Ellerslie Village Magazine - Issue 3 2018

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ISSUE NO.3 2018


issue three Welcome to Spring! I hope you are enjoying the bursts of colour appearing around Ellerslie from the cherry blossoms on Findlay Street or the daffodils at Cornwall park. Spring brings with it our iconic Ellerslie Fairy Festival and Pirate Party on Sunday 9th September from 10.30 – 12.30pm. This year it is part of Magical September, where we will be holding many other events and activities during the month including craft events, our fairy door trail, Storytime sessions, Family Sunday at Union Post, competitions and more. For information on all that is happening on the day of the festival itself and other events during Magical September please see our website www.ellerslievillage.co.nz and follow our Ellerslie Village facebook page for updates. Contact Megan 09 579 5033 megan@ellerslievillage.co.nz www.ellerslievillage.co.nz


We were delighted to the response from both our businesses and community to Plastic Free July this year. During this month we asked our businesses what they could do to reduce their plastic usage. We had many initiatives from encouraging and selling keep cups to reduce the amount of takeaway coffee cups used and removing the use of straws, to Bring your Own Containers at the butcher and the sushi shop. Thanks to all those businesses who are doing their bit to reduce plastic usage and all of our customers for supporting these initiatives. Recently there has been quite a lot of talk on the Ellerslie community facebook page about crime in our area. However, on discussing these statistics with Police it appears our level of crime is comparable with other surrounding neighbourhoods and others throughout Auckland. This is still unacceptable though

and it’s horrible to hear about especially when it’s on a street near you. The Ellerslie Community Patrol are a group of volunteers who work closely with Police to keep our neighbourhood safer. They take part in patrols once or twice a month for a few hours in pairs, liaising closely with Police but they don’t engage in confrontations – so don’t feel you need to be built like a bouncer to assist! They have men and women of all ages from our community helping out but with more volunteers they could do much more. If you are interested in finding out about the patrol, please get in touch with murrayw@jdw.co.nz or call 579 7096. Finally, as always please report all incidents to police including calling 111 in situations where you have suspicions something just isn’t right. Catching criminals in the act is a crucial way to stop burglaries. But please don’t feel it’s all doom and gloom though around Ellerslie though! There are many wonderful things happening in our neighbourhood and I’ve been heartened to read and hear about reunited pets, mentions of wonderful customer service from local businesses, sharing of fruit and veggies, community gardens and more. Finally keep an eye out for the Orakei Local Business award finalists over the next month and make sure you vote for your favourite local business, We hope to see you in Ellerslie during Magical September, Megan



l a v i t s e F y r i a F y t r a P e t a r i P & 9 September 10.30 - 12.30 tH

9th- 30th September fairy door trail | pirate treasure hunt | fairy mail box | crafts fairy & pirate morning teas | and more


issue three With early signs of spring and the days lengthening, we can look forward to springtime and summer ahead. This brings Magical September to Ellerslie, kicking off with the annual Fairy Festival and Pirate Party on September 9th. This is a great promotional day for the Ellerslie Village and encourages people from all over Auckland to enjoy what our village has to offer. Also, other events will be running throughout the month as part of Magical September. Find out more about what’s happening on www.ellerslievillage.co.nz The Ellerslie Business Association has funded and recently installed new fairy lights on the verandahs and shop fronts throughout the village. This makes the village very attractive in the evenings for people visiting and passing through, and has the added advantage of providing extra security. Our hanging basket project is gaining traction and business owners are enthusiastically supporting the installation of these. Feedback from residents has been incredibly positive. Along with the pavement planters the end result will be a welcoming and fresh look showing that our village is connected and caring. We are delighted to welcome new owners of the gym in the Main Street. The young enthusiastic owners of Anytime Fitness Jackson and Alvin are proud of their around 900 membership base and we welcome and encourage these members to enjoy the retail and other services and facilities on offer in our wonderful village.

JOHN RENNELL Chairman of the Ellerslie Business Association

It is always very disappointing to dwell on a negative but unfortunately a small number of business owners regularly park their vehicles for considerable lengths of time in the Main Street. The 30 minute stays are for customers only, for each and every one of the businesses and it is NOT OK or FAIR to park your car in these valuable convenient car parks. Moving the car from park to park is equally unacceptable. Fortunately, it is only a small number of people who violate this regularly, although some do it on a daily basis. This is a selfish attitude and the Business Association implores these few owners to be more thoughtful of your neighbours and fellow business owners in the Main Street. It is very hard to believe we are just over three months away from Christmas. Start your shopping early and please support your wonderful vibrant local village.


ellerslie community patrol

Local Vo lunteers to join Ellerslie’s Comm Patrol Gro unity up. Assist the local Polic e with keep ing our commun ity safe an d free from crime


To register your interest call the Ellerslie Business Association on 579 5033 or email eba@ellerslie.net.nz


“My wife just recently reminded me of the time when we had just the one child and we ventured down to the Ellerslie village to see the Fairy Festival. Imagine first time parents, struggling through the crowds with the stroller amongst a hive of activity, lining up to have our child’s face painted, enjoying the family atmosphere. I thought then, what a cool village and such a great community buzz. 12 years later and with 4 more kids now in tow, I find myself again preparing for the Fairy Festival, this time as the manager of the new Barfoot & Thompson Ellerslie branch. Coming from the village vibe of St Heliers, I feel right at home in the Ellerslie village and I couldn’t think of a better community to be part of. What I love is the friendliness and support amongst the business owners and the interesting people you meet on a daily basis.” Already seen as a market leader in Ellerslie, Barfoot & Thompson can now finally say they have a physical presence in the village. The foot traffic is fantastic, already there is a steady flow of enquiry coming in the door. It’s not just the position that makes the new office so appealing, but the people inside that genuinely care and want to make a difference in the community. What they all have in common is a desire to provide exceptional service in the local area under the trusted brand of Barfoot & Thompson, a proud family company for over 90 years. “I’m proud to say everyone in my team is so positive and helpful. One salesperson couldn’t help herself by rescuing a dog that had come off its lead and was wandering on the main street. I can’t believe how many people pop in to ask for directions – the good thing about that is most of the salespeople here have been working in the immediate area for some time or live here so passing on directions is not a problem. We are growing quickly in numbers also, so please get in touch if you or someone you know may be interested in joining our awesome sales team. You must bring positivity!

The new office is perfectly positioned in the centre of the village with a highly visible front window to showcase the local homes in the area.

We are so pleased to now be physically part of the Ellerslie community and look forward to a long association supporting local events, schools, sports clubs and, of course providing an exceptional real-estate service. Next time you’re in the village, pop in for a chat and meet the team, we’d love to see you soon. Regards, Andy


Follow us on facebook for fun competitions and free coffee giveaways from Little Luscious café to the first 5 people that get down to the office first, plus plenty of kids competitions community support We will soon have a defibrillator onsite in the office, hoping that we never need to use it, but it’s here for our community just in case!


It’s been a cold and wet winter, so it’s lovely to see the days lengthening, the daffodils peeking and the temperature getting warmer. Spring is in the air and it’s hard to believe how quickly 2018 has flown by!

DENISE LEE Member of Parliament DeniseLeeMP@parliament.govt.nz

One of my highlights this winter was journeying around the electorate and sharing on crime prevention with Inspector Joe Tipene and Community Constable Don Allan. Through discussions and constituent queries, it appeared that residents felt crime was increasing and many expressed their concerns regarding their safety. My meetings were in response to this and provided an opportunity for a greater level of engagement on crime in our area. Ellerslie was the most well attended meeting with over 60 locals braving the wind and rain. A few key points we learnt: • In the east area of the Auckland City District, there has been a 16% reduction in serious crime over the past year. • In early June, the Auckland City District Police welcomed 28 new police officers. The police presence in our community is increasing. • Ellerslie in particular, has seen a small reduction in crime and is one of the safer communities in the Auckland area. There have been clear burglaries in the last few weeks that are believed to be committed by a select few. Police are working towards identifying and capturing these offenders. The most important thing we can do to reduce crime is work together and take ownership of our community. The power lies with us as

Denise Lee

MP for Maungakiekie Pop by my office anytime, I’d love to meet you. 130 Main Highway, Ellerslie, Auckland 1051 0800 DENISE MP (336 473) DeniseLeeMP

Authorised by Denise Lee, 130 Main Highway, Ellerslie.


residents. There was one particular story that touched me following Ellerslie’s meeting. Several Stanhope residents had seen a surge in suspicious behaviour and burglaries in their street. Only days after hearing this, Ellerslie patrollers visited these residents to make sure all was okay. It is this sort of kindness that helps us build strong, local communities and safe environments. Following my last public meeting, I excitingly launched Mt Wellington Community Patrols and the encouragement from the Ellerslie Patrol unit in setting this up has been invaluable. If you know of anyone in the Mt Wellington area who would like to join this initiative, please pass my office details onto them. I also know that Ellerslie Community Patrols are looking for more local volunteers to join a great team. To register your interest call the Ellerslie Business Association on 579 5033. It is a good opportunity for residents to partner with Police and have power and influence over their own safety. In addition to crime, other issues raised with me include transport, housing, the environment, health, education, and of course the economy. Please do get in touch as I would love to hear your feedback on how we can create more opportunities for you to lead the best life you can. My office has an open door policy and my staff are more than happy to help! If you’d like to receive my monthly e-newsletter, please head to my website www.deniselee. co.nz and sign up, or ‘like’ my Facebook page for updates on what I am doing in the electorate and around the country.

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assessed by art historians to be of national significance and are irreplaceable. Christ Church itself is scheduled in the Unitary Plan as a Category A historic heritage place and I commend the church for the effort and care they are putting into the preservation of their unique place. The total cost of the stained glass restoration project is $652,050. In the face of Auckland’s tearaway growth and success, I believe it is important to preserve the treasures from our past. DESLEY SIMPSON Councillor, Ōrākei Board desley.simpson@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz 021971786

Auckland has changed markedly since the inception of Auckland Council in 2010, growing in population by about the size of Hamilton in that time. The recent Long Term Plan process has put us in a good position to deal with the growth we’ve had and that we are anticipating over the next ten years from an infrastructure and services perspective. For the first time, Orakei has benefitted from more specific funding for Ward projects. An Ellerslie example is secure funding for the completion of works at Michaels Avenue Reserve. Our parks and sports fields are very important part of Council’s infrastructure offering for our growing communities. The benefits of having Aucklanders staying fit, healthy and active are well studied and this investment will provide the opportunity for our community to do just that. On a smaller scale, I was very happy to move the Environment and Community Committee’s support for Christ Church in Ellerslie to receive $20,000 in grant funding as a contribution towards the restoration of their historic stained glass windows. These windows have been


Another effect of Auckland’s rapid growth that Council needs to respond to is a much more administrative, but still important one. Because the population growth has been unevenly distributed across the region we now have unevenness in the population size of each electoral ward from which the Councillors are elected. As a council we are required to review our representation arrangements and amend boundaries to give a fair representation so that all votes are worth as much as each other. Much of the population growth has come in the central city which means that the proposal out for consultation seeks feedback for the Orakei Councillor to absorb parts of Newmarket and Parnell and relinquish parts of Ellerslie and St Johns to the Councillor for MaungakiekieTamaki. Local Board Boundaries will not be affected through this process, so those parts of Ellerslie that are served by the Orakei Local Board will remain a part of that area. Public consultation on the proposal allowing you and you to have your say on the proposal is from 8 August to 11 September by visiting www.akhaveyoursay.nz. If the proposal is accepted the changes will apply for the upcoming 2019 elections. This is a process that is driven by legislation and whilst I personally would be sorry to lose constituents from Ellerslie, if the proposal goes ahead, it is a process that I must remain sanguine about: this is about ensuring that our democracy keeps pace with the changing shape of Auckland. As ever, I strongly encourage everyone to make a submission and let your views be known.

KIT DAVIS Chairman Ōrākei Local Board

The Orakei Local Board has enjoyed working within the local community to support the Pest Free Auckland and Predator Free NZ 2050 initiatives. The local area is fortunate to be host to a growing population of birds. The native birds from Motuihe, Motutapu and Rangitoto are already reintroducing themselves to areas of Auckland. By removing pests and providing the right food trees and habitat we can help nature regenerate and halt the decline of our taonga. Through the efforts of organisations including The Eastern Bays Songbird Project, Haupa Thrive and From The Decks, local residents are encouraged to get involved in controlling rodents, possums, hedgehogs and mustelids. The end result will be a pest free biodiverse ecosystem and growth in the number of birds in and around own backyards. The Eastern Bays Songbird Project encourages all of us to plant native trees which provide suitable food sources and habitat for birds and other native species. They also provide rat traps to local people free of charge and promote community involvement along with education. As a local board, we are happy to actively encourage as many people as possible to get involved in this great local initiative. I should also highlight another group who have been doing their bit towards making Auckland pest free. This year, we granted a 10-year community lease to the Men’s Shed Auckland East at Waiatarua Reserve in Remuera. The work Men’s Shed, a non-profit registered charity, does for local communities quite often slips under the radar – so I’m really pleased to give the Auckland East guys a big pat on the back for building rat traps and stations with bait for use by local people. For more information, go to www.songbird.org.nz or www.menzshed.org.nz/auckland-east/.

It really doesn’t take long to fall in love with everything about this amazing country.

JAPAN – FALLING IN LOVE It doesn’t take long by bus or train to exit Tokyo and its millions of people. It doesn’t take long to reach the countryside around Hakone, and its close valleys, lake and temples. It doesn’t long to reach Mt Fuji’s snowline. It really doesn’t take long to fall in love with everything about this amazing country. From Robot restaurants and high tech bullet trains to the tea ceremony, temples and sacred gardens there is so much to take in. Tokyo offers both high rise towers with commanding views of the metropolis and behind that alleyways to comfortably get lost in, cosy small bars with crazy English translated menus, and of course the greatest western import of all, Disneyland.

Get out to the countryside and discover another way of life by walking one of the many trails that cross the country, or head to the old areas such as Nikkei and Nara. Experience mind-blowing architecture and contemporary art among the islands of the Seto Inland Sea. One of our favourites is the small historical centre of Kurashiki and its restored warehouses along a picture perfect canal, another is our favourite garden, Ritsurin, a “place of impossible beauty” nestled alongside a mountain in the town of Takamatsu, on the island of Shikoku. Takamatsu is also home to one of the many quirks of Japan, the Aloha Festival, as well as a Bonsai Village. Kyoto, home to many of the most amazing temples and castles in Japan, but be prepared for the hordes. Choose one or two for your time.

There are Bamboo groves, amazing zen gardens, trails and of course the amazing Nishiki Market, named the foodbowl of Kyoto. Next to that is the famous Pontocho Alley with more small bars. Far to the North is the island of Hokkaido, home to the fine powder of Niseko, a great Ski destination for your winter getaway. Travelling by bullet train is the way to go, and a rail pass makes that easy and quicker than flying to many places. Discover more, come along to our travel evening for some Japan travel inspiration or drop in and talk to us about our Japan highlights. Glen, Tania, Jillian, Anita, Meena, Olga and Dot House of Travel Ellerslie

Discover Japan with House of Travel. You are invited to come to discover Japan and learn how to make the most of your time in this amazing country.

DISCOVER JAPAN TRAVEL EVENING When: Wednesday 26 September 2018 Time: 6.30pm RSVP for location details ellerslie@hot.co.nz

The best holidays are created together.

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Each summer, thousands of visitors flock to Ellerslie from all over Auckland and beyond for a fair like no other. Hosted by Michael Park School and Kindergarten, the fair is held in our grounds up the hill from Ellerslie township in Amy Street.

The Summer Fair offers whimsical family summer fun with games for all ages, sumptuous food sold in the school run cafés such as the Vegetarian Café, Devonshire Tearoom, Langos stall, Tastebuds Café and the BBQ grill which can all be enjoyed guilt free as the school fair group continues to aim for Zero waste. A lot of the veges for the Vegetarian Café are grown in our organic gardens here in the school and parents hand make all the prizes for the games such as the Lucky Dip and the famous (only in Ellerslie!) Clucky Hen. The entertainment stage provides live music all through the day hosted by wonderfully talented parents. Children under 8 can enjoy a “teensy-tea” in the Flower Fairy Café while their parents visit Primrose Café. If they dare, they can hear the Dragon’s tale for a treasure and then go shopping in the children only zone at the Children’s Bazaar, after a visit to the Fairy Queen. Children can also take up the Knights Challenge with a ride on the wooden horse, navigate the Fairy Tale Obstacle Course, have a bash at the Coconut Shy, dig for Buried Treasure, go Fishing or have a go at Candle dipping! And that’s the kids taken care of after an ice cream or a delicious fresh juice. We have plenty of visitors who come without children. With over 100 incredible stalls on the day you can shop for a multitude of

handcrafted delights and do all of your Christmas shopping in one day. On a par with the many quality stallholders, we have the school Snapdragon shop, and the Woodwork, Doll and Craft group stalls with their products highly sought after. Parents work year round to produce beautiful items for sale. Visitors can also come and participate in our live Outdoor Classroom. We will have a display of the senior class Independent Projects, art and craft work from many different classes, and a wonderful visual from our recent class plays (worthy of the best stages in the world). We have been generously supported by Ellerslie local businesses in the past and we hope they jump on board again for our Silent Auction which has become very popular. Another big attraction is our huge Pre-Loved Clothing stall, the Pre-Loved Books and of course the sellout Cake Stall does a roaring trade.

Many people return to our fair each year to be transported back to the charm of yesteryear. Who knows, you may even spot a unicorn… Join us Saturday 10th November from 9:30 to 3:30 at Michael Park School, 55 Amy Street, Ellerslie.



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(Corner of Robert and Morrin Streets, entrance on Morrin Street side)

I have been very proud to be a part of the Ellerslie community since I became the Vicar here almost two years ago. One of the things I appreciate most is the ongoing dedication by residents, groups, churches and businesses in Ellerslie to keep on making improvements to our little part of Aotearoa. Making Ellerslie more green and beautiful have been a couple of wonderful projects recently which have brought out our unique character in Ellerslie. But there is more talk around the village. Ideas are being birthed around how to draw our community closer together, and to help those in need. These ideas, even if they don’t come to fruition, excite me. They excite me because it shows that community matters to us here in Ellerslie. God created us for relationship. We just aren’t designed to be alone. This has become so clear to me in the church. Weekly, I see a group of people who are all so different coming together and bonding like a real family. A sense of belonging is so important for our well-being, from babies to the elderly, we all need to know that we belong somewhere with someone. Being part of a community allows us to feel loved, supported and to truly be ourselves. Our suicide rate in New Zealand is alarmingly high and I believe that a large contributing factor is the rising individualism which has become ingrained in our culture. We don’t get to know our neighbours like we used to, we don’t spend as much time with extended family as we used to, and as a result we don’t have the same support that we used to. I have great memories of making magic potions in the neighbour’s bird bath with my neighbourhood friends, and my mum dropping in to visit other mums or elderly neighbours during the day just to chat. Sadly, and for various reasons, society has changed so much in one generation that my kids don’t even know the neighbour’s kids. Social media has a large part to play in this: in one way connecting us, but at the same time robbing us of the richness of seeing each other face to face, which provides us not only with dialogue, but with all the unspoken gestures which can be so healing. Lately I’ve had the privilege of witnessing the beautiful and heartfelt connections developing in our ‘Space for you and your baby’ group at Christ Church. We have had some mums in our group who have struggled with post-natal depression and anxiety. It has been incredible to witness the love and support which the other mums have shown to them and the progress they have made because of it. These women really are making community here in Ellerslie for themselves and for the future generation.

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After hours call 09 579 6147 to talk to a registered nurse for advice


Urgent after hours care is available at your nearest Accident & Medical Clinic. 14

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MAUNGAKIEKIE LABOUR OFFICE NOW OPEN IN ONEHUNGA The foundations for a better future have been laid by Jacinda The Maungakiekie Labour Office officially opened on Friday 10 August. It will provide local residents the opportunity to engage directly with Government MPs.

Panmure Electorate Clinics Second Friday of every month, 1pm-3pm at the Panmure Community Library (7-13 Pilkington Road) To book a time, go to tinyurl.com/PriyancaClinic, or scan the QR code to the right. +64 4 817 8764




Parliament Buildings, Private Bag 18 888, Wellington 6160


Authorised by Priyanca Radhakrishnan, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

The Maungakiekie office is shared by Priyanca Radhakrishnan (Labour List MP based in Maungakiekie), Anahila Kanongata’a Suisuiki (Labour List MP based in Papakura and Tamaki) and Raymond Huo (Labour List MP). It is located on the corner of Neilson Street and Galway Street. “Maungakiekie is an electorate that is undergoing significant urban regeneration, including large housing developments and important transport projects”, said Ms. Radhakrishnan. “I’d like to encourage Maungakiekie residents to call in to discuss any of those issues and to have a chat about my priorities or the work of the Coalition Government.” “The staff who are based at this office reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Maungakiekie electorate and the Government’s focus on inclusivity.”

Over 100 people from different local communities attended the office opening. This included local businesses, local government representatives, former and current Labour MPs. The celebration began with a mihi whakatau by Matua Brownie Rauwhero (Te Akitai Waiohua Waikato /Tainui Waka) and Whaea Pare Rauwhero (Ngati Te Ata / Ngati Paoa) and included a beautiful ‘grazing’ table organised by local Pasifika start-up One4Worth. A particular highlight was a rousing haka performed by local students. The Maungakiekie Office will be open Monday – Friday from 9am-5pm. Maungakiekie constituents seeking an appointment are advised to contact the office beforehand either by emailing Priyanca@parliament.govt.nz or by calling (09) 622-2660 Note: The Maungakiekie Electorate includes Onehunga, Oranga, Te Papapa, Penrose, Ellerslie, Panmure and Mount Wellington Contact: Priyanca RadhakrishnanWMobile: 021-569-171 Email: Priyanca@parliament.govt.nz.

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ELLERSLIE RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION Our AGM was recently held at Leicester Hall. Thank you to all of those who came along to hear from us about our past and upcoming activities. We also had Auckland Transport present about their plans for Ellerslie and specifically the parking proposals. Ellerslie Residents Association will be submitting to Auckland Transport on these proposals but we also strongly encourage you to have your own say. The summary from Auckland Transport is as follows.



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To increase parking turnover and availability, we (Auckland Transport) propose the introduction of P120 time restricted parking on sections of a number of streets around Ellerslie township. Around half of the existing unrestricted parking spaces on each affected street will remain, with sections of each street converted to P120 which would apply from 8am – 6pm, Monday – Friday. This mix of unrestricted and time-restricted parking has been proven to be a flexible solution that helps to better manage parking demand while still providing longer-term parking for those who need it.

WHERE? Auckland Transport are proposing the changes to sections of the following streets: • Cawley Street • Findlay Street • Hewson Street • Ramsgate Street • Amy Street • Main Highway • Ladies Mile • Arthur Street • Robert Street

WHY? On-street parking around Ellerslie township is in high demand. It is difficult for residents, their visitors and people visiting local shops to find a parking space. We have received a number of complaints about this issue. AT conducted an extensive investigation into the current parking situation in Ellerslie and found that more than 85% of spaces are occupied during peak times with some streets as high as 98%.

Loaf NZ

For more information, please go to AT.govt.nz/haveyoursay How to give feedback Auckland Transport want your feedback to help them improve and refine this proposal. You can provide feedback by: • Completing the online feedback form at AT.govt.nz/haveyoursay • Completing the freepost feedback form delivered to addresses in the area • Calling them on (09) 355 3553 • Emailing them at ATEngagement@at.govt.nz • Speaking to members of Auckland Transport at a drop in session: Date: Tuesday 4 September 2018 Time: Anytime between 3pm - 7pm Location: Union Post Brew Bar, 124 Main Hwy, Ellerslie


Please have your say on these proposals – if you wish to contact Ellerslie Residents Association email ellerslieresidents@gmail.com

PARIS IN ELLERSLIE Visit Sonia and the talented team at Paris for Hair and you’ll find a fun-filled atmosphere of dedicated stylists, who get to work together within a thriving industry of fashion and creativity. Sonia has been in the hair industry for many a foil, up-do and frost tipped highlight and has had plenty of time to create friendships and gather stories over the hair basin. We learnt that the salon was named Paris from its namesake city, her favourite from when she worked, in the industry abroad, along with London and Spain. Paris for Hair is tucked down off the main highway, and has a team of 6 senior stylists working in a spacious salon with 13 workstations. Over the next while, Sonia will look to revamp the salon, she’s keen to make use of what is a perfectly situated space to create a new-look stylish salon. “It’s all in the planning and timing”, says Sonia who knows all to well the juggling required, having employed over 55 staff over 8 salons, and her time working as a trainer at Servilles. With all this work, we couldn’t help but wonder who Sonia’s hair stylist was, “whoever is available” she say’s, “that’s the joy, (and luck) of being surrounded by great stylists”. The six stylists at Paris for Hair have all been at the salon for around 6 years, and on speaking with Jo and Jean, the lighthearted humour was apparent, “we deal with people at a real personal level, the energy within a salon is very transparent, so we have to get on well, or else they’ll know”. Ellerslie Village is continuously reported as having a very community feel and Sonia says Paris for Hair has also added value to the community and looks forward to seeing how the Village grows and changes over the next while along with the salon. P 579 7745 parisforhair.co.nz

SONIA’S TOP TIPS FOR GREAT HAIR With Summer on its way Sonia says a good treatment is a must, like Olaplex and to keep your hair looking fresh and bright, colour and highlites are the way to go!

GREAT PARKING !!! Olaplex is a hair repair treatment that’s getting heaps of buzz in the hair community, especially with people who have damaged hair from excessive bleach. It’s available in a couple of forms – Olaplex can be mixed in with colouring products to minimise damage, or used as a separate treatment.

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Ray White Ellerslie Office www.rwellerslie.co.nz GY Group Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)


16/08/2018 10:59:58 a.m.


Smile Creation,One Visit, Direct Resin Bonding A holistic dental experience for a happy and healthy smile Comprehensive examinations, consultations and oral hygiene maintenance provided in a caring stress free atmosphere. Gum treatments, teeth whitening, abscesses and root canal treatments. Emergency Dentistry, extractions especially wisdom teeth, straightening teeth, gap replacements using fixed and removable solutions. Broken teeth, fillings, dentures, crowns and bridges. Dentistry artistry skills and techniques using biocompatible, biomimetic tooth coloured materials provide an affordable service.

Dental diseases are linked with lifestyle choices. We provide personalised strategy programs to improve health habits that will keep you orally it. Personalised service and care from our team. Angela Lowe-Ho with 40+ years of experience. Ana, Dental Assistant with 10+ years experience and Edmund Ho administration and support. Requiring further advice? Contact me on text/mobile. Senior citizen rates, registered ACC and WINZ provider

Angela Lowe-Ho B.D.S. Otago NZ 126A Main Highway in Ellerslie, behind Four Square

027 4720 638 or 579 4746 www.Wellness-Dentistry.com 20


Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere Chinese Proverb

“Angela in deep concentration advancing her hands on practical skills at NZDA pre conference hands on masterminded with Dr Eduardo Mahn from Chile with residency in Germany”

Angela has spent considerable time training in new techniques and honing skills from the top trainers and minds in the industry. She says “dentistry has evolved into an exciting industry and now we have the ability to save more teeth and have better oral health than ever before. We now know that dentistry isn’t just about costly surgical procedures to treat disease, but also about lifestyle changes as well as preventative measures. Nowadays we can achieve remarkable results while doing less damage than in the past.” In December 2017 she attended the Hands-on Master Series. The series was led by Marshall Hanson, an exceptional Dentist, one of approximately 50 worldwide who has been awarded the Fellowship status from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentists. The focus was on Smile Creation using Direct Resin Bonding usually in one visit! These solutions require minimal removal of natural tooth structure.

Angela helps patients with misshapen teeth, gaps or diastema closure, unattractive old fillings, enamel defects, fractured incisal edge, recession, enamel defects, acid erosion, recession, decay, and disharmonious proportions at the Dental Centre regularly. She places a huge importance on the responsibility and trust patients have when choosing her as their Dentist.

In August 2017 Angela attended the handson pre-conference day with Dr Eduardo Mahn, originally from Chile. Learning from Eduardos many insights, theoretical and practical, further advanced and interested her in a quest for knowledge and application for patients who seek care with her. In 2018, she has already attended several advanced continuing Dental Professional courses and will be at the 3-day NZDA Dental conference in August.

“ “

Angela is a fantastic dentist, she truly believes in maintaining and improving your current dental structure before attempting anything superficial. Angela always explains what she is performing during the dental procedure and why which makes me feel comfortable and safe.” Aerin TeRangi ...I found Angela to genuinely care about her clients oral health care and only have their best interest at heart! Her dental knowledge is very extensive and obviously shows in her work! I have the utmost respect for Angela and her lovely assistant Ana!” - Emilia

THE IMPORTANCE OF GOOD DENTAL CARE Ellerslie dentist Angela Lowe-Ho has been successfully restoring the teeth - and smiles - of patients for more than forty years, and a growing list of testimonials reflects her professional and caring nature. The primary focus of the dental centre is on emergency pain relief, broken fillings, root canals, extractions, wisdom teeth, bleeding gums, including hygiene and hygienist treatments. However Angela also lives by the slogan, Dentist with a Difference.

fitness and patients receive a personalised program which includes proper hygiene care, dietary and lifestyle strategies. “I’m kind of a dental life coach or a dental fitness trainer. I provide holistic, scientific, advanced Dental artistry techniques which are also more cost effective than more expensive surgical solutions”, and her patients tend to agree.

Angela is a also strong believer in oral

As the first NZ-born Chinese female to graduate from the University of Otago Dental School and set up in private practice, Angela avidly undertakes advanced dental professional development courses to keep abreast of the latest techniques and technology for the benefit of patients. Clear communication about dental problems and the best solutions are all part of her mission statement.

Angela Lowe-Ho, Dental Centre Phone 579 4746 Text or Mobile on 027 4720 638

126A Main Highway, Ellerslie (behind Four Square, park at front door)

In addition to her skilled surgical procedures which involve minimal intervention, she uses safe and biocompatible materials for fillings, restorations, crowns, bridges, dentures, and root canal treatments.



FRIENDS OF THE PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA The Friends of the orchestra have just had a very exciting Friday morning in the Ellerslie War Memorial Hall listening to Ingrid Bauer, principal harpist for the orchestra, producing the most beautiful music from her harp and looking so graceful while doing it. I must say that travelling with a harp is an exercise in itself. This beautiful cameo was followed by a most interesting chat with Uwe Grodd who has done so much for music in Auckland, playing with the orchestra, assembling, conducting and mentoring various sized instrumental and vocal groups, lecturing at Auckland University, and generally devoting his life to music both in New Zealand and overseas. These mornings are truly moments of beauty and examples of what a life of dedication and hard work can achieve. You do not need to be a member of the ‘Friends’, or to know a lot about classical music, or play an instrument to come and enjoy these mornings. All you need is a desire to listen to music. The fee, $20 for a visitor, which you pay at the door, goes to support our world class orchestra. The only danger is that after sampling a Friday morning you may well be filled with an irresistible desire to join us and become a part of it all. The subscription is all of $30 per year and once you become a member the door fee reduces to $15. We have also just hosted a Brass Showcase at the Auckland University School of Music in Symonds St. Here we were entertained by students who had recently won a variety of competitions with their chosen instrument. Amazingly good and very entertaining, and again all the entry fees are to support the orchestra. This afternoon also was open to everyone. Another advantage of becoming a member is that you will receive prior notice of these events. Our next Friday morning is at 10.30am on 28th September. We would love to meet you there. If you would like more information please ring Bryce Bartley, our president on 021 0257 3376 21

Cauliflower d a l a S s u o c s u Co RECIPE VANESSA BAXTER



1 red capsicum, diced

Process the cauliflower in a food processor until it is the consistency of couscous.

1 yellow capsicum, diced

Add all of the salad ingredients and toss to combine.

1 cucumber, diced

Add dressing ingredients to a jar and shake to combine.

2/3 cup cashews, toasted and roughly chopped

Just prior to serving, add the dressing.

1 head cauliflower

2 Spring onions, chopped on the diagonal 1 large handful of fresh mint leaves 1 large handful of coriander

Top with microherbs and edible flower petals to serve. Tips:


If you prefer you can recreate this salad using couscous.

2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil or avocado oil

You can make in advance but keep the salad and the dressing separate until just before serving.

2 tbsp tsp fresh lime juice 2 tsp honey 1 tsp grated ginger 1 tsp minced chilli 1 tsp minced garlic Âź tsp salt Âź tsp ground pepper

Order your copy at www.thefearlesskitchen.co.nz

@vanessabaxternz 22

Helpers Can: Whizz the cauliflower in the food processor Shake together the dressing in a jar.

are getting lighter and the sun is beginning to heat up. Now is the optimal time to get you and your family summer swimming ready! Learning to swim is not something that happens overnight. It’s a process. And repetition is key. Practicing the same skills repeatedly is important – it’s just like riding a bike, one day the skill you are practising will click and you’ll be off. We offer a FREE trial swimming lesson to all new customers, so that you can come along and meet us, get a vibe for how our swim schools work and we can ensure that you/ your child are placed into the correct class for your skill level.

We are a water nation let’s enjoy our country to its fullest!

We are so incredibly lucky to live in a country with stunning coastlines, some of the most beautiful lakes and rivers in the world and multitudes of public, school and home pools. Water and swimming is in our DNA and it’s essential that we equip ourselves and our families with the life skill of swimming and water safety. With winter on the wane; club and school winter sports are wrapping up, the nights

Summer is nigh. Give swimming lessons a try.

We are a NZ owned family business who are absolutely passionate about ensuring all kiwis are competent and confident swimmers. Its not just about getting to the end of the pool, its about having the strength and technique to get there…and then keep going. Strength and technique will help to ensure your water safety. We’d love to see you for your free trial, so please visit our website and book in today. www.hiltonbrownswimming.co.nz

Grab a *FREE TRIAL LESSON at Hilton Brown Swimming.

Ensure that you and your family are summer swimming ready. • We have over 45 years’ experience teaching quality lessons from infants though to adults. • We focus on teaching correct swimming technique, so children feel comfortable, can swim at least 400metres without stopping and aren’t struggling for breath. • Our swimming instructors provide positive feedback and ensure everyone is comfortable in the water.

Call us now to book: Newmarket – (09) 529-0177 One Tree Hill – (09) 582-1111 Albany – (09) 414-5484 Hobsonville – (09) 666-0240

www.hiltonbrownswimming.co.nz *One free trial lesson for new customers. 24

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20/08/18 6:42 PM

ELLERSLIE PLAYCENTRE I was nervous about becoming a stay at home mum. I’d got the work thing nailed, at home I was less certain. How could I provide enough stimulus for two preschoolers? And honestly, I wasn’t sure that being at home with them would be enough for me. Then I was introduced to Playcentre. Playcentre’s are cooperatives, made up of a diverse range of people and personalities. All have the same overarching goal of children learning through play and recognising that you are the first and best educators for your own children. They offer a programme of education for whanau/parents in order to support this. On a day to day level Playcentre provides our family with a community. It is a safe place for the children to explore, be creative and develop their own relationships and social skills in a mixed age setting. They get to do all those activities that I begrudge them doing at home because of the mess and those that I can’t always factor into our household budget, like endless painting, clay and playdough. The high levels of supervision mean they benefit from activities and challenges that other early childhood centres might find more challenging to offer, like rope and tree climbing, carpentry and water play. There is a great sense of belonging here for everyone. Our social and Whanau nights help cement this too. For me that original feeling of dread is now one of privilege. I am thankful that I have a chance to play an active part in my children’s learning and development. I’m also thankful that I can do it alongside other adults. It’s my village. If you’d like to find out more please visit our Facebook page or even better get in touch to arrange a visit. Please email us at ellerslie@playcentre.org.nz /ellerslieplaycentre

ANYTHING is always better than nothing Smart phones, social media, road traffic, life pressures and work environments. We are now living in a world that makes it hard not to have a sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, even though we are now all very aware of how important exercise is for us, due to the often-unrealistic ideas many people hold regarding what exercise needs to be to be effective, the majority of our population now ends up opting to do nothing. In reality, the actual level of exercise that is going to make a life changing difference to you does not need to be time consuming, hard or require a gym membership. In fact, if all you were to do was aim to make your average day just a little bit more physically demanding then the day before. Then not long from now, those stairs won’t leave you quite as puffed, carrying the groceries will get easier and those jeans that you couldn’t quite do up will have loosened up again. Take the first step by simply choosing to consciously do something – anything – each and everyday. Choose to take the stairs, choose to walk to that meeting, choose to stand when you are talking on the telephone. Choose you, and start your journey today to becoming a better, happier, you.



The Ellerslie Make Give Learn have hosted two events in the past few months. We aimed to inspire not shame with our event for Plastic Free July in late June. We recognise that there are many ways to reduce plastic usage and although some of them might not be for you, what we hoped for was everyone to go away from the night with one small change they could make in their daily lives to reduce their plastic usage. This may include actions such as taking a reusable cup to get your coffee in the morning, to making an effort to recycle your soft plastics by returning them to the bins at the supermarket. Ellerslie Business Association have tried to get a soft plastic recycling bin here for Ellerslie but at present these are available to supermarkets only. We hope those who attended came away inspired for the month, small changes all add up. Secondly, we ran Hook Me Up - a learn to crochet event at Union Post with lots of laughs, sharing of skills and it was great to connect with others in our community. We would like to say a huge thanks to Glengarry’s Ellerslie and Union Post for donating and supporting these events that bring those in the community together.

The year is racing away even faster than usual while your Probus club keeps providing interesting speakers on the 3rd Friday of every month and exciting outings on the 4th Friday of each month. We meet at 10am on the 3rd Friday in the Ellerslie War Memorial Hall and if you have not yet experienced a Probus meeting do just come along. You are certain to have an interesting morning and very likely to meet some new friends. We always encourage people to come to one or two meetings or outings before actually paying the annual subscription of $15 plus a $10 joining fee and becoming a member. We are a friendly group and would enjoy meeting you. When you reach that magic age when you can retire from the working world and lead your own life in your own time many people find, after a few months, they have nothing pressing to do. All those saved up jobs have been done and contact with your working companions has gradually reduced, so what now? We, at Probus, are waiting to meet you. Your mind will be stimulated by interesting speakers and trips to a variety of places. We also have several small hobby groups like writing and stitching who meet monthly on Fridays and Mondays respectively. There is also a board games group who meet every Thursday morning in the Christ Church hall in Ladies Mile. It is not necessary to be a Probian to join this group. Just ring Maureen 520 7403 and she will tell you about it. There are many things to do, so don’t sit at home and grow old! Come down and meet us. For more information ring Rona 579 7605.

/Ellerslie - Make, Give, Learn

Profit Sales

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127 Main Highway, Ellerslie, 1051 PO Box 11053, Ellerslie, Auckland 1542 32



Customer Goals



Business Plan



Project Team

Opportunities Marketing

ELLERSLIE PLAY GROUP We have had a busy, fun-filled winter term at Ellerslie Playgroup! With the weather unreliable we have filled our sessions with exciting indoor activities and trips. In our sessions in the hall, we have had exciting craft projects to make, with glue and paint and pompoms and all things fun—one very wet day we even made paper plate umbrellas. We have also hosted the popular teddy bears’ picnic, where we brought our teddy bears, read teddy bear stories, danced and sang to teddy bear stories and baked our own teddy bear cookies to eat for morning tea. We finished up the term with an energetic trip to Gravity, where we bounced delightedly for several hours. We are looking forward this term to our annual trip to Ambury Farm to visit newborn animals, and more great sessions at the hall, with music, craft, morning tea and plenty of friendly chat. Ellerslie Playgroup is a community-run group held on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 9:30-11:30am in Leicester Hall (cnr Findlay and Ramsgate Sts). If you would like to try us out, check us out on Facebook, email ellerslieplaygroup@gmail.com, or drop in for a visit on Friday or Tuesday. /ellerslietoylibrary


The Ellerslie Toy Library has been very lucky this year to receive generous grants for new toys. This month we are very thankful to have received a Mazda Foundation grant that covers nearly $1,900 of toys. This funding will be used for a new fleet of balance bikes, mini trampoline, a range of toys to promote balance and coordination and several construction sets. Toy Library members get to use and enjoy these at no additional cost to their annual membership. The toys have all be selected due to the skills that they help children develop. We know how important variety and quality toys are for encouraging play which in turn promotes children’s brain development! The Toy Library have also listened to our members in terms of popular toys. We’ve expanded our range of super hero figurines and Duplo, musical and developmental toys thanks to a grant from the Lotteries Commission and your support of our annual sausage sizzle. These toys are in addition to the 600 plus toys the Library already has. We always welcome new members. If you’re interested in joining pop into the library during opening hours, or join up online at https://ellerslie.mibase.com.au. OPENING HOURS Saturday: 9am - 11am Wednesday: 7pm - 8pm LOCATION St Peters Church, 7 Harrison Rd, Ellerslie


ELLERSLIE SCHOOL The Ellerslie School Fundraising Group (EFG) is a small but dedicated team of school parents who raise funds to go towards extra resources for the students and teachers. EFG run several events throughout the school year, involving the local community and the students at school. The biggest event this year was the fabulous Book Fair. It was held in March, with a marquee containing well over 10,000 donated books, games, CDs/DVDs. These were sorted and categorised over several months leading up to the Fair by the fantastic team of volunteers, made up of parents and friends of the school. There was entertainment, food trucks and fun activities for the whole family. There was an impressive turnout and the day was a huge success. At present, the whole school is participating in the Move ‘N’ Groove A-Thon a fitness based fundraiser, encouraging the children to be active and improve their fitness, while also raising money for the school. The EFG has also been a proud supporter of the Fairy Festival and Pirate Party for many years, making candy floss for the Fairies and Pirates. This year the candy floss will be made by our schools Year 8 netball team as part of their fundraising efforts for AIMS games in Tauranga. AIMs games is the largest sporting event in the southern hemisphere for kids aged 11-13 and this is the first time ever that a team has gone from Ellerslie school. Pop by the stand and support the girls as they head off later that day to compete in Tauranga. The EFG would like to thank the Ellerslie community for its continued support of the school and students. We are all looking forward to seeing the joy and excitement on all the Fairy and Pirates faces.

Lovingly known as SUN (Stonefields Sports), time has flown on us Ellerslie, already 2 years at Ellerslie Community not only have we grown in numbers but the support our Ellerslie Community has kindly given has been invaluable. We strive to create a physically active community by providing access to all regardless of financial circumstances - there is no barrier to being active, and making friends with fun to boot! Our philosophy centres on supportive communal values to ensure our children have fun and grow with physical activity in an educational environment bringing awareness to teamwork, nutrition, sports philosophy and values. This season we have begun to really focus on building basketball within the community. We have taken on new staff to lead after school basketball programmes at three primary schools in our local area, we have been excited at the enthusiasm our local school children have welcomed our programme.

We want to continue bringing these after school programmes to our local schools, so if your school is interested or if you’d like to donate to our cause, please let us know! + We have been working hard behind the scenes to provide a new location for our SUN local community. Based out of the Hillside Church in St Johns, we have been renovating an old gym to allow us to provide the community with social games, like 3v3 Basketball with more new community initiatives for young and senior citizens.

+ Term 4 Ellerslie SUN Summer Games kicks off back at Ellerslie Domain Netball/Basketball Courts email through to enquiry@ stonefieldssports.co.nz your team details or just come down and jump into one of the teams, mix, women, college age, primary age, all are welcome,

FUN/ACTIVE/FRIENDS BRING IT ON ELLERSLIE Contact us via the website or our facebook page

www.stonefieldssports.co.nz @stonefieldssports



GO 9ROUNDS IN ELLERSLIE Bringing new power to the people is Amber Kuys-Clarke and the team at 9Round Ellerslie. Opening at the end of September we heard from Amber while she was busy organising trainings, events and the fitout of the new premises on Robert Street. 9Round includes a full-body high-intensity 30min workout with personal trainers to help you every step of the way. With no ‘set’ class times, the 9round fitness program works on a circuit system with a new circuit starting every 3min. 9Round is a great fit into Ellerslie Village, and as Amber says, the village has the perfect mix of residential and commercial. “The combination of small businesses and community attracted us to the area”, where we can cater to individuals timing requirements, as well as fitness and nutritional needs”. Amber is the Ellerslie club manager and you may recognise her as a familiar face around the village. She has a passion for fitness and health, and has been in the industry for several years. She jumped at the opportunity to take on the franchise and work alongside 9Rounds owners Jake and Jordan. This fitness duo are Christchurch based and with entrepreneurial backgrounds in business and innovation have taken to a healthy way to make a difference in peoples lives within all communities.

BE IN TO WIN A SIX MONTH MEMBERSHIP TO 9ROUND 30 MIN KICKBOX FITNESS. ENTER AT www.9roundellerslie.com/competition 9Rounds Ellerslie will be looking at ways to sponsor sports teams, business competitions and donate to local charities and return a percentage back into the community in more ways then one. Throughout the year they will run multiple 6 week challenges that select local or nationwide charities and donate to the chosen charity. Active in connecting with the local community, you can find 9Round online promoting there many activities and events. Join the experience and follow there social pages to get in contact with Amber and the team.


/9roundellerslie www.9roundellerslie.com

6 - 10AM, 4 - 8PM 6 - 10AM, 12 - 2PM, 4 - 8PM 6 - 10AM, 4 - 8PM 6 - 10AM, 12 - 2PM, 4 - 8PM 6 - 10AM, 4 - 8PM 7AM - 12PM CLOSED

join the locals and get fit for summer


Copy for Ellerslie Magazine

Ellerslie AFC have in the past couple of months created a sub-committee called the Green Ponies, their task is to look at reducing our impact on the community in terms of waste, as well as forging some great relationships with specifically the Michaels Ave Reserve community and wider Ellerslie as well.

is a Mens Shed? Theyare are not new. Mens Shed has been operating community in Australia since groups. 1998 traps to various This WHAT IS AWhat MENS SHED? They not and now they have in excess of 1000 registered Sheds. In New Zealand there are currently 120 new. MensSheds operating or in the set up stage. Shed has been operating in is an ongoing project in conjunction with By providing a facility for boththey comradery andin practicalthe activity Mens Shed has Songbird made a huge, positive Australia since 1998 and now have Eastern Bays Project. step in helping men deal with advancing age, depression, other mental illness and injury/disability excess of 1000 registered Sheds. In New rehabilitation. We are in the process of setting up Zealand there 120 skills Sheds Retiredare mencurrently that have practical are able to share these with others and together they can enjoy creating small projects for themselves and the community. our new workshop for woodwork, operating or in the set up stage. Mens Shed Auckland East has contributed to a number of community metalwork, activities includingelectronics Ellerslie engineering, and Fairy Day, building sets for Ellerslie Theatrical Society, Panmure Basin Fun Day and manufacturing By providing a facility for both comradery and supplying 280 Predator Free NZ design rat traps tomodel various community groups. is an ongoing making. It is This planned to cater for project in conjunction with the Eastern Bays Songbird Project. and practical activity Mens Shed has both experienced and novice members. We are in the process of setting up our new workshop for woodwork, engineering, metalwork, made a huge, positive step in helping electronics and model making. It is planned to caterYounger for both experienced and novice members. people who would like the Youngeradvancing people who would the opportunity to learn from the experienced will be invited to men deal with age, like depression, opportunity to learn from the experienced participate. other mental illness and injury/disability will be invited to participate. Come along and meet the team. Everyone is welcome. rehabilitation. We are now open for business and meet every Tuesday 09.00 to 15.00 and Friday morning 09.00 to COME Remuera ALONG AND MEET THE 12.00 in “The Shed” at 98 Abbotts Way (Waiatarua reserve), (Next to the Remuera GolfTEAM. Retired men that have practical skills Club entrance). At 10.30 every other Friday the committee reports on the latest developments and EVERYONE IS WELCOME. are able toany projects that are in the pipeline and of course we have a coffee and a chat. share these with others and together they can enjoy creating We are now open for business and meet small projects for themselves and the every Tuesday 09.00 to 15.00 and Friday community. morning 09.00 to 12.00 in “The Shed” at 98

One of the core tasks the Green Ponies have focused on is reducing the amount of football related waste our sport introduces into the Reserve each week, initially the plan looked at how much single-use petrochemical plastic tape (commonly known as electric tape) footballers were using each week. This tape is entirely non-recyclable or non-reusable and goes straight to landfill or into our waterways. We have had small success in this area with a dramatic reduction in use of tape from our senior men’s teams who have instead starting using a reusable velcro guard stay product instead – but how much of a problem is this tape? During a recent clean-up at the Reserve (more on that later) volunteers picked up over 500 pieces of tape, so certainly something needs to be done.

Abbotts Way (Waiatarua reserve), Remuera (Next to the Remuera Golf Club entrance). At 10.30 every other Friday the committee reports on the latest developments and any projects that are in the pipeline and of course we have a coffee and a chat.

Mens Shed Auckland East has contributed of community activities to a number including Ellerslie Fairy Day, building sets for Ellerslie Theatrical Society, Panmure Basin Fun Day and manufacturing and supplying 280 Predator Free NZ design rat

On the 29th of July as part of plastic free July, Ellerslie AFC driven by the Green Ponies collaborated with LiteClub and Sustainable Coastlines to host a clean-up event at Michaels Ave Reserve, it was a massive success with engagement from club members, neighbours, and local board members, totalling over 30 volunteers, we cleaned the Michaels Ave Reserve (fields and parking lots) for one hour, collecting over 2,000 pieces of discarded rubbish.

This effort was a great result for the waterways that will no longer be at risk from the plastic pollution. But it also shone a light on the amount of plastic that is making its way into our sporting environments. For LiteClub, who have a brief to take this clean-up and expand it to other fields and codes they were very happy with the result and with the engagement we got from the local community they are hoping we can drive change into our sporting culture.

Panmure Basin raft race 2018

Panmure Basin kids toy car production

Ellerslie AFC and the Green Ponies are keen to continue to look at ways we can engage with other like-minded community groups and neighbours of Michaels Ave Reserve – there are some great things happening out there already in our community, we can’t wait to be involved! Contact us via email on chairman@ ellersliefootball.org.nz if you have an idea for our Green Ponies group, or you have a story you would like to share we would love to hear from you.

Rat trap


Panmure Basin raft race 2018

For membership information please contact: Peter Montgomery, Secretary Phone: 027­496­6901

Panmure Basin kids toy car production

ELLERSLIE FIRE STATION Hello everyone. We have had a spate of kitchen fires in the Ellerslie area as of late so this is a good time to discuss fire safety in the kitchen. Statistics show us that alcohol is a factor in 50% of all fatal house fires, the majority of which start in the kitchen. If you are planning a big night, remember that getting takeaways is the best option with the added bonus of fewer dishes to clean up.

One Tree Hill College students are continuing to produce outstanding results. In NCEA, students are on track at all three levels to gain outstanding levels of achievement. This will continue to build upon last year’s very impressive 91%, 91% and 80% respectively in NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3. Over the next two months, we will see the construction of a new Food Technology Centre at the College. This will establish a commercial grade kitchen facility for our students to learn new skills that will prepare them for the workforce and their future lives. Connected to the centre will be a Café, with barista facilities, and a student courtyard. In music, our boys and girls choirs have once again excelled at the Big Sing, as have our groups in the KBB music festival. In the performing arts, later this month we hold our annual dance showcase, which will allow our many dance groups and individuals to perform in front of the community. The student talent at One Tree Hill College is endless. In sports, our students continue to be very successful with outstanding performances across all codes. As well as the various individual honours at both New Zealand and provincial level, we are very proud of our many teams. Our junior and senior teams are all doing very well, with many leading their respective championships. Our premier netball, 1st XV girl’s rugby and 1st XI football are all having excellent seasons and will go away to their respective national

championships later in the year with high levels of optimism. As I write this article, our Year 10 netball team have just won the Auckland Netball Championship – an outstanding achievement. With the college at capacity, the enrolment zone for the College means families in and out of zone will need to be very aware of upcoming deadlines as we continue enrolling students for 2019. There will be very limited places available for students who live out of zone. Please check our website regularly for updates on dates and requirements, or contact the College reception on 579-5049. As always, I would welcome any interested members of our community who wish to take a tour of the College to contact me to arrange an opportunity for me to show you around One Tree Hill College. This continues to be a great time to be involved with One Tree Hill College as we ‘strive for higher things’. We certainly have students with exceptional talent and it is wonderful to see them show such pride in the school. I look forward to the many successes which will occur throughout the remainder of the year. Best Wishes,

N Coughlan Principal

If you are cooking, don’t leave the kitchen unattended for any length of time and keep the area clear of flammable items such as towels, curtains and oven mitts. We also suggest keeping the stove top clean of oils and grease, cleaning your Rangehood filters regularly and keeping a dry powder fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Should the worst happen and a fire starts in a frying pan of oil, try to cover it with a fitting lid or a heavy duty wooden chopping board, then isolate the gas or power. NEVER throw water at a fat/oil fire and do not attempt to carry a flaming pan outside. In all situations, evacuate the house and call 111 – ask for Fire and we will come and sort it all out. DO NOT go back inside the house under any circumstance. Remember these two sayings, “Keep Looking While You’re Cooking” and “Don’t Drink and Fry” as they will go a long way to keeping you, your family and your belongings safe. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to call in at your local fire station, we are here to help. You can also look us up online at www. fireandemergency.nz to access information. Take care.

GET YOUR FREE HOME FIRE SAFETY CHECK Keep your family and home safe, call for your free home fire safety check. ELLERSLIE STATION - 09 579 4400 We will be happy to ensure your home is safe, and it will only take 20 minutes out of your day.


New Lakeview Apartments

Artist Impression

Be the first to view our Lakeview Apartment plans - pre-selling* now! Summerset at Heritage Park’s brand new Lakeview Apartments offer the exclusive experience of lakeside living in the heart of Auckland. Designed for the over 70’s, each apartment is warm, modern, finished to the highest standard and soon to be completed for you to make your own. From your apartment you can access the stunning rooftop gardens, take a stroll around the lake or enjoy the recreational facilities around the village.

View plans and pricing today Summerset at Heritage Park 8 Harrison Road, Ellerslie

You’ll find a range of one, two or three bedroom homes available for you to choose from. Give us a call today to organise your visit to Summerset at Heritage Park. We would love to show you around our beautiful village and facilities.

For your free information pack, call 0800 SUMMER. Or visit summerset.co.nz/lakeview 32

SUM1201 Ellerslie Apartment Launch Ellerslie Magazines Press v.4.indd 1


*Licence to occupy

15/08/18 5:00 PM



Play No.2 for 2018 has come and gone. The House of Angels by Ruth Mayo was the world premiere of a play written by a New Zealander which made it a first in several directions. It was a pleasant ‘feel good’ play and audience reactions confirmed our decision to mount it on our stage. By contrast play No.3, Beautiful Thing by Jonathan Harvey, discusses teenagers growing up and falling in love. This award winning play is a much more thoughtful, but still heart warming and entertaining piece which we are sure you all enjoyed. Unfortunately, by the time you are reading this the season will be over. Hopefully you didn’t miss it! Our final play for the year will be Alan Bennett’s “The Lady in The Van.” Now how will we get a van on stage? You’ll just have to come along to the theatre to find the answer to that question. It will be on stage from 8th November until 17th November. If you ring the theatre 525 3336 now you can secure your seat and be sure not to miss it. Don’t forget there are many things, apart from actually being on stage, that need to be done to produce a play. There are props to be found, costumes to be fitted, sets to be designed and constructed, lights and sound to be operated, programmes to be distributed, box office to be manned, tea to be poured and dishes washed. Before any of that there is a newsletter to be sent either by email or post to let you know what is happening. If you would like to take part in any of these things just ring 525 3336 to discuss it, or go to the website www.ellerslietheatre.co.nz Also the theatre is still looking for storage space. Should you have an unused garage or shed or any structure with a roof, walls and a door we would love to hear from you. Again just ring Rona 525 3336. We look forward to seeing you when we have The Lady in The Van on stage from 8th November until 17th November. Remember that you, the audience, are the lifeblood of the theatre!


in your mid-section: your stomach, lower back and your sides. All of the muscles in this area work to stabilize your entire body and give you balance and power. Tai Chi exercise strengthens your core in a gentle, safe way to develop this balance and power.

Most of the older adults in our community are getting on with busy lives, looking after grandchildren, doing the groceries, socializing and as we always have. We may not feel at risk of a fall (despite the fact we may have had falls) and we may be sick of this important ‘Falls Prevention’ message.

Tai Chi can be practiced sitting or standing or a mixture of both. Our classes suit the needs of our community. The benefit of attending our Tai Chi classes can be practically measured. Attending classes this will help you maintain the ongoing health benefits.

We may prefer this message: Love your Hips, Love your Bones, and most of all Love your Independence.

Call Alison Thomas, the local teacher, to find out more.

Scientific research tells us that one in three people aged 65 will fall. For those aged 80 and over, the risk increases to one in two.

Book your seat now on line, www.iticket.co.nz or ring the theatre 525 3336.

Ellerslie Tai Chi is on Wednesdays 10.30-11.30am at Leicester Hall, 20 Findlay St.

Research has shown that when people exercise to strengthen their legs and core, their balance improves and the risk of falling decreases by almost a third.

There is also a Wednesday class 12.30-1.30pm in St Philip’s Church, St Heliers. Contact Alison: on 021 528 744

Your ‘core’ is made up of muscles

Or email: alison.taichi@gmail.com





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Adver tising enquiries: email ellerslievillagemagazine@gmail.com


directory USEFUL CONTACTS Auckland Council p: 301 0101 Citizens Advice Bureau Mt Wellington-Remuera p: 573 5707 Ellerslie Business Assn p: 579 5033 Ellerslie Residents Assn ellerslieresidents@gmail.com Orakei Local Board p: 521 7021 Local MP - Denise Lee 130 Main Hwy p: 0800DENISEMP EMERGENCY SERVICES Emergency situations phone 111 Mt Wellington Police Station 6A Harrison Road p: 526 7300 Constable Don Allan p: 622 8722 Constable Marcus Weston p: 524 4195 Ellerslie Fire Station 634 Gt South Rd p: 579 4400 CHURCHES C3 Church 20 Cawley Street p: 579 1716 Christ Church 169 Ladies Mile p: 579 5279 Ellerslie Bible Chapel 7 Robert St p: 525 7216 Horizon Church 9 Mono Place p: 571 3390 Mountainside Lutheran Church 1 Harris Road p: 579 4490 St Mary’s Catholic Church 58 Main Hwy p: 579 8937 St Peter’s Presbyterian Harrison Road p: 579 4428 COMMUNITY GROUPS Anthroposophical Society 104 Michaels Ave p: 579 5606 Ellerslie Combined Probus Club p: 525 6330 Ellerslie Community Patrol p: 579 5779 Remuera Freemasons 9a Robert Street p: 579 4494 Ellerslie Rotary Club p: 027 493 574 Ellerslie Theatrical Society 138 Main Hwy p: 525 3336 Toastmasters (Harrison Road) harrisonroad@toastmasters.org.nz Toastmasters (Ellerslie Sunrise) ellersliesunrise@toastmasters.org.nz SCHOOLS / TERTIARY EDUCATION Ellerslie School 12 Kalmia Street p: 579 5477 Michael Park School 55 Amy Street p: 579 3083 One Tree Hill College 421–451 Gt South Rd p: 579 5049 Stanhope Road School Harris Road p: 579 6434 St Mary’s Catholic School 66 Main Hwy p: 579 5458 South Pacific College of Natural Medicine 8 Arthur Street p: 579 4997 UNDER 5’S Ellerslie Kindergarten 122 Celtic Cres p: 579 0076 Ellerslie Playcentre 8 Lawry Street p: 579 1974 Ellerslie Playgroup Leicester Hall ellerslieplaygroup@gmail.com Ellerslie Plunket p: 579 7564 Ellerslie Toy Library p: 022 1872 304 SPORTS & RECREATION Ellerslie AFC p: 579 5477 Ellerslie Aikido Club p: 579 1118 Ellerslie Athletics Club www.ellerslie-athletics.co.nz Ellerslie Cricket Club www.ellersliecricket.co.nz Ellerslie Eagles Rugby League Club Ellerslie Domain p: 579 7719 Ellerslie Tennis Club Konini Park p: 570 5605 Stonefields Sports Inc Ellerslie Domain enquiry@stonefieldssports.co.nz YMCA Ellerslie 46 Michaels Ave p: 579 4716 34


The Coffee Club 131 Main Hwy p: 579 6442 Pizza Hut 130 Main Hwy p: 0800 838 383

Coko Design & Fashion 111 Main Hwy p: 580 2308 Gemmells Shoe Repairs Rear of 131A Main Hwy p: 526 4898 LaLa Reloved Boutique 116 Main Hwy p: 579 7647 Mercy Hospice Shop 188 Ladies Mile p: 579 1208 Sasha 114 Main Hwy p: 579 3535

FOOD & WINE RETAIL Ellerslie Fresh Mart 101m Main Hwy p: 214 9262 Ellerslie Supermarket 133 Main Hwy p: 579 4549 Ceres Wholefoods 181 Ladies Mile p: 579 7126 Ellerslie 4-Square 126 Main Hwy p: 579 5259 Ellerslie Liquor Centre 123 Main Hwy p: 579 5556 Glengarry Wines 87 Main Hwy p: 571 2567 Ellerslie Meats 128d Main Hwy p: 579 6393


GIFTS & HOMEWARES Coko Design & Fashion 111 Main Hwy p: 580 2308 Dollar House 101 Main Hwy p: 580 1926 Flowers of St John 127 Main Hwy p: 09 529 2677 Mercy Hospice Shop 188 Ladies Mile p: 579 1208 OTHER RETAILERS & SERVICES Aladdin Rugs 1 Robert Street p: 579 6469 Beauty Plus Souvenir Trading 8 Robert St p: 579 2887 Cardz Magz N Lotto 135b Main Hwy p: 580 2088 Church Stores 8 Robert Street p: 525 1380 Ellerslie Jewellers & Engravers 115 Main Hwy p: 579 5673 NZ Postshop 101 Main Hwy p: 579 7099 Photo Focus Rear of 129 Main Hwy p: 525 0289 Smartphone Ellerslie 3/1 Robert Street p: 580 9282


BAKERIES Bakers Delight 127 Main Hwy p: 580 0088 Ellerslie Bakehouse 87 Main Hwy p: 579 6538 Julia’s Bakery 128b Main Hwy p: 526 4919 Richoux Patisserie 119 Main Hwy p: 579 1815

professional services

COMPUTER & ELECTRONICS Computer Tech4You 112 Main Hwy p: 580 2664 Electrical and Computer Services 130c Main Hwy p: 579 8195 FINANCIAL & INSURANCE SERVICES AMP Genesis Financial Services Building 4, 195 Main Hwy p. 525 2586 ANZ Cashpoint 105 Main Hwy ASB Bank 133 Main Hwy p: 579 5871 AssetWise Level1 1, 101 Main Hwy p: 580 1111 Harden & Hart 101 Main Highway St p: 589 1701 Integrated Planning Solutions Level 1, 1 Robert Street p: 526 5070 Jolly Duncan & Wells 127 Main Hwy p: 579 7096 Kiwibank 101 Main Hwy p: 579 7099 Loan Resources 6 Findlay Street Provisional Tax Finance 101 Main Hwy p: 950 3515 Tony Gill & Co 3/3 Robert Street p: 526 5557 Westpac Cashpoint 127 Main Hwy

LEGAL SERVICES Andrew Lemalu Law 2 Robert St p: 579 0045 BARS & RESTAURANTS Duggan & Murphy 8a Robert St p: 525 1316 Ajadz Indian Cuisine 8 Robert St p: 580 1555 Towers Law, 1 Robert Street, p:222 3388 Charlie Baxter’s 121 Main Hwy p: 525 2522 PROPERTY SERVICES Doolan Brothers 3 Robert St p: 579 5592 Arch Construction E Japanese 5/101 Main Hwy p: 589 1689 129 Main Hwy p: 021 373 957 La Gondala Restaurant Bayleys 101-105 Main Hwy p: 525 1773 19 Kalmia St p: 525 3138 Barfoot & Thompson Little Lamb, 2 Robert Street, p: 280 1511 107 Main Hwy p: 579 1081 Mexico 120 Main Hwy p: 281 2714 Broadway Property Group India Bar & Restaurant 139 Main Hwy p: 525 0084 120 Main Hwy p: 579 5700 Mackenzie Properties Sanehs Thai Restaurant 129 Main Hwy p: 021 882 969 83/85 Main Hwy p: 579 9447 Mike Pero 118 Main Hwy p: 390 5900 Union Post Brew Bar 124 Main Hwy p: 579 2303 Mike Webber Surveyors 1 Robert St p: 579 8411 CAFÉS, CASUAL DINING Ray White 2/101 Main Hwy & TAKEAWAY FOOD p: 525 2600 Burgerfuel 2 Robert St p: 525 7752 Southern Cross Plumbing 130 Main Hwy Cafe Melba 135 Main Hwy p: 525 1303 p: 354 4548 Columbus Ellerslie 139 Main Hwy Westferry Property Services p: 580 0501 1 Robert St p: 580 3121 Heng Seng 128A Main Hwy p: 579 3517 TRAVEL SERVICES Haru Sushi 79 Main Hwy p: 525 2291 Flight Centre 29 Main Hwy p: 525 0721 Hell Pizza 135 Main Hwy p: 525 6664 House of Travel 108 Main Hwy p: 525 2363 Golden Dragon BBQ & Dumplings OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 137 Main Hwy p: 579 8466 BSC p: 580 1160 Little Luscious 101 Main Hwy p: 634 2328 Canstaff Level1, 101 Main Hwy Malaysia & Singapore Cuisine p: 579 2087 112 Main Hwy p: 579 6567 Crisp Graphics 5b Lawry Street Mexicali Fresh 2 Robert St p: 579 5162 p: 021 202 9758 Pastrami & Rye 112 Main Hwy Hua Yi Royal Kebab 129 Main Hwy p: 579 7568 Level 1 101 Main Hwy p: 218 9437 Sierra Ellerslie 179 Ladies Mile p: 525 5583 Meadows Mushrooms Level 1, 101 Main Hwy, p: 0800 687 476 Subway 2 Robert St p: 526 5073

Optimis Systems Level 1, 101 Main Hwy p:529 5265 People First NZ p: 579 1588 Recalibrate Consulting p: 522 7476 Team Talk 2 Robert Street p: 579 1647

personal services

DENTAL SERVICES Angela Lowe-Ho 126a Main Hwy p: 579 4746 Dental Solutions 2/2 Robert St p: 525 0959

HEALTHCARE & FITNESS Auckland Hearing 66 Michaels Ave p: 021 416 209 9 Round 2 Robert Street p: 027 796 8633 Active Plus 180 Main Hwy p: 579 0004 Ellerslie Medical Centre Cnr Robert & Morris St p: 579 6147 Ellerslie Plunket 138 Main Hwy p: 579 7564 Anytime Fitness 87-93 Main Hwy p: 529 0144 iChiropractic & Shiatsu Shop L, 101 Main Hwy p: 526 5375 Reset Fitness Level 3, Building 9, 666 Great South Road, Penrose p: 525 2436 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Healing Centre, Unit D, 123 Main Hwy p: 949 0168 Unichem Pharmacy Ellerslie 125 Main Hwy p: 579 5520 HAIRDRESSERS & BARBERS Barber Shop Co 101 Main Hwy p: 571 2194 Mals Scissorhands Barber, 101 Main Hwy Paris for Hair 123 Main Hwy p: 579 7745 Scarlett 112 Main Hwy p: 579 8733 Zurri 179 Ladies Mile p: 579 5022 BEAUTY & MASSAGE THERAPY Baan Thai 123e Main Hwy p: 525 2795 Beauty Mark 101 Main Hwy p: 525 3852 Bliss Beauty Therapy 8 Findlay Street p: 021 151 8588 Caci Ellerslie L1, 124 Main Hwy p: 571 0575 Cherry Tree Massage 101 Main Hwy p: 5798 078 L & J Beauty Nail 131 Main Hwy p: 579 5384 Newbody Massage Clinic 101n Main Hwy (above post office) p: 579 6279 Opti Health 67 Main Hwy, p: 529 9590 DRYCLEANING, LAUNDRY & ALTERATIONS Allclean Laundromat 81 Main Hwy p: 579 7690 Ellerslie Drycleaners 128c Main Hwy p: 579 8828 Stitched Up 101 Main Hwy p: 579 6678 OTHER SERVICES Auckland City Toyota 33 Great South Rd p: 601 9000 Ellerslie Automotive and Tyres 171 Main Hwy p: 525 8155 Ellerslie Counselling 2/3 Ramsgate St p: 021 164 1162 Ellerslie Veterinary Clinic & Cattery 199 Main Hwy p: 281 3481 Epsom Funeral Home 129 Main Highway Ellerslie p : 0800 437 766 National Mini Storage 14 Penrose Road Penrose p: 525 8001 Summerset at Heritage Park 8 Harrison Road p: 950 7962


You only get one chance at selling your prized property, so it’s worth going with Bayleys because we’re well known for presenting properties to their best advantage. Our market knowledge, network and targeted marketing ensure you get the best results.

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If you are thinking of buying or selling, contact us today. Bayleys Ellerslie 09 525 1773, 105 Main Highway, Ellerslie Bayleys One Tree Hill 09 624 3900, 778 Manukau Road, Royal Oak BAYLEYS RESIDENTIAL RE LTD, LICENSED UNDER THE REAA 2008


Re s i de n ti a l / Co mme rc i a l / Ru ra l / P ro p er t y Ser v i ces

Final two-bedroom apartment

plans released!

Peace of Mind Retirement Full continuum of care – independent and assisted living, resthome, hospital and dementia care

Logan Campbell Retirement Village, located across the road from the beautiful Cornwall Park, is now open! This is your last chance to secure a brand new two-bedroom independent apartment - don’t miss the opportunity to secure your new home. The village also offers assisted living in a serviced apartment and the very best of resthome, hospital and dementia care. Tours are available seven days a week.

For more information please call Taryn or Lucy on 09 636 3883 187 Campbell Road, Greenlane

*Terms and conditions apply


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