ELI Vocabulary in Pictures - English

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The captivating situations, the immediate picture-word association, plus the audio recordings and fun digital activities, engage young students in a pleasant learning process. Learning English is easy and fun with the ELI Vocabulary in pictures! 45 attractive thematic situations with delightful illustrations More than 1000 words: nouns, adjectives, verbs and prepositions A complete alphabetical index of the words Audio recordings of all words and digital activities for each situation downloadable online


ELI Vocabulary in pictures ENGLISH

Colourful, up-to-date and easy to use, the ELI Vocabulary in pictures is the ideal tool for learning or revising basic English vocabulary.

1 The Taylor family Alex is Lily’s husband. He is Luke and Laura’s father / dad.

This is Oscar the dog.

Luke is Alex and Lily’s son. He is Laura’s brother.


This is Coco the cat.


Lily is Alex’s wife. She is Luke and Laura’s mother / mum.

Look and find

Herbie on every page!

This is Herbie the hamster.

Laura is Alex and Lily’s daughter. She is Luke’s sister.


2 In the bedroom



pyjamas lamp



bedside table



alarm clock


chest of drawers




curtain blanket

mattress bed desk



8 In the garden









attic first floor ground floor basement

chimney pot


satellite dish


window scooter




9 Happy Birthday!






ice cream














birthday card

party hat



cake sweets




Alphabetical wordlist A above 43 accordion 17 actor 24 aeroplane 31 Africa 45 afternoon 7 alarm clock 2 ambulance 31 American football 23 anorak 35 ant 32, 33 Antarctic Ocean 45 anteater 40 apple 29 apricot 29 April 25 apron 16 aquarium 39 archipelago 45 architect 24 Arctic Ocean 45 arm 21 armchair 6 art 13 art room 16 artistic gymnastics 23 Asia 45 asparagus 30 astronaut 22 Atlantic Ocean 45 attic 8 aubergine 30 August 25 aunt 9 autumn 25

B back 21 badminton racket 20 bag 27 baker’s 27 ball 8, 20, 23 ballet dancer 24 balloons 8 banana 29 bank 11 banknotes 27 bar of soap 3 baseball 23 baseball bat 20 basement 8 basket 33 basketball 20, 23 basketball hoop 20 bat 40 bath 3 bathrobe 3 bathroom 3 bathroom scales 3 beach 34 beach bats 34


beach towel 34 beads 28 beak 41 bear 40 beard 22 bed 2 bedroom 2 bedside table 2 bee 33, 38 behind 43 belt 4 bench 12, 20 between 43 bicycle 8, 23, 31 bicycle helmet 23 big 42 billion 18 bin bag 10 bird 32 birthday card 9 biscuits 5 black 11 blackberry 29 blackboard 14 blank sheet of paper 16 blanket 2, 32 blue 11 blueberry 29 board games 28 body 21 bone 37 book 15, 28 bookcase 6 bookshop 11, 27 boots 35 bottle 10 bow 17 bowl 10, 37 bowling balls 20 bracelet 22 branch 35 bread 5, 19 breakfast 5 brother 1, 9 brown 11 Brussels sprout 30 bubble bath 3 bucket 34 buckle 4 building 12 building blocks 28 bull 38 bus 12 bus stop 12 bush 32 butter 5 butterfly 32, 33 button 4 buy 44

C cage 37 cake 9

cake shop 27 cakes 9 calculator 15 calendar 14 calf 38 camel 40 camper van 31 can 10 canal 45 canary 37 candles 9 canoe 31 canvas 16 cap 4 car 28, 31 cards 20, 28 carrot 30 cartoon 6 castle 28 cat 1, 8, 37 caterpillar 33 cauliflower 30 CD 17 cereal 5 chair 8, 14 chalet 36 chalk 14 chauffeur 24 cheese 5, 19 chef 24 chemist’s 27 cherry 29 chest of drawers 2 chestnut 29 chick 38 chicken 19 chilli pepper 30 chimney pot 8 chips 19 chocolates 9 Christmas tree 28 Christmas wreath 28 cinema 11 circle 16 clarinet 17 classroom 14 claws 41 clean 42 clock 14 close 44 closed 42 clothes shop 27 clown 22 coffee 5 coffee table 6 coins 27 cold 3, 42 collar 37 coloured pencils 16 comb 3 computer 14 cook 44 coral 39 costume 22

couch 6 count 44 courgette 30 cousin 9 cow 38 cowboy 22 crab 34 crate 33 crayons 16 credit card 27 cricket 23 crisps 9 crocodile 40 cross the road 44 crown 22 cry 44 cub 41 cucumber 30 cup 10 cupboard 14 curtain 2, 6 cushion 6 cutlery 19 cyclamen 33 cycle lane 12 cycling 23 cymbals 17

D dad 1 daffodil 33 daisy 33 dance 44 daughter 1 day 7, 44 December 25 deckchair 34 decorations 28 deer 40 dentist 24 desert 45 desk 2, 14 dessert 19 dial 7 diamond 16 dirty 42 dishwasher 5 diver’s mask 34 doctor 24 documentary 6 dog 1, 8, 37 dog tag 37 doll 28 dolphin 39 donkey 38 door 8, 14 double bass 17 down 43 dragon 22 drawer 2 dress 4 drink 44 drinking fountain 20

drinks 9 drive 44 drum 17 drumsticks 17 dry 42 duck 38 duckling 38 dustbin 10 duvet 2

E eagle 40 ear 21 earmuffs 36 earrings 22 ears 41 easel 16 East 45 eat 44 egg 5, 19, 32, 38 eggs 41 eight 18 eighth 18 eighty 18 elbow 21 electrician 24 electronic game 28 elephant 40 empty 42 English 13 Europe 45 evening 7 eye 21 eyes 41

F face 21 fairy 22 family 1 fangs 41 far 43 farm 38 fat 42 father 1, 9 Father Christmas 28 feather 41 February 25 felt-tip pens 16 fencing 23 fennel 30 field 38 fifth 18 fifty 18 fig 29 film 6 fin 41 fingers 21 firefighter 24 fireplace 6 first 18 first floor 8 fish 19, 34, 37 fish tank 37 five 18 flip-flops 34 flippers 34 floor 6

florist’s 27 flowers 33 fly 32 foil 23 foot 21 football 23 foreign languages 13 fork 10 forty 18 fountain 11 four 18 fourth 18 fox 32 fresh-squeezed orange juice 5 Friday 25 fridge 5 frog 32 fruit 19, 29 fruit juice 5 full 42 fur 41

G garage 8 garden 8 garden scissors 33 garlic 30 gate 8 gazelle 40 geography 13 geranium 33 get dressed 44 get washed 44 giraffe 40 glacier 45 glass 10 glasses 22 globe 14 glove 20 gloves 33, 36 glue 15 go to bed 44 goal 23 goat 38 golf 23 golf club 23 goose 38 gorilla 40 grandfather 9 grandmother 9 grapefruit 29 grapes 29 grass 35 grasshopper 32 green 11 greenhouse 33 grey 11 ground floor 8 guinea pig 37 guitar 17 gulf 45 gym 13

H hair 21 hairbrush 3

hairdresser 24 hairdryer 3 half past 7 hamburger 19 hamster 1, 37 hand 21 handsome 42 happy 42 hare 32 harp 17 hat 22, 34, 35 have a shower 44 have breakfast 7 head teacher 13 heavy 42 hedgehog 32 helicopter 31 helmet 23, 36 hen 38 hen house 38 highlighter 15 hippopotamus 40 history 13 hive 38 hob 5 hockey stick 23 honey 5 hoof 41 horns 41 horse 38 horse riding 23 hot 3, 42 hot-air balloon 31 hotel 12 hour 7 hour hand 7 hundred 18 hundred thousand 18 husband 1 hyacinth 33

I I’ve got a cold. 21 I’ve got a cough. 21 I’ve got a headache. 21 I’ve got a sore throat. 21 I’ve got a temperature. 21 I’ve got stomach ache. 21 ice 26 ice cream 9, 34 ice hockey 23 ice rink 36 ice skates 23, 36 ice skating 23 iceberg 45 iguana 40 in front of 43 in the middle 43 Indian Ocean 45 inside 43 interactive whiteboard 14 island 45 It’s cloudy! 26 It’s cold! 26 It’s eight o’clock. 7 It’s eleven o’clock. 7 It’s five o’clock. 7 It’s foggy! 26

It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s

four o’clock. 7 hot! 26 nine o’clock. 7 one o’clock. 7 raining! 26 seven o’clock. 7 six o’clock. 7 snowing! 26 sunny! 26 ten o’clock. 7 three o’clock. 7 twelve o’clock. 7 two o’clock. 7 windy! 26

J jacket 4 jam 5 January 25 jeans 4 jellyfish 34 jeweller’s 27 jigsaw puzzle 28 journalist 24 judo 23 judo belt 23 jug 10 July 25 jumper 4 June 25 jungle 45

K kangaroo 40 ketchup 19 kettle 5 keyboard 17 king 22 kiosk 34 kite 32 kitten 37 kiwi 29 knee 21 knickers 4 knife 10 knight 22 koala 40

L ladybird 33 lake 45 lamb 38 lamp 2, 6 lamp post 12 laptop 15 laugh 44 lead 37 leaf 35 leg 21, 41 leggings 4 lemon 29 leopard 40 lettuce 30 lid 5 light 42 lilo 34


1 The Taylor family 2 In the bedroom 3 In the bathroom 4 What shall I wear? 5 At breakfast 6 Watching TV 7 What time is it? 8 In the garden 9 Happy Birthday! 10 After the party 11 In the town 12 In the street 13 At school 14 In the classroom 15 In my rucksack 16 The art room 17 The music lesson 18 Ready, set, go! 19 Lunchtime 20 Fun at the park! 21 The parts of the body 22 A fancy-dress party 23 Hooray for sport!

24 When I grow up 25 All in a year 26 What’s the weather like? 27 Shopping! 28 Presents! 29 Lots of fruit! 30 Lots of vegetables! 31 Travelling 32 Picnic time 33 A day in spring 34 A day in summer 35 A day in autumn 36 A day in winter 37 At the vet 38 A trip to the farm 39 At the aquarium 40 All aboard! 41 Animals up close! 42 Look at me! 43 Where am I? 44 My day 45 A world to discover Alphabetical wordlist

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