Meet Your Last Two Candidates
Volume 12
Issue 42
Happy Halloween
(925) 550-7811
Rio Vista Booster Club Melodrama Razzle Dazzle Reaches Rio
Soroptimist of Rio Vista’ s October Student of the Month is Nicholas Maurer, representing the Mathematics department of Rio Vista High School. Nick reports weekly to club members about events and activities at the high school. Nick has an impressive record of school involvement and achievements. While maintaining a 4.0 GPA, he plays soccer and golf, and is editor of the Ram’ s Ear, the student newspaper. He serves as Secretary- Trea-
surer of his class, and as President of the Radio Club, among many other activities. He reports that his favorite subjects are math, art and history. Nick is known to many Rio Vistans outside the high school, through his involvement as a founder of the immensely popular “ Hello, My Name is Yoghurt” shop. He plans to study architecture at a college respected in that field, such as Cal Poly SLO or Cornell, and to become a practicing architect.
Fall is here which means it is melodrama time for no small thing productions, Rio Vista’s local community theatre. The week-end before thanksgiving show “RAZZLE DAZZLE REACHES RIO /OR FROM REAL TO REEL” will be presented Friday, November 19th and Saturday, November 20th at 7pm. Sunday. November 21st it will be at 2:30pm. The theatre is at lena emigh creative arts center, 230 Sacramento street in Rio Vista. You can take a chance and buy your ticket at the door or to be sure you have a seat for the date you wish you may purchase tickets from delta pharmacy,407 main street. adult tickets are $12 and children’s are $5. This seventh melodrama janey callahan-chin has authored was inspired by all the wonderful articles written by Phil Pezzaglia about the many movies made in the delta area. this melodrama bares
Rvll Under New Management The Rio Vista Little League is staying in town and is now under new management. Jerry DeFlores has turned the BATon over to Lena Alvarez, the new president of Rio Vista Baseball. Alvarez brings to the table a wealth of baseball knowledge and the ability to control the
October27, 2010
meetings; her organizational skills make her a force to be reckoned with. DeFlores has agreed to stay on as a board liaison for at least this coming season. Alvarez is joined by over twenty other new board members and looking for more interested volunteers.
You may have seen Alvarez and other board members at the Rio Vista Little League Bass Festival booth. They were taking sign-ups for interested players between 4 and 18 years of age. That’s right the RVLL is trying to bring Babe Ruth and possibly even the Ponytail league back to Rio Vista. These leagues are for the older boys and girls interested in playing ball. The group is still looking for candi-
The Rio Vista High SchoolBooster Club would like to extend their thanks to the following people for their generous sponsoring of the Run Your Bass Off, fun run. To Dan Simpson and Kelley Graupensperger, of The Gym for supplying the amazing timers from Capital Road Race Management, which made the race organized and fun. Lira’s Supermarket for supplying all of the water and oranges for the runners, Coughran Mechanical for helping out with the tee shirts and Purple Cow Websites for helping out with the logo. Again thanks to the Okamara/Sunada family for designing our route. All of this could not have been done without Dan Shindler and the Montezuma Hills Fire District with their help with traffic control and road closures. Thank you to all the Rio Vista High School parents and students for coming out early in the morning and helping with the run!!!!
little resemblance to the real studios and their stars. this is a spoof on hollwood played for laughs and audience participation.the directors are Colianese, Donnelly & Chin (better known as al, Roxanne and Janey). Highlights of the play (which is set in the 1930’s) are a song & dance number by Jeff Shewmaker and CasandraZapeta, a gold diggers number to “we’re in the money” New Business to Open and the fake filming of a gangter musical,’”Bonnie on Main St. and Johnny”. Players are heroine, norma jean mortinson (megan solomon). hero, sheriff dillon justinwright (houston grove). Other characters are b.s. gold (howard branton), Meryl Hepburn (Casandra Zapeta)Brad Cruise,the villian(Jeff Shewmaker). we are pleased to have members of trilogy’s rama Walt Stanish with Athena and Blanca club in this production. Walt Stanish first job as a over the area, including They are Zoe Mdtger, Richard Galletta and Rich- teenager in Michigan was Rio Vista, his customers keep telling Stanish, working at a pet shop. ard Lyon. “Come open a shop in Every job since then, he Rio Vista we have not has worked in the retail had one here for a few business and held many years.” This past summer different management Stanish came over and positions. In the back walked the downtown of his mind, though the area and decided that years he knew that one 167 Main St would be day he wanted to have a great location for the his own pet shop. In new Rio Vista location. 1998 he saw a pet shop The store will sell tropifor sale in the paper in cal fish, many types of Brentwood named Pets birds including finches, 4 All and decided to buy canaries, cockatiels, and it. Stanish made a few dates for several board love birds. Hamster’s, changes to the store positions including umguinea pigs, lizards and and business was going pire in chief, vice president very well. Then 3 years geckos. Plus all the of t-ball and baseball, as later he opened a second supplies and products well as concession officer. for your animals needs. location on Sandcreek in If you are interesting in Brentwood. The second They will also offer bird joining the winning team boarding for people location was larger and by volunteering please at- offered more products. who go on vacation. tend the RVLL meeting at Their hours will be Then in 2005 he com7PM on Thursday, Novem- bined both stores to Mon- Sat 10-6 and Sunber 11th at the Lighthouse the Sandcreek location day 11-4. If you have Church located at 101 any questions Stanmaking one store with Montezuma Street. For ish can be reached at many products and pets questions or more infor925-516-5911. Current to offer his customers. mation please call Lena target date to be open The shop was getting Alvarez at 707-333-3352. is Friday November 19. many customers from all
Now Open
LA FLATS 3 L I T R O T Open for breakfast starting at 7am Open For Br eakfast Starating At 6:00 am Open 7 days week Open 7 Days A Week. 6:00 am 9:00 Sun-Th 7am-9pm Fri-Sat pm 7-10- 646 a 12.