Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 Xieyi Zhang
(882928) Xiaoran Huang+ studio 8
Week One
Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.
According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)
According to Zeara-Polo, diagram plays the role of an organisatipnal function , to communiate and explain the idea and concepts. Diagrams does not correspind with the build outcome, this is not necessarily. Also, since diagram is the graphic device, instead of playing the role to highlight the idea. But, signs and symbols are used to communicate between the designer, audience and the deign work, and they are used by diagram, composed in the relationship. So, diagrams are defined as a communication tool to explain an idea, and usually to explain a certain concept, for example the xirculation of a design.This tool used to abstract the idea, and lead to final outcome
Week One
Precedent Analysis
Malcolm Clark, 2012. Radix: Aires Mateus’ common Ground at the Biennale of Architecture. medium. N.P: Archilovers.
Form Generation Process
Week Two
Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discuss how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)
According to what Herzberger said, design should not focus too much on space usage reducing , instead, space needs to be designed as a flexible role, and lead to a wilder range of using.Spaces can be designed for multiple uses.For example, the Radix pavilion, not just designed as the role of a pavilion for rest or decortion,it also has the role of a contunity between the dock and the gallries, a process leading the people around the certain area,and the surrounding environment, also with multiple entrances/exits. Using spaces of the radix pavilion is ,since it locate neaby the river but itself allow people walking along the river, using pavilion as a rest space , sitting on the stage, functionally used as a chair and a ‘window’ to view. But more function can be used , instead of ony used for a passage or a rest place, a small cafe also can be set inside this pavilion, or a small size gallary can be set in the open and big interior space.
Week Two
Radix Pavillion Isometric Diagram On the left is the Radix pavillion isometric diagrqam. Not only showing the basic outser surfaces of the pavillion,and the stages undearth the structure, also the detail curves on the interior suracces and the interior spaces are also shown by the isometric disgram., which can be seen that, each spaces which create by the digged sphere has the intersection spaces. the aim to build this pavillion is to create a contunity between the dock and the gallaries behind entrance1 of Radix .So the circulation of the model means, people’s movement within the pavillion area,in this rectangle form pavillion, also include the surroundings. Threshold the intersection part between the outside and inside, in this open form pavillion, threshold are the entrancce/.exits, for people havig in touch with inside and outside. What I learn from the construction of this pavillion is, although is rectangle form, however, only 3 points support the arch, and the 4th above the water.
Threshold of Radix is the part which connect the outside and the interior, which means the part lead people to enter between the pavillion and the dock and the gallaries, so entrances/exits are the thresholds.Location of the pavillion , shows that people’s movement mainly from three sides, but thelocation which close to the water, also the bottom part was cut because of the location of the water,people can’t use directly enter from the water, he cirrculation form the shapea similar rectangle form in the very center.
Week Two Diagrams
Circulation diagram
Threshold diagram
This diagram shows, what’s the people’s movement circulation looks like , by showing the interior space under the cover. Circulation’s main area is shown in green colour, which formed by the arrows, that represented the allowing or usable moving paths for human.
This diagram shows the threshold of radix pavillion. Since this pavilion is a open one, that most of the interior is open to outside, and can be entered by three big entrances, so thresholds of this paviilion are the entrances which allow,to enter between interior and outside, represented by green colour
1. Using rectangle cmmand to create a rectangle shapa and using sphere command to create 3 different sphere and locate at particular positions
3. To create the actual details on interior surfaces, using the command to build a curve from the object, drawing a straight line above the sphere , then use the command, create curves on solids, the using boolean union combine curves and sphere.
2,. Using boolesan command, to seperate the spheres and the rectangle, to create the the arc-shaped interspaces. This is the basic pavillion shape without interior details
4. After combining the curves and the sphere, using boolean seperate command agin, but curves shape would appera on the interior surfaces,also create the stairs underneath the pavillion.
Appendix Process
Line work of radix pavilion from NE direction
Isomecric linework of outside and inside pavilion
Inside ceiling detail linework
circulation moving on the floor of pavilion 8
circulation main area
Top view of radix pavilion with teture
perspective view of pavilion wiith texture
Radix pavilion with surrounding
Isometric view of pavilion with texture
Radix pavilion with surrounding 9