Largest single jail facility in the state
Every person arrested in El Paso County including local municipalities, is processed through the county jail
Prepare inmates for reintegration into society and reduce recidivision and jail populations through inmate work and substance abuse programs that generate economic benefits for the community
Preparation for emergencies considers all potential hazards, natural or human-caused
A central coordination point for all emergency support functions, communication, and public information in a disaste
Mitigating the impact of a disaster and coordinating efforts to restore the community
Designated Emergency Response Authority (DERA) for unincorporated El Paso County
Investigate and certify cause and manner for sudden, unexpected, or traumatic deaths in El Paso County
Service provided impact criminal investigations, insurance payouts, and identify public health dangers
Perform forensic autopsies for 25 other counties in Colorado as the only certified toxicology lab in the state
Provide health services to residents in El Paso County and local municipalities with no additional funding
Promote public health and environmental quality in El Paso County through prevention, partnerships, and educations
Ensure access to preventative services immunization nutritional educational and counseling to achieve optimal health