Weekly Direct Mailed Paper
Volume 12
Issue 50
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(925) 550-7811
The Rio Vista Sharks Swim has officially started their 2011 swim season. The Board met on Dec 6 and started planning their season. This year the team will be swimming against Woodland, Rio Linda, Sac Town, Carmichael and North Highland along with other invitationals in Elk Grove and Los Medonas College. Glad to be at this point. After struggling in 2009 with no city pool to start practicing in due to repairs needed, our team had doubts. Trilogy
offered the team the use of their pool and Individuals offered their private pools to use, the teams practiced. The Sharks finally got an agreement with the city to manage the pool after the repairs were made, started practicing in the city pool, things were half way back to normal. A Special THANKS to all the Service Clubs, Businesses and Individuals that donated to the Sharks help support their season due to no fundraiser meets. Need-
less to say the Rio Vista Sharks placed 2nd place at Championships. A hard working, dedicated bunch of swimmers we had. 2010 was a different story; the pool had been removed to start construction of the new pool so all we had was a hole in the ground. The board decided to cancel the 2010 season. Thanks to the Rio Vista Foundation, the organization took on this project and after a wet winter and several delays
now has a beautiful new pool now known as the Simonsen Delta Swim Center. The project is near completion but has run above cost due to code additions; the fence has cost more than projected and with the addition of the fire sprinkler system has depleted the Foundation account. The sprinkler system will cost around $7000 to $10,000 dollars so more funding is needed so any donations to them will be appreciated, large or small. Another special THANKS goes out to Warren Gomes for removing the old pool and rerouting the city waterline, Don Freeman Construction for the Construction of the pool, main deck, and accessories for the pool, Walt Schulz Construction for the Building and additional concrete, Benton Fence for the fence, Delta Tree Service for removal of the tree, McPherson Crane and Rigging for helping Continued on Pg.2
Rio Vista CARE Decorating Committee
On Tuesday, November 29, Shea Homes awarded first prize in their Trilogy model home Holiday Decorating Competition
to the team formed to benefit Rio Vista CARE. The team, led by captains Linda Solomon and Pauline Crews, transformed the “Pebble Beach� model
Lucky Crews enjoying “reindeer games� with Rudolph and his friends.
home into Santa Claus’ North Pole residence. Decorations will stay in place until the first week of January and can be viewed by entering through the Trilogy Home Tour Center. In the winning home, you’ll find Santa’s elves hard at work decorating Santa’s Christmas tree and “the man himself� busy poring over his famous list in his office with his flight plan on the wall, and shelves filled with toys and gifts (including a supply of coal, because “even naughty kids deserve something.�) Rudolph even has his own room and can be found
lolling on the bed, loading up on “Reindeer Snacks� and playing reindeer games with his friends. The prize for the winning team was a $1000 donation from Shea Homes to the charity of their choice. Rio Vista CARE received $1200 in total because two of the other teams participating in the contest had also designated their donations the organization and Shea awarded $100 to the designated charities of each of the participating decoration teams. Executive Director, Araminta Blackwelder, and Rio Vista CARE Board President, Lynn Auslen,
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O p e n Fo r B r e a k f a s t S t a r t i n g A t 7 : 0 0 a m O p e n 7 D a y s A W e e k T h - S u n 7 - 9 Fr i - S a t 7 - 1 0
December 15, 2010
Dear Santa: My name is Kathy Moore-Schmidt. I am 63 and have been a very good girl all year. I only have one wish for Christmas this year and that is that the good people of this country would know how strongly our troops in harms way depend on our support. Only until recently I myself came to realize that most folks are not aware our guys and gals in these faraway lands are not only missing family and home but also the BARE NECESSITIES. In response to a plea made recently of my own delta community, my workmates and I are not only boxing up goodies but also toilet paper, hand soap, shampoo, body & foot powder, lip balm, etc. The everyday items you & I take for granted everyday they rely on us to provide. Please, Santa, help us get the word out. Our
men & women are putting their lives on the line every day & night for our freedom to celebrate Christmas as we wish. The least we can do is send the essentials for them to just take a spit bath. Our government does not supply these commodities. Our military does not supply these commodities. We must make sure that even in these difficult times we don’t forget about them. The holidays are here. I want our sons & daughters, husbands & wives, fathers & mothers in uniform to know they are remembered now & always. For more information please contact Kathy at 707 374 5511, 707 374 2009 or 800 474 2252 Donations accepted Monday – Friday, 8 – 5 at 190 Main St Rio Vista
were on-hand for the celebration at the awards luncheon. Rio Vista CARE is a non-profit community-based counseling and family resource center. Rio Vista CARE is proud to have been able to join hands with Rio Vista Community Service to sponsor the Christmas 94571 program this year. CARE Counsels hundreds of local children and family members every year, working with children and adults to address critical life issues such as child abuse, suicidal
attempts, domestic violence, drug and alcohol dependence. Due to diminished government funding and increased need for services from families affected by the continued economic downturn, Rio Vista CARE has a continuing need for additional support from the community. Donations are always needed and may be directed to: Rio Vista CARE, 125 Sacramento Street,P.O. Box 576, Rio Vista, CA 94571.
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