ELITE Magazine Nov-Dec 2019 West Edition

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E L I TE 時 尚 精 英

禮物指南 假日廚房 冬季時尚 夢想之家 暖心美食

Jay Huang: Finding Strength Through Dance 恪思牧心 勤舞鑄剛志



Jewelers to Kings and Queens 印度手工珠寶 流芳百世的傳奇

The Kimono: A Living Treasured Tradition Beyond Japan 和服 寧靜端莊之美

Nordic Happiness: Celebrating Scandinavian Heritage with Made by Choice 芬蘭木作 展現北歐幸福超能力

Integrating Dreamy Salon and Comfort Living 座上賓 北京御湯山別墅優雅迎客

Creating an Aura of


Elegance & Sophistication

November-December 2019 $6.99









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FOR QUESTIONS CALL: Kollette Greene 214-891-2947

Seattle • 1400 Elliott Avenue West, Seattle, WA 98119 • 206-284-8400 • subzero-wolf.com /seattle Costa Mesa • 655 Anton Boulevard, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • 657-269-5874 • subzero-wolf.com /southerncalifornia Burlingame • 1755 Rollins Road, Burlingame, CA 94010 • 650-240-3000 • subzero-wolf.com /norcal

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Editor’ s Note 採編隨筆


Fashion Gifts for Her 送給「她」的禮物


Fashion Gifts for Him 送給「他」的禮物


Winter Layering 冬季疊搭:保暖又時尚


Creating an Aura of Elegance and Sophistication


Holiday Beauty Gift Guide

隨心所欲 優雅渾成 節日美容美妝禮物


The Kimono: A Living Treasured Tradition Beyond Japan 和服 寧靜端莊之美


Jewelers to Kings and Queens 印度手工珠寶 流芳百世的傳奇


Jay Huang: Finding Strength Through Dance 恪思牧心 勤舞鑄剛志 ——專訪神韻領舞演員黃柏瀚


Nordic Happiness: Celebrating Scandinavian Heritage with Made by Choice 芬蘭木作 展現北歐幸福超能力


The Ultimate Guide to a Fully Functional Kitchen for Holiday Parties


Becoming a Family Home: The transformation of a charming Park Slope duplex apartment

節慶來臨 廚房功能和空間布局攻略

複式公寓改建 為孩子升級家庭空間


Yutang Mountain Villa: Integrating Dreamy Salon and Comfort Living 座上賓 北京御湯山別墅優雅迎客


Photographer: Ronald Ji Model: Yuhan Sun Makeup Artist: Kevin Cheah Hair Stylist: Eloise Cheung Stylist: Marisa Allison Location Courtesy of Luxury Living Group Full Look and Hand Bag by Dolce & Gabbana Ring by Jacob & Co.

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East &West


《時尚精英》是中英雙語的高端生活風格雜誌,致力於發掘根植於東西方文明的傳統價值、智慧與漫布其中的美。 在您追求美好人生的路上,盼《時尚精英》能成為您獲得啟發和激勵的好夥伴。

Elite Lifestyle Magazine is a leading luxury magazine, published in Chinese and English. At Elite, we celebrate the beauty, wisdom, and values of Eastern and Western traditions. We seek to uplift and inspire our readers in their pursuit of a life of fulfillment. 訂閱者資料 Subscriber Info

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工作在紐約 生活在新州 新澤西資深地產專家


社會責任 白雪皚皚,銀妝素裹。芬蘭冬日的森林裡,歡騰的雪橇犬在林海中 朝著陽光奔去。沿路木屋內,一群快樂的芬蘭「 魯班 」們,正在一 絲不苟地量、刨、削、磨。木頭的淡淡芬芳在空氣中氤氳著,一件 件經芬蘭傳統木製工藝打磨而成的家具,漸現雛形。 這裡是本期專訪人物Niclas Ahlström和合夥人一同創辦的家具工 廠。在這家工廠內,「 可持續性發展 」和「 社會責任 」是超越於利潤 之外,更重要的追求。 從芬蘭到紐約,大雪紛飛的夜晚,亦有人在精心打磨。不同的是, 他們打磨的是自己舞蹈技藝。跳躍、翻騰、拉筋,在冬日的雪夜 中,他們每天汗流浹背。這裡是世界頂級中國古典舞藝術團——神 韻藝術團——的練功房。本期專訪人物黃柏瀚已經在紐約度過了八 Maggie Huang和顏佳團隊以誠

信、 專業、 认真和負責為職業準

載這樣的日日夜夜。「 恢復中華五千文明 」,神韻這一恢宏的使命 是激勵黃柏瀚不斷前行的動力。

則,精通粤语、普通话和英文。 提供自住、投資、餐館、店面、

在地球的另一端「 香港 」,社會責任已經是香港青年每日實踐的大

商業樓以及貸款的優質服務,免 費房屋估價。


黃鳳名(Maggie Raffael )

榮獲新澤西地產恊會最優秀經紀人卓越終生獎 2016-2018榮獲新澤西地產恊會最高獎─白金獎! 連續20多年獲新澤西地產協會─銀獎、金獎!

顏佳(Jia Yan)

新澤西和紐約地產經紀 2015年獲新澤西地產協會金獎 2016 獲新澤西地產協會白金獎 2017年新澤西地產協會銀獎 2018 年新澤西地產協會白金獎

祝賀Maggie Huang和Jia Yan團隊獲 2018年Prominent Properties Sotheby's International Realty最佳團隊獎、 最高年銷售業績獎,銷售業績超過7千萬

義。 2019年,是他們奮不顧身守衛著香港的一年。 2019年,他們

過去這一年中,越來越多的人必須直面選擇。是沉默還是發聲?是 甘願被蒙蔽,還是直面真相?是庸庸碌碌,還是支持正義?每一個 人都在參與和書寫著本認為「 事不關己 」的歷史。 時事詭譎,歷史劇變。如果曾經沉睡,是時候甦醒。如果曾經失 明,是時候為自己尋找一雙眼睛。如果曾經緘默,是時候發出聲音。 2019即將翻過,每一位走上香港街頭的青年,都值得被喝采;每一 份傳播中華文化歷史的努力,都值得被銘記;每一個精工打磨的產 品,都值得被珍惜和尊重。 《時尚精英》邀您一起關注每一個實踐社會責任的企業、團體和個人。

457 Sylvan Avenue 2nd Floor, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 07632 電話:201-286-2927 微信:MaggieHuang_116 電郵:myhrealtor@gmail.com

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Make it magical.

在日常護膚中加入賽貝格美白VC粉以提亮膚色,保護肌 膚免受侵害, 屢獲各項美妝大獎的VC粉,其獨特霜化專 利技術可使VC粉在接觸肌膚後如魔法般霜化,讓您的肌 膚擁有穩定的高濃度抗氧化維C,單獨使用,或與精 華,面霜混合皆可,幫助減少色素沉著。 可在專櫃或官網購買drsebagh.com

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華麗地毯 窗簾墻紙中心




全美最大的家庭裝飾連鎖公司 Carpet One Floor & Home 唯一華人成員

ART DIRECTOR Chen Fu PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Karen Tang SENIOR DESIGNERS Hsinyu Lo, Ingrid Longauerová DESIGNERS Benson Xiao, Tan Zhao SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS Ronald Ji, Daniel Ulrich, Larry Dye, Edward Dye CORRESPONDENTS Pia-Maria Norris, Angela Feng, June Fakkert, Astrid Wang, Minghui Wang, Ada Tian, Cynthia Sun TRANSLATORS Yi-Chun Lin, Ivy Tseng COPY EDITORS Connie Phillips, Huixuan Yang FASHION EDITOR Joy Ye BEAUTY EDITOR Pia-Maria Norris

地毯 | 窗簾 | 牆紙 | 地板


華麗地毯窗簾牆紙中心 是您的最佳選擇



HOME EDITOR Fenzhi Zhang FOOD & DINING EDITOR Channaly Philipp

Address 229 W 28th Street, 6FL, New York, NY 10001 Phone 646-862-9930


大量現貨 歡迎設計師洽談合作

電話:718-460-1161 Email: qcarpetone@gmail.com 地址: 18-13 128th Street College Point, NY 11356 (大口福附近)

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Email editor@elite-magazine.com advertising@elite-magazine.com subscription@elite-magazine.com www.elite-magazine.com

WeChat San Francisco Ke Bian 510-299-4392

San Francisco

Los Angeles Yan Lieser 818-836-2937

Boston Timothy Pi 617-388-1688


Seattle Echo Liu Ben Ruan 425-877-5121 425-449-3620


2019/10/28 下午2:38


源于丹麦 享誉世界 源於丹麥 享譽世界 O CONCEPT B ELLEVUE 0 N E 8 tNhES 8t t, h B eSlle 4 98004 | BBOCONCEPT BELLE V IU1E0 4I 010400 t , vue Be l, l WA e v ue9 ,8 0W0A BOCON B OC ONCEP CEPT.CO T.COM M BOCONCEP B OC ONCEP T.CA T.CA

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By Lina May


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Brookville, NY

Lattingtown, NY

Lisa M. Fasano, 516.677.0030, c.516.717.9748

Arianna V. Fasano, 516.677.0030, c.516.776.1695

Kathy P. Borg, 516.759.4800, c.516.457.9656 Huailing (Helen) Deng, 516.759.4800, c.917.859.7718

Mill Neck, NY

Muttontown, NY

Patrick H. Mackay, 516.759.4800 ext.0742 Anne E. Kerr, 516.759.4800, c.516.445.8057

Neena Chowdhary, 516.677.0030, c.516.643.0076 Kathleen Pisani, 516.677.0030, c.516.359.9499

Old Brookville, NY

Old Westbury, NY

Sandi Lefkowitz, 516.674.2000, c.516.816.3461 Lowell Ackerman, 516.674.2000, c.631.921.2918

Lisa M. Fasano, 516.677.0030, c.516.717.9748 Arianna V. Fasano, 516.677.0030, c.516.776.1695

精美的新建築, 等待著您的眷顧。 佔地3.4英畝,坐落在安靜的小路中,盡享雄偉的自然環境。精心佈置的 園林景觀。Jericho校區。SD #15. MLS# 3114505. $7,998,000.

獨特的五居室現代建築坐落在重多黃金海岸莊園之中。 坐落在5英畝獲 獎的園林園中,園林內設有游泳池和錦鯉池。SD #3. MLS# 3123357. $2,195,000.

優雅磚體建築,座落與風景如畫綠樹成蔭街小路上。高端裝修。 5間臥 室,4.5間浴室。2.1英畝。物有所值。SD #3. MLS# 3166869. $1,999,998.


P10, P12_Editor's Pick_Nov/Dec2019.indd 11

這個宏偉莊園的在價格上有大幅度優化,提供超過14,000平方英尺的豪 華生活。 游泳池和網球場。 非常適合多代人共同居住。SD #3. MLS# 3157610. $4,985,000.

富麗堂皇的定製磚體住宅,佔地2.33英畝,風景優美。 精湛的歐洲建築 細節與豪華的生活設施,寬敞的空間設計。 精緻的木製裝潢和精美的飾 面。SD #3. MLS# 3126956. $4,499,000.

這座精緻的住宅座落在寧靜的小路中,位於像公園般平坦的土地上。 天 然石材的外觀體現豪華的環境,襯托先進的生活設施。SD #15. MLS# 3063196. $3,999,998.

Each office is independently owned and operated. We are pledged to provide equal opportunity for housing to any prospective customer or client, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin.

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Gifts for Him By Lina May





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Michelangelo Designs The Italian Design Center

Modern | Traditional | Transitional Residential| Commercial| Hospitality

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2 Main Avenue, Passaic NJ 07055 www.michelangelodesigns.com info@michelangelodesigns.com (973)779-3200 By Appointment Only The Designers’ Source Since 1985

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e m o r h c o n Mo By Lina May

Wondering how to stay chic in winter? Try keeping all your layers in one color palette. You’ll look effortlessly chic and also elevate your style by simplifying colors in your closet. 冬 季 如 何保 暖 又 時 尚?最 簡 單 的 方 式 便 是 同 色 系 疊 搭。同 色 系可以 避 免 款 式 和 材 質 上帶 來 的 衝 突 感,視 覺 上 既 統 一又有 所 變 化,整 體 感 也很 強,還 能 輕 鬆 達 到 高 級 感 的 效 果。

Tom Ford



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Alberta Ferretti

Luisa Beccaria

Ermanno Scervino


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s t a o c y z o C By Lina May

Whether ultra furry or simply kimono-like, your coat is the biggest fashion statement you’ll make this winter. Highlighting your waist is a wonderful way how not to get lost in all that coziness. 寒 冷 天 氣裡,裹 一 件 毛 絨 絨 的 大 衣,或 者長 版、 和 服 式 衣 袖 剪 裁 的 闊 版 大 衣, 時 尚度 立 刻 滿 分。此 外,可搭 配 一 條 時 髦 腰 帶, 從 而 讓 整 體 造 型 更 有層次 感。

Stella McCartney



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Creating an Aura of


Elegance Sophistication An elegant temperament is often a reflection of a person’s good taste. Showcase your refined taste, and make a statement at your next holiday party with an outfit that is chic and stylish.

Elegance is not standing out, but being remembered." — Giorgio Armani

「優雅並不是出眾,而是被人們記住。」 ——喬治·亞曼尼

Photographer: Ronald Ji Model: Yuhan Sun Makeup Artist: Kevin Cheah Hair Stylist: Eloise Cheung Stylist: Marisa Allison Location Courtesy of Luxury Living Group

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HOLIDAY BEAUTY Gift Guide By Pia-Maria Norris

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Luxury Spa Treatment


perfect gift for him and her! Staying at the forefront of skin and wellness innovation, La Prairie’s luxurious

spa at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Manhattan offers a collection of treatments designed to be both therapeutic and results-oriented. From unique facials to therapeutic massages and impeccable service, each detail of the experience is designed with ultimate luxury and rejuvenation in mind. La Prairie Spa - Ritz Carlton New York 50 Central Park South, New York, NY 10019 (For information and reservations: www.ritzcarlton.com)


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Semi-permanent makeup artist Dominique Bossavy

Semi-Permanent Makeup Treatment BEFORE

Embraced by Hollywood A-listers and top models, world-renowned and award-winning permanent makeup artist Dominique Bossavy works magic on eyebrows and lips in need of a boost! Using her legendary Micro Color Infusion Technique to create stunning and natural results, this is a gift that any woman will love and welcome! (For more information: dominiquebossavy.com)



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1. Goutal Paris - Eau d'Hadrien Alcohol-Free Water

3. CREED - For Kids (Alcohol-Free)

5. Vilhelm Parfumerie - Mango Skin Eau De Parfum

Features vivid citrusy notes blended with ylang-ylang, cypress, and bergamot.

Delightful scent in notes of plum, crisp apple, rose, lemon, and grapefruit.

Fruity, feminine scent in notes of mango, orange, and violet.

($100 for 3.4 oz., us.goutalparis.com)

($235 for 3.3 oz., creedboutique.com)

($245 for 3.4 oz., barneys.com)

2. Goutal Paris - Petite Chérie Concentrated Gel Roller (Embroidered Edition)

4. Guerlain - Aqua Allegoria Pera Granita

6. Guerlain - Mon Guerlain Intense

A juicy and cheerful fragrance with notes of bergamot and pear.

A warm, spicy, floral scent in notes of lavender, vanilla, and patchouli.

($105, guerlain.com)

($143, guerlain.com)

Embodies an enchanted garden with a blossoming pear tree next to a blooming rosebush. ($55, us.goutalparis.com)


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1. Calvin Klein - Eternity for Men Eau de Parfum

3. Gucci - Guilty Pour Homme Eau de Toilette

A sophisticated and masculine scent in fresh and woody keynotes.

Captivating scent in notes of invigorating Italian lemon and mandarin, alongside green leaves, fresh lavender, and a punch of pink pepper.

($72–$89, Macys.com)

($76–$122, macys.com) 2. CREED - Millesime Imperial

4. diptyque - L'Ombre Dans L'Eau

Refreshing and invigorating scent in salty-sweet notes of sun-kissed citrus and rich musk. Unisex.

Features fresh, floral, fruity notes of rose, blackcurrant, and petitgrain. Unisex.

($310 for 1.7 oz., creedboutique.com)

($175 for 1.5 oz., diptyqueparis.com)


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Dolce & Gabbana - Light Blue Pour Femme EDT ($29–$134) - A fresh, floral, and fruity scent in keynotes of citrus, apple, bamboo, jasmine, white rose, citron wood, amber, and musk. Pour Homme ($56–$116) - Captures the energy of the sunny Mediterranean Sea in notes of juniper, mandarin, and oakmoss. (sephora.com)

Tiffany & Co. - Tiffany & Love While Tiffany & Love for Her Eau de Parfum ($105–$135) is a feminine woody floral scent, Tiffany & Love for Him Eau de Toilette ($77–$95) is a citrusy, aromatic fragrance with a wood-infused base. Uniting the two in an ode to love is the vibrant woody note of blue sequoia. (bloomingdales.com)

Clive Christian - 20th Anniversary Collection Adorned with platinum-colored cages and crowned with platinum-colored caps, 20 Iconic Feminine features amber floral notes, while the 20 Iconic Masculine completes the duo in citrus woody notes, creating an iconic limited edition pair fit for royals. ($395 each, Bergdorf Goodman)

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diptyque - Lucky Charms Winter Collection Diptyque wishes us luck, protection, and harmony with three scented candles: Blissful Amber, Lucky Flowers, and Protective Pine. ($114, diptyqueparis.com)

Shiseido - Eudermine Revitalizing Essence Legendary softening lotion that instantly hydrates and brightens skin. ($60–$82, shiseido.com) La Prairie - Skin Caviar Eye Lift Lifting and firming two-formula eye serum. ($480, laprairie.com)


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1. Charlotte Tilbury - Pillow Talk Diamonds Set

3. Charlotte Tilbury - Instant Look in a Palette in Gorgeous Glowing Beauty

6. Lancôme - Mini Monochromatique Palette

For a gorgeous, glowing look! Includes three eyeshades, two face shades, and two cheek shades.

Features six mini shades of Le Monochromatique’s buildable, cream-to-powder formula for eyes, cheeks, and lips.

($75, charlottetilbury.com)

($34, lancome-usa.com)

4. Chantecaille - Philanthropy Cheek Shade in Butterfly (Bliss)

7. Charlotte Tilbury - Starry Eyes to Hypnotise Palette

2. Charlotte Tilbury - Mini Magic Brush Set

Available in a range of delicate rosy and coral shades and a feather-light texture.

($75, charlottetilbury.com)

Charlotte’s best-selling brushes in magic minis in a travel pouch!

($40, chantecaille.com)

8. Sisley Paris - Phyto-Teint Ultra Éclat

($50, charlottetilbury.com)

5. Lancôme - L'Absolu Rouge Palette

Radiance boosting and long-lasting oilfree foundation.

Two magic Pillow Talk shades that make lips dazzle and glow in a gorgeous rose-pink shade and a beautiful, bronze coral-pink embellished with a warm, golden sparkle. (Pillow Talk Diamonds, Pillow Talk Lucky Diamonds) ($34, charlottetilbury.com)

Holiday-inspired sleek travel case that features seven colors and two sparkling top coats. Limited edition.


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Four captivating eye glow looks in one palette.

($95, sisley-paris.com)

($60, online only: lancome-usa.com)

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Dr. Sebagh - Silver Christmas Box Features three anti-aging miracle workers. Set includes: 5x Vitamin C 1.95 g, Rose de Vie Serum, Serum Repair 20 ml ($350, drsebagh.com)

Jurlique - Rose Essentials Set Daily skin care set that refreshes, exfoliates, and hydrates for a smooth, dewy, and radiant complexion. Set includes: Moisture Plus Rare Rose 50 ml, Radiant Skin Cleanser 100 ml, Rosewater Balancing Mist 50 ml ($120, jurlique.com)

Skinvolve Natural plant-based skincare trio. Set includes: Cedrus Antioxidant Facial Cleanser ($46), Yasmine Botanical Face Essence & Toner ($42), Tyrian Sea Antioxidant Facial Oil ($65) (skinvolve.com)

Shiseido - LiftDynamic Collection A cutting-edge anti-aging collection that lifts and repairs. Set includes: Bio-Performance LiftDynamic: Serum ($100–$137), Cream ($117–$137), Eye Treatment ($75) (shiseido.com)


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1. RéVive - Renewal Essentials Travel Set Features RéVive's best-selling anti-aging regimen in convenient travel sizes. Set includes: Moisturizing Renewal Cream (1 oz.), Moisturizing Renewal Cream SPF 15 (1 oz.), Moisturizing Renewal Eye Cream (0.5 oz.), Foaming Cleanser Enriched Hydrating Wash (1 oz.), Cosmetic Bag ($325, reviveskincare.com)

2. Sisley Paris - Hair Rituel Restructuring Conditioner Has a light but richly conditioning, detangling formula that smoothes and increases shine. ($75, sisley-paris.com) 3. Sisley Paris - Hair Rituel Revitalizing Fortifying Serum

4. Skinuva - Scar Cream A special edition in Santa's bag for anyone who has redness or scarring! This next-generation scar cream helps improve the redness, thickness, and pigmentation nearly 2x more than silicone cream. ($85, skinuva.com)

Highly concentrated serum infused with proteins, vitamins, and minerals that fortify hair and scalp. ($195, sisley-paris.com)


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1. Selfkaire - Kairetool face & body roller Made of surgical-grade steel, this noninvasive tool detoxes, contours, and sculpts! ($126 for Crystal line, selfkaire.com)

2. Endymed – NEWA Skin Tightening System 1

Clinically tested facial tightening and contouring device that lifts and reduces wrinkles by increasing your skin’s ability to produce more collagen and elastin. ($199, mynewa.com)

3. Crystal Clear Skincare - The Wand Features sonic waves that help lift and firm skin, while hyaluronic acid projected from the roller ball provides instant hydration and moisturebinding power. ($199, crystalclearusa.com)

4. Waterpik - Sidekick Water Flosser (white with Chrome) The perfect gift for all! Deep cleanses between the teeth and removes up to 99.9% of plaque! The sleek, compact, collapsible design makes it perfect for travel! 2

($139.99, waterpik.com)


4 │37

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Top, left: Wei pours his heart and soul into every production, even if it means bringing himself to

THE KIMONO A living treasured tradition beyond Japan 和服 寧靜端莊之美 English text by Angela Feng and Jennifer Zhang Chinese text by Fenzhi Zhang


ranslated literally as “thing to wear,” the intricate details and elegant folds of the kimono present an image widely associated with traditional Japanese culture and aesthetics. The garment has undergone major transformations throughout history, going from an everyday item of clothing to a piece that is worn only on special occasions. Its design, function, and meaning has shifted drastically in the last century, shaped by the dialogue of Japanese traditions, modern inventions, and Western ideas.

瞥見它的第一眼是驚豔,看一會兒後是寧靜和肅穆,這 就是「 和服 」(きもの,kimono)——來自日本的民族 服飾,讓世人都迷戀的東方情懷。 在日本,一件作工精良的和服可以是母親傳承給女 兒的禮物,一件穿在身上的藝術品,一份需要一絲不苟、 珍而重之的珍藏品,更是日本人重要場合、人生最寶貴 時刻的見證者。 紋樣 穿在身上的文化與祝福 和服紋樣是日本工藝美術的重要部分。 在日本的自然風土環境中,四季變化明顯,各有特

A BRIEF HISTORY The kimono’s humble beginnings date back over one thousand years to the Heian period (794–1185), when the straight-line-cut technique was developed. As the name implies, this involves sewing together pieces of fabric cut in straight lines. Despite its simplicity, the resulting garment was exceedingly versatile and fit nearly every body shape. In the winter, kimonos were worn in layers for warmth. As the practice of layering evolved, people began paying more attention to how different colors looked together. Certain color combinations came to represent either seasonal colors or the political class to which one belonged. It was during this time that what we now think of as traditional Japanese color combinations came to be.

色。日本民族在生活中,逐漸把自然的四季風情融入進 來,成為日常生活和文化的一部分。這就是為什麼,人 們可以在日本的文學、繪畫、工藝、染織等藝術形式上 看到四季自然風光的素材,這些藝術都會從不同的季節 變化裡吸取營養來表現自然的美和纖巧。春天是百花怒 放之際,比如以櫻花為主題的設計林林種種。夏季崇尚 清涼色系,菖蒲、水草、浪花以及嬉戲的魚兒都是常見 的藝術元素。秋菊秋草則被當作是秋季的象徵。雪景和 盎然挺立的松柏則經常被運用為冬天的意象。 此外,文學作品,尤其是經典作品中的情節、場景、 意象,也經常被提煉、萃取成象徵性圖形,成為日本和 服紋樣的素材。這種紋樣,被稱為「 文藝紋樣 」。例如, 依據《源氏物語 》中某些章節設計的「 近江八景 」紋樣, 是由落雁、暮雪、晚鐘、夜雨、夕照、晴嵐、歸帆、秋月 這些故事中的場景凝練成的視覺符號,借紋樣寄託人的 憂鬱和寂寞之情。 中國元素也在日本和服製作中被廣泛運用,尤其是 從唐朝流入日本的紋樣 。比如鴛鴦紋樣、寶相花紋、連

Left page: Titled Painting the Eyes on a Snow Rabbit, this hanging scroll shows a seated mother with her son and a standing younger woman on a winter day. The mother wears an obi decorated with chrysanthemum flowers, while the standing younger woman has a kimono with summer hydrangeas—a reminder that people often wore garments with unseasonal references to distract from frigid or humid weather. (Picture courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art)

珠紋等。 與禮與節 精緻打造日本儀式感 每個日本人一生至少要穿4次和服,包括七五三節、成年 禮、結婚以及死亡。從某種程度上而言,和服是日本人 必備的服飾,它是日本文化精緻、儀式感的代表。 │39

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The Edo period (1603–1868) spanned 264 years, and is known as the last era of “traditional Japan.” During this time, Japanese culture developed with almost no foreign influence. The kimono was a visibly unifying cultural marker; every Japanese person wore it, regardless of age, gender, or social class. With everyone in the same attire, the need for some sort of distinction arose. Messages and symbols—such as style, motif, fabric, technique, and color—were woven into the garment to announce the status of the wearer. In the Meiji period (1868–1912), the popularity of the kimono began to decline. As Japan became heavily influenced by foreign cultures, the government began encouraging people to adopt Western clothing and habits. Government officials and military personnel were even required by law to wear Western clothes at official functions (though this law is no longer in effect today.) DIFFERENT TYPES OF KIMONOS While all kimonos may look similar in form to the untrained eye, there are actually many different styles. The kimono that one may wear to a wedding is different from what one may wear to a tea ceremony, and the type worn by a married woman is different from the type worn by a maiden. The “furisode” is the most formal style of kimono worn by unmarried women. The word “furisode” means “swinging sleeves,” referring to the robe’s billowing sleeves that range from 39 to 42 inches long. The longer the sleeve, the more formal it is considered. It is worn on special occasions, such as comingof-age ceremonies, weddings, and tea ceremonies. The “tomesode” is the most formal style of kimono worn by married women. It has shorter sleeves than the furisode. Traditionally, sleeves were shortened after marriage, as the long, billowy sleeves were impractical for working in the kitchen. It distinguishes itself from other kimonos in that it only has patterns under the waistline. There are two types of tomesode: “kuro” (black) and “iro” (colored). The kuro tomesode is the most formal, and it always contains five crests. There is also the “susohiki” and “ordori katamigawari,” both worn by dancers. The susohiki is typically donned by geisha, and it has a long train that trails on the floor. Odori kimonos are worn by traditional Japanese dancers. They are usually made of synthetic textiles rather than silk so that they can be washed regularly, and they are unlined to keep the dancers cool.

Some kimonos are designed for both males and females, such as the “mofuku” and “yutaka.” The mofuku is a mourning dress, made completely of plain black silk and typically with five crests. The yutaka is the most casual yet popular style of kimono. The lightweight frock is made of cotton, with bright colors and a simple design. Nowadays, it is often seen at summer festivals. PATTERNS FOR SEWING KIMONOS The kimono has a relatively simple construction and could be sewn at home. In the Edo period, many households had their own looms, and a woman’s sewing and weaving abilities were greatly valued. However, the creation of a luxurious silk kimono required the skill of a specialist, most of whom were men. When choosing designs for their kimonos, customers often referred to pattern books called “hinagata-bon.” The first such publication, On Hinagata, was published in 1666 and contained patterns for two hundred kimonos. These books quickly grew in popularity and were soon used by designers as well, not only to gain insight into what their competitors were selling but also to gauge what was fashionable. The patterns and images illustrated on kimonos often have complex and significant meanings. For example, the most popular bird depicted is the crane. Believed to live for a thousand years and to inhabit the land of the immortals, cranes signify longevity and good fortune. The richest source for kimono motifs comes from the natural world. Flowers, such as cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums, and maple leaves, frequently appear on garments and often have a seasonal significance. Pine, bamboo, and plum are collectively known as the Three Friends of Winter, or “shochikubai,” symbolizing longevity, perseverance, and renewal. Kimono patterns can also contain complex landscapes that draw from classical literature and popular myths. While these stories may involve people, it is uncommon to find human figures on kimonos. Instead, objects are used to symbolize their presence— for example, a pair of dropped fans often allude to lovers disturbed. MODERN DAY Despite its no longer being worn as often as in the past, the kimono continues to be a highly valued and


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Left: : Drawing master Kenji Suhara draws the outline of designs on kimono fabric during a stage of its production process at the Sensyo Ichikawa kimono workshop. The workshop employs a traditional method of dyeing called Kyo-Yuzen. Unique to Kyoto, it is used to dye silk fabric for kimonos by hand-painting with natural dyes made from flower petals. The technique can be divided into 26 processes, and each part is handled by the master of that process. Right: Stitching master Hitoshi Nakano works on a kimono during a stage of its production process at the Sensyo Ichikawa kimono workshop. (Photography by Carl Court/Getty Images)

much revered garment in modern-day Japan. Typically, people wear a kimono at least four times in their lives:at the traditional rite of passage “Shichi-Go-San,” at their coming-of age-ceremony, at their wedding, and on their deathbed. Japan is one of the world’s fastest growing countries, with one of the most innovative fashion scenes. However, the kimono continues to be a treasured tradition, serving as a reminder of Japan’s core culture and history.

相對於振袖,留袖(とめそで,tomesode)是已婚女性 的最正式禮服。起源是江戶時代,女性成婚之後,有把原 本振袖的袖子剪短的習俗,袖長約57至60公分。嫁做人 婦之後,不再長袖善舞,而是挽起袖子打理家務的形象。 留袖又分為黑留袖與色留袖。黑留袖一般會印上五個家紋 ( 背中、兩臂、兩胸前),色調為黑褐色,袖口較振袖較 為短,裙襬以及袖口多以刺繡繡上圖案。腰帶多鑲有金色 或者銀色的線。黑留袖常見的場合是婚禮中新人的親人、 媒人或是宴會中的重要與會者。色留袖則是非黑的黑色 之外的其他色調,印有一個以上的家紋,一般是在好友 的婚宴、或是初釜(はつかま,hatsukama,年初的茶會) 上出現。


色 無 地(い ろむじ,Iromuji) 是 略 式 禮 服, 也 就





服叫做「 振袖 」 (ふりそで,furisode)。振袖是未婚女


性所著用的和服中最為高級、適合喜慶的服飾,以其極 長的袖子為特色。當中又可以依照袖口「 袂 」的長度,細


分為大振袖( 袂長約114公分)、中振袖( 袂長約100公


分)、小振袖( 袂長約85公分)三種,其中以袂長最長




屬於外出用,具有方便活動的特性,也常搭配 作為女生




袖,除此之外在批露宴( 婚宴)、宴會派對、畢業典禮、 相親也都是適合穿著的種類,應用層面最為廣泛。

比如知名的「 京友禪」 (ゆうぜん,Yuzen),便是 精緻和服的重要工藝代表之一。「 京友禪」是發源於京都

振袖是所有和服中最華麗的種類。「 振袖 」之名,


是由於其袖丈較其他種類和服來得長。「 振 」在日文中乃





月,入門價60萬日幣( 約5千美元)起。

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This is an unlined summer kimono (hito-e). A pond with carp and water lilies adorns the lower part of this kimono, and morning glories bloom at the shoulders. This early summer scene is resist dyed and painted on a blue-and-white ground of high-quality silk gauze (ro), subtly patterned in the weave with goldfish in water. The donor’s grandmother, one of four generations of female textile artists, wore this summer kimono during her thirteenth year, around 1876, for her “jusan-mairi” (literally, “thirteenth temple visit”) to Arashiyama Horinji, a temple in Saga, Kyoto, to receive blessings as she entered adolescence. The kimono has three family crests: one on the center of the back and one on each sleeve. (Picture courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art)

這是一件夏季和服單衣(ひとえ,Hito-e),由質量上乘 的藍白底色絲綢製成。和服圖案中正是盛夏之景。一片 寧靜的池塘中微波蕩漾,水中淡雅高潔的荷花迎著清風 欣然盛開,栩栩如生的魚兒穿梭在荷葉中,自得其樂。 池塘之上( 和服肩背部)一朵朵牽牛花鱗次開放。 在日本傳統中,女孩子有「 女孩十三 」的成人式,即 女孩 13 歲時穿著和服禮裝前往神社參拜。這款和服捐 贈人的祖母,一位出生自日本紡織藝術世家的女子,正 是穿著這件和服參加了她在 1876 年於日本京都嵐山法 輪寺舉行「 女孩十三 」成人式。 這件和服上印有三個家紋,背部一個,兩袖上各一 個。家印作為日本傳統文化典型代表的家紋,不僅是一 種印製在和服上的圖案藝術,也是家族集團的象徵,更 是日本文化傳承的展現。


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Dozens of birds take to the sky on this kimono, covering the entire surface with realistic depictions in saturated colors. Among the birds are cranes (at the shoulder and hem on the back), ducks (including mandarin ducks on the back of the left sleeve), pheasants, sparrows, and swallows, as well as a peacock that wraps dramatically around the entire garment. This spectacular kimono was among the robes worn by a bride for her wedding celebration, which took place in 1942. Called “hikifurisode,” it has long, sweeping sleeves and elaborate patterns that run unbroken across the back and onto the backs of the sleeves, around the whole body, and across the front and onto the front of the sleeves. (Picture courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art)

這是一位新娘在婚禮(1942年時 )上穿著的和服之一。 從顏色和圖紋來看,這應是婚禮正式儀式之後,在招 待 客 人 時 所 穿 的 和 服, 叫 做 大 振 袖( 引 � 振 袖,Hiki Furisode)。它有著長長的袖子,精緻的圖紋。這種和 服的圖案一般會一體成型,從背部到袖子、全身不間 斷。在婚禮中,黑色的大振袖尤受歡迎。 在這件和服上,很多隻鳥禽衝向天空,藝術手法逼 真寫實,顏色飽滿,圖紋真切。這些鳥禽中有仙鶴( 肩部 和背部 )、鴨子( 包括左袖的鴛鴦 )、雉雞、麻雀、燕子、 還有一隻占據服裝面積很大的孔雀。一個個栩栩如生的 飛禽圖紋,在日本文化中蘊含著美好的祝福涵義。比如, 「 鶴 」在東方文化中具有諸多美好寓意。其生活習性為成 雙成對、結伴而行,有恩愛夫婦與忠貞不渝的愛情象徵, 因此經常被使用在婚禮場合中。


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Jewelers to

KINGS QUEENS The Gem Palace’s glittering heritage 印度手工珠寶 流芳百世的傳奇 English text by Catherine Yang | Chinese text translated by Ivy Tseng Pictures courtesy of Sanjay Kasliwal


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Top, left: Wei pours his heart and soul into every production, even if it means bringing himself to



f you want to fall in love with jewelry, you need only peruse the handcrafted works of The Gem Palace. Even the backs and undersides of each piece are covered with the most intricate filigree patterns, because the artists believe that even the parts that touch the body and go unseen should be beautiful. And in front, every single stone is uniquely shaped, hand-polished, and hand-set into its designated spot. Every piece seems personal, and tells a story. “If you see any imperfections, they’re made on purpose,” Shalini Kasliwal said, showing a bracelet inlaid with bluegreen stones, no two of which were exactly alike. Shalini, CEO of the Sanjay Kasliwal flagship store in New York, is the eighth generation of The Gem Palace. The Kasliwals are not just a dynasty of jewelers, but an imperial one. Their story goes back to the 1700s, when they adorned maharajas and royal families throughout India, effectively shaping the style of the imperial jewelry of the culture in the court.

只要擁有一件Gem Palace的手工珠寶,即可徜徉於印 度珠寶的琉璃世界。 Gem Palace的藝術家相信,每一個看似華麗、繁複的作 品,最基礎的原貌來自每一塊獨特的礦石,經過仔細的 琢磨、拋光,透過設計慢慢將原石鑲嵌為圖騰,華麗的 背後是看不見的心意組合,每一件作品都在說一個獨特 的故事。 Kasliwal Shalini 是 Gem Palace 在 紐 約 Sanjay Kasliwal 旗艦店的 CEO, 「 即使你看見些許的不完美, 但這些都有它存在的目的。」Shalini 邊說邊秀出鑲著藍 綠色寶石的印度風手鐲,強調這副作品上的每一顆礦石 都是獨特的。 Shalini 女士的父親 Sanjay Kasliwal 不幸於今年初 離世,她與兄長 Samir 目前是 Gem Palace 第八代繼承 者。Kasliwals 的家族故事可以回溯至 18 世紀,當時, Kasliwals 家族為印度蒙兀兒王朝的珠寶供應商,因此 家族本身擁有良好的珠寶製作技巧,專門提供具有帝國 圖騰的飾品給王宮貴族,精心打造流傳於王宮內的傳家 寶。而 Gem Palace 這個品牌則創立於 1852 年,並在 1923 年於印度的齋浦爾(Jaipur)建立店鋪。在 這 座 以粉色城堡聞名的城市,所設計提供的珠寶,也蘊含著

Top: The late Sanjay Kasliwal said, “A piece of jewelry is eternal; it must transcend times and trends.”

這座古城的濃厚文化氣質。目前於印度的店舖由 Shalini 女士的兄長 Samir 所管轄。 │45

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The Gem Palace was established in 1852, and the 1923 Jaipur shop in India has since become a destination in and of itself. Sanjay Kasliwal passed away earlier this year. His son Samir oversees operations in Jaipur, and his daughter Shalini heads the eponymous boutique in New York. The siblings remember their father as a larger-thanlife figure, passionate from the inside out about the craft, and able to charm people all around the world because of it.

家族傳承 Shalini表示,她父母相遇的故事也緣於珠寶。「 過去義 大利籍外祖父會到印度,向印度籍祖父買珠寶,在有次 旅程裡,我的父母相遇了。因為我們家庭背景的緣故, 我和兄長從小就對珠寶耳濡目染。」傳統上,這項事業 會由父親傳承給兒子,但家族不會施加壓力給下一代, 所以我們從小沒有那種一定要投入的使命感。而且在傳 統裡,這項事業不會傳給女性,所以Shalini從小對經營 珠寶這一件事更無想像。 回顧為何會繼承家業?源自 Shalini 的父親曾和她 分享想在紐約開店的計畫,她聽到想法後非常興奮,當 時她在義大利有一個律師資格考試,考試通過後,她決

FAMILY BUSINESS “Basically we grew up in the jewelry business, me and my brother, because from my dad’s side, they were jewelers for generations. From my mom’s side, actually they were jewelers as well,” Shalini said. Their Italian grandfather used to go to India to buy stones from their Indian grandfather.“During one of those trips, my mom went with my grandfather—so this is how they met,” Shalini said of her parents. “My father was super, super, super attached to the family business,” Shalini said. But despite the legacy of passing on the family business from father to son, there was never any pressure, and it was never taken for granted that she and her brother would need to join the family business. In fact, Shalini had initially struck out on her own— after all, the business is usually entrusted to the son anyway—and she had been taking the bar exam in Italy when her father decided to open the New York store. He’d told her his plans, and Shalini realized what she felt was excitement. She decided that right after her exam, she would make a big move. First, she moved to Jaipur to learn everything she could from her father. She’d worked summers at The Gem Palace as a teenager, but that had always been for fun. A few months later, she moved to New York to open the store. At age 26, she became the first woman to head a branch of the family business. “He really trusted me,” Shalini said, remembering her father spending not more than a week in New York, entrusting the rest to her. She thrived under the challenge. “It was like, ‘This is your store now,’” she said. PR firms, e-commerce, logos, personally advising stylists, and celebrities ahead of the Met Gala, working with fashion editors—much of it was marketing Sanjay had never had to deal with anyway.

定起身嘗試不同的路。剛開始,她利用夏天回 Jaipur 去 Gem Palace 學習珠寶知識,那時很懵懂無知,但幾個 月後,當時 26 歲的她就到紐約開店,而這也是家族事 業裡第一次有女性繼承。受到父親完全信任的 Shalini, 獨自在紐約面對一切新挑戰,比如聯繫公關公司、電子 商務、商標等,全是她之前沒有接觸過的領域,但她勇 敢面對。而對 Shalini 始終深信不疑的父親,在紐約待 的時間總不超過一周,因為他相信在紐約的這家店是屬 於女兒的。 「 我的父親其實一直保留著孩子般的率性,做事比 較傳統吧!他總是直接跟客戶交流,想到就會飛去倫敦、 日本去拜訪朋友,或者是到世界各地。他花了許多時間 在工作,全心投入珠寶這項家族事業,他總是可以從一 些體驗中獲取靈感與學習。」正因為 Shalini 父親的真摯 生活,帶給她一個廣闊的世界觀,並不停鼓勵她要把夢 想做大。而她的兄長 Samir,也是受到父親極深的影響, 在孩提時,他的兄長就會跟著父親到處拜訪店家、認識 父親的朋友,在那些時刻默默觀察與學習。 目前已投入珠寶事業 12 年的 Samir 說: 「 如果我 們現在有一些創造力,我想我們是可以試著想想可以為 未來留下什麼?」言談間,感受到對他們珠寶事業的使 命感。這種傳承,或許與 Gem Palace 的精神有關,在 印度 Jaipur 的珠寶工作室,原石、切割、設計都有辦法 獨立作業,整個團隊有 150 位左右的藝術家在一起從事 這項事業,除了經營者本身是一個綿延的家族事業,許 多設計師的技術也是向他們的父執輩學習,所以 Gem Palace 真的是一代又一代的傳承。 閃亮的文化寶藏 Gem Palace的珠寶工作室猶如一個魔法劇場,可以讓 一顆顆看起來樸實無華的石頭,轉變組合成一件價值百 萬的珠寶。當Shalini第一次在印度Jaipur的工作室裡, 親眼所見,原來每顆寶石的所有細節,是透過一雙雙的 手,慢慢鑲嵌而成,打造風格萬千的印度珠寶,完全依 靠手工,沒有任何機器。呼應了在Gem Palace的宣傳 影片裡,Shalini父親Sanjay如此說著:「 這是我們所擁


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The H by De childr

Every single stone is uniquely shaped, hand-polished, and hand-set into its designated spot. │47

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“He was very traditional; he was talking to his customers directly,” Shalini said. As a child, she admired his jet-setting lifestyle. He’d say, “Let’s visit my friends in London,” or he would say, “Oh, let’s go to Japan, we’re going to visit these friends,” and she would be in awe that he knew all these people and that he had been to all these places. He broadened her worldview and taught her to dream big. Samir, on the other hand, had always had an interest in the family business. He remembers even as a child visiting the shop with his father and learning about everything as he went along. The Gem Palace sources stones, designs, and crafts all its jewelry in-house. A team of about 150 artisans makes up an extension of the family business, because so many of the artisans have been with The Gem Palace for generations as well, learning from their fathers. “I used to spend a lot of time to see him working,” Samir said. “It’s something you can only learn from experience.” “If you have a bit of creativity, you can really accomplish something that you can leave also to the next generation,” Samir said. He joined the business 12 years ago and has been thinking since about what to leave for the future.

有的文化資產,無論從任何面向看,都如此閃亮 」、「 製 作珠寶是一件極其要求卓越的事情,必須有一顆謙遜的 心,才會有一雙靈巧的手,因而才會有智慧創作,這是 藝術。」在這裡,我們再次注意到Gem Palace永恆、傳 承的精神。 「 我的父親總是可以滔滔不絕地講好幾個小時的故 事,他總是可以將歷史故事說得非常有趣,世界各地也 會有不同的人到 Jaipur 找我父親。我有許多與他相處的 記憶,他總是告訴我們關於他父親的故事,告訴我們祖 父是如何用心教導他,然後再與我們分享祖父是如何幫 他建構這個世界,帶他認識形形色色的人,例如皇室、 男女演員、政治家們等。他的故事總是說不完,就如同 我現在與你們分享我父親的故事一般,我很開心現在做 的事,正在繼續製造一種連結。」Shalini 如此說道。 現在,無論何時到 Gem Palace 的商店,總會有至 少 700 件不同的商品,有的是流傳多代的經典款,這些 珠寶花紋是印度的經典文化,有的飾品穿過一代又一代, 傳到下一代陪伴不同的人一生,在時間長河下,會發現 珠寶其實有生命,每一顆石頭都有其靈魂,會找到屬性 相同的人。 在 印 度 Jaipur 做 這 一 份 工 作,Shalini 的 哥 哥 Samir 覺得,這是上天送給他的禮物,他在 Jaipur 關心 珠寶的製成,以及連繫海外的貿易業務。在這項家族事 業裡,他總是充滿熱誠地看見代表印度文化的飾品,穿 戴在不同族裔的人身上。他說:「 這一些珠寶的設計,有 的來源於大自然,有的則有動物的意象,每一個細節都

GLITTERING LEGACY There is something magical that happens in the workshops of The Gem Palace, where dusty stones are polished into brilliant treasures. When Shalini first set foot in the workshops with an eye to learn, she finally realized none of it is machine-made. Every setting, every elaborate pattern was crafted by expert hands. “We have inherited a glittering legacy,” Sanjay said in a short film about the brand. “You learn to pass on a respect for past creations made with rare and special gems, transformed into pieces of art by inspired craftsmanship. It is a legacy of excellence.” Within the jeweler dynasty, there is an idea of permanence. At any given time, 700 different pieces are on display in Gem Palace stores around the world— some may be pieces made again from designs centuries ago, originally made for an emperor or empress. Jewelry is significant in Indian culture. Some pieces are passed on through the generations; some are given to children to wear their whole life. Stones are chosen for their celestial properties.

是印度深厚的文化,都是連結與保持我們跟古文化連結 的遺產 」。他們的客戶來自世界各地,例如英國皇家、 好萊塢巨星等,客戶們總會好奇珠寶的故事涵義,希望 能理解這些印度傳統文化;而有的客戶會要求增加一些 現代元素,但他們會秉持傳統,在兩者間做平衡後設計。 這一項家族事業,其實在每一個細節都包含著非常個人 的價值觀。除了拓展業務外,他說:「 我更希望可以保留 這些文化進入主流世界裡。」 他們的兩位兄長 Sanjay 和 Munnu Kasliwa 目前在 進行世界各地的寶石蒐集,他們深信,珠寶不僅是珠寶, 更是藝術,可以展示在頂級博物館的藝術。Shalini 記得 有次和父親聊電子商務的想法,她問: 「 你如何能達到人 們在未親眼見過這些珠寶前,願意花 2、3 萬美金呢?」 目前他們和零售商線上夥伴 Moda Operandi 正在嘗試 這個實驗,除了網站,也在跨足社群軟體 Instagram。 「在 過去,我的父親總是會問在網路上經營的目的是什麼?」 但現在網路的世界連結一切。她與兄長知道,必須將市 場看向更年輕的一代,但他們不急躁,他們知道一個品 牌的塑造是需要一步一腳印。有時候 Shalini 會思考,在 她的女兒身上,未來將會繼承印度、義大利、紐約的文 化,而對她的女兒而言,什麼是最好的?透過這些疑問, 我們見到 Gem Palace 的傳承價值正閃閃發光。


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“He could talk to you for hours,” Shalini said. “He could tell you all the history—it’s really, really rich.” Since taking on the family business, she’s come to learn the history and story of each and every piece as well. “I have a lot of memories going there and seeing him there. He used to tell us a lot about his father, when he was going to the store to help his dad, seeing his dad building relationships around the world—royalty, actresses, actors, and politicians— he was telling us all of these things about his dad, which is what now I’m telling you about my dad,” Shalini said. People from all over the world would travel to Jaipur to talk to Sanjay. “I’m happy because I’m feeling I’m building the same kind of relationships,” Shalini said. In Jaipur, Samir does everything from designing to taking care of production, to overseeing global retail, where tastes differ from market to market. It’s a gift to be able to work with the stones he’s so passionate about and translate the India he sees into the pieces their clients will wear. “They’re all inspired by the traditional Indian motifs, inspiration from nature, from certain animals that have always been part of the Indian culture,” Samir said. “They keep repeating in our jewelry because it’s part of our cultural heritage.” The clientele come from far and wide, counting among them the British royal family, Hollywood A-listers, and heiresses who so prize the piece that they have their wardrobes designed around the jewelry. Some want a piece of history, jewelry that is as traditionally Indian as it gets. There are also lines that cater to a more contemporary style, while still drawing from traditional Indian culture and motifs. The family business, big as it is, has always been deeply personal. Brothers Sanjay and Munnu Kasliwal had expanded the collection and global renown greatly, bringing recognition of the pieces not just as jewelry but also as art, with beautiful exhibitions at top museums. The next generation has dreams of expanding the business footprint. “This is my hope, is to keep expanding the business,” Samir said. “A presence in every major country in the world—this is my vision for the future.” Shalini remembers her father shaking his head at the idea of e-commerce.

Top: Official visit of Prime Minister of India, Jawaharial Nehru, Lady Mountbatten and Maharani Gayatri Devi, Rajmata of Jaipur, to The Gem Palace. Bottom: HRH Prince Charles and Princess Diana visit the Gem Palace.

“How can you sell a $30,000, $20,000 piece online? Who would buy without seeing the piece?” he asked. They partnered with the trunk show online retailer Moda Operandi to run the experiment. “And they did,” Shalini said. “And we make sales all the time through Instagram. For my dad, this was something he was like ‘What is this?’ … And now the internet is everything.” The siblings know there is a market with younger demographics, but they don’t want to rush; the brand is iconic and has to be treated as such. “It’s something we have to do step by step,” Shalini said. Shalini is expecting, and adds that her daughter will inherit an Indian, Italian, and New York culture. “We’re thinking of what it will be for her generation as well.” │49

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Jay Huang:

Finding Strength Through Dance 恪思牧心 勤舞鑄剛志 ——專訪神韻領舞演員黃柏瀚

English text translated by Angela Feng Chinese text by Astrid Wang


arlier this year, at Lincoln Center in New York, a group of soldiers clad in glittering gold leaped across the stage. They radiated gallantry. Their movements were bold yet graceful, powerful yet controlled. Despite the complicated spins and tumbles the choreography entailed, they never fell out of sync, moving as a singular entity. At the front and center was Jay Huang, leading the rest of the dancers through his role as the general. Jay started to dance in practicum with Shen Yun Performing Arts, the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, in 2012. In the years since, he has risen through the ranks to become one of the principal dancers. Since its formation in 2006, Shen Yun’s mission has been to revive 5,000 years of Chinese civiliza-

今年初,紐約林肯中心的大衛寇克劇院舞台上,一群侍 衛們身披戰甲,肩掛金巾,一個個驍勇善戰、英姿颯 爽,透過整齊劃一的舞步與炫目的翻騰技巧,演繹一支 訓練有素的精銳將士。隊伍之中,一位將軍踏著沉著穩 健的步伐,引領著士兵變換陣型,他凜然堅定、目光如 炬,彷彿身在天高雲闊的塞外沙場。 他是來自台灣的黃柏瀚,現為美國神韻藝術團的領 舞擔綱,正是2019年表演曲目——《大明侍衛》的領舞 演員,他和其他舞蹈演員們完美再現大明王朝軍隊的威 武。在短短數分鐘內中密集呈現各種高難度技巧,他說 跳完此曲「 真的會很累、很累 」,但卻是他最享受的一 支舞。

Left: Born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jay moved to New York to study and pursue a career in classical Chinese dance. (Courtesy of Daniel Ulrich)


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tion. With this goal in mind, Jay has performed on prestigious stages all around the world, pouring his heart and soul into every movement.

「 恢復中華五千文明 」是每一位神韻藝術家肩負的 使命,透過舞蹈家們高超而細膩的詮釋,帶給觀眾無以 言表的感動與震撼。 2012年起,黃柏瀚開始隨神韻藝 術團參加世界巡演,如今已登臺八載,穿梭在世界各大

SOLDIERING THROUGH HARDSHIPS Born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jay moved to America to study and pursue a career in classical Chinese dance. He received his education at the prestigious Fei Tian Academy of the Arts in New York. There, he went through flexibility training—the first of many difficulties in his dance career. The excruciating sixmonth training period was full of hardships. “There were many times that I wanted to give up,” Jay confessed. Nevertheless, he steadfastly persevered. Overcoming his inf lexibility was only the first hurdle. As Jay began to learn more complicated choreography, he often struggled to keep up. No matter how hard he worked, he didn’t seem to progress fast enough. Despite doubling his efforts in hopes of catching up with the other dancers, he was still dissatisfied with his results. He recalled the constant anxiety he felt at the time: “I felt as though no matter how hard I practiced, I wouldn’t be good enough.” However, never one to give up easily, Jay persisted and improved day by day. It took nearly two years, but eventually, he was able to ease away his uncertainty and anxiety. Looking back, Jay recognizes the importance of gradualism. “You have to take things step by step,” he said. “Nothing comes easily or quickly.” As a result of this change in mindset, Jay has learned to celebrate small victories, which has led to many breakthroughs in his art. To increase the f luidity of his movements, Jay would practice the same action in front of a mirror for hours on end. This was often accompanied by watching videos of himself to study the movement from different angles, as well as seeking feedback from his fellow dancers. Not only does perfecting a dance require extensive physical training, but it also involves deep introspection. One must thoroughly dismantle each movement and consider all factors that may affect it, including mental and emotional states. “Your heart must be in the right place,” Jay explained. Years of training have helped him real-

頂級劇院的舞台。如此一流的演出,對藝術家們的嚴格 要求並不難想見,而他作為其中一名領舞演員卻始終謙 遜,直歎「 學無止盡 」。 深諳角色 以意帶形 在《大明侍衛》一曲中,他是一名英氣逼人的大將,但私 下性格隨和的他,與將軍所具備的那份氣魄有所不同, 因此,他對將軍一角的揣摩,頗有一番體會。他首先談 到將軍的眼神具有穿透力,「 你的眼神、你的感受真的 是打到劇場外面,平時練的時候就是這樣練,就是這個 想法。」先透過想像,讓自己的視野不侷限在劇場,遠 拓至笙旗蔽空的沙場,彷彿眼前就是敵軍的陣營。 他特別強調,具有穿透力的眼神並非兇惡,而是體 現一種「 英氣 」與「 威嚴 」。這支集體舞雖不像舞劇擁 有鮮明的故事情節,但為了體現將軍應有的神態,他也 必須領略古時的大將風範。他指出,將軍「 不會輕易地 邁下任何一步 」,不像其他士兵不停地在臺上移動,「 你 站的時候,可能身上有動作,但腳底下是乾淨的。」 他舉例: 「 假如我手這麼擺,可能人( 其他士兵 ) 就會這麼跑 」,當臺上所有人都在前後調動,而唯獨一 人鎮在中央,如此領兵的氣勢便得以生動呈現。透過細 微的動作安排,使表演層次不再停留於表面的絢麗技 巧。每一個看似簡單的動作背後,實則盈注了舞蹈演員 們無數次細膩推敲與反覆斟酌的心思。這是作為一名成 熟的舞蹈演員必要的付出,不過在此之前,須經受多年 的苦練與挑戰。 踏實鍛煉 無求自得 黃柏瀚第一年來到美國修習正統的中國古典舞,是從零 開始學習。首先得咬牙撐過的,就是軟開度,這是他 舞蹈生涯的首道難關。儘管曾痛到想放棄,卻仍堅持到 底,他說:「 每天逼著自己進步、進步、進步 」,苦撐過 前半年後,才漸入佳境。 不過軟度只是最初的坎。他初學舞蹈,因為不知如 何使力,而抓不到其中的巧勁,每一步似乎都走得特別 緩慢。有時自己付出了加倍的努力,盼能盡快地跟上其 他表現良好的同學,成果卻不盡理想。他回憶當時內心 頗為焦急,「 覺得怎麼練都練不出來,就會抱怨、會埋 怨,感覺自己很努力了,怎麼還差別那麼多?」 雖然如此,他仍每天認分勤練,熬過了兩年,才磨 掉了內心的不安與焦躁。後來他才明白,這些日常的積


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Jay Huang performs in Ming Imperial Guards, a classical Chinese dance piece that features the uplifting energy of the imperial guards in the Ming Dynasty. (Courtesy of Shen Yun Performing Arts)


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In the 2016 NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition, Jay Huang won Gold in the adult male division for his captivating portray of Li Bai in Drinking Alone Under the Moon. (Courtesy of Larry Dye)


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ize the importance of having a pure heart and clear mind. “If you dance with a cluttered mind or heavy heart, your movements will come out disjointed.” In 2016, Jay saw his hard work and perseverance come to fruition. He won first place in the adult male division of NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition, with his portrayal of the acclaimed poet Li Bai. He was also made one of Shen Yun’s principal dancers.

累是必經的過程,「 得一步、一步地上來,不能放鬆自 己 」,練舞不能求快,「 只想著練,不要去求 」是他學到 的解方。由於心態的轉變,他更能專心致志地練習,舞 藝也因此有所突破。 為了使身法更加流暢,同樣的動作,他在鏡前重 複無數遍,佐以錄像反覆修正,同時借鑑他人的優點, 盡可能讓每一個動作更臻精確,直到鏡中的他說服了自 己。不單是肢體訓練,同時也得具備清楚的意識,去思 考、拆解每一個動作,細想其中的突破可能。從清晨到 深夜,細瑣而枯燥的鍛煉是他經年累月的日常。

REACHING NEW HEIGHTS Jay is grateful for the values his parents instilled in him while he was growing up, as they have helped him become the successful artist he is today. His father always emphasized the importance of independence and self-sufficiency, teaching Jay to “not bother others about things that could be done yourself.” As a result, Jay became mature and self-reliant. Although he faced many challenges in his initial transition to the United States, he never mentioned them to his parents so as to prevent them from worrying. Jay’s upbringing taught him how to effectively handle difficulties and to hold himself to a high standard. However, joining Shen Yun brought him to new heights in his self-cultivation. The company culture is built on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance, creating an environment that is respectful and supportive. “It's not just about doing good yourself,” Jay explained. “You have to think about how you can help others, too." Over the years, whenever Jay observed new dancers encountering setbacks, he was happy to go out of his way to help them. Not only because he was able to empathize with them, as he himself had gone through similar struggles, but also because he understood the importance of supporting others. Jay spent the majority of his teenage years in a practice room; the past eight years of his life have f lown by in a f lurry of tumbles, leaps, and spins. Though he has performed across countless stages, he still gets nervous before every show. However, “the applause of the audience makes it all worth it,” he said. When asked to reflect on his career as a dancer, Jay smiled blissfully. “It was the best decision of my life.”

「 心正,舞才能正 」他一路走來謹遵師長教誨,透 過日以繼夜地實踐,他逐漸認識到純淨內心是第一位: 「 要是心裡亂七八糟的什麼都有,跳舞肯定是歪的。所 以我覺得跳舞,先把心靈純淨了、把思想放正了,反而 跳舞會容易很多。」2016年第七屆「 全世界中國古典舞 大賽 」中,他以生動、瀟灑的氣韻,成功刻畫千古名人 李白,最終榮獲金獎,可謂是他踏實鍛煉自我的碩果。 提升修養 體現無私 黃柏瀚認為,父母給了他一個良好的成長環境,當年的 教導至今仍十分受用,例如父親從小就教他們要學習獨 立:凡事若能自己完成,便不用去麻煩別人。他因此變 得成熟自立,儘管在美國生活面臨諸多挑戰,為了不讓 父母操心,他幾乎未曾向家人訴說遭遇的難關,連父母 都說他「 只報喜不報憂 」。 良好的家庭教育使他能恪守品行,對自我嚴格要 求。但在加入神韻之後,他發現每個人都十分注重修 為,人人都以「 真、善、忍 」作為處事準則,在此團隊 氛圍下,他對自我修養有了進一步的認識,也就是在端 正自我之外,還有更高的境界——無私無我。他解釋: 「 不只是要自己做好,你要想著怎麼幫別人做好。」 這些年來,每當他看見新進學員遇上挫折時,他很 樂意主動予以協助,一是因為他曾有相似經歷而感同身 受,一則是他很清楚每個人都是整體的一部份。「 互相 鼓勵、互相幫助,然後更多的時候去關心別人 」這是他 多年來在團隊中逐漸培養而成的心態,如今這些想法已 形成自然,現在他只是簡單地想著:「 別人開心,我就 開心!」付出再多也不以為苦。 他的大半青年歲月在無數次的把杆、踢腿、伸拉 與翻騰中度過,每一次登臺無不竭盡全力,但他欣慰地 說:「 跳完之後觀眾的掌聲會讓你感覺:真的值得!累 的值得!」觀眾的反應是最坦率、真誠的回饋。回想起 舞蹈人生,他只說:「 沒走錯!」三個字足見他走在這條 無悔路上的堅毅、認定,以及無所猶疑的自信。


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Top, left: Wei pours his heart and soul into every production, even if it means bringing himself to

NORDIC HAPPINESS Celebrating Scandanavian heritage with Made by Choice 芬蘭木作 展現北歐幸福超能力 ——專訪Made by Choice聯合創始人Niclas Ahlström English text by Angela Feng |Chinese text by Fenzhi Zhang Pictures courtesy of Made by Choice


ordic Happiness—that is the theme of Made by Choice, a Finnish design house and furniture manufacturer. The company strives to bring joy into people’s homes through playful pieces that are made to be cherished for years. Founded by Lasse Laine, Sebastian Jannson, and Niclas Ahlström in 2015, Made by Choice is committed to providing designs that are durable and innovative, yet reasonably priced. The brand began as just a furniture production company, created out of a desire to share the beauty of Finnish handicrafts with the rest of the world. Nowadays, with most companies making their goods in low-cost nations abroad, Made by Choice prides itself on having all its products crafted in Finland. The country has centuries of woodworking tradition, which Made by Choice strives to honor and uphold. The furniture is developed and manufactured by some of the most skilled craftsmen in the world at the company’s own factory in Salo. Made by Choice’s collections are often designed by the company’s in-house team, though they look forward to opportunities to collaborate with other artists and interior architects. In fact, collective creation is one of the company’s core design principles. “We maintain a childlike curiosity toward the world and are very open to breaking boundaries and collaborating with like-minded people,” explained co-founder and creative director Niclas Ahlström.

Niclas Ahlström is the founding partner and creative director of Made by Choice, which is committed to providing designs that are durable and innovative, yet reasonably priced. (Photography by Juho Kuva)

是什麼樣特別的精神力量,能讓芬蘭在全球多家機構報告 中連續蟬聯「 全球最快樂的國家 」? Made by Choice 是一家根植於芬蘭木製品傳統, 同時又因創新而屢次獲獎的芬蘭家具品牌。把快樂通過 家具帶入人們的生活之中,傳播「 北歐式幸福 」 (Nordic Happiness)正是 Made by Choice 致力打造和傳播的 精神。本期《時尚精英》特邀 Made by Choice 的聯合創

Left page: Made by Choice furniture is developed and manufactured by some of the most skilled craftsmen in the world at the company’s own factory in Salo, Finland.

始人和創意總監 Niclas Ahlström,暢談木作中的幸福 感。或許,他能夠帶領我們以管窺天,一探「 北歐式幸福 」 的祕密。 │59

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The company has worked with many high-profile clients, from The Finnish Institute in Paris and the Spanish Embassy in Helsinki to a variety of hotels and restaurants. Items are often tailored for specific interiors or locations; oftentimes, companies will come to Made by Choice looking for a certain design that they could not find on the market. As a result, every product created has a unique purpose and story. Sustainability is important at Made by Choice. Products are built to last and be handed down over generations. “There is great beauty in making quality products that people will treat with care, affection, and respect,” Niclas said. Additionally, the company focuses on using sustainable resources, such as wood, and adamantly abstains from harmful materials like plastic. The company strongly values transparency and social responsibility, holding these principles over sole profit. Various studies have named Finland one of the happiest countries in the world. Through its playful yet sophisticated designs, Made by Choice certainly reflects this ambience. All Made by Choice products are created with heart and passion, which the company strives to convey to the consumer. Through combining traditional woodworking methods with modern technology, Made by Choice celebrates both Scandinavian heritage and urban lifestyle. “We are in an age of machine-made products that are generic,” said Niclas. “It is exactly this reason why we should upkeep these unique traditions inherent to us.”

中。 「 在我們生活的世界裡,機器製造成為常態。這也是 為什麼我們應該保持那些祖輩傳遞給我們的特別傳統。」 Niclas Ahlström 評價說。 跳脫框架 如孩童般好奇 Made by Choice的客戶林林總總,從巴黎的芬蘭院,到 西班牙大使館,再到各種類型的賓館和餐廳等。它們的產 品經常為特定的室內設計和地點而量身打造。 很 多 時 候, 人 們 找 到 Made by Choice, 是 因 為 他們在市場上找不到自己想要的東西。因此,Made by Choice 的產品往往都有特殊的使用功能,每一個系列背 後都有屬於自己的獨特故事。Niclas 進一步解釋說, 「我 們希望協助建築和室內設計師們,讓他們擁有充分的主動 權,可以根據自己的整體設計規劃,提出具體的家具設計 訴求,而不是因為特定的家具尺寸和設計,而在設計上妥 協。」這也正是 Made by Choice 名字的來源。 「面對這個世界,我們懷有著孩童般的好奇心。我 們經常打破條條框框,和我們有相同理念的人合作。」 Niclas Ahlström 如是說。就設計而言,Made by Choice 除了採用自己設計團隊方案外,也同時和獨立藝術家、 室內設計師和建築設計師合作。對他們而言, 「 集體創 作 」是核心設計理念。 可持續發展和社會責任感 Made by Choice專注於使用可持續性材料。他們非常注 重透明化和社會責任感。對他們而言,這是超越於利潤之 外,更重要的追求。 可持續性發展和社會責任,對於 Made by Choice 來說不是口號,不僅僅是理念,而是實踐。這種責任, 讓他們快樂,並讓他們的產品給人們帶來快樂。在他們 看來,人們日常生活中所做的每個選擇,都體現了價值。

堅持傳統與創新 拒絕同化 2015年,三位北歐人LasseLaine、Sebastian Jannson和 Niclas Ahlström聯袂打造了Made by Choice這家公司。

「 可持續發展 」的選擇是對自己和對他人、對當今和未來 都有益的選擇。這種選擇可以為自己和他人都帶來快樂。 回望芬蘭的木作傳統,Niclas 和自己的聯合創始人












樣的產品問世之後,人們會愛護它、喜愛它和尊重它 」。


Niclas 稱歎道。

Made by Choice 的家具製造工廠悄然而生。就是在這

通過有趣味且優雅的設計,Made by Choice 的產

裡,芬蘭西南部最好的工匠們如同北歐的「 魯班 」,他們




法和技術,日復一日地打造著可以傳遞「 北歐式幸福 」的




此外,通過結合現代木工技術和現代技術,Made by Choice 把斯堪地那維亞的傳統融入到現代都市生活

傳統、創新和社會責任感,這或許就是「 北歐式幸福 」的 祕密來源。


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THE KOLHO SERIES WITH MATTHEW DAY JACKSON One especially significant and popular collection is Kolho, crafted in collaboration with New York-based artist Matthew Day Jackson. It debuted at Milan Design Week, and comprises a series of tables and chairs juxtaposed against Jackson’s well-known, exquisite flower paintings. The collection was inspired by a trip Jackson took to a town of the same name, where he visited the Formica factory. Using Formica, Jackson designed an intricate surface for the tables and chairs that reimagines—to scale—the surface of the moon. The pieces’ serpentine form alludes to the story of Adam and Eve, and represents temptation and chaos. As usual, Made by Choice doesn’t shy away from adventurous colors; items from the collection can be found in more muted brown and black, but also bright green and soft pink.

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THE AIRISTO SERIES CREATED WITH JOANNA LAAJISTO The Airisto collection’s furnishings are multifunctional: They can be used as a side table, stool, and a bench. The natural ash accents the beautiful features of the wood. In addition to the light wood, the other color option is stained black, which highlights the shape of the product, representative of Laajisto’s work. “A good product has to fit in different environments from the modern and minimalist to rich and classical,” explains Laajisto in a press release. 62│

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THE ‘NUDE’ CHAIR BY HARRI KOSKINEN The Nude chair debuted at the launch of one of Finland’s hottest new restaurant openings in October 2018, in an interior space co-created by Made by Choice and interior architects Marianna Sorsa & Salla Kantokorpi. Commissioned to harness an approachable, contemporary space for Nordic fine dining, Made by Choice integrated and commissioned key design pieces to resonate the venue’s laid-back Nordic philosophy. In February 2019, the Nude chair was integrated into the Made by Choice design collection and available for custom-made orders.

THE HALIKKO SERIES This series offers light, sleek, and comfy furniture with a simple structure and obscurely quirky characteristics. The Halikko series is a natural continuation of Made by Choice’s exploratory work on straightforward structures and expressive graphic surface treatments. Halikko draws its simple characteristics based on pure lines. Pieces are as pleasing to use at home as in collective spaces.

THE LONNA SERIES This furniture series was originally introduced as part of a café interior on the historical island of Lonna, right off the coast of Helsinki. Only recently introduced to the public, and now a popular destination among young urbanites, this rugged and rocky isle has a long history serving as a military base and naval demagnetization station for ships to defend against magnetic mines. In the spirit of the original machinery found on the island, the T-shaped supportive structure becomes the characteristic element of the Lonna series. │63

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LIVE FLEXIBLY Convection Speed Ovens 循環快速烤箱 讓生活更簡單


njoy a lifetime of adventurous, more satisfying cooking. Wolf distills decades of professional-kitchen wisdom into best-in-class appliances that take the guesswork out of cooking. Wolf is there with precise control, reliable quality, and superior performance—in sizes and technologies that suit every home and taste. We are now introducing the 24-inch and 30-inch Wolf speed ovens: convection wall ovens with microwave capabilities. They offer the performance you expect from Wolf ovens— only faster and smaller. Save time in the kitchen while achieving delicious results with this multi-use appliance. The Wolf Convection Speed Oven combines

一生的美食冒險,終身的滿分烹飪體驗。Wolf濃縮了幾 十年的專業廚房智慧,並將這些智慧匯聚到世界頂級廚 房電器設備中,讓人們烹飪時不需再猜再想,一切變得 皆可掌握。 Wolf 精準的控制系統,造就其值得信賴的高質量與 卓越表現。同時,也提供各式尺寸和技術的產品,以符合 每個家庭的不同烹飪需求與風味。 Wolf 烤 箱 的 效 能, 比 你 想 像 中 更 快、 更 好。 最 新 推 出 的 24 英 寸 和 30 英 寸 Wolf 快 速 烤 箱(speed ovens),擁有循環烤箱和微波功能,不僅能夠節省在廚 房中的烹飪時間,同時可以達到絕佳的美味效果。Wolf 循環快速烤箱(The Wolf Convection Speed Oven) 是一種多功能烤箱,把強大的微波、循環和烘烤功能相結


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the power of microwave with convection and broil capabilities in one easy-to-use appliance. It offers allin-one oven versatility, preparing a wide variety of food in reduced time. The efficient heat distribution and browning capabilities of a convection wall oven are paired with the power, speed, and compact size of a microwave. As a stand-alone cooking instrument or a companion to your conventional oven, the speed oven is your foray into practically limitless edible expression. With 900-watt microwave technology, this appliance prepares entire meals and helps with common cooking tasks, like melting and defrosting, with the powerful performance of your favorite microwave preset modes. The 1500-watt broil element provides the robust heat needed to add the finishing touch to seared steaks, delicate pie meringue, or crusty crostini. Items large and small have the perfect fit! Even a 9-by-13 pan can have a home in the roomy stainless steel cavity. With such a large interior, it can act as your primary or second oven. Preset gourmet modes and quick-start controls help take the guesswork out of cooking. From the most efficiently sized townhouse kitchens to grand tributes to the art of cooking, we have the robust design options necessary to match any size, shape, and aesthetic. The Wolf convection speed ovens match seamlessly with both the M series and E series ovens as well as other Wolf built-in appliances. Various handle and trim options create a consistent, sleek look. The drop-down door design integrates seamlessly into any kitchen design, while freeing up counter space. Would you like to be a master of the speed oven and wow your guests? Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove offers a complimentary technique guide, filled with practical tips and dozens of chef-tested recipes to help you get the most out of your speed oven. Master the modes and enjoy one delicious meal after another. Download the eBook at subzero-wolf.com. To further explore all that the luxury brand has to offer, visit a Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove showroom to experience this new product, along with the full line of Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove products. Our expert consultants will help simplify your next project. Visit subzero-wolf.com/ east to learn more. The photography and English text was provided by SubZero, Wolf, and Cove. Fenzhi Zhang from Elite Lifestyle Magazine has translated the text to Chinese.

合,成就了這款操作簡易的家用電器,讓你用更少時間, 準備多種多樣的食物。其不僅具有高效的散熱和褐變能 力,同時配置了強大、快速和緊湊的小體積微波爐功能。 無論是作為一個單獨的廚房電器,或者和傳統的烤 箱一起使用,快速烤箱可以帶您一起烹飪無盡美食。它 配備 900 瓦的微波技術,可以協助解凍、速溶等任務, 同時,其 1500 瓦的烘烤配置更能烤出美味的牛排、精 緻的酥皮餡餅,或者是脆皮麵包丁等。其容量巨大,可 完美容納各式大小的食物。作為家中的主要或第二烤箱, 在這個不鏽鋼的碩大裝置中, 甚至可以放下 9 乘 13 的 平底鍋。此外,這款烤箱的美食預設模式和快速啟動裝 置,可以讓烹飪更加簡單明瞭。 從高效能的聯排別墅廚房,到可盡情展現烹飪技 術的大型豪華廚房,Wolf 擁有多種穩健設計(robust design)選項,來配備任何尺寸、形狀和美學設計風格 的豐富產品。Wolf 循環快速烤箱也可以和其 M 系列和 E 系列烤箱完美配備,或搭配其他 Wolf 置入式電器。它擁 有多種把手和邊框設計選擇,幫您打造一個風格統一、線 條流暢的廚房。其下落式門設計和所有廚房設計風格相融 合,與此同時,解放出更多的廚房檯面空間。 想要成為快速烤箱大師嗎? Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove 提供免費的技術指導,內含使用指南貼士和經大廚 驗證的料理食譜,幫助您最大限度地使用快速烤箱。掌握 不同的烹飪模式,享受一頓又一頓美食。要了解產品, 請下載 subzero-wolf.com 網站的電子書,或造訪 SubZero, Wolf, and Cove 的展示廳。我們的諮詢師將快速 協助您。登入 subzero-wolf.com/east 了解更多。 │65

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READY TO ENTERTAIN The ultimate guide to a fully functional kitchen for holiday parties 節慶來臨 廚房功能和空間布局攻略 By Faithe Lo

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atherings lie in the essence of every holiday season, it brings family and friends together, offering a relaxing yet memorable time to unwind, socialize, and relish the taste of festivity. As the host, however, the process can be stressful, both in the meal preparation and post-party tidying. Thus, whether it be a stand-up western-style cocktail party or a sit-down dinner with Asian cuisine, a perfect holiday gathering is necessarily accomplished with a versatile kitchen.

節慶時節,免不了聚在一起吃吃喝喝,此時的活動重心 當然非廚房莫屬。無論是料理日常生活的三菜一湯,或 者烹調聖誕節烤雞和莓果派,還是中國新年的圍爐火鍋 與水餃,都得仰賴廚房才得以端出一道道佳餚。 對熱愛招待親友一同過節的人而言,一個好用的廚 房必須具備有下列特色:可容納多人一起備餐,收納空 間的設計規劃合理順手,方便運用不同的電器增加備菜


速度及事後的清潔,讓 party 過後的整理不費力氣。


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KITCHEN LAYOUT DESIGNS With an open aisle, the L-shaped layout boosts efficiency and shapes the kitchen into a major socializing paradise. Guests can join in, help out, show off their secret culinary skills, or simply stand alongside the cabinetry and carry the conversation beyond the cooking area. Moreover, one end of the “L” is often designed to create a short corridor to the dining room, thus establishing the impression of a larger area. With this layout’s growing popularity, many proceed further to incorporate a raised breakfast bar or peninsula into the design, maximizing the social functions of their ideal kitchen. 節慶備餐時,最開心的事莫過於一面做菜、一面和親友 天南地北的敘舊,這時廚房動線的設計布局就顯得格外 重要。好的廚房動線,可以容納多人同時使用而不撞在 一起。L型或馬蹄型的廚房動線設計,檯面兩側都可以很 好地利用,此外,檯面下方可以設置海量的收納空間,放 置各式鍋具和烹飪道具,也可以依據電線管路的配置放 置烤箱、洗碗機等。加上一個半島做為吧台或早餐台,設 計變化多元、彈性大,是目前最受歡迎的廚房格局之一。 TOP: LEICHT, VERVE-FS | TOPOS, LEICHT.COM RIGHT: ERNESTOMEDA, OBLIQUA, ERNESTOMEDA.COM/EN/


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The one-wall design is ideal for small kitchens. Space is maximized, with all appliances and amenities occupying a single side. For extra storage, consider supplementing movable cabinets, or transform the dining table into an island to create more space for food preparation.

一字型的格局非常適合空間比較小的廚房,雖然只能利 用一側的空間備菜,但若加上具機動性的層架,或者將 餐桌當成臨時中島,即可增加許多檯面空間,擺放食譜 或其他小東西都很方便。



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Functional yet minimalistic, the pull-out island/shelving serves as a great solution to space challenges during a busy social gathering. Over-the-sink cutting boards effectively increases counter space in the kitchen.

Pull-out peninsula或pull-out shelving,在需要臨時 提供多人使用時,一拉出來馬上即可增加檯面空間,而 平時人少時收起來即可,不佔用空間,方便維持廚房整 潔。Over-the-sink board對於寸土寸金的小廚房而言非 常吃香,能做為工作檯面,也能做為爐蓋。



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Adorning your kitchen with an island can enhance the social experience, permitting room for extra amenities, such as a microwave drawer or beverage units. Though elegant and functional, this design is relatively space-demanding, thus is generally more suitable for larger kitchen platforms. 帶爐頭式中央島(Island with a cooktop),大家可以一起在檯面四周活 動,動線靈活,更方便活絡氣氛。而這樣的設計需要較大的廚房空間,同 時,要特別注意抽油煙機設置的位置及瓦斯管線配置等,技術門檻較高。 TOP: LEFT:


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ORGANIZING A messy kitchen significantly hinders efficiency, and often even dampens our mood; when nothing else is possible, the innovative decluttering products solve the dilemma: from the corner drawer and rolling cabinet increasing vertical storage, to under-the-shelf LED lights adding depth and ambiance, the thoughtful designs do more than just tidying, they also incorporate extra convenience into our life.

有精心規劃的收納空間非常重要,每個東西的有自己的 位置,在拿取和收納時既順手又省時省力,看著分類整 齊劃一的廚房,心情也會非常愉悅。 現代廚房的收納設計,每一個品牌都花上很多功夫 研發:有的選用特別的抗污、抗異味材質;有的在層架下 方安上 LED 燈;有的運用活動層架增加收納彈性;有的 設計可活動的雙面或多面層架、抽屜,各有千秋。



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APPLIANCES: A functional ventilation system is critical for kitchen air circulation, and it is especially necessary for lovers of Eastern cuisine, whose cooking process often involves frying. Homeowners can choose from a variety of different designs to best suit their varying kitchen layout and preferences.

抽油煙機(range hood or ventilation)對於中式烹飪 來講是必不可少的,因為煎、炒、炸時常會有大量油煙。 抽油煙機有不同形式,依需求可選擇不同設計。 烤箱是美式廚房中最基礎的家電,在節慶時節如果有多 台 烤 箱、 微 波 爐、 蒸 烤 爐(Steam convection oven) 等電器,能加快煮食速度。而有一個電器hub連接各種 小家電,如slow cooker、sou-vide機或攪拌機等,讓備 餐更加便利。


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Becoming a Family Home The transformation of a charming Park Slope duplex apartment 複式公寓改建 為孩子升級家庭空間 English text by Angela Feng | Chinese text by Ada Tian Photography by Amy Barkow


mong the tree-lined streets and historic brownstones of Park Slope in Brooklyn, New York, is this elegant yet cozy duplex apartment. A couple with two children had been living in this home for over a decade, and they decided it was time to renovate. The extensive project involved converting a basement-level storage unit into a family room by adding a staircase and reworking the entryway to create a slate-tiled mudroom that could hold coats, shoes, backpacks, and sports equipment.

在 紐 約布魯克林的Park Slope區,一對夫婦帶著兩個 孩子在他們的公寓裡生活了十多年,隨著家庭成員增加 及孩子們的成長,這個四口之家對公寓的功能需求也在 不斷變化著。這成為此改建項目的主要訴求。除了翻新 設 計,BFDO Architects PLLC的 設 計 師還 通 過 增建 樓梯,將一層和原有的半地下室空間打通,將作為存儲 功能的半地下室改建為可居住空間。

Top: The airy living room employs a clean white and gray color palette, with pops of orange, green, and blue adding a playful touch.


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Top left: Built into the dining room is an office alcove, with a custom blackened-steel enclosure and steel-wrapped column. Top right: The sky blue master bedroom is furnished by Room and Board, and includes a custom radiator enclosure. Bottom left: A new bathroom was added to the master bedroom, with a navy penny tile shower, a vanity by The Furniture Guild, and a Jet Mist granite countertop. Bottom right: The children's bathroom features a custom blackened-steel shower enclosure, as well as black tile flooring by Nemo and a vanity by The Furniture Guild.

The couple also sought to open up the floorplan, through removing partitions and merging the kitchen with the living and dining rooms. A raised woodclad ceiling in the kitchen separates it from the adjacent spaces. A small office was added into a corner of the dining room, with a steel and glass partition that acts as a sound barrier while letting in natural light. The use of steel throughout the rooms ties the spaces together—from the custom blackened-steel enclosure and steel-wrapped column in the dining room to the steel shelf above the kitchen counter.

現代都市的生活節奏非常快,工作壓力、學習壓力 及各種電子設備的不斷升級,使我們與家人共處的時間 顯得尤為寶貴。為了營造與家人共處的公共空間,設計 師拆除了不必要的牆壁,將起居室與廚房、餐廳完全打 通,僅在角落處隔出了一間半隔斷的工作空間。如此將 原來功能單一的空間連接起來,為父母與孩子創造了更 多的互動機會。 連續、流動的開放空間,同時在視覺上起到了擴大 空間的效果。各種層次的藍色與反覆出現的黑色鋼材, 如工作間的玻璃門框、餐桌上方的燈具、黑色承重柱、 廚房櫃檯上方的置物架,以及衛生間的黑框玻璃隔等作


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The kitchen features statuarietto marble countertops and a custom blackened-steel shelf, as well as custom flooring and a wood-clad ceiling.

The bedrooms are all located along a long hallway painted a deep blue-gray. The bedrooms all have walls in various shades of blue—from the sky-blue master bedroom to the indigo of the children’s room. A new bathroom was added to the master bedroom, with a navy penny tile shower, Furniture Guild vanity, and countertop of Jet Mist granite. The children’s bathroom features another steel and glass enclosure for the shower, set between the black Nemo tile f loor and ceiling. In the kids’ bedroom, a large window seat set atop the custom radiator enclosure offers a beautiful view of the city. Downstairs, the family room features a large teal

sectional and built-in shelving perfect for movie nights, as well as areas for laundry and storage. 為點綴,提升了空間設計感,並將整座公寓在視覺上形 成連續性。 公寓臥室沿著一個長長的走廊組織 起來,走廊牆 壁選用了深的藍灰色。主臥室裡增加了一個藍灰色調的 浴室,以滿足一家四口在相同時段的使用需求。孩子的 臥室用偏紫的藍灰色與白色,帶絨毛的床上用品和地毯 則為臥室增添了溫暖的感覺。 底層改建後的半地下室,除增設了可供一家人看電 影的娛樂空間,還設置了一家四口收納外套、鞋、背包 及運動設備的儲藏區及洗衣房。


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Yutang Mountain Villa Integrating dreamy salon and comfort living 座上賓 北京御湯山別墅優雅迎客 English text by Angela Feng Chinese text by San Xia Photography by Boris

The living room features a blue-gray sculpture of a horse’s head, Tiffany │77blue side cabinets, and a blue-green painting that serves as the focal point.

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Left: The pendant lights in the kitchen make a playful yet elegant statement, literally and figuratively lighting up the space. Center: The stylish and comfortable study is the perfect place to both work and unwind. Right: Plentiful natural light, creamy gray wall paneling, and minimal pops of color give the living room an airy and elegant ambiance.


ocated in bustling Beijing, China, is the 7,534-square-foot Yutang Mountain Villa. Stylish, modern, and luxurious, the space was created by H&W Design, a Beijing-based design firm devoted to exclusive, high-end residential homes. The firm’s founders, Hu Ke and Wang Rui, took on the challenge of creating a chic yet comfortable living space that is suitable for entertaining friends on weekends or holidays. Throughout the living room, leafy greens, Tiffany blue, and gold accents add elegance while enhancing the sense of contemporary style. A blue-green-toned painting acts as the focal point, accompanied by a blue-gray horse sculpture—the animal being a symbol of success in Chinese culture. The living room leads directly into the dining room, creating an open space that is perfect for social gatherings. To bring in more sunlight, the entry room was extended, an-

北京御湯山這套別墅的女主人希望有一個時尚、摩登, 又具輕奢感的生活空間。一個既能滿足舒適的居住要 求,又可在週末或假節裡招待朋友的家。在無比愜意的 觥籌杯盞中,女主人在家中打造著屬於自己的夢幻沙龍。 一層客廳所使用的奶油灰護牆板,彷彿將咖啡的醇 香凝結在空間中。古典風格的線條,在簡潔的詮釋下, 披上了時尚的外衣。綠色、Tiffany 藍、金色的點綴,豐 富了空間的氣質,增加了現代感。一如口感豐富的摩卡 咖啡,從十五世紀暢銷至今。經典、摩登是人們對摩卡 咖啡的印象,與女主人時尚的氣質不謀而合。進階人群 和精英人士對於生活方式的定位,以及未來的憧憬彷彿 都融合在這一杯香濃回味的摩卡中,這是生活的味道。 為了使光線更加充足,一層門廳被加建出來,同時 增開了餐廳的門,客廳部分的窗戶面積也被適量加大, 於是引進了光芒在空間起舞,啟發著居住者的精神世界。 二樓小書房的牆面,設計師做了鏡面處理,反射出其 他空間的景觀,增加縱深感。不經意間,簡潔的吊頂線條、 石膏線收口的金箔,都向觀者透露摩登典雅的氣息。


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other door was added to the dining room, and the windows in the living room were appropriately enlarged. A small study is located on the second floor, with mirrored walls that add depth and create the illusion of a larger space. Its concise, goldlined gypsum ceiling conveys a sense of modernity and elegance. The salon employs a striking black and white color scheme, adorned with pops of gold and green. With a hot spring pool and modern white lounge sofa, it is the perfect place to enjoy downtime or host guests. A skylight provides plenty of natural light, as well as a stunning view of the stars at night. However, if the sun gets too bright, it can easily be blocked with a hidden electric curtain. Throughout the residence, greenery adds vitality and liveliness, and helps one feel close to nature without having to go outside. Meticulous attention was put into perfecting the overall atmosphere of the space—the colors and lighting are the result of repeated testing. “To design a successful private residence, artistic expression is as important as functionality,” said the designers. Yutang Mountain Villa impeccably combines art with functionality, resulting in a one-of-a-kind sanctuary amid the hectic city. 與家人或者朋友在溫泉池小聚是最愜意不過 了。原有的湯池被拆掉,移至另一側,改造成方便 老人和孩子的下挖式弧線溫泉池。除此之外,設計 師特意為頂部裝上天窗,夜幕降臨,繁星和銀河即 是新的景觀。正午時候,如果光照太過刺眼,天窗 上隱藏的電動窗簾可遮陽避暑。 一層餐廳、廚房與旁邊小起居室組成休閒愜意 的獨處區,朝南的光線下,綠植搖曳,若是有微風 相伴,光影斑駁,手捧咖啡,若再響起小野麗莎的 音樂,定會感歎時光的美好。 別墅地面和牆面所用的六邊形蜂巢狀大理石, 飽含家的寓意。同時,眾多綠色植物的環繞,讓人 不出門便貼近大自然,增添了空間的生機與詩意。 Top: The horse—a symbol of success in Chinese culture—is a consistent decor theme throughout the whole residence. Bottom: With a striking black and white color palette, the salon room offers a serene oasis with a pool and custom skylight.


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SHANGRI-LA IN POUND RIDGE A Dreamy Resort-Like Luxury Estate Calls for New Owner 紐約近郊 隱落大自然的歐風別墅 English text by Fenzhi Zhang and Cynthia Sun | Chinese text by Fenzhi Zhang Pictures courtesy of Sotheby’s International Realty


itting on over 17 acres in arboraceous Westchester County, New York, 115 Lower Shad Road is a 14,000-square-foot eclectic masterpiece with six oversized bedrooms, six and a half bathrooms, a stunning pool view, and a spacious four-car garage. The expansive halls, the sweeping architecture, and the distinctly personalized rooms are just the foundation of this impressive manor. With the intent to create a home suited for a year-round vacation, this house is the ultimate combination of utilitarian and entertainment.

紐約威斯特切斯特郡(Westchester County)北部的 龐德里奇(Pound Ridge)是一座靜謐的城鎮。這裡目 前有一棟6臥6.5衛的豪宅待售,共有14,000平方英尺 的居住面積。它坐擁17英畝風景優美的土地,身處蔥鬱 樹木之中,靜靜地隱落在距離龐德里奇小鎮商圈不遠的 一個小徑深處。 開車緩行,進入開闊的院落,一座兼具古典與現代 建 築風 格的大 氣 建 築赫然豎立。它有著典雅莊嚴的門 廊、幾乎和屋脊等高的的白色頂柱、寬大的窗戶和優雅 的三角屋脊。推開精緻厚重的正中大門,氣勢恢宏的弧 形樓梯,對稱分列大廳兩側。舉目而望,大廳正中頂部


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Top, left: Wei pours his heart and soul into every production, even if it means bringing himself to


Top left: The grand foyer showcases a painted dome, dazzling chandelier, and clerestory windows along with a set of luxurious wooden curved staircases. Top right: Backyard entertainment includes a stereo sound set and a lighting system to highlight the pool. Bottom : The basement was designed as the space for entertaining family and friends. With a bar, pool table, and access to the swimming pool, it is a happy place where everyone can enjoy each other’s company. Left page: This eclectic six-bedroom home is located in Pound Ridge, one of New York’s upscale neighborhoods.

Unique features like the rooftop access for stargazing, the traditional artistry decorating the main foyer, and the swim-up bar produce a harmonious fusion of Southern colonial and contemporary modern architecture. The main foyer entrance showcases a round dome, chic crystal chandelier, and clerestory windows along with a pair of luxurious wooden curved staircases. Lofty ceilings and intricate decor are running themes in the house. However, the Southern roots have not been forgotten: Five cozy fireplaces, accessible barbeque grills near the pool, and an ideal stone-worked wine cellar complete with redwood and cedarwood storing units were specially tailored for this home. Handpicked furnishings add touches of genuine culture from other corners of the earth. The detailed wood front doors were imported from Mexico, the leather pieces from Italy, and countless other international antiques collected over the years. On the ground floor, the kitchen accentuates snowwhite cabinets and dark marble countertops. Nearly

是有著透明玻璃和飛鳥圖案的拱形圓頂,以及一個超大 型的水晶燈。 款步大廳四周,室內光線充足、空間開闊,給人一 種富麗堂皇之感。穿過大廳,推開後門,行至通往後院 的天台上,如畫般的景色悠然眼前。遠觀,楓樹、橡樹、 山胡桃樹等多種樹木鬱鬱蔥蔥;近看,一個精心設計的 大型游泳池內水質清澈、微波蕩漾。 從天台走下,進入了由後院加地下室構成的大型聚 會和遊玩區域。天台附近和游泳池旁各有一個燒烤爐, 供夏、秋季節戶外燒烤使用。巨大的游泳池,有溫水功 能,且有一個水位很淺的兒童遊玩區。媽媽們可以悠閒 地坐在附近,看孩子們在水裡嬉戲。游泳池內設有一個 吧檯和座椅。人們可坐在水中,就著吧檯,吃吃喝喝、聊 聊天,盡享休閒時光。 地下室一層,內設檯球桌、酒窖、吧檯、聊天和就 餐區域等,是一個功能齊全且頗有格調的室內聚會和遊 玩區。優雅輕鬆的內部裝潢,讓人步入其中,彷彿身處 一個高級餐廳或酒吧,心情頓時放鬆下來。地下室開放 式的空間結構,也方便人們走動、溝通和社交。 除了非常適合招 待客人和 社 交娛 樂 之外,這 棟 絕 美 建 築最 讓 人心動 的是:溫馨 舒適 的 家 庭 生活設 施。 │81

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wall-to-wall windows running against the kitchen dining table provide an abundance of natural light. The oversized bedrooms are gilded with a mixture of wood, marble, and crystal, reemphasizing the avant-garde nature of the home. There are two grand studies on the ground floor. The Her study room is airy yet bright, which makes it a tranquil sanctuary for parents to relax in after a long day. The Him study space’s built-in bookcases, rich mahogany, and traditional paneling give this study a classical and sophisticated vibe. The garden level has a spa room. With a hot tub, steaming shower, and sauna room, this at-home spa adds a healthy, tranquil touch to the home and is an ultimate luxury for homeowners looking to relax. The fully equipped home gym is a sun-drenched space that both kids and parents can enjoy. The double-sided fireplace, hand-painted pub scenes, special ventilation for the cigar area, wine room, and all the other amenities are just beyond your expectations. During parties, the 2,500-plus bottle wine room is perfect for wine tastings and intimate conversations. In the swimming pool, there is a kiddie pool area that would allow children to play and practice swimming skills. The swim-up pool bar would become the focal point during parties, as they provide the perfect spots for you and the guests to enjoy conversations, snacks, barbecue, and having a drink. And there’s a sound system and a lighting system that goes around the pool. Surrounded by trees and bushes, this home is perfect for green living and a stress-free, peaceful lifestyle. The MLS ID of this property is 4957096. Please visit the website for further information: www.sothebysrealty.com

每個家庭成員的臥室,包括孩子們的臥室,都採用了大 戶型設計,空間寬闊且採光良好。健身房、家庭活動室 (Family Room)和水療室(Spa)都是現任主人一家經 常在一起活動的區域。 對於男主人而言,宅內他最喜歡的空間是自己的書

Top: This sleek, all-white kitchen is spiced up with brass accents and marble countertops. Nearly wall-to-wall windows on one side of this kitchen provide an abundance of natural light.

房,它典雅幽靜,具有濃郁的書香氣息。 女主人非常享 受功能齊全且頗具風格的廚房,她享受在這裡為一家人 備餐的每一天。此外,和先生一樣,她也有一個專屬於 自己的書房。書房外常年綠意盎然,視野極佳,書房內

Right page: Top: This airy and bright study is a tranquil sanctuary to relax in after a long day. Center: Built-in bookcases, rich mahogany, and traditional paneling give this study a classical and sophisticated vibe. Bottom: During parties, this 2,500-plus bottle wine room on the basement level is perfect for wine tastings and intimate conversations.

寬敞明亮,安靜舒適。 這棟精心設計的房子還有很多使用貼心的細節。 比如,房子頂層是一整層的閣樓空間,收納功能十分強 大。貫穿整個住所,共有五個壁 爐,兩個燃氣、三個燃 木,處處表達出現任主人設計此宅時溫暖舒適的居家情 懷。宅內設有兩個寬敞、帶獨立衛浴的客房,讓來訪客


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人倍感舒適體貼之外,還可享受屬於自己的私密空間。地 下室設有酒窖,儲存空間頗大,且距離吧檯較近,方便存 取。 考慮到房屋位於靜謐的郊區,宅內備有一個發電機, 可應急使用。其電量可同時點亮整個房子,讓房子的功能, 不受任何特殊情況或惡劣天氣的影響。另外,這棟建築還 有兩套極為實用和舒適的供暖系統,一套為熱風供暖系統 暖氣(forced air),另外一套為輻射供暖系統(radiated heating)。整個地下室和所有的衛生間都採用了輻射供 暖。這樣冬天住起來很溫暖舒服。因為輻射供暖是從地面 讓溫度提升,腳踩在地面時,讓人從腳發熱,而且整體空 氣也較不會乾燥。 該物業的地址為 115 Lower Shad Road, Pound Ridge, New York, 10576, 其 房 源 系 統 序 列 號(MLS ID) 是 4957096。 欲 進一 步了解 該 物 業 詳 情, 請 查 詢:www. sothebysrealty.com │83

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堂食每日 11:30-21:45 外賣每日 11:00-21:30 212-380-8883 / 212-380-8887 24 W 56th St., New York, NY 10019 (between 5th and 6th Ave) www.redpeonyrestaurant.com

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Red Peony An exquisite taste of China 牡丹花開 一品中華 English text by Nadia Ghattas & Angela Feng Chinese text by Astrid Wang Photography by Ronald Ji

The owners of Red Peony, Connie and Eric Zhang.



legant, graceful, and known as the “king of flowers,” the peony is traditionally a symbol of good taste in Chinese culture. Red Peony, a new restaurant in Midtown Manhattan, lives up to its namesake. In a city where one can find Chinese cuisine around every corner, Red Peony sets itself apart with its elegant aesthetic, featuring grand decor, exquisite crystal chandeliers, and red velvet dining chairs.

「 何人不愛牡丹花,佔盡城中好物華」赭紅的牡丹花,雍 容華貴,歷來都象徵著出色的品味。曼哈頓中城繁華的 街區,一間新張的中餐館名為「 紅牡丹」,一別人們對 中餐館紛雜的印象,其莊重大器的裝潢,典雅的水晶吊 燈,紅絲絨餐桌椅,步入店內便可以感受到散布其間的 精細巧思。 該店店主為一對夫婦,兩人擁有多年餐飲經驗,女 店主Connie Zhang對餐廳經營自有一套品味與堅持, 在華人區的餐飲界已頗有建樹。而在華人區外,紅牡丹 的誕生為四方食客帶來耳目一新的用餐體驗。 │85

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Eric Zhang is responsible for managing the kitchen, but is also a skilled chef himself, and will often personally cook for special guests.

The owners of Red Peony, Connie and Eric Zhang, are a dynamic young restaurateur couple. Despite their youth, they are both veterans of the dining industry. With Red Peony, their goal is to share authentic Chinese cuisine, from its traditional delicacies to creative dishes, with as many people as possible.

精細打理 無微不至 Connie於80年代隨家人移民美國,在她年僅12歲時, 就隨父母打理餐飲事業。當時她積極學習英文以接應西 方顧客,並自主學習多項技能,一人抵 數人,替家中減 輕人事開支。後來,她在馬里蘭大學主修商業管理,學 習西方企業經營模式與策略,為其日後開創事業,打下 了良好基礎。

BEAUTY LIES IN THE DETAILS Born in China, Connie and her family immigrated to America in the 1980s, where they set up a Chinese takeout restaurant. Since the age of 12, Connie always helped with the family business after school. She studied hard and her hard work paid off, and she later went to the University of Maryland to study business management. Every part of Red Peony has been meticulously curated, from the interior design, to the workers’ uniforms, to the tableware. A painstaking amount of thought was put into creating the menu.

華 食美 味 眾 所周知,但 想 融 入西方 社會,美食僅 是先決條件,還得從管理層面開始改變。Connie器重 店內每一位員工,悉心打點店裡大小的細節,從裝潢主 題、員工服飾與管理到餐點口味與擺盤,方方面面親力 親 為。Connie對其堅持不輕易妥協,但對人事通情達 理。紅牡丹的店址原先是間知名上海餐館,她心繫此餐 廳曾屬於一個世代的回憶,因此在新餐廳的菜單上,特 意保留了舊店的經典菜餚,為老主 顧備著一份熟悉與 親切。 受西方教育影 響,Connie的經營 理 念與時俱進, 但其內心始終保有中國傳統女性之美德。她相當重視家


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Though Red Peony’s business model was ver y much inf luenced by Connie’s Western education, she continues to maintain many traditional Chinese values. Family is of utmost importance to her; therefore, she strove to create an environment that would cater to families and their needs. That meant ensuring that the restaurant has a cozy and welcoming atmosphere, and that the menu includes a diverse range of options suitable for all ages. It’s her hope that Red Peony becomes a place where families can come to create new memories. Red Peony’s location plays a significant role in the restaurant’s overall identity and aesthetic. “We’re at the center of the city—everything is here,” Connie said. As a result, competition is high. Red Peony uses only ingredients of the highest quality. However, while f lavor is of the greatest importance, presentation is also key. Therefore, the Zhangs made sure to hire a head chef with sophisticated cutting and carving skills. “Food must satisfy both the eye and stomach,” Connie explained. To satisfy the diverse tastes of New Yorkers, the menu includes an eclectic range of dishes from all over China—from Shanghai, to Guangzhou, to the Sichuan regions. EXPLORE THE FLAVORS OF CHINA A customer favorite is the Shanghai Crabmeat Soup Dumplings, freshly made by hand using special elastic dough wrappings and stuffed with broth, pork, and fresh crabmeat. The Cantonese Crystal Shrimp Dumplings, meanwhile, are created using transparent sticky rice and potato wrappings. Mellow, sweet, and delicate, the dish is lightly seasoned so as to bring out the natural sweetness of the shrimp. Another popular Shanghainese dish is the tender and f lavorful Drunken Chicken, which is soaked in Shaoxing wine. The Peking Duck, the house specialty, is also definitely worth trying. Crispy, golden duck skin is wrapped in handmade pancakes and topped with cucumber slices, scallions, and hoisin sauce. An additional standout is the Whole Fish with Dry Peppers in Hot Spicy Oil, seasoned with Chinese peppercorns. For a light refreshment after the meal, make sure to try the Peach Gum Tremella. This sweet, amber-hued soup is made with Gum Tragacanth and dates, and is known to offer various health benefits.

The exterior of Red Peony in Midtown Manhattan.

庭,無論在外工作多辛勞,返家後第一件事,是親自下 廚。她認為一家人能同桌共進一餐,是專屬每一個家庭 的珍貴時光。秉持著這份念想,延續到今日新張的「 紅 牡丹」,她用心打造敞亮舒適的餐飲空間、老少皆宜的 多元餐點,讓所有家庭能在此共創難忘回憶。 Connie談到紅牡丹店址位處曼哈頓中心,「 這裡 聚集了時尚、美食,所有好的東西都在這裡,極具競爭 性,所以你必須能夠表達與展現自己。」食物可口是第 一位,但除了美味,她認為花費心思琢磨外觀與門面也 尤為重要,店內師傅的刀工、雕工都具有一定水準。「 就 像為女生穿上一件美麗的洋裝,如果你花費心思在這上 面,食物才能展現它的魅力」。 她強調料理必須「 養眼、養胃」,即賞心悅目且食材 健康,她想帶來的是一種地道的中式品味,而不僅是果 腹美食。 齊聚南北風味 一探華食之妙 浩蕩的長江南北,因應各地的風土民情與環境條件,發 展出各自的飲食特色。在品味美食之際,便能藉由舌尖


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Left: Shanghai Crabmeat Soup Dumplings. Stuffed with broth, pork, and fresh crabmeat, this dish is a customer favorite. Right: King Crab One of their most popular signature dishes. You won't find it often in Manhattan.

For the coming holiday season, in addition to the general dining space, Connie has carefully created a private VIP room for customers which can seat 20. Whether it is Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, or even a birthday, come to Red Peony to create blissful new memories.

製成,餃皮如水晶般,口感Q彈有勁。招牌主餐北京烤 鴨,鴨肉鮮甜,肥嫩相間,皮脆且微帶焦香。以手工麵 皮包覆大蔥、黃瓜以及帶有甘甜味的海鮮醬共食,爽口 提味。 眾 多料 理 中 最 能 擒 住 雙 眼 的 無 疑 是 川 菜 經 典 佳 餚——青花椒水煮魚。赤紅的煮汁裡,一隻新鮮的淡水 全魚撒上切片的青辣椒,配色搶眼,乾辣椒、花椒、八







(Cantonese Fusion),為貴賓獻上獨門料理。新菜單



的桃膠,有著「 桃花淚 」的美名。在中國的古代醫書內有

遍嘗中國大江南北。新舊交匯,自成一格。 開胃小品首先來份傳統上海蟹粉小籠包。薄透的麵 皮鎖住食材香氣,炒過的肉餡,蒸熟後出汁,鮮甜一分 一毫未減,未來將推出「 升級版 」湯包,內餡會加入真正

記載,桃膠可用以治療血淋和石淋等病症,還有生津止 渴、舒壓等功效。雪燕同是滋補食材,口感細滑,這道 糖水不僅美味,還滋潤養顏,與紅棗、紅糖一同燉煮, 略帶甜香。 在 節日將 要 來 臨 的 季 節 裡,除了一 般 用餐 空 間,


Connie為顧客精心打造了私人宴客包廂,一名「 國色天


香」,可納20人。此可供生日、感 恩 節,聖 誕 節、新 年








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Grand Open 盛 大 開 業 消費滿

$30,贈送小籠包一份 不與其他優惠同時使用

堂食每日 11:30-21:45 外賣每日 11:00-21:30 212-380-8883 / 212-380-8887 24 W 56th St., New York, NY 10019 (between 5th and 6th Ave) www.redpeonyrestaurant.com

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Curating Annual Banquets with Sincerity 凜冬歲末訴真情 甘旨佳餚表摯意 Photography by Banny Zhang and Larry Dai

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Tasty Korean BBQ right at the table.



mid the bustle of the holiday season, it is essential to remember that the most important part of the holidays is spending quality time with those you love. One of the best ways to do so is over a good meal. Located in vibrant Koreatown, Manhattan, missKOREA offers an elegant fine dining experience with Korean imperial cuisine. Culturally speaking, food can evoke nostalgia and provide important connections to family and society. Nine summers ago, Sophia Lee introduced Korean royal cuisine to New York City, with the establishment of missKOREA. Since then, she has showcased the finest culinary traditions of her homeland to guests from all over the world. It’s Sophia’s hope that everyone who dines at missKOREA can leave feeling blissful and satisfied.

年末將至,重要節日讓我們能夠與心愛的人相聚,是個 互 道 感 謝 的 珍 貴 機 會。在一 年 四 季川流 不息 的曼 哈 頓 韓國城中,尋一處既能聊表 情意,又能品味誠意之所, missKOREA將是您的上乘之選。 美食不僅是一頓餐點,更是一份文化連結。九年前的 夏天,李善慧女士(Sophia Lee)將韓國宮廷膳食,第一 次搬進了世界之都,她對傳韓食文化充滿信心,滿懷熱忱 為來自世界各地的食客們,提供最好的韓國料理。 滿懷祝福的食譜設計 missKOREA特別聘請,被譽為「 韓國膳食專家 」的李善 圭女士擔任主廚,為紐約客帶來難得一見的宮廷料理。李 女士作為韓國頂級傳統宴食院「 家禮院 」創辦人,將近乎 40年的烹飪經驗和對美食的熱忱,融匯入每一道用心研 製的料理。 missKOREA的燒烤料理出色,不僅品項豐富、囊括 海陸,醬料配方也是由李善圭親研調配。美味肉品有熟成 牛肉、牛排、牛肉片、牛舌、牛腩肉、豬排、五花肉等。其


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極品各式烤海鮮 A WELL-CURATED MENU To bring Korea’s imperial cuisine to New York City, Sophia sought out renowned South Korean food consultant Sun Kyu Lee to be the head chef. As the founder of a leading school in traditional Korean cuisine, Sun Kyu Lee has nearly 40 years of culinary experience. The menu at missKOREA includes a wide variety of barbecued meats, each with its own distinctive appeal. These include dry-aged rib eye, beef rib, beef bulgogi, beef tongue, thin-sliced beef brisket, pork ribs, pork belly, and more. missKOREA’s signature dish is the Clay Pot Galbi, which is made from short ribs and marinated in its own original sauce, before being placed in a special clay pot for over 48 hours. The meticulous two-day process brings out the best texture and finest flavor.

中招牌「 瓦罐醃牛排」採用上等牛排,以梨汁、醬油、糖 等調料醃製,放在特製的瓦罐裡醃製48小時。牛排完美 吸收醬汁,風味十足且鬆軟鮮嫩。 由於單品份量大,客人難以一次嘗盡各式美味,因 此missKOREA貼心推出了三種烤肉套餐,分別為:長壽 (Longevity)、 幸 福(Happiness)、 愛(Love)。 套 餐 的寓意不僅是一種祝福,更富含巧思。 「 長壽」套餐皆選用原汁原味的非醃製肉品,因此取 名「 長壽餐」。「 幸福 」全部肉品都是採用missKOREA 祕製醬料醃製。特別的是,主題為「 愛 」的烤肉套餐組 合,由醃製無骨牛排、醃製牛小排,原味無骨牛排和原 味牛肉片共同組成。除了套餐,還有多樣上品海鮮,新 推出的「 各式烤海鮮」組合,含上等金槍魚、龍蝦尾、帶 殼大蝦以及大干貝。燒烤之精妙,就是能將鮮味鎖在肉 裡,微帶金黃焦香,保有食材的原始風味。彈嫩的蝦肉、 甜鮮的干貝,一盤嘗遍至鮮海味。


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To allow guests to enjoy a diverse sampling of meats, missKOREA has curated three barbecue set meals: the Longevity Set, the Happiness Set, and the Love Set. The Longevity Set wishes guests a long and healthy life, with unmarinated barbecued meats that are free of any potentially harmful additives. The Happiness Set offers four different meats marinated in missKOREA’s delightful special sauces. The Love Set combines both marinated and unmarinated meat. The eclectic mix “symbolizes friendship and love,” and aptly mirrors New York City, “an international metropolis where diverse ethnic groups live in harmony,” Sophia explains. Besides set meals, missKOREA recently introduced a new BBQ dish: Haemul-gui, a delectable seafood assortment that includes lobster tail, tuna, and scallops. The BBQ grill seals in the juices and locks in the flavor, while giving the outside that perfect crispiness.

講究色味的誠意之作 韓國宮廷御膳自「 李氏王朝 」時代奠定根基,料理 依據五行配置,講究白、青、黃、黑、赤五色,以及 鹹、 甜、酸、辣、苦五味的色味均衡。從食材、烹調到上菜, 要求每一道料理都對人體有益,以東方「 醫食同源 」作為 烹飪的最高準則。 missKOREA在歲末饗宴呈上可口新餚,名為「 甜辣 頂級牛肉炒海鮮麵 」。採用頂級牛腩肉,筋、肉、油花同 聚,有嚼勁卻不生硬,嫩甜而不膩。與鮮蝦、小章魚、以 及雕花魷魚同炒,配上勁道的韓式拉麵。棕黑牛腩、橘 蝦、紅黃甜椒、綠花椰菜、淡色章魚、沾附赤紅辣醬的拉 麵,盤中五色相間,食材組合口感豐富,風味濃郁。 寒冬進補,暖胃鍋物必不可少。missKOREA的「 牛 肉蔬菜火鍋 」,同採上等新鮮牛腩肉卷,肉卷上美麗的 油花入鍋後化作美味滋補湯頭。時令鮮蔬包含:蠔菇、 香菇、金針菇、菜椒條、胡蘿蔔條、黃瓜條、白菜等。現 涮鮮牛腩片與清甜蔬菜同煮,口感更加清爽。 韓式料理 講究清 斂少油,這一道 道精心設計的料 理,不僅將絕妙的滋味送入口中,也將滋養一份民族的



COLORFUL, TASTY CUISINE Established during the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910), Korean imperial cuisine follows the concept of the Five Elements. The five elements correspond to five colors (black, white, red, green, and yellow) and five f lavors (salty, spicy, bitter, sour, sweet). At missKOREA, every dish seeks to nourish and rejuvenate the body, ref lecting the traditional belief that medicine and food are intimately related. If you are planning an annual year-end banquet, make sure you don’t miss the newly introduced Miko Chef Special, which comes with a wide variety of colors, flavors, and textures. It’s a combination of prime beef brisket, shrimp, baby octopus, chicken, ramen noodles, and assorted vegetables, topped with a special hot and sweet sauce. Take refuge from the cold winter winds and try the Chodol Busot Ramen-jeong, the perfect dish to warm your body and soothe your spirit. It’s a mild hotpot made with prime brisket, mushrooms, assorted vegetables, and ramen. At missKorea, you’ll get more than just a good meal—guests receive an overall experience, as well as an introduction to a new cultural perspective. Simply put, it is satisfaction not only for your mouth but also your mind.

7天24小時營業 地址:10 W 32ND ST, NEW YORK, NY 10001 電話:212-594-4963 網址:www.misskoreabbq.com


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Camus Cognac, William Barthman Jeweler and Elite Lifestyle Magazine Exclusive Tasting Party to Celebrate Moon Festival 慶中秋品干邑 Text by Xiaofei Wang | Photography by Banny Zhang

Left: One of the lucky guests, Amy Shih(right), won a bottle of Camus XO in the raffle game. Along with her is Laurie Arrive (left). Top right: (From left to right) Christina Chang, Mario Young, Nelson Wei. Bottom right: (From left to right) Michael Fong and Benjamin Chui.

On September 5, Elite Lifestyle Magazine worked in collaboration with Camus Cognac and William Barthman Jeweler to host a Moon Festival celebration at the William Barthman flagship store on Wall Street. Camus Cognac offers a rich and unique taste at an affordable price point, making it perfect for both entertaining guests and enjoying on one’s own. People had the opportunity to win bottles—one

9月5日,《時尚精英》雜誌攜手法國古老家族干邑品 牌Camus Cognac和華爾街最古老的珠寶店 William Barthman Jeweler 一起慶祝中秋佳節! 賓客們有初 次品嘗Camus Cognac的,也有該品牌的收藏者,大家 的共識是—— Camus口感獨特醇厚,而且價錢也不昂 貴,自用、待客兩相宜。很多客人對Rolex手錶也表示 了濃厚興趣。來賓Amy Shih贏得幸運抽獎,獲得一瓶 Camus XO。


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Elite Lifestyle Magazine, working with Camus Cognac and William Barthman Jeweler, hosted a Moon Festival celebration event.

(From left to right) Calvin Xu and Brad Li.

(From left to right) Gloria Zhang and Steve Andrzejewski.

(From left to right) Wen Yi Xing and

(From left to right) Flavia Lin and

Anna Yao.

Nathan Aycock.

lucky guest received a bottle of the superb Camus XO in a raffle. William Barthman also had an exceptional selection of watches and other pieces on display, including a Rolex. Both brands are known for their high-quality products and rich history. Camus Cognac is an independent, family-owned company founded over 150 years ago. Its most recent range of cognacs have been the culmination of 15 years of innovation and development, supported by over a century of expertise and tradition. Additionally, William Barthman, established in 1884, is one of the oldest and most

venerated jewelers in the financial district. The brand had just recently relocated to its new location by the New York Stock Exchange. Camus Cognac 的 品 牌 大 使 Laurie Arrive 介 紹,Camus 由家族世代經營,擁有 157 年的歷史,是 全球最大的私人干邑酒莊,並向大家解釋如何品賞。 William Barthman 經理 Caitlin Hausser 說,William Barthman 自 1884 年成立於曼哈頓金融區,至今已經 有 100 多年歷史,最近喬遷新址,與紐約證券交易所比 鄰,歡迎舊雨新知常常光臨。


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江南女子的柔美 蒙古健兒的陽剛 錦繡河山的壯麗 五千文明的輝煌 風靡世界的神韻藝術團 邀請

同覽天國勝境 重溫盛世華章 讓




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有益華人,也將惠及整個世界。 」


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PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY. Imported Cognac Hennessy®, 40%Alc./Vol. (80˚). ©2019 Imported by Moët Hennessy USA, Inc., New York, NY. HENNESSY is a registered trademark.

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