The Valley Times 0711

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Spoiler Alert: Millennials Are More Fiscally Responsible Than Other Generations

VOL. I, NO. 51



Last Chance To Enjoy Summer Nights At The Museum July 12


McAllen Public Library Celebrates Anti-Boredom Month






A McAllen city employee sprays larvicide in standing water to keep mosquitos from growing and spreading. Pg.3





Wednesday, July 11, 2018


What Might A Socialist American Government Do?

BY GEORGE F. WILL Polly: He’s a socialist but he doesn’t like people. Brian: Nor do I, much. Polly: You’re a conservative. You don’t have to. -- From “Getting On,” by Alan Bennett WASHINGTON -- This, one of the pleasures of being a conservative, is not for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28. She recently won the Democratic nomination -- effectively, election -- in a Bronx and Queens congressional district, running as a “democratic socialist.” In response to her, progressives and conservatives are experiencing different excitements. The left relishes the socialist label as a rejection of squishy centrism -- a naughty, daring rejection of timidity: Aux barricades, citoyens! The right enjoys a tingle of delicious fear: We told you that the alternative to us is the dark night of socialism. At the risk of spoiling the fun -- the left’s anticipation of the sunny uplands of social justice; the right’s frisson of foreboding -- consider two questions: What is socialism? And what might a socialist American government do? In its 19th-century infancy, socialist theory was at least admirable in its clarity: It meant state ownership of the means of production (including arable land), distribution and exchange. Until, of course, the state “withers away” (Friedrich Engels’ phrase), when a classless, and hence harmonious, society can dispense with government. After World War II, Britain’s Labour Party diluted socialist doctrine to mean state ownership of the economy’s “commanding heights” (Lenin’s phrase from 1922) -- heavy industry (e.g., steel),

mining, railroads, telecommunications, etc. Since then, in Britain and elsewhere, further dilution has produced socialism as comprehensive economic regulation by the administrative state (obviating the need for nationalization of economic sectors) and government energetically redistributing wealth. So, if America had a socialist government today, what would it be like? Socialism favors the thorough permeation of economic life by “social” (aka political) considerations, so it embraces protectionism -- government telling consumers what they can buy, in what quantities and at what prices. (A socialist American government might even set quotas and prices for foreign washing machines.) Socialism favors maximizing government’s role supplementing, even largely supplanting, the market -- voluntary private transactions -- in the allocation of wealth by implementing redistributionist programs. (Today America’s sky is dark with dollars flying hither and yon at government’s direction: Transfer payments distribute 14 percent of GDP, twothirds of the federal budget, up from a little more than one-quarter in 1960. In the half-century 1963-2013, transfer payments were the fastest-growing category of personal income. By 2010, American governments were transferring $2.2 trillion in government money, goods and services.) Socialism favors vigorous government interventions in the allocation of capital, directing it to uses that far-sighted government knows, and the slow-witted market does not realize, constitute the wave of the future. So, an American socialist government might tell, say, Carrier Corp. and Harley-Davidson that the government knows better than they do where they should invest shareholders’ assets. Socialism requires -- actually, socialism is -- industrial policy, whereby government picks winners and losers in conformity with the government’s vision of how the future ought to be rationally planned. What could go wrong? (Imagine, weirdly, a president practicing compassionate socialism by ordering his energy secretary to prop up yesterday’s coal industry against the market menace of fracking -- cheap oil

and natural gas.) Socialism, which fancies itself applied social science, requires a bureaucracy of largely autonomous experts unconstrained by a marginalized -- ideally, a paralyzed -- Congress. So, an American socialist government would rule less by laws than by regulations written in administrative agencies staffed by experts insulated from meddling by elected legislators. (Utah Sen. Mike Lee’s office displays two piles of paper. One, a few inches high, contains the laws Congress passed in a recent year. The other, about 8 feet tall, contains regulations churned out that year by the administrative state’s agencies.) Socialism favors vast scope for ad hoc executive actions unbound by constraining laws that stifle executive nimbleness and creativity. (Imagine an aggrieved president telling, say, Harley-Davidson: “I’ve” -- first-person singular pronoun -“done so much for you.”) Today’s American socialists say that

our government has become the handmaiden of rapacious factions and entrenched elites, and that there should be much more government. They are half-right. To be fair, they also say that after America gets “on the right side of history” (an updated version of after “the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest”), government will be truly disinterested, manipulated by no rent-seeking factions, serving only justice. That is, government will be altogether different than it is, or ever has been. Seriously. George Will’s email address is (c) 2018, Washington Post Writers Group. George F. Will writes a twice-weekly column on politics and domestic and foreign affairs. He began his column with The Post in 1974, and he received the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 1977.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018



Threat Of Zika, Other Diseases Rises After Flooding

After the recent flooding and continuing rains this past week, the Hidalgo County Health Department issued a warning to area residents that the threat of mosquito-borne diseases may be on the rise. “Our mosquito problem is going to be bad, and it going to be a long-term problem. This is not going to go away in a week or two weeks,” Eddie Olivarez, Director of the Hidalgo County Health Department, said. “Mosquito eggs can last four or five months before hatching, so we have to keep working on this over the long-term, not just when it’s raining.” The Hidalgo County Health Department advises that mosquito control depends on four areas: source reduction, bite reduction, spraying and larviciding. Source reduction refers to eliminating where mosquitos breed and grow. Any item that can hold standing water needs to be emptied on a regular basis to limit their breeding opportunities. Mosquitos can breed in as little as a half-inch of water. At the same time, residents are urged to cut their yards and trim brush and shrubbery to reduce the areas where mosquitos can lay their eggs. • At least weekly empty or get rid of cans, buckets, old tires, pots, plant saucers and other containers that hold water. • Keep gutters clear of debris and standing water. • Remove standing water around structures and from flat roofs. • Change water in pet dishes daily. • Rinse and scrub vases and other indoor water containers weekly. • Change water in wading pools and bird baths several times a week.

• Maintain backyard pools or hot tubs. • Cover trash containers. • Water lawns and gardens carefully so water does not stand for several days. • Screen rain barrels and openings to water tanks or cisterns. • Treat front and back door areas of homes with residual insecticides if mosquitoes are abundant nearby. • If mosquito problems persist, consider pesticide applications for vegetation around the home. Bite reduction is another area where residents can take an active role. They should wear cool, lightweight clothing that offers protection from bites, such as shirts with long sleeves, pants and socks. Residents should also wear insecticide when outdoors. This includes children and pets. There are many choices on the market, including natural insecticides. Hidalgo County is also partnering with the cities to spray throughout neighbor-

hoods in the county to kill off mosquitos. However, it can only be done under certain weather conditions that allow the spray to reach areas where mosquitos live. “We can only spray if the wind is less than ten miles per hour, if it’s not raining and if the humidity level is below 80 percent,” Olivarez said. “We end up spraying very early in the morning because that’s when the wind is the calmest and the mosquitoes are the most active.” The county is also urging residents to place kill mosquito eggs by placing larvicide pellets in standing water that can’t be drained. The pellets are available from various department stores and home and garden stores. The Hidalgo County Health Department launched an outreach campaign to include door-to-door visits, advising residents of the dangers and precautions they can take to reduce mosquito growth and bites.

At this week’s regular meeting, commissioners made it clear that the city was not requiring residents to get a permit or pay a fee; that has been the city’s position since the flooding. At Monday’s meeting, they passed an ordinance formalizing the suspension and putting an end date of August 24, 2018 on the suspension. City Manager Roy Rodriguez did say that if residents do get a permit, that allows the city to send inspectors to check the work out of safety concerns. “Those folks (people with rain damage) need quick action because FEMA (Federal Emergency Management

Agency) has instructed everyone to get rid of any material that’s in the home that’s waterlogged.” They estimate that about 2,700 homes in McAllen sustained damage during the rain and subsequent flooding and fewer than 100 commercial buildings, Rodriguez continued. There are an estimated 22,000 “structures” in Hidalgo County, he said. One of Assistant City Manager Jeff Johnston’s jobs is to serve as assistant emergency manager coordinator. He reported to commissioners Monday that he had just met with FEMA personnel and that FEMA plans to open

While mosquito bites are irritating, these insects also pose a health risk to humans and animals through the transmission of diseases like the West Nile virus, Zika virus, Dengue Fever virus and the Chikungunya virus. Common symptoms of Zika virus include fever, rash, joint pain and conjunctivitis. Most people contracting Zika virus will have mild or no symptoms. Illness generally lasts a few days to a week. Although uncommon, there have been serious cases requiring hospitalization. Expectant mothers infected with Zika can also pass the virus to their fetus during pregnancy. In children infected in the womb, the virus can cause serious birth defects. Pregnant? Traveling? Work outdoors? If you fit into one or more of these groups, you are at a greater risk of contracting or passing along Zika. The Zika virus can spread from pregnant woman to unborn child, if the mother is infected during pregnancy. Working outside or traveling to places where Zika is active causes a greater chance of coming into contact with the virus and spreading it. The best thing you can do to avoid these results is to prevent infection. Currently, there is no vaccine or treatment for the Zika virus. The Zika virus can also be spread through sexual contact and blood transfusion. In known cases of sexual transmission, people spread the virus to their sex partners. Research shows the virus might persist in semen longer than in blood; studies to determine the duration of persistence in semen are not yet completed.

McAllen Waives Permit Requirements, Fees For Flood Damage Repairs BY DAVIS RANKIN, JR.

The message from McAllen City Hall to rain-damaged residents is to fix up your homes and buildings. Don’t worry about getting a city permit; Oh, they’d like you to get one, but you don’t have to do it. Now’s the time to fix up and clean up. And if you do get a permit, the city is waiving the fee. McAllen and the Valley saw heavy rains over a two-day period in mid-tolate June, the heaviest two-day rains since Hurricane Beulah in 1967, according to City Attorney and emergency manager Kevin Pagan.

three temporary offices in Hidalgo County in the next week or two. While residents who think they need FEMA assistance may call the agency to put in a request, or go to the FEMA website, they are urging people to go in-person to the centers. Johnston said going in person will help people asking for FEMA help to better navigate the process. The FEMA phone is 800-621-FEMA (3362), and the website is either fema. gov or When the FEMA office locations are announced, The Valley Times will tell you about them.


Wednesday, July 11, 2018


UTRGV Student Theatre Group Reaching New Heights … Literally

It’s hard not to notice the latest additions to the UTRGV theater department: They’re 11 feet tall. The towering figures are puppets called mojigangas, which originated in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. People place the puppets on their shoulders, making them much larger than life. “They built these puppets to parade them around the streets, and they dance around,” said Lucero Rodriguez, a UTRGV senior from Reynosa with a double major in theater and applied mathematics. Rodriguez is president of the UTRGV Latino Theatre Initiatives, a student organization working to include more Latino culture into theater in the Rio Grande Valley. The university’s Transforming Our World Strategic Plan awarded funds to the organization for the puppets. Building them involved a bit of a learning curve. Rodriguez had never actually seen the mojigangas used in Mexico. The group watched videos on YouTube to learn how to make them. “They were using bamboo wood, and they were using machetes,” she said. Because of safety concerns, the students took a different approach.

“We tried to think of a more practical way to do it, but still have the concept and bring the culture in,” Rodriguez said. The early prototypes are scattered near the completed mojigangas like fallen soldiers, reminders of the feverish work to complete the puppets before LTI’s April 25 deadline, so the organization could feature them in a show at an elementary school. Dr. Eric Wiley, a theatre professor in the UTRGV College of Fine Arts whose spring acting class helped construct the mojigangas, said there were times when they debated whether to cancel the show. “But we just stayed up late,” he said. “We came in earlier and we just persevered. Some people who were in LTI before and have graduated, they came and helped us. My wife came in and helped us. Everyone was pitching in. The costume people stayed up late and we got it together.” The hard work was well worth it, when the group performed for students in Donna and Brownsville, he said. “Oh, it was thrilling,” Wiley said. “It was so much fun for the kids and for us to finally get these puppets out there.” Including the mojigangas in a play is outside their traditional use.

“Normally, you would find these giant puppets in street parades. And we hope to do that also,” Wiley said. “What’s different about these puppets is that they are actually made for a play that I wrote for them.” Rodriguez said the mojigangas definitely made an impression on the young audience. “They were super excited. They were smiling and every time the puppets would come in, they were like, ‘Look, look at that one,’” she said. “It’s something magical for them.”

Performances of the play, complete with mojigangas, are planned in October at the UTRGV Performing Arts Center in Edinburg and at the TSC Performing Arts Center in Brownsville. The puppets also are expected to make an appearance in a Day of the Dead event, and the theater group hopes to collaborate with the university’s mariachi and folklórico groups in the future.

McAllen Public Library Celebrates Hidalgo County Residents May Now Apply For FEMA Assistance Anti-Boredom Month McAllen Public Library will celebrate Anti-Boredom Month with a series of programs throughout the month of July called “Beat Boredom at MPL.” The programs are designed to engage people of all ages in fun and entertaining activities that will help anyone beat boredom at the library. The month long celebration will kick-off with programs at all three McAllen Public Library locations. As part of the ongoing Summer Reading Program, children can enjoy a presentation from Sea Turtle, Inc. at the Main Library on Friday July 13th at 2:00 PM. Also at the Main Library, adults are invited to participate in and learn about chair yoga with yoga specialist Ranjana. For more information about these programs, please contact the Main Library at 956-681-3000. Lark Branch Library will host a special STEAM program where children will create Sugar Bubbles on Wednesday, July 25th at 6:30 PM. Teens can also join in the fun at the Lark Branch with a Pointillism with Paint program on Wednesday, July 11th at 2:00 PM and Water Balloon Wars: Season 5 on Thursday, July 26th at 2:00 PM. For

more information about these programs, please contact the Lark Branch Library at 956-681-3100. Get your boots and hats ready and head on down to the Palm View Branch Library for a Line Dance class for adults on July 13th and 27th at 10:00 AM. Children are also invited to “Machines Rock,” a program in collaboration with McAllen Public Works on Friday, July 13th at 11:00 AM. Children will be able to see large public works machines and know what it feels like to sit in the driver’s seat! For more information about these programs, please contact the Palm View Branch Library at 956-681-3110. “July is a great time to rediscover everything that the library has to offer for people of all ages,” said Kate Horan, Library Director. “We invite everyone to beat boredom this month by visiting the library and participating in one of our many programs.” Many more free programs are scheduled throughout the month of July. For more information, please visit the Events page at or call 956681-3000.

Hidalgo County Judge Ramon Garcia and the Office of Emergency Management announced today that Hidalgo County residents whose homes or businesses were damaged from recent storms and flooding may be eligible for federal assistance. According to a press release from Governor Greg Abbott’s office, President Donald Trump and the Federal Emergency Management Agency approved the governor’s federal disaster request for Individual Assistance for Hidalgo and Cameron counties on Friday, July 6, 2018. Residents who suffered damages from the June 20 and 21 storms are encouraged to register with FEMA by calling 800-6213362. Once registered, residents can expect to receive an application from the Small Business Administration. It is important to fill out the application, whether a resident is interested in an SBA loan or not, to qualify for full FEMA benefits. Once registered, an inspector will be sent to the resident’s home. There is no charge for the inspections. Although the county has not received confirmation, it is likely that a Disaster Recovery Center will be open soon. A Disaster Recovery Center is a readily accessible facility where applicants may go for information

about FEMA or other disaster assistance programs, for questions about individual cases and for assistance registering for aid. Disaster assistance for homeowners and renters may include grants to help pay for rent, temporary housing and home repairs, as well as other serious disaster-related needs. The goal of the assistance is to repair the home to a safe and sanitary living or functioning condition. Up to $33,000 is available for home repair, which may include: • Structural parts of a home • Windows, doors, floors, walls, ceilings, cabinetry • Septic or sewage system • Well or other water system • Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system • Utilities • Entrance and exit ways from the home, including privately owned access roads • Blocking, leveling and anchoring of a mobile home and reconnecting or resetting its sewer, water, electrical and fuel lines and tanks. Residents with damage received from the recent storms and flooding are encouraged to register by calling FEMA at 800-621-3362.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018




Texas A&M, USDA Partnership To Help Veterans U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced a partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Texas A&M’s AgriLife Extension Service to help military veterans obtain loans and pursue careers as farmers and ranchers. Secretary Perdue joined local dignitaries, members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and community leaders at the Dallas Farmers Market to unveil the new pilot program. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is collaborating with AgriLife Extension Service on the pilot, which is part of the Texas A&M Battleground to Breaking Ground project. The program makes it easier for veterans to meet federal requirements to get FSA direct farm ownership loans, which can help provide access to land and capital. “Veterans retiring from active duty face many challenges, and this effort provides them with hands-on training and financial planning to help them succeed as new farmers and ranchers,” said Secretary Perdue, who is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. “Through this pilot, veterans will learn how to build an agricultural business and how USDA can help them at every step of the way. We are committed to supporting veterans, whether they are starting or growing their

farming or ranching operations. This is an important step in our efforts to strengthen the American economy and support our American heroes.” The pilot program, which will include 15 to 18 veterans, will roll out in three phases: an introductory workshop, a business planning curriculum, and a production curriculum over a period of 12 to 18 months. Typically, loan applicants must participate in the business operations of a farm for at least three years during a 10-year period. However, as part of this pilot program, participants can combine the certificate they receive with their military leadership or management experience to satisfy this requirement. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, approximately 45 percent of armed service members are from rural America. Pilot program applications will be accepted from interested veterans between June 15 and July 20, 2018, until 11 p.m. central standard time. For more information about USDA programs, visit or To learn about other ways USDA is supporting veterans, visit our-agency/initiatives/veterans, and watch com/watch?v=OAeLqXHUU3w.

Last Chance To Enjoy Summer Nights At The Museum July 12

The Summer Nights at the Museum adventure will end Thursday, July 12. Beginning at 7 p.m., the final night of the three-night series brings history to life with hands-on activities, living history re-enactors, music and entertainment. To take advantage of all the activities, plan to arrive for the full two-hour experience. Choo choo! Did you hear that? It’s 1904, and the railroad has finally reached South Texas with trains full of modern farming equipment and new people looking to make a living. Let’s send it back with fresh citrus and cars full of vegetables while watching our families and cities grow too. The featured River Crossroads exhibit will invite families to discover the great technological feats of the 20th century. Dress like a Mexican revolutionary, learn the impact of the railroad lines and use a decoder to decipher secret military telegraphs. Be transported into the WWII era by learning to spot enemy planes, working on a recycled goods drive and looking through a German U-boat periscope. Enjoy an interactive scavenger hunt designed to guide your family through the galleries. Children who complete the hunt will receive a free kid’s meal voucher from Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers. And, there will be free lemon-

ade from Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers after you’ve had all that fun! Families can also fuel up for the adventure by purchasing a Korean-Mexican taco from Nuri Food Truck, which will be parked on the museum’s parking lot. FRIENDs of MOSTHistory can take advantage of a 15% off coupon. Admission to Summer Nights at the Museum is the regular admission price, passes and coupons excluded: Adults (ages 18+) $7; seniors (ages 62+) and students with ID (13+) $5; children ages 4 to 12, $4; children ages 3 and under are free. As a participating museum in the Blue Star Museums, starting Memorial Day, all active duty military personnel and up to five family members receive free admission to all three Summer Nights at the Museum. Become a FRIEND of the museum to attend all three Summer Nights at the Museum – and more – for FREE. For more information about Summer Nights at the Museum or becoming a FRIEND of MOSTHistory, please call the museum at 956-383-6911. The Museum of South Texas History is located in downtown Edinburg at 200 N. Closner Blvd. on the Hidalgo County Courthouse square. Hours of operation are from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday and 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Tuesday– Saturday.


Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Spoiler Alert: Millennials Are More Fiscally Responsible Than Other Generations How much do Millennials affect America’s national economy? Are they drowning in student loan, credit card, and other forms of debt? Contrary to popular opinion, 1 in 6 Millennials has over $100,000 in savings, IRAs, or 401ks, among other investment strategies, and 47 percent have $15,000 or more saved. While Millennials are perceived by some in a negative light, these numbers prove that they are more financially responsible than previously thought, which may be surprising when compared with student loan statistics that convey a nation in financial crisis. Student loan borrowers may be able to enhance their fiscal responsibility by looking into new loan repayment plans, such as those offered by the Department of Education. Ameritech Financial is a document preparation company that guides borrowers through the process of federal repayment plan applications, such as those for income-driven repayment plans (IDRs). How is it possible that 17% of Millennials are aggressively saving? It seems

infeasible, especially considering the exorbitant costs associated with living and thriving in the modern age. For instance, it is more expensive to care for infants than go to college in 33 states. Other statistics point to student loan debt being the reason that 85 percent of borrowers are putting off buying first homes, perhaps because — as the numbers show — nearly 75 percent feel student loans make them financially vulnerable. Additionally, Millennials have real fears about when they will be able to retire. The average age of retirement is 62 years old today; however, it could take Millennials until the age of 75 due to high rent and student loan debt. If student loan debt is weighing them down, they could look into other loan repayment plans, like IDRs, to potentially improve the overall financial outlook. “It is unfortunate that Millennials feel downtrodden by student loan debt,” said Tom Knickerbocker, Executive Vice President of Ameritech Financial. “We think that our clients should

feel empowered about finances and the decisions they make regarding student loans. Perhaps IDRs could make life a little more affordable for them.” Furthermore, the earnings of Millennials are much lower compared to their parents’ (Gen-Xers and Baby Boomers) wages at the same age. The potential reasons for this are innumerable: the Great Recession, changes in the workforce, poor job markets, and more. It seems that while many people complain about Millennials ruining the economy, or being irresponsible, that in fact, these new studies and statistics point to a more financially pragmatic image of their generation. If they could find a way to decrease monthly student loan payments, perhaps they would have more buying power in the national economy. “Hopefully in the coming years the job market and other factors improve for Millennials. Some would say it is not their fault they inherited the current situation they are in,” said Knickerbocker. “Nevertheless, until then, they

have options, and one of them may be to reduce student loan payments through a federal IDR. And if they need help with that, Ameritech Financial can assist with the document preparation.” Ameritech Financial is a private company located in Rohnert Park, California. Ameritech Financial has already helped thousands of consumers with financial analysis and student loan document preparation to apply for federal student loan repayment programs offered through the Department of Education.

VOL. I, NO. 27







What Else Should I Know? Cost. The workout is free, and there are free apps you can download to your smartphone or tablet that will walk you through the program and time the intervals for you. Good for beginners? No. It’s too intense. And because you’re doing this solo, it helps to have some experience with general exercises like crunches and planks, so you use good form and technique. Outdoors. Yes. You can do this workout outside, but you will need to bring along a chair and find a wall for some of the exercises. At home. Yes. The routine is basic enough to do anywhere in your house. Equipment required? No. This program uses your own body weight for resistance. The only tools you need are a wall and a chair.

How It Works

You’re busy. But chances are, you have 7 minutes in your schedule that you could spare. When you don’t have 30 or 60 minutes for a full workout, the 7-minute workout packs in a full-body exercise routine in a fraction of the time. A performance coach and exercise physiologist from the Human Performance Institute in Orlando, FL, came up with this program to give their busy clients a more efficient yet still effective workout. They’ve put together a series of 12 different exercises that work the upper body, lower body, and core. You do each exercise for 30 seconds -long enough to get in about 15 to 20 repetitions. In between sets you rest for about 10 seconds.

The 12 exercises in the 7-minute workout target all the body’s major muscle groups: 1. Jumping jacks (total body) 2. Wall sit (lower body) 3. Push-up (upper body) 4. Abdominal crunch (core) 5. Step-up onto chair (total body) 6. Squat (lower body) 7. Triceps dip on chair (upper body) 8. Plank (core) 9. High knees/running in place (total body) 10. Lunge (lower body) 11. Push-up and rotation (upper body) 12. Side plank (core) Depending on how much time you have, you can do the 7-minute workout once, or repeat the whole series two or three times.

Intensity Level: High

Because this workout condenses an entire exercise program into 7 minutes, it has to be intense. The exercises are challenging, and you do them one after the other with only very short breaks in between.

Areas It Targets

Core: Yes. Abdominal crunches, planks, and side planks work your core muscles. Arms: Yes. Push-ups and triceps dips work the arms. Legs: Yes. There are several leg exercises, including jumping jacks, wall sits, stepups, squats, and lunges. Glutes: Yes. Squats and lunges also work the glute muscles. Back: Yes. Although there are no specific back exercises, this is a full-body workout, and many of the whole-body exercises

also work the muscles in your back.


Flexibility: No. This workout doesn’t include a stretch, although you could add one afterward. Aerobic: Yes. Because you run through the exercises very quickly and work many large muscle groups at once, you get an aerobic workout that helps burn fat and trim down body weight. Strength: Yes. The exercises work all the major muscle groups, building strength throughout the body. Sport: No. This is not a sport; it’s a workout. Low Impact: No. The recommended aerobic exercises (jumping jacks and high knees/running in place) are high impact.


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Harmful Algal Blooms Harmful algal blooms can produce poisons that are dangerous to people, animals, and the environment. Learn how to keep you and your pets safe. Warm weather brings many happy occasions: picnics, ballgames, and back yard fun. It also is a time when microscopic plant-like organisms – algae and cyanobacteria – are more likely to overgrow in rivers, lakes, and oceans. These overgrowths, called algal blooms, occur across the country. Sometimes they are just eyesores – an unpleasant scum or thick green, red, blue, or brown layers in the water that look or smell bad. However, sometimes they contain poisons that hurt people, animals, and the environment. In this case, they are known as harmful algal blooms. But you can’t tell if a bloom is harmful just by looking at it. Also, not all blooms are easy to see—poisons can be present even when you can’t see the bloom. Be Aware of Harmful Algal Blooms Harmful algal blooms can produce poisons that can make people and animals sick. They also can block sunlight in a body of water or use up a lot of the oxygen, which kills fish and plants in the water. Harmful algal bloom poisons have caused the shutdown of the water supply in a major U.S. city, killed wildlife and pets, and sickened hundreds of people with a variety of skin, respiratory, neurological, and abdominal symptoms. Evidence suggests that harmful algal blooms are increasing in number and severity because of farming practices, storm water runoff, wastewater overflows, and increasing temperatures.

People and Animals Can be Exposed to Algal Poisons in Many Ways: • Swimming or coming in direct contact with the poisons • Breathing in the poisons • Swallowing food or water contaminated with poisons Animals are often the first affected because they are more likely to swim in or drink from bodies of water that contain algal blooms. Tips for You and Your Pets to Stay Healthy To protect yourself and your pets, avoid entering or playing in bodies of water that: • Smell bad • Look discolored • Have foam, scum, or thick layers of algae on the surface • Contain or are near dead fish or other dead animals Check for beach warnings that might be posted online or on signs near the water. Follow guidance if you learn about a harmful algal bloom in bodies of water, like the beach or the lake, or if you are notified that your tap water contains algal poisons. Know the health risks of eating contaminated fish and shellfish and follow warnings. If you think you or your pet have become ill because of a harmful algal bloom, see your healthcare provider or veterinarian. Animals can get very sick, so don’t delay contacting your veterinarian. If you have immediate questions about your symptoms, call your local or state poison center.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


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