Weekly Direct Mailed Paper
Volume 12
Issue 45
Check Out Our Website www.riovistabeacon.com
(925) 550-7811
December 1, 2010
Abel Chevrolet Celebrates Over 75 Years of Business
Abel Chevrolet Founder, John F. Abel Senior (pictured on the right) looking over a Buick Engine in 1961.
The word icon is often over used in today’s society, but when one refers to Abel Chevrolet, icon just seems to be the most appropriate. Abel Chevrolet has been in business for over 75 years. That pe-
riod of time covers eight decades and not many businesses carry such a distinction. Many factors come into play which are vital for business, especially in the automotive industry, to survive the
Abel’s dealership in the 1970’s at their current location.
test of time. However, Abel Chevrolet has managed to do just that and not only survive, but thrive. There have been difficult times, such as the current economic crisis which caused General Motors to pull the plug on several dealerships. But, once again Abel has stood strong, even getting great support from GM. Of course also very important to an auto dealership, they rely heavily on the community. On the flip side, the community in turn, relies on larger businesses, such as an auto dealership to help out and Abel Chevrolet has answered the call. Abel Chevrolet has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax revenue over the years to the city and has also donated to an endless number of local charitable and civic organizations. It was John F Abel who purchased the Sidwell Garage on Sec-
ond street in August of 1935. 10 years later, they expanded into a building on main street where Bank of Stockton is now. The dealership moved to its current location on Highway 12 in 1960. Mr. Abel passed away in 1966 and his son, also John Abel, assumed the operations of the business. Today, Mr. Abel remains active in the business, while sons Derek and Ryan handle many of the operational duties. They have had many long term employees over the years. Woody Woodruff was an employee for over 57 years, retiring a few years ago. Woody started as a parts person, was Parts Manager for 30 years and then became General Manager. About Abel Chevrolet, Woody says that he “liked working with a family. They treated me good, so I
stayed, we were like one big family.” Currently, Rich O’Neil just reached 31 years this past October. He was the service manager for 27 years and now he works in sales. “I have seen three generations of families purchase vehicles here and use our service department.’’ says O’Neil. He went on to say, “The whole Abel family has been wonderful to me. I had a stroke back in May and they won’t let me drive to work, so everyday someone comes to pick me up and take me home again.” “I also love working with the people in Rio Vista,” states O’Neil. When asked what his favorite automobile is, O’Neil answers, “I love them all, however my favorite is the Malibu.” Derek, who recalls working for the family business as early as eight
years old dusting off parts bins, says he is honored to be part of the family business. “My father and his father as well built a business that has a strong foundation because Abel Chevrolet has dedicated itself to making Rio Vista a great place to live and work. We want to be a part of carrying on the tradition and continue to be a contributor to the community and support those who have stood by us through the years.” In honor of a “Thank you” to everyone, Abel Chevrolet Buick will be having a 75 Years celebration on Saturday, December 11, from 12pm to 3pm. Food, music and raffle. Everyone is
Sidwell Garage on Second street
The Green Families Best Holiday Memory.... When I was 9 years old my parents bought a cabin in Mill Creek, Ca by Mt Lassen. We spent many Thanksgivings there with family and friends. After I was married the tradition continued and even after our daughter Stephanie was born in 1986. It was a wonderful cabin, 4 bedrooms down stairs a nice size kitchen and family room and the upstairs was one big room with
about 10 beds in it. The only heat that we had was a wood burning stove that seemed to take hours to heat up when we would first arrive there. There is nothing like being in a cabin with your loved ones and the smell of the turkey in the oven and crisp white snow outside. Every year my mother made us year play Chinese checkers with her and to this day I still can not beat
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O p e n Fo r B r e a k f a s t S t a r t i n g A t 7 : 0 0 a m O p e n 7 D a y s A W e e k T h - S u n 7 - 9 Fr i - S a t 7 - 1 0
her... The Friday after Thanksgiving would be the day that we would drive to Chester to buy a permit from the Forest Ranger Station so that we can cut down our own Christmas tree. This one particular year when I believe when Stephanie was about 7 or 8 we left the cabin to find the perfect Clark Griswold tree, Stephanie, Harry, myself
and Puddles the family dog. As we drove up a logging road we looked and looked and finally we found the right one. We all got out of the car and took turns sawing the tree down and yelling timber as it fell to the ground. I had this brilliant idea. Everyone get in the car but me and then shut the doors, rolls down Continued on Pg 6