Jealousy Zine

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The mixed emotions club is a club. You can be in the club. Anybody can be in the club. This is your pass for the club. We meet any time, any hour, any day... Basically whenever you feel like you need to clear your head. Choose which zine mirrors your mood, and let your emotions talk. The mixed emotions club are a collection of zines focussing on spreading positivity and helping us be present in the moment by clearing our heads of negative thoughts and making us more at peace with our emotions. The act of mindfulness makes us capable of dealing with daily demands, whilst making us feel calmer. Throughout the zines there will be sections to pour out your emotions on the page, letting your mind wander whilst doodling and helping you to empty your head whilst writing lists. Clearing your head helps us pay attention to the present moment and meditating the mind.

We’ve all been there; jealous of Bethany because her figure looks unreal in that new dress. Jealous of Abbie because her boyfriend buys her anything she wants, regardless of the price. Jealous of Emma because she met Harry Styles and you didn’t, and he looked reeeeeeeally good in the picture. Or simply just jealous of Bronnie because she’s never said a bad word about anyone, and is always happy for your successes. That’s because Bronnie has realised that being spiteful about other people’s happiness never gets her far, and leaves her feeling like shit. So she’s learnt to deal with her jealousy, in a way that inspires her to do better for herself. She appreciates what she has, and works really hard at what she wants, so doesn’t have time to be jealous of anyone. She knows that letting jealousy take over her mind only means she’s letting jealousy make wrong decisions for her. No, she won’t say a bitchy comment about Bethany, because Bethany worked for that figure, and yes, Bronnie knows she could get that figure if she tried hard too. Becoming envious only attracts negative vibes, and soon they’ll surround you, blocking you from seeing the positive in your life, making you feel like shit. Work through the zine and let your jealousy out on the pages. Use shades of green if you must. Do whatever you need to stop yourself from making mean comments about someone else’s successes, and once you’ve finished, let their successes inspire you. Remember, it’s only healthy to want what someone has, but use it to boost your aspirations, not everything is to make you pissed off at the world. Things happen to make you appreciate the good and the well-deserved hard work.

do you ever wish you were a boy? do you ever dream for one moment of your life, just a tiny fraction, just a smidgen of your day, you wouldn’t be judged for having emotions? you wouldn’t be told to “stop being so female” and to “get some nuts”? do you ever get resentful of the fact that as a small child it was acceptable for boys to climb trees, play in puddles and come back covered in mud? but for you, as a girl, you were expected to stay on the ground, keep your feet dry and come back in a pristine condition? do you ever get jealous because boys never have every eye on them as soon as they walk into a room, every eye scrutinising their daily outfit choice, questioning whether their outfit complimented their body type? do you ever wish you could walk around in your underwear without feeling like you’re exposing your body, or being provocative? that you might be giving somebody the wrong impression? do you ever feel envious that you can’t order a pint at the bar without looking butch, or being mistaken for ‘one-of-the-lads’? do you ever wish you were allowed to drink something other than a cocktail? do you ever think about how different your life would be if you were born a boy?

instead of dreaming about being judged for having emotions, imagine not being able to express your emotions for fear of being ridiculed. instead of feeling resentful of your activities in your early years, who’s stopping you now going out and climbing that tree? instead of being jealous of boys not being fashionably scrutinised, hold your head high and relish in the attention. instead of wishing walking around in your underwear didn’t give someone the wrong impression, focus on what you feel comfortable wearing and be confident in your own appearance. instead of feeling envious of the boy who can order a pint, empathise with the boy who can’t order a pornstar martini. so all in all being a girl isn’t that bad, and being a boy isn’t something to be jealous of. we can all do the same activities; we are all equal regardless of gender.

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