Elite Lifestyle Magazine: Issue 59

Page 14


DISCOVERING AMERICA’S UNIQUE HOLIDAY TRADITIONS How people across the country embrace the season 州州歡慶 聖誕佳節尋奇 By Skylar Parker


COLORADO: TRACKING SANTA With the help of NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command center, based in Colorado Springs, you can track Santa through the skies and beyond. It’s a local tradition that became one enjoyed around the world. Today, hundreds of thousands of children call the NORAD Santa hotline every Christmas Eve to speak to Santa and his team of elves. NORAD’s Santa Tracker receives 30 million visitors annually on Christmas Eve, from all over the world. For the inside scoop on NORAD’s Santa-tracking system, see the holiday feature “Where in the World Is Santa Claus?,” on page 16. 科羅拉多:聖誕雪撬在哪裡? 在北美空防司令部( 簡稱NORAD)的幫助下,可以在 聖誕夜 追 蹤聖誕老人的即時行蹤。這項活動 源自一場 美麗的意外——1950年代某個聖誕 節前夕,美國西爾 斯(Sears)百貨不小心在廣告中,錯置了一組聖誕老人 的電話號碼,於是,孩子們打給聖誕老人的電話,都轉 引至隸 屬美軍的祕密熱 線。該意外卻演變成最受歡 迎 的佳節傳統。現在,每年都有成百上千的孩子們,會打


IDAHO: TUBA CHRISTMAS FOR MUSIC LOVERS TubaChristmas is Boise’s long-awaited annual holiday —a community event for tuba and euphonium musicians that dates back to 1922. The musicians, a mix of novice and veteran players, come from a variety of ages, backgrounds, and professions. Locals typically gather around the state capitol building, where the musical ensemble plays a range of traditional holiday songs for all to enjoy.

到NORAD的聖誕熱線,和聖誕老人以及精靈們說話。 NORAD也因此設計了一個「 聖誕老人追蹤器」,讓全世 界都能看見聖誕老人的雪橇和整車的禮物,到了哪個好

愛達荷:震撼力十足的低音大喇叭聖誕節 「 低音號慶聖誕 」是備受博伊西住民期待的年度活動,僅



訪此追蹤器。( 本期收錄NORAD聖誕老人追蹤特輯,





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