August 18, 2010

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Volume 12


Bass Festival Heating Up This year’s Bass Festival is shaping up and heating up. Though planning goes on for most of the year, it is these last few weeks when things really start to hum. Our committee is all volunteers from the community, many from Trilogy. The group out there is highly experienced and is willing to take on projects, which we all have to appreciate. Barbara Lee has taken the lead on lining up vendors for food, crafts and special interests. She spends many weekends roaming through other local festivals to get ideas and names of vendors who might come. This weekend she’s at the Tomato Festival, before that it was the Asparagus Festival, the Pear Festival... you get the idea. Al McKenzie, the friendly guy at Lira’s checkstand, offered to organize the Kids Fishing Tank, a new event this year for kids 12 and under. The Montezuma Fire Dept. will build the big tank, but he’s still looking for trout. Know of a source? He’s lining up poles, and volunteers – talk to Al. Also for kids, is the new Street Painting event is on. The Rio Vista Hotel will once again be open for business on Bass Festival weekend. Rio Vista Community Services (formerly Rio Vista Ministries) will hold a “Catch of the Day� rummage sale. Watch for signs on the windows at the hotel, coming soon. If you have items you can donate to this event, call 374-5706 – they will pick up too. We are still looking for someone to chair a Battle of the Beans to be held on Saturday following the Pancake Breakfast. This is a bean tasting with people’s choice awards. If you know of someone who can help to organize this, please call Mary Peinado at the Chamber of Commerce office 374-2700. There is much more!

(925) 550-7811

August 18, 2010

for example), a downturn in the economy, or a natural disaster (e.g., a severe flood) that severely impact the current budget, leaving a deficit that must be met. In our situation, we have made up the difference through sales of property, but this is not a long-term solution. We currently have $544,542 in this reserve, which amounts to slightly over one month’s expenses. The amount in this reserve account is approximately down over $300,000 since 2004. Bank Balances 2. Innovation Reserve: The purpose is to fund innovations that result in enAt the last City Council meeting, a hanced services, cost savings, and/or resident asked about the categories enhanced revenue opportunities. The for the General Fund reserves. It is an excellent question, and I would like to amount in this fund is $10,000. 3. Replacement Reserve: Provides explain the categories, what they are for, and why we have them. First, most funds for the anticipated replacement of capital equipment (such as comcities, counties and special districts puters) costing over $5,000. There is have reserve funds. These are funds placed aside for use in emergencies or $50,000 in this account. 4. Compensated Absence Reserve: for special upcoming projects. Some Funds the City’s liability to pay ementities put aside and keep a certain ployees for unused vacation benefits percentage of their general fund for upon termination. The current amount use during an emergency or, as in the current situation, economic downturn. in this account is $102,000. Funds in these reserve accounts canSome set a goal to have anywhere not be used without City Council apfrom 6 months to 1 year of operating proval. expenses available. Cities that have Sister’s City Association these funds are somewhat insulated It is again time for the students from during this extreme recession we are our Sister City of Tobishima, Japan going through. The city of Rio Vista to visit for a weekend. They will be would require $2.184 million in reserves to have 6 months operating ex- arriving at City Hall at 10 AM, Friday, penses (our General Fund expenditure August 20 for a home stay with our budget is $4.3 million, and this is down middle school students. This is always an exciting time for the Japanese stusignificantly from prior years). Rio Vista has four categories of Gener- dents and adults, and for our families, who are honored to have the students al Fund reserves: Uncertainty, Innovastay with them. I hope many of our tion, Replacement, and Compensated residents can come to City Hall on FriAbsences Reserves. Following is a brief description of these reserves and day, August 20 at 10 AM to show a real Rio Vista Welcome! the current amount in them. 1. Economic Uncertainty Reserve: This is an amount set aside to protect the General Fund against unpredictable DE TAI fluctuations in major revenues. These LS may be the result of state government INS IDE actions (the raid on our property tax,

Three Minutes Of Fame At Lira’s


Wednesday, August 25th, 2010


6:00 pm Dinner - 6:30 pm Workshop Trilogy at Rio Vista - The Nines Restaurant 1000 Summerset Dr., Rio Vista, CA 94571


(877) 600-1130 FREE Admission, Parking and Dinner!

A free, educational, dinner seminar that clears the cloud of confusion on Reverse Mortgages Winner of the Lira Shopping spree Anthony Coitois son Dylan and Christine (Lira) Farrell.




Tokay Shell

420 W. Kettleman Lane Lodi, CA (Corner of Hutchings Street)


LA FLATS 3 TORTIL O p e n Fo r B r e a k f a s t S t a r t i n g A t 6 : 0 0 a m O p e n 7 D a y s A We e k . 6 : 0 0 a m - 9 : 0 0 p m - 6 4 6 a 1 2 .

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