Rio Vista Newspaper, October 6, 2010

Page 1

Volume 12

Issue 40

(925) 550-7811

October 13, 2010

63rd Annual Bass Derby A Success

es a fish

catch iles as he m s ll a is k urloc tank. glind of T ids fishing Jessie An from the k

Rio Vista High Band starts the kick off of the Soap Box Derby

Byrna M artinez a nd Madis both of Is on leton are showing Bayhi skills wit h their C off their lackers

Devyn McGahey 5 years old of Rio Vista , ready for the pros t and ing is heart ou g n si is is av D Mr. karaoke y good in the sounding prett contest

Crossing the

ces day at the ra g n lo a r e cers aft Very tired ra

finish line

The race is on

362 More Days Until the Next Bass Derby

Stephanie Green is enjoying her hand dipped corn dog


! ! e t i s b e W r u O t u O k Chec a ea vistab o i r . w w

co n . co


r site fo L b e w iendly r seen- Liz r f r e s M o s t u e r I h a ve e ve ap ep n e ws p e at k e r g s k o s i te l o . D e n i s e b e w rk he Love t he good wo up t w

Open for breakfast starting at 7am Open 7 days a week Sun-Th 7am-9pm Fri-Sat 7-10

grand opening Letters to the Editor Pumpkins october 1st! LOCAL VENDORS


Local Honey


ribbion cutting october 1st 10 am music by gary’s acoustic tracks

*We now carry a variety of Organic Fruits and Vegetables* Be sure to Mark your calendar for October 23 from 6pm-9pm Night Harvest Party Pick your perfect Pumpkin Dress up FUN..FUN..FUN saturday october 2nd opens 6 am first 500 people recieve a free gift! free give away for children jump house & music 12-4 pm Monday - Friday 6 am - 6 pm Saturday-sunday 6 am - 4 pm 916-777-4000


CLASSIFIED ADS BLUEGRASS BAND With the combined experiance of 15 years. Weddings, All special Occasions Call for more information 925- 695-4056

MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Ampeg Amp great condition $450.00 925-642-0661 FOR SALE Yamaha flute in excellent condition. $295.00 Call: (707) 374-6618 If Your interested in a classified ad please email your information to Riovistabeacon@

ARTICLES FOR SALE hand blown fishing balls furniture indoor/outdoor christmas trees. lots of treasures doll parts, need stringing october 2 450 edgewood dr trilogy at rio vista

Two Kayaks Two kayaks: One (1) Ocean Kayak, sit-on-top, 11’-0” with paddle, seat, and personal flotation device. $ 700.00 - One (1) Pelican Kayak, traditional river kayak, 9’-0” with paddle, seat and PFD. $ 550.00

Permanent Makeup Call Rick at 374.3862

Eyebrows, eyeliner, lip liner now offering eyelash extentiond Call Stephanie 925-642-0669

GRAPHIC DESIGN Business Card Special - Logo and card design only $100. Chantellesgraphics. com 925-354-7044

TANNING Get an amazing flawless golden spray tan in the comfort of your home. We’re mobile! Perfect for brides, special occasions or just because. Mention (The Beacon) and get $10 off your 1st tan.

ROOMS Roommate Wanted $600 per month All utilities included I have a nice clean three bedroom two bathroom home on Rolling Green Dr in Rio Vista. Looking to share with one other person. Nice open kitchen and living area. Indoor bar and game room. Outside patio and barbeque area. My name Is Bo, and I am for the most part an easy going, mellow, normal, working class male, age 40. Don’t matter to me if you are male or female, as long as you are cool, mellow and hopefully employed…. If interested please contact me at: 707-718-3231 or email me at

Rio Vista Muffler

Dear Editor We need your help! The Art Committee for the local Community Theatre is searching for one(maybe two) Puppeteers to work hand puppets in a scene from the play LILI . We have actors saying the lines and so no memorization is necessary for the Puppeteer. We need someone to work the puppets.The show itself RAZZLE DAZZLE REACHES RIO will be Friday November 19th, Saturday, November 20th at 7 pm and Sunday November 21st at 2:30 pm at the Lena Emigh Creative Arts Centre (First Congregational Church Hall) at 2’30 Sacramento Street in Rio Vista. Anyone interested may call the Director, Janey CallahanChin at 707) 374-6060 Dear Editor On Monday the 30th of August my Granddaughter was waved on by a bus driver to go ahead and cross the street at Californian and Seventh in Rio Vista. She thought she would be safe to cross. I was walking up to the cross walk, and my neighbor was in her car behind the bus. A dark car failed to stop at the stop sign at that corner. He not only failed to stop, but to avoid the bus he cut the corner going south on Seventh and that is when he almost hit my

We Service All Makes And Models Bob & Dana Lapp – Owners 1105-D Airport Road



Fax 707-374-5939

when they see them. Once the police are gone they go back to doing the same thing they have been doing for the last three years. “Slide Tires On Pavement!”! What we need on that corner is a camera to stop these people from doing what they have been doing and fining those who do. I have also on occasion yelled at the usual teen going to or coming from the high school to stop or slow down but guess they were taught by their parents that that stop sign means absolutely nothing. I hope this letter will show some people that stop signs are out there for a reason. I don’t want my grandchild to become a statistic just because some person out there is in a hurry to get somewhere. Oh, by the way? It isn’t only at 3PM that this problem happens. It is all day long. I would like to invite an off duty officer to come to my house and sit there all day long and watch the traffic. Think that will happen? Strange a week later a motor cycle police came through just after three cars slid through the stop sign and after he went through a pickup went through without even slowing down. What’s up with that? Susan Callaway Continued On Pg.5

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granddaughter. I reported the incident to the Sheriff and he in turn contacted the RVPD. I was called and told that they would have someone watching that corner today, the 31st . It didn’t happen. I am so tired of the few people of Rio Vista thinking of this stop sign and maybe others like it, as not meaning anything but “Slide Tires On Pavement”. One lady last week slid through the stop sign and when I pointed out that she needed to obey the stop sign flicked her hand in a (brush off ) wave, then she went on through and was back 5 minutes later, she pointed out, with a snide remark, that this was another stop sign. Must have learned the rules of the highway and town driving from a cracker jacks box. Of course there weren’t any students crossing at either time but what about when there is? Are you all in such a hurry that it doesn’t matter if there is a child waiting to cross or not? How will you feel if you saw someone almost hit your child or grandchild? Would you be as angry at this as I am? We have been complaining about this cross walk for three years. The RVPD have had a police officer sitting at that corner maybe once or twice so of course people will stop

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SARAH DONNELLY for School Board

Connie Boulware Candidate for City Council

Town Hall Meeting Raul's Striper Cafe October 20, 2010 3:00 -- 6:00pm

Let's Talk!


Whole Maine Lobsters, Oysters, Clams, Crabcakes, Prime Rib, Chicken, Pasta & Steaks Music Friday and Saturday Nights Till 1:00 AM

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151 Brannan Island Road


Come in and meet the New Owner Papa John Sares from the Nines @ Trilogy

The Agenda A Community Connection By Janith Norman, Rio Vista City Council During the City Council meeting held October 7, 2010, the City Council awarded a contract to Peterson Developments in the amount not to exceed $124,000 for the Proposi-

Health Care at Your Fingertips You can manage just about everything online—finances, vacation planning, bill paying. So isn’t it about time your doctor made it easy to manage your health care online, too? We think it is. That’s why we offer convenient, secure online access that makes it easy for you to schedule appointments, view test results, request prescription renewals, send messages to your doctor, view your health record online—and more. Ask about our online services at your next appointment.

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tion 40 Boat Launch Restroom Replacement. Approval of this contract did not go unchallenged. Questions surrounding the. bidding process were raised. According to the City’s listing of bids created during the bidding process, Peterson Developments’ bid was $99,000. The city manager explained that the bid amount written on that list did not reflect the total bid amount of $124,000 as contained within the submitted bid document. Since the numbers in each section of the proposed bid document would total $124,000, according to the city attorney, the official bid amount was $124,000 and not the $99,000 reflected on the City’s listing of bids document. The Center of Movement will coordinate and facilitate the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) programs. The Center of Movement is a nonprofit organization. Funding for the $7,275 contract will be provided by the ATOD grant. The Army Base Steering Committee will have more say in what activities takes place on the site. The Council adopted a resolution providing the citizens advisory committee the authority to review temporary or interim uses that will exceed 30 days. As you may recall, there were a couple of ships docked at the Base for an extensive amount of time. To prevent this type of occurrence in the future, the group will oversee requests for usage of the site. John Rankine has been reappointed to another four-year term to the Solano County Mosquito Abatement District. The Council approved a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the City of Rio Vista and the Rio Vista Police Officers Association (POA) for the period ending June 30, 2011. Due to an inadvertent mistake in MOU approved in September the matter had to be brought before the Council. The POA agreed to 7.65% reduction of their base salary. The September MOU incorrectly reflected the POA agreed to pick up 7.65% share of their Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) which is also known as Social Security benefits. Trilogy residents Charles and Melissa Coleman, submitted a protest vote to the proposed levy of assessment for the Landscape and Lighting District No. 95-2 (Summerset Rio Vista). The reasons cited by the Colemans for the protest are: incomplete engineer’s report, assessing property owners outside the District, maintaining privately owned property, assessment is based on potential or future improvements and there is not a written contract. After hearing public comment, the City Council adopted a resolution confirming the

assessment and ordering the levy for the Landscape and Lightning District. The fiscal year2010/11 as sessment per single family residence is $0.00. The estimated annual levy of $245,000 for maintenance of the district will come from reserves. The City Council adopted a resolution that allows for user fees for the delivery of fire and rescue services, personnel, supplies, and equipment to the scene of motor vehicle accidents and other incidents. Only people who do not live in the City of Rio Vista who receive emergency services from the Rio Vista Fire Department will be subject to the user fees. According to the fire chief, fees are only collected fromthe insurance companies. Individuals who do not have insurance will not be billed. Fire Recovery USA is the company that will provide billing and collection services for emergency response. According to the staff report, Fire Recovery USA currently has contracts with over 100 cities and districts. There will be no upfront costs associated with this service and Fire Recovery USA retains 20% of the collected fees and returns 80% to the City. City staff estimates that the City may net $14,000 annually. This third-party billing and collection service will go into effect once an ordinance is adopted by the Council. The Rio Vista Municipal Airport rules and regulations have been updated and received approval from the City Council. John Ando reported that Airport Commissioner Marty Rogers worked diligently on the creation of the new minimum standards and he attributed the successful completion of the document to her. According to staff, “the document provides the minimum standards and requirements for commercial aeronautical and non-aeronautical activities to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the Rio Vista Airport.” Commission and Committee Reports Airport Commissioner Marty Rogers informed the Council that during its October 4th special meeting, the commission voted to recommend to the city that the city request that enXco modify its Shiloh III proposal so that the FAA would not be compelled to make any changes to either the current approach and departure procedures associated with the airport. She further reported that Airport Day held on October 3rd was a success and

that nearly 3,000 people attended. The Citizens Committee for Monitoring Water and Wastewater Enterprise Funds reported to the Council and made the following requests: The City Council support receipt of routine monthly financial reports from city staff and a monthly briefing with the finance manager, they be kept current on the status of the separate CIP (capital improvement project) cash accounts, the City reassess the total project cost for all CIPs, program project portions of CIPs be put out for competitive bidding, and an audit of the City’s water and sewer billing process be conducted. Having based their fee analysis on the data received from the City in calculating water and sewer rates, the committee contends that the proposed roll back of feesrecommended by the Rio Vista Taxpayers Association will not cover the operation cost of the water and waste water systems. To meet operation costs, the report reflects homeowners in core Rio Vista will need to on a monthly basis pay $83 in 2009/2010 and $84 in 2011/2012.What’s New at Travis Air Force Base? During the monthly Travis Regional Armed Forces Committee meeting, Col. James Vechery, Commander of the 60th Air Mobility Wing reported that a new program called Operation Teddy Watch has been implemented. Parents, grandparents and guardians who must attend medical appointments can now drop children off at a free daycare center. A new procedure for admission to the base will be implemented. I.D. cards will be electronically scanned in order to get on base. New I.D. cards will be issued in advance of this procedure taking place. Open heart surgery will soon be conducted at David Grant Medical Center. A new cardiovascular operation room should be completed this month and will be part of a new joint heart, lung, vascular center that will open early next year. A community inspired and committed to working together can achieve much and overcome anything. Your commentsare always welcomed at Send emails to or call 374-6451. Stop by city hall on Tuesdays between 1:00 and 3:00 to chat. I am also available on Tuesdays between 3:00 to 5:00 by appointment.


Graphic Design

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Logos Brochure’s Postcards Ads Billboards Business Cards CD Packaging Catalogs

Stephany Mae Bringing Beauty To You And Yours Permanent Makeup Artist Licensed Esthetician Now Offering Eyelash Extentions

Eyebrow Eyeliner Lip Liner Beauty Marks Tattoo Camoflage Nipple Areola 925-642-0669

Treasurers Corner

H. Conklin Let’s Not Let Ourselves Be Steamrollered! Last Monday night, the Airport Advisory Commission voted to recommend to the City Council that the Council request that the Shiloh III wind turbine project be modified so that the airport would not lose any airspace or be compromised in its current operations or in its potential value to the city. The Commission did not suggest to Shiloh III’s developer, enXco, how they might accomplish this. After all, enXco’s engineers are the experts here. But by enXco’s own admission, they could accomplish this simply by lowering the height of eleven (19% of their 59 proposed turbines) by 24 feet or less, or an average of about 3% of those eleven turbines’ height. Some rough calculations, based on information from the California Wind Energy Association, suggest that such a modification would result in an approximate 1% reduction in the overall project’s electrical capacity but might even represent an off-setting reduction in construction and maintenance costs. Were enXco to do this, the modification would preserve the city airport’s airspace as well as assure that the city would be able to acquire better, safer instrument approaches when they become available. Furthermore, it would keep the door open for new businesses such as FedEx and UPS and make Rio Vista a vibrant distribution hub in the Delta. Safety is not and has never been an issue. If Shiloh

III were to be allowed to proceed as currently proposed, the FAA will step in after the turbines are constructed and curtail and compromise airport operations until they can assure the airport is again “safe”. That’s basically what an FAA “Determination of Non-Hazard” means with respect to a proposed obstacle (e.g., a wind turbine that is a little too high and too close to an airport): “You can build the obstruction if you want; but if you do, we (the FAA) will come in and place enough restrictions on your airport operations to assure your airport remains safe.” There has been a lot of disinformation released among the community, and a number of our citizens have been misled. For example, enXco financed an “Economic Study” by Dr. Robert Fountain who said that the city could expect to receive almost ninety million dollars in revenue over the next twenty years if the enXco Shiloh III project is built. Dr. Fountain has not disclosed how much money Rio Vista, or any other city in Solano County… or even the County itself… received from enXco’s first two projects, Shiloh I and II. But it apparently was something less than $89M.Then, at the Commission meeting Monday, four speakers begged the Commission not to kill the project because the project will mean a lot of money to the City (and, apparently, to causes important to at least three of the speakers). Who do you think told these citi-

Continued from Pg.2 Dear Editor, There has been strong perception by a City Council candidates that our City should have only one sewer plant. That is, close the Beach sewer plant and connect the Beach sewer residents to the Northwest system which currently serving Trilogy residents and all future developments. The Northwest plant is currently operating at about 25% capacity however several developers own the access rights that no doubt will be exercised when the realestate market rebounds. The main reason for this initiative is that the current billing rates for water and sewer are $97/ month for Trilogy residents and $133/ month for Downtown residents. I would like to share some facts that may not be fully realized. Trilogy residents pay more than $97/month: Trilogy residents who purchased homes after 2005 pay $685/year in additional property taxes for bond repayment for 30 years Trilogy residents who purchased homes after 2006 pay $835 year in additional property taxes for bond repayment for 30 years Their true monthly rate with the bond cost is $154/166 (significantly above the Beach Front rates.)The cost to combine the Beach sewer system to the Northwest sewer system is prohibitive. One

City Council candidate speculates that an above ground sewer pipe is the solution. It is not. County and State regulations do not permit above ground sewer pipes. The City Engineer’s preliminary estimate is that It would cost over $26 million to connect the two plants. This includes: Expanding the Northwest plant. Connecting over 20, 000 feet of sewer pipes. Modifications to the existing Northwest plant. Decommissioning the Beach Front plant. Even if the residents served by the Beach sewer system could issue a bond similar to what the Trilogy residents have, the bond repayment over 30 years would cost close to $1,700/ year/ household. This equates to an additional $141/ month on what would be presumably a revised water estimated at over $100/ month. This is not affordable and unnecessary. It is more cost effective to continue the Beach Sewer Plant which is currently operating at 86% capacity. Also, Veolia who has done an outstanding job operating both sewer plants, recently reported that the Beach Front plant’s life has been extended from under 10 years to near 15 years as a result of their implemented maintenance program over the last several years. Bernie Durman

zens that any action by the Commission (an advisory one at that) would result in the project being cancelled?Whether you believe the Shiloh III project will bring $89M in revenue to Rio Vista, or you believe it’ll be closer to 1/20th of that (as I do), we are still going to get the benefit of that revenue, because enXco is going to go ahead with the project, even with the minor modification the Commission is requesting (Some people have been given the impression that enXco will cancel the project if they don’t get their way entirely). The Airport Commission has always accepted the proposed Shiloh III project and has never asked that it be cancelled. The Commission has asked only that the plan be modified slightly to preserve the value of the city’s airport. It’s hard to understand why enXco is being so inflexible on this, or why they are engaging in such aggressive lobbying tactics (Remember when they said they just want to be “good neighbors”). I am told some deals have been made between enXco and the City if the project is allowed to proceed. And there’s no reason for it not to. EnXco doesn’t have to rescind these deals just because the city might ask for a small modification to the project to preserve its airport. To have convinced our Chamber of Commerce and other community leaders otherwise is unacceptable. It smacks of someone trying to bully our city government. H. Conklin


Dick McWilliams Paul Apodaca, Pam Carlson, and Joe Martella celebrating sinking a 12-foot putt. Tuesday, September 28th marked the date for the Second Annual Prostate Cancer Benefit Golf Tournament at Trilogy which is sponsored each year by the Rio Vista Senior Men’s Golf Club. Temperatures were already climbing at 8:30 a.m. when 136 players teed-off in a “shotgun” start. By noon, the thermometer was well into the 90’s but that didn’t seem to melt the enthusiasm of the players. The event began at 7:30 a.m. with participants

meeting in Nines Restaurant for coffee, juice and pastries. Competition among the four-person, mixed gender teams was a best ball scramble. Prizes exceeding $2000 were offered including a flatscreen T.V. set, a camera, golf equipment and golf apparel. A new Buick La Cross was donated by Abel Chevrolet of Rio Vista for a hole-in-one on number 8, and Brentwood Custom Golf Cart Company offered a new golf cart for a hole-in-one on number 13.

Following the tournament, players and volunteers from Relay for Life met at Nines Restaurant for a lunch and auction. The event raised an estimated $5000 for prostate cancer research. Dennis Dolan was the organizer for the second year in a row. He was grateful to everyone who pitched-in and helped plan the event, especially Antoinette Pestana along with Pat and Larry Benson.


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40 N. 2nd Street, Rio Vista CA 94571


HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTIONEVENT ANNOUNCEMENT The City of Rio Vista is pleased to announce a Household Hazardous Waste Event for Rio Vista residents only on Saturday, October 23, 2010 at the Rio Vista Public Works Corp Yard located at 789 St. Francis Way which is across from Egbert Field. The gates will open at 9:00 am and close at 2:00 pm. Residential customers of Rio Vista Sanitation

pay a fee for this service and will not be charged at the gate. Other Rio Vista Residents (multi-family housing, unincorporated residents) will be charged a minimum $15 fee. Banned items include: ammunition, bio-waste, Sharps, and radioactives. Each household is limited to one drop off of a maximum of 15 gallons or 125 pounds of household

hazardous waste. This limitation is based on Department of Toxic Substance Control regulations. As compliance with these regulations is mandatory, the City reserves the right to refuse items over these limits. Please contact Dawn Bahrenfuss at City Hall for questions that you may have regarding this event. 707-374-6451.

Construction Notification St. Francis Way & Virginia Drive Waterline Replacement Dear Resident / Business Owner: The intent of the letter is to inform you of the upcoming construction that will take place over the next couple of months. The City of Rio Vista has contracted D.A. Wood Construction, Inc. to install approximately 3,740 LF of waterline along with water service along Virginia Drive and St. Francis Way. The last portion of the project will

involve a 2” asphalt concrete overlay with pavement reinforcing fabric. Construction is scheduled to start on October 11, 2010, and is expected to be completed in approximately 90 calendar days. During construction, water and/or other utility service may be interrupted; all affected residents will be notified no less than 48-hours in advance. Also, parking and driveway access may be restricted; however, full access will be available at night.

The City of Rio Vista and D.A. Wood Construction, Inc. understand that construction may be an inconvenience. Your cooperation and patience will help the City and Contractor to complete the project in a timely and effective manner. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions and/or concerns. (209) 491-4970 ext. 232. Alex Aldrich D.A. Wood Construction, Inc.Project Manager

KICK THE BUTTS Kick the Butts stop tobac-

co class with five sessions will be held Mondays from 3 to 5 p.m. Oct. 18 through Nov. 15 at Solano County Health and Social Services, 275 Beck Ave., Fairfield. The free class for adults focuses on nicotine addiction, support systems, rewards and stress reduction. The classes are funded by the Solano County Board of Supervisors and Reducing Rates Coalition. Pre-registration is required. Please call 707784-8900 or 1-800-2877357.


Mc Teacher Night


The Delta Tea Party Patriots will meet on Tuesday, October 19 6:30 Pm at the Veteran’s Memorial Hall, 610 St. Francis Way, Rio Vista. Rio Vista City Council Candidates - Open Forum with Q&A. For more information: or

First Congregational Church of Rio Vista welcomes all to celebrate Jesus Sundays at 11:00 a.m. All are welcome to Adult Sunday School at nine on Sunday Choir practice at five on Sunday Bible Study at ten on Wednesday Children’s Sunday School at 11:15 Prayer Meetings

“The Congregational Way is freedom from the rule of men so that we are more completely obedient to the rule of Christ. We covenant with the Lord and one another.” We are an association not a denomination. We encourage all to associate with us as we walk together, gather together and do something together for the Lord . 230 Sacramento Street (next door to the Post Office) Office Phone...374 2033 Pastor Ella Ray Toscano

On Thurday October 7 D. H, White Elementry School in Rio Vista held a fundraiser called Mc Teacher Night. The staff at the school helped work behind the counter at the local McDonalds and a percentage of the receipts taken in the for the evening will be given back to the school. Pictured is Mr. Fleetwood a 5th grade teacher.

Call the Rio Vista Beacon to advertise or submit story information!!! 925-550-7811 or 707-373-5533 or Water and Sewer Survey There is much misinformation being circulated on the current water and sewer rates. We want your input so that we can best focus our educational efforts based on your responses. Please log onto the City’s website and on the left side of the home page, click on the Water and Sewer Survey tab to complete the survey.

ST. BRIGID’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH P.O. Box 580, Rio Vista, CA 94571 Deacon Susan Reeve 707-374-5734, Deacon Derek Jones 707-374-5372

All who seek Christ are welcome. We meet at 218 California Street, Community outreach is a priority of this church.

Holy Eucharist Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with refreshments following. Evening Prayer service is 1st Tuesday at 7 p.m. (707) 374-2667


TRILOGY RESIDENTS At the last City Council meeting October 7th, the council held a Public Hearing: Confirm the Assessment and Order the Levy for the Landscape and Lighting DistrictNo. 95-2 (Sum-

merset Rio Vista) for Fiscal Year 2010/ll, with Resolution for adoption. Due to the Reserve Fund balance of $398,000.00 – instead of being levied a tax of $136.37 maintenance will be paid from the Reserve Fund. Here is a copy of this

Maintenance Budget – Fiscal Year 2010/11

The following budget shows the estimated Fiscal Year 2010/11 costs to maintain the existing improvements for the District.

year’s Maintenance Budget – Fiscal Year 2010/11 (from the Engineer’s Report) and the map of the location of improvements. A copy of the Engineer’s Report can be obtained from the City Hall for a fee.


Cost Estimate

Direct Costs Landscape Costs Maintenance HWY 12 Utilities (water) Water Feature Street Lighting Maintenance Costs Utilities (PG&E) Light Repairs Sound Wall Contingency Administrative Costs Solano County Audit Services City Staff Consultants Liability Insurance Subtotal

$72,695.00 18,445.00 7,595.00 9,765.00 47,740.00 14,260.00 20,000.00 24,500.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 12,600.00 10,500.00 2,400.00 $245,000.00

Total Estimated Direct Costs Contribution from Operating Reserve Fund Total Costs to be Assessed for Fiscal Year 2010/11

$245,000.00 (245,000.00) $0.00

Total Lots to be Assessed for Fiscal Year 2010/11 Actual Assessment per Residential Lot for Fiscal Year 2010/11 Maximum Assessment per Residential Lot for Fiscal Year 2010/11

0 $0.00 $136.37

Rio Vista Market

Landscape and Lighting District No. 95-2 – City of Rio Vista Prepared by NBS – Fiscal Year 2010/11



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There havetobeen countless tive steps counter them. If you haveinmissed changes the loanpayments modificain theindustry past, take to in get tion sincesteps it began your Make your 2007.bills Mostcurrent. important was the payments on time. Nothing weeding out of fraudulent serlowers your who charged disvice providers score quicklyan than late tressedmore homeowners up front payments. Mail payments in fee and never did any work. advance or pay on line. Over Never pay up front for a loan time your score will improve. modification. It is illegal in 3. Pay down your credit balCalifornia. can negotiate a ances. It is Who important to have loan modification? 1. You. Yes, credit, but if your accounts although youout, maycreate prefer aproare maxed plan fessional withthem the process, to begin help paying down. nothing prevents you from You don’t want the card atdebt tempting a loan modification on to equal the amount of available balances your credit. own. 2.High A Foreclosure can drag down score. It Consultant. Theseyour are individuisalsimportant to paynot off lisome who are typically balances and to lower othcensed and can be either for ers. 4. or Donon-profit not takecompanies. on new profit debt or open new accounts. Since July 1, 2009, all forecloThe worst thing you can do sure consultants in the state of before making California must be registered a major purchase is to open with accounts the Attorney new orGeneral’s take on new office Delay and must a bond debt. thepost new autoinor the amount of $100,000. truck purchase until after the 3.Attorney. Any attorney li house is purchased. Address censed in the state where the as many of the above items pending foreclosure located. as you can and youiswill greatly4.improve your chances of Real Estate Broker or Agent.

The most source purfor If you arecommon considering advice andahelp negotiating a chasing home in the near future, it is a good ideasale to is loan modification or short good lookorat your atake real aestate agent broker. credit report and score. Es- a However, the person must hold sentialreal to buying a home current estate license. Youis getting a pre-approval can find out if your agent isletter from a lender. The firstDept thing licensed at the California a lender will do is run your of Real Estate. credit. The better your credit, Protect Yourself. Here are some the better the terms common modification scams to offered to you by your lender. review and be aware of: The Obtain a copy of your foreclosure consultant who asks report. If you can, obtain that payeach him or oneyou from ofher theduring credit the process. This should never reporting agencies, Experian, happen. 2. The consultant who 1. Trans- Union and EquiFax. afor errors. poses as ayour government Review report affiliated If you3.believe an item entity. Any rescue loan has where been in error, youto you arereported asked to sign over title have the right to dispute a third party 4. Any scheme it. Contact where youthe are asked to move out reporting agency. Explain during the modification process. why the item in accurate. 5. Being asked toispay for a foSupply rensic loan audit. This is another documentation such as remeans of getting the homeowner ceipts and cancelled checks. to up front. Be very cautious 2. pay Check for derogatory and call items. While they cannot be ifremoved, you have ayou situation you would can take posilike to talk over, no fees and no obligation, 707 330-0808.

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Served 11 - 2:00 No To-Go Orders

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Oct. 1st Grilled Turkey Burger w/ Cole Slaw Lunch Size Fish & Chips w/ Cole Slaw Oct. 8th - BASS DERBY WEEKEND Crunchy Tuna Sandwich w/ Pasta Salad BBQ Pork on Kaiser Roll w/ Cole Slaw Oct. 15th Montana Meatballs & Mashed Potatoes Calamari Strips w/ French Fries Oct. 22th Jumbo Shrimp Tacos & Cole Slaw Foster’s Famous “Hot Brown� Sandwich Oct. 29th Foster’s Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes Caprese Sandwich w/ 3-Bean Salad

Rio Vista Sanitation Service

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Complete Auto Repair Since 1967

Ask the Recycling Guy!


Fall Spring S u m m Lube e rLube L u bOil eOil O& i l&& FIlter F i l t e r Special Special Filter Special



Rio Vista Sanitation Service will take the following items in your blue recycling container:


˜VÂ?Ă•`iĂƒĂŠĂ•ÂŤĂŠĂŒÂœĂŠxĂŠÂľĂŒĂƒĂŠi˜}ˆ˜iĂŠÂœÂˆÂ?]ĂŠÂœÂˆÂ?ĂŠwÂ?ĂŒiĂ€]ĂŠ tire rotation and safety inspection

Cooling System Service



What items are recyclable?


Includes Flush & Fill of Antifreeze

Hours of Operation œ˜‡ Ă€ÂˆĂŠn ʇÊx*



PAPER PRODUCTS: Boxes/Packages, Cardboard, Catalogs, Chipboard (cereal boxes, shoe boxes, etc.), Colored Paper, Construction Paper, Copy Paper, Coupons, Egg Cartons (Non-Styrofoam), Envelopes with Metal Clasps, Junk Mail, Loose Newspaper, Magazines, Manila Folders, Newspaper Inserts, Of�ice Paper, Paper Bags, Paper Packaging, Paper Towel Tubes, Shredded Paper (in plastic bags), Telephone Books, White Paper PLASTIC PRODUCTS: California Redemption Plastic #1-#7, HDPE #2, Detergent Bottles, 5-Gallon Buckets, Juice Jugs/Cartons, Milk Jugs/ Cartons, Plastic Bags, Plastic Laundry Baskets, Plastic Water Jugs, Plastic Pot Plants, Rinsed Salad Dressing Bottles, Rinsed Yogurt & Margarine Containers, Shampoo & Bleach Bottles, Soda Bottles, Soft Drink Bottles: PET #1, Toys such as Plastic Tricycles, Water Bottles. ALL CONTAINERS SHOULD BE RINSED & EMPTIED • NO LIDS ON CONTAINERS. METALS: Aluminum Cans, CLEAN Aluminum Foil, Aluminum Pie Plates CLEAN Food Cans, Pet Food Cans, Steel Cans, Tin Cans GLASS: Glass Jars & Bottles

PLEASE BE GREEN & KEEP YOUR RECYCLABLES CLEAN! For information on what is recyclable, please go to

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