EL PASO COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In El Paso County, Colorado, we take a holistic approach to economic development. Our office is uniquely tasked with serving an ever-growing region with ever-changing needs. We navigate our dynamic economic landscape with a focused approach, by offering diverse incentives for businesses and leveraging federal and state resources for housing and community development. Our goal is to assist in creating a robust, diversified, and equitable economic ecosystem.
PIKES PEAK WORKFORCE CENTER The Pikes Peak Workforce Center (PPWFC) connects vital businesses with work-ready job seekers and employer-driven services. As a regional service provider the PPWFC is agile at responding to emerging needs of the diverse and growing workforce, changing the lives of job seekers with proven training and employment opportunities. Employer partners know and acknowledge the value PPWFC adds to their bottom line. PPWFC is a model for the responsible use of federal funds and a leader in workforce development, organizational effectiveness, and collaborative partnerships.