-5). (CD Track 28) Listen to the song and show the children the actions. Listen again encouraging the children to do the actions. As the children listen to the song, erase an apple off the blackboard with each verse, or take an apple off the table. When the children are familiar with the song, invite five children to come to the front of the room and explain that each time an apple ‘falls’, one child has to return to his or her place.

Four green apples sitting on a wall, Four green apples sitting on a wall. If one of these apples accidently falls, There are three green apples sitting on the wall. Three green apples… Two green apples… One green apple sitting on a wall, One green apple sitting on a wall. If this apple accidently falls, There are no green apples sitting on the wall. (show empty hands to show no more apples)

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that the children should not be expected to sing all the words to the song. Encourage them to try to sing the numbers and to understand the concept of the apples falling off the wall one by one.

• After the song, take out the panda puppet and say: Pandy, Pandy, come and see, who is quiet as can be? Encourage the children to be very, very quiet and still.

• When the children have finished singing/acting out the song, they can colour the remaining apples • Option: Instead of colouring, the children can fill in •

the apples, by spreading plasticine over the area or sticking little pieces of coloured green paper onto the apples. When the apples are coloured say: Let’s count the apples: 1-2-3-4-5. Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books. Turn to page 25 and ask the children to name the characters (Ben, Gina, Pandy, mummy). Point to the biscuits and ask: How many biscuits? (Four). Point to the apples and ask How many apples? (Five). Encourage the children to mime Pandy carrying the basket. Ask Is Pandy happy? (No) Point to Gina. Ask Is Gina happy? (Yes). Point to the dotted lines around the picture of the table, chair and window. Explain to children that they need to trace over the lines. As they are working, walk around the class checking their work and helping those who are struggling. Optional activity: if there’s time, the children can colour the apples in Pandy’s basket.


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Encourage the children to count different things in the classroom. For example, show them four books and say Let’s count the books. Draw three biscuits on the board and do a rhyme with the children. As you do each verse, rub out a biscuit from the board. Encourage the children to hold up their fingers as they say the rhyme: Let’s count the biscuits you can see How many are there? 1 – 2 – 3 How many are there? 1 and 2 - One for me, and one for you Let’s count the biscuits you can see One little biscuit! All for me!

• •

• Then repeat the rhyme, substituting biscuits with apples.


Unit 6

My Breakfast

Lesson 4

Language orange, yellow, green, blue, milk, juice, cereal, apple, biscuit, Do you like (apples)?, yummy, yuck

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop visual discrimination Learn how to use / place stickers Express likes and dislikes Distinguish between food they like/dislike using non-verbal cues

• • • • •

Material Puppet Playhouse poster Coloured shapes poster Flashcards (milk, apple, biscuits, juice, cereal) CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm up


Panda Pointer

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use Pandy to ask different children What’s your name? • Review the Five Green Apples song (CD Track 28) with the class and the actions. • Use the Playhouse poster to review food and drink •

items. Hide a flashcard behind the door of the playhouse, knock on the door, then encourage the children to guess what it is. Play the Memory game: Show the children the flashcards for milk, juice, cereal and biscuit. Place each card on one of the sections of the coloured shapes poster. Ask Where’s the milk? Red or blue? (the children say the colour of the shape the flashcard for milk is placed on). When the children have seen/said the words, turn the cards over one by one. Point to the card which is face down and ask: What’s this? Repeat until all four cards are face up again. See if the children like milk, biscuits and apples. Point to the different cards and say: Apple, yummy yummy as you rub your tummy. Point to the card again and say: Apple, yuck, yuck as you shake your head and stick out your tongue showing dislike. Ask different children or groups of children to show if they like apples, biscuits, milk, juice and cereal in the same way.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 49 is. Look at the pictures and point out that the orange tray on the yellow background represents Yummy, and the blue tray on the green background represents Yuck! Tell the children to look at their stickers for Unit 6 on page 74. Explain that they need to stick the food on the orange tray if they like it, and on the blue tray if they don’t.

Children at this age are still developing fine motor skills. Some will have problems peeling off the stickers and many will not place them in the exact spot. This is not a problem as they are in the process of developing their eye-hand coordination. Moral and Civic education Explain the importance of showing respect and tolerance for the tastes and opinions of others.

Extension Sit the children in a circle. Place the flashcards for milk, cereal, juice, biscuit, apple in the centre of the circle with space around them for the children to move. Invite one group of 4 children to stand up and hold hands. Say, for example: I like biscuits and tell the children to form a circle around the flashcard for biscuit on the floor. They say: I like (biscuits). Repeat with other groups of children and other words. Divide a large piece of card into 5 columns. Draw a picture at the top of each column: an apple, a glass of orange juice, a glass of milk, a biscuit, cereal. Give each child a piece of coloured card. One by one, invite the children to come to the front of the class and place their coloured card (using blue tack) in the column of the food or drink they like most. At the end, see which food or drink the class like best. Hand out the flashcards to different pupils. Then say, for example, Maria, give me the biscuit, please. When the child hands the card to you say Thank you. Collect the Class Books.


• Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Lesson 5 Language milk, cereal, juice, apple, biscuits, numbers 1-5, yummy!, I’ve got, I like

Objectives Identify food and drink Develop listening comprehension Learn to show respect for others Talk about the importance of a healthy breakfast

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster or coloured shapes poster Activity Book (page 26).

• • • •

Warm up


• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use flashcards and the playhouse poster or the

• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

• •

coloured shapes poster to review key unit vocabulary (cereal, milk, juice, apple, biscuit) Draw a biscuit on the board and say Look! One biscuit! One. Draw two biscuits on the board and say Look! Two biscuits! Two. Repeat with three biscuits. Then say: Two biscuits! and encourage the children to point to the correct area on the board. Point to different sets of biscuits and ask: How many? Elicit the answers. Count the biscuits with the children. Say Let’s count. Point to the drawing with three biscuits and say: 1, 2, 3. Repeat with other words, for example, apples. See if the children like biscuits. Point to the flashcard and say: Biscuits, yummy yummy as you rub your tummy. Point to the card again and say: Biscuits, yuck, yuck as you shake your head and stick out your tongue showing dislike. Ask different children or groups of children to show if they like biscuits or not in the same way. Mime morning activities. Pretend to wake up (encourage the children to do the same), wash your face, walk to the kitchen, have breakfast (pretend to drink a glass of milk and eat an apple; rub your tummy, eat cereal). Talk the children through the activities or do the activity in silence or with ‘sound effects’ (mmm, ahhh, yawn).

Moral and Civic education Point out to the children (in L1 if necessary) that biscuits are yummy but that we shouldn’t eat too many if we want to stay healthy.

• •

where page 50 is. Look at the photos of the children and their mummy. Point to the mummy and ask Who’s this? Mummy or daddy? Draw the children’s attention to the photos in the row at the bottom of the page. Ask them to look at them and say the words one by one. Then say ‘Point to the cereal’ ‘Point to the juice’ and check their understanding. Encourage the children to show the things they like and dislike in the row by saying yummy or yuck as you point to each one. Say Let’s count the biscuits and encourage the children to count the biscuits in the photo. Play the listening (CD Track 29) pointing to the different characters/breakfast items in your book.

Track 29 Speaker: Listen and point. Girl: I’ve got an apple, milk and biscuits for breakfast! Yummy! I like apples! Boy: I’ve got juice and cereal for breakfast. Yummy! I like cereal! Mum: Mmm…I’ve got juice. I like juice! Moral and Civic education Point out to the children the importance of having breakfast.

Cultural Awareness Talk to the children about what the family in the photo is having for breakfast. How does this kind of breakfast compare to what children have for breakfast in their own country. Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books and crayons.

• •


Unit 6

My Breakfast

Turn to page 26 and elicit the words from the children by pointing to different images and asking What’s this? How many can you see? Explain the task: the children have to look at the items in the column on the left and colour the matching picture in the row on the right. Do an example on the board if necessary. While the children are colouring the pictures, they should be encouraged to say the words, for example, four apples-four apples. When the children have finished, ask them questions about the food they like and dislike.


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Lesson 6 Language juice, apple, cereal, milk, colours

Objectives Identify items of food and drink Develop fine motor skills Identify and name key characters Show empathy towards others

• • • •

Material Puppet Crayons CD Audio Coloured shapes poster Flashcards (milk, juice, cereal, biscuits, apple)

• • • • •


Warm up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Play the song of the unit (CD Track 28) and invite the children to sing and do the actions. • Place different flashcards on the coloured shapes •

poster using blue tack. Say a word, for example: Cereal. The children shout out the colour where the card is. Repeat with the other words. If the children are more confident with the language, say, for example: Yellow, and encourage the children to say the name of the food or drink on the yellow section of the poster.


Distribute the Class Books and show the children where page 51 is. Look at the page and ask the children to point to Pandy, Ben and Gina. Ask them to point to the windows and the table. They can also point to the rabbit, the bird, the kite and the book. Ask, for example: What colour is the kite? Is Pandy happy? Is Gina happy? Talk about the mess in the playhouse and encourage the

children to think about what to do next. Distribute the crayons and explain the task. Allow time for the children to trace the route of the apple that has fallen from Ben’s hands. As the children are working, walk around the room checking progress and helping those who are struggling.

Panda Pointer For children this age, tracing curved lines is more complicated than straight, horizontal and vertical lines. Encourage the children through positive reinforcement and don’t expect ‘perfection’. Moral and Civic education In L1, talk about the fact that we all make ‘mistakes’ sometimes (dropping things, spilling things). Explain that it’s ok to make mistakes but we need to clean up when things go wrong.


• Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Lesson 7

Language red, yellow, blue, biscuits, juice, cereal, milk, apple, numbers 1-5, I’ve got..., I like..., yummy! breakfast

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop listening comprehension Distinguish between items in a picture Review colours and numbers

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster Activity Book (page 27) CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Play a game with the flashcards of the unit and the playhouse poster.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 52 is. Ask the children to identify the characters. Hold up flashcards of the different food and drink (cereal, apple, milk, juice, biscuit) and have the children identify them in their books by pointing to the correct picture. Ask questions about the objects, for example, point to the juice and ask: What colour is it? Orange or green? What colour are Pandy’s apples? (red) Ask different children: Do you like (apples)? Encourage the children to say yes/no or yummy/yuck to show what they like/don’t like. Explain the task and play the listening (CD Track 30). Pause after each part so the children have time to point to the correct picture.

Track 30 Speaker: Listen and point. Gina: Yummy! Breakfast! I’ve got three biscuits and juice. I like biscuits! Point to my biscuits, please! Ben: Yummy! Breakfast! I’ve got cereal and milk. I like cereal! Point to my cereal, please! Pandy: Yummy! Breakfast! I’ve got five apples! Five apples for ME! Point to my apples, please!

Moral and Civic education Talk to the children about healthy breakfasts. Take out the Pandy puppet and talk to Pandy (in L1 if necessary) about the importance of sharing. In the listening task, Pandy says that all the apples are for him. Talk about how Pandy can share his apples. Hand out 5 flashcards to one child or group of children and encourage them to share the cards. Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books and crayons. Turn to page 27. Explain the task: the children have to circle the pictures according to your instructions. Give the instructions twice. Say: Five apples. Point to the five apples, then circle them. Optional activity: The children can colour the pictures when they have finished doing the listening task.

• • •


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.


Unit 6

My Breakfast

Lesson 8 Language cereal, juice, milk, biscuits, apple, breakfast, yummy, hungry, I like

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop fine motor skills Work on creativity Talk about breakfast time and meal preferences

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster Crayons CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm up

• Say Hello to the class using Pandy. Encourage the children to say Hello Pandy! • Time permitting, ask the children what they had for breakfast that morning. • Show the flashcards for milk, biscuit, apple, cereal, 62

juice. Say the words and encourage the children to listen and repeat them. Draw a plate on the board. Hold the panda puppet up to the board and say: Oh no! Pandy’s hungry! What’s for breakfast? Begin to very slowly draw an apple on the plate. As you are drawing ask: What’s this? and have the children try to guess what is being drawn. When the picture is finished say: Look! Yummy! An apple! Use the puppet to show that the panda is happy. See if the children like biscuits. Point to the biscuits flashcard and say: Biscuits, yummy yummy as you rub your tummy. Point to the card again and say: Biscuits, yuck, yuck as you shake your head and stick out your tongue showing dislike. Ask different children or groups of children to show if they like biscuits or not in the same way. Repeat this with other key vocabulary.


• Open your Class Book at page 53. Point to the

plate, bowl and the glass and ask: What’s for breakfast? Explain (in L1 if need be) that the children should draw what they have (or would like to have) for breakfast (to eat and to drink) in the spaces provided. Distribute the Class Books to the children and help them find the correct page. Say: Draw your breakfast. Tell them to use the small pictures of the items of food as models. Allow time for the children to draw their pictures, while walking

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around the room talking to individual children. When they have finished, they can show their picture to a friend. Children who are more confident, can try to explain their pictures using the new words they have learned in English, for example, I have juice for breakfast. Collect the books and congratulate the children on their good work. Tell the children to stand up. Say: Yummy! Yummy! Rub your tummy! and do the actions a few times. When they have finished, they can sit down.

Moral and Civic education Remind the children that breakfast is a very important meal.

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that it’s not always easy to distinguish what children have drawn. In order to treat the situation with care, it’s better to say: “Why don’t you tell me something about your picture?” rather than “What’s this? A biscuit?”


• Use the panda puppet to sing the Bye Bye song. (CD Track 06) at the end of the lesson.

Story 2

Pandy’s Picnic Lesson 1

(CB page 54 and storycards) Language milk, biscuits, apples, cereal, juice, basket, Pandy

Objectives Recycle food and drink vocabulary Make predictions about a story Review numbers 1-3 and colours Show a positive attitude towards learning Develop literacy skills Take part in a story

• • • • • •

Material Puppet Storycards (Story 2) CD Audio Flashcards (milk, biscuits, apple, cereal, juice) Crayons, box or bag (optional)

• • • • •

Warm up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Explain to the class that they are going to hear a • •

story. Tell them the story is about Pandy going on a picnic. Ask the children (in L1) if they have ever been on a picnic. Where did they go? Who did they go with? What did they eat? Ask the children about things they might put in a picnic basket if they were going on a picnic. Option: bring in a box or a bag and tell the children to pretend it is a picnic basket. Hand out flashcards to different children (milk, cereal, juice, apples, biscuits) and then say: Maria, put the apples in the basket, please. Encourage the child to place the correct flashcard in the box or bag.


• Use the flashcards for biscuits, milk, juice and • •

apple. Show the cards and say the words to the class and encourage the children to repeat them. Distribute the class books. Tell the children to point to Pandy and different items of food and drink. Explain to the children that Pandy is going on a picnic with Ben and Gina. Tell them to guess what items they are going to take on the picnic. Will they take all five things? Which things might they leave behind? Encourage the children to guess and to join with a line to the basket, the things they THINK Pandy will take on the picnic. Note: there are no ‘right or wrong’ answers here. This is just a prediction activity to get children interested in the story.

Moral and Civic education Talk to the children about the importance of drinking milk for strong healthy bones and teeth.

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that some children will struggle with the idea of guessing/predicting answers. The more children practise this, the easier it will be for them. Encourage them to make calculated guesses and to take risks.

Story time

• Collect the Class Books and sit the children in a •

circle. Show them the first storycard. Ask the children who the different characters are, and explain that they are packing for a picnic. Play the recording (CD Track 31) and show the storycards one by one as the children listen to the story. Pause the story after card 7 and ask the children: What happened? Where’s the food?

Track 31 Speaker: Pandy’s Picnic. Storycard 1: Ben: Let’s go on a picnic! Gina: Good idea! Pandy: Here’s the picnic basket! Storycard 2: Ben: Let’s take some milk! Gina: Good idea! Pandy, put the milk in the basket, please. Pandy: Mmm. Yummy! Milk!


Story 2

Pandy’s picnic

Storycard 3: Ben: Let’s take some juice! Gina: Good idea! Pandy, put the juice in the basket, please. Pandy: Mmm. Yummy! Juice! Storycard 4: Ben: Let’s take some apples! Gina: Good idea! 1, 2, 3 apples. Pandy, put the apples in the basket, please. Pandy: Mmm. Yummy. Apples. Storycard 5: Ben: Let’s take some biscuits! Gina: Good idea! Pandy, put the biscuits in the basket, please. Pandy: Mmm. Yummy. Biscuits. Storycard 6: Ben: Ready? Gina: Let’s go! Storycard 7: Ben: Pandy? Gina: Pandy? Narrator: Oh no! There’s nothing in the basket! What happened? 64

Storycard 8: Ben: Oh no Pandy! Ben, Gina: Put the food in the BASKET, not in your TUMMY! Pandy: Oops! Sorry!

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that children will need to hear the story a few times before they become familiar with the set up and the vocabulary.

• Play the story again (CD Track 31) and encourage

the children to mime eating or drinking actions, when they hear the food and drink words (biscuits, apples, juice, milk).

• Stick the storycards up on the blackboard in the

wrong order, play the story once again, and encourage the children to point to the correct storycard as they listen. Then play the story once more, and get the children to put the storycards back in the correct order by moving them around on the blackboard.


• Play the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) and wave good-bye to the children using Pandy.

Extension Encourage the children to draw a picture of themselves going on a picnic with their friends or family. Help the children act out the story in groups of three.

• •

Lesson 2

(CB page 55 and storycards)

Language picnic, basket, yummy, I like, milk, juice, apples, biscuits, characters

Objectives Develop fine motor skills Work on creativity Talk about meal preferences Listen to and participate in a story Develop literacy skills

• • • • •

Material Puppet CD Audio Flashcards Crayons Storycards Optional: magazines, glue, blanket or sheet

• • • • •

Warm up

• Say Hello to the class using Pandy. Encourage the children to say Hello Pandy! • Time permitting, review the colours with the children. Place the colour flashcards on different walls of the room, then say. Point to (red).


• Show the flashcards for milk, biscuits, apple, juice. • •

• • •

Say the words and encourage the children to listen and repeat. Ask the children what they remember from the story they read in class. Did they like the story? What happened? Did Pandy put the food in the basket. Play the story (CD Track 31). Teach the children actions for each of the food words in the story, (milk - pretend to drink milk, apple - pretend to munch on an apple, biscuits - pretend to eat a crumbling biscuit, juice - pretend to drink juice). Play the story showing the storycards. Each time a food or drink word comes up, encourage the children to do the actions. When the story is finished, encourage the children to clap. Show the storycards 2 to 5 one by one. Ask the children. Do you like milk? They rub their tummies and say Yummy if they like milk. Repeat with the other cards. Open your Class Book and show the children where page 55 is. Point to the basket and ask: What do you like? What will you take on your picnic? Explain (in L1 if need be), that the children should draw what they would like to take on their imaginary picnic in the basket. Distribute the Class Books to the children and help them find the correct page. Say Draw the food

• •

and drink in your picnic basket. What have you got in your basket? Allow the children time to draw their pictures while walking around the room talking to individual children. When they have finished, they can show their picture to a friend. Children who are more confident can try to explain their pictures using the new words they have learned in English, for example: I like juice. I like apples. Option: instead of drawing, the children can tear pictures out of magazines and paste them onto their picnic basket. Collect the children’s books and congratulate them on their good work. Tell the children to stand up. Say: Yummy! Yummy! Rub your tummy! Do the actions a few times and encourage the children to copy and repeat. When they have finished, they can sit down.


• Use the panda puppet to say Bye Bye to the class. • (CD Track 06) Sing the Bye Bye song. Extension Bring in a blanket or sheet and tell the children they are going on a picnic. Hand out the food and drink flashcards to different children. Say Emilio, bring me the apples, please etc. When all the food and drink items have been collected, go to an open area of the classroom and lay the blanket or sheet on the floor (ask children to help if need be). Invite the children in small groups to join the picnic until the whole class is sitting on the blanket or sheet. Then, enjoy a pretend picnic together. Open your imaginary basket and dig in. Encourage the children to do the same.


Unit 7

Hot and cold! Lesson 1 Language coat, scarf, gloves, cold, put on, colours, robot and rabbit

Objectives Take part in a chant Learn how to name some clothes Identify conditions through a chant Develop observation skills Develop fine and gross motor skills

• • • • •

Material Puppet Activity Book (page 28) Playhouse poster Real clothes (coat, scarf and CD Audio gloves - optional) Flashcards (coat, scarf, gloves)

• • • •

Warm up


• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Introduce items of clothing with the flashcards • •

(coat, scarf and gloves). Show the cards to the class, say the words and ask the children to repeat them. Then place the cards on different sides of the classroom and ask the children to point according to your instructions. Say Point to the (scarf). Repeat this with all the items very slowly at first, then quickly to make the activity more fun. Use the flashcards and the playhouse to practise the vocabulary. Hide different cards behind the door of the playhouse. Peek behind the door and ask: What is it? Coat? Scarf? Open the door and check. Repeat with the rest of the cards.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 56 is. First ask the children to look at the page and find a rabbit. Ask: What’s he wearing? Elicit: A coat. Then point to the characters and say Look at Ben! What colour is his coat? (Blue). Then point to Gina and say Look at Gina. What colour is her coat? (red). Do the same with her scarf and gloves. Discuss in L1 the situation. Focus the children’s attention on the weather, point to Pandy and say: Look, Pandy is very cold! Repeat cold and mime shivering. Say Brrrrr, Brrrrr!. Repeat and invite the children to do the same. Discuss in L1 if Pandy is dressed appropriately for such a cold day. Yes,

• •

he is wearing his coat, scarf and gloves. Explain to the children how important it is to wear appropriate clothes when they go out in the cold. Play the chant It’s cold! (CD Track 32) while holding up your book. Draw the children’s attention to the pictures while you point and mime.

Track 32 Speaker: Pandy:

Listen and say the chant. Ben! Put on your coat! (pretend to put on a coat) It’s cold! It’s cold! (mime shivering) Put on your coat, It’s very cold! (Brrr! Brrr! Brrr!)


Gina! Put on your scarf! (pretend to put on a scarf) It’s cold! It’s cold! (mime shivering) Put on your scarf, It’s very cold! (Brrr! Brrr! Brrr!)

Gina and Ben:Pandy, Pandy! Very good! (thumbs up!) You’ve got your coat, your scarf and your gloves. Pandy, Pandy! Very good! (thumbs up!)

Panda pointer

• Play the chant again (CD Track 32), do the • • •

• •

actions, and invite the children to do the actions with you. Play the chant once more and ask the children to point to the items of clothing in their books when they are named. Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books. Turn to page 28. Point to the first robot and ask: What’s this? Elicit A robot. Then ask the children to point to his clothes, Point to his coat. Point to his scarf. Point to his gloves. Do the same with the second robot and elicit the item of clothing that is missing. (His coat). Then continue with the third robot and do the same (His scarf is missing). Once the children have identified the missing items, have them draw them and complete the robots. Encourage the children to name the item of clothing they are drawing. Congratulate them on doing the task well. Optional activity: the children can colour one or all of the robots as they wish.

This activity is very good for developing observation skills.


• Collect the Activity Books. • Play the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) and wave good-bye to the children using Pandy.

Extension Sit the children in a circle, show them the real clothes, one by one, and ask the children to identify them. (A scarf and gloves of different colours can be used). Then put the clothes in the centre, call different children and say: (Rosa) Give me the (red scarf) please! Repeat until all the children in the circle, have had a turn.


Unit 7

Hot and cold!

Lesson 2

Language coat, scarf, gloves, blue, red, green, yellow, crayon

Objectives Review the chant in lesson 1 Develop fine motor skills by joining pictures Developing gross and fine motor skills Develop observation skills Recognise clothes according to silhouettes

• • • • •

Material Puppet Poster paper (optional) Crayons Glue (optional) CD Audio Coloured shapes poster Flashcards (coat, scarf, gloves) Magazine cutouts of scarves, hats, gloves (optional)

• • • • • •

Warm up

• • 68

Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. Stick the following flashcards on different sides of the classroom (coat, scarf, gloves). Encourage the children to say the words aloud. Play the chant It’s cold from the previous lesson and do the actions (CD Track 32). Encourage the children to point to the items of clothing when they are named and do the actions as well. Play the Memory game: Show the children the flashcards of a coat, a scarf and a pair of gloves. Place each card on one of the sections of the coloured shapes poster. Ask: Where’s the coat? Red or blue? (the children say the colour of the shape the flashcard for coat is placed on). When the children have seen/said the words, turn the cards over one by one. Point to the card which is turned over and ask: What’s this? Repeat until all the cards are face up again.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

• •

where page 57 is. Point to the different items and ask the children to identify them (coat, scarf, gloves). Then ask What colour is the coat? Elicit Blue. What colour is the scarf? Elicit red and green. Do the same with the gloves. Encourage the children to join the items of clothing with their silhouettes When they join the items encourage them to say the words, coat-coat; scarfscarf; gloves-gloves. While the children are working, walk around the class and ask individuals to point and identify the silhouettes.

• •


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Play Look and guess with the flashcards from the lesson. Show the cards and ask the children to identify them. Then put the cards on your table, choose one card and cover it with a piece of paper so the children can’t see it. Move the paper around slowly and ask: What is it? A scarf? A coat? Children say the word when they recognise the item of clothing. Play the game again with different cards. Make a Winter Clothes poster. Show the children magazine cutouts of different brightly coloured scarves, coats and gloves and explain to the children that they are going to make a winter clothes poster.Divide the children into three groups, give each group a large sheet of white paper, and invite the children in the first group to choose a different scarf each, the children in the second group to choose a different pair of gloves each and finally the children in the last group to choose a different coat each. Give each group a glue stick and invite them to stick their clothes onto the sheets of paper. Then collect the three sheets of paper and with the help of a couple of children from each group stick them onto a large sheet of coloured poster paper. To finish off give the remaining children some white cotton wool balls and invite them, a few at a time, to stick the cotton wool onto the poster paper to make snow. When the poster is finished, put it up on the wall for the whole class to admire.

Lesson 3 Language sandals, sunhat, jacket, cold/hot, sunny, colours, animals, food, one - five. Put on/take off

Objectives Take part in a song and learn more vocabulary Develop gross motor skills through actions Recognise hot weather Connect clothes with weather conditions Reinforce knowledge of the environment

• • • • •

Material Puppet Activity Book (page 29) CD Audio Real clothes (optional) Flashcards (coat, scarf, gloves, sandals, sunhat, jacket)

• • •

Warm up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Introduce the items of clothing with the flashcards

• •

(sunhat, sandals and jacket). First show the cards, say the words to the class and ask the children to repeat them. Then show the rest of the flashcards (coat, scarf and gloves) and ask the children to identify them. After that place all the cards on different sides of the classroom and ask the children to point to them according to your instructions. Say Point to the (sandals). Repeat this with all the items very slowly at first, then quickly to make the activity more fun. Review counting to three by clapping your hands. Invite the children to do it with you. Say One and then clap once, One, two and then clap twice, One, two, three and then clap three times. Repeat this a couple of times.

• •

attention on Pandy’s clothes; he’s wearing a coat and a scarf. Gina and Ben are inviting him to take of his coat because it’s sunny and hot. Invite the children to listen to their song. Listen to the song (CD Track 33) and show the children the actions. Play the recording again and encourage the children to copy the actions. 69

Track 33 Speaker: Sing and do. Ben and Gina: Take off your scarf (pretend to take off a scarf) and your coat. (pretend to take off your coat) It’s sunny and hot! (pretend to fan yourself) Chorus:


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 58 is. Look at the picture and point to the sun and say: Look. It’s sunny! Then say: It’s sunny and hot! (pretend you are cooling yourself down with a fan). Ask the children to repeat: It’s sunny and hot! Then point to the food on the table and say: Apples. Invite the children to count the apples One, two, three, four, five apples. Do the same with the biscuits. Finally point to the food and say: Look five apples, four biscuits and one juice. Ask the children to find a bird, a cat and a rabbit in the picture. The children point to each animal and say the words. Explain that Ben, Gina and Pandy are very happy singing a song on a very sunny day. Focus their

Sunny and hot [mime the sun and feeling hot] Sunny and hot Hot, hot, hot!

Ben and Gina: Put on your sandals (pretend to put on a pair of sandals) and your sunhat. (pretend to put on a hat) IT’S SUNNY AND HOT! (pretend to fan yourself) Chorus:

Sunny and hot [mime the sun and feeling hot Sunny and hot Hot, hot, hot!

Show the children the meaning of put on and take off with actions.

Unit 7

Hot and cold!

• Optional activity: Sit the children in a circle and

put real clothes in the centre. Then say (Julia) give me a jacket. Then say: Put on the jacket! Take off the jacket. Repeat this with different children and different items of clothing. Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books. Turn to page 29 and explain the task: The children have to join the opposite actions. Encourage the children to identify the clothes and the actions Put on/take off. Do a colour dictation: the children colour an item of clothing according to your instructions.

Lesson 4


• Collect the Activity Books • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Panda Pointer Insist on the importance of wearing appropriate clothes according to different weather conditions.

(CB page 59) Language coat, jacket, gloves, scarf, flipflops, sunhat (hot/cold) colours

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Learn how to use/place stickers Recognise hot and cold weather Use general knowledge to classify clothes Connect clothes with weather conditions Reinforce knowledge of the environment

• • • • • •

Material Puppet, Coloured shapes poster, CD Audio, Flashcards of the unit.

• • • •


Warm up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Review the A sunny day! song with the CD

(CD Track 33) and the flashcards. Stick the flashcards of the clothes around the room, and have the children point to them when they are named. Mime the actions and invite the children to do the actions with you. Play the Memory game. Show the children the flashcards of the unit. Select four flashcards and place each card on one of the sections of the coloured shapes poster. Ask Where’s the jacket? Green or blue? (the children say the colour of the shape the flashcard for jacket is placed on). When the children have seen/said the words, turn the cards over one by one. Point to the card which is turned over and ask What’s this? Repeat until all the cards are face up again.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 59 is. Look at the pictures and ask the children to identify the items of clothing and their colour. AskWhat’s this? (A coat) What colour is it? (green).

• Real clothes (optional). • Cut outs from magazines of cold and hot scenes (optional)

• Show the children the sticker page (page 74) and

point to the sun symbol and say Hot (Mime feeling hot) Then point to the snowflake symbol and say Cold (Mime feeling cold). Invite the children to remove a cold sticker and stick it on the grey circle under the coat. Help the children to say It’s cold! (Put on your) coat! Then help the children stick the appropriate symbols one by one, on the circles according to the clothes. Encourage the children to point to each item of clothing and ‘read’ the symbol and the clothes.


• Collect the class Books • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension The children sit in a circle. Show different scenes from magazine cutouts, and ask if it is hot or cold. Make a picture display of hot and cold scenes from the magazine cutouts in the centre of the circle. Invite the children to mime according to the scene you show them.

• • •

Lesson 5

(CB page 60 AB page 30) Language coat, scarf, table (on), sunhat, sandals, jacket

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop visual discrimination Develop listening comprehension Develop fine motor skills and pre-writing abilities Promote the importance of tidiness and taking care of one’s possessions

• • • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards of the unit Playhouse poster

• • •

Warm up

Dad: Oh, good girl! Look at your coat and your scarf. Very good!

• Play the ‘Hello’ song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use the flashcards and the Playhouse poster to

review the items of clothing from the unit. Play the following game. Secretly place one of the clothes flashcards behind the door of the playhouse. Encourage the children to knock on the door (knocking on their desks). Ask: What is it? A coat? A jacket? A sunhat? etc. Encourage the children to (guess) predict the clothes. Then look intrigued and open the door. Say: Look! It’s (a sunhat!). Congratulate the children who guessed right. Repeat with the rest of the clothes.

• Repeat the listening and invite the children to point to the correct picture as they listen. Then explain how important it is to look after your clothes, putting them in the right place.

Moral and Civic education

• Focus on the importance of tidiness and respecting/taking care of one’s possessions. • Collect the Class Books and distribute the

Activity Books and crayons. Turn to page 30 and explain the task: the children have to join the two parts of the puzzles.


• Distribute the Class Books. Look at the pictures of

• •

the children and their parents. Point to daddy in the first photo, and ask: Who’s this? Mummy or daddy? In L1 talk about the situations. A girl has taken off her coat and her scarf and, instead of hanging them up on the coat stand, she has left them on a small chair. She has left her school bag on the floor. Her dad is not very happy. Point to the second photo. In L1 talk about the situation. The same girl is doing the opposite; she has hung up her school bag, coat and scarf on the coat stand. Her dad looks happy. Present the listening (CD Track 34) pointing to the different scenes in your book.

Track 34 Speaker: Listen and point. Dad: Oh no! Look at your coat and your scarf. On the chair!! Hang them up PLEASE!

• Activity Book (page 30) • CD Audio • Gommets (optional)

Panda pointer If the children are unsure with writing implements, they can join the pieces of puzzles using their gommets.

• Optional Activity: Do a colour dictation. The

children colour the items of clothing according to your instructions. Choose one or two items.


• Collect the Activity Books • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Stick clothes flashcards around the classroom, and get the children to touch and say what their favourite clothes are.


Unit 7

Hot and cold!

Lesson 6

(CB page 61)

Language coat, scarf, gloves, sandals, jacket, sunhat, rabbit, cat.

Objectives Identify and name key vocabulary Develop observation skills Develop fine motor skills Recognise hot and cold weather Reinforce knowledge of the environment

• • • • •

Material Puppet Real clothes: coat, scarf, Crayons gloves, sunhat, sandals, CD Audio jacket (optional) Flashcards of the unit Coloured shapes poster

• • • • •

Warm up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Review the A sunny day! song (CD Track 33) with 72

the CD and the flashcards. Stick the flashcards of the clothes around the room, and have the children point to them when they are named. Mime the actions as well, and invite the children to do the actions with you. Memory game. Show the children the flashcards of the unit. Select four flashcards. Place each card on one of the sections of the coloured shapes poster. Ask Where’s the jacket? Green or blue? (the children say the colour of the shape the flashcard for jacket is placed on). When the children have seen/said the words, turn the cards over one by one. Point to the card which is turned over and ask: What’s this? Repeat until all the cards are face up again.


• Distribute the Class Books. and show the children

where page 61 is. Look at the page and discuss the situation with the children. Ben and Gina are looking for some clothes. Their pets have taken them and run away. Point to Ben’s rabbit and ask What animal is this? Elicit: A rabbit. Point to the scarf and ask What’s this? Elicit: A scarf. Explain in L1 that this is Ben’s scarf. Point to Ben and say: Brrrr! Brrrrr! It’s cold. Ask the children to help Ben find his scarf. The children follow the path and complete the maze. Point to Gina’s cat and ask: What animal is this? Elicit: A cat. Point to the sunhat and ask: What’s this? Elicit: A sunhat. Explain in L1 that this is Gina’s sunhat. Point to Gina and say: It’s hot! Ask the children to help Gina find her sunhat. The

children follow the path and complete the maze. Walk around the class and ask different children to point to the items of clothing on the page.


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Play the Hot and Cold game. Bring in a real coat, scarf, gloves, sunhat, sandals and jacket and show the clothes to the children. Divide the class into two teams (the Reds and the Blues) and explain that they are going to play the Hot and Cold game. Tell the children that when you say either Hot or Cold one member from each team has to run to the table, put an item of clothing for hot or cold weather on and run back to their team. The first one to get back scores a point for their team. Play the game until every one has had a turn. The team with the most points wins.

Lesson 7

(CB page 62 AB page 31) Language jacket, sunhat, coat, scarf, sandals, teddy bear, doll, robot, ball, hot/cold, I’ve got

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop visual discrimination Develop listening comprehension Recognise hot and cold weather Reinforce knowledge of the environment

• • • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards of the unit Playhouse poster Activity Book (page 31) CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use the flashcards of the unit and do the Pass

game to practise the vocabulary. Sit the children in a circle. Hold up a flashcard of a coat and say I’ve got a coat. Pass it to the child beside you, and get him to do the same. Continue passing the flashcard until all the children have had a turn, then repeat with the other clothes or flashcards from previous unit.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 62 is. Have the children identify the weather in each scene. Point to Ben and ask Is it hot or cold? Elicit Hot. Do the same with Gina (cold) and Pandy (hot). Hold up flashcards of the following items of clothing: jacket, sunhat, coat, scarf, sandals and have the children identify them in their books by pointing to the correct item of clothing. Ask the children questions about the colour of each one. Explain the task and play, the listening (CD Track 35). Pause after each part, so the children can point to the correct item of clothing.

Track 35 Speaker: Listen and point. Ben: It’s hot! Look at my jacket and my sunhat. Point to my jacket. Point to my sunhat. Gina:

It’s cold! Look at my coat and my scarf.


Point to my coat. Point to my scarf. It’s hot Look at my sandals and my sunhat. Point to my sandals. Point to my sunhat.

• Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity

Books and crayons. Turn to page 31 and focus the children’s attention on the toys the children are holding. Ask the children to identify them, by pointing to them in their books. Explain the task: the children have to circle the correct picture according to your instructions (repeat them twice). Demonstrate by saying: Circle the girl with a coat and a scarf. She’s got a teddy bear., picking up a crayon and circling the picture of the girl in the top left hand corner of the table. Repeat: Circle the girl woth a coat and a scarf. She’s got a teddy bear. Pause after the first one to check the children are doing the task correctly. Then say: Circle the boy with a sunhat and sandals. He’s got a ball. When the children have finished, elicit the names of the toys once again.

• Optional Activity: Do a colour dictation with the circled pictures.


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.


Unit 7

Hot and cold!

Lesson 8

(CB page 63) Language coat, jacket, gloves, sunhat, sandals

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop fine motor skills Work on creativity Talk about favourite clothes

• • • •

Material Puppet Poster paper (optional) Flashcards Glue (optional) Crayons CD Audio Magazine cutouts of sunhats, sandals and jackets (optional)

• • • • •

Warm up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Play Look and guess with the flashcards of the 74

unit. Show the cards and ask the children to identify them. Then put the cards on your table, choose one card and cover it with a piece of paper so the children can’t see it. Move the paper around slowly and ask: What is it? A coat? A jacket? The children say the word when they recognise the item of clothing. Play the game again with different cards. It can be more challenging by placing them upside down.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 63 is. Explain the task in L1 if necessary: the children have to draw their favourite clothes. Draw the children’s attention to the pictures of clothes on the wardrobe doors. Point to the snowflake and say Cold. Then point to the pictures and elicit the names of the clothes: coat, scarf, gloves. Repeat the same procedure with the other door. Hot: sandals, sunhat, jacket. Tell the children to draw their favourite clothes. They can choose one for cold weather and another for hot weather. When the children have finished, encourage them to show each other their pictures and say: My favourite clothes are (a blue coat and a pink sunhat).


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

• •

Extension Make a Summer Clothes poster to stick next to the Winter Clothes one made in Lesson 2. Show the children magazine cut outs of different brightly coloured sunhats, sandals and jackets, and explain to the children that they are going to make a Summer Clothes poster. Divide the children into three groups, give each group a large sheet of white paper and invite the children in the first group to choose a different sunhat each, the children in the second group to choose a different pair of sandals each, and finally the children in the last group to choose a different jacket each. Give each group some glue, and invite them to stick their clothes onto the sheets of paper. Then collect the three sheets of paper, and with the help of a couple of children from each group, stick them onto a large sheet of coloured poster paper. To finish off, give the remaining children some yellow tissue/crepe paper to screw up into small balls and stick onto the poster paper to make the sun. When the poster is finished, put it up on the wall next to the Winter Clothes one, for the whole class to admire.

Unit 8

Day and Night Lesson 1 Language moon, stars, night, numbers 1-3, bed, It’s time for bed

Objectives Take part in a chant Review family members and numbers 1-3 Show positive attitude towards learning Develop visual discrimination Identify objects typically seen at night

• • • • •

Material Puppet Activity Book (page 32) Playhouse poster CD Audio Flashcards (moon, stars) Crayons

• • • • •

Warm up

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Say Hello to the class using the Panda puppet. Encourage the children to say Hello Pandy! • Listen and say the chant Breakfast Time from Unit 6 (CD Track 27) . Use • the flashcards for moon and stars. Show the

cards and say the words to the class. Hide different cards behind the door of the playhouse. Peek behind the door and ask: What is it? Moon or stars? Open the door and check. Repeat then hold up the flashcards one by one and ask What’s this?


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 64 is. Talk about the picture with the children. Point to the characters and ask Who’s this? (Gina, Pandy, mummy). Ask Is this Pandy? (No, it’s Gina.) etc. Talk about where Gina is (in bed; in her bedroom). Draw the children’s attention to the window and say: Look! A window! Ask them what Gina can see out of her window (the moon and stars). Explain that it is night time and that the moon and stars are out at night. Point out that Pandy is yawning because he’s sleepy. Encourage the children to yawn like Pandy. Ask the children to point to items in the picture the football, teddy bear and doll.

Moral and Civic education Talk to the children about the importance of getting a good night’s sleep.

• Discuss the roles of parents at home and night

time routines. Talk to the children (in L1 if need be) about who tucks them in at night. Do they sometimes read a story before going to bed? What else do they do? (brush their teeth, put on their pyjamas etc.)

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that not all children have ‘traditional’ or stable home situations. Take this into account and don’t place emphasis on ‘right or wrong’ domestic settings or bed time habits.

• Draw three stars on the board. Play the chant

Time for Bed (CD Track 36) and do the actions. Point to the stars as the children count.

Track 36 Speaker: Listen and say the chant. Gina’s mum: Shhh! Shhh! (press index finger to lips) It’s night time, It’s time for bed. (pretend to sleep; tilt head to one side) Count the stars (point to stars) Above your head. (point to ceiling; sky) How many stars (shrug shoulders as if asking a question) Can you see? Let’s count together, 1-2-3.


Unit 8

Day and Night etc.) Point to Pandy and ask Who’s this? Ben or Pandy? Ask the children to count the stars (5). Explain to the children that they need to trace over the moon and colour in the moon and the stars.

(point to stars and encourage children to hold up 1, 2, 3 fingers)

Pandy! (yawning loudly) Shhh! Shhh! (Index finger to lips) It’s night time, It’s time for bed. (pretend to sleep; tilt head to one side) Goodnight! (wave goodbye; use Pandy to wave goodbye) Good night! (repeat twice)

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that, for some of the children in the class, it will be difficult to do all the actions as they listen to the chant. Do not expect children to participate fully or repeat the words, until they have heard the chant several times.


• Play the chant again (CD Track 36) and encourage the children to do the actions. • Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books. • Focus the children’s attention on page 32 and elicit the vocabulary from previous units (window, bed,


• Collect the Activity Books. • Play the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) and wave good-bye to the children using Pandy.

Extension Encourage the children to draw a picture of themselves in bed at night. Label the drawing and write the date on it. Keep the picture in a file folder with the child’s name. This material can be used at a later date as part of a Portfolio assessment plan. Make paper plate suns. Have the children paint a paper plate yellow, and stick yellow triangles around the edges to make a sun. Tell the children to take out their ‘gommets’ from the end of the book. Say Mummy (the children place a sticker on mummy) Say Pandy (the children place a sticker on Pandy) Bring day and night clothing and items to class (blankets, pillows, etc.). Encourage the children to think about things they use during the day and at night.

• • •

Lesson 2

Language day, sun, cloud, numbers 1–4, sunhat, sandals, colours (red, yellow), mouse, hot

Objectives Learn how to say the names of things seen during the day and at night Distinguish between night and day Develop fine motor skills Develop visual discrimination

• • • •

Material Puppet Crayons Playhouse poster Flashcards (day, night, sun, moon, stars, cloud) CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm up

Panda Pointer

• Take out Pandy and have him greet the class by

Keep in mind that children at this age have not yet established the ability to colour within the lines. Be sure to reward them for their efforts. Positive reinforcement is very important.

• • • •

saying hello to different children. Have Pandy ask different children or groups of children if they are happy today (Are you happy?) Play the Time for Bed chant (CD Track 36) and encourage the children to participate by doing the actions. Review the words night, moon and star using the flashcards. Place each flashcard on a different wall or different area on the board and say Point to the (moon). Show the flashcards for sun, cloud and day. Say the words and encourage the children to listen and repeat them. Point outside and ask Is it day or night? Hide one of the flashcards behind the door on the playhouse poster. Knock on the door, open it, say the word. In order to review the numbers, have the children knock three times and count aloud: 1-2-3 or say 1-2-3! What’s behind the door? Look with me!


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 65 is. Point to Pandy and ask: Who’s this? (Pandy). Repeat with Gina and Ben. Ask the children to count the trees, then ask what colour the sun is. Ask: Is it hot or cold? Ask the children to point to the mouse, the ball, the sunhat etc. When the children have finished discussing the picture, explain that they need to finish drawing the sun (by tracing over the suns rays and colouring it in). Then talk to the children about how Pandy is helping the plants/flowers grow by watering them. When the children have finished tracing and colouring, congratulate them on their good work.

Moral and Civic education Point out to the children (in L1 if need be) that it’s important to go outside and play, and to enjoy and respect nature.


• Collect the Class Books. • Play the day or night game explained below. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Day or Night game. Tell the children to sit in a circle. Show the cards for the unit (day, night, cloud, star, moon, sun). Explain to the children that if you show a picture that refers to the night, they have to pretend to sleep.


Unit 8

Day and Night

Lesson 3 Language day, night, Pandy’s sleeping, Pandy’s dancing, Good night, Good morning, sun, moon, star, cloud, hot family, book, sandals, rabbit

Objectives Take part in a song Develop gross motor skills through actions Use mime to represent different activities Distinguish between daytime and night time activities

• • • •

Material puppet, playhouse poster, blue tack, crayons, CD Audio, flashcards (sun, moon, stars, cloud, day, night), Activity Book (page 33)

Warm Up

Dancing in the garden, Dancing in the warm sun. Fun, fun, fun. Fun, fun, fun.

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the • 78

children using Pandy. Ask a few children: What’s your name? and ask others: Are you happy? Using blue tack, stick the flashcards (sun, moon, star, cloud) on different parts of the playhouse poster. Invite the children or groups of children to touch or point to the different cards. Show the flashcards for day and for night and discuss what you do at night and during the day.


Panda Pointer Keep in mind that the children should not be expected to sing all the words to the song. Encourage them to follow along doing the actions.

• After the song, take out the panda puppet and

say: Pandy, Pandy, come and see, who is as quiet as can be? Encourage the children to put their heads down and pretend to sleep.

• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 66 is. Look at the picture and ask the children to point to the day scene and then to the night scene. Ask them to point to Pandy. Say: Shhhh, Pandy’s sleeping: Good night Pandy! for the night scene, and: Look, Pandy’s dancing. Good morning, Pandy, for the day scene. Ask the children to identify other items in the picture (kite, book, bed, rabbit etc.). Listen to the song (CD Track 37) and show the children the actions. Listen to the recording again and encourage the children to do the actions.

Track 37 Speaker: Sing and do. Goodnight! Goodnight! Pandy’s sleeping, Pandy’s sleeping (mime) Sleeping in his bedroom Sleeping in his bedroom Sleep, sleep, sleep. Sleep, sleep, sleep. Good morning! Good morning! Pandy’s dancing, Pandy’s dancing (mime)

Moral and Civic education Talk to the children about things they do before they go to bed (brush their teeth, put on their pyjamas etc.) Collect the Class Books and distribute the Activity Books. Turn to page 33 and ask the children to name the characters (Ben, Gina, Pandy). Point to the sun and ask What’s this? The sun or the moon? Point to Ben and ask Is he sleeping or is he awake? (awake) Point to Pandy sleeping and ask Is he sleeping or is he awake? (sleeping). Tell the children to join the daytime activities to the sun, and the night time ones to the moon, as shown in the book. Then they can colour if they want.

• •


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Lesson 4 Language characters names, night, stars, (sandals, mouse, cat), sleeping awake

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop visual discrimination Learn how to use/place stickers Distinguish between night and day

• • • •

Material Puppet Unit 8 stickers Playhouse poster or coloured shapes poster Flashcards (day, night, sun, moon, stars, cloud) CD Audio

• • • • •

Warm up

Panda Pointer

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use Pandy to ask different children: What’s your name? Review Pandy’s Sleeping song (CD Track 37) with • the class and do the actions. • Use the playhouse poster to review key unit

Children at this age are still developing fine motor skills. Some will have problems peeling off the stickers.

vocabulary. Hide a flashcard behind the door of the playhouse, knock on the door, and then encourage the children to guess what it is. Play the Memory Game: Show the children the flashcards for moon, sun, star, cloud. Place each card on one of the sections of the coloured shapes poster. Ask: Where’s the moon? Red or blue? (the children say the colour of the shape the flashcard for moon is placed on). When the children have seen/said the words, turn the cards over (face down) one by one. Point to the card which is turned over and ask: What’s this? Repeat until all four cards are face up again.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 67 is. Look at the scene of Ben, Gina and Pandy camping. Ask: Is it day or night? Ask the children to point to the moon. Ask them to identify the words they know (cat, mouse, sandals). Point to Ben and ask: Is he sleeping or awake? Repeat with the cat and with Gina. Explain to the children that they need to place the stickers (page 74) of the five stars in the night sky. As they are working, walk around the class helping any children who are struggling.

Moral and Civic education Talk about the importance of getting a good night’s sleep.


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension The children sit in a circle. Place the flashcards for sun, moon, cloud, star in the centre of the circle, with space around them for the children to move. Invite groups of 4 children to stand up and hold hands. Say: I can see the (moon). The children form a circle around the flashcard for the moon. Hand out the flashcards to different pupils. Then say: Maria, give me the (cloud) please. When the child hands the card to you say: Thank you. Go to the playground on a sunny day and help the children measure their shadows. Explain that shadows happen during the day or when there is a source of light at night.


Unit 8

Day and Night

Lesson 5 Language day, night, dog, mouse, sun, moon, I am awake, I sleep, cloud, stars

Objectives Identify day and night Develop listening comprehension Learn about nocturnal and diurnal animals Talk about the importance of sleep

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster or coloured shapes poster Activity Book (page 34) CD Audio

• • • • •


Warm Up

Track 38

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Use flashcards and the playhouse poster, or the

Speaker: Listen and point. Narrator: I’m a mouse. I sleep all day and I work all night. Narrator: I’m a dog. I play all day and I sleep all night.

coloured shapes poster to review key unit vocabulary (day, night, sun, moon, star, cloud) Mime morning activities. Pretend to wake up (encourage the children to do the same) wash your face, walk to the kitchen, have breakfast (pretend to drink a glass of milk and eat an apple, rub your tummy, eat some cereal). Do the same with night time activities (put on your pyjamas, brush your teeth, yawn, go to bed).

Moral and Civic education Point out to the children (in L1 if necessary) that we all need to sleep, in order to have energy, and to grow up to be strong and healthy.

• Collect the Class Books and distribute the

Activity Books and crayons. Turn to page 34. Elicit the words from the children by pointing to different images and asking: What’s this? Is it a star or a cloud? Then explain the task: the children have to look at the items in the column on the left and colour the picture that is the same in the rows on the right. Do an example on the board if necessary.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 68 is. Look at the photos and name the animals (dog, mouse). Ask the children to point to the day scenes and then to the night scenes. Say: Point to the mouse sleeping; Point to the dog sleeping. Talk to the children about the fact that some animals are more active at night (mice, owls etc.) and that other animals are more active when it’s light (dogs, rabbits, cats etc.). Talk to the children about when they sleep, during the day or at night? Play the listening (CD Track 38) pointing to the different scenes in your book.


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson. • Optional activity: Cut out stars from card and have the children decorate them using glitter, pieces of tissue paper or cloth.

Extension Discuss and act out morning activities of selected animals (roosters crow, cows get milked, birds sing, etc.) Then repeat with the activities they do at night. After that, discuss and act out activities of nocturnal animals (owls hoot, bats fly, raccoons hunt, etc.) And repeat with the activities they do during the day.

Lesson 6 Language bed, sleepy, pink, blue, moon, night

Objectives Identify night time activities and objects Develop fine motor skills Identify and name key characters Review colours and numbers

• • • •

Material Puppet Crayons CD Audio Coloured shapes poster Flashcards (sun, stars, cloud, moon, day, night) Poster paper, glue, scissors, yellow card (optional)

• • • • • •

Warm up

Panda Pointer

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Play the song of the unit (CD Track 37) and invite the children to sing and do the actions. • Place different flashcards on the coloured shapes

For children this age, colouring within the lines will still be challenging. Encourage them through positive reinforcement.

poster using blue tack. Say a word, for example: Cloud and invite the children to shout out the colour where the card is. Repeat with the other words. If the children are more confident with the language, say, for example: Yellow, and encourage the children to say the name of the picture on the yellow section of the poster.


• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 69 is. Look at the page and ask the children to point to Pandy, and Gina. Ask them to point to the teddy bear, moon and stars. Say Look! It’s night time. Pandy’s sleepy. Gina’s sleepy. (Yawn). Then invite the children to point to Gina’s bed and to Pandy’s bed and encourage them to identify the colours on the two paths. Distribute the crayons and allow the children time to colour in the path from Gina to her bed (pink) and from Pandy to his bed (blue).


• Collect the Class Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Make a Good Night poster. Give each child an A4 sheet of blank paper and tell them to draw a picture of themselves in their pyjamas with their favourite bedtime toy. While the children are completing their drawings, walk round and elicit the names of their toys and the colour of their pyjamas. When the children have finished the drawings, collect them and explain that you are going to stick them all together on two large sheets of poster paper with their help. Then give out some yellow card, and ask the children to draw stars and a moon on them, which they can then cut out and stick onto the poster paper. Write the words Good Night! on the poster, and stick it on the wall for the whole class to admire.


Unit 8

Day and Night

Lesson 7

Language blue, pink, orange, day, night, sun, moon, stars, clouds, kite, sunhat, ball, numbers 1–3

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop listening comprehension Distinguish between items in a picture Review colours and numbers

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster Activity Book (page 35) CD Audio Magazine cutouts of night/day scenes (optional)

• • • • • •

Warm Up

correct picture according to your instructions. Demonstrate by saying: Cloud. Circle the cloud., picking up a crayon and circling the picture of the cloud in the top right hand corner of the table. Repeat: Cloud. Circle the cloud. Then say: Stars. Circle two stars. Pause after the first one to check the children are doing the task correctly. When the children have finished the activity ask them to name the images, and invite them to colour them as they like.

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Play a game with the flashcards of the unit and the playhouse poster.

Lesson 82

• Distribute the Class Books and show the children

where page 70 is. Have the children identify the characters. Then hold up flashcards for sunhat, ball, kite, moon, star, and have the children identify them in their books by pointing to the correct picture. Point to the picture of Gina and ask: Is it day or night? Repeat with Pandy and Ben. Explain the task and play the listening (CD Track 39). Pause after each part so the children have time to point to the correct picture.

Track 39 Speaker: Listen and point. Gina: It’s day time. I can see the sun. Point to the sun, please. Pandy: It’s night time. I can see the moon and the stars. Point to the moon, please. Ben: It’s day time. I can see three clouds. Point to the clouds, please.

• Collect the Class Books and distribute the

Activity Books and crayons. Turn to page 35 and focus the children’s attention on the images in the table. Ask the children to identify them, by pointing to them in their books as you say them (sun, moon, cloud, two stars, one star, three stars). Explain the task: the children have to circle the


• Collect the Activity Books. • Sing the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) using Pandy at the end of the lesson.

Extension Play the Day/Night game. Bring in a large pile of magazine cutouts depicting day and night scenes (people sleeping, getting up, working, playing, owls at night, starry sky, early morning sky and so on) for the children to look at. Sit the children in a circle, show them one picture at a time, and have them shout out Day or Night accordingly.

Lesson 8 Language I like, day, night, sun, moon, stars, clouds

Objectives Identify key vocabulary Develop fine motor skills Work on creativity Talk about preferences (day time or night time)

• • • •

Material Puppet Flashcards Playhouse poster Crayons CD Audio Magazine cutouts from lesson 7, poster paper, glue (optional)

• • • • • •

Warm Up


• Say Good morning to the class using Pandy.

• Collect the Class Books. • Use the panda puppet to say ‘Bye Bye’ to the class. • Sing the ‘Bye Bye’ song (CD Track 06).

• •

Encourage the children to say Good morning, Pandy! Show the flashcards for sun, moon, star, cloud, day, night. Say the words and encourage the children to listen and repeat them. Draw a sun on the board. Say: I like day time! Then, draw a moon on the board and say: I like night time! Talk to the children about things they do during the day (fly a kite, play football, go to the park) and things they do at night (take a bath, sleep etc.)


• Distribuite the Class Books and show the children

where page 71 is. Explain to the children (in L1 if need be) that they have to draw a picture of what they like doing during the day or at night. When they have finished, they circle the sun or moon at the bottom of the frame. They can then show their picture to a friend. Children who are more confident can try to explain their pictures using the new words they have learned in English, for example: I like day time. I like kites.

Extension Make Night and Day posters! Explain to the children that they are going to use the magazine pictures they played with in the previous lesson, to make two posters depicting night and day scenes. Divide the class into two groups, one for the Night poster and one for the Day poster. Then invite a few children at a time to choose the magazine cutouts for their poster. Give each group a sheet of poster paper and some glue, and tell the children to stick their pictures onto the paper to make their poster. Make paper crowns with the children. Then decorate each crown with different phases of the moon (crescent, half, full moon etc.)


Story 3

Pandy’s Birthday Lesson 1

(CB page 72 and story cards) Language Pandy, Ben, Gina, cat, bird, rabbit, gloves, sunhat, sandals, scarf, coat, happy/sad, Happy Birthday, thank you

Objectives Recycle clothes vocabulary Make predictions about a story Review colours Show a positive attitude towards learning Develop literacy skills Take part in a story

• • • • • •

Material Puppet Storycards (Story 3) CD Audio Crayons Flashcards (gloves, sunhat, coat, scarf, sandals)

• • •

Warm up


they THINK Pandy will get from his friends, and to join the item of clothing to Pandy. Note: there are no ‘right or wrong’ answers here. This is just a prediction activity to get children interested in the story.

• Play the Hello song (CD Track 04) and greet the children using Pandy. • Explain to the class that they are going to hear a

• •

story. Tell them the story is about Pandy’s birthday. Ask the children (in L1) if they know when their birthday is (Note: many children will not have a clear idea of when their birthday is). What do they do for their birthday? Who do they celebrate it with? What do they eat? Do they get presents? Ask the children to think off things that they could give Pandy for his birthday (biscuits, a sunhat etc.) Option: show different clothes flashcards and invite the class to mime putting on or taking off the items of clothing. For example, show the sunhat and say: 1, 2, 3! Put on the sunhat (everyone pretends to put on a sunhat). 1, 2, 3! Take off the sunhat etc.


• Use the flashcards for sunhat, sandals, coat, • •

gloves, scarf. Show the cards, say the words to the class and encourage the children to repeat them. Distribute the Class Books and show the children where page 72 is. Tell the children to point to Pandy and different items of clothing. Elicit the colours of the clothes. Explain to the children that it’s Pandy’s birthday and that he gets some presents from his friends. Tell them to guess what they think Pandy will get for his birthday. Will he get all the clothes in the picture? Encourage the children to guess the things

• •

Panda Pointer Keep in mind that some children will struggle with the idea of guessing/predicting answers. The more children practise this, the easier it will be for them. Encourage them to make calculated guesses and to take risks.


• Collect the Class Books and sit the children in a •

circle. Show them the first storycard. Ask the children who they can see (Pandy). Ask: Is Pandy happy or sad? (happy) Play the recording (CD Track 40) and show the storycards one by one as the children listen to the story. Pause the story after card 8 and ask the children: What’s going to happen?

Track 40 Speaker: Pandy’s Birthday Storycard 1: Narrator: Look! Today is Pandy’s Birthday! Happy Birthday, Pandy! Pandy: la la la la la la

Panda Pointer

Storycard 2: Narrator:Pandy visits Gina. Gina: Happy Birthday, Pandy! Narrator:What is it? It’s a sunhat. Pandy puts on the sun hat. Pandy: Wow! A sunhat! Thank you, Gina!

Keep in mind that the children will need to hear the story a few times before they become familiar with the set up and the vocabulary.

• Play the story again (CD Track 40) and encourage

Storycard 3: Narrator:Pandy visits Ben. Ben: Happy Birthday, Pandy! Narrator:What is it? Sandals! Pandy puts on the sandals. Pandy: Wow! Sandals! Thank you, Ben! Storycard 4: Narrator:Pandy visits the cat. Cat: Happy Birthday, Pandy! Narrator:What is it? Gloves. Pandy puts on the gloves. Pandy: Wow! Gloves! Thank you!

Storycard 7: Narrator:Pandy is very happy! Oh no! Storycard 8: Pandy: Argh! Oh nooooooo! Everyone: Oh Pandy! Happy Birthday!... But be careful!!


• Play the Bye Bye song (CD Track 06) and wave

Storycard 5: Narrator:Pandy visits the rabbit. Rabbit: Happy Birthday, Pandy! Narrator:What is it? It’s a coat. Pandy puts on the coat. Pandy: Wow! A coat! Thank you! Storycard 6: Narrator:Pandy visits the bird. Bird: Happy Birthday, Pandy! Narrator:What is it? A scarf. Pandy puts the scarf. Pandy: Wow! A scarf! Thank you!

the children to pretend to put the items of clothing on, as Pandy gets his presents. Encourage them to join in saying: ‘thank you’ if they are confident in English, and make the animal noises (bird, cat) if they want to. Stick the storycards up on the blackboard in the wrong order, play the story once again, and encourage the children to point to the correct storycard as they listen. Then play the story once more, and get the children to put the storycards back in the correct order, by moving them around on the blackboard.

good-bye to the children using Pandy.

Extension Encourage the children to draw a picture of themselves wearing a special birthday outfit. Help the children act out the story in small groups.

• •



Story 3

Pandy’s Birthday!

Lesson 2

(Storycards) Language Pandy, Ben, Gina, cat, bird, rabbit, gloves, sunhat, sandals, scarf, coat, Happy Birthday, Thank you

Objectives Listen to and participate in a story Develop literacy skills

• •

Material Puppet Flashcards Storycards CD Audio Photocopies of storycards

• • • • •

Warm up


• Say Hello to the class using Pandy. Encourage the children to say Hello Pandy! • Review colours with the children. Place the colour

• Use the panda puppet to say ‘Bye Bye’ to the class. Sing • the ‘Bye Bye’ song (CD Track 06).

flashcards on different walls of the room then say, Point to (red).



• Show the flashcards for sunhat, gloves, coat, • • • • • •

sandals, scarf. Say the words and encourage the children to listen and repeat them. Ask the children what they remember from the story they read in class. Did they like the story? What happened? What did Pandy get for his birthday? Play the story (CD Track 40). Show the children different actions for putting on and taking off each item of clothing. Play the story showing the storycards. Each time a clothing word is said, encourage the children to do the actions. When the story is finished, encourage the children to clap. Show the storycards 3 to 7 one by one. Ask the children Have you got a sunhat? Have you got sandals? Etc. Hand out pieces of blank paper, and encourage the children to draw different articles of clothing and to colour them. Make a class display with the drawings. Ask the children one by one, to show their drawings and identify each item of clothing they have drawn. Then put their drawings on a table when the exhibition is ready, invite the children to stand up and circulate around the display in order to see all the drawings.

Extension Make enough photocopies so that each child in the class has one storycard to hold up. Sit the children in a circle and give out the photocopies. Explain to the children that you are going to play the story again, and when they hear the part for their storycard they have to stand up. Play the recording, pause after each storycard and encourage the children to stand up. When the children have finished listening to the story they can colour their photocopy as they like.

Now go to the Take home page 4, on pages 43 and 44 of the Activity Book.

Teaching Tips Take home pages

page 88


page 89


Games bank

pages 89-90-91

(Flashcard games, TPR games, Ring games, Games to develop the senses)

Story Telling Tips

page 91

Assessment Progress chart

page 92

(Formative assessment) Photocopiable

End of unit Assessment (Summative evaluation) Photocopiable

page 93

Teaching Tips

Take home pages Take home pages - Activity Book Page 37-44 The take home pages are pull-out pages with two pages each (front and back). The children may take them home in order to create a link between school and home. The aim of these pages is to reinforce the content of previous units, while carrying out an alternative activity. These pages should be treated as games for the children to play with. They are supposed to be used at school with the teacher first, so that the children are fully aware of what to do with them before taking them home. The children’s parents or guardians should receive information on how these pages are to be used, in order to help the children play with them successfully. Note: Children at this age cannot use scissors well yet. But different options may be adopted such as using punchers, having the teacher help, cutting the page out at home and doing the page with family. There are four Take home pages in Pandy the panda one:

Take home page 1: Make a puzzle.

(Activity Book pages 37 and 38)

Key Vocabulary: Family and bedroom. This page is to be carried out after Units 1 and 2 and can be found on pages 37 and 38 of the Activity Book. Focus the children’s attention on the two scenes, and elicit the key vocabulary by pointing to different items in the pictures. Then, explain to the children that they have to cut the scenes into four pieces in order to make a puzzle, and then put it back together to form the scene again. Tell the children to colour the two scenes or the scene they like the most, before they cut along the dotted lines to turn it into a puzzle. Once the children have made the puzzle, tell them they can take it home to play with it with their family. 88

Take home page 2: Make a mask.

(Activity Book pages 39 and 40)

Key Vocabulary: Robot, doll and colours. This page is to be carried out after Units 3 and 4 and can be found on pages 39 and 40 of the Activity Book. Focus the children’s attention on the two masks of the doll and the robot, and elicit the key vocabulary. Then, explain to the children that they have to decide which mask they like best, colour it, then with the help of the teacher (or someone at home) help them cut/punch out the mask specially the eyes.

Take home page 3: Colour, cut and sing Five green apples. (Activity Book pages 41 and 42) Key Vocabulary: Pandy, apple, green, and counting from one to five. This page is to be carried out after Units 5 and 6 and can be found on pages 41 and 42 of the Activity Book. Focus the children’s attention on the picture and elicit the key vocabulary. Then, explain to the children that they have to cut (with the help of their teacher or someone at home) along the dotted lines, and fold the rectangles where the apples are, behind the wall one by one according to the song, making the apples gradually disappear or ‘fall down’ behind the wall as they do in the song.

Take home page 4: Colour, cut and dress Pandy. (Activity Book pages 43 and 44) Key Vocabulary: Clothes and review of colours. This page is to be carried out after Units 7 and 8 and can be found on pages 43 and 44 of the Activity Book. Focus the children’s attention on the picture and elicit the key vocabulary. Then explain to the children that they have to colour and cut out Pandy and his clothes (with the help of the teacher or an adult at home) and then play the game, by putting on or taking off his coat, scarf and sunhat.

Teaching Tips

Games Introduction Games are particularly important, as children play everywhere. They form part of a child’s daily activity and experience. Children interact with their playmates, have fun and use language in a natural and uninhibited way through playing games. Julia Khan says “Children play and children want to play, they learn through playing. In playing together, children interact and in interacting they develop language skills” Games provided: • Contexts for play • Reasons for playing • Routines for playing Language practice games: They involve repeated use of a particular language item, where the language form is given and controlled. These games are like language drills, they offer opportunities for repetition of language items that are intended to be learned, because it is assumed that engaging in such repetition will lead to learning of the language. Using games may certainly be an effective way of making repetition of language natural and purposeful for young learners.

Games bank Flashcard games They help the children to develop their interpersonal or social intelligence. The flashcards are colour coded, they can be used as a colour code to identify, associate and classify words.

• • • • • •

Who are you? Give the character flashcards to 3 different children. Ask: Who are you? They show their card and say, for example: I’m Ben. Knock, knock! Use the flashcards for Pandy, Ben, mummy, daddy. Show the cards and say the words to the class. Hide different cards behind the door of the playhouse. Knock on the table and say: Who’s in the playhouse? Mummy? Pandy? Open the door and check. Repeat with the other characters. This game can be used with different lexical sets by changing the question: What’s in the playhouse? Favourite colour: Stick the colour flashcards around the classroom. Explain to the children in L1 that they have to say their favourite colour, stand up, and touch the corresponding colour on the wall. Tell the children to stay near the colour until the end of the game, so they can see who likes the same colour. Guess! Play the following game with the flashcards (eg. table, chair, window, etc). Shuffle the cards. Then place them face-down on your table. Choose one picture and show it to the class without looking at it. Ask: Table? Book? Etc. Invite the children to say No until you guess the correct word. When you guess the word, say it and ask the children to repeat the word with you. Shuffle the cards and play again. Touch! Play a game with the flashcards of a unit. Place the cards on different sides of the classroom. Invite a child or groups of children to touch the cards according to your instructions Say: Touch the (dog). The rest of the class repeats the word aloud. Look and guess! Play this game with the unit flashcards. Show the cards and ask the children to identify them. Then put the cards on your table, choose one card and cover it with a piece of paper so the children can’t see it. Move the paper around slowly and ask: What is it? A dog? A mouse? The children say the word when they recognise the animal. Repeat with different cards. (It is more challenging to put the flashcard upside down.) Pass game! Use the flashcards of a unit and play the following game. Sit the children in a circle. Hold up a flashcard of (a coat) and say: I’ve got a coat. Pass it to the child beside you, and get him/her to do the same. Continue passing the flashcard until all the children have had a turn, then repeat with the other (clothes) or flashcards from different units.


Teaching Tips

TPR games These are used to exercise corporal expression, rhythm, miming, spatial orientation and listening comprehension.

• • •

Open and close! Tell the children to open and close their books according to your instructions. Give instructions very slowly at first and gradually get faster and faster. A variation of this game is with the children using their eyes and mouths! Demonstrate by saying Open! and open your eyes and mouth at the same time. Then say Close! and close your eyes and mouth at the same time. Tell the children to listen and watch very carefully and play the game. Start slowly at first and gradually get faster and faster. Traffic light: Draw a large traffic light on the board, or bring one. Say the following poem and point to the traffic lights and mime while you are saying it. Invite the children to do the actions. STOP says the red light! (Mime stopping and point to the red light) GO says green! (Mime going and point to the green light) WAIT says the yellow light in between! (Mime waiting and point to the yellow light) Roll the dice! Make a large dice with six colours to use in class. Play the game in the following way: First the children roll the dice and then they say: Roll the dice with me! What colour can you see? When the dice stops everybody identifies the colour and says for example Red! On/Under Play this game with Pandy. Place the puppet on and under different objects in the classroom, say: Where’s Pandy? and elicit the corresponding preposition from the children. Then invite a volunteer to the front of the class and ask them to do the same thing with Pandy. Encourage the child to ask: Where’s Pandy? and the rest of the class to answer accordingly. Follow the same procedure by placing a crayon on, and then under your table and chair. Elicit the corresponding preposition On or Under with the question: Where’s the crayon? and: Yes or No with the question: Is the crayon on/under the table/chair?

Games in a circle 90

These help the children to practise language and develop gross motor skills.

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• •

Happy Helper game! Show the children the actions and say for example: Make the bed! Push the chair! Clean the table! Encourage the children to copy the actions. Explain that you are going to say one of the actions, and that you want them to do it as quickly as they can. Tell the children to stand in a circle at the front/back of the class, and start by saying the actions slowly, and then gradually say them faster and faster. Invite several volunteers to take your place and say the actions. Thank you! Sit the children in a circle. Put the following toys and classroom objects in the centre: a ball, a doll, a teddy bear, a puzzle, a book, a pencil, a crayon. Ask various children to follow your instructions: (Rosa), give me the (ball), please! When the child does the action, say: Thank you! Pass the Parcel. Get a fairly small sized toy, and wrap it up with lots of layers of wrapping paper, and place it in several different sized boxes. Sit the children in a circle, and explain that you are going to play some music, and give them a parcel to pass round the circle to each other. Tell them that when the music stops, whoever’s holding the parcel has to take a sheet of paper off. The child who takes the last sheet of wrapping paper off the toy is the winner, and they get to keep the toy for the rest of the day, or until the next lesson. One, Two, Three Jump! Ask the children to stand in a circle and explain that they are going to play a jumping game. Tell them that when you say One, they have to jump once, Two, they have to jump twice, and Three, they have to jump three times. Invite a volunteer to demonstrate with you to the rest of the class. Start slowly at first, and gradually get faster. Say the numbers in the right order to start with, then backwards and then at random. Invite some of the more confident children to take your place. I like! Sit the children in a circle. Place the food or animal flashcards in the centre of the circle with space around them for the children to move. Invite one group of 4 children to stand up and hold hands. Say, for example: I like (biscuits) and tell the children to form a circle around the flashcard for biscuits on the floor. They say: I like (biscuits) Repeat with other groups of children and other words. The Day/Night game. Bring in a large pile of magazine cutouts depicting day and night scenes (people sleeping, getting up, working, playing, owls at night, starry sky, early morning sky and so on) for the children to look at. Sit the children in a circle, show them one picture at a time, and have them shout out Day or Night accordingly.

Teaching Tips

Games to develop the senses Children perceive reality though their senses, and this helps them to develop intellectual capacities. As young children progress from pre-logical to logical thought, they become increasingly aware of the world around them. These games involve the use of attention and memory which then leads to observation and reasoning.

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Guessing game! Invite two volunteers to come to the front of the class and ask one of them to close their eyes. Whisper a word for example: book to the other child, and give them a book to place in their classmate’s hands. Then say: What is it? Once the child has said the word book, allow them to open their eyes and look at the book. Choose two other volunteers and repeat the whole procedure with a pencil. Continue the activity until everyone in the class has had a go. Hunt the colour! You call out a colour and the children in their groups have to find as many objects of that colour in the classroom as they can, within a certain amount of time (an egg timer could be used for this purpose). Divide the children into four or five groups, depending on the size of the class, set the timer and say the word blue. When the timer buzzes, ask the groups to show each other the blue objects they have found. Follow the same procedure for other colours. Guess by touching! A child, with eyes shut, must guess which real (toy) it is, just by touching it. This game can be done with fruit, classroom objects, plastic animals etc. Animal sounds The aim of this game is to identify animals by the sound they make. Show the children the flashcards of the animals one by one. Encourage them to imitate the sound each animal makes. Then divide the class into two groups. Show an animal to the first group and ask them to imitate the sound it makes. The second group has to then identify the animal, according to the sound made by the first group. Repeat this with various animals and finally swap roles.

Story telling tips • • • • • • • •

Use real stories, not just descriptions of pictures. A real story has a beginning, middle and an end, and of course something is going on. Create a relaxed atmosphere which mirrors story telling in the children’s real life. Sit the children around you in a semicircle. The children will notice that something different is going to happen. Use story props, visuals and aural. When listening to a story in a foreign language, children rely heavily on their eyes to help them understand. Young learner’s stories have a lot of repetition, so the children will quickly find it easy to participate in the narration. Children can predict what comes next in the story Children love stories and they love listening to the same story again and again, so take advantage of this. When repeating the story, tell it in your own words. In this way you can create your own version of the story (adapt and improvise) Performance skills. Remember to: - vary the volume - vary the pitch and tempo of your voice - use your face, body and gestures - let your body ‘speak’ - be clearly focused and maintain concentration - maintain engaging eye contact with the children - use different, exaggerated character voices - be dynamic - remember to pace yourself - use silences and pauses to add dramatic effect.


Teaching Tips

Assessment Progress Chart (Formative Assessment)

Class: ............................................. Unit: ............................................. Date: ............................................. Name of Activity: ..........................................................................................................................................

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very good


Participates actively in proposed tasks

Takes part in group activities

Uses Hello, I’m...

Talks about greetings and introduces him/herself

Participates actively in proposed tasks

Takes part in group activities

Develops listening skills

Uses This is my...

Talks about family

Recognises and names family members

• • • • • • •

Participates actively in proposed tasks

Takes part in group activities

Develops listening skills

Helps others

Helps keeping things tidy at school

Talks about furniture

Recognises and names items of furniture

Unit 2: My Bedroom

• • • • • •

very good

very good

very good




(Summative evaluation)

Recognises and names the characters of the course

Unit 1: Me and my Family

• • • • •

Starter Unit: Hello Pandy!

End of unit Assessment

Participates actively in proposed tasks

Takes part in group activities

Develops listening skills

Uses This is a…

Talks about favourite colours

Recognises and names classroom objects

Recognises and names colours

• • • • • • • • •

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Participates actively in proposed tasks

Takes part in group activities

Develops listening skills

Talks about position of objects

Uses I’ve got…

Shows respects for others

Talks about favourite toys

Recognises and names emotions

Recognises and names toys

Unit 4: My Toys

• • • • • • •

Unit 3: Colours

very good

very good



Name: .................................................................. Class: ......................................

Teaching Tips


• Talks about clothes • Uses Put on… / Take off... • Develops listening skills • Takes part in group activities • Participates actively in proposed tasks

Counts to three

Develops listening skills

Takes part in group activities

Participates actively in proposed tasks

• • • • • • • •

• Talks about things seen in day and night • Recognises and names actions • Uses I can see… • Develops listening skills • Takes part in group activities • Participates actively in proposed tasks

Recognises and names food

Expresses likes and dislikes

Uses Yes, please and No, Thank you

Counts to five

Develops listening skills

Takes part in group activities

Participates actively in proposed tasks

Recognises and names things seen in day and night

Unit 8: Day and Night

• Recognises and names weather

Talks about pets

Recognises and names clothes

Recognises sets



very good

very good

Unit 7: Hot and Cold

very good

very good



Name: .................................................................. Class: ......................................

Recognises and names pets

Unit 6: My Breakfast

• • • • • • •

Unit 5: My Pet

(Summative evaluation)


End of unit Assessment

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Teaching Tips

Glue here

Glue here

Glue here

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Playhouse Door

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Glue here

Glue here

Playhouse Window

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