l a v i t s e F y r i a F y t r a P ate r i P &
l a v i t s e F y r Fai y t r a P e t a r i &P Ellerslie
10th se
ober 2 t c o t s 1 r e ptemb
10th september
g n i m o Welc Par1t2y.30pm am0 3 . 10
The Fairies are once again coming back to Ellerslie. Come join us on Sunday 10th September for our Welcoming Party. See fairies and pirates roaming our streets, there will be facepainting, fairy and pirate entertainment, Peter Pan show, and the General Collective Market will also be running alongside. With even more magical experiences this year make sure you set aside the morning to join us. Follow our facebook page for more up to date information. /EllerslieFairyFestivalandPirateParty
Editors Message
Msseaggaen’s Me ... Spring 2017
t’s hard to escape the fact that there is an election coming up and it feels as if it’s everywhere at the moment. Some of you I’m sure are sick of hearing about politics in every news bulletin. However, it’s this democratic privilege that we sometimes think of as being tiresome that is so very envied by those that don’t have it. So while we may sigh, I encourage you to spend a brief amount of time away from the clickbait headlines and read the nuts and bolts of each parties policies. It needn’t take long and something that will affect your income, business success, transport, healthcare and education for at least the next 3 years surely deserves 30 minutes of your time. Due to the specifics of MMP each election we get two choices, a party vote and an electorate vote – whose policies do you want to govern and who do you want to represent you locally? It’s the policy specifics, not the personalities or headlines of today that will be the focus of the government direction for the next three years. When it comes to deciding on local representation I tend to think of elections a bit the same way I think of job interviews. Candidates are ‘interviewed’ by the public to fill the roles of representing us. It’s very easy to say what you would do and describe your character in a positive light for future behaviours, yet most job interviews are framed with evidence based questions such as ‘tell me about a time when you …….’. For example, if a candidate says they have a strong focus on working with their local community, then I want to know about how they have done this in the past as this is the best predictor of future behaviour.
Whichever party and candidate you choose please make sure you do get out and vote on the 23rd September, there are lots of local voting places and you can also vote in advance from the 11th Sept. For more information see Amongst all the election billboards you may have noticed our Fairy Festival signs around the area. We are excited to welcome the fairies and pirates back into Ellerslie on Sunday 10th September. There are wonderful things planned for the day itself and then the fun continues for the month of September with activities including a guided fairy walk with crafts, a fairy door trail, a pirate treasure hunt, fairy and pirate morning teas and a fairy mail box where you can write to a fairy (keep an eye on the noticeboard, they might reply!) Also around Ellerslie you may spot Ellerslie Rocks (see our feature in this issue) and following some feedback from the Ellerslie Community Facebook group some new initiatives including more lego art and other beautification projects. We look forward to seeing you in Ellerslie soon to enjoy all we have to offer. Megan Contact Megan 09 579 5033
Ellerslie Magazine
A selection of Wendy’s latest sales...
Wendy Sadd #1 Individual Salesperson Auckland Central Year ending 31st March 2017
16 Innisfree Drive
20b Irirangi Road
3/185 Campbel Road
6 Massey Avenue
What the vendors say... Wendy sold us our first house in 2008, so for us she has been a constant in the local market since we moved in. Recently we were looking to purchase our next house and Wendy went above our
38 Rockfield Road
expectations to help us make the right move, she help us find our new home and then did a great job selling our property in under 3 weeks. If you are looking to move in the local area Wendy has exceptional experience and knowledge, she is someone you can trust and she works hard. We highly recommended Wendy both as
112b Michaels Avenue
2/36a Paihia Road
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Properties marketed and/or sold by Wendy Sadd April-July 2017
a buyer and seller. Thanks Wendy - Steve, Hollie & Oscar!
Wendy is passionate about the results she gets her clients and has sold over 100 properties in the last 24 months. If you’re thinking about selling your Ellerslie home, give Wendy a call to have a chat about what she can do for you.
Wendy Sadd M 021 607 366 P 09 215 3178 M
Chairmans Message
Fromhtahie r c John Rennell
pring is in the air and we have a fairy festival on the 10th September to remind us how quickly 2017 has flown by. Please support the village and bring your family, friends, children and grandchildren to celebrate with the fairies and pirates. You won’t need reminding that it is election year again. I urge you all, all ages, to be involved and vote for the candidate and party of your choice. The benefit of MMP Governance enables you to choose the member who will best represent you and your community in the Beehive. Ellerslie is predominantly in the Maungakiekie Electorate. Sam Lotu-Iiga has represented the area for many years and has decided to not seek re-election. On behalf of the Ellerslie Business Association and our community I thank Sam for his loyal support and tireless involvement with the Ellerslie community. Sam was a regular face in the village attending festivities and participating in meetings. He was always approachable and generous with his time. Good luck for the future, Sam, we will miss you. The hopeful successor of Sam is Denise Lee (Krum) and in my opinion a very worthy candidate. As an Auckland Councillor for the Maungakiekie – Tamaki Local Board Denise has a proven political track record. She has always supported Ellerslie attending many of our events and meetings and is well connected with the community. Please support those who support our local community and interests. I am very disappointed to
report that there has been another ram raid in the village. Glengarry was the victim and the front of their shop was severely damaged but fortunately very little was stolen. The police are following positive leads. A few days after the Glengarry incident the Ellerslie Fresh Market fruit and vegetable store was subjected to an intimidating attack by some teenagers. Fortunately, the police were quickly on the scene and arrested some of the offenders. It is important for the safety of our community that we are all vigilant and report any suspicious or unusual behaviour. On the positive side we are fortunate to have a wonderful group of volunteers who provide the Ellerslie Community Patrol led by Murray Wells. They do an excellent job of keeping the area safe and liaising with the police. They are always looking for more members and its not a large time commitment – a few hours each month, patrolling in pairs at a time that suits you and full training is provided. If you are interested please email nz or call 579 5033. The winter seems to have been long, cold and wet and it is so lovely to see the days lengthening and the daffodils coming out to remind us that spring is just around the corner. Until spring makes its appearance keep warm and dry and take advantage of our wonderful village and all it has to offer. 115 Main Highway, Ellerslie, Auckland. 09 579 5673
Profit Sales
127 Main Highway, Ellerslie, 1051 PO Box 11053, Ellerslie, Auckland 1542
Customer Goals
Business Plan
Project Team
Opportunities Marketing
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fter almost 10 years serving as your local MP and councillor I write to bid farewell and thank you all for the support, encouragement and feedback you have given me. It is an extraordinary honour to serve this community and I believe I leave it in better shape. It has been good to see the growth and success of One Tree Hill College where I also proudly served as a board member. I am proud of the substantial $10 million upgrade at Ellerslie School, which includes a new 24 classroom block. Improvements like these across our schools also include the investment into our Communities of Schools. This allows schools to better collaborate with each other through shared best practice and resourcing. Local schools now provide dynamic hi-tech learning environments to promote better educational opportunities for our kids. Other significant developments in the area include the re-planting of trees on the summit of One Tree Hill/ Maungakiekie and progress on major transport initiatives in the area including AMETI and the East-West Link. We also saw the overdue refurbishment of the train station while strong advocacy ensured that there will be barriers for local residents to mitigate against motorway noise and pollution. While some things have advanced significantly, it is good to see that some historic and traditional institutions were maintained and indeed enhanced. I particularly enjoyed the 100th jubilee celebrations of Ellerslie Rugby League Football Club, Christ Church Ellerslie and St Mary’s Catholic School. Over the last decade, a growing economy has led to many business openings in the Ellerslie area and this has benefited local residents and businesses alike. I am blessed to have worked with the highly effective Ellerslie Business Association, especially alongside the diligent Megan Darrow and Sally Eustace. They have promoted strongly for local community issues. Their persistence ensured the success of events like Arteslie, Ellerslie Spring Fairy Festival and the highlight for me, Ellerslie Christmas Parade. Along with the Michael Park School Fair, events like these are what makes Ellerslie a special place to live and work in, where people in our community come together to celebrate in a fun, relaxed and family friendly way. I have also relished working alongside local government representatives and especially Councillors Desley Simpson and Denise Lee. I also recognize the Orakei Local Board and in particular Kit Parkinson and Mark Thomas. The board has taken great interest in the local area and prioritised many of the local developments and, in particular. Michaels Ave Reserve. I acknowledge the Ellerslie Residents Association for their tireless work. I especially pay tribute to former Chair, Bryan Johnson whose advocacy and persistence was noteworthy. I liked being part of the local Ellerslie Community Patrol which has played an important role in preventing crime in our area. I also enjoyed playing and finishing my single and final game for Ellerslie Cricket Club! Furthermore, local rotary clubs continue to contribute to our community and I am pleased to be a member of Penrose Rotary and acknowledge the work of Ellerslie Sunrise Rotary. I have enjoyed engaging with local people on a range of community issues while attending many local events and functions. One highlight was a seniors morning tea, which I hosted in Ellerslie for over 350 senior people, where Prime Minister John Key attended as our special guest. As I depart I wish my successor all the best in his/ her new role. I wholeheartedly endorse Denise Lee for this role. She is a local person who has represented this community extremely well as Chair of Ellerslie School Board of Trustees and as our local councillor. She serves our community with passion, conviction and integrity and I know she will make a fine representative for our area. As I sign off, I wish you and your families best wishes and God’s rich blessings in your future here in Ellerslie. Sam Lotu-Iiga
Serving Our Community A 268 Onehunga Mall | P 09 622 0300 E @MaungakiekieSAM Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga MP, 268 Onehunga Mall, Onehunga.
General Elections 2017
resentatives news from our local rep
s I was writing my winter column, we were in the final stages of working through the Auckland Council’s budget for 2017/18. This was my first opportunity to make meaningful change to the finances of the city. Whilst this annual budget was never going to be the total ‘start again with a blank sheet’ (that’s the role of the Long Term Budget) , it was a step in the right direction. I remained true to my commitment to vote in accordance to my constituent’s feedback, and was able to help deliver what has been the lowest rates rise for Ellerslie since amalgamation of 2.4% for residential households. I’m looking forward to hearing and responding to your views in response to the Long Term Budget when it goes for consultation next February/March – be sure to make a submission! Headlines often talk about the need for infrastructure investment in Auckland so that our facilities keep pace with growth. Particular attention has been paid to the need to upgrade our water and transport networks. In the budget, while keeping rates low we were also able to approve $200m more in infrastructure spend than initially planned, bringing Council’s total capital spend to over $2 billion for this financial year. Particularly, we were also able to bring forward Stormwater works which were badly needed in the wake of our stormy March and April. Auckland Council has also been working positively with government this term on a number of initiatives. As a result of these discussions, we received two major funding investments for areas currently lacking in urban infrastructure (roads, water pipes, sewerage pipes etc…). The first was a $300 million interest-free loan to enable roads and below the
ground infrastructure to be built supporting the development of over 10,000 new homes. The second was a $600 million investment which will enable government itself to directly fund Auckland’s infrastructure in greenfields areas. This will open up the potential for tens of thousands of new homes, with the capacity for housing numbers to be doubled with private investment. With our limited ability to borrow money, Auckland Council is most grateful for the $900 Million boost for our infrastructure needs to help us with growth pressures and our housing shortage. The government has helped Auckland Council out with transport infrastructure too. For the past few years Council and government have worked on an agreed list of transport projects needed for Auckland. They have announced a $2.6 billion investment for roads, busways and further electrification of rail, fast tracking many projects on that list to assist us with our rapidly growing population. Already we are seeing previous benefits to investment such as the Waterview tunnel which is tangibly reducing congestion and reducing travel times across many routes for commuters and freight businesses. Whatever the outcome of September elections, Council will need to keep a positive relationship with central government as together we can achieve so much more. Until next time, keep well and if you have something that you would like to share with me, please contact me on or 021971786. Desley Simpson, Councillor Ōrākei Board.
hope you are managing to keep warm and dry! It’s been a busy time for the Orakei Local Board. The Board and the Governing Body of the Auckland Council have carried out formal consultations on the 2017/2018 annual budgets. 397 submissions were received from Orakei residents and ratepayers. The Board’s budget was adjusted to reflect the feedback received. We have now entered the 2017/2018 financial year and the Board has been working with Council departments to approve the work plans for activity in our Board’s area by these departments. These include for Ellerslie, planning to develop and improve Liston Park as an active recreation reserve. A new Ellerslie sports club building is being investigated for Michaels Avenue Reserve, and the pedestrian walkway from Elwood Place is being extended into the reserve to improve safety by separating pedestrians and vehicular traffic. The Board’s budget includes provision for discretionary funding. If you have a great project that needs funding or you are doing something that helps your community, it’s worth applying for a Local Board grant. The Orakei Local Board supports initiatives in arts and culture, community development, environmental and natural heritage, historical heritage, events and sports and recreation. Applications for the present round of funding close on 1 September. As I mentioned in the previous issue of this magazine, the Board had prepared its draft Local Board Plan which will direct the Board’s resources, activities and advocacy for the next three years. The consultation period closed on 30 June. 275 formal
submissions were received. We held three “Have Your Say” events, one of which was in Ellerslie. These events attracted a number of residents and ratepayers and 127 pieces of feedback were gathered at the events. We also used social media which brought a limited number of replies. Thank you to all who took the time to submit – it is much appreciated. The feedback is now being reviewed for inclusion in the final Plan, which will provide the platform for the work we undertake on your behalf over the coming three years. The final Plan will be published in October 2017. On another subject, Christ Church, Ellerslie, has opened its fund raising campaign to protect and preserve the historic 134-year old church building in Ladies Mile and in particular to preserve the unique set of 13 stained and painted glass windows. These richly coloured windows are of local, national and international significance. I had often driven past the church and although I knew of it as a heritage building, it was not until I went into the church for the campaign launch that I got an appreciation of its beauty with its warm kauri walls and the magnificent windows. Ellerslie is very fortunate to have this historic church and significant religious artform in its midst. Colin Davis, Chairman Ōrākei Local Board.
Ellerslie Magazine
resentatives news from our local rep
think this might be my 5th or 6th year dishing out the candy (fairy) floss at Ellerslie’s iconic Spring Fairy festival. I come away each year with the same three epiphanies: 1) it’s harder than you think, the pressure to create the perfect ball of sugar crusted fluff with all those parents watching….yikes! 2) the wind is not my friend - usually my eyelashes, eyebrows and definitely my hair take the brunt, and 3) seeing the look of delight on kid’s faces…absolutely priceless! What a privilege. Research demonstrates that when public spaces are created, when a community comes together (especially around a shared event that involves food and interaction) those communities have better social indicators. Healthy development and wellbeing are intrinsically linked to a sense of belonging and meaning within larger social and community groupings. The annual Fairy Festival is a perfect example of community connectedness. Kids get to dress up and play pretend as fairies and pirates, parents talk to parents, local schools get involved and we ultimately feel good about the village we live in. Early in the new year, Council will ask your opinion on it’s vision for the next 30 years (called the ‘Auckland Plan’). Yes we will need more housing, de-congested traffic and infrastructure to pull these off, but don’t we need a plan for community connectedness too? Who should create it and lead it? The Ellerslie business association has provided a fantastic foundation with the likes of the Fairy Festival, Santa parade, Arterslie and street art works but what else can we/you/me/Council be doing? When the draft plan comes out, head to and have your say. Warmest regards, Denise Lee n Fairy Festival fu
ellerslie community patrol
WANTE D Local Vo lu
nteers to join Ellerslie’s Commu nity Patrol Gro up.
Assist the local Polic e with kee ping our commun ity safe a nd free from crime
To register your interest call the Ellerslie Business Association on 579 5033 or email
Ellerslie Magazine
Denise Lee
Maungakiekie Your Local Voice
Vote Early From 11 September E W @deniselee_nz
Authorised by Denise Lee, 106 Onehunga Mall, Onehunga.
Elections 201 7
your local candidates It’s hard to miss that there is an election coming up but what can be harder to access is information about local candidates. As you may already know, with MMP you get two votes – one for a political party and one for someone to represent you locally and to advocate for you on local matters. So we
thought it was a great time to find out a bit more about the local candidates who are hoping for your vote to represent Ellerslie and the Maungakiekie electorate for the next 3 years. (Editors note – the Maori Candidate for the area was approached to contribute but we received no response)
Maungakiekie Electorate
Priyanca Radhakrishnan - labour So which part of Auckland do you call home? When my husband and I returned to Auckland, we discovered we were priced out of the suburbs we wanted to live in – like Onehunga and Ellerslie. We had to buy where we could afford. We currently live in Glen Eden. House-hunting in Auckland was a soul-destroying experience and I am delighted to be standing for a Party that has a plan to fix the housing crisis. Tell us a bit about how you have been involved in Ellerslie. I advocated strongly for noise barriers to be built along the Ellerslie section of the motorway. In November 2017, Annette King, our then Health spokesperson and Deputy Leader submitted written questions on the matter to Minister Bridges. Written questions are important tools that help Parliament hold
Government to account. By March 2017, the Minister announced plans to build noise barriers. I’m also a frequent face at local cafes! Why would you make a great local representative for the people of Ellerslie? Ellerslie is a vibrant part of Maungakiekie – it has a heritage to be proud of, has a strong character and has some of my favourite retail and food outlets! It also has specific needs. I have spent my working life advocating on behalf of groups of people and lobbying government for legislative and policy change. My background taught me how we can build stronger communities by working together – so that everyone has a shot at a better life. As your local MP, I will advocate strongly to overcome challenges facing Ellerslie and champion its strengths. What are the key issues facing Ellerslie in the next 5 years?
Ellerslie Magazine
Too many are locked out of home ownership and renting; we need to fix the housing crisis. Crime is up, but community police stations are being shut down. Poverty is worsening. Our roads are gridlocked but the Government keeps building expensive roads. We can do so much better! What’s one of your Ellerslie favourites? The Hospice Shop and Lala Reloved Boutique for clothes, Richoux for a pie, Luscious for campaign meetings and Union Post for a wine!
denise Lee (Krum) - national So which part of Auckland do you call home? Right here, the Ellerslie area, for over 20 years. Tell us a bit about how you have been involved in Ellerslie. I’ve raised my children here, served as Chair of Ellerslie School Board of Trustees and created a local charity that undertook projects such as clean-ups of the Ellerslie town centre, sometimes with over 100 volunteers. I have been elected twice as an Auckland Councillor and every year volunteer in the town’s Fairy Festival and enter the Santa Parade. I’m a member of Community Patrols and the Ellerslie Residents Association. Why would you make a great local representative for the people of Ellerslie? Having been a Councillor four years now I am already a local representative. I have a reputation for getting things done, building lasting and genuine community
Chloe Swarbrick - the greens So which part of Auckland do you call home? Currently, I call Mount Eden home. Tell us a bit about how you have been involved in Ellerslie. I spent lot of time growing up on the other side of Maungakiekie, in Onehunga. I went to Epsom Girls Grammar, and many of my friends throughout High School lived in Ellerslie, meaning that I spent time at local cafes and at Liston Park growing up. Why would you make a great local representative for the people of Ellerslie? I’m seeking the party vote for the Greens, as that is the best way to get me and other talented candidates on our
relationships. I deeply care about our area and with your support I can work to achieve more as outlined in the following question… What are the key issues facing Ellerslie in the next 5 years? We’ve had a great start by the government but we need to complete the remainder of all stages of the motorway noise barriers ASAP, work with Council to ensure we have community facilities that last us the distance and cater for our growth, and ensuring there’s adequate park&ride and feeder bus services to the train station. Ellerslie deserves to have a strong sense of safety whether it be traffic safety with kids around schools or ensuring that Ellerslie sees the benefit of the extra 800 new frontline Police being trained/deployed right now. There are many young families in the area, some who run a small business so maintaining a growing economy as we have with a National government, keeping unemployment low and lifting wages is crucial to a vibrant and prosperous suburb
where many want to live, work, stay and play. For those who want to own their own home, building 34,000 more homes in Auckland in the next 10 years should help issues caused by lack of supply. Finally, Ellerslie needs a fantastic local and strong voice as their MP! What’s one of your Ellerslie favourites? The Fairy Festival & the Santa Parade – equally!
list into Parliament. I’m a big believer in local communities making decisions about issues that directly impact them, so I’ll be championing local government and the upkeep and provision of local parks and provisions, and support of small business that allows communities to thrive. What are the key issues facing Ellerslie in the next 5 years? Out door knocking around Ellerslie, housing and transport issues continue coming up, as does the rising cost of living. The Greens and I believe in sustainable neighbourhoods, which means long term planning and warm, dry, secure housing. Positioned right on the Southern Line, Ellerslie is in prime place to make best use of the Green’s commitment to rail – getting more cars
Ellerslie Magazine
off the roads, and more kids safely to school. What’s one of your Ellerslie favourites? A favourite gem is Charlie Baxter’s, a great little spot for a beer after an afternoon of doorknocking.
news in our community
ellerslie theatrical society The days keep rushing by and by the time you read this we should be welcoming Spring, if the weather can get itself sorted. We have been very busy preparing for our biennial One Act Play Festival. This is a unique opportunity for new authors and directors to actually see their fledgling work on stage. There will be 6 one act plays, some new, some established but directed by inexperienced directors. The plays will be presented over 2 nights, each group having five showings. The audience will be seated at round tables which gives a relaxed café feel to the theatre. The season opens on 24th August and closes on the 2nd September. Unfortunately, by the time you receive this magazine the season will be nearing its end. You may be able to catch them if you are quick. However, you have plenty
of time to book for our final production which is an adaptation by Patrick Barlow of John Buchan’s book and Alfred Hitchcock’s film, ”The 39 Steps”. This has all the ingredients needed for a great night out at the theatre- glamorous woman and handsome hero, double crossing secret agent, murder and comedy. If you missed the one act plays we look forward to seeing you and your friends between 9th and 18th November. Just ring Rona at the theatre 5253336 if you need more information. Don’t forget that if you are part of an organisation which needs to raise funds for your club or for a charitable cause a night at the theatre and a raffle can raise some $1500. Think about it for next year. We will sell you the 100 seats at a very reduced rate, you can bring your own supper which we will serve with tea and coffee and provide the play. You can
Season starts November 9 - 16 Bookings at 525 3336 or online at charge any price you like for the tickets and we do all the work. Again, if you think this will help your group just ring Rona, 5253336, and talk about it. Of course we still welcome anyone who wishes to join
our group of volunteers who are needed for hospitality or the myriad of back stage work. If you wish to learn how a production gets on stage, this is the place to start.
to do more and able to get involved at my own speed. 6 weeks ago I was installed as master of my Lodge and what a journey it has been. The significance of Freemasonry hit home for me at the celebration afterwards. 45 men singing in full voice, solely in my honour, was stiring. In today’s society, it is rare for men to experience such open support from peers. This year, English Masonry is celebrating 300 years in its current form. It is not a religion, but one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations. Within Masonry the idea of a supreme being is referred to as the Great Architect of the Universe, which enables Masons of all walks of life to meet as equals, irrespective of their race, religion, or position in society.
the hidden privileges of freemasonry by Donald Jessep
Freemasonry seriously came to my attention when a friend couldn’t meet for a beer after work, explaining that he had a Lodge meeting. I was surprised as my friend was still in his 30s. I thought Freemasonry was strictly for old men, but since joining, I have discovered that many Freemasons are younger. I joined somewhat hesitantly, 6 years ago. At the time it felt like my life was full enough, so I only went to the regular meetings. I was impressed that there was never any pressure
In New Zealand, Freemasonry exists under four constitutions: English, Irish, Scottish and New Zealand. There are approximately 10,000 Freemasons in New Zealand today. Each constitution runs its own charitable trust for fellow Masons in their time of need and the wider community. We run social events too, not only for charity but also for the entertainment of our familes.
Remuera Lodge, number 1710 on the Registry of the Grand Lodge of England, meets at the Ellerslie Masonic Centre, 9 Roberts St, second Monday of each month. For more information contact the current master; Donald Jessep 021 622 837 or
Ellerslie Magazine
ing t r o p SuNZpDESIGNERS
r u o y t c e l l o C re o t S n i s t n i o Loyalty P + Layby now
114 MAIN HIGHWAY ELLERSLIE OPEN MON - FRI 9.30 - 5.30 SAT 10AM - 4PM P: 09 579 3535
news in our community
ellerslie rocks Creating art and spreading happiness by painting rocks to hide around Ellerslie or wherever you may travel to. The goal, to encourage creativity, exploring and community.
JOIN US AND HAVE SOME FUN! See facebook ellerslierocks for details Get a rock, get painting, get hiding...
ELLERSLIE school Ellerslie School were lucky enough to be featured in the ‘What Now’ School Takeover at the end of Term Two. ‘What Now’ is a children’s television programme which screens on TV2 on Sunday mornings. Their production crew spent the day filming at school covering a wide range of activities, including our Scottish Dancing, Ukulele and Kapa Haka groups, and also the choir rehearsing for the Kid’s Sing Competition. The afternoon rounded off some fun-filled Whanau House competitions and a relay race of teachers versus students - can you guess who won?…. If you are interested in viewing the ‘Takeover’ please check out our school Facebook page for links to TV One On Demand and YouTube. In addition to the TV crew visiting we also had ‘Health and Safety’ week and it doesn’t get much better for our five and six year olds than a visit from the Police Officers and their dogs! The week’s learning focus was not only a review of our school processes - Lock-down and Fire evacuation drills, but also life-
long skills for our students where we were visited by Auckland Transport and some of our local heroes from NZ Police, St Johns and Fire and Emergency NZ. Students were treated to a demonstration by NZ Police Dog handlers, during which they were amazed by the dog’s speed and agility. Team One also held a Community Day where they were asked to dress up as people who help others. The range of outfits included Vets, Nurses, Doctors, Fireman and even a NASA Astronaut! Term 3 brings us more sporting events including our first ever whole school Cross Country racing day (with over 700 students running) at Ellerslie Racecourse and Eastern Zone Sports competitions. We currently have nine Netball teams competing this season at the Auckland Netball Centre and have been delighted with their success and the ongoing commitment from our very dedicated coaches/managers and Whanau. The Year 7 and 8 students will also be competing in the up and coming Mathex competiton, and 200 students from our choir will be competing in the Kid’s Sing festival at the Auckland Town Hall.
Ellerslie School is on the counting down to our 140th Anniversary celebrations in November, 2017. Keep an eye on our school website or the “Ellerslie School” Facebook page for more information.
Ellerslie Magazine
news in our community
tips for ellerslie rocks • Look for smooth rocks. Besides outside, you can also find them at a craft store. • Use acrylic paint or even nail polish to paint your rocks • Coat your rocks with sealer • Label back of your rock with #EllerslieRocks • Post a pic to EllerslieRocks FB Group. Keep or Re-hide me. • Hide your rocks on public land only. • Please always be a tidy kiwi when you are out and about. Let’s keep Ellerslie beautiful. If you spot some litter, be a hero, pick it up and take it to the closest bin!
ELLERSLIE COMBINED PROBUS Again we of Ellerslie’s Combined Probus Club have had an interesting couple of months since the last issue of this magazine. Our own secretary, Joan King, spoke briefly about her very interesting trip to Japan where she did a considerable amount of walking. She also enjoyed the food. Jim Morrow also spoke to us about Antarctica where he and his friends climbed everything that was climbable. His talk was accompanied by wonderful pictures of the wildlife, seals, penguins, petrels etc. and the general terrain. We have also had Marguerite Van Der Kolk talk about her volunteer work at Auckland Zoo over many years, reviving many people’s memories of elephant rides in their childhood. Our midwinter lunch this year was very successful with over 50 people coming out to the Barracuda Restaurant at Eastern Beach. We also had a trip out to Butterfly Creek where we were free to roam amongst the beautiful tropical butterflies and around other spiders and insects safely behind glass. We had a very pleasant lunch and returned home.
Our meetings are held at 10a.m on the 3rd Friday of each month in the Ellerslie War Memorial Hall. We would invite you to come to one or two meetings to see how you enjoy it before you actually join us. At our next meeting Ellie Harris will speak to us about Auckland Local Heritage and the next week we will go to Ryder’s Cinema in Avondale to see “The Woman in Gold” and have on old-fashioned roast dinner cooked on the coal range.
We also run a board games morning on Thursdays at 9.45am in the church hall in Ladies Mile. You do not have to be a Probus member to join the group.
The door fee is only $3. If you enjoy Scrabble, Upword, Mahjong or Rummikub just come along or ring Val 5256330.
If you like writing down your childhood memories or events that have occurred in your life, ring Isabel Clarihew 5794317. It is great fun sharing these stories. None of the group is a professional writer. We are just a group jotting down memories on the 1st Friday of each month. We look forward to seeing you at any one of these places.
The Subscription is only $15 per year with a one off joining fee of $10. The actual meetings are free entry. We are a friendly group and would love to meet you. If you would like to discuss anything about Probus just ring Rona 579 7605
Ellerslie Magazine
news in our community
police talk
we as a community here in Ellerslie and what do we want for our future?
Personal safety in your vehicle
Jesus always supported the most vulnerable: children, the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalised. He truly valued all people. Mahatma Gandhi said that “A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” Perhaps now is a good time for us all to begin a process of asking the important questions: What do I value the most? What do I want to protect? What is the best way forward for us as individuals, our families, our community and our nation? With the issues of poverty and abuse hurting so many of our beautiful children, and suicide affecting so many of our lives, and all of the issues surrounding housing, particularly in Auckland, we need to ensure that we vote in a way which protects whatever it is that we hold dear and ensures that New Zealand will be a truly great nation.
A few tips to make your time on the road safer and more enjoyable: Check your car – once a month – check tyres, windows and mirrors, indicators, rust and lights. Useful items to carry in your car: • Mobile phone or a phonecard • Map book or phone app • Torch •P en and paper (to leave a message if you have to leave your car for any reason) •A rug – useful if you have to change a tyre, wait for breakdown assistance, or help in a crash situation • First aid kit.
IF YOUR CAR BREAKS DOWN If you have a mobile phone, use it to call a breakdown service. If your vehicle is creating a road safety risk, call *555 to alert Police. If you have a flat tyre, think about driving slowly to a safe place to stop. You may damage the tyre and wheel rim, but this may be better than compromising your own safety. Turn on your hazard lights to make the car as visible as possible. If the car breaks down in a potentially dangerous location, put safety first. It may be safer to stay in the car and wait for help than to get out. If you decide to leave the car, lock all doors and take your valuables with you, if safe and practical to do so.
THEFT FROM VEHICLES – PREVENTION ADVICE Thieves search vehicles for cash, credit cards, cheque books, sunglasses, satellite navigation systems, mobile phones, iPods, laptop computers, hand bags, stereo systems, sports equipment, clothing and any other valuable property left in a vehicle.
Thieves use a range of techniques, but most offending is opportunistic: you can minimise their opportunities. • Always take keys with you when you leave your vehicle. •A lways lock your vehicle when you leave. •C lose all windows, including sunroofs. • Park in well-lit areas if possible. •T ry not to leave valuables in your car. Thieves will break in for something as small as loose change. If you have to leave valuables in your car, make sure they are out of sight, but remember hiding them is not as safe as removing them.
The feeling I get about this winter is progress. Soon it will be our General Elections again at election time, we are bombarded with images and slogans, ideas and goals. In a majority centre-middle political scene like Aotearoa it can be hard to figure out who to vote for, and it can seem overwhelming. The build up to the elections is a time of hopeful discussion about our future. However, we also look back and remember the disappointments of politicians under-delivering on their promises in years past and sometimes we get disillusioned. But don’t lose hope! Don’t lose motivation, because the decisions we make with our voices (or our silence), will affect our society for years to come. What kind of impact do you want to have on our community and our country? At Christ Church we have been working on a future vision for our parish, a large part of which focuses on how we can best serve our community. As part of this process we have been taking a good look at our values. It has been a helpful process where we have assessed the past and decided which things to leave behind as we move forward, what things we are proud of and want to build on, and what new things do we want to begin. A similar process has been going on with the Ellerslie Business Association. A question on all our minds is who are
What party or candidate seeks the best way to protect the things that you value most? Who will nurture the things which you want to see flourish in the years to come? Whatever the answers to those questions are, I urge you to research them and find out, and then vote responsibly. Perhaps you are dissatisfied with the current situation and feel a calling to politics yourself to lead our country? God calls us to strive for a better future, a future with more love and justice and one in which each of us can thrive. So together this winter let’s make progress toward a better community and a better country. 09-579 5279
FEELING THREATENED If you think you are being followed or threatened by another road user, call 111. Drive to a public space, such as a service station or police station, where you can stop. Don’t get out of the vehicle if you feel unsafe – lock the doors and wait for help. Try to note details of the car – registration number, colour, make, description of driver and direction the vehicle was last seen travelling in. COME VISIT US ON SUNDAYS, 9:30AM, AT 169 LADIES MILE.
Ellerslie Magazine
lage Faces of Ellerslie Vil
Meet Andrew Raines, a familiar face in Ellerslie real estate, and a man on a mission. We caught up with Andrew for coffee to chat about a great cause he’s working with, and his own personal pledge in support.
Ellerslie: Tell us about yourself
What motivates you?
Andrew: I’m an innovative Real Estate agent with over 20 years’ experience in management, sales and marketing in New Zealand and Abroad. I’m a little different as on top of the Bayleys marketing I employ my own marketing team to skilfully market our clients’ properties.
My father certainly is the person I look up to, but it would be the smiles on my children’s face at night that drives me the most…that and my daughter loves horses and that’s an expensive hobby.
You’ve just joined Bayleys in Ellerslie?
2 things – look after your clients always pay it forward.
Correct, I was with another company however was headhunted to join the Bayleys Real Estate Family, the only downside was the company I worked for asked for me to remove all sales history… What I can say is in the last 8 months I’ve listed over 50 Million Dollars in property and every client has been elated with our service. Why do you love working in Ellerslie? It’s a great location. I wanted to place myself in an area with potential for growth, to me Ellerslie has huge potential and I see it evolving into the best suburb for restaurants and boutique retail in the not too distant future. Where is your favourite eatery in Ellerslie? I have so many favourite places…Can I suggest you try them all? You are a big advocate of the Make-A-Wish foundation? Yes I wanted to be part of something life changing, Make-AWish grants the special wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions to give them hope, strength and joy at a very difficult time in their lives. How are you contributing to the Make-A-Wish Foundation? Both Myself and members of my team have children, we wanted to do something for the children who are fighting so very hard, We have pledged $1000 from every property sale we do will go towards this great cause, all going to plan we hope to be the largest single contributor for 2017. How can people assist? If readers are selling or thinking about selling their home then they should give us a call, our service is second to none and proven through our awards so it’s a win for our clients and the children. What would you do if you weren’t in your current role? I would most likely be on a yacht taking my young family around the world. What was your first job? I worked for my father in his bookstore…I was 5 and still cherish those memories.
What’s the best piece of advice that you’ve received? What is one piece of advice that you would give to someone who was looking at starting out in your industry? Find the true you! – this is advice for anyone in any industry… the best thing that happened to me was the day I hit rock bottom, I was a hard hit casualty of Christchurch’s earthquake in 2011 where I lost everything I had worked so hard for to date in my life. Little did I know it was a magnificent point in my life. How do you start each morning? I start every morning religiously at 5am, a long black coffee and a calisthenics workout in my home gym, this gets me focused for the day. What would you consider to be your greatest achievement? Marrying my wife, without her I would not have the two little rascals that I love so much. Name three items that you can’t live without? Maui Jim sun-glasses, Bose noise cancelling headphones and my gym, at home. It’s 10am on a Sunday morning. Where would we find you and what are you doing? I would proudly be at one of my open homes. What do you love most about your job? I love handing over a home to its new owners, It’s such a big investment and there is nothing better than arriving to your new home with a bow on the door and a secret surprise awaiting inside. Why would someone choose Team Andrew Raines? That’s simple… every client we have represented has given us an incredible testimonial and it starts by my team marketing each property as if we were the owners…no property is the same therefore each property deserves consideration around how it is marketed and who is the right audience for that property, you will also find us to be extremely approachable with genuine drive to do the very best for our clients.
Ellerslie Magazine
news in our community
getting ready for summer this spring!
children know how to hold their breath and go underwater it heightens their confidence in and around the pool, lake or ocean. Knowing how to go underwater is one of the things all children should know how to do in the water, and an important part of being safe in the water. Hilton Brown Swimming instructors utilise empathy and trust to help your children improve their swim skills and get those extraordinary results! 3. Understand basic swim strokes Obviously, your infant who just started swim lessons probably won’t be doing the backstroke across the pool this summer (but you never know!). But for older children who will be playing in the water, it’s helpful to have some knowledge of basic swimming strokes.
Longer days filled with sunshine and warm temperatures mean one thing: Swim season is near! Celebrate and make the most of this spring by preparing for summer swim safety with these three tips: 1. Practice water safety It’s imperative that your children know how to act appropriately in and around bodies of water. This includes walking — not running — around pools. In addition, make
sure to talk to your children about how lifeguards help and to always swim with adult supervision. Hilton Brown Swimming focuses on water safety during every lesson, with even more intensity during Water Safety Awareness Week — some truly awesome customer service! 2. Learn how to go underwater Not panicking when inadvertently going underwater is paramount, but when your
Just add water! Lessons for life
Come along to a Free triaL swimming Lesson* at Hilton Brown swimming.
Soon you’ll be swimming like a fish HBS_122c_Auck_EllerslieMag_180x133_08_2017.indd 1
This allows your little fish to practice how to swim and be able to safely move around in the water. Plus, knowing how to swim offers children great benefits that will stick with them for years to come. Get ready for the summer swim season by signing your children up for swimming lessons at Hilton Brown Swimming! Our highly trained teaching staff cater for all ages of swimmers, from babies through to mini squad training, and adults too!
• Our monthly booking system means children are constantly assessed and progressed. • Our qualified instructors offer quality lessons from infants through to adults. • Over 45 years experience successfully teaching swimming.
Call us now to book: Newmarket – Ph: (09) 529 0177 One Tree Hill – Ph: (09) 582 1111 Albany – Ph: (09) 414 5484 *One free trial lesson for new customers
Ellerslie Magazine
8/12/17 3:59 PM
news in our community
ellerslie toy library It has been a busy few months at the Ellerslie Toy Library with new librarians, training with the Toy Library Federation of New Zealand, and a whole bunch of new toys! We have recently welcomed two new librarians – Lauren on Saturday mornings and Sylvia on Wednesdays. Both librarians were already members of the toy library and are very familiar with the library toys and operations. At the end of July we attended the Toy Library Federation of New Zealand’s Training Weekend. It was a very useful opportunity to network with other libraries from throughout New Zealand and learn lots of tips
and tricks. The Training Weekend also involved a Toy Expo where we bought lots of exciting new toys using our Lottery Grant (thank you Lotteries Commission!). Some of the new toys have already started appearing on the library shelves, and there are many more to come. Some of those purchased are pictured here.
Ellerslie Toy Library is located at St Peters Presbyterian Church, 7 Harrison Rd, Ellerslie and is open Wednesdays 7-8pm or Saturdays 9-11am. We have two membership options – Duty Membership (including 4 library duties a year) at $110 or Full Membership at $190.
Ellerslie Toy Library caters for families of children aged 0-5 years. We have over 600 quality toys, puzzles, games and learning activities for members to borrow to support your child’s development. These include large ride-ons and outdoor play equipment, balance bikes and scooters, dress ups, Duplo, train sets, role play toys, construction sets, cars and trucks and musical instruments. If you are interested in joining, simply come in during one of our session times (see below) and speak to our Librarians. They can help you through the membership process. A library membership can be a great option for grandparents too! For more information on our service, ‘like’ our page on Facebook and check out some of our recent posts.
ellerslie play group As a mother of preschool children, the prospect of a cold, wet winters day stuck inside can be slightly daunting. What better way to beat the winter blues than by having a Teddy Bears Picnic inside! This term at Ellerslie Playgroup, as a special treat, we invited the children to bring their favourite Teddy and a blanket along to Leicester Hall and we had our shared morning tea as a picnic on the floor. The kids loved it, and were so good, all sitting down together and enjoying their snacks. The fun culminated in a ‘bear hunt’ with kids traipsing around the hall and adjoining playground excitedly looking for a ‘real’ bear. Ellerslie Playgroup is run by parents and caregivers of preschool children. It’s subsidized by Ministry of Education funding, which means the weekly cost is only $4 per family, which includes craft supplies and morning tea, as well as free reign on our great selection of toys and books, and a fun music session. Ellerslie Playgroup is a great little community for both parents/caregivers and children. It’s a relaxed, supportive, volunteer run group, held on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 9:30-11:30am, in Leicester Hall behind the Ellerslie shops. If you’d like to join Ellerslie Playgroup, pop along for a visit or email
Ellerslie Magazine
Smile Creation,One Visit, Direct Resin Bonding A holistic dental experience for a happy and healthy smile Comprehensive examinations, consultations and oral hygiene maintenance provided in a caring stress free atmosphere. Gum treatments, teeth whitening, abscesses and root canal treatments. Emergency Dentistry, extractions especially wisdom teeth, straightening teeth, gap replacements using fixed and removable solutions. Broken teeth, fillings, dentures, crowns and bridges. Dentistry artistry skills and techniques using biocompatible, biomimetic tooth coloured materials provide an affordable service.
Dental diseases are linked with lifestyle choices. We provide personalised strategy programs to improve health habits that will keep you orally fit. Personalised service and care from our team. Angela Lowe-Ho with 30+ years of experience. Ana, Dental Assistant with 10+ years experience and Edmund Ho administration and support. Requiring further advice? Contact me on text/mobile. Senior citizen rates, registered ACC and WINZ provider
Angela Lowe-Ho B.D.S. Otago NZ 126A Main Highway in Ellerslie, behind Four Square
027 4720 638 or 579 4746
THANK YOU ELLERSLIE Kerry and Daphanae from Flowers of St Johns want to say a great big thank you for all the love and support received from the Ellerslie community. Moving business into Ellerslie’s main street has proved great for both Daphanae and Kerry from Flowers of St Johns.
ellerslie playcentre Ice cream for morning tea! Fishing followed by splashing, snakes and ladders and swinging, a train and ferry ride to Devonport and the library, discovering what goes on behind the scenes (and the checkout!) at New World and, visiting, watching and learning kapa haka from students at Ellerslie School. These are only some of the fun memories our children at Ellerslie Playcentre have enjoyed this year. Towards the end of last term, our children and families came together to celebrate Matariki - the Maori New Year. Our children spent some time creating lanterns before heading off for an evening nature walk, lit with their colourful lanterns. One of the highlights in preparing for and celebrating Matariki included a trip to the Auckland museum. Both children and parents enjoyed a morning of storytelling, song, dance and making clay bowls to take home. Some of the children even left wearing moko on their faces...temporary of course! After the school holiday break, we are straight back into the play. Guided by an early childhood curriculum set in place by the Ministry of Education, our children have a number of play areas that are always open to them which include the playground, sandpit, playdough, collage, painting and
storytelling. As each of our children change or develop in their interests, we strive to respond in ways that will expand on their interests, stimulate their imagination, creativity and thinking, develop their motor skills and build on important social skills. After noticing what our children have been enjoying this week, some of our activities planned for next week include outdoor music and a postbox play area for our babies, pouring/ mixing and an obstacle course for our toddlers and, creating an animal habitat, baking and party planning with our younger children. Our Playcentre welcomes new members with children aged from 0-6 years. For children aged 3 years and above, we also have a separate “shooting stars” session which children can attend without their parent. Our bigger kids look forward to these sessions each week and we are privileged to have such experienced and thoughtful leaders assisting and expanding on their play and learning throughout the sessions.
“We opened our floral nook on Ellerslies main highway in April this year and the fantastic support we’ve received since has been amazing” says Kerry. Daphanae is a flourishing socialite from within her sidewalk basket where she spends many sunny moments. As any business in the village, we look to succeed through support from our community and look forward to providing quality flowers for any occasion you require.
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If joining or visiting Playcentre sounds like something you and your child might be interested in, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please email us at nz or visit our facebook page for more information.
Daphanae from Flowe rs of St
7 1 0 2 e i l s r Arte ARTerslie once again brought with it a myriad of creativity to Ellerslie. Many people took the opportunity to view the amazing artworks on display and also took part in the community events we had on offer. It all kicked off this year with Chalk It Up, our public art event. We had some very talented kids and parents take part, and it was a great afternoon had by all. It was lovely to see so many families out spending time in our public spaces. One of our big features of ARTerslie this year was our Street Art. We commissioned a few pieces of art work from Paul Walsh, a talented visual artist who created some magical fairy wings and a spectacular mural on our Vector Box on Memory Corner. We also transformed one of our unused poles into a very special Pencil Pole Art to commemorate 140 years of Ellerslie School. A big thanks to the kids who contributed art for this, we hope you like seeing your art on display. Once again Bartizan Art Group held a wonderful exhibition at the Christ Church Hall. This was followed
Ellerslie Magazine
news in our community
by our School Art Exhibition which showcased some amazing talent from our local students and teachers. Well done to all of those who took part, and congrats to all our prize winners. We did something a little bit different this year with creating Ellerslie Rocks. This is all about creating art and spreading happiness by painting rocks to hide around the community. Ellerslie Rocks is an ongoing initiative but ARTerslie was a great platform to kick it off. Kids and parents decorated rocks and put in them out in our community and posted to our Facebook Group ‘Ellerslie Rocks’ where other members could find them, or keep and re-hide them. If this sounds like something you would enjoy, look us up and join in the fun! Kids also got to take part in the Kids Art Competition with the winners receiving a $100 voucher and pizza for their whole class- you can bet this was a popular event! A huge thanks to all those who took part and embraced ARTerslie this year. We would like to say a massive thanks to the Orakei Local Board for their sponsorship and support. We look forward to what next year has to offer and to seeing all this local talent in our art community again.
Ellerslie Magazine
news in our community
One Tree Hill College students are continuing to produce outstanding results.
for some time and will go away to their respective national championships later in the year with high levels of optimism.
In NCEA, students are on track at all three levels to gain an achievement rate of over 90%. This will continue to build upon last year’s very impressive 87%, 89% and 89% respectively in NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3.
With the college at capacity, the enrolment zone for the college means families in and out of zone will need to be very aware of upcoming deadlines as we start enrolling students for 2018. There will be very limited places available for students who live out of zone. Please check our website regularly for updates on dates and requirements, or contact the college reception on 579-5049. As always, I would welcome any interested members of our community who wish to take a tour of the college to contact me to arrange an opportunity for me to show you around One Tree Hill College.
In the performing arts, our boys chorale have once again been selected as a New Zealand Big Sing finalist and this places them as one of New Zealand’s best choirs who will compete at the national finals later this month. Also in the performing arts, the One Tree Hill College Stage Challenge group won two excellence awards at the Auckland finals at the Aotea Centre. Later this month we hold our annual Dance Showcase, which will allow our many dance groups and individuals to perform in front of the community. In sports, our students continue to be very successful with outstanding performances across all codes. As well as the various individual honours at both New Zealand and provincial level, we are very proud of our many teams. Our junior and senior teams are all doing very well, with many leading their respective championships. Our premier netball, 1st XV rugby and 1st XI football are all having their best seasons
This continues to be a great time to be involved with One Tree Hill College. We certainly have students with exceptional talent and it is wonderful to see them show such pride in the school. I look forward to the many successes which will occur throughout the remainder of the year. All the best.
N Coughlan Principal
friends of the auckland philharmonic orchestra The winds and rain of winter keep harassing us but the Auckland Philharmonia Friends continue to host their excellent Friday mornings in the Ellerslie War Memorial Hall. Recently we have spoken with Ray Chan who is the current APO conducting fellow about his very interesting life getting this far in his chosen career of an orchestral conductor. We have also heard from Maestro Mathew Halls, a fully-fledged international conductor and, most recently, from Wolfgang Emmanuel Schmidt (international cellist) after he had played Saint Saens Concerto No.1 on the 24th August. These people lead such interesting lives! We have also listened to music from the orchestra’s new timpanist who shared some of the unique acoustic difficulties he has to deal with when playing with an orchestra. Not surprisingly, he was unable to bring the timpani to Ellerslie but he did bring a xylophone which he played – very exciting. Other musicians who have entertained us are Joella Pinto, violinist, who brought her baroque violin as well as her normal one and some of Huw Dann’s amazing students forming a brass ensemble. Where else can you, for an entry fee of a mere $15, be in the same room with these world acclaimed people, let alone
See Maestro Douglas Boyd - September 29th, 2017 share lunch and talk with them? Our next Friday morning will be 29th September when we will be entertained by members of the A.P.O. and talk with Maestro Douglas Boyd who is both conductor and oboist10.30a.m at the Ellerslie War Memorial hall. Mark it in your diary now so don’t you miss it. We are running a fund-raising event on the 12th September which anyone may attend. We have booked Ryder’s Theatre in Avondale on Tuesday 12th September, 10.15am for 10.30am start. We are showing the film “Crossing Rachmaninov” which will be followed by an old-fashioned roast dinner cooked in the old-fashioned Aga range. The all-inclusive tickets are $40. Please phone Rona 5797605 to purchase yours.
Ellerslie Magazine
news in our community
ellerslie tai chi
same, same but different michael park school - relate, create, inspire Tucked away at the end of Amy Street, Ellerslie is Michael Park School, a school with a difference. Michael Park School has been part of the Ellerslie community for almost 40 years and is so special that alumni return with their own children to attend the school, and the previous principal was not only the deputy principal and a Michael Park teacher, but also a student! The Steiner/Waldorf philosophy that underpins its special character aims to develop in students, imagination, creativity and a sense of purpose to make a difference in the world, by developing all human capacities in a holistic way. The Steiner curriculum invites engagement, reverence and wonder and students experience practical, artistic and academic activities particularly designed and crafted to meet their developmental needs; socially, spiritually, intellectually and physically. Michael Park School has welcomed Theresa Piraccini as their new principal. Theresa arrived recently from Australia where her last position was CEO of Steiner Education Australia. Theresa also represented Australia on the International Steiner/Waldorf Forum, the international body for Steiner schools therefore she brings an international educational perspective to Michael Park, as well as her Steiner teaching experience. Theresa was welcomed into the school community with a pōwhiri, an entirely new experience for her and she is loving the multicultural nature of the school and its strong connections with Māori culture.
A unique event and learning experience that is part of the Michael Park School calendar and Year 9 curriculum is the Class Play. This is a play with a difference, where the drama teacher has developed a completely rich and rewarding experience for her fourteen-year-old students which could be almost described as a ‘rite of passage’. For four weeks year 9 students are only in drama class; they do not attend any other class and are even at school late at night and on weekends in preparation. They are involved in all aspects of a largescale production, from learning their lines, to making the sets, learning about lighting, staging, costuming, promotion and ticketing. At the end of last term this culminated in a grand finale of two evening performances of the Irish comedy, “Oh Billy” where students performed their play to full auditoriums and received a standing ovation. The confidence and self-esteem that students gain during this time is immeasurable. The students’ appreciation of this learning journey and acknowledgement of this unique experience was clearly evident. Parents saw their fourteen-year-old change and grow at a remarkable rate over these four weeks. One student summed up her experience as saying, “we now know that we can do anything we set our minds to”. Isn’t that what education is all about?
Ellerslie Magazine
The art of Tai Chi is about achieving balance. Anyone of any age can practice Tai Chi and get benefits straight away. The flowing Tai Chi movements take away the strain of exercising making it effortless. When practicing Tai Chi we incorporate all areas of the body in every movement. When we were a child we moved in this way. As an adult a lifetime of using limited muscles and incorrect movements may have even resulted in injuries. As an adult it is refreshing to move effortlessly. Practicing Tai Chi makes doing every routine task less strenuous and more easily fulfilled. In Tai Chi you relax or soften the body which elongates the spine from a steady base. You can do Tai Chi while sitting or standing. Tai Chi strengthens you physically and also reduces tension. Its flowing movements will help you become more flexible, strong and relaxed all at the same time. Tai Chi leaves you energized yet tranquil. Along with many benefits practicing Tai Chi reduces the risk of falling by 47% in older adults and if you do have a fall it may also help you avoid serious injury. Falls are the leading cause of death from unintentional injury for both men and woman. The causes behind tumbles range from muscle weakness to poor balance and vision, lack of confidence and the effect of medication. Tai Chi can help by improving balance, joint, bone muscle strength and flexibility and this will improve your confidence. Tai Chi classes are held: Monday from 11 am-12pm, Wednesday from 10 am- 11 am, at Leicester Hall, 20 Findlay St Ellerslie. Contact Alison: on 021 528 744 or email:
news in our community
ellerslie afc update
Ellerslie AFC has a reputation throughout the Auckland football community as a family-friendly club that provides an enjoyable and rewarding football experience for juniors and seniors alike.
Ellerslie AFC continues to grow and as at June 2017, the Club comprised the following:
COACH DEVELOPMENT (To develop a coaching framework that will recruit, retain, develop and reward coaches)
JUNIOR TEAMS 83 teams (5th – 12th grade) YOUTH TEAMS 18 teams (13th to 17th grade)
Ellerslie AFC firmly believes that the development of coaches is essential to the improvement in the development of our players and to the future success of all teams throughout the club. The long term objective is to identify and develop enough qualified coaches to cover the Club’s entire coaching requirements. This will ensure the Club is seen as an organisation delivering a quality experience and will assist with player retention.
SENIOR TEAMS - 22 teams 17 men’s teams including the NRFL Division 1 Men’s 1st team 5 women’s teams including the NRFL Conference Women’s 1st team The Club’s total membership is 2740 comprising 1504 players, 48 administrators and 1188 parents and guardians. The Club is currently working to ensure that it provides its members sufficient quality facilities and services to manage the growth and continue to provide everyone an enjoyable experience.
The Club is committed to implementing an environment where coaches are provided the tools they require to improve, have the opportunity to develop and feel supported by the Club.
The Club is making good progress on its Governance and Facilities strategies and has recently revisited the Game Development and Football Success section of its Strategic Plan 2016-2020.
PLAYER DEVELOPMENT (To develop and communicate pathways that allow all players to progress as far as possible)
The Club also recently released an Operational Plan that identifies the key areas within the Game Development and Football Success section of the Strategic Plan that the Club will focus on in the short term through to the commencement of the 2018 season. The priority for the next 8 – 10 months will be in the following areas: Coach development, Player development, Girls and Women’s football development
Ellerslie AFC is one of the largest clubs by player membership in the Auckland Football Federation (AFF). The Club has 123 teams that play at all levels within both in-house and AFF competition structures from the 5th grade through to the senior teams. The Clubs premier men’s team currently plays in the NRFL Division 1 competition with the Clubs premier women’s team in the AFF/NFF Conference competition.
Targets have been put in place to measure progress against each of these priorities and these targets will be reviewed annually. An overview of each of these priorities is noted below. To view the full Strategic Plan and Operational Plan please jump onto our website: and Click on About and Club Structure.
It is a key strategy of the Club that all players are communicated and
understand the playing pathways from their first involvement through to the time they decide to leave the Club. The club aims to provide all players with the level of coaching, training and appropriate competition level that allows them to progress as far as they are able. The Club is committed to developing its programs to align and support New Zealand Football’s Long Term Player Development (LTPD) framework. GIRLS AND WOMEN’S DEVELOPMENT (To continue to enhance the development of the Girls and Women’s section of the club) Ellerslie AFC is seen as having one of the best programmes for girls and women’s football within AFF. The Club has done a very good job in attracting and retaining female players in recent years and is focused on maintaining the growth in this area of the Club. Implementing girls’ only teams and attracting young female players to coach junior female teams are two examples of the types of initiatives that have worked well for the Club. Currently female players account for approximately 20% of the Clubs membership and this presents good opportunities for growth. While girls and women’s football is not seen as a separate entity and is managed along with the rest of the Clubs programmes it is important to keep a focus on this area to ensure that the Club caters for the special requirements for female players.
Level 3, Building 9 666 Great South Road Penrose, Auckland 1051
09 525 2436
Ellerslie Magazine
news in our community
ellerslie cricket JUNIOR SKILLS PROGRAMME The Ellerslie Cricket Club is into its second year of their new junior development programme. The Junior Skills programme targets 5 -7 year old boys and girls living in Ellerslie and the surrounding suburbs who want to try cricket. The programme is based on Fundamental Movement Skills and children will develop their cricket, movement and technical skills through fun games and activities. These skills can also be incorporated into day to day life and transferred to other sporting codes. The programme will be led by our Development Manager Sam Edkins and a team of highly trained coaches. Sessions will be held on Friday evenings from 5.30 - 7pm at Michaels Ave Reserve. The programme runs over a 8 week and 6 week block beginning on 2th October and resuming again on 9th February. The full programme costs $100 but children can also sign up at any time and families are encourage to pop down to Michaels Ave Reserve any Friday evening to join in a FREE session. For further information and to REGISTER visit GIRLS CRICKET – ELLERSLIE A cricket season with the Ellerslie Cricket Club is a great way for girls to interact for a couple of hours on a Saturday morning while enjoying the outdoors and building lifelong friendships. The Ellerslie Cricket Club is committed to building a strong girls’ cricket programme and welcome girls of all ages to play in our Junior Skills sessions or Under 10, Under 12 and Under 15 Auckland Cricket competitions. Players can be introduced to cricket through the U10 and U12 Grades where games are played with a soft ball and emphasis on enjoyment. Those who want to continue can then progress on to the U12 & U15 Hard-ball Grades where the level of competition increases but the enjoyment factor is still paramount. All teams are either coached or overseen by club members throughout the season and parental participation is encouraged to ensure a family environment for the girls. Players of all skill levels can play with pathways in place for those players who choose to make cricket their sport of choice. For further information, please visit the website, or contact: Cory Parr-Thomson, Andrew French, or 012 664 428 ELLERSLIE SENIOR CRICKET We are pleased to be kicking off another season, and have welcomed back last season’s Premier Coach, Kaushik Patel. There’s plenty of room for people to play, especially in our Twilight Competitions, and our Sunday T20 sides, if you’re interested please contact the Club Manager Corey Parr-Thomson at
Ellerslie Magazine
our local directory
Smartphone Ellerslie 3/1 Robert Street p: 580 9282 Wallis Cycles 4/2 Robert St p: 525 3117
UNDER 5’S Ellerslie Kindergarten 122 Celtic Cres p: 579 0076 Ellerslie Playcentre 8 Lawry Street p: 579 1974 Ellerslie Playgroup Leicester Hall Ellerslie Plunket p: 579 7564 Ellerslie Toy Library p: 022 1872 304
USEFUL CONTACTS Auckland Council p: 301 0101 Citizens Advice Bureau Mt Wellington-Remuera p: 573 5707 Ellerslie Business Assn p: 579 5033 Ellerslie Residents Assn Orakei Local Board p: 521 7021 Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga – National Local MP p: 622 0300 EMERGENCY SERVICES In all emergency situations phone 111 Community Police Office p: 579 8316 Crime Reporting Line p: 302 6400 Constable Don Allan p: 622 8722 Ellerslie Fire Station 634 Gt South Rd p: 579 4400 Constable Marcus Weston p: 524 4195 CHURCHES C3 Church 20 Cawley Street p: 579 1716 Christ Church 169 Ladies Mile p: 579 5279 Horizon Church 9 Mono Place p: 571 3390 Mountainside Lutheran Church 1 Harris Road p: 579 4490 St Mary’s Catholic Church 58 Main Hwy p: 579 8937 St Peter’s Presbyterian Harrison Road p: 579 4428
FOOD BAKERIES Bakers Delight 127 Main Hwy p: 580 0088 Ellerslie Bakehouse 87 Ma n Hwy p: 579 6538 Julia’s Bakery 128b Main Hwy p: 526 4919 Richoux Patisserie 119 Main Hwy p: 579 1815
SPORTS & RECREATION Ellerslie AFC p: 579 5477 Ellerslie Aikido Club p: 527 1758 Ellerslie Athletics Club Ellerslie Cricket Club Ellerslie Eagles Rugby League Club Ellerslie Domain p: 579 7719 Ellerslie Tennis Club Konini Park p: 570 5605 The Fitness Club 87 Main Hwy p: 525 4028 YMCA Ellerslie 46 Michaels Ave p: 579 4716
BARS & RESTAURANTS Ajadz Indian Cuisine 8 Robert St p: 580 1555 Charlie Baxter’s 121 Main Hwy p: 525 2522 Doolan Brothers 3 Robert St p: 579 3517 E Japanese 5/101 Main Hwy p: 589 1689 La Gondala Restaurant 19 Kalmia St p: 525 3138 Mexico 120 Main Hwy p: 281 2714 India Bar & Restaurant 120 Main Hwy p: 579 5700 Sanehs Thai Restaurant 83/85 Main Hwy p: 579 9447 Union Post Brew Bar 124 Main Hwy p: 579 2303
COMMUNITY GROUPS Anthroposophical Society 104 Michaels Ave p: 579 5606 Ellerslie Combined Probus Club p: 525 6330 Ellerslie Community Patrol p: 579 5779 Ellerslie Freemasons 9a Robert Street p: 535 3580 Ellerslie Rotary Club p: 021 738 990 Ellerslie Theatrical Society Stables Theatre 138 Main Hwy p: 525 3336 Toastmasters (Harrison Road) Toastmasters (Ellerslie Sunrise) SCHOOLS / TERTIARY EDUCATION Ellerslie School 12 Kalmia Street p: 579 5477 Michael Park School 55 Amy Street p: 579 3083 One Tree Hill College 421–451 Gt South Rd p: 579 5049 Stanhope Road School Harris Road p: 579 6434 St Mary’s Catholic School 58 Main Hwy p: 579 8937 South Pacific College of Natural Medicine 8 Arthur Street p: 579 4997
CLOTHING & FOOTWEAR LaLa Reloved Boutique 116 Main Highway, p: 579 7647 Mercy Hospice Shop 188 Ladies Mile p: 579 1208 Sasha 114 Main Hwy p: 579 3535 Gemmells Shoe Repairs Rear of 131A Main Hwy p: 526 4898
CAFÉS, CASUAL DINING & TAKEAWAY FOOD Burgerfuel 2 Robert St p: 525 7752 Cafe Melba 135 Main Hwy p: 525 1303 Columbus Ellerslie 137 Main Hwy p: 580 0501 Heng Seng 128A Main Hwy p: 579 3517 Haru Sushi 79 Main Hwy p: 525 2291 Hell Pizza 135 Main Hwy p: 0800 666 111 Legends Dumpling & Noodle p: 579 8466 Little Luscious 101 Main Hwy p: 634 2328 Malaysia & Singapore Cuisine 112 Main Hwy p: 579 6567 Mexicali 2 Robert St p: 579 5162 Pastrami & Rye 112 Main Hwy Richoux Patisserie 119 Main Hwy p: 525 6007 Royal Kebab
GIFTS, HOMEWARES & VARIETY STORES Coko 111 Main Hwy p: 580 2308 Dollar House p: 580 1926 Ellerslie Variety 1 Robert Street p: 579 9898 Mercy Hospice Shop 188 Ladies Mile p: 579 1208 OTHER RETAILERS & SERVICES Aladdin Rugs 123A Main Highway p: 579 6469 Cardz Magz N Lotto 135b Main Hwy p: 580 2088 Church Stores 8 Robert Street p: 525 1380 and 135 Main Hwy p: 579 8466 Ellerslie Jewellers & Engravers 115 Main Hwy p: 579 5673 Ellerslie Paper Power 130 Main Hwy p: 579 6784 NZ Postshop 95 Main Hwy p: 579 7099 Photo Focus Rear of 129 Main Hwy p: 525 0289
er Wint
2017 Fai ry Festival OUR CO
our local directory
129 Main Hwy p: 579 7568 Sierra Ellerslie 179 Ladies Mile p: 525 5583 Subway 2 Robert St p: 526 5073 The Coffee Club 131 Main Hwy p: 579 6442 Pizza Hut 130 Main Hwy p: 0800 838 383 FOOD & WINE RETAIL Ellerslie Fresh Mart 101m Main Hwy p: 214 9262 Ellerslie Supermarket 133 Main Hwy p: 579 4549 Ceres Wholefoods 181 Ladies Mile p: 579 7126 Ellerslie 4-Square 126 Main Hwy p: 579 5259 Ellerslie Wine Cellars 123 Main Hwy p: 579 5556 Glengarry Wines 87 Main Hwy p: 571 2567 Ellerslie Meats 128d Main Hwy p: 579 6393
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMPUTERS & COMMUNICATIONS Ellerslie Computers & Laptop Direct 112 Main Hwy p: 580 2664 Electrical and Computer Services 130c Main Highway p: 579 8195 Crisp Graphics 5b Lawry Street p: 021 202 9758 FINANCIAL & INSURANCE SERVICES ANZ Cashpoint 105 Main Hwy ASB Bank 133 Main Hwy p: 579 5871 AssetWise 101 Main Hwy p: 580 1111 Harden & Hart 1 Robert St p: 589 1701 Integrated Planning Solutions Level 1, 1 Robert Street p: 526 5070 Jolly Duncan & Wells 127 Main Hwy p: 579 7096 Kiwibank 95 Main Hwy p:79 7099 KK Accounting 123 Main Hwy p: 940 3077 Loan Resources 6 Findlay Street Provisional Tax Finance 101 Main Hwy p: 950 3515 Tony Gill & Co 3/3 Robert Street p: 526 5557 Westpac Cashpoint 127 Main Hwy p: 0800 400 600 Wealth Mentor Unit 2b/101 Main Hwy p: 525 6449
Ellerslie Arcade 101 Main Highway, Ellerslie (09) 579 6678
LEGAL SERVICES Andrew Lemalu Law 2 Robert St p: 579 0045 Berman & Burton 1/101 Main Hwy p: 525 7701 Duggan & Murphy 8a Robert St p: 525 1316 PROPERTY SERVICES Arch Construction 129 Main Hwy p: 021 373 957 Broadway Property Group 139 Main Hwy p: 525 0084 Harcourts Prett & Co 107 Main Hwy p: 579 1073 Bayleys 101-105 Main Hwy p: 525 1773 Mike Pero 118 Main Hwy p: 390 5900 Mike Webber Surveyors 1 Robert St p: 579 8411 Ray White 2/101 Main Hwy p: 525 2600 National Mini Storage 14 Penrose Road, Penrose p: 525 8001 Westferry Property Services 1 Robert St p: 580 3121 TRAVEL SERVICES Flight Centre 29 Main Hwy p: 525 0721 House of Travel 108 Main Hwy p: 525 2363 OTHER SERVICES Prestige Products 1 Ballin Street p: 579 4482 Recalibrate Consulting p: 522 7476 Team Talk 2 Robert Street p: 579 1647 TMS Investigation Services p: 525 4349
DENTAL SERVICES Angela Lowe-Ho 126a Main Hwy p: 579 4746 Dental Solutions 2/2 Robert St p: 525 0959 HEALTHCARE Active Plus 180 Main Hwy p: 579 0004 Active Plus Pilates Studio 12/101 Main Hwy p: 579 0004 Ellerslie Acupunture Level 1, 101 Main Highway p: 021 087 18492 Ellerslie Medical Centre Cnr Robert & Morris St p: 579 6147 Ellerslie Plunket 138 Main Hwy p: 579 7564 Fitness Club 87-93 Main Highway p: 525 4028 Healthcare iChiropractic Shop L, 101 Main Highway p: 526 5375
Harmony Shiatsu Shop L, 101 Main Highway p: 526 5375 Reset Fitness Level 3, Building 9, 666 Great South Road, Penrose p: 525 2436 Unichem Pharmacy Ellerslie 125 Main Hwy p: 579 5520 HAIRDRESSERS & BARBERS Barber Shop Co 101 Main Hwy p: 571 2194 Mals Scissorcut Barber 101 Main Hwy Paris for Hair 123 Main Hwy p: 579 7745 Scarlett 112 Main Hwy p: 579 8733 The Barber Chain 130 Main Hwy Zurri 179 Ladies Mile p: 579 5022 BEAUTY & MASSAGE THERAPY Baan Thai 123e Main Hwy p: 525 2795 Beauty Mark 87-93 Main Highway (inside The Fitness Club) p: 022 184 6471 Beauty Plus Souvenir Trading 8 Robert St p: 579 2887 Bliss Beauty Therapy 129c Main Hwy p: 021 151 8588 Caci Ellerslie L1, 124 Main Hwy p: 571 0575 Cherry Tree Massage 101 Main Hwy p: 5798 078 Five Star Nails 131 Main Hwy p: 579 5384 Newbody Massage Clinic 101n Main Hwy (upstairs from post office) p: 579 6279 DRYCLEANING, LAUNDRY & ALTERATIONS Allclean Laundrette 81 Main Hwy p: 525 1404 Ellerslie Drycleaners 128c Main Hwy p: 579 8828 Stitched Up 101 Main Hwy p: 579 6678 OTHER SERVICES Ellerslie Automotive and Tyres 171 Main Hwy p: 525 8155 Ellerslie Counselling 2/3 Ramsgate St p: 021 164 1162 Ellerslie Veterinary Clinic & Cattery 199 Main Hwy p: 281 3481 Flowers of St John 127 Main Highway p: 09 529 2677 Canstaff 101 Main Hwy p: 579 2087 BSC p: 580 1160 People First NZ p: 579 1588
Is your health a priority? Looking for natural health answers?
hat is natural health?” one may ask. Natural health encompasses a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition. Research shows most people visit natural medicine clinics because they feel their health issues are not being addressed and they want to be proactive about their health. Naturopaths and medical herbalists see clients for a huge range of health issues – digestive problems, immunity issues, acute coughs and colds, skin problems, insomnia, management of chronic health conditions - the list goes on.
Right in the heart of Ellerslie exists the South Pacific College of Natural Medicine (SPCNM) with its 50 year history in natural medicine education. Central to the college is Paua Clinic, the student practitioner natural medicine clinic. It is nestled in behind the Ellerslie shoppers’ carpark, often missed by those who don’t know, but if you look you will see our flag is proudly displayed. Supervised by experienced practitioners, Paua Clinic is a contemporary and professional clinic, staffed by SPCNM’s third year Bachelor of Natural Medicine student practitioners. The clinic offers natural medicine to the community at a reduced rate. Sometimes people want a quick fix but naturopathy is truly holistic. A naturopathic consultation will involve the
details of their health history, to build up the big picture of their background and current symptoms. This is much safer than a quick fix and likely to get better results. Sometimes people are concerned that they cannot use natural products with their pharmaceutical medications, and care does need to be taken: the main reason to see a professional naturopath. Client wellness plans are highly individualised to meet specific needs. The practitioners at Paua Clinic strongly believe in educating clients and providing them with the necessary tools, to participate more fully in the improvement and management of their health. Don’t just take our word for it - here is feedback from a recent client.
“Yesterday was my first formal experience of a naturopath consultation and I would like to pass onto you that the experience was extremely positive. I’m not sure what my expectations were but the whole operation of Paua Clinic was professional. The Reception was welcoming and made a great first impression. My consultation was extremely relaxed and stimulating as, during the 90 minute session, I had time to reflect on the questions and my health issues much better than in a G P consultation. The questions were thorough and as I say, thought-provoking. Again, my overall impression is Paua Clinic and your student practitioners are a credit to the College and I keep returning to the word “professional”. Keep up the good work and I’m looking forward to my next appointment.” Paua clinic offers free visits for under 6s and over 65s. Naturopathy is for everybody – the old and young, those with acute problems as well as chronic illnesses. If your health is a priority, book your appointment with us now. Paua Clinic is open to the public from July – November. To book an appointment contact Paua Clinic on 09 526 9277.
Considering a career in Natural Medicine; Contact Elaine Sautia for more information on 0800 100 638 or Visit our website for information on our programmes.34
Ellerslie Magazine
FREE EVEN T Sunday, 10th September 2017
10:00am - 1:00pm Ellerslie Arthur Street Carpark, Auckland
Enjoy the Fairy Festival with stage shows, fairies, pirates, face painting, PLUS the General Collective Kids Market. Designer kids products, handmade toys, fashion, art, activities and more.
Ray White Ellerslie Office we go out of our way for you! Specialising in Sales, Rentals and Property Management, helping home owners navigate their individual property needs.
What clients are saying “Melissa has over the past twelve to eighteen months provided services in sourcing residential tenants for a number of properties on my behalf. Melissa has in every case found reliable and very suitable tenants that have always paid their rent on time, looked after the properties and generally been hassle free. This is due to Melissa’s very thorough investigation and selection process which I would say in my thirty years as a Landlord, would be second to none. Melissa’s rental appraisals are always of the same high standard and are invariably on the mark. Melissa is also a pleasure to work with, works always to a high standard and within required time frames. I would have no reservation in recommending her property expertise and I wish her all the best in her future endeavors.” Scott Douglas “I wanted to drop you a quick email to let you know how pleased we are with Mitchell. Throughout the entire process he understood our frustration and did everything he could to accommodate our needs. He truly went above and beyond and we are very grateful we have him as a property manager. Someone who cares where you live makes a big difference. It’s also nice when you can have a good relationship with them, like we do with him. Not once did he get short with us when we were making complaints. He even drove from Hamilton to Auckland, taking time away form his own holiday to help us. And for that, I can’t thank him enough. I wanted to let you know so you could please pass on what a great job he has done for us, and we really look forward to working with him in the future. And that we LOVE our house!!! Thanks again for all your hard work.” Jessica & Andrew
Meet our rentals team, Rai, Mel and Mitch Call today to discuss your rental property needs.
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17/08/2017 4:20:46 p.m.