Ellerslie Magazine Spring 2016

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Ellerslie Magazine


Ellerslie Magazine


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... no more rain, I’m ready for spring.


s I write this, rain and thunderstorms are pouring down outside – I do hope by the time you read this the weather is showing signs of Spring. This time of year is traditionally one of renewal and I hope you find that this issue reflects that. We have some great new local content for you including an article on the racecourse gardens and a special fairy story for the younger people in your house. We also have a section on making sense of the upcoming elections. I know many of you may skim over this but I do urge you to take some time to consider your vote. Auckland is at a turning point and the next council will be making decisions that impact on Aucklanders for decades to come. The mayoral candidates get the majority of the publicity but it is also important to consider carefully who you would like making local decisions for Ellerslie. Local Boards are responsible for local development including development of parks such as Michaels Park, projects such as our Anzac Mural and lights on Abbotts way and also have funded events like the Spring Fairy Festival and Santa Parade. Many of the improvements you see being made locally are from decisions made by your local boards. So please do take the time to consider your vote carefully and make sure the envelope makes it into the mail! Speaking of events, it’s almost time for our Ellerslie Fairy Festival and Pirate Party! If you have littlies in your family make sure you come down to Ellerslie and join us for the welcoming party on Sunday 11th September. We have lots of wonderful entertainment and the General Collective will also be joining us once again for their famous kid’s market. This year the fairies are sticking around for the rest of September and staying in our shops and around our village – make sure you walk the fairy door trail and see where they live when they are here. Write them a letter and post it in the mailbox outside the post office (they might just reply), or see


if you can find the pirate treasure hidden around Ellerslie for your chance to win your very own pirate treasure chest, sword and other pirate goodies. For more information, check our website www.ellerslie.net.nz or follow us on facebook ‘Ellerslie Fairy Festival and Pirate Party. Before our next issue comes out we will also host Auckland Heritage Festival events here in Ellerslie. Keep an eye out for a local showing of The Outings Project, where we will be bringing historic art to the streets of Ellerslie. We will also be hosting a heritage walk and showcasing the historic windows of Christ Church Ellerslie on Sunday 9th October. More information is on our website, or pick up a brochure available in local businesses, libraries etc. Finally, I’d like to say a big thanks to the current members of the Orakei Local Board who have supported and contributed so much to the Ellerslie town centre during the past 6 years they have worked together. In particular Chairperson Desley Simpson for her ongoing support and Kate Cooke who has been our local board representative here at the Business Association. I hope to see you out and about soon in Ellerslie village enjoying the spring. Cheers, Megan

Contact Megan 09 579 5033 megan@ellerslie.net.nz www.ellerslie.net.nz

Ellerslie Magazine


contents community 06 From the Chair 08 Desley’s Year 10 Denise Krum 11 Sam Lotu-Iiga 22 Ellerslie School 32 Lions Club

features 12 Bryce Clark

34 Ellerslie Theatrical Society

30 Local Elections

16 Tales from Sweet Pea

- Spring festival fairy

18 Tracey Bennett

- Local mum in the kitchen

24 A Magical Adventure

+ Rotary Club

- a fairy story

+ Ellerslie Toastmasters

35 36 38 40

Ellerslie Play Centre

- Ellerslie ‘super’ gardener

Ellerslie Play Group Combined Probus Ellerslie Residents Association + Ellerslie Patrol

42 One Tree Hill College 43 Friends of the Auckland

Philharmonia Orchestra

44 Police Talk 45 Michael Park School

+ Tagamalie Community Centre

46 Ellerslie Cricket Club

CREATIVE HCreate Contact - hine@hcreate.co.nz CONTRIBUTORS Candice Thum, Anna Arlige, Owen Polland AD ENQUIRIES ads@ellersliemagazine.co.nz PRINT Print Consultants Limited

+ Tai Chi

48 Directory 50 Nex t Issue


All rights reserved. Reproduction or distribution in any form, in whole or in par t, without written permission is prohibited. HMMEDIA is not responsible for the views and opinions of conttributing journalists.


Ellerslie Magazine



Fromhtahie r John Rennell c while ago our Board conducted a “Strategic Focus on Ellerslie”. I want to share some of our conclusions with you.

Ellerslie is a unique village established in the mid 1800s. Well serviced by a rail network since 1873, the southern motorway in the 1950s and an extensive bus network. Ellerslie is a vibrant, compact town centre renowned for the friendly relaxed style and customer service. The businesses are predominantly owner operators who genuinely care about their customers and their community. The village of Ellerslie is a community with real heart built with a pioneering spirit on a rock solid base. This foundation brings out the current day values of being a community with Integrity and Soul that is Connected and Progressive. Ellerslie is a place where people want to live and work, feel safe and care for each other. A vibrant community that celebrates and encourages Creativity and Involvement. I can easily recall the enthusiasm of those meetings and it is pleasing to see the vision being implemented. I’m sure you will have seen the new coloured LED lights on the Norfolk pine tree at the motorway bridge end of the town centre. They are computerised and can be programmed to celebrate any occasion. Extremely visible from the motorway and railway it is an excellent landmark for our village. The southern end tree still has the white lights which will be upgraded eventually as funds are available. Our village street art is a constant work in progress from the traditional mosaic style to art work that will surprise and provide enjoyment and discussion. A must see is our new sculpture at the bottom end of Ladies Mile. We have transformed a green pole that was vandalised into a

humourous work of art. Beautification of some wall space with art is already evident in the village and more is planned. I want to record my thanks to our Town Centre Manager, Megan Darrow, who quietly and efficiently works behind the scenes to implement the actions such as these. With regards to our vision of customer service we observe many businesses being renowned for this in Ellerslie and this is particularly evident in the recent successes that have been achieved. Lin Guo and his team at Ellerslie Four Square have just been announced as finalists in the Westpac Business of the Year awards in all 3 categories in which they were nominated, and we wish them all the best for the finals in November. Secondly on a completely different note we congratulate Julia’s Bakery for winning the silver award in the Mince and Cheese Category of the Bakels NZ Pie Awards. This is second best in the whole country, out of a record 345 entries. Remember, voting closes for local body elections on October 8th. This is your chance to have your say in Auckland’s future. Listen and read what your candidates have to offer, participate and be part of democracy. In closing I publicly thank Desley Simpson, retiring chair of the Orakei Local Board who is now standing for Councillor in Orakei, fellow board member Kate Cooke and our current councillor Cameron Brewer for their tireless input and support of our Business Association. I admire their skill to listen and respond appropriately, their energy to serve their community and to be so readily available to each and every one of us. Very best wishes and good luck to all for their future successes. We hope you enjoy this new look Ellerslie Magazine – a huge thank you to Hine, our new publisher for her vision and creativity. Spring is almost upon us and we can all look forward to the longer and warmer days ahead and our next village celebration, the Fairy Festival and Pirate Party.

New art installation with board members, Aaron Telfar, Murray Wells, Megan Darrow, Desley Simpson and John Rennell


Ellerslie Magazine


is nature’s way of saying

Let’s Party!

– Robin Williams

Nothing says Spring like diamonds

115 Main Highway, Ellerslie, Auckland. 09 579 5673


Ellerslie Magazine

s k n a h t

e i l s r elle nity u m m o c


Ellerslie Magazine


al Lobc oard

thanks from desley simpson, Orakei Local Board Chair


t has been a privilege to Chair your Orakei Local Board for the last 6 years. As this is my last Ellerslie magazine column in this capacity, I thought I would summarize some of the investment projects we have delivered in your community. It’s important to note that all of our projects come directly from submissions and requests by residents and ratepayers. Field upgrades at Ellerslie Domain and Michaels Ave have been significant, along with perimeter paths, seating and enhanced recreational facilities. Judicious use of the Auckland Transport Capital fund has enabled the construction of pathways connecting Ellerslie to Remuera via paths in Liston Park and Canon Reserve. We also led a regional delegation to the mayor and councillors to overturn the sports field fees and charges that our sports clubs were facing. Other parts of Auckland were not charged and this inequity needed to be addressed. I am pleased to say our advocacy was successful. Ellerslie also now has a place to acknowledge those who have served with a tangible Anzac memorial verse at the Ellerslie War Memorial Community Centre and an Anzac mural. Both have been supported strongly. Our contribution to the arts has included support of our Ellerslie Theatrical Society, mosaics in the Ellerslie town Centre including ones at the north end and on the toilets. The latest art work, a quirky paint tin was only installed in July.

We have continued to advocate for a sound wall between the Southern Motorway and Ellerslie shops and residences. NZTA acknowledges the need for the wall but have not allocated funding as of yet. This will need to be a subject of continued advocacy with NZTA. Community events have included support of the very successful Ellerslie Spring Fairy Festival and Pirate Party, the Ellerslie Santa Parade and ARTerslie. Acknowledging our history is important. The Board engaged an historian/author to edit and publish a limited run of Crossroads – A History of Ellerslie. A manuscript had been written some time ago but was never completed or printed. Copies are now available in the central and local libraries. Community safety has been promoted with the funding of the Ellerslie Community Patrol and supporting our community by maintaining the alcohol bans in local parks and town centres. We also promoted the formation of the Ellerslie Residents Association and contribute to their ongoing outstanding advocacy on behalf of local residents. Finally, I’d like to acknowledge my team, Deputy Kit Parkinson, Ken Baguley, Colin Davis, Kate Cooke, Troy Churton and Mark Thomas who have worked with me making the Orakei Ward a better place. To you, the residents of Ellerslie who have helped shape our decision making, Thank you. It’s been an honour to serve you.

Whilst not able to sort all the transport woes (we are not Auckland Transport) we have assisted in small local transport improvements.


Ellerslie Magazine


Denise at last year’s Fairy Festival in support of Ellerslie School

denise krum - councillor - Maungakiekie-Tamaki What makes a city a great city? A recent article I read made the claim it didn’t really matter as long as you carry the title ‘city’ in the first place. It was ‘unarguable’ they said that the value of city identification far outweigh any other label such as township. To make things ultra-clear, the author implored we become ‘worldly citizens not parochial townsfolk’. I chuckled at this. The times when I have felt most connected, happy and content to live in a city Auckland’s size has been when I’ve experienced smaller local village-based activities. Ellerslie is a shining example of how it should work. Fast paced and busy, close to the CBD and a transport hub, it’s a growing progressive part of Auckland. Yet we gather as


families and individuals to the village often for the daily and regularly for the special. In gathering we feel connected and a sense of belonging is created. The best example of this is our now famous Fairy Festival. Full of youthful hope, innocence, family spirit and sprinkles of magic fairy dust, the festival is undeniably an example of what makes a city great. Kids meet other kids, parents talk to other parents and it’s obvious there’s more in common than costumes. For the fourth year I will be on fairy floss duties – a far cry from council committees but a great call for how to spend my time. I’ll look forward to seeing you there fellow townsfolk!

Ellerslie Magazine



always something new on the horizon It has been cold and wet winter and so it is good to see the first signs of spring coming through. This of course means the Ellerslie Spring Fairy Festival is upon us as well as other spring activities. I am also looking forward to the official celebrations and opening of the new classroom block at Ellerslie School in October. This boost to local education services compliments the Budget 2016 initiative of $15.3 million for in-class support. 1,250 children will benefit from having extra teacher aides. This will ensure that children with a range of learning difficulties will receive support tailored to their individual learning needs. One of my highlights this winter was replanting trees back on to One Tree Hill. Many locals raised this with me as an important issue over a long period of time. It is also one of my key pledges to the electorate during my tenure as your local MP and so I am thrilled it has finally happened. I was honored to plant a Totara tree alongside the Mayor and local councillor Denise Krum and I hope it is the tree which ultimately survives on the summit. My team have also been following up on pressing local issues. I attended a local Ellerslie Residents Association meeting where many issues regarding local amenities were discussed. Noise and pollution barriers for Ellerslie were raised and we are canvassing both Auckland Transport and the New Zealand Transport Agency to support these local concerns. We also hosted a morning tea for seniors in Mt Wellington with Minister of Conservation Maggie Barry. We had just under 200 local seniors attend and it was good to discuss important issues such as superannuation, transport, immigration and housing. As Minister of Local Government, I co-chaired the annual Central Government-Auckland Council forum alongside the Mayor. It is no surprise that transport and housing took centre stage in our discussions. We will continue to work alongside Auckland Council to deal with the issues which are important to Aucklanders. The Auckland Unitary Plan should help immensely with planning and development.

In terms of local transport, the East-West Link remains one of the Government’s top priorities while the AMETI project continues to press ahead. With regard to housing, the last budget provided over $258m to boost social housing. Since then the Prime Minister announced a new $1 billion Housing Infrastructure Fund to accelerate the supply of new housing where it is needed most. The contestable fund will be open to applications from councils in the high growth areas like Auckland. It will help bring forward the construction of new roads and water infrastructure needed for new housing where financing is a constraint. The Government will invest up front to ensure the infrastructure is in place. But councils will have to repay the investment or buy back the assets once houses have been built and development contributions paid. Finally, we have had a positive response to the electorate wide survey to all constituents in the Maungakiekie area. We are currently inputting the responses and will then give appropriate feedback to all constituents who responded. I thank those who have sent their feedback to us and if you have not done so please get back to us soon.

/sam4maungakiekie@parliament.govt.nz Address: Electorate Office, 268 Onehunga Mall Phone: 622 0300 facebook.com/pesetasam.lotuiiga www.lotu-iiga.com

Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Peseta Sam Lotu-liga MP, 268 Onehunga Mall, 1067


Ellerslie Magazine


Time to toil the soil Ellerslie Events Centre gardener prepares for Spring STORY & PHOTOS CANDICE THUM


lack clouds roll in, lighting streaks and thunder claps to signal the end of my interview with Auckland Racing Club head gardener Bryce Clark.

We brace ourselves for an infamous Auckland 15 minute flash-flooding downpour. Must be cuppa time I offer up. Bryce shakes his head. “Even though we are 100 per cent dependent on the weather there is very little down time in this job,” he explains. “There is always something that needs doing to keep a garden ticking over. Hours spent doing nothing are minimal. “I’ll probably sharpen the tools or clean out the shed.” At 68 years-old Bryce is a stalwart of the Ellerslie Events Centre. For over 30 years he has been tending the park-like grounds that surround the premier Ellerslie Racecourse as though they are his own. He literally walked off the street asking for a job and has never left. “At that time they were knocking down the old stand and I thought I might get some laboring work on the job site. They told me there was no work there, but could I start work in the nursery. I said yes, thinking I’d be here for about five

minutes raking up some leaves,” he muses. Bryce started his horticulture career in his youth. It has included stints working in a cousin’s nursery in Pakuranga and being a garden chauffer at a country estate in England. When the overseas trips dried up Bryce decided to put his roots down in Auckland. It was during that time he started work in the now disestablished nursery that was part of the Ellerslie Events Centre. He was one of 14 garden staff; today the area of grounds to caretake is far less and there is no nursery. Garden staff include Bryce, Kerry, who has been working with Bryce for 17 years, and Kevin who started in February. “The team isn’t as big as it used to be, but it’s a wonderful team,” Bryce says. Right now Bryce and his team are focused on the Spring Racing season. In a few days time they will start the physical job pulling out all the winter annuals in the gardens. They will spend most of their 8-hour shifts doing this for the next month and a half. Then it’s time to turn the soil and prepare the bare garden beds for the new installments. Approximately 6000 seedlings have been ordered and will soon be delivered, kept alive and planted into the rich soil.

Bryce, Kerry and Kevin the team who work the gardens as we know them today.


Ellerslie Magazine


Recent award recognising the teams gardening efforts.


Ellerslie Magazine


The entire landscape design sits inside Bryce’s head. He’s spent months planning it and it will soon be on display for all to see until March when it will be time to pull the dying summer plants out and prepare the beds for winter again. “I draft up the designs each year. I think them up in my head and away I go. To me it’s quite easy and has become second nature, but it hasn’t always been that way. There’s a lot of learning that has gone on over the years,” he says.

But Bryce reckons he’s lucky, that so long as the gardens are neat and tidy the bosses leave him alone to plan and plant as he sees fit. Perhaps it’s the Events Centre patrons who are lucky though. Bryce starts work at 6am just so he can rake the leaves and deadhead any flowers before people arrive for work or events. He takes pride in showcasing his gardens. The time is coming, though, for Bryce to hang up his secateurs and pass the garden gloves on to someone else. The wealth of knowledge is being passed on as he goes. “I’m nearing retirement and planning for an easy transition. I’m teaching my staff 30 years worth of information as we go,” he says. “I’ve got the best job, I’m so lucky. A lot of people retire so they can potter in their gardens, I’ve been pottering in a garden my entire career.”


Ellerslie Magazine


Bryce’s top 3 tips

for a ‘beaut’ spring garden there are no rules, plant whatever you like. be creative with your ideas


take time to prep the soil

it’s your garden, so have fun!

Ellerslie Magazine

Tales from Fairy Sweet Pea Fairy Sweet Pea and her friends prepare for another fun-filled day at the Ellerslie Fairy Festival Morgan Bradley is a familiar face to children and parents alike across New Zealand as host of TVNZ Kidzone. Many will also know her as Fairy Sweet Pea, a friendly fairy who believes in friendship and cooperation, so it may come as a surprise to some that Morgan is an accomplished kiwi actor, writer and producer who has her sights set on Los Angeles. Morgan is set to appeared on our television screens playing character Liesha in Dirty Laundry and also played as Phyllis McGuire in The Making of the Mob 2: Chicago. The 26 year-old actor has also appeared in many stage productions, including as Mimi in Rent. As Morgan prepares to leave Auckland for more challenges in LA she will headline at Ellerslie Fairy Festival first. Sitting among the overflowing flowerbeds in her secret magical cottage, Fairy Sweet Pea is excitedly getting ready for the Ellerslie Fairy Festival. Together with her BFFs (best fairy friends), Fairy Violet, Fairy Lavender, Fairy Poppy, Fairy Strawberry and Fairy Blossom from An Enchanted Party, they plan on playing games and showering all the special guests with fairy dust and fun. Being a fairy all day is hectic, full of reading books, helping each other, building houses for animals and going to birthday parties – a specialty of Sweet Pea! – but the festival is always such fun that all of the fairies look forward to leaving their secret hideouts to fill the main street of Ellerslie with magic and imagination. “The festival at Ellerslie is always so much fun because we always met new friends and see familiar faces,” Fairy Sweet Pea beams. “The whole community gets involved and it is just a lovely place to be. And of course, the weather is usually very amazing. “Everyone dresses up and makes the day so magical. The atmosphere is so happy and loving. The fairies can’t help but love it!” There are lots of secrets about being a fairy. For one no one can know exactly where you live, but Fairy Sweet Pea gave a little clue; look out for a rainbow and see lots of fairies flying near and you might be getting close. “I can tell you there are flowers everywhere,” she says. “I have sweet pea flowers all over my home and garden and the petals are my bedcovers. I curly up in a flower at night then pull the petals over me like a blanket.” The fairies are not the only guests to feature at the Ellerslie festival, there will also be pirates. But there is nothing to fear according to Sweet Pea. “These pirates are good pirates,” she says. “They might be a bit cheeky sometimes and us fairies might need to make them walk the plank at times, but really pirates and fairies are friends.” Fairy Sweet Pea lives in a village with all her friends, who are more like family. She says although Tinkerbell and the Tooth Fairy are the more famous fairies, they all get along and never fight, and the best thing about being a fairy is being able to use their imagination everyday to help each other. Look out for Fairy Sweet Pea and her fairy friends, including the pirates, at the Ellerslie Fairy Festival. You never know, you might just make a new fairy friend.


Ellerslie Magazine

There are a few different types of machines, all treating unwanted hair using an intense pulsating beam of light/laser; but for the sake of simplicity, they are often all referred to as ‘laser hair removal’.

Caci offer interest free payment plans so you can pay for your treatments over a 48 week plan. Contact Caci Ellerslie on 09 571 0575 and book your free consultation today.


Treat two areas for the price of one until October 31 with Caci’s laser hair removal plan!* 124 MAIN HIGHWAY, ELLERSLIE 09 571 0575 | CACI.CO.NZ PAYMENT OPTIONS AVAILABLE INCLUDING 12 MONTHS NO PAYMENTS, NO INTEREST**

Terms and Conditions: For more details please see in clinic.

BE FREE FROM UNWANTED HAIR! Can you imagine being cooped up in a shower for an entire day, well that’s how long it’s estimated that we spend shaving our legs each year, that’s right- a whole day! Laser hair removal is a great alternative to waxing or shaving, it’s quick, it will save you money in the long run, and you don’t need to worry about getting caught in ‘hairy situations’, as it’s a long lasting treatment to keep those pesky hairs away! Caci have a laser hair removal treatment plan called Freedom®, which is pretty spot on really, who wouldn’t want to be free from hair! It’s a 12 month programme and each session is six to eight weeks apart to ensure the hair is being removed during its active growth stage; that’s why a series of treatments is required to catch the hairs in this cycle. There are a few different types of machines, all treating unwanted hair using an intense pulsating beam of light/laser; but for the sake of simplicity, they are often all referred to as ‘laser hair removal’.

Caci has offered laser hair removal for over 20 years, and have found that the latest generation VPL (variable pulsed light) is best suited to a wider range of hair and skin types; making it a safe and more effective treatment for hair removal. You can expect to notice results after the 2nd or third treatment, and you will see up to an 80% reduction of the hair at the completion of Caci’s programme. As the laser hair removal industry is unregulated in New Zealand, it’s important to choose somewhere you trust. All Caci laser operators undergo extensive training, so you know you’re in safe hands.

CACI WERE FIRST TO BRING LASER HAIR REMOVAL TO NEW ZEALAND OVER 20 YEARS AGO AND HAVE SUCCESSFULLY TREATED OVER 20,000 CLIENTS. The benefit of laser hair removal will outweigh the cost over time, with permanent hair reduction, you don’t need to worry about buying razors, creams, and waxing kits. Plus, Caci offer interest free payment plans so you can pay for your treatments over a 48 week plan. Contact Caci Ellerslie on 09 571 0575 and book your free consultation today.


Ellerslie mum exceptional in every way Community demand key for successful health and wellness business STORY CANDICE THUM

Tracey’s Raw Berry Cheesecake



Divine Lime Tart


Ellerslie Magazine


could easily have attended in a Wonder Woman suit, but her successes still render her humble. Important learnings have come along the way. “I have learnt that I cannot be Wonder Woman and it is essential to know your boundaries and protect them fearlessly,” Tracey advises. “It is also important to ask for help and in this way share your life, your challenges and your accomplishments with others.” Tracey grew up in Pakuranga. She and Jason met in their 20s and have been together for 23 years, married for 18 of them. Motivated to be closer to the Rudolf Steiner school – Michael Park School, Jason and Tracey moved to Ellerslie when their third child was 4 months-old, that was 16 years ago. They have four children – three boys and a girl - aged 27, 24, 15 and 12.


racey Bennett is a whole-food chef, a creative and communications director, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a friend, a business entrepreneur, a community advocate and a whole lot more.

She is probably the hardest interviewee I have ever had to pin down in my nearly 20 years of writing from Australia to London and Auckland that has included politicians, comedians, sports stars and local heros. Without doubt she is a very busy woman.

Tracey and husband, Jason Shon Bennett, created a holistic health and wellness business, The Exceptional Health Company, six years ago. It started as a wellbeing group which has grown into a successful business that teaches “people all over the world how to eat well, get well, stay well and have exceptional health”.

The journey started with Jason who had spent the majority of his life unwell and on heavy medication for asthma. He took matters into his own hands as a young adult learning about natural health and eventually changed his diet and lifestyle. This resulted over time in major health and wellbeing improvements including curing his long term asthma. Wanting to share his passion and results, Jason had been writing a book for eight years when Tracey suggested he do a health and wellbeing seminar at their local school to help raise funds for the new kindergarten. Out of that came many requests for help and a local group was formed meeting regularly around the Bennett kitchen table - all passionate about taking their health to another level. Amazing results were achieved, demand grew and The Exceptional Health Company was born. “The idea [for The Exceptional Health Company] actually wasn’t at all planned – it was more something that happened very organically through sheer demand in our community,” Tracey explains. “We started six years ago after casually running a little wellbeing group with our friends over six months and getting outstanding results. We shared this experience and it grew from there.”

Today there are books, cooking classes, wellness programmes, seminars and more. The team has expanded to include a naturopath and nutritionist, an executive assistant, an administration manager and an equally passionate business partner. Jason is a best-selling author, international speaker, health researcher and co-director of the company. His story has been covered well by media.

Tracey’s story is just as interesting. Today her official job title stands as Co-Director and self-educated Whole-food Chef. She recently turned 50, celebrating the milestone with friends and family at a 1970s themed dress-up party. In her own words it was “a blast”. With all her accomplishments she


We’ve recently been blessed with our first grandchild, a little girl named Hadassah, or Dahsie as we like to call her. “She is the apple of our eye,” Tracey says, “and, although we moved to Ellerslie to be nearer to the school it didn’t take us long to fall in love with the area. It is a fantastic, rich and vibrant community with the bustling village as its heart and living on the park is gorgeous.” Over the years as The Exceptional Health Company has expanded and Tracey has taken on a number of roles. These include everything from long hours in planning, strategy and administration in the beginning to being Creative and Communications Director. More recently, combining her skills in the kitchen and love of connecting with people has led Tracey to an exciting, new venture within the business. “As Whole-food Chef, I have developed all the recipes in both our programmes. “Now I have fulfilled a little dream of mine and I’m in my element running whole-food cooking classes and foodie workshops as well as working with Jason on corporate wellbeing engagements,” Tracey says. “My biggest passion is creating and running holistic workshops and retreats. This allows me time to connect and help people on their health and wellness journey. This is what I love the most.” The cooking classes created by Tracey kicked off early 2016. They include an eight week plant-based, whole-food cooking course aimed to inspire cooking and enjoyment of food in more healthy and whole-food ways. There have been two three-hour Divinely Decadent workshops focused on teaching healthy desserts, and a Sumptuous Summer Salads workshop coming soon.

micheal’s ave reserve

Tracey’s top 5 Fav’s in ellerslie

ceres wholefoods our bustling village Michael park rudolf steiner school

Ellerslie Magazine


Like any small business and relationship, the early days were busy and full of ups and downs. While Jason has been ‘the face’ of the company, the truth of finding balance and equality in all aspects of the personal and professional relationship was more experimental. Running on adrenalin worked, for a while. When the adrenalin expired so did the balance. “We both worked tirelessly for the first few years until we got a few more staff to help share the load,” Tracey recalls. “I am someone who loves people but not so much being in the limelight so it worked well for a while”.

“It’s hard not to get all-consumed and lured into working ridiculous hours for your own business, especially if you are passionate about it. It took me getting pretty overwhelmed and near burnout to realise that it was essential for me to switch off and have regular downtime.”

So what does downtime look like for Wonder Woman? Well,

long walks in Cornwall Park and local surrounds three to five times a week help. Time out with friends, soaking in spa pools and yoga add to the relaxation. Movies in the home cinema and ironically, cooking, completes the recipe. “I’ve learnt how important it is to always be punctuating your life with things that make you happy no matter how busy you feel,” Tracey says.

“Jason and I are a very strong partnership, in life and in business. We have made every decision about our business together and we have worked very well as a team for the most part -particularly given we never actually planned to start a business together!”

The Exceptional Health Company has helped people across New Zealand, Australia and beyond and will continue to grow as new research paves the way for natural health. Tracey is a key part of that growth and intends to help push the boundaries for healthier communities in mind, body and soul.

Visit www.excepetionalhealthcompany.com UPCOMING CLASSES IN ELLERSLIE

Plant-based Wholefoods Cooking – Starts Friday October 21, 10am-12.30pm for 8 weeks. Sexy, Scrumptious Summer Salads – Sunday October 23, 1pm -4.30pm Divinely Decadent Desserts – Sunday November 20, 1pm -4.30pm YOU CAN CHECK THE WEBSITE OR EMAIL TRACEY DIRECT ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COURSES



Ellerslie Magazine


The Cataplana is basically two half concave pans, joined by a hinge and two side locks, allowing an hermetic cooking of the dishes, becoming really, the forerunner of the current modern pressure cooker, what makes the cataplana a trully ancient primitive pressure cooker.


200g firm white fish 500g mussels (shell on) 300g clams Crabmeat or other fresh shellfish 2 cloves garlic 1 bay leaf 100g fresh prawns (shell on) ½ tsp paprika or a pinch of saffron 100g finely chopped bacon, ham or chorizo ½ fish stock 100g calamari rings 1 small onion or 3 shallots 200g cooked cannelli beans Glug of olive oil 2 fresh tomatoes Handful of fresh coriander or parsley ½ green capsicum Pepper and sea salt to taste 1 fresh red chilli [optional]


Cut fish into chunks, combine with diced garlic, paprika, pepper and sea salt. Set aside. Chop onion into thin slices, dice tomato and capsicum. Place the open Cataplana on the stove on a medium heat, add oil and sauté onions until transparent. Add bay leaf, tomato, chilli, capsicum and stock and cook for 5 minutes. Add in shell fish and fish, prawns, finely diced meats and beans. Sprinkle with the chopped coriander or parsley. Close the lid of the Cataplana and simmer on low heat for 10 minutes. Serve with paella rice and lemon wedges.

If this dish is inspiring you but you don’t have a Cataplana you can use a Paella pan with similar results - enjoy!

Ellerslie Magazine


ellerslie SCHOOL Singing is at the core of Ellerslie School’s music programme. There are 190 students in the massed choirs (that’s almost one third of the school!) and Ellerslie is extremely proud of their many achievements. Ellerslie School is developing a fine reputation for choral singing. In the past year, the choirs have performed at the Auckland Town Hall in the APPA Music Festival and NZCF Kids Sing Festival. Closer to home, they have performed with Volcanic City Voices at Somervell Church and for the Friends of the APO at Ellerslie War Memorial Hall. On the same day as their 2016 concert with the University of Auckland CeleBRation Choir at Tamaki Campus, the Senior Chamber Choir sang the NZ National Anthem at Ellerslie Race Course for Auckland Cup Day. The school community is very grateful for such wonderful opportunities for the children to sing. This month, the Ellerslie School Junior Choir (110 students) and Senior Choir (80 students) competed in the prestigious NZCF Kids Sing Choral Festival at the Auckland Town Hall. It’s like the olympics for Auckland primary and intermediate school choirs!

Congratulations to your soloist and solo group. There is a good developing musical line here, with clear tone and intonation.” The Senior Choir received a bronze award in the Year 7-8 category and was the only choir to receive a standing ovation from the audience. Particularly acclaimed was the choir’s performance of We Are Aotearoa, composed and led by Year 8 Ellerslie students Hannah Milo and Ella Dale. Tributes from members of the public and other schools have been flowing in since Hannah and Ella won the NZ Music Month songwriting competition Hook Line & Sing- along. Their song We Are Aotearoa has been featured on TVNZ Seven Sharp and translated into NZ Sign Language with nearly 35,000 views on Youtube.

The Junior Choir received a silver award in the Year 1-6 category. In her comments, the adjudicator, Morag Atchison said “What a big choir. It is so wonderful to see so many singing! They all came on with a wonderful attitude and great posture.

FAREWELL from chris magner, ellerslie school principal 2005-2016 – Retiring October 2016 – I have had a long and varied career and would do it all again. I guess the variety has helped my longevity in the profession.

great community. I will miss the diversity of the people who belong in our learning community and lovely atmosphere we have all created.

I trained in Wellington and taught in a range of roles within Primary and Intermediate Schools. I started school as a five year old in Titahi Bay so you could say I have been involved in education for 59½ years.

Property has had the biggest changes in my time with our new 31 Collaborative Learning Spaces, landscaped play areas, new administration/staff block, music suite and technology room.

I have had many memorable moments with the staff and students at Ellerslie School. The one that stood out to many of us was the reading of the names of the ex-Ellerslie School students who died in World War 1 during the ANZAC Memorial Service we had in our school grounds. We realised the hard fact that Ellerslie School has been here for a long time by NZ standards and has educated many students over 139 years.

Lisa Harland will be the new Principal in Term 4, leading Ellerslie School with its challenges of the future.

I will remember and miss the dedicated, loyal staff we have built up over the years and the well-mannered, clever students supported by a


As for me, I’m going surfing. Denise and I intend to travel regularly to visit family in the UK and Australia and join our youngest in Wellington – back home! I hope to see you all at the 150th Celebrations in 2027!


Te Aroha West School – Principal – A rural school with 80 students.


Paekakariki School – Principal – A diverse seaside community on the Kapiti Coast with about 250 students.


Merrilands School – Principal – An urban New Plymouth school with 300 students.


Ellerslie School – Principal – 700 students

Thank you Ellerslie. Chris Magner

Ellerslie Magazine


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ry as they might, Mitchell and Matilda could not sleep. It was simply far too exciting. The brother and sister had been tucked up in bed with good night kisses hours ago, but the promise of tomorrow had kept them awake.

“But what will happen if it rains?” Matilda whispered to her twin. “You know fairies can’t fly in the rain. It will all be ruined.” Mitchell rolled over to face Matilda. She was sitting with her knees pulled up, the blankets making a tent with the shape of her legs. Dewberry was tucked neatly under her right arm, her purple veined wings peeping out from behind Matilda’s shoulder. The nightlight sparkled fairies and pirates across their bedroom walls and ceiling, the colour changing from blue to pink to yellow and green every few minutes. “Stop worrying Matilda,” Mitchell whispered back. “It has never rained, not once, in all the years yet. I think the pirates tell the fairies they have to use a special ‘no rain’ spell just in case.” Matilda nodded a satisfied nod. She knew her brother was right, she just needed to hear him say it. Again. The bedroom curtains swayed slightly as a light breeze crept through the crack in the window. Spring had only just begun, so there was still a slight chill in the air, but Matilda and Mitchell had begged for their window to be left open tonight. They were hoping some of the fairy magic might travel down the main street from the town centre, past the train station and into their quiet cul-de-sac, eventually slipping through the open window to land on their pillows. Just imagine waking up to find fairy dust on your pillow! Matilda was secretly hoping that some might even land on Dewberry, turning the purple fairy and her sparkling ballet slippers into something more real. Like a real-life walking and talking fairy, the ones her and her brother were going to see tomorrow.


Mitchell pretended not to like the fairies much, he preferred the pirates, but there was no doubting his amazement when it came to magic. He knew, afterall, that the pirates must use a little bit of the fairy magic to fly their ships across the night skies to land and anchor outside the library. How else could they get there? “Do you think they are there now, sleeping under the stairs with all the tiled pictures near the train station? Do you think they have had enough to eat? Have they got enough blankets?” Matilda was talking more to Dewberry than Mitchell. There was a creak in the hallway and the twins heard footsteps. “Quick,” Mitchell hissed. “Lay down and pretend you’re asleep.” The footsteps crept closer and there was a flash of light under the door as a shadow went past. The bedroom door slowly jutted open, just wide enough for a head to pop through. Mitchell peeked through one eye. The door closed again, the hallway light was turned off and the footsteps gradually subsided. Matilda still had her eyes shut tightly. “Was it pirates? Are they still here?” her question barely audible, but loud enough for a twin brother to hear. “It’s OK Tilly,” he sighed. “Just mum checking on us. She’s gone now.” “Phew, I thought it was Captain Bones coming back to find us. Dewberry told me he likes to sneak into bedrooms at nighttime. Maybe we’ll have to stay awake all night to make sure he doesn’t.” Mitchell smiled. They both gazed up to the ceiling watching the pictures fade in and out of colours for awhile. “Tomorrow is going to be so great. Has it really been a year since the last time?” Matilda just loved asking questions. Mitchell checked the foot of his bed to make sure his pirate costume was still there, waiting for the time when the sun came

Ellerslie Magazine


win your own or

up and he could strip off his pyjamas and jump straight into the stripes, eye patch and jagged pants. His pretend sword was lying on the floor. “Do you remember all the bubbles and fairy dust? How they just fill the air and float around all day?” it was Matilda again. “I hope I can learn some new fairy games so I can teach Dewberry.”

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It felt like hours had passed, surely the sun would be shining soon, but the illuminated face of the grow clock which sat upon the drawers between the twins bed was still dark blue, with the moon and stars showing. Both Mitchell and Matilda desperately wanted to get up and start making their way to the Spring Festival, but they dare not get out of bed until the sun started smiling on the grow clock.

kids market ad.pdf 1 24/08/2016 5:19:42 PM

Every year since the twins could remember fairies and pirates magically transformed their town into a wonderland. Magical fairy doors appeared in the stores, cars and buses were not allowed, and even adults were only allowed to enter if accompanied by a child. The fairies took over the road, the sidewalks, even some of the shop windows. The pirates walked around like they owned the town. There was laughter, games, fairy dust, bubbles and pirate grumbles all over the place. Everyone knew it was the best day ever, and we could even send messages through the fairy mail box, how exciting to think we may get a message back. Mitchell and Matilda had been lost in their own memories of the festival for a few moments, and sleep had tempted them to close their eyes. Their breathing became slower and even.







Dewberry was on her side very still, her eyes staring straight ahead at the window. A breeze rustled the curtains and a glittery dust burst into the room filling the space instantly. Slowly it started to fall like snow across the twins’ beds coming to rest on their covers and pillows. Dewberry blinked and her purple veined wings fluttered.



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Ellerslie Magazine


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Dental diseases are linked with lifestyle choices. We provide personalised strategy programs to improve health habits that will keep you orally fit. Personalised service and care from our team. Angela Lowe-Ho with 30+ years of experience. Ana, Dental Assistant with 10+ years experience and Edmund Ho administration and support. Requiring further advice? Contact me on text/mobile. Senior citizen rates, registered ACC and WINZ provider

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Ellerslie dentist Angela Lowe-Ho has been successfully restoring the teeth - and smiles - of patients for more than thirty years, and a growing list of testimonials reflects her professional and caring nature. The primary focus of the dental centre is on emergency pain relief, broken fillings, root canals, extractions, wisdom teeth, bleeding gums, including hygiene and hygienist treatments. However Angela also lives by the slogan, Dentist with a Difference.

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your local board breakdown Cutting through the politics of your local board

Elections for your local board are just around the corner. The candidates are in full campaign mode and community engagement at an all time high. But what is a local board and why should you care? Well, like anything political it can be complicated and full of rhetoric. In the coming paragraphs we break it down to help you understand the role of a local board and why it’s important to you. WHERE Auckland is divided into 21 local boards. Ellerslie is in a unique position to be covered by two local boards; Orakei Local Board and the Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board.


Confused yet? Hang in there. Basically the Southern Motorway and Ellerslie-Panmure Highway act as natural boundaries. If you live on the south-west of the boundary you are a MaungakiekieTamaki Board citizen. If you live on the north-east side of the motorway you are a Orakei Local Board citizen. If all else fails, see the maps. WHAT Right, so now you need to know what these boards do. Your Local Board complements Auckland’s governing body in decision-making and responsibilities. The governing body is simply the elected Auckland mayor and ward councillors and focuses on the big picture of Auckland.

Ellerslie Magazine



A local board, led by the elected candidates, has the power to make decisions on all local issues, share community views and wishes to the governing body which shape the policies, plans, bylaws and strategies we all live by. Public board meetings are held monthly to discuss a range of issues, while subcommittee meetings and extraordinary meetings are also held throughout the year. A schedule of meeting dates, venues, agendas and minutes can be found at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz WHO There are 17 candidates running for the seven positions in the Maungakiekie-Tamaki Board race. While in the Orakei Local board there are 14 candidates vying for the seven positions.

community. This directly impacts on the budget allocated to each ward and the types of community projects, which may or may not be funded. Local boards also provide input to Community-ControlledOrganistations (CCO) plans and initiatives. There are seven large CCO’s in Auckland and a number of smaller ones. These CCOs are controlled by unelected boards and look after key community services and activities. While independent organisations, a CCO is accountable to Auckland Council for targets and performance ratings. Key CCOs include Auckland Transport, Watercare Services, and Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development. Find out more including candidate information at www.showyourlove.co.nz

Many are new faces, so it is important to get to know your candidates to make an informed vote. OTHER IMPORTANT BITS Every three years Local Boards develop a plan reflecting the priorities of the


Ellerslie Magazine


LIONS foundations Six guide dog puppies presented to the blind foundation Over the past few years The Lions Club of Remuera has presented six puppies to be trained to become guide dogs. The puppies are trained for six months by puppy walkers to introduce them to situations they will encounter. They are then returned to the guide dog facility to be assessed on personality, temperament health etc., before being given to assist a blind person. What a wonderful help they are too! Recently a number of Remuera lions attended the guide dog facility at Wiri to present their sixth guide dog. It was Lions Clubs International who many years ago developed the white stick for the blind after being challenged by Helen Keller to become ‘Knights of the Blind’.

The Lions Club of Remuera meet at St Marks Church Hall, 95 Remuera Road Newmarket. On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays monthly. For more information phone Cyril J Moore 3684011 or 021611227.

Remuera President Josephine Foged with SAYDE named by our members “ Sayde” S = Seeing A = Assistance Y = Eye D = Dog E = Effective Members on their visit to Guide Dog Training Facility.

rotary club

Ellerslie Rotary digs in for the community! A cold winter’s day did not put members of our Ellerslie Rotary Club recently when we joined other volunteers to assist with the planting, weeding and mulching in Waiatarua Reserve.

– and it’s also a great opportunity to chat to other locals.

This very popular park for Ellerslie residents exercising and walking their dogs, is also a unique wetlands area. Ellerslie Rotary has joined up with the Friends of Waiatarua Reserve to work top reserve the wildlife.

Our support of the Waiatarua Reserve is just one of several community projects that club members are actively involved in. We are always seeking new members and if you would like to find out more.

This means an occasional Saturday afternoon in gumboots with spades in hand

Karen & WJ Planting

Ellerslie Rotary has also contributed $2,000 this year towards the new seedlings that we have been planting in the reserve.

Contact Annabel Lush on a.lush@xtra.co.nz or 021 738 990

Happy Volunteers Chris & Ross


Ellerslie Magazine


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mme u s W e N e cu p N a rt y r p u s o a b m l t me chrIs s a .co.nz b o u m p a l o a lo y flyingm t a e r o m Find out 33

Ellerslie Magazine


ellerslie THEATRical society Our third production for 2016 has come and gone, in spite of a couple of disruptions during the rehearsal and set building weeks when other casual hirers of the hall lost control and caused considerable damage and inconvenience. It was another good production and our audiences left smiling and chuckling having had an entertaining evening. What more can any theatre ask? Things like Handymen, fossickers, cooks, kitchenhands, waiting persons, bar tenders, sound and light designers, and audiences! The list looks a bit daunting doesn’t it? In reality anyone with a little spare time could do any of it. You need not, initially, have a deep abiding passion for theatre, that will probably develop as you work with us. A handyman can be anything from a skilled carpenter or painter or the person who holds a piece of wood while someone else drills a hole in it or anything between those skills. A fossicker is someone who likes having a reason to potter around second hand shops or asking friends, or enemies, for particular objects needed for the current play, then continuing to keep track of these wonderful finds during the run of the play. Fossicking can lead to all kinds of adventures. Cooks, Kitchenhands and waiting persons. Strangely enough both players and audiences need to be fed and watered during performances. Nothing complicated, just tea, coffee and biscuits and an occasional cake. This service ultimately produces dirty dishes which need washing. Bar tender involves opening bottles and pouring small amounts of liquid from one vessel to another and again taking care of the dirty vessels. Nothing complicated. Sound and light designers need a little more specialised knowledge but we are more than happy to share ours with you. Audiences, possibly, after the players, the most important people of all. The only qualification needed is to be there and enjoy the play. That is what theatre is all about. Enjoyment laced with a little thought stimulation.

So, please put some of your spare time to good use and ring Rona, 5253336 or David 524 4350 and discuss your preferences with us.

Our next show ‘Waiting in The Wings’ by Noel Coward. A gently comedic look at life in a retirement home for ‘resting’ actresses. We open this show on Thursday 3rd November and close on Saturday 12th November. This is a show you really do not want to miss so put it in the diary now! See you there. Get your tickets from www.iticket.co.nz or ring Rona 525 3336 For more information visit www.ellerslietheatre.co.nz

ELLERSLIE TOASTMASTERS Tom Sharplin joined Ellerslie Sunrise Toastmasters in 2007. You might think that after years of singing in front of large crowds, it would be easy. A well known entertainer, Tom appreciates the opportunity to improve not just public speaking, but also his listening skills He always knew he would benefit from Toastmasters. He says it can be interesting, fun and challenging. He enjoys being among like-minded positive people. Tom’s favourite part of a meeting is seeing a newer member take on a difficult task and succeed. Toastmasters gives people confidence and skills to speak before and audience. There are 2 Toastmaster Clubs near Ellerslie. Ellerslie Sunrise Toastmasters meet alternate Tuesday mornings here in Ellerslie and Ellerslie Sunrise Toastmasters meet 7am – 8.20am on alternate Tuesday mornings, Christ’s Church, 169 Ladies Mile. Parking on the street.


Ellerslie Magazine

Harrison Road contact Jane on 527 1771 Meet 5:45pm – 7:45pm Alternate Tuesday evenings St Peters Church, 7 Harrison Road, Mt Wellington Sunrise Club contact Marilyn Church 0275 616 204 Meet 7am – 8.20am Alternate Tuesday mornings, Christ’s Church, 169 Ladies Mile


ellerslie play centre

Ellerslie Playcentre is enjoying this winter with lots of play and celebration! Towards the end of Term 2, we all got together to celebrate Matariki, the Māori New Year. This memorable event saw the children create their own colourful lanterns that they used to light their way through the native bush of Lawry Reserve which neighbours the grounds of Ellerslie Playcentre. After the lantern walk, we celebrated this special occasion with an authentic hāngī dinner. This was brought to our table with the help of one of our family friends and was enjoyed by all of our members. We would like to thank Countdown St Johns who donated some vegetables as well as the Glen Innes

Mad Butcher for giving us a great deal on the meat. Ellerslie Playcentre is very fortunate to have the support of many local businesses and services and we appreciate that it is these strong community links that help make our playcentre events so successful. This year’s Matarki celebration was a great example of how our caring group of members work together cooperatively in order to provide the children with a variety of rich learning experiences that relate to our unique cultural identity. Ellerslie Playcentre is for children from birth to school age, we follow the early childhood curriculum set in place by the Ministry of Education but with a Playcentre spin on it!

Ellerslie Playcentre welcomes new families so if this sounds like just the things you have been looking for please email ellerslieplaycentre@hotmail.co.nz or visit our facebook page for more information and to find out when our next visitor evening is being held.


Ellerslie Magazine


ellerslie play GROUP Ellerslie Playgroup is about having fun! This term, Playgroup has organised a range of activities for our children to participate in. We endeavour to provide fun, interesting activities both on our outings and at our weekly sessions at Leicester Hall. Last term, we had a trip out to Butterfly Creek, where the children had fun going to the petting zoo, exploring the dinosaur kingdom and seeing the butterflies up close. This term we have organised an

Jemma Holmes and Hannah Winter at Butterfly Creek.

outing to Ambury Farm where the children will be able to explore the farm and see all the spring newborn animals, followed by a picnic morning tea. Each week we have a craft activity which is catered to the age of the children, and as these can get very messy, we encourage bringing along or wearing old clothes. We also have a fantastic little music session, during which we encourage the children and adults to sing and boogie along together.

Jemma Holmes at Butterfly Creek petting zoo.

come and join us


We’re run by parents/caregivers of preschool children on both Tuesdays and Fridays, from 9.30am – 11.30am. Through MOE funding, we are able to keep the weekly cost down to $4 per family (which also includes a great morning tea for all). There is currently no waiting list for either the Tuesday or the Friday sessions, so if you are interested in learning more or are wanting to join, you can contact us on: ellerslieplaygroup@gmail.com, and ‘like’ us on Facebook.




Ellerslie Magazine

swimming lessons for under-fives saves lives Recently a client of Hilton Brown Swimming recounted a story that demonstrates the value of early swimming lessons. Kirsty Inglis was taught to swim by Hilton Brown, so when she and her husband started their family, deciding to give their children swimming lessons with Hilton Brown Swimming was a ‘no brainer’. The usefulness of the lessons became abundantly clear the other weekend, when the family were at Kirsty’s brother’s place trying out the new pool. “My husband dived in down the far end, about 20 metres away. I was chatting with some other mums when one of them said ‘Oh my god, Jackson’s in the water’. Jackson’s 3½ and he’s an over-confident swimmer. At lessons we’re always encouraging him to stop and think before he jumps. This time he was really in over his head – the pool was deep and he went straight to the bottom. But after a moment he popped up to the surface for a breath, just like he’d been taught. He went down again, and then popped up for another breath. Then he made his way safely to the side of the pool. We didn’t panic, he didn’t panic. It was very reassuring to see.” Lessons can begin as early as three months at Hilton Brown Swimming.


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Ellerslie Magazine

8/7/16 5:00 PM


COMBINED PROBUS Our members have enjoyed some indoor outings during these last few somewhat wet months. Several of us had a very enjoyable morning tea at the Rialto cinema which was followed by a screening of the film Love and Friendship.Then in August we met for lunch and attended some of the Museum’s winter talks. We had a choice of 2, The Home Front, life at home during World War 1, and Finding Our Voice. A fascinating discussion about the way various immigrant cultures melded to form our own distinctive culture. The speakers at our meetings have been equally diverse with a wonderful talk about the actual physical aspect of climbing in the Himalayas. It would be difficult enough just walking on the flat wearing all the clothing which is essential just to survive, never mind climbing over icy rocks carrying your personal needs. The Sherpas have enough to carry with all the camping gear and food but you still need your own water etc.! At the next meeting we had a talk from a Master Chef contestant who explained some of the pressures and tensions and how her life has developed because of it. On Friday 23rd September we will visit Leafy Hollow Lavender Farm and come back to the Kentish Hotel in Waiuku for lunch.

Home Front - Experiences of the First World War in New Zealand

UPCOMING VISIT to Leafy Hollow, Lavender Garden, Waiuku

www.lavendergarden.nz Friday September 23rd Call Rona 579 7605

For more information, ring Rona 579 7605

new to the area For those who are new to the district, we meet in the Ellerslie War Memorial Hall on the 3rd Friday of each month at 10a.m. and go somewhere interesting on the 4th Friday of each month. We invite you to come along to a couple of meetings and/or outings to meet us and see if Probus is for you before we ask you to pay the joining fee of $10 plus the annual subscription of $15 and actually become a member. We also have a writer’s group who write, sometimes about events in their childhood or whatever for their grandchildren to read. This is how family history

is kept alive. It is great fun sharing these with each other. Also on every Thursday morning there is a board games morning in the Christ Church Hall on Ladies Mile. $3 covers the hire of the hall and morning tea. Although the Probus group organises this you do not have to be a Probian to come along. Come and have a fun morning. We look forward to meeting you. For more information, ring Rona 579 7605

SPRIN G 2016


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Ellerslie Magazine


new look coming for harcourts preet & co - Ellerslie Q - When did Preet & Co. add the Ellerslie office to its portfolio? A - When we explored the options for expanding our business, the Ellerslie office met our criteria of being at the centre of the community, something that is important to us as a group. We started discussions with John Redward, the previous owner earlier this year. John has been an integral part of the community in Ellerslie and we’re honoured that he chose Harcourts Preet & Co to continue his legacy. We officially took over the business on 17th June. We’re giving the office a new look at the moment so you will see the doors are closed for the next few weeks. The Team are temporarily working out of our Manukau office so still available – just give them a call or email. Keep a look out for our invite to the reopening of the office! Q - What are some of the strengths of the Ellerslie office and community? A - When you’re looking to buy or sell, go with experience. Harcourts Ellerslie has been operating for over 14 years and the team knows the property landscape in the area inside out. As locals, they care about the community and always endeavour to achieve the best possible results for their clients. Our newly appointed Branch Manager for Ellerslie, Joe Voordouw, grew up in the area and is really excited to get back to his roots.


Q - Real estate is always a hot topic in Auckland news, why do you enjoy the industry so much? A - For us, it’s the people. Interacting with clients and other real estate professionals, you really go through a journey with people – be it buying a first home, moving up the property ladder or even getting into a rental property – it’s all an experience and it’s important for us in this industry to make these experiences positive. Q - How has Ellerslie welcomed you in? A - What we’ve found the most enjoyable about coming into the Ellerslie area is just how welcoming everyone is. There is a real sense of community here and it’s such a beautiful, safe suburb. Q - How would you describe the staff in the Ellerslie office? A - It’s a tribute to John that we take over an established office with experienced sales consultants who know their market. The existing team has been incredibly welcoming to the rest of the Preet & Co family, and that’s how they treat their clients – with warmth and respect. Q - What are Ellerslie’s best hidden gems? A - Gordita’s at Mexico! Can’t get enough of them! Ellerslie is such a hidden gem in Auckland – on fantastic public transport routes for both bus and train, and superbly located to access motorways and arterial routes to other parts of the city. The main street is a hive of activity with great shops and restaurants, and the perfect blend of old and new architecture in the area.

Ellerslie Magazine


ellerslie residents association After years of lobbying and discussions it is good to be able to report a quartet of wins for the community. Even though, at the time of writing, the Auckland Governing Body hadn’t given its verdict on the Unitary Plan, it was great to read in the Independent Panel report that oursubmissions convinced them to change some areas to “mixed use” which will give owners and developers much more flexibility as Ellerslie develops over the next twenty or thirty years. There is a new footpath and cycle way around Liston Park from Abbotts Way connecting it to Michaels Avenue. This has taken great persistence from the Orakei Local Board, particularly from Ken Baguley, and greatly improves access for residents. Another win on the drawing board is a plan to upgrade the Elwood entrance to Michaels Ave Park as part of the ongoing work to improve the park. The entrance will be widened and a footpath installed to give pedestrians genuine and safe access to the park. And the fourth win of this quartet, after three years of lobbying to get a safe crossing across Morrin Street to get to Roberts Street from Lonsdale, Formosa Court and The Oaks, we are pleased to see a pedestrian refuge is being installed on Morrin Street. Well done Auckland Transport for finally getting this done. Hopefully it will also serve to slow down traffic coming down the hill off Ladies Mile. We hope that this flood of wins will continue and NZTA will be persuaded to erect noise and pollution barriers on the Northern side of the motorway before too long. Your committee are pleased with these successes and

with more help we could achieve even more. It would be good to have more committee members who live in areas of Ellerslie where we do not have representation at present. You can see who the present members are on our website www.ellerslieresidents.co.nz which has just been given a total new look. We think it is great and hope it works for you too. We also need people to delivering flyers to publicise events and people to put out signs on our meeting days, four times a year. We’ll give you the sign to store and you put the sign out on the date we advise you.

Our Public Meeting on 20 November will again be our Annual Clubs Market Place event. This is an opportunity for all clubs to display what their club does and for parents to bring along their family and enrol in a healthy sport for 2017 or join a club.

ellerslie patrol With Spring around the corner and warmer weather ahead, unfortunately we get to see a rise locally in petty crime such as graffiti and vandalism. A way to combat this and to support your local community here in Ellerslie is to join the Ellerslie Community Patrol. Full training is provided and you only need to take part in one patrol (daytime or evening) a month - and always with a buddy.


If you are interested to find out more, please contact Murray Wells on MurrayW@jdw.co.nz

Ellerslie Magazine



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ONE TREE HILL COLLEGE This year continues to be one of outstanding achievements for the students, staff and community of One Tree Hill College. Some major recent achievements include: New Zealand Big Sing Finalist – the One Tree Hill College Boy’s Chorale has been selected as one of New Zealand’s best choirs and will compete in Dunedin at the national finals. Stage Challenge Performing Arts – the One Tree Hill College group won two excellence awards at the Auckland finals at the Aotea Centre. Netball – the One Tree Hill College Year 9 Netball team are Auckland Champions having gone through the season undefeated. New Zealand Under 16 League Team – Year 11 student, Blade Kamuhemu, was selected to compete against Great Britain later this year. In addition to these successes, I am very pleased to be able to announce to the community that One Tree Hill College is now the Education Centre for Oceania Football. This is a major partnership which will see the best footballers from

the Oceania region attending the college for their education, whilst also training with some of Oceania’s best coaches. We are currently enrolling students for 2017 and interest is very high from families within our local area. There will be very limited places available for students who live out of zone – please refer to our website for the college’s enrolment scheme. We invite all families wishing to enrol their children for 2017 to contact the college reception on 579-5049 to make an appointment. As always, I would welcome any interested members of our community who wish to take a tour of the college to contact me to arrange an opportunity for me to show you around our college. This continues to be a great time to be involved with One Tree Hill College. We certainly have students with exceptional talent and it is wonderful to see them show such pride in the college. I look forward to the many successes which will occur throughout the remainder of the year.

N Coughlan [Principal]


FRIENDS OF THE AUCKLAND PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA Here it is the 9th month of the year already and we have, as many will know, had some wonderful Friday mornings in the Ellerslie War Memorial Hall. June had us listening to and talking with the Oboe and Cor Anglais sections of the orchestra. They told us of the many and varied paths they had followed to end up playing in the orchestra. They also explained the technicalities of playing their instruments and how each player makes his own reeds for his instrument and how often they need to renew their instruments. We also had two people from Phonak, who are substantial sponsors of the orchestra, present who offered free hearing tests. Surprising how deaf you can be while still thinking you are hearing perfectly. Then in July we had Alexander McFarlane playing his viola for us. Alexander’s parents are both permanent members of the orchestra, one playing viola the other trumpet. Alexander has played for us once or twice before and now, after spending a year studying at the Guildhall in London, is on the threshold of a very promising musical career. Good luck and best wishes to him. We’re so lucky to have the opportunity to hear these talented young people at the beginning

of their careers. It is also very satisfying to realise that the door fees, $15 for a visitor and $12 for a member, go to the orchestra to perform such wonderful concerts and to influence young minds through mentoring in schools and supporting Sistema in South Auckland. Like every orchestra in the world the money received from the sale of tickets for concerts only covers a portion of the expenses so the money raised on Fridays, together with annual subscription to become a member of the Friends is very gratefully accepted by the administrators. The ‘Friends’ have also, very successfully, hosted a Chamber Music Showcase and a Brass Showcase in the University School of Music auditorium, and will host on the 13th September, a film, The Soloist, followed with a roast lunch at the West Wind (Ryders) cinema, Avondale. Tickets for this are $40 Each. Ring Tony Powell 814 9298 for yours. When you join the ‘Friends’ you will receive notice of all our events every 6 months and so avoid that ‘Oh I’ve missed out feeling. For more information, ring Bryce Bartley 580 1967.

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Ellerslie Magazine


POLICE talk - teenageRs & alcohol Most young people are exposed to alcohol. Many use alcohol to deal with stress, frustration and conflict, or as a result of peer pressure. Yet too much alcohol only makes these problems worse. Parents have a hard job too. You know the dangers of too much alcohol – fights, car crashes and inappropriate behaviour. But teenagers often reject your advice. Respect your teenager’s opinion, but be honest and firm. Discuss alcohol with your teenagers, set some clear rules together and stick to them. A moderate approach is best – not too strict and not too easy-going. If a teenager is unconscious or vomiting continuously put them on their side with their head turned to one side (the recovery position) and dial 111 for an ambulance.

If you think your teenager has a drug or alcohol problem, contact the Alcohol Drug Helpline 0800 787 797. Parties and teenagers Parties are part of teenage (and adult) life in New Zealand. There are things you as a parent can do to reduce the chance of things going wrong. Set ground rules when your teenager wants to go to a party. Sit down and agree to some conditions. These conditions will obviously depend on their age and your own values. As an example, you might set a limit on the amount of alcohol (if any) your teenager can drink. Contact the host’s parents and check on details such as supervision, time, location and arrangements regarding alcohol and transport. Your son or daughter may give you a rough time about this, but it is worth persisting. Tell your teenager that if things get out of control at the party you will always arrange to get them home safely. Talk about the kinds of things that might happen. They need to be prepared if:

> the person who was to drive them home is drunk > there is violence or drugs at the party

> they are feeling threatened or frightened. Safety tips

ell your teenagers they can phone you at any time and • T you will come and pick them up.

• I f they don’t have a mobile phone, give them a phone card or get a Home 0800 number so that they can ring you from any phone, even if they have no money. ive them some emergency money so they can get a • G taxi home.

• O rganise a car pool with the parents of your teenager’s friends. Hosting parties with or for your teenager

If you and your teenager are hosting their party, sit down and agree to some rules and make some decisions in advance of the party. • Who is coming, including how many? • How they will be invited? • Will alcohol be provided? If so, how much and what kind? • What other drinks, food etc will be available? • How will you deal with alcohol brought by guests? • Who will serve the drinks? • What time will the party finish? • How will guests get home? • Will some guests stay over? • Adult supervision – how will this be done and by whom? • How will gatecrashers be handled? Adult supervision is critical at teenage parties. Make sure it is visible but not intrusive. For example the teenagers could be in the garage while the adults are in the lounge. You may ask that all the guests come through the front door first so that you know who is there. Gatecrashers can be a problem. To prevent this happening some parents hire security staff or ask a responsible and sober adult relative to deal with uninvited guests. Set a finish time for the party and have a group of adults work together to wind it up – this can involve other parents coming to pick up their own kids.


in the nz pie awards julias bakery mince n’ cheese pie


Ellerslie Magazine



In May 2016 the Education Review Office (ERO) undertook a review of Michael Park School for the first time since 2012. The purpose of ERO’s reviews is to give parents and the wider community assurance about the quality of education that schools provide and their children receive. Fundamentally, ERO were interested in understanding the degree to which Michael Park School’s curriculum is promoting student learning, engagement, progress and achievement. They also undertook a review of the school’s systems for sustaining and continuing improvements. Highlights from the confirmed report include: • Michael Park School uses achievement information very well to make positive changes to learners’ progress and achievement. • Teachers and senior leaders carefully monitor and analyse student achievement information and successfully target students at risk of not achieving. • Students with special learning needs and abilities are identified and supported by a strong holistic and co-ordinated team approach. • The school’s curriculum promotes and supports student learning very effectively. • The school’s special character, philosophy and pedagogy are very strongly evidenced through the curriculum. The school effectively promotes educational success for Māori. Michael Park School is very well placed to sustain and improve its performance. • The principal, school leaders and teachers are an effective team of professionals. The principal’s measured management of change and improvement is well paced. The resulting focus on building collective capability and capacity across the school has helped further inspire innovation and improve learning outcomes for students. • Governance is effective. The board has a clear understanding of its stewardship role. Trustees work well as a team, utilise their collective strengths well and have a good understanding of their responsibilities on the board. ERO have informed us that they are likely to carry out their next review in four-to-five years. Michael Park School management, Board and Trust are

very pleased with the outcomes of the review. This is a solid endorsement of the quality of self-review undertaken over the past few years and the excellent progress that has been made to further strengthen the quality of education we are providing. If you’d like to read the full review, this can be viewed on ERO’s website: www.ero.govt.nz.

For further information about upcoming Open Days at Michael Park School or to enquire about an expression of interest pack visit our website www.michaelpark.school.nz or contact our enrolment officer on 579 3083.

TAGAMALIE BRINGING OUR PEOPLE TOGETHER AT THE ORAKEI COMMUNITY CENTRE Sofia Brunt and her husband Peleti began volunteering at the Orakei Community Centre in April 2015. In this time they have created magic within the walls of this wonderful little facility in the East. Laughter, Food and Friendship is an example of this magic and highlights the worth of volunteers in our communities.

Local people enjoying themselves and getting to know each other

The first ‘Laughter, Food and Friendship’ activity began on 13 July. Community gardeners collaborated with Tagamalie programme to share produce and assist in the preparation of a lunch with a crockpot of soup prepared with ingredients from the community garden, home-made bread, pumpkin pie and dumplings. The gathering of ‘Laughter, Food and Friendship’ takes place every Wednesday at the Orakei Community Centre between 11.30 and 1.30pm – all are welcome.


Vertical garden made up from pallets with the assistance of volunteers and East Men’s shed.

Ellerslie Magazine


”The Ellerslie Under 12/ Pt England School team have embraced the game of cricket with such enthusiasm and commitment and I look forward to their progression over the coming years.”David Woolford.

g n i n e t Shor ellerslie cricket club Ellerslie Cricket Club Under 12 Girls Dominate Auckland Cricket Ellerslie Girls Programme Manager David Woolford is excited about the future of girl’s cricket at the Club and he is not shy in revealing that his Under 12 girl’s soft ball team dominated their grade in the Auckland Cricket Association Saturday morning competition at Melville Park last season. Sally Va’afusuaga, Sports Teacher at Pt England School, and David are the driving force behind a very successful initiative recently set up between the Ellerslie Cricket Club and Point England School. David’s strategy is to carefully select schools in the Club’s catchment area and work with them to provide support and coaching to bring players and school teams into the Ellerslie Cricket Club community. Ellerslie/Pt England Under 12 Champions 20015/20016 and all this hard work has paid off with their team blasting their way to become the 2015/2016 Auckland Cricket Association Champions for the Under 12 Mini-Hearts Soft Ball competition.

ellerslie TAI CHI Tai Chi and Balance Tai Chi with its integrative approach strengthens the whole body while focusing the mind and addresses a wide range of physical and mental health issues –including bone strength, joint stability, cardiovascular health, immunity, and emotional well-being. Tai Chi is especially useful for improving balance and preventing falls – a major concern for older adults. Studies have shown that ‘Falls Prevention’ Tai Chi reduces falls in seniors by up to 45%. Tai Chi has major emotional benefits too. ‘Fear of falling’ is one of the biggest predictors of a fall. By making you firmer on your feet, Tai Chi takes away that fear. In our classes we target all the physical components needed to stay upright - leg strength, flexibility, range of motion, and reflexes - all which tend to decline the older we get. For our mind Tai Chi trains us to become more aware of our internal body and external world and this gives us a


join us

Junior pre-season training is now under way and the Club’s Junior Cricket Festival Day in October is a great opportunity for new players and their parents to find out more about the Club in a fun and relaxed environment. Enquiries about the 2016/2017 season for all our Junior and Senior competitive and social teams should go to manager@ellersliecricket.co.nz.

better sense of our body in space, making us safer doing daily tasks. Another key benefit is learning to breathe properly. Many people forget to breathe when they are busy (we all love to be busy) and not breathing creates tension which creates instability. Getting started Tai Chi is adaptable to any age and fitness levels. Because Tai Chi has ‘zero impact’; it doesn’t put strain on bones and joints.

Classes are held at Leicester Hall, 20 Findlay St Mondays at 11-12pm or Wed 10-11am or at The Steiner House, 104 Michaels Ave, on Tuesdays from 6-7pm

Ellerslie Magazine

Contact Alison Thomas 021 528 744 alison.taichi@gmail.com

Group Exercise - A great way to get started at your local gym By Anna Arlidge and REPs NZ

ARGUABLY ONE OF THE FIRST MAINSTREAM FORMS OF THE MODERN EXERCISE MOVEMENT WAS GROUP EXERCISE Women who are in their senior years recall heading off to their local community hall for ‘keep fit’ and jazzercise classes when they were in their twenties, and some of us remember heading off to aerobics classes, full of jumping and running in the eighties and early nineties. While fashions have changed, (you won’t see too many legwarmers or leotards these days) group exercise is here to stay. Group exercise by definition, is exercise that involves a group of participants following an instructor taking them through their paces. However the diversity of group exercise offerings today mean that this is often where the similarities end. From high intensity (HIIT) classes through to pilates and yoga, there is a class to suit whatever your style and fitness/exercise level. The benefits of group exercise are numerous! For those new to exercise, a class format allows participants to follow the leader, and participate without having to have a knowledge of all the moves. With an instructor leading the way, and a group of like-minded people around you it’s easier to stay motivated.

a chance to improve and maintain your exercise and fitness, while allowing us to be the social creatures we are. It’s very important that you choose a group exercise instructor who has the knowledge and skill to deliver a safe and effective class. Our advice is simple - Make sure you look for a REPs registered exercise facility or exercise professional. All Trainers at ClubVO2 are REPs registered so you can be assured that they will make the class fun and safe One of the main changes we have seen in group exercise is the growth into more ‘functional’ style training (the body exercising for activities performed in normal life). Just as your workouts in the gym are not ‘one size fits all’, neither should a group exercise class. While some classes appeal to those in the mood to huff and puff, many classes don’t require coordination at all.

Check out the classes available at ClubVO2 Health and Fitness at www.clubvo2.com

We are social creatures, and as kids we play together, and as we get older we ditch the play but many of us engage in team physical activities such as sport, and dancing. Into adulthood, our busy lives often dictate that high commitment social physical activities are off the schedule. If you are looking for an activity fix with some shared company, then group exercise classes at ClubVO2 Health and Fitness ticks the boxes. It offers

23A Main Highway, Ellerslie

09 579 2582 info@clubvo2.com

the many reasons to get into group exercise BOREDOM BUSTING - A great group exercise class combines exercise with an experience! The mood is always different and there is always a great instructor up front to keep you smiling and moving. SAFETY FIRST - In a class at ClubVO2 you know you will be getting a safe and effective warm up and cool down, and tips along the way to make sure your remain injury free. Group exercise classes are also great for those


who are new to exercise, as the instructor will explain everything as the class progresses. NOT SURE WHAT EXERCISE OPTIONS TO CHOOSE? Try a class. Choose a class that suits your needs and know that you will get taken through a safe and effective routine to improve your exercise and fitness levels. And all while having a fun and motivating experience at the same time.

Ellerslie Magazine


South Pacific College of Natural Medicine 8 Arthur Street p: 579 4997

COMMUNITY USEFUL CONTACTS Auckland Council p: 301 0101 Citizens Advice Bureau Mt Wellington-Remuera p: 573 5707 Ellerslie Business Assn p: 579 5033 Ellerslie Residents Assn ellerslieresidents@gmail.com Orakei Local Board p: 521 7021 Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga – National Local MP p: 622 0300

UNDER 5’S Ellerslie Kindergarten 122 Celtic Cres p: 579 0076 Ellerslie Playcentre 8 Lawry Street p: 579 1974 Ellerslie Playgroup Leicester Hall ellerslieplaygroup@gmail.com Ellerslie Plunket p: 579 7564 Ellerslie Toy Library p: 521 7133

EMERGENCY SERVICES In all emergency situations phone 111 Community Police Office p: 579 8316 Crime Reporting Line p: 302 6400 Constable Don Allan p: 622 8722 Ellerslie Fire Station 634 Gt South Rd p: 579 4400 Constable Marcus Weston p: 524 4195

SPORTS & RECREATION Ellerslie AFC p: 579 5477 Ellerslie Aikido Club p: 527 1758 Ellerslie Athletics Club www.ellerslie-athletics.co.nz Ellerslie Cricket Club www.ellersliecricket.co.nz Ellerslie Eagles Rugby League Club Ellerslie Domain p: 579 7719 Ellerslie Tennis Club Konini Park p: 570 5605 The Fitness Club 87 Main Hwy p: 525 4028 YMCA Ellerslie 46 Michaels Ave p: 579 4716

CHURCHES C3 Church 20 Cawley Street p: 579 1716 Christ Church 169 Ladies Mile p: 579 5279 Horizon Church 9 Mono Place p: 571 3390 Mountainside Lutheran Church 1 Harris Road p: 579 4490 St Mary’s Catholic Church 58 Main Hwy p: 579 8937 St Peter’s Presbyterian Harrison Road p: 579 4428


COMMUNITY GROUPS Anthroposophical Society 104 Michaels Ave p: 579 5606 Ellerslie Combined Probus Club p: 525 6330 Ellerslie Community Patrol p: 579 5779 Ellerslie Freemasons 9a Robert Street p: 535 3580 Ellerslie Rotary Club p: 021 738 990 Ellerslie Theatrical Society Stables Theatre 138 Main Hwy p: 525 3336 Toastmasters (Harrison Road) harrisonroad@toastmasters.org.nz Toastmasters (Ellerslie Sunrise) ellersliesunrise@toastmasters.org.nz SCHOOLS / TERTIARY EDUCATION Ellerslie School 12 Kalmia Street p: 579 5477 Michael Park School 55 Amy Street p: 579 3083 One Tree Hill College 421–451 Gt South Rd p: 579 5049 Stanhope Road School Harris Road p: 579 6434 St Mary’s Catholic School 58 Main Hwy p: 579 8937

CLOTHING & FOOTWEAR Mercy Hospice Shop 188 Ladies Mile p: 579 1208 Sasha 114 Main Hwy p: 579 3535 Gemmells Shoe Repairs Rear of 131A Main Hwy p: 526 4898 GIFTS, HOMEWARES & VARIETY STORES Coko 111 Main Hwy p: 580 2308 Dollar House p: 580 1926 Ellerslie Variety 1 Robert Street p: 579 9898 Hidden Treasures 101k Main Hwy p: 580 1973 Mercy Hospice Shop 188 Ladies Mile p: 579 1208 OTHER RETAILERS & SERVICES Aladdin Rugs 123A Main Highway p: 579 6469 Cardz Magz N Lotto 135b Main Hwy p: 580 2088 Church Stores 8 Robert Street p: 525 1380 and 135 Main Hwy p: 579 8466 Ellerslie Jewellers & Engravers 115 Main Hwy p: 579 5673





Ellerslie Paper Power 130 Main Hwy p: 579 6784 NZ Postshop 95 Main Hwy p: 579 7099 Photo Focus Rear of 129 Main Hwy p: 525 0289 Smartphone Ellerslie 3/1 Robert Street p: 580 9282 Wallis Cycles 4/2 Robert St p: 525 3117

FOOD BAKERIES Bakers Delight 127 Main Hwy p: 580 0088 Ellerslie Bakehouse 87 Ma n Hwy p: 579 6538 Julia’s Bakery 128b Main Hwy p: 526 4919 Richoux Patisserie 119 Main Hwy p: 579 1815 BARS & RESTAURANTS Ajadz Indian Cuisine 8 Robert St p: 580 1555 Charlie Baxter’s 121 Main Hwy p: 525 2522 Doolan Brothers 3 Robert St p: 579 3517 E Japanese 5/101 Main Hwy p: 589 1689 La Gondala Restaurant 19 Kalmia St p: 525 3138 Mexico 120 Main Hwy p: 281 2714 India Bar & Restaurant 120 Main Hwy p: 579 5700 Sanehs Thai Restaurant 83/85 Main Hwy p: 579 9447 Union Post Brew Bar 124 Main Hwy p: 579 2303 CAFÉS, CASUAL DINING & TAKEAWAY FOOD Burgerfuel 2 Robert St p: 525 7752 Cafe Melba 135 Main Hwy p: 525 1303 Columbus Ellerslie 137 Main Hwy p: 580 0501 Heng Seng 128A Main Hwy p: 579 3517 Grind On Cafe 101 Main Hwy p: 525 2343 Haru Sushi 79 Main Hwy p: 525 2291 Hell Pizza 135 Main Hwy p: 0800 666 111 Legends Dumpling & Noodle p: 579 8466 Malaysia & Singapore Cuisine 112 Main Hwy p: 579 6567


Mechanical 48

Ellerslie Magazine


Take the train to work, we’ll take care of your car needs


Westpac Cashpoint 127 Main Hwy p: 0800 400 600 Wealth Mentor Unit 2b/101 Main Hwy p: 525 6449

Mexicali 2 Robert St p: 579 5162 Richoux Patisserie 119 Main Hwy p: 525 6007 Royal Kebab 129 Main Hwy p: 579 7568 Sierra Ellerslie 179 Ladies Mile p: 525 5583 Subway 2 Robert St p: 526 5073 The Coffee Club 131 Main Hwy p: 579 6442 Pizza Hut 130 Main Hwy p: 0800 838 383

Ellerslie Medical Centre Cnr Robert & Morris St p: 579 6147 Ellerslie Plunket 138 Main Hwy p: 579 7564 Fitness Club 87-93 Main Highway p: 525 4028 Active Plus Pilates Studio 12/101 Main Hwy p: 579 0004 Premier Physiotherapy 46 Michaels Avenue (inside YMCA) p: 027 631 5631

LEGAL SERVICES Andrew Lemalu Law 2 Robert St p: 579 0045 Berman & Burton 1/101 Main Hwy p: 525 7701 Duggan & Murphy 8a Robert St p: 525 1316

HAIRDRESSERS & BARBERS Barber Shop Co 101 Main Hwy p: 571 2194 Dharma 116 Main Hwy p: 525 2460 Mals Scissorcut Barber 101 Main Hwy Paris for Hair 123 Main Hwy p: 579 7745 Scarlett 112 Main Hwy p: 579 8733 The Barber Chain 130 Main Hwy Zurri 179 Ladies Mile p: 579 5022

PROPERTY SERVICES Arch Construction 129 Main Hwy p: 021 373 957 Broadway Property Group 139 Main Hwy p: 525 0084 Harcourts Prett & Co 107 Main Hwy p: 579 1073 Bayleys 101-105 Main Hwy p: 525 1773 Mike Pero 118 Main Hwy p: 390 5900 Mike Webber Surveyors 1 Robert St p: 579 8411 Ray White 2/101 Main Hwy p: 525 2600 Westferry Property Services 1 Robert St p: 580 3121

FOOD & WINE RETAIL Ellerslie Fresh Mart 101m Main Hwy p: 214 9262 Ellerslie Supermarket 133 Main Hwy p: 579 4549 Ceres Wholefoods 181 Ladies Mile p: 579 7126 Ellerslie 4-Square 126 Main Hwy p: 579 5259 Ellerslie Wine Cellars 123 Main Hwy p: 579 5556 Glengarry Wines 87 Main Hwy p: 571 2567 Ellerslie Meats 128d Main Hwy p: 579 6393

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMPUTERS & COMMUNICATIONS Ellerslie Computers & Laptop Direct 112 Main Hwy p: 580 2664 Crisp Graphics 5b Lawry Street p: 021 202 9758 FINANCIAL & INSURANCE SERVICES ANZ Cashpoint 105 Main Hwy ASB Bank 133 Main Hwy p: 579 5871 AssetWise 101 Main Hwy p: 580 1111 Harden & Hart 1 Robert St p: 589 1701 Integrated Planning Solutions Level 1, 1 Robert Street p: 526 5070 Jolly Duncan & Wells 127 Main Hwy p: 579 7096 Kiwibank 95 Main Hwy p:79 7099 KK Accounting 123 Main Hwy p: 940 3077 Loan Resources 6 Findlay Street Provisional Tax Finance 101 Main Hwy p: 950 3515 Tony Gill & Co 3/3 Robert Street p: 526 5557

BEAUTY & MASSAGE THERAPY Baan Thai 123e Main Hwy p: 525 2795 Beauty Mark 87-93 Main Highway (inside The Fitness Club) p: 022 184 6471 Beauty Plus Souvenir Trading 8 Robert St p: 579 2887 Bliss Beauty Therapy 129c Main Hwy p: 021 151 8588 Caci Ellerslie L1, 124 Main Hwy p: 571 0575 Cherry Tree Massage 101 Main Hwy p: 5798 078 Five Star Nails 131 Main Hwy p: 579 5384 Ella Bache 5/101 Main Hwy p: 525 3683 Newbody Massage Clinic 101n Main Hwy (upstairs from post office) p: 579 6279

TRAVEL SERVICES Flight Centre 29 Main Hwy p: 525 0721 House of Travel 108 Main Hwy p: 525 2363 OTHER SERVICES Floretta 186 Ladies Mile p: 525 3539 Recalibrate Business Coaching p: 522 7476 Team Talk 2 Robert Street p: 579 1647 TMS Investigation Services p: 525 4349 Moonsuit 130b Main Hwy p: 213 7072


OTHER SERVICES Ellerslie Automotive 171 Main Hwy p: 525 8155 Allclean Laundrette 81 Main Hwy p: 525 1404 Ellerslie Counselling* 2/3 Ramsgate St p: 021 164 1162 Ellerslie Drycleaners 128c Main Hwy p: 579 8828 Ellerslie Veterinary Clinic & Cattery 199 Main Hwy p: 281 3481 Canstaff 101 Main Hwy p: 579 2087 BSC p: 580 1160 People First NZ p: 579 1588


DENTAL SERVICES Angela Lowe-Ho 126a Main Hwy p: 579 4746 Dental Solutions 2/2 Robert St p: 525 0959 HEALTHCARE Active Plus 180 Main Hwy p: 579 0004 Catherine Theodorou Naturopath 8 Findlay St p: 579 5943 Ellerslie Pharmacy 125 Main Hwy p: 579 5520

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Christmas Guide 2016

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Father’s Day is the day to celebrate the special person in our lives who guides, encourages and shows us the way and we know exactly how to go about it. Pop into our Ellerslie Mercy Hospice Shop at 188 Ladies Mile where you’ll find a treasure trove of unique quality gift ideas for Dad at the right price.







When you purchase a gift from us, you’re directly helping to fund the free palliative care Mercy Hospice Auckland provides for people facing life-limiting illnesses living in the Auckland Central area.



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17/08/2016 12:11:13 p.m.

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