Rio Vista Beacon Newspaper, Jan 12, 2011

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Weekly Direct Mailed Paper

Volume 13

Issue 2

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(925) 550-7811

January, 12 2011


Rio Vista Lions Club and Soroptimist International present their first Princess Ball. A fun Night with Dad (or Grandpa, Uncle, or Big Brother) for Girls ages 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 -9:00 pm Dancing St. Joseph’s Hall (220 S. 4th Street)

The Delta Farmers Market on the corner of Hwy 12 and 160 will temporarily close after January 16. The Market will be undergoing construction to double its sales area and allow for the sale of an expanded selection of Delta products including local beers and wines, eggs, sandwiches, salads, meats, cheese and dairy items. “The slower winter season is the best time to do this construction work. We plan to complete the work in time to feature the Delta’s early spring crops including the world renowned Delta asparagus” said Foundation President Ken Scheidegger.

The Delta Farmer’s Market, which is part of the bigger proposed Delta Discovery Center project, opened about 4 months ago and has been a pillar in the community for folks to stop by and buy local produce and more. The expansion project is slated to last about 2 months. The newly relocated Discover the Delta Foundation offices will remain open on the site during the construction at the Delta Farmer’s Market. The Discover the Delta Foundation is a science based educational nonprofit organization that is dedicated to teaching people about the wonders of the California Delta

and its amazing resources. This amazing adventure is in its early stage of development. All are invited to stop in and look at their plans of just what this will entail. The mission of the Discover the Delta Foundation is to promote, protect and preserve the California Delta by providing objective and science-based information so that this very important resource can be better understood, enhanced and enjoyed now and for the future. For more information visit the Discover the Delta Foundation website or contact Executive Director Wendy Martin at (916) 777-4442.

Cost: $20.00 per “couple” (Dad/Daughter) Plus $5.00 per additional girl Ticket information will be distributed through Riverview Middle School and the elementary school district. Purchase tickets by February 6th. The evening will also include: Free Photos Flowers for the girls Prizes and Gift Bags For ticket or event information call Warren Oglove @ (707) 374-3477 or contact him via email @ warrenoglove@aol.coma

RIO VISTA MARKET HITS TWO YEAR MARK Rio Vista Market is coming upon celebrating their second Anniversary next month of being in downtown Rio Vista. Over the last 2 years they have gone through some transformations to make the store as best as can be for the citizens of Rio Vista. Adding Chad Erlof as a business partner where he is continuing to make changes to make the

market shopping friendly. Erlof has enlarged the produce section and added a fishing area. You now can grind your own coffee and coming soon will be self serve coffee, tea, hot chocolate and hot apple cider. Even the wine section has increased to a wider selection. Rio Vista Market has top of the line first grade

meats and seafoods, sandwiches and take n bake pizza. They offer catering and also free delivery to the elderly. If you are having a party gives them a call and they will accommodate your needs. Come by and see the changes. The next Chamber mixer is at the market on Wednesday January 19, starting at 5:30.

M Fresh Produce Free Delivery To The Elderly

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