Jan 5 2011 Rio Vista Newspaper

Page 1

Weekly Direct Mailed Paper

Volume 13

Issue 1

Check Out Our Website www.riovistabeacon.com


(925) 550-7811


January, 5 2011

The Volunteers Of Rio Vista Community Services Are Busy Helping Those In Our Area Who Are In Need Of Help

Rio Vista Community Services, whose mission is to provide food and services to the low-income individuals, families, and the homeless in the Rio Vista area, has concluded its food distribution for the 2010 holiday season. The program has continued to grow each year. In 2008, the Food Distribution Program helped 2,199 families and 5,913 individuals.

In 2009, Rio Vista Community services helped 4,445 Families and 11,869 individuals. In the year just concluded, 2010, 4,931 families and 13,457 individuals were helped. The totals just for December of 2010 were 560 families and 1,740 individuals. Of that total, 162 families and 492 individuals were from out of the county. At the holiday food distri-

bution held on Monday December 20, 2010, volunteers assembled 500 bags of food for those in need. The distribution included a frozen turkey or ham or baking chicken, fresh vegetables, and all the fixings needed for a Christmas meal. This is along with the regular Senior Food Bank deliveries. The Senior Food Bank Program delivers food to

Books Rio V Celebrates Second Anniversary Books Rio V will celebrate its second anniversary this month. The store opened at a temporary location on Montezuma Street in Rio Vista on January 2, 2009, and moved to its present address (207-A Main) that April.

Sue Conklin, who owns the store with her husband, Hale, says she had no retail experience at all before starting out on this venture. Although she had been a professor of Business Administration for more than thirty

years before moving to Rio Vista, her work and consulting experience was primarily with government agencies and corporations. But Hale says, “Sue always claimed she couldn’t live without a nearby used-book store,�

low- income seniors on the first and third Mondays of each month. Our volunteers pick up donated food from as far away as Fairfield and segregate it by category, frozen, fresh, and canned/ packaged. Next, the volunteers make up bags of food for each individual or family. For the Christmas distribution, to make it go faster, the so sometime after the Conklins moved to Rio Vista she began to explore the possibilities. Originally, she assumed she would be making trips to San Francisco and Berkeley to buy books for the store. But, she explains “Rio Vistans read such a variety of good things� that she now gets

volunteers signed in the clients, determined the size of each family, and brought the food bags to them so that they did not have to leave their cars. Rio Vista Community Services is very active in the local community. We help provide qualifying families with other services and referrals. These services include case management, emergency shelter, utility assistance and transportation. Rio Vista Community Services also provides space for Healthy Partnerships (providing State Licensed DUI Programs, Outpatient Counseling and Re-entry Services), a family counselor, State Mental and Health services, Section 8 housing, Food Stamp assistance and English as a Second

Language instruction by the local library. Rio Vista Community Services will continue to grow and expand the range of its services to the many low-income individuals and families in the Rio Vista area, through the hard work of some 56 volunteers who provide over 500 hours of assistance every month. All funds received by Rio Vista Community Services are put back into the community. If you would like to contribute or volunteer with Rio Vista Community Services, please call 707-374-5706. Thank you for your support! Derek Jones, Treasurer Rio Vista Community Services

The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers. ~Terri Guillemets virtually all of her stock through trade credit from local residents and visiting RVers and boaters. Books Rio V will commemorate the anniver-

sary with sales and discounts the week of January 10-15, to thank the Rio Vista community for encouragement

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