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GRADUATA Suddivisione in due blocchi per livello: A1-B1 e B1-B2 + CHIARA Teoria e pratica affiancate RICCA 3000+ esercizi fra carta e digitale • Note contrastive e particolarità linguistiche • Grande varietà di esercizi: applicazione immediata, riepilogo, sommativi, attività di ascolto, preparazione alle certificazioni Cambridge English: Preliminary for schools (PET) e First for schools (FCE) • Sezione di lessico e funzioni comunicative con audio: tavole illustrate, attività e dialoghi • Mappe concettuali su carta e in digitale • Ricca appendice con tavole verbali e lessicali, forme verbali particolari, tavole morfologiche • FLIP BOOK con il testo interamente sfogliabile, esercizi interattivi autocorrettivi, tutti gli audio integrati, attivazione delle mappe concettuali e delle tavole lessicali, sezione di pronuncia e tante altre risorse • Contenuti digitali integrativi online
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• Coursebook • FLIP BOOK
• Teacher’s Guide • Teacher’s FLIP BOOK
ISBN 978-88-536-1567-1
ISBN 978-88-536-1568-8
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Volume + Flip Book
Questo volume, sprovvisto del talloncino a fronte, è da considerarsi SAGGIO - CAMPIONE GRATUITO: fuori campo applicazione IVA ed esente da Ddt (Art. 2, c. 3, l.d, DPR 633/1972 e Art. 4, n. 6, DPR 627/1978)
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Nuovo Cambridge English: First (FCE) 2015
I pronomi personali
1.1 Pronomi personali soggetto I you he she it we you they
io tu egli/lui ella/lei esso/a noi voi essi/loro
In inglese il soggetto deve essere sempre espresso, diversamente dall’italiano in cui spesso può essere sottinteso. Osserva: Mark is my friend. He is English. The students are in the classroom. They have got a Science lesson.
Mark è mio amico. (Lui) È inglese. Gli studenti sono in classe. (Loro) Hanno lezione di scienze.
In inglese il pronome soggetto I si scrive sempre con la lettera maiuscola.
My name is Nicola and I am a student.
Mi chiamo Nicola e sono uno studente.
Il pronome soggetto you corrisponde in italiano sia a “tu” e “voi” sia alle forme di cortesia “Lei” e “Voi”.
Gaia, you are my best friend. Mr Thompson, are you our new teacher?
Gaia, sei la mia migliore amica. Sig. Thompson, Lei è il nostro nuovo insegnante?
Il pronome soggetto it si usa per riferirsi a cose, piante, animali e concetti astratti.
My bike isn’t in the garage, it is in the garden. Look at that tree! It is very tall. There is a cat at the door. It is black.
La mia bici non è in garage, è in giardino. Guarda quell’albero! È molto alto. C'è un gatto alla porta. È nero.
Quando si parla di animali di casa oppure che conosciamo, è possibile usare il pronome he/she. Verdun is my horse. She is brown and white.
Verdun è il mio cavallo. È marrone e bianca.
Il pronome soggetto it si usa come soggetto impersonale per parlare di ora, data, giorno e tempo atmosferico. L’ora, Unit 23 – La data, Unit 24.2
It’s one o’clock/2 April/Monday/cloudy.
È l’una/il 2 aprile/lunedì/nuvoloso.
1.2 Pronomi personali complemento me you him her it us you them
In inglese i pronomi complemento hanno un’unica forma. Osserva: I love her. La amo. Give her my phone number. Dalle il mio numero di telefono.
I pronomi complemento si usano dopo un verbo o dopo una preposizione.
I know him. We play football with them every day.
‘Inform him I dislike it when he uses the dog to communicate.’
Lo conosco. Giochiamo a calcio con loro ogni giorno.
Personal pronouns
Osserva le immagini e scrivi il pronome personale soggetto corrispondente.
1 they
2 ________________
3 ________________
4 ________________
5 ________________
6 ________________
7 ________________
8 ________________
Completa le frasi con il pronome personale soggetto corretto.
It in the front garden.’ 1 ‘Where’s your bicycle?’ ‘_____’s 2 ‘Who is Maria with?’ ‘_____ is with her boyfriend.’ 3 ‘Are _____ from Spain?’ ‘No, I’m from Italy.’ 4 ‘Where is the lab?’ ‘_____ is next to class 6.’ 5 ‘Is Mohamed coming?’ ‘No, _____’s at home with a cold.’ 6 Jane and I love going to the cinema. _____ go on Sunday afternoons. 7 Danny and Lisa, why are you in the corridor? It’s 9 o’clock. Why aren’t _____ in class? 8 Paul and Amy aren’t at home at the moment. _____ are at school. 9 ‘Can _____ use your pen for a minute?’ ‘Of course, _____ can.’ 10 ‘Where is Elvis, your dog?’ ‘_____ is under my bed.’
Riscrivi le frasi sostituendo le parole sottolineate con pronomi personali complemento.
1 I always see Martha at the swimming pool. I always see her at the swimming pool. 2 Do you like Mark? 3 Where’s Nancy? I want to talk to Nancy. 4 She never watches horror films.
5 I don’t know her mobile number. 6 Can you take Lucy and me to the train station, please? 7 I’d like Sally and you to come home at 11 o’clock. 8 She doesn’t like meeting new people. 9 I don’t usually talk to my younger brother.
Sottolinea il pronome personale corretto.
1 This book is terrible. Don’t read him/it. 2 I’ve got a problem. Can you help me/I? 3 Where are my trainers? I can’t find them/it! 4 Can you go to the head teacher’s office? She/Her wants to see you. 5 My mum’s at home at lunchtime. So we always have lunch with her/she.
6 I love this jacket. I want to buy it/her. 7 Mr Wallis isn’t here. Please sit here and wait for he/him. 8 We/Us never listen to our mum and she is angry with we/us. 9 Good morning Mrs Holmes. How are you/she today? 10 Sally and Tim are here. They/She are in the lounge.
Il verbo be
Forma affermativa intera
Forma affermativa contratta
Forma negativa intera
Forma negativa contratta
I am in Rome. You are in Rome. He/She/It is in Rome. We are in Rome. You are in Rome. They are in Rome.
I’m in Rome. You’re in Rome. He/She/It’s in Rome. We’re in Rome. You’re in Rome. They’re in Rome.
I am not in Rome. You are not in Rome. He/She/It is not in Rome. We are not in Rome. You are not in Rome. They are not in Rome.
I’m not in Rome. You aren’t in Rome. He/She/It isn’t in Rome. We aren’t in Rome. You aren’t in Rome. They aren’t in Rome.
Nella lingua parlata e nella lingua scritta informale sono più comuni le forme contratte, ma per dare maggiore enfasi all’affermazione si usano le forme intere. • La forma affermativa contratta di is (’s) si usa anche dopo nomi propri e comuni, ma se la parola termina in -ch, -sh, -s, -x o -z è obbligatorio usare la forma intera. Sue is a nice girl. = Sue’s a nice girl. The match is over. NON The match’s over.
Sue è una ragazza simpatica. La partita è finita.
• Non si usa la forma contratta di are (’re) dopo i nomi propri e comuni. The keys are on the table. NON The keys’re on the table.
Le chiavi sono sul tavolo.
Forma interrogativa
Forma interrogativanegativa contratta
Risposte brevi
Am I in Rome? Are you in Rome? Is he/she/it in Rome? Are we in Rome? Are you in Rome? Are they in Rome?
Aren’t I in Rome? Aren’t you in Rome? Isn’t he/she/it in Rome? Aren’t we in Rome? Aren’t you in Rome? Aren’t they in Rome?
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn’t. Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t. Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
uso Il verbo be si usa per: • presentare persone e identificare cose I’m Francesca. This is Federico. It is a book.
• In inglese generalmente non si risponde a una domanda solo con yes o no, ma si usano le risposte brevi. • Nelle risposte brevi si usa la forma contratta solo nelle risposte negative.
Sono Francesca. Questo è Federico. È un libro.
• descrivere persone, animali, cose, luoghi, ecc. con aggettivi
My parents are young.
I miei genitori sono giovani.
• indicare l’età
She’s sixteen years old.
Ha sedici anni.
• indicare la provenienza
William is from London.
William è di Londra.
• dire l’ora, la data, il giorno (con costruzione impersonale)
It’s ten o’clock/23 April/Saturday.
Sono le dieci./È il 23 di aprile/sabato.
• indicare la professione
Ruth is a nurse.
Ruth è/fa l’infermiera.
• parlare del tempo atmosferico (con costruzione impersonale)
It’s very hot today.
È/Fa molto caldo oggi.
• dire il prezzo
The red T-shirt is 9 euros.
La maglietta rossa costa 9 euro.
Il verbo be si può rendere in italiano con il verbo “fare” quando si parla di professioni e tempo atmosferico e con il verbo “costare” quando si parla di prezzi.
The verb be
Osserva i diversi usi di be. Abbina le frasi agli usi corrispondenti. a b 1 c d e f
1 This is my brother, Mark. 2 My aunt is a primary school teacher. 3 ‘How much is the T-shirt?’ ‘It’s £9.99.’ 4 ‘Where are you from?’ ‘I’m from Romania.’ 5 Massimo and Riccardo are short and dark. 6 ‘What is it?’ ‘It’s a CD from Amazon.’
indicare la professione presentare persone indicare la provenienza descrivere persone identificare cose dire il prezzo
Completa le frasi con la forma intera del verbo be. 1 Hello. I _____ am Edward. This _____ is my sister Poppy. 2 ‘What’s this?’ ‘It _____ my Maths homework.’ 3 Victoria and David Beckham _____ from Britain. 4 My parents _____ at work. 5 Washington D.C. _____ the capital of America.
6 My brother _____ twenty years old. 7 These bags _____ very heavy! 8 Maria _____ a swimming champion. 9 It _____ eight o’clock. 10 Josh and James _____ twin.
Riscrivi le frasi con la forma contratta dove possibile.
1 He is tired. 6 You are crazy! He’s tired. 7 I am quite hungry. 2 Danny is very young. 8 The students are very happy with the 3 It is very hot today. plan for the school trip. 4 The books are in my bedroom. 9 She is fine. 5 They are from Australia. 10 Chiara and Max are in the garden.
Volgi le frasi alla forma negativa.
1 My father is Italian. My father isn’t Italian. 2 Prince William is American. 3 They are students. 4 The film is interesting.
5 I’m ready. 6 We’re at home. 7 You are very good at sport. 8 Pier’s intelligent. 9 My parents are old.
Formula delle frasi affermative o negative basandoti sulle informazioni date.
1 my favourite pastime / playing games online (3) 6 it / windy (7) My favourite pastime is playing games online. 7 this / my brother, Alessandro (3) 2 James / from the UK (7) 8 Emma and I / in the school swimming 3 she / 18 years old (3) team (3) 4 Amy and Jack / here (3) 9 it / very fragile. Be careful! (3) 5 they / married (7) 10 Mr and Mrs Adams / teachers (7)
Volgi le frasi alla forma interrogativa.
1 Maria is a nurse. Is Maria a nurse? 2 It’s one o’clock. 3 Chris and Lisa are on holiday with friends. 4 You and Carla are from Sardinia.
5 Palermo is a noisy city. 6 Jack is very angry. 7 His mother is a teacher at my school. 8 I’m late for the lesson. 9 It is your jacket.
Completa le frasi con la forma interrogativa-negativa del verbo be.
1 ‘This is my cousin Linda.’ ‘Oh really? ____________________ (she) your sister? You look the same!’ Isn’t she 2 ____________________ (you) hungry? It’s 2 o’ clock. 3 ‘There’s Peter.’ ‘I don’t think so. ____________________ (he) in America?’ 4 ‘____________________ (Anna) a beautiful little girl?’ ‘Yes, she’s very pretty.’ 5 ‘____________________ (mum and dad) at home? It’s 7 o’clock.’ ‘Yes, I think so.’ 6 ‘____________________ (it) cold today?’ ‘Yes, it’s 6 degrees.’ 7 ‘____________________ (we) in the language lab today?’ ‘No, class 1C is in there.’ 8 ‘____________________ (he) a doctor?’ ‘Yes, he works at the local hospital.’ 9 ‘____________________ (they) an holiday?’ ‘Yes, they’re in New York.’ 10 ‘____________________ (you) tired? It’s really late.’
Riordina le parole per formulare frasi corrette.
1 a lovely day / is / today / it It is a lovely day today. 2 aren’t / Jack and I / the school trip / happy about 3 very young / aren’t / my parents 4 married / John and Sally / are / ?
Scrivi delle frasi alla forma affermativa o negativa che siano vere per te.
1 I / at school at the moment I’m at school at the moment. 2 it / hot today 3 my parents / from Italy 4 my friend and I / hungry
5 The Lord of the Rings / a beautiful story 6 the school’s coffee bar / cheap 7 I / good at playing volleyball 8 my uncle / tall 9 the lesson / interesting today
Formula delle domande e delle risposte brevi basandoti sulle informazioni date.
1 you / Italian / ? (3) ‘Are you Italian?’ ‘Yes, I am.’ 2 I / late / ? (7) 3 you and Dario / at home / ? (3) 4 your brother / at your school / ? (7)
5 is / spiders / afraid of / he / ? 6 in / the bikes / are / the garage / ? 7 these jeans / are / new / ? 8 my / isn’t / bedroom / it 9 is / Cambridge / our flat / the centre of / in
5 Li Jun / Chinese / ? (3) 6 we / in this class / ? (7) 7 you and Tommy / English / ? (3) 8 it / time for dinner / ? (3) 9 they / happy in their new flat / ? (7)
Completa le frasi con am/am not, are/aren’t, is/isn’t.
1 ‘What day _____ is it today?’ ‘It _____ is Thursday.’ 2 ‘_____ your father a police officer?’ ‘Yes, he _____.’ 3 The car keys _____ in the key cupboard. Where _____ they? 4 It’s only 9 o’clock. It _____ late but I _____ very tired. 5 Robert and I _____ from the same town near London, Guildford. 6 ‘Who _____ you with?’ ‘This _____ my boyfriend, Mark.’ 7 ‘_____ it a quarter past one?’ ‘No, it _____ half past twelve. It _____ time to go home!’ 8 ‘Where _____ you?’ ‘We _____ at McDonald’s.’ 9 Why have you got your coat on? It _____ cold! 10 Juan and Maria _____ Italian. They _____ Spanish. They _____ from Madrid.
The verb be
Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del verbo be. 1 These _____ are two of my friends from school, Mum. 2 Michael _____ a cabin attendant for British Airways. 3 ‘How much _____ the apples?’ ‘This type _____ £1.50 a kilo, and these _____ £2 a kilo.’ 4 ‘Where _____ Carla from?’ ‘I think her and her husband _____ from Sardinia.’ 5 Toby _____ tall and thin. He’s got blond hair and blue eyes. 6 ‘What _____ in the bag?’ ‘It _____ a present for my boyfriend.’ 7 There _____ twenty students in my English language class. 8 ‘What _____ the date today?’ ‘It _____ 23rd April. It _____ my birthday!’
Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta del verbo be. Sara Pablo Sara Pablo Sara Pablo Diana Pablo Sara Pablo
is your name? Hi, what (1) _____ I (2) _____ Pablo. (3) _____ you Spanish? No, I (4) _____. I (5) _____ from Brazil. This (6) _____ my friend Diana. She (7) _____ in our class. Hi Diana. Hi Pablo. Where (8) _____ our new class? It (9) _____ on the second floor. Oh, it (10) _____ 9 o’clock. Yes, we (11) _____ late!
Leggi e completa la mail di Anja con la forma corretta del verbo be.
Hi Mark, I (1) _____ am Anja. I (2) _____ 14, and I am from Seattle in America. It (3) _____ on the west coast, near Canada. The weather here (4) _____ good, but it (5) _____ very hot in the summer, about 23 degrees. My parents (6) _____ American. They (7) _____ from Poland. I’ve got a brother. His name (8) _____ Ceprian. He (9) _____ at home at the moment. He (10) _____ at university in New York. He is very intelligent. I love dancing. In fact, I (11) _____ at a normal high school, I’m at the Dance Academy. It (12) _____ in the centre of town. What (13) _____ your hobbies? Write soon. Anja
Scrivi una mail a un/una tuo/a nuovo/a amico/a e raccontagli/le di te. Prendi a modello la mail dell’esercizio 14.
There is/There are
There is/There are corrispondono alle espressioni italiane “c’è/ci sono”. forma
Forma affermativa
Forma negativa
Forma interrogativa
Forma interrogativanegativa
Risposte brevi
There is/There’s a box.
There is not/ There isn’t a box.
Is there a box?
Isn't there a box?
Yes, there is. No, there is not/ there isn’t.
There are two boxes.
There are not/ There aren’t two boxes.
Are there two boxes?
Aren't there two boxes?
Yes, there are. No, there are not/ there aren’t.
Non esiste la forma affermativa contratta di there are. There are three black cats. NON There’re three black cats.
Ci sono tre gatti neri.
Nelle frasi con più soggetti si usa there is se il primo sostantivo è singolare, there are se il primo sostantivo è plurale. There is a sofa and two armchairs. There are two armchairs and a sofa.
Ci sono un divano e due poltrone. Ci sono due poltrone e un divano.
uso There is/There are si usano per dare informazioni sulla presenza di cose o persone in un determinato posto. There is a black cat in the middle of the road. C’è un gatto nero in mezzo alla strada. There are 15 students in class 5B. Ci sono 15 studenti in classe 5B. • There are + numero + of us/you/them corrisponde in italiano a “siamo/siete/sono in” + numero. There are five of them.
Sono in cinque.
• Non si usano Is there...? e Are there...? per chiedere se c’è qualcuno, ma si utilizzano espressioni come in, at home, here, there. ‘Is Julie in?’ ‘Yes, she is.’ ‘Are Tom and Louise there?’ ‘No, they aren’t.’
“C’è Julie?” “Sì.” “Ci sono Tom e Louise?” “No.”
• There is e There are non si usano con riferimento al tempo atmosferico. It’s sunny. It’s foggy and windy.
C’è il sole. Ci sono nebbia e vento.
‘Why isn’t Yogi Bear up there?’
Nelle espressioni there is/there are, there ha funzione di soggetto e si pronuncia con la forma debole (weak form): /De(r)/. There come avverbio di luogo si pronuncia invece con la forma forte (strong form): /De´(r)/.
T 1 Osserva e ascolta. There isn’t a cloud in the sky. There are many foreigners in my class.
Is your mother there? Put the coat there.
There is/There are
Cosa c’è nello zaino di Sunil? Completa le frasi con there is/are, there isn’t/aren’t.
There are some books. 1 __________ 2 __________ some keys. 3 __________ a snack. 4 __________ any tissues. 5 __________ a wallet. 6 __________ a mobile phone and an MP3. 7 __________ some CDS. 8 __________ any pencils. 9 __________ a sweatshirt. 10 __________ a laptop.
Formula delle frasi con there is e there are basandoti sulle informazioni date.
1 a shower in the bathroom (7) There isn’t a shower in the bathroom. 2 a CD player in his bedroom (7) 3 a good film on TV tonight (3) 4 any jeans in my size (7)
Riordina le parole per formulare delle domande sulla tua camera e rispondi in modo personale.
1 any musical instruments / are / there / ? 'Are there any musical instruments?' 'Yes, there are. There are two guitars.' 2 is / a computer / there / ? 3 any posters / are / on the wall / there / ? 4 there / a CD player / is / ?
5 any problems with the new teacher (7) 6 some good shops in this town (3) 7 two cinemas near here (3) 8 a bus to my house from here (7) 9 a class test tomorrow (3)
5 a big wardrobe / there / is / ? 6 any clothes / there / on the floor / are / ? 7 a desk / is / and / there / chairs / ? 8 a TV / is / there / ? 9 any books / there / are / on the desk / ? 10 shelf / there / is / ?
Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. there (x 3) • is (x 2) • are (x 2) • it (x 2)
1 _____’s 5 There _____ problems with the signal. I can’t It rainy today. 2 ‘Are your friends _____?’ ‘No, they aren’t.’ hear you! 3 There _____ a restaurant and two good 6 _____ is not nice weather here at the moment. cafés in the village. 7 Is Dad _____? Can I speak to him? 4 ‘_____ Sam at school?’ ‘Yes, he is.’ 8 _____ are four of us in my family.
Traduci le seguenti frasi in inglese. 1 “C’è Paolo a casa?” “No.” 2 C’è una mucca nel nostro giardino! 3 “Ci sono Pete e Michael alla festa?” “Sì.” 4 C’è mia nonna a casa con noi. 5 C’è la signora Romano oggi?
6 Siamo quattro in famiglia. 7 Ci sono cinque libri sulla mensola. 8 Siamo 26 in classe. 9 “Siete in sei?” “Sì.” 10 Oggi c’è il sole, ma c’è vento.
Gli interrogativi (1)
Si usano gli avverbi where, when, how, why e i pronomi interrogativi who, what, which, whose per ottenere informazioni specifiche. Osserva la tabella. who
Who is that girl?
Chi è quella ragazza?
che cosa/quale
What is this? What is your favourite subject?
Che cos’è? Qual è la tua materia preferita?
what + sostantivo
di che
What colour is the car?
Di che colore è l’auto?
Which is your car?
Qual è la tua auto?
which + sostantivo
Which class are you in?
In quale classe sei?
Where is my wallet?
Dov’è il mio portafoglio?
When is your birthday?
Quand’è il tuo compleanno?
How is that possible?
Com’è possibile?
how + aggettivo
How old is your mother?
Quanti anni ha tua madre?
Why are you tired?
Perché sei stanco?
di chi
Whose are these trainers?
Di chi sono queste scarpe?
whose + sostantivo
di chi
Whose dog is it?
Di chi è il cane?
Unit 5
Gli interrogativi vanno sempre all’inizio della domanda.
Where is the gym? ‘What do you do?’ ‘I’m a doctor.’
Dov’è la palestra? “Cosa fai?” “Sono un medico.”
Se l’interrogativo è accompagnato da una preposizione, questa generalmente si colloca in fondo alla domanda.
Da dove vengono?
Where are they from?
Diversamente dalle yes/no questions a cui si può rispondere semplicemente con “sì/no” e la risposta breve, alle domande con gli interrogativi bisogna dare l'informazione richiesta. ‘Is she a student?’ ‘Yes, she is./No, she isn’t.’ ‘Where are the kids?’ ‘They are in the garden.’
“È una studentessa?” “Sì./No.” “Dove sono i ragazzi?” “Sono in giardino.”
• Si usa what quando sono possibili molte risposte, which quando il numero di alternative è limitato. What is your favourite band? Which band is from California, Red Hot Chilli Peppers or One Direction?
Qual è il tuo gruppo preferito? Quale gruppo viene dalla California, Red Hot Chilli Peppers o One Direction?
• Quando una domanda è introdotta da why si usa because nella risposta. ‘Why is Teresa worried?’ ‘Because her son is not at home.’
“Perché Teresa è preoccupata?” “Perché suo figlio non è a casa.”
• Per informarsi sullo stato di salute di una persona si usa how e il verbo be. How are your parents? How are you?
Come stanno i tuoi genitori? Come stai?
Wh- question words (1)
Abbina ogni domanda alla risposta giusta.
1 When are you at home? 2 What time are you at home?
a 2 Come round after 5 o’clock. b 1 Only in the evenings.
3 How do you travel to school? 4 How far is your school?
a b
It’s quite near. I go on foot. It’s about five miles away.
5 How tired are you? 6 Why are you tired?
a b
I’m very tired. I’m tired because I can’t sleep at nights.
7 How is your grandmother? 8 How old is your grandmother?
a b
She’s in her sixties. She’s very well, thank you.
9 Who is your mother? 10 Whose mother is a teacher at the school?
a b
It’s Fabio’s mother. She’s the Geography teacher.
Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 ‘What/How is John afraid of?’ ‘He’s afraid of spiders.’ 8 ‘When/Why are you in bed? It’s 8 o’clock.’ 2 ‘Where/Who is at the door?’ ‘It’s the postman.’ ‘Because I haven’t got a lesson this morning.’ 3 ‘What/Where is that man’s name?’ ‘I think it’s Russo.’ 9 ‘Who/Whose shoes are in the corridor?’ 4 ‘What/Where is Hussan from?’ ‘He’s from Africa.’ ‘They’re Dad’s!’ 5 ‘What/How colour hair has he got?’ ‘He’s got black hair.’ 10 ‘Where/What is your favourite film?’ 6 ‘Who/How are you?’ ‘Fine thanks, and you?’ ‘It’s The Great Gatsby. I think Leonardo 7 ‘Where/Which flat is Jack’s?’ ‘It’s on the first floor.’ diCaprio is an excellent actor.’
Completa le frasi con what o which.
What nationality are you? 1 _____ 5 _____ make is your mobile phone? 2 _____ is your favourite colour? 6 _____ is your favourite sport? 3 _____ colour do you prefer, red or green? 7 You play football and volleyball. 4 _____ are more expensive, Nike or Adidas trainers? _____ is your favourite one?
Completa le domande con le parole nel riquadro.
video games • snack • music • TV programmes • moped • sports • time • languages • pet • colour 1 ‘What __________ colour is your hair?’ ‘It’s dark brown.’ 2 ‘What __________ is your French lesson?’ ‘At half past four.’ 3 ‘What __________ have you got?’ ‘I’ve got Call of Duty and Fifa. 4 ‘What __________ have you got?’ ‘An Aprilia SR50.’ 5 ‘What __________ have you got today?’ ‘Pizza.’ 6 ‘What __________ do you like?’ ‘Rock.’ 7 ‘What __________ do you play?’ ‘I play rugby.’ 8 ‘What __________ do you watch?’ ‘The Simpsons and films.’ 9 ‘What __________ do you speak?’ ‘English and a little German.’ 10 ‘What __________ have you got?’ ‘I’ve got a dog. It’s a Labrador.’
Riordina le parole per formulare delle domande, poi abbinale alle risposte. 1 are / who / they / ? 2 are / late / you / why / ? 3 bag / whose / this / is / ? 4 day / is / what / today / it / ? 5 homework / your / is / where / ? 6 your / book / which / is / ? 7 is / very hot / when / in Italy / it / ? 8 is / railway station / the / where / ? 9 your parents / are / how / ?
Who are they?
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________
a b c d e 1 f g h i
It’s opposite the car park. It’s at home. In July and August. They are very well, thank you. They are my friends. It’s Richard’s. The new one. It’s Thursday. The bus was late.
Completa le domande con gli interrogativi nel riquadro. why • when (x 2) • who (x 2) • whose • what (x 2) • where (x 2)
Who is Steven Hawking?’ ‘He’s a famous physicist.’ 1 ‘__________ 2 ‘__________ is your favourite actress?’ ‘It’s Emma Watson.’ 3 ‘__________ is for dinner this evening?’ ‘It’s pasta and cheese.’ 4 ‘__________ colour are Jane’s eyes?’ ‘They are green.’ 5 ‘__________ are my trainers?’ ‘They are on the balcony.’ 6 ‘__________ is the party?’ ‘It’s tomorrow at 8 o’clock. Can you come?’ 7 ‘__________ is this jacket?’ ‘It’s Steve’s.’ 8 ‘__________ are you angry?’ ‘Because I can’t find my mobile.’ 9 ‘__________ are you at home?’ ‘I’m there in the afternoons, after 2 o’clock.’ 10 ‘__________ is Michele’s classroom?’ ‘It’s on the second floor, next to the teachers’ room.’
Completa le domande con l’interrogativo corretto. 1 _____’s What your surname? 6 __________ is your birthday? 2 __________ are you from? 7 __________ is your favourite colour? 3 __________’s your address? 8 __________ is your best friend? 4 __________’s your mobile number? 9 __________ is he/she your best friend? 5 __________ tall are you? 10 __________ old is he/she? Ora rispondi alle domande dell’esercizio 7 in modo personale. I’m… and I’m from… _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Wh- question words (1)
Completa le domande con gli interrogativi corretti. 1 ‘______________ Where are we?’ ‘We are near the cinema.’ 2 ‘______________ that man?’ ‘That’s Mr Clark. He’s my English teacher.’ 3 ‘______________ Rita in bed?’ ‘Because she is tired.’ 4 ‘______________ dad?’ ‘He’s at work.’ 5 ‘______________ your classroom?’ ‘It’s on the second floor.’ 6 ‘______________ my appointment?’ ‘It’s at 6 o’clock this evening.’ 7 ‘______________ jacket is this?’ ‘It’s mine.’ Un giornalista sta intervistando il nuovo attore che interpreta James Bond, a Roma per promuovere il film. Completa le domande con gli interrogativi e le preposizioni nel riquadro. Poi abbina le domande alle risposte. What / about • Who / with • Who / to • How long / for • What / at • Where / from 1 __________ Who are you __________ with today? 2 __________ are you __________? 3 __________ are you married __________? 4 __________ is the film __________? 5 __________ are you good __________? 6 __________ are you in Rome __________?
a b c d e f
A girlfriend from school. My assistant. For about 2 days. A secret agent. Stunts. I’m from Wales.
Trasforma le domande come nell’esempio. 1 Whose bike is this? 2 Which is your room? 3 Whose keys are these? 4 Which bus goes to Merton? 5 Whose is this umbrella? 6 Which is the way to the exit? 7 Whose are these dirty plates in the living room?
is this bike Whose ________________? Which ________________ yours? ________________ these keys? ________________ the bus for Merton? ________________ this? Which ________________ to the exit? ________________ in the living room?
C’è stato un terribile uragano sulla costa est dell’America. Leggi le risposte che il giornalista dà sul disastro e formula delle domande con gli interrogativi corretti e riordinando le parole date. 1 today / are / you 2 are / there / you 3 are / with / you 4 is / like / the weather 5 the damage / is / bad 6 are / problems / there
_____________________ Where are you today? _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
‘I’m here on the coast of New Jersey.’ ‘Because of the hurricane.’ ‘I’m with some people who are now homeless.’ ‘It’s very windy.’ ‘It is terrible. There are no buildings or trees where I am. ‘There is no electricity or water.’
Traduci le seguenti frasi in inglese. 1 Perché loro sono qui? 2 Da dove vieni? 3 In quale classe sei? 4 Quanti anni ha tuo fratello?
5 Quand’è il tuo compleanno? 6 In quale ospedale si trova Marco? 7 Di chi è la macchina nel garage? 8 Con chi sei?
How + aggettivi/avverbi
Si usa how seguito da aggettivo o avverbio per chiedere informazioni su dati e misure. how much + sost. non numerabili
How much cheese is there in the fridge?
Quanto formaggio c’è in frigo?
how many + sost. numerabili
How many students are there in your class?
Quanti studenti ci sono nella tua classe? Unit 41
how much
How much is this poster? How much are these boots?
Quanto costa questo poster? Quanto costano questi stivali?
how big/large
quanto grande
How big is your room?
Quanto è grande la tua stanza?
how wide
quanto largo
How wide is the Suez Canal?
Quanto è largo il Canale di Suez?
how long
quanto lungo
How long is the River Tiber?
Quanto è lungo il fiume Tevere?
how deep
quanto profondo
How deep is the Mediterranean Sea?
Quanto è profondo il Mar Mediterraneo?
how thick
quanto spesso
How thick is this layer?
Quanto è spesso questo strato?
how far
quanto lontano
How far is the bus stop?
Quanto dista la fermata dell’autobus?
how fast
quanto veloce
How fast is your motorbike?
Quanto va veloce la tua motocicletta?
how heavy
quanto pesante
How heavy is this box?
Quanto pesa questa scatola?
how high
quanto alto
How high is the Golden Gate Bridge? How high is Mount Blanc?
Quanto è alto il Golden Gate?
(di cose alte e larghe ed elementi naturali)
how tall
quanto alto
How tall are you? How tall is the Freedom Tower?
Quanto sei alto? Quanto è alta la Freedom Tower?
how long
quanto tempo
How long is the bus ride to Rome?
Quanto dura la corsa in autobus per Roma?
how often
quanto spesso/ ogni quanto
How often are you with him?
Ogni quanto sei con lui?
how old
quanti anni
How old is your sister?
Quanti anni ha tua sorella?
(di persone, cose alte e strette ed edifici)
alla frase.
Nelle risposte alle domande introdotte da how deep/high/long/old/tall/thick/wide l’aggettivo va in fondo
‘How tall is “the Gherkin” in London?’ ‘It’s 180 metres tall.’ ‘How long is the film Gone with the wind?’ ‘It’s 2:38 hours long.’
Quanto è alto il Monte Bianco?
“Quanto è alto ‘il Cetriolo’ di Londra?” “È alto 180 metri.” “Quanto dura il film Via col vento?” “Dura 2 ore e 38 minuti.”
How + adjectives/adverbs
Completa le frasi con gli interrogativi nel riquadro. how tall • how long • how often • how fast • how big • how far • how much
How long 1 ‘__________________ are your lessons?’ ‘They are 55 minutes.’ 2 ‘__________________ is your house from the school?’ ‘It’s about 3 miles.’ 3 ‘__________________ is your bedroom?’ ‘It’s quite small.’ 4 ‘__________________ is the new iPod 5?’ ‘About £200.’ 5 ‘__________________ are you at home in the mornings?’ ‘Only on Sundays.’ 6 ‘__________________ is a Formula 1 car?’ ‘About 300 kilometres per hour.’ 7 ‘__________________ are you?’ ‘1.75 metres.’ Riordina le parole per formulare delle domande. 1 whale / is / the / blue / heavy / how / ? 2 is / how / the River Tiber / long / ? 3 high / Mont / is / Blanc / how / ? 4 the streets / how / New York / wide / are / in / ? 5 is / how / leaning Tower of Pisa / old / the / ? 6 swimming pool / is / an / deep / Olympic size / how / ? 7 people / live / how / in / Sydney / many / ?
How heavy is the blue whale?
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Leggi le informazioni riguardo l’aereo più grande del mondo, l’A380, e formula le domande.
How long is it 1 ‘______________________?’ ‘It’s 72.2 metres long.’ 2 ‘______________________?’ ‘It’s 24.45 metres high.’ 3 ‘______________________?’ ‘It flies 587 miles an hour.’ 4 ‘______________________ the cabin?’ ‘It’s 478 square metres.’ 5 ‘______________________ a flight ticket?’ ‘It is about E700 from Rome to New York.’ 6 ‘______________________ seats __________________?’ ‘There are 525.’
Completa le domande. 1 ‘______________________ you?’ ‘I’m 14.’ How old are 2 ‘______________________ your English?’ ‘I can read English, but I can’t speak it very well.’ 3 ‘______________________ do you have History?’ ‘We have History on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.’ 4 ‘______________________ the gold earrings?’ ‘They cost E150.’ 5 ‘______________________ it from your house?’ ‘It’s 25 kilometres.’ 6 ‘______________________ your dog?’ ‘It’s very small. It’s a Chihuahua.’ 7 ‘______________________ water is there?’ ‘We’ve only got one bottle of water.’ Traduci le seguenti frasi in inglese. 1 “Quanto va veloce la macchina?” 6 “Quant’è difficile il compito in classe?” 2 “Quant’è alto Piero?” “È alto 1 metro e 80.” 7 “Quanto è alto l’Empire State Building?” 3 “Quanto durano le vacanze estive?” “È alto 381 metri.” 4 “Quanto costa il biglietto?” 8 “Quanto è largo il Rio delle Amazzoni (the 5 Ogni quanto Giovanna sta su (on) Facebook? Amazon River)?” “È largo 40 km.”
Le espressioni con be
6.1 Espressioni idiomatiche con be Si usa il verbo be nelle seguenti espressioni idiomatiche: Confronta gli esempi.
be afraid/frightened/scared
avere paura, temere
be ashamed
avere vergogna, vergognarsi
be cold/hot/warm
avere freddo/molto caldo/caldo (con costruzione personale)
be cold/hot/warm
fare freddo/molto caldo/caldo (con costruzione impersonale)
be hungry/thirsty
avere fame/sete
be in a hurry
avere fretta
be right/wrong
avere ragione/torto
be sleepy
avere sonno
I’m cold. Ho freddo. It’s warm. Fa caldo.
In queste espressioni idiomatiche il verbo be si traduce in italiano con il verbo “avere” o con altri verbi.
Altre espressioni di uso comune con il verbo be sono: be early/late
essere in anticipo/in ritardo
be sorry
essere dispiaciuto, dispiacersi
be well/fine
stare bene
Il verbo be si usa anche per chiedere se c’è qualcosa che non va o se c’è qualche problema. What’s wrong/the matter/the problem?
Cosa c’è che non va?/Che cosa c’è?/C’è qualche problema?
6.2 “Ecco qui/là” Per rendere l’espressione italiana “ecco qui/là” si usa: • Here/There + verbo be + sostantivo
Here’s your pencil. Ecco la tua matita. There are the magazines! Ecco là le riviste!
• Here/There + pronome personale soggetto + verbo be
Here you are. Here she is at last! There he is on the sofa!
Ecco qui./Tieni. Eccola finalmente! Eccolo là sul divano!
‘Here’s my school report and here’s my wish list.’
Expressions with be
Osserva le immagini e formula delle frasi con le parole nel riquadro. scared • ashamed • sleepy • hungry • thirsty • in a hurry • wrong • late
1 She’s
5 ________________
2 ________________
3 ________________
4 ________________
6 ________________
7 ________________
8 ________________
Formula delle frasi usando le parole date. 1 fine 2 problem 3 it 4 matter 5 it 6 wrong 7 sorry
‘How are you?’ ‘___________, I'm fine thanks, and you?’ ‘________________________?’ ‘I can’t find the car keys.’ ‘________________________ hot?’ ‘Yes, it’s 35°C!’ ‘_____________ the _____________?’ ‘I’m late for school and I can’t find my bag.’ ‘________________________ late?’ ‘No, it’s early. It’s 7.00 a.m.’ ‘________________________?’ ‘I can’t do my Latin homework.’ ‘I ________________________ I’m late.’
Formula delle frasi su di te e un tuo amico basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 scared of spiders 2 very well 3 sleepy 4 afraid of flying 5 warm
I’m not scared of spiders.
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________
Matteo is scared of spiders. ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________
Leggi le frasi e riordina le parole sottolineate. 1 ‘Where are Peter and Max?’ ‘are / there / they in the garden.’ 2 ‘Where are you?’ ‘I / here / am in my bedroom.’ 3 ‘Can I have a packet of chewing gum, please?’ ‘Yes, of course. are / you / here.’ 4 ‘What time is the bus?’ ‘it / here / is.’ 5 we / here / are. The Natural History Museum is on the right. 6 ‘Where are my trainers?’ ‘are / they / there under the sofa.’ 7 ‘Where’s the car?’ ‘is / it / there, in front of the supermarket.’ 8 ‘Can you see mum?’ ‘Yes, she / is / there with Mrs Bridges.’ 9 ‘Where’s your homework Simon?’ ‘is / it / here Mr Wiliams. I’m sorry it’s late.’
There they are
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Esercizi di riepilogo
Completa le frasi con i pronomi soggetto o complemento nel riquadro. I / me • she / her • you / you • we / us • she / him • you / you • they / them • it / it
I want to speak to you.’ ‘Why do you want to speak to _______?’ me 1 ‘_______ 2 ‘Anna is here. _______ is in the garden.’ ‘No she isn’t. I can’t see _______.’ 3 ‘Does Charlotte like Adam?’ ‘I don’t think _______ knows _______.’ 4 Simone and Sara aren’t happy, _______ have got a problem, but I can’t help _______.’ 5 ‘Valeria, can I ask _______ a question?’ ‘Yes, but only if _______ don’t ask me a personal question.’ 6 ‘I love it when _______ is hot.’ ‘I hate _______!’ 7 Ben and I have a problem with our new computer. _______ don’t understand the new operating system. Can you help _______? 8 Jackie and Sam! Where are _______? It’s dinnertime. We can’t start dinner without _______.
Completa la conversazione telefonica con la forma corretta del verbo be.
Mum Ben Mum Ben Mum Ben Mum Ben Mum Ben
Leggi la presentazione di un nuovo hotel a Berlino e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.
Are you (you) with Andy? Hello darling. It’s mum here. (1) __________ No, (2) __________ (I). (3) __________ (he) with Linda. (4) __________ (they) at her house. Why (5) __________ (he) with her? Well mum, (6) __________ (she) his new girlfriend! Where (7) __________ (you)? (8) __________ (I) with Mary and Dan. (9) __________ (we) in town. Listen, dinner is at six o’clock. Don’t be late! What time (10) __________ (it)? (11) __________ (it) a quarter to six. Oh dear. (12) __________ (I) late! Sorry!
Tom Michelberger is a designer. (1) He/She is the creator of The Michelberger Hotel in Berlin. (2) It is/There is a cheap trendy hotel for young people near the city centre. The underground station (3) is/are opposite the hotel. (4) There are/They are 119 rooms in the hotel with an energetic and arty style, but (5) it isn’t/there isn’t expensive. One night (6) is/are E70. The bedrooms (7) are/is quite small, but (8) there is/it is The Big One for eight people. In the large lobby of the hotel (9) there is/there are a bar-café, a big piano and a terrace. The people (10) are/is very friendly. There is one negative thing about this hotel. (11) There aren’t/They aren’t any telephones in the rooms, but (12) there is/it is The lobby free wi-fi access.
Abbina le domande alle risposte.
1 Where are you? 2 What is it? 3 Whose bike is it? 4 Who is she? 5 When are you at home? 6 How tall is she? 7 How many students are there? 8 Why are they late?
a b c d e f g h
My brother’s. Because the bus… 26. It’s a surprise. In Milan. This evening. She’s 1.65 m. She’s my mum.
Esercizi di riepilogo (1-6)
Marzia è a Brighton per far visita a sua sorella. Sta facendo amicizia con Jeff. Riordina le parole per formulare delle frasi corrette. here / you / why / are / ? Why are you here? at / my sister / the University of Sussex / is Brighton / how / is / it / far / from / ? isn’t / very / it / far. About five minutes by car. the only / she / Italian there / is / ? isn’t / she / no. / five / them / of / are / in her year / there many / are / there / students / how / ? about / there / students / 10,000 / are a concert / there’s / on tonight. Do you want to come? Yes. / is / here / my mobile number
Jeff Marzia Jeff Marzia Jeff Marzia Jeff Marzia Jeff Marzia
Leggi le informazioni su Londra e completa il testo con le parole nel riquadro. there aren’t • where is • how many • is there • there are it isn’t • here is • here are • are there • who is • it is • there is
(1) __________ Here are 5 great ideas for you! THE LONDON DUNGEONS There are 18 shows in this attraction, but (2) _______ any seats. Twenty actors take you on a journey of a thousand years of London history in 90 minutes. (3) _______ fun, but dark and scary. WE LOVE TO SHOP (4) _______ some great street markets in London. Go to Camden market in north London. It’s young, cheap and hip. (5) _______ live music? Yes, (6) _______ … you can buy alternative fashion and eat cheap takeaways to the sound of music. (7) _______ the best place to shop in London? Oxford Street of course. All your favourite shops are here. There’s also HMV; (8) _______ the place to buy your CDs, music DVDs and video games. (9) _______ capsules are there on THE LONDON EYE? 36! Jump on and see London from the sky. When (10) _______ cloudy you can see Wembley Stadium about 13 miles away. Visit LONDON’S WEST END and watch a show. How many theatres (11) _______ in London’s West End? 52. Go and see The Mouse Trap. It’s an Agatha Christie play and it’s 62 years old. (12) _______ the murderer? Shhh, it’s a secret!
Completa le domande.
Osserva le parole sottolineate e correggi gli errori.
Where are we?’ ‘We are near the cinema.’ 1 ‘__________ 2 ‘__________ Mr Clark?’ ‘He’s my English teacher.’ 1 ‘What is your house?’ ‘She’s near the train 3 ‘__________ Halloween?’ ‘It’s on 31st October.’ station.’ 4 ‘__________ your dad?’ ‘He’s at work.’ ‘Where is your house?’ ‘It’s near the train station.’ 5 ‘__________ they?’ ‘They are five euros.’ 2 Where’s my bag? There’s in your room. 6 ‘__________ your classroom?’ ‘It’s on the second 3 There is the sun today. floor.’ 4 Dad and I are worried. Please phone we from 7 ‘__________ my appointment?’ ‘It’s at 6 o’clock the concert. this evening.’ 5 How is big the new smartphone? 8 ‘__________ is her hair?’ ‘It’s very short.’ 6 Who’s is the Ferrari outside? 9 ‘__________ your mum?’ ‘She’s very well, 7 ‘There is Paul?’ ‘No, sorry he is out at the moment.’ thank you Mrs Bells.’ 8 I have cold. 29
Esercizi sommativi reading
PET Read the text about a language school and decide if each sentence is true (T) or false (F).
1 All the teachers in the school are from the UK. 2 It is not possible to learn Chinese in the winter. 3 The English course is four weeks. 4 There are no lessons on Saturdays. 5 There is not much technology in the school. 6 The school has got accommodation for students.
Bond School of Languages Are you afraid of learning a language? Come to our friendly school and learn with our team of qualified teachers from all over the world. We offer courses in English, Spanish, French and German at all levels. We can also teach you Chinese and Japanese in the summer. Our English course lasts 2 weeks, with 4 hours of lessons in the morning from Monday to Friday. Then there are extra language activities in the afternoon and the weekends are free. We also offer Business English and exam preparation courses. There are a maximum of 12 students in each class but one-to-one lessons are possible at an extra cost. We have got the latest audio-visual equipment and there is a computer and internet access in every classroom. There is also the opportunity to see films and TV programmes. In the summer, we organise trips to visit famous cities like Oxford, Bath and London. In addition, we can find accommodation for you with local families while you study with us.
PET Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
My family Hello! My name (0) _____ is Sophie. My dad’s from (1) _____. He (2) _____ 41 and he is very (3) _____ – nearly 1.95m! He can (4) _____ English and Italian very well. My mum is Italian and she (5) _____ long brown hair and blue eyes. I’ve got one brother. (6) _____ name is Julian. My birthday is (7) _____ summer and my (8) _____ birthday is too. We’ve got a dog. His name is Diesel. (9) _____ is white, with a brown tail. We haven’t got a cat (10) _____ my dad is allergic to them.
Example 0 A are
B is
C be
D has
1 A English 2 A is 3 A high 4 A speaking 5 A ’s 6 A Her 7 A the 8 A brothers’ 9 A He 10 A so
B the England B has B tall B to speak B ’s got B Its B on B brother’s B She B because
C England C are C long C speaks C got C His C at C brothers C It C or
D UK D have D short D speak D – D He’s D in D brother D They D but
Esercizi sommativi reading
PET Match each person to the most suitable hotel. There is one extra hotel.
1 Joanne has got two young children. She wants a hotel suitable for all the family but which is not expensive. She can travel at any time but she hasn’t got a car.
3 James is a businessman. He wants somewhere quiet to stay which is close to the centre for his work. He has a car and prefers to eat in the hotel in the evening.
2 Chris wants a weekend city break with his 4 Susan wants a break in the country. The girlfriend. She loves shopping and he likes keeping fit. cost is not important. She likes nature and They both like good food. They want to travel by train. good quality food.
A Green’s Hotel is in the centre of the town, very close to public transport, shops and the great nightlife. The hotel hasn’t got a car park, but there are some car parks nearby with special rates for guests. It offers a swimming pool, gym and 5-star restaurant open every lunchtime and evening.
B Briar’s Inn is in a peaceful location close to the town centre and so is only 5 minutes from all the shops, restaurants and theatres. There is a small garden and free parking is available for all guests. The hotel’s Italian restaurant is open every evening and at lunch at the weekends.
C Rose Hotel has got everything for a great family break. There is a swimming pool, play area and a large park, as well as a babysitting service, spa and excellent restaurant. There are often cheaper rates during the week. There is a regular bus service from the station.
D King George Inn is the perfect place for a luxury break. It isn’t cheap but the service is excellent and the restaurant has got several awards for its wonderful innovative food. There is free Wi-Fi in all the rooms, perfect for the business traveller.
E Wisteria Hotel is in a very quiet and secluded position in the countryside. It has got beautiful gardens, a lake for fishing and a fully-equipped gym. The restaurant is famous for its excellent food, but it is quite expensive.
PET Here are some sentences about technology. For each question complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use one or two words.
Example 0 There are ten computers in my class. My class _______ has got ten computers. 1 It isn’t possible for us to use the computers at lunchtime. We _______ use the computers at lunchtime. 2 The computers in our class are old. The computers in our class aren’t _______. 3 One of my friends has got a fantastic tablet. A friend of _______ has got a fantastic tablet 4 It has got a lot of great apps. _______ are a lot of great apps. 5 ‘Is it possible for me to use your tablet?’ ‘_______ I use your tablet?’
You have got a new flat/house. Complete this short note to an English friend: • tell him/her where your flat/house is • describe your flat/house • ask them to visit you next weekend Hi John, I’ve got a new… It is in the centre of…, near… It’s… and… It’s got… and… Can you…? Bye …
PET You have got a new pet. Write a short note to an English friend:
• tell him/her the name of your pet • describe your pet • ask if he/she has got any pets
Esercizi sommativi
PET This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. Write a reply of about 60 words. In my class, we’ve got two new students. Are there any new students in your class this year? Tell me about them in your next letter.
Dear Suzanne, Thank you for your letter. How are you and your family? I’m very well. There is one new student in my class this year. Her/His name is…
Think about these questions to help you. • • • • • •
Write to me soon. Love Gianni
How old is he/she? Where is he/she from? How many brothers/sisters has he/she got? Has he/she got any pets? Hobbies? Is he/she short/tall/blond/ nice/funny/clever?
PET T 3 Choose the correct option.
0 What time is the film?
4 Whose pen is it?
3 Where is the boy’s mobile phone?
2 When is the rock concert?
B 3
1 What has the girl got in her schoolbag?
5 Which boy is Julie’s cousin?
Mappa concettuale I, you, he, she, it
me, you, him, her, it
mine, yours, his, her
we, you, they
us, you, them
ours, yours, theirs
this, that
DEMONSTRATIVE these, those
my, your, his, her, its
our, your, their
I am/’m Italian.
I have got/’ve got a new friend.
I can swim.
I am not/’m not Italian.
I have not got/ haven’t got a new friend.
I cannot/can’t swim.
‘Are you Italian?’ ‘Yes, I am.’/ ‘No, I’m not.’
‘Have you got a new friend?’ ‘Yes, I have.’/ ‘No, I haven’t.’
‘Can you swim?’ ‘Yes, I can.’/ ‘No, I can’t.’
or but
PET vocabulary
physical descriptions Appearance: pretty (carino),
My family grandparents
nipote grandson (di nonni, maschio) granddaughter (di nonni, femmina) nephew (di zii, maschio) niece (di zii, femmina)
good-looking (di bell’aspetto), handsome (bello), beautiful (bellissimo) Body: tall (alto), short (basso), thin (magro), slim (slanciato), fat (grasso), plump (paffuto), overweight (sovrappeso) Face: pale skin (pelle chiara), dark skin (pelle scura), wrinkles (rughe), freckles (lentiggini), beard (barba), moustache (baffi), scar (cicatrice) Hair: blond (m.)/blonde (f.) (biondi), dark (scuri), black (neri), brown (marroni), red (rossi), grey (grigi), straight (lisci), curly (ricci), wavy (mossi), long/short/shoulder length (lunghi/corti/fino alle spalle), fringe (frangetta), ponytail (coda di cavallo)
husband ➞ mother
Amy son
Andrew & Shaggy
Katie & Choppy
personality opposites ambitious (ambizioso) – unambitious (non ambizioso) brave (coraggioso) – cowardly (codardo) calm (calmo) – anxious (ansioso) cheerful (allegro) – miserable (triste) clever/intelligent (intelligente) – stupid (stupido) creative (creativo) – unimaginative (privo di fantasia) determined (determinato) – fickle (volubile) easy-going (alla mano) – uptight (teso, nervoso) extrovert/talkative (estroverso) – shy (timido) friendly (socievole) – unfriendly (poco amichevole) funny (divertente) – serious (serio) generous (generoso) – tight (avaro) hard-working (laborioso) – lazy (pigro)
helpful (disponibile) – unhelpful (poco disponibile) honest (onesto) – dishonest (disonesto) interesting (interessante) – uninteresting/boring (noioso) patient (paziente) – impatient (impaziente) polite (educato) – rude (scortese, maleducato) punctual (puntuale) – unpunctual (ritardatario) quiet (tranquillo, silenzioso) – noisy (rumoroso) selfish (egoista) – unselfish (altruista) sensible (ragionevole) – foolish (imprudente) sensitive (sensibile) – insensitive (insensibile) submissive (remissivo) – bossy (autoritario, prepotente) tidy (ordinato) – untidy (disordinato) wise (saggio) – silly (sciocco)
My family
grandmother • aunt • granddaughter • sister • nephew • parents • grandchildren • uncle • husband • stepbrother • niece • brother • wife • grandson • stepsister
1 Hector is Lilly’s husband . 2 Amy is Dennis’s ___________. 3 Matthew is Polly’s ___________. 4 Katie is Hector’s ___________. 5 Polly is Andrew’s ___________. 6 Camilla is Andrew’s ___________. 7 Lilly is Kieran’s ___________. 8 Kieran is Hector’s ___________.
9 Hector is Katie’s ___________. 10 Albert and Camilla are Hector’s ___________. 11 Simon is Andrew’s ___________. 12 Polly is Simon’s ___________. 13 Polly is Albert and Camilla’s ___________. 14 Kieran is Albert and Camilla’s ___________. 15 Polly, Matthew, Andrew, Kieran and Katie are Albert and Camilla’s ___________.
PET vocabulary
Esercizi 1 to be, genitivo sassone Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro.
has got Osserva l’albero genealogico a pagina 490 e completa le frasi con gli aggettivi nel riquadro. glasses • wrinkles • red • bald • scar • curly • short • brown • fat • blond • slim • dark • blue
1 Hector hasn’t got long, black hair; he’s got short , red hair. 2 Polly has got long, ___________, blonde hair. 3 Andrew hasn’t got green eyes; he’s got ___________ eyes. 4 Matthew has got a ___________ above his right eye. 5 Uncle Dennis isn’t getting thin; he’s getting ___________. 6 Grandpa Albert is going ___________. He’s got lots of ___________ and wears ___________. 7 Kieran has got ___________ eyes and fairly long, wavy, ___________ hair. 8 Auntie Amy is very ___________ and has got long, dark hair and ___________ skin.
Scegli il sinonimo corretto dei seguenti aggettivi.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Completa le frasi con gli aggetti di personalità.
1 Lilly buys a lot of presents for her family. She’s very generous . 2 Auntie Amy is usually late. She’s not very ___________. 3 Uncle Dennis rarely gets angry. He’s very ___________. 4 Grandma Camilla never gets excited. She’s very ___________. 5 Matthew likes to help people. He’s very ___________. 6 Andrew makes people laugh. He’s very ___________. 7 Choppy the cat sleeps a lot. He’s very ___________.
cheerful lazy clever polite noisy sensible
happy not energetic creative not rude not quiet sensitive
miserable helpful intelligent not helpful boring practical
serious selfish stupid selfish not talkative selfish
Descrivi la tua famiglia utilizzando il lessico presentato a pagina 490. Scrivi del loro aspetto fisico e della loro personalità (circa 60 parole).
PET vocabulary
furniture armchair (poltrona), bookshelf (libreria), coffee table (tavolino da caffè), fireplace (caminetto), sofa (divano)
At home
bedside table (comodino), chest of drawers (cassettiera), desk (scrivania), single/double/bunk/ sofa bed(s) (letto/i singolo/matrimoniale/a castello/ divano letto), wardrobe (armadio) chimney
chair (sedia), cooker (fornello), cupboard (credenza), dishwasher (lavastoviglie), freezer (surgelatore), fridge (frigo), grill (griglia), microwave (microonde), oven (forno), sink (lavandino), table (tavolo), washing machine (lavatrice) bath (BE)/bathtub (AE) (vasca da bagno), shower (doccia), tap (rubinetto), toilet (gabinetto), washbasin (lavabo)
Hector & Lilly’s bedroom
Polly’s bedroom window upstairs
Matthew & Andrew’s bedroom utility room
downstairs wall
front door
garden sitting room
dining room fence
Kitchen/Dining room
blanket (coperta) pillow (cuscino) sheet (lenzuola)
bin (BE)/trash can (AE) (cestino) chopping board (tagliere) coffee pot (caffettiera) fork (forchetta) glass (bicchiere) kettle (bollitore) knife (coltello) jug (BE)/pitcher (AE) (brocca) lid (coperchio)
Bathroom comb (pettine) sponge (spugna) toilet paper (carta igienica) toothbrush (spazzolino) toothpaste (dentifricio) towel (asciugamano)
mug (tazza) pan (padella) plate (piatto) saucepan/pot (pentola) spoon (cucchiaio)
Utility room broom (scopa) dustpan (paletta) iron (ferro) ironing board (asse da stiro)
Objects bell (campanello) blind (tendina) carpet (moquette) curtain (tenda) cushion (cuscino) lamp (lampada) light bulb (lampadina) mirror (specchio) plug (spina) rug (tappeto) switch (interruttore)
su dove si trovano le seguenti cose.
coffee table • sink • cupboards • bunk beds • washbasin • chest of drawers • desk
‘Where’s the coffee table?’ ’It’s in the sitting room.’
PET vocabulary
At home 2 Esercizi 1 Osserva il disegno della casa di Hector a pagina 492 e a coppie formulate domande e risposte
preposizioni di luogo Osserva di nuovo il disegno a pagina 492 e completa le frasi con l’opzione corretta.
1 Matthew and Andrew’s bedroom is next to __________. A the kitchen B the bathroom C Polly’s bedroom 2 The kitchen clock is above __________. A the oven B the sink C the fridge 3 The washbasin in the bathroom is __________ the window. A in B under C inside 4 Matthew’s keys are __________ his desk. A under B on C next to 5 The armchair is in front of __________. A the sofa B the bookshelves C the fireplace 6 The photos in the kitchen are __________ the wall. A close to B on C behind
Abbina le definizioni alle parole nel riquadro. comb • plug • broom • rug • pillow • chopping board • mug • blind • towel • blanket
1 chopping board : a flat piece of (usually) wood that you cut vegetables on 2 _______________: a small object that connects an electrical device to the main electricity supply 3 _______________: a piece of fabric to cover a window for privacy, pulled up or down and not across 4 _______________: a flat piece of metal, plastic or wood to make your hair tidy 5 _______________: a soft cloth used to dry yourself after a shower/wash 6 _______________: a soft square to put on a bed under your head 7 _______________: a warm fabric, often made of wool, to put on the bed 8 _______________: a large cup to drink tea from 9 _______________: a small piece of heavy material to put on the floor 10 _______________: a brush with a long handle for sweeping floors
there is/there are Completa la descrizione sulla casa di Hector con le parole nel riquadro. downstairs • on • bathroom • kitchen • fireplace • pretty • bedrooms
Hector’s has got a beautiful house with three (1) bedroooms and a (2) ___________ upstairs. There is a large kitchen, a dining room, a sitting room and a utility room (3) ___________. There is also a (4) ___________ garden outside. There is a big sofa in front of the (5) ___________ in the sitting room and there are lots of photos (6) ___________ the wall in the (7) ___________.
Ora descrivi la tua casa (circa 60 parole). Prendi a modello la descrizione nell’esercizio 4.