Ellerslie Village Magazine - Issue 2 2018

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magazine ISSUE NO.2 2018

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issue two Now that winter is here I hope you are finding ways to embrace the joys of the season with slow cooked meals and sleeping to the sound of the rain, at least they are a few things I love about the colder months. Despite the grey days it’s been lovely to see our new planter boxes that we the Ellerslie Business Association has funded are bringing colour to the village and we hope that you are enjoying them too.

Contact Megan 09 579 5033 megan@ellerslievillage.co.nz www.ellerslievillage.co.nz


As part of ARTerslie last month we were delighted to welcome another new artwork to Ellerslie from Paul Walsh. It depicts many native New Zealand plant species including a swamp sun orchid, a native Gloxinia, plus some of our colourful native fungi; including umbrella moss, violet coral fungi, and some oversized werewere-kokako, the famous blue mushroom, as seen on the $50 note. It’s located in the Robert Street carpark bringing some colour and vibrancy to the otherwise grey space so have a look out for it when you are next in the village. Also be sure to check out the winners of our Rubbish Bin art competition throughout the village that will be installed mid June. I wear many hats in this role but the best part of my job is getting to know many of the people who volunteer in our community. Unsung hero’s is a phrase that is often bandied about but there are many people in Ellerslie quietly helping out others and volunteering to help make our community a better place. From those who give up their time for the Ellerslie Community Patrol, the Ellerslie Residents Association, sports clubs, playgroups, Ellerslie Theatre or those who participate in community activities such as the Ellerslie Clean Up, they all contribute to why

Ellerslie is such a wonderful place. It is why it is a community rather than just a shopping centre. When I speak to people about helping out, many assume that groups such as these have enough volunteers or that it would take more time than they have to give. In most instances this isn’t the case, so if you enjoy the sense of community here in Ellerslie I encourage you to come along to the next community event or contact a group that interests you. It’s a great chance to add to the sense of place we have here and I can vouch for the fact that you will meet some amazing people! Coming up over the coming months are events for Plastic Free July, keep an eye on our facebook page Ellerslie Village or our website www.ellerslievillage.co.nz for updates and information. If you have any feedback on our new artworks or would like to get in touch please drop me a line megan@ellerslievillage.co.nz






THREE/18 FOUR/18 ONE/19 TWO/19


AUG 01 NOV 01 FEB 01 MAY 01

AUG 10 NOV 02 FEB 10 MAY 10

ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: email ads@ellersliemagazine.co.nz


PUBLISHED BY: HMMEDIA. All rights reserved. Reproduction or distribution in any form, in whole or in par t, without written permission is prohibited. HMMEDIA is not responsible for the views and opinions of contributing writers.


issue two Community and Connect are two of the objectives of Ellerslie Business Association. Recently I was fortunate to experience both. One evening around 7pm our burglar alarm at Ellerslie Jewellers was activated by a front window sensor. I am able to monitor remotely from the many security cameras that the premises were secure. Within minutes, I was phoned by an Ellerslie local who was with friends in a nearby bar. He assured me he had examined the exterior and was confident there was no emergency. He volunteered to act as a guard until I arrived to reset the alarm. I was extremely grateful and humbled by the gentleman’s community spirit. I hope you share my enthusiasm for the colourful planter boxes which have recently been installed in our village high street. With the financial support of our Ellerslie Business Association the plants are professionally maintained. This beautification has had very positive feedback from the community endorsing the plant initiative. I am delighted to welcome to our village Denise Lee, our local MP for Maungakiekie. How fortunate we all are to have a direct link to government through our local MP whose office is in our high street. Denise and her staff have an open-door policy and are always welcoming. Another endorsement of our continued prosperity of Ellerslie is the recent arrival of Barfoot and Thompson. I am delighted to welcome them to our village and look forward to working with their team to engage them with our community. The community spirit and sponsorship by Barfoot and Thompson is well recognised. Recently, Paul Wilcox, CEO of Auckland Racing Club initiated a meeting with me to endorse his support of the Ellerslie community and how they can connect with our village to the mutual advantage to all of our community. JOHN RENELL Chairman of the Ellerslie Business Association

We are fortunate in Ellerslie to have all of the High St retail strip fully tenanted. This is a visual endorsement of our village especially when you consider the empty shops that are in other areas. We have had a wonderful late autumn and as winter approaches keep warm and dry and please make sure you stay local and enjoy our village.

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It was a great pleasure to officially open my office right here in Ellerslie with many members from across the community and electorate turning out to be part of this special occasion. I would like to take this opportunity to thank other elected members, community representatives and Maungakiekie residents for their support and contribution to a great evening. I think we may have officially cracked the record for the largest ribbon cutting, with everyone taking part in this! DENISE LEE Member of Parliament DeniseLeeMP@parliament.govt.nz

ANZAC Day was particularly special this year as we celebrated the closing of the 100th anniversary of World War One. I attended the Domain dawn service and then two local services. Once again, I was proud to wear my Grandad’s WW1 medals. It’s always encouraging to see the growing numbers of people turning out to our services to remember those, past and present, who have displayed courage and selfsacrifice serving our country. Of specific interest locally, it was great experiencing the brightness and vibrancy of ARTerslie. There were art exhibitions, community artwork, street art, rock painting and more. I always love seeing the electorate come to life and the efforts of Town Manager Megan Darrow and Ellerslie Business Association to showcase home grown talent cannot go unrecognised. I also thoroughly enjoyed organising four Great Community Clean-Ups throughout the electorate as part of Neighbourly and The Warehouse’s campaign to keep our neighbourhoods clean and green. Over the course of our clean-ups in Mt Wellington, Onehunga, Panmure and Ellerslie, we collected

Denise Lee

MP for Maungakiekie Pop by my office anytime, I’d love to meet you. A P

130 Main Highway, Ellerslie, Auckland, 1051 0800 DENISE MP (336 473) facebook.com/DeniseLeeMP

Authorised by Denise Lee, 130 Main Highway, Ellerslie.


46 full bags of rubbish – 14 bags in Ellerslie alone. A big thank you to all our volunteers who took time off during their day to help spruce up our local landscape. It was really encouraging to see everyone come together and not only help our environment, but also take part in what was a great team-building event. While we may be doing something small, we are reaping big results for our community. Be sure to watch this space as we plan to organise another one of these clean-up events in future! In addition to my office, I’m holding drop-in sessions across the electorate that gives us the opportunity to meet and allow you to voice any concerns you may have- no appointment necessary. For more information on these, please do not hesitate to contact my local staff Danielle and Alex on 0800 DENISEMP. If there is anything else my electorate team can help you or your family with, pop into my office anytime for assistance.

to reflecting the views of my constituents at the Council table and consultation like this effectively gives me clear voting direction. At the time of writing I haven’t received the verbatim submissions from each of you, however I look forward to doing so when I have them. What I have received, is the high level counts of written submissions from those living in our ward in favour or opposing the main questions. So what were the results? ost were supportive in principle of a •M Regional Fuel Tax (noting what it would be spent on wasn’t yet known)

DESLEY SIMPSON Councillor, Ōrākei Board desley.simpson@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz 021971786

•M ost were willing to pay an additional rate to accelerate our Water Quality initiatives to reduce waste water overflows into our harbours ost were willing to pay an additional •M rate to fund initiatives to help preserve and enhance our natural environment.

As the Council’s Budget for 2018-28 is being finalized for June decision making, I am reflecting on what Aucklanders (including the good folk of Ellerslie) have told Council during our consultation with you earlier this year. The draft plan went out to consultation over the month of March with many public “Have Your Say Events” around the region. We received 26,556 written submissions from Aucklanders, sadly a slight decrease on the last time we consulted on our ten year budget. This year was particularly complicated as the consultation was bundled with a range of issues including Auckland’s strategic direction (Auckland Plan) along with the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan and Regional Pest Management Strategy. With that in mind I would like to thank each of the 1268 submitters from the Orakei Ward for taking the time to consider the proposals and have their say. Council also commissioned a representative survey carried out by Colmar Brunton a professional independent survey company. This survey returned very similar results to the feedback received from the Orakei ward. As previously promised, I remain committed Regional Fuel Tax Feedback (Orakei Ward)


No Support


Annual Rates Increase (Orakei Ward)


No Support


•M ost were supportive of a general rate rise of 2.5% for the first two years of the LTP and 3.5% thereafter. •M ost were supportive of making changes to the Accommodation Providers Targeted Rate to include online accommodation providers. The statistics show that Orakei has been generally supportive of the proposed initiatives and slightly more so than Auckland as a whole. I am left wondering though, what feedback we would have received if it was known at the time of consultation that the government was also considering an increase to their fuel excise duty of between $0.09 and $0.12 per litre (meaning that the combined increase would be between $0.22 to $0.25 including GST). In conclusion, I am strongly of the opinion if we ask your opinion, we should act on the majority view. That’s democracy and that’s my commitment to you as your elected representative. The responses from Orakei are shown in the graphs below.

Water Quality Targeted Rate Feedback (Orakei Ward)


No Support


Providers Targeted Rate Changes Feedback (Orakei Ward)


No Support


Environment Targeted Rate Feedback (Orakei Ward)

Support Support No Support High option Low option


KIT DAVIS Chairman Ōrākei Local Board

Orakei Local Board welcomes new Chair and Deputy Chair During May the Orakei Local Board had a change of leadership with Local Board Deputy Chair Kit Parkinson taking over the reins from Colin Davis, who has held the position for the first half of the term. Kit will be supported in his role by local board member Carmel Claridge who steps into the deputy chair’s role. The change has come about following an agreement at the inaugural local board meeting in November 2016. A local all his life, Kit is wasting no time in getting into his new role and talking about his key priorities. “My focus is on the delivery of key local priorities for our communities,” he said.. “With a strong local board team, we will are in a great position to achieve our goals.” The Board has a range of key priories and delivering on these are my priority. They include: • Securing funding for the walkway connection between Meadowbank and Kohimarama to the NZTA funded cycle and walking path. • Maintaining a high level of service to our parks, playgrounds and sports grounds • Complete the widening of the Orakei Basin walkway to provide full year access around the basin for constituents. A current project the Board is working on is the Orakei Local Board Business Awards which will come into play in the second half of this year. The award structure will support and recognise the commercial side of the local community. The aim is to foster a sense of pride around the local business community while communicating to the wider public the quality commercial offerings in our local area. For individual business owners it will offer a chance to celebrate their success, as recognised by their peers and the community. “It is full steam ahead and I am looking forward to the challenge of chairing the board,” says Kit. “I have been working closely with other board members on creating a unified and strong approach in making the Orakei local board area a great place to live and work.” 7

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SCHOOLS, HOMES, KIDS: A GREAT PLAN IN BUDGET 2018 Priyanca Radhakrishnan, Labour List MP based in Maungakiekie

The foundations for a better future have been laid by Jacinda Ardern and Grant Robertson in the first Budget of the Coalition Government. We’re building an economy that delivers for everyone because we know that so many middle income earners’ wages haven’t kept up with living costs, and many low income earners are struggling to even pay for the basics for their kids or have a warm dry home to raise them in. This Budget is about getting the balance right and ensuring we are prepared for future economic and environmental challenges. It’s great that the economy remains strong under the Coalition Government’s plan. Unemployment is forecast to drop to 4.1 percent in 2020, there will be 203,000 more jobs between December 2017 and June 2022, and GDP growth will average 3 percent. This makes our labour market one of the strongest in the developed world. At the same time we are reducing debt and running a good surplus so we have extra for that rainy day when we need it. That’s the

responsible thing to do.

and community houses and providing 1,400 new emergency housing places.

But this government’s mission is about more than just the economic picture. A great education and good healthcare sets us up for a great future. That’s the future we want so we’re prioritising investment in accessible modern healthcare, strong education services, as well as building warm, dry homes and developing our regions. We’re rebuilding our health system by investing an additional $3.2 billion for more doctors, nurses and improved treatments, as well as $750 million to fix our hospitals. We’re also delivering cheaper or free GP visits and medicines for 600,000 Kiwis. We’re making sure education provides children with the skills they need for a better future. That’s why we’re increasing funding for early childhood education, providing 1,500 new teachers and hundreds of new, modern classrooms. We all want to see an end to homelessness. This Budget follows through on our promise to tackle the housing crisis head-on. We’re investing $2 billion in KiwiBuild to build the affordable homes people need. We’re also building 6,400 new state

We’re looking forward to safer communities too as we work towards adding another 1,800 more police officers, bringing their services into the 21st Century with strengthened frontline services including community policing to cybercrime and fraud detection. This Budget follows on from our announced Families Package that means 384,000 families will be better off by an average of $75 a week, and tens of thousands of children will be lifted out of poverty. Jacinda Ardern said she wants New Zealand to be the best country in the world to be a child. That’s such a great goal. I’m proud of our Government and the foundations we’re laying for New Zealand’s future. We’re doing things differently, transforming the economy so it works for people, not the other way around. That’s going to build us a future I’m energised and optimistic about. Today we have something to look forward to.

Authorised by Priyanca Radhakrishnan, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

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event calendar


m t w t f s s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5


he House of Angels T Stables Theatre, Ellerslie

26-29 9-10

Food Show ASB Show Grounds, Greenlane


Dr Libby Beautiful You Weekend, Ellerslie Events Centre

M ake, Give, Learn Plastic Free Workshop See Facebook for dates

26 27 28 29 30 31


Beats by Bingo Doolan Brothers, Ellerslie


m t w t f s s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Beats by Bingo Doolan Brothers, Ellerslie


General Collective Lifestyle and Design Market ASB Showgrounds, Greenlane


m t w t f s s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 3 1


Beats by Bingo 10AM-2PM, PONSONBY CENTRAL Sunday Doolan Brothers, Ellerslie THE SAPPHIRE ROOM, UPSTAIRS FROM THE LANE 11 June 2017 th

Enjoy brunch, lunch or drinks at one of the many eateries at Ponsonby Central. Free entry.

COM S E AN DIFFEEE THE D RENC E generalcollective.co.nz



Boutique market focusing on high quality and unique homewares, fashion, jewellery, ceramics, plants and accessories.




Baby Show ASB Showgrounds, Greenlane

notice board


artists impression

ELLERSLIE RACE COURSE Work is well underway for the revamp of the Ellerslie racecourse, the old stables have been demolished and will be replaced with tie-up outdoor stalls for 126 horses alongside a warm-up ring, veterinary boxes and office, a function room and a trainers’

cafe. The changes will give visitors to the track the ability to see more of the horses when they aren’t racing. The construction is expected to be completed in time for November’s Melbourne Cup meeting.

Crime in Ellerslie Public Meeting Hosted by Denise Lee MP for Maungakiekie with Police and community safety reps Monday 11th June, 7pm-8pm Leicester Hall, corner of Findlay Street and Ramsgate Street Hear from Constable Don Allan about crime and crime prevention tips in Ellerslie. Community representatives will be available after the meeting. 0800 DENISE MP (0800 336 473) DeniseLeeMP@parliament.govt.nz



Authorised by Denise Lee, 130 Main Highway, Ellerslie.

BALL SEASON IS UNDERWAY Lala Reloved Boutique has a fantastic range of ball gowns available. Jane and the team can organise a personal fitting in there upstairs palour that is private and perfect for styling and viewing. Lala Reloved Boutique 116 Main Highway Ellerslie Open 10am- 6pm



to the dogs

Dogs at Cornwall Park. Always welcome, but always on a lead. Cornall Park is a working farm and operates in care of all animals - fur and feathered residents and visitors alike.

Top Dogs Ellerslie Top Dogs have moved from the racecourse to new premises... unit/9 - 136 Marua Road, Ellerslie Tel: 09-522 1228 | 021 522 156

daphanae - flowers of st johns

Ellerslie’s main streets floural nook has proved great for both Daphanae and Kerry, with Daphanae landing her first cover shoot. Daff, as she is affectionally known is a West highland terrier who Kerry believes is “about eight”, I adopted her as a 2 year-old. We all know Daff loves her basket at the nook outside the shop but in the evening Kerry says she “starts on the couch in amongst the silk cushions, then up to bed where she’ll make her way to the end of the bed as the night goes on. She keeps herself fit and trim with her cuisine favouring fish and roasted pumkin, “oh and sausages from Ellerslie Meats, beer and guinness, definitely a fav!” She spends time sneaking toys from friends - Mintie the lab has the best collection. She also loves to dress-up for occasions in her favourite winter coat, the blue hearted knitted number from the label of ‘animates’. We asked Kerry if Daff could talk, what would her outlook on life be - she say’s “Daphne’s out look on life is....... chill out! take some time in the sun!, stop and smell the roses ( and tickle my belly while doing so) and lets look after all our community, give every one a smile, a smooch and a little time connection and attention for everyone.To share the love thats for sure. Flowers of St Johns has been open just over a year, and have been encouraged by the great support in Ellerslie. 12

NZ Dog do-gooder Te Are Manu, Rarotonga is working alongside the Cook Islands SPCA team to get roaming dogs identified either by microchips and dog collars. NZ Vet Holly Kendrick and the team aim to raise funds to take as many collars as possible to Raro - AIR NZ have donated 69kg of luggage allowance for the collars! givealittle.co.nz/cause/ te-are-manu-support-the-animals-ofrarotonga




SELF DEFENCE CLASSES COME TO ELLERSLIE Self-defence is about protecting yourself and your loved ones from harm. It is also about being and feeling safe at home, at work, and when you are out and about. Harm can be physical, mental or even spiritual. It can affect us, our friends and family in many different ways. Ninjutsu is an art that develops awareness and intuition to deal with many everyday situations that propose a threat to our safety. We teach simple and effective ways to deal with threats and common street style attacks. We also teach ways to defuse arguments, deal with aggressive people and mediate situations before they escalate to physical harm. We have a particular focus on women’s self-defence where we develop awareness skills to

trust your instinct based on the environment that you are in. Situations that put you and your loved ones in danger should be avoided. Sometimes however, we are faced with immediate danger to our safety. We teach you that you always have a choice to minimise harm and get away using effective techniques, voice, emotions and items that you are carrying with you. Classes are tailored for people of all ages and backgrounds. We have a family friendly, fun, social and interactive class structure that promotes building confidence through actively working through real life scenarios. We have a class here in Ellerslie on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm to 9pm. All welcome. Please contact Neil Punja on 027 455 3173 for further details and to register your interest.

“Good in the Hood” at Z service Stations took place in the month of May and the Ellerslie Community Patrol were fortunate enough to be selected as a charity of choice at Heritage Park, the Z Station on the Ellerslie-Panmure Highway. Customers could deposit their tokens after purchasing in store to support our organisation. We are very thankful to them for this opportunity. We have been in operation in your community for 6 years now using our own cars for patrols with our magnetized signage on the doors. We are hoping to eventually raise enough funds to purchase a vehicle for our group to use during patrols. Recently a few patrollers attended a Community Patrol NZ Roadshow where we met other patrollers throughout the Auckland area. The networking was invaluable and we have come back with many ideas to help keep you all safer. We badly need local men and women to join us so that our patrolling times around Ellerslie can be increased. If you don’t drive; no problem, as we could align you with a walking patrol. We are the “eyes and ears” for the police and have a close affiliation with them with training, guidance and tasking. All patrollers work in pairs and it’s a great way to help and support our local community. Patrols are conducted both during the day and evening at a time that suit you. So if you can spare a few hours a month we would love to have you join our patrol. If you are interested or want to know more please contact Murray Wells on 579-7096.

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127 Main Highway, Ellerslie, 1051 PO Box 11053, Ellerslie, Auckland 1542

ELLERSLIE POLICE PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS There are many ways you can prevent crime affecting your business by using simple, effective crime prevention techniques such as safe cash handling techniques and focusing on your shop layout. HANDLING CASH SAFELY • Vary the banking time each day • Don’t carry cash in a bag that has a bank logo • Use adult staff to do the banking (preferably go in pairs) 14

• If driving, lock the vehicle doors and use different routes each day • If walking to the bank, take the most direct route • Carry a mobile phone and be alert of other people and vehicles SHOP DISPLAYS AND LAYOUT FOR CRIME PREVENTION • Keep your front window clear of posters etc • Position the cash register near the entry and greet every customer when they walk in.

• Position shelving in one direction so you have a clear view down each aisle • Use large mirrors to see every part of your store • Display smaller merchandise closer to the cash register counter, not at the back of the shop. Further information about how to protect your business including a crime prevention checklist and videos can be found at the following web page: www.police.govt.nz/advice/businesses-andorganisations/protect-your-business

ELLERSLIE MAKE, GIVE, LEARN We’ve had a busy few months since the last issue of the Ellerslie Village Magazine. We ran a Wax On, Waste Off workshop in March, where participants learnt how to make their own beeswax wraps, leaving with several finished wraps of their own. We were amazed at the turnout (in fact we sold out!) and loved the feeling of community and friendship during the evening. In May we held a Composting Workshop in conjunction with the Compost Collective and Auckland Council. We hope people left the event with some good ideas and resources about how to get things started at home.

Coming up Wednesday 27th of June we will be running a workshop to inspire you for Plastic Free July. There will be demonstrations about how to make your own reusable bags and produce bags, and a heap of ideas for how to reduce your plastic usage.

ANYTHING is always better than nothing Smart phones, social media, road traffic, life pressures and work environments. We are now living in a world that makes it hard not to have a sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, even though we are now all very aware of how important exercise is for us, due to the often-unrealistic ideas many people hold regarding what exercise needs to be to be effective, the majority of our population now ends up opting to do nothing. In reality, the actual level of exercise that is going to make a life changing difference to you does not need to be time consuming, hard or require a gym membership. In fact, if all you were to do was aim to make your average day just a little bit more physically demanding then the day before. Then not long from now, those stairs won’t leave you

Tickets will be available from EventBrite and more information is available either on our Facebook group – Ellerslie – Make, Give, Learn or on the community section of the Ellerslie Village website www.ellerslievillage.co.nz /Ellerslie - Make, Give, Learn

quite as puffed, carrying the groceries will get easier and those jeans that you couldn’t quite do up will have loosened up again. Take the first step by simply choosing to consciously do something – anything – each and everyday. Choose to take the stairs, choose to walk to that meeting, choose to stand when you are talking on the telephone. Choose you, and start your journey today to becoming a better, happier, you.


give away


*Give-away is for one bag of bow and tie micro roastery coffee beans. Winner will be announced via instagram July 01, 2018. 16

Coffee to go! The idea of creating a sustainable business and a relentless passion for coffee is all the inspiration local Ellerslie resident, Gustavo Nervegna needed to start his business on a bike, and what a trip it’s been so far.

“I will never forget the first outing with the bike. I must admit, I was a bit over-ambitious trying to ride to Albert Park from Ellerslie. I had the whole family prepared and they were escorting me, in the car behind me. I managed to pedal to Greenlane Hospital when I realized that it was going to be an impossible task, not only to get to the city but to come back. Luckily I had a plan B, so I turned around and headed to the Greenlane train station where I parked the bike and sold my first coffee. I remember selling no more than 20 coffees that day, but never felt so full of energy and excitement to keep pursuing my dream, and thankfully It worked!

Gus’s concept of blending and roasting his own unique combination of exotic coffee beans has been very successful, and his commitment to growing his environmentally-friendly business and using organic products has been very well received.

While studying at Auckland Uni, Gus worked in, and afterwards managed, several Auckland cafes and his passion for coffee grew. As did his curiosity of the hospitality industry, in particular his interest in creating and perfecting his own take on specialty coffee and how he could strip the coffee trade back to the basics. A growing trend of sustainability and renewable energies ultimately led Gus to developing and modifying his coffee bike and he began trading in March 2017.

The banter and conversation is what Gus enjoys about his day to day whilst crafting his coffee blends, of which he has a few to choose from plus some single origins that he rotates during the week. “My aim is to present my customers with something new every day, to give their taste buds something to think and get excited about”. Gus says, “there are so many incredible tastes that can be brought out from various beans that it would be a shame not to explore and share this with my fellow caffeine addicts.”

Gus and his family moved into the Ellerslie area in 2017 and not long after beginning his trade at the train station, he quickly became a well known local personality. Expanding further via community events, and bookings within the expansive Auckland social food service scene. Trading a small food service business has its legalities, especially when you are ‘mobile’ but he has worked through all of these, and has been humbled and extremely grateful for all the positive feedback and support from the local Ellerslie community and businesses. “Colin Taylor from Designa Ceramic Tiles has been an enthusiastic supporter of the coffee bike since I first pedaled into his shop on Kalmia Street”, Gus says. Colin tells us that Gus is loved by his customers for his cheery good humor and of course, delicious coffee. Others saying how ‘cute’ the concept is and how they appreciate the sustainability aspect of it as much as Gus does, through conversation.

He is excited to be moving his roastery and opening a permanent coffee spot within the warehouse space at 15 Kalmia Street, while the bike, will still be used for events and pop-ups in new locations.

Colin Taylor, Designa Ceramic Tiles

“We’ll be able to serve our finest brews from a set location, whilst offering some shelter, which will be especially great for the winter months coming up. It will also give our customers the opportunity to check out the roaster and grab their beans for at home or a bite to eat.” Gus says Gus is looking forward to welcoming everyone to the roastery at the beginning of June and to share his love of coffee and banter soon. bowandtie.co.nz instagram.com/bowandtiemicroroastery/ facebook.com/BowandTieMicroRoastery/


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ELLERSLIE PLAY GROUP Before the colder/wetter weather set in, the children (and adults!) of Ellerslie Playgroup enjoyed a special treat when Little Bo Peep’s Mobile Farm came to visit us at Leicester Hall. The children were all briefed on the right way to approach the animals and they got to feed and pat llamas, goats, rabbits and pigs. There were also miniature pony rides around the carpark for the bigger kids. Even if the larger animals were too much for some of the smaller children, the bunnies were a hit with all ages. This was a great opportunity to experience farm animals up close and personal. Ellerslie Playgroup is run by parents and caregivers of preschool children. It’s subsidized by Ministry of Education funding, which means the weekly cost is only $4 per family, which includes craft supplies and morning tea, as well as free reign on our great selection of toys and books, and a fun music session. Ellerslie Playgroup is a great little community for both parents/caregivers and children. It’s a relaxed, supportive, volunteer run group, held on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 9:30-11:30am, in Leicester Hall behind the Ellerslie shops. If you’d like to join Ellerslie Playgroup, check us out on Facebook, email ellerslieplaygroup@gmail.com, or pop along for a visit during school term time.

Reducing toy waste Children get a buzz out of a new toy. But after a few days enjoying its ‘newness’ the toy can often be popped in the toy box, never to be played with again. As well as the money spent and storage space required, there is an environmental impact of eventually disposing of these un-played-with toys. At the Ellerslie Toy Library, we select quality, durable toys. Members of the Toy Library can hire up to four toys at a time and can swap these as frequently as once or twice a week (or keep them for two weeks and renew them for another two). We have over 600 toys and games for children 6 months to 5+ years, so there are always plenty of toys to choose from. By having a regular supply of Toy Library toys, children get to frequently enjoy that ‘new toy’ buzz. However, families don’t need to own as many toys themselves, and therefore reduce their environmental impact. So, if you want to reduce the number of toys you’re disposing of, while still having your kids entertained with new toys, join the Ellerslie Toy Library. To see our range of toys online visit www.ellerslie.mibase.com.au. Ellerslie Toy Library is located at St Peters Presbyterian Church, 7 Harrison Rd, Ellerslie and is open Wednesdays 7-8pm and Saturdays 9-11am. We have two membership options • D uty Membership (4 library duties a year) at $110 or • F ull Membership at $190. For more information ‘like’ our page on Facebook.







Decadent and richly satisfying, this is a dish that is fun for the whole family to put together. Work in pairs to squeeze the mixture into the pasta tubes. Enjoy pulling apart the milky mozzarella, and then sink your teeth into the velvety texture of this fabulous mid season dish.

For the tomato sauce


3 tbsp olive oil

First make the tomato sauce.

8 garlic cloves, crushed

Heat the oil in a large pan and fry the garlic for 1 min. Add the sugar, vinegar, tomatoes and some seasoning and simmer for 20 mins, stirring occasionally, until thick. Add the basil and divide the sauce between 2 or more shallow ovenproof dishes.

3 tbsp caster sugar 2 tbsp red wine vinegar 4 x 400g cans chopped chopped tomatoes small bunch basil leaves

Set aside.

For the topping

Make a sauce by beating the mascarpone with the milk until smooth, season, then set aside.

2 x 250g tubs mascarpone

Put the spinach in a large colander and pour over a kettle of boiling water to wilt it (you may need to do this in batches).

For the filling 1kg spinach

3 x 250g tubs ricotta

When cool enough to handle squeeze out the excess water. Roughly chop the spinach and mix in a large bowl with 100g Parmesan and ricotta.

large pinch grated nutmeg

Season well with salt, pepper and the nutmeg.

400g dried cannelloni

Heat oven to 200C/180C fan. Using a piping bag or plastic food bag with the corner snipped off, squeeze the filling into the cannelloni tubes.

100g Parmesan

3 tbsp milk 85g Parmesan, grated 2 x 125g balls mozzarella, sliced

Lay the tubes, side by side, on top of the tomato sauce and spoon over the mascarpone sauce. Top with Parmesan and mozzarella. Bake for 30-35 mins until golden and bubbling. Remove from oven and let stand for 5 mins before serving.

Order your copy at www.thefearlesskitchen.co.nz

@vanessabaxternz 20

Work in pairs to squeeze the mixture into the pasta tubes


ELLERSLIE COMBINED PROBUS Ellerslie Combined Probus has had a successful first half year with an increasing membership and well attended meetings in the Ellerslie War Memorial Hall. Every third Friday of the month we meet in the Hall at 10a.m. and every fourth Friday we go out somewhere like Goat Island, Hillary House, or the Howick Historical Village, where we were shown what it would have been like to unpack the trunk when the early settlers arrived after their long journey in a sailing ship to a completely unknown land. Our interesting speakers have covered subjects like War Memorials in New Zealand and a very interesting discussion on incontinence. In fact, she was so interesting and the members questions so prolific she ran out of time and has promised to come back to finish!

We’ve had a great start to 2018 at Ellerslie Playcentre. We held a play cafe in the Michaels Ave Playground and invited Tamariki from the local community to try out some activities in celebration of National Playcentre Awareness Week. There were bubbles, music and an abundance of natural materials to use with clay and collage. It was a great success and brilliant to see so many people participate. At Playcentre we are environmentally conscious. We provide our children with responsible play resources, for example our focus this term was on junk play. It has enabled the children to expand their creativity and imaginations. They have made all sorts of collages, dens and vehicles from pre-used boxes and other materials. Not only is this fun it helps them explore and make sense of their world, learn to work together, develop practical skills, gross and fine motor skills and hand eye coordination. With the large number of three year olds we have on session its been great to see them working on their language and social skills too. Playcentre provides them with a safe environment to manage their disagreements and develop more effective ways of communicating, negotiating and playing together. In turn, giving our toddlers a great insight into how they can start to develop and model their own positive behaviours. Our other highlights have involved experimenting and messy play. We have also had to say goodbye to some of our graduates and importantly great parent contributors to playcentre. We wish them well and look forward to catching up with our extended Whanau at our social events. If you are considering joining us why not get in touch to arrange some visits. Please email us at ellerslie@playcentre.org.nz or visit our Facebook page for more information.

We are a friendly group and welcome our new members. If you are newly retired and suddenly find you have time on your hands, or if you are new to the district and would like to meet your neighbours, this is a very good starting point. We always suggest you come at least once to a meeting as a visitor, and perhaps join us on an outing so you can decide if Probus is really for you before you actually join and pay the subscription which is $15 for the year and a one off $10 joining fee. There is no charge for the Friday meetings in the hall and the outing vary but average about $30 - $35 dollars. We also have a long-standing writer’s group where we write short accounts of things that have happened during our childhood when we were young. The idea is to leave a record for our grandchildren so they can have an idea what it was like to be a child in the last century. We also organize a board games morning every Thursday at 9.30a.m. in the Christ Church Hall on Ladies Mile. This is open to anyone, you do not have to be a Probian. Just ring Val Jackson 525-6330 for details. We also have just started a Monday group of stitchers. So if handwork is your hobby ring Heather Kelly 571 2136 for details. Ring Rona for general information 579 7605. There is no need to be lonely at home wondering what to do. We look forward to meeting you.

Ellerslie Arcade 101 Main Highway, Ellerslie (09) 579 6678


Community.indd 22

20/05/18 10:50 PM


Winter is here and your Ellerslie Fire Crews want you to be safe while you try to stay warm! Ellerslie is a 24/7 Fire Station with multiple paid crews working on a shift roster. We respond to a number of emergencies in addition to fires. These include Medical Emergencies (don’t be surprised to see us arrive with St. John’s Ambulance), Motor Vehicle Accidents, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Material Incidents are among a few. We also conduct Fire Prevention visits for private homes and businesses, and educational visits in schools. We would like to keep this article specific to Winter Fire Safety. In the future we will include insights into a typical day on station and may even include our recipe for Fire House Chili or Butter Chicken.... if you’re lucky.

Winter brings a unique set of fire dangers that you need to be aware of. Follow these fire safety tips to help keep yourself and your family safe, no matter the season.



• Clean chimneys and flues before you light the first fire of the season.

• Replace your electric blanket every 5 years with newer heat-protected models, which are safer.

• Always use a fireguard or spark-guard when using an open fire. • Never throw rubbish into the fireplace – particularly batteries and aerosol cans. • Always empty ashes and ashtrays into a metal bin and pour water over them before disposal. Remember that ashes can take up to 5 days to cool. • Keep matches, lighters and anything else that can create fire out of reach of children.

• Worn and old electric blankets can cause an electric shock, fire and possibly even death. • At the first sign of wear have your electric blanket checked by a qualified electrician. • Don’t place heavy objects on the bed while the blanket is on. • Make sure the blanket is always flat on the bed and that controls or cords are not twisted or caught between the mattress and the base of the bed. Twisted cords are a common cause of electric blanket fires.



• Check to see the gas hose is in good condition and doesn’t show any signs of damage or wear.

• Remember the heater-metre rule – always keep furniture, curtains, clothes and children at least 1 metre away from heaters and fireplaces.

• If the heater does not light straight away, turn it off and then try again. Don’t let the gas build up before trying to relight it. • Always have fresh air coming into rooms where a gas heater is in use. • Have your heater serviced every 12 months.


A CLOSE SHAVE FOR ELLERSLIE ROTARY MEMBERS Ellerslie Rotary Club members recently held a special shave event during their Friday meeting as part of the annual Shave for a Cure campaign in support of Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand. Matt Adams and David Broadhead volunteered to brave a shave in front of everyone at the Ellerslie Conference Centre. The club raised an impressive $680. “We felt that this was an important event to support” said Annabel Lush, the club’s Community Committee Chairperson “sadly you don’t have to look far to know someone who has been impacted by a blood cancer such as leukaemia or lymphoma. The Ellerslie Rotary Club is focused on making a difference in our community and this is one very practical, fun way that we can do some good” If you are interested in joining your local Rotary Club, you are invited to a Friday breakfast meeting as our guest – and you won’t even need to shave! Contact Ellerslie Rotary Club’s president, Gabrielle Gimblett-Martin on gabbygm07@gmail.com Annabel Lush on a.lush@xtra.co.nz or visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Ellersliesunriserotary

• Never cover heating appliances or store objects on top of them, such as your cloths drying rack. • Don’t overload clothes dryers and clean the lint filter after each load cycle.

Want to make sure your home is fire safe? Use our fire safety checklist to find anything that might be putting you at risk. You can find it online at www.fireandemergency.nz. Remember, the most important thing you can do for your safety is to ensure you have working Smoke Detectors in your home!

GET YOUR FREE HOME FIRE SAFETY CHECK Keep your family and home safe, call for your free home fire safety check. ELLERSLIE STATION - 09 579 4400 We will be happy to ensure your home is safe, and it will only take 20 minutes out of your day.

Matt and David and shaved by Charlotte Lush at the Ellerslie Rotary Club Shave event 23

y a s e w w o H goodbye

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal - David Whyte

State of Grace - 437 Ellerslie Panmure Highway, Mt Wellington - 0800 764 327 | 09 5270366



Rethinking the approach to death and questioning the myths that surround it, often includes vital questions for a funeral director. The caring team at State of Grace chat over a cuppa about the final journey taken with bereaved families and share insights to the natural services they provide.

The functions of a funeral director are many and varied and, from the outset, you see that Janet and her team are welcoming and wholly, family focused. Coming from a palliative care background, Janet sees her role as an extension of this care, such as in-life as in-death, and takes the approach of compassion over the formality regularly seen in traditional style services. During this time spent with families, Janet and her team are able to provide ‘the clear head’ and ‘eye for detail’ needed in aspects of handling a deceased loved one. “There is a certain amount of organising and administration that is required by law” the team says, and it’s making these decisions, thoughtfully, alongside the family that can help the final service and farewell happen in a gracious manner. Janet started the East branch of State of Grace in 2013 after working with Fran and Deb, in the New Lynn branch for a year. Janet said the timing and situation was perfect for them all, and the Ellerslie Villa adds to the family friendly approach of business they are. Robyn, Rachel and Lynda make up the female friendly team alongside Janet, and all have had experience in palliative care, explaining that a female approach to death care can be seen as a more maternal approach for families. Additional to this female only care, making State of Grace a stand out in this traditionally male industry, they offer an alternative and distinctive style of service for after life body care. Termed ‘cooling’ - it is a completely natural and sustainable practice of preserving the body prior to burial or cremation. The body is cooled to less than 5O over a 12-24hr period and can then be

returned to the family for viewing in their own home or chosen place of viewing or service. “This is our preferred choice for after life body care”, Janet says, however we do have access to the traditional style of embalming if requested (or required). “It’s, without exception, the families decision, we sincerely believe that body cooling offers a less invasive and often an uncalled-for course of action. We can sustain a cooled body for several days to weeks if required”, and during an in home (or venue) viewing we easily maintain the cooling process with an icepack-style method. This time also helps establish the close connection we create with the families, that can be significant during this time. “Trust, caring, a kind word or just silent presence, can be all that’s needed when your mind is dealing with grief” Robyn says. As there is much to prepare for during this time, Janet and her the team offer a full funeral service where they will work with you and your family with all the requirements in after death care. Include death certificates, signatures from referring medical officers for cremation, transport from place of death to the Villa, service sheets, death notices etc… as Janet says there is definitely two parts, the body care and the event management. As we talk, I notice the immense impression of caring these ladies have. With tears welling, they recall families and there precious loved ones they have met, all of them have meaning, and as Lynda shares the beautiful service cards, she says there is lots to do for families through this time and the service of helping and making these final days as reverent as possible.

Janet, Robyn, Rachel and Lynda are the kind caring team at State of Grace, Mt Wellington.

did you know...

That your funeral service doesn’t

need to be restricted to a church or crematorium, you can have a service at a beach, your home, the Tamaki Yacht Club and the Bell House. We get lots of requests and can always ask on your behalf. The first NZ cremation was recorded in Wellington in 1909. John Jack died Nov 1 and cremated the following day. He specified his ashes were interred in the family vault in Dundee, Scotland.



Smile Creation,One Visit, Direct Resin Bonding A holistic dental experience for a happy and healthy smile Comprehensive examinations, consultations and oral hygiene maintenance provided in a caring stress free atmosphere. Gum treatments, teeth whitening, abscesses and root canal treatments. Emergency Dentistry, extractions especially wisdom teeth, straightening teeth, gap replacements using fixed and removable solutions. Broken teeth, fillings, dentures, crowns and bridges. Dentistry artistry skills and techniques using biocompatible, biomimetic tooth coloured materials provide an affordable service.

Dental diseases are linked with lifestyle choices. We provide personalised strategy programs to improve health habits that will keep you orally it. Personalised service and care from our team. Angela Lowe-Ho with 40+ years of experience. Ana, Dental Assistant with 10+ years experience and Edmund Ho administration and support. Requiring further advice? Contact me on text/mobile. Senior citizen rates, registered ACC and WINZ provider

Angela Lowe-Ho B.D.S. Otago NZ 126A Main Highway in Ellerslie, behind Four Square

027 4720 638 or 579 4746 www.Wellness-Dentistry.com 26


Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere Chinese Proverb

“Angela in deep concentration advancing her hands on practical skills at NZDA pre conference hands on masterminded with Dr Eduardo Mahn from Chile with residency in Germany”

Angela has spent considerable time training in new techniques and honing skills from the top trainers and minds in the industry. She says “dentistry has evolved into an exciting industry and now we have the ability to save more teeth and have better oral health than ever before. We now know that dentistry isn’t just about costly surgical procedures to treat disease, but also about lifestyle changes as well as preventative measures. Nowadays we can achieve remarkable results while doing less damage than in the past.” In December 2017 she attended the Hands-on Master Series. The series was led by Marshall Hanson, an exceptional Dentist, one of approximately 50 worldwide who has been awarded the Fellowship status from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentists. The focus was on Smile Creation using Direct Resin Bonding usually in one visit! These solutions require minimal removal of natural tooth structure.

Angela helps patients with misshapen teeth, gaps or diastema closure, unattractive old fillings, enamel defects, fractured incisal edge, recession, enamel defects, acid erosion, recession, decay, and disharmonious proportions at the Dental Centre regularly. She places a huge importance on the responsibility and trust patients have when choosing her as their Dentist.

In August 2017 Angela attended the handson pre-conference day with Dr Eduardo Mahn, originally from Chile. Learning from Eduardos many insights, theoretical and practical, further advanced and interested her in a quest for knowledge and application for patients who seek care with her. In 2018, she has already attended several advanced continuing Dental Professional courses and will be at the 3-day NZDA Dental conference in August.

“ “

Angela is a fantastic dentist, she truly believes in maintaining and improving your current dental structure before attempting anything superficial. Angela always explains what she is performing during the dental procedure and why which makes me feel comfortable and safe.” Aerin TeRangi ...I found Angela to genuinely care about her clients oral health care and only have their best interest at heart! Her dental knowledge is very extensive and obviously shows in her work! I have the utmost respect for Angela and her lovely assistant Ana!” - Emilia

THE IMPORTANCE OF GOOD DENTAL CARE Ellerslie dentist Angela Lowe-Ho has been successfully restoring the teeth - and smiles - of patients for more than forty years, and a growing list of testimonials reflects her professional and caring nature. The primary focus of the dental centre is on emergency pain relief, broken fillings, root canals, extractions, wisdom teeth, bleeding gums, including hygiene and hygienist treatments. However Angela also lives by the slogan, Dentist with a Difference.

fitness and patients receive a personalised program which includes proper hygiene care, dietary and lifestyle strategies. “I’m kind of a dental life coach or a dental fitness trainer. I provide holistic, scientific, advanced Dental artistry techniques which are also more cost effective than more expensive surgical solutions”, and her patients tend to agree.

Angela is a also strong believer in oral

As the first NZ-born Chinese female to graduate from the University of Otago Dental School and set up in private practice, Angela avidly undertakes advanced dental professional development courses to keep abreast of the latest techniques and technology for the benefit of patients. Clear communication about dental problems and the best solutions are all part of her mission statement.

Angela Lowe-Ho, Dental Centre Phone 579 4746 Text or Mobile on 027 4720 638

126A Main Highway, Ellerslie (behind Four Square, park at front door)

In addition to her skilled surgical procedures which involve minimal intervention, she uses safe and biocompatible materials for fillings, restorations, crowns, bridges, dentures, and root canal treatments.




Nearly half of 2018 has disappeared already and our Orchestra has performed magnificently. There have been full houses at the Auckland Town Hall and at various events during the Auckland Festival where they received equal acclaim from the audience as the main event for which they were playing. It gives us warm fuzzies to think we are their ‘official friends‘, and, successful as they are they still need their ‘friends’. Making sandwiches for the refreshment of the players at interval or selling programmes at a concert becomes a pleasure when you consider the reward is a ticket to the concert. The Friends themselves have also had some excellent Friday mornings in the Ellerslie War Memorial Hall listening to a mix of orchestral members and talented students just embarking on their careers, playing for us. Add to that the glimpse into the lives of the international soloists and conductors from the previous night’s concert, and the opportunity to speak to our guest, personally, over a cup of tea and the morning is complete. All this for only $20- if you are a visitor or $15 if you are a member of the Friends. The subscription is only $30 per year. It is not too late to join and you will receive the programme for the next 6 months so you will know when we meet and can mark your diaries so you don’t miss “the best show in town”. For those of you who do not enjoy driving into the Town Hall at night, or trying to find somewhere to park the car, the Friends organize a bus to and from the concerts. Starting from Howick through Panmure, Sunhill, Meadowbank, and Remuera to the door of the Town Hall and after the concert back to where you were picked up, all for only $10 return. Less than it costs to park the car and no stress. Just ring Anne Stewart 027 498 0247 or Rona Colbert 09 579 7605 for details about joining the Friends or buses to concerts. You do not have to be a Friend to use the buses, which also start from Papakura, Devonport, and Pinesong. 27

CHRIST CHURCH As summer is well and truly over, the weather has gotten colder and there are less distractions, it seems like it’s now the season for getting stuck back into work. This can be a depressing time of year, especially for those who dislike their work, whether this be paid or unpaid employment, parenting or just getting on with the daily tasks of life which we all must do. I recently returned from a holiday with the family and the as the admin flooded in I began to think “how tedious, where’s the work that really inspires me?!” So at our contemporary services at Christ Church we have been taking a better look at work. Some people love their jobs, finding great fulfilment in them, but most people don’t have their dream job and even if they enjoy their work in part, more often than not they tend to view their jobs as a necessary way to pay for what they do outside of their jobs. The real stuff of life happens when we are at home, with family or friends, doing whatever it is that we are passionate about. But there has got to be more to life than this? Work is what we spend most of our waking hours doing, it seems only right that we should find fulfilment in it. Some Christians will tell you that your work is irrelevant because at the end of time God will get rid of the earth and we will all float up to Heaven to take part in an everlasting church service... Wow does that sound boring?! But a good study of the bible actually provides us with a way to find meaning and purpose in our work because it’s God’s plan for the good work we do to last for eternity. We were made to work, it’s there at the very start of the bible. In the Garden of Eden we were made to look after the world. Work is a good thing. But we need to work in alignment with God’s values: to make the world flourish. If your industry is furthering the hurt of the world, you can either leave it, or stay and try to make positive changes. If we take a wider perspective, even the most mundane jobs are actually adding to civilisation – society can’t function without clean toilets, well behaved kids, and systems which require data entry! In the bible the end vision for the world is focussed around a city. Cities are what we humans have created - so our works are definitely included in God’s plan. Only the bad is taken away, the rest is to last forever. Knowing that what we do now will last for eternity gives us purpose to our work! It is also the way in which we work that can give us purpose. Do we see our work as an opportunity to encourage caring workplace relationships, honesty and efficiency? Do we show kindness to our neighbours as we put our rubbish out? Do we teach our kids how to become good citizens caring for the world? What positive challenge can you find in your work? As we all get stuck into work in these winter months may you find a new purpose and meaning in the work you do and may you be inspired. Rev Rebecca Heale Vicar of Christ Church, Ellerslie

Contact Rebecca 579-5279 (voice mails checked regularly) or for more urgent matters 021 02764318

COMMUNITY IN HARMONY Christ Church Ellerslie is delighted to be able to host the One Tree Hill College choirs in the church on Sunday 10th June for a very special event. This is a fundraising Concert to raise money for the Church Preservation Fund and we are very grateful to the College for their willingness to assist us in this way. The vicar and parishioners are pleased to invite you to attend. Christ Church is a heritage building with historic and beautiful windows and excellent acoustics so the concert will be a delight for both the ear and the eye! The One Tree Hill College choirs are of outstanding quality. The Chorale has been a national qualifier in the New Zealand Choral Federation Competitions three timesin 2014, 2016 and 2017- and was awarded a silver medal at the 2017 Auckland Regional Finals. The Peka Totara Girls Choir has also been a prize-winner having won the Spirit of the Festival Award at the 2017 Regional Big Sing Competition. These young people are professional in every way. They deserve our support. Come along and hear them sing and wish them well as they compete with choral groups from schools all over the city in the following days. Our district can be proud of them.



Its been and exciting year for us at Ellerslie Domain, not only have we had great community support but with the help of Sport Auckland with our new Junior and senior initiatives we were able to get funding for 4 new netball goal posts and purple pads, our next goal Floodlights for the Courts. Key supporters for us has been Sport Auckland, Four Winds Foundations,The Mt Wellington Foundation Ltd, we are very thankful and appreciate there support with our ongoing community work locally Basketball being the big winner for us this season with participation growth up and representative to boot for our U23’s and U15’s with Auckland Basketball. Our Gym Space at 75 Felton Mathew Ave, St John will have a new face lift with new wooden floors ready for our Summer Season of indoor activities Chairwoman Stonefields Sports INC Lea Salt, noting that it has not been an easy year/

task with many challenges along the way, but thankful for the support of key active community parents within SUN seeing the vision for the future for our children and the opportunity it presents for our community. Office Space is still on the lookout within Ellerslie Business Centre We continously have new initiatives starting and look forward to seeing more locals involved, new volunteers are always welcome. Netball and Basketball seasons have begun for Stonefields Sports. We have many teams across all ages participating in these sporting codes, and while our Netball registrations have closed for the winter season, we are always looking for interest for the upcoming summer season, and we are always looking to increase our Basketball presence for both men and women! Not only do we have presence within these two sports, we also hold school holiday programmes for children aged 5 to 14. Holiday programmes are great for children to make friends, get active, and try new things. Check out our website www.stonefieldssports. weebly.com for more details!

Key programmes: omework Hub (bookings essentials +H afterschool) + Holiday programmes + S UN Mums Active Group (Fun activites Neball,Yoga etc) +M ix Business Netball Summer League (great team building for your work team, plus staying active) + Basketball 3x3 + J unior School Netball Development Programmes + Athletics (Junior and intermediate programme) + Futsal We need more good used laptops for our Homework hub, please any companies that can donate to us for our local community children that would kindly be appreciated. Furthermore, we have begun after school programmes with Basketball at Glen Taylor school, and if your school wants to have an afterschool programme too, please contact us on our website. Come on, Ellerslie, let’s get active - Active body, Active children, Active community!

ELLERSLIE TOASTMASTERS Ok. The last thing your feel like doing is standing up in front of a group of strangers giving a speech. We know, we’ve all been there. Public speaking is one of the top fears in New Zealand.

On some mornings we laugh, some mornings we learn from someone’s culture or knowledge and on other mornings we cry along with inspirational speeches that make us feel warm inside.

From sweaty palms to cracking voices, speaking publicly can be terrifying, yet it is a crucial skill to have in the business world. We can ease these fears by offering to you a proven and successful programme. Toastmasters!

Although each meeting is held together with strict rules of etiquette, Club members never have a dull moment and always come out uplifted, even when things don’t quite go as planned.

Ellerslie Sunrise Toastmasters club meetings run every fortnight on a Tuesday morning from 7am-8.30am inside Christ church hall. Club members help themselves to a nice hot cuppa and plate of baked goodies. Visitors are always made welcome.

Toastmasters teach so much more than about how to speak or how to run meetings. At Ellerslie Sunrise Toastmasters, long lasting friendships are created and attending just one meeting can add a ray of sunshine which can set a positive outlook for the rest of the week.

Club meetings are an array of deliciously mixed flavours drawn from the stories that are shared. We have members with various ethnic groups, backgrounds and life experiences. Some travel from the North Shore and others from Flat Bush.

Come along, and we guarantee you a safe environment and lots of useful and friendly support from people with similar goals and objectives. www.ellersliesunrise.toastmastersclubs.org/

ig Hi Readers, my name is Cra mber Martin. I have been a me asters of Ellerslie Sunrise Toastm I for 14 years. Why have e social stayed so long? I enjoy th de interaction and I have ma ined lots of friends. I have ga h as; so many valuable skills suc large confidence in speaking to rship groups of people and leade rself! skills. Come and see for you 29

Community.indd 29

20/05/18 10:45 PM

ELLERSLIE SCHOOL With a multitude of events and activities going on throughout the school on any given day, it has been challenging to choose what we would like to showcase and celebrate in this edition of the Ellerslie Magazine. We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to the wider Ellerslie community for supporting with our recent Book Fair. The generous donations, assistance at the fair and purchasing books/patronage of the food trucks on the day helped to make this an incredibly successful event! The money raised from the Book Fair is going towards a number of initiatives this year - sports uniforms for our senior school, playground equipment and iPad purchasing for our junior school. The week leading up to the Book Fair was also a hive of activity at school as we celebrated our love of books with a whole school Character Book Parade. Many creative and amazing costumes were displayed by our students celebrating a diverse range of book characters and titles and we are always so amazed and thankful for the ongoing support from our very engaged parent community. The joke at Ellerslie is that barely a week goes by without a TV camera keen to showcase some of the exciting learning going on! A number of Year 8 students were lucky enough to participate in the filming of an ANZ video about financial literacy. Mr David Hisco, the CEO of ANZ New Zealand visited our school and spoke to our students about money skills and saving for the future. Some challenging questions were posed by our students about the stock market, saving for retirement and currency exchange. The video will be posted on the Ellerslie School Facebook page/ANZ social media channels and there will also be newspaper coverage once ANZ has finished with their editing - we can’t wait! We were also delighted to be asked to contribute to a memorial garden planted at Auckland’s Ellerslie Event Centre, reviving a piece of Anzac history. The garden was originally planted by the Auckland Rotary Club more than 20 years ago as a tribute to soldiers who fought and died for New Zealand. The team enlisted award-winning landscape designer Xanthe White, who worked with students from our school. We were proud to be a part of this initiative and the importance in teaching the next generation of the loss and sacrifice of our service people – lest we forget. Ellerslie School is fortunate to be part of the Maungakiekie Community of Learning (CoL) in conjunction with five other schools from the local area. The purpose of this ‘partnership’ which has been operational for the past 18 months is to strengthen the children’s learning pathways, and to collaborate on teaching and learning programmes within each school across and across the ‘Kahui Ako - CoL’. One of the primary goals of each CoL is to build genuine connections based on authentic engagement with stakeholders/school leadership, teaching staff and parents, cooperation and trust with the understanding we are working together for the benefit of the community. When I reflect on the way Ellerslie School approaches education of our young people and the power of connections with our local High School - One Tree Hill College, it exciting to see well prepared children excelling at OTHC ‘prepared for life’ leaving both schools as good people, ready, willing and able to contribute to the wider world. True to our vision statement at Ellerslie - ‘To be the best we can be’, we are looking forward to another busy and successful term. 30

The first term of 2018 was an outstanding start to the year for the students, staff and community of One Tree Hill College. There were various highlights, including outstanding NCEA results across all three levels - 91%, 91% and 80% respectively, as well as NZQA Scholarships. One of the most positive aspects of the rapid growth of the college is that the students are coming from families in our local area who have the trust and confidence in One Tree Hill College to provide a quality education for their children. One Tree Hill College is flourishing and our students are competing at the highest level in so many academic, sporting, cultural and performing arts arenas. In sports, we have reached new heights with our 1st XV rugby team earning the right to compete in the prestigious Auckland 1A competition for 2018. We are one of only four secondary schools in Auckland who compete at the highest level of both rugby and netball. And we must not forget to continue celebrating former student, David Liti’s Commonwealth Games gold medal success. With the college at capacity, the enrolment zone for the college means families in and out of zone will need to be very aware of upcoming deadlines as we start enrolling students for 2019. There will be very limited places available for students who live out of zone – please refer to our website for the college’s enrolment scheme. Our Open Day will be Monday 6 August, followed by our enrolment days on Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 August, 8am to 8pm. Please check our website regularly for updates on dates and requirements, or contact the college reception on 579-5049. As always, I would welcome any interested members of our community who wish to take a tour of the college to contact me to arrange an opportunity for me to show you around One Tree Hill College. This continues to be a great time to be involved with One Tree Hill College. We certainly have students with exceptional talent and it is wonderful to see them show such pride in the school. I look forward to the many successes which will occur throughout the remainder of the year. Best Wishes,

N Coughlan Principal


l a c i s u M f o s d n u o S Ellerslie The Musical Sounds of Ellerslie was launched very successfully last November 2017 by Mary Jackson, an Ellerslie/Mt Wellingon experienced piano teacher and music educator. Mary wanted to create regular musical evenings where anyone of any standard could come and perform. In the November concert, the items ranged from Alby, a delightful adult beginner pianist, to Curtis, a diploma holder pianist. In between, were Kathy and Natalie, teachers of the flute and viola, and Elaine, a retired classical

Community Open Night

MUSICAL SOUNDS OF ELLERSLIE Join us for a fun evening, bring your instruments, voices and friends & family

Saturday, 1st September 6-9PM

singer who sang Schubert’s Ava Maria. On September 1st, the programme will include Curtis on Christ Church’s lovely new piano, Liesle on the violin, Paul, an elderly beginner singer and violinist and our guest artists, Annette Hawkins and Kim Copedo, experienced Country Music artists from Dargaville. If you have been wishing you could be part of a fun evening where anyone of any level is welcome to perform, this is for you! Contact

Christ Church 169 Ladies Mile, Ellerslie Mary now, she would love to hear from you. If you need an accompanist, she will set up times to rehearse with her.

Entry fees for The Musical Sounds of Ellerslie. $10 per adult. Free for children. Phone 09-5264366 Texts only (m) 027-2699233 Email: marystarlight@hotmail.com


Call Alison Thomas, the local teacher, to find out more. Ellerslie classes are held at Leicester Hall, 20 Findlay St: on Mondays 11-12pm, and on Wednesdays 10-11am Alison also teaches one class at St Heliers: also on Wednesdays 12.30-1.30pm in St Philip’s Church Hall Contact Alison: on 021 528 744 Or email: alison.taichi@gmail.com Ellerslie has Tai Chi classes designed to support older adults in our community.

improves and the risk of falling decreases by almost a third.

participants to build their core muscles, leg strength and improve their balance.

Scientific research tells us that one in three people aged 65 and over will fall and injure themselves. For those aged 80 and over, the risk increases to one in two.

ACC, in conjunction with the Ministry of Health are committed to reduce injuries from falls for older people. A key part of this work is the provision of community Group Strength and Balance programs for those adults who are at risk of falling. These classes must allow

The benefit of attending the classes can be practically measured. First try a class to see what we do. We recommend you attend a 10 week course and if you continue attending classes this will help you maintain the ongoing health benefits.

Research has shown that when people exercise to strengthen their legs and core, their balance


ELLERSLIE THEATRICAL SOCIETY Welcome to the Stables Theatre for the winter season, to a warm ‘feel good’ play to contrast with the wet blustery weather. Our play, which opens on Thursday the 7th June and closes on Saturday the 16th June, is THE HOUSE OF ANGELS written by a New Zealand author, Ruth Mayo, who some of us will remember acted on the Mercury stage, some years ago. The play is a delightful story concerning eight established artists whose careers are at the point where they are no longer the first choice of the up and coming producers and directors. They have been used to the bright lights and excitement of the entertainment world experiencing both the thrill of standing ovation and the disappointment of polite applause. Occasionally in the past their professional lives have crossed. Now we join them as they all, not entirely by accident, are living in an old boarding house. We watch the unfolding of deeper friendships and animosities as they really get to know each other. Do not miss the outcome of this heartwarming tale which ends up surprising them all, as well as you, the audience. Our first play this year was a new direction for us, in that it was engaging entertainment for the whole family. We, of the Ellerslie Theatrical Society, have always been known for presenting the more serious, sometimes controversial, plays which cause you to go home thinking. We enjoy producing these plays but we also had fun presenting The Witches. This is your community theatre and if you enjoyed The Witches and would like more of this type let us know. Ring the theatre or talk to one of us when you come to see The House of Angels this month, or even better, join the society and become part of your community theatre. We look forward to meeting you. To find out more about us visit www.ellerslietheatre.co.nz


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Book your seat now on line, www.iticket.co.nz or ring the theatre 525 3336.


Our highly trained team are committed to taking care of your dental health in the gentlest possible way. Whatever your needs, we will listen, give expert advice and provide treatment costs in advance.



ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: email ads@ellersliemagazine.co.nz

09 525 0959 www.dentalsolutions.co.nz

directory USEFUL CONTACTS Auckland Council p: 301 0101 Citizens Advice Bureau Mt Wellington-Remuera p: 573 5707 Ellerslie Business Assn p: 579 5033 Ellerslie Residents Assn ellerslieresidents@gmail.com Orakei Local Board p: 521 7021 Local MP - Denise Lee 130 Main Hwy p: 0800DENISEMP EMERGENCY SERVICES Emergency situations phone 111 Mt Wellington Police Station 6A Harrison Road p: 526 7300 Constable Don Allan p: 622 8722 Constable Marcus Weston p: 524 4195 Ellerslie Fire Station 634 Gt South Rd p: 579 4400

Ellerslie Tennis Club Konini Park p: 570 5605 Stonefields Sports Inc Ellerslie Domain enquiry@stonefieldssports.co.nz YMCA Ellerslie 46 Michaels Ave p: 579 4716



Coko Design & Fashion 111 Main Hwy p: 580 2308 Gemmells Shoe Repairs Rear of 131A Main Hwy p: 526 4898 LaLa Reloved Boutique 116 Main Hwy p: 579 7647 Mercy Hospice Shop 188 Ladies Mile p: 579 1208 Sasha 114 Main Hwy p: 579 3535

GIFTS & HOMEWARES Coko Design & Fashion 111 Main Hwy p: 580 2308 CHURCHES Dollar House 101 Main Hwy p: 580 1926 C3 Church 20 Cawley Street p: 579 1716 Flowers of St John Christ Church 169 Ladies Mile p: 579 5279 127 Main Hwy p: 09 529 2677 Ellerslie Bible Chapel 7 Robert St p: 525 7216 Mercy Hospice Shop Horizon Church 9 Mono Place p: 571 3390 188 Ladies Mile p: 579 1208 Mountainside Lutheran Church OTHER RETAILERS & SERVICES 1 Harris Road p: 579 4490 Aladdin Rugs St Mary’s Catholic Church 1 Robert Street p: 579 6469 58 Main Hwy p: 579 8937 Beauty Plus Souvenir Trading St Peter’s Presbyterian 8 Robert St p: 579 2887 Harrison Road p: 579 4428 Cardz Magz N Lotto COMMUNITY GROUPS 135b Main Hwy p: 580 2088 Anthroposophical Society Church Stores 104 Michaels Ave p: 579 5606 8 Robert Street p: 525 1380 Ellerslie Combined Probus Club Ellerslie Jewellers & Engravers p: 525 6330 115 Main Hwy p: 579 5673 Ellerslie Community Patrol p: 579 5779 NZ Postshop 101 Main Hwy p: 579 7099 Remuera Freemasons Photo Focus 9a Robert Street p: 579 4494 Rear of 129 Main Hwy p: 525 0289 Ellerslie Rotary Club p: 027 493 574 Smartphone Ellerslie Ellerslie Theatrical Society 3/1 Robert Street p: 580 9282 138 Main Hwy p: 525 3336 Toastmasters (Harrison Road) harrisonroad@toastmasters.org.nz BAKERIES Toastmasters (Ellerslie Sunrise) Bakers Delight 127 Main Hwy p: 580 0088 ellersliesunrise@toastmasters.org.nz Ellerslie Bakehouse SCHOOLS / TERTIARY EDUCATION 87 Main Hwy p: 579 6538 Ellerslie School Julia’s Bakery 128b Main Hwy p: 526 4919 12 Kalmia Street p: 579 5477 Richoux Patisserie Michael Park School 119 Main Hwy p: 579 1815 55 Amy Street p: 579 3083 BARS & RESTAURANTS One Tree Hill College Ajadz Indian Cuisine 8 Robert St p: 580 1555 421–451 Gt South Rd p: 579 5049 Charlie Baxter’s 121 Main Hwy p: 525 2522 Stanhope Road School Harris Road p: 579 6434 Doolan Brothers 3 Robert St p: 579 5592 St Mary’s Catholic School E Japanese 5/101 Main Hwy p: 589 1689 66 Main Hwy p: 579 5458 La Gondala Restaurant South Pacific College of Natural Medicine 19 Kalmia St p: 525 3138 8 Arthur Street p: 579 4997 Little Lamb, 2 Robert Street, p: 280 1511 UNDER 5’S Mexico 120 Main Hwy p: 281 2714 Ellerslie Kindergarten India Bar & Restaurant 122 Celtic Cres p: 579 0076 120 Main Hwy p: 579 5700 Ellerslie Playcentre Sanehs Thai Restaurant 8 Lawry Street p: 579 1974 83/85 Main Hwy p: 579 9447 Ellerslie Playgroup Leicester Hall Union Post Brew Bar 124 Main Hwy p: 579 2303 ellerslieplaygroup@gmail.com


Ellerslie Plunket p: 579 7564 Ellerslie Toy Library p: 022 1872 304 SPORTS & RECREATION Ellerslie AFC p: 579 5477 Ellerslie Aikido Club p: 579 1118 Ellerslie Athletics Club www.ellerslie-athletics.co.nz Ellerslie Cricket Club www.ellersliecricket.co.nz Ellerslie Eagles Rugby League Club Ellerslie Domain p: 579 7719 34

CAFÉS, CASUAL DINING & TAKEAWAY FOOD Burgerfuel 2 Robert St p: 525 7752 Cafe Melba 135 Main Hwy p: 525 1303 Columbus Ellerslie 139 Main Hwy p: 580 0501 Heng Seng 128A Main Hwy p: 579 3517 Haru Sushi 79 Main Hwy p: 525 2291 Hell Pizza 135 Main Hwy p: 525 6664 Golden Dragon BBQ & Dumplings 137 Main Hwy p: 579 8466

Little Luscious 101 Main Hwy p: 634 2328 Malaysia & Singapore Cuisine 112 Main Hwy p: 579 6567 Mexicali Fresh 2 Robert St p: 579 5162 Pastrami & Rye 112 Main Hwy Royal Kebab 129 Main Hwy p: 579 7568 Sierra Ellerslie 179 Ladies Mile p: 525 5583 Subway 2 Robert St p: 526 5073 The Coffee Club 131 Main Hwy p: 579 6442 Pizza Hut 130 Main Hwy p: 0800 838 383 FOOD & WINE RETAIL Ellerslie Fresh Mart 101m Main Hwy p: 214 9262 Ellerslie Supermarket 133 Main Hwy p: 579 4549 Ceres Wholefoods 181 Ladies Mile p: 579 7126 Ellerslie 4-Square 126 Main Hwy p: 579 5259 Ellerslie Liquor Centre 123 Main Hwy p: 579 5556 Glengarry Wines 87 Main Hwy p: 571 2567 Ellerslie Meats 128d Main Hwy p: 579 6393

professional services

COMPUTER & ELECTRONICS Computer Tech4You 112 Main Hwy p: 580 2664 Electrical and Computer Services 130c Main Hwy p: 579 8195 & FINANCIAL INSURANCE SERVICES AMP Genesis Financial Services Building 4, 195 Main Hwy p. 525 2586 ANZ Cashpoint 105 Main Hwy ASB Bank 133 Main Hwy p: 579 5871 AssetWise Level1 1, 101 Main Hwy p: 580 1111 Harden & Hart 1 Robert St p: 589 1701 Integrated Planning Solutions Level 1, 1 Robert Street p: 526 5070 Jolly Duncan & Wells 127 Main Hwy p: 579 7096 Kiwibank 101 Main Hwy p: 579 7099 Loan Resources 6 Findlay Street Provisional Tax Finance 101 Main Hwy p: 950 3515 Tony Gill & Co 3/3 Robert Street p: 526 5557 Westpac Cashpoint 127 Main Hwy

BSC p: 580 1160 Canstaff Level1, 101 Main Hwy p: 579 2087 Crisp Graphics 5b Lawry Street p: 021 202 9758 Hua Yi Level 1 101 Main Hwy p: 218 9437 Meadows Mushrooms Level 1, 101 Main Hwy, p: 0800 687 476 Optimis Systems Level 1, 101 Main Hwy p:529 5265 People First NZ p: 579 1588 Recalibrate Consulting p: 522 7476 Team Talk 2 Robert Street p: 579 1647

personal services

DENTAL SERVICES Angela Lowe-Ho 126a Main Hwy p: 579 4746 Dental Solutions 2/2 Robert St p: 525 0959

HEALTHCARE Active Plus 180 Main Hwy p: 579 0004 Ellerslie Medical Centre Cnr Robert & Morris St p: 579 6147 Ellerslie Plunket 138 Main Hwy p: 579 7564 The Fitness Club 87-93 Main Hwy p: 525 4028 iChiropractic & Shiatsu Shop L, 101 Main Hwy p: 526 5375 Reset Fitness Level 3, Building 9, 666 Great South Road, Penrose p: 525 2436 Unichem Pharmacy Ellerslie 125 Main Hwy p: 579 5520 HAIRDRESSERS & BARBERS Barber Shop Co 101 Main Hwy p: 571 2194 Mals Scissorhands Barber 101 Main Hwy Paris for Hair 123 Main Hwy p: 579 7745 Scarlett 112 Main Hwy p: 579 8733 Zurri 179 Ladies Mile p: 579 5022

BEAUTY & MASSAGE THERAPY Baan Thai 123e Main Hwy p: 525 2795 Beauty Mark 101 Main Hwy p: 525 3852 Bliss Beauty Therapy 8 Findlay Street p: 021 151 8588 Caci Ellerslie L1, 124 Main Hwy p: 571 0575 LEGAL SERVICES Cherry Tree Massage Andrew Lemalu Law 2 Robert St p: 579 0045 101 Main Hwy p: 5798 078 Duggan & Murphy 8a Robert St p: 525 1316 L & J Beauty Nail 131 Main Hwy p: 579 5384 PROPERTY SERVICES Newbody Massage Clinic Arch Construction 101n Main Hwy (above post office) 129 Main Hwy p: 021 373 957 p: 579 6279 Bayleys 101-105 Main Hwy p: 525 1773 Opti Health Broadway Property Group 67 Main Hwy, p: 529 9590 139 Main Hwy p: 525 0084 DRYCLEANING, LAUNDRY Mackenzie Properties & ALTERATIONS 129 Main Hwy, p:021 882 969 Allclean Laundromat Mike Pero 118 Main Hwy p: 390 5900 81 Main Hwy p: 579 7690 Mike Webber Surveyors Ellerslie Drycleaners 1 Robert St p: 579 8411 128c Main Hwy p: 579 8828 Ray White 2/101 Main Hwy Stitched Up 101 Main Hwy p: 579 6678 p: 525 2600 OTHER SERVICES Southern Cross Plumbing 130 Main Hwy p: 354 4548 Ellerslie Automotive and Tyres 171 Main Hwy p: 525 8155 Westferry Property Services 1 Robert St p: 580 3121 Ellerslie Counselling 2/3 Ramsgate St p: 021 164 1162 TRAVEL SERVICES Ellerslie Veterinary Clinic & Cattery Flight Centre 29 Main Hwy p: 525 0721 199 Main Hwy p: 281 3481 House of Travel 108 Main Hwy p: 525 2363 National Mini Storage 14 Penrose Road, OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Penrose p: 525 8001

IS YOUR HEALTH A PRIORITY For optimal health and wellbeing, experience an affordable natural health consultation with a student practitioner at Paua Clinic – South Pacific College of Natural Medicine 8-12 Arthur Street, Ellerslie. Naturopathy is for everybody – the old and young, those with acute problems as well as chronic illnesses. Consultations are fully supervised by qualified Naturopaths & Medical Herbalists. Standard Adult Initial Consultations – $40 Students & Children 6 years and over Initial Consultations – $20

Children under 6 years of age and Seniors over 65 Consultations – Free Win Initial a travel voucher to All Follow ups – Free the value of

Win a travel voucher to the value of

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Win a travel voucher to the value of

For optimal health and wellbeing, experience an affordable natural health consultation with a student practitioner at:

For optimal health and wellbeing, experience an affordable natural health consultation with a student practitioner at:

Paua Clinic - South Pacific College of Natural Medicine 8-12 Arthur Street, Ellerslie, Auckland

Paua Clinic - South Pacific College of Natural Medicine 8-12 Arthur Street, Ellerslie, Auckland

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call now to make an appointment 09 526 9277 | www.pauaclinic.co.nz

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