E L I TE 時 尚 精 英
初夏時尚 身心保養 庭院之宅 居家辦公 股票投資
Figure Skater Alysa Liu: Shining On and Off the Rink 荳蔻少女的華麗迴旋
Dancer Monty Mou: The Gold Medal Mindset 專訪神韻藝術團領舞演員巫琨璟
Celebrating Harmony and Virtue: The Duanwu Festival 回溯端午
Fearless Compassion in a Time of Plague 危難中的救贖
2020 Pre-summer
Palo Alto Home 連通內外 帕洛阿爾托庭院之家
Stay Home & Stay Fabulous
May-June 2020 $6.99
ISSUE 44 FC_IFC_IBC_BC-2.indd 1
2020/5/5 下午6:43
The Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove 展示廳是充滿創造與合作氣息的空間。 廚師演示和互動產品帶給您無窮的靈感。經驗豐富的顧問將指導您完成 整個廚房項目。與您所愛的人一起度過美味的時光,從這裡開始。
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12/16/19 8:43 AM 2020/5/5 下午6:43
BLACK ROSE EYE CONTOUR FLUID Refreshes - Illuminates Diminishes signs of fatigue
Discover more at sisley-paris.com
P01-05_Index_note_pubinfo.indd 1
2020/5/5 下午10:25
Editor’ s Note 採編隨筆
Editor’ s Pick: Summer in the Air 薰風藏夏
Fashion: Stay Home & Stay Fabulous 明媚如昔的居家時尚
Lockdown Tips 居家令期小妙方
Try Meditation 靜觀內心──打坐
Beauty: Take Care of Your Skin 保養護膚
Beauty: New Launches 護膚新品
Celebrating Harmony and Virtue: The Duanwu Festival 回溯端午
Fearless Compassion in a Time of Plague 危難中的救贖
Taki Katei: The Famous Japanese Artist ve Probably Never Heard Of You’ 變革浪潮下 日本傳統文化的護航大師——滝 和亭
Dancer Monty Mou: The Gold Medal Mindset
Figure Skater Alysa Liu: Shining On and Off the rink
懷謙斂思 舞淬鋼志——專訪神韻藝術團領舞演員巫琨璟 荳蔻少女的華麗迴旋——專訪花式滑冰運動員劉美賢
Bring Serenity to Your Home Office 打造居家辦公清新感
Palo Alto Home: Blurring the Boundaries Between Indoors and Outdoors 連通內外 帕洛阿爾托庭院之家
Reimagined Chic: The Watermark House 紐約老宅 重拾活力新顏
Alysa Liu, photography by Jay Adeff/U.S. Figure Skating Background image by Jay Adeff/U.S. Figure Skating Design by Karen Tang
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Phoenix Gallery
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2020/5/5 下午10:25
2020年初起,陸續發生了牽動全球的大事件。尤其在過去兩個月以來,因為疫情在全球 爆發,無人能置身事外,我們共同面臨著一場艱難的考驗。 居家防疫的這段日子,家人相處時間拉長,購物與外食不便,傳統的家庭功能正悄悄回 歸。換個角度看,這何嘗不是上天給予現代人一段心靈假期?放緩腳步,反思過往,重拾 被忙碌日常壓縮而拋諸腦後的課題,或許會發現,源自內心的平和喜悅,永不枯竭。 五月,是美國亞裔文化月,今年困於嚴峻的形勢,無法同往年般慶祝。然而歷年來,亞洲 珍貴的文化藝術在世界各地發酵,移居西方世界的亞裔人才輩出,帶來許多耀眼的故事。 本期《時尚精英》雜誌精選文化與人物故事,橫跨現代與相隔久遠的歷史。 農曆五月五的端午節,一起回顧中國傳統歷史,欣賞過去宮廷及民間源遠流長的端午習俗 有何寓意。端午時節,皇帝的恩賜中含藏著君臣之道,競舟河岸邊的喧騰氣息,仍不掩追 思起源的深意。古人富足的精神智慧,經由這年度的節日慶典,構築出一幅代代相傳的端 午祥景,流傳千年。 歷史循環往復。 14至17世紀,數百年間肆虐歐洲的黑死病,恍如今日失控蔓延全球的疫 情,惶恐焦慮伴隨死亡陰影,成為一段至今仍未消卻的歷史記憶。然而, 「 危機即轉機 」, 越在看似絕望的黑暗裡,反而能發現真正的光明。重返歷史現場,依循聖徒羅格的步履, 見證口耳相傳的神蹟。 此次人物專訪,聚焦在兩位才華洋溢的表演家——來自神韻藝術團的舞蹈藝術家,以及 年僅14歲的花式滑冰選手。澳洲出生的巫琨璟,為了學習正統的中國古典舞,遠赴他鄉求 藝,歷經多年的苦練磨礪,如今成為神韻藝術團的領舞演員,若非超凡的心志與毅力,何 以走上頂尖的世界舞臺? 本期的封面少女劉美賢,來自美國加州,10多歲就在各大花式滑冰賽事中嶄露頭角。 2018年她在亞洲花式滑冰錦標賽上完成三周半跳,成為國際賽事史中完成此高難度跳躍動 作的最年輕女性滑冰選手,寫下歷史。儘管如此年輕,面對夢想,她無所畏懼,在巨大的 比賽壓力下,一次又一次地超越自我。 金牌是他們人生裡共有的勛章,兩人透過各自的眼界,道出截然不同的精采故事。我們盼 能在這艱難的時刻,將這些正向的言語化作文字,為讀者捎來一點力量。 祈願每一顆真摯良善的心,不為紛亂侵擾,安穩地走過終將成為歷史的一切。
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2020/5/5 下午10:25
華麗地毯 窗簾牆紙中心
SENIOR DESIGNERS Hsinyu Lo, Ingrid Longauerová DESIGNERS Benson Xiao, Tan Zhao SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS Daniel Ulrich, Larry Dye, Edward Dye CORRESPONDENTS Pia-Maria Norris, Janet Ma, Yijun Wang, Angela Feng, June Fakkert, Minghui Wang, Faithe Lo TRANSLATORS Juliet Ma, Yu Chen
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2020/5/5 下午10:25
Summer IS IN THE AIR 薰風藏夏 By Lina May
P06-07_Editor's Pick_May/June2020-2.indd 6
A cute summer dress can make us feel beautiful even when we’re just working from home. These elegant yet comfortable midi and maxi dresses might be the much-needed mood uplifter.
2020/5/5 上午9:59
East &West
《時尚精英》是中英雙語的高端生活風格雜誌,致力於發掘根植於東西方文明的傳統價值、智慧與漫布其中的美。 在您追求美好人生的路上,盼《時尚精英》能成為您獲得啟發和激勵的好夥伴。
Elite Lifestyle Magazine is a leading luxury magazine, published in Chinese and English. At Elite, we celebrate the beauty, wisdom, and values of Eastern and Western traditions. We seek to uplift and inspire our readers in their pursuit of a life of fulfillment. 訂閱者資料 Subscriber Info
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P06-07_Editor's Pick_May/June2020-2.indd 7
2020/5/5 上午9:59
Stay Home
Stay Fabulous
Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing.” —Alexander Wang
「任何人都可以打扮得光鮮亮麗, 但個人品味流露於日常穿著 。」 ——王大仁 By Joy Ye | All photos courtesy of Escada
ince many of us across the country are staying at home, we now find ourselves taking care of our families. With all the physical demands this brings, we need to keep a positive outlook. Sometimes just by enhancing our surroundings we can create positivity. Even our attire can have an effect. For instance, choose some splendid colors like green, yellow, white, pink, orange, and purple. These colors can help you feel energetic and even change your mood!
疫情在全球擴散,許多歐美城市的居家令仍未解除,要 想恢復以往的日常生活,仍須時日。在家除了注重飲食 均衡等生理需求,維持好心情也很重要。可以透過改變 一些外在因素,替日常帶來意想不到的正面效果,「 服 裝 」就是其中一項!選擇綠、黃、白、粉、橙、紫等亮麗 的色彩,或許能為您帶來活力,並改變心情!
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2020/5/5 下午6:47
Wearing this soft silk blouse and pants with a vintage pattern design is really suitable for working from home. It could be a casual style for your vacation, too. 軟綢舒適的絲綢質地,加上 2020 年流行的復古風格圖案 設計,既適合居家工作,也適合 日後休閒度假。
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2020/5/5 下午6:47
The inspiration for this T-shirt came from a scarf. You could pair it with different types of clothing to make an even more stylish and casual outfit. 這款設計靈感,來自絲巾的 T 恤,搭配得宜,可瞬間從休閒居 家服變成時尚便裝。
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Magenta paired with white is a classic European combination for the pre-summer season. In addition, go with a huge bowknot—a trendy accent this year that will create a youthful and stylish outfit. 洋紅色與白色,可謂歐洲 人喜愛的初夏休閒經典配 色。加上今年流行的大蝴 蝶結腰帶,既年輕時尚又 活潑。
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LOCKDOWN TIPS By Pia-Maria Norris
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2020/5/5 上午10:12
Get a Light-Therapy Lamp Sunlight is an essential ingredient for a healthy lifestyle, but due to the lockdown, many of us don't get the amount of daylight we need to experience its benefits. The company Verilux offers a fabulous solution, with its therapy lamps that mimic sunlight to enhance mood, energy, sleep, and focus—but without the UV rays. Verilux - HappyLight Luxe This light-therapy lamp features adjustable color, temperature, and a countdown timer that allows one to personalize the experience. ($99.95, verilux.com)
Add Some Vitamins Rainbow Light Men’s One ($16.49): This comprehensive multivitamin provides daily key nutrients for men. Women’s One ($16.49): This daily multivitamin nourishes, energizes, and supports a woman's body. Counter Attack ($17.99): Provides powerful herbal support for immune system health. Gummy Vitamin C Slices ($8.99): Supports immune health and provides antioxidant support. Berry D-Licious Vitamin D3 2,500 IU ($15.99): Supports immune, bone, circulatory, and cellular health. (rainbowlight.com)
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NEW CHAPTER - Every Woman's One Daily Multi Offers stress, immune, energy, and beauty support with fermented nutrients. ($20–$60, newchapter.com) NEW CHAPTER - Ginger Force Supports a healthy inflammation response, intestinal health, and cardiovascular function. ($20–$30, newchapter.com) NEW CHAPTER - Turmeric Force Detoxifies and enhances the body's removal of harmful compounds. ($20–$50, newchapter.com)
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2020/5/5 上午10:12
Hydrate! Drinking plenty of fluids and hydration acceleration solutions can help people combat infections and help them recover faster. SOS+ This medically developed electrolyte drink mix helps you rehydrate 3x faster than water alone! Provides 3x more electrolytes, 6x less sugar, and 6x less calories than competing brands for more effective fluid absorption. Offered in various great-tasting flavors and formats, including practical TSA approved sachets. (50 Serve Tub $34.99, 20 Stick Box $17.50, soshydration.com)
Use Hand Cream With all the hand washing we are advised to do now, the hands are bound to take a beating, so remember to add a nurturing hand cream to your daily routine. Repêchage - Sea Spa Hand Cream This luxurious and nurturing hand cream helps smooth and moisturize hands with rich shea butter and moisture-binding seaweed. Nonsticky and simply fabulous. ($29, repechage.com)
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2020/5/5 上午10:12
hile we all have a bit more time on our hands due to the lockdown, this might be the perfect time to learn meditation, which has become much in vogue lately because of its many benefits for both the body and mind. Meditation is an age-old practice of inner focus. In the past, it was associated with sages and monks who were on a quest for divinity and enlightenment. Today, it is embraced by people around the world from all walks of life due to the many benefits it has
to offer. Meditation is, for example, known to reduce stress and provide a sense of calm, peace, and inner balance. One meditation practice that has gained worldwide popularity due to its many positive benefits—including mental, physical, and spiritual—is Falun Dafa. Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, was introduced to the public in China in 1992. Based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, this ancient mind-body practice consists of
By Pia-Maria Norris
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meditation and four gentle, moving exercises. Within only five years since its introduction in China, the number of people practicing it skyrocketed to at least 70 million. The reason for this extraordinary growth was its healing power, both physical and spiritual. Today, Falun Gong is practiced by over 100 million people all over the world. (For more information and to learn online: falundafa.org) Dr. Jingduan Yang, who is a neurologist, psychiatrist, and expert in Chinese medicine and integrative medicine, shared with The Epoch Times that “the medical healing power produced by Falun Gong is hard to understand because it belongs to another paradigm, but the cultivation of mind and spirit that Falun Dafa teaches is consistent with the modern understanding of health.” THE POWER OF QUIETING THE MIND At the root of meditation’s healing power is, in fact, the mind. According to Eastern medicine, thoughts and emotions correspond to different organs, and in the West, we often talk about the powerful connection between mind and body, and its relation to health. For example, it is known that cumulative stress decreases the activity of the immune system and eventually takes a toll on our health. Meditation, in turn, is usually associated with stillness, and with quieting the mind to eliminate distracting and negative thoughts. Therefore, when we meditate and learn to quiet the mind so we are not distracted by
negative thoughts (and subsequent feelings), it will naturally have a powerful, positive effect on the body and our health. GET STARTED Find a quiet place where you can be alone. This will help you focus, which can be a bit hard to do at first. Then sit calmly with your eyes closed, cross-legged if you can, for as long as you can while trying to empty your mind (quieting your thoughts). Sometimes adding soft, peaceful music in the background can help. Try to keep up a consistent routine,since repeated practice will provide better results.
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2020/5/5 上午10:12
Daily Essentials Sisley Paris - Hydra-Global The fresh cream-gel formula restores the skin's natural moisture balance. ($260, sisley-paris.com) Sisley Paris - Hydra-Global Serum Provides intense and continuous hydration. ($275, sisley-paris.com) KYPRIS - Pot of Shade: Heliotropic Provides moisture, non-nano SPF 30, and a fabulous glow. ($75–$175, kyprisbeauty.com) KYPRIS - Cleanser Concentrate Gently but efficiently cleanses skin, leaving it soft and glowing. ($98, kyprisbeauty.com)
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Anti-Aging Boost Dr. Sebagh Give your skin a complete anti-aging boost with Dr. Sebagh’s award-winning Supreme collection: Day Cream (£145/$200) Neck Lift (£120/$160) Night Secret (£195/$265) Maintenance Youth Serum 30 ml (£125/$175) Eye Serum (£95/$130)
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Green & Other Skin Care Gems Orveda Clay-Mud Cleansing Powder ($105): This powder-tofoam formula gently exfoliates and double cleanses. The Healing Sap ($150): This pre-treatment essence brightens and provides 8-hour hydration. Contour-Lift Effect Dewy Blow Botanical Oil ($225): Replenishes and improves skin glow. (orveda.com)
Tammy Fender Antioxidant Crème ($95): Provides an abundance of vitamins and vital nutrients. Intensive Repair Balm ($130): Has an intensively hydrating formula. Quintessential Serum ($175): Comes in an ultra-concentrated oil formula loaded with nutrients. Bulgarian Rose Water ($65): Hydrates and reawakens the complexion. (tammyfender.com)
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Swell Skin - Facial Treatment Bar This antioxidant-packed treatment bar cleanses and nourishes. ($16, swellskin.net) Swell Skin - Sea Buckthorn Oil Moisturizes, nourishes, and beautifies skin. ($17, swellskin.net) Swell Skin - Everything All Boosting Serum Provides intensely hydrated, radiant, eventoned, dewy skin. ($25, swellskin.net) Swell Skin - Dry Body Oil Moisturizer Restores, hydrates, and nourishes. ($22, swellskin.net) Swell Skin - 3-in-1 Hydrating Body Wash Cleanses, moisturizes, and nourishes. ($14, swellskin.net)
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KYPRIS - Puff of Love A botanical, nurturing, lightweight moisturizer. ($165, kyprisbeauty.com) KYPRIS - Beauty Elixir II Balances and brightens oily and combination skin. ($90–$210, kyprisbeauty.com)
NourishMax - Vitamin C + B + E & Ferulic Serum Leaves skin soft, smooth, and supple with a youthful glow. ($80, nourishmax.com)
Good Science Beauty - 003-Hy: Hydrating Face Cream Deeply hydrates and locks in moisture. ($48–$98, goodsciencebeauty.com) Good Science Beauty - 003-Hy: Hydrating Face Mask Richly replenishes and repairs dehydrated and dry skin overnight. ($55, goodsciencebeauty.com)
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Uplift the Senses Bottega Veneta - Parco Palladiano XIV MELAGRANA A luminous and sparkling fragrance in notes of tangerine essence, blackcurrant buds, pomegranate accord, and cedarwood. ($310, saks.com) Bottega Veneta - Parco Palladiano III PERA Delightful scent in fresh notes of pear and mint. ($310, saks.com)
Hair Care Alterna - Caviar Restructuring Bond Repair Shampoo & Conditioner This duo effectively rebuilds and protects damaged hair. ($34 each, ulta.com)
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2020/5/5 上午10:13
NEW LAUNCHES By Pia-Maria Norris
RéVive - Glow Elixir
RéVive - Soleil Supérieur Body with SPF 50
This multi-benefit elixir gives skin a healthy, radiant glow! Enriched with natural oils, the illuminating drops help soften skin and provide a light, pearlescent look while hydrating skin.
Features an advanced UV Defense System that effectively protects the body against sun exposure and premature aging. A blend of antioxidants helps neutralize damaging free radicals while RéVive’s signature Bio-Renewal Protein helps renew, smooth, and soften skin.
($125, reviveskincare.com)
($165, reviveskincare.com) RéVive - Supérieur Body Nightly Renewing Serum This fast-absorbing body night serum powered by a potent blend of glycolic and lactic acids gently exfoliates and helps reduce the appearance of imperfections and smoothes crepey skin. ($215, reviveskincare.com)
Coppertone - Glow Hydragel Sunscreen SPF 30 / SPF 50 Provides sun protection combined with superfine illuminating minerals that leave skin with a gorgeous shimmer. The cooling, lightweight formula rubs in effortlessly, dries quickly, and leaves no white residue! Available in SPFs 30 and 50. ($10.99, cvs.com)
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Laura Mercier - Skin Essentials Collection Featuring skin-loving ingredients sourced from France and the Mediterranean, the Skin Essentials Collection consists of 10 products to cleanse, prep, and improve the skin’s condition for makeup application while also targeting imperfections. Each product features the Skin Essentials Complex: a unique blend of three essential ingredients, including French spring water, rose water, and starflower oil. ($24–$68, lauramercier.com)
Tao Clean - Orbital Facial Brush System Thoroughly and safely dislodges dirt, dead skin cells, and makeup residues. The unique base station keeps the brush head protected and clean, and dries the brush head while charging, all while the dock’s built-in 360-degree Halo Lamp kills 99.9% of germs and pathogens with powerful UV-C light! ($149, taoclean.com) Tao Clean - Sonic Toothbrush Sweeps away plaque and gently polishes away surface stains. Once you dock your damp toothbrush after use, the built-in dryer removes any moisture from the brush while the dock’s powerful UV-C rays kill 99.9% of bacteria. ($149, taoclean.com)
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2020/5/7 上午10:46
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2020/5/5 上午10:20
Top, left: Wei pours his heart and soul into every production, even if it means bringing himself to
Celebrating Harmony and Virtue:
English text translated by Minghui Wang Chinese text by Janet Ma
rapped in bamboo leaves, the pyramid-shaped sticky rice dumpling, or the so-called Zongzi in Chinese, opens people’s imagination to Duanwu, commonly referred to as the Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional Chinese holiday marked as the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Having an intangible cultural heritage, Duanwu can chase some of its traditions back as far as the Xia Dynasty circa 2000 B.C. With every emerging new dynasty, the culture of Duanwu incorporated more depth and virtue, in the forms of historical records and folktales.
每年的五月初五是端午節。這一天,食角粽、觀競渡、 懸艾人、沐蘭湯 ⋯⋯ 端午民俗之豐富,在傳統節慶中也 是數一數二。典籍之中,有關端午的最早記載,出自西 漢時期的《大戴禮記》,其 〈夏小正〉有云: 「 蓄蘭,為沐 浴也。」可見自夏朝以降,端午習俗便綿延不絕,而歷 朝歷代又不斷加入新的內涵,時至今日,當人們提起端 午,已是一樁代代相傳的久遠記憶。 宮廷之雅 古時端午這天是官員們的「 法定假日」,百官休憩,又 因端午在夏至之前,是春裝換夏衣的時節,所以歷代皇 帝多在這天賜給臣子們時令夏衣。古籍有記,漢朝時, 章帝「 常以端午日賜百官水紋綾褲。」至唐代的端午日, 皇帝不僅賜宴群臣,還要賜文官黑玳瑁腰帶、武官黑銀
INSIDE THE PALACE Duanwu arrives before the intense wave of summer heat. On this day, emperors from dynasties past would bestow new suits on the courtiers to accommodate the changing weather. Captured in a poem by the poet Du Fu, the custom-made suit carried a “delightful fragrance,” its fabric was “as soft as a breeze, and as light as a snowflake.” He expresses sheer joy for the impeccable quality and the consideration put into his gift, as it bears the benevolence of the emperor.
腰帶。腰帶堅韌,歷時而色不改,寓意臣子忠勇,其心 不改。杜甫〈端午日賜衣〉一詩曰: 「 宮衣亦有名,端午 被恩榮。細葛含風軟,香羅疊雪輕。自天題處濕,當暑 著來清。意內稱長短,終身荷聖情。」意指上賜的輕薄 夏衣,猶載深意。 夏既有衣,怎能無扇?貞觀年間,唐太宗在端午日 以御筆「 飛白扇 」賜給長孫無忌和楊師道,《唐會要》記 載太宗語:「 五日舊俗,必用服翫相賀。朕今各賜君飛 曰扇二枚。庶動清風,以增美德。」太宗贈扇,成為端 午遺扇習俗,不獨為一樁美談,也引來扇市繁華。唐. 李淖〈秦中歲時記〉中有「 端午前兩日,東市謂之扇市,
Left page: Activities of the 12 Months: The Fifth Lunar Month, court artists, Qing Dynasty (1644–1911). As the fifth lunar month arrives before the harvest season, people around the nation enjoy some rare leisure time. We get a glimpse of the month’s prosperity through the exquisite portrayal of the folk lifestyle by a painter in the Qing Dynasty. (Picture courtesy of the National Palace Museum)
車馬特盛。」熙來攘往,扇市熱鬧,人們在購扇、贈扇 的情誼中,也互相傳遞著太宗的囑咐:「 庶動清風,以 增美德。」 正如太宗贈扇一舉引動了扇市熱潮,端午的習俗總 是很容易從宮廷之中擴展開來,成為民間盛事。唐代宮 廷裡的「 射粉團 」小遊戲,將類似麻團一樣的小點心置 │27
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During the Tang Dy nast y, emperors altered the tradition and proceeded to gift the officials black-jewelry-adorned belts. As the belts were tough and durable, the emperor expected his courtiers to be faithful, courageous, and able to withstand the test of time. On one Duanwu during his rule, Taizong, the emperor of the Tang, gifted his two advisers paper fans painted with his own calligraphy. He told them to “fan in clear breeze that brings forth virtuous practices.” This story soon became a widely praised tale both inside and outside of the palace, as more commoners adopted fan-gifting, which led to the popular tradition of buying fans around the month of Duanwu ever since. As people carried around their fans, they also delivered Emperor Taizong’s aspiration to bring forth good virtues. Besides fan-gifting, other customs that started in the royal courts have also come to entertain the entire country, often taking different forms than in the palace.
於金盤之中,引小弓射之,中者得食。宮人之間的遊戲, 很快便在民間流行,以致長安盛於此戲。 民間之盛 宮 廷 之儀,有 其 清 雅,有 其 莊 重 美 德,而 端 午之 於民 間,又是另一番勝景。 五月五日,當晨雞未鳴時,雲中遠山已有了採艾人 的身影,在蒲草豐美的水濱,採蒲人也將挺拔如劍的菖 蒲綑紮成束。「 結艾為虎,懸蒲為劍 」,家家戶戶將艾草 和菖蒲懸掛在門上,用以禳除毒氣。岸芷汀蘭,菖蒲菁 菁的水岸,馨香的佩蘭也正是一年中最好的時候,採摘 些許煎湯沐浴,便是以古法祛毒驅邪。 旭日將出,晨間露珠晶瑩。五月,農 事未忙,碧綠 的禾苗正安靜努力的生長,花果枝頭卻是一片熱鬧。榴 花吐豔,繡球、蜀葵、薔薇爭妍,至若八寶群花,叢叢林 林,不可名狀。桃、柳、葵、薄葉,家家戶戶鋪陳於門首, 士庶相宴賞。 日頭漸高。仲夏之時,千江水滿,為端午競渡而裝 飾一新的各色龍舟緩緩駛了出來。龍頭高昂,其目炯炯, 彩麟熠熠,威武生風,碩大龍尾騰空而起,遒勁而飄逸。 龍腹中橈手整齊列坐,個個凝神屏息,以待開船。橈手 健兒俱出打漁之家,長年浪裡穿梭,深諳水性,狎巨浪
AMONG THE COMMON PEOPLE Throughout much of Chinese history, celebrations for the Duanwu festival outside of the palace formed another captivating scene. As the sun broke at dawn, families would start to prepare for the day. The warming weather acted as a breeding ground for diseases, so the adults in the household hung up mugwort and tied together calamus as ways to expel evilness. Children often wore sachets made of traditional Chinese herbs for the same reason. On this day, households and villages overflowed with the fresh smells of herbs. Outside, the sun gradually arrived overhead. The river seemed especially inviting, as the dragon boats prepared weeks in advance finally greeted the crowd. The newly decorated boats were iridescent under the sun; each “dragon head” held firm up above the water, with its “eyes” vibrant as crystals and its “eyebrows” bold as brush. Amidst each “dragon torso” would sit twenty young rowers, holding the paddles at hand, all nervously waiting to start. On the waterfront, an excited sea of people chatted and laughed, looking forward to the race. Restaurants would serve signature seafood, or prepared drinks for viewers wanting to enjoy a feast along with the visual sensations. All of a sudden, signal f lags
如枕席,御龍舟如水上飛行。未及開賽,江邊早已人聲 鼎沸,觀者如雲。若要佔得視野開闊的岸上閣樓,必得 年初早早預定。此時,店家也已備上時下李麥黃桃,新 味鰣魚蓴菜。眾人飲酒談笑間,忽見令旗驟落,眾槳齊 發,水花四濺,龍船競出,迅捷如飛。杯者忘盞,食者 變色,個個倚欄瞪眸,不敢瞬息。 只見舟上五色綵幡迎風飄舞,舟有進者,便鼓噪吶 喊,助陣其勇,有落後者,即若失若得,亦不敢挪目,多 時則幾舟爭先,不相上下,難解難分,當此之時,眾人更 是凝神矚目,周邊鑼鼓齊發,喊聲震天,舟舟勇進,驅流 爭先。忽而勝負已分,岸上立時氣湧如山,可以踏江穿 屋,也有人顏灰興敗,不知身處何方。其時江水復平,波 映落日,如散金麟,鄉人踏舷而舞,實為一時之盛。 起始之處 端午歷經千年,關於其起源,流傳最廣的大概是紀念屈 原之說。南朝梁吳均《續齊諧記》記載: 「 楚大夫屈原遭 讒不用,是日投汨羅江死,楚人哀之,乃以舟楫拯救。端 陽競渡,乃遺俗也。」龍舟競渡便是由此而來。此外,與 人物有關的起源,還有紀念被吳王沉屍江中的伍子胥, 和投江尋父的孝女曹娥之說。忠臣烈女,往事千年。九 死不悔之忠義,感天動地之孝行,孕育民間風俗,流傳 至今。 另有一說,言端午源起於古人對「 惡月惡日」的禁 忌。據說 這一日正當仲夏,天氣炎熱, 蚊 蟲孳生,百毒 欲出,所以人們要蓄蘭沐浴以蠲除毒氣,還要以「 天中
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waved, and the race started. Conversations ceased, drinks were put down, and breaths were held. Eyes followed every paddle, as hearts pounded with each splash of water from the paddles. The five-colored streamers fluttered in the wind as the dragon boats engaged in a fierce competition. Once a boat came into the lead, cheers and screams took over the waterfront; when a boat fell behind the others, the onlookers held their breath, clenching their teeth, hoping to contribute that effort toward the boats lagging behind. At times when each boat was at par with the others, the viewers’ eyes were wide open, hoping not to miss a single instant. Alongside the blinkless audience were the sounds of deafening gongs and drums, livening up the game further. On the water, rowers
Top: Dragon Boat Regatta on Jinming Lake. Dragon boat racing is one of the major traditions of the Duanwu festival. As depicted in the painting, this tradition is celebrated during the Northern Song Dynasty. (Picture courtesy of the National Palace Museum) Bottom: Duanyang Gushi Tu by Xu Yang is a series depicting the traditions of the Duanwu festival. The opening scene is a painting of “shooting the rice dough.” Another tradition is the “five colored silk threads,” symbolizing the Five Elements; it was believed that this tradition brought wellness and harmony. On the morning of Duanwu, families also hung up mugwort to bring forth harmony and cast away evil spirits. (Public Domain)
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paddled tirelessly, and each “dragon” proceeded with no hesitation. Accompanied by cheering screams and percussion beats, a winner crossed the finish line, perhaps merely by seconds ahead of the others. Many in the audience would shout in delight while others looked away in grief, stumbling to leave. On the horizon, the sky donned a stunning cloak of colors it borrowed from the dragon boats, while the sun slowly faded from sight along the sky-water edge. The river was once again as peaceful as ever.
五瑞 」:菖蒲、艾草、石榴花、蒜頭和山丹花來制服「 五 毒」 :蜈蚣、蛇、蠍、蟾蜍和蜘蛛。纏在手臂上的五色縷, 以青、赤、白、黑、黃五色絲線象徵五行,又有長命縷、 續命縷、五色絲、百索等名。 據《本草綱目》記載,端午日造諸藥,藥效靈驗,尤 其以日中午時 採 摘 的藥草最為難得。 因端午為五五相 重,純陽之日,當日午時,更是陽氣至盛,此時藥物猶 有去毒 驅邪的奇效。此 外, 還 有端午 登高順 應陽氣在 上,髮髻釵符以趨吉避邪,而家家戶戶盤中必不可少的 粽子,也是「 以菰葉裹黏米,以象陰陽相包。」 端午,又名端陽、重五,五、午同音,又稱重午。 端,意為初始,端午,五月的第一個五日。時令週轉,
Dragon Boat Festival Performance, Qing Dynasty (1644–1911). This is a portrayal of the dragon boat races done with K'o-ssu, a technique used in Chinese silk tapestry. (Picture courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
以五日為候,三候為氣,六氣為時,四時為歲,歲歲年 年,周行不息。端午,最初的五日,時令變化初始之處, 萬物生生不息,最為茂盛蔥蘢之時。
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ORIGINS OF DUANWU Qu Yuan is the most well-known figure associated with the Dragon Boat Festival. As stated in the Records of the Grand Historian, Qu was a patriotic scholar and top official in the state of Chu during the Warring-States Period (475–221 B.C.). As a faithful official, Qu made numerous attempts to advise the king that meritocracy was a necessary measure to take toward strengthening the state. This angered the disloyal nobility; they accused Qu of treason and soon had him banished. Not long after, the state of Chu was conquered. Qu, who couldn’t bear to witness his beloved country being sabotaged, tied himself to a rock and drowned in a river on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, the present-day Duanwu festival. According to folklore, as soon as the Chu people learned about the incident, they rushed into their boats and paddled fiercely, hurrying to find Qu in time to save him, only to come back with no results. Heartbroken, people sailed back and forth to chase away fish, preventing them from consuming Qu’s body. In the meantime, people also threw clumps of rice wrapped together with eggs into the river to distract fish, for the same reason. Zongzi, or sticky rice dumplings, soon evolved from this practice. To commemorate this righteous scholar, the people of Chu established the traditions of dragon boat racing and making Zongzi every year on this day, and it is still practiced in many parts of China today. Not only is the Duanwu festival symbolic for its folktales regarding virtuous figures, but it is also representative of ancient science and its perspectives. Up until the mid-twentieth century, the time of the Chinese Communist Revolution, the people of China have always believed in and respected the harmony between heaven and earth. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, the monumental volume of Chinese herbology written by Li Shizhen, medicines decocted on the day of Duanwu show miraculous efficacy, and it is especially so of those herbs gathered under the midday sun. This is attributable to the distribution of yin and yang at different times of the year. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, Duanwu leans overwhelmingly toward the “yang” side, which is often symbolized by energy, light, and strength. Families thus take advantage of this ideal timing to detoxify and cast out evil spirits.
After Zhao Mengfu's paintings for Nine Songs. Many defining elements of the Duanwu traditions trace back to the tragic death of Qu Yuan, who was a faithful adviser to the king of Chu during the Warring-States Period. After his death on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, people have commemorated him through the traditions of Duanwu ever since. (Picture courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
The name “Duanwu” breaks down into “duan,” meaning the beginning, and “wu,” which indicates midday and is a homonym of the Chinese character for “five.” Thus Duanwu literally refers to the “first day-five of the fifth month,” embodying a new beginning, where the change of seasons leads to a burst of exuberance among all living things. Though commonly known as the “Dragon Boat Festival,” Duanwu is representative of much more. Traditional practices probe into our relationship with heaven and earth, while stirring tales conveying righteousness prompt our self-reflection. As a holiday symbolic of the civilization it bears, Duanwu is the start not only of a new season but also of a fresh, new perspective. │31
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English text by Eric Bess Chinese text translated by Juliet Ma
隨著疫情蔓延全球,感染人數日增,歐美多國相繼宣布 進入緊急狀態,各國人民陷入恐慌。然而,這並非西方 世界第一次面對瘟疫。流行於 14 至 17 世紀間的黑死病, 曾使歐洲 2 千多萬人喪生,占當時歐洲總人口數的三分 之一。 當年,人們是如何面對這場瘟疫的?史料的記載中 充滿了痛苦、恐懼和悲哀,也有懺悔和改過。淒涼慘景 中,有人們回看內心,藉助信仰重獲生機的奇蹟。人們 向基督聖徒的畫像祈禱,「 大瘟疫中,人們精神防線的 第一道屏障,通常是當地的守護聖徒。」藝術史家路易 絲.馬歇爾博士曾說:「 在對著神的形象祈禱時,一種 上下的連結便同時建立了,處於瘟疫中的人們不再感到 孤立無助,他們會用更積極、也更有效的方式重建自己 的生活。」
Right page: Christ Appointing Saint Roch as Patron Saint of Plague Victims, circa 1623–1626, by Peter Paul Rubens. Oil on canvas. St. Martin’s Church in Aalst, Belgium. (Public Domain)
ecently, there's been quite a bit of fear in relation to COVID-19. The media reports on it constantly. States are declaring states of emergency. This is not the first time that Western Civilization has been confronted with the fear of a pandemic. Let's go back and see what happened in the past. The Black Death, a pandemic of the bubonic plague, terrorized Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. Within five years of its arrival in Europe, it is estimated to have killed 20 million people—a third of the entire population of Europe. It then disappeared and returned repeatedly for the next 300plus years. How did Europeans between the 14th and 17th centuries deal with their fears of the Black Death? Many of them turned to their faith for comfort. Some, unfortunately, used the supernatural negatively as a
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way to legitimize the persecution of Jews. Others, however, used their beliefs in the supernatural as a positive response to the epidemic. In the Catholic tradition, art became a way of not only learning religious lessons and stories but also giving solace to believers in distress. According to art historian Dr. Louise Marshall, “In setting up hierarchical relationships of mutual obligation between worshiper and image, those who lived during the pandemic were not neurotic and helpless, but were taking positive—and in their eyes effective— steps to regain control over their environment … ” She also writes: “Throughout the pandemic, for many towns the first line of supernatural defense remained the local patron saint. At the heavenly court, the local saint could be relied upon to plead the community’s cause with all the vigor
聖徒羅格 瘟 疫 中 行 使 神 蹟, 莫 過 於 聖 徒 羅 格(Saint Roch or Rocco,1348~1376年 )。據記載,羅格出生於法國和 意大利邊境上的蒙彼利埃,父親是當地總督。羅格出生 時帶著一個紅色十字胎記,從小便篤信基督。 20歲那 年,羅格的父母雙雙辭世,他散盡家財,像當時許多虔 信基督的人一樣前往羅馬朝聖。路途中,瘟疫肆虐的慘 景使羅格深受震動,於是他停下前行的腳步,轉而照顧 病患。羅格驅除瘟疫的神蹟流傳至今:不用藥石,僅以 禱告,劃十字記號和觸摸病人治癒病痛。 在治癒了許多城鎮之後,一天,一個天使告訴羅格, 他也將被瘟疫感染。當時羅格所在的城市——意大利皮 亞琴察,驅逐了他,將他趕到了郊外的一處樹叢,在那
Jesus points to a sign held by the angel that reads, “Eris In Peste Patronus.” This roughly translates as “You are the patron during pestilence.” (Public Domain)
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and passion of a citizen on an urgent embassy to a foreign dignitary.” In other words, during the Black Death, people used imagery to pray to a patron saint who would serve as an intermediary between the sick and heaven. These patron saints included St. Sebastian and St. Rosalia. St. Roch, however, became a saint specially invoked against the plague. SAINT ROCH’S STORY According to The Golden Legend: Lives of the Saints, Roch was born in Montpelier, on the border between France and Italy, to a noblewoman who was barren until she prayed to the Virgin Mary. Roch was born with a birthmark of a red cross and was a very devout Christian from an early age. Roch’s wealthy parents died when he was 20. Upon their death, Roch gave away all of his riches and went to Italy to help those sick with the pestilence. He went from town to town, clearing away the pestilence with miracles: through prayer, making the sign of the cross, and by the touch of his hand. After visiting a number of towns, Roch was told by an angel that he would get the plague himself. The townsfolk of Piacenza, Italy, where he was, expelled him; he then lived in a nearby wood, where he fashioned a hut out of branches and leaves. Despite his condition, Roch spent his time in cheerful prayer. A spring miraculously appeared and supplied him with water, which tempered his fever. A dog belonging to a count living nearby brought him food and licked his wounds, which healed him. Later, during a hunting excursion, the dog led Count Gothard to Roch, and the count became Roch’s follower. Despite still being ill himself, Roch continued his mission. He entered the nearby town to heal plague victims. Soon, however, Roch asked God to be healed and was granted recovery. After recovering, Roch returned to the province where he grew up, now at war. He was imprisoned by his uncle, who did not recognize him and believed him to be a spy. Roch, refusing worldly glory, did not reveal who he truly was. Instead, he welcomed prison and spent the next few years in prayer. After Roch spent five years in prison and was close to death, a light shone forth from inside the
Peter Paul Rubens, 1577–1640, was a devout Roman Catholic and a leading painter for the Catholic Counter-Reformation. (Public Domain)
裡,羅格用木枝和樹葉搭了一座棚屋。他充滿信心的祈 禱,一眼醴泉奇蹟般地湧出,不僅帶來了水源,冰涼的 泉水也緩和了羅格發熱的症狀。一隻狗叼來了食物給羅 格,並舔舐羅格身上的傷口,竟使傷口逐漸癒合。病痛 中,羅格繼續他的使命,進入鄰近的市鎮治療瘟疫,後 來,羅格向上帝祈禱獲得了康復。 痊癒之後,羅格回到自己的家鄉,當時已在戰火之 中。他被叔父誤認為間諜,關進了監獄。羅格沒有解釋 自己的真實身分,安然地接受了囚徒生活,並將大部分 時間用於祈禱。 5 年後,羅格來到了他生命的盡頭。死亡前一刻, 一 道 光 束 出 現 在 監 獄 之 中, 羅 格 念 出 了 他 最 後 的 禱 告:所有以基督之名向他祈禱的人,都將從瘟疫中被救 起——這一切被天使放在羅格身後的金版紀錄下來,並 且銘刻了他的姓名。
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prison. His last prayer was that anyone who prayed to him in the name of Jesus would be delivered from pestilence. Upon his death, an angel placed a golden tablet under his head. The golden tablet granted Roch’s dying prayer and included his name so that all came to know his true identity.
The angel holding the sign looks out at us as if to suggest, “Heaven has not forgotten you.” (Public Domain)
ROCH AS PATRON SAINT OF PLAGUE VICTIMS The plague had not entirely disappeared from Europe when Peter Paul Rubens, a devout Roman Catholic and a leading painter for the Catholic Counter-Reformation, painted his Christ Appointing Saint Roch as Patron Saint of Plague Victims. It is part of a larger altarpiece, in Belgium, which was completed for the Aalst guild of hops and grain merchants in 1626, whose patron saint was St. Roch. Rubens composed the scene in an upper and lower half. The upper half depicts four figures: Jesus, an angel, St. Roch, and a dog. Jesus descends into darkness, dressed in a red robe, with a light around his head that illuminates the darkness. Jesus points to a sign held by the angel that reads, “Eris In Peste Patronus.” This roughly translates as “You are the patron during pestilence.” St. Roch is shown kneeling on one knee and looking at Jesus. He holds a staff and bag in his right hand and points to himself with his left, as if to acknowledge Jesus’s sign. In the lower half of the painting, Rubens depicted multiple figures infected with the plague. They look up at the scene above, with their arms outstretched as they ask for relief from their sufferings. Only one figure in the lower half of the picture plane stands. It appears that Rubens exper tly placed this figure to stop our eyes from leaving the picture plane and to lead our eyes back to the upper half of the composition. It is also the only figure that occupies both the upper and lower halves of the composition. FEARLESS COMPASSION During the height of the Black Death, the fear it inspired sometimes resulted in people abandoning their own infected families.
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How might St. Roch’s story and Rubens’s depiction inform us today? During a time of fear, it is easy to think only about our own well-being. Of course, we should consider our well-being, and we should definitely make sure that our families are safe. But we should also, I think, remember to not let our fear prevent us from caring for others. Faith and compassion is what I take away from St. Roch’s story. One thing the Europeans’ response to the Black Death incorporated was faith in a benevolent power greater than themselves. St. Roch did not fear illness or prison because his faith in God was deep and powerful. His goal was to compassionately help the suffering, and he succeeded—which is why, despite his refusal of worldly renown, we are still discussing him almost 700 years later. Though Rubens depicted a clear separation between the upper half and lower half of his painting, we needn’t interpret that literally. In other words, it is not that heavenly matters are absolutely separate from worldly concerns. The most significant figures in the composition are Jesus, the angel, and St. Roch, but also significant to the composition is the sign at which Jesus points (and our eyes necessarily follow): the sign that signifies St. Roch is patron saint of pestilence. The angel holding the sign looks out at us as if to suggest, “Heaven has not forgotten you.” Stories like St. Roch’s, in which a human being requests to serve the afflicted, even after his own death, offer a compelling message. St. Roch refused material gain, but he did not deny the material world, nor did he separate himself from it. The refusal of material gain for oneself is different from the refusal of the material world altogether. With the help of his faith and the resulting compassion, he fearlessly traveled to help as many people in this world as he could, despite his own sufferings, and his compassion extended even beyond death. I’m guilty of being as fearful as the next person. But St. Roch’s story and Rubens’s depiction remind me to strengthen my faith and my compassion and to be a source of comfort for others—for anyone— during these trying times as the world confronts a new viral threat. If our faith and compassion are strong, maybe the miraculous will happen for us too.
神的使者 畫 家 彼 得. 保 羅. 魯 本 斯(Peter Paul Rubens, 1577~1640年 )在世時,大瘟疫並未從歐洲完全消失。 作為一名虔誠的天主教徒和反宗教改革的代表畫家, 1626年,魯本斯完成了名作《耶穌指派聖徒羅格為瘟 疫 中 神 的 使 者》(Christ Appointing Saint Roch as Patron Saint of Plague Victims)。 畫作構圖分為上下兩部分。上部 4 個形象:耶穌、 天使、羅格和狗。耶穌降臨在黑暗中,他身著紅袍,頭 頂的光芒照亮了周圍的黑暗。耶穌手指向右側天使手中 的銘牌,其上寫道的大意為:你是瘟疫中神的使者。右 下方,羅格單膝跪地望向耶穌,右手拿一根行杖和一個 口袋,左手指向自己,似在回應耶穌的指示。 畫面下方是感染瘟疫的人們,他們目光向上,張開 手臂,似在祈求擺脫病痛的折磨。右側邊緣一人呈站立 姿勢,正望向畫面上部的耶穌和聖徒。這唯一一位連接 了畫面上下兩部分的人物,巧妙地將觀畫者的視線,延 續成了一個完整的回環——離開神,觀盡世間病苦,至 邊緣處,人們的目光又不由自主地回到了上方神與聖徒 所在之地——一如現實中那樣。 瘟疫與拯救 這幅畫為魯本斯的名作。它構圖完整,明暗設置清晰協 調,故事性完整。兩組構圖分別展現不同情節,而又同 歸主題。每個人物形象藉由其神態動作表達不同感受, 又自然地與周圍發生著聯繫。上下兩部分合而為一,完 整的講述了一個痛苦中孕育希望與拯救的故事。 畫面 9 位人物形象中,只有手執銘牌的天使,望向 畫面之外——大約每一位觀畫者都曾與祂的視線交會, 數百年來,應已不計其數。在無可計量的人群中,是否 曾有人想,天使手中的神諭,也是對自己的啟示?故事 中,羅格散盡家財,徒步朝聖,卻沒有拒絕塵世,執著 於自己的使命。他盡心救助困苦,順境、逆境分毫沒能 使他改變,反而道心愈堅。羅格遵從神的教誨,實踐了 自己的信仰。 700 年前聖徒羅格的故事流傳至今,歷史,也是曾 經的真實。當瘟疫再降,並以更盛之勢襲捲全球之際, 也許羅格的故事會帶給我們啟示。
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TAKI KATEI: the famous Japanese artist you’ve probably never heard of A champion of tradition in a time of immense change 變革浪潮下 日本傳統文化的護航大師——滝 和亭 English text by Lorraine Ferrier|Chinese text translated by Yu Chen Pictures courtesy of Keith Sweeney/National Museums Liverpool
n the 1890s, Japanese artist Taki Katei (1830– 1901) was at the height of his career, honored with professional accolades and inundated with commissions. In 1893, he was honored as “Imperial Household Artist,” an accolade awarded for his work for Japan’s imperial court. Despite Taki’s fame, you’ve probably never heard of him. The reason Taki is “not famous now, even in Japan,” is because in the early 20th century, Taki’s style of painting was seen as out-of-date, wrote curator Rosina Buckland in an email. Buckland, who authored Painting Nature for the Nation: Taki Katei and the Challenges to Sinophile Culture in Meiji Japan in 2012, said that artists associated with the government-sponsored Tokyo School of Fine Arts “were regarded as innovative and more worthy of attention.”
1890 年 代 是 日 本 藝 術 家 滝 和 亭(Taki Katei) 職 涯 的
顛峰,不僅受頒專家榮譽,委託案更是多得應接不暇。 1893 年,他為日本王室服務而受封為「 帝室技藝員 」。 儘管滝和亭頗富盛譽,你可能還未曾聽聞其名。 就連在當今的日本也很少人記得滝和亭,「 是因為在 20 世紀初時,滝和亭的繪畫風格被視為是過時的。」策 展人羅西納 · 巴克蘭提到。巴克蘭是 2012 年出版的《畫 日本的大自然:熱愛中華文化的滝和亭在明治日本面臨的 挑戰》 ( 暫譯名 )一書的作者。她表示,相對於傳統藝術, 當時受到政府贊助的東京美術學院藝術家,才被視作創新 和值得關注的。 巴克蘭同時也以客座策展人的角色,協助策展人亞歷 克斯 · 布萊克伯勒(Alex Blakeborough)策劃展覽《借 鑑大自然:滝和亭筆下的日本》,在英國利物浦世界博物 館展出( 展期為 4/10/19~17/3/20)。 Left page: Waves of the First Rank by Taki Katei. Paper, pigment, and ink; 76 1/2 inches by 44 3/8 inches.
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Buckland also acted as a guest curator, alongside curator Alex Blakeborough, for the recent exhibition Drawing on Nature: Taki Katei’s Japan at the World Museum in Liverpool, England, which ran from Oct. 4, 2019, to March 17, 2020. Blakeborough is the World Museum’s assistant curator of ethnology. A total of 82 drawings, consisting of preparatory works for commissions, studies of paintings, and teaching aids for Taki’s students, were on show from the collection of the National Museums Liverpool, a group of museums and galleries that includes the World Museum. The exhibits included works by Taki and his student Ishibashi Kazunori. The works are in the museum’s permanent collection due to one of Taki’s students, Ishibashi (1876–1928), who studied at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. Rather surprisingly, the exhibition was the first time Taki’s work had been shown outside of Japan.
滝和亭生於1830年,是日本藝術界仍富含傳統文化年 代。藝術家主要借鑒於古典中國畫的傳統,但同時也遵 循生命( 人和動物 )研究和植物學傳統。年僅6歲的滝 和亭,便在這樣的傳統基礎下開始學習。 20歲時,他旅 居長崎以便更深入學習中國文化。那時候的長崎是日本 唯一對外開放的港口,並且只與荷蘭、韓國、中國開展 貿易。在這裡,滝和亭和中國藝術家、文人一起生活, 直接從他們身上學習中國文化。
在接下來的 15~16 年裡,滝和亭周遊日本,從藝術 前輩和臨摹經典作品中學習;同時,他也開始接案子替 人做畫。透過這種方式,他建立起自己的聲望和足夠的 作品量。 1866 年他回到了東京,這時候他已擁有足夠 的資歷,開設一間藝術學校,布萊克伯勒在電話訪談中 說道。 1868 年的日本是動盪的一年。江戶時代的德川幕府 被推翻,結束了日本的封建制度。隨後,日本天王取而 代之成為日本最高領袖,改元「 明治 」並開創了一系列維 新政策。從此日本進入了劇烈的轉型期,西化往往優先
TAKI KATEI CHAMPIONED TRADITION Born in 1830, Taki grew up in a time when Japan’s art was rich with traditions. Artists borrowed particularly from the traditions of classical Chinese painting, but also followed the tradition of studying from life (people and animals) and botany. Artists started teaching Taki these traditions when he was just 6 years old. At 20 years old, he traveled to Nagasaki to be closer to Chinese culture. At that time, Nagasaki was the only port open in Japan and trade was restricted to the Netherlands, Korea, and China. Here, Taki could mix with Chinese artists and literati who taught him about their culture firsthand. Over the next 15 or 16 years, Taki traveled around Japan, learning from teachers and by imitating great works; he worked on commissions as he went. In this way, he built up his reputation as well as an archive of works. These enabled him to open an art school in his home when he returned to Tokyo in 1866, Blakeborough said in a phone interview. By 1868 Japan was in turmoil. The Tokugawa shogun “great general” of the Edo period (1603– 1867) was overthrown, ending Japan’s feudal system. Japan’s emperor replaced the shogun, becoming Japan’s supreme ruler, and reigned as the Meiji emperor of “enlightened rule.” Thus began a time of
於傳統。日本開始引進蒸汽火車、西式建築和服飾等。 政府也開辦了藝術學校和博物館,並且定期舉辦公開展 覽,並鼓勵藝術家在創作中融入西方風格;將作品調整 為適於展覽會場,並採用玻璃裱框畫作,而非製作傳統 的絲綢卷軸畫。
巴克蘭解釋說:「 滝和亭並沒有在自己的作品中加入
任何西方繪畫風格的元素 」,滝和亭是日本藝術協會的 成員,他們是一群「 想要為日本繪畫傳統技法重新注入 能量的藝術家。」。該協會在海外推廣日本傳統藝術, 藝術品在 1893 年芝加哥和 1900 年巴黎的世界博覽會上 參展。 「 借鑑大自然:滝和亭筆下的日本 」 該展覽中的語音導覽說到,滝和亭的畫作展示了他是如 何用傳統藝術實務,指導門下的藝術家們。這些畫作可 以是屏風、推門、扇子、畫冊、手卷,當然也少不了卷 軸畫。 這些都是實際「 具有功能的物件,用來教導學生如何 繪製特定的主題,指導他們東亞傳統繪畫的取材( 主要 源自於中國 )和整個制定繪畫主題的語言,有些甚至可 追溯至 1 千年前的中國。」巴克蘭說。這些繪畫主題皆被 詳細地記錄在滝和亭於 1886 年為學徒所寫的著作中。 現場展出的畫作皆是直接固定,而不是懸掛在畫廊 裡,「 他的作品就是這樣釘在他的工作室周圍,讓他的 學生得以臨摹,這也是我們想要做的;將他的教學傳統 延續了下來。」布萊克伯勒向我解釋道。
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Detail of Bush Peonies by Taki Katei.
immense transition for Japan, when tradition largely came second to Westernization. Japan welcomed steam locomotives and Western styles of architecture and dress, for example. The government formed an art school and museum and ran regular public exhibitions. Artists were encouraged to integrate Western styles into their art and adapt works for exhibition halls, glazing and framing paintings rather than creating the traditional silk hanging scrolls. “Taki did not integrate any stylistic elements from Western painting into his work,” Buckland said. He belonged to the Japan Art Association, a group of artists who “sought to re-energize the established form of Japanese painting,” she said.
這裡許多畫作都包含了大量的細節,真的很令人讚 歎。「 我還記得第一次看到這些作品的時候,發現它們 其實是未完成的作品時,感到非常吃驚 」,布萊克伯勒 說。多數作品都連帶有試畫的版本。就滝和亭而言, 「能 夠( 在最終的版本上 )重複同樣的細節和技巧,本身就 是一件了不起的事 」,他繼續說道。
滝 和亭就是得做到這種程度才有辦法在絲綢上作 畫,因為在絲綢上作畫,就算是再小的錯誤都很難修改。 要在絲綢繪畫上臻於完美,需要的是無與倫比的耐心、 技巧和無休止的練習。這些準則貫徹在滝和亭的展覽作 品上。有些圖面上有網格線,以便圖像可以放大後複製; 有些畫作則帶有更正註記,像是石橋和訓這幅有趣的《雙 鶴圖》,或許是滝和亭或石橋和訓自己用了紅色墨水, 稍稍調整了兩隻鶴頭的角度。
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The association promoted Japanese traditional art overseas and submitted art at international expositions in Chicago in 1893, and Paris in 1900. They held two annual exhibitions in Tokyo and submitted work to government-sponsored exhibitions. The group exhibited art that specifically showcased powerful and eye-catching motifs or themes that represented Japanese culture, Buckland explained. DRAWING ON NATURE: TAKI KATEI’S JAPAN Taki’s drawings that were featured in the World Museum’s exhibition show just how artists studying with Taki would’ve been taught these traditional art practices. The drawings could be for folding screens, sliding doors, fans, albums, handscrolls, and of course, hanging scrolls, according to the exhibition audio guide. They were “functional pieces used in teaching his students how to paint certain motifs, instructing them in the subject matter of traditional East Asian painting (most of this derived from China) and the whole language of set themes for paintings, some dating back almost a thousand years in China,” Buckland said. These painting themes were detailed in an 1886 book for apprentice artists that Taki contributed to. In the exhibition, the drawings were pinned rather than hung in the gallery, allowing visitors a glimpse into how Taki’s students learned from him. “His works would have been pinned around his studio for his students to copy, so that’s really what [we’re] doing; we’re continuing his tradition of teaching,” Blakeborough explained. The amount of detail in many of the drawings is incredible. “I can still remember the first time that I saw these works and being astounded that they were not actually finished pieces,” Blakeborough said. Most of the work consists of preparatory drawings. For Taki, “to be able to repeat that detail and skill [for the final piece] is astonishing in itself,” Blakeborough said. Taki had to render the drawings to such an extent if the painting was done on silk, because the tiniest errors are impossible to erase. To perfect silk painting takes incredible patience, skill, and endless practice.
Those principles come through Taki’s drawings in the exhibition. Gridlines appear on some drawings so that the picture could be enlarged when copied. Some of the drawings are annotated with corrections, as in a delightful drawing of a pair of cranes by Ishibashi Kazunori. The birds’ heads have been gently adjusted in red ink by either Taki or Ishibashi. In Bush Peonies, Taki’s delicate pink peony petals hint at a velvet texture and perhaps even a whiff of fine fragrance. And in another work, simply called Deer, the animal’s fur is so finely rendered that you can sense it’s soft to the touch. These subjects were not just flights of fancy that Taki wanted to paint. Japanese paintings, just as in Chinese classical art, used nature to portray meaning. The peony brimming with its multiple layers of dense petals represents wealth and prosperity, and a deer represents longevity. Taki and his students would’ve had to learn this language of East Asian art—a language conveyed not by the written or spoken word, but by the language of symbolism. To find out more about “‘Drawing on Nature: Taki Katei’s Japan,” visit LiverpoolMuseums.org.uk
在滝 和亭的作品《牡丹叢》中,嬌嫩粉紅的牡丹花 瓣,透露出天鵝絨般的質感,甚至隱約還帶有淡淡花香。 在另一幅作品《鹿》中,如此細緻地處理動物的毛皮,讓 你好像可以感受到它那柔軟的觸感。 這些主題並非滝和亭天花亂墜的幻想。就如中國古典 藝術,日本繪畫也是從大自然取材來表達特定含意。有 著層層密密花瓣的牡丹花,象徵財富和繁榮,而鹿則代 表長壽。 滝和亭和他的學生掌握了東亞藝術的語言——
一種沒有文字記錄或口語表達的語言,一種透過象徵手 法與觀者溝通的語言。
Right page: Left: Receiving Heaven and One Hundred Rewards by Taki Katei. Paper, pigment, and ink; 62 7/8 inches by 24 inches. Right: Deer by Taki Katei. Paper, pigment, and ink; 65 9/16 inches by 21 7/8 inches.
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Dancer Monty Mou:
THE GOLD MEDAL MINDSET 懷謙斂思 舞淬鋼志 ——專訪神韻藝術團領舞演員巫琨璟
English text by June Fakkert Chinese text by Crescent Dai and Yijun Wang
or classical Chinese dancer Monty Mou, competitions are not something he does for medals or recognition, but rather as a way to challenge himself. “To me it’s a form of learning. I don’t really like competing for the sake of winning,” he said. When he won senior division gold in 2018 in an international classical Chinese dance competition, he didn’t see the win as a peak, but as validation of the self-discipline and work he had done prior to the competition. In two previous competitions, he had won silver in both the junior and senior divisions.
琨璟,意思是美玉的光彩,而這名字的主人,恰如琨玉 般溫潤平和,自帶光澤。有道是「 腹有詩書氣自華 」, 出生在澳洲的巫琨璟,說著一口流利的英文,侃侃而 談,他樂觀幽默又博學多才,和他聊天,時而令人開 懷,時而深受啟發。 2013年,他正式加入名聞世界的頂尖藝術團—— 美國神韻藝術團。訪談期間發現,眼前這位落落大方的 舞蹈藝術家,曾經是一位靦腆害羞,不擅與人交際的男 孩。這使我們不禁去想,他在學習中國古典舞的過程 裡,究竟經歷了什麼樣的淬煉與心境轉變? 巫琨璟為學習正統的中國古典舞,遠赴他鄉,就讀 臺灣的蔦松藝術高級中等學校的期間於他而言,充滿挑
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Originally from Australia, Monty Mou has been touring with Shen Yun Performing Arts since 2013 and is now a principal dancer. (Photo courtesy of Daniel Ulrich)
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As a principal dancer with the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, Shen Yun Performing Arts, Mou explained that his own personal measure of success is how well he is able to bring forth his best every day—especially during the challenging times. To accomplish this, he fills his life with things that have a positive effect on him. “You really have to enrich yourself,” he told Elite Lifestyle Magazine. He explained that for him, dancing is not solely his career but also a way of life, one that requires humility. "I feel like being humble is an extremely important quality to have as a dancer and as a person. It’s like Socrates said, 'I know I know nothing.'" Mou said that even his performances where he had won medals could be elevated further, but this was not discouraging for him because it provided motivation to push himself further.
戰。例如學習中國古典舞最初的門檻——軟度以及身法 技巧,加之每日嚴格的訓練時程,都讓他備感壓力,甚 至產生放棄的念頭。在母親的鼓勵下,他堅持了下來, 並在之後,前往美國紐約的飛天大學,繼續進修中國古 典舞。 來美後,因其堅實的基本功與相對豐富的舞臺經 驗,巫琨璟的舞蹈學習漸入佳境。其後,每當課堂上教 授新技巧時,他總是被班上推作第一位挑戰者。過去他 從未對自己的舞藝感到自信,如今日漸受到讚揚與肯 定。堅持數年的苦練後,終於迎來有別以往的舞蹈旅程。 處處是良師 巫琨璟三次參加由《新唐人電視台》舉辦的「 全世界中 國古典舞大賽 」皆脫穎而出,分別斬獲兩次銀獎,更在 2018年的青年組中摘得金獎。他談起參賽體會時表示: 「 我發現,我從別人的演出中能學到很多!」比賽對他最 大的意義不是取得名次,而是在於過程中能夠使自己學 習與提升,他甚至覺得:「 在我摘金後,好像我的舞蹈
GREAT TEACHERS Mou said that over the years his dance instructors have given him much more than just dance instructions, and he credits his success to their help. “Everything I’ve learned I feel like someone else gave to me,” he said. Years before, Mou never wanted to dance in front, preferring the anonymity of the back. But early on, one of his dance instructors sensed his potential and would force him to be in the front line during practice. Mou recalled that this made him very uncomfortable at the time, but the tactic worked, and he’s no longer shy about taking center stage. Moreover, he now really appreciates that his teacher had faith in him and helped to push him further. “When I look back I'm actually really, really grateful. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do a lot of things I'm able to do today.” He said that after years of facing the pressures of practice and performance, he has come to see pressure as a good thing. This is because in order to meet the challenges, he’s had to rise to new heights. Now he’s able to operate on a very different plane than before. Again, the key to dealing with pressure better, he said, is in elevating his mind. Elevation allows him to handle himself better under stress. It also helps him make better decisions fast—which is often needed on performance tours.
才正要開始。」 他生性低調,不愛出頭,然而其出色的舞蹈才華, 備受師長賞識,鼓勵他接下領舞一職。起初,他雖有所 抗拒,卻在日復一日的訓練中,意識到自己的責任。 「我 認為一場秀,無論領舞有多麼出色,都不可能光靠一己 之力完成。」他明白舞臺上每一位盡心完成本分的演員, 都是成就演出的關鍵,在此要點上,領舞與其他演員並 無差異,他便不再為此糾結。 「 當我回首過往,我真的無比感激,否則我不會擁 有今日的成績。」如今他對過往經歷的困難,以及師長 們當年的鞭策與提拔,內心只有感謝。「 當我取得太多 成績時,身邊關心我的老師、朋友們看到我在進步,都 會提醒我,不要過於躊躇滿志,這令我更加虛心學習。」 他坦言,自己曾因亮眼的成績感到自豪,但周遭師長及 時提點,讓他能時刻端正自我心態。 多年來,參加世界各地的巡迴演出期間,接觸了形 形色色的人群與風俗文化,他也嘗試和陌生人交談,眼 界與心胸隨之開闊,這促使他下決心要從各方面來充實
Right page: Top: Mou participated several times in the NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition. His remarkable performances stunned the audience and won him a total of three medals. (Photo courtesy of Larry Dye) Bottom: At the 2018 NTD 8th International Classical Chinese Dance Competition, Monty Mou played his dream character— Li Bai, the “Deity of Poetry.” Through meticulous attention to details and the novel incorporation of sword elements, Mou’s interpretation won him the gold medal. (Photo courtesy of Larry Dye)
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During his tour with Shen Yun in 2017, Mou played the male lead in Red Cliff, a classic piece in traditional Chinese dance. In it, a general in the early 20th century takes inspiration from a dream, where he travels back in time to the Red Cliff Battlefield of the Three Kingdoms era. (Photo courtesy of Shen Yun Performing Arts)
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Enrichment for Mou comes through studying, researching, reading books, and this includes classic philosophy from both the East and West, as well as watching films and documentaries that portray cultural values and new ideas. “I like to watch and read things that make me go, ‘Oh, I never thought of that before,’” he said. He likes to read difficult texts—like Greek Stoic philosophers—where he has to read a sentence more than once in order to grasp its meaning. “You need to go through a certain amount of hardship to gain perspective,” he added. Handling hardship and pressure well is a skill he tries to pass on to younger students, as now he is a class assistant. “I try to motivate them to enjoy the process,” he said, which in a classical Chinese dance class means hours of painful stretching. Mou has learned that a good attitude toward stress has great rewards. “The suffering you feel will end, so enjoy it while you can. If you can enjoy the suffering, you will feel very satisfied afterward,” he said, speaking from experience. In addition to just pushing him in class, Mou said, his teachers and senior students have helped him develop his own life philosophy. “It's not simply that the teachers are teaching you how to dance; they're teaching you how to be a good person. They'll share with you music that sounds good. They'll share books and movies that are good, and even how to eat more healthy.” He added that some of them really took him under their wing, looking after him like a brother. Mou now tries to take care of his younger students in the same way and leads by motivating rather than commanding. “Commands never change a person’s heart,” he said. And, as illustrated above, there is a time and place for pushing and striving. Mou prefers to motivate others by challenging them to be their best.
自己。閒暇之餘,他會閱讀古哲學書,如古希臘斯多葛 學派的相關著作,「 我很喜歡閱讀那些古老哲學相關的 書籍,儘管它們艱澀難懂。很難,但你必須經歷這些困 難,才能獲得有別以往的視野。」 舞蹈家品格 歷經十逾年的專業鍛鍊,跳舞對巫琨璟而言,不僅是職 業,更是一種生活態度。「 我認為保持謙遜是身為舞蹈 家以及身而為人,所需要具備的重要品格,就像蘇格拉 底曾說過:『 我唯一知道的就是我一無所知。』」他歎賞 著古聖哲的深邃智慧,並將此付諸實踐。儘管在團裡擔 任要角,在大賽獲得金獎肯定,他仍深信自己所學所成 微不足道,輕輕地說:「 我所學獲的一切,皆為他人所 授。」他將榮耀歸於飛天的養成及神韻的錘鍊。 巫琨璟表示,自己兒時性格極其內向,因而行事 猶豫糾結。在學習中國古典舞後,他意識到必須敞開 心扉。他說中國古典舞的表現是:「 先起心,再起氣, 最後才是情。」得由心開始轉變,才能透過舞蹈表現更 加深厚的情感。尤其在擔任領舞後,他克服了過去的弱 點,不再為內向的性格所困擾,不覺間,內心也變得更 加強大。 如今他作為藝術團裡的前輩,也將自己學獲的一 切,毫無保留地分享給後輩。 「 我從來不用命令的方式, 我認為命令不會改變人心。」因為深諳此道理,他清楚 自己的職責與角色,因此選擇以更為真誠的方式與後輩 們交流。 尤其在他們排練遇上瓶頸,或是疲累不堪之際, 他分享解困妙方,在於「 享受過程 」,這也是他鼓舞士 氣的方法。他解釋:「 不要去追求結果,一切都看你的 過程,盡你所能地去做、去享受。那些你現在感到的痛 苦,只會在此刻感受到,所以享受你正在面對的當下。」 漫長的習舞生涯,他正是如此自我砥礪,突破了一次次 的困難,因為他深信,痛苦過後,無比踏實的成就感將 隨之而來。 巫琨璟從分享自己的心路歷程開始,再到為人處事 各方面給予後輩們建議,「 我視他們為兄弟,我想和他 們分享一切我覺得好的東西。」因為他認為,除了舞蹈 學習,更重要的是如何做為一個人。推己及人,如今他 不僅自帶光澤,更是光彩照人。
DIFFERENT REALM OF THOUGHT AND FEELING Every time Mou learns something new, it’s like a window opens and he can see into the distance— how much more he has yet to learn. He said that dancing has also made him much more deeply aware of his emotions and the nuances in them. He’s found the mundane tasks of rehearsal to be transformative.
義無反顧的使命 為何會想加入神韻藝術團?巫琨璟對此回應道: 「 神韻能 夠廣傳真相,中國的真相,能為信仰自由發聲,所做的 一切意義重大,我願意投身於此。」他這幾句話說得雖 輕,卻無所猶疑,聽來格外鏗鏘有力。神韻藝術團每年 全新的演出節目中,都有一齣現代舞劇是改編自當今發 生在中國的真實故事,揭示中國共產黨迫害信仰「 真、
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In the 2018 Shen Yun performance of the dance Devotion, Mou played Rengui Xue, a respectable general of the Tang Dynasty. (Photo courtesy of Shen Yun Performing Arts)
And the cultural immersion he’s had during his study of classical Chinese dance has left him with the feeling that modern life doesn’t leave people enough time and space or the right mindset to deeply appreciate beauty. “Nowadays people are very numb to things … when they see something beautiful they feel it's nice, but it’s not, 'Oh it's nice, I should write a poem!'” he said. For example, in the past people might see the moon and think of its light as an expression of divine light here to guide humankind through darkness, but nowadays people are more likely to see it and think it has some holes in it, he explained. The character that won him the gold medal was that of Li Bai, China’s most famous general-cum-poet, who wrote some of his most famous verses inspired by the moon. Mou explained that as he’s researched histori-
cal characters in order to portray them, he’s come to see the world through very different eyes, and this has made him more aware of the beauty not only within but also around him. 善、忍 」的法輪大法修煉者之真相。在中國,這些攸關 人們最基本的生存權利的故事,被政府掩蓋、消聲。只 盼神韻的演出,能帶給世人全新的視角來認識中國純正 而美好的文化內涵。 藝無止境,多年來待在世界一流的藝術團裡,時刻 都充滿挑戰,然而,他以謙卑的胸懷與澄明的心境面對 其舞蹈生涯。他曾說:「 如果你想完成某一件事,必須先 去理解:為什麼我要做這件事?真的很想要去達到的話, 就會盡力去實現,所以我每天都這樣提醒自己。」而堅守 在心中的那一份正義,正領著他走向不可限量的未來。
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Figure Skater Alysa Liu
SHINING ON & OFF THE RINK 荳蔻少女的華麗迴旋 ——專訪花式滑冰運動員劉美賢 English text translated by Angela Feng Chinese text by Yijun Wang 52│
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he scene was the Asian Open Figure Skating Trophy in Bangkok, Thailand, and the time was August 2018. A young Asian American girl stands confidently in the middle of the glistening rink, a sweet smile gracing her face. As soon as the music starts, her expression shifts, and her eyes turn to the ice with a concentrated, singular focus. Light, tinkling music fills the stadium as she glides across the ice with effortless grace and elegance.
時空回溯至2018年8月,在泰國曼谷舉行的亞洲花式滑 冰錦標賽上,一位中西合璧的混血少女,帶著自信甜美 的笑顏,站在偌大的冰面中央。當樂聲響起,她神情專 注、行雲流水般地在冰上滑行,配合樂音起伏變化,觀 眾沉浸於她的迴旋與跳躍。此情此景,彷彿置身於幽靜 的森林裡,伴隨林間樹葉隨風搖曳的窸窣聲,側聞巧囀 鳥語,少女化身結冰湖面上的美麗精靈,輕盈舞動,自 在穿梭其間。 她是來自美國加州的劉美賢,當時年僅12歲。賽場 上,環繞全場的滑冰舞曲、冰刃鞋與冰面摩擦聲中,只
BIRTH OF A STAR This girl is Alysa Liu from Oakland, California. She was only twelve years old at the 2018 Asian Open, where she became the youngest skater in history to land a triple axel at an international competition. The triple axel is one of figure skating’s oldest and most difficult jumps; it takes an incredible amount of strength and body control to land successfully. Historically, few female skaters have been able to do it—in fact, only twelve women have been able to complete one in competition. She might have only been in middle school, but Alysa Liu had already made history. In an interview with NBC Sports, 1998 Olympic champion Tara Lipinski said that Alysa is “the future of U.S. ladies’ skating … She will be the one to push the next generation forward.” With Alysa’s determination, ambition, and courage, there is no doubt she will. Immediately after breaking records in the Asian Open, she took part in the 2019 U.S. Figure Skating Championships. There, she surpassed expectations again, landing a record-breaking three triple axels and becoming the youngest woman to win a U.S. Championship title at the age of thirteen. Later that year, in August, Alysa participated in the 2019 Junior Grand Prix, where she became the first U.S. woman to land a quadruple Lutz in competition. Despite all her successes, she remains modest, maintaining a nonchalant attitude. “I don’t obsess,” she said, regarding her achievement. “Afterwards, I just focused on what I needed to do next.” Her talent and rapid growth has made her one of the most anticipated skaters in the 2022 Winter Olympics. CHASING HER DREAMS “My favorite things to practice are jumps,” Alysa said in an interview with Elite Lifestyle Magazine. “I like the feeling of being in the air—it’s almost like
見她來回穿梭,在場上劃出美麗弧線。緊接著,她用腳 輕輕一掂,身體躍上空中轉體1,260度,完成了高難度的 三周半跳,人們屏息直至看見冰鞋再度落地,濺起冰屑 的瞬間,然後全場陷入歡呼。這毫秒裡的起落變化、視 線裡來不及察覺的瞬間,她寫下了歷史性的一刻。 新星誕生 在花式滑冰中,三周半跳是一項高難度跳躍動作,歷史 上鮮有女性選手能夠在比賽中順利完成。這是一項巧妙 結合力與美的跳躍技巧,必須在極短時間內,於空中高 速旋轉後落地,起空瞬間的平衡掌握,會帶來截然不同 的旋轉效果。若旋轉速度與動能不足,則無法順利完成 三周半的旋轉,同時還得平衡身軀,完美落地。劉美賢 成為史上最年輕在國際賽事中完成此跳躍動作的選手, 因此奪下該比賽進階新手組冠軍。 這是劉美賢初次在國際賽上嶄露頭角。 緊接著2019年,她以不足齡的年紀,破格參加全美 錦標賽青少年組,賽場上她完成3次完美的三周半跳, 成為全美錦標賽歷屆以來最年輕的女子冠軍,此次的金 牌,也打破了前花滑奧運金牌得主塔拉 · 利平斯基(Tara Lipinski)1997年創下的紀錄,成為美國歷屆最年幼的 金牌得主。 同年8月,劉美賢在世界青年花式滑冰大獎賽美國 站中的長曲項目裡中,成功完成四周勾手跳,這是她繼 2018年的三周半跳後,又一的終極跳躍技巧之一,她 也成為美國第一位在該賽事中完成此跳躍的女子滑冰選 手。她令人驚艷的成長速度,讓人愈發期待她將在2022 年角逐冬季奧運的時刻。 後生可畏,塔拉 · 利平斯基在2019年NBC體育台報 導中表示: 「 她( 劉美賢 )會是美國女美子滑冰的未來, 她也將成為推動下個世代的要角。」距離上一次美國女 子選手,站上單人項目的奧運頒獎臺已是2006年。她 將是全美睽違10逾年的新希望。
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I’m riding a roller coaster.” Her straightforward response exudes a childlike innocence. From the outside, she is like any other fourteen-year-old girl; in her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with friends, shopping, and going out to eat. However, her tenyear figure skating journey has been anything but ordinary. Alysa’s father, Arthur Liu, immigrated from China to California in the 1980s, where he pursued a law career as a general practitioner. He had always been a big fan of figure skating and used to frequent the Oakland Ice Center, which was ten minutes from his firm. When Alysa was five years old, he would bring her to the rink to play around. Noticing how much his daughter enjoyed figure skating, he decided to enroll her in lessons with Laura Lipetsky, who has been Alysa’s coach ever since. Though Arthur is very supportive of Alysa’s figure skating career, there have been instances where it was difficult for him to watch how hard she has to work. For a period of time, Alysa had to go to the
心之所嚮 「 我很喜歡跳躍,我喜歡在空中的感覺,就像搭乘雲霄 飛車,而且我也很喜歡雲霄飛車,這也是為什麼我這麼 喜歡跳躍。」今年14歲的劉美賢接受本刊專訪時,言語 中透著直率的童心,閒暇時最愛和朋友一起聊天、逛 街、吃美食,與一般少女無異。然而,在其將近10年的 滑冰生涯,卓著的成績帶給她注定非凡的人生旅程。 劉美賢的父親是1980年代來自中國的移民,他原先 就特別熱衷觀賞花式滑冰,在他的律師事務所步行10分 多鐘路程,就能抵達奧克蘭滑冰場。劉美賢5歲時就開 始去滑冰場玩耍。他看出女兒對滑冰的喜愛,便決定讓 其適性發展。 Top: Alysa Liu stunned audiences with her breathtaking free-skate performance at the 2020 U.S. Figure Skating Championships, and set records as the first woman to attempt a quad at the competition. (Picture courtesy of Jay Adeff/U.S. Figure Skating) Left page: At the 2020 U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Alysa Liu once again made first place in the senior division ladies’ singles event. Decked out in pink for her short program, she gave a mesmerizing performance. (Picture courtesy of Jay Adeff/U.S. Figure Skating)
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stadium to practice every day before dawn. It was hard seeing his daughter practice for hours on end when most kids were outside playing. However, to Alysa, practice has never been a chore. “I never get bored of training, because there are always new things to learn,” she explained. No matter how many times she fails and falls down, she is always quick to pick herself back up. “I don’t mind spending so much time practicing. Sure, I have to make some sacrifices, but I get back so much more in return.” Despite her young age, she is wholeheartedly committed to her passions, and willing to do all that it takes to reach her goals.
Alysa is eternally grateful for the world of opportunities that figure skating has brought her. “Skating has made my life so much better—I’ve traveled to many different places, met many amazing people, and had so many incredible experiences. None of that would have been possible if I hadn’t started figure skating,” she told Elite. With her sweet smile and bright-eyed enthusiasm, we look forward to seeing her shine on the international stage.
曾經有段時間,劉美賢在清晨天尚未破曉時,就 必須前往體育場練習。父親也不免為此心疼,在一般孩 子們恣意玩耍的時光,她卻在體育場裡一次又一次地練
ALWAYS STRIVING FOR IMPROVEMENT Before her first international competition in 2018, Alysa had already made a name for herself in the U.S. figure skating community. She was only ten years old when she competed in the 2016 U.S. Championships and became the youngest female skater to earn the intermediate gold medal. Some may attribute her extraordinary accomplishments to natural-born talent; however, according to her father, it all comes down to her mentality of working hard. “She has a very strong work ethic,” Arthur explained in an interview with Elite. “When practicing a new technique, she will not stop until she is satisfied with her performance.” Additionally, she is not afraid to acknowledge her mistakes. Whenever he and Alysa review videos of her practicing, she is always the first to point out any problems and explain what she could do better. Alysa never fails to surprise those around her. Every competition leaves Arthur in awe of his daughter’s ability, as she is always transcending expectations and frequently sets new records. However, Alysa doesn’t let her success go to her head, and she is always looking for ways to improve. “I want to get better at everything,” she said enthusiastically. Despite all her accomplishments so far, Alysa’s journey is merely beginning. This year, she will turn fifteen, which allows her to finally qualify for senior international competitions. This means that she will soon be facing a whole new level of competitors. Nevertheless, this doesn’t deter her. “I just want to keep improving, and hopefully make history along the way,” she told NBC Sports.
習。她說:「 我的訓練並不會讓我感到無聊,因為總是 有新東西必須學習。」儘管伴著無數次的失敗與摔跌, 對於花滑,她始終保有源源不絕地學習動力,「 我並不 介意花這麼長的時間滑冰,我的意思是,確實這會有一 些犧牲,但是並不是那麼多,因為滑冰讓我獲得更多。」 她清楚自己的熱忱所在,並且願意為此全心付出。 精益求精 劉美賢早在2018年以前的多次國內賽事中脫穎而出。 10 歲左右,她已掌握三周跳的其中5個跳躍動作( 總共有6 式 ),她以超乎常人的速度,完成許多人望塵莫及的里 程碑。或許旁人會認為這是天分使然,但從她父親透露 的一件事,我們便知這一切並非偶然。 「 她性格上很堅強。在練一個跳躍的動作,要是自 己不滿意的話,她是不會停止的。我覺得這就是一個意 志力比較堅強的表現。」劉美賢的父親接受本刊訪問時 說道。此外,他每次幫女兒練習過程錄像後,他雖看不 出問題何在,但女兒總能自己找出問題,並且向他解說 如何改進。每一次學習,她皆透過自己的思考與消化, 讓技術與動作更臻純熟。 幾乎每一次在賽場上觀賞演出,劉美賢的父親都 備感驚訝,因為女兒每每創造出人意表的成績,打破紀 錄、勇奪金牌。然而,在劉美賢眼中,來自外界的盛譽 並未對她的生活帶來任何改變,這些光環猶如她追尋夢 想途中的足跡。面對未來,她表明:「 我想在各方面進 步!」她深知自己還有巨大的進步空間,目光如炬,明 確而堅定。 無論外界寄與何等厚望,劉美賢只是專注在夢想道 路上,她感謝花式滑冰帶來前所未見的世界,「 滑冰真 的讓我的人生更好,我因此去了很多地方旅行,遇到很 多不同的人,見識許多非常特別的活動,我不認為,如 果沒有滑冰我能夠去做這些事。」她堅定心念,帶著甜 美笑靨,繼續在國際舞臺上大放異彩。
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When she was only thirteen, Alysa Liu made history at the 2019 U.S. Figure Skating Championships by becoming the youngest woman to win gold. (Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images)
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Bring Serenity to Your
HOME OFFICE 打造居家辦公清新感 By Faithe Lo
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With the chaos of the pandemic, many people have been forced to work from home. This has been difficult, as people often find themselves struggling to stay focused and motivated. Here at ELITE Lifestyle Magazine, we have come up with the following six tips to help you spruce up your office and create a more comfortable and inspiring work environment.
混亂的肺炎疫情令人憂心,許多人因此隔離在家,必須一 邊消化疫情帶來的忐忑心情,一面適應在家中的新工作 環境。除了必備的硬體設施, 《時尚精英》希望藉由以下 這 6 種方式,幫助您布置舒適的居家辦公空間,提升生 活品質,盼各位都能以平穩而健康的狀態,度過焦躁不安 的時光。
Move your desk in front of a window, and enjoy bathing in warm sunshine as you work. The natural views can also put you in a good mood and help you relax, allowing inspiration to flow.
將辦公桌設置在大片窗戶前,一面工作、一面享受陽光, 偶而抬頭看看窗外,能讓心情更加愉悅。
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Lighting can affect your mood and productivity. Whether it’s your typical incandescent bulbs or specially designed LED sun bulbs, warm or cool tones—find the type of lighting that works best for you. 光線能影響人的生理和心理。無論是傳統燈泡光 源,還是可以模仿陽光與藍天的新式燈具,只要設 置正確,都能營造出舒適的辦公空間。
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Liven up your office with some fresh flowers and greenery! They not only brighten the room and help you relax, but can also purify the air in your workspace. 在辦公桌周圍擺點鮮花、綠葉,工作一個段 落,活動一下肩頸,看看花、看看葉子,可以 消除疲勞,緩解緊繃情緒。 TOP: VITRA, PHYSIX CHAIR, STARTING AT $1,260, VITRA.COM|RIGHT: GUBI, ADNET WALL MIRROR-CIRCULAR, STARTING AT $999, 2MODERN.COM; ELLIPTICAL DINING TABLE, OAK, $3,475, DANISHDESIGNSTORE. COM; SATELLITE PENDANT, STARTING AT $993, APLUSRSTORE.COM; MASCULO DINING CHAIR, $1,195, DANISHDESIGNSTORE.COM │61
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(Design and image courtesy of Chad Dorsey Design)
It doesn’t have to be all work and no play—add a splash of color to your office space with some fun accessories.
運用一些鮮明跳色的配件、擺飾,如 燈具、筆筒、時鐘等,妝點辦公空間, 增添童心與驚喜。
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When you are work ing f rom home, it is easier than ever to become disorganized. Make sure you have abundant storage space and a good organization system to ensure that your work process runs as smoothly as possible. 收納空間充沛、設計合理的系統收 納組合,輕鬆將文件分門別類放置 在適當的位置,讓在家工作動線順 暢、整潔、有條理。
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Add a designated “relaxation corner” to your office, with warm lighting and cozy furnishings, so that you have a place to nap, meditate, and unwind. In times of stress and uncertainty, taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health.
設置一個光線舒適、溫馨的小角落,可以小憩,更可以 隨時靜坐,幫助身、心、靈保持平衡,調整免疫力,維 持健康生活。
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Palo Alto Home Blurring the boundaries between indoors and outdoors 連通內外 帕洛阿爾托庭院之家 English text by Angela Feng | Chinese text translated by Ada Tian Photography by Matthew Millman Photography
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Located among the leafy, picturesque streets of Old Palo Alto is this generous yet compact home designed by Studio VARA.
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ith its leafy picturesque streets, striking modern homes, and residents who include some of the world’s top tech icons, Old Palo Alto is one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in the Palo Alto area. In such a sought-after area, every square inch of floor space counts. Despite spatial limitations, Studio VARA was able to create a generous and airy home for a young family of five. Much of the design process focused on fostering a strong connection between indoors and outdoors. In current times, these blurred lines have become more important than ever. The San Francisco-based architects managed to fit a spacious kitchen, living room, family room, office, gym, wine room, as well as six bedrooms and seven bathrooms in the 4,531-square-foot abode. This was achieved by “Rubik’s Cubing” the space to create a stacked structure, where rooms both turned inward and opened out. Three distinct materials were used on the exterior to articulate stacked volumes that shift and recede from sight as they move up: concrete for
位在帕洛阿爾托地區的「 老帕洛阿爾托 」是舊金山灣區 最負盛名的社區之一。該區擁有如畫的風景,綠樹林蔭 的街道和引人注目的現代住宅。在這樣一個備受歡迎的 住宅區,寸土寸金。儘管空間有限,VARA工作室仍為五 口之家打造了寬敞且通風良好的住宅。 住宅總面積為 4,531 平方英尺,包括廚房、客廳、 起居室、辦公室、健身房、葡萄酒室以及 6 間臥室和 7 間浴室。設計重點之一是加強室內和室外之間的聯繫, 建築師以魔術方塊作為設計靈感,將內部空間緊密相連, 並將視線向室外延展,引導至私密而寬敞的室外景觀。 外立面使用了 3 種不同的材質,建築體量逐層後退,賦 予了該住宅獨特、現代的外觀,以及輕盈的視覺感受。 大面積的開窗貫穿整間住宅,最大限度地增強室內 外的視線聯繫,加強寬敞的感覺。室內多樣的材質和中 性的暖色調,營造了一種奢華而舒適的氛圍。一樓空間 環繞著一個露天的小庭院,模糊了內外的界限,將日光 Top: In the sitting area, striking floor-length windows offer stunning views of the surrounding scenery. Left page: Throughout the design process, the architects focused on fostering a strong connection between the house and its surrounding greenery. │69
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Top: A sleek, transparent steel staircase set against a continuous stone-slab wall anchors the home, unifying the three levels. Bottom left: White marble and stainless steel appliances give the kitchen a simple yet modern look. Bottom right: The bedrooms are located on the second floor, which is organized strategically to ensure both privacy and views outside. Right page: As the pandemic has forced people to stay inside, the home’s abundant outdoor spaces help the family feel less confined.
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the basement, cedar and larch siding for the main level, and dark zinc for the top floor. This gives the home a more distinct, modern look, ensuring that it doesn’t appear monotonous. Additionally, it gives the house the illusion of hovering lightly above the ground. Throughout the home, lavish materials and meticulous window placements give the space an airy and luxurious feel. A neutral color scheme of warm earth tones was employed, adding a cozy yet elegant vibe. The ground floor wraps around a small, open-air courtyard, bringing daylight and lush foliage into the home. This blurs the boundaries between inside veand outside, further emphasizing a feeling of openness. Carefully placed cabinetry and built-ins in the kitchen and entertaining areas maintain that the open floor plan doesn’t feel loft-like. A sleek, transparent steel staircase set against a continuous stone-slab wall anchors the home, unifying the three levels. The bedrooms and bathrooms are located on the second floor, which is organized strategically to ensure both privacy and views outside. The basement level contains the family room, a gym, and a guest bedroom. Light wells and openings give the space plenty of natural light, maintaining the same airy, open ambiance as the rest of the home. Studio VARA worked on every part of the residence—from the architecture, to the landscaping, to
the interiors—ensuring that there is a harmonious blend between the home and its surrounding scenery. In our current situation, having a close connection to the outdoors is more important than ever. As the pandemic has forced people to stay inside, a home with abundant outdoor spaces helps residents feel free and less confined. Through a collaborative, team-oriented design approach, Studio VARA has crafted a space that profoundly shapes and enriches their clients’ lives.
和綠植引入室內同時,進一步加強了空間的開放性。尤 其當一樓的折疊門開啟時,室內空間彷彿被無限延展。 一個具有現代感的、通透的鋼骨樓梯,沿一面豎向 貫穿的牆壁設置,連接了各層空間。臥室和浴室位於二 樓,在飽覽景觀的同時兼顧了私密性。最下面的一層包 含了起居室、健身房和客房。採光井為該層空間提供了 充足的自然光線、良好的通風和開放的氛圍。 VARA 工作室認真研究並設計了住宅的每個部分, 從建築、景觀到室內,以確保住宅內部和周邊景觀諧和 統一。由於當前的疫情迫使人們待在家裡,一間擁有寬 敞室外空間的家,可以幫助居住者感到更自由並減少滯 留家中的壓迫與限制感。因此,在當前的情況下,與戶 外有密切的聯繫,顯得比以往任何時候都更重要。 Studio VARA worked on every part of the residence, from the architecture, to the landscaping, to the interior.
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Reimagined Chic:
The Watermark House 紐約老宅 重拾活力新顏 English text by Minghui Wang | Chinese text translated by Ada Tian Photography by Francis Dzikowski/OTTO
t is said that the state of our homes often mirrors our inner selves. Through reconfiguring the interior, we realign our priorities and let our home reflect what we value. In Brooklyn, the Watermark House was done in such a way as to welcome a new family with a new state of mind.
位 於 紐 約 布 魯克 林 區 的 沃 馬克住 宅(Watermark), 總 面 積2,500平方 英 尺,在 過 去50多年 來 未曾 整 修。 BAAO建築事務所對該建築進行了大刀闊斧的翻新設 計,為即將入住的五口之家,呈現了他們心中理想的家。 設計師在調整空間布局的基礎上,通 過對牆面紋 理、材質和色彩的不同處理,界定和增強了每個空間的 個性。經過全面改造後,整間住宅呈現一種亮潔、新穎
The house in its entirety creates a natural flow between the garden and the interior, incorporating a sense of vividness by bringing in the natural light exposure it did not previously have.
的風格,重新煥發活力。 大面積的落地門窗,消弭室內外的界線,為庭院和 │73
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Top Right: This bedroom is adorned with a screen that exemplifies symmetry and balance.
Vibrant and intimate, simple yet luxurious, the Watermark House is one of New York-based architectural firm BAAO’s proudest renovation projects. After a full transformation, the house in its entirety creates a natural flow between the garden and the interior, incorporating a sense of vividness while bringing in the natural light exposure it did not previously have. Lined in white porcelain, the island-style kitchen located in the center at ground level attracts instant attention. Wood tile from the living room extends to here and casually meets the porcelain. The BAAO architects incorporated this unconventional tile-transition so that no defined boundaries were drawn, adding a touch of novelty among the timeless elements. 內部空間營造了自然的視覺流動。同時,也為室內引入更多 的自然光線;光影流轉間,更為住宅注入了一抹生機與溫暖。 極簡風格的開放式廚房與起居室風格統一。木地板自 客廳延伸至此,彷彿不經意地與白色瓷磚相遇。這種材質碰 撞的設計,為空間增添了俏皮感。櫥櫃下的一抹墨綠色瓷磚 更是點睛之筆。以白色大理石紋理為底色的島檯不僅寬大實 用,同時也是家庭成員之間交流、互動的完美場所。 為了營 造起居室的寧靜氛圍,設計師盡可能地減少視覺上的雜亂。 隱入牆面的櫥櫃,巧妙地將電視機納入其中,在提供收納空 間的同時,使空間的立面更顯簡潔、流暢。開放式的原木色 欄架則打破了白色的單調,優雅地平衡著空間的視線中心。 主臥位於庭院一側,光線明亮並可俯瞰院內景色。浴 室牆面選用了灰白紋理的大理石飾面,配以線條簡潔的蒸氣 淋浴、浴缸和訂製的洗漱臺,低調的奢華感油然而生。 3 個孩子的臥室,營造出充滿活力和年輕化的風格。 男孩子的兩間臥室,選用了清爽的淡藍色為主調,共享的浴 室以海藍色與跳躍的色點,與臥室配色相呼應;充滿張力的 六邊形衛浴瓷磚與多面體的燈具,為此增添了一份男孩子的 硬朗氣質。而女孩子的房間則使用白色四邊形紋飾壁紙;柔 和的魚鱗形浴室瓷磚,搭配金色的金屬配件,恰到好處地賦 予了一絲柔美與別緻。 Top, bottom left: The living room emits a calming atmosphere. Spaces are organized to minimize visible clutter; for instance, the TV as well as extra storage shelves are framed inside the wall cabinets. The open area includes a dining table. Bottom right: Small details, such as the gold tone of the hardware and the scalloped tiles in the daughter’s bathroom, deliver a vibrant and youthful aesthetic. Right page: Top: The kitchen is situated in an open area connected to the living room. White is the main tone, while green backsplash tiles provide a pop of color. Bottom: Each room uses natural light to enhance and create an open, airy feel. The well-chosen colors in the rooms not only accentuate but also blend and create a welcoming and warm feel.
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With an overall classy and rather minimalist style, a splash of uniquely spaced green tiles catches the eye and layers the kitchen with more texture. The 13-foot island is chic and versatile, acting as an embellishment to the larger design masterpiece while creating a perfect location for small social gatherings. The living room emits a calming atmosphere. Spaces are organized to minimize visible clutter, as the coffee station and TV are framed inside the wall cabinets. At the back, two large arched windows send a welcoming invitation to the rear garden. Overseeing the garden, the master suite offers fresh air and sunshine without the residents’ having to step outside. The full bathroom in the suite is exquisitely lined with porcelain, featuring both a tub and a steam shower. Incorporating a millwork cabinet with a porcelain top, the vanity is custom made for the new owner couple. Going up another floor are the bedrooms for the couple’s two sons and daughter. The brothers share a bathroom in between their two bedrooms, while the sister has her own. Each of their bathrooms
complements the ambiance reflected through their rooms, with newly painted walls, unique designs, and fun decorations. Moreover, small details, such as the gold tone of the hardware and the scalloped tiles in the daughter’s bathroom, deliver a vibrant and youthful aesthetic. Subtle yet significant, the use of tiles is an essential feature of the Watermark House. From the indigo kaleidoscope-patterned tiles in between each step of the stairs, to the duo-colored tiles with varying geometric patterns in the children’s bathrooms, to the classy porcelain tiles in the master bathroom, each design uniquely brims with complexity and individuality. Top left: This striking gold and black sink alongside the black and white tiles has given an otherwise small area a hugely unique and artistic feel, an ingenious use of a small space. Top right: The use of tiles is an essential feature of the Watermark House, such as the indigo kaleidoscope-patterned tiles used in the staircase. Right page: The Watermark House is nearly a total renovation of the interior. Everything except the timeless stairs, fireplace mantel, and pocket doors was upgraded.
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敞亮通透 頂層優尚之宅
240南方公園大道(240Park Avenue South)座落在
雙層公寓(Duplex Penthouse),沿著長型的玄關前
24英 尺, 延 伸 至 二 樓 樓 頂 以 及 戶 外, 由45塊 面 板 組
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe建造西班牙著名的當代建
築Barcelona Pavilion時,選用的綠大理石牆出自同一
泳池。這座公寓的室內設計是「Soren Rose Studio」設
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2020/5/5 上午11:19
出心裁的設計「 植 」入屋內——將一座銅鑄的「 野草 」鑲
望見帝國大廈(Empire State Building)以及東側的
克萊斯勒大廈(Chrysler Building)等曼哈頓著名摩天
公寓內,功能各異的廳房間,並未採用牆面明確地 劃分空間,僅利用動線設計,巧妙分配空間。往起居室
移動內縮的走道上,有一面13.5英尺高的木製圖書牆, 走道上內凹的空間可供閱讀。臥室同採開放式設計,一
240 Park Avenue South, Penthouse, New York, NY 10003
房源系統序列號(MLS ID) :LN: 00114118
P78-79_Advertorial_240 Park Ave South_yingchu.indd 79
2020/5/5 上午11:20
此後幾年 美、日股市值得長期投資 文 宋仁
俗 話 說: 「 三 十 年 河 東, 三 十 年 河 西。」 中 國 共 產 黨 1949 年得勢後,發動各種政治運動內鬥近 30 年,人們 實際生活水準還不如日本全面侵華前的 1935、36 年。 鄧小平心裡明白,黨造了大孽,但不能說。鄧小平復出 後,又折騰了十幾年,終於在 1992 年開始全面經濟走 向世界。現在又差不多 30 年了,死保一黨專政的利益 集團終究占了上風,中國和西方全面對峙時期到來了。 作為發展中國家,中國打贏這場經濟戰爭的可能性 很小,如果敗了,人民幣的價值和信用會像當年蔣經國 的金元券面臨相同的命運。所以最好不要碰主要業務在 中國的股票和債券。像阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和京東(JD. com)之類的在美上市公司,應敬而遠之,以防晚上噩 夢連連,影響身體健康! 由於美國的經濟規模,加上移民政策的天然優勢和 英語的超然地位,其軟件( 軟體 )行業在世界舉足輕重 的角色,尚無人能夠撼動,所以長期投資的機會比較多。 在美國,人工成本時常會決定一間公司的興亡,開始創 業的階段異常艱難,但到了營收超過十億美元後,一般 公司就進入安全階段了,可以考慮買其股票至於要購買 何種價位,就是智者見智了。 美國最優秀的人才在傳統純硬體產業( 如汽車、工 業用具等 )的很少,所以如果想買股票投資硬體產業, 一般來說,就得將眼光離開美國公司。該類產業的主要 機會在日本和德國。 但德國今後幾年還是遠離為妙:在此次疫情爆發 前,歐洲( 不包括斯堪地那維亞半島的瑞典、挪威等 國 )已經滿目瘡痍了。英國的離去,只是最響亮的信號 而已。歐洲共同體的貨幣一元化,本身就是違背自然規
( 尤其是軟體行業 )和一些日本的硬體工業股票,在適
發展中國家企業的利潤空間很小,品牌、技術都掌握在 先進國家手裡,原料加工市場上有無數發展中國家的公
( 本文內容不代表本刊立場、觀點 )
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