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Digital Design - Portfolio Semester 1, 2018 Xieyi Zhang

882928 1 Xiaoran Huang + Studio 8



2017 - current 2018 03


Education: Bachelor of Design University high School

As a second year architecture design student, design seems to be more intersting and motivated to me copare to last year, since the skills I have improved a bit more, compare to last year, and also the more intersting and challenged subject also motivated a developing architecture student.

no work experience yet

The new skills I have learnt from this semester’s digital design is Grasshooper, and unreal engine. especailly grasshooper, thsi is the part made me relazied that, a self and more independ study is important to a design student, when you try to create and design a more complicated structure.Unreal engine is the most intersting part I have learnt from this subject, which is a simple but also creative skill for a designer to efficiently create a scene and atmosphere for your own design, in a highly relaity related content and envirnoment.

Precedent Study Work Experience:


Generating Design Through Digital Processes


Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion

Awards / Exhibition: 2017

FOD:R Exhibition, AFLK Gallery

Skills: Rhino Grasshopper

My aspiration as a designer in the future design study is, more developed skills I want to have and known well, and be a more creative person to deisgnmore bold designs. A designer should never be afraid to create something that would worried about other people’s critises, instead, more trying more inspirations.

Unreal Photoshop Illustrator Indesign

What I still can improve is the skills in grasshooper, as well as other softwares taht I haven;t completely known.As a beginner of grasshooper, more bold trying should be done. and a more clearly knowing of the whole process of grashooper relate to rhino should be understood.


Overall, this semster’s digital design, more skills I have learnt, and a more independent study method is more understofurther more, a deisgner or a design student, should never stop trying and exploring.


Diagramming Design Precedent


On the right is the Radix pavillion isometric diagrqam. Not only showing the basic outser surfaces of the pavillion,and the stages undearth the structure, also the detail curves on the interior suracces and the interior spaces are also shown by the isometric disgram., which can be seen that, each spaces which create by the digged sphere has the intersection spaces. the aim to build this pavillion is to create a contunity between the dock and the gallaries behind entrance1 of Radix .So the circulation of the model means, people’s movement within the pavillion area,in this rectangle form pavillion, also include the surroundings. Threshold the intersection part between the outside and inside, in this open form pavillion, threshold are the entrancce/.exits, for people havig in touch with inside and outside. What I learn from the construction of this pavillion is, although is rectangle form, however, only 3 points support the arch, and the 4th above the water. Threshold of Radix is the part which connect the outside and the interior, which means the part lead people to enter between the pavillion and the dock and the gallaries, so entrances/exits are the thresholds.Location of the pavillion , shows that people’s movement mainly from three sides, but thelocation which close to the water, also the bottom part was cut because of the location of the water,people can’t use directly enter from the water, he cirrculation form the shapea similar rectangle form in the very center.




Isometric of precedent study


Diagram 01

Diagram 02

Circulation diagram

Threshold diagram

This diagram shows, what’s the people’s movement circulation looks like , by showing the interior space under the cover. Circulation’s main area is shown in green colour, which formed by the arrows, that represented the allowing or usable moving paths for human.

This diagram shows the threshold of radix pavillion. Since this pavilion is a open one, that most of the interior is open to outside, and can be entered by three big entrances, so thresholds of this paviilion are the entrances which allow,to enter between interior and outside, represented by green colour


The waffle structure with 3d and 2d panels includes the ide, that with shading and light.Which shows that, lightning would go through from the thresholds and openings from the surfaces, to create a sense of atmosphere The part 2 3d model include the idea of hiding and shown. Behind the structure in the middle of the model. a seure and private space would be created, and by looking out form the openings to the other direction,a open view would be created.


Design Matrix









{57,66,63} {57,46,0}





Insert your Design Matrix for Task 01 6



Surface and Waffle

2d panels in the hsape of rectangle with triangular shape openings, to create shade and light.

3d panels in the hsape of pyramids and pyramids with triangular openings, to aloow light gr through and create shading, also act in cooperation with 2d panels.

Waffles are smaller at the bottom and increase in size towards the top of the volume.


Computation Workflow

Process to make a basic surface, adjusting the direction and rotation of the surface by adjusting the number of the slider of X and Y plane, surface showingbelow

Process to make the waffles of the whole model Process to make the custome 2d and 3d shapes of the wafflem show on the left


Task 01 Full Page Photo


On the right are the laser cutting of the 2d and 3d panels,which now divided individually, Upper parts for the waffle and labbled individually . Lower part for the surfaces patters. To differenciate the cutting part and edges, especially for 3d panels, by using blue colur to identify the edges of the patter, whihc also means can be cut. While the others which should be folded instead of cut are identified by using desh lines.

Insert photos of assembly process or other detail related to your fabrication process

To create these patters, by using the command , unroll surffaces in rhino, and then using the command ,taps, to crate folding parts for the pattern, these can be easily done in Rhino.


Task 02 Full Page Photo



Insert at least 100 words on your process of creating your task 01 of Module 02.

large opening space compare with the back of the model area, to show a wide shape and create a feeling of open and welcomed, also with hidden area, which created by the corners and angles of the boolean out faces.

With the booleaned geometry contained , the intersection of boolean and original shape creates a opening in the hexagon shape

The solids left behind can also be interpreted as space. If we invert the positive and negative space it creates a fully secured space with large shading ledt behind.

Intersections that do not interact with the surface envelope create heavier darker spaces.


Design Matrix 1.2







{146,24,94} {-2,32,0}

{124,-16,100} {72,10,0}






{-2,32,0} {72,10,0}


{point attractor}


{curve attraction}


{Random Attractor}


{Volume Gravitational Centers}


{Consistent Scating}

Task 02 Matrix


{Random Scale}


Computational Process

Process in grasshooper to create boolean interation. using point attraction to adjust attracti point for later process.


The custom weavebird mesh pyramid part in progress, instead of using basic sphere struct

M2 Task 2 3D Printing

Image of your final model or other process

model befor cutting to 1/8

Image of your final model or other process

Whole structure was printed by 3d printer,easily print out the threshold and interaction between each part.

model after cut into 1/8 with custome thresholds and shapes



Exploded Isometric 1:25 0




Isometric This is the glass material galss which covered on the steel sturcture pavilion, for a climate consideration, when need a shelter in the use during the wind or rain weather. also aloow to view the ouside environment in terms of using a cover.

Steel material structure, with openings, in the shape of a steep slope, showing a big opening allow to acess, with glass covered,,

allow directly touch with outside environment A threshold acess for people’s actions, access from one side to another. allow directly touch with outside environment White polished marble material sittings,as well as to provide a strycture support for the steel structure pavilion

Another steel structure, whihc is lower, but without glass covered, allow for directly touch with outsiders, to enjoy sunshine, wind ,atmoshphere, and more clear view for the outside environment

allow directly touch with outside environment White polished marble water tank, with water in, close to the pavilion, allow a close view for the people inside the pavilion, as well as the passengers

water tank The step down creates a threshold helping to differentiate the landscape from the pavilion itself.


Design Iteration

a simplesingular shape form pavilion, with thresholds.Sunshine and wind and other interaction would have between people and the outside.However, wih too simple shape, ,no spatial differentiation would appear.

A mountain shape pavilion. With spatial differentiaion, but each space dividded too clearly, with less interation.


A similar shape pavilion as the first one, with thresholds. however, only one space is designed, with no spatial differentiation.




Computational Process


Task 01 Grasshopper Script Showing input - associate - output GRASSHOOPER SCRIPT FOR PART2 Describe each grouping of your Grasshopper definition, no more than 25 words. Insert a screen grab on white background as evident below

Describe each grouping of your Grasshopper definition, no more than 25 words. Insert a screen grab on white background as evident below


Describe each grouping of your Grasshopper definition, no more than 25 words. Insert a screen grab on white background as evident below

Fabrication process

Whole structure is printed by the 3d printer, took the time about 11 hours, thresholds also clearlty printed, but weel cleaned agter got the model, since supporting materials are full within the thresholds.


360 Image Output from the interior of the pavilion

Digital Design Semester 1, 2018

Thank you so much Xiaoran, for all the patience and advice through the whole semester to us. I really appreciate . 24

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