Anger Zine

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The mixed emotions club is a club. You can be in the club. Anybody can be in the club. This is your pass for the club. We meet any time, any hour, any day... Basically whenever you feel like you need to clear your head. Choose which zine mirrors your mood, and let your emotions talk. The mixed emotions club are a collection of zines focussing on spreading positivity and helping us be present in the moment by clearing our heads of negative thoughts and making us more at peace with our emotions. The act of mindfulness makes us capable of dealing with daily demands, whilst making us feel calmer. Throughout the zines there will be sections to pour out your emotions on the page, letting your mind wander whilst doodling and helping you to empty your head whilst writing lists. Clearing your head helps us pay attention to the present moment and meditating the mind.

There’s nothing worse than when your straighteners break on the same day you spilt coffee on your new favourite white top, and it’s definitely not coming out. Nothing seems to be going your way, and you’re pissed off. Tension builds and anger arises. But what makes the matter worse? You snapping at someone, or breaking something, and you instantly regret it. You’ve broken down in tears out of frustration and embarrassment, but you can’t take back what you’ve just done. Where is this un-do button? WHERE? You desperately need it to fix the situation. Your favourite mugs smashed on the floor, your white top is ruined, and your relationship with your Mum is in shambles. This is the zine you need. Use this zine to help ride through your anger. Deface the pages; scribble on them, rip them out, throw the zine at the wall. Do what you need to stop yourself regretting something. Telling you to calm down will only make you worse, so use the zine to release the dirtiest of swear words, the meanest of names and your worst thoughts, just don’t say them out loud! Write what made you angry, go back to it a few hours later, or even a day. Does it still make you angry? Was it worth nearly breaking your really good writing pen? Probably not. Just clear your head onto the pages in the zine, and have yourself some reflection time, giving your mind the well-deserved space it needs.

THE TURMOIL I’ve never liked the weather, The way the wind would roar outside my window at night, I never felt safe, I never felt sturdy, it never felt right, It almost reminded me of the way I sometimes roared inside, I never felt safe, I never felt sturdy, it never felt right. I’ve never liked the weather, The way the lightening made me count each beat between the flashes and the clashes, The thrashes and the bashes. It sort-of reminded me of the way I sometimes would count each beat between my lungs inhaling and exhaling, The cooling and the calming, The exhaling and the inhaling. I’ve never liked the weather, The way the rain could fall, all at once or not at all, It made me feel raw and exposed, I felt vulnerable to its touch. It kind-of reminded me of the way my tears could fall, All at once, or not at all It made me feel raw and exposed, I felt vulnerable to their touch.

I’ve never like the weather, The way everything in its path could become objects flying through the air, Leaf, branch, ball, chair. It slightly reminded me of the way I could destroy anything in my path, I could send objects flying through the air, ammunition if needed, Pen, knife, book, chair. I’ve never liked the weather, The way the sky could look ablaze and fire-y, The clouds could roll and smoke the sky, Flame-throwing and mystified. It nearly reminded me of the way my skin could flare up, and pulse, the heat rising and falling, kicking and stalling, my blood racing around my body with flare. I’ve never liked my anger, The way I could ruin anything and everything, The way I could hurt anything and everything, The way I could break anything and everything, But it’s just the way I am, The fire and the fall, the fight and the gall.

to have a full pizza to yourself without feeling guilty. Dominos is calling my name. large. all. to. myself.

if you and your best friends give people nicknames. just maybe not to their face (sorry, vicky sponge, you’re not actually as boring as a victoria sponge cake)

if you have no intention to go vegan, or vegetarian, or on any health kick just to seem healthy.

to cry about the 3 inches of hair you just got cut off, even if it is still past your shoulders. but it’s still. too. short.

to have a paddy before going out because your eyelashes are going on wonky. i will refruse to go out without lashes.

to dress up to go shopping. what if i find the love of my life? or get scouted for victoria secrets?

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