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I aspired for there to be a title for the youth within this fictitious narrative, just like the Punks, New Romantics and 1820’s Radicals had. Therefore, I culminated all their backgrounds and established ‘The Underground’, where these subcultures once used to congregate in times of adversity to be free in music and fashion. Generation Alpha appreciate personal connections with brands, and I believe they will resonate with this collaboration entirely if it possesses a community they can associate with and call themselves by too. ‘The Underground’ has an underlying power to its title, encompassing the strength of all collaborators involved, as well as the mightiness of its defiance and challenging of conventions. There is a grunginess to its tone, and I feel this reflects the frustrations the youth in the story, as well as, the consumers, portray.
Below I have devised some logos which will be utilised in marketing material within my further books. Employing colour theory within my decision making, I opted for a black background as it symbolises power and luxury (accomodating to my aforementioned market), orange/red because it encourages social communication and domination as well as conveying anger, and blue for trust, as this collaborative presence aims to form a strong brand-to-consumer relationship through empathising with their emotions.