HS Academic & Career Planning Guide 2021-22

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PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1.5 credits of Physical Education is required for graduation and should be taken over the course of 3 separate years. Physical Education 9 Physical Education 9 is a graduation requirement for all students and a prerequisite for all upper level physical education courses. PE 9 may be taken through the School District of Elmbrook’s Summer School program; if PE 9 is taken in the summer, no physical education course taken the next school year will be counted toward the graduation requirement.

The Following are Choices for PE Courses in Grades 10-12 Students Students in grades 10-12 must complete 1 additional credit (2 classes) of physical education coursework to meet the state and district graduation requirement. ​To meet the graduation requirement, the physical education courses must be taken at least one school year apart and a course may only be taken one time except where noted in the course offering guide​. All PE courses will have a swimming unit and fitness assessment component. For each class, the swimming unit may be comprised of a variety of skills and water games as determined by the teacher of the course. Students will be fitness tested for cardiovascular endurance, muscle endurance, flexibility, agility and muscular strength. The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a common assessment across all classes and is assessed two times throughout the term.

PE 9 .5 Credit Grade 9 Recommended Prerequisite:​ None

Lifetime Sports .5 Credit Grade 10-12 Recommended Prerequisite: PE 9 or equivalent

Personal Fitness & Wellness .5 Credit Grade 10-12 Recommended Prerequisite: PE 9 or equivalent Course may be taken multiple times

Variety Sports .5 Credit Grade 10-12 Recommended Prerequisite: PE 9 or equivalent

Ultimate Strength & Conditioning .5 Credit Grade 10-12 Recommended Prerequisite: PE 9 or equivalent Course may be taken multiple times

Team & Racquet Sports .5 Credit Grade 10-12 Recommended Prerequisite: PE 9 or equivalent

Outdoor Pursuits .5 Credit Grade 11-12 Recommended Prerequisite: 1 credit of PE

Sports Officiating .5 Credit Grade 10-12 Recommended Prerequisite: PE 9 or equivalent

Advanced Team & Individual Sports .5 Credit Grade 12 Recommended Prerequisite: Senior only, 1.5 credits in PE

Lifeguarding .5 Credit Grade 10-12 Recommended Prerequisite: PE 9 or equivalent Must be at least 15 years old during


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