Digital Design Module2

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Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Xieyi Zhang

(882928) Xiaoran Huang+ 8

Week Three

Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age

Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)

The three differnet forms of fabrication techniques that been discussed in the reading are subtractive, additive , and formative. 1. Subtractive includes remove parts of a whole structure, through the surface and cutting off.For example laser cutting. 2. Additive is to build a shape into a layer, for example, 3d printing 3. Formative includes that using Computer Numeric Controlled machinery to put material in place, and to reshape it, so complex shapes can be produced. Computer NumericControlled fabrication is now very useful and popular in the industry and designs. It allows to achieve a goal of low cost, but efficient result. Also, to produce more complex designs. Paramatric modelling requires many iterations and variations , so by using Computer Numeric Controlled fabriction can directy reads the requirement, for next step fabrication.


Week Three

Surface Creation

. Surface1




To create surfaces in this module, using grasshooper is the method. The process of comstructing surfaces begin by using a (150,150,150) cube in grasshooper , next selecting certain side os the edge , and using the command”list” to create surfaces. Each edge can be divides by using “divide curve” command. Also, each surface has to be referneced between certain poings along the divided curve. For the next step to create surfaces shapes, adjusting the values of the number sliders, the curves and edges can change for different shpes.


Week Four Panels & Waffle

For two surfaces of the waffle, one surface with 2d panel, and another with3d. For the 2d side, the basic pattern I used was to create a rectangle shape with triangular shape openings, the set shape into certain part in grasshoper, to mesh out the 2d panels. 3D by using similar mehod, creating new 3d patterns first, and then use them as refernce, with the curve and points, certain shape and direction of the surface with patterns can be created.

The waffle structure of mine is with a load of changing the length, that bottom part shorter, while more focus on higher part. Using grasshooper to adjust the direction of the waffle where it goes and shape, to create own interesing figures.


Week Four

Laser Cutting

On the right are the laser cutting of the 2d and 3d panels,which now divided individually, Upper parts for the waffle and labbled individually . Lower part for the surfaces patters. To differenciate the cutting part and edges, especially for 3d panels, by using blue colur to identify the edges of the patter, whihc also means can be cut. While the others which should be folded instead of cut are identified by using desh lines. To create these patters, by using the command , unroll surffaces in rhino, and then using the command ,taps, to crate folding parts for the pattern, these can be easily done in Rhino.


Week Five


Grasshooper process foro boolean iterations.



To create boolean iterations ,before using grasshooper to mesh the spheres or other shapes, using a attraction point as basic, and adjusing the position, to reshape the shapes of spheres/ other basic pattern, and using boolean differnece command to booleand the shape which dig out the shaoes, which can be seen from the examples above. Three of them I used sphre for boolean interations,fot a more cratove and interesting shape, I use the differnt angled shaoe as the basic to boolean difference,and create the final pattern.


Week Five


On the left is the isometric view of the boolean interation model. This is created by using bollean differnece command , to create a pattern with wide opening and four individual small patterns wihich still connected with the main structure. For the purpose to create a more interesting pattern, instead of using sphere as the basic inside structure, I chosed to use weavebird mesh pyramid command in grasshooper, and by adjusting the position of attraction point and the width of teh pyramids, to define the pattern later for boolean. And the use boolean differnce command and finally create the final shape on the left. The model I created, include the intersection part of the base cube and pyramids intersections,on the ledt part of the picture, which shows a enclosed and more secured part , which compared with the right huge opening part This model combines both enclosure and open, and the angles wwhich created by the boolean form pyramids, provide another shadowd and secured space.


Week Six Task 01 1.1
















Task 01 Matrix The shape of the surface which I chosed as final is the first one, which can observeboth the waffle structure betwwn the surfaces and a flow shapesurfaces shape as well. the pattern I chosed was the final one, one with 2d surface and another with 2 differnt 3d as basic to crate a 3d surface. which can be seen that trigular opening shaped 3d models in the center, surround by pyramids, and which has a cooperation with the 2d shapes, whcih also with triangular shpe openings.



Week Six Task 02








{146,24,94} {-2,32,0}

{124,-16,100} {72,10,0}






{-2,32,0} {72,10,0}


{point attractor}


{curve attraction}


{Random Attractor}


{Volume Gravitational Centers}


{Consistent Scating}


{Random Scale}

Task 02 Matrix To create more complex and intersting shape of the boolean iteration, I chose the first pyramid shape as the boolen refernece, and finally created the shape has more secured angls, intersections and shading, compare with using sphere as the boolean refernece.


Week Six

Final Isometric Views

Final isometric task 1 waffle and panels

Final isometric task2 boolean interation



Process of surface and 2d, 3d pattern making

Process in grasshooper to creater task1 surface shapes

Process in grasshooper to define the 2d and 3d patterns for later mesh progress. Upper one for 2d, and bottom one for 3d.



Process of waffle making



Process of boolean iteration making

Process in grasshooper to create boolean interation. using point attraction to adjust attracti point for later process.

The custom weavebird mesh pyramid part in progress, instead of using basic sphere structure 13

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