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webinaire Business Model
n u r i o v a e s n e p je plan !
n Parte Clés
€ €
s Revenu
et rm pe s u no s a nv ca el od m ss ne si u B Le d’experimenter différents plans jusqu’à notre idée ..
60 minutes pour un Business Model Innovant de 10H00 à 11H00
‣Présentation Business Model Canvas ‣Typologies de Business Models ‣Epicentres de l’innovation ‣Processus de génération d’idées
Xerox invente la Xerox 914 en 1958
Croissance du CA 41% pendant 20 ans Xerox développe un Business Model économique : location du photocopieur à 95 $/mois comprenant 2.000 photocopies gratuites, 5 cents la copie supplémentaire.
Google invente son moteur de recherche en 1997
CA 2010 - 29,32 Milliards de $ Résultat net : 8,5 Milliards de $ Business Model basé sur la publicité et un système d’enchères
Qu’ont-ils en commun ?
Ils ont proposÊ le nouveau produit au travers d’un business model
Ont ils copiĂŠ un Business Model concurrent ? Ils ont inventĂŠ un NOUVEAU Business Model !
Ils ont du prendre des risques et tester
Business Model
Définition Un modèle économique (ou business model) décrit les principes selon lesquels une organisation crée, délivre et capture de la valeur.
Business Model
Définition « une nouvelle manière de créer, délivrer et capturer la valeur »
L’origine du Business Model Canvas Tiré de la Thèse d’Alexander Osterwalder en 2004 (Business model ontology) Démarche innovante : Ouvrage collectif et collaboratif : 470 co-auteurs Editeur : theHUB Tarif pour participer : de 24$ à 243 $
Qye faire quand les mots ne fonctionnent pas ?
Le Business Model Canvas
« Un langage pour décrire, visualiser, évaluer et transformer les Business Models »
Business Model Canvas 9 blocs pour décrire l’économie d’une entreprise qui couvrent les 4 grandes dimensions d’une entreprise : clients, offre, infrastructure et viabilité financière
Le Business Model Canvas Partenaires clés
Activités clés
Ressources clés
Structure des coûts
Propositions de valeur
Relations avec les clients
Segments de clientèle
Flux de revenus
« Un langage pour décrire, visualiser, évaluer et transformer les Business Models »
Segments de clientèle Segments de clientèle
Pour qui créons-nous de la valeur ? Qui sont nos clients les plus importants ?
Exemples : Marché de masse, de niche, segmenté, diversifié, Plate-forme multilatérales
Proposition de valeur Propositions de valeur
Segments de clientèle
Quelle valeur apportons-nous au client ? Quel problème contribuons-nous à résoudre ? Exemples : Nouveauté, Performance, Personnalisation, accompagnement, design, marque, prix, réduction des coûts, des risques, accessibilité
Canaux Propositions de valeur
Segments de clientèle
Quels canaux nos segments de clients préfèrent-ils ? Quels canaux utilisons-nous actuellement ?... Exemples : Force de vente, vente en ligne, magasin en propre ou partenaires, grossistes
Relations avec le client Propositions de valeur
Relations avec les clients
Segments de clientèle
Quel type de relations chacun de nos segments de clients souhaite t-il que nous entretenions avec lui ? Quel type de relations avons-nous établies ? Quel est leur coût ? Exemples : Assistance personnelle, assistance personnelle dédiée, self-service, services automatisés...
Flux de revenus Relations avec les clients
Propositions de valeur
Flux de revenus
Quelle valeur nos clients sont-ils disposés à payer ? Pour quoi payent-ils actuellement ? Comment payent-ils ? Exemples : Vente de biens, droit d’usage (SFR, Model SaaS), abonnements, location/prêt, licensing
Segments de clientèle
Ressources clés Propositions de valeur
Ressources clés
Relations avec les clients
Flux de revenus
Quelles ressources clés nos propositions de valeur exigent-elles ? Qu’en est-il de nos canaux de distribution ? De nos relations avec les clients ? De nos flux de revenus ? Exemples : Physiques, Intellectuelles, Humaines, Financières
Segments de clientèle
Activités clés Activités clés
Propositions de valeur
Ressources clés
Relations avec les clients
Flux de revenus
Quelles activités clés nos propositions de valeur exigent-elles ? Qu’en est-il de nos canaux de distribution ? De nos relations clients ? De nos revenus ? Exemples : Production, résolution de problèmes, plate-forme/réseau
Segments de clientèle
Partenaires clés Partenaires clés
Activités clés
Ressources clés
Propositions de valeur
Relations avec les clients
Flux de revenus
Qui sont nos partenaires clés ? Qui sont nos fournisseurs clés ? Quelles ressources clés nous procurons-nous auprès de partenaires ?
Exemples : Optimisation et économies d’échelles, réduction du risque et de l’incertitude...
Segments de clientèle
Structure de coût Partenaires clés
Activités clés
Relations avec les clients
Propositions de valeur
Ressources clés
Structure des coûts
Flux de revenus
Quels sont les coûts les plus importants ? Quelles ressources clés sont les plus coûteuses ? Quelles activités clés sont les plus coûteuses ?
Exemples : Logique de coûts, logique de valeur, coûts fixes, coûts variables
Segments de clientèle
Le Business Model Canvas Partenaires clés
Activités clés
Ressources clés
Structure des coûts
Propositions de valeur
Relations avec les clients
Segments de clientèle
Flux de revenus
« Un langage pour décrire, visualiser, évaluer et transformer les Business Models »
Les typologies de Business Models
Le dégroupage Contexte (avant)
Un modèle économique intégré réunit sous un même toit la gestion de l’infrastructure, l’innovation produit et la relation avec le client
Les coûts sont trop élevés. Plusieurs cultures organisationnelles incompatibles sont réunies au sein d’une même entité
Solution (après)
L’activité est dégroupée en 3 modèles distincts mais complémentaires : Gestion de l’infrastructure Innovation produit Relations avec le client
Exemples : Banque privée, Opérateurs de téléphonie mobile
➡ ➡ ➡
Des outils informatiques et de management plus performants permettent la séparation et la coordination des différents business models à des coûts plus faibles
Le dĂŠgroupage
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers? <Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
:Th ATb^daRTb
Fabricants dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ĂŠquipements ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
gestion infrastructure
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^]
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
Fournisseurs dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ĂŠquipements de tĂŠlĂŠcommuni cations
Entretien rĂŠseau Fourniture service Marketing
:Th ATb^daRTb What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
RĂŠseau Marque Base de clients
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
Acquisition RĂŠtention
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers? <Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
OpĂŠrateurs de tĂŠlĂŠcoms dĂŠgroupĂŠs :Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
Relation client
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^]
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
3TbXV]TS Qh)
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
" ?daRWPbT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
Maintenance rĂŠseau Marketing
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
Base de clients installĂŠe
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
2^bc BcadRcdaT
bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^]
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
Contenu Voix DonnĂŠes
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
Revenus des services Voix donnĂŠes
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they? TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers? <Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
Fournisseurs de contenu ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
Innovation produit
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
La longue traîne Contexte (avant)
La proposition de valeur ne cible que les clients les plus rentables
Cibler des segments moins rentables avec des proposition de valeur spécifiques et trop coûteux
Solution (après)
La proposition de valeur cible un grand nombre de segments de clients, de niche, moins rentables, qui ensemble sont rentables
Des outils informatiques et de management plus performants permettent de délivrer des propositions de valeur personnalisées à un très grand nombre de clients, à faible coût
Exemples : Edition (Lulu.com), LEGO
La longue traĂŽne CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
DĂŠveloppement de la plateforme What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
Infrastructure dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;impression Ă la demande
2^bc BcadRcdaT What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive? Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
de t n e m e p p lo ve ĂŠ D & n Gestio la plateforme
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
Profils en ligne 2WP]]T[b
place de marchĂŠ pour un contenu de
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
Service dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;auto-ĂŠdition
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
CommunautĂŠs dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;intĂŠrĂŞt
:Th ATb^daRTb ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
Auteur de niche
Publics de niche
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
commissions sur services dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ĂŠdition
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
Commissions sur vente (faible)
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Les plates-formes multifaces Contexte (avant)
Une proposition de valeur cible un segment de clients
L’entreprise n’arrive pas à acquérir de nouveaux clients potentiels (ex : développeurs de jeux vidéo qui veulent toucher les utilisateurs de consoles
Solution (après)
Ajout d’une proposition de valeur «donnant accès» à un segment de clients existant
Une plate-forme d’intermédiation entre deux ou plusieurs segments de clients apporte de nouveaux flux de revenus au modèle initial
Exemples : Google, Consoles de jeux Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Apple (iPod, iTunes, iPhone)
Les plate-formes multiface CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb Exemples :
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
Gestion plate-forme, gestion services, extension pÊrimètre
:Th ATb^daRTb
recherche gratuite
monĂŠtisation du contenu
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Plate-forme de recherche
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
annonces ciblĂŠes
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
CoĂťts plate-forme
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
2^bc BcadRcdaT Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^]
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
PropriĂŠtaires de contenu
enchères motsclÊs
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Le gratuit Contexte (avant)
Une proposition de valeur coûteuse est proposée aux seuls clients payants
Le prix élevé dissuade les consommateurs
Solution (après)
Plusieurs propositions de valeur sont offerte à différents segments de clients, avec des flux de revenus différents, dont l’un est gratuit
Les segments de clients qui ne payent pas sont subventionnés par ceux qui payent
Exemples : Publicité et journaux, Metro, Flickr, open source, Red Hat, Skype, Gillette
Le gratuit : la publicitÊ Un modèle de plate-forme multiface :
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS Qh)
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform? \^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
Commercial +
Gestion de la plateforme
PublicitĂŠ + Recrutement
3TbXV]TS U^a)
Espaces Pub sur rÊseau social très visitÊ
Personnalisation de masse
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
rĂŠseau social gratuit
Force de vente PublicitĂŠ plateforme.com
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
:Th ATb^daRTb
audience internet mondiale
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
DĂŠveloppement de la plateforme
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
Comptes gratuits
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
Commissions sur espaces publicitaires
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Le gratuit : Freemium Un modèle de plate-forme multiface :
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
Gestion de la plateforme Yahoo
Personnalisation de masse
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
Plate-forme FlickR
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
partage photos premium
Force de vente PublicitĂŠ plateforme.com
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah $ 0UcTa bP[Tb
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
coĂťts du stockage
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gros utilisateurs
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
2^bc BcadRcdaT
DĂŠveloppement plateforme
utilisateur occasionnels
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^]
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
partage photos gratuit
Comptes de base gratuits
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
abonnement annuel compte pro
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Le gratuit : Freemium inversÊ Un modèle de plate-forme multiface :
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
compagnies dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;assurances Garde aĂŠrienne suisse de sauvetage
opĂŠration de sauvetage
Affiliation Donateurs
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
Plate-forme flotte dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;avion & hĂŠlicoptères
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
opĂŠrations de sauvetage
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb ! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Flotte avion & hÊlicoptères
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
opĂŠrations de sauvegatge gratuites
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
Donateurs Sponsors
Publications internet
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
assurance sauvetage
Autres victimes secourues
paiement des compagnies dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;assurance
Contributeurs Donateurs
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Le gratuit : Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;appât et lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;hameçon Un modèle de plate-forme multiface :
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
Fabricants dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;appareils
Marketing R&D Logistique
2^bc BcadRcdaT
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
Logistique fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
FidĂŠlitĂŠ Contrainte
:Th ATb^daRTb
Marques & brevets
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
Verrouillage du marchĂŠ par propriĂŠtĂŠ intellectuelle, brevet bloquant lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;usage
3TbXV]TS Qh)
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
Remplacements lames frĂŠquents
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
1 er Achat Rasoir
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Les business models ouverts Contexte (avant)
Les ressources R&D et les activités clés sont concentrées en interne
La R&D coûte cher et/ou la productivité chute
Solution (après)
Exploitation des ressources R&D et des activités internes par des partenaires extérieurs
Acquérir de la R&D auprès de sources extérieures peut-être moins couteux. Mise sur le marché + rapide. Innovations internes inexploitées deviennent une source de revenus.
Exemples : Procter & Gamble, GlaxoSmithKline, Innocentive
Les business models ouverts CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb Exemple : Procter & Gamble
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
PI autre entreprise
R&D Interne
Entrepreneurs de technologies
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
Plateforme internet InnoCentive yourEncore.com
Augmentation de la productivitĂŠ R&D de 85 %
Chercheurs extĂŠrieurs Chercheurs
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
R&D Interne
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
Augmentation faible du budget R&D
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
Exploiter la R&D interne
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Les ĂŠpicentres de lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;innovation
business model innovation PILOTE PAR DE MULTIPLES_EPICENTRES
Piloté par les Ressources Partenaires clés
Activités clés
Ressources clés
Structure de coûts
Propositions de valeur
Relations avec les clients
Segments de clientèle
Flux de revenus
Ces innovations trouvent leur source dans l’infrastructure ou les partenariats existants d’une organisation pour étendre ou transformer le Business Model
Exemple : les Web Services d’Amazon s’appuient sur l’infrastructure de distribution existante d’Amazon pour proposer des capacités de serveur et de l’espace de stockage de données à d’autres entreprises
IKEA CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
Ressources Foncières
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
Ressources Humaines
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Piloté par l’Offre Partenaires clés
Activités clés
Ressources clés
Structure de coûts
Proposition de valeur
Relations avec les clients
Segments de clientèle
Flux de revenus
Ces innovations créent de nouvelles propositions de valeur qui ont un impact sur les autres blocs du Business Model
Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;offre CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
:Th ATb^daRTb What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams? ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
Le fabricant de ciment mexicain Cemex promet de livrer du ciment en vrac en 4 heures au lieu de 2 jours. Cette innovation a contribuĂŠ Ă faire de Cemex, acteur rĂŠgional, le 2eme producteur mondial de ciment
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
Livraison de ciment en 4h au lieu de 2 jours
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
2WP]]T[b Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines? RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Piloté par la Finance Partenaires clés
Activités clés
Ressources clés
Structure de coûts
Proposition de valeur
Relations avec les clients
Segments de clientèle
Flux de revenus
Innovations reposant sur de nouveaux flux de revenus, de nouveaux mécanismes de prix ou des structures de coûts plus performantes Exemple : Xerox invente la Xerox 914 en 1958. Xerox développe un Business Model économique : location du photocopieur à 95 $/mois comprenant 2.000 photocopies gratuites, 5 cents la copie supplémentaire.
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
Photocopieur performant sans besoin dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;investir
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
Xerox invente la Xerox 914 en 1958. Xerox dĂŠveloppe un Business Model ĂŠconomique : location du photocopieur Ă 95 $/mois comprenant 2.000 photocopies gratuites, 5 cents la copie supplĂŠmentaire.
Meilleur Bilan
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
Financement du stock Photocopieurs
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
Location du photocopieur
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
5 cents la copie supplĂŠmentaire This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Piloté par le Client Partenaires clés
Activités clés
Ressources clés
Structure de coûts
Proposition de valeur
Relations avec les clients
Segments de clientèle
Flux de revenus
Innovations basées sur les besoins des clients/consommateurs, une meilleure accessibilité ou une plus grande commodité. Ces innovations issues d’un seul épicentre influencent les autres blocs du Canevas Exemple : 23andMe à mis les tests ADN à la portée du plus grand nombre, jusque là réservés aux seuls chercheurs et professionnels de santé. Les conséquences sur la proposition de valeur ainsi que sur la délivrance des résultats a été considérable. C’est pourquoi 23andMe utilise des profils Web de personnalisation de masse.
PilotĂŠ par le Client : 23andMe.com CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
:Th ATb^daRTb What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams? ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
Tests ADN facile dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;utilisation
Accessible Ă tous Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;oĂš venonsnous
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
2WP]]T[b Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines? 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
Connaissances mĂŠdicales
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Segment client
Piloté par plusieurs épicentres Partenaires clés
Activités clés
Ressources clés
Structure de coûts
Proposition de valeur
Relations avec les clients
Segments de clientèle
Flux de revenus
Innovations pilotées par plusieurs épicentres peuvent avoir un impact important sur plusieurs blocs du Business Model
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
:Th ATb^daRTb
Hilti, fabricant mondial dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;outils de construction professionnels, ne vend plus dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;outils Ă ses clients, mais loue des kits dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;outils. Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;impact est sur la proposition de valeur ainsi que sur les flux de revenus, qui deviennent des revenus de services rĂŠcurrents.
Plusieurs ĂŠpicentres
3TbXV]TS U^a)
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams? ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
Gestion de la ÂŤflotteÂť dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;outils Location Mise Ă disposition Maintenance, rĂŠparation
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
Entreprises du bâtiment & TP 2WP]]T[b Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines? 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
Location de kits dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;outils
Services associĂŠs fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^]
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Processus de génération d’idées
Composition de l’équipe
Votre équipe est-elle suffisamment diversifiée ?
Exemples : Age, ancienneté, niveau d'expériences, domaines d’expertises (Finance, Marketing, Stratégie, Production, RH, Relation client...).
Quels éléments devons-nous étudier avant de générer des idées de Business Models ? Exemples : Carte de l'empathie, recherches, études des clients / prospects, évaluation des nouvelles technologies ou de business models existants
Technique N째1 La connaissance client
La carte de l’empathie Que pense-t-elle et que ressent-elle ? Ce qui est vraiment important Préoccupations majeures Inquiétudes et aspirations
Qu’entend-elle ? Que voit-elle ?
Ce que disent ses amis Ce que dit son chef Ce que disent les personnes qui comptent
Environnement Amis Ce que le marché propose
Que dit-elle et que fait-elle ? Attitude en public Apparence Comportement vis-à-vis d’autrui
Peurs Frustrations Obstacles
Désirs/besoins Critères de réussite Obstacles
La carte de l’empathie Toute ces nouvelles tendances pour quoi faire ?
Quel sécurité pour mon poste
comment je ne peux pas aligner activité vraiment me tromper pense-t-elle et que ressent-elle ? & IT avec microsoft
Ce qui est vraiment important gérer Préoccupations majeures Inquiétudes et aspirations
je dois les coûts
notre SI est-il réellement sécurisé
Raz le bol du coût des licences
Qu’entend-elle ? Ce que disent ses amis Les SI nous Ce que dit son chef coûtent cher Ce que disent les personnes qui comptent
Feeback utilisateurs négatifs
Changements techno rapides
Les applications Google sont très bon marché
Les applications open source gagnent des parts de marché
Ce doit être fait demain !
Y a t-il une réelle création de valeur ?
Comment justifier ces nouveaux investissements IT ?
Que dit-elle et que fait-elle ? Les logiciels open source sont stables et gratuits
nouvelle version = nouveaux coûts de licences
Budget Peurs informatique Frustrations manque insuffisant Obstacles r u s e c en u fl d’in l’activité
Attitude en public pas de problème e je ApparenceIl faut qu je contrôle Comportement vis-à-vis e les coûts réduisd’autrui
Pannes Besoin consultants IT externes
Feedback Management Positif
impossible de réaliser cela avec notre systeme
Chez eux, mes salariés utilisent Google Apps
Que voit-elle ? Environnement Amis chaque nouvelle Ce que le marché A propose version du logiciel, je dois acheter des nouvelles licences
Environnement IT totalement sécurisé Alignemen t Désirs/besoins
activitéCritères et IT de réussite Obstacles IT comme facteur clé de réussite
Utilisateurs contents
Pas de coûts de maintenance
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s Revenu
Quelles innovations pouvonsnous imaginer pour chaque bloc du business model ?
Attention : Définir des règles de brainstorming pour éviter que les critiques n’interviennent trop tôt dans le processus
Critères de sélection
Quels sont les critères les plus importants pour évaluer nos idées ?
Exemples : Temps estimé du déploiement, potentiel de revenus, résistances des clients, impact sur l'avantage concurrentiel, difficulté de mise en oeuvre
A quoi ressemble le business model pour chaque idée retenue ?
Utiliser le Business Model Canvas pour présenter et évaluer chaque idée. En architecture par exemple cela peut-être une maquette d’un bâtiment. Sélectionner entre 3 et 5 idées innovantes potentielles.
Exemples de Prototypage
Echauffement Representez 3 Business Models utilisant une vache
Dessine moi un mouton
n Parte Clés
€ €
Le Petit Prince Antoine de ST Exupéry
s Revenu
Business Model Canvas
Business Model Vache 1 CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
Soins des vaches
Eleveurs :Th ATb^daRTb What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
Une tondeuse ĂŠcologique et sympathique
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
SociĂŠtĂŠs avec terrain
Particuliers avec jardin
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
Vente en ligne
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
Achats des vaches
Hangars pour les vaches Camion
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
2WP]]T[b Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
Location de la vache comme tondeuse
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Business Model Vache 2 CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
Soins des vaches
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
Production du fromage et produits laitiers
Fromage et produits laitiers de la ferme
:Th ATb^daRTb
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
2WP]]T[b Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams? ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
Vente Ă la ferme
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT
2^bc BcadRcdaT What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
Achats des vaches
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^]
# 3T[XeTah
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
Hangars pour les vaches
bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
Camion fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
Vente en ligne
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
Appareil pour le fromage + Salle
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
Vente du fromage
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Business Model Vache 3 CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
Soins des vaches
RĂŠcupĂŠration du lisier et emballage pour expĂŠdition
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
TĂŠlĂŠphone Particuliers
Engrais BIO
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
Vente Ă la ferme
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
Vente en ligne
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
Achats des vaches
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
Hangars pour les vaches
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
Vente du lisier
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Environnement du Business Model
Prospective Tendances culturelles et sociĂŠtales
Tendances RĂŠglementaires
Fournisseurs et autres acteurs de la chaĂŽne de valeur
Tendances socioĂŠconomiques
Tendances Technologiques
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
Parties prenantes
Concurrents (Acteurs historiques)
Segments marchĂŠ
Tendances clĂŠs >])
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they? TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
Besoins et demandes
Forces du marchĂŠ
! 4eP[dPcX^]
2^bc BcadRcdaT
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^]
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
Forces du secteur
Nouveaux entrants
3TbXV]TS U^a)
CoĂťts de changement
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Forces macroĂŠconomiques
Services et produits de substitution
Attraits revenus Contexte ĂŠconomique mondial MarchĂŠ financiers
Infrastructure Êconomique Matières 1ères & autres ressources
Ce que nous délivrons ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Définition de meilleurs Business Models Résultats tangibles Une méthodologie performante Prix fixes
Notre approche «UnConsulting» Un programme stimulant, garantissant le travail en équipe et la génération de résultats
Notre offre Vision stratégique Context Business Model ➡Evaluation ➡Innovation ➡Validation ➡Implémentation
context vision NVAS A C L E MOD S S E N I BUS
naires Parte s Clé
€ €
s Revenu
Le format Séminaire/Workshop Inter ou Intra entreprise basé sur :
➡Travail en équipe ➡Participation active ➡Approche design ➡Etudes de nombreux business models
Merci Questions & Réponses Pour nous contacter Elton-Pickford 3 rue Chauveau-Lagarde 75008 Paris - France www.elton-pickford.com
Peter KEATES Directeur Associé Mobile :+33 (0)6 24 39 32 21 Mail : peter.keates@elton-pickford.com
Antoine DUMONT Responsable de région Consultant Business Model Innovation Mobile :+33 (0)6 25 55 09 88 Mail : antoine.dumont@elton-pickford.com