ELITE Magazine May-June 2018 East edition

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E L I TE 時 尚 精 英

Robert Mowry

護膚新品 初夏時尚 雅宅品鑑 戶外家居 投資理財

意入宋瓷 漸至佳境 MAY-JUNE 2018

Niki Cheng 華裔打造家居世界

Diana Chao 「 總統學者獎 」普林斯頓華裔女生

Everyday Virtuosity 新地中海式藝術之家


Madeline Lobjois

May-June 2018 $6.99


「 神韻藝術團 」領舞演員陳美容

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5/1/18 1:16 PM

展 銷廳

展 銷 廳 展 銷 廳

是烹飪和冷藏產品中的佼佼者。 是烹飪和冷藏產品中的佼佼者。 請帶上您的平面圖與我們的家居專家探討各個細節,品味您的新廚房所具備的一切可能。 請帶上您的平面圖與我們的家居專家探討各個細節,品味您的新廚房所具備的一切可能。 請訪問我們的三個展銷廳了解更多信息。 Sub-Zero and Wolf 是烹飪和冷藏產品中的佼佼者。 Sub-Zero and Wolf is the best-in-class for your cooking and refrigeration appliances. 請訪問我們的三個展銷廳了解更多信息。 Sub-Zero and Wolf Sub-Zero and Wolf 是烹飪和冷藏產品中的佼佼者。 是烹 飪和冷藏產品中的佼佼 者。 請帶上您的平面圖與我們的家居專家探討各個細節,品味您的新廚房所具備的一切可能。 Sub-Zero and Wolf thebest-in-class best-in-class for yourand cooking andrefrigeration refrigeration appliances. Sub-Zero isisthe for your cooking appliances. Bring your plans andand talkWolf details with our resident experts get aand taste of all that your new kitchen can be. Sub-Zero and Wolf is the best-in-class for your cooking and refrigeration appliances. 請帶上您的平面圖與我們的家居專家探討各個細節,品味您的新廚房所具備的一切可能。 請帶上 您 的平面圖與 我們的家 居專家 探 討各 個 細節, 品味 您 的新廚房所具備 的一切 可能。 Bring your plans and talk details with our resident experts and get a taste of all that your newkitchen kitchen canbe. be. 請訪問我們的三個展銷廳了解更多信息。 Visit at our three showroom Bring your plans and talk details with ourus resident experts and get locations. a taste of all that your new can Bring your plans and talk details with our resident experts and get a taste of all that your new kitchen can be. Visit us at our three showroom locations. 請訪問我們的三個展銷廳了解更多信息。 請訪問我們的三個 銷 廳了解更多信息。 Visit us at our three展 showroom locations. Visit us at our three showroom locations.

Manhattan 150 East Manhattan 58th Street, 5th Floor 150 East 5th Floor New 58th York,Street, NY 10155 New888.327.0053 York, NY 10155 888.327.0053 subzero.com/manhattan subzero.com/manhattan

P01-09_Index_note_pubinfo_Jen_chenf.indd 1

Roslyn Heights Heights 2Roslyn Lambert Street

170 Mineola Roslyn Heights,Avenue NY 11577 Roslyn888.327.0053 Heights, NY 11577 888.327.0053 subzero.com/roslynheights subzero.com/roslynheights

Pine Brook Pine Brook 25 Riverside Drive

25 Riverside Pine Brook, NJDrive 07058 Pine888.327.0053 Brook, NJ 07058 888.327.0053 subzero.com/pinebrook subzero.com/pinebrook

5/3/18 8:51 PM

工作在紐約 新澤西資深地產專家




服務地區包括:新澤西 & 曼哈頓,專精新澤西最好地區 Bergen 郡和 Hudson 郡等沿哈德遜河面對曼哈頓一帶。


Editor’s Note 採編隨筆


Editor’s Picks: Serene Blue


Editor’s Picks: Sweet Coral Hues


Skin Care That Delivers

魅力靜藍 初夏珊瑚粉 高效護膚精品

19 22

Novelties 2018春夏新品 Signature Tops 出眾設計


Chic Yet Simple 飄逸長裙


Dreamy and Feminine 夢幻優雅


Diana Chao 專訪「總統學者獎」普林斯頓華裔女生


Robert Mowry


Madeline Lobjois

意入宋瓷 漸至佳境 勇者不懼 訪「神韻藝術團」領舞演員陳美容

50 Maggie 黃和顏佳團隊以誠信、

專業、認真和負責為職業準則, 精通廣東話、普通話和英文。


商業樓以及貸款的優質服務,免 費房屋估價。

Maggie 黃女士 20 多年地產經驗

獲得新澤西地產協會最優秀經紀人卓越終生獎 榮獲新澤西地產協會最高獎─白金獎

2010-2014 年連續 4 年獲新澤西地產協會金牌獎 連續 15 年獲新澤西地產協會銷售銀牌獎


Everyday Virtuosity 翻轉住宅 新地中海式藝術之家


Beauty Unfolding 名家雲集 紐約設計奇幻世界


Form and Function 不羈的優雅:設計師的私宅計畫


Redefining the Concept of Tropical Luxury


Glitz and Glamour in Palm Beach

馬爾代夫海上桃花源 沃姆利瑞吉度假村





Niki Cheng 華裔伉儷打造家居世界

顏佳(Jia Yan)


2015 年獲新澤西地產協會金獎

Photography by Hugh Zhao


2016 獲新澤西地產協會白金獎

A Graceful Mingling of East and West 勇者不懼 ——訪「神韻藝術團」領舞演員陳美容

2017 年銷售業績超過 7 千萬。 電話 :201-238-7987 微信 :2012387987


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5/3/18 8:51 PM

HYDRA-GLOBAL SERUM The Anti-Aging Hydration Booster NEW This innovative Serum penetrates to the heart of the skin to rehydrate it from within. Continuously re-moisturized, the skin feels plumper and smoother.


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#HydrationForAll Discover more at sisley-paris.com

5/3/18 8:51 PM


Home is where your heart dwells 此心安處 便是吾鄉

In a classic poem, the famed Song Dynasty poet Su Shi asks a songstress after her return from southern China whether the environment and social customs in the south were unpleasant. She responds, “My home is where my heart dwells.” For many of us, upon leaving our hometowns, we grow and transform in our new environments. In this issue of Elite Lifestyle Magazine, we spoke with Robert Mowry, who was stunned to find himself in Asia as a young man. Robert chose to embrace his unexpected fate and gradually fell in love with the culture of the East, becoming one of the few scholars of Song Dynasty porcelain in the United States.

be blessings in disguise, serendipitously guiding us into new realms. Regardless of where you are, we hope everyone has the courage to move forward and embrace the changing tides of life.

《定風波》序中蘇軾問柔姬,「 廣南風土,應是不好?」柔 姬對曰「 此心安處,便是吾鄉。」 每一個離開家鄉的人,無一例外,都將經歷蛻變。本期 《時尚精英》專訪人物毛瑞,年輕時「 出乎意料」地被派到 亞洲,人生軌跡由此發生巨大轉變。現在二十歲的趙東 妮,幼年隨父母抵美,嘗盡移民海外的生活苦楚與語言

Twenty-year-old Diana Chao landed in the United States with her parents when she was a little girl and endured misery and hardship as a result of the language barrier. While battling depression, Diana discovered that “the most important thing is to change my heart.” Now, she is an accomplished young woman, pursuing her passion for art, writing, and science and setting an example for young immigrants and Asian-Americans.


This issue’s cover story features Madeline Lobjois, a dancer of Chinese and French descent, who walks between the cultures of East and West. Years ago, she came to New York from France, and now she performs with Shen Yun Performing Arts, conveying the grandeur and beauty of traditional Chinese culture to audiences across the globe.

「 心即是福田」。面對憂鬱與困難,本期精英人物趙東妮

At times, we may feel like we are merely wandering about, propelled through a series of unpredictable twists and turns. But unpleasant circumstances may


來到紐約,在東方和西方文化之間遊走,如今游刃有餘 地通過神韻藝術團的舞台,向世界傳遞著東方文化的博 大和美好。 他們的故事,就像一部時光機,彷彿能照到過往的自己 和老友——那個離開故土,找尋夢想的自己;那位曾經不 安失落,如今自信堅強的老友;那些身處他鄉,在東西方 文化交融中不斷成長的身邊人。

發現,「 最重要的是改變自己的心」。雖出人意料,毛瑞 選擇了擁抱命運給自己安排的環境和當下,並逐漸鍾情 於東方文化,成為美國屈指可數的宋瓷學者。 漂泊的人生或許看上去「 一波三折 」,然而終會「 水到 渠成 」。

走自己面前的路。《 時 尚 精 英 》祝福每一個漂泊的人,都 成為一道風景,一道因文化交融而份外美麗的獨特風景。




Elite USA_S

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D E S I G N P O R T R A I T.

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15/03/18 14.25

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這 畝 長 學

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Brookville, NY

Great Neck, NY — Kings Point Waterfront

Head of Harbor, NY

Situated acres of perfectly manicured property 這 座 14,0on 0 0 6+ 平方 英 呎以 上的定 製 房產,位 於長 達6英 畝 的 located 完美修剪 業 上, 是長 島 建prestigious 築 的 完 美 典streets 範。 位on 於 and on物one of the most J er 長島黃 金 海岸 最of 負 Long 盛 名的 街 道 之一,和著名的 the Gold Coast Island, this 14,000+ sq. ft.ic ho 學區。 custom-built Estate embodies perfection. Jericho SD #15, MLS# 2977360. $15,000,000.

Magnificent waterfront 2.52acres with 佔 地 2.5 英 畝 的 宏 偉 海property 濱 物 業,on 擁有 個地段 的細 分潛力。雄 偉的殖 民 式建 築,擁 有網球 場 和 歷 with 史協 議 2 lot subdivision possibility. Majestic Colonial 建 造 碼court 頭的權 利( 計 劃 待 最 終rights 批 准) 。 build 距離紐 市只 tennis and grandfather to a約 dock 有分 鐘 之 遙。 (plans pending final approval). Minutes to NYC. SD #7. MLS# P1312028. $4,290,000. Janet Wolf Marcus, 516.627.4440 ext.207 Ann Carlucci, 516.627.4440 ext.203 c.516.672.2023

An離 hour from New時的路程 York City就 is 是 this 距 紐 約市一小 這magnificent 座 宏 偉 的海 濱地 waterfront estate with panoramic views of Stony 產,可欣賞石溪橋港和壯麗的日落美景。完全翻新 Brook and Breathtaking sunsets. Completely5 的 3.91Harbor 英畝的地產,絕對隱私,並擁有帶客舍的 renovated home on 3.91 acres offering ultimate 車車庫。

Jason Friedman, 516.466.4036, c.516.236.6226 Sarah “Rudi” Friedman, 516.466.4036 c.516.643.0630

Manhasset, NY — Exquisite. Elegant. Chic.

Manhasset, NY — Plandome Manor

這 棟brick 四 臥 4-bedroom 室殖民地風 格 的 磚is房totally 全面翻 新, 位 於 This Colonial updated Strathmore Village 村中心一條安靜的小路上。 and located on a quiet cul-de-sac in the heart of 現代生活和良好的設計融合在一起。 Strathmore Village. Modern living and good design

Stunningly rebuilt Center Hall Colonial set on an ¾ 令人驚嘆的中心大廳殖民地式建築座落在屢獲殊榮的

SD #6. MLS# 3016819. $2,299,000. Annie Holdreith, 516.627.4440 ext.372 c.516.509.4082 Nouzha Zouak, 516.627.4440 ext.387 c.917.392.7401

Muttontown, NY — “Moon Garden” Stunning 7-bedroom Colonial in Stone Hill Stone Hill 令人驚嘆的 7 居室殖民地式建築,提供 Muttontown offers many amenities, 24 hour. 許多現代生活設施, 24 小時保安,會所,游泳池, security, clubhouse, pool, tennis. Outdoor kitchen, 網球。戶外廚房,室外篝火 ,運動場,果嶺,發電機。 fire pit, sports court, putting green, generator. SD #2. MLS# 3017682. $4,195,000. Tracey Murray Kupferberg, 516.759.4800 c.516.233.0567 Gail Holman, 516.759.4800, c.917.239.3508

award-winning landscaped ¾-acre. This inviting 英畝園景上。這家溫馨的莊園擁有 4 間臥室, 3.5 間浴室, manor home with 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths is the


Manhasset, NY — Flower Hill

傳統的一英畝地格魯吉亞莊園,擁有 6 間臥室和 5.5 A traditional Georgian manor with 6 bedrooms and 間浴室。訂製裝潢, 從裡到外注重細節。廚師級的廚 5.5 baths, on full acre. Custom finishes, and all the 房,最先進的媒體室,新娘樓梯, 層大廳,精緻的 finest details inside and out. Chef’s2kitchen, state-of木製傢俱,特別訂製的 5 個壁爐區裝潢, 3 車庫。 the-art media room, bridal staircase, 2-story grand

SD #4. MLS# 3010387. $2,375,000. Shohreh Hakimian, 516.627.4440 ext.500 c.516.647.2676 Gale Keenan, 516.627.4440 ext.101, c.516.353.8800

SD #6. $4,999,000. Dana Forbes, 516.627.4440 ext.368, c.917.620.3971

Old Westbury, NY — “Haven Hall”

Woodbury, NY — Stunning Residence

Privacy, vistas of great lawns and gardens, and 隱蔽的莊園,雄偉的草坪和花園景觀,以及擁有 14 grand rooms with 14 ft. ceilings and paneled walls to 英呎挑高的豪華客房,鑲板牆為精美的藝術品提供 frame exquisite artwork. This all-brick Estate House 完美展示。這個帶門控的全磚莊園提供了一個美麗 with gated entry offers a beautiful retreat with all 的休閒場所,並設有所有現代化的設施。

Magnificent brick Estate offers fine architectural2 個 壯麗的磚瓦莊園擁有精美的建築細節,座落在 details situated on 2 bucolic acres with pond. 帶池塘的田園地。帶連接浴室的臥室和大型主套房 En suite bedrooms and large master suite with 有分開的男主人和女主人浴室。令人印象深刻的正 his/her baths. Impressive formal dining and ball 式用餐和宴會廳。場地設有加熱的鹽水泳池和水療 rooms. Grounds feature heated, salt water pool 中心,小屋和網球場。 and spa, cabana and tennis court. Syosset SD #2. MLS# 3015258. $1,599,000. Tracy Greenberg, 631.692.6770, c.516.413.1499 Kimberley Como, 631.692.6770, c.516.314.5984

modern amenities.

East Williston SD #2. MLS# 2985984. $7,663,982. Bonnie Williamson 631.427.6600 ext.210 c.516.443.5958

Each office is independently owned and operated. We are pledged to provide equal opportunity for housing to any prospective customer or client, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin.

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privacy, plus 5-car garage with guest quarters. SD #1. MLS# 3018530. $3,750,000. Marianne J. Koke, 631.584.6600 ext.206 c.631.335.7111


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Address 229 W 28th Street, 6FL, New York, NY 10001 Phone 646-862-9930 Email editor@elite-magazine.com advertising@elite-magazine.com subscription@elite-magazine.com www.elite-magazine.com

San Francisco Ke Bian 510-299-4392 Los Angeles Yan Lieser 818-836-2937 Boston Timothy Pi 617-388-1688 Seattle Echo Liu 425-877-5121 Ben Ruan 425-449-3620 Dallas Amy Hu 214-682-7788

SENIOR DESIGNERS Hsinyu Lo, Justin Morgan CONTRIBUTING DESIGNERS Benson Xiao, Tan Zhao, Rachel Lu SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS Yuti Chang, Benjamin Chasteen, Xuehui Zhang CORRESPONDENTS Pia-Maria Norris, Irene Luo, Yi-Chun Lin, Ana Lyons, Jenny Zhi, Angela Feng, Cynthia Sun, Janet Ma, Qingyin Zhang COPY EDITORS Connie Phillips, Huixuan Yang FASHION EDITOR Jennifer Zhang BEAUTY EDITOR Pia-Maria Norris PEOPLE EDITOR Janet Ma ART & CULTURE EDITOR Dana Cheng BUSINESS EDITOR Hong Wang HOME EDITOR Fenzhi Zhang FOOD & DINING EDITOR Channaly Philipp


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By Fenzhi Zhang Soothing, calming blue symbolizes peace and confidence. It can create a tranquil atmosphere.










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Fresh, fun, and youthful, coral is one of the most celebrated shades for early summer. Not only can it liven up your face and work with all skin tones, it also easily brightens up a living space.


Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images




By Fenzhi Zhang


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美國西大峽谷 從未有過的體驗 眺望世界 漫步天空 漂流谷底 翱翔山頂 俯瞰曠宇 一覽嘆為觀止的美景

中文諮詢熱線:929-302-9136 西大峽谷地址:Eagle Point Rd, Peach Springs, AZ 86434 中文頁面:www.edninfo.com/grandcanyon/ 更多信息請訪問:grandcanyonwest.com

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SKIN CARE THAT DELIVERS 高 效 護 膚 精品 By Pia-Maria Norris

Dr. Sebagh has long been the go-to brand for celebrities and those looking for anti-aging and youth-boosting skin care products that deliver superior rejuvenating results. 賽貝格是全球貴族皇室和名流巨星鍾愛的頂級保養品。該品牌將 微整型的療程概念融入到日常護膚品中,從而達到驚人的「凍齡」效果。

Supreme Day Cream

Pure Vitamin C Powder Cream (5x1.95g)

Daily moisturizer packed with antioxidants. ($220)

Brightening and tightening vitamin C powder. ($125) Supreme Night Secret Cream

Supreme Maintenance Youth Serum

A daily anti-aging serum for increased skin elasticity and tone. ($325)

A superbly anti-aging night cream. ($295) (Barneys New York, drsebagh.com)


Elite Beauty May 20186.indd 14

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Lancôme's skin-correcting Visionnaire collection improves the appearance of pores, wrinkles, and skin texture while also offering powerful anti-aging and hydrating benefits. 蘭蔻微修護系列具有提亮膚色、收細毛孔、提拉緊致的效果,以 及卓越的抗老功效和保溼功能。

Visionnaire Yeux Advanced MultiCorrecting Eye Balm A hydrating,

multi-correcting eye treatment. ($88)

Visionnaire Crescendo

A dual-phase, leave-on night peel. ($75) Visionnaire Advanced Skin Corrector

Visionnaire 1 Minute Blur An oil-free skin perfector. ($57)

Skin-correcting serum. ($115 for 1.7 oz.)

Visionnaire Advanced Multi-Correcting Day Cream Skin-correcting daily moisturizer. ($88) Visionnaire Advanced Multi-Correcting Rich Cream Intensely hydrating, skincorrecting cream. ($88)



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AmorePacific's signature TIME RESPONSE collection contains a high concentration of precious green tea flower essential oil and Asian botanical ingredients that deliver intensive anti-aging benefits. 愛茉莉太平洋臻極昇華殿堂 級TIME RESPONSE系列,以嶄新科研技術,展現來自亞洲珍罕綠茶的的再生奧祕,煥發 肌膚自我修復力,讓肌膚宛若新生,抗老效果顯著。

TIME RESPONSE Eye Reserve Creme

Anti-aging eye cream. ($260)

TIME RESPONSE Skin Reserve Intensive Creme Richly textured anti-aging cream. ($450)

TIME RESPONSE Skin Reserve Serum

TIME RESPONSE Skin Reserve Gel Creme Light-textured anti-aging gel cream. ($450)


Concentrated anti-aging serum loaded with antioxidants. ($525)

TIME RESPONSE Skin Reserve Creme

Anti-aging skin-transforming cream. ($450)


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Through expert knowledge of plants and the skin, Sisley Paris offers luxurious high-quality skin care that meets the needs of all skin types and concerns. 法國希思黎產品配方中優質的植物精粹和植物精油,不僅具有精良的護膚功效,使用起來也 深感愉悅享受。根據所有膚質的不同肌膚護理需求,希思黎提供一系列面部護理產品。

SISLEŸA Essential Skin Care Lotion

A new-generation preparation toning lotion. ($185) SISLEŸA Radiance Anti-Aging Concentrate Radiance-boosting and dark spot eliminating serum. ($525)

SISLEŸA L'Integral Eye & Lip Contour Cream Anti-aging eye and lip contour cream with a massage tool. ($210)

SISLEŸA L'Integral Anti-Age

SUPREMŸA Cream A superbly


Complete anti-aging day and night cream. ($525)

anti-aging and regenerating night treatment cream. ($795)


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One of the secrets to timeless beauty can be found in Sulwhasoo's anti-aging Timetreasure collection that features the everlasting benefits and energy of Red Pine to intercept the signs of aging. 雪花秀臻秀系列特別添加了珍貴的松茸成 分,增強了延緩衰老的功效。該系列包括臻秀修護活顏水、臻秀修護活顏乳、臻秀修護活顏精 華露、臻秀修護多效眼霜和臻秀修護活顏霜等。

Timetreasure Renovating Cream EX

Timetreasure Renovating Emulsion EX

Timetreasure Renovating Water EX

Luxurious and richly textured anti-aging cream. ($ 420)

A moisturizing and nourishing anti-aging emulsion. ($115)

Anti-aging moisturizing water for dry skin. ($ 105)

Timetreasure Renovating Eye Cream EX

Timetreasure Renovating Eye Serum

Timetreasure Renovating Serum EX

Anti-aging, skin-refining eye cream. ($260)

Anti-aging eye serum and eye massager. ($260)

Lightweight anti-aging face serum. ($335) (us.sulwhasoo.com)


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NOVELTIES 春夏 新品 By Pia-Maria Norris

La Prairie - Platinum Rare Cellular Night Elixir Turn back the clock with La Prairie's new Elixir, the most powerful rejuvenating potion yet to emerge from the La Prairie laboratories. This miracle skin-rejuvenating night concentrate reawakens and transforms the skin by promoting four vital functions: nutrition, detoxification, cell respiration, and immunity. With a single drop, the skin's texture and firmness are improved, and the appearance of lines and wrinkles is visibly reduced. ($1, 200, laprairie.com) 瑞士頂級護膚品牌 La Prairie 新推出的 Platinum Rare 鉑金系列 Cellular Night Elixir夜間精華,具有該品牌有史以來最高 濃度的鉑金複合物(La Prairie 的鉑金肽與 高效活性成分的組合)和稀有的活性成分混 合物,也是該品牌迄今抗衰老效果最佳、且 價格最昂貴的產品。這款夜間精華液,每晚 潔面爽膚後,輕壓一滴,次日清晨即可喚醒 年輕肌膚,細紋皺紋如被悄然淡撫,由內而 外獲取肌膚生機。


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Fun and playful scent in fresh notes of blackcurrant, raspberry, and roses! ($122–$195, us.annickgoutal.com) 安霓可玫瑰女性淡香水,清新怡人。


Non-greasy revitalizing and fortifying scalp serum. ($195, sisley-paris.com) 賦活頭皮健髮精華減慢掉髮,強韌濃密秀髮。


Rosy-tinted moisturizer for instantly fabulous rosy skin and glow. ($79, lancome-usa.com) 能使肌膚得到提拉、看起來更加健康,膚色更加 柔和,煥發粉潤光彩。


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Fabulous facial hair removal and exfoliating device for women. The only one you will ever need! ($189 for 5-piece set, dermaflash.com) 這款臉部除毛器可以祛除面部毛髮,使底妝不再卡粉, 令妝容無懈可擊。


Bored of traditional face masks? FOREO introduces an exciting new way to mask in only 90 seconds with the UFO, the world's most advanced smart mask! It combines LED light therapy (age-defying red, acne-fighting blue, and brightening green), cryotherapy, thermotherapy, as well as T-sonic pulsations. Each mask serves a unique purpose and is activated by customized treatments to increase the benefits of the mask's active ingredients. ($279, foreo.com) 瑞典高級個人護理品牌 FOREO推出了最新美容科技 產品——FOREO UFO。FOREO UFO 智臻面膜儀 是世界上首個智慧型面膜產品,在短短90秒內即可為 人們提供 Spa 級的面部護理。通過 FOREO 的手機 軟體 ,人們可控制面膜儀完成紅、藍、綠射線、冷暖 調節、震動按摩等功能。


Revitalizing night eye mask with an innovative massage applicator that helps reduce morning puffiness. ($34, us.aritaum.com, Sephora) 揮別「泡芙眼」,蘭芝夜間眼部面膜透過陶瓷晶球 按摩雙眼,讓眼周肌膚恢復漾采活力。煥發粉潤 光彩。


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SIGNATURE TOPS By Fenzhi Zhang A well-designed signature top can make you feel confident, sophisticated, and sleek. You can complement it with low-key pieces like a pair of simple-cut pants or a skirt with subtle twists. 一款設計感強的吸睛上衣,可以打造幹 俐落大方的長褲和過膝裙,都是與之搭 配的不錯選擇。

A model walks the runway during the Stephane Rolland Haute Couture Spring Summer 2018 show in Paris, France.






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CHIC YET SIMPLE 飄逸長裙 By Fenzhi Zhang With summer on the way, a maxi dress is a wardrobe musthave to easily pull together a chic look. Sleeveless designs and free-swinging hems can create a flattering fit. 溫暖而清爽的五、六月裡,長裙 是必備的時尚單品。無袖和寬 下擺的剪裁設計為首選。早晚 溫度較低時,可搭配輕薄的開 攜帶,又時尚大方。


A model walks the runway during the Givenchy Haute Couture Spring Summer 2018 show in Paris, France.




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Ethereal, flowing, and gleaming, a highwaist chiffon skirt is perfect for creating an almost fairylike look. The sheer, airy fabric creates a relaxed and feminine outfit. 相較網紗長裙「 婚紗」般的隆重感,網紗半身 裙更適宜作為日常穿搭的單品。它輕薄的質 感,總是給人以一種浪漫的美感。


By Fenzhi Zhang


A model walks the runway during the Christian Dior show at Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/ Summer 2018 .


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DIANA CHAO 20-Year-Old Artist, Writer, Scientist, and Philanthropist 專訪「總統學者獎」普林斯頓華裔女生 English text by Cynthia Sun | Chinese text by Xinyi Wang Photography by Diana Chao and Jerm Cohen


n the afternoon of March 16, 20-year-old Diana Chao rushed from New Jersey to Manhattan’s YouthBridge conference to share her story with New York high schoolers. It is a story of a Chinese immigrant striving to not only overcome her own challenges as a child but also connect through a message of empathy, with everybody who has ever felt lonely or helpless. For a girl whose favorite food is sesame ice cream, and who’s so frank and down-to-earth, it’s hard to believe that Diana published a novel at age 13, received recognition from the U.S. Navy for her research on dengue fever at 16, worked for NASA and became the only girl in California to receive the 2016 Presidential Scholar Award at 17, became a special columnist for the American Astronomical Society at 18, was admitted to Princeton to study physics at 19, and even found time to create her own Vogue-featured photography studio along the way.

13歲出版小說;16歲因對登革熱(dengue fever)病毒 的研究獲美國海軍稱讚;17歲開始為美國國家航空暨太 空總署(NASA) 工作;18歲成為美國天文學會(American Astronomical Society)專欄作家,並成為當年加州獲 選「 總統學者獎 」的唯一女性;19歲進入普林斯頓大學學 習物理,成立自己的攝影工作室…… 在許多人看來,趙東妮(Diana Chao)早已實現了 「 美國夢」,而對於她自己,夢還在蛻變。 2018 年 3 月 16 日上午,趙東妮匆匆從新澤西趕到 曼哈頓中城,在青年領袖峰會(YouthBridge)上,向紐 約高中生們分享自己的故事:一個移民小孩吃盡苦頭,克 服了躁鬱,並以「 同情」之信件將世界上經歷孤獨無助的 人們聯繫在一起。 趙東妮一開始便告訴記者,自己的中文不是「worldstandard」 ( 最好標準),採訪時可能會用到英文單詞。 然而一開口,這位布依族姑娘的語速卻不比任何中文母 語者慢半分。趙東妮喜歡在句子後面加一句「 對不對?」 說到無奈的地方就「 唉 」地嘆一聲氣。 幫看店 一站就是13個小時

SURMOUNTING HARDSHIP In elementary school, Diana emigrated from Guizhou, China, to Claremont, California, with her parents. Getting used to a new environment was already difficult for the child whose English vocabulary included

上小學時,趙東妮跟隨父母,從貴州移民到洛杉磯克萊 蒙特市(Claremont)。乍離家鄉,完全陌生的環境,對 一個只會說「Hello」和「Thank you」的小學生來說,一 切皆舉足困難,而父母又對英文一竅不通,這讓趙東妮 感到更加無助。


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Diana Chao, a 20-year-old student at Princeton University, who is founder of the nonprofit Letters to Strangers and the photography studio Moonglass Studios. (Courtesy of Jerm Cohen)

only “hello” and “thank you”; this, along with her parents’ nonexistent English, made her feel “really helpless, really so helpless.” “It was just very disappointing,” Diana said. “But I was already here, so I could only press on. So, from a young age, I tried to help my parents with anything I could.”

「 唉,很失望的感覺,很無奈,真的很無奈,但是都 已經過來了。」趙東妮說, 「 就必須要堅持嘛。所以我從 很小的時候,就是能幫啥、能幫他們做什麼就做什麼。」 讀法律文件、查看社交媒體、充當父母的翻譯, 「 我住的 是一個非常多白人的地方,我從小都必須要幫他們( 父 母)翻譯。」趙東妮的中文可以保持到現在的程度,跟父 母不會英文有很大關係。


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Looking back, she said that her parents’ scanty English helped her preserve her Mandarin. “I had to translate for my parents from a young age.” But learning the new language was a nightmare for Diana at first, like for all newly immigrated children. “I remember that I always cried in fourth grade, and I thought ‘how could I possibly catch up?’ But then I just studied extremely hard, and I didn't sleep until 2 or 3 in the morning.” Diana’s gaze became lost as she recalled her past. “I thought at that time that if I wanted to learn English well, I would need to study hard.” A year later, she utterly shocked her English teacher. “That time I got 100 points. No one in the class had 100 points. The teacher was astonished. He said, ‘I don't know what's going on.’ But he knew that I didn't go and copy other people, because nobody had a perfect score.” Diana remembered, “At that moment, I thought, ‘I can stay here.’” Yet with all her achievements, she was still concerned about her pronunciation. As a result, despite being “very, very introverted,” she chose to step outside of her comfort zone and participate in her school’s debate team—a club that has deterred even many native English speakers. The debate team required high levels of patience and endurance. The referee always called her out: “I think you seem to make a lot of sense, but I don’t fully understand.” But Diana Chao did not waver. She practiced with pencils or chopsticks between her teeth every day and honed her pronunciation with fervor. “To immigrants from Guizhou or other places of the world, what do you come to America for? It’s to pursue a dream, right? As they say, the American Dream, but this dream does not take a quick minute to achieve. My parents worked hard and set a good example for me. I learned from them that enduring hardships will result in success.”

趙東妮回憶起自己「 最苦的日子」是上中學的時候, 當時每逢週末都要在父母的店裡幫忙, 「 一站就是 13 個 小時,也沒有辦法做作業 」,因為工作忙,很少有時間像 其他孩子一樣遊玩、聚會,和朋友一起享受年少時光。 「當 時就覺得,唉……好像苦到沒有意思再繼續往下做了。」 徹夜苦讀 考滿分嚇壞英文老師 除了生活上的艱苦,和所有的移民孩子一樣,語言是無數 次逼哭了趙東妮的夢魘。 「 我記得我四年級那一年總是在哭,覺得自己怎麼可 能跟上?但是後來就一個勁兒拚命地讀書,凌晨二、三點 才睡。」趙東妮輕輕地敲著桌子,一字一頓地說, 「 我當 時覺得,我要學好英文的話,就必須要把書讀好。」 一年後的一次語法考試,趙東妮的表現嚇壞了她的 英語老師。 「 那一次我得了 100 分,全班沒有任何一個人 得 100 分,老師都嚇壞了,他說『 我不知道怎麼回事』, 但是他知道我沒有抄人家,因為根本沒有人滿分。」趙東 妮回憶道, 「 那一分鐘,我覺得我可以在這裡待下去了, 因為我可以克服這裡的任何一個困難。」 儘管成績進步,趙東妮對自己的發音問題仍然很在 意。為此「 非常非常內向」的她,本著「 什麼困難做什麼」 的精神,參加了學校的辯論社——一個令不少英語母語 的孩子都望而卻步的社團。 在辯論社需要極大的勇氣,趙東妮一進去便吃足苦 頭, 「 因為我讀那麼多書,發音還是 錯的,經常聽裁判 說, 『 我覺得你好像說得很有道理,但是我不是完全聽得 懂。』 」趙東妮睜大了眼睛, 「 哎呀,我覺得好無奈啊,就 覺得我要試多久啊!」 為了克服發音問題,趙東妮沒對自己心軟。她拿一 根鉛筆或筷子,擠著牙齒,一遍接一遍地狂練發音,一 天幾個小時。 「 從貴州來,或者是對任何移民的人來說,來美國 為了什麼?就是為了追求一個夢嗎?對不對?像他們說的 American Dream。但是這個夢也不是說一分鐘就會完 成,我爸媽的辛苦堅持,給我做了一個很好的榜樣,我從 他們身上學到,要吃苦的話,到最後還是會有好的成就。」 寫故事 救贖自己 也救贖別人

REDEMPTION THROUGH WRITING In tenth grade, Diana founded Letters to Strangers, a nonprofit organization that provides help to those who feel depressed and hopeless. Founded in 2013, Letters to Strangers has since impacted over 25,000 people—

十 年 級 的 時 候,趙 東 妮 創 辦了非 營 利 組 織Letters to Strangers(L2S),為全世界感到抑鬱無助的人提供求助 的機會。平台上線後,影響力持續擴大,現在已有兩萬多 人響應,多家國際組織、慈善機構與之合作。時鐘回撥, 這一切都始於趙東妮的親身經歷。


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Left: “Lunar New Year,” from Diana’s photography collection Oriental Folklores. (Courtesy of Diana Chao) Right: Diana’s spontaneous portrait of her grandmother. She is Buyi, an ethnic minority in China that makes up 0.02 percent of the Chinese population and mainly resides in the mountainous province of Guizhou. (Courtesy of Diana Chao)

and this all began with Diana’s personal experiences. In eighth grade, Diana developed bipolar disorder. She felt utterly alone, she said. “Even if everybody in the world stood by my side, I wouldn’t have been able to feel their presence.” At that time, she spent her weekends helping out with her parents’ store. “My shifts would get as long as 13 hours.” Because she was busy manning the store, she had little time to do her homework or to enjoy her youth with friends, like other kids. “At that time,” she said, “I just felt … it was painful to the point where there seemed to be no point in continuing anymore.” When Diana climbed out of this low point in her life, she started to think about how she could help

八年級時,趙東妮得了嚴重的抑鬱和躁鬱症,孤獨 充斥她的身心。 「 我當時就是覺得很孤獨,不僅孤獨,可 能就是全世界人都站在我旁邊,我也不會體驗到。」那時 的趙東妮曾幾次想放棄自己的生命,但還是「 最後存活了 下來 」。 那時,趙東妮寫了很多信。以「 致陌生人 」開頭,以 「 陌生人 」結尾,這些信從未寄出。她執拗地,以紙筆還 原人類最本能的表達,用訴說和故事構築起完整的世界。 在這個紙筆搭建的世界裡,她拚出了完整的自己。 走 出 這 段 低 谷,為了好 好活這「 第二個 生命 的 機 會」,趙東妮開始思考如何幫助其他同樣經歷人生煎熬 的人。 「 我希望把我從小這些經驗跟人家分享,幫他們找 到另外一個求救的機會。」 通過匿名寫信的方式,L2S 幫助精神健康出現的困


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others who have “gone through the most trying experiences find an avenue to cry for help.” “How could I take advantage of my second chance at life?” she asked herself. “My earlier difficulties were a hole I dug for myself.” To make the most of her experience, she started to write letters. Since she didn’t have many friends at the time, she wrote to herself. To her, these letters were a chance to write down everything on her mind and find inner peace. “I hope to share these experiences of my youth with others. I hope that in giving them to others, I can help them find a way to ask for help,” she said. Letters to Strangers now works with people who struggle with mental illness, including youth, orphans, refugees, and others. Through writing anonymous letters, members convey their heartfelt thoughts to strangers, effectively establishing a human connection. To this day, the organization has reached more than 25,000 people all over the world. Diana hopes that the empathy developed among those struggling with mental illness can help them pull through.

難的青少年擺脫「 羞恥 」,沒有負擔地表達自己的心聲。 陌生人之間的訴說與傾聽,建立起人與人之間最純粹的 聯繫。趙東妮相信,這種聯繫在困難者中育生彼此之間 的同情,而這種同情能夠幫助人度過難關。 個性早熟 理解父母經歷 趙東妮的早熟令人驚訝,而她卻說,大部分的移民孩子 都很成熟。所以 「 少給孩子些壓力吧,」她說,「 孩子心裡 是有數的,最重要的是你( 父母)要讓他知道你支持他, 讓孩子們覺得不管發生什麼,還是會有一個愛他們的家 庭,這個才是他們精神上所需要的。」 「 不 要 小 看 孩 子,他 們 自己會 知 道 努力 是 為了什 麼。」趙東妮說 道, 「 任 何一個 Chinese-American 都 會有一種感覺,就是自己在中國可能太美國人、在美國又 太中國人,我覺得這種感覺可能一輩子永遠都會有。但這 並不等於是件壞事。」她發現,華人的身分常常可以讓她 從不同的角度看問題。 「 我 現在 可能 比在中 國 的 小 孩,更 對 我 是中 國人 這件事感到 驕傲。」趙東妮 的 攝影工作室 Moonglass Studios 展示著多幅具有濃郁東方色彩的作品--折扇、 長劍、竹林,蓮花、孔明燈和日本浮世繪,都是她作品中 的重要元素。 也許兩個不同文化的碰撞,給了趙東妮無盡的靈感

FINDING HER PLACE From her freshman year of high school, Diana was reluctant to mention her immigration status since she felt pressure to socialize with her peers and was sometimes met with discrimination or ridicule. But after traveling back to China a few times, she became interested in Chinese music and ended up learning how to play the traditional two-stringed instrument called the erhu. As a result, she gradually developed pride in being Chinese and felt that she could begin to face her dual identity. "Any Chinese-American has a feeling that they may be too American in China, too Chinese in the United States, and I think this feeling may last forever. But this does not mean that it is a bad thing." She now finds that her Chinese identity often allows her to look at problems from a different perspective, and that the rich and proud history of the Chinese is a unique attribute that she carries with her. Diana's current photography studio, Moonglass

火花。 「Curator of dichotomies」是她找到的對自己最 恰當的描述。一個在科學王國裡思辨的研究者,也同時 是不斷探尋藝術之美的創造者,她走過精神的低谷,將 自己的心路捧出,化作扶持他人旅途的良助,人說「 步步 生蓮 」,意或如此。 而趙東妮還在成長,我們沒有理由不相信她還會創 造出令人驚豔的事物。她說, 「 中國人這麼長的歷史,也 有一種精神,跟美國人是非常不同的,如果能夠把這兩 件事融合在一起,我覺得能把你( 變得)更強,對不對?」

Studios, features many works with rich oriental colors. Fans, swords, lanterns, bamboo forests, lotus flowers, and Japanese ukiyo-e are among the most important elements in her photography. “The long history of the Chinese people also has a spirit that is very different from that of Americans. If we can combine these two things together, I feel that makes us stronger.”


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One of Diana’s photographs that was published in Vogue Italia. (Courtesy of Diana Chao)


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The Modest Beauty of Song Ceramics 意入宋瓷 漸至佳境 English text by Angela Feng | Chinese text by Janet Ma


ophisticated, minimal, yet inventive, Chinese ceramics from the Song Dynasty are often considered the foremost expression of ceramic art in the world. Less extravagant compared to their predecessor and successor, Song ceramics are known for their straightforward shapes and subtly hued glazes. Among the foremost scholars of Asian art is Robert Mowry, an expert on Song ceramics, who recently retired after more than 25 years as a senior curator at the Harvard Art Museums. He was also head of the department of Asian Art at Harvard, and the university’s Alan J. Dworsky Curator of Chinese Art. Mowry’s devotion to Song ceramics as a lifelong career is the result of a remarkable journey. Characterized by unwavering dedication and strokes of serendipity, his journey spans from medieval France to Goryeo Korea, before finally arriving in Song China. THE BEGINNINGS Surprisingly, studying art hadn’t always been Mowry’s path. He had no intention of pursuing a career in art when he entered college. He started studying chemistry and biology at the University of Kansas and planned to go to medical school. It was a stroke of fate that Mowry decided “out of

Robert Mowry of Harvard University, one of the foremost scholars of Asian art and an expert on Song ceramics. (Courtesy of Robert Mowry) Left page: The Literary Gathering, by Emperor Huizong of Song, circa 1100–1125, now held in Taipei at the National Palace Museum. This painting exhibits the lifestyle of the scholar class during the Song Dynasty and includes 145 pieces of Song pottery. Among them are 85 pieces of white Ding ware, 52 celadon-glazed wares, as well as 8 black-glazed wares used in the traditional tea service depicted at the bottom of the painting. (Public Domain)


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sheer interest” to enroll in a survey course on the history of European art in his freshman year. His desire to study art solidified during a period of undergraduate study in Paris. After spending a year amid stunning museums and magnificent architectural monuments, Mowry made the decision to switch fields, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in art history, medieval humanities, and French. Initially, Mowry planned to complete his graduate studies in medieval art. However, two years spent in South Korea changed that. When President John F. Kennedy created the Peace Corps in 1961, Mowry was a high school sophomore. He was immediately fascinated. “That bold idea captivated my imagination, leading me to the decision that immediately after college I would join the Peace Corps, and indeed I did,” he said. Expecting to be sent to Africa, or perhaps South America, Mowry was surprised when he was dispatched to South Korea. Little did he know then, but it would be “the profound influence of my two years in Korea that took me into the field of Asian art.” In Korea, Mowry taught English at Seoul National University, and spent his off-time exploring the vast richness of Korean art. School vacations were spent traveling throughout the country, exploring ancient Buddhist temples and studying the famous 8th-century royal temples, such as Bulguksa and Seokguram in Gyeongju. “Through frequent, firsthand exposure, my two years in Korea opened my eyes to the beauty of Korean art and piqued my intellectual curiosity about the history of Asian art in general,” Mowry said. “These works were so beautiful, so elevated in taste, and so overpowering in their technical finesse that I simply had to know more about them and the culture that produced them.”

三月,紐約亞洲藝術週,在備受矚目的臨宇山人宋瓷藏 品拍賣中,一只北宋定窯黑釉盌拍出了421萬美元的價 格。「 她是珍品中的珍品,」如同說起自己的朋友,毛瑞 先生道, 「 她表現的很不錯。」 毛瑞先生是宋瓷研究領域的大師級專家,曾擔任哈 佛大學亞洲藝術系主任和哈佛大學藝術博物館館長。在 主掌博物館的 25 年間,毛瑞先生為博物館收入了多件珍 藏至寶。 對於宋瓷史上的各大名窯,毛瑞先生了如指掌:它 們何時起源,緣何鼎盛,又為何衰敗。當他談及某件瓷 器時,人們彷彿可以看到一方爐火正旺的瓷窯,塑形、刻 花、上釉、燒製,一件件精美的藝術品便從無到有。 回過神來,你會有一種恍然的時空錯置之感:一位 滿頭銀髮的西人學者,戴黑邊眼鏡,他講話時中英文互 換自如,中國古典文獻信手拈來,一個繁華的宋朝就在 他的談笑間。 這就是毛瑞,一位半生致力於中國文化藝術的學者, 一位在講座中使今人神遊古境,把世人帶入東方的美國人。 一波三折 是水到渠成,亦是一波三折,毛瑞先生與宋瓷的相遇,頗 有些戲劇意味。 毛瑞先生早年攻讀物理化學,期待未來成為一名醫 生。出於對歌德藝術的喜愛,他隨後轉為學習中世紀文 化史。 大學畢業,正值美國政府為「 和平部隊 」招賢納士, 年輕的毛瑞便加入了。他希望自己能被派去土耳其,從而 飽覽那裡的羅馬和拜占庭遺跡,另一方面,毛瑞卻覺得 自己很可能會被派往南美或非洲。然而出人意料的是,命 運卻將毛瑞帶到了韓國——亞洲的土地上。 在韓國期間,毛瑞執教於國立首爾大學,並結識了 韓國國立博物館館長金載元,通過金載元,他接觸到了 青瓷。 「 青瓷的藝術之美,讓我非常想要了解創造出如此 傑作的文化。」毛瑞說, 「 於是在研究生院,我決定轉為 學習韓國文化。」 然而,1970 年代的美國,鮮有教授韓國語的大學, 遑論開設韓國文化的研究生項目。在導師的建議下,毛 瑞選擇了中國文化——一個深深滋養了韓國乃至整個東

FINDING HIS PATH Upon returning from Korea, Mowry began his graduate work studying European medieval art, but he quickly realized that his true interests lay in East Asian art.

亞文明的文化。 漸入佳境 從物理化學到中國藝術,從西方到東方,如今,致力於中 國文化五十多年的毛瑞,愈加覺得宋瓷別有洞天。他說,


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This black-glazed conical bowl, made from Ding kilns in the Northern Song Dynasty (960– 1127), is among the few known examples of black-glazed Ding ware and is the most valuable piece from the Linyushanren Collection. The simple brown flecks, evenly and harmoniously scattered across the surface of the glaze, create what is known as the “partridge feather” design. (Courtesy of Christie’s)

A Ding “peony” dish, from the Northern Song–Jin Dynasty (960–1234), showcases the modest elegance of Song ceramics. Two tasteful peony blossoms are carved into the center, giving the otherwise unembellished dish a whimsical touch. (Courtesy of Christie’s)


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His first inclination was to specialize in Korean art, which he steadfastly loves to this day. However, back then it was difficult to find an American university offering even basic courses in Korean language and history, let alone a full program on the arts. Hence, Mowry came to the decision to study Chinese art. “Not only did its long history and aesthetic and technical mastery of so many diverse medias appeal to me, but it was China’s cultural, intellectual, and artistic traditions that had influenced Korea,” Mowry said. “Study of Chinese art, then, would provide the framework necessary to teach myself about Korean art.” In Mowry’s early years as a curator, it was ultimately his exposure to the ceramics at the Harvard Art Museums and Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts that led him on his journey to where he is today. He was drawn to the Chinese ceramics, especially Song Dynasty ceramics and brown- and black-glazed wares.

「 瓷器是最複雜精細的藝術形式之一,它涉及陶土、釉 色、紋飾。瓷器的燒製溫度、出產瓷窯略有差別都會使 成品大不相同。一件完美的作品,是無數燒造因素分毫 不差的結果。」 毛瑞介紹, 「 瓷器製作技術在宋朝走向成熟,經過 歷朝歷代,至今,許多主要製作方法仍被沿用。宋瓷通常 造型簡單,釉色淡雅、細膩,而這種簡約和直接的背後, 卻包含著複雜的製作工藝。」如同西子, 「 濃妝淡抹總相 宜 」,宋瓷的美不論何時都能打動人心,毛瑞說道, 「這 種簡約,同時又十分符合現代審美。」比如,他所鍾愛的 宋代黑釉瓷,便具有中國瓷器中少有的「 抽象之美 」。 「 很多宋代瓷器,都嫻熟使用了切割、雕刻、或是繪 畫技術——在上釉之前做出紋飾,燒製後花紋便會從細 膩的釉色中透出。而深色釉彩卻給工匠們出了一道難題: 花紋不能從釉底透出,所以,他們需要一種新方法。」 「 北方瓷窯,諸如定州、耀州和磁州窯通常會在釉面 裝飾褐色花紋。」毛瑞說, 「 比如這只在臨宇山人宋瓷收 藏中的北宋定窯黑釉鷓鴣斑盌,斗笠形盌身上施明亮黑 釉,細短縱向的褐色斑紋從盌底呈放射狀均勻分布,傳

HIS TRUE CALLING “Ceramics are some of the most complicated, most involved works of art,” Mowry said. Behind a seemingly simple-looking bowl is an intricate and complex process. The makers painstakingly mulled over a multitude of factors during the creation process—from the different types of clays and glazes, to the type of kiln and firing temperature. At the recent 2018 Asia Week New York, ceramics went on sale from the Linyushanren Collection—one of the finest and most comprehensive collections of Song Dynasty ceramics in the world. The most valuable piece of the collection is a striking, black-glazed conical bowl from the Ding kilns. “The Ding kilns mainly produced white wares. These are the rarest of the rare in Chinese ceramics because of its black glaze,” Mowry explained, when asked what made the piece so valuable. This piece sold for $4,212,500. With dark-glazed ceramics, decoration is typically abstract. As can be seen with the conical bowl, the finest pieces have the “partridge feather” design—simple brown flecks evenly and harmoniously scattered on

統上,這種褐色斑紋稱為『 鷓鴣斑 』 」。漆黑明亮的釉色, 襯托飛羽一般的鷓鴣斑紋,當從頂部俯視,這隻黑釉鷓 鴣斑盌似傘狀漩渦,將要把人吸入進去,鷓鴣斑紋如星 辰從遠方不斷湧來,由小而大,遍及視野,使人彷彿置身 無限繁星的廣袤宇宙。 宋代瓷器至簡至雅,至樸至拙,一件小小的斗笠盌, 便有如此動靜相宜之美。 「 所以,這只盌還有一個名字, 叫做『 天外飛仙』。」毛瑞說道。 宋代流行點茶,以黑釉襯托白茶為上佳,以斗笠形 盌最為可取。早於 1388 年,明初鑑藏名家和文學家曹昭 在《格古要論》中提到: 「 有墨定色黑如漆,土俱白,其價 高於白定。」深色定窯瓷器的價格在明代就已超越白定。 毛瑞說, 「 黑釉瓷製作工藝極其複雜,又常常只為專 門用途製造,如點茶、鬥茶,所以產量極少。這只黑釉鷓 鴣斑盌出身於以白瓷為主的定州窯,薄壁輕胎,釉色明 亮而紋飾獨特,她是珍品中的珍品,甚至比宋代御制的 汝窯、官窯瓷更為罕有。大眾已知的存世的其他黑釉斗 笠形盌都被博物館收藏,這只盌是可私人收藏的唯一一 件,所以,就更使得它價值連城。」 宋人講究雅致的生活,點茶,插花,焚香,「 宋人四 藝」中的三藝離不了他們鍾愛的瓷器。古人說,「 三生萬 物」,水、火、土,五行之三造就了瓷器的光彩萬千。三,


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Ru ware is an extremely rare type of pottery, originally produced for the imperial court. This lotus-shaped, light blue-green glazed warming bowl is from the early Northern Song period (1086–1106). The gently curved lobes and smooth, sloping sides convey a sense of grace and serenity. (Courtesy of the National Palace Museum)

the surface of the glaze. “I think it’s the simplicity, the straightforwardness, and in many cases the subtlety of the wares, which gives them a very contemporary feel,” Mowry said. Song ceramics combine impeccable inventiveness with sophisticated aesthetics, putting them among the finest and most intricate ceramics in the world. “These are the ultimate achievement,” Mowry said, “and they still serve as inspiration for potters today.” Similarly,

是一個奇妙的數字。一波三折,毛瑞先生走向心中的藝 術理想,終至於篤定,至今鑽研中國藝術五十多年。從 西方到東方,路途不可謂不長,與宋瓷相遇,或為命運 使然。毛瑞先生淡然處之,孜孜以求中,萬千繁華於此 一步一現。

Mowry’s incredible journey, and his staunch dedication to Song ceramics as a lifelong career, can serve as an inspiration for us all.


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Classical Chinese dancer Madeline Lobjois has come to cherish the depth and divinity of Chinese culture through portraying its legendary characters on stage. 生長在法國的陳美容,自幼 熱愛運動,一次偶然的機會 讓她與中國古典舞結緣,如 今已經成長為一名傑出的中 國古典舞藝術家。


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A Graceful Mingling of

East and West A young woman’s quest to connect with her heritage and revive its lost arts 勇者不懼 訪「 神韻藝術團 」領舞演員陳美容 Chinese text by Rui Chen | English text by Tara dos Santos | Photography by Hugh Zhao


adeline Lobjois dances elegantly between two cultures. As one of the world’s best classical Chinese dancers, she connects with the long history and rich culture of the Chinese heritage on her mother’s side. But she was also born and raised in France, and her father is French. The influences of East and West mingle and complement each other—in her appearance, disposition, discipline, modesty, and many other characteristics that have led to her success. Her beauty and graceful temperament are immediately apparent. In appearance, she has inherited pleasing features, both Eastern and Western, from her parents. Through years of dance training, she has developed a perfect posture and bearing, bringing the refinement, balance, and poise of her stage performance into her daily life. As a Westerner, she’s direct and frank; as an Easterner, she’s modest and tenacious. She has learned much from both cultures, she says.

初見陳美容的人一定會禁不住讚歎她美麗的容貌和優雅 的氣質。身為中法混血兒的她,擁有一張兼顧東西方審 美 觀 的完美臉龐,還有著多年舞蹈生涯 練 就的完美身 姿。對於自己十幾年的舞齡,陳美容在感慨時光飛逝的 同時,也表達了自己對舞蹈藝術由衷地熱愛之情: 「 我真 的喜歡跳舞,我希望自己能一直從事這項事業。」 走過十年 陳美容生長在法國,父親是法國人,母親是中國人,中西 合璧的家庭環境,讓美容的生活交織在東、西兩種文化 之中。她能流利地講法語、漢語和英語三種語言,性格上 則有著西方人的率直果敢和東方人的謙虛堅韌。「 可能 是媽媽對我的影響更大一些吧!我還是感覺自己更像中 國人。媽媽比西方的父母要嚴厲,不會給我太多的稱讚, 這讓我從小更懂得謙虛,不會覺得自己有甚麼了不起。在 我來到紐約生活、學習之後,這種品格幫助我很多。」 美容說自己從小活潑好動,特別喜歡體育活動。「 我 從小膽子就很大。有次去公園玩,在一個很高的遊樂設 施上,有人問誰敢跳下去,別人都不敢,我毫不猶豫就跳 下去了。我還敢站在飛馳的自行車上。」


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“My mom has probably had more influence on me, so I feel I’m more like a Chinese person. My mom is more stern than Western parents. She wouldn’t praise me too much, which has taught me to be humble since childhood,” Lobjois says. “So I don’t feel that I’m anything significant. This kind of personality has helped me a lot since I came to study and live in New York.” It was in 2007 that Lobjois first encountered Shen Yun, the New York-based performance company that would become her mission and her passion. She watched a Shen Yun performance in Paris with her parents. It was the first time she had the chance to see classical Chinese dance. “I felt that the dancers on the stage were particularly beautiful. One of my mom’s friends said I was well-suited for dancing, so I decided to apply for it.” She applied to Fei Tian Academy of the Arts in New York, where she learned classical Chinese dance and soon began performing for Shen Yun. At first, her mother was not really passionate about her daughter’s decision. “She was probably thinking about how I had never left France before, and was probably worried about my going that far away.” But Lobjois has always been a little daring. She was a lively and active child, who especially liked sports. “I’ve been bold since I was young,” Lobjois says. “Once when I was at a playground with other kids, we were high up on the jungle gym when someone asked which of us dared to jump down. No one else dared to, but I jumped without hesitation. I also dared to stand on a bike seat while going full speed.” Her dauntless spirit would help her in the decade to follow. She was a young woman living away from home, enduring the pain and hardship required to train to a high standard of dancing perfection. Yet she and the other dancers did so happily, Lobjois says, because they feel strongly about Shen Yun’s mission. Many dancers had gathered from around the world with a common wish—they wanted to be part of Shen Yun’s revival of authentic Chinese culture and share it with the world. This culture, which has a history of

2007 年,美容隨父母觀賞了神韻藝術團在巴黎的 演出,這讓自幼生長在海外的她第一次有機會看到了中 國古典舞。「 我當時就覺得舞臺上的演員特別美,媽媽的 一位朋友又說我的條件特別適合跳舞,我就決定去報名 試一下。」 誰曾想,美容這一去紐約就是十年。在這十年裏她 逐漸成長為了一名世界頂級中國古典舞舞蹈演員,同時也 見證了神韻藝術團的巨大變化和成長。美容告訴我們, 她剛來時,已經有許多來自世界各地的藝術家們匯聚在 了「 神韻 」,大家都有一個共同的願望:想復興真正的中 國神傳文化,並傳播到全世界。這是一項格外有意義和 神聖的使命,因為在過去六十年裏,中共政權幾乎已經 將這些珍貴的傳統文化摧毀殆盡,只有身在海外的他們 才有機會在自由的社會裏,進行這樣不受中共幹擾的純 淨的藝術創作。 如今,神韻藝術團早已成長為世界最頂級的專業藝 術團體,每年在世界各地巡演的演出團,從最初的一個, 增加到瞭如今的五個。每個團都配備有現場伴奏的交響 樂團。看到「 神韻 」如今的發展,作為團體中資歷最老的 成員之一,美容感到無比欣慰。「 有時,我在臺上跳舞時, 會往周圍看一下,覺得身邊的演員都像是我的小妹妹。看 到她們就像是看到了未來的希望。身為老成員,我們要儘 量把積累的技巧和經驗傳遞下去。」 勇於擔當 「 我自己本來就有一個妹妹,在我十一、二歲的時候,媽 媽工作特別忙,我就要負責照顧妹妹。也許是習慣了吧, 我真心很喜歡照顧別人。」選擇照顧別人,往往意味著要 付出更多。「 跳舞的同時,我還做過許多其它的工作。比 如當一個演出團的隊長,當指導老師等等。每做一個全 新的工作,我總是會學到很多新東西,也感覺自己在這過 程中越來越成熟。」當我們問起美容在繁忙的排練和巡 演中,還要做額外的工作,是否曾感到抗拒和疲憊時, 她卻很開心地說: 「 沒有的,我喜歡去管事。我曾認為事 情做的越多就是能負責、有擔當的表現,但隨著年齡和 閱歷的增長,我越來越發現,負責任不是看能做多少事, 而是在做事過程中的選擇。是否考慮到了別人的需求? 別人是怎麼想的?這樣做,別人能承受嗎?這種對他人 的理解和照顧才是真正的成熟,真正的有擔當。」 除了待人接物和處理事物方面的成長,身為舞蹈演 員的美容,自然對自己在舞蹈藝術上的提升感到很開心。


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Lobjois grew up in France, but always felt deeply connected to her Chinese heritage, a connection that would lead her on a bold journey far from home. 陳美容至今已經連續十年參加美 國神韻藝術團的全球巡演,見證 了藝術團從成立之初到如今發 展壯大、享譽全球的全過程。


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Classical Chinese dance emphasizes the expression of a dancer's inner spirit, encouraging dancers like Lobjois to continually improve their hearts and minds. 中國古典舞需要舞蹈演員 不斷修煉自己的內心,由 內而外地提升自己的舞蹈 技藝和藝術造詣。


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about 5,000 years, is believed to be divinely inspired. The Chinese communist regime has all but destroyed this heritage since the Cultural Revolution began in the 1960s. Because of this suppression, it was actually easier for Lobjois to encounter true Chinese culture in France (where she was able to see Shen Yun) than in China (where Shen Yun is banned). The spiritual roots of the culture are essential to the dancers. Even the name Shen Yun means “the beauty of divine beings dancing.” The expression of the dancer’s inner spirit, called bearing, is important in classical Chinese dance. Shen Yun Performing Arts started only one year before Lobjois joined, and she has watched it expand and become a top performance company globally. It started with one dance company in 2006 and now has five companies, each touring the world. Every company also features a live symphony orchestra. Like Lobjois, the orchestras are a mix of Chinese and Western elements. Ancient Chinese melodies and instruments, such as the two-stringed erhu, combine with the grandeur of the Western symphony. As one of the most veteran members in Shen Yun, Lobjois feels great pride and hope. “Sometimes when I dance on the stage, I look around and I feel like all the dancers around me are like my younger sisters. Seeing them is like seeing the future hope of Shen Yun. As one of the veteran members, we all try our best to pass on the skills and experiences we’ve accumulated.” Maybe it’s because Lobjois has a younger sister that she is well-suited to playing the role of a big sister to her fellow dancers. “When I was 11 or 12, my mom was very busy at work, so I had to take care of my sister, like making simple meals for her. Perhaps I'm used to it, so I really like to take care of others.” Helping other dancers and working as an instructor at Fei Tian has enriched her dancing experience. As Shen Yun has grown, so have Lobjois’ skills as a dancer. “I’ve been a person who loves to learn since I was young,” she says. “I think it’s probably one of the reasons classical Chinese dance attracts me. It’s really rich. There’s always something we need to learn, and there is no limit for improvement.”

「 我從小就愛學習,喜歡去學校聽老師講一些之前不知道 的東西,覺得很新鮮,很有趣。我想這也是中國古典舞 吸引我的一個原因吧!她的內涵真的是太豐富,永遠都有 需要學習的東西,提升的空間是沒有極限的。」美容舉例 說: 「 任何一個舞蹈動作都會有一個發力點,動作就是從 那裏開始的。我十幾年跳下來,這個發力點一直在發生 變化。最初,我關注的是自己手的動作,覺得把手的動作 做好了,就會出來中國古典舞的那種韻味。後來發現只 是手還不夠,要從手腕開始發力,再是小臂,整條手臂, 然後延伸到肩膀。每次發力點延長一些,動作就會多出 許多變化,需要再去反復揣摩和練習。」 「 學 習舞 蹈 是要 有那份 熱 情 的,腦 子中要 時 時刻 刻去思考,儘量賦予每一個動作更多的內容和含義。」 美容說。 許多看過美容現場表演的觀眾,都對她在舞劇中表 現出的出色的角色塑造能力讚歎不已。 2014 年巡演中, 美容在舞劇《金猴除蟾妖》中扮演一位公主。這個故事取 材自《西遊記》:妖怪擄走了公主,假扮成公主的樣子想 對唐僧不利。真假公主前後的正邪變化,妖怪在被孫悟 空識破時的驚慌失措,都被美容演繹得活靈活現。 2016 年,美容出演了舞劇《嫦娥奔月》中的嫦娥。從開始與丈 夫后羿間的幸福恩愛,到後來喝下仙藥不得不夫妻天人 永隔的悲傷,都在美容精湛舞姿和生動表情的演繹下格 外引人入勝。說到自己為甚麼如此擅長塑造角色,美容 笑著說: 「 我想這恐怕是我身上那一半西方血統的功勞。 西方人表現自己的情緒會比較直白,生氣了能看出來,高 興了也能看出來。我平日就是個情緒比較外露的人,舞臺 上,我只要讓自己進入那個角色,就很自然演出來了。」 但美容又強調,中國古典舞的表演還是要有中國的 特點。「 我曾看過一位西方長大的演員表演中國古典舞, 她的情緒表達得很清楚,但一看就是西方人表達情緒的 方式,不是中國的。這就是中國古典舞的韻味,來自中華 五千年文化的積澱,帶有濃鬱的民族特色。有時很難用 語言來表達,但只要身上流淌著這樣的血脈,那就自然會 有,只是需要通過訓練來學會把它釋放和表現出來。這 是我們『 神韻 』想要展現和表達給世界各地觀眾的,是真 正正統的中國文化。」 東方與西方 自幼生長在西方文化的鼎盛之地法國,後又沉浸在中國 傳統文化中長達十年,說到東西方文化間的差異,美容 感觸頗多。「 簡單說來,西方人像是生活在一個方框裏, 甚麼事都比較循規蹈矩;東方人就是一個圓,處理問題 比較靈活。」美容說,自己回法國休假時,有一天想出去


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While flips and spins are an exciting and impressive part of classical Chinese dance, it is also richly expressive in its most minute gestures. Lobjois gave an example of the thought that goes into the movements. “Every dance movement will have a starting point from which to exert the strength. The movement starts from that point. I’ve danced for more than 10 years, and the starting points keep changing.” “At first what we paid attention to most was the movements of our hands,” she says. “Then we found that only using our hands as the starting point is not enough; the starting point should be from the wrist, then the forearms, and the whole arms, and then extending to the shoulders. Every time when we extend a bit of the starting point, many more changes can be added to the movements. Then we have to repeatedly think about it and practice.” The different roles Lobjois plays on stage also give her an ever-deepening appreciation of Chinese culture through its legends. Shen Yun creates a whole new performance each year, featuring dance dramas and dances from China’s many different ethnic groups. During Shen Yun’s 2014 tour, Lobjois played a princess in the dance drama The Monkey King Thwarts the Evil Toad. The story is from the Chinese classical novel Journey to the West. The princess is kidnapped by an evil toad who then disguises himself as the princess to do harm to others. Lobjois was able to portray both good and evil in the same character, playing both the real and fake princesses. In 2016, she played Chang’e in the dance drama The Lady of the Moon. With her vivid expressions and soulful dance, she portrayed Chang’e, who was distraught after drinking an elixir of immortality that carried her to the moon, separating her from her beloved husband. Reflecting on what characteristics help her portray these characters, Lobjois says, “I think it’s probably due to my Western heritage.” “Western people are more straightforward in expressing their emotions,” she says. “You can easily tell whether they are angry or happy. I am not used to concealing my emotions in daily life, so when I am on

買甜點吃,結果奶奶不讓她去,說那個時間不是吃甜點 的時候,是不可能買到的。 每天只能在固定的時間吃甜點,在中國人眼中可能 顯得太「 僵化 」了些。不過,在凡事注重規則和儀式感的 西方人心中,這是很合理的事情。在舞蹈藝術中,這種東 西方的差異也同樣存在。例如:中國古典舞和西方的芭蕾 之間也有著類似的差異。「 中國古典舞動作都是很圓轉 的,有種流動感;西方的芭蕾舞動作就更直線一些,很 嚴謹準確。」 美容為我們講解了一個具體的動作。中國古典舞中 有一個叫做「 斜探海 」的動作和芭蕾中的動作「 阿蒂迪 德 」(Attitude) 非常相似。同樣是一條腿向身後抬起, 一手平舉,一手抬高。芭蕾會注重動作完成得準確到位, 姿態優雅舒展,頭部端正,目光平視;中國古典舞則更注 重演員要做出那種自然的韻味,頭部微微低垂,眼睛看 向斜下方,胳膊、腿和手型都會添加一些微妙的小變化, 為的是用這些細節表現出女性那種略帶內斂與羞澀的意 境。這種擰、傾、圓、曲的韻味,以神領形,以形傳神, 和中華文化含蓄圓轉、陰陽不息的理念暗合,也正是中 國古典舞的靈魂所在。 採訪結束時,陳美容告訴我們,在 2018 年的全球 巡演中,她除了擔任主要舞蹈演員,還擔當起了巡迴經理 的職務,負責協調團隊在巡演期間的相關事務。對於這 份新責任,美容還是一如既往地充滿了信心和熱情。「 我 是個來甚麼做甚麼的人,就是著眼當下,把每一件手頭 的事情做好。往往越是不想那麼多,過程中也就沒有那 麼多負擔,事情反倒進展得比較順利。希望今年的巡演也 會像之前一樣圓滿成功!」

the stage, I can naturally play the role as long as I enter the role.” However, Lobjois stresses that performing classical Chinese dance also requires traditional Chinese characteristics. “I’ve seen a dancer who grew up in Western society. When she dances classical Chinese dance, she can clearly express her emotions, but you can tell at one glance that it’s the way Westerners express their emotions, not Chinese people.” The rich ethnic characteristics formed by thousands of years are hard to express with language or to develop intentionally, Lobjois says. “But if you’re of Chinese descent, you will naturally have it. You only need to


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Lobjois has learned to appreciate the rich expressiveness of classical Chinese dance as she portrays the strong emotions of her characters—from heavenly bliss to tragedy in the varied legends Shen Yun brings to the stage.

神韻藝術團的舞劇皆取材 自中國的歷史故事和傳說, 陳美容通過中國古典舞豐 富的表現力,在舞臺上為觀 眾們活靈活現地呈現出不 同角色的性格特點。


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learn to release it and represent it through training. It is also what Shen Yun wants to represent and express to all audiences around the world. It’s a big part of the authentic and orthodox Chinese culture.” She elaborated on her perspective of Western and Eastern culture: “To put it simply, Western people are living in a kind of square frame. They tend to follow rules more. Eastern people are like a circle. They are more flexible in dealing with things.” Lobjois remembers, for example, one time she had wanted to get some dessert, but her French grandmother wouldn’t let her. It wasn’t the right time for eating dessert.

From the Western perspective, one should only eat dessert at a certain time. This seems too rigid for the Chinese people, Lobjois says, but it is quite reasonable for Westerners, who have more rules and rituals. In the art of dance, there are also differences between East and West. Lobjois compares the Western ballet with classical Chinese dance. “The movements in classical Chinese dance are quite round, having a kind of fluid feeling, but the movements of ballet are more straight and more precise.” Lobjois gives the example of a movement in classical Chinese dance called Xie Tan Hai ( 斜 探 海 ), which looks like a movement in ballet, Attitude. The move-


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Lobjois dances buoyantly as she plays Chang'e in The Lady of the Moon; it's a Chinese legend that starts with love and excitement, but ends in sorrow as Chang'e drinks an elixir of immortality that separates her forever from her husband.

陳美容在2016年「神韻」 舞劇《嫦娥奔月》中飾演 嫦娥。

ments both involve raising one leg to the back, one arm rising horizontally, and the other arm held high. In ballet, the emphasis is on precision of posture; the gesture is graceful and stretched, the dancer’s head is upright, and the gaze is directed into the distance. In classical Chinese dance, the emphasis is on making the movements look natural. The dancer’s head is inclined slightly toward the ground. Her arms, legs, and hands are subtly gestured to express the introverted and shy personality of traditional Chinese women. The postures are rounded, curving, to match the circular, infinite harmony of Yin and Yang in tradi-

tional Chinese culture, which is also part of the soul of classical Chinese dance. Lobjois remains full of confidence and passion as she strives to ever greater heights with Shen Yun. There are many challenges living on the road while touring and giving her all to each performance, but Lobjois has a good philosophy on life. “I’m a person who will do whatever comes to me. I only focus on the moment and do well everything at hand. Oftentimes, the less you are worried, the fewer burdens you will have in the process, and things will progress more smoothly. I hope this year’s tour will be as successful as in the past.”


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Niki and Shaokao Cheng, owners of three Calligaris stores and one multiline M Collection store in New York City, and the first to bring Camerich to New York city. (Courtesy of Xuehui Zhang)


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The Design Entrepreneur on Growth and Change 華裔伉儷打造家居世界 English text by Jenny Zhi | Chinese text by Yi-Chun Lin


here’s no place like home—this is the core of Niki Cheng’s business strategy and philosophy. And as the owner of three Calligaris stores and one multiline M Collection store in New York City, as well as being the first to bring Camerich to the city, Niki makes sure it comes across in her showrooms. “A piece of furniture that you bring into your home will be there for years. That is a part of you,” says Niki. “So when I sell, I don’t want to sell a piece of furniture; I want to sell a home.” Niki has kept this concept in mind since opening her first furniture store with her husband, Shaokao Cheng, in 2003. A decade and a half later, the couple is well-known for successfully building their presence in the New York City furniture market “from nothing to something.”

在 紐約曼哈頓的家居零售行業,張迪惠(Niki Cheng) 和程紹杲(Shaokao Cheng)這對華人伉儷可謂「 大名 鼎鼎」。 15年前,他們慧眼獨具,將當時對紐約人來說 很陌生的丹麥家居品牌「 北歐櫥窗」 (BoConcept)引 入曼哈頓,進而將其打造 成為聞名紐 約的現代家居翹 楚。 2017年底,他們將航向一轉,重新啟航,不再眷戀 熟悉的品牌,另尋經營方向。 對 Niki 而言, 「 家 」是有別於任何地方的獨特存在, 正因如此,她的經營策略與理念始終環繞著「 提供美好家 居生活」而行。不論是惜日相伴十餘年的「 北歐櫥窗」, 或是眼下三家意大利家具第一品牌 Calligaris 的代理門 市與多元展場 M Collection,Niki 與最佳搭檔—夫婿紹 杲,堅持初衷,希望每位顧客從店裡離開時,帶走的不 是無機的配件,而是「 家 」的一部分,共同細水長流。 萬丈高樓平地起 Niki是土生土長的華裔馬來西亞人,年輕時為了求學與

FIRST STEPS Niki was born and raised in Malaysia and came to the United States on a student visa. After working and thriving at a furniture store, Niki found that her

未來發展,申請學生簽證來到民族大熔爐的美國。畢業 後,Niki先在家具店打拚,經過許多磨練,她意識到自己 在銷售上具有天分。因此,當Niki與先生察覺那時的消費 環境需要的是「 惠而不費」的家居精品時,他們試著接觸


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talent was in sales. So, when she and her husband felt the market needed more affordable, quality furniture, they decided to partner with BoConcept, a young but stylish Danish furniture company with a weak international presence, and develop the brand’s presence in New York City. “We thought, even if it doesn’t work, we need to try everything,” Niki recalls. “There is no limit in business, in how you become a cook, how you become a mom, how you become anything.” Niki and her husband, at that point in their late 20s, applied this energy to their work and became a reputable name in the New York City furniture sphere. Sitting in her Chelsea Calligaris store, Niki reminisces about the start of her business journey and laughs. “We were so naive. All we thought about was having a beautiful showroom. We didn’t even think about needing to do delivery.” But the couple pushed through and made it work. And now, Niki’s clean and impressive store, the culmination of years of hard work, reveals little of their struggle to get to this point. But Niki remembers how tough the beginning was for her and her husband. “We made many mistakes together, but we learn from the mistakes.” To the couple, this process of constant growth is the very essence of running a business. Even with their current success, staying stagnant is never an option. “I want the brand we represent to grow with us,” Niki insists.

「 北歐櫥窗」。從那之後,一個當年在美國默默無名的丹 麥品牌便成為夫妻倆從事家飾精品代理生涯的起點。 回首那段甘苦相伴的開拓時光,Niki 有感而發: 「我 們那時候就感到,這生意不論如何,也得試過才知道。 因為創業沒有任何限制,就像沒有人能說你適不適合當 廚師、媽媽,或其他未知而陌生的領域。」思及至此,她 停頓了一下,又接著強調: 「 我真的覺得,沒有什麼可以 限制人的潛能。」Niki 與紹杲年屆「 奔三 」時,投注大量 心力於「 北歐櫥窗」,讓其從默默無名成為名揚紐約的 現代家居品牌。 坐在雀兒喜店的一角,Niki 與《時尚精英》雜誌重新 談起 2017 年底開始的旅程與笑淚交織。 「 我們那時很天 真,想的只是有個漂亮的展示空間,連最基本的物流程 序都沒想過!」天道酬勤,他們倆兢兢業業,總算達成目 標。Niki 親手設計打造的幾家曼哈頓門店,流露出大器 的名流風範,成為紐約客打造現代家居的靈感源泉和淘 寶聖地。 Niki 與紹杲的事業,運作得風生水起,一切看似容 易,其實都是在錯誤中咬著牙熬過來的。Niki 說: 「 我和 先生常常失誤,但也一起從中成長。」他們攜手走過了 「北 歐櫥窗」的 14 年事業起伏,共同呵護著一對可愛兒女, 在同行的關注下,勇敢另開新局,Niki 信誓旦旦說道: 「我 們接著想和新代理的品牌彼此扶持、成長。」 力求完美 再次出發 2017年底離開代理14年的「 北歐櫥窗」,Niki與紹杲另 起東山,轉而代理意大利經典家居品牌Calligaris。 這一轉變讓 Niki 覺得彷彿回到創業之初,她說: 「我 們在 2017 年底又重新從一樓開始爬起了。」談笑之外,

BACK TO SQUARE ONE Despite Niki’s renown for successfully developing BoConcept in New York City, she and her husband decided to transition away from the brand to Calligaris at the end of 2017. Calligaris is a 95-year-old Italian brand that, according to Niki, offers high quality and sophisticated luxury furniture at an affordable price point. To Niki, this translates into the opportunity to represent a brand that is a better fit for the New York lifestyle.

Niki 與紹杲獨自承擔了金錢和時間損失以及無人理解的 情緒壓力。 但是,有別於 14 年前的初生之犢,兩人已能成熟的 對待眼前考驗,20 多年的經商之路讓夫妻倆更了解家居 精品業的生態,尤其是競爭激烈的紐約市。在我們面前, 胸有成竹的 Niki 展現出 20 歲年輕人還不能勝任的自信 與沉著,她說: 「 如果我們當初能使一個名不見經傳的品 牌從無到有在紐約立足,那麼現在也能使 Calligaris 這 一意大利品牌在紐約更為耀眼。」


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Niki Cheng (right) and Pettie Chong, Niki’s younger sister and sales director of their business. (Courtesy of Xuehui Zhang)

Speaking of the switch, Niki relates it back to her first steps a decade and a half ago. “Switching a brand is like starting a new business. We went back to square one last year.” And there were challenges: In switching over to Calligaris, Niki and her husband suffered monetary loss, put in increased working hours, and experienced intense emotional stress. This time, however, Niki was older and wiser. Almost two decades of experience has taught her how business—and business in New York City, in particular—works. With this knowledge under her belt,

是「 家 」而不是「 房子」 看著Niki篤定的眼神,令人不禁好奇: 「 到底什麼是成功 的祕訣?」她給了我們一個溫暖而用心的回應: 「 你需要 體貼每一位顧客的生活方式,才能幫他們打造舒適的家 居生活。」她說自己經常穿梭在紐約各家門市,為了符合 當地顧客的生活方式和設計需求,她在每一個門市的展 覽設計上都下足了功夫,比如蘇活區的家居展示廳有著 開放的空間、挑高的天花板跟大窗戶,從而這個潮流社 區的「Loft Style」相呼應。這是因為Niki希望每一個展 示廳,都能符合當地生活方式的需求,給人們提供實際 而貼切的設計靈感。


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she is tackling the challenges of starting over with a confidence she didn’t have in her 20s: “If I could build BoConcept, which was nothing, to something, I can also build Calligaris, which is already something, to something bigger.” In addition, the switch allowed Niki to finally curate her own collections with other brands (for example, the Camerich brand, which is housed inside her Chelsea Calligaris store), something she wasn’t able to do with her previous partnership. For her, this means being able to inject her own creative inclinations, which have matured over the years into a classic yet contemporary style, into her showrooms; for her customers, this provides a wider selection of stylish, quality, yet affordable furniture. With all things considered, Niki believes the switch was the right choice. A HOUSE IS NOT A HOME The secret to Niki’s astounding success? “No matter who, you have to find out what their lifestyle is to make them a comfortable home.” These words manifest in a heartwarming attention to detail. As she mentally walks through her New York City stores, Niki points out nuances of the different lifestyles displayed in her various showrooms: The SoHo store has a lofted style, while the one in the Upper East Side reflects the sectioned living of the neighborhood’s residents. “Every showroom caters to the lifestyle of the neighborhood,” Niki explains. “You want the showroom to be relatable before you sell.” Relating to the customer is a cornerstone of Niki’s business. One piece of advice she gives to her sales staff: “Sell things with your heart. Really mean it.

從這些細節可見 Niki 夫妻倆的經營基石——將心比 心。他們告訴店內銷售員: 「 要用『 心』做買賣。當你由衷 真誠地對待客人,他們就能感受到其中的誠意,就會願 意相信你。」就是這顆真心帶著他們倆一路在紐約闖出 一片天。 「 在這裡,很多大品牌是由多位合夥人共同經營, 但這幾間店只有我跟紹稾一起經營,我們相當重視顧客 的感受,這就是為何我們能在家飾精品業這種非民生必 需品的高難度市場運作至今的祕訣。」 除了符合生活方式以外,Niki 最終想帶給顧客什麼 樣的商品?她笑了笑並拍了一下正坐著的沙發,說道: 「家 飾是讓家之所以為『 家 』的特殊部分。讓客人能在享受美 好的家居生活之際,不需擔心驚人的費用,這就是我的 經營目標。」

Deliver this kind of message, so that people can trust you.” According to Niki, this customer-first attitude is her edge in the business, and it has contributed to her success in New York City. “Here, all the big brands are owned by corporations. Our stores are owned only by Shaokao and me. We try to be in touch with the clients; that’s how we can remain in this retail industry,” she says. When asked what she wants to bring to a client’s life, Niki smiles and pats the sofa she’s sitting on. “Furniture is an aspect of making a home a home. Enjoying the home without having to pay too much—I want to bring that to people.” Right page: Calligaris is a 95-year-old Italian brand that offers high quality and sophisticated luxury furniture at an affordable price point. To Niki, this translates into the opportunity for her to represent a brand that is a better fit for the New York lifestyle. (Courtesy of Calligaris)


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EVERYDAY VIRTUOSITY A quintessentially Southern California manse is artistically reimagined for the director of the J. Paul Getty Museum 翻轉住宅 新地中海式藝術之家 English text by Ana Lyons | Chinese text by Ada Tian Photography by Tim Street-Porter │57

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Neo-Mediterranean home in Santa Monica, California, was custom renovated for Dr. Michael Brand, the former director of the illustrious J. Paul Getty Museum. He and his wife are avid art collectors and jet-set travelers. The Brands asked Los Angeles-based Tichenor & Thorp Architects to renovate the house, add features to suit the couple’s extensive collections, and create a space for grand gatherings of Getty Museum patrons and internationally renowned artists. The living room presented a special challenge to the designers since the couple brought with them a variety of “must-use” pieces, such as the American Chippendale black and white sofas that were given to them by the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts where Dr. Brand was the previous director. Other pieces the designers needed to consider were the Noguchi table and Josef Hoffmann chairs, both from the Gettys’ own collection. The chairs were reupholstered to fit the Spanish-style theme. How did the designers combine such lively colors and patterns so successfully? By following a few simple rules. “First,” they began, “decide which are the key pieces for the room. Those will underpin the rest of your choices. Keeping the color palette limited, tie other elements into the room by using the key piece’s ‘base’ colors.” Here, the sofas held the key to what the rest of the room was going to look like. Black, white, and cream were repeated around the space, which allowed the designers to vary patterns but keep the look cohesive. Note the black edging on the carpet, in the Noguchi table base, and in the edging on the Andalusian tile on the fireplace. Now the groundwork was laid for adding even more patterns and variety, but the designers were careful not to select patterns that are all the same scale. “Think of different-sized patterns like punctuation,” they suggested. The small repeating details in the mirror provide welcome contrast to the large chevron

位於加州聖莫尼卡的一座新地中海式建築,經過翻修, 成為邁克爾 · 布蘭德博士(Dr. Michael Brand)的新宅 邸。著名的蓋蒂博物館 (J. Paul Getty Museum) 前館 長布蘭德博士及他的妻子熱愛收藏藝術品並酷愛旅行, 本次委託了洛杉磯的Tichenor&Thorp建築事務所翻修 住宅設計,希望新的住宅可以有更多空間展示豐富的藝 術珍藏,同時增加適宜的聚會空間以招待蓋蒂博物館的 贊助者及藝術家。 本次翻修的住宅總面積為 7,900 平方英呎,室內面 積 4,500 平方英呎,高 16 英呎,室外面積 3,400 平方 英呎,設有泳池、燒烤區、花園和連接室內外的涼廊。 客廳的設計充滿挑戰,因為布蘭德夫婦列出了各種 「 必須使用」的作品,比如美國齊本德爾式黑白沙發、野 口茶几和約瑟夫 · 霍夫曼設計的椅子。建築師萃取這些 家具共有的基礎色彩( 黑色)並將其延伸到其他元素中, 從而統一空間。這樣,在創造視覺凝聚力的同時,建築 師巧妙地平衡了各種跳躍元素。在此基礎上,以紅色、粉 色及其他溫暖色調點綴,帶來溫馨的同時,完整並豐富 了空間的層次。 既有的圓形、豎向空間改為早餐室,同時還肩負「 指 揮中心」 ( 設有辦公桌、電話、電腦)的功能。建築師還 利用空間特點,沿窗設置書架以滿足主人大量的藏書和 家庭紀念品的收納需求。重新考量了儲藏空間、座椅色 彩、窗簾圖案和照明之後,以前那個毫無特點的早餐角 落迅速受到歡迎。蓋蒂博士收藏的圓桌、印有各種圖案 的布藝家具及摩洛哥式的吊燈,悄然展示主人的生活經 歷及對旅行和異國風情的喜愛。 屋外的涼廊作為室內的延伸與通往泳池及花園的過 度空間。涼廊帶有地中海海濱別墅和西班牙殖民風格住 宅的印象,也是一種非常有特色的加州建築類型。軟裝 的面料和用色與室內不斷閃現的粉色呼應,並在這裡一 躍成為耀眼的主角,瞬間擄獲路過這裡的每個人。帶有 現代風格的戶外家具,線條簡潔有力。如有需要,它們可 以便利地移至泳池邊,房門全部打開時,也可迅速重新 擺放位置。這極有效地擴大了室內空間,更為各類聚會 提供了靈活的空間布局。 Tichenor & Thorp Architects, Inc. 建 築 事 務 所 由同為註冊建築師的夫妻以兩人的名字,於 1990 年在


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The J. Paul Getty Museum director’s home is sprinkled with both splendid and subtle reminders of his extensive world travels.


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Top left:A Syrian chair is inlaid with mother-of-pearl and upholstered in luminous, silvery brocade. Top right:A portrait hangs above a mantle in the master suite. The fireplace's surround is adorned with newly installed Andalusian tiles. The lady of the house, Tina Brand, sat for artist Karen Blair. Bottom:Simple silhouettes speak of innocence and inner peace. Rich, artisanal textures add depth of character and never-ending visual interest. Left page:A previously boring breakfast nook became a fast favorite after the designers reimagined the seating, storage, window coverings, and lighting. The table is from J. Paul Getty’s own collection.


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stripes in the chairs, and both vary enough from the pattern in the sofas to avoid being overwhelming. If you’re still stuck with too many choices and needing guidance, “work the patterns around a narrative.” This room reflects the travels of this family: ethnic geometrics interspersed with botanicals. Finally, accent colors finish the space and add dimension. “Reds, pinks, and other warm tones were added here to complement the black, white, and cream,” said the designers. A similar set of guidelines turned a once-tired breakfast nook into an cozy place to talk or read. The space is now an inspiring, lived-in showcase for books, artifacts, and a round table from J. Paul Getty’s personal collection. Built-in seating was added with drawers beneath. Delia shades—solar shades with stenciled patterns—subdue the intense California sunlight and bring in another layer of exotic texture and pattern. Finally, pops of pink silk upholstery offset the blues and greens of a Moroccan lantern. All throughout the home, Tichenor & Thorp created new niches and designed spaces around Dr. Brand’s art and books. The result is a work of art unto itself.

洛杉磯創立,迄今已在全美完成了 350 多個項目。M. Brian Tichenor 和 Raun L. Thorp 均擁有加州大學洛杉 磯分校的建築學碩士學位。Tichenor 除了建築事務所工 作,還在南加州大學建築學院任教,同時也是園林保護協 會的成員。Thorp 除管理事務所的設計及業務發展、運 營 Venue 66 等工作,還是非盈利組織「Big Sunday」 的董事會成員及園林保護協會的成員。 Tichenor&Thorp 建築事務所對建築藝術、建築史 和美國建築項目的各層面都非常了解。事務所擅長以原 創並藝術的方式將住宅、商業設計中的大型建築結構和 周邊景觀完美地融合;巧妙地將傳統的地中海和美國本 土及加州傳統的現代形式建築,轉變為優雅華麗,精緻 實用的建築空間。這些都使事務所在成立初期,便獲得 了廣泛認可。除建築設計,他們同樣擅長歷史保護和修 復,設計範圍亦涵蓋室內設計。

Top:Museum director Dr. Brand had a pool installed to allow for quick dips on hot days. Beautiful, simple details around the property delight the art world’s elite during exclusive Getty Museum gatherings. Right page:The home's loggia bridges North African and old Hollywood glamour as well as it bridges indoors and out. Curtain walls, outdoor furniture with modern silhouettes, and Moroccan decor make this space an instant hit.


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Decorators on Display at the 2018 Kips Bay Show House 名家雲集 紐約設計奇幻世界


English text by Fenzhi Zhang and Ana Lyons | Chinese text by Fenzhi Zhang

In this playfully grown-up living room, designer Barbara Ostrom set in motion a kinetic balance of old and new, classical and modern, luxurious and lived-in. She transports guests to an avid art collector’s library, and crowns it with a ceiling inspired by Frank Stella’s minimalist paintings.

COLOR YOUR DREAMS Each spring, design lovers f lock to a townhouse in New York’s Upper East Side to behold the annual Kips Bay Decorator Show House, open to the public until May 31, 2018. Vivacious, glamorous colorways are one of the strongest trends emerging from the event.

5月1日至5月31日,紐 約上東區一座價值5,100萬美元的 聯排別墅變身為一個設計奇幻世界,並對外開放。這裡 就是Kips Bay Decorator Show House,今夏 紐 約最 讓人興奮的設計盛事。 22位頂級設計師的創意作品在這 裡集聚一堂,展示著2018年室內設計的潮流。亮色便是 其中一項非常顯著的趨勢。


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Top left and bottom right: Sasha Bikoff imagines what Alice from Alice in Wonderland would have experienced had she fallen down the rabbit hole in the early 1980s world of Memphis design. Top right: This enticingly draped and tented room, inspired by ancient Greek modes of travel, is designed by Alexa Hampton. She created an inspiring space by using touches of rose and an abundance of neoclassical elements. Bottom left: Designer Katie Ridder fashioned this elegant guest bedroom. Coral walls and red-stenciled borders reach into mid-century design and into girlhood memories to assemble a slightly familiar and sophisticatedly fresh place to relax and dream.


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THE SKY’S NOT THE LIMIT The pairing of blue and green often proves too tricky for us simple creatures, but Mother Nature has it down to an around-the-globe art form. These designers show us how it’s done, and they show off the timelessness of erudite blue and white while they’re at it.

如果要打造一個舒適宜人的生活空間,藍色、白色和綠 色仍是最佳的顏色組合。在這次設計展中,設計師Mark D. Sikes和Michael Herold同時運用了以歷史景觀為畫 面的牆紙,其主色調分別為藍白或綠白。


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Top: A wall covering inspired by 17th-century Poussin landscape paintings transports the Kips Bay Show House foyer to another time. Designer Michael Herold created quite the impressive welcome for visitors, and added whimsy by way of striped seating and an Alexander McQueen butterfly-motif rug. Left page and bottom: Mark D. Sikes created a magnificent boudoir with foyer and ensuite to nurture a princess’s imagination and intelligence. Delicate decor items, like custom Gracie wall covering, porcelain flowers, paintings, and chinoiseries, fill this space with reflective, youthful beauty.


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MIDAS TOUCH If you've dreamed of living amid luxurious modernity, these glamorous dream-come-true spaces will inspire. Their interplay of golden accents with bronze, copper, and rose gold finishes stand out in their composed way against neutrals, blacks, and whites. Hello substance, sophistication, and magic.

金黃色自帶一種古典、高貴和神祕的氣韻,可以在彰顯屋 主品味和地位的同時,營造出一種奢華和優雅的居家風 範。結合白色、黑色和粉色等,金黃色亦可打造舒適與休 閒的生活空間。


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Top left: By using a palette of blush, gold, and black, and by layering smooth, unrelenting textures, designer Stefan Steil created this unmissable entryway. Top right: British designer Clive Christian transformed the Kips Bay Show House kitchen into a decidedly sumptuous space, with details like a marquetry hood, Baccarat crystal lighting, and Dacor appliances. Bottom left: The dressing room and master bathroom by Marcia Tucker Interiors feature rose gold finishes and wood walls, which accentuate the warm and calming atmosphere. Bottom right: Designer Wesley Moon created a contemporary version of a Gilded Age butler's pantry. The wall covering is inspired by the medieval hymnals in the archives of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Left page: The Drake/Anderson design firm glorified this salon with deep-gold walls, achieved with upholstery by Jouffre and hand-sewn beads by Ankasa. With gold as the dominating hue rather than as mere accent, this grand room is luxurious, refined, and a touch unexpected.


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FORM AND FUNCTION Interior designer Bennett Leifer on designing his 1,000-square-foot apartment in Manhattan

不羈的優雅:設計師的私宅計畫 English text by Jenny Zhi | Chinese text by Yi-Chun Lin and Fenzhi Zhang Photography by Marco Ricca


hen Bennet t L eifer began to think about the design of his 1,000-squarefoot apartment in Manhattan’s Gramercy Park, the interior designer of the New Yorkbased design firm Bennett Leifer Interiors saw it as “the chance to work without restriction.” Walking through the small apartment and witnessing the end result situated so naturally and elegantly within is akin to taking an intimate look into Bennett’s unrestrainedly personal design philosophy: “Always keep both form and function in mind.” The first concept of form manifests in Bennett’s apartment as beauty and expression of personal style. “I like to think of my apartment as a jewel box of my favorite colors, artists, materials, and forms,” he explains, and this is evident in the elements in his apartment. A de Gournay screen, playfully adorned with palm leaves, stands in the living room, complementing modern art collectibles from David Goldes, Damien Hirst, Minjung Kim, and James Nares. All-white walls, accented by the dramatic dark brown of the wood floors, display Bennett’s art collection of serene landscapes and family members. Bennett’s apartment and the unique elements within, which reflect a clean neoclassical style, is a source of visual and emotional happiness.

對 於Bennett Leifer而 言, 替自己 的 公寓 進 行 室 內 設 計,是一次十分難能可貴且 「 不設限 」的設計機會。 位於曼哈頓格萊梅西公園的這間公寓面積不大,僅 有 1,000 平方英呎。如何打造既私密又可待客聚會的多 元空間?滿足對空間的「 功能性 」要求外,又如何把個人 喜好和設計風格貫穿其中,營造有格調的生活氛圍呢? Bennett 深知,只有保證空間變化的彈性,才能在 小戶型內實現諸多功能。首先,他將客廳打造成可供休 息娛樂的休閒區。客廳中心選用了適合兩、三個人圍坐 的小型沙發和座椅,在人少的情況下,這裡便是舒適的 私密談話區。與之相連的餐廳,可以作為客廳的延展, 提 供更多的就 坐區域。餐廳 的座椅 也可以 隨時 拿到客 廳,將沙發區域轉變為眾人娛樂聚會的中心。經典的天 鵝 絨 布料是 Bennett 的最愛,因此,他客廳 的沙 發和 座椅都採用了深色的天鵝絨緞面布料。天鵝絨本身優雅 深沉的質感,與深栗色的木質地板相呼應,為客廳營造 出一種整體的知性氛圍。 門廳處,黑紫相間的地毯是 Bennett 十分鍾愛的 設 計單 品。以 地 毯 為出發 點,Bennett 配 置了門 廳 牆 上的藝術品與之呼應。「 綠色植物風 」亦是 Bennett 最 喜愛的設計風格之一,為了將這一喜好帶入自己的家, Bennett 選用了 de Gournay 一款畫滿棕 梠樹葉的屏

Right page:The rich greens of Bennett’s palm leaf de Gournay screen complement the purple tones in the carpet of his apartment’s foyer.


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Top and bottom left:Bennett showcases multiple pieces of art in his apartment, which are highlighted by all-white walls. Bottom right:A living space that branches off from the apartment’s central reception area. This branching layout of the apartment has allowed Bennett to carefully define each space.


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Next, Bennett considers the lifestyle he wants his apartment to complement. This is where function, the second part of his design philosophy, comes into play. Flexibility is key, especially in an apartment of this size, and many of its elements, as well as their layout, serve multiple purposes. For example, the living room seating area is centralized and cozy, and is suitable for intimate conversations; yet, it is also situated near the dining table, from which chairs can be borrowed to create an environment for larger groups. “I thought to myself, ‘how do I want to live in this room?’” Bennett explains. With this design, he can envision experiencing quiet moments and enjoying larger-scale entertainment in the same space. And how to tie all of this together? “Draw from a certain point and stay the course,” Bennett suggests. He started with his own apartment in the grand foyer, adorning it with a black-and-purple carpet and complementing the purple tones with rich greens. From there, he took advantage of the logical branching of rooms from the central reception area to further define and focus each of the spaces.

風。屏風強烈而奪目的金綠色熱帶風格,成為整個公寓 的亮點。這種「 以點帶面 」的設計方式,讓 Bennett 成 功地將自己喜愛的諸多元素統一到這個小小的一千英呎 公寓內。從天鵝絨新古典主義沙發、線條流暢簡潔的現 代桌椅、絲製地毯、大理石櫃面到現代藝術作品,公寓 內的一切都顯得格調鮮明,卻又和諧共處。 黑、白兩色將廚房的地板、櫥櫃到廚房電器統一起 來。這樣面積有限的廚房看上去也十分大方優雅,且功 能齊全。廚房櫃面一如既往是 Bennett 最愛的大理石。 廚房牆上是 Bennett 祖父母的照片、父親的繪畫作品 還有他喜愛的老照片。這些充滿故事和回憶的個人藝術 藏品,讓線條簡潔而顏色俐練的廚房,頗添了幾分溫情 和個人色彩。在 Bennett 眼裡,這個公寓就像是一個屬 於自己的藏寶盒,他把自己最喜歡的設計元素都放置在 其中。在他的妙手之下,曼哈頓這間千呎公寓,彰顯出 自然優雅且不拘格套的大氣風範。

Top left:Interior designer Bennett Leifer in his 1,000-square-foot apartment, located in Manhattan’s Gramercy Park. Top right:Bennett’s design philosophy “encompasses restrained elegance and a careful balance of comfort and delicacy.”


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Redefining the Concept of Tropical Luxury 馬爾代夫海上桃花源 沃姆利瑞吉度假村 English text by Angela Feng Chinese text translated by Yi-Chun Lin Photography by Ralf Tooten


ituated among the turquoise waves of the Indian Ocean, on an endless sprawl of pristine white sand, is The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort. Vommuli is one of the 56 stunning islands that make up the Dhaalu Atoll. The country of Maldives consists of 26 atolls, which are collectively made up of 1,192 islands. Of these islands, only 200 are inhibited, making this Vommuli resort a rare gem. “We are thrilled to debut The St. Regis Maldives— an incredible addition to our expanding collection of resorts in one of the world's most spellbinding destinations,” said Lisa Holladay, global brand leader of St. Regis Hotels & Resorts. "The design reflects a contemporary aesthetic and exemplary attention to detail, redefining the concept of private island luxury." St. Regis has 15 resorts around the world, with exquisite destinations from Bali to Bal Harbour, Florida. However, the St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort is the first of its kind. Designed by WOW Architects and Warner Wong Design, the Maldives location is the

優雅矗立在馬爾代夫印度洋清澈海面上的沃姆利瑞吉度 假村,土耳其藍的海水環繞小島四周,讓度假村的一切 都像是一個藍色的夢。陽光下,島上獨有的潔白沙灘, 閃爍出水晶般迷人的光芒。在美麗的藍海中,度假村猶 如一個海上桃花源,耀眼、美麗而遠離塵囂。 「 沃 姆 利 」是 馬爾代 夫 達 魯行政環 礁 裡 的 一 嶼, 由 26 處珊瑚環礁組成。在當地上千處珊瑚環礁島中, 「 沃姆利 」是昔日少數無人開發的小島,因而沃姆利瑞 吉度假村落腳此地顯得難能可貴。度假村的建築設計由 WOW Architects 與 Warner Wong Designs 聯袂合 作,他們匠心獨具,巧妙地將當地工藝結合在當代建築 設計中。環遊度假村,人們處處可以看到設計團隊向馬 爾代夫自然風光之美致敬的處理細節。 旅人如想從馬爾代夫出發,一探沃姆利瑞吉度假村 的真面目,可從機場轉搭「 水上飛機 」,45 分鐘後便能 抵達。抑或選擇度假村的 VIP 待遇——意大利 Azimut 頂級遊艇 NORMA 號,讓此趟旅行從開始就與眾不同。 當飛機停落、遊艇靠岸時,島上獨特的熱帶景觀首 先映入眼簾,讓人頓時耳目一新。這裡有著多種生物的 各色潟湖、閃閃發光的沙灘,以及無法移開視線的度假

Left page: Unwind in Maldivian-style luxury at the Iridium Spa, where one undergoes a transformative journey through the holistic approaches to relaxation and rejuvenation.


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first St. Regis resort on its own private island. With the integration of contemporary design with local craftsmanship, combined with a profound appreciation of the island's natural beauty, tropical luxury is taken to an all-new level. Upon stepping off the plane at Velana International Airport, guests are greeted by a St. Regis Airport Butler. They are then escorted to The Great Room— a private, refined airport lounge—for a short wait while transportation is prepared. It takes 45 minutes to get to the island from the airport by seaplane; or visitors can choose to take Norma, the resort’s Azimut luxury yacht. Upon arriving, guests are greeted with a breathtaking view of untouched tropical landscape. From vibrant lagoons brimming with sea life, to glimmering beaches, to the exquisite resort itself, visitors step into an exclusive paradise like no other. Design inspiration for The St. Regis Maldives was drawn from the stunning ecological environment surrounding the resort. This can be seen in the imaginative designs of buildings inspired by local sea creatures—such as the manta ray-shaped lagoon villas, a lobster-inspired spa, and the signature award-winning Whale Bar. Other buildings pay respect to local cultural symbols; the beach villas are inspired by fishermen’s huts, while the coastal villas along the southern shore resemble traditional Maldivian dhoni boats. Surrounding the resort is a large house reef; teeming with colorful fish, it is the perfect place for snorkeling. The resort is divided into four distinct ecological zones: lagoon, beach, jungle, and coastal. Each area offers unique activities and amenities that combine to form an unforgettable experience. The lagoon zone contains a water amphitheater and the famous Iridium Spa, the beach zone boasts two exquisite beachfront restaurants, the jungle zone includes a recreational center and a pop-up cafe, while the coastal zone hosts a dive center and a signature bar. Throughout the resort, a trail of artwork brings the individual zones together. Between activities, guests can

村本身,使每一位訪客感到自己正置身一處美麗新世界。 設計團隊將這裡得天獨厚的自然之美,轉譯在如蝙蝠魟 的潟湖別墅、龍蝦造型的 SPA 館、獲獎的鯨魚酒吧、船 屋般的沙灘別墅,其中,珊瑚礁別墅群採用了當地特有 的漁船造型。整體來看,度假村有一種原始繁複與現代 極簡交匯的獨特美感。 在度假村主體附近,埋伏了不少「 暗礁建築 」,因 天然領域分為四大區塊:潟湖區、海灘區、雨林區與珊 瑚礁區。每一區域性能各異,提供的活動與「 驚喜」也不 同。潟湖區包含了水上的露天半圓型劇場以及富有盛名 的 Iridium Spa,海灘區則有兩處頂級的海灘餐廳,雨林 區以休閒娛樂中心以及快閃咖啡店為主,珊瑚礁區則主 要是潛水中心與鯨魚酒吧。整座度假村、連結四大區域 由一系列的藝術品貫穿,旅客可以在活動之餘,留步欣賞 由駐村藝術家所創作的季節性作品,以及使用當地素材 入題的快閃藝術裝置。 倘若你是 位傾心奢華小島旅行的愛玩客,請別錯 過沃姆利瑞吉度假村裡最奢侈且占地最寬廣的房型—— John Jacob Astor Estate,同時也是馬爾代夫最大的 水上三人房!度假村同時具備極高規格的待客之道:入住 兩層樓別墅房型即提供賓利電動車代步,並享有 24 小 時的管家待命在側。大量的木質面板顯得摩登而簡潔雅 緻,極簡風格的甲板上有著 92 米長的無盡頭泳池,此處 視野極佳,舉目望去,馬爾代夫海天一色的澄澈美景,盡 入眼簾。沃姆利原是人煙罕至的珊瑚環礁,因而隱私感 極佳,旅客在此能安心享受美好的旅行。 美食與美景相互輝映,沃姆利瑞吉度假村的美食大 道上有六間特色餐廳。Alba 是意大利時尚與古典風味並 存的餐廳,提供正統意式佳餚與精緻美點;沿著大理石 階梯而下,將巧遇優雅迷人的地下葡萄酒窖 Decanter, 這裡有著頂級收藏酒款,百年佳釀亦在名單之上。你若 想體驗放鬆而迷人氛圍的海灘時光,品嘗滋味極佳的亞 洲珍饈,Orientale 捨我其誰!此處既能與家人在綠意盎 然的熱帶花園下享用中東料理,任由習習海風輕拂臉頰; 亦能在海灘上的披薩屋找尋美味的片刻悠閒。但無論如 何,請記得最後在鯨魚酒吧輕啜 Island Mary,望著夕陽 無聲墜入馬爾代夫海中,讓樂音縈繞在耳,為一日畫下完 美句點。 滿足了胃袋,別忘了身心尋求淨化的深層渴望。屢次 獲獎、總長 1850 米的 Iridium Spa 正好整以暇的待在


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The John Jacob Astor Estate’s elegant, minimalistic deck hosts a 300-foot infinity swimming pool.

stop to admire seasonal work from artists in residence and pop-up installations crafted from locally sourced materials. A stay at the John Jacob Astor Estate allows guests to experience the pinnacle of island luxury. Not only is it the grandest villa of the resort, but it’s also the largest three-bedroom over-water villa in all of the Maldives. Among other exclusive luxuries, the two-level

湛藍海水上,為造訪者提供煥然一新的神奇旅程。晶瑩 剔透的流蘇裝飾映照著白色橡木內部,流露出優雅而清 冽的氣質。這裡有馬爾代夫最大的水療池「 藍洞 」,溫暖 的海水灌注其中,功能不同的漩渦按摩水浴,會使緊繃 的壓力消溶無遺,為身心帶來充分的療癒效果。 不論是令人流連忘返的建築設計形式,或是馬爾代 夫鬼斧神工般的自然風光,馬爾代夫沃姆利瑞吉度假村 都是當代奢華行旅的新典範。


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At the award-winning Whale Bar, guests are invited to enjoy a signature cocktail and gaze at the magnificent azure waves.

Set in the heart of the lush Vommuli jungle, the Garden Villa offers guests a relaxing haven like no other.


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villa comes with electric Bentley buggies and a dedicated 24-hour butler service. The wood-panel walls are modern yet simple, and an elegant, minimalistic deck hosts a 300foot infinity swimming pool and offers a sweeping, panoramic view of the stunning island. The villa embodies the perfect combination of privacy and luxury. Six dining venues offer distinctive cuisines to complement the alluring destination. Enjoy authentic dishes and exquisite desserts at Alba, a modern yet classic Italian restaurant; or head down the marble staircase to Decanter, an elegant underground wine cellar with a prestigious selection of exclusive century-old wines. For a relaxed yet sophisticated beachfront atmosphere to indulge in impeccably prepared Asian cuisine, Orientale awaits. Savor Middle Eastern dishes amidst a lush tropical garden, or enjoy the warm ocean waves with the family at a cozy beachfront pizzeria. End the day sipping a signature Island Mary at the Whale Bar, gazing into the magnificent sunset and listening to ambient music. Sitting atop the scintillating azure waves, the 6,000-foot award-winning Iridium Spa promises a transformative journey through its holistic approaches to relaxation and rejuvenation. Plush furnishings set against white oak interiors create an ambience of elegant tranquility. Guests are invited to unwind in the Blue Hole Pool, the largest hydrotherapy pool in the Maldives. Heated seawater and an array of whirlpool jets melt away tension while offering curative benefits for both mind and body. With the close integration of the resort and its surrounding ecologies, environmental sustainability was a key consideration for the designers. In one restaurant, hanging lamps were created from repurposed Indian pots. Along the veranda, beads made from recycled shells line the railing. In the Whale Bar, a stunning kitchen wall was intricately crafted from 15,000 wooden scales made of upcycled plywood remnants. The St. Regis Maldives aims to guide guests through a transformational journey of self-discovery, reflection, and reconnection. From the spectacular architectural forms to the impeccable natural beauty of the island, the St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort is setting a new paradigm for luxury leisure.

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10 E 53rd St., 15th Fl, New York, NY 10022 微信:meiw8808

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Glitz & Glamour in

Palm Beach 璀璨動人的棕櫚灘 English text by Channaly Philipp | Chinese text translated by Yi-Chun Lin Photography by Discover The Palm Beaches, Flagler Museum, and Channaly Philipp


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ou can thank Henry Flagler for putting the Sunshine State on the map as a tourist destination. Flagler, who co-founded Standard Oil with John Rockefeller during America’s Gilded Age, recognized the potential of Florida as a winter destination—he thought the sunshine and the ocean air were good for his ailing wife—but there was one problem. Florida was a frontier backwater in those days, and no decent hotels were to be found. Flagler took the matter into his own hands, building his estate, Whitehall, based on Beaux-Arts style architecture, and the legendary Breakers resort, inspired by the Italian Renaissance. Not only that, but to get there, he linked Florida in one single railroad system, paving the way for agriculture and tourism. (It eventually went all the way to Key West.) Throughout Palm Beach County today, and especially on the island of Palm Beach, travelers can take part in the glitzy lifestyle, tempered by a good dose of low-key Florida living. Here’s what to do and where to go.

佛羅里達州的棕櫚灘市能有今日,需要大力感謝亨利. 弗 拉 格 勒(Henry Flagler), 若 非 他 當 年 將Sushine State納入地圖,成為旅客拜訪佛州的必去景點,此地在 今日或許只是一處美麗卻平凡的風景。 弗拉格勒與約翰.洛克斐勒在「 鍍金時代 」都是標 準石油(Standard Oil)的共同創辦人,他因為認為佛州 的陽光、海、空氣有益於身體嬴弱的妻子養生,而欲發掘 佛州成為避冬勝地。但是沒想到,棘手的問題隨之而來。 佛州在那時猶是邊境迴水區,旅人在當地找不到任 何一間像樣的旅館。弗拉格勒隻身承擔開發的重任,於 此打造專屬自己的國度——奢侈氣派的白廳,以及此地 傳奇——Breaker 度假酒店。不僅如此,弗拉格勒以單 獨的鐵路系統連接整個佛州,為此地之後的農業與觀光 業鋪路。 時至今日,不只市區,遊客尤其可以在棕櫚灘規劃 高級行程,體驗佛州舒適低調的日常。以下請參考《時尚 精英》為您精心挑選的絕佳景點: 世界高爾夫球迷的聖地 高球冠軍Jack Nicklaus五十年來皆親暱地喚棕櫚灘市 為家鄉,而像他一樣對此地如此熱情的專業球手不只一 位。根據《棕櫚灘郵報》記載,逾六十位現役或退役的巡 迴賽球手紛紛在此購置房產,原因不外棕櫚灘市擁有諸

GOLFING Golf champion Jack Nicklaus has called Palm Beach County home for over 50 years now. He’s not the only golf pro who has settled there. According to a Palm Beach Post report, over 60 current or former touring pros have homes in the area, drawn by the golf facilities, weather, and proximity to the ocean. Among the signature golf resorts are The Breakers, Boca Raton Resort & Club, The Seagate Hotel & Spa, and the PGA National Resort & Spa. The latter is home to the Honda Classic, and to the notoriously challenging Bear Trap, holes 15 to 17.

多專業的高爾夫場以及一望無際的碧海藍天。 另外,極具佛州特色的頂級酒店同樣不容錯過:石 油大亨弗拉格勒的百年歷史酒店 The Breakers( 聽濤山 莊)、Boca Raton Resort Club、The Seagate Hotel & Spa, 還 有 高 球 迷 必 訪 的 PGA 全 國 度 假 村 冠 軍 球 場(the PGA National Resort & Spa),這裡的「 本田 菁英賽」 (Honda Classic)有號稱全美最難的 15 至 17 洞——金熊陷阱,至今僅 16 名球員完成比賽。 高爾夫球迷如果不便留宿,只需持有「 棕櫚灘市高爾 夫球通行證 」,便能到下列五座專業球場快意揮竿六回: Okeeheelee Golf Course, Osprey Point Golf Course, Park Ridge Golf Course, Southwinds Golf Course,


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Visiting golfers don’t need to stay at a fancy resort, though. They can also get a Palm Beach County Golf Passport, which is available year-round, for six rounds of golf at five unique public golf courses: Okeeheelee Golf Course, Osprey Point Golf Course, Park Ridge Golf Course, Southwinds Golf Course, and the John Prince Golf Learning Center. Osprey Point, an Audubon International Certified golf course, borders the Everglades.

and the John Prince Golf Learning Center。此證全 年銷售,價格則有淡旺季之分:5 至 12 月是 160 美金,1 至 4 月是 240 美金。 歷久不衰的皇家運動 馬術與馬球向來深受皇室青睞而廣為人知,每年一至四 月,各地「 馬」迷翩然降臨威靈頓馬球馬術俱樂部,觀賽 座位費用從10美金至120美金不等。另外,編輯優先推薦 預定星期天的早午餐,費用為每人120美金。 賽 事 結 束後,別忘了還有傳 統 的 餘興節目:Divot

THE FLAGLER MUSEUM When visiting Palm Beach, don’t miss Whitehall, Henry Flagler’s private residence, open to the public as the Flagler Museum. It offers a window into America’s Gilded Age, a time when technology and ingenuity gave rise to incredible wealth. In March 1902, the New York Herald described it as “More wonderful than any palace in Europe, grander and more magnificent than any other private dwelling in the world.” To design the 75-room, 100,000-square-foot mansion, Flagler commissioned architects John Carrère and Thomas Hastings, practitioners of Beaux-Arts style, and the design firm of Pottier & Stymus, who decorated rooms in the historic styles of Louis XIV, Louis XV, and the Renaissance. The national historic landmark was a magnificent winter setting for hosting the wealthy of the Gilded Age from 1902 until Flagler’s death in 1913. The museum also hosts numerous programs, including a chamber music series.

stomping,觀眾受邀到廣場中央,踏上馬匹踩翻的草皮, 屆時泥巴與草屑四濺,愛美的女士請別踩著三吋高跟到場! 每 年 四 月 八 日, 美 國 馬 球 公 開 冠 軍 賽 都 在 International Polo Club 舉行。馬術迷也可在棕櫚灘市 參與冬季馬術節,此盛事將延續至三月,星期六的星光 之夜還有現場音樂演奏以及有趣又刺激的障礙賽。 佛州建築經典——弗拉格勒博物館 前身為弗拉格勒的豪華私宅——白廳,在石油大亨身後, 開放外人參觀,成為了當地知名的博物館,是至佛州旅 遊時的必訪地點。徜徉其中,館內的珍貴收藏,將帶您 回到當年美國如夢似幻的「 鍍金時代 」,重溫那因科技 與智識相結合所帶來的富裕時光。 西元 1902 年的春天, 「 白廳 」宣告落成, 《紐約先 驅報》難以停止讚美: 「 比起歐洲任何建築更令人讚嘆, 較世界上任何一處住宅都要雄偉與驚人!」 為了打造 一 棟 擁 有 75 間 房 間、10 萬 平方 英 尺 的 旗 艦豪宅,弗拉格勒特別聘請熟悉法國學院派的建 築 師 ——Carrère 與 Thomas Hastings, 以 及 重 現 路 易 十四、十五世、意大利文藝復興時期風格的設計團隊——

TEA AT THE CHESTERFIELD For a repose between bouts of shopping on glitzy Worth Avenue, drop by The Chesterfield hotel for traditional British tea. Choose your preferred setting: in the wood-paneled library, the sleek Leopard Lounge, or an open-air courtyard. And even though it’s technically tea, you can also opt to start with a glass of Champagne. A tiered stand with dainty savory sandwiches and petite pastries is soon followed by scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam. Kids aren’t left out. A Little Prince and Princess Tea is served with hot chocolate and soft drinks, cupcakes, ice cream, and butter and jam sandwiches.

Pottier & Stymus。這座國家級的歷史地標在當初其實 是石油大亨為了避冬所建立的別館,從 1902 至 1913 年 之間,直到弗拉格勒去世之前,裡面收藏了為數驚人的「 鍍 金時期 」藝術品與精品。除此之外, 「 白廳 」也主辦各式 藝文活動,如近期則有室內樂系列。

Right page: (Top) The Flagler Museum. (Middle)The Drawing Room at the Flagler Museum. (Courtesy of Flagler Museum) (Bottom left) The "sport of kings" draws fans from January through April at Wellington's International Polo Club. (Courtesy of Discover The Palm Beaches) (Bottom right) The Champion course at the PGA's National Resort & Spa in Palm Beach Gardens. (Courtesy of Discover The Palm Beaches)


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The Chesterfield offers a traditional British afternoon tea. (Courtesy of The Chesterfield Palm Beach)

To cap off your British experience, stop by the Boardroom if you can, to catch a glimpse of two original paintings by Winston Churchill. BRUNCH AT THE BREAKERS The Breakers pours $30 million in capital expenditures every year into keeping up the Renaissance Italian villa-inspired property. Just getting there offers an impressive sight. A 1,040-foot main drive leads to the Florentine fountain, patterned after a fountain at the Boboli Gardens, and the lobby, inspired by the Great Hall of the Palazzo Carrega-Cataldi in Genoa. For some, Sunday brunch at The Circle, one of the dining venues, is a weekly ritual; for others, it is a special occasion splurge. At $115 per person ($50 per child—ages 3 to 11), not including taxes and tips, the food, from the fresh seafood bar to the 30-plus desserts, and flowing mimosas are only part of the experience. Rather, you come here to behold the 30-foot frescoed ceilings, with views onto swaying palms, watch the serenading harpist go from table to table, and witness life’s important occasions play out before your eyes. Proposals, anniversaries, birthdays—they all happen here.

The main lobby at The Breakers was inspired by the Great Hall of the Palazzo Carrega-Cataldi in Genoa, Italy. (Courtesy of The Breakers Palm Beach)

雍容華貴的傳統英式下午茶 在 市區精品店解 囊 慷 慨 之 際,如欲小憩片刻,順 道 至 The Chesterfield品 味 經 典 英 式 下 午 茶 吧!這 裡 有 不 同 的 用 餐 環 境 任 君 挑 選:原 木 裝 潢 圖 書 館 風 格 的 Leopard lounge,或者在露天中庭悠閒度過。雖說是 下午茶,但也能點杯沁涼芬芳的香檳,佐以司康餅與奶 油、果醬,接著嘗嘗小巧別緻且口味甚佳的三明治、季 節限定小點心。 The Chesterfield 對於孩童一視同仁,一樣能與大 人細心品嘗美點:小王子 / 小公主專用茶、氣泡飲、杯子 蛋糕、奶油果醬三明治。 若想使這份難得的英國文化體驗更加完善,記得用 餐完畢後步向 Boardroom,親睹前英國首相邱吉爾的 兩幅畫作真跡!


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DINNER AT SWANK TABLE You have to hit the back roads to get to Swank Farm in Loxahatchee, and a wrong turn could land you in a nudist colony. But the farm is worth the trip. The farm started off producing lettuce and has since branched off to over 350 varieties of specialty produce. It now supplies top restaurants and hotels in South Florida. Here you can have a true alfresco farm-totable experience. Each dinner has a different theme, with musicians and chefs, distillers, and brewers from South Florida and beyond making each occasion a unique feast.


Yulin (Peggy) Peng

Corcoran地產集團經紀師 直撥:+1 917-755-3628 微信:peggypeng003 地址:888 7th Ave, New York, NY


使僅路過其旁,都會為其壯美震懾。 1,040英尺的主要

Peggy是紐約高端地產投資諮詢顧問和經紀人。在 剛剛過去的 6月份,Peggy 榮獲紐約頂尖地產經紀 公司柯克蘭集團的銷售前 25 獎項,排名第十位。她






Peggy 擅 長幫 助 客戶購買已 上市和 未 上市(offmarket)的住宅/商業類投資物業。作為一位十分全

典麗大器的The Breakers為了維持意大利文藝復興時期 別墅風格的樣貌,每年皆斥資三千萬美金保養門面。即

對部分極 講究品質的 饕客而言,在 The Circle 點 一份 Sunday Brunch 已經是種固定的用餐儀式。這裡 的用餐價格為每人 115 美金( 不含稅與服務費),便能品 嘗甘美的海鮮吧、超過三十種的甜點。隨處可見專屬於

面的地產經紀,她對紐約地產動向以及各區十分熟 悉。Peggy 持有商業房地產投資執照(CIREC)並擁 有大量off-market 商業地產資源,適合各類尋求高

意大利女子的黃色小花「 金合歡 」 (mimosa),是 The


Circle 不經意的浪漫。








日,它們往往選擇在 The Breakers 登場。


從農場至餐桌的頂級新鮮食材 如欲抵達Swank Table,請務必從 Loxahatchee的小徑 鑽去,稍一失神,就會踏上完全不同的旅程。雖然路程有 些麻煩,但飽餐之後,您會感到這一切都是值得的。 餐廳的前身是專門生產萵苣生菜的農場,至今已開 發出三百多種特色食品,是佛州南部高級餐廳與酒店的 特定供應商。在這裡,你可以體會道地的露天「 農場——

她的公司 Corcoran 集團在曼哈頓高端地 產中居王者領先交易地位,每年交易額占曼 哈頓地產市場一半以上。公司旗下代理包括

15 號哈德遜、35 號哈德遜、53W53、中央 57th St在內近40座曼哈頓頂級高 端新樓盤(New Development)。 Peggy 也是紐約地產協會會員和紐約亞洲



餐桌 」的美食新體驗。每一道佳餚為了配合佛州南部風 情,會將當地的名廚、音樂家等編入菜餚主題,令食客 別開生面。

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風雲變幻的投資移民簽證風景線 近 年來,EB5成 為 許多中國公民 移民 美 國 的 主要 簽 證

卓思已 成 功 地幫 助中


國客戶在 進行個 性化 投 資


各 種 商 業 機 會 的 同 時, 獲

這個問題給已遞交 EB5 申請的投資人帶來不少麻

取 EB5 的 批准,這 些 項目

煩,也讓許多人對是否申請 EB5 舉棋不定。例如,有些




在審批或等待排期過程中,如果 EB5 政策變化怎麼辦?






EB5 申請的第一步是選擇投資項目。由前移民法庭


退休法官威廉 • 卓思(William Joyce)創辦的卓思律師


事務所(Joyce & Associates PC,以下簡稱「 卓思 」 )





思與客戶一起尋找其他選擇來獲取綠卡,比如商務 L 簽

前移民法庭退休法官威廉• 卓思(William Joyce)


證或是 O 簽證。同時,在等候期內,卓思也可以幫助客



EB5 是一個創造就業的項目,它要求投資者根據投 資所在地的不同,進行 50 萬美金或 100 萬美金的初始

駐美需求,比如學生簽證,甚至訪問簽證,使用得當會讓 您出入自由並保持對投資的監控。

投資,並創造 10 個新就業。如何證明創造就業的部分是

卓思法官說: 「 在我擔任移民法官的時代,大多數我



需要 6~8 個月時間,您需要在美國駐廣州領事館預約移


民簽證面試,這個過程通常需要 4~6 個月。排期到了之




利,將獲得為期 2 年的簽證。此時,投資人及家屬就可
















期。即便投資的是區域中心,區域中心也證明了這一點, 投資人仍需和移民顧問密切合作以確保其利益。 此外,獲取永久居留身分意味著:投資人要在美國

綜上所述,成為美國永久居民並最終成為美國公民 的好處,遠比為此獲取此種身分所遇到的問題,卓思可 以幫助您。卓思幫助世界各地的人民圓了他們的美國夢。

生活。而「 內在美 」,也就是家屬留在美國生活、求學, 而投資人回國經營事業的狀況卻很普遍。這點必須小心,

聯繫人 :李芳(Chris Li)

如果離開美國逾 6 個月,會被移民官認為放棄了移民身

電話:617. 523.0718




地址:205 Portland St. 3rd


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金牌 口碑 Fourteen years


中美貿易戰會愈演愈烈 文 宋仁

冷戰期間,北美老虎和西伯利亞北極熊鬥了幾十年,老熊最後餓死了,如 今普京小熊已經無力全面和老美爭雄,經濟實力十倍於當今俄羅斯的中原 雄獅開始怒吼!鄧小平的韜光養晦變成了習近平的大國崛起,和川普一戰 在所難免! 中美雙方應該會打得兩敗俱傷,期間高科技公司的業務會受到巨大影 響,所以投資者要避免買兩國高級和網路類股票! 中方雄獅和美國對陣的優勢在於,習近平已全面掌控了龐大的國家 的極度普及使相當一部分國人相信美國已經落伍了,加上按實際購買力來 核算的話,中國的經濟總量已經超過美國了,就連汽車中國都是世界第一 了,因此我們該當老大了! 美國老虎的優勢在於它的民主體制:歐洲主要強國和日本、澳洲等世 界上大多數富強的經濟體和美國有最根本的共同利益,當面臨在和中國的 對抗中必須選邊站時,都會和美國一起對抗中俄。那時對立雙方的實力就 有明顯地差距了:因為中國經濟中主要的一些核心技術和零部件還不能自 給自足,一旦被禁運,中國經濟就會像當年蘇聯一樣:很快就會落後幾十年。 中國大陸經濟一直以來由國家嚴格掌控,所以外國公司只能以合資的 方式,拿技術來換市場;但當中國掌握了關鍵技術後,就由國家財政用巨 資支持去搶奪世界市場,結果全世界同行業的公司都受到產品價格下跌的 重創,利潤,股票價格從此一蹶不振,引起了行業公憤。長期下去,各個 發達國家現在意識到:中國工業的強大是以我們本國民眾的犧牲為代價, 他們的國有企業不可能遵守市場規則,那麼我們自然應該連起手來壓制中 國的崛起,直到中國政府不再強行插手經濟領域。 可世界各國最終等到的是:中國共產黨從此會在習近平的領導下,全 面深入地指導中國社會的一切政治經濟活動,南海都是中國的內海,世界 各國對中國這個巨大的市場可能給本國企業豐厚收益的幻想終於破滅了! 各國領導人都不願意,也沒有膽量和中原雄獅叫板,直到不管什麼是政治 正確的川普上了臺。 美國民眾其實也是很有犧牲精神的,這從一戰和二戰中的表現就可以 看得出來。只是在民主國家任何大的決定都會有一個討論和通過的過程,

資深房地產顧問 Winzone Realty Inc. 微信號 :aekinw1984 聯繫電話 : 732-998-7777 Email: ddai7777@126.com



Daimian E Dai 戴冕


親 和, 服 務 周 到 」, 一 位 購 置 了

長島 Jericho 狀元學區房的客戶

如此評價戴冕,這也是對他最簡 練、到位的介紹。



年,並在一家高端地產服務公司 任職經理。出類拔萃的地產和理 財知識及高品質服務,讓他在眾 多華人經紀中脫穎而出。



中城、上東上西城,以及長島豪 宅區、公立學區房。他總是以客 戶需求為已任,在區域環境、學 校、生活、購物、交通等方面給

客人全面的分析和建議,總能幫 客人在紐約找到心儀之所。

會有非常多的爭議和表決。和中國大陸政府的這一番較量會帶來很多短痛, 像通貨膨脹、股價波動、經濟衰退,但長期來說對美國應該是利大於弊。 這場爭鬥對中國大陸而言,政府輸了,民眾就會是贏家:因為中國大 陸就會變成一個真正的市場經濟體。如果這場爭鬥中國大陸贏了,那麼中 國民眾還是過現在的日子,那些發達國家的老百姓的生活就會越來越糟糕 了!( 注:以上言論僅代表作者立場)

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跟隨自己心靈的呼喚 文 王曉飛、賈朱莉

初次遇到蔣翰翔(John Jiang),給人第一印象是位禮

是為了讓學生實現在上HMI 之前不可能實現的夢想。」



眾不同的成熟,令人刮目相看。 2017年夏天,翰翔在學









生活的確非常艱難!「 大家需要每天自己背著帳篷、睡





翰翔自小就是個不喜歡被約束的孩子。 2014年底,翰翔

後背衣服全都被汗水濕透滴水 」。他說: 「 在山上,沒





說「 一個完全嶄新的環境,讓我感覺什麼都有可能。」雖





頒發的優等生「 創始人獎學金 」,但翰翔那顆不願被束


縛的心替他做出了來美讀書的決定。 2015年秋,翰翔考

重量。但他沒有接受這份特殊的照顧,他說, 「 自己的背

入位於紐約威郡的全美著名私立寄宿高中The Masters


School 。

100 克都會覺得加重了許多」,長久的野外體能消耗令




有選擇終止課程,而是留在 HMI 校區,邊療傷邊自學,





多美國朋友。翰翔說: 「 這裡教育的好處是可以給你有很



和壯觀所震撼,感受到一種「 超越了任何我們在人類社


會環境所能體驗到的東西。」 這次的野外生活也讓翰翔對生命有了更深刻的感


悟,他說「 探險並不代表去作死,而是為了去感受生命

去年受傷以後,翰翔選擇原諒傷害他的同學。 2017年8



生命。」 「 地球和大自然給予了人類的一切,我們的生命

上半年前申請到的HMI學習機會。HMI(High Mountain






生共50名左右的學生。該校校長說: 「 這裡的學習經歷



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透過攝影 探索人文精神



Nick Brandt,以拍攝非洲野生動物聞名, 「 他鏡頭下的




女攝影師 Sally Mann,雖然「 她的作品主要拍攝的都是

到美國後,翰翔選擇了學校提供的黑白攝影課程, 接觸到膠捲攝影,他一下子迷上了這個「 復古」的拍攝方

她的家人,記錄的都是些小東西,但是她卻創作出很多非 常淒美動人的作品 」。

式。 「 用一個老式相機,一切都需要手動進行控制,對學


攝影的人來說像是一種磨去浮躁的訓練。 「 翰翔認真學


習相關知識, 「 在數碼攝影的時候,這些原理可能會被直







2018 年 初 翰 翔 參加了 2017/2018 黑白菲 林 學 生


攝影比賽(Ilford Photo Competion),他從 眾多參 賽


者中脫穎而出獲得一等獎 , 他參賽的主題為「Lyrically

翰翔如數家珍娓娓道來:首先是 20 世紀早期的街拍鼻

Speaking」, 獲 獎 作 品 以 歌 詞 命 名「It's Raining

祖、法國的 Henri Cartier-Bresson,他擅長人物拍攝,

Man」, 可以在 比 賽 官 方 網 站 上 觀 賞。https://www.

他強調「The Decisive Moment」 ( 決定性瞬間),這一



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翰翔透過黑白膠卷看世界。(攝影/ 蔣翰翔)




人的「 思想 」是從哪裡來的?他從小就對人的「 思想 」很

時,懷著好奇心選修了普林斯頓大學Robert Wright教

感興趣,他希望能用科學的方法來證明「 思想 」的物質

授「Buddhism and Modern Psychology」網路課程,












喜悅。 2017年初翰翔申請到哈佛大學關於哲學、宗教與


社會管理作用的暑期課( 但暑假前夕的意外受傷被迫放









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Sophia Lee

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Returning to Her Roots:

Sophia Lee’s Eight Years with missKOREA 八年堅持 不忘初心 missKOREA 八週年 感謝有您一路相隨 English text by Jenny Zhi | Chinese text by Xiaofei Wang Photography by Benjamin Chasteen and Larry Dai


n the summer of 2010, Sophia Lee opened missKOREA in Manhattan’s Koreatown, introducing Korean royal cuisine to the capital of the world. The restaurant was immensely popular, and the line snaking out the door day after day not only reassured Sophia of her mission to uphold the traditions of Korean cuisine, but also encouraged her to strive toward providing the best Korean dining experience for all of her guests. Whether it be a worker unwinding after a long day or a tourist reenergizing while exploring the city, Sophia hopes that anybody who dines at missKOREA can leave with a sense of peace and happiness.

八年前的夏天,李善慧女士(Sophia Lee)將韓國宮廷 膳食第一次搬進了世界之都「 曼哈頓 」,在曼哈頓的韓 國街一石激起千層浪,門外長長排隊等候就餐的人們, 讓善慧看在眼裡記在心上,更讓她對秉持傳韓食文化充 滿信心,也激勵她更加滿懷熱忱地為來自世界各地的 食客們提供最好的韓國料理。她希望,不管是人們在工 作生活之餘,還是旅遊觀光之時,都能在missKOREA 放鬆心情,找到一份寧靜,一份快樂。 意境獨特的就餐環境 帶著這樣誠摯心意,善慧不僅考慮食物的美味,同時也 考慮客人就餐的環境。她認為,客人在餐廳消費不僅是 美食,更重要的是意境,missKOREA 餐廳 的每一層



A UNIQUE DINING ENVIRONMENT With this sincere wish in mind, Sophia is concerned not only with providing delicious food but also creating

同,分別是「 真」、「 善」和「 美 」。一層「 真」,仿照山 林、原野樹叢中的自然環境打造,多是木質座椅,大理 石牆面,山林圖案窗扇設計,意在描摹自然野趣。二層


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Tasty Korean BBQ right at the table.

a relaxing environment. In a restaurant, she believes, a diner consumes not only food, but, more importantly, a mood. Thus, she has set up missKOREA on three floors, each with a unique aesthetic and dining concept. The first floor, “Jin,” is inspired by nature, from the use of stone walls with tufts of grass, to the muted mural of a forest on one wall, to the irregular, naturalistic edges of the tables. The second floor, “Sun,” is an oasis of serenity, inspired by Korea’s Joseon Dynasty. The aesthetic is spare and beautiful, with light wood and warm lighting throughout, adorned with delicate details and Korean artwork. The peaceful private rooms were inspired by ancient Korean sarangbang. In historical times, these were traditional study rooms where one could practice writing, calligraphy, and painting, and which also doubled as places where nobles would en-

「 善」,模擬韓國傳統「 捨廊房」,設計優雅、怡人、大方 而莊重,力圖再現朝鮮時代上流人士讀書、會客環境的 清雅。三層「 美 」,將現代簡約元素和傳統韓國詩詞歌賦 相結合,品味傳統和現代動與靜之美,適合正式會談及 午夜朋友聚會暢飲。 充滿祝福的食譜設計 韓國烤肉用特製的醬料 醃製,不同的烤肉有不同的風 味,由於種類多,客人很難一次享用到所有口味,如果把 不同品種和口味的烤肉組合在一起,就可以讓客人一次享 用豐盛的美味。這就是missKOREA 的誠意。 長壽 Longevity 這道主題為「 長壽」的烤肉套餐組合,包括:黑豬五花 肉、牛舌、薄牛腩肉片和無骨牛排四種肉品,還可任意選 擇一份美味的豆腐煲。全部肉品都是選用原汁原味的非 醃製肉品,因此取名 「 長壽餐」。


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gage in discussion of politics and culture over tea. The third floor, “Mi,” is a more contemporary space, where shades of black and white blend with accents of red. The decor pays homage to the 16th-century female poet Hwang Jin Yi, who was known for her poems about longing. The mix of tradition and modernity is an ideal meeting place for friends to gather and while away the night. DIVERSE MENU: THE BEST OF ALL WORLDS Korean barbecue food is marinated with special sauces, which means that different kinds of barbecue dishes have distinct flavors. It can be overwhelming to choose from the many varieties of flavors and meat cuts. As a solution, Sophia has curated different barbecue sets, offering diners a diverse sampling to try and allowing them to enjoy everything Korean barbecue has to offer. THE LONGEVITY SET With this set, you get to sample unmarinated meats, a healthier option that will help you attain a long life. You’ll get to enjoy thick chunks of juicy Berkshire pork belly, brisket gleaming with fatty goodness, and buttery beef short ribs.

Chef preparing gujeolpan.

幸福餐 Happiness 這道主題為「 幸福 」的烤肉套餐組合,包括:五花肉、無 骨牛排、雞肉和牛肉片四種肉品,和烤肉相配的豆腐煲, 可以任選口味。全部肉品都是經由missKOREA祕製醬

THE HAPPINESS SET The Happiness Set brings joy to your tongue with an assortment of marinated meats, each with varying degrees of umami from the different marinades. There’s spicy pork belly slathered with red pepper paste, beef bulgogi (rib-eye steak) loaded with the taste of moreish onions, and pleasantly sweet kalbi, the Korean barbecue staple of bone-in short ribs.

料特別醃製。不同的肉品配不同的醬料,口味完全不同, 多種滋味匯聚一處,讓人頓感大飽口福,幸福感滿懷, 「 幸福餐」由此而來。 愛 Love 這道主題為「 愛 」的烤肉套餐組合,是由醃製無骨牛排、 醃 製小 牛 排、原 味無骨牛 排和原 味牛肉片共同組 成。 Sophia 介紹: 「 原味和醃製混合的烤肉套餐,是寓意友



THE LOVE SET You can get the Love Set with both marinated and unmarinated meats, including ju mul luk, a kind of boneless short rib that melts in your mouth with its rich fat, enhanced by just a tad of flavor from the soysauce-based marinade.

合共處,友愛互助,這道烤肉套餐,就是想把這種文化 理念傳遞給紐約人。」 韓國膳食專家任主廚 missKOREA 特別聘請被譽為「 韓國膳食專家 」的李善 圭女士擔任主廚,為大紐約民眾帶來了難得一見的宮廷


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Cold noodle.

Beef marinating in a ceramic jar.

TRADITIONAL PROFESSIONALITY To create the menu at missKOREA, Sophia called on the services of Sun Kyu Lee, a renowned food consultant in South Korea. Lee has founded a culinary school devoted to traditional Korean cuisine and has almost 40 years of cooking experience. Following the traditional Korean belief, rooted in Taoism, that the five elements must be in balance for one’s body to maintain a healthy state, dishes are garnished with five colors—black, white, red, green, and yellow. In parallel, the flavors are a balance of salty, sweet, sour, spicy, and bitter.

料理。作為韓國頂級傳統宴食院家禮院(Ga Rye Won) 創辦人的李女士,將她近40年的烹飪經驗和對美食的全 部熱忱都匯聚到她製作的美味中。 韓國宮廷御膳自「 李式王朝 」時代奠定根基,料理依 據五行配置,講究白、青、黃、黑、赤五色,以及 鹹、甜、 酸、辣、苦五味的色味均衡。從食材、烹調到上菜,每一 道料理都要求對人體有益,東方「 醫食同源 」的概念是烹 飪菜餚的最高準則。 寓意和諧的宮廷料理 九折板 最受矚目的御膳料理可能就是「 九折板 」了!韓國宮廷宴 會或重要節日慶典時才會吃「 九折板 」,在韓國習俗中其 又有「 和諧」的涵義,上菜時色彩繽紛,讓人好不興奮。

REFRESHING GUJEOLPAN Traditionally a dish served during special celebrations, gujeolpan, which means “platter of nine delicacies,” consists of eight different meats and vegetables, which you wrap together in the rice crepes that are placed at the center of the tray. At missKOREA, carrots, spinach, mushrooms, turnips, cucumbers, fried egg, beef, and crabmeat are served, along with assorted dipping sauces that range from light and sweet to rich and pungent. You can mix and match the ingredients however you wish to enjoy the delightful experience unique to Korean royal cuisine. As we celebrate missKOREA’s eight-year anniversary, all of us at Elite Lifestyle Magazine enthusiastically wish all of our readers a joyful and healthy summer!

蘿蔔、西洋菜、蘑菇、胡蘿蔔、黃瓜、蛋絲、牛肉、蟹肉 八種食材,齊齊的擺上盤,中間放好白色、綠色的薄煎 餅,讓人還沒享到「 口福 」,就先大飽「 眼福 」! 吃的時 候,可以任選一種或多種食材,包裹在軟嫩的薄餅中,千 萬別忘記添加不同口味的醬料,要麼濃香,要麼清甜,不 同食材組合成的不同味道在口中蔓延,傳統的味道,廚 師的心意,都能體味到,有難以言喻的幸福感。 在充滿熱情的夏日,missKOREA 在慶祝八周年之 際,祝福《時尚精英》雜誌的讀者度過一個健康的夏天!

OPEN 24 HOURS 10 W. 32nd St. New York, NY 10001 212-594-4963



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