PR Marketing Plan

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HERITAGE OF THE BRAND After a skiing accident, Dr Maertens created the first pair of air-soled boots to aid his walking. He linked up with the Griggs family in Northampton and together they reshaped and remodelled the original air-soled boots. The family run shoe-factory gave the brand authenticity and credibility, using the finest of leathers, and handled with great care. The boots were originally manufactured for the working class men in need of sturdy boots to relieve the pressure on the soles. Now adopted for fashion statements, commonly with a close link to musical subculture; the brand haa supported intimate gigs and festivals, helping to promote themselves, whilst also boosting awareness for up-coming music acts. April 1st 1960, the 1460 design was released.

Dr Martens,. 2013. Web.

For Life Guarantee. Web.

The brand has always had a rich connection with history and culture, and they keep this authenticity by still creating the infamous boots at the same factory at Cobbs Lane. In the past, Dr. Maertens created his air-sole out of discarded tyre and rubber, and to this day, the brand keep this brand quality, whilst aiming to create the footwear with the least minimum amount of waste, and utilising every piece of the finest selected leather. Dr Martens thoroughly keep their brand/customer loyalty by offering customers a “For Life” range. This covers the boots for “failure of any component which has been subjected to normal wear and tear.” The lifetime guarantee maximises the consumers trust in the brand, boosting loyalty, as they have faith that the brand will care for their boots.




Some skinheads created the notion of fear and violence linked to the boots. It was apparently said that you had to “break your boots in by breaking someone’s face in.”

SS13 Lookbook. 2013. Web.

Dr Martens recognise how important music has been in shaping the brand and to celebrate their 50th anniversary Dr Martens released tracks from current artists covering music from the many different decades. Meaning they could connect with new and past consumers, in an unconventional and non-conformist style. The future of the brand is to keep adapting these target audiences, and reaching out to new customers, through the idea that people can be connected through music and subcultures.

• Young students • Aimed at students who have moved to the area for university or work, and do not know the area well • Helps them learn about the North East, whilst also celebrating it with the customers who are from Newcastle • DMs have a wide range of target markets, so aim to target many of them, by not focussing on just one subculture, but focussing on the interests of most in the area Customer Profiles Customer profiles give an idea into what different taget audiences do, where they go, who their friends are; it helps to understand each audience more. Each profile has a certain person that has been interviewed giving insight into their personality.


Dr Martens on Pinterest. Web.

Dr. Martens At Rebellion Festival 2014 #STANDFORSOMETHING. 2015. Web.

Amelia Breading Lookbook. 2013. Web.

Dr. Martens At Rebellion Festival 2014 #STANDFORSOMETHING. 2015. Web.

The E-PR Strategy to launch the film will all circulate around creating conversation and buzz, thus developing the relationship between the brand and the consumer.

PRE-FILM LAUNCH • Countdown from around two weeks to create general hype and surprise about the film launch • Giving clues about the film launch, but not saying directly what the countdown/film is for, creating conversation online, whilst keeping DM’s sense of mystery • Showing teasers of the video; as the launch night gets closer, the teasers become short clips of the video • Clips from behind the scenes of the film shoot, and the preparation going into the film launch • Celebrating the North East, social media platforms post #TBT of events that have happened in the area, of great importance

DURING-FILM LAUNCH • Have people responding to the tweets, and messages on all platforms, therefore keeping the relationship strong during their busiest time. This creates conversation and gets more people talking about the launch • Asking people what their favourite part of the film was, mainly on Facebook, where people can comment, generating interest and feedback • Get people to post their own #TBT of their first pair of DM boots, or other item/ or a favourite outfit they’ve worn their DMs with, spreading the #STANDFORSOMETHINGNCL • Platforms reposting and commenting back to peoples #TBT • Promotional offer at the end of the film, exclusive to Newcastle shoppers, to use in-store, to maintain loyalty and relationship

POST-FILM LAUNCH • Generate interest in the #STANDFORSOMETHINGNCL by asking people to post what they stand for • Create a mini film showing all these tweets, to show how much a hit the film was and the feedback received, therefore sharing consumers experiences, and making them feel welcomed and part of the DM ‘family’ • Give customers the chance to win to be in the next film, or another incentive, therefore giving back to loyal customers

Escape to the land of imperfections. Explore the land of mishaps. Indulge yourself in the land of liberation: The Land of the Geordies. Become an adventurer for the day, whack on your trusty, and favoured, Dr. Martens, and trek through the city’s rich historical past, whilst also delving into the hidden secrets. Hesitant about the unpredictable weather of the North? No point worrying when you have your cherished boots to keep your little toes dry. Become fascinated and educated about the vibrant city and its musical subcultures; guaranteed to have you toe tapping, and strumming your air guitar. Enjoy the journey you will be taken on; sit back, turn up and become absorbed in the heart of Northern culture.

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